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Ethiopian TVET-System




Based on
Occupational Standard (OS)
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum


The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor market
and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard for TVET
delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented taking into
account international benchmarking as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role with
regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate the learning process in a way,
that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills, knowledge and attitude) required
at the working place and defined in the occupational standards (OS). Responsibility for Curriculum
Development will be given to the Regional TVET-Authorities and TVET-Providers.

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from different Regional TVET-
Authorities based on the occupational standard for Animal Health Care workers. It has the
character of a model curriculum and is an example on how to transform the occupational
requirements as defined in the respective occupational standard into an adequate curriculum.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by the Ministry of
Education – in line with one of its mandates to provide technical support to the regions – and by
the TVET-Reform Component of the Engineering Capacity Building Program.

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Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

TVET-Program Design
1.1. TVET-Program Title: Animal Health Care Service Level I

1.2. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the learners
to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line with the
occupational standard. Learners who successfully completed the Program will be qualified to work
as a Animal Health Care workers with competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates
of the program will have the required qualification to work in the agricultural sector in the field of
Animal Health.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Follow Occupational
Health and Support Procedure , Use and Maintain Basic Tools and Equipment, Work in the Animal
Care Industry, Support Animal Care Cleaning Activities, Apply Knowledge of Animal Welfare and
Behaviours, Support Health Care Provision for Pregnant, Parturient and Lactating Animals ,
Support Health Care Provision for the Newborn Animals, Support the Identification of Sick
Animals, Provide Basic First Aid to Animals, Apply the Basics of Human Nutrition Practices,
Support Gender Mainstreaming and HIV/AIDS Initiatives, Apply Quality Standards, Work with
Others, Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication, Demonstrate Work Values, Develop
Understanding of Entrepreneurship, Apply 3S in accordance with the performance criteria
described in the OS.

1.3. TVET-Program Learning Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competence –

AGR AHC1 01 0318 Follow Occupational Health and Support Procedure

AGR AHC1 02 0318 Use and Maintain Basic Tools and Equipment
AGR AHC1 03 0318 Work in the Animal Care Industry
AGR AHC1 04 0318 Support Animal Care Cleaning Activities
AGR AHC1 05 0318 Apply Knowledge of Animal Welfare and Behaviours
AGR AHC1 06 0318 Support Health Care Provision for Pregnant
AGR AHC1 07 0318 Support Health Care Provision for the Newborn Animals
AGR AHC1 08 0318 Support the Identification of Sick Animals
AGR AHC1 09 0318 Provide Basic First Aid to Animals
AGR AHC1 10 0318 Apply the Basics of Human Nutrition Practices
AGR AHC1 11 0318 Support Gender Mainstreaming and HIV/AIDS Initiatives
AGR AHC1 12 0318 Apply Quality Standards,
AGR AHC1 13 0318 Work with Others,
AGR AHC1 14 0318 Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication,
AGR AHC1 15 0318 Demonstrate Work Values,
AGR AHC1 16 0318 Develop Understanding of Entrepreneurship,
AGR AHC1 17 0318 Apply 3S

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

The Program will have duration of 630 hours including the on-the-job practice or cooperative
training time and Civic Education et al.

1.5. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification Framework
(NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level I”.

The learner can exit after successfully completing the Modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. The learner can also
exit after completing any one learning module. However, only certificate of attainment or
attendance (this is institutional discretion) will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen low vision, hard of hearing and minor physical impairment or without disability
who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and capable of participating in the learning
activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or directive
of the Federal TVET Agency.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills. The
mode of delivery is co-operative training. The TVET-institution and identified companies have
forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to implementation of this program. The time spent
by the trainees in the industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and
enable them to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation and
actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the industry

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
1.7. TVET-Program Structure

Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Learning Outcomes
(In Hours)
AGR Apply 3S AGR AHC1 Applying 3S  Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT). 35
AHC1 17 M01 0919  Prepare for work.
0318  Sort items.
 Set all items in order.
 Perform shine activities.
Following  Recognise hazards 35
AGR Follow Occupational AGR AHC1 Occupational  Follow procedures for hazard control
AHC1 01 Health and Support M02 0919 Health and  Follow emergency procedures
0318 Procedure Support Procedure  Report problems

AGR Receive and AGR AHC1 Receiving and  Follow routine spoken messages 25
AHC1 14 Respond to M03 4 0919 Responding to  Perform workplace duties following written
0318 Workplace Workplace notices
Communication Communication

AGR Work with Others AGR AHC1 Working with  Develop effective workplace relationship 20
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

AHC1 13 M 04 0919 Others  Contribute to work group activities


AGR Support Gender AGR AHC1 Support Gender  Create gender and HIV awareness 30
AHC1 11 Mainstreaming and M05 0919 Mainstreaming  Perform gender and HIV mainstreaming
0318 HIV/AIDS Initiatives and HIV/AIDS  Reduce gender gaps
Initiatives  Support utilization of gender related opportunities

AGR AHC1 Use and Maintain AGR AHC1 Using and  Prepare basic tools and equipment for use 35
02 0318 Basic Tools and M06 0919 Maintaining Basic  Use basic tools and equipment
Equipment Tools and  Check, clean and store basic tools and
Equipment equipment

AGR AHC1 Support Animal AGR AHC1 Support Animal  Prepare materials, tools and equipment for 30
04 0318 Care Cleaning M07 0919 Care Cleaning cleaning activities
Activities Activities  Undertake cleaning activities as directed
 Clean up on completion of cleaning activities

AGR AHC1 Apply Knowledge of AGR AHC1 Apply Knowledge  Explain the concept of animal behaviour and 50
05 0318 Animal Welfare and M08 0919 of Animal Welfare welfare
Behaviours and Behaviours  Monitor and assess livestock welfare
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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Implement livestock welfare assessment

 Identify animal behavior
 Assess and respond to animal behavior
 Prepare, maintain and store equipment used to
humanely handle the animals.
AGR Work in the Animal AGR AHC1 Working in the  Identify policy and strategies and recognise legal 40
AHC1 03 Care Industry M09 0919 Animal Care frame work of the industry.
0318 Industry  Contribute to a productive work environment
 Use industry terminology
 Incorporate animal needs in conduct of work
 Undertake an activity according to workplace
 Recognise animals in the workplace

AGR Support the AGR AHC1 Support the  Develop Understanding of Normal Animal Health 50
AHC1 08 Identification of Sick M10 0919 Identification of Indicators
0318 Animals Sick Animals  Identify signs and symptoms of sick Animals
 Report ill health of animal

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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

AGR Support Health Care AGR AHC1 Support Health  Follow OHS practices 60
AHC1 06 Provision for M11 0919 Care Provision for  Support health care for pregnant Animals
0318 Pregnant, Parturient Pregnant,  Support health care for parturient Animals
and Lactating Parturient and  Provide care for post partum animals
Animals Lactating Animals

AGR Support Health Care AGR AHC1 Supporting Health  Prepare for care of newborn animal 40
AHC1 07 Provision for the M12 0919 Care Provision for  Support health care for newborn Animals
0318 Newborn Animals the Newborn  Clean on completion of work

AGR Provide Basic First AGR AHC1 Providing Basic  Assess emergency situation and plan response 50
AHC1 09 Aid to Animals M13 0919 First Aid to  Apply basic first aid and basic care
0318 Animals  Record and report
AGR Apply the Basics of AGR AHC1 Apply the Basics  Identify Categories of agricultural foods items 35
AHC1 10 Human Nutrition M14 0919 of Human Nutrition  Recognize malnutrition in the community
0318 Practices Practices  Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition
 Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food
production and consumption techniques
 Perform proper handling and storage of
agricultural food products
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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Document and report food production,

consumption and difficulties
AGR Apply Quality AGR AHC1 Applying Quality  Assess own work 30
AHC1 12 Standards M15 0919 Standards  Assess quality of service rendered
0318  Record information
 Study causes of quality deviations
 Complete documentation
AGR Demonstrate Work AGR AHC1 Demonstrating  Define the purpose of work Contribute to work 25
AHC1 15 Values M16 0919 Work Values group activities
0318  Apply work values/ethics
 Deal with ethical problems
 Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
AGR Develop AGR AHC1 Developing  Describe and explain the concept, principles, and 40
AHC1 16 Understanding of 17 0919 Understanding of scope of entrepreneurship
0318 Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship  Discuss how to become an entrepreneur
 Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise
 Discuss how to operate an enterprise
 Prepare and use financial records
 Develop one’s own business plan

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

1.8 Institutional Assessment

Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which

learning outcomes are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in
the modules. In assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and
standards shall be used

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form

part of the learning process. Formative evaluation provides the learner with
feedback regarding success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It
identifies the specific learning errors that need to be corrected, and provides
reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the trainer/facilitator,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial
work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the
modules in the unit of competence have been accomplished. It determines
the extent to which competence have been achieved. And, the result of this
assessment decision shall be expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet
Techniques or tools for obtaining information about learners’ achievement
include oral or written test, demonstration and field observation.
1.8. Trainer’s / Facilitator’s Profile

For this particular TVET Program and especially for the main modules,
trainers / facilitators are expected to have C- level (in TVET qualification
system) in related fields of studies and satisfactory practical experiences, or
equivalent qualifications and relevant experience.

Other requirements –
 Must have completed Trainer’s Methodology Course II (TM II)
 Must have a good moral character
 who have attended relevant training and seminars is preferred

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Must have at least 1 year filed experience

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Animal Health Care service L-1
This module aims to provide the learners with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes to
apply 3S techniques to his/her workplace. The unit assumes the worker has a particular job
in the allocated workplace known by the individual.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
1. Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT).
2. Prepare for work.
3. Sort items.
4. Set all items in order
5. Perform shine activities.
LO1. Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT).

1.1. Identifying basics, principles and stages of KPT using appropriate procedures.

1.2. Establishing structure of Junior KPT in accordance with the organizational procedures.

1.3. Making effective and appropriate contributions to complement team activities and
objectives using individual skills and competencies.

1.4. Using and undertaking effective and appropriate forms of communications with KPT
members who contribute to know KPT activities and objectives

1.5. Preparing and using Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board) in harmony with
different workplace contexts.
2. Prepare for work.

2.1. Using work instructions to determine job requirements, including method, material and

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum


2.2. Reading and interpreting Job specifications following working manual.

2.3. Observing OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus
and eye and ear personal protection needs throughout the work.

2.4. Selecting appropriate materials

2.5. Identifying and checking safety equipment and tools for safe and effective operation
LO3. Sort items.

3.1. Preparing plan to implement sorting activities.

3.2. Performing cleaning activities.

3.3. Identifying all items in the workplace following the appropriate procedures.

3.4. Listing necessary and unnecessary items using the appropriate format.

3.5. Using red tag strategy for unnecessary items.

3.6. Evaluating and placing unnecessary items in an appropriate place other than the

3.7. Recording and quantifying necessary items using appropriate format.

3.8. Reporting performance results using appropriate formats.

3.9. Checking necessary items regularly in the workplace.

LO4. Set all items in order

4.1. Preparing plan to implement set in order activities.

4.2. Performing general cleaning activities are

4.3. Deciding location/layout, storage and indication methods for items.

4.4. Preparing and using necessary tools and equipments for setting in order activities.

4.5. Placing items in their assigned locations.

4.6. Returning the items immediately to their assigned locations after use.

4.7. Reporting performance results using appropriate formats.

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

4.8. Checking each item regularly in its assigned location and order
LO5. Perform shine activities

5.1. Preparing plan to implement shine activities.

5.2. Preparing and using necessary tools and equipments for shinning activities.

5.3. Implementing Shine activity is using appropriate procedures.

5.4. Reporting performance results using appropriate formats.

Conducting regular shining activities

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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Curriculum V1/2019
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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  PProvide tutorial
trainees support
 PProvide tutorial (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrati  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
on/Observat large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ion  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrati  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
on/Observat large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ion  Time extension

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

LO1. Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT).
 Basics, principles and stages of KPT are identified using appropriate
 Structure of Junior KPT is established in accordance with the organizational
 Effective and appropriate contributions are made to complement team activities
and objectives using individual skills and competencies.
 Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and undertaken
with KPT members who contribute to know KPT activities and objectives.
 Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board) is prepared and used in harmony
with different workplace contexts.
LO2. Prepare for work.
 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method,
material and equipment.
 Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
 OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus
and eye and ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work.
 Appropriate materials are selected.
 Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective
LO3. Sort items.
 Plan is prepared to implement sorting activities.
 Cleaning activities are performed.
 All items in the workplace are identified following the appropriate procedures.
 Necessary and unnecessary items are listed using the appropriate format.
 Red tag strategy is used for unnecessary items.
 Unnecessary items are evaluated and placed in an appropriate place other than

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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

the workplace.
 Necessary items are recorded and quantified using appropriate format.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Necessary items are regularly checked in the workplace
LO4. Set all items in order
 Plan is prepared to implement set in order activities.
 General cleaning activities are performed.
 Location/layout, storage and indication methods for items are decided.
 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for setting in order
 Items are placed in their assigned locations.
 After use, the items are immediately returned to their assigned locations.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Each item is regularly checked in its assigned location and order.

