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Infectious Diseases
The Official Periodical of the Libyan National Center
for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control
Original Article Vol. 3 No. 1 January - 2009

Isolation, virulence factors and antibiotic susceptibility

of Aeromonas spp. from drinking water reservoirs
(Faskia) in Tripoli-Libya

Halima Nashnoush1,
ABSTRACT Zakia M. El-Agili1,
Introduction: Aeromonas spp. have been associated with Abdunabi Elghamoudi1,
bacteremia, wound infections and gastroenteritis. A number of Abdulghani Msalati2,
virulence factors, including hemolysin production and mannose- Amal Rahouma3,
resistant haemagglutination (MRHA) have been associated with Khalifa Sifaw Ghenghesh3
their pathogenicity.
Materials and Methods: Samples of drinking water obtained from 1
Department of Botany, Faculty of
water reservoirs (Faskia) in Tripoli were examined for the presence Science, Al-Fateh University, Tripoli-
of Aeromonas. Using standard microbiological procedures, isolat- Libya
ed Aeromonas were identified to the species level and tested for 2
Department of Clinical Biochemistry,
hemolysin production, MRHA and susceptibility to antibiotics.
Faculty of Medicine, Al-Fateh
Results: Of 56 water samples examined, 41 (73.%) were positive
University for Medical Sciences,
for Aeromonas spp. Speciation of Aeromonas isolates resulted
in 10 (24.4%) being A. hydrophila, 10 (24.4%) A. caviae, 9 Tripoli-Libya
(22%) A. sobria, and 12 (29.2%) other Aeromonas spp. All
Department of Microbiology and
(100%) aeromonads were positive for hemolysin production Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-
and 34% showed MRHA. Of the isolated Aeromonas spp., Fateh University for Medical Sciences,
75.6% were resistant to ampicillin, 34.1% to augmentin, 7.3% Tripoli-Libya
to amikacin, 36.6% to chloramphenicol, 2.4% to ciprofloxacin,
7.3% to nalidixic acid, 2.4% to tetracycline and 4.8% to trim-
ethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. Key words:
Conclusion: Potentially pathogenic antibiotic-resistant Aeromonas Aeromonas, Drinking water,
spp. are very common in drinking water from water reservoirs Haemagglutination, Antibiotic
(Faskia) in Tripoli. resistance, Libya.

INTRODUCTION aceae (1). The taxonomy of the genus

Aeromonas is in a state of change with new
Members of the genus Aeromonas are species still being added. More than 14
Gram-negative, oxidase-positive, facultative hybridization groups or genospecies and 14
anaerobic bacilli in the family Aeromonad- phenospecies are described in the last edition
Correspondence and reprint request: Khalifa Sifaw Ghenghesh of Bergy`s Manual (2). Only A. hydrophila, A.
Departmentof Microbiology and Immunology‫ ﻭ‬Faculty of Medicine, veroni biovar sobria (A. sobria) and A. caviae
Al-Fateh University for Medical Sciences,
P.O.Box 80013, Tripoli-Libya are commonly isolated from clinical, food
e.mail: and water sources in developing countries (3),
Received : 5/ 10/ 2008, Accepted : 26 / 11/ 2008

Aeromonas spp. and drinking water reservoirs
which is similar to what has been reported different sources of drinking water in Tripoli
from developed countries (4). city we noticed that the few water samples
These organisms are widely distributed obtained from water reservoirs (also known
in aquatic environments and are important locally as Faskia) were of unacceptable quality
pathogens of fish and other aquatic animals. (Ghenghesh KS., unpublished observation).
In developing countries, Aeromonas spp. Faskia is an underground reservoir to collect
have been associated with a wide spectrum of rain water used for drinking. This type of water
infections that include gastroenteritis, wound reservoir is common in Libyan cities particularly
infections, septicemia and lung infections (3). in Tripoli. Usually the inhabitants clean the
A number of virulence factors have been roofs of their houses before the start of the rainy
related to the pathogenicity of Aeromonas season (during the month of October). The
spp. These include exotoxins (hemolysins, first rain fall is usually not collected and used
cytotoxins, enterotoxins), hemagglutinins, to clean the roof of the house. Thereafter rain
adhesins and the ability to invade tissue water is collected in the underground reservoirs
in culture (5-7). Studies have shown that that are constructed close to the houses. It is
hemolysin produced by Aeromonas spp. is common locally not to treat the water in Faskia
strongly associated with enterotoxic and with chlorine and to use it mainly for drinking.
cytotoxic activity (8). The present study was carried out to isolate
Several studies have demonstrated a strong Aeromonas spp. from drinking water reservoirs
association of haemagglutination activity and (Faskia) in Tripoli, Libya, to determine the
enteropathogenicity of Aeromonas isolated virulence factors of the isolated Aeromonas, and
from clinical and environmental sources (6, 9, to determine the susceptibility of the isolated

