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.I . .
JUNE'16, 1949

• THE SPECTATOR Narberth School July 4th Fwewvorks

·.A Newcomer Protests--..;Says Makes Awards Display Wi" Exceed
. Boro Needs Better Paper - - - At Assembly Iii
Here comes a hard one. A gentleman not too long in
Any Preceding Y~ar
the village says the recent ructions in this department Prizes and Medals " "
• about the Philadelphia newspapers were fair enough and Presented; Honor. Dogs Wild ! Water Dirty? Chairman Howard
that for a long time he has been getting the New York ~oll Announced Narberth Residents Say So Promises Thrills ,
Times, which he says costs no more. (It costs only 3c in 'The annual Narberth Public In Protests to Council
New York.) He recommends a similar procedure to "those school awards were made at an For Spectators
who are tired of the mediocre mediums" which Mr. Annen~ assembly on Friday,
The orchestra, June
under 'the10.direc- ':'~ Dogs are running wild in Nar-
burg and Mr. McLean persist in providing. In this house~ tion of Dr. Barone, played the pro- . FReEOO\ . ·. MOF WORSH I~. berth. Springfield water is dirty. William S. Howard, chairman of
hold,the Herald-Tribune is the daily diet and has been for cessional march, "Men of Harlech," .. . These are just two of the com- Narberth's Fireworks Committee,
a long time. and then the audience joined in FR£E[J.OM OF' SPEECH. plaints the Narberth Borough reported this week that a contract
Our new friend goes on further to say, ~owever, that the singing, of "America, the Beau- Council received between May 10 had been made. which cal1ed for a
this little borough newspaper is only make-beheve and that presidents Faith Lillis and Wi!- Devotions were led by class FREEDOM 'ROM WANT; and June 13.
greater expendIture than was the
caSe in any previous year. In tune
a community as substantial as he thinks Narberth is war- liam Hoeschle. . FREEDOM FROM FEAR. One man complained because he with the spiri' of the times, Mr.
rants a weekly journal much more representative than W. J. Drennen. supervising prin- wasn't getting any hot water in his Howard also states that many of
Our Town is demonstrating itself to be. Those of us who cipal. announced the perfect at- apartment. And another resident the displays would -signify the in-
have lived here a long time know exactly what is meant, ten dance roll. They were Ellen .. . . fJuence of the atom on modern
• but it is also well known that to get a better town paper Boney. June Cotter, Lynn Cuth- 'l complamed because there was no pyrotechnics and he promised to
requires a greater cooperation than either the householders bert, Dale McClain, Debbie Sid-' f water in his third-floor apartment. provide a demonstration that
• or the merchants have been persuaded to supply. well, George Snyder, Judy Steph- Walter A, Fox, president of the would thrill the 25,000 spectators
This reporter can speak by the book. For nearly a year ens, William Watson, Dominic council, said he thought this was who are expected to be present.
he applied himself weekly to the task of publishing a Seorzetti and Bob Webb. carrying borough service to the The chairman ciaims that is a
The honor roll for the fourth extreme. But action was taken b modest estimate o.f the ~ttendance,
• reasonable reflection 'of what the Borough and its news quarter was read as pupils placed y as the Lower MerIon polIce report-
needs were interpreted to be. The venture cost him. per- their names on the honor shield, the Board of Health on both com- ed 35,000 at last year's show. Mr.
sonally a loss of $60 per week. In addition to that, the gen- First Honors-6th grade, George plaints.. Howard states. however, he will
erous donations made by Dr. A. C. Barnes, Dr. O. J. Snyder, Snyder, James Nelson, Robert Me-
John B. Williams, Robert Fellows Wood, et aI, also went Dill, George McDill, Elsabet Fleer.'
into the same bottomless pit. David Drain, Bob Clear, Rusty
Narberth Woman settle for less and is confident that
no matter how many come, every-
body will be able to. sce the exhibits·