LO5. Perform shine activities

 Plan is prepared to implement shine activities.
 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for shinning activities.
 Shine activity is implemented using appropriate procedures.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Regular shinning activities are conducted.

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M01 0919 Applying 3S
Description/ Recommended
Item No. Category/Item Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Learner )
A. Learning Materials
prepared by
1. TTLM Federal TVET 25 1:1
2. Textbooks ational Manual 2 1:12

3. Reference Books

Learning Facilities &
Library Standard
1. 1 1:25

Laboratory Equipped Standard

2. 1 1:25
3. Lecture Room Standard 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
Papers, pens,
1. Stationary 25 1:1
pencils, marker
2. Printer ink Standard
3. paint Standard 5 1:5
5. Sticker 25 1:1
7. Sponge 25 1:1
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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

8. Broom 25 1:1
9 red card 25 1:1
10 marker not permanent 25 1:1
11 disposable glove pack 1 1:25
12 plaster pcs 5 1:5
17 Detergents( Soap/Omo) Solar/zehara 2 each 1:12
disinfectant L
18 1 each 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Unit Desk top 5 1:12
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
3. Laptop Toshiba corei 7 1 1:25
4. LCD Standard 1 1:25
5. Flush Disk 32 GB 1 1:25
6. Digital Camera Digital 1 1:25
7. Sign board Standard 1 1:25
8 Shelves >> 1 1:25
9 Chip wood >> 1 1:25
shadow board/ tools >>
10 1 1:25
11 First Aid Kits Standard 1 1:25
12 cover all cotton 25 1:1
13 boots plastic 25 1:1
14 helmet glass 25 1:1
15 goggle plastic 25 1:1
16 apron nylon 25 1:1
17 mouth mask plastic 25 1:1
20 glove rubber 25 1:1


TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Level I

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Unit of competence Title: Follow Occupational Health and Support Procedure

MODULE TITLE: Following Occupational Health and Support Procedure
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to follow OHS instructions and
procedures relating to the work being undertaken. Candidates will be aware of the importance
of maintaining health and safety of their own and others in the workplace.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1.Recognise hazards
LO2. Follow procedures for hazard control
LO3. Follow emergency procedures
LO4: Report problems
LO1 Recognise hazards
1.1 . Identifying Hazards commonly found in the workplace.
1.1.1.Type of Hazards

1.2 . Checking Work area routinely before and during work

1.3. Describing causes of identifying hazards.
LO2. Follow procedures for hazard control
2.1 .following Procedures to remove or minimise hazards
2.1.1. Methods of hazard minimization

2.2. Using Required PPE and safety equipment

2.3. Describing the potential consequences of failing to follow these procedures and
LO3. Follow emergency procedures
3.1 .Recognizing emergency or emergency alarm
3.2. Communicating with Supervisor on OHS procedure.
3.3. Following Instructions related to the emergency
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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

LO4. Report problems

4.1. Recording and documenting Hazards and other incidents.

4.2. Reporting or informing work place hazards to appropriate persons.

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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  Provide tutorial support
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Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

trainees (if necessary

 Provide tutorial
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

LO1. Recognise hazards
 Hazards commonly found in the workplace are identified
 Work area is checked routinely before and during work
 Causes of identified hazards are described according to organizational
LO2. Follow procedures for hazard control
 Procedures are followed to remove or minimise hazards, within the scope of
responsibilities and competencies.
 Required PPE and safety equipment are used according to organizational
 The potential consequences of failing to follow these procedures and
instructions are described according to organizational guideline.
LO3. Follow emergency procedures
3.1. Emergency/emergency alarm is recognized.
3.2. Supervisor is communicated on OHS procedure.
3.3. Follow Instructions related to the emergency are followed according to
organizational guideline
LO4. Report problems
 Hazards and other incidents are recorded and documented in standard
organization formats
  Appropriate persons are informed or reported to in accordance with workplace
procedures when hazards arise.

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

ANNEX: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M02 0919 Following Occupational Health and Support Procedure
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio (Item:
No. Specifications
A. Learning Materials
Principles of farm
machinery third
1. Reference books 5 1:5
edition 2003 Roy
Baner and E.l Barger
2. text book OS Manual 5 1:5
to be prepared by
3 TTLM Federal TVET 25 1:1
written and graphical to be prepared by the
5 5 1:5
instructions college
Bulletins, data sheet, to be prepared by the
6 5 1:5
diagrams or sketches trainer/college
Workplace to be prepared by the
7 5 1:5
guidelines/manuals federal tvet agency
Learning Facilities & Enterprise/college
Well Equipped Lecture Room standard
1 (with tables, chairs, 1 1:25
Virtual library with multimedia standard
2. equipment(LCD project, 1 1:25
Television, software and CD)
Well equipped Computer standard
3 1 1:25
4 Laboratory Room standard 1 1:25
5 Open air clinic 1 1:25
6 stand by generator pcs 1 1:25
vehicles pcs 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials Enterprise/college
Papers, pens,
1. Stationary 25 1:1
pencils, marker
2. Printer ink Standard
3. paint Standard 5 1:5
5. Sticker 25 1:1
Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

7. Sponge 25 1:1
8. Broom 25 1:1
9 red card 25 1:1
10 marker not permanent 25 1:1
11 disposable glove pack 1 1:25
12 plaster pcs 5 1:5
17 Detergents( Soap/Omo) Solar/zehara 2 each 1:12
18 disinfectant (alcohol/savlon) L 1 each 1:25
D Tools and Equipments
1. Desk top Computer dell 5 1:5
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
3. Laptop Toshiba core i 7 1 1:25
4. LCD Standard 1 1:25
5. Flush Disk 32 GB 1 1:25
6. Camera Digital 1 1:25
7. Sign board Standard 1 1:25
8 Shelves >> 1 1:25
9 Chip wood >> 1 1:25
10 shadow board/ tools board >> 1 1:25
11 First Aid Kits Standard 1 1:25
12 cover all cotton 25 1:1
13 boots plastic 25 1:1
14 helmet glass 25 1:1
15 goggle plastic 25 1:1
16 apron nylon 25 1:1
17 mouth mask plastic 25 1:1
20 glove rubber 25 1:1

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level 1
MODULE TITLE: Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to receive, respond and act on verbal and written

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Follow routine spoken messages
LO2. Perform workplace duties following written notices

LO1. Follow routine spoken messages.
1.1. Gathering required information by listening attentively and correctly.
1.2. Recording Instructions/information properly
1.3 . Acting Instructions immediately in accordance with information
1.4.Seeking Clarification from workplace supervisors on all occasion when
instruction/information is not clear
LO2. Perform workplace duties following written notices
2.1. Reading and interpreting correctly written notices and instructions
2.1.1. Source of written notices
2.2. Following routine written instruction in sequence.

2.3. Giving Feedback to workplace supervisor based on the instructions received.

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TW
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provi
arrangement to be accessible to seating the p

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

trainees arrangement to the w

 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assig
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Cond
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  Provi
trainees (if ne
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Intro

discussion trainees with group members integration of with
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assig

guidance follow up and  Use a
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm wh

 Use short and clear q
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an opt
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having s
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based asses
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension


Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Interview  Ensure or confirm wh

 Use short and clear q
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an opt
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having s
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based asses
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
LO.1. Follow routine spoken messages.

 Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly interpreting or

understanding information/instructions.

 Instructions/information is properly recorded.

 Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information received.

 Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any

instruction/information is not clear.

LO.2. Perform workplace duties following written notices

 Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in accordance with
organizational guidelines.
 Routine written instruction is followed in sequence.
 Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the instructions/information


AGR AHC1 M03 0919 Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication

Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. Reference books Books Related to topics 5 1:5
to be prepared Federal TVET
2. Reference manuals 5 1:5
to be prepared Federal TVET
3 TTLM 25 1:1
written and graphical to be prepared by the college
5 5 1:5
Bulletins, data sheet, to be prepared by the
6 5 1:5
diagrams or sketches trainer/college
Workplace to be prepared Federal TVET
7 25 1:1
guidelines/manuals Agency
Learning Facilities
& Infrastructure
Well equipped Audio 8 x 5 sqm
1 1 1:25
visual room
2. Demonstration site Work place or farm - -
Well equipped
Lecture rooms (with
3 8 x 5 sqm 1 1:25
tables, chairs and
4 School Bus Comfortable for 25 trainee 1 1:25
Well equipped
Computer Room with
5 8 x 5 sqm 1 1:25
Internet connection
and printer
5 Note pads, Pens As required
Tools and
1. Desk top Computer Dell 5 1:12
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
3. Laptop Toshiba core i 7 1 1:25
4. LCD Standard 1 1:25


TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

MODULE TITLE: Working with others

This module aims to provide the learners with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes to develop
workplace relationship and contribute in workplace activities.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO 1. Develop effective workplace relationship
LO 2. Contribute to work group activities
LO1. Develop effective workplace relationship
1.1. Doing duties and responsibilities in positive manner to promote cooperation and good
1.2. Seeking assistance from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressing through
1.3. Encouraging, acknowledging and acting upon feedback on performance provided by
others in the team
1.4. Respecting and acknowledging differences in personal values and beliefs in the
LO2. Contribute to work group activities

2.1 Providing support to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met
2.2 . Making constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks according to
organizational requirements
2.3 .Sharing information relevant to work with team members to ensure designated goals are

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
necessary  Provide tutorial necessary
 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

ation in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up

 Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the
proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

LO 1. Develop effective workplace relationship

 Duties and responsibilities are done in a positive manner to

promote cooperation and good relationship
 Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and
addressed through discussions
 Feedback on performance provided by others in the team is
encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon
 Differences in personal values and beliefs
LO 2. Contribute to work group activities

 Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals

are met
 Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are
made according to organizational requirements
 Information relevant to work are shared with team members to
ensure designated goals are met

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M 04 0919 Working with others
Description/ Recommende
Item Specifications d Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
To be developed
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer

Legal and
2 Reference Books organization 7 1:5

Technical/Operation EOS
3. 5 1:5
al Manual
Organizational by organization
4. 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
Library standard
1. 1 1:5

Laboratory Equipped standard

2. 1 1:25
3. Lecture Room standard 1:25
Papers, pens,
1. Stationary 25 1:1
pencils, marker
2. Printer ink Standard
Tools and
1. Computer Unit Desk top 5 1:12
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
3. Laptop Toshiba corei 7 1 1:25
4. LCD Standard 1 1:25

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Supporting Gender Mainstreaming and HIV/ AIDS Initiatives
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

knowledge, skills and right attitudes to create gender and HIV awareness and
sensitization, implement gender and HIV mainstreaming, reduce gender gaps and
support utilization of gender related opportunities.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Create gender and HIV awareness
LO2. Perform gender and HIV mainstreaming
LO3. Reduce gender gaps
LO4. Support utilization of gender related opportunities
LO1. Create gender and HIV awareness

1.1 . Creating conducive situation with consideration of cultural diverse


1.2 Initiating involvement of community

1.3 Arranging and conducting awareness creation program through

involvement of community leaders

1.4 Preparing checklist based on guidelines as directed by supervisor

1.5 Evaluating effectiveness of awareness based on checklist

LO2. Perform gender and HIV mainstreaming

2.1. Providing Support to the supervisor in preparation of checklist formats

and preparing to evaluate and monitor the progress of gender and HIV

2.2.  Assisting mainstreaming, evaluation and monitoring activities according

to organization’s procedures.

2.3. Recording results of evaluation according to organization’s recording and

documentation guidelines. 

2.4. Distributing results to appropriate bodies in line with the organization’s

LO3. Reduce gender gaps
Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

3.1. Assessing Culture of the community and organizing information to identify

gender gaps
3.2. Recognizing and reporting priority in gender gaps
3.3. Providing assistance in development of Methods of minimizing gender gaps
3.3.1. Methods of minimizing gender gaps
. Targeted interventions, Educating girls, Empowering women,

3.4. Raising awareness on gender gaps based on workplace information.

3.5. Involving communities in minimizing the gender gaps based on their

LO4. Support utilization of gender related opportunities
4.1. Listing out relationship between gender- related needs and existing policies
according to given directives
4.2. Selecting appropriate medium to raise awareness

4.3. Identifying stakeholders according to gender related policies.

4.4. Establishing working relationship with selected stakeholders
4.5. Creating feedback systems in accordance with shared information and work
place procedures

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
necessary  Provide tutorial necessary
 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the
proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

LO1. Create gender and HIV awareness

 .Conducive situation is created with consideration of cultural diverse

community based on organizational guidelines.