Vol. 3 No.1 January 2009

10). Ghenghesh et al. (11) found a significant organisms to the commonly used antimicrobial
association between Aeromonas isolated from agents.
children with diarrhoea and mannose-resistant
haemagglutination (MRHA).
High rates of resistance to commonly
used, cheap oral antimicrobial agents among Samples: From October 2003-July 2004,
Aeromonas spp., particularly those isolated 56 water samples were obtained from 56 water
from clinical sources and to a lesser extent from reservoirs (Faskia) in Tripoli. Water samples
foods and water have been reported from several were collected aseptically in sterile containers,

The Official Periodical of the Libyan National Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control
Infectious Diseases
developing countries (12). Gastrointestinal placed in an ice chest and processed within two
infections with Aeromonas spp. are generally hours of collection.
self-limiting and usually do not require Microbiology: Water samples were examined
treatment with antimicrobial agents. However, for coliform and Escherichia coli counts by the
there is a dearth of information on the treatment five-tube most probable number method (17).
of extraintestinal infection due to aeromonads For isolation of E. coli a loopful from each tube
in developing countries (3). Such infections positive for E. coli was plated onto MacConkey
are usually associated with high mortality agar (MA) and incubated at 37oC overnight.
For isolation of Aeromonas spp. samples were

rates particularly in the immunocompromised

individuals (13,14). enriched in alkaline peptone water (APW, pH
Drinking of untreated water is believed 8.6) and incubated at 37oC. After overnight
to be the most probable manner of acquiring incubation, a loopful from APW was plated
Aeromonas spp. (15,16). In the course of onto ampicillin blood agar (ABA, 10 mg/L)
surveying the bacteriological quality of and incubated at 37oC overnight. Suspected 45
H. Nashnoush et al.
colonies from MA and ABA were identified Table 1. Aeromonas spp. isolated from drinking
biochemically using standard microbiological water reservoirs (Faskia) in Tripoli, Libya
procedures (18) and API20E (bioMerieux,
Species No (%) positive
France). Speciation of Aeromonas species was
carried out as reported previously (19). A. hydrophila 10 (24.4)
Isolated Aeromonas were tested for A. caviae 10 (24.4)
hemolysin production by streaking on 5% A. sobria 9 (22)
blood agar plates and incubated at 37oC Aeromonas spp. 12 (29.2)
overnight. Aeromonads were also tested for Total 41 (100)
agglutination of human RBCs in the absence of
mannose [mannose-sensitive haemagglutination Table 2. Resistance of Aeromonas spp. isolated
from drinking water reservoirs (Faskia) to
(MSHA)] and in the presence of mannose
antimicrobial agents.
[mannose-resistant haemagglutintion (MRHA)]
as described by Evans et al. (20). Susceptibility Antimicrobial agent
No (%) resistant
to antimicrobial agents was carried out by the (n=41)
disc diffusion method (21). Ampicillin 31 (75.6)
Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 14 (34.1)
Amikacin 3 (7.3)
RESULTS Ciprofloxacin 1 (2.4)
The coliforms MPN of the 56 water samples Nalidixic acid 3 (7.3)
examined ranged between 0.0 - > 3.8 x 102/100ml Tetracycline 1 (2.4)
(mean=1.1 x 102) and the E. coli MPN ranged
Vol. 3 No.1 January 2009

Trimethoprim -sulpha-
2 (4.8)
between 0 - > 1.1 x 102/100ml (mean=1.1 x 102). methoxazole
Aeromonas spp. were detected in 41 (73.2%) and
E. coli in 15 (26.8%) water samples examined. known as Faskia in Tripoli were examined.
Speciation of the isolated aeromonads resulted Aeromonas spp. and fecal E. coli were detected
in 10 (24.4%) being A. hydrophila, 10 (24.4%) in more than 73% and more than 26% of the
A. caviae, 9 (22%) A. sobria, and 12 (29.2%) samples, respectively. Recently, a study from
other Aeromonas species (See Table 1). Tripoli examined drinking water samples
All (100%) Aeromonas isolates produced taken from 50 mosques and reported rates of
hemolysin on blood agar. Of the isolated 18% and 14% for Aeromonas spp. and E. coli,
The Official Periodical of the Libyan National Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control
Infectious Diseases