Now, if what was printed was not a good newspaper, Chain; 7th grade, Sally Watts,
• it was at least a well-meant one. The one refreshing recol- Charles Stevens, Jill Morrill, Jim- 5uccumbsa,·
t 78
on Narberth's eIght-acre play-
ground without experiencing the
.. lection of the experience is that when subscriptions expired, by McEnanem, Jeanne MacKenzie, slightest discomfort or disorder,
Ann Hanson, Jean Lee Goldsbor-
80 per cent of them were renewed on the first request to ough, Mary Elizabeth Cooper,
do so. A special' letter was written in each case, never a Corky Bunting; 8th grade, Jan
Was Ch
. ureh A-d
The police, Mr. Howard says,
are at their best on the night of
the Fourth in Narberth, never less
printed form. No second request was ever made. Vlam, Fred Miller, Ted Merkel, than 20 of them being on hand,
Some of the reMons for not paying the $2 per year Bill Hoeschle, Wally Graham, Wal- Mrs. Jennie Ao Griffith with the record for auto or per-
were rather naive. In a few instances it was claimed that a ter Gorin. COd C I W k sonal accidents being maintained
contribution made to the Narberth Civic Association many Second Honors-6th grade, Don~ ontmue ouose or at a strict zero,
years previously entitled the subscribers to a free paper as aId Webb, Shirley Powell, Jack After 1945 Retirement The following committees are in
long as ,it was printed. Others said that somebody or other Peden, Elizabeth Hawes, Gerald charge:
who had to do with the paper at some time or other owed Fletcher, Henri Eberly, Stephen Mrs. Je.nnie A. Griffith, retil'ed Publicity-Raymond A C b
them money and in view of this they should not be expected Cooper, grade, Sally Beverly Boardman;.
Williams, Don Test, 7th executive secretary of the women's Douglas C, Miner. . a rey,
• to pay. One clerical gentleman cancelled his subscription Angela Santarelli, Taylor Ogdin, Flag Week-:'But the Rodents Are Still Gnawing at the Base department of the Philadelphia ha~:;:~lification-Fred R. Dannen-
and refused to send in the news of his church because he George Potter, Barbara Hayden,
did not like the religion professed by the amateur editor. Sally Feise, Jimmy Ervine, Bob
All of which proves there are small people in small towns Drennen, Lynn Cuthbert; 8th Burgess $al\'s School S hould GI-rI B- I·1st, 10,
Federation of Churches, died last Public Safety-Albert H. Nulty.
Thursday at her home, 235 N. Wyn- Property-George B, Supplee.
newoodAve., Narberth. She was Finance':'-Burns Best, Frank J,
.. as well as in big ones. II< * *. h grade, de Jim
Seco Watson,
Lucena, GeorgeEsperanza
Purring, ..
D rop 7th and 8th Grades
5truck bAt 78.
. "
Dwyer, Douglas C, Miner, Richard
As for the local merc h ants, t h ell' idea of civic co esion
• was not always easy to penetrate. If this issue of Our Town Bette Lou Oberdorfer, Kathryn
r. is as usual, the announcements of the National Bank of Nelson, Jack Eidenberg, Patsy
y U 0 Gillis, Samuel K. Barclay.
Leader for many years m CIVIC, Secretary-Frank J. Dwyer,
child welfare and church affairs, 'Treasurer-~arl B, Metzger. Jr.
Narberth and Adelizzi Brothers will be found in it. The Clark, Geor~e Barcl.a:y. "Narberth PUblic. School must up campaign in Narberth, it ap- Narberth Youngster Mrs. Griffith's interest in promot-
~G MBtorIs
The AmerIcan LegIon Award was drop seventh and eIghth grades or peared there was a fix-up cam- . . . "
• support of both of these progressive concerns could always presented. by Philip Cappalonga, add a ninth," Burgess Sterling M. paign underway. He said there is Suffers Severe Cuts ' mg ,dId not stop WIth YOUD -t 0 S
be counted on, year after year. Year after year, also, the representmg the Harold Speakman Chain told members of the Bor- considerable more work going on
affairs of both of them continue to advance. The bank has Post, to William Hoeschle. Mrs. ough Council at a meeting on Mon- this month than last year at this A 10-year-old Narberth girl suf- tinued a vast correspondence from
come from a quarter-million of deposits to its present Stuar: Whitman, president of the day.
her retIrement m 1945, She con-