 .Involvement of community is initiated based on organizational


 Awareness creation program is arranged and conducted through

involvement of community leaders based on work place procedures

 .Checklist is prepared based on guidelines as directed by supervisor

 .Effectiveness of awareness raising is evaluated based on checklist

LO2. Perform gender and HIV mainstreaming

 Support is provided to the supervisor in preparation of checklist

formats are prepared to evaluate and monitor the progress of gender
and HIV mainstreaming in accordance to the existing policy

 .Mainstreaming evaluation and monitoring activities are assisted

according to organization’s procedures.

 Results of evaluation are recorded according to organization’s

recording and documentation guidelines.

 Results are distributed to appropriate bodies in line with the

organization’s procedures.
LO3. Reduce gender gaps

 Culture of the community is assessed and information is organized to

identify gender gaps based on pre-set guidelines of the organization

 Priority in gender gaps is recognized and reported

 Assistance is provided in development of Methods of minimizing

gender gaps based on workplace procedures as directed by

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Awareness is raised on gender gaps based on workplace

 Communities are involved in minimizing the gender gaps based on
their background.
LO4. Support utilization of gender related opportunities

 Relationship between gender- related needs and existing policies are

listed out according to given directives

 Appropriate medium is selected to raise awareness according to the

capacity of the organization.

 Stakeholders are identified according to gender related policies.

 Working relationship is established with selected stakeholders

according to work place procedures.
 Feedback systems are created in accordance with shared information
and work place procedures

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AH MO5 0919 Supporting Gender Mainstreaming and HIV/ AIDS

Ite Description/ Recommended
m Category/Item Specifications Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
To be developed
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer

Legal and
2 Reference Books 7 1:5
Technical/Operation EOS
3. 5 1:5
al Manual
Learning Facilities &
1. Library standard 1 1:5
Laboratory Equipped standard
2. 1 1:25
3. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
Papers, pens,
1. Stationary 25 1:1
pencils, marker
2. Printer ink Standard 1 1:25
Tools and
1. Desk top Computer Dell 5 1:5
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
3. Laptop Toshiba corei 7 1 1:25
4. LCD Standard 1 1:25

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Using and Maintaining Basic Tools and Equipment
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude

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Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

required to use and maintain basic tools and equipment. The unit requires the
application of skills and knowledge to a limited range of tasks including pre-
operational checks, and the cleaning and storage of tools and equipment. In
addition, competence requires an awareness of workplace safety and positive
environmental practices associated with equipment operation.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1: Prepare basic tools and equipment for use
LO2: Use basic tools and equipment
LO3: Check, clean and store basic tools and equipment
LO1. Prepare basic tools and equipment for use
1.1. identifying and selecting tools and equipment
1.2.  Carrying out of routine pre-operational checks of tools and equipment
1.3. Identifying and segregating unsafe or faulty machinery and equipment for
repair or replacement
1.4.  Identifying and reporting  OHS hazards in the workplace
.LO2. Use basic tools and equipment
2.1. selecting, using, maintaining and storing of suitable PPE clothing and
2.2. using tools and equipment
2.3. completing work in accordance with OHS requirements
2.4. Identifying and reporting environmental implications associated with use and
LO3. Check, clean and store basic tools and equipment
3.1. Detailing and recording of tools and equipment use
3.2. Cleaning, securing and storing of tools and equipment
3.3. Identifying and reporting malfunctions, faults, wear or damage tools
3.4. Cleaning and maintaining workplace areas

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
necessary  Provide tutorial necessary
 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the
proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Curriculum V1/2019
Animal Health Care Service Level I Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System

LO.1. Prepare basic tools and equipment for use
 Tools and equipment are identified and selected in accordance with
supervisor's instructions
  Routine pre-operational checks of tools and equipment are carried out to
manufacturer’s specifications.
 Unsafe or faulty machinery and equipment are identified and segregated for
repair or replacement in line with enterprise requirements
  OHS hazards in the workplace are identified and reported to the supervisor
LO.2. Use basic tools and equipment
 Suitable PPE clothing and equipment is selected, used, maintained and
stored in accordance with OHS requirements
 Tools and equipment are used according to manufacturers specifications and
in accordance with supervisor's instructions
 Work is completed to supervisor's satisfaction and in accordance with OHS
 Environmental implications associated with use and maintenance are
identified and reported verbally to the supervisor
LO.3. Check, clean and store basic tools and equipment
 Tools and equipment use is detailed and recorded in accordance with
organisation requirements
 Tools and equipment are cleaned, secured and stored to manufacturers
specifications and supervisors instructions
 Malfunctions, faults, wear or damage to tools and equipment are identified
and reported in line with institution's requirements
 Workplace areas are cleaned and maintained in line with OHS and enterprise

Version: 1
Animal Health Care Service Level-1 Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M06 0919 Using and Maintaining Basic Tools and Equipment
Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
prepared by
1. TTLM Federal TVET
Learning Facilities &
Well equipped lecture room standard
1. (with tables, chairs, White 1 1:25
Virtual library with multimedia standard
2. equipment(LCD project, 1 1:25
Television, software and CD)
3. Well equipped Computer Room standard 1 1:25
Laboratory room 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 detergents as required
5 acid and base litter as required
roll 1
6 cotton and gauze 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. PPE
made of
 Boots 10 1:2
 helmet made of glass 10 1:2
 overalls made of nylon 10 1:2
made of 1:2
 gloves 10
made of 1:2
 protective eyewear 10
 hearing protection made of 10 1:2
Version: 1
Animal Health Care Service Level-1 Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System

made of 1:2
 face mask 10
 prone made of nylon 10 1:2
2 Stand by Generators 1 -
3 sterilizing dish stainless 5 1:5
4 Tong stainless 5 1:5
5 scissor stainless 5 1:5
6 fork stainless 5 1:5
steam 2 1:12
7 autoclave
dry 1 1:25
8 first aid kits for self 5 1:5
treatment/vacci 5
9 syringe 1:5
nation each
10 Stethoscope two ear pieces 5 1:5
12 Thermometer digital 5 1:5
Needles of different size vaccination, 5
13 1:15
and type treatment each
Sample collection
15 Water bath standard 1 1:25
small/large 5
16 Burdizzo 1:15
electrical/manu 2
17 centrifuge 1:12
al each
18 microscope binocular 5 1:5
19 hoof trimmer stainless 5 1:5
large and small 5
20 trocar and canula 1:5
small and large 5
21 boling gun 1:5
22 drenching gun large and small 5 1:5
23 refrigerator deep 1 1:25
small and large 5
24 vaginal speculum 1:5
25 forceps different type 1:5
26 girth meter cattle/shoat/pig 5 1:5
27 mouth gag made of metal 5 1:5

Version: 1
Animal Health Care Service Level-1 Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System


ATVET PROGRAM TITLE : Animal Health Service Level-I
Unit of
Support animal care cleaning activities
competence Title
Module title Supporting animal care cleaning activities
Module Code AGR AHC1 M07 0919
Nominal duration 30 Hours
Module description:
This module aims to provide the knowledge, skills and attitude required to support
animal care cleaning activities under supervision. It requires the ability to work in a
safe manner, undertake cleaning activities as directed, handle materials and
equipment and clean up on completion of cleaning activities.
Learning Outcome
After completing this module the trainee will be able to :
LO1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for cleaning activities
LO2. Undertake cleaning activities as directed
LO3. Clean up on completion of cleaning activities
LO1.Prepare materials, tools and equipment for cleaning activities
1.1 identifying the requiring materials, tools and equipment.
1.2 Checking and reporting insufficient materials, tools and equipment.
1.3 Using correct manual handling technique when loading and unloading materials
1.4 selecting and checking suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) prior to use.
1.5 identifying and reporting OHS hazards in the workplace
1.5.1. Type of OHS hazards
1.5.2. Methods of assessment of OHS Hazards.
LO2. Undertake cleaning activities as directed
2.1 Following and instruction and directions provided by supervisors
2.2 undertaking cleaning activities in safe and environmentally appropriate manner
2.3 carrying out Interaction with others staffs in a positive and professional manner.

Version: 1
Animal Health Care Service Level-1 Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System

2.4 Observing organisational policies, procedures in relation to workplace practices

and handling disposal of materials.
2.5 Reporting problems or difficulties in completing work
2.6 Storing waste material produced during cleaning activities designated area.
2.51. Classification of wastes.
2.5.2. Method of waste minimization.
LO3.Clean up on completion of cleaning activities
3.1 storing or disposing materials.
3.2 cleaning, maintaining and storing tools and equipment
3.3 Maintaining clean and safe work site while completing cleaning activities.
3.4 Reporting work outcomes

Version: 1
Animal Health Care Service Level-1 Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: Federal TVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  Provide tutorial support
trainees (if necessary
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
Ethiopian TVET System

 Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

LO 1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for cleaning activities

 The required materials, tools and equipment are identified according to lists
provided and or supervisors’ relevant instructions.
 Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment and insufficient or
faulty items are reported to supervisors.
 Correct manual handling techniques are used when loading and unloading
material to minimise damage to self and the material according to supervisors’
instructions and organisational guidelines.
 Suitable PPE requirement is selected and checked prior to use.
 OHS hazards in the workplace are identified and reported to supervisors.
LO 2. Undertake cleaning activities as directed
 Instructions and directions provided by supervisors are followed and clarification
is sought when necessary.
 Cleaning activity is undertaken in a safe and environmentally appropriate
manner according to organisational guidelines.
 Interaction with other staff is carried out in a positive and professional manner.
 Organisational policies and procedures in relation to workplace practices and
the handling and disposal of materials are observed.
 Problems or difficulties in completing work to the required standards or timelines
are reported to supervisors.
 Waste material produced during cleaning activities is stored in a designated
area according to supervisors’ instructions.
LO3. Clean up on completion of cleaning activities

 Materials are stored or disposed of according to supervisors’ instructions

 Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to
manufacturers’ specifications and supervisors’ instructions
  A clean and safe work site is maintained while completing cleaning activities.
 Work outcomes are reported to supervisors.
Ethiopian TVET System

ANNEX: Resource Requirements

AHC1 M07 0919: Supporting animal care cleaning activities
ItemNo Recommended
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
. Ratio(Item)
Description/ Specifications Recommended Ratio
Item No. Category/Item Quantity
(Item: Learner )
A. Learning Materials
prepared by Federal TVET
1. TTLM 25 1:1
Technical/Operational Manual
2. Textbooks 2 1:12

3. Reference Books

Learning Facilities &
Library Standard
1. 1 1:25

Laboratory Equipped Standard

2. 1 1:25
3. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Stationary Papers, pens, pencils, marker 25 1:1
2. Printer ink Standard 1 1:25
3. paint 5 1:5
5. Sticker 25 1:1
7. Sponge 25 1:1
Ethiopian TVET System

8. Broom 25 1:1
9 red card 25 1:1
10 marker not permanent 25 1:1
11 disposable glove pack 1 1:25
12 plaster pcs 5 1:5
17 Detergents( Soap/Omo) Solar/zehara 2 each 1:12
18 disinfectant (alcohol/savlon) L 1 each 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Desk top Computer Dell 5 1:5
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
3. Laptop Toshiba corei 7 1 1:25
4. LCD Standard 1 1:25
5. Flush Disk 32 GB 1 1:25
6. Camera Digital 1 1:25
7. Sign board Standard 1 1:25
8 Shelves >> 1 1:25
9 Chip wood >> 1 1:25
10 shadow board/ tools board >> 1 1:25
11 First Aid Kits Standard 1 1:25
12 cover all cotton 25 1:1
13 boots plastic 25 1:1
14 helmet glass 25 1:1
15 goggle plastic 25 1:1
16 apron nylon 25 1:1
17 mouth mask plastic 25 1:1
20 glove rubber 25 1:1
Ethiopian TVET System


TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Applying Knowledge of Animal Welfare and Behaviours
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to explain the concept of animal behaviour and welfare; monitor and
assess livestock welfare (welfare assessment methods); implement livestock
welfare procedures/practices, identify and report major animal welfare problems,
identify animal behaviour and prepare, maintain and store equipment used to
humanely handle the animals. In addition, this unit of competence requires the
ability to implement standard operating procedures, identify animals and interpret
their body language and behaviour in the context of an animal control and
regulation environment during day-to-day activities.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1: Explain the concept of animal behaviour and welfare
LO2: Monitor and assess livestock welfare
LO3: Implement livestock welfare assessment procedures
LO4: Identify animal behaviour
LO5: Assess and respond to animal behaviour
LO6: Prepare, maintain and store equipment used to humanely handle the animals.
LO1. Explain the concept of animal behaviour and welfare
1.1.Defining animal welfare and stating the five animal welfare freedoms
1.1.1. Animal welfare
1.1.2. The five elements of animal freedom
1.2. Identifying the major animal welfare problems in Ethiopia
1.3. Identifying clinically important behaviors of animals
1.4. Identifying animal welfare legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
LO2: Monitor and assess livestock welfare
2.1. Checking and assessing livestock welfare regularly.
2.1.1 Methods of animal welfare assessment

