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1. Which of the following map scales is the most universal?

A Graphic scale
B Scale statement
C Aerial scale
D Representative Fraction

2. Which one of the following marginal information indicates the general purpose of a map?
A Title
B Date
C Key
D Scale

3. Which type of rock has the most economically valuable types of minerals?
A Sedimentary rocks
B Igneous rocks
C Metamorphic rocks
D None of the above

4. One of the following is not an example of igneous rocks?

A Basalt
B Granite
C Coal
D Sands

5. The thinnest and coolest layer of the earth is:

A Mantle
B) Crust
C) Outer Core
D Inner Core

6. __________ is a person who is well trained to make map.

A Photographer
B Cartographer
C Carpenter
D None of the above

7. One of the following is a pictorial representation of a scale.

A Scale statement
B Graphic scale
C R.F Scale
D None of the above

8. Another name of continental crust is:

A Dyke
B Sial
C Sima
D Vent

9. All are the uses of a map except:

A) To show location

B) To show direction

C) To show the area of a place

D All of the above

10. The molten materials found inside the earth are called ___________________.

A Lava
B Magma
C Ashe
D Dust

11. Which rock types are known as “changed rocks”?

A Sedimentary rocks
B Igneous rocks
C Metamorphic rocks
D Strong rocks

12. The inner core of the earth is:

A Solid
B Liquid
C Gas
D None

13. Which one of the following is true about equatorial rainforest vegetation?
A It consists of hardwood trees
B It is complete and multilayered.
C It is distributed in central and western
) Africa.
D All of the above.

14. Which vegetation type is found in the north and south extremes of the continent of Africa?
A Tropical highland vegetation
B Mediterranean vegetation
C Savannah vegetation
D Desert vegetation

15. Deforestation means

A Planting new seedlings in place of the
) cleared forest.
B The temporary or permanent
) clearance of forests for some other
land use .
C Planting trees where no plant life
) before was.
D Loss of flora and fauna.

16. Cactus grows in regions of the world where there are:

A High temperature and low rainfall
B High temperature and high rainfall
C Low temperature and low rainfall
D Low temperature and high rainfall

17. One of the following is true about endemic animals.

A They are animals that are found in an
) area in great number.
B They are rare animals limited to a
) certain area or country.
C They are extinct wild animals.
D They are endangered or threatened
) animals.
18. Which one of the following is not a good method of water conservation?
A Recycling wastes
B Discharging industrial wastes
C Use of chemical
D Removal of pollutants by purification

19. Which one of the following is the main threat to water and air?
A) Erosion
B) Deforestation
C) Pollution
D) Evaporation

20. Where do you find the headquarter of the UNEP?

A Nairobi
B Addis Ababa
C Lagos
D Cairo

21. How many natural vegetation types are found in Africa?

A. 4 B. 6 C. 5 D. 3

222. One of the following is true about equatorial rain forest vegetation.

A. The rainforest is complete and multilayered

B. It consists of hardwood trees

C. It has high annual precipitation and consistently warm temperature

D. All of the above

23. Which vegetation type is distributed in the central and western part of Africa?
A. Desert vegetation C. Equatorial vegetation

B. Tropical highland vegetation D. Savannah vegetation

24. One of the following vegetation types is mainly found in Savannah region.

A. Baobab tree B. Acacia C. Mahogany D. Euphorbis

25. One of the following shows the environmental condition of desert regions of Africa.

A. Unreliable rainfall C. Low humidity

B. Extremely high temperature D. All of the above

26. Which of the following is a finite resource?

A. Water B. Air C. Soil D. Iron

27. The very common types of vegetation found in the Mediterranean region are called ______.

A. Xerophytes C. Alpine plants

B. Maquis D. Ebony

28. One of the following vegetation type is the most widespread type of natural vegetation in Africa?

A. Equatorial rain forest C. Savannah vegetation

B. Desert vegetation D. Tropical highland vegetation

29. One of the following is true about Savannah vegetation.

A. It consists of different types of grass and trees

B. Savannah vegetations mostly encircle the equatorial rain forest region

C. Temperate is high all year round

D. All of the above

30. The most widespread type of natural vegetation in Africa is:

A. Equatorial rain forest C. Savannah vegetation

B. Desert vegetation D. Tropical highland vegetation

10. One of the following is not an environment of tropical latitudes?

A. Tropical rain forest B. Tropical Savannah C. Grassland D. Tundra

31. Which vegetation type of Africa grows on the African tropical mountains?

A. Savannah vegetation C. Mediterranean vegetation

B. Tropical highland vegetation D. Tropical rain forest

32. In which part of Africa, do we find Mediterranean Vegetation?

A. Central and eastern Africa C. North and South extremes of Africa

B. Western Africa D. North-eastern Africa

33. One of the following is a major factor that affects natural vegetation?

A. Deforestation C. Impeded forest vegetation

B. Forest degradation D. All of the above

34. Animals that eat both grass and meat are known as __________________.

A. Omnivore animals B. Carnivore animals C. Herbivore animals D. None

35. All are an example of carnivore animals except:

A. Lion B. Leopard C. Giraffes D. Hyena

36. Planting new forests where none existed before refers to _____________________.

A. Reforestation B. Afforestation C. Agro-forestry D. None

37. __is the huge variety of animals and plants on our planet, together with the places where they are found.

A. Biodiversity B. Ecology C. Environment D. Geology

38. One of the following is not true about tropical Savannah.

A. Covers the surface where a long winter, dry season occurs.

B. Large areas of tall grass are interspersed with groves of trees

C. It is among the richest grazing lands on earth.

D. Xerophytes are common plants.

39. One of the following is an important method to conserve soil.

A. Rotation of crops B. Recovery period C. Terracing D. All of the above

40. Identify the wrong statement.

A. The vegetation diversity in desert areas is surprisingly high

B. The deserts and semi-deserts are not devoid of vegetation

C. The desert vegetation belt coincides with the Sahara, Sahel, Karroo-Namib and Kalahari regions.

D. None of the above

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