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that little menace known as "paper shortage" has given your

Tattle another bump! Once our fast diminishing present- stock of "egg
yclr:* stationery peters out there is no more available paper that
will take mlmeography on both sides„ Of course we all know that the
paper is being put to far more important war uses than our literary
lunacy so we aren't complaining one bit and knot.1 you wrr't eitheir? The
ersuing emergency calls for a bit of economy; in our literature and we
are forthwith streamlining "us" to conform with said necessity. Eence,
if you notice a bit of "bob-tailing'-' we know you'll understand and
bear with us, because the real "meat" lj excerpts froa your letters gar-
nished by our gooney interpretations) will still be there. So, con-
tinued happy reading (and writing us 1) and Good luck!


There's no doubt abort it the good news on all war fronts is like a
tonic •and we've never had such a big batch of happy, optimistic mail.
That faithful old amphibian, NORMAN MAYO S l/o is keeping up his repu-
tation by writing us each month, even if we h&ven T t caught up with him
since February. After a good job of Coast Guarding around the Hawaiian
end Marshall Islands, Norman has moved again but can't tj.ll us where.
Swimming and baseball doesn't sound hard to t^ke, even If the scenery
doesn't lock exactly like Taylor Park, but we're still hoping some
Millburn face will peek around a coconut palm one of those days. Many
thanks, Norm, and keep up the good work.

Sgt. ANDREW GOULD is another of our faithful writers who, telieve it or

not, .apologizes for not writing last month on account of being busy!
Doesn't that give your consciences a twinge? Of ocurse our middle name
isn't Pinkerton but from the lust line in you:." letter we ( re wonder-lag
if you mightn't be lurking around India. Wherever you are, life does-
n't sound too tough what with a Red Cross club, movies three times a
week and a FX which serv^n up cigarettes (along with beer, cokeo and
other dainties). Just the first mentioned is enough to blind us with
tears or maybe it's this cheroot we're smoking v/hioh tastes like a
well-used blanket. After 35 months it does seem as though you rated a
glimpse of the home town, Andy, so we* 11 hopo harder than ever for you.

Sgt. JOHN E. DSLGALDO'S letter from the Philippines i: just a, full of

cheor and life sounds almost perfect, Johnnie doesn't exactly 3ay ho
wants to live there indefinitely but all things considered ho is as
contented as a bug in a rug. Nice cordial people, pretty girls, good
food and a cozy little homo which he* and two other Jerteyitos have
built and named the "Jersey Eounce". John even says that after reading
about our winter he'll take the tropical Luat. Don't gc too nativ-3 on
us because as soon as those Japs are polishod off we're going to start
looking for the woll-tannod Delgaldo map back here.

Many thanks, Flight Officer DAVIDi-ELMAN:• for bringing us up to date on

your address and your brother's, 1st Lt. MURRAY iilLMAN. Dave writes us
from George Field, Lawrencoville, 111., so no wonder he hasn't been
getting his Tattles regularly. The last wo heard you wore in North
Carolina so don't forget to tip us -off when you head over3_ns. "Flying
C-46's is a lot more fun than practising Chiropody" according to Dave
and while we're no judges we're glad you're glad. We're av<_n. gladder
at the thought of all thos tirod Jr.p tootsies that you'll be to;
busy to bother about.

Another corrected address comes in from G30RG

down in Corpus C h r i s t i . George would like nothing: b e t t e r than to meet
a Short Hills WAVE a t t h i s point because he says "I hate Texas""
Naturally we're j u s t catty enough to purr over t h a t one because we
always figured anything with a Southern drawl had an edge on u s . Well,
good' luck and happy hunting, George.

•H. B. GALLISON S 2/c (R.M.) i s a t present exposed to Southern hospitel--

r-ity near Norfolk, Va. and could probably stand meeting a few l o c a l
WAVES himself. Bailey says a l l h e ' s seen are l o t s and l o t s of s a i l o r s
with c i v i l i a n s outnumbered seventy-five to one 5 but oven with such
depressing, odds w e ' l l bet on you to get a nice date any time.

W. L;' McDONALD, S l / c i s cruising; around on an L.C.I, not a L.C.T. as

we foolishly told you before. Anyhow, B i l l i s on the move regardless
of what he's on, so hie postman i s a p r e t t y active l i t t l e fellow
especially when he delivered the December T a t t l e one day and the Janu-
ary issue1 the very next - now that i s r e a l l y t r i c k y , d o n ' t you think?
Why not t i e up to the nearest palm and give the poor guy a chanc'e to
bring you up to d a t e . I t shouldn't take more than a few days a t the
r a t e he works.

Prompt as ever, S/Sgt. JOEY M. DE VITO says t h a t the six months are up
so he hurriedly writes us o Two l e t t e r s a year d o e s n ' t exactly crowd
the mail box with De Vito mail but who are we to complain, any crumb
Joey tosses us i s appreciated and we're not kidding (too much)I May-
be h e ' s j u s t paying us back since the l a s t T a t t l e to find him was dated
l a s t Septemberi After a nice v i s i t in Australia Joe i s now in the
S.W.P.A. and says everything i s swell except for the outsize mosquitoes.
Everything i s swell here, too, and i f t h i s warm weather keeps up t h i s
y e a r ' s crop w i l l probably match even the mosquitoes you've got. Well,
thanks a l o t and w e ' l l be looking for your next---in September.

S/Sgt. RAYMOND CARRISRE writes us from Germany so we're p r e t t y im-

pressed to think he had time to catch h i s b r e a t h , much l e s s to thank
us. Ray has been overseas well over two years and has t r a v e l l e d in
England5 France, Belgium and Luxembourg1, we're dee-lighted to hear
t h a t the town h e ' s in now h a s n ' t a house standing and the surrounding
towns are j u s t as bad. Maybe we're not humane, but w i l l you pardon us
for taking time out to cheer? Thanks for the l e t t e r and write whenever
you have time, even if you a r e n ' t a resident of Millburn we enjoy hear-
ing from you and appreciate your writing t h a t much more.