2.2. Recognizing and reporting welfare problems

2.3. Handling Livestock calmly according to enterprise procedures.
LO3. Implement livestock welfare assessment procedures
3.1. Recognizing and reporting OHS hazards in the workplace related to animal
3.1.1. Hazards and Risks
3.1.2. Types hazards
3.1.3. Risks assessment
3.2. Maintaining quarantine and bio security procedures to minimise the risks of
Ethiopian TVET System

disease introduction to keep welfare of animals

3.2.2. biosecurity
3.3. Maintaining personal hygiene practices during handling of livestock.
3.3.1. personal hygiene
3.3.2. handling of livestock
3.4. Treating and destroying safely and humanely Sick or dead livestock
3.5. Identifying, assessing and implementing relevant measures to Environmental
implications associated with livestock husbandry practices
LO4: Identify animal behaviour
4.1. Observing and interpreting animal and its body language.
4.2. Identifying and documenting temperament, trait, health and wellbeing of
4.3. Assessing physical and social environment of animal.
4.4. Determining behaviour of animals.
4.5. seeking of assistance from supervisors and/or peers
4.6. Following organisational policies, procedures and legislative requirements.
LO5: Assess and respond to animal behaviour
5.1. Assessing of risks or hazards to the public, self, bystanders and the target
5.2. Offering constructive solutions about animal behaviour to owner
5.3. Offering owners referral to specialists
5.4. Taking statutory response to animal behaviour.
5.5. Seeking of assistance from supervisors and/or peers
5.6. Following organisational policies, procedures and legislative requirements
LO6: Prepare, maintain and store equipment used to humanely handle the
6.1. Checking of equipment and materials for humanely treating livestock.
6.2. Cleaning, maintaining and storing equipment, materials and facilities.
6.3. Disposing of livestock residues and waste in an environmentally responsible
Ethiopian TVET System

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  PProvide tutorial
trainees support
 Provide tutorial (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
Ethiopian TVET System

ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up

ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

LO.1 Explain the concept of animal behaviour and welfare
 The five elements of animal freedom are stated and animal welfare is
 Major animal welfare problems in Ethiopia are identified.
 Clinically important behaviours of animals are identified
  Animal welfare legislation, regulations and codes of practice are identified.

LO.2. Monitor and assess livestock welfare

 Regular checks are taken to assess livestock welfare according to the
requirements of the organisation.
 Welfare problems are recognised and reported.
  Livestock are handled calmly and according to enterprise procedures.

LO.3. Implement livestock welfare assessment procedures

 OHS hazards in the workplace related to animal welfare are recognised and
safety issues reported according to enterprise requirements.
 Quarantine and bio security procedures are maintained as instructed to
minimise the risks of disease introduction and to keep welfare of animals.
 Thorough personal hygiene practices are maintained in all activities
associated with handling livestock, including reducing risks from diseases
transmissible to humans.
 Sick or dead livestock is safely treated and humanely destroyed, if
Environmental implications associated with livestock husbandry practices
are identified, assessed and relevant measures are implemented.
LO4: Identify animal behavior
 Animal and its body language are observed and interpreted.
 Temperament, traits, health and wellbeing of animal are identified and
 Physical and social environment of animal is assessed.
 Behaviour of animal is determined.
 Assistance is sought from supervisors and/or peers when necessary.

Organizational policies and procedures and legislative requirements are
LO5: Assess and respond to animal behavior
 Risks or hazards to the public, self, bystanders and the target animal are
 Constructive solutions to animal behaviour are offered to owner when
Ethiopian TVET System

 Referral to specialists is offered to owner when appropriate.
 Statutory response to animal behaviour is taken when appropriate.
 Assistance is sought from supervisors and/or peers when necessary.
 Organizational policies and procedures and legislative requirements are
LO6: Prepare, maintain and store equipment used to humanely handle the
 Equipment and materials for humanely treating livestock are checked for
safe and sound operation and confirmed against work plan.
 Equipment, materials and facilities used for humane treatments are cleaned,
maintained and stored in line with manufacturer's specifications, OHS and
enterprise requirements.
 Livestock residues and waste are disposed of in an environmentally
responsible manner in line with OHS and enterprise requirements.

Annex: Resource Requirements

Ethiopian TVET System

AGR AHC1 M08 0919 Applying Knowledge of Animal Welfare and Behaviours
Ethiopian TVET System

Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
prepared by
1. TTLM federal TVET 25 1:25
2. Textbooks
Notes on Some
Topics in
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
Applied Animal
to be prepared
3. written and graphical
by the trainer 5 1:10
1 instructions
to be prepared
3. Bulletins, data sheet, diagrams by
5 1:5
2 or sketches the trainer/orga
Veterinary clinical service to be prepared
codes of practice and by the 5 1:5
procedures government
Computer 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines
Learning Facilities &
Well Equipped Lecture Room standard
1. 1 1:25
(with tables, chairs, whiteboard)
Virtual library with multimedia standard
2. equipment(LCD project, 1 1:25
Television, software and CD)
3. Well equipped Computer Room standard 1 1:25
Laboratory Room standard 1 1:25
Open air clinic standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 disposable glove pack 1 1:5
5 surgical glove pack 1 1:5
6 arm length glove pack 1 1:5
detergents and antiseptics as required
(soap,savlon, alcohol etc)
different types drugs as required
8 (antibiotics,antihelmethics,antipr
Ethiopian TVET System

9 vaccines as required
10 feed as required
D. Tools and Equipments
1. vaccination syringes pcs 5 1:5
2 vaccination needle pcs 5 1:5
3 treatment syringes pcs 5 1:5
4 hoof trimmer pcs 5 1:5
5 feed trough pcs 5 1:5
6 water trough pcs 5 1:25
7 stand by generator pcs 1 -
8 vehicles pcs 1 1:25

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Working in the Animal Care Industry
Ethiopian TVET System


MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to work on an individual basis and with others in the animal care industry.
In addition, it covers the terminology, culture and working conditions of an animal
care workplace. It requires the ability to follow work schedules and recognise the
overall industry structure and hierarchy, industry’s legislation, regulations and code
of conducts related with animal health and production. All tasks would be
conducted under strict supervision. This unit is applicable to new entrants to the
animal care and management industry.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1: Identify policy and strategies and recognise legal frame work of the industry.
LO2: Contribute to a productive work environment
LO3: Use industry terminology
LO4: Incorporate animal needs in conduct of work practices
LO5: Undertake an activity according to workplace requirements
LO6: Recognise animals in the workplace.
LO1. Identify policy and strategies and recognise legal frame work of the
1.1. Identifying national animal health service structure in the country
1.2. Recognizing animal health policy and strategies.
1.3. Identifying types of animal health services of the country.
1.4. Recognizing legislation, regulations and codes of practice related to animal
health and production are recognized.
1.5. Identifying industry mission.
LO2. Contribute to a productive work environment
2.1. Collecting and interpreting Information on working in the industry, including
employment terms and conditions.
2.2. Performing Personal work practices to contribute positively to quality,
productivity and effective relationships in the work environment.
2.3. Complying Industry and workplace-specific management structures and lines
of reporting.
2.4. Following of Work schedule in accordance with organisational policies and
2.5. Performing Job-specific work practices to comply with the principles of ethical
conduct, OHS guidelines, environmental processes and industry best practice.
2.6. Understanding and observing the need of workplace confidentiality.
LO3. Use industry terminology
3.1. Interpreting and using Industry terminology in work activities)
3.2. Communicating appropriate Language style, terminology and ethical manner
with supervisor
LO4: Incorporate animal needs in conduct of work practices
4.1. Evaluating Animal facilities and workplace protocols in relation to animal
Ethiopian TVET System

4.2. Completing work routines with consideration of animal health and wellbeing
4.3. Conducting Animal handling and interaction with consideration of the social
and behavioural characteristics of animals.
4.4. Completing Hygiene protocols to ensure animal health.
4.5. Completing Security protocols to ensure animal safety
LO5: Undertake an activity according to workplace requirements
5.1. Providing and following Work schedule and responsibilities Checking and
reporting Availability of materials and equipment.
5.2. Performing Work in accordance with safe work practices and OHS
5.3. Identifying and discussing Factors affecting work requirements.
5.4. Reporting possible errors immediately.
5.6. Communicating with appropriate person clearly to improve performance.
LO6: Recognise animals in the workplace
6.1. Identifying range of animals in accordance with organisational requirements
6.2. Describing animals by using identifiable characteristics
Ethiopian TVET System

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  Provide tutorial support
trainees (if necessary
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
Ethiopian TVET System

ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up

ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

LO.1 Identify policy and strategies and recognise legal frame work of the
 National animal health service structure in the country is identified.
 Animal health policy and strategies are recognized
 The types of animal health services in the country are identified.
 The legislation, regulations and codes of practice related to animal health
and production are recognized
 Mission of the industry is identified.
LO.2. Contribute to a productive work environment
 Information on working in the industry, including employment terms and
conditions is collected and interpreted.
 Personal work practices are performed to contribute positively to quality,
productivity and effective relationships in the work environment.
 Industry and workplace-specific management structures and lines of
reporting are complied with.
 Work schedule is followed in accordance with organisational policies and
 Job-specific work practices are performed to comply with the principles of
ethical conduct,
 OHS guidelines, environmental processes and industry best practice.
 The need for workplace confidentiality is understood and observed.
LO.3. Use industry terminology
 Industry terminology related to work personnel, equipment and work
practices is interpreted and used in work activities
 Language style, terminology and ethical manner used are made appropriate
to those being communicated with
LO4: Incorporate animal needs in conduct of work practices
 Animal facilities and workplace protocols are evaluated in relation to animal
 Work routines are completed with consideration of animal health and
wellbeing priorities.
 Animal handling and interaction are conducted with consideration of the
social and behavioural characteristics of animals.
 Hygiene protocols are completed to ensure animal health.
  Security protocols are completed to ensure animal safety.
LO5: Undertake an activity according to workplace requirements
 Work schedule and responsibilities are provided and followed
 Availability of materials and equipment for tasks is checked and reported to
the supervisor.
Ethiopian TVET System

  Work is performed in accordance with safe work practices and OHS

  Factors affecting work requirements are identified and discussed with
 Possible errors are reported to supervisor immediately.
 The need for assistance to improve performance is communicated clearly to
the appropriate person.
LO6: Recognise animals in the workplace.
 A range of animals are identified in accordance with organisational
  Animals are described using identifiable characteristics.

Annex: Resource Requirements

Ethiopian TVET System

AGR AHC1 M09 0919 Working in the Animal Care Industry

Item Quantit d Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications
No. y (Item:
A. Learning Materials
prepared by Federal TVET
2. Textbooks OIE standard manual 5 1:5
1. Small scale livestock
farming: A grass based
approach for health, 5 1:5
sustainability and profit.
1990. E. Ekaritus.

