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P p f ti

m m :

M itt

en vironm ental geography : m eaning and d efin ition s
sco p e o f environm ental eography
geography and ec o lo g y
environm ental geography and related scien ces
fundam ental con cep ts in environm ental geography
m ean in g o f environm ent
structure and typ es o f environm ent
com p on en ts o f environ m en t . , s. • 11
geograph y and en vironm ent
en viron m en t (nature) and w ildern ess ethics
en viron m en t and resources
en viron m en t, culture and society
approaches to the study
en viron m en tal determ inistic approach
te le o lo g ic a l approach
li p o ssib ilistic approach
ec o n o m ic determ inistic approach
e c o lo g ic a l approach
en viron m en t and man
m an's interactions with environm ent
e c o lo g y : m eaning and definitions
aim s and scop e o f e c o lo g y
su b -d iv isio n s o f ec o lo g y >
e c o lo g ic a l con cep ts and principles
e c o lo g ic a l niche
d eep e c o lo g y vs. sh allow eco lo g y
e c o sy ste m : m eaning and concept
properties o f ecosystem
typ es o f e c o sy stem
com p on en ts o f ecosystem
fu n ction in g o f ecosystem
ec o sy ste m productivity
stab ility o f eco sy stem
ec o sy ste m instability
the biosphere
biosphere as a system
biosphere as an ecosystem
su b -system s o f biosphere
m odifiers o f biosphere
com pon en ts o f biosphere
abiotic com ponents
b iotic com ponents
plant system
anim al system
m eanin g and im portance
com p on en ts o f soil system
so il structure .
so il p rofiles and horizons
soil formation
soil form ing 'processes *7
factors affecting soil iformation g9
classification of soils 99 - l u
sources of energy 101
ecological production
trophic levels, food .chains, and food webs ^0 ^
ecological pyramids -jq9
energy flow 113-428
nature of matter
biogeochemical cycles
hydroilogical cycle ^ (j -j
carbon cyc 1e t> 1
oxygen icycle
nitrogen cycle
phosphorous cycle
sedim entoycle
CHAPTER 10: PLANT SYS515M 127-149
vegetation and .plant community ,
vertical structure o f plant communities ^28
successional development of plant communities (biotic succession) 129
prim ary biotic succession 130
■secondary biotic succession 132
climax vegetation 133
evolution o f plants 134
processes o f evolution 134
origin o f species 135
evolutionary history of world plant cover ‘ 137
dispersal of plants 140
dispersal o f flow ering plants 144
distribution off plants 145
origin and evolution animals 151
dispersal of animals 156
types o f dispersal 156
factors o f dispersal 156
carriers o f dispersal 15g
extinction o f species 153
world distribution o f animals 154
world distribution o f land animals j57
distribution o f marine animals 17 j
CHAPTER 12: BIOMES 172-210
meaning and concepts, j^
biomes types,
m ajor biomes o f the world, . _.
tropical evergreen rainforest biom e, !- .
monsoon deciduous forest biome, YLz.
savanna biome,
mediterranean biome,
tem perate grassland biome, J 87
boreal forest (taiga) biome, 191
tundra biome, 197
marine biomes, 201
energy, system,. % 2$9:
soj! in the biosphere, 211
global radiatiQn,(Reat') balance and man; 212 '

net?radiation) and' latitudinal.heat balance, 2.1$

mimani influence on:radiation, (heat) balance, 222
global warming, 223
evidencesof global! warming, 224i
processes; of; glbbali wanning; 225
ozone depletion, 229,
ozone hol'e, 229
ozonehalO, 231*
hypotheses of*ozone depletion? 233
ozone depletion andi globalJwarming; 235
protection: and' maintenance of ozone layer; 235'
efrectsoft ozonedepletion;. 237‘
coralsbleaching;. 239
greenhouse' effects andiglbbal wanning, 240-
greenhouse effects andiclimate.change, 247
globakwarmingandintemationalcooperations, 251..
nrsfcearth summit, 252'
second'earth isummit, 254i
Kyoto protocal; 254
carbon trading; 255r
u rb a n iz a tio n a n d c lim a te , ■ 256-
meaning: and concept; 2601
scald dimension;, 2611
indicators .of clim ate change, 262'
pollen analysis, 263’
dendrochronology, 264i
reconstruction of; palaeoclimate (climoehronology), 272:
clim atic, changesthroughigeologicaliperiods, 272
quaternary clim atechanges^ TIT
clim ateinspostrglacial period; 278'
clim ate changes^in recen t past, 279"
causes; and >theoriesof climatechangeS', 280
s o la r irradiance theory, 281!
Simpson theory, 28i>
sunspot theory, 282.
atm ospheric dust hypothesis, i 282’
carbon dioxide theory, 283
continental drift-and polewandering, 286
tecotonism andbtopographic controls, 286
astronomical theories, - 287
historical perspective, 290
mini's .impacts on 'environmental processes, 292
man and.hydrologicalprocesses, 293->
m an and w eathenng and massmovement processes, 295
m an and'coastaliprocesses, 296
man tandiriyer. process* 3D0
man and periglacial process,. 302
manandsubsurfaceproeessesi 3D3
manandpedologicaliproGesse&» 305'
G H A P T O R 16:
factsioft&oil ierosion^, 30fr
mechanics andiforms of soil erosion,. 309
soil ierosion«quationj 310
faclorssofi soil tero sio n v ................... 310
regional patterns o f m an. induced soil erosion, 3144
ccffrservation measures o f m aipinduced soil erosion; 3 \h

sedimentation processes and global sedimentation problems,

regional sedimentation problems, 323
sedimentation in India, 323
sedimentation and environmental problems, 325
corrective measures o f soil erosion and sedimentation, 326
meaning and concepts, 331
extreme events, 331
environmental hazards, 331
disasters, 332
environmental stress, 332
classification of hazards and disasters, 332
overview of natural disasters, 334
aspects of natural disaster reduction and management, 336
hazard analysis, 336
disaster vulnerability analysis, , . 337
disaster risk analysis, ' 338
stages of natural disaster management, 340
pre-disaster stage, 340
disaster preparedness, 341
disaster prediction, 344
disaster warning systems, 345
disaster educaion, 347
disaster mitigation, 348
disaster prevention, 349
post-disaster stage, 350
relief measures, 350
disaster recovery, 353
rehabilitadon, ,i, 354
types of terrestrial hazards, 356
volcanic disaster, 357
hazardous effects of volcanic disaster, 361
environmental impacts of volcanic disaster, 363
volanic disaster reduction, : 365
T t 'f
earthquake disaster, 366
adverse effects of earthquake disaster, 371
earthquake hazards in India, 379
management o f earthquake disaster, 381
tsunami disaster, 382
Sumatra tsunami, 390
management of tsunami disaster, 393
tsunami warning system, 394
landslide hazards and disasters, 397
landslide disaster management, 400
tropical cyclones disasters, 403
adverse effects of tropical cyclones, 407
hurricanes in United States of America, 408
cyclones in India and Bangladesh, 411
reduction and management of cyclonic disasters, 412
thunderstorms disaster, 414
cloud bursts and flash floods, - •, . ' 418
tornado disaster, 419
prediction of tornadoes, 424
cumulative atmospheric hazards, 425
flood hazard and disaster, 425
causes o f flood hazards, 426
flood disaster in India, 429
management of flood disaster, 430
(X V )

drought hazard and disaster, ' ; - 433

drought control m easures, 436
m eaning and concept, -S'- 437
environm ental degradation and pollution, 438
types of environm ental degradation, 439
processes o f environm ental degradation, >• 440
causes of environm ental degradation, 442
religious and philosophical factors, and environmental degradation, 443
deforestation and environm ental degradation, 444
agricultural developm ent and environm ental degradation, 451
population grow th and environm ental degradation, , 455
industrial developm ent and environmental degradation, 457
urbanization and environm ental degradation, 459
m odem productive technology, . - 462
definitions of pollution, - 466
pollutants, 467
sources o f pollution, • 469
types of pollution, 469
point pollution, 470
non-point pollution, 470
air pollution, 471
w ater pollution, 485
surface (river) water pollution, 488
lakes and sea water pollution, 490
groundw ater pollution, 491
land/soil pollution, 494
solid waste pollution, 498
noise pollution, 502
importance of rbsources, 508
resources : meaning and concept, 510
perception o f resource availability, 510
classification o f resources, 511
ecological resources, 515
resource use and management, 516
environment, 519
development, 520
gaia hypothesis, 520
sustainability, 520
sustainable development, 521
sustainable environment, 521
management, 522
environmental m anagem ent: meaning and concept, 522
environmental m anagem ent: historical perspective, 524
environmental m anagem ent: objectives and goals, 525
environmental m anagem ent: obstacles and taboos, 526
environmental m anagem ent: methods and approaches, 526
ecological basis of environmental management, 530
ecological principles, 531
survey of ecological resources, 531
evaluation of ecological resources, 532
preservation and conservation of ecological resources, 537
environmental impact assessment, 539
Leopold matrix, 541
Sethusamudram ship canal project, 546
major environmental programmes, 550
WOrld summit on sustainable development, ' 553
biodiversity ::meaning, and definitions, 557
elbm entsandtypesof biodiversity, 558
biodiversity- hotspots* 559
valuer and: importanceof biodiversity, 560'
biodiversity loss, 561
causes.of biodiversity laws, 562
conservation o f biodiversity, 565
biospherereserve, 566
zoning o f biosphere reserve, 567
functional pattern .of biosphere reserve,
biodiversity (wildlife) conservation s India, 570'
population growth and environment,, 582
agricultural development and'environmental idegradation, 585
deforestation -and (environmental degradationj 588
urbanization and environmental degradation, 591
industrial development and environmental degradation, 591
waterpollution, 593
Yamuna river pollution; 594
Yamuna.action plan (YAP),
Gangari ver pollution,. 598
Gangaaction plan (GAP), 600
Damodar river pollution, 603
Subamarekha river pollution, 60J
Betwariverrpollution, 605
Periyarri ver pollution, 605
Noyyal riverpoilution, 606
Bhawani river pollution, 606
Gauvery river pollution, 606
Godavari riverpoHution; 607
Krishnari ver pollution, 607
Bhadar river, pollution, 607
air pollution, 607
noise pollution, 611
high risk multi-hazards zones; 612
earthquake-prone areas, 612
cyclone-prone areas, 615
tidal sorge^prone areas* 616
flood-proneareas, 617
drought-prone, areas, 619
landslide-prone areas, 620
tsunami-prone areas, 621
institutional organization and policy 621
framework of disaster management,
national policy on disaster management, 622
disaster management strategies, 623
earthquake rislfrmitigation, 624
cyclone'disaster, management, 625
landslide disaster mitigation^ 626
tsunami disastennanagement; 627
environmental laws; 627
INDEX 632*640

(Definitions, Scope and Concepts)

