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Convivencia: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Medieval Spain

By: Lindsey Marie Vaughan

University of Tennessee-Knoxville


there was the incorporation of the Jews which was often termed as Arabized.

Jews joined taifas. Taifas are factions of the separation of the caliphate
Jews are the well-educated sector during that time together with the Muslims and Christians

Have made partnership with Muslim merchants with sharing profit strategies.
 enjoyed a complete economic and social revival.
 Had the same opportunities as everyone.
 Were once farmers but later shifted to being merchants and artisans this was due to
bourgeois revolution. = commerce and industry

Holidays Muslims can be invited to holidays celebrated by the Jews but not the other way around.


Adopted many elements of the luxurious lifestyle of the Muslims

Ex. Dress, Architecture, Literature and poetry and the Arabic language.
Mozarabs was the term for Christians who adopted the Muslim customs but not converted.

Mozarabs = did not strictly follow the Christian teachings(overlooked)

Ex. Intermarriage of Muslims and Christians
Normal punishment of a Muslim man and a Christian woman = moral punishment = death.

In Cordoba = Christians were allowed to use half of the mosque as a church.

Mudejars = are Muslims living in Christian Territories.

The constant war = resulted the continuous shift of the borders.
As result = Muslims find themselves in Christian territories.
Which resulted = the intertwining of languages, religion and cultural styles.

False conversions = if found out will result to death, expulsion or exile of the rest of the family and
properties are seized.

Ferdinand and Isabella

Jan 2 1492 = Muslims surrendered however they weren’t expelled but was allow to practice
still their religion without harassment.

Isabella = went so far to consecrate a mosque in Alhambra.

= remove the memory of the Jews in Spain.
Between Acculturation and Conversion in Islamic Spain
By: Sarah Stroumsa
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

During medieval Spain it was described as the golden age in which Jews, Christians, and Muslims
living in harmony.

During this time the Jewish community was on the verge of extinction due to the Visigoth
persecutions and forced conversions.

When Muslims arrived, conversion was probably not steady and linear, in many cases it was
uncertain and unstable. Because Muslims did not forcefully and did not impose the adoption of

 Important Factor of Conversion

Fiscal and Agricultural policies which imposed higher taxes on Non-Muslims.

Which resulted on Facilitated Networking and Entrance to the ruling Class.

 Acculturation

Is something akin to conversion i.e. a departure from one group and a discarding of the signs
of membership in it, lined to attempt to enter into another. But not to the point of complete

The Jews that were living in Al Andalus adopted Arabic and developed their own, Jewish
version of the Arabic culture.
This was applied to all levels of political and religious authorities, which resulted in a
Judaeo-Arabic culture.

This is possible that they were able to retain their religion and created a distinct and separate culture

This weakened Christianity and Strengthened Judaism.

Instructions: Write down the relation between the three religions during medieval times. Give some
Examples as proof.

Muslims Jews

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