2. Hand book of Livestock

3. Reference Books management, 4th ed. 2006. 5 1:5
R. A. Battaglia.
3. Keeping livestock healthy: A
veterinarian guide to horse,
cattle, pig, goat and sheep. 4th 5 1:5
ed. N. B. Hayness. 2001

3. written and graphical to be prepared by

5 1:5
1 instructions the trainer /organization
3. Bulletins, data sheet, to be prepared by
5 1:5
2 diagrams or sketches the trainer/organization
Veterinary clinical to be prepared by the
service codes of government
12 1:5
practice and
Computer DELL, IBM, ACER, ETC 10 1:6
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
Virtual library with standard
2. equipment(LCD 1 1:25
project, Television,
software and CD)
Well equipped standard
3. 1 1:25
Computer Room
4 Laboratory Room Concert block 1 1:25
5 Well Equipped Lecture Concert block 1 1:25
Ethiopian TVET System

Room (with tables,

chairs, whiteboard)
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
Tools and
1. Ear tags plastic 25 1:1
2. Colour
3 Record book as required
5 Ear tag applicator metal 2 1:12

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I
Ethiopian TVET System

MODULE TITLE: Supporting the Identification of Sick Animals



MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to develop understanding and application of Normal Animal Health
Indicators which support in the identification of signs and symptoms of sick animals. It
also covers techniques of recognizing signs and symptoms of sick animals and
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1: Develop Understanding of Normal Animal Health Indicators
LO2: Identify signs and symptoms of sick Animals
LO3: Report ill health of animal
LO1. Develop understanding of normal animal health indicators
1.1. identifying Physical appearance, body conformation, and natural behavioural
expression of animals
1.2. Identifying normal feed intake and drinking behaviour of animals.
1.3. observing normal physiological parameters of normal animals
LO2. Identify signs and symptoms of sick Animals
2.1. Identifying physical appearance changes, abnormal feeding and drinking
2.2. distinguishing abnormal physiological parameters of animals
2.3. Identifying signs and symptoms of sick animals.
. LO3. Report ill animal
3.1. Reporting unusual condition or ill animals promptly.
3.2. Identifying and reporting lagging behind the herd or injured.
3.3. Identifying and reporting of feed intake and drinking changes
Ethiopian TVET System

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  Provide tutorial support
trainees (if necessary
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
Ethiopian TVET System

ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up

ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

LO.1 Develop Understanding of Normal Animal Health Indicators
 Physical appearance, body conformation, and natural behavioural
expression of animals are identified
 Normal feed intake and drinking behaviour of animals are identified.
 Normal physiological parameters of normal animals are observed
LO.2. Identify signs and symptoms of sick Animals
 Changes to physical appearance, abnormal feeding and drinking
behaviour are identified
 Abnormal physiological parameters of animals are distinguished
  Signs and symptoms of sick animals indicting the presence of
disease, injury, compromised health or distress in animals are
LO.3. Report ill health of animal
 Unusual condition or ill health of animal is promptly reported to
 Animal lagging behind the heard or injured animal is identified and
 Feed intake and drinking changes are identified and reported

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M10 0919 Supporting the Identification of Sick Animals

Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
2. Textbooks
3. Reference Books Veterinary
Clinical 5
Veterinary 1:5
A textbook of 5 1:5
the diseases of
horses, sheep,
pigs and goats
10th edition
Ethiopian TVET System

Merk veterinary
manual 8th 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
2. Library standard 1 1:25
3. open air clinic standard 1 1:25
4 crush 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 latex glove pack 1 1:25
5 syringes
different drugs and vaccines box/vial/sachet
(Ant-helmintics, Antibiotics,
6 1 1:25
Antiprotozoals, Acaricides,
Kg 5kg
7 Feed items 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1  PPE
made of
 Boots 10 1:2
 helmet made of glass 10 1:2
 overalls made of nylon 10 1:2
made of 1:2
 gloves 10
made of 1:2
 protective eyewear 10
made of 1:2
 hearing protection 10
made of 1:2
 face mask 10
 prone made of nylon 10 1:2
2 Stand by Generators 1 -
3 sterilizing dish stainless 5 1:5
4 Tong stainless 5 1:5
5 scissor stainless 5 1:5
6 fork 5 1:5
steam 2 1:12
7 autoclave
dry 1 1:25
10 first aid kits for self 5 1:5
treatment/vacci 5
11 syringe 1:5
nation each
Ethiopian TVET System

12 Stethoscope two ear pieces 5 1:5

13 Thermometer digital 5 1:5
Needles of different size vaccination, 5
14 1:15
and type treatment each
16 Water bath standard 1 1:25
17 Burdizzo small/large 5each 1:15
electrical/manu 2
18 centrifuge 1:12
al each
19 microscope binocular 5 1:5
20 hoof trimmer stainless 5 1:5
large and small 5
21 trocar and canula 1:5
small and large 5
22 boling gun 1:5
23 drenching gun large and small 5 1:5
24 refrigerator deep 1 1:25
small and large 5
25 vaginal speculum 1:5
26 forceps different type 1:5
27 girth meter cattle/shoat/pig 5 1:5
28 mouth gag made of metal 5 1:5
29 Recording book 1 1:25
30 Feed through 1 1:25
31 Watering through 1 1:25
32 Surgical kit Kit 1 1:25
33 Bull holder 5 1:5
Nylon 24 1:5
34 Rope 5
35 Ear twich 5 1:5
36 muzzle madeof cloze 5 1:5

Ethiopian TVET System

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Supporting Health Care Provision for Pregnant, Parturient
and Lactating Animals
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes required to support provision of health care
service for pregnant, parturient and lactating animals. It requires the knowledge
and skill to make a regular follow up and identify sign of ill health and sign of
approaching birthing, provide care for these animals as directed, and recording
and reporting of incidents and support any interventions by the veterinarian.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Follow OHS practices
LO2. Support health care for pregnant Animals
LO3. Support health care for parturient Animals
LO4. Provide care for post partum animals
LO1. Follow OHS practices

1.1. Maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness standards in accordance with

OHS and organisational policies and procedures.

1.2. Following workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks

1.3. Identifying and reporting hazards to supervisors

1.4. Preparing appropriate tools for checking animal health and control
LO2. Support health care for pregnant Animals

2.1. Checking animal records and confirming the stage of gestation where
2.1.1 Breeding records (insemination date, calving date, calving interval...),
2.1.2 Pregnancy test

2.2. Reporting additional assistance required for assessing pregnancy status to

the supervisor for remedial action
Ethiopian TVET System

2.3. Maintaining a clean, safe and secure environment for pregnant animals.
2.3.1 Regularly sanitized animal barn,
2.3.2 Comfortable bedding
2.3.3 Non-slippery floor
2.3.4 Well ventilated room and Secured from predators

2.4. Providing adequate nutrition and supplementary feed to pregnant animals as

instructed, and recorded accordingly

2.5. Observing the condition and health status of pregnant animals and recording
and reporting any abnormalities

2.5.1 Observing the condition and health status of pregnant animals The body condition in relation to the gestation period Feeding behavior Sign of abortion and or any sign of ill health

2.5.2 Observing the condition and health status of lactating animals Body condition Feeding Behavior Animal posture Sign of ill health related to major diseases of the post partum
animal (Hypocalcaemia, hypoglycemia, mastitis.)

2.6. Identifying signs of approaching birth in animals

2.7. Giving female animals’ access to shelter to give birth in severe weather
LO3. Support health care for parturient Animals

3.1. Identifying hazards in assisting with birthing and following safe work practices

3.2. Checking and preparing birthing equipment, resources and materials for use.
3.2.1 PPE: arm length glove, overall, apron, boot, hat
3.2.2 Obstetrical kit
3.2.3 Fetotomy kit

3.3. Maintaining a clean, safe and secure environment for pregnant animals
according to the organizational guideline and as directed by the supervisor.
Ethiopian TVET System

3.4. Monitoring environment and animals to ensure normal birth progresses

3.5. Identifying and reporting animals experiencing birthing abnormality supervisor.

3.5.1. Birthing abnormalities

3.6. Handling animals with minimum stress and discomfort to the animals

without excessive yarding or shedding
LO4. Provide care for post partum animals

4.1. Monitoring post-birthing health and bonding of dam and newborn and
reporting any abnormality to the supervisor

4.2. Providing clean and comfortable area for lactating animals as directed by the

4.3. Providing appropriate and sufficient food and clean water for lactating animal

4.4. Carrying out milking in a clean manner following the organizational procedure
to minimize contamination and reduce incidence of mastitis.

4.4.1 Milking procedures

4.4.1 Mastitis.

4.5 Observing the condition and health status of lactating animals and recording
and reporting any abnormalities to the supervisor
Ethiopian TVET System

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear

 Use verbal description & short method  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide special attention in the  Use Video assist
process of guidance recorded material  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure the up
 Prepare & use simulation attention of the  Provide tutorial support
trainees (if necessary
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance hours if necessary
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial
process support if
 provide special
attention in the
process/ practical


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper

 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the proper
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if necessary answer for trainees having severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader
upper limb impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

LO.1 Follow OHS practices

 Personal hygiene and cleanliness standards are maintained in

accordance with OHS and organisational policies and procedures.

 Workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks are

followed accurately.

 Hazards are identified and reported to supervisors.

 Appropriate tools for checking animal health and control are prepared
according to workplace guidelines.

LO.2 Support health care for pregnant Animals

 Animal records are checked and the stage of gestation is confirmed

where possible.

 Additional assistance required for assessing pregnancy status is reported

to the supervisor for remedial action

 A clean, safe and secure environment is maintained for pregnant animals

according to the organizational guideline and as directed by the

 Adequate nutrition and supplementary feed is provided to pregnant

animals as instructed, and recorded accordingly

 The condition and health status of pregnant animals is observed and any
abnormalities are recorded and reported to the supervisor

 Signs of approaching birth in animals are identified

 Female animals are given access to shelter to give birth in severe

weather conditions.
LO.3 Support health care for parturient Animals

 Hazards in assisting with birthing are identified and safe work practices

 Birthing equipment, resources and materials are checked and prepared

Ethiopian TVET System

for use.

 A clean, safe and secure environment is maintained for pregnant

animals according to the organizational guideline and as directed by the

 Environment and animals are monitored to ensure normal birth

progresses and animals experiencing birthing abnormality are identified
and reported to the supervisor.

 Animals with minimum stress and discomfort to the animals without

excessive yarding or shedding are handled in line with enterprise
animal welfare policies
LO 4. Provide care for post partum animals

 Post-birthing health and bonding of dam and newborn are

monitored and any abnormality reported to the supervisor

 Clean and comfortable area is provided for lactating animals as

directed by the supervisor.

 Appropriate and sufficient food and clean water are provided for
lactating animal as instructed

 Milking is carried out in a clean manner following the

organizational procedure to minimize contamination and reduce
incidence of mastitis.

 The condition and health status of lactating animals are observed

and any abnormalities are recorded and reported to the

Annex: Resource Requirements

Ethiopian TVET System

AGR AHC1 M11 0919 Supporting Health Care Provision for Pregnant, Parturient
and Lactating Animals

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio

Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Standard 25 1:25
2. Textbooks 5 1:5
Eight ed mon 200
1 a" A rthur's
Vcrcnnarv Rep rod
uc tion and O
bsrctrtcs h~ 5 1:5
D. E. Noakes, T. J.
Parkin-on and G.

3. Reference Books C. W. England


Volume 7 0 1996 5 1:5


Learning Facilities &

1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
2. Library (practical station)
3 Laboratory Standard
Vet. Clinic and Pharmacy Standard
4 (Storage of drug,
5 Crush Standard
3. L
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
Ethiopian TVET System

2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
5 Stationeries Standard 25 1:1
6 Animals Livestock 5 1:5
7 Syringes Standard 1 1:25
8 antibiotics Standard 1 1:25
9. vaccinations Standard 1 1:25
faces collection plastic Standard
10. 1 1:25
11 Rectal/obstetrical glove Standard 1 1:25
12 Indicator paper Litmas(pack) 1 1:25
13 California mastitis test reagent 1 1:25
14 plate plastic(peace) 5 1:5
Tools and

 Boots made of plastic 10 1:2

 helmet made of glass 10 1:2
 overalls made of nylon 10 1:2
 gloves made of leather 10 1:2
 protective eyewear made of plastic 10 1:2
 hearing protection made of plastic 10 1:2
 face mask made of plastic 10 1:2
 prone made of nylon 10 1:2
2 Stand by Generators 1 -
3 sterilizing dish stainless 5 1:5
4 Tong stainless 5 1:5
5 scissor stainless 5 1:5
6 fork Stainless 5 1:5
7 autoclave steam 2 1:12
dry 1 1:25
10 first aid kits for self 5 1:5
11 syringe 5 each 1:5
12 Stethoscope two ear pieces 5 1:5
13 Thermometer digital 5 1:5
Needles of different vaccination,
14 5 each 1:15
size and type treatment
Sample collection
16 Water bath standard 1 1:25
small/large 5
17 Burdizzo 1:15
Ethiopian TVET System

18 centrifuge electrical/manual 2 each 1:12

19 microscope binocular 5 1:5
20 hoof trimmer stainless 5 1:5
21 trocar and canula large and small 5 each 1:5
22 boling gun small and large 5 each 1:5
23 drenching gun large and small 5 1:5
24 refrigerator deep 1 1:25
25 vaginal speculum small and large 5 each 1:5
26 forceps different type 5 each 1:5
27 girth meter cattle/shoat/pig 5 1:5
28 mouth gag made of metal 5 1:5
29 Recording book 1 1:25
30 Feed through 1 1:25
31 Watering through 1 1:25
32 Surgical kit Kit 1 1:25
33 Bull holder Stainless steel 5 1:5
34 Rope Nylon 24 meter 5 1:5
35 Ear twich 5 1:5
36 muzzle madeof cloze 5 1:5
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Support Health Care Provision for the Newborn Animals
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes required to provide support in assessment of
condition of newborn and support resuscitation activity, disinfection of navel,
feeding of colostrums and handling and care for newborn animals. It requires the
knowledge and skill to recognise signs of stress or ill health in newborn animals;
and providing support to veterinarians attending sick newborn animals. This unit
applies to workers in livestock industries and is likely to be carried out with minimal
supervision within enterprise guidelines.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for care of newborn animal
LO2. Support health care for newborn Animals
LO3. Clean on completion of work
LO1. Prepare for care of newborn animal

1.1. Selecting and checking suitable PPE requirement prior to use.

1.2. Recognizing hazards and risks in the work place and following safe work

1.3. Identifying, selecting and preparing facilities, equipment and supplies needed
to provide care

1.4. Identifying and maintaining personal and environmental hygiene and health

1.5. Identifying newborn animals appropriately and handling humanely

LO2. Support health care for newborn Animals

2.1. Carrying out newborn resuscitation as required

2.2. Performing disinfection of navel using appropriate disinfectants

2.2.1 Handling of the newborn
2.2.2 Use of appropriate chemical for disinfection
2.2.3 Cutting and tying of navel
2.2.4 Cleaning and application of disinfectant

2.3. Collecting and feeding Colostrums to the new born within the appropriate time
Ethiopian TVET System

2.3.1 Suckling colostrums directly from the dam

2.3.2 Hand fed collected colostrums

2.4. Checking newborn animals regularly after administration of colostrums and

repeating colostrums feeds as required

2.5. Providing clean, safe and secure housing environment

2.6. Monitoring relationship between mother and young where appropriate and
strategies are consulted with supervisor to address any problems.