T he study o f environm ent in one way or the application o f geographical information (both physical
other has alw ays b een recurring them e in geography and human) to the solution o f environm ental
but b etw een 1950 and 1970 the discipline was problems. To my mind, the environmental geogra­
oversh ad ow ed by the dom inance o f locational phy may serve as a bridge betw een physical and
a n a ly sis and spatial organisation studies and the use human branches o f geography on the one hand and it
o f abstract m athem atical and statistical techniques may associate geographers in general and environ­
in geograp h ical en q uiries. C onsequently, the banner mental geographers in particular with other allied
o f en viron m en t w as carried away by the biologists. life and earth scientists on the other hand.
S in ce 1970 the environm ental studies have gained
currency in geography and m ost o f the departments
o f geography o f Indian U n iversities have included
the study o f environm en t under different nom encla­ MEANING AND DEFINITIONS
ture (e.g. e c o lo g y and environm ental management,
environm ental stud ies, environm ental scien ce, g e­ Probably K. H ewitt and F.K. Hare first used
ography o f environm ental m anagem ent, environ­ the term o f ‘environm ental geography’ in Man and
m ental m anagem ent etc.) in their undergraduate and Environment; Conceptual Frameworks (C om m is­
postgraduate teaching program m es. The author has sion on C ollege Geography R esource Paper 20) in
opted for the caption ‘en viro n m en ta l g e o g r a p h y ’ for the year 1973 who remarked that ‘the main needs o f
the study o f various aspects o f the environm ent on environm ental geography today are a deeper fusion
the ground that the subject m ust look more o f ideas and results from the life scien ces. It was
geographical in character and it can be differentiated realized that eco lo g ica l inputs in geographical
from other d iscip lin es studying environm ent be­ studies o f environm ent w ould make the d iscip lin e o f
cau se geography studies the spatial attributes o f geography more focussed subject. This is clearly
mater and phenom ena on the earth’s surface at evident from the assertion o f S.R . Eyre (1 9 6 4 ) that ‘a
d ifferent spatial and tem poral scales. M oreover, the more eco lo g ica l approach’ enhances the prestige o f
nom enclature o f the them e o f environm ental studies geographers within the academ ic w orld’ . A ccording
as ‘en viro n m en ta l g e o g r a p h y ’ instead o f ‘g e o g r a ­ to Eyre ‘by adopting an eco lo g ica l view point
p h y o f en viro n m e n t’ lays m ore em phasis on the geographers can stand to rid them selves o f 'naive

d eterm inism ’ and misinterpretation in both human (2) E nvironm ental g eo g ra p h y is the study o f
and physical geography’ (C.C. Park 1980). system atic d escrip tio n o f d ifferen t com ponents o f
environm ent an d in tera ctio n s o f man with these
It was the year 1989 when Savindra Singh
(Singh, 1989) attempted to define environmental com ponents.
geography and determ ine its scope in his research The study o f characteristic features o f the
paper entitled ‘environ m ental geograph y : con cep­ com ponents o f the environm ent such as abiotic
tu al fra m e w o r k s ’ (N ational Geographer, 1989) and com ponents, biotic com ponents and energy com po­
published the first com prehensive text and reference nents and interactions betw een these components
book entitled ‘en viron m en tal g eo g ra p h y ’ in 1991. and among biotic com ponents requires spatial and
This led to widespread proliferation o f environm en­ temporal units. The ‘g eo b io system s in terms of
tal geography as a distinct branch o f geography and ecosystem s o f different spatial scales becom e the
now m ost o f the Indian universities have included ideal spatial units for the study o f environm ental
environm ental geography in their undergraduate geography. Thus, the definition o f environm ental
and postgraduate geography syllabi. geography may be further broadened as fo llo w s :
Em phasising the fact that the basic approach (3) ‘E nvironm ental g eo g ra p h y is the stu dy o f
to the study o f m an-environm ent relationships, the ch aracteristic fea tu res o f variou s com ponents o f the
core o f environm ental geography, is ecological environment, the in teraction s betw een an d am ong
analysis o f spatial attributes o f interrelationships the com ponents in a g eo eco system in term s o f
between tech n ological advanced man and natural ecosystem o f varying sp a tia l an d tem p o ral scales. ’
environm ent o f the planet earth in terms o f The study o f the functioning o f the geoecosystem
ecosystem . Savindra S in gh defined environmental (ecosystem ) through various physical, ch em ical and
geography in 1989 as fo llo w s : biological processes is equally important in environ­
“Thus b r o a d ly speakin g, environm ental g e­ mental geography. T hus, the d e fin itio n o f
ograph y m ay b e d e fin e d a s the study o f spatial environmental geography is further elaborated as
a ttrib u tes o f in te rrela tio n sh ip s betw een living o r­ follow s :
g a n ism s a n d n a tu ra l en viron m en t in general, and (4) ‘E nvironm ental g eo g ra p h y stu d ies the
b etw een te c h n o lo g ic a lly a d va n ced ‘econom ic man ’ characteristic fea tu res o f va rio u s com ponents o f the
a n d h is n a tu ra l en viro n m en t in p a rticu la r in geoecosystem (environm ental system , eco syste m ),
te m p o ra l a n d s p a tia l fra m ew o rk . ” the functioning o f the ecosystem through the in pu t o f
L et us build up the definition o f environmen­ energy; the physical, chem ical a n d b io lo g ic a l
tal geography step by step so that the final definition processes which interlink the com ponents; a n d the
may in clud e all aspects o f environm ental geography interactions between and am ong the com ponents o f
so that it may be m ore flex ib le and broad based and the ecosystem . ’
may very precisely reveal the scope o f the subject as It may be pointed out that the functioning o f
fo llo w s : ecosystem and interactions betw een and am ong the
(1 ) ‘E n viron m en tal g eo g ra p h y is basically
components o f ecosystem cause environmental
th e stu d y o f environm ent. ’ If this is so, why it should problems o f varying m agnitudes. This aspect should
not be termed as ‘geography o f environm ent’? The also be included in the definition o f environmental
answ er is ea sy , the term environm ental geography geography.
lays m ore em phasis on m an-environm ent relation­
(5) Thus, environm ental geograph y m ay be
ships vis-a-vis m an-environm ent interactions, causes
defined as the study o f the ch a ra cteristic fea tu res o f
th ereof and responses therefrom. On the other hand,
various com ponents o f the geoecosystem , the fu n c ­
'geograp hy o f environm ent’ focuses more on the
tioning o f geoecosystem through the input o f energy;
study o f characteristics and spatial and temporal
the ph ysical, chem ical a n d b io lo g ica l p ro c e sse s
d istribution o f different com ponents o f environment
which interlink the com ponents; the in teraction s
e g land, air, water, so ciety etc. It does not mean that
environm ental geography does not focus on the between and among the com ponents o f geoecosystem ;
spatial and tem poral aspects o f environment. Thus, an d the environm ental p ro b lem s (p ollu tion and
the d efin ition o f environm ental geography has to be environm ental d eg ra d a tio n ) im anating fro m such
interactions. ’
broadened as fo llo w s :

The management of different environmental animals; and ecological succession; (4) spatial
problems resulting from the interactions between ecological changes; distribution and dispersal o f
abiotic and biotic (mainly man) components also plants and animals; (5) global environmental prob­
forms very important aspect o f environmental lems; (6) environmental hazards and disasters; (7)
geography. Thus, after including all the aforesaid man and environmental processes; (8) environm en­
aspects, the final definition o f environmental tal degradation and pollution; and (9) environmental
geography may be formulated as follow s : management (fig. 1.1).
(6) Thus, "environmental geography may be (1) Geoecosystem (ecosystem) : Ecosystem is
defined as that branch o f geography which studies the basic ecological unit for the study o f various
the characteristics, com position and functions o f aspects o f environmental geography. This group
different components o f the natural environmental includes the study of the follow ing aspects o f
system (including man as a biological organism-a ecosystem :
physical man), mutual interdependence o f different >- meaning and components o f ecosystem s,
components, various p ro cesses that link the compo­
>- ecosystem characteristics,
nents, the interactions o f different components with
each other an d among them selves and consequent >■ ecosystem types, and
responses (environm ental problem s) in spatial and >■ ecological principles,
tem poral context in term s o f ‘geoecosystem , ’ as well (2) Ecosystem functioning : The ecosystem func­
as interactions o f technologically advanced 'eco­ tions through the input of solar energy and biotic and
nomic man ’ with different com ponents o f natural abiotic matter. The following are included in the study
‘g eo eco system ’ and resultant modifications and of ecosystem function :
changes in the natural geoecosystem leading to >- sources and pattern o f energy,
environm ental degradation and pollution, the tech­ >* circulation o f energy in the ecosystem ,
niques an d stra teg ies o f pollution control measures
> ecological productivity and production,
an d m anagem ent o f ecological resources” (Savindra
>- circulation o f matter in the ecosystem ,
Singh, 1989).
> biogeochemical cycles, and
> ecosystem stability and instability.
(3) Temporal ecological changes : include the
consideration o f the following aspects o f plant and
The interface o f air, water and land, forming
animal communities :
life supporting layer, known as biosphere, is the
broadest geoecosystem which is the spatial unit for > evolution o f plants and animals,
the study o f environm ental geography. The prime >• evolutionary history o f world plant cover,
concern o f environmental geography is, thus, to > successional developm ent o f plant commu­
study the com ponents o f natural environment nities and ecosystem ,
separately and together, their linkages at various > extinction o f species, and
le v e ls through environm ental (p h ysical) and >• climax vegetation.
b iological processes and human responses to
(4) Ecological changes in space : refers prima­
environm ent vis-a-vis man-environment relation­
rily to spatial changes in the distribution o f plants
ships. and animals in the world wherein the follow ing
The subject matter o f environmental geogra­ aspects are o f primary concern :
phy has been broadly elaborated while developing >• dispersal o f plants and animals,
the definition o f environm ental geography in the
> world distribution o f plants and animals,
preceding section 1.1 o f this chapter. The scope o f
the study o f environm ental geography may be > ecological variatins at global level,
grouped into 9 major subfileds e.g. (1) the geoecosystem > ecological variations at regional and local
or sim ply ecosystem as study unit, (2) the functioning scales;
of. ecosystem including circulation o f energy and > man-induced ecological changes, and
matter and ecosystem productivity, (2) temporal > environm ental controls o f eco logical varia­
changes in ecosystem : evolution o f plants and tions and changes.
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y

Fig. /. I : Scope of Environmental Geography.