time. Twelve building permits have fered Severe cuts and bruises :rues- her armchair in Narberth and aid-
May et rea k
status of nearly four millions in a comparatively short pAUXtiharYdof ~he Harold Speakman He said that the present ar- been issued,. and $113 expended, day afternoobn when her b~llcYc1e ed many persons with her advice
K~'Y~ ~'IOO:.
• timer ,The Adelizzi enterprise has never failed to gain os, ma e Its annual award to rangement of breal<ing up the jun- compared WIth $36 last year.
¥round and at the present time it is investing about $15.000 d I., high y"" i' v,,y un..Ii;"'" Willi,m S..;~n'h·f ~In;;:,.od was strUck y an automo I e on d I S f t C
A"., at E,,= A.... Nu- anB.~:un:~. ~ e y ?UnCI •on
"I W ld
a:n~:llY' th~1 k:~:\h Narbert~ atte~d ~~g~\~~w~Orm~~~i~~~ow~s~i;r~~~ e~h~ Griffi~h be~an car~er
W 'h .'\ th,'.nt,,,n, Po..
• m. extra equipment, which will put it at. the top of all Main madee bye tory. pUP.lls now is Martha Ann Cooper of Mrs.. her of AId Tramed DrIvers
... LIne processors "1 . . . Parent-Teacher ASSOCIatIOn, ' , I' waS l' Ardmore
ninth year.JUnIor HIgh for theIr replaced, a its small street sweeper 107 Woods,lde . .
Ave., .who' was. rI~mg pubhc servIce
anization WIth of
Societ' the Easton
Chanty Pa,
01'-· Young m~torist'3. who have passed
• T e town Wl I mdeed .be a better town If It has a .bett~r presented by the Rev. Harold ~N d
new.spaper~ To say !,hat .l.~ dOl:s., not "pay ,.to .adver:,tlse". IS- Flood, '; p.resid.ent,., to Bett~ Lou Chain pOI'?-te~ out that ;alti;ou~~ tt{at'"Narberth·consider buying the on . her.1Qth./birth<1I1,Y, ..~I1ril 29. a~ 'it/ IP:n~;;i s~cr~t:;· ::~v~4 break.
. , with. a large one and suggested her first bIcycle whIch she receIved g d Ph'l], b J d' Drivel' Traming Tests may get a
l~ W~Ul~ necessitate :u~~d~ng more ~

