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Neil T.

Caballes 12-Einstein


1. The picture shows a student learning through online.

2. - Is he able to cope up the lessons in this online learning?
- What are some difficulties that he encounters in online method?
3. - Poor internet connection
- Problems concerning with resources such as load or cp
- The environment where the child is learning (if it distracts him or too noisy)
4. I would prioritize the lack of resources on how students can keep up with the online method.
5. – Be wise and efficient on consuming mobile data or Wifi
- Students should avoid from spending most of their time chatting or browsing in Facebook
- Students should learn how to save money to buy load for internet connection

Exercise II

1. Personal Life (family and friends)

a. The Effects of Parent Neglect to a Child’s behavior
b. Why Family Counseling is important
c. Influence from friends and friendships
2. School
a. The Pros and Cons of Sex Education
b. The Effectiveness of Modular Approach to Teaching and Learning
c. Comparison between classical education and modern education
3. Local Community
a. Promoting healthy lifestyle for the people
b. The Trends of employment and underemployment rate
c. Ways to reduce air pollution
4. Government
a. Evaluation of freedom and civil rights in the country
b. The role of government during the pandemic
c. The impact of corruption within the government
5. Relationship with classmates, teachers
a. The role of classmates to the academic achievement of student
b. The impact of student-teacher relationship to quality education
c. The influence of friend in a classroom to a student’s behavior

Exercise III

1. Experimental Research
2. Causal-comparative research
3. Evaluation Research
4. Survey Research
5. Survey Research
6. Evaluation Research
7. Correlational Research
8. Descriptive Research
9. Descriptive Research
10. Evaluation Research


Areas Specific Issues Sources

1. Education Low Scores of Filipino students Type: News article (online)
in math achievement test Title: Low NAT scores may
worsen under k to 12
Author: Cai Ordinario
Source: Rappler
2. Politics and government How the government help Type: Blog
Neil T. Caballes 12-Einstein

society fight against the Title: The Essential Role Of

pandemic Government During the COVID-
Author: Tim Paydos
Source: IBM
3. Science and Technology Mobile phones have affected Type: Article
individuals negatively Title: smartphones make people
more tired, less productive:
Author: Xinhuanet
4. Finance Many employees struggle to Type: News Article
organize their taxes Title: How to organize taxes
para sa mga self-employed
Source: ABS-CBN News
5. Health Filipinos are widely affected by Type: News Report
the pandemic mentally Title: Mental health crisis a
threat to the Philippine
Authors: Janelle Dumalaon and
Jo Anne Canaria
Source: DW
6. Energy The use of renewable energy in Type: News Article
the Philippines Title: GE joins push for
Renewable Energy in Philippine
Author: Nini Icban
Source: GE
7. Business and Economy Low Philippine economy since Type: News Article
the pandemic Title: Philippine Economy to
Decline further in 2020 amid
COVID-19, with recover in 2021
Authors: Jane Zhang and
Rosemarie Marquez
Source: ADB
8. Public infrastructure Philippines plans to build more Type: News Article
infrastructure to rev up the Title: Philippines plans to build
economy its way out of pandemic
Author: Ralf Rivas
Source: Rappler
9. Education Some students have not yet Type: News Article
adapted the new style of Title: ‘Modular learning is not
leaning which is through working’
modules Author: Noel Pabalate
Source: Manila Bulletin
10. Environment and Marine resources are at risk due Type: News Article
Natural resources to pollution and contamination Title: Improper wastes disposal
from wastes threatens Sarangani Bay
Author: PNA
Source: Philippine News Agency

B. Performance Task


Initial Research Topic: Factors Affecting the Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in
Sibonga National High School in Modular Learning
Neil T. Caballes 12-Einstein

I. Basic Information
A. Complete Name: Neil T. Caballes
B. LRN: 119718080009
C. School and Address: Sibonga National High School – Poblacion, Sibonga, Cebu
D. Track and Strand: Academic Track (STEM)
E. Complete Home Address: Sayao, Sibonga, Cebu
II. Background

The corona virus disease has suspended face to face learning engagement among students and
teachers. To continue education amidst the pandemic, modular learning was implemented instead.
Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the
most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. Each module allows students to learn
various concepts which have been made by their respected teachers to qualify for the academic year.

However, some students have not yet adapted the new style of learning. Some of the challenges
that they encounter on the new approach are self-studying, poor internet connection, lack of sleep and
time to answer all the modules due to the great number of activities, distractions, and lack of focus
(Dangle and Sumaoang, 2020). In the same study they conducted, they found out that 90% out of 37
respondents said that they had a hard time answering their modules. This would mean that modular
approach is not all effective considering there are main challenges that students have to encounter.

To obtain an answer whether students struggle in modular approach, the purpose of the study is to
determine the factors affecting the academic performance among grade 12 Students in Sibonga National
High School in modular learning. Questionnaires will be used as data-gathering tool which will be sent
through messenger or email. The results of this study would be beneficial for the students, teachers, and
parents as well.

III. Objectives and Methods

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the academic performance among grade 12
students in Sibonga National High School in modular learning. The study will be conducted in
Sibonga National High School S.Y. 2020-2021. The researcher will make questionnaires to gather
data from the respondents which will be sent through messenger or email. Quantitative method will
be utilized in interpretation of data.

IV. Working Framework

Modular Learning Approach S.Y. 2020-2021

Modalities offered by the school:

- Online soft
- Offline hard

Modular Learning Approach S.Y. 2020-2021

Grade 12 students in Sibonga National High


Factors affecting the academic


Modular Learning Approach S.Y. 2020-2021

Neil T. Caballes 12-Einstein

V. Assumptions
- Students are having a hard time answering the modules thus resulting to lower academic
- Online games distract students
- Students cannot focus answering the modules
VI. Timetable

Date Objective(s) Persons Resources Output

Involved Needed
March 28, Read books, The researcher Journals, A. List of
2021 essays, articles research papers concepts and
about initial topic and other online definitions
sources related to the
initial topic B.
List of
March 30, Formulate The researcher, List of concepts Completed
2021 Background of Research and definitions Background
the Study Teacher related to the of the Study
initial topic List
of references
April 5, 2021 Communicate The researcher, written output -feedbacks or
with the research Research suggestions
teacher to be teacher -Teacher’s
guided with the Approval
April 9, 2021 Start to work on The researcher Online sources, Other parts
the succeeding journals and of the
chapters of the related studies research
study paper
connection and

VII. List of Preferences

Pe Dangle, Y. R. & Sumaoang, J. D. (2020). The Implementation of Modular Distance
Learning in the Philippine Secondary Public Schools. 3rd international Conference on
advanced Research in Teaching and Education.
Neil T. Caballes 12-Einstein

D. Suggested Enrichment

1. The Impact of Sports Engagement to the Academic Performance of Senior High School Student

2. The effectiveness of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) and Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) as Cake

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