(5) Global environmental problems : include ► global w anning and clim ate changes,
those problems which are caused mainly by anthro­
> global w anning and eco lo g ica l changes,
pogenic processes. Such problems are related to the
changes in the atmospheric chemistry as follow s : > global changes in atmospheric chem istry,
► global radiation balance,
► international cooperations for tam ing glob al
► anthropogenic changes in global radiation/
heat balance,
(6) Environmental hazards and disasters :
► indicators o f global warming,
include both natural and anthropogenic hazards and
► process o f global warming : ozone depletion disasters. T his aspect lays m ore em p h asis on the
and green house effect. study o f the follo w in g :

>• identification and listing of hazards and ► processes o f environmental management,

disasters, >■ methods of evaluation o f ecological re­
► classification o f hazards and disasters, sources,
> causes and consequences of hazards and ► ecological basis o f environmental m anage­
disasters, and ment,
> disasters reduction and management. ► ecological resources,
(7) Man and environmental processes : are >■ preservation and conservation o f ecological
significant aspects o f environmental geography resources,
because increased human economic activities have >■ biosphere reserve, and
enormously modified different environmental proc­
► environmental impact assessment.
esses which have upset the natural ecosystem. This
aspect includes the consideration o f the following :
► man and hydrological processes,
>■ man and weathering and mass movement, Geography is a spatial science which studies
>■ man and coastal processes, spatial attributes o f various phenomena on the
► man and river process, earth’s surface through time. In other words,
► man and periglacial processes, phenomenon or sets o f phenomena which exist in
► man and subsurface processes, space-time framework become the subject matter o f
geography. Besides this traditional definition in a
>• man and pedological processes, and
highly generalised sense, geography has been
>• man induced soil erosion and sedimentation. variously defined as the study o f areal distribution o f
(8) Environmental degradation and pollution : phenomena, spatial patterns, locational analysis,
includes the consideration o f the following aspects human ecology, man-land relationships, environ-
within environmental geography : ment-man and man-environment relationships, spa­
> processes and causes of environmental deg­ tial organisation, ecological studies etc. Peter
radation, Haggett (1972, Geography, A Modern Synthesis)
has attempted to integrate the structure o f geography
> agricultural development and environmental
and various approaches of study into three broad
modes of analysis viz. (i) Spatial analysis involves
> deforestation and environmental degrada­ the study of locational variation o f significant
tion, property or series of properties o f objects on the
>• population growth and environmental degra­ earth’s surface, (ii) Ecological analysis interrelates
dation, human and environmental variables and interprets
>• urbanization and environmental degrada­ their links, and (iii) Regional com plex analysis
tion, combines the results o f spatial and ecological
analyses. Thus, it appears that there has always been
»* industrialization and environmental degra­
ecological tinge in geographical enquiry. Even a
renowned American geom orphologist, W .M. Davis
>- modern productive technology and environ­
observed that ‘geography is primarily devoted to
mental degradation, analysing the relationships between inorganic con­
>• air pollution, water pollution, solid waste trol and organic response, and in many ways the
pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution, geographer has traditionally been closely concerned
and with the subject matter o f eco lo g y ’ (C.C. Park,
► controls o f environmental degradation and 1980).
pollution. The importance o f ecological studies within
(9) Environmental management : is the most the field o f geography has been recently substanti­
significant aspect o f environmental geography ated due to (i) increasing interests, shown by
which includes the follow ing : ecologists in environmental problems, (ii) growth o f

environmental science as a link between geography The boundaries between biogeoraphy and
and ecology, (iii) increased interest o f the geogra­ ecology are so overlapping that it becomes difficult,
phers in studying the problems and solution of if not impossible, to differentiate these two disci­
evaluation o f resources and their proper manage­ plines. However, these two disciplines may be
ment, and (iv) the orientation o f applied geography differentiated on the basis o f scale o f study and
to study com plex interrelationships between man major emphasis on a few themes. For example,
and physical environment and between nature and ecological studies in environmental geography/
society. biogeography involve large spatial units such as
regional, continental, oceanic or global (whole
Ecological perspective in geography has been
stressed and highlighted by a few scientists. S.R. biosphere) ecosystem s. The study o f these larger
spatial units having both biotic and abiotic com po­
E yer(1964) is o f the opinion that ‘a more ecological
approach enhances the prestige o f geographers nents falls within the realm o f geography (more
within the academic world’. I.G. Simmons (1966) sp ecifica lly environm ental geography and
has advocated the application of ecological ap­ biogeogrpahy) whereas local ecosystem s o f small
proach to geographical enquiry because it helps in spatial dimension having both biotic and abiotic
the assessm ent o f cultural factors in land use and components form the study unit o f ecology. Even if
land use changes and in identifying the process and the scale o f study units is ignored, a line of
mechanism o f manipulations o f ecological system difference may be drawn between ecology and
by man; while D.R. Stodart has stressed the environmental geography and biogeography in
significance o f the adoption o f ecological view point terms of spatial organisation. If the focus is on
to geographers on the ground that geographers with spatial organisation o f ecosystem s or within an
ecological orientation towards geographical enquiry ecosystem, the study o f ecosystem becom es exclu­
may be able to tide over the deterministic approach sively geographical.
and strong biases within physical and human Further, ecological study m ainly concerns
geography as ecological approach plays a vital role with the relationships between individual species o f
in bridging physical and human geography. organisms whereas geographical approach lays
It may be pointed out that ecological studies more emphasis on functional linkages between the
traditionally fall within biogeography which nor­ living and non-living (biotic and abiotic) com po­
mally studies the distribution o f plants and animals nents o f ecosystem s. Though ecologists also study
(excluding man) and patterns o f life (o f plants and such relationships but geographers excel in this field
anim als-biological materials) on the surface o f the because o f their superior knowledge o f abiotic
earth and the factors which are responsible for components (because o f richer heritage o f detailed
spatial variations in their distribution. Biogeogra­ knowledge o f geom orphology, clim atology and
phy has slightly different meaning for different oceanography). Geographers, at least physical geog­
disciplines. For exam ple, biogeographers concen­ raphers, understand the machanism o f environm en­
trate on distributional aspect o f biological materials tal processes (physical processes) far better than any
as w ell as on the relationships between organisms life scientists and ecologists and since man and his
and physical environm ent at local, regional and social, cultural, political and econom ic activities
global levels and the m ost common lines o f study are resulting into cultural landscapes are studied in
populations, com m unities and larger biotic units human geography, geographers again becom e well
such as biom e representing life zones o f the earth’s equipped to undertake ecological studies in different
surface w hile b iologists lay more em phasis on the ecosystem s o f different sizes because the geogra­
study o f individual organism and its physiological, phers are able to observe and evaluate the alteration
m orphological and behavioral functions. Z oologists and modification o f environmental processes (physical
use biogeography to mean the evolution o f animal processes) by human activities in a far better way
patterns through g eological periods. The ecologists than the ecologists. Thus the geographers are better
study both individuals and sp ecies (autecology) and placed to study the characteristics o f environm ent
com m u n ities and interactions betw een populations and m an-environm ent relationships. It may be
and physical environm ent (syn ecology) and thus concluded that geography with eco lo g ica l perspec­
‘e c o lo g ists are perhaps the nearest scien tific rela­ tive can study m an-environm ent relationship, iden­
tives o f biogeographers’. tify environm ental problem s, and su ggest and

formulate economically and socially sound environ­ (ii) Being an integrating science geography
mental planning and management for the conserva­ synthesises all the elements and components o f
tion of natural and ecological resources. Therefore, planet earth into one boby and links social sciences
‘the main needs of environmental geography today with natural sciences.
are a deeper fusion of ideas and results from life (iii) It lays stress on the ‘synthesis o f all near
sciences’ (K. Hewitt and F.K. Hare, 1973) and from surface spheres into one interacting system’ (Annuchin,
ecology. 1974). That is to say that geography studies the
biosphere (the interface o f air, land and water) in
1 .4 . E N V IR O N M E N T A L G E O G R A P H Y AN D totality (all components of biosphere-abiotic and
biotic-their characteristics and inter-relationships).
(iv) As regards the physical system, it is
As elaborated in the preceding sections, geography that excels other sciences because
environmental geography is basically the study of geographers have the knowledge of structure (of
spatial attributes of interrelationships between geomaterials), geomorphic processes, climate, veg­
biotic and abiotic (physical) components and be­ etation and soils while other scientists specialize in
tween technologically advanced man and the com­ only one of these aspects.
ponents of the natural environmental system (v) ‘Geographers besides indentifying com­
(geoecosystem). The basic fundamental unit for the plex relationships between man and physical envi­
study of such interrelationships is the biosphere ronment have the capability o f locating the distribu­
(geoecosystem) or part thereof. The abiotic compo­ tion of such relationships in space, mapping them
nents (physical components-land, air, water and and exploring the causes o f variations.
energy) are closely related to geography particularly (vi) ‘Geographers recognise that the quality
physical geography (geomorphology, climatology, of life layer varies from place to place in terms o f
soil geography etc.), geology (quaternary studies, richness or poverty o f life-form capable o f being
physical geology, petrology etc.), geophysics and supported’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976,
atmospheric sciences (meteorology) all of which p.2). Geographers are the only scientists who can
belong to the major field of earth sciences. Physics recognise and identify the environmental regions,
and chemistry (mainly bio-chemistry) are also locate them in space and present them on maps.
related to the abiotic/physical components though
The biotic component (plants, animals in­
via geology and geophysics. These subfields of earth
cluding man as an organism— 'physical man’ and
sciences are related to each other and provide vital
information about the composition and characteris­ micro-organisms) is related to human geography
tics o f various aspects o f physical or abiotic (human beings, ‘social man’, ‘economic man’ and
components o f the biospheric geoecosystem. Since ‘technological man’), chemistry (biochemistry) and
physical geography studies all o f the elements of biological or life sciences (botany-ecology, and
abiotic component based on its own resources and on zoology). The interactions and interdependence of
the information derived from geology, geophysics abiotic and biotic components o f biospheric system
and atmospheric sciences, it is more closely related result in two types of ecosystems viz. (i) biosystem,
to environmental studies and therefore to environ­ and (ii) ecobiosystem or geobiosystem. The study of
mental geography. biosystem becomes the subject of biology while the
Further, geography is the only discipline that study o f geobiosystem becomes thfc subject matter of
can pursue the study o f environment in totality environmental geography-wiihin the major fields o f
because : geography (fig. 1.2).
(i) It studies the spatial attributes o f all the Since the interactions and mutual interde­
phenomena including man in a given space and pendence o f abiotic and biotic components o f the
highlights com plex man-environment relationships biosphere are studied in biology and environmental
at different stages and phases in a time-space geography both and therefore it is necessary to
continuum while other sciences study individual differentiate these two disciplines though their
phenomenon and do not bother for spatial organisa­ boundaries are very much overlapping. Ordinarily,
tion. biology is concerned with ‘organic matter’ and is

efin ed as the study o f structural and functional whereas in ‘taxonomic division’ ecology is treated
characteristics o f organisms (plants, animals and as one of the fundamental biological characteristics
m icro-organism s) or part thereof. common to all life forms.
Traditionally, biology is divided on two bases Modern subdivision o f biology is based on
v iz. (i) on the basis o f fundamental biological ‘levels of organisation o f biological units which in
characteristics common to all life forms (plants, short are termed as ‘biotic levels’ (fig. 1.3) common
animals and micro-organisms). The common bio­ to all life forms. Gene, cell, tissue, organ and
logical characteristics are morphology, physiology, organism (individual) are lower order biotic levels
evolution, genetics, ecology etc. On this basis the which are common to all organisms. Several genes
subdivisions o f biology are morphological or constitute a cell, a tissue is formed by hundreds and
structural biology, physiological biology or func­ thousands o f cells, several tissues constitute an
tional b iology, developmental biology, ecology etc. organ and several organs make one organism, a
Such division o f biology is known as ‘basic complete biological system. On the other hand,
d ivision ’, (ii) B iology is also divided on taxonomic organisms (group o f plants, -animals or micro-or­
bases into botany, zoology and micro-biology (study ganisms), populations (group o f individuals o f any
o f m icro-organism s). Each broad branch of biology one kind o f organism), communities (all o f the
can be further subdivided into smaller branches viz. populations occupying a given area) and biomes
zoology into entom ology, protozoology etc. and (system of homogeneous community units occupy­
botany into m ycology, phycology etc. It is important ing a given region) are higher order biological units.
to note that in the ‘basic division’ o f biology The biological units o f both lower and higher biotic
‘ec o lo g y ’ is treated as one o f the branches o f biology levels are interrelated and interdependent among