to slde-step the real Issue Illvolved. The merchants have the Oberdorfer and Walter Gorin. adai- small one. No decision was made The driver, Williltm D. Myers, 18, e a sr g A resolution was adopted at the
• obligation to make advertising pay if they claim any sense The D. A. R. Prize for excellency ttIOnah c atshsroon:rts, an Irm~d L at. the meeting. ' . of the W,ynnewood Plaza Apart- y I n '1915 she assumed the direc- June meeting of the Montgomery
o eqUl' t Y '111 th e opera t'lon of t h ell'
. . trades. They in h'IS t ory was presen t ed , by Mrs. eacM"
respectIve ers eT tUl Ion h' now pal ld ffo W t -.
ActIOn on putl'mg new rIgl It S 'In men' ts, W ynnewo od ,w h 0 gra duat ed "
torship ·of fhe Nationai Training County Safety CouncIl . favormg
f give as well as get and in 'some cases they must give Harry Ellsworth, regent of the er er~o~h owns IP wO~h 0 se the Narberth business section was last Monday from Lower Merion School for Girls at Washington legislation by which motorists be-
• a great deal before they get anything.
* '" * B~njami,n Rush Chapter, to .~red- :~:~l~Ud :t :~~~~~48 500 ~or ~~~ also deferre~.
enck MIller. The D. A. R. CltIzen-, f hg "
H;igh School, told police that the D. C., at the request of President tween the age3 of 16 and 25, who
The counCil voted to open the gIrl coasted out of the Pennsylva- Woodrow Wilson retiring from this have passed these tests, would be
Th . I h' h' . ship Medals were presented by tlon or t e commg year. . new bids for the proposed field nia Railroad parking lot driveway, Osition in 1922' buy automobile insur-
~re 8:1 e on y hyo t mgs w Ich the v.arlOus towns on Mrs, Ellsworth tao Patricia Clark It was annoul1ced at the meetmg house at the next council meeting, He said he did not see hl$' until p She was the' laced i charge ance without paying the extra
I the M8: Lme have m common, the Paoll Local and the and Domonic Scorzetti. that Charles B, Seal, of ~oxall, The previous bids received were too late to avoid hiting the bicycle of 'uvenile cour~ ~ork fornthe Fed- premium and meeting the other re-
• R;epubllcan ll1 Party. (Wonder who those two other Narberth The music award made annually had been 8;w,ar ded .the contract for rejected as too high. ' because of a hedge at the edge of er~tion of Churches and in 1924 was quirements now demanded by the
, CItizens were who voted for Norman Thomas last F~ll?) by the school was presented to Ann farb:ge dIsposal m t~e f bot~~5~ Joseph F. Tripician, of the'prop- the drive. He took her to Bryn appointed executive secretary of insurance companie,i.
To believe that the. same news interest prevails all along Brown. It consists of one semester ORr bvetYMearCs at a cos 0 t$d'th . erty committee, raised the ques- Mawr Hospital, where she was de- the women's department Until her The subject, brought to the at·
e ral'1 roa d'IS mere I y t0"Imag~ne somethmg . that IS . utterly sc h 0 I~rs h'Ip f.01' excep t'~onal. prog- in addition
0 er . to ameron repor e aint- at (Continued On Page Six) . tame.
' d WI'th severe v. 1ac~rat'Ions () f retirement, she participated ' . tentlon of . '
~ot SO. ~ure, many women w111 read of the social doings, ress m playmg a mUSIcal mstru-
o the clean-u' in 01'- the cou.ncll by Chairman
• lrrespectIve of where they occur and they may find a ment.
vicarious pleasure by doing so but that is not the kind f Mr. Drennan made t~e faculty e
8 II WOII D' °b
p, p
Urges Volers to
. the rIght leg and contusIons of the g.anization and administration of O. C. Beacraft; WIll. be referred to
head. numerous agencies for child bet- the <?overnor s Highway Safety
. 0 awa~ds for excellence In mathe- 114800 C"
r rstn terment and social welfare. CouncIl. .
news which the recent 1'1" '1 ( d th ) h
• th' . h d'
IS TPhIece a III mm .
. d a iVa an 0 ers W 0 stlrred mahcs and English tao Walter
. Gori~ and William Hoeschle, re- S b b Ph '8 k.
, opres 0
f New Reglster
_ Party S k
pea man os
Holds Final Meeting
Among her accomplishments was George W, Sarbacher, Jr., former
UXI lary the establishment of 21 interde- Philadelphia Congressman and now
nominational Community Mother's chairman of the Fourth District of
. e Narber!h ~ews base could be roughly descrIbed spectlvely, U ur an one 00 Councils throughout the Philadel- the Governor's Council, was gue3t
• ~s that area WhICh IS served by Al Nulty's firemen or by School merit and civic awards New telephOne airectorles will be S 'N P t o ' !fhe Women's Auxiliary of the phia area. speaker. He said that at a recent
Joe Kelley's postmen. That district is of particular concern for service, scholarship and citizen- distributed here starting Monday ay 00- ar Isaos
to the merchants. Within a mile in all directions from Nar- ship were presented by Mr. Dren- it was announced today by Georg~ Forfeit Ballot At Primary Legion Post will hold its final ses- Jeane, and a brother, Eugene M: given to the markiT\$ of future
Harold D. Speakman American She is survived by a daughter meeting of State, consideration was