2.7. Maintaining and monitoring feeding, water and shelter areas monitored for
correct operation, cleanliness and hygiene.

2.8. Identifying and reporting routine health and feeding problems, including
digestive upsets and infections, to the vet.
LO3. Clean on completion of work

3.1. Cleaning, maintaining and storing tools and equipment

3.2. Reporting work outcomes to supervisors

3.3. Maintaining clean and safe work site while completing cleaning activities.

3.4. Segregating, storing and disposing wastes

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
necessary  Provide tutorial necessary
 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the
proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET-System
Guide to Curriculum Development

LO.1 Prepare for care of newborn animal

 Suitable PPE requirement is selected and checked prior to use.

 Hazards and risks in the work place are recognized and safe work practices
are followed, according to OHS procedures.

 Facilities, equipment and supplies needed to provide care are identified

selected and prepared according to the organizational guideline.

 Personal and environmental hygiene and health requirements are identified

and maintained according to enterprise and legislative requirements.

 Newborn animals are appropriately identified and humanely handled as

required according to enterprise requirements and industry standards.
LO.2 Support health care for newborn Animals

 Newborn resuscitation is carried out as required and according to the

organizational guideline under direct supervision.

 Disinfection of navel is performed using appropriate disinfectants according

to the organizational guideline and protocol.

 Colostrum is collected and fed to the new born within the appropriate time
period, as directed by the supervisor and according to the organizational

 Newborn animals are checked regularly after administration of colostrum

and colostrum feeds repeated as required

 Clean, safe and secure housing environment is provided according to the

enterprise guideline.

 Relationship between mother and young is monitored where appropriate

and strategies are consulted with supervisor to address any problems.

 Feeding, water and shelter areas are maintained and monitored for correct
operation, cleanliness and hygiene.

 Routine health and feeding problems, including digestive upsets and

infections, are identified and reported to the vet.
LO.3 Clean on completion of work Tools and equipment used are cleaned,
maintained and stored according to manufacturers’ specifications and supervisors’
Ethiopian TVET System


 Work outcomes are reported to supervisors.

 A clean and safe work site is maintained while completing cleaning activities.
 Wastes are segregated and stored and disposed according to the
organizational regulation and environmental legislations.

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M12 0919 Supporting Health Care Provision for the Newborn Animals

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio

Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Standard 25 1:25
2. Textbooks 5 1:5
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
Office Standard 1 1:25
1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
2. Library (practical station) standard 1 1:25
3 Laboratory Standard 1 1:25
Vet. Clinic and Pharmacy Standard
4 1 1:25
(Storage of drug, vaccines...)
5 Crush Standard 1 1:25
Separate Pen for the new standard
6 1 1:25
7 Rope, 40m nylon 1 1:25
8 Drenching gun large/small 5 1:5
9 Colostrums
10 towel, pcs 25 1:25
11 Gauze, roll
1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 Mixing plastic 10X10m 3 1:10
Ethiopian TVET System

5 Stationeries Standard 25 1:1

6 Syringes Standard 1 1:25
7 Antibiotics Standard 1 1:25
8 Vaccinations Standard 1 1:25
9. faces collection plastic bags Standard 1 1:25
10 Rectal/obstetrical glove Standard
1 1:25
11 Scissor, stainless 5 1:5
12 Forceps stainless 5 1:5
13 Suture material, roll 1 1:25
14 Saline water bottle 1 1:25
15 savlone, Bottle 1 1:25
16 Tincture of iodine, Bottle 1 1:25
17 cotton, roll 1 1:25
Tools and Equipment Standard
1 Drench guns Standard 1 1:25
5 Scales Standard 5 1:25
10 Obstetrical and surgical kits Standard 1 1:25
11 water pump Standard 5 1:5
12 portable coolers Standard 5 1:5
13 sharpening stone Standard 1 1:25
14 calibration equipment Standard 1 1:25
15 PPE Standard 25 1:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Vaccines
2. Stationeries 25 pcs 1:1
Animals breeds of dairy
4 5 1:5
Feeds Different kinds
5 as required
of feed
Medicaments & drugs Different
6 as required
7 Syringe Standard 50 2:1
8 Alcohol Standard 25 L 1:1
D. Tools and Equipment
1  PPE
made of
 Boots 10 1:2
 helmet made of glass 10 1:2
 overalls made of nylon 10 1:2
made of 1:2
 gloves 10
made of 1:2
 protective eyewear 10
made of 1:2
 hearing protection 10
made of 1:2
 face mask 10
Ethiopian TVET System

 prone made of nylon 10 1:2

2 Stand by Generators 1 -
3 sterilizing dish stainless 5 1:5
4 Tong stainless 5 1:5
5 scissor stainless 5 1:5
6 fork 5 1:5
7 autoclave steam 2 1:12
dry 1 1:25
8 Hydraulic lift 1 1:25
9 Inclined plain 1 1:25
10 first aid kits for self 5 1:5
11 syringe 5 each 1:5
12 Stethoscope two ear pieces 5 1:5
13 Thermometer digital 5 1:5
Needles of different size vaccination,
14 5 each 1:15
and type treatment
16 Water bath standard 1 1:25
17 Burdizzo small/large 5 each 1:15
18 centrifuge 2 each 1:12
19 microscope binocular 5 1:5
20 hoof trimmer stainless 5 1:5
21 trocar and canula large and small 5 each 1:5
22 boling gun small and large 5 each 1:5
23 drenching gun large and small 5 1:5
24 refrigerator deep 1 1:25
25 vaginal speculum small and large 5 each 1:5
26 forceps different type 5 each 1:5
27 girth meter cattle/shoat/pig 5 1:5
28 mouth gag made of metal 5 1:5
29 Recording book 1 1:25
30 Feed through 1 1:25
31 Watering through 1 1:25
32 Surgical kit Kit 1 1:25
33 Bull holder 5 1:5
Nylon 24 1:5
34 Rope 5

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Providing Basic First Aid to Animals
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to provide essential
Ethiopian TVET System

first aid to animals by recognising and responding to an emergency using basic life
support measures. Providing basic first aid for animals requires the ability to
respond positively to emergencies in line with practised actions and demonstrate
basic first aid casualty management principles. It also requires knowledge of the
use of safe work practices, the animal emergency network, and first aid casualty
management principles and zoonotic diseases.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1: Assess emergency situation and plan response
LO2: Apply basic first aid and basic care
LO3: Record and report
LO1. Assess emergency situation and plan response
1.1. Recognizing emergency situation.
1.2. Assessing risk posed to self, others and animals
1.3.  Assessing vital signs and physical condition of animals
1.4. Evaluating and selecting procedures, Options for assisting
LO2. Apply basic first aid care
2.1. Handling animals safely and humanely to minimise pain and injuries.
2.2. Identifying and using Procedures, tools and equipment for first aid
2.3. providing basic first aid care
2.4. seeking of first aid assistance
2.5. Use OHS procedures and PPE during animal handling.
LO3. Record and report
3.1. recording and documenting basic first aid support services
3.2. Reporting and completing first aid support activities on referral slip

For none impaired
Trainees Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)

Low Vision Hard of hearing Physical
Lecture-discussion  Provide large print text  Organize the
 Organize the class room class room  Provide
seating arrangement to be seating Orientation
accessible to trainees arrangement to on the
 Write short notes on the be accessible physical
black/white board using large to trainees feature of
text  Speak loudly the work
 Make sure the luminosity of  Ensure the shop
the light of class room is attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

 Use normal tone of voice trainees

 Provide Orientation on the  Present the
physical feature of the work lecture in
shop video format
 Summarize main points  Ensure the
attention of the

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign
 Provide special attention in method peer
the process of guidance  Use Video trainees to
 facilitate the support of recorded assist
peer trainees material  Conduct
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the close
attention of follow up
the trainees  PProvide
 PProvide tutorial
tutorial support
support (if
(if necessary) necessary

Group discussion  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce

trainees with group integration of the
members trainees with trainees
 Conduct close follow up group with their
 Introduce the trainees with members peers
other group member  Conduct
 Brief the thematic issues of close follow
the work up
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
members to
speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up  Conduct  Assign

and guidance close follow peer
 Provide tutorial support if up and trainees
necessary guidance  Use
 provide special attention  Provide additional
Ethiopian TVET System

in the process tutorial nominal

support if hours if
necessary necessary
 provide
attention in
the process/


Interview  Ensure or confirm

whether the proper
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the  Use oral response as an
exam in large option to give answer for
texts/Brail trainees having severe upper
limb impairment
 Use interview
 Time extension for trainees
as an option
having severe upper limb
if necessary
 Prepare the
exam in
audio format
 Assign
human reader

(if necessary)
 Time

Demonstration/Observation  Brief the  Provide activity based

instruction or assessment
provide them  Conduct close follow up
in large
 Time

Interview  Ensure or confirm
whether the proper
 Use short and clear
Ethiopian TVET System

 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the  Use oral response as an
exam in large option to give answer for
texts/Brail trainees having severe upper
limb impairment
 Use interview
 Time extension for trainees
as an option
having severe upper limb
if necessary
 Prepare the
exam in
audio format
 Assign
human reader

(if necessary)
 Time

Demonstration/Observation  Brief the  Provide activity based

instruction or assessment
provide them  Conduct close follow up
in large
 Time

LO.1 Assess emergency situation and plan response
 Emergency situation is recognised according to organizational manual.
 Risk posed to self, others and animals is assessed according to organizational
 Physical condition and vital signs of the animal are assessed according to
organizational guideline
 Options for assisting animals are evaluated and procedures selected with reference to
workplace protocols and regulations
LO.2. Apply basic first aid and basic care
 Animal is handled safely and humanely to minimise pain and further injuries and made
comfortable using available resources.
 Procedures, tools and equipment used for first aid are identified
 Basic first aid care is provided in accordance with established animal first aid
 First aid assistance is sought from others as appropriate and required.
 OHS procedures and PPE are used at all times when handling animals.
LO.3. Record and report
 Basic first aid support services are recorded and documented on the animal file
 All first aid support activities are documented and reported to supervisor and
completed on referral slip
Ethiopian TVET System

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M13 0919 Providing Basic First Aid to Animals

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
2. Textbooks

The merck veterinary
manual, 8th ed, 2009. 5 1:5
Veterinary Medicine:
diseases of cattle,
sheep, goat, pig and
horse. 10th ed. 2008. 5 1:5
3. Reference Books
O. M. Radostitis and
his colleges.
Hand book of
Veterinary obstetrics 5 1:5
2nd edition
Veterinary Toxicology
5 1:5
2010 Edition
To be prepared by the
Written and graphical
organisation or the 10 1:5
Bulletins, Data sheet, To be prepared by the
10 1:5
Diagrams, sketches trainer or organisation
DELL, acer, IBM,
Computer 10 1:5
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library
Virtual library with Concert block (144m2
multimedia maintained regularly)
equipment(LCD project, 1 1:25
Television, software and
Well equipped Concert block (100m2
1 1:25
Computer Room maintained regularly)
Ethiopian TVET System

