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Updates on Philippine Palay, Rice, and Corn Prices

Week 4 of June 2020

Date of Release: 17 August 2020

Reference No. 2020-210

A. Farmgate Price of Palay

Farmgate price of palay continues to decline during the week

The average farmgate price of Figure 1. Weekly Farmgate Prices of Palay (Dry)
in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
palay decreased further to Price
18.86 18.63
PhP 18.63/kg or by 1.2 percent
during the period, from its previous
week’s level of PhP 18.86/kg.
Meanwhile, it picked up at an
annual rate of 4.2 percent, from
its level of PhP 17.88/kg in the
same week of the previous year. Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020
(Previous Week)
Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Current Week)
(Table 1 and Figure 1) Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

B. Farmgate Prices of Yellow and White Corngrains

Farmgate price of yellow and white corngrains drop this week

The average farmgate price of Figure 2. Weekly Farmgate Prices of Yellow

Corngrain in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
yellow corngrain went down to Price

PhP 12.77/kg or by 0.1 percent 14.00

12.78 12.77
this week, from its level of
PhP 12.78/kg in the previous
week. Likewise, it posted an
annual decline of 8.8 percent
relative to its average price of
PhP 14.00/kg in the same period Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020 Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Previous Week) (Current Week)
of the previous year. (Table 2 and Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Figure 2)

PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101

Telephone: (632) 8938-5267
Similarly, the average farmgate Figure 3. Weekly Farmgate Prices of White
Corngrain in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
price of white corngrain declined Price
to PhP 14.00/kg or by 0.1 percent 14.02 14.00
during the week, from its previous
week’s level of PhP 14.02/kg. The
same trend was also observed on
an annual basis as it fell by
13.0 percent, from PhP 16.10/kg
during the same period of the Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020
(Previous Week)
Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Current Week)
previous year. (Table 2 and Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Figure 3)

C. Wholesale and Retail Prices of Well Milled Rice

Wholesale price of well milled rice drops while its retail price
increases this week

The average wholesale price of Figure 4. Weekly Wholesale Prices of Well Milled
Rice in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
well milled rice decreased to Price
39.27 39.36 39.34
PhP 39.34/kg or by 0.1 percent
during the week, compared with
its price level of PhP 39.36/kg in
the previous week. Relative to its
average price of PhP 39.27/kg
during the same period of the
previous year, its annual Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020
(Previous Week)
Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Current Week)
increment remained at Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

0.2 percent. (Table 1 and

Figure 4)

On the contrary, the average retail Figure 5. Weekly Retail Prices of Well Milled
Rice in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
price of well milled rice picked up Price 42.85 42.61 42.63
to PhP 42.63/kg or by 0.1 percent
this week, relative to its level of
PhP 42.61/kg in the previous
week. Meanwhile, from its
average price of PhP 42.85/kg in
the same week of the previous
year, it went down at an annual Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020
(Previous Week)
Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Current Week)
rate of 0.5 percent. (Table 1 and Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Figure 5)

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D. Wholesale and Retail Prices of Regular Milled Rice

Both wholesale and retail prices of regular milled rice pick up

during the week
Figure 6. Weekly Wholesale Prices of Regular
The average wholesale price of Milled Rice in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
regular milled rice inched up to 35.46 35.71 35.74

PhP 35.74/kg or by 0.1 percent

during the week, from
PhP 35.71/kg in the previous
week. Likewise, it registered an
annual gain of 0.8 percent from its
level of PhP 35.46/kg during the Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020 Wk 4, Jun 2020
same week of the previous year. (Previous Week) (Current Week)
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
(Table 1 and Figure 6)

At the retail trade, the average Figure 7. Weekly Retail Prices of Regular Milled
Rice in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
price of regular milled rice rose to Price
38.56 38.47 38.51
PhP 38.51/kg or by 0.1 percent
this week, relative to its previous
week’s level of PhP 38.47/kg. On
the other hand, it went down at an
annual rate of 0.1 percent
compared with its average price of
Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020 Wk 4, Jun 2020
PhP 38.56/kg during the same (Previous Week) (Current Week)

week of the previous year. Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

(Table 1 and Figure 7)

E. Wholesale and Retail Prices of Yellow Corngrain

Wholesale price of yellow corngrain registers uptick while its retail

price remains stable this week

The average wholesale price of Figure 8. Weekly Wholesale Prices of Yellow

Corngrain in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
yellow corngrain advanced to Price

PhP 21.00/kg or by 0.6 percent 18.30

20.88 21.00

during the week, from its previous

week’s level of PhP 20.88/kg.
Similarly, it exhibited an annual
increment of 14.8 percent relative
to its average price of
PhP 18.30/kg in the same week of Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020
(Previous Week)
Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Current Week)
the previous year. (Table 2 and Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Figure 8)

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Yellow corngrain retained its Figure 9. Weekly Retail Prices of Yellow Corngrain
previous week’s average Price
in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)

retail price of PhP 25.72/kg. 25.72 25.72

Meanwhile, from an average price
of PhP 23.75/kg during the same
week of the previous year, it
accelerated at an annual rate of
8.3 percent. (Table 2 and Figure 9)
Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020 Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Previous Week) (Current Week)
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

F. Wholesale and Retail Prices of White Corngrain

Price of white corngrain is higher at the wholesale trade while it is

stable at the retail trade this week

The average wholesale price of Figure 10. Weekly Wholesale Prices of White
Corngrain in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
white corngrain increased to Price
16.88 17.00
PhP 17.00/kg or by 0.7 percent
this week, from its previous week’s
level of PhP 16.88/kg. On the
other hand, it dropped at an
annual rate of 8.5 percent relative
to its price level of PhP 18.57/kg
during the same period of the Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020
(Previous Week)
Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Current Week)
previous year. (Table 2 and Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Figure 10)

The average retail price of white Figure 11. Weekly Retail Prices of White Corngrain
in the Philippines (in PhP per kilogram)
corngrain remained at Price
27.45 28.10 28.10
PhP 28.10/kg during the week.
However, from an average price of
PhP 27.45/kg in the same period
of the previous year, it went up at
an annual rate of 2.4 percent.
(Table 2 and Figure 11)
Wk 4, Jun 2019 Wk 3, Jun 2020 Wk 4, Jun 2020
(Previous Week) (Current Week)
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General
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