A biotic

Space Enviro­ Pure Sciences

Geo- nvironm enti
Sciences nmental Biosystem Biosystem Physics
Biology Geography Chemistry

Human Bio
Geography Chemistry

f Botany V jf Ecology Zoology "j



Fig. 1-2 : Links between environmental geography and relatedfields of earth sciences, life sciences (biological sciences)
and pure sciences.
as well as they

Biotic Biological Units Abiotic Units Systems System Branch o f

Level or Components or Components Name Study

Genes Matter Biosystem
System Structura
Functional Link
are also

U Cells —►Biosystem Cell

Jr u> System
< Tissues Tissue
< ~ ►Biosystem

System O & “
sz o
B .2 Br w
1 .2 Organs - > Biosystem Organ o sz
CQ System s Dh i
Organism “ * Biosystem Organismic
‘biological system ’ or ‘biosystem’ (Thienem ann,

V(Single) System
r (o f Individual)
Organisms -*■ Ecobiosystem Organismic Ecology (Autecology)
(Groups) Geobiosystem System Environmental
> (o f Groups) Geography
u . qj
Populations ~ ►Ecobiosystem Population Ecology (Synecology)
Geobiosystem System Environmental
< < Geography
Communities —►Ecobiosystem Ecosystem Ecology (Synecology)
Geobiosystem Environmental
00 o Geography
1 5 9 Biomes ~ * Geobiosystem Geobiosygtem Environmental
V. V Geoecosystem Geography


Fig. 1.3 Presentation o f different biosystems resulting from the interactions between biological units (components ) o
different biotic levels and abiotic environment.

and biom es) are termed as ‘ecological units’. Thus the tional linkages between different ecob iosystem s and
interactions o f eco lo g ica l units’ with abiotic their surrounding physical environm ent and am ong
environm ental com ponents produce different higher the organisms o f a given ecobiosystem w hereas
order b io sy stem s’ w hich are in fact termed as environmental geography is concerned w ith the
ecobiosystem ’ (w hich are named after the biological spatial attributes o f such functional linkages at
unit o f a given biotic level o f higher order e.g. different spatial levels (local, regional, continental
orgam sm ic system in volvin g groups o f individuals or global).
population system , ecosystem involving communi­ It may be pointed out that the term ecobiosystem
ties and geob iom e system ) whereas different higher should not be confused with ‘eco sy stem ’ because
order biosystem s may be termed as ‘geobiosystem’ in ecosystem is that ecobiosystem w hich is produced
en v iro n m en ta l g eo g ra p h y , e .g . organism ic only by the interaction o f ‘com m unities o f sp ecies
g e o b io s y s te m , p o p u la tio n g e o b io sy ste m ’ , (seventh biotic level) with physical environm ent. A
‘geo eco sy stem ’ and ‘geobiom e system ’. Thus it may biologist is mainly concerned with the study o f
be sum m arized that the study o f ‘biosystem ’ of structural and functional characteristics o f biosystem s
low er order biotic levels viz. gensystem , cell o f lower biotic levels (upto 5th biotic level), an
system , tissue system , organ system and organismic ecologist is concerned with the study o f functional
system (o f a sin gle organism ) falls under the domain linkages of ecobiosystem s o f higher biotic lev els
o f biology wherein these are studied under three except o f 8th order (biom e), and an environm ental
main branches o f biology e.g. morphology or geographer is concerned with the study o f spatial
structural biology (study ftf structural ormorophological organization o f distributional patterns o f interrela­
characteristics o f each b iological unit o f lower biotic tionships between biotic and abiotic com ponents o f
lev el), p h ysiology (study o f functional linkages different geobiosystem s (o f higher biotic le v e ls) and
betw een structural com ponents o f each biological between geobiosystem s and tech n ologically ad­
unit o f low er biotic lev el) and m icroecology (study vanced man.
o f interrelationships or functional linkages between
b iosystem s o f low er biotic levels and surrounding
abiotic/physjcal environm ent).
The higher order biosystem s known as MENTAL GEOGRAPHY
ecob iosystem s o f higher biotic levels (organismic
system , population system and ecosystem involving Environmental geography, as stated in the
organism s, populations arid communities respec­ preceding section, is basically the study o f total
tively) are studied in ecology as branch o f biology environment o f the earth as a living planet having
wherein the interrelationships o f functional linkages both physical and biotic com ponents. The funda­
between each ecobiosystem (o f higher biotic level) mental study unit o f environmental geography is the
and surrounding physical environment and among life layer of the earth having atmospheric, lithospheric
organism s are studied. The ecological study of and hydrospheric com ponents, w hich is responsible
geobiosystem s in volving spatial unit of various for the support o f all types o f life. T his life
dim ensions (e.g. local, continental and global) falls supporting layer, very com m only known as bio­
within the realm o f environmental geography. The sphere, is characterised by the operation o f several
b iological unit o f the largest biotic level known as physical and biological processes, mutual interac­
biome is exclu sively studied in environmental tions and interdependence o f abiotic and biotic
geography. components o f the biospheric ecosystem , produc­
tion and consum ption o f ecological resources,
Thus it may be concluded that environmental
various positive and negative responses o f interac­
geography is benefitted by the information derived
tions between different com ponents o f the environ­
from the ecologica l studies of ecobiosystem s o f
ment resulting into stability or instability o f
higher biotic levels as done in ecology, a branch o f
biospheric ecosystem s at different le v els (local,
b io lo g y . It is thus obvious that ecobiosystem s of regional and global), environm ental degradation
higher biotic levels are studied in ecology where as and pollution arising out o f increasing pressure of
g eo b io sy stem s are studied in environmental geogra­ econom ic and technological man on the environ­
phy E cology is m ainly concerned with the func­ ment and m an’s renewed efforts and struggle to

stabilise the disturbed ecosystem , to conserve and properties o f an ecosystem :

manage the ecological resources and to ameliorate >► Ecosystem o f any given space-tim e-unit
environmental degradation and pollution through represents the sum o f all living organism s
different pollution-control and abatement programmes. and physical environment.
There are certain basic principle's which govern the
> It is com posed o f three basic com ponents viz.
basic aspects o f environmental geography viz.
energy, biotic (biom e) and abiotic (habitat)
natural processes, both physical and biological in
the life supporting layer (biosphere) and relation­ components.
ships between man and environment and man and >• It occupies certain w ell defined area on the
environmental processes, integrated functional unit earth-space ship (spatial dim ension).
o f the biotic and abiotic components of the > It is viewed in terms o f time unit (termporal
environment (ecosystem ), functioning o f ecosys­ dimension).
tem, ecological evolution and succession, climatic
> There are complex sets o f interactions
changes and ecological modification, and environ­
between biotic and abiotic components (in­
mental degradation and pollution arising out of
cluding energy component) on the one hand
human activities and ecological resources and their
and between and among the organisms on the
conservation and management.
other hand.
T h e . follow ing principles and concepts of
> It is an open system which is characterised by
environmental geography may be identified.
continuous input and out put o f matter and
1. Environmental system or ecosystem is the energy.
fundamental ecological unit for the study of >- It tends to be in relatively stable equilibrium
environmental geography. unless there is disturbance in one or more
controlling factors (limiting factors).
The planet earth is the only living planet that
>- It is powered by energy of various sorts but
has atmosphere, environment and living organisms
the solar energy is the most significant.
including plants, animals and micro-organisms.
Since the environm ent is both physical and biologi­ > It is a functional unit wherein the biotic
cal concept, it encom passes both the non-living components (plants, animals including man
(abiotic) and living (biotic) components of the and micro-organisms) and abiotic (physical
planet earth. environment) components (including energy
Environment is a comprehensive term which component) are intimately related to each
in general refers to surroundings but in geographical other through a series of large-scale cyclic
perspective environment includes abiotic (physical- mechanisms viz. energy flow , water cycle,
land, air and water) and biotic (plant and animals bio-geochem ical cycle, mineral cycle, sedi­
including man and his several functions, organisa­ ment cycle etc.
tions and institutions) components of the life > Ecosystem has its own productivity which is
supporting layer-the biosphere. The earth is the only the process o f building organic matter based
known planet having different kinds o f life forms on the availability and amount o f energy
wherein there are com plex sets o f interrelationships passing through the ecosystem . The produc­
between the physical and biological components. tivity refers to the rate of growth o f organic
Various linkages between physical and biological matter in an areal unit per time unit.
com ponents at different levels maintain the unity of >• Ecosystem has scale dimension i.e. it varies
the biospheric ecosystem . in spatial coverage. It may be as small as a
Ecosystem is defined as a fundamental cowshed, a tree or even a part of a tree having
functional unit occupying spatial dimension of certain micro-organisms. The largest unit is
‘earth space ship’ characterised by total assemblage the whole biosphere. Thus the ecosystem s
o f biotic community and abiotic components and may he divided into several orders on the
their mutual interactions within a given time unit.’ basis o f spatial dimension. It is clear that ‘the
(Savindra Singh, 19 9 1). The follow ing are the basic ecosystem is a convenient scale at which to