Pvt. E. H. PIKAART i s a modest fellow when he V-Mails us from France

to say nothing ever happens t h a t ' s important enough to i n t e r e s t u s .
With that shy opening Pic mentions that h e ' s l i v i n g in a cozy hay l o f t
and that the town,? near-by were p r e t t y badly h i t by the war. i3oy! hov*
we differ J If we spent one night in a hay l o f t we'd spread the news
a l l over town for weeks,

JOHN R, BRAY, 8 l / c V-M^ila us from Austr ilia to say t h a t although h e ' s

already toured throe quai't&rrj of the way around ths V/orlo :•>.£' I! pvob**
ably go the re&t of the w&,y b.^i*o.Tie he gefr.'s beine agaihe Joi uiv :-?.y . he
i s n ' t coniplaiaing when ha adds t h a t t h a t tim^ c a n ' t come so oil encjgh;
because while he i s n ' t homesick or seasick lie's j u s t p l a i n Bivk of so
iruch sea. You couldn't have a more sympathetic audience, J.-humy, be-
cause we're not ashamed to admit t h a t :-von tne e i g i t of a Hcboken
furry boat makes us regret egg for "ore?, Ufa™ •>.., 1 e .''..etv, .>• oivis
ixi a flurry of regards from Johnny and his Officer, i t .
Ai'mstrong, to you and us - with p a r t i c u l a r mention for Joseph !vd.:Uabes
S l / c wherever JOG may be at the moment.

Pfc. JOSEPH M. PSPE of the Marines i s s t i l l a t the some old spot do-
ing the same old job as when he l a s t wrote u s . In case you've for™
gotten, h e ' s on K.P. duty which i s called something d i f f e r e n t in the
,'•• 'ine Corps and must be :au:ii different than the Army K.P, because Joe
lov;es i t I I A wonderful r •..:. t and he',a ft lucky guy to get i t for
another month, you're sure t h a t sur.. hasn't done more than tan you,
Joe? Personally we've beeu on jy*P. for over a year and anytime'
Pvt. Pepe wants to take over he's more than welcome. Happy peeling s
Joe, and we hope the good breaks continue to come your way.

GollyJ We've never thought of ourselves as rank-conscious but when a

l e t t e r f l u t t e r s out from Colonel WAITS W. WORDEN of the
f~ V.
Marine Corps this old typewriter really began, to quiver in spite of
us. After thirty-two months of duty in the South, Southwest ?nd
Central Pacific areas, Col. Worden line been assigned to Headquarters
Marine Corps in Washington, D. C. Not that that" i s n ' t impressive but
what throws us into a tizzy of happy satisfaction i s that we appar-
ently appeal to him enough for him to give us his new address. Thank
yon. Col. Worden, and will you write us again?
Another change of address' that delights us, along with h i s nice l e t t e r
is this one from Sns. EARL Ft. MELLEN, J r . who i s in the Philippines
operating in a P.B, 4 Y squardron. As usual the censors won't l e t
him t e l l us a l l the interesting experiences h e ' s had since leaving
San Diego in January but what is permitted i s fun to reed. Earl says
he has more time off to swim and read than he ever hoped for and l i v -
ing conditions sound decidedly rosy - natives who are delighted to do
the washing for one "thing, New Jersey, by the way, has almost'run
out of that kind. Another extinct variety is anything like the F i l i -
pino boy who lives in the tent v;ith Earl and his pals and loves taking
care of them and their belongings,; Shjoy i t while you can, Ens.Mellen,
because they must a l l be in the Pacific area. Earl sends best v/ishes
to a l l and especially to Ens. Mike Di Giovanni.

RICHARD K. HORTON, S 1/c 'is out at Camp Parks paid says that if anybody
t e l l s us.about sunny California to please mow the:;; down, I t has
rained ever since he arrived and the camp i s a mc.&s of .uud. After a l l
your nice compliments about us we feel like dogs not to come through
with the addresses you ask for but -- our "Permanent Notice" i s n ' t put
in each month just to f i l l up apace. Now don't take offense, Dick
dear, we wouldn't cross you for the world, especially since you are
about to graduate as a Demolition Expert, Being demolished is the
l a s t thing we plan on for spring cleaning so write your pals and w e ' l l
hurriedly forward the l e t t e r s (with a wary eye on any stray dynamite
you may feel like enclosing),
JOHN A. HQRTON, R.M. 3/c says i t s been so long since he l a s t wrote us
that he feels like a heel. Nonsense, Jack, with love entering your
life via South Mountain Estates, plu/a your new job we can understand
perfectly. The apologetic Horton has deserted his L.S.T. and passed
the flight e.^.ams for the V-5 program, so is awaiting the c a l l to arms
down at Norfolk, Va. Sorry you had to pick a Sunday to drive past
our new headquarters, a l i t t l e place but we c a l l i t home due to the
shortage of everything. (See purty picture a t top of front page.)
We'll be writing for more news and u n t i l then our Cupid's Corner w i l l
reserve space for a big announcement on Horton and his dream g i r l .
Of course we always knew that Capt, ?. R. DANTE was & good doctor but
now Army life and travel have turned him into A pretty hot poet as
well. If we didn't have s t r i c t orders to cut down even further on our
paper consumption we'd copy your nifty note for a l l to read, A ton
break because i t ' s r e a l l y good. Tne talented .Doc i s working in a
field hospital in Germany now, said hospital being in what was once .
soap factory. He says the town has been sHjash.ed to rubble and Was
pictured in Life Magazine for December 11th which of course sent us
flying for our back copies. Thanks again for the l e t t e r and peorn and
we're glad you haven't lost your sense of humor,
Pfce A. A. PASSARSLLI sends us a quick card to give us h i s new address
and sends "Hello" to a l l of you. Tony i s evidently on the move be-
cause he hopes that now h e ' l l run into some of you where h e ' s going.
Happy travelling and good luck in old Town reunions.
By this time we t r u s t that TED SZMANS, S 1/c R.T. i s p a l e , h^le and
hearty again because when this card .was written he must have been a
mass of polka dots and with'a very red face. Poor Ted wrote us while
lying f l a t out at Great Lakes throwing off a case of s car l e t fever.
That was tough luck and we hope i t h a s n ' t made i t hard catching up
on your homework for Radio Technician School. We forward your good
wishes to "the Spriggs twins" but the only Spriggs we have on our
books is Pvt. Angelo. Is he a twin? More good wishes and h e l l o ' s
from Ted to S 1/c ANGSLO D'lONNO and PVT. FRANK RIZZO. How about you
boys writing him, care of us?