Aeromonas 20 (48.8%) showed mannose- respectively (22). A previous study carried out
sensitive hemagglutination (MSHA) and 14 in Tripoli reported the isolation of Aeromonas
(34.1%) showed mannose-resistant hema- spp. from 48% of 1000 drinking water samples
gglutination (MRHA). Of the 41 Aeromonas from wells with the predominance of A.
isolates examined 31 (75.6%) were resistant hdrophila (59%), followed by A. caviae (27%),
to amplicillin, 14 (34.1%) to amoxicillin A. sobrai (11%) and other Aeromonas spp. (3%)
clavulanic acid, and 1 (2.4%) to ciprofloxacin. (19). In the present investigation A. hydrophila,
Table 2 shows the resistance profile of the A. caviae and A. sobria were detected at
isolated aeromonads to antimicrobial agents. approximately similar rates being 24%, 24%

and 22%, respectively. Several studies reported

that A. hydrophila is the predominant species
DISCUSSION in freshwater and municipal drinking water
In the present work, 56 drinking water supplies (23 -25). Similar to our findings,
samples from underground water reservoirs others reported no significant differences in the

Aeromonas spp. and drinking water reservoirs
isolation rates of the A. hydrophila, A. caviae (28). Isolation of multiple-resistant Aeromonas
and A. sobria from fresh water (26,27). species (including the quinolones) from
In the present study, haemolytic activity freshwater in other countries has been reported
using human RBCs was observed in all previously (29). The findings of the present
(100%) of the 41 Aeromonas isolates investigation warrant the need to take proper
examined. Sharma et al. (27) tested 30 measures to prevent the introduction of these
Aeromonas isolates from the River Narmada organisms, that are resistant to these drugs, to
in India. They found 14 (47%) of them positive water sources used by humans.
for hemolysin production. Ghenghesh et al. Up until mid-nineties of last century, Libya`s
(19) detected hemolytic activity in more than supply of water came mainly from underground
50% of 171 Aeromonas strains from well water aquifers or desalination plants on the coast. Both
in Tripoli. We detected MRHA in 34% of these sources of water were of poor quality and
Aeromonas spp. isolated from drinking water sometimes undrinkable. In September 1996
reservoirs in Tripoli. Gibotti et al (26) reported a major stage of the Great Man-Made River
that 29 (91%) of 32 Aeromonas isolates from project was inaugurated (http://www.mathaba.
fresh water tested for haemagglutination net/info/ggmr-2.htm). This project provides
with human RBCs showed MRHA. These Tripoli and the surrounding region with fresh
differences in the detection rates of hemolysin water pumped from sub-Saharan aquifers.
production and MRHA may be due to the However, many houses, particularly in the
source of Aeromonas spp. and geographical outskirts of Tripoli and other Libyan cities are
location. not yet connected to this project. Inhabitants
Several studies from Libya reported rates of of such houses are mainly dependent on wells

Vol. 3 No.1 January 2009

resistance among Aeromonas spp. isolated from and rain-water reservoirs as their main sources
drinking water ranging between 89 - 100% of fresh water for drinking, cooking and for
to ampicillin, 0 - 5% to tetracycline, 0 - 22% others uses. The findings of the present study
to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (19,22). have demonstrated that more than 25% of water
Similar to these studies aeromonads from samples from Faskia were positive for fecal E.
drinking water reservoirs in Tripoli showed coli which makes such reservoirs unacceptable
resistance rates within the ranges reported as sources of drinking water. In addition,
previously with respect to tetracycline and potentially enteropathogenic antibiotic-resistant
trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. Although Aeromonas spp. were very common in drinking

The Official Periodical of the Libyan National Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control
Infectious Diseases
the rate of resistance to ampicilin among water obtained from Faskia in Tripoli, Libya.
aeromonads isolated in our study was lower This may pose a hazard to users of this source
than previously reported it is still considerably of drinking water particularly to the very
high at 76%. young, the old, and the immunocompromised.
Resistance to ciprofloxacin has never been The Health and Water Authorities in Tripoli and
reported previously for Aeromonas spp. from in other Libyan cities should educate the public
drinking water in Libya. We detected only one with respect to the risks that might arise from
(2.4%) Aeromonas isolate resistant to this drug. using untreated water sources for drinking.

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Vol. 3 No.1 January 2009

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The Official Periodical of the Libyan National Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control
Infectious Diseases

factors of Aeromonas isolated from children with and

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Vol. 3 No.1 January 2009

The Official Periodical of the Libyan National Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control
Infectious Diseases

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