Quarantine posts 1 1:25

Concrete block
Open air clinic With 3 separate
Well equipped lecture Concrete block (64m2
room (with tables, chairs, maintained regularly) 1 1:25
White board)
Concrete block (169
Laboratory room m2 maintained 1 1:25
Loading and
unloading (hydraulic
lift or inclined plane),
Farm facilities 1 1:25
cage crate grooming
equipments, feeding
tray, trough
stand by Generator 1 1:25
3. (etc.)
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
disposable glove Pack 1 1:25
surgical glove Pack 1 1:25
arm length glove Pack 1 1:25
detergents and
as required
(soap,savlon, alcohol
different types drugs
(antibiotics,antihelmethic as required
vaccines as required
feed as required

Disinfectants and  Ethanol As required

antiseptics  KMnO4
 Formaline
 Glutaraldehyde
 Caustic soda
 Ethyl alcohol
 Isopropyl alcohol
 Salicylic acid
 Xylen
 Povedine iodine
 Potassium iodide
 Chlorohexidine
 Benzalkonium
 Benzalkonium
Ethiopian TVET System


 House hold bleach

 Sodium dodecyl
Detergents and soap As required
 Sorbitol monoester
 Antihelmentics As required
 Antibiotics
Drugs  Anesthesia
 Antiinflamatory
 Activated charcoal As required
 Luxutives
Antidote  2 pam
 Athropine
 Others
 Diazepam As required
Tranquilizers and
 Acepromazine
 Xylazine
Examination gloves Latex glove As required
 3 ml syringe As required
 5 ml syringe
Disposable syringes
 10ml syringe
 20ml syringe
Sterile medical grade As required
Sterile medical grade As required
cotton gauze
Sterile medical grade As required
D. Tools and Equipments
Boots, hats/hard hat,
overalls, gloves,
protective eyewear,
Personal protective hearing protections,
equipments respirator or face
mask, sun protection
(sun hat, sun screen),
and leather glove.
first aid kit
Large animal first aid kit 3 1:8
Small animal first aid kit 3 1:8
Obstetrical kit 3 1:8
Restraining materials
Bull holder 5 1:5
Nose ring 5 1:5
Rope and chains
As required
Ethiopian TVET System

Collar As required
impregnated collar
 Bovine crush 2
Crush  Kick proof equine 1:12
 Miniature dog and 2
cat cage
Cage 1:12
 Poultry cage
 Bird cage
Create  Poultry create 2 1:12
 Canine
 Feline mouth gag
Mouth gag  Bovine mouth gag 2 each 1:12
 McPherson’s
mouth gag
Pig holder Standard 3 1:8
Nose twitch Standard 3 1:8
 Mosquito
hemostatic forceps
5", curved
Haemostat 5each 1:5
 Kelly hemostatic
forceps 5.5",
 Metzenbaum
scissors 14cm
Scissors 5 1:5
long curved

 Aliss tissue
forceps 4×5
Forceps toth, 115cm long 5 each 1:5
 Kelly forceps
5.5", curved

Watering and feeding Standard

As required
Trocar and canula  Plastic screw,
10mm bore
diameter, safety
 Stain less steel,
5 each 1:5
12mm bore
diameter, 17 cm
 Plastic screw, 5mm
bore diameter
Naso gastric tube Nasogastric feeding 5 each 1:5
tubes, ‘Y’ adapted
 5Fr× 55cm
Ethiopian TVET System

 6Fr× 55cm
 6Fr×90cm
 8Fr×108cm
 8Fr×140cm
stethoscopes Halogen veterinary
fixed optical glass 3 1:2
viewing window
> 3× magnification
Stomach tube Medical grade PVC
1. 9mm internal
diameter, 3m
long 5 each 1:5
2. 11mm internal
diameter, 3m
Air way needle 14 gauge ×22.5mm
5 each 1:5
19gauge ×32mm
IV catheter  IV plus catheter,
18 gauge ×32mm
– 50mm
5 each 1:5
 IV plus catheter,
20 gauge ×32mm
– 50mm

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Animal Health Care Service
MODULE TITLE: Applying Basics of Human Nutrition
This module aims to provide the learners with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes to
categorize agricultural foods items, recognize malnutrition in the community, Identify the role of
agriculture in nutrition, demonstrate diversified agricultural food production and consumption and
perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Identify Categories of agricultural foods items
LO2. Recognize malnutrition in the community
LO3. Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition
LO4. Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption
Ethiopian TVET System

LO5. Perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products

LO6. Document and report food production, consumption and difficulties
LO1. Identify Categories of agricultural foods items
1.1 Identifying and explaining basic terminologies and concepts of nutrition
1.2 Identifying and explaining food groups, Nutrient group and their sources
1.3 Identifying and describing Origin and composition of Food stuffs
1.4 Identifying and explaining Energy and nutrient dense of food sources
LO2. Recognize malnutrition in the community

2.1 Identify and explain Physical signs of malnutrition

2.2 Identify forms, causes and consequences of malnutrition in different groups of community
2.3 Promote measures to overcome malnutrition, importance of maintenance of adequate and
balanced diet
2.4 Make , family heads , elders and women to contribute in awareness creation programs
LO3. Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition
1.1 Recognize and promote the role of Agricultural as source of variety foods
1.2 Describe the contribution of Agriculture sector in nutrition sensitive intervention
1.3 Identify and communicate Nutrition sensitive Agricultural practices in nutritional program
guide line
LO4. Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption
4.1 Identify & discuss importance of diet diversification with family holds and community
4.2 Identify and demonstrate techniques of diversified food production
4.3 Assess & implement techniques of enhancing the nutrient content of family foods according to
guideline and cultural requirements
4.4 Identify & demonstrate utensils and cooking techniques
4.5 Select and use PPE accordance to OHS requirement and code of ethics
4.6 Demonstrate balanced and nutrient dense diet preparation using food stuff ingredients
LO5. Perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products
5.1 Explain importance of hygiene for nutrition
5.2 Identify Storage facilities and support family holds in construction
5.3 Handle and store agricultural products safely
5.4 Demonstrate methods and techniques of safely handling and storing agricultural products
LO6. Document and report food production, consumption and difficulties

6.1 Document diversified food production and consumption activities

Ethiopian TVET System

6.2 Report difficulties happened in the processes to the respective authorities.

Ethiopian TVET-System
Guide to Curriculum Development

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
necessary  Provide tutorial necessary
 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the
proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System

1. Identify Categories of agricultural foods items
 Basic terminologies and concepts in nutrition are identified and explained
 Food groups, Nutrient group and their sources of balanced diet are identified
and explained
 Origin and composition of Food stuffs are identified and described
 Energy dense and nutrient dense food sources are identified and explained
2. Recognize malnutrition in the community

 Physical signs of malnutrition are identified and explained

 Forms, causes and consequences of malnutrition in different groups of

community are identified

 Measures to overcome malnutrition, importance of maintenance of

adequate and balanced diet are promoted

 Contribution is made in elders, family heads and women awareness

creation program

3) Identify the role of agriculture in nutrition

 The role of Agriculture as source of variety foods is recognized
 The contribution of Agriculture sector in nutrition sensitive intervention is
 Nutrition sensitive Agricultural practices are identified and communicated
4. Demonstrate diversified Agricultural food production and consumption
 Importance of diet diversification is identified and discussed accordingly
 Techniques of diversified food production are identified
 Techniques of enhancing the nutrient content of family foods are assessed
and implemented
 Utensils are identified and cooking techniques are demonstrated for specific
agricultural products
Ethiopian TVET System

 PPE is selected and used in accordance to OHS requirement and code of

 Balanced and nutrient dense diet preparation is demonstrated using food stuff
5. perform proper handling and storage of agricultural food products
 Importance of hygiene for nutrition is explained
 Storage facilities are identified
 Agricultural products are safely handled and stored
 Methods and techniques of safely handling and storing agricultural products
are demonstrated in accordance products requirement
6. Document and report food production, consumption and difficulties
 Diversified food production and consumption activities are documented
 Difficulties happened in the processes are reported to the respective

Annex: Resources Requirements

Ethiopian TVET System

AGR AHC1 M14 0919 Applying Basics of Human Nutrition

Item Quantit Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications
No. y (Item: Trainee)

by Federal Tvet 25 1:25

2 Reference Books Edited on behalf of The 5 1:25

Nutrition Society by
Michael J Gibney
Introduction to Susan A Lanham-New
human nutrition Aedin Cassidy
Hester H Vorster
Food and Agriculture 5 1:25
The future of food
Organization of the United
2.2 and agriculture-
trend and challenge
Rome, 2017
Nutrition-sensitive Marie T. Ruela,, Agnes R. 5 1:25
agriculture: What Quisumbinga,
2.3 have we learned MysbahBalagamwalab
so far?
2.3 EOS for VRT CPM 5 1:25
Demonstration Hectare
1 1 100 m2:1
2 Laboratory 5x8m 1 1:25
3 Class rooms 5x8m 1 1:25
5 Library 5x8m 1 1:25
6 Internet 0n 25 computer 1 1:1
7 Students Dormitory
Students dining
9 Vehicles Costar 1 1:25
1 Duplication paper Desta 10 10:25
2 Printing paper Desta 10 10:25
3 Photocopy paper Desta 10 10:25
4 Pen Ball point Bic 70 2:1
5 Pencil BH 25 1:1
6 Stencil Ambassador 2 2:1
Ethiopian TVET System

7 CD RW 70 2:1
8 CD R 70 2:1
9 Toner 4350 2 2:25
10 Stencil ink Pkts 2 2:25
11 Marker (art-line 90) 70 2:1
12 Graph paper Roll 10 10:25
13 Philip char paper Roll 1 1:25
14 Scotch tape Pcs 10 10:25
15 UHU 25 1:1
16 Fastener Pkts 1 1:25
17 Small stapler Pcs 5 1:5
18 Large Stapler Pcs 5 1:5
19 Medium Stapler Pcs 5 1:5
20 Paper basket Pcs 2 2:25
21 Paper tray Pcs 5 1:5
22 Staple remover Pcs 5 1:5
23 Spills Pkts 10 10:25
24 Classer Pcs 140 4:1
25 File Box With ring 25 1:1
26 File Box With string 25 1:1
27 Bag Brief case 1 1:25
28 Calculator Scientific 25 1:1
29 Ruler Plastic (25, 50, 100 cm ) 25 1:1
30 T-Square 25 1:1
31 Writing pad Small 25 1:1
32 Writing pad Medium 25 1:1
33 Writing pad Large 25 1:1
1 Stove 5 5:25
As required As
2 Knives requir
As required As
3 Plates requir
Different As required
vegetables & fruits
Animal source As required
2 food group

Legumes and As required

3 nuts food group

4 Fats oils and As required

Ethiopian TVET System

sweets food

5 Cereals flours As required

6 Salt As required


ATVET PROGRAM TITLE : Animal Health Service Level-I
Unit of competence
Apply Quality Standards
Ethiopian TVET System

Module title Applying Quality Standards

Module Code AGR AHC1 M15 0919
Nominal duration 30Hrs
Module description
This module covers the knowledge, Attitude and skills required in applying quality
standards in the operational activities.
Learning Outcome
After completing this module the trainee will be able to :
LO1. Assess own work
LO2. Assess quality of service rendered
LO3. Record information
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations
LO5. Complete documentation
LO1. Assess own work
1.1.Checking Completed work against organizational standards

1.2. Demonstrating an understanding on how the work activities and completed work

relate to the next process and to the final appearance of the service / product.
2.3.Identifying and isolating faulty service

2.4 Recording and reporting faults and any identified causes

LO2. Assess quality of service rendered
2.1.Checking quality of services rendered against standards and specifications
2.2. Evaluating service rendered by using the appropriate evaluation parameters
2.2.1. Methods used to evaluate services rendered.
2.3. Identifying the Causes of any faulty and take corrective actions
LO3. Record information

3.1. Recording Basic information on the quality performance.

3.2 maintaining rrecords of work quality
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations
4.1. Investigating and reporting causes of deviations from final output/ services.
4.2. Recommending suitable preventive action based organizational quality
Ethiopian TVET System

LO5. Complete documentation

5.1.RecordingInformation on quality and other indicators of production performance
5.2 Recording all services processes and outcomes
Ethiopian TVET System

For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly
Ethiopian TVET System

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
necessary  Provide tutorial necessary
 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
Ethiopian TVET System

 Time extension

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the
proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Time extension for trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format
upper limb impairment
 Assign human reader

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension
Ethiopian TVET System


LO1. Assess own work

 Completed work is checked against organization standards relevant to the
activity being undertaken.
 An understanding is demonstrated on how the work activities and completed
work relate to the next process and to the final appearance of the service /
 Faulty service is identified and isolated in accordance with policies and
 Faults and any identified causes are recorded and reported in accordance
standard procedures.
LO2. Assess quality of service rendered
 Services rendered are quality checked against standards and
 Service rendered are evaluated using the appropriate evaluation
parameters and in accordance with standards.
 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective actions are
taken in accordance with policies and procedures.
LO3. Record information
 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in accordance
with organization procedures.
 Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of
the organization/enterprise.
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations
 Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are investigated and
reported in accordance with standard procedures.
 Suitable preventive action is recommended based on organization quality
Ethiopian TVET System

standards and identified causes of deviation from specified quality

standards of final service or output.