Lt. THURE ANDERSON went overseas via the Queen Mary but even that
crowded splendor didn't prevent him from picking up a bad sore throat
along the way. Pie had to whip right into a hospital but fortunately
is now O.K. and busy at his job of Inspector for his Company. Our
sleuths also pass on the glad news that Lt. Anderson likes getting
the Tattle so you know how mellow that makes us f e e l .
If this was anybody but our deft pal, Sgt. TERENCE GILI we'd clamp
our jaws shut and scream for a professional but as i t i s he could
tinker with our choppers anytime. Terence (whose mother i s one of
our ablest reporters, by the way) i s stationed at a U. S. Army Hos-
p i t a l in England, where, under the supervision of a dental officer,
he is aiding in a l l aspects of oral surgery!11 Happy d r i l l i n g , Sarge,
and don't lose that gentle touch.
T/ o HUGH FIT2SIMM0JJS i s another enthusiastic rooter for the Philippines,
Hugh says they were p r e t t y busy during the invasion and lost sleep due
to the heavy shelling but now are settled down in a large field and
able to enjoy l i f e . The Filipinos are friendly and hospitable and
Hugh says they are also very intelligent and respectable. Thanks for
your l a t e s t APO number and we hope the next address, soon, will be
just plain Millburn, N. <J.
Hello your pelf, Lt.(jg) WARING C. CARRINGIQN, J r . mid we're delighted
that your conscience finally won out and made you write us. Such
purty writing, too, even if as you say, a destroyer under way i s n ' t
the most stable thing in the world. Although Waring has been mosey-
ing around the Pacific for sixteen months he hasii't run into any
Short Hills-Millburn talent but has managed to see his next younger
brother a few times. Said brother i s on a minesweeper and l a s t soon
was headed for Pearl Harbor. Wish we could go on and on quoting from
your letter, Waring', especially since i t s the First'jbut space is as
limited as everything else. Thanks, though and try i t again soon.
H'ray for Mrs. Eric H. Foster who takes time to bring us up to ante
on the In t e s t news and address of her husband i .1st Lt, FOSTER, An
extra horray because Mrs-. F. is now living in Spring Lake so had to
write us the dope. Eric says he enjoys reading the Tattle which
pleases ?nd amazes us because, as he's with the 12th Army Group a t -
tached'to the Third Army he'vs a busy traveller these days. In the
old days when things weren't so breathless, Lt. Foster had one team
and another, officer to a s s i s t him. Now he's got five teams with no-
body to help which doesn't leave much free time for reading, we
wouldn't think. Write us from Berlin i f there's a whole table l e f t
in the place. Write us anyway becguse there probably won't be.
And now if you'll give us time to uum dust off that c r y s t a l b a l l , w e ' l l
do a b i t of non-union prophesying on the futures of T/Sgt, JAMES GROSSO
and Pfc. RUSSELL S. BEST ~ Only this tiresome paper shortage keeps us
from relaying their l e t t e r s in unabridged editions because both the
boys are Good when i t conies to steering a pen. Jimniie gives us a
blow by blow description of his t r i p , to the Colosoum in Rome which was
better than anything an eye witness could get out of i t (and we know
because we have seen i t in the flesh) Russell also gives us a vivid
and interesting account of l i f e under bombing in the Philippines. Both
boys we are sure will someday soon shed their olive drab and emerge in
cutaways looking like Burton Ho line f- Thomas .Cook or the editors of
f i n e newspapers. Thanks , Boys 5 your l e t t e r s have been passed around
to the e n t i r e force and are a t r e a t .
Speaking of cutaways, we can't help wonderingg whatt Pvt. DWIGHT LONGLEY
is wearing as a fatigue outfit these days. y One
O of our reporters comes
winging in with the flash that Dwight i s now in New Delhi doing per-
sonnel" work with the A.A'.C.S. Group. We don't know what those i n i -
t i a l s stand for but maybe Mr. Ghandi his the dope on clothes for that
climate, how about i t ?
Double congrats to Lt. '(jg) ROBERT A. SINCERBEAUX for his fine f i r s t
l e t t e r and the recent promotion. The new Lieutenant, hia wife, the
former Betty Morley of Short H i l l s , and their children Dickie and
Suzanne are a l l ensconced at Lee Field, Green Cove.Springs, Fl
(They're really living in St. Augustine and ho commutes). pJ^p
be plenty busy with his jobs of Ass't.Ground Training Officafr, "Gunnery
Officer, Special Devices Officer and Recorder for the Station Summary
Court Martial. Ouchl we don't go for the l a s t one so I t ' s pleasant
to hear that you like the job of Gunnery Officer best (and don't shoot
us for t h a t . ) Stop being so modest, Lieutenant. What do you mean
" I t ' s inconceivable that more than a half dozen of the r e c i p i e n t s of
the Tattle would be in the slightest degree interested"????? S i l l y Boy,
we're a l l interested\ so write us more news soon and in the meantime
o ur best to you a11.'
That sterling character, our own NORMAL OGDEN, J r . has not only been
made a PFC. but has received the g
good conduct medal for exceptional
performance'.of his duties. What these duties are or where they are our
ferrets have been unable to discover as yet.
The fun-loving JOHN THOMAS WAREKIME S 1/c sent home a phony picture of
himself complete with long and lustrous beard, for a joke. However,
the Millburn natives ar-e sue!; a gullible group we f e l l for the whole
thing, so John i n s i s t s ho will come, home with his curly chin whisker
intact to confound us, while we arc s i t t i n g around waiting for him
with pots of Burma Shave.
The highly technical blessings of c i v i l i z a t i o n are reaching out to
some remote spots these days. As proof of t h i s life's. Herrigel received
a cablegram Easter morning from her thoughtful son SGT.JOHN H. HERElGEL
who i s in the Marianna Islands. Just a l e t t e r w i l l do f o r . u s , John.
LT. HUGH R. HOLMSTRON and his cousin LT. JOYCE WENT of the WAGS have
planned a meeting in London since both are stationed nearby. Old
Grandma Tattle hopes this has cone to pass, childreEtj and we. know i t
was - or will be •- gay.
Even in the dear dim days when we Uvsed occasionally to go on ship's, '
the job of purser was a tough one and we contributed no l i t t l e to i t s
toughness, as did everyone else on board, now word reaches us t h a t our
own WILLIAM STRUHING has been in and around the Philippines. This
must add to the tavsk of ''pursingg11 or purser ing, d i f f i c u l t i e s undreamed
of by the pursers of our pleasant papt. Wh Wh paragraph1. 1
Good luck.
G l
We are shocked and annoyed to learn that Pfc. JOSEPH SMITH has not
been receiving his Tattles for some time but vie are awful glad you
miss ' era, Joe. We would like to address a sharp note to the 9th Army
post office but guess we'd better shush as its probably just because
you boys in the Ninth are dashing ahead so fast poor old mail bags
can't keep up. Perhaps if you paused long enough in Essen, the Tat-
ties caught up in a bunch we hope.
Ens. WILLIAM D. LATEORN is on Guam, This situation interests us as
our ear-to-the-ground department advises that, Guam is a really lovely
spot and that after the war wh?.t with climate., clippers and the Navy,
it should be a refuge rivaling Hawaii in charm. .Mot that we have a
prayer of going any farther away than Summit^ the Hill City, but we'd
love to hear if you concur Is this opinion, Bill.
Having completed his mission in the South Pacific,, HSIJRY A.
SLAYTON has been:'assigned to Stewart Field, West Point so we hope to
see him popping in to our teeny weeny office one of these days.
Bridge building has always been an occupation fraught with romance
and nowhere more so than on the Rhine where it bi&'s been fraught with
danger as well. Even so our Engineers have been flinging bridges
across with the speed of blown scarves and now we are proud to hear
that our Lt. Col. JOHN PEARCE is one of those engaged in this impor-
tant task. He says he's busy and we do not doubt it.
Capt. CRAWFORD J. CAMPBELL has moved on from Hawaii to the Philippines,
where, he reports, all is hot and muddy - everything from huts to
tables. The captain is a mail easy to please, 3_uckilyj and says he
has everything he wants, good, food and even cigarettes.
Our own candidate for Iron Man of the Week is JOHN L, COE, PM 3/c who
has been fighting at Luson, Guam, Leyte and Iwo Jima but in spite of
this hideous array of engagements he says he Is fine. More power to

you, John, you must be rugged as well and we hope by now you're having
a spot of leave.

