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Informational Literacy Lesson Plan

GRADE: 7 TEACHER : Juanita Douglas

CONTENT TOPIC: Note taking / Comparative Writing


Standard 2: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations,
and create new knowledge.

Skills Indicator(s):
2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular
areas, real-world situations, and further investigations.
2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.

- Combine information and inferences to draw conclusions and create meaning.
- Develop their personal points of view and support each with evidence.
- Apply new knowledge to real-world issues and problems.
- Display important connections among ideas by using common productivity tools to categorize
and analyze information.

Dispositions Indicator(s):
2.2.3 Employ a critical stance in drawing conclusions by demonstrating that the pattern of
evidence leads to a decision or conclusion.
2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning.

Responsibilities Indicator(s):
2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world
Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):
2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding.


ELA7W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres.
The student produces writing (multi-paragraph expository composition such as description,
explanation, comparison and contrast, or problem and solution)
developing reader interest.
b. Develops a controlling idea that conveys a perspective on the subject.
c. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.
d. Develops the topic with supporting details.
e. Excludes extraneous and inappropriate information.

ELA7W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student
b. Gives credit for both quoted and paraphrased information in a bibliography by using a
consistent and sanctioned format and methodology for citations.
e. Uses electronic media to locate relevant information.

OVERVIEW: Seventh grade language arts students will demonstrate their comparison skills

by identifying two African American achievers and comparing their contribution to society. The

achievers must have made significant contributions in the same area for example in sports, civil

rights, education or music. The essential questions are: How do achievers overcome

challenges? What qualities you admire most in successful people? What similarities do you

share with the African American achievers?

FINAL PRODUCT: Students will create either a five paragraph essay or a power point

presentation comparing and contrasting differences in two African American Achievers.


Classroom teacher shares the English Language Arts standards that the unit targets with the

students. The task, process and evaluation criteria of the assignment would be explained to

students before the administration of collaborative lesson between the media specialist and in

the library.

• Resources students will use:
X Online subscription database(s)
X Web sites
X Books
X Reference

Details of these resources can be found on the pathfinder.

• Instruction/activities
X Direct instruction:
X Modeling and guided practice:
X Independent practice:
X Sharing and reflecting:

LIBRARY LESSON(S): The media specialist will teach students how to use research
techniques, how to find desired information from the Internet, and how to determine the
relevancy of the information that is found. Demonstrations of proper citing of information from
various sources will also be taught. These tasks will be carried out through lecture, graphic
organizers, and demonstrations via the Internet by use of the Promethean Board. She will create
and supply students with a pathfinder to assist them with their research.

• Product

Students will copy notes appropriate notes on their subjects and organize their notes a KWL
chart to prepare for their comparison essay.

• Process

Media specialist uses promethium board to model using the K.W.L chart as a guide to taking
notes in the media center.

The teacher and media specialist will monitor students’ work by observing students and
questioning them about their choices of resources.

Teacher and students use graphic organizers to facilitate students’ initial planning for research.

• Assessment

Students will use the personal evaluation rubric attached to assessment their note taking skills.
They will also reflect on their shortcomings and reflect on how they can improve.

Essential question: What are some remarkable qualities found in African American

Research and take notes on the two African American achievers that you have selected. Your

notes should be organized to show comparison of the similarities and differences in the

characteristics of the two subjects.


Media specialist informs students that she is here today to help them with their note taking skills

as they research their topics to create their authentic essays. She will then introduce the skill by

modeling the use of the KLW chart to direct their research. She will use a flip chart to highlight

two subjects and lists all she knows of the subject, and what she wants to know. She will then

brainstorm for resources she can use to gain information to learn. Below the chart she will list

all the possible resources she could use that are available in the media center.

She will then use one of the sources listed to locate the information that she wanted to learn. She

will make a note on the learned column in her own words and state where she got the

information from.

The media specialist will then demonstrate to students on the promethium board how the path

finder she has created works. This pathfinder provides a list of credible sources on their topics

that are available in the media center.

Work Period:

Classroom teacher will distribute KLW charts and instruct students to brainstorm and then fill

out the K and W sections of their charts. Students will then be encouraged to use the pathfinder

to locate information. Both media specialist and classroom teacher will monitor students as they

locate information and help them understand concepts to record these in their own words.

Students will be encouraged to use additional sheets of paper to record additional information

they deem useful.

Students will use the note taking rubric to evaluate their note taking skills. Students will orally

share some of their findings with the class, and what they have learned during their research.

Collaboration Reflections

The planning for this lesson began when this assignment was given. I asked the new language arts

teacher what she was working on and she said the students were in their expository unit, and their

end product was to be a comparison essay. I then asked her what topics the students would compare,

and she said she was thinking of having them compare two stories. I then used this opportunity to

invite her to include her research standards in this assignment. I told her I would help her in any way

she desires.

She subsequently came back and said that she gave my suggestion serious consideration and thought

it gave the students more liberty in choosing their own topics and writing about it. We sat for a few

minutes and spoke of challenges she foresaw with the students assignments. She said she wanted

students to write their essays showing similarities and differences between two subjects, but very

often students’ essays were long and identify similar elements to be compared and contrasted. I told

her I could assist by guiding their research and helping them to take relevant notes to write their


I also told her she could encourage students to use different forms of presentations other than essay

writing to show comparison and contrast, and she said she was also thinking about power point

presentations, but she has to discuss that with her department chair.

She later told me that her department chair agreed to the modification, and she would have the

students compare and contrast two notable African American. I told her I would conduct a mini

lesson on taking notes and prepare a pathfinder so students can have easy access to the resources

available in the library.

Lesson Reflections:

The classroom teacher and I met during her planning period, and we both expressed our pleasure at

how the lesson went. She expressed that the KWL charts forced the students to take relevant notes,

and the guide we gave them directed students to look for and record certain information. I also

expressed that I liked how some of the students shared that that they were forced to understand the

information in their research texts. One student even said he usually would usually copy text and

paste bits and pieces on a page and save this in his flash drive. Many students said they did not take

time to understand the text when taking notes, and they feel they are now ready to write an essay on

their subjects. We both agreed that our next collaboration should be teaching students to locate

information and evaluating sources.

African American Achievement

Name of K W L
Subject What I know: What I want to What I learned:




Public opinion
of subject

Sources used:
Note Taking Rubric
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Work
Notes must be relevant. All the notes taken Most of the My information
address common information does not always
characteristics recorded is relate to my
between the two relevant to the questions.
subjects. topics being
discussed. I need more
details to support
my major points.
Notes must come from I can identify key I need help with Some of the
reliable source. words and phrases identifying key information I have
that help me use words and recorded seem
my own words. phrases. very inconsistent.

I can explain the I need help with

meanings of most the meanings of
words that I use. many words that I
Notes must be written in I can identify key I copied
my own words. words and phrases everything from
that help me use the text without
my own words. making changes.

I can explain the

meaning of all
words that I use.


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