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Parents spent 70 crore for

buying smartphones in 15 days
HY DE R ABAD: The long hours children smartphones, laptops.
spend on computers and smart phones T he Telangana government had
for online classes as schools remain started online classes in government
l English Edition l shut due to the C OVID-19 pandemic
is beginning to bother parents as comp-
schools from S eptember 1, after which
the parents are forced to buy smart-
MON. 21-09-2020 laints of headaches, eye problems and phones for the classes.
stress surface, it has been learnt. They are taking loans to fulfil their

Covid joblessness pushing youths

Moreover, poor parent who are al- children’s bright future. According to
ready struggling who lost their jobs the department of education, the
after the lockdown due to the pandemic number of students who have joined

to extremist groups in Northeast

are now suffering for the need of their children to complete the classes through smartphones, laptops, notepad since
their online classes. P arents have to suffer for the monthly S eptember 1 is 1,91,768. Till now the number of students
expenses, internet charges for the online classes, who are attending online classes reaches 2,19,285.

NE W DE LHI: India’s C ovid-19 pandemic lockdown is now ed the C hina-Myanmar E conomic C orridor. S ecurity agen-
US says all UN sanctions on Iran Regular, online classes choice as
giving headaches to the national security agencies. Youth, cies have told the government that insurgent groups active restored, but world yawns schools reopen in Andhra Monday
left jobless during the pandemic, are reported to be joining along the Indo-Myanmar border find easy recruits among
the banned rebel groups such as the United Liberation Front youth left unemployed by C ovid-19 pandemic lockdown. WAS HINGTON: The Trump administration declared that AMAR AVATI: S chool students in Andhra P radesh
of Assam (ULFA) and other such, in droves. Adding to this “The successful induction of the C hinese-made weapons all U.N. sanctions against Iran have been restored, a move have the choice to attend classes in person or online
are the reports of a large consignment of C hina-made by the AA will have an impact on the security situation in most of the rest of the world rejects as illegal and sets the from Monday, as the state government has allowed
weapons reaching the hands of the secessionist Myanmar- India’s Northeastern states, as much of these weapons are stage for an ugly showdown at the world body ahead of its schools to reopen for students from ninth standard to
based radical groups, who share close links with militant finding their way to some of the dormant militant groups of annual General Assembly. The administration said that its
groups in India’s Northeast. The the Northeast,” the official said. triggering of the snapback mechanism in the U.N. S ecurity
emerging scenario is threatening “The new weapons provide C ouncil resolution that enshrined the 2015 Iran nuclear deal
to upset the delicate balance firepower to the northeastern had taken effect at 8 p.m. E astern Time.
achieved through years of hard groups whose ranks are increa- That is 30 days after S ecretary of S tate Mike P ompeo
work by the Indian security and sing as youth left jobless by the notified the council that Iran was in significant non-
intelligence officers, according to pandemic are signing for mili- performance with its obligations under the accord, known
senior executives in the national tant groups.” as the J oint C omprehensive P lan of Action, or J C P OA.
F ollowing our rights … we initiated the snapback process
security establishment, who req- S trengthened by new recruits
to restore virtually all previously terminated U.N. sanctions,
uested to stay unnamed, citing and rearmed, the K haplang
including the arms
government service rules. faction N ational S ocialis t
embargo, he said.
The Arakan Army (AA) — which seeks an independent C ouncil of Nagaland (NS C N-K) — a banned militant group
T he world will be
homeland in Myanmar’s R akhine state — has received the of Northeast based out of Myanmar — is gathering along 12th standard. “S chools will reopen starting Monday,
safer as a result.
fresh cache of C hinese weapons and is known to be one the Indo-Myanmar Border in areas such as Mon to plan students from 9th to 12th standards may attend regular
T he W hite House
of the key suppliers of arms and ammunition to the rebel and execute attacks against the Indian security forces. classes according to their wish or connect online,” said
plans to is s ue an
groups in Northeast India. In 2016, the NS C N (K) killed 18 soldiers of the Indian an official. As part of Unlock 4.0, the Central government
executive order on
In addition, the AA opposes India’s Kaladan Multi Modal Army, forcing India to launch cross border strikes on the gave permission for schools to start classes from
Monday spelling out
P roject, which provides states like Mizoram — a landlocked militant hideouts taking refuge in Myanmar. Worryingly, for M onday for classes ninth and above. Though the
how the U .S . will
province — an outlet to the sea through the S ittwe port in India, peace talks with the Naga rebel groups have failed students are allowed to take a call on attending the
enforce the restored
Myanmar, officials said. Interestingly the AA has not oppos- despite efforts of the Narendra Modi government. IANS classes in person or listen to them online, their decision
sanctions, and the S tate and Treasury departments are
should be endorsed by their parents or guardians in
National expected to outline how foreign individuals and businesses
will be penalized for violations. The United S tates expects writing. Meanwhile, students, teachers and schools
all U.N, member states to fully comply with their obligations have been instructed to adhere to all the C oronavirus
500% increase in cyber crimes in India to implement these measures, P ompeo said. guidelines for operation in a safe environment. IANS
after COVID-19: Doval
NATIONAL S ecurity Adviser (NS A) Ajit Doval said financial frauds have International
seen exponential increase following the C OVID-19 pandemic. Doval said
there has been an increase of 500% in cyber crimes due to limited Can set fire to all US bases in Persian Gulf