Lt. (jg) PIERCE CASSEDY, J r . is in Corpus C h r i s t i , Texas, awaiting the

a r r i v a l of a new P..B.M. of which he w i l l be the p i l o t .

Another officer of simple t a s t e s i s Lt. JOHN C. HILDEBRAND, J r . who i s

somewhere in Germany living comfortably in a box car. All we can say
i s we hope you don't have to share i t with t h i r t y - n i n e men or seven
horses, Lieutenant.

Cpl. EARL T. PEARSON, a t an unknown spot, i s now occupying the best

barracks h e ' s been in since he l e f t the S t a t e s . What's more, he says
the food i s so good the men will be spoiled when they get home. You're
not j u s t flapping' your l i p with that remark either ,* Corporal, as us
housekeepers are meeting' with s t i f f resistance in the Battle of the

Sgt. EDWARD S. K. PENDERGAST,Jr. has been vacationing on a beach in

India. This seems a bald statement of an interlude which brings to our
minds pearls, lotuses and houseboats teeming with pale hands. "Can't
you t e l l us more, Eddie?

In those aforementioned hot and muddy Philippines, Lt. Comdr. FRANK P..
HUMRICH, J r , i s fine, busy, happy and has a good a p p e t i t e . Can't be
such a bad place after a l l . Comdr. Eurnrich i s exec of a Naval Avia-
tion unit.


Whoever s a i d t h a t "Good Things come i n t h r e e s " must have had t h r e e of

M i l l b u r n ' s heroes p a r t l y i n mind - a s t h i s t r i p h a s won a t h i r d award
a p i e c e . For i n s t a n c e , S / S g t . MARVIN A SILVKRSHER h a s j u s t r e c e i v e d
h i s t h i r d Oak Leaf C l u s t e r to h i s Air Medal which he earned a s gunner -
radio operator on the B-17 "Blythe S p i r i t " (Cluster I I I came so f a s t
after Cluster I I that we d i d n ' t get a chance to write the l a t t e r up!)
Then Pvt. JOHN SCHOENER was recently awarded h i s third Bronze S t a r ' f o r
participation in b a t t l e and S/Sgt. GORDON K. MATTICS has received his
third c i t a t i o n ~ see what we mean by threes? - and w e ' l l add our own
three rousing cheers j u s t for good measure'.

Comdr. ALLEN M. ROBINSON was awarded the Bronze Star for his mine work
duties on Admiral Kirk's staff - in connection with the Normandy In-
Another recent recipient of a Bronze Star i s S/Sgt. ROBERT C. SLINGSR-
LAND - for heroic achievement in action in I t a l y .
In the current item, we espy a photo of the handsome features of
Lt. LESTER. P. CARSTENS, USNR who was presented with' the Navy Commenda-
tion Ribbon for outstanding performance of duty as* an engineering
officer, during Mediterranean operations.

Lt. HAROLD Li STRICKER received the Air Medal for meritorious achieve-
ment in a e r i a l flight against the enemy, while stationed with the AA?
in I t a l y .

Lt. G. JAMES COBURN, son of the Short Kills acting Postmaster, and his
group received a Presidential Citation in January for forcing enemy
retirement - and t h a t ' s what we c a l l nice forcing and nice going, Janes!

Pvt. JOHN HELLERS now in Germany recently sent home his certificate
of merit.
Lt. VINCENT J . KANE, J r . has had an Oak Leaf Cluster added to hie Bronze
Star for heroic achievement In I t a l y .
Cpl. ROCCO J . SANEARTINQ was r i g h t in there pitching and helped save
his ABC Route Ammunition convoy from f i r e after said convoy had been
tyie victim of an attach by a lone Luftwaffe sneak r a i d e r . Despite the
danger of Imminent explosion, Rocco and the r e s t of the convoy crew
extinguished the blaze - and had the convoy in running order within
an hour - so we think Cpl. Sanmartino belongs in t h i s I l l u s t r i o u s
We hope y o u - a i l do n o t nind our r e p e n t i n g the word "Proud" over and
over but no other word in our lexicon i s as adequate to express our
sentiments ~ as we are j u s t p l a i n and Overwhelmingly proud - and God
Blass you a l l !
At l a s t the t r u t h has "outed"! Two reasons Why we did n o t r e c e i v e any
Belle l e t t e r s , l a s t month was t h a t two of our correspondents were f l a t -
tened with German measles - and, as t h i s s c r i b e w::.s a vi'ctjLm'-of said
"ITazi Dots" h e r e s e l f several years ago ~ you have her p e r s o n a l and pro-
found sympathyI What with a swollen crimson " d i a l " and those n a s t y
bumps behind our e a r s , we f e l t both f o u l and f o o l i s h ! - and, as f a r as
we're concerned you can give them r i g h t back to the Krauts.-.with no
lend-leose clause, attached'.
Two l e t t e r s have come in from L t . MARY B. GRIERSON A.N.C, and though
her face may have been stippled by t h i s s p o t t y plague-she s t i l l has
g r e a t cause for j o y , what -with her brand new 1 s t L i e u t e n a n t ' s S i l v e r
Bar si (Co-mingled Congrats and condolences, L t . Mary) tnyhov.1 t h i s
lucky l a s s recovered from tier ailment in time' to be on hand for Dick
Powell's snow at Camp 'Shanks - ?.nd s h e ' s aov</ back on the job - and as
busy as a braver-, nursing recent r e t u r n e r s -from o v e r s e a s .
Our second measled correspondent i s M-AEG&RKT R. :/;OPr'Er,SOLl Y 2 / c of the
Waves who ha,s j u s t emerged from a sp-eclcled .session l a cick bay a t Nor-
folk,, Va, and who v/rites : us the :iev;s bhat Lr t . (^EOEGS R1CHABDSON xs
stationed at Norfolk too , (Good gravyi Ho,M these men g e t around ••
as i t seems only a short v^hils ago t h a t L t . FAIRFIELD DAY 'n'O'.e of
meeting George out in the 3nuz,h P&cificJ.) Peggy r».;-lso t e l l s u,-: 1 i a t
her b r o t h e r , Lo3 EWM11 ':. 3ON has recent3-y. beGonie a 1st. Lievitenant
a l l of Vvhich i s nice novys tooi
From the Reporters fcalirles we find the fallowing;
I L ' G S S I . ^ Qr'JV •' C ' •. •" r 3 soraewher .. | 1 Itv ly now •• and..con.grQtsj
LIXuj] '. )( [ o^ the Waves has been advanced to S'e'snion 1/c and Is .now
a t the Naval <Vir S t a t i o n In Jacksonville', F l a ,
CAROLINE YOTiI/0, formerly of Myrtle Av.e\ i s a Red Crocs Projgr'aih "Director,
sr ms .vtier e ,ir. 1 ta iv *
Arj ! r Red C^OSG V r . r:, MARGARET 0' tfi&A wrote horne r e c e n t l y fr.on
Fiigj,! i h ; .:i'j ran I ito . 1 RY HOUGH ov r J re - and j u s t bo fce her
Pi ' i we? L .-. .lor, CJplo LLOYD 2.-. SMiTH^tTR. andt'-Cpl. "JSTTlil^
^Dft; '• lv d-iocoveri . ?' ir^'arat VK. s at bJ iir Bo.iTiber Bc:se ftiid p'-id her
a surprise c a l l •• which was r\uch enjoyed by a l l'.