consider plants and animals and their interac­ magnitudes on the earth’s surface e.g. subm erged
tion because it 1S more localised and thus continental margins and islands (due
more sp ecific than the biosphere in its raised con tin en tal margins and emerged islands (due
to em erg e n c e), mountains (through orogenetic
entirety and it includes a sufficient wide
range o f individual organisms to make force) faults and lakes (through crustal fracture),
fau lts’(due to seism ic activities), volcanic m oun­
regional generalizations feasible and valu­
ab le’ (C .C . Park, 1980). tains plateaus and plains (through vu lcam city),
accreted oceanic crust and subducted continen al
>■ There are different sequences o f ecosystem margins (due to plate tectonics) etc. E xogen etic
developm ent. The sequence o f ecosystem processes originate from the atmosphere and ar
developm ent in terms o f a particular suite of engaged in continuous process o f denudation ot
physical and chem ical conditions is called as surface irregularities caused by endogenetic proc­
‘sere’. A ‘sere’ represents the development of
a series o f sequential successions starting The interactions between endogenetic and
from primary succession and culminating exogenetic (denudational) processes lead to ev o lu ­
into the last succession in a sere as ‘climax’ or tion of landscapes o f cyclic nature. In other words,
‘climatic climax’ which is the most stable the evolution o f landscapes on the earth’s surface
situation o f an ecosystem . Thus, the study of takes place in cyclic manner as presented by W .M .
ecosystem developm ent may help in environ­ Davis and advocated by his contemporary and
mental planning from ecological point of subsequent followers. If the principle o f cy clic
view . evolution o f landscape is accepted, though majority
>■ E cosystem s are natural resource systems. o f the present-day geom orphologists b elieve in non-
> E cosystem concept is m onistic in that envi­ cyclic nature o f the developm ent o f landscapes
(geomorphic system being in dynam ic equilibrium ),
ronment (abiotic com ponent), man, animals,
it certainly affects life forms in a particular region.
plants and m icro-organism s (biotic compo­
For example, if a mountain having stable ecosystem
nent) are put together in a single framework
characterised by ‘clim ax vegetation’ is eroded dow n
so that it becom es easy to study the patterns
to the base level under prolonged period o f crustal
o f interactions among these components.
stability, the very com plexion o f p re-existing
>- It is structured and w ell organised system. mountain ecosystem w ill be entirely changed in
>• E cosystem , for convenience, may be studied terms o f species and com m unities o f plants and
as a ‘black box m o d e l’ by concentrating on animals and new succession o f vegetation w ould
the study o f input variables and related start and under uniform environm ental condition the
output variables while the internal variables secondary succession o f vegetation com m unities
may be ignored to reduce the complexity. may lead to the attainment o f new ‘clim ax vegeta­
tion’ and stable ecosystem w hich may be further
2. The biospheric ecosystem is governed by disturbed and destroyed by fresh upliftm ent o f plain
discernible processes. ecosystem by orogenic or epeirogenetic m ovem ents
and again new stable m ountain ecosystem may be
The dynamic evolving earth system in general
possible if uniform environm ental conditions persist
and the biospheric system in particular are governed
for fairly long period o f tim e.
by discernible processes, both physical and biologi­
cal. The physical or geological processes operate A ll these suggest cy clic nature o f physical
through a set o f cycles, the broadest being geocycle. processes and their im pacts on cy clic pattern o f
In fact, the endogenetic and exogenetic processes ecosystem developm ent. This cy clic concept o f
create different types o f haabitats on the earth’s landscape developm ent by physical or environm en­
surface for livin g organisms on the one hand and tal processes and their responses o f cy c lic d ev elo p ­
som etim es destroy the habitats on the other hand. ment o f ecosystem may be challenged on the ground
The driving force o f the endogenetic processes that biotic com m unities may adjust w ith the changed
co m es from within the earth. Endogenetic forces circum stances caused by gradual transform ation o f
create different types o f relief features o f various mountain ecosystem into plain e co sy stem but it may

be pointed out that the biotic communities o f higher reservoir) equals the outflow o f materials from the
altitudes cannot adjust them selves with the environ­ pool (compartment or reservoir), the concerned pool,
mental condition o f significantly lower altitudes and is in steady state. When such equilibrium is
therefore replacement o f species is a certainty. maintained at ecosystem level (equilibrium in all
components o f the ecosystem ) this is called as
3. There is continuous creation, maintenance, ecosystem stability and such condition is very much
destruction and recreation of surface materi­ useful for all organisms in general and mankind in
als of the earth. particular.
It may be further pointed out that not all the
Various physical, chemical and biological
chemical elements are circulated and cycled in
processes are continuously engaged in the creation,
perfect cyclic paths. For example, the chemical
maintenance, destruction and recreation o f surface
elements having gaseous phases (atmospheric reser­
materials o f the earth’s surface (both organic and
voir) like carbon (C), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H) and
inorganic). The-process involved in the creation o f
nitrogen (N) tend to have more perfect rather
earth materials (inorganic) is know as ‘geologic
complete and rapid recycling and are quickly
cycle’ which includes a set o f several sub-cycles e.g.
regenerated and become available to biological
the hydrologic cycle, the rock cycle, the geochemical
activities. Such biogeochemical cycle is known as
cycle and the geotectonic cycle. The earth materials
global gaseous cycle (having a series o f independent
viz. minerals, rocks, soils, water etc. are not only
and interdependent cycle such as carbon cycle,
created but are also maintained, changed in their
oxygen cycle, hydrogen cycle and nitrogen cycle).
properties, transferred from one place to another and
On the other hand, there are som e elem ents having
even destroyed by geologic cycle but these
sedimentary phase (lithospheric reservoir) like
materials even passing through the aforesaid path­
phosphorus whose recycling is com plex, less perfect
ways remain initially uncontaminated and are very
and slow. Such biogeochemical cycle is known as
useful for man. W henever these materials are used or
sedimentary local cycle. The global gaseous cycle
dispersed by man, they becom e contaminated and
involves the whole o f the biosphere and links the
are seldom available for human use because either
atmosphere with the biosphere but the sedimentary
they are dispersed to such locations which may not
cycle operates at local and regional levels o f
be reached by man for fairly long period o f time or
ecosystems and is more susceptible to disruption by
they becom e so deformed and contaminated that
human activities.
they are not reusable. Som etim es, som e renewable
natural resources (for exam ple water) are so The biological communities have affected
contaminated that they becom e non-renewable. and altered and continue to affect and alter the
cycling o f chemical elements/nutrients in the air,
The biogeochem ical cycles comprising sev­
water and the soils so much so to sustain life on the
eral subcycles circulate biochem ical elements,
earth but the emergence o f man and gradual increase
commonly known as nutrients (most important
in his technological skills have largely disturbed the
being Oxygen-O, Carbon-C, Hydrogen -H, Nitrogen
biogeochemical cycles which have resulted into
-N , Phosphorus-P and Sulpur-S), through circular
depletion o f certain natural resources at few places
routes, in various compartments (storage reser­ on the globe.
voirs) o f the biosphere e.g. atmospheric compart­
ment or storage reservoir, sedimentary compartment It is, therefore, necessary for environmental
geographers to understand the basic principles o f the
or storage reservoir. In other words, the cyclic
functioning o f physical/environmental and b io lo g i­
pathways o f the circulation o f elem ents from
cal processes because these affect and control the
inorganic phases to organic phases and again back to
life patterns in the life layer (biosphere).
in organ ic p h ase are c o lle c tiv e ly known as
biogeochem ical cycles. Thus the circulaiton o f 4. Physical and biological processes operate
materials from different reservoirs o f the inorganic according to the law of uniformitarianlsm.
phase through various p ools o f organic phase in the
biosphere determines the size o f different resrvoirs Physical/environm ental and b iological proc­
and pools on the basis o f in flow -outflow ratio. When esses operate according to the law of uniformitarianism.
the inflow o f materials in a pool (compartment or James H utton’s (S cottish G e o lo g ist) law o f
better equipped superior members
‘the present folh"8 baS‘C princiP,es of have ac q u ired advantageous characteristics;
beginning' nn past an(* no vest‘ge of a of their species.
1785 androl of an end’, postulated in
>► During the struggle for existence between
stated that ‘ ° y c*'Cnature of earth’s history’
o rg a n ism s, the winner leads to evolution of
r»r» ^ Physical laws and processes which
pera e ay, operated throughout geologic time, species and the loser leads to extinction. This
a oug not necessarily always with the same so happens when the struggle takes place
intensity as now ’. In other words, the very nature of between closely related species.
the operation o f physical processes remains almost >• The process of natural selection (as referred
the same throughout geologic history of the earth to above) and adaptation to environmental
though their frequencies and magnitude may vary. conditions lead to gradual modification and
The same law o f uniformitarianism of geologic diversification of species over long period o f
evolution o f the earth applies to the biological time. Such variations in species increase
processes and biological evolution at least from the progressively with each succeeding genera­
date o f the origin o f atmospheric oxygen and tion of species and evolution o f species
appearance o f life on this planet earth. In other
words, the biological processes which operate today continues.
might have operated in the past though with varying But D. Vries and many more opposed the
degree o f relationships between biological commu­ Darwin’s concept of progressive evolution of species
nities and physical or natural environment and and pleaded for abrupt speciation on the basis of
between organisms. mutation having the following basic elem ents as
The Darwinian theory o f origin of species stated by T. Dobzhansky (1950) :
involving the processes o f natural selection, adapta­ (i) ‘The mutation process furnishes the raw
tion and survival of the fittest, almost conforming to materials of evolution’.
‘ the law o f uniformitarianism is based on the (ii) Numerous gene patterns are produced
following processes o f natural selection : during the process of sexual reproduction.
> There are heritable variations in the indi­ (iii) ‘The possessors o f som e gene patterns
vidual species. Though each heritable varia­ have greater fitness than the possessors o f other
tion is small but it is very significant because (gene) patterns in available environment’.
it forms the very basis o f evolution of (i v) The frequency o f superior gene patterns is
species. increased by the process o f natural selection while
> Heritable variations provide certain charac­ the inferior gene patterns are suppressed.
teristics which become advantageous to
(v) ‘Groups o f some combinations o f proven
some individuals to become more efficient
adaptive worth become seggregated into closed
and better able to survive in their environ­
gnetic system, called species.’
ment for the struggle o f their lives.
(Quoted by C.C. Park, 1980)
► Such advantageous characteristics conferred
on an organism may provide better chance o f
5. Natural environmental 8yatem Is governed by
survival and reproduction. homeostatic mechanism.
► When these advantageous characteristics are
passed on by the organisms to their offsprings, Physical and biological processes o f the
the succeeding generations become superior natural environmental system operate in such a way
and further efficient in the struggle for that any change in any part o f the environment at any
existence and survival. place in a specific time period is suitably com pen­
>• The individuals o f species, which lack the sated by negative feedback mechanism in a natural
advantageous characteristics to stand up to condition. Thus the natural environmental system
their environmental conditions in their strug­ has ‘inbuilt self regulating m echasnim ’ known as
g le for life and existence, are most likely to homeostatic mechanism through which any change in
be elim inated by competitions from the the natural ecosystem /environm ental system is

counterbalanced by responses of the system to the cannot be set right by the self r e g u l a t o r y mechanism
change and ultimately ecosystem stability or envi­ or homeostatic mechanism o f the envir
ronmental equilibrium is restored. In other words, M a n a f f e c t s biological p r o c e s s e s directly and