" • berth station, it is claimed there has been an increase in nen to: 6th grade, Rusty Chain, H. Ruschhaupt, Qlstrlct manager Th L
household purchases of more than $50,000 per month dur- Robe;t Clear, Eisabe~ Fleer, George of the Bell Telephone Campany of men eV:t;:: t~~lo~ee~~:g~d all 21, at the Legi~n Roo~ ?f the Nar- Funeral services were held Sat-lindicate that driver training tcs,ts
M' L f wo_lsion of the' year on Tuesday, June Applebaugh. license plates in some manner to

o ing the' last few years The Research Com 'tt

New Business Committee' . of the N b th B ml' ee orC th e son' McDIll, Robert McDIll, James Nel- Pennsylvania.
' 7th gra de, M'ffi' I In B un, Approximately 114,800 copies of non-par t'
t t . t
vo ers,. 0 t regIs
th er
berth CommunIty BUIldmg.
Se a_ N oml.'n a t'o
urday afternoon from Oliver H. have been taken and passed, ThIS,
I.n 8: d e1ec t'Ion 0f .0 ffi- Bair's, PhiladelphIa, ·and ·burIal
·c was he t sal ,wou ld '.;erve as an mcen
. t'Ive
USll1~SS oun- Robert Drennen, Jean Lee Golds- th Suburban Philadel hia direc par y pre ere.nee pIlor? e P cers WIll hIghlIght the bUSIness in Thompsontown
~ te~ber prlmary'elec~lon.
. .. ar er
"eli, or whatever group I.t IS that has been delegated to borough, Ann Hanson, Jeanne e . . . P 13 meeting. A delegate and a l t e r n a t e '
to driver training
' , .
• keep tabs on newcomers III the territory, should be able to MacKenzie, James McEnanem Jtll thorles WIl.ldbeThd~h~ered, ~r. RusCh-f Because you are regIstered as a to represent the auxiliary at a Special Events in Narberth
. provide ., a mrs . 0 e pecl'fic es t'Ima t e 0 f th e add't'1 l?na.1 oppor- M'l 01'1'1 I, George Potter! Charles ' a ua proximatel
t sal. IS 9500.
IS an mcrease
Subscribers0 non-partisan
' ' the League"stat~.
voter" re- c~nventIon
. of PennsylvanIa .
• ~umtl~s WhI~h eXlst as a result of the substantIal mcrease Stevens; ~t.h grade, Gedrge Bar- ~iI also recelve Philadelphia direc- m~nd~d.~h;~engmen and VO w~me~, ~~1I aUXIlIarIes will also be elected.
111 reSIdents m these parts. clay, PatrICIa Clark, Walter Gorin, tories ar: o~ eltlI . youtr h e ~n . e convention is scheduled for PlttS-
:r Fourth of July Celebration
A d't f b t
n expen 1 ure 0 a ou 2 per cent of the potential hi Ed d ~'
Wallace Graha W'll' H' prlmanC'3. t IS a t e prImarIes b l' h' Augu t
I lam . oe- The new grey-covered books that the real choice of candidatesl_u-=..g_l_n s_, I BABY SHOW-Ages 1 to 5
trad~dwould work ~onders for the merchants. It would also ~at~ryn ~~;son er;::t F~ed ~~er, contain apprOXimately 223,200 al- is made. It is in the primaries that
proVI e a commumty newspaper that would serve the need dorfer George purrin; J~u VI er- phabetical listings, an increase of the voter has the only chance to Just for the Prettiest eyes.
Most serious
Curliest hail'
Most captivating smile
• of better news coverage. With that kinship of interest it The' assembl closed ~th ~~. 19,200. select good officials within a party." Chairman-Mrs. E1'l1est B. Corin
seems that there should be at long-last a conference that singing of "Hafr to Old ;;rberth~ Three r;tew central office names Vote~s were reminded that tr~v- Record
•would spell a progress for town and trade not possible in and one'stanza of "The Star· Span- made t,helr fi~st appearance in the to~nshlp ~nd Narb~rth .ac~ordlng Assistant Chairman-Mrs. J. Blount Jordan
Assisted by Mrs. J. M. Reichard, Mrs. Howard Keyser,
, the stalemated situation that now exists
THE SPECTATOR gled Banner"
. new dIrectorIes. They are Farra- elhng regIstrars WIll SIt In the
gut, serving part of the older Shar- to the follOWing schedule: .' Thomas J, Yborra, Jr., son of Miss Christine Hackman, Mrs. J. Leslie Tingle
• • I f on Hill exchange; Valleybrook June 27 at the Lower Merion Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J. Yborra, Judges-Mrs. H. C. Aiken, Dr. T. Monroe Rees
o n ant Suffocates which replaces Chester Heights, Town'3hip Building, Ardmore. of 312 Chestnut Av~., Narberth,
Plus representative of Volunteer Medical Service Corps
3 Loca Gir s Graduate FIremen Never Wanta See I 'T I B I d d th Concordville and Glen Mills; and June 29 at the Narb-erth Fire- who recei~ed th: de~ree. of bac~-
.' N'I D" I S h aog e e c 0 es Dublin which serves Dublin. Grier's house, elor of scIence m chemIcal engl- COSTUME PARADE-Ages 6 to 9
Carolyn Patricia <::raig 27-day. Corner, Nace's Corner ~nd New Ga-
0 ..

At otre ame Academy uc a Pesterlferous Tree! July 21 at the Lower Merion neering from he Towne Scientific Most original Most old-fashioned
• Three local girls from this area Firemen from the West Mana- aId old daughter Most patJ;iotic Funniest
K Cr' ofJ Mr, and f 619Mrs,M Don- lena in Bucks County. Township Building, School.
sylvamaof yesterday
the Universityalso of wasPenn-
the Ages 10 to ]5
were recen,tly graduated from the yunk Company were caIled out Rd ~
. . alg, 1'" oreno.' re i . nt of the Hugo Otto Wolf
•Academy of Notre Dame ' Vill a- tWIce . last Thursday afternoon to tion.• Penn early Valley,
Sunday dIed Man'" Narberth Res';dents Get
of suffoca-
morning when ,y' .. c pIe
Memorial Prize, This is awarded
Funniest Most Modern
Prettiest costume
noAva. Tid
nne ayor, aug er 0
ht. f M' extinguish flames in the same tree she became entangled in her bed-
.and M'rs. R'IC h ar d T ay1or, 0 f 654 on Righters Mill Rd" near Cen- clothes. T "
D·"P l E
omas e 0 II eges
at astern
annually tao the member of each

