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There are numerous historical events that I would love to change but as I was reading a

book called night by Eli. Moreover, if I had one chance to change one historical event, it would

be the holocaust. In retrospect in high school, I remembered my history teacher told me the story

of Jews genocide and I went home to look up the real meaning of holocaust. It was the saddest

and devastating story I had ever heard. According to the encyclopedia, holocaust is the

deliberate and systematic extermination of approximately six million Jews. The holocaust is a

Greek word which means sacrifice by fire. It is also like the mass execution, massacre, or race

extermination. The Colombia encyclopedia defines holocaust as a name given to the period of

persecution and extermination of European Jews by the Nazi Germany. Without a doubt,

Jewish’s mainly death was accumulated by the Nazi human experimentation, the concentration

camps, and the late arrival of rescue.

The Nazi use the Jews for copious experiments to see if the medications work in order to

help the German military personnel in combat situation. The experiments were put not only on

the adults but also on children. Even though all the experiments were horrifying and showed how

malevolent the German were, but the one that stand up the most for me is the twins medical

experiment. Basically, the experiment of twins was to show the similarities and differences in

genetics. The twins were arranged in the order of age, sex and by that range; the Nazi performed

their experiment by injecting plethora and different chemicals in the twins ‘body especially the

facial part. Nazi sometimes injected chemical on one of the twins while the other twin remained

as a control. It was hard for the other twin to witness his or her twin to suffer. The twins were

sewn together and sometimes a conflict between twins was opposed when it came time to choose

which one of twins will be under the experimentation. Moreover, some kids did survive the
experiment but at the end they ended up with disease and eventually die. Finally, the experiments

on twins were done by a human being who absolutely did not feel any remorse about it. The

experiments affected not only the survivors but also their children. Some of the diseases were

transmitted to their children.

Not only the children endure hardship, but the adults also encountered the same and yet

different malicious things. The adults were placed in the concentration camps. There were a lot

of concentration camps. The purpose of the camps was to hold, torture and kill the opposers

which at that time were the Jews. Labor camps were one of the concentration camps which were

intended for hard physical labor under inhuman condition such as cruel treatment. Jews were

worked to death in the labor camps. Further, the gas chamber was in the extermination camp, it

was meant to exterminate million of Jews. The extermination camps were Hitler’s final solution

for the Jewish. The extermination camps were known as the death camps. It was hard to tell if a

person was going to the labor camp or the death camp because they were not informed.

Furthermore, people would rather end their life instead of tolerating the hardship of the camp.

Most of the Jews were dead because of the mistreatment, disease, starvation, overwork or kill by

the SSI officer. Women were totally violated by the soldier in the camps.

What makes it hard to bear this holocaust was the fact that everyone around the world

knew about it and yet none of the countries or powerful countries came for their rescue until it

was too late. Many Jews were died hoping that they will get save before their turn to go to the

extermination camps. Most people were watching it and none of the countries made a move to

step in. They all assume that Hitler was probably joking but when the massacre kept on going

and the death poll kept on rising, then they all decided to come to liberate Jews from the

concentration camps. If only they would have arrived early, not so many people would have been
died. A lot of Jews were dead after their liberation because of malnutrition and probably disease.

Even though the rescue came late, a lot of Jews were saved however most people came out of the

camp with a pervasive, depressive with pessimistic behavior, insecurity, anger, and lost of hope.

Some of the Jews were dead based on a severe and persevering guilt that involved the fact of

having survived while their love one could not make or what they could have done to save them

and it was not enough. Some of the survivors became delusional based on what they witnessed.

In conclusion, the concentration camps, the experiments on twins and the late arrival of

rescue trigger in the death of millions of Jews. I believe that some of the survivors were saved

not on their own physical strength but by their faith that someone will come for them. In order to

change or prevent this historical event, the United States government and other powerful allied

countries should not wait on Hitler to calm down. They should warn Hitler of his concentration

camps and that they would go to war if necessary. When Hitler kept on menacing Jews and

putting them to the extermination camps, the United States government and other allied countries

should step in and take control before it is too late. This change would have made impact in

history. More Jewish would survive and the United States government would start to have a say

in everything that is going wrong around the world. Some Jews would probably enlist

themselves in the United States army to keep on helping other in need. There for, hopefully

something like this never happing again, if it was to do so let us all take control before it’s too

late. Many innocent people died for nothing. May their soul rest in peace.
Work Cited

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “The Holocaust.” Holocaust Encyclopedia. 27 Aug.
Moduled=10005143 (accessed September 8, 2006).

“The Holocaust.” The Colombia Encyclopedia. Sixth Edition. 2008. 27 Aug.

Jennifer Rosenberg, "Mengele's Children: The Twins of Auschwitz". 27 August 2009

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