any change in the environment brought by the indirectly. ‘From a biological point o f view , w
natural processes is suitably compensated by changes know, that the ultimate fate o f e v e r y sPecl®*
in other components of the environment. Thus there extinction’ (D.B. Botkin and E.A. Keller, WM) -
is reciprocal relationship between various compo­ Direct impact of man on biological processes
nents o f the environment. The physical processes through purposive elimination o f some species,
create suitable habitats for biological communities domestication of some species and inadvertent
on the one hand, b iological com m unities increase of some species changes the rate o f
(mostly man) modify the environment on the other extinction of species and alters the balance o f
hand. population of species in a given region. The
In fact, life has continued to modify and alter increased land use changes mainly through the
the atmospheric, lithospheric and oceanic compo­ conversion o f more and more natural ecosystem s
nents o f the natural environment since the very into agricultural land and urban com plexes and
beginning o f life on this planet earth. The very industrial landscapes consequent upon phenomenal
nature of the atmosphere, the rocks and sediments, growth in human population have been responsible
freshwater on the earth’s surface and oceanic water for extinction o f a few species due to resultant
in terms o f organic and inorganic constituents has adverse effect on ecological conditions o f the region
been greatly modified by the organisms including concerned. In fact, there has been parallel rise in
both plants and animals. Since the dawn of industrial human population and extinction o f species o f plant
revolution man has emerged the most powerful and animal communities. Thus it is o f fundamental
environmental process spearheaded by modern significance to study the present stage o f operation
technologies capable o f modifying the environment of natural and biological processes in the light o f
to great extent. In fact, o f all the organisms man is interference of man through his econom ic activities
the most intelligent and powerful animal and is so that the rate o f changes o f both natural and
capable o f not only affecting the environment like biological processes may be predicted and alterna­
other organisms but is also able to alter the basic tive strategies for environmental and ecological
composition o f the environment at a scale detrimen­ management may be formulated. It is also sign ifi­
tal not only to all biota but also to his own existence. cant to point out that catastrophic natural processes
Phenomenal increase in human population in the like violent volcanic eruptions and outflow o f
present century has put enourmous pressure on immense volume of lava, widespread global c li­
natural resources which has resulted into acceler­ matic changes etc. would continue to elim inate som e
ated rate o f rapacious exploitation of natural species of plants and animals, leading to extinction
resources in order to meet out the demand of of species. But such situation also leads to the
everincreasing population, rapidly growing indus­ evoltution of new species.
tries and increasing urbanization. The development
o f modern technologies and increased economic 6. There is reciprocal relationship between abi­
functions o f man have further accelerated the rate of otic and biotic components of the natural
exploitation o f natural resources. All these have environmental system.
modified a few o f the components o f the environ­
ment to such an extent that the adverse effects on the There is reciprocal relationship betw een
environment cannot be set right by the homeostatic biotic and abiotic (physical) com ponents o f the
mechanism or se lf regulatory mechanism o f the environment. The physical processes create suitable
environment. Consequently, the changed environ­ habitats for biological com m unities on the one hand,
mental conditions adversely affect the organisms biological communities (m ostly man) m odify the
(both plants and animals including man) in the environment on the other hand. In fact, life has
biosphere. Thus it is obvious that environmental continued to modify and alter the atm ospheric,
degradation refers to the deterioration in its physical lithospheric and oceanic com ponents o f the b io­
components brought in by the biological processes sphere since the very beginning o f life on this planet
mainly by human activities to such an extent that it earth. The very nature o f the atm osphere, the rocks

magnitude o f man’s interactions with the natural

oceanir1™6"18’ frCSh W3ter ° n the earth’s surface and environment has given birth to numerous environ­
cnnctit Wate^ in terms ° f inorganic and organic
tuents has been greatly modified by the mental problems o f serious consequences because
rganisms including both plants and animals. Since the changes effected by man in the environment have
ne dawn o f industrial revolution in 1860 man has become unadjustable by the inbuilt self requlatory
emerged as the most powerful environmental mechanism o f the natural environmental system /
process spearheaded by modern technologies to ecosystem. The study o f changing relationships
m odify the environment. Environmental geogra­ between man and environment in historical perspec­
phers besides studying the mode of operation of tive may help in demonstrating the increasing
environmental and biological processes must under­ adverse impacts o f human activities on the environ­
stand the nature o f mutual interactins between ment.
environmental and biological processes before Ecological approach to the study o f man-
undertaking any programme of conservation of environment relationships is based on the basic
ecological resources and environmental manage­ principle of ecology which is the study o f mutual
ment. In this regard particular attentions must be interactions between organisms and physical en vi­
paid towards the understanding o f man-environment ronment on the one hand and interactions among the
relationship with ecological approach and various organisms on the other hand in a given ecosystem .
ways o f m odification and alteration o f environmen­ Thus, man is considered as an integral part o f nature/
tal processes by man and the consequent responses environment. The relationship o f man with the
o f such m odifications o f environmental processes of natural environment should be sym biotic and not
total environment. exploitative nor suppressive’ (C.C. Park, 1980).
The environment affects man through (1) This school recognises man, being m ost skilled and
biophysical lim itations, (2) behavioural controls, intelligent, as the leader o f all biota and steward o f
and (3) resource availability. Biologically, human the earth. This approach further lays emphasis on
body can function properly only in certain suites of wise and restrained use o f natural resources,
environmental conditions in terms of oxygen, heat application o f appropriate environmental manage­
(sunshine), light, humidity and precipitation, wind, ment programmes, policies and strategies keeping
lightning, fog, clouds, atmospheric electricity and in view the ecological principles so that already
space. Even the survival o f human body depends on depleted natural resources are replenished (wher­
above factors. Various combinations of environ­ ever possible), degraded environment is set right and
mental factors have not only affected but condi­ ecological balance is maintained.
tioned racial characteristics in different parts of the
It may be pointed out follow ing C.C. Park
earth’s surface. Environment also influences and
(1980) that man-environment relationships and
conditions thoughts, ideologies and culture of
debate should be viewed taking into account the
human being. M ost significant aspect o f the environ­
multi-dimensional aspects o f environmental prob­
ment influencing human activities is the availability
lems which are the result o f com plex series of
o f resources. The richness or poorness, quality and
several factors viz. physical, econom ic, social,
quantity and above all the availability o f natural
political, ethical etc. but any positive approach
resources decide the type o f human activities,
adopted for the study o f man-environment relation­
econom ic variability, social organizations, political
ships must take into account the fact that there
stability, international relations etc.
should be harmony and not hostility between man
If we look at historical progression o f man- and environment. It is obvious that the relationship
environm ent relationships it becomes clear that between man and environm ent is two-directional as
purely natural relationship between ‘physical primi­ the environment affects and influences man and in
tive man’ and natural environment during prehistoric turn man also influences and m odifies the environ­
period has changed to hostile relationship between ment. This type o f mutual interaction and relation­
‘technological man’ and the environment at present.
ship between man and environm ent is sym biotic in
This substantial change and shift in the nature and character.
comprised o f water or hydrological cy cle, chem ical
7. The energy flow and circulation of nutrients in
the biospheric ecosystem help In the suste­ elements cycles, sedim ent cy cle etc.).
nance of life on the planet earth. The energy flow and circulation o f nutrients
help in the sustenance o f life on the plane earth. It is
The natural ecosystem s are open systems significant to point out that sustam e 1 e on
characterised by continuous input of energy (solar earth is a characteristic o f ecosystem s, no
radiation) and matter (nutrients) and output of individual organisms o f populations , (D .B . ot in
energy and matter and they tend to be in relatively and E.A. Keller, 1982). That is to say that all the
stable equilibrium unless there is disturbance in one
organisms are interdependent in terms o f production
or more controlling factors (limiting factors). The
and consumption o f food and recycling o f organic
most significant source o f energy is solar radiation
and inorganic matter. For exam ple, autotrophic
which is trapped by the autotrophic green plants and
green plants are the primary producers upon w hich
is converted into heat energy through the process of
depend all o f the organisms directly or indirectly for
photosynthesis. The energy flow is unidirectional as
their food but the primary producer autotrophic
the energy lost through various organic components
plants cannot decom pose their dead organs. S im i­
o f the ecosystem at different trophic levels is not
larly, micro-organisms do not produce their own
again available for use in the ecosystem . There is a
food them selves but decom pose dead organism s as
progressive loss o f energy by respiration of
well as their waste materials and receive their energy
organisms through increasing trophic levels. The
and chemical nutrition from the dead organism s.
nutrients are circulated in the ecosystem through
Thus it is apparent that efficien t and com p lete
several cy clic pathways collectively known as
recycling o f nutrients in the various com ponents o f
‘biogeochem ical c y c le s’.
the ecosystem s may be possible only w hen there are
A s described earlier the biosphere is the several species. This aspect, ecosystem diversity
largest ecosystem . There is input o f matter and and com plexity in terms o f sp ecies, reflects the
energy in the ecosystem to build biological struc­ stability o f the ecosystem s.
ture, to reproduce and to maintain necessary internal
The circulation o f elem ents or matter or
energy le v el so that the ecosystem s may function
nutrients (both organic and inorganic) in the
properly. There is also export o f matter and energy
biosperic ecosystem is m ade p ossib le through
from the ecosystem s. When there is balance
between the input o f matter and energy and output energy flow. In other words, energy flow is the main
(exit) o f matter and energy, the ecosystem s tend to driving force o f materials (nutrients) circulation in
be in equilibrium state. A ll organisms in the the various biotic com ponents o f the ecosystem (the
biosphere are like m achines because they use energy biosphere). The organic and inorganic substances
to work and convert one form o f energy into another are moved reversibly in the biosphere, atm osphere,
form o f energy. The energy pattern and flow are hydrosphere and lithosphere through various clo sed
governed by the first and the second laws o f thermo­ system o f cycles ‘collectively known as geobiochemical
dynamics. cy c le s’, in such a way that total m ass o f these
substances remain alm ost the sam e and th ese
A ll sources o f energy o f the biospheric
substances are alw ays available for use by the b iotic
ecosystem are virtually out side the biosphere. The
com m unities. “In other w ords, the m aterials, that
major source o f energy is the solar radiation and
make up the biosphere are distributed and redistrib­
other m inor sources o f biospheric energy are cosm ic
uted by m eans o f an infinite series o f c y c lic
radiation, geotherm al energy and energy subsidies
pathways motored by the continuous input o f
released from storage in fossil fuels. The sun is the
energy”. (P.A . Furley and W .W . N e w e y , 1983).
m ost important source o f energy for the proper
functioning o f the ecosystem because the solar
8. There are temporal and spatial variations In
radiation is converted by green plants into food or species.
chemical energy through photosynthesis w hich is
used by plants th em selves, anim als and man. Solar
There are tem poral and spatial variation s in
radiation also helps directly and indirectly in the
sp ecies. The D arw in ’s theory o f ev o lu tio n o f sp e c ie s
circulation o f matter in the biospheric ecosystem
states that there is progressive ev o lu tio n o f sp e c ie s
(the process is called as biogeochem ical cy cles
through the p rocesses o f natural se le c tio n and
id e n tifie d and their introduction in new areas may be
adaptation to environmental conditions which lead
safely a v o id e d . This aspect o f environm ental g eog­
to gradual modification and diversification of
raphy may prove very useful in natural resource
sp ecies over a long period o f time. Such variations in
m a n a g e m e n t if the behavioural aspects o f biological
species increase progressively with each succeeding
c o m m u n itie s in relation to their reproductive char­
generation o f species and evolution of species
a c te ris tic s as determined by the natural environm ent
continues. Som e alternative processes o f evolution
o f the concerned ecosystem are properly studied and
o f species have been suggested e.g. mutation process
the findings are given due w eightage in the planning
(spontaneous evolutionary change in species) and
reproductive isolation of morphologically differen­ process but till now this aspect has ^always been
tiated population o f species. ignored.
‘Individual populations are capable o f rapid
9. Ecosystem diversity and complexity enhances
exponential growth, but this is rarely achieved in
and maintains ecological stability .
nature, control o f the population is the norm’ (D.B.
Botkin and E.A. Keller, 1982). This principle is very
The stability o f ecosystem refers to balance
com m only known as ‘homeostatic mechanism’. For
between production and consumption o f each
exam ple, if the population o f certaion insects in a
element in the ecosystem . In other words, ecosystem
specific area increases exponentially beyond the
stability means balance between input and output o f
optimal level, the food supply would fall short of
energy and normal fu n ction in g o f d ifferen t
demand o f increased insect population resulting into
biogeochemical cycles and stable condition o f
strong com petition among the insects for food and
concentration o f all elem ents. T.D. B ro c k { 1967) has
consequent deaths o f several insects and decrease in
defined steady-state condition in mature ecosystem
insect population. Such se lf regulatory control o f
as ‘a time-independent condition in w hich produc­
population is termed as ‘density- dependent popula­
tion and consumption o f each elem ent in the system
tion control’. In other words, density-dependent
are exactly balanced, the concentration o f all
population control im plies self regulation o f popula­
elements within the system rem aining constant,
tion o f sp ecies due to decrease in birth, survival and
growth rates and phenomenal increase in death rates. even though there is continual ch an ge’ (Brock,
B esid es, population o f species is also controlled by
such factors which are not related to the birth, Ecosystem or eco lo g ica l stability is view ed in
survival, growth or death rates or population size of different ways e.g. (i) Stability being view ed as
sp ecies. Such factors are extreme events like severe constancy o f species numbers within a natural
atmospheric storms which destroy the trees. Such ecosystem or the constancy o f individual numbers o f
population control is termed as ‘density-independent species within a population. Such stability has been
population control’. Thus it may be summarized that termed by M.J. D unbar (1973) as ‘no-oscillation
‘nothing can increase forever. The earth and the stability’, (ii) Stability o f a natural ecosystem is
known universe are finite in space, matter and viewed in terms o f system ’s capacity to withstand
energy. In a finite universe, there is an upper bound changes brought in the system by external factors
to the size o f every thing. So too, are populations and to maintain or return to its original state after
limited to a finite range’ (D .B. Botkin and E.A. external change. Such stability has been termed by
Keller, 1982). H.A. Regier and E.B. C ow ell (1972) as ‘stability
The study o f life forms in terms o f their spatial resistance’, (iii) Stability has been interpreted by
distribution, temporal variations (evolution), dis­ A.R. H ill (1975) as a resilience o f system to adjust to
persal and extinction at regional and global levels stresses brought in the ecosystem . This is called as
helps in identifying the advantages and disadvan­ ‘resilience stability’, (iv) Elastic stability refers to the
tages o f adaptation o f certain species by man in establishm ent o f stability in a natural ecosystem
different localities for his own purposes. In other after large-scale disturbances or perturbations, (v)
words, one can decide, while introducing and Cyclical stability refers to the adjustment o f a system
transporting exotic species to those areas which to regular external changes. There is no unprec­
have never been native places o f such species, what edented disturbance or perturbation.
kinds o f sp ecies would be useful for mankind o f the The natural, ‘norm al or 'uneventful' eco sy s­
area concerned. Sim ilarly, disastrous species may be tem attains its steady state or equilibrium condition