MIliDKED ExTJCih altSQ ' i t i th Rqd Cros,3 niid based I I; u ' i , I t A l y , has
bocfi bad r . i.yna] ou, .•-;•!.. i.r - whiGli e n t a i l s ^uite a b i t of respo.nsi-
b i i i v plus ciuch it t r a v e l to supervise nor r e g i c r i .

D« ; ,IS E. GORDON Y 3/c of tfcjje V.aves h-a J u s t completed an S-^day leave

a t hoiiio and h-'s returnee! to her job at the Bureau.'of Medicine and Sur-
g^ry in Washington5 D.. C.
An a i r mail l e t t e r from DOROTHY A. ZIMMERii\S of the American Red Cross
has j u s t skimmed in ovor our p u b l i c a t i o n do?:d l i n e - and i c it n i f t y l
V7c only wish we had space to publj-sh -ull of i t s four and s ftsvlf pages ~
He '.ever - next boat thrh % we '.e l e t o l n g the Itein publish i t verbatiin*
D t o thy i s doing Mobile 3an.teen Work with the 13th Air, Fur ce out in tho
Adrr.ircities. 0-or s l i o r ' sre a rriass ox eribr^idery f*.'g we r;e^d aboiit her
t r i a l s end t r i b u l a t i o n s , when she disoo\ ;rod upon her arr-iv^l bhp.t
s k i r t a v;ere taboo pnel slacks v/ere the otoex1 of th <.: \\ (-.Ciid .h.ightl)
Che. says apparently tho PX'e go on the assumptioh t h a t a l l women over-
sdas are b u i l t on the l i n e s of a cement .pill bcx.j as they h$d no s i a e s
in stock sraaller. than 441 F i n a l l y the ^quired some GI Blo.cks . u had
thorn t a i l o r e d to f i t . TJ ;,, also wear G.X, shoes t o o , to further t h e i r
dainty appearance, §hh r: :y.~ the boys (who are sii-ip3.y v.'orjdorfulJ)' r e -
gard them as e combination of t h e i r grandmbtn^r. ?.nd Hedy La::;C.rr - and
t h a t the r e c u l t s are often h i l o r i o u s . So was your l e t t e r Ma'am and we
look forward f e r v e n t l y to hearing from you o.gnlnl
From Sunny England comes a V-mail from S/Sgt.. ROC CO FIOLA (and no k i d -
ding i t i s sunny too, according to t h i s t r u s t y M.Pi) who writes t h a t
he was fortunate enough to have a v i s i t with h i s brother Cpl. VITO
FIOLA who was hospitalized in England for the second time after duty
in France (Vito, at t h i s writing is back in the U.S. and i s hone on
leave from March 12th to April 19th - we know y o u ' l l a l l be glad to
hear I) Rocky says i t was grand seeing his brother again and they en-
joyed some fine long t a l k s . By the by--as another brother, Pfc.JOSEPH
FIOIA of the Marines is r e h a b i l i t a t i n g from his Pacific wounds a t Lake-
hurst, N. J . i t ' s our guess t h a t he and Vito have enjoyed a b i t of
fraternal old home week, too? (Flash! - Joe and Vito did!)

Another "Somewhere in England" V-mail i s in our "Small World" p i l e -

t h i s one from Lt. HOD BATES who i s p i l o t of a B-26 <- who pens us the
happy tidings that he ran into NELSON ROCKEFELLER whom he knew back in
the good ole MHS days - and they had a nice "didja" remember chat -«
a l l of which was "quite a shot in the arm" quoth Rod - o.nd we agree 1 -
Rod hopes to see his brother JOHN BATES, who i s in Luxembourg with "Ehe
Airborne A r t i l l e r y and this reunion - i f and when, w i l l be t h e i r f i r s t
in three years - so we're clutching a l l available r a b b i t ' s f e e t , h o r s e -
shoes and four leaf clovers for the Bates brothers r i g h t now!

The erstwhile star of our sports colyun has been transferred from the
Air Corps to the Infantry and after extensive t r a i n i n g i s now at a r e -
placement center - we' mean, of course, none other than Pfc. ANTHONY
PASSARELLI. Tony saw Cpl. NED L3E3 while a t Camp Howze, Texas and gave
Ned his Tattle as Ned's hadn't caught up with him y e t . Unfortunately,
Tony l e f t Texas soon after - so they d i d n ' t have much of a v i s i t but
Tony says Ned looked fine'.

A card from 0/C WILLIAM VAN INGEN t e l l s us he caw Lt. THURE ANDERSON
a t F t . Benning a few days before Andy became a f u l l fledged s h a v e t a i l
(we saw Thure ourselves, after he got the gold bars and came home -
and he sure was lookin' goodl) Thanks for your card, B i l l , and leave
us know when you emerge as a happy second Louey, tool

Two small world items come to us via l e t t e r from F/O ROBERT J . KERN
to wit - while in Tampa he ran into a former H.Ii.S, man Lt. AUSTIN
BLOOD and, a t Drew Field, F l a . he bumped into Sgt. BILL TAFFE and his
wife - and they indulged in one of those lovely "old times" gab f e s t s .