r' cIth
ass m . engIneermg
. '
Seni l' year byWthe
h 0,
Specials-Unlimited as to sex· 01' age
Most freckled
Lancaster , Ave., d Brynh Mawr; M Mati!- tennial Rd"d Penn Valley
' . he only
their parents childrushed.
to' Brythe Mbaby d f ' th oroug
mg h ness e an dO.. ongmal.'t 1 y 0
f h'IS Twins or triplets bearing closest resemblance
Chairman-Dr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
a v mcent, aug tel' of
.Mrs James Vincent of College
'. H f d d W'. 'f d C
r. an The first·, call came in at 3.58 H ' I •
osplta , when they found her un- d
n awl'
P. M. Three hours later, the tree conscious shortly after 10 A M egrees at commencement exer-
Stu ents rom Narberth receIved k
wor ,me s WI
et ·th the
Editor's Note-Although the proval of the professors in charge.
eatest ap-
Assistant Chairman-Raymond Kaufman . ,

ve., aver or , an Inl re un- . . .

ningham, daughter of Horace A. blazed up again and the firemen She was pronounced dead on ar- clses at many astern co eges ur- University of Pennsylvania sup-
A E II d M r. Yb or~'a, r., .gra I;1a t ed f rom
J d Judges-Rev. Cletus Senft, Rev. Harold Flood,
Cunningham of 182 Midfield Rd battled the flames for almost an rival at the hospital. ing the past week. plies stories 011 local graduates Lower Merion Semor HIgh School, Rev. Robert Lamont
Ardmore, re~eived diPloma~:
their hour. ' Craig, a sophomore at Haverford :f(arl M. Houser, Jr., of 836 Bryn to several hundred weekly in the class of
College, served with the occupa- newspapers throughout the
~941, .and spent two
years at the Umverslty of Pennsyl- PET SHOW
) .S . .. . tion forces in Italy following the Mawr Ave., and Lloyd A. Unger, United states, it does not do so vania. He then enlisted in the Nicest dog-Boy under 10 years old

er'VtCeS tn N arbet"th Churches war. He and his wife, the former Jr., of 901 Summit Rd., received for papers in the Philadelphia United States Naval Reserve and
. , ' Patricia Binns, live· with her par- th: degree of ba~he~or of arts at suburban area. was honorably discharged after
Nicest dog-Girl under 10 years old
Nicest dog-Boy over 10 years old
Baptist Church of the Evangel, Windsor and Grayling Aves. Rev. ents, Mr. and'Mrs. Elmer M. Binns, Prlr;tceton UniverSity s 200th grad- The University's policy is that approXimately three years of se~v- Nicest dog-Girl over 10 years old
.Eimwood and Narberth Ave. Nar- Robert J. Lamont minister. at the Penn Valley address. uatIon Tuesday. publication of its list of gradu- ice. He obtained the gr,ade of AVla- Best trained dog
perth: Rev. Lawrence P. Fltzger- ' , ' Jane Brown Miller, daughter of ates in the Philadelphia dailies tion Electronics Technician's Mate, Funniest small animal
aid, interim-pastor. Dr. James MC~lll wil~. speak at M bOI S O ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Miller, of is adequate. 2nd Class (AETM 2/c). Nicest cat and kitten
. . . the 11 A, M. servIce on The Four 0 I e tabon ProprIetor Shirley Rd received the degree of + + + Most unusual pet
Dr. Fitzgerald WIll speak at the Words." Dr. McDill, a resident of P
'11 A. M. service on "The Most 'Un- Narberth
forgettable Character I've Met."
is leaving to accept a
astorate' in California He is as
, 0

roves Very MobIle Indeed'