through homeostatic mechanisms. There is inbuilt that an ecosystem always tends towards stability.
self-regulating mechanism in a natural ecosystem Whenever the community o f an ecosystem is
through which any change in the ecosystem is disturbed due to external environmental change, it
counterbalanced by responses o f the system to the quickly returns to original state whereas the non­
change and ultimately ecosystem or ecological equilibrium model states that ecosystem stability is
stability is restored. For example, if there is sudden rarely attained because disturbances Caused by
change in the ecosystem (due to any external factor) frequent external environmental change do not
like rapid increase or decrease in the population o f a allow to develop ordered state o f species assem ­
species and if this change is regulated and the blages in an ecosystem.
population returns to its normal position through self Ecosystem instability refers to that state when
regulating mechanisms within the system and the an ecosystem is unable to adjust with environmental
system returns to stability; these self regulating changes. This so happens when the changes are
mechanisms are called as homeostatic mechanisms. continuous and enormous and these changes exceed
This may be further explained with an example. If the resilience or capacity o f the ecosystem . For
the population o f insects in a specific area increases example, rapid rate o f mass felling o f trees in a forest
significantly beyond optimum level due to favour­ ecosystem seldom allows regeneration o f forest
able clim ate, the food supply falls short o f the community because exposed surface due to defor­
demand o f increased insect population. With the estation is subjected to intense weathering and
result there is com petition among the insects for erosion and nutrients are washed out by surface run­
food and many insects die o f starvation and thus the off. Himalayan forest ecosystem is a typical
insect population is brought back to its original size example o f ecosystem instability because mass
and stability is restored. deforestation and subsequent grazing have resulted
The ‘diversity/stability theory’ o f ecosystem into complete removal o f forests at certain localities.
• ■1' » J&. 4 ,
or ecological stability states that ecosystem diver­ The factors responsible for ecosystem stabil­
sity and com plexity enhance the stability o f popula­ ity or instability should always be viewed in terms o f
tion in a given system . This has been illustrated in a ecosystem resilience. If the environmental changes
variety o f w ays by different scientists e.g. (i) exceed the ecosystem resilience, ecosystem instabil­
according to C.S. Elton (1958) increase in the ity is caused but when the ecosystem resilience is
diversity o f food w ebs promotes ecosystem stability such that it can withstand the environmental
because increased food web diversity increases the changes, ecosystem stability is maintained. The
resilience o f the system to outside invasions of environmental changes which are responsible for
exotic organism s and reduces the fluctuation in the ecosystem instability are both natural ones (clim atic
population within a given ecosystem , (ii) Following change, for example) or man-induced. Man causes
R.H. MacArthur (1955) the ecosystem stability ecosystem instability by (i) destroying com pletely
increases with increase o f number o f links in the or partly the natural vegetation or original animal
food web because a large number o f interacting species or by replacing them by other vegetation or
feeding links provides alternative channels for animals, (ii) by introducing exotic plants or animals
energy flow and thus is generated a wide variety o f to any area where such biotic com m unities were not
adjustments o f the population to environmental present previously, (iii) by altering or m odifying one
changes and stresses within the ecosystem , (iii) E.P. or more components o f physical environment (land
Odum has related high species diversity o f a mature use changes, for exam ple), (iv) by introducing
ecosystem representing a ‘clim ax com m unity’ to foreign substances through the use o f pesticides and
more stability o f a natural ecosystem because as the herbicides, (v) by increasing or decreasing the
community succession operates, the homeostasis original proportion o f atmospheric gases, (vi) by
increases due to more protection available to the manipulating environmental processes etc. Many o f
members o f the community against external envi­ these environmental changes have been discussed in
ronmental change. the 3rd chapter on ‘M an-Environment R elation­
There are two m odels o f the nature o f ships’ and in the 15th chapter on ‘Man and
ecosystem equilibrium. The equilibrium model states Environmental P rocesses’.
20 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

10. The nature of human interactions with envi­ to the depletion or near depletion o f a few precious
ronment determines letter’s stability or insta­ non-renewable resources, degeneration o f renew­
bility. able resources (e.g. forest, grassland, surface and
groundwater etc.), environmental degradation and
It has already been stated earlier that there is pollution at local, regional and global levels and
reciprocal relationship between man and environ­ above all ecological crisis. The basic aim of
ment. In order to enhance the quality of life of both, environmental geography is to stress upon symbio­
the environment and humans, there should be sis between man and the environment so that
symbiotic relationship i.e. harmonious and friendly harmonious relationship may be established which
relationship as the environment provides habitats of may lead to the welfare o f human society.
varying kinds for different life forms and affects life It is, therefore, imperative for environmental
style o f various organisms in different suites of geogapers to study the direct and indirect impacts
habitats having distinct assemblages o f land, water, o f human activities on environmental/physical and
soil and clim ate, in turn organisms affect and modify biological processes leading to ecosystem instabil­
the environment. This sort o f mutual relationship ity and environmental degradation and pollution,
makes the natural ecosystem more efficient. O f all the capacity and mechanism o f natural/physical
the organism s man is the most intelligent and processes to absorb and adjust with the changes
powerful animal and is capable o f not only affecting brought by man in the natural environment and
the environm ent like other organisms but also make sincere efforts for the identification and
altering the basic com position o f the environment at determination o f levels o f environmental degrada­
a scale detrimental not only to all biota but also to his tion, pollution and ecological imbalance at differ­
own existence. Phenomenal increase in human ent spatial and temporal scales, for identifying real
population in the present century has put enormous ecological and environmental crises, for the prepa­
pressure on natural resources which has resulted into ration of inventory o f existing ecological resources,
accelerated rate o f rapacious exploitation of natural for the formulation o f pollution control pro­
resources in order to meet out the demand of ever grammes and conservation and management of
increasing population, rapidly growing industriali­ natural resources taking the fact into mind that all
sation and urbanisation. The development o f mod­ the resources even renewable and nonconventional
ern technologies and increased economic functions (even the solar energy is also finite because the life
o f man have further accelarated the rate o f exploita­ o f the sun is also fixed) are finite and we have moral
tion o f natural resources. A ll these have contributed obligation to our future generations.

2.1 MEANING OF ENVIRONMENT with the match of time and advancement of society
man extended his environment through his social,
The word ‘environment has been derived economic and political functions.
from the French word ‘environner’ meaning to Generally speaking the environment is equated
encircle or to surround. The dictionary meaning of with nature wherein physical components of the
the word ‘environment’ is a surrounding; external planet earth viz. land, air, water, soils etc. support
conditions influencing development or growth of and affect life in the biosphere. A. Goudie (1984) in
people, animals or plants; living or working his book ‘The Nature of the Environment’ has, in
conditions etc. This involves three questions-what is fact, taken environment as the representative of
surrounded?, by what surrounded? and where physical components of the earth wherein man is an
surrounded? Decidedly the answer to the first important factor affecting the environment. Envi­
question is living object in general and man in ronment is defined more comprehensively by others
particular. If man is taken to be surrounded, physical ‘as a holistic view of the world as it functions at any
attributes become the answer to the second question point of time, with a multitude of spatial elemental
which becomes environment and where surrounded and socio-economic systems distinguished by qual­
is the space or habitat. ‘Primarily, the concern of all ity and attributes of space and mode of behaviour of
geographers is with the environment of man. But abiotic and biotic forms’ (K.R. Dikshit, 1984). He
man cannot exist or be understood in isolation from further remarks, ‘the definition, and in turn the
the other forms o f life and from plant life’ (A.N. scope, could be governed by our concern and
Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976, p. 4) and so priorities. Our immediate concern is the quality of
environment o f all biological population should be space we live in, the air we breathe, the food wc eat,
the concern o f geographers. ‘Environment refers to the water we drink and the resources we draw from
the sum total of conditions which surround man at a the environment to support our economy* (K.R.
given point in space and time’ (C.C. Park, 1980, p. Dikshit, 1984). He has also pleaded for the inclusion
28). In the beginning the environment of early man of only ‘air-land-water-plant’ in the concept of
consisted o f only physical aspects o f the planet earth environment, thus excluding man and human society
(land, air and water) and biotic communities but from the ambit of environment.