This next l e t t e r has akinda cute conclusion, we thinki JOHN BRAY S 1/c
writes us from his ship afloat somewhere' in the ^rabian See who t e l l s
us again (See P 5 March Tat&e) t h a t ha saw the name of L t . ( j g ) HAROBINE
in a r e g i s t e r in a United Seaman's Service Blub in India and found out,
upon inquiring, that he had been there several weeks before. Anyhow
Johnny's l e t t e r was censored by Lt. O.A. ARMSTRONG who added a P«S« to
the effect that Lt. (jg) ROBERT HAROBINE i s a brother gunnery officer
and boarded their ship with the Navy Lirson Officer a t Calcutta -- where-
upon these "brother gunnery officers" discovered they had been for:aer
South Mountain Neighbors for several years and needless to ad'j. ho Si a
very pleasant few hours' reminiscence before Lt. Harobine l e f t , Yerry,
verry small world - eh?

Recorting to the reporters notes, w e ' l l b r i e f you the following ti.V

In;.,; s
Maritime Cadet MERRILL YALE met his brother Sgt. WARREN iV-LE
of the Marines on Guam.
Sharing the same APO's are Pvt. WALTER VRSELrti-TD and Lt. &. W.: W V :HU

Sgt. JAMES N. WYCKOFF and Cpl. HAROLD GAEj&ABRANT met on an I t a l i a n

f i r i n g line and enjoyed a chat under a h a i l of overhead shooting.
Via Dr. JOHN FOX, now in Hawaii, ALFRED STANZIALE S 2 / c , was able to
g e t in touch with Gp/Sgt. MICHAEL deBLIS and they had a fine afternoon
together before Al sailed for another Pacific p o r t .
A Jeep pulled alongside of Pvt. GLENN VAN WAGENEN'S shack and a voice
asked if he and his buddies could come in and get warm - and loi the
voice belonged to Guhther Coleman of Dover, N. J . v;ho used to be a
classmate of GLENN's brother JULESI
There was a get together recently between JOSEPH DUNN S 1/c, Pfc. BOB
LINCOLN and the t r i p l e t s Cpls. SNYDER - wherever they a l l are - with
their Frisco FPO's and PM's.
Hold the presses! Here's a late flash in the form of an Air Mail let-
ter from JACK DALTOM AOM 3/c with the S.W. new's
rl that ha saw EDDIE !*OL~
LACH JR. S 1/c on some Pacific Isle and they spent a glorious af.ter-
noon together. Eddie had previously spotted Jake's name in a Honolulu
USO register but had failed bo locate him. Jake saw NORMAN MAYO'S
name in said book but did not see Norm. - and he also missed seeing
his brother Ens. BILL DALTON by one day. Tough Luck, Jack, but anyhow,
congrats on your new rating and umpty ump thanks for your generous
remarks about us!
A V~job from Pfc. JOSEPH R. SMITH says that his stay in the hospital
was a pleasant one (rhyl my!) and while there, he met a friend of hid
from Hew York. Joe has drawn us a fine picture of a dog house in which
he h?s placed himself for not writing us for so long - and says that
when we l e t him out, we can substitute Holland for the K-9 hut. (O.K.
brother, you're out - but on a Ian eh t i l l your next l e t t e r ) J o e ' s
been in England, Scotland, Holland, France, Belgium and Germany - but
he says t h e r e ' s s t i l l no place like Millburn - atta toy I
Lt.(jg) G. A, SMITH U.S.H., brother of Marine Capt. HARRY R. SMITH and
Uncle of fins. ROGER and Lt. JOYCE WENT, writes us the sad news t h a t
he's back in the hospital at Portsmouth, Va. after a seven month's
siege - and that i t rather looks as though he would be r e t i r e d after
twenty-four years of service. That's a fine service record, Lieuten-
ant, and we send you our h e a r t f e l t best wishes!
* * * * * * * > ; - . ******
A V-mail from Lt. DOUGLAS A. SMITH,USNR, bears the glad tidings that
he's en route home from two years duty in the Pacific and will report
to the Navy Yard, N. Y, sometime this month. Thanks for sll your kind
words on our behalf, Mister » and happy Home coming! (Whoosh! he's ar-
( After three long years in the Pacific Pvt. MICHAEL BUFO has arrived )
v.._home from a well earned 45 day leave. /
There was great Easter joy in the Stevens household when both their
sons arrived home from foreign duty, at the sane time - Lt. THOMAS
STEVENS from Italy and brother JOHN L. STEVENS P.O. A.O.M. 2/c from the
South Pacific. John has since reported back to Frisco and Tom will re-
port for reassignment on April 21st (See Cupid's dept. for more news
of Thomas!)
Lucky Sgt. JAMES LAURINO has his family with him now, at Gulfport,
Miss. Ditto for GRENVILLE LYON,JR. Mo. MM 1/c whose bride has joined
him at Naval School in Jacksonville.
HAROLD LYON R.T. 3/c in Chicago and RAYMOND LYON S 2/c in Memphis will
receive & visit from their father anyday now1,
ARTHUR M. SEITZjJR. A.R. 1/c who has been with the Naval Ferry Com-
mand (Airships) in South America was home on 10 days delayed orders,
but has since soared back to Brazil..
Lt. EDWIN W. LAFFEY must live in an aura of lucky charms - as reports
have come in to the effect that he was buried in two and a half feet
of French soil, when the belly of his bomber ripped away as it skidded
off a runway - and the lucky lad emerged when dug out cafe and sound -
All the modest young man wrote to his mother about it was that he'd had
an experience, Hirmmmnim?
GEORGE STICKLE,JR. recently promoted to Gunners Mate 3/c surprised his
family by a visit home after active duty on the Atlantic,
Another Gunners Mate 3/c with a New York FPO who has come home is FRED
P. LEGGETT - who will go to advanced Gunnery School in Washington on
Un-tasty as the flavor our Tattla mistakes may be - when we a r e
,forced to e a t them by some of your more f a s t i d i o u s f i g h t i n g f o l k - we
r e a l l y don't f e e l too sorry for ourselves as i t ' s one way of a t t r a c t -
ing your a t t e n t i o n enough to write us - so keep us e a t i n g , b r o t h e r s -
while we growl over our cud I
F i r s t l y - and you can thank the Newark papers for giving us t h i s bum
steer - we bequeathed a Purple Heart on Cpl. CARL BADSNHAUSBN, along
with h i s r i g h t f u l l y awarded Bronze Star - and C a r l has w r i t t e n h i s
family since, denying any wounds or any awards save the said Bronze
S t a r . So - we're glad and r e l i e v e d to hear t h a t h e ' s hale and h e a r t y
a l l six feat six inches of him!
Now h e r e ' s Cpl. STEVE WILSON taking us to task again for S/Sgt. ALDEN
HINE's l a t e s t t i t u l a r error on our p o r t - i t seems we ( w e l l - - a l l
r i g h t I did i t 1) called him "Top Kick" in the February i s s u e , which
according to master-mind Wilson means 1st Sergeant and n o t h i s proper
r a t i n g of T/3 then i n the Bars S t r i p e s and Chevrons, i b i d we (ha'.haI)
not me t h i s time!) l i s t e d him as T/Sgt. - wrong againl Frankly,
we're u t t e r l y in the dark on the varying degrees of Sergeant - Steve u -
and i n our Army-Navy slang booklet i t merely says "Top Kick=Sergeant
i t doesn't say what kind of a Sarge or whether or n o t he. should have
red hair or w o l f ' s eyes, i t j u s t says "Sergeant" p e r i o d ! So much for
error number one - as for error I I , wo'11 j u s t swallow the T/Sgt with,
a b i g chaser and l e t i t go a t t h a t . S e r i o u s l y , i f you would make us
a l i s t of the various sergeancies i n t h e i r proper o r d e r , we would be
no end g r a t e f u l - doubtless so would t h e probable c o u n t l e s s o t h e r
t r i p l a chevron bearers who have been enduring our haphazard t r e a t m e n t
in t o l e r a n t s i l e n c e (by the wry, why d o e s n ' t A1LDICN follow the example
of h i s famous ancestor and "speak for himself' ?)