associate 'in medical s cretarL 1
sCIence rom 0 y UnIor 0 e~e,
Believing that U•.of P. gradu-
f' C Ib J . e C 11 a ates in this area deserve men-
. .
Wr.ltmg up the
tion in' this paper, together weddmg costume reqUIres a vocab-
. .
of a Registration at Red Cross tent prior
Po i t d 'th th B 'd f 'Ch . - When Narberth firemen' arrived New London, N, H., Monday. MISS ulary all its' own, and with styles to the time of the show
• I . .... s . cae' ,WI . e oar 0 1'18- a t th e ....L~ar
T berth Pennsylvania Rall- . M'll'I er was a mElmber 0f th e 0 1It - with graduates of manyt h o't h econstantly
r· changmg. even the So- Chairman-Thomas Merkle
... ...
Ko y,Trllllty Lutheran Church,of tlan EducatIon. . road p.arking lot last Thursday ing Club, Kearsarge Beacon, Mu- institutions that supply at 1Il- clety Editor has to be on her toes
Assistant Chairman-J. I. Conway, ,Tr.
,Narberth, Woodbine and Narberth Summer commUnIon will be ob- afternoon to e tiri 'sh fi i sic Club YWCA and the Medical formation, the edjtors have pre- k II th . ht d H Judges--Dr. H. W. Hoedt, Dr. E. J. Scanlon
'Aves. Rev. 'Cletus
. A. Senft, pastor. served R at
L the tmorning
'11 service.
k I. th ;n autom'o'bile XthergUlth e. e fiames
re was n Secretarial
. " Club' and was circuia- tpared
d' the list
th dherewith
f by r the
In to
ever,now even a th eesrloCle
. t ywEordits.or was
Rev. Senft WIll speak at the 11 ev. amon WI spea a e already out' . tion manager of the Colbyan. e 10US me 0 0 compa g d h h b k f
, .
/I.. M. serVIce, on "Th F' d
e rlen of
evening service on "The Imperlal- . ,
James A. 0 Bryan proprietor of Also graduating Monday was
. the list of 2800 graduates with amaze w en s e came ac
lunch and a young male reporter
rom Chairman-Mr. and Mrs. E. Nusbickel
· O. " I ism of the
Bibl S hGospel."
I i 0" Bryan s Mobile SerVIce ' . Station K ar1 G. R ee, d son 0f Mr. an d M rs. the address list of all Penn stu- . who took a story over the telephone Assistant Chairman-Joseph Kaufman
G d + + + \ e c oograduat on will ,be Forrest Ave. and Haverford. Rd: Harry A, Reed, 401 Anthwyn Rd., dents. handed her a story in which the .GARDEN· SPOT
Narberth Methodist Church, Es- held· on Friday, June 24. hurried across the street, smoth~ who received the de.gree of bach- The names printed this week bride "wore a fingertip-length veil Sponsored by the Narbrook Park Improvement Association
seX and Price Aves. Rev. Harold + + ... ered the fiames in tire wires with elor of arts from MIddlebury Col- are of graduates of the under- arranged with a brawl headdress." Chairman-Mrs. L. N. Blugerman .
Flood, pastor. , st. Margaret's R. O. Ohul'Ch, 208 rags and then disconnected the bat- lege, Middlebury, Vt. Reed, a grad- graduate schools on.y. Those of Although some "brawling" may be
" Rev. Theo L. Cox, pastor of the Narberth Ave. Father James F. tery. uate of Lower Merion High School, the professional schools wUl be expected after a wedding, the So-
Assistant Chairman-Mrs. Frank Denny
Raymondville Methodist Church in Toner, pastor. The fire started 'when the horn served with the armed forces dur-. published next week. If any ciety Editor thought the word a CONTINUOUS MOVIES-"Cartoons and comedies
~exas, will speak at the 11 A. ,M. Masses on Sunda¥ will be held at wires short-circuited, according to lng World War n. At Middlebury names of local residents have bit out of place in describing a Chairman-Mrs. Leonard Drake
.service. the regular hours: 6:30,7:30, 9 and firemen. The car is owned by, C. E. he was a member of Chi Psi fra- been omitted the editors would bridal costume. A check-Up with Assistant Chairman-.Mrs. Joseph DeFl'atei
... + + 10 :15 A. M. and two masses for the Ebert, of 223 Hamilton Rd., Mer- ternity. the Mountain ClUb, the be glad to be notified. the family revealed that the head- Assisted by Ml'S. Robert' Dockety
Narboriila rJ'esb,yterian Chureh, upper and lower church at 11:15. ion. ,~Continued on Page Six) • d • • piece was "1I.oral."

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