awareness and cyber hygiene. “There’s a greater dependence on digital ‘at once’: Iran
payment platforms due to reduced cash handling and greater data sharing HEAD of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IR GC) Major General
is happening online,” he added. Hossein S alami said that his country is capable of setting fire to all US
Policeman throws differently abled man bases in the P ersian Gulf “at once”. The US army “is exhausted and doesn’t
on ground, video surfaces have the power” to start a ground war with Iran, he added. The comment
comes amid tensions between the US and Iran.
A policeman in Uttar P radesh’s Kannauj has been suspended after a
video showed him throwing a differently abled e-rickshaw driver on the
ground. An investigation has been ordered against the policeman. The Chemical behind Beirut blast stored
video also showed the man’s pregnant wife with him at the police station across Europe by Hezbollah: US official
with the man showing his injuries and torn shirt to other police officers. US S tate Department’s counterterrorism coordinator, Nathan S ales,
has accused Hezbollah of storing caches of weapons and ammonium
9 RSS workers living at Sangh HQ nitrate for use in explosives across E urope. “Hezbollah can conduct major
in Nagpur test COVID-19 positive terror attacks whenever its masters in Iran deem it necessary,” S ales
said. The claim comes after a warehouse full of ammonium nitrate
NINE senior workers of the R S S living in the organisation’s headquarters
detonated in Beirut last month.
in Nagpur have tested C O VID-19 positive, a S angh official said on
S aturday. “All have been quarantined properly and the headquarters has Chinese combat drills show China is threat
been fully sanitised,” the official added. R S S chief Mohan Bhagwat and to whole region: Taiwan
General S ecretary Bhaiyyaji J oshi were not in the headquarters when
TAIWANE S E P resident Tsai Ing-wen said that C hinese military planes
these workers tested positive, the official said.
crossing the mid-line of the Taiwan S trait during combat drills in the last
Taj Mahal to reopen to visitors on Monday two days shows that C hina is a threat to the entire region. C hinese planes
after 6 months approached Taiwan during US Under S ecretary for E conomic Growth
Keith Krach’s visit to the island nation. C hina had opposed Krach’s visit
THE Taj Mahal in Uttar P radesh’s Agra will open to the public on Monday
to Taiwan.
after six months of closure due to coronavirus spread. P recautionary
measures like sanitisation, thermal screening, painting of circles for social
distancing have been taken, the monument’s caretaker Amar Nath Gupta Sri Lanka minister climbs tree,
said. “Only 2,500 visitors will be permitted inside the mausoleum in one holds press conference over coconut shortage
shift,” said Gupta. S R I Lankan S tate Minister of C oconut Arundika Fernando climbed a coco-
nut tree and said that the country is facing a dearth of 700 million coconuts
12-year-old spends Rs90,000 from due to high demand for local industries and domestic consumption. The
mother’s ATM card on online games minister also plucked a few coconuts from the tree at his home garden.
There’s a difficulty in finding workers for coconut plucking, he added.
A 12-year-old Tamil Nadu boy allegedly spent R s90,000 on online games
using mother’s ATM card during coronavirus lockdown. The parents had
allowed him to play games online as they wanted him to stay at home
Most Content Syndicated from inshorts.
amid pandemic. The boy’s father asked him to write numerals from 1 to All rights reserved with inshorts.
90,000 as punishment but he couldn’t write beyond 3,500 in five days. Download from AppStore and PlayStore (QR Code)
Sports and Entertainment
Doesn’t feel like a post- Saddened Anurag Malaika says she’s ‘out
match presentation: Dhoni wouldn’t support me on of her room after days’
AFTER commentator Simon Doull called the issue of war on as she recovers
MS Dhoni for an interview during the drugs: Ravi Kishan ACTRESS Malaika Arora on Sunday
post-match presentation after the IP L R E A C T IN G to filmmaker A nurag shared that she has recovered from
2020 opener between C S K and MI, the Kashyap saying that R avi Kishan used coronavirus. “I’m finally out of my
C S K captain said, “It’s a very different weed for the longest time, the actor and room after so many days, it feels like
BJ P MP said, “I didn’t expect such an outing in itself...I feel so blessed
one. It doesn’t feel like post-match pre-
to have overcome this virus with
sentation.” The post-match presentation Bollywood is deliberately words from Anurag.” K ishan added, Was Aamir’s bodyguard minimum pain and discomfort,” she Seeing myself on a 70mm
had just the presenter due to social being shown as a dark “It’s no secret I am a devotee of S hiva
for 2 yrs as I didn’t have wrote. “A big thanks to my doctors screen isn’t why I chose
so I chant his name. I am saddened
distancing rules. The players were seen world: Ramesh Sippy Anurag wouldn’t support me on this work: Ronit Roy [and] to BMC for making this process
acting: Shweta
standing at distance with hanging mic. hassle-free,” Malaika added.
P R ODUC E R -director R amesh S ippy issue of the war on drugs.” R ONIT R oy has revealed that he had
has said that the drug allegations S TATING that she is not afraid of the
come to Mumbai to become a “star” and screen time or the medium on which a
against B ollywood are wrong and
wanted stardom. “When I flopped...I project releases, S hweta Tripathi
incorrect. He added that the film industry
is deliberately being shown as a dark realised...being an actor is something shared, “I took to OTT because of the
and scary world where drugs, alcohol totally else,” he said. R onit shared that stories I wanted to be a part of.” The
and sex are being promoted. He further he understood “what an actor is” when actress further said that seeing oneself
said that there might be some who are he had the “good fortune” of working as on a 70mm screen is “beautiful for
addicted to drugs, but to generalise is Aamir Khan’s bodyguard for two years sure”. “But that’s not what made me
“absolutely wrong”. because he did not have any work. choose...acting,” S hweta stated.

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