Here's a long suffering man for you, L t . HAROLD BENNETT p a t i e n t l y

w r i t e s "you address ray T a t t l e to me as an Aviation Cadet, you make 1he
write up about me as Lieutenant, and a c t u a l l y I ' m a F l i g h t O f f i c e r . "
Oh, my Harold, how i n the world did we ever do t h a t ? A l l we can say
i s t h a t iit*s lucky for a l l concerned that we are forced to stay on
the home front - where our n u t t y notions w i l l do the l e a s t damage - and
our most groveling p l e a s for forgiveness soar upward to you F.O,
Glugl more words to eat? maybe we can s l i d e around t h i s one from
EDWARD T. MOLLACHjJR. S 1/c in our s l i c k l i t t l e way I Eddie says we
called JACK CHRISTENSEN a T/Sgt. (oyl Sergeants again?) when he i s a
S 1/c in the Navy now hold on Eddie I Our p a r t i c u l a r Christensen
i s T/5 JOHN B. out a t F t . Smelling, Minn. - and we have no other s i m i -
l a r name i n our books??? As to Freddie Klebold being a HoMM 1/c i n -
stead of 2/c - Freddie seems q u i t e shy of p u b l i c i t y and evinced no
i n t e r e s t i n the T a t t l e - so we ceased sending i t out for awhile (how-
ever, we contacted h i s mother t h i s month - so h e ' s back on our mailing
l i s t again) hence, we had no record of h i s .increase in r a t i n g and
thanks for t e l l i n g u s ,
**.*%***%* *****
we were to make the following orchids to us into a corsage, the
result would r i v a l the Vassar Daisy chrinl
Lt. GARRETT HIERS, JR. Vees us from England on March 27th saying
Happy Tuesday to you" so - we111 answer in kind and say "Happy Wednes-
day," April eleventh to you, Garry! Your l e t t e r arrived April 3rd but
April 11th i s Tattling Day this month). This happy wisher t e l l s us
that' they wound up a successful basketball season 12-3 and now have a
soft ball league going on the post - more of which in a future issue,
providing Garry keeps his promise to write us again soon? And thanks
for yours of same!
Here's a V-flash from somewhere in Holland from Lt. Col. JOHN K.PEARC3
who i s our condidate for understatement t h i s month as lie writes he's
afraid his contribution can not compare to most of the boys who are
really mixed up in i t . However,, as he's commanding an engineer Com-
bat Battalion in the front line and seeing quite a b i t of action him-
self - I t ' s our guess that your tongue was in your cheek when you
wrote that, Colonel? Anyhow - thanks for your superb l e t t e r and our
best wishes for continued success to you! - and we're happy as goons
over them kind words'.
"Pfc. RALPH S. LEONARD vees u s with a "Hi Gale" (swooshj) and thanks uS
for sending him the T so r e g u l a r l y d e s p i t e the horrendous f a c t t h a t
ho h a s n ' t w r i t t e n us for s i x t e e n months I He was on the bounding main
when he wrote and r e g r e t s t h a t he was unable to see CHARLEY BURTON b e -
fore he l e f t Louisiannn for P a r t s Unknown. Do l e t us hear from you
from your new Terra Firma, Ralph before another 16 months elapse si'.
Another of our V-mail correspondents t h i s month i s HENRY N. MONACO
EM 2/c FPO Frisco - who says that due t o the Christmas r u s h , h i s Tat-
t l e s have been l a t e i n a r r i v i n g - but — t h a t they are worth w a i t i n g
for ( h i s l e t t e r was w r i t t e n January 14th and here; i t i s Apr i l l so -
the delay seems to work both ways) Henry w r i t e s t h a t he d o e s n ' t think
i t w i l l be long before we h i t our goal out t h e r e with e v e r y t h i n g we
have - and judging by newspaper and radio r e p o r t s t h i s seaman w a s n ' t ;
kidding'. We'll pass on your regards t o a l l the boys from home Henry,
and we send our b e s t e c t ones to you tool PJ3» Thanks for your E a s t e r
card I
While we're s t i l l in the V-mail p i l e , we'd l i k e to thank P f c . ARTHUR H.
BARACIA for his amusing V-mail change o f address APO N.Y. Congrats on
the P f c . and thanks for c a l l i n g us Winchelettes - d i t d i t dal And a l -
so thanks to Sgt. JAMES C. 0 • IEILL for h i s V-mail new APO N.Y. address
Speaking of APO's N.Y., h e r e ' s an a i r m a i l via same from Capt. ROGER C.
TOWNS. END, son of one of our r e p o r t e r s - who thanks us for "keeping him
in touch" a l l these many months - for which he hopes to thank us p e r -
sonally ere long, Here's hoping, RodgeJ
Wheel WILLIAM L. MACDONALD S 1/c a i r m a i l s us from h i s LCI in the So.
Pacific - neatly typed bv h i s own fine hands. He n o t e s , v i a u s , t h a t
HARRY WIMMER Mo MM 3/c and JACK COE Ph M 3/c are both out i n the
P a c i f i c on D. Es and as LCI men are i n the h a b i t of going aboard DES
for movie shows o c c a s i o n a l l y , he hopes he may be lucky enough to board
t h e i r ships some n i g h t - and w e ' l l hope for you t o o , s a i l o r I B i l l ,
wants us to t e l l P v t . JOHN D'ELIA ho was asking for him - Hi, Johnl
and thanks for your thanks, B i l l , and good 3-uc'ki
Yoo Hoo, Cupid? We want the low down on t h i s l e t t e r from T/4 EDWARD
G. HOLMES who w r i t e s us from 7/akeman General H o s p i t a l in Indiana t h a t
he i s doing his b e s t to g e t back to overseas d u t y , a f t e r p r a c t i c a l l y
three years of i t to h i s c r e d i t , on account of because h i s fiancee i s
"over t h e r e " . Coma, co;ne, Edward - dorx' t be so dawgoned mysterious 1 .
Meanwhile we are s t i l l p u r r i n g over your* nica sayings anent " u s " .
Cpl. VICTOR A. TRAUB,JR. pens us from Topeka, Kansas and t e l l s us h e ' s
a nose gunner on a B-24 and a t this p o i n t i s about to ngo over" j where-
ever and when t h a t may be of course being an unknown f a c t a t t h i s time.
This Corporal spent an e n t i r e Sunday t r y i n g to l o c a t e P v t . EMIL FALLA
(no r e l a t i o n to a c e r t a i n s c o t t i e , wo guarantee I) a t Lowery F i e l d ,
Colo, without s u c c e s s , as Emil was i n town and hard to find i n t h a t
"Madhouse11 to quote Victor, We liked your sweet sayings about the
T a t t l e , soldier - and hnppy nose gunning 1
Thanks too to T/Sgt. JAMES GROSSO for h i e V-mail E a s t e r card - even
though he did send i t to the Town Hall i n s t e a d of AWVS Hq. J u s t to
refresh your memory James, "we" now l i v e in the refurbished wee white
house t h a t once was the r e s i d e n c e of t h e l a t e Annie McGonnigal on
Essex S t r e e t - and l a s t l y
Thanks to Pvt. PAUL DIXON for h i s kind t h a n k s , i n per son I