LO5. Complete documentation

 Information on quality parameters and other indicators of service

performance is recorded.
 All service processes and outcomes are recorded.
Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M15 0919Applying Quality Standards

Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 1:1
2. Textbooks 1:5
3. Reference Books 1:1
3. standard
IT room 1 1:25
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
2. Library 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
7 Flip chart Piece 1 1:25
8 Marker Pack 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. laptop 1 1:25
2. Flash, 1 1:25
3 PPE 1 1:25
4 LCD 1 1:25

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Animal Health Care Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Demonstrating work values

Ethiopian TVET System



This module aims to provide the learners with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes to
receive, in demonstrating proper work values.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Define the purpose of work
LO2 .Apply work values/ethics
LO3. Deal with ethical problems
LO4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
LO1. Define the purpose of work
1.1 Identifying purpose and ‘Whys’ of work and defining ones development as a person and
as a member of society
1.2 Achieving personal mission in harmony with company’s values
LO2. Apply work values/ethics
2.1.Classifying and reaffirming work values/ ethics/concepts
2.2. Undertaking work practice in compliance with industry work ethical standards,
organizational policy and guidelines
2.3.Conducting personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients
2.4. Using company resources
LO3. Deal with ethical problems
3.1. Assessing and applying company ethical standards, policies and guidelines on the
reporting of unethical conduct
3.2. Reporting and/resolving work incidents/or situations in accordance with company
3.3 using resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified as learning opportunities
LO4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
4.1 Demonstrating personal work practices and values consistently with acceptable ethical
conduct and company’s core values.
4.2 Providing instructions to co-workers based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives
4.3. Sharing company values/practices with co-workers using appropriate behavior and
Ethiopian TVET System
For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
Ethiopian TVET System

necessary  Provide tutorial necessary

 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader upper limb impairment

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Ethiopian TVET System

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader upper limb impairment

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

LO1. Define the purpose of work

 One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the ‘whys’ of work are
identified, reflected on and clearly defined for one’s development as a
person and as a member of society.

 Personal mission is achieved in harmony with company’s values.

LO2. Apply work values/ethics

 Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and reaffirmed in accordance with

the transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.

 Work practices are undertaken in compliance with industry work ethical

standards, organizational policy and guidelines

 Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients are

conducted in accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
 Company resources are used in accordance with transparent company ethical
standard, policies and guidelines.
LO3. Deal with ethical problems

 Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the

prevention and reporting of unethical conduct are accessed and applied in
accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.

 Work incidents/situations are reported and/or resolved in accordance with

company protocol/guidelines.

 Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified are used as learning

LO4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace

 Personal work practices and values are demonstrated consistently with

acceptable ethical conduct and company’s core values.

 Instructions to co-workers are provided based on ethical, lawful and

reasonable directives.
Company values/practices are shared with co-workers using appropriate behavior
and language

Ethiopian TVET System

Annex: Resource Requirements

AGR AHC1 M16 0919 Demonstrate work values
Description/ Recommende
Item Specifications d Ratio Requirements
Category/Item Quantity
No. (Item: (e.g. Maintenance)
A. Learning Materials
To be developed
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer

Legal and
2 Reference Books organization 7 1:5

Technical/Operation EOS
3. 5 1:5
al Manual
4. 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
Library standard
1. 1 1:25

Laboratory Equipped standard

2. 1 1:25
3. Lecture Room standard 1:25
Papers, pens,
1. Stationary 25 1:1 .
pencils, marker
2. Printer ink Standard .
Tools and
1. Desk top Computer standard 1 1:25 Maintenance if required
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25 Maintenance if required
3 Laptop Standard 1 1:25
4 LCD Standard 1 1:25
Ethiopian TVET System

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Animal Health Care Service
MODULE TITLE: Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship
This module aims to provide the learners with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes to understand
the principles, functions, strategies and methods of entrepreneurship. It also covers identifying and
developing the major entrepreneurial competences.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO 1. Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of entrepreneurship
Ethiopian TVET System

LO 2. Discuss how to become an entrepreneur

LO 3. Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise
LO 4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise
LO 5. Prepare and use financial records
LO 6. Develop one’s own business plan

LO1. Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of entrepreneurship
1.1 analyzing and discussing the concept and principles of entrepreneurship
1.2. Identifying and discussing entrepreneurial traits, features, and types of entrepreneurs
1.3. explaining and discussing the role of entrepreneurship development for the Ethiopian
1.4. discussing and analyzing Entrepreneurship for women and disables
LO2. Discuss how to become an entrepreneur

2.1 Developing the positive mind set, attitude towards poverty and “can do mentality”

2.2 discussing and analyzing self-employment as an individual economic independence and

personal growth
2.3. Explaining and discussing advantages and disadvantages of self-employment and being an
2.4. Identifying and explaining major competencies of successful entrepreneurs

2.5. Assessing Self-potential to determine if qualified to become an entrepreneur.

2.6 Identifying and discussing the behaviours of successful entrepreneurs

2.7 Generating business ideas using appropriate tools, techniques and steps.

2.8 Identifying and assessing business opportunities

LO3. Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise
3.1 identifying and discussing the concepts and legal forms of business enterprises in Ethiopia
3.2 Understanding and developing business ethics
3.3 Discussing, clarifying and understanding facts about micro, small and medium enterprises
3.4 identifying and explaining key success factors in setting up micro, small and medium

3.5. Discussing and understanding procedures for identifying suitable market for business
3.6. Identifying and discussing major factors in selecting a business location
Ethiopian TVET System

3.7. Estimating amount of money needed to start an enterprise

3.8. Identifying source of finance
LO4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise

4.1 Explaining and discussing processes of hiring and managing people

4.2 Discussing and understanding the importance, techniques and application of self-
management skills, negotiation skills and time management skills, decision skills

4.3 Explaining and discussing the techniques and procedures of managing sales

4.4 Identifying and discussing factors to be considered in selecting suppliers and the steps to
follow when doing business with them

4.5 Developing awareness of how new technologies can affect micro, small and medium

4.6 Explaining and discussing characteristics of appropriate technology for use

4.7 Performing risk assessment and management of business enterprise regularly.

4.8 Inspecting qualities properly and managing inventories properly

4.9 Explained and understanding basic concepts of Monitoring and Evaluation

LO5 Prepare and use financial records

5.1. Discussing Importance of financial source documents and record keeping

5.2. Identifying and preparing financial recording documents

5.3. Discussing and identifying different types of cost and expense that occur in a business and
how to manage them

5.4. Discussing and identifying factors and procedures in knowing the cost and expense of the

5.5. Preparing and understanding simple financial statements

LO6. Develop one’s own business plan

6.1. Discussing and understanding the concept, importance and process of preparing/ writing a
business plan

6.2. Making clear and understood feasibility of the business idea

6.3. Interpreting and assessing , and analyzing findings of the feasibility study

6.4. Applying standard structure and format in preparing business plan.

Ethiopian TVET System

6.5. Identifying and understanding problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business
For none
impaired Reasonable Adjustment for trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Minor Physical
Low Vision Hard of hearing
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Organize the
discussion  Organize the class room seating class room  Provide Orientation on
arrangement to be accessible to seating the physical feature of
trainees arrangement to the work shop
 Write short notes on the black/white be accessible to
board using large text trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly
of class room is kept  Ensure the
 Use normal tone of voice attention of the
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Present the
 Summarize main points lecture in video
 Ensure the
attention of the
Ethiopian TVET System

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in

 Use verbal description clear & short  Assign peer trainees
 Provide special attention in the method to assist
process of guidance  Use Video  Conduct close follow
 facilitate the support of peer recorded up
trainees material  PProvide tutorial
 Prepare & use simulation  Ensure the support
attention of the (if necessary
 PProvide
tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

discussion trainees with group members integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other group members
group member  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance follow up and  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
Ethiopian TVET System

necessary  Provide tutorial necessary

 provide special attention in the support if
process necessary
 provide special
attention in the


Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader upper limb impairment

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

Ethiopian TVET System

Interview  Ensure or confirm whether the

proper communication
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Use oral response as an option to give
test  Use interview as an option if answer for trainees having severe upper
necessary limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension for trainees having severe
 Assign human reader upper limb impairment

(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide them  Provide activity based assessment
ion/Observ in large text/Brail  Conduct close follow up
ation  Time extension

LO1. Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of

 The concept and principles of entrepreneurship are analyzed and
 Entrepreneurial traits and distinguishing features, entrepreneurial
motivations and types of entrepreneurs are identified and discussed.
 The role of entrepreneurship development for the Ethiopian economy are
explained and discussed.
 Entrepreneurship for women and disables are discussed and analyzed.

LO2. Discuss how to become an entrepreneur

 The positive mind set, attitude towards poverty and “can do mentality” are
 Self-employment as an individual economic independence and personal
growth is discussed and analyzed.
 Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment and being an
employee are explained and discussed.
 Major competencies of successful entrepreneurs are identified and
 Self-potential is assessed to determine if qualified to become an
 The behaviors of successful entrepreneurs are identified and discussed.
 Business ideas are generated using appropriate tools, techniques and
 Business opportunities are identified and assessed.
LO3. Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise
 The concepts and legal forms of business enterprises in Ethiopia are
identified and discussed
 Business Ethics is understood and developed.
 Facts about micro, small and medium enterprises are discussed,
clarified and understood.
 Key success factors in setting up micro, small and medium businesses are
identified and explained.
 Procedures for identifying suitable market for business are discussed and
Ethiopian TVET System

 Major factors to consider in selecting a location for a business are

identified and discussed.
 Amount of money needed to start an enterprise is estimated and various
sources of finance are identified and discussed.
Lo4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise
 Processes of hiring and managing people are explained and discussed.
 The importance, techniques and application of self-management skills,
negotiation skills and time management skills, decision skills are discussed
and understood.
 The techniques and procedures of managing sales are explained and
 Factors to be considered in selecting suppliers and the steps to follow when
doing business with them are identified and discussed.
 Awareness of how new technologies can affect micro, small and medium
business is developed, and Characteristics of appropriate technology for
use are explained and discussed.
 Risk assessment and management of business enterprise are performed
 Qualities are properly inspected and inventories are properly managed.
 Basic concepts of Monitoring and Evaluation are explained and understood.
LO5. Prepare and use financial records
 Importance of financial source documents and record keeping are
 Financial recording documents are identified and prepared.
 Different types of cost and expense that occur in a business and how to
manage them are discussed and understood.
 Factors and procedures in knowing the cost and expense of the enterprise
are discussed and understood.
 Simple financial statements are prepared and understood
LO6. Develop one’s own business plan
 The concept, importance and process of preparing/ writing a business plan
is discussed and understood
 Feasibility of the business idea is made clear and understood.
 Findings of the feasibility study are interpreted, assessed and analyzed.
Ethiopian TVET System

 Standard structure and format are applied in preparing business plan.

 Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business are
identified and understand.

Annex: Resource Requirement

AGR AHC1M 17 0919 Developing Understanding of

Description/ Recommende
Item Specifications d Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. (Item:
To be developed by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
the trainer

Legal and
2 Reference Books organization 5 1:5

Technical/Operati EOS
3. 2 1:12
onal Manual
Organizational standard
4. 5 1:5
Learning Facilities
& Infrastructure
Library standard
1. 1 1:25

Laboratory standard
2. Equipped 1:25
3. Lecture Room standard 1:25
Ethiopian TVET System

Papers, pens,
1. Stationary 25 1:1
pencils, marker
2. Printer ink Standard 1 1:25
3 Flip chart Piece 1 1:25
4 Marker Packet 1 1:25
Tools and
1. 5 1:5
top Computer
2 Printer Colored/mono 1 1:25
Cori 7
3 Laptop 1 1:25
4 LCD 1 1:25
5 Calculator 25 1:1



No Name Qualification Position level E-mail-address Phone no

1 Dr.Bereket DVM Instructor B 0917173218

2 Dr. Ayana DVM Instructor B 0931571998
3 Dr. Abate DVM, MSc Instructor A 0923382973
Ethiopian TVET System

4 Dr. Ayal DVM Instructor B


The Ministry of Education wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives
of business, industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to
the development of this Model Curriculum for the TVET Program
Level .

The teachers (who developed the curriculum)

The (School name represented by the teacher)

We would like also to express our appreciation to the following Staff and Officers of Ministry of
Education and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who facilitated the development of
this curriculum –

This curriculum was developed on the September 15-October 15/2019 at Bahirdar.

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