Comes the love, honor and two's cheaper-than-one department i n its
usual spring f l u r r y .
March instead of going out l i k e a l o u s e , went out l i k e a shower of
orange blossoms i n Boston, Mass., when on th.e 31st Ens. MICHAEL DI
GIOVANNI married Miss Bernice Guerin who has accompanied him to h i s
new s t a t i o n as a good wife should.
Another l i t t l e woman who i s s t i c k i n g by her man i s Mrs. PRINCIPAL who
i s with her own 1 s t Sgt. VICTOR P, i n Texas* She was Miss Ree Veal
and she and Victor were married in Macon, Ga. on an unknown d a t e .
Here's a whole bunch of g i r l s who are going to g e t the gold r i n g and
not on a carrousel*
L t . DONALD A. CONNER i s engaged to La Donna B, Smith of S t . L o u i s , Mo.
who i s an army nurse with the rank of second L t . and i s s t a t i o n e d ' In
the General Hospital near Conner, somewhere i n Franco.
Mr. and Mrs,Raymond Marshall of So. Orange have announced the engage-
ment of t h e i r daughter, Rest to L t . (jg) CLIFT CORNWALL,JR. who has j u s t
been hone for 30 days a f t e r c a r r i e r s e r v i c e i n the P a c i f i c . L t . Corn-
wall i s now in J a c k s o n v i l l e , F l a .
The engagement of Miss Dorothy Anne F e l l n e t b to L t . THOMAS D» STEVENS
AAF has been announced. Both a r e graduates of Millburn High School.
On April 2nd, Miss Nancy Lemerle McLeod of Mobile, A l a . swept down the
a i s l e lined with
tfg y faces
. Ato
USN who h i s stationed
t t i d <?t"Pensacola
"P for f h
l i g h t t r a iin i n g . The h
couple are a r r i v i n g here A p r i l seventh to spQnd a few days of t h e i r
honeymoon with the groom's p a r e n t s .
Dear Capt, ALAN DOUBLEDAY USMC writes us from the South Pacific that
on March 3rd j u s t before leaving his l a s t s t a t i o n Canp Le Jeuno,N<.C.
he married a navy nurse named Alice of Somerville ? S. C. who la a
Lt.(jg) and he sure misses her now. This i s a sentiment after cupid's
own palpitating heart. Congratulations to you* both. Capt., Doubleday
also advises that at Camp Le Jeune Pl/Sgt. TONY CAP3LL0 an old KHS nan
was in his battalion and that in Washington, I >C ho ran into Lt« Col*
KAITE WORDEN USKC and had a nice v i s i t . This should be in S.W. but
Cupid i s never the one to ralce i t tough for our other babes.
From our Regional Hospital Camp Swift, Texas cones a nice and very
complimentary, many thanks, l e t t e r from. P v t , C'JRL W, WILLIAMS with
the news t h a t l a s t December 14th he was married to Miss i i r r j o r i e N e l l
O'Brien of Lexington, Texas a t the F i r s t Methodist Church, Austin,
Texas. For the t i n e being they w i l l l i v e i n t h i s town, b u t hope to
make t h e i r permanent homo i n the Garden S t a t e , a s Pvt. Williams was
honorably discharged March 16th from tho 86th fountain I n f a n t r y
" , .V •'; > n with which he has served for throe year.s. We w i l l b e t
Mrs. Williams i s happy.
The Millburn Bureau of V i t a l S t a t i s t i c s g o t t h r u t h e month of March
without even having
g to rcsharpen p our p e npc i l ;; e n t r i e s were eo few.
Only two tiny cries off
l i i ""Mama"
M " have gladdened dd our ears since i w lla s t
wrote you and they are both soprano
S/Sgt. and Mrs. JAMES MONACO nre the parents of Miss Anita Louise,
born March the 13th, weight and whereabouts undisclosed.
In Baltimore on March 20th, Lt. and Mrs. DONALD R. VOODFORD had a
daughter, Linda Canpbell, weighing 6 lbs* 7 oa. Our warmest welcome
goes with this sheet to both young ladies*

We want to thank the following for c a l l i n g a t AWVS H e a d q u a r t e r s .

Your v i s i t s were enjoyed by u s .
Bufo, Michael C. Sgt. Hehn, John M. A/C
Burton, Charles W. Pfc. Hbke, Clarence B . Pfc,
Harrington, Ellsworth T. Lt, V, ar c k e t t a , N i c ho la Js. Pvt,
Cuoick, Robert Ens. Pittenger, Arthur
Di.Kon, Paul Pvt. Sc eiiier ? A,.
P i o l a , Joseph Pfc. a., Arthur M. J r . A.R< Vc
F i o l a , Vito Cpl. Smi tii, Thoraa s Pvt.

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