Economy Society
Cultural Component
P = Phototrophs S - Saprotrophs H = Holozoic C = Chemotrophs PA = Parasites

Fig. 2.1 : Elements o f environment and their interactions (after Savindra Singh and A. Dubey 1983).

In fact, environment is Viewed in different organisms, or (2) the social and cultural conditions
ways with different angles by different groups of that affect an individual or community. Since human
people may be safely.argued that ‘environment inhabit the natural world as well as the ‘built’ or
is an inseparable whole and is constituted by the technological, social, and cultural world, all consti-.
interacting systems of physical, biological and tute parts of our environment’ (W.P. Cunnigham and
cultural elements (fig. 2.1) which are interlinked M.A. Cunnigham, 2004).
individually as well as collectively in myriad ways.
Physical.elements (space, landforms, waterbodies, 2.2 STRUCTURE AND TYPES OF ENVIRONMENT
climate, soils, rocks and minerals) determine the
variable character of the human habitat, its opportu­ Since the environment is both physical and
nities as well as limitations. Biological elements biological concept, it encompasses both the non­
(plants,, animals, micro-organisms and man) living (abiotic) and living (biotic) components of the
constitute the biosphere. Cultural elements planet earth. Thus on the basis of basic structure the
(economic, social and political) are essentially environment may be divided into two basic types
man-made features which go into* the- making of e.g. physical or abiotic environment and biotic
cultural milieu’ (Savindra Singh and A. Dubey, environment. On the basis of physical characteris­
1983). tics and state, abiotic or physical environment is
subdivided into three broad categories viz. (i) solid,
Thus, environment is defined as ‘(l)The
(ii) liquid and, (iii) gas which represent the
circumstances and conditions (physical conditions)
lithosphere (solid earth), the hydrosphere (water
that surround (and affect) an organism or group of

component) and the atmosphere respectively. Thus matter and energy from one component of the
the three basic divisions of physical environment ecosystem to the other. This aspect/function does
may be termed as (i) lithospheric environment, not necessarily involve change in the working of the
(ii) atmospheric environment and (iii) hydrospheric ecosystem so long as the exploitative functions are
environment. These may be further brocken in harmony with the natural environment but when
into smaller units based on different spatial scales these exceed the critical limit, the equilibrium of the
e.g. mountain environment, plateau environment, environment/ecosystem is disturbed and several
plain environment, lake environment, river environ­ environmental and ecological problems crop up
ment, maritime environment , glacier environ­ which become detrimental not only to man himself
ment, desert environment, coastal environment, but to whole population (of species) in a given
etc. ecosystem.
The biotic component of the environment The physical environment may also be viewed
consists of plants (flora) and animals (fauna) in terms of climatic conditions providing certain
including man as an important factor. Thus the biotic suites of habitat for the biological communities viz.
environment may be divided into floral environment tropical environment, temperate environment, polar
and faunal environment. All the organisms work to environment etc. which may be further sub-divided
form their social groups and organisations at several into smaller but specific divisions. Physical/abiotic
levels and thus is formed social environment and biotic environments fused together form ‘biome
wherein the organisms work to derive matter from environment’ like tundra biome, temperate biome
the physical environment for their sustenance and and tropical biome which are further subdivided into
development. This process generates economic second and third order biomes. In environmental
environment. It may be pointed out that of all the geography the physical environment is the most
organisms man is the most skilled and civilized and outstanding feature and thus should be given more
hence his social organisation is most systematic. It is significance than the social or cultural environment.
significant to note that three aspects of man e.g. The economic function of man becom es
physical, social and economic, have different more significant than his other functions as it is
characteristics and functions in the biotic environ­ more concerned with the functioning of ecosystem.
ment as 'physical man' is one of the organismic Thus, the interaction of man through his
populations or biological community and thus economic functions and hence as an environmental
requires basic elements of the physical environment process, with natural environment and resultant
viz. habitat (space), air, water and food like other human response to the environment is the funda­
biological populations and releases wastes into the mental concern of environmental geography.
ecosystem; ‘social m an’ establishes social institu­
The classification and types of environment
tions, forms social organisations, formulates laws, may be summarized as follows :
principles and policies to safeguard his existence,
interest and social welfare and ‘economic man’ On the basis of major components
derives and utilises resources from the physical and
biotic environments with his skills and technologies. • abiotic environment
These may be termed as physical, social and • biotic environment
economic functions of man. It is the third function
The abiotic environment is further divided
(economic) which makes the man an environmental/
and subdivided on the basis of secondary and tertiary
geomorphic process as well because he transports
components as follows :
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a ph y
mountain environment
plateau environment
plain environment
pedogenic environment
river environment
lake environment

littoral environment
Abiotic shallow sea environment
Environment deep sea environment
coral environment

environment tropical environment
or temperate environment
climatic environment polar or arctic environment

terrestrial (land) floral

land aquatic
marine aquatic

land faunal
fresh water aquatic
aquatic faunal environment
environment marine aquatic

Man constitutes biotic components of the environ­ 2.3 COMPONENTS OF ENVIRONMENT

ment wherein man has created many new compo­
nents collectively known as social or cultural
Environment, as stated above,. consists of
components which altogether make ‘built environ­
three basic components viz. (i) abiotic or physical
ment’. Thus, ‘built environment’ or cultural envi­
component; (ii) biotic components, and (iii) energy
ronment is subdivided as follows :
component. Physical or abiotic component consists
of atmospheric component, lithospheric component
social environment and hydrospheric component while biatic component
Cultural comprises plant component, animal (including man
Environment economic environment
as physical man) component and micro-organismic
Built political environment component. Energy component includes solar energy
Environment and geothermal energy. These components have
religious environment been discussed in the 6th chapter of this book.
t h e e n v ir o n m e n t 25

The cultural environment comprises social The various components of the environment
component, economic component, political compo­ may be summarized as follows :
nent, etc.

abiotic components —> land, air, water and soils

Com poents
energy components —> solar and geothermal energy
o f Environm ent biotic components —» plants and animals
- cultural environment —> society, economy and polity

2.4 GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT and it remained a basic element in most of the
approaches’ (K.R. Dikshit, 1984).
Is environment a geographer’s forte? The Right from the beginning ‘man and the land’,
answer to this question would have been more ‘man and the nature’, ‘man’s relationships to his
positive and the tall claim that ‘no discipline can earthly environment’ etc. have been the recurring
boast of richer heritage of the study of the man- themes of geography irrespective of the dichotomy
environment syndrome than geography’ (J. singh, of ‘earth made man’ versus ‘man made the earth .
1984) would have become more meaningful had the Whether visible or not the concept of ecosystem and
futile debate of ‘determinism (environmentalism)- emphasis on environments have been always lurking
in the background but the approach has been too
possibilism-probabilism’ not prologned for long
fragmentary and hardly any composite picture of
time and had much time and labour not been devoted
environment emerged. ‘Obviously, the objective
for abstract locational analysis and atrophied spatial was never to understand the environment but to
analysis (J. Singh, 1984) at the cost of physical make use of it for demonstrating its role in emerging
aspect of geography rather the core of geography. cultural landscape or the regional diversities’ (K.R.
The banner of environment/ecosystem/ecology would Dikshit, 1984) and elements of physical environ­
have not been carried away by natural sciences had ment like topographic characteristics, climate, soils
the pitfalls of earlier geographers in dealing with etc. were taken as physical or geographical factors to
environment been removed properly and indepth explain variable distribution of matter in general and
study of environment would have been developed human population in particular over space; location
step by step. The over-dominance of geography by of industries etc. It may be emphasised that the study
cultural/human geography bemused by mild intoxi­ of environment has always been associated with
cation of ‘faith in technological man’s capacity to geography but with varying levels of significance
create resources and take care of environmental during successive phases of methodological devel­
degradation’ and ‘locational analysis and spatial opment of the subject. It may also be stressed that the
organisation models spearheaded by quantitative environmental studies were based on much more
techniques’ (J. Singh, 1984) drifted geographers generalisation and assumed relationships involving
away from the hard core physical and biogeography secondary data and information rather than on in-
which landed geographers in deep slumber as the depth study of different components of environment
study of environment is concerned and they could based on empirical studies.
wake up only when the issue of environmental Geography is the only discipline that can
degradation and ecological imbalance was over pursue the study of environment in totality because:
taken by the ecologists and other natural scientists (i) it studies the spatial attributes of all th
by the end of 1960’s. But these comments do not phenomena including man in a given space and
negate the close association of environment with highlights complex man-environment relationships
geography because ‘since the hey-day of determin­ at different stages and phases in a time-space
ism changing to the study of landscape and the continuum while other sciences study individual
subject’s reorientation to spatial organisation geog­ phenomenon and do not bother for spatial organisa­
raphers were always concerned with environment tion,
26 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g eo g r a ph y

have long been d e l a y e d (Strahler and Strahler, 1973,

svnthfti'^ ^eing an integrating science geography 393) When man appeared first on the earth the
? dem ents and components of
whole of the earth was ‘wild area ’ and the physical
• eart“ ’nt° one body and links the social
nces with the natural sciences, environment was in natural state but as the
population grew and the skill of man increased, more
(iii) it lays stress on the ‘synthesis of all near and more ‘natural areas’ were converted into farms,
^ 974CCS^ eres *nt0 one interacting system’ (Annuchin villages, cities and towns, highways and several
). That is to say geography studies the economic establishments and social institutions
losphere (the interface of air, land and water ) in
resulting into rapid rate o f shrinking o f ‘natural or
totality (all components of biosphere-abiotic and
wild areas’. The ‘economic m an’ equipped with
lotic, their characteristics and interrelationships),
superior technology continued and still continues to
(iv) as regards the physical system it is exploit the natural resources not withstanding the
geography that excels other sciences because rebounding repercussions on his own existence. A
geographers have the knowledge of structure, group of concious people, now labelled as ‘environ­
geomorphic processes, climate, vegetation and soils mentalist’ has alarmed the economic man against the
while other scientists specialise in only one of these devastating impact of unplanned, unscientific and
reckless exploitation of nature and has pleaded for to
(v) geographers besides identifying complex save a few of ‘wild areas’ which are still least
relationships between man and physical environ­ affected by man. The philosophy behind this
ment have the capability of locating the distribution movement (to quote, ‘Chipko M ovement by Bhat
of such relationships in space, mapping them and and Sunder Lai Bahuguna) is called wilderness
exploring the causes of variations in distribution, ethic, ‘Its supporters have run headlong into confict
and with those who have followed the frontier tradition,
(vi) ‘geographers recognise that the quality of based on a deep-seated conviction that natural
life layer varies from place to place in terms of resources should be used and that natural landscape
richeness or poverty of life forms capable of being should be modified to provide farm land, timber and
supported’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976). water supplies’ (Strahler and Straherler, 1973, p. 3).
G eographers are the only scientists who can There is growing popular support for wilder­
recognise and identify the environmental regions, ness ethic for the last few decades. The concept of
locate them in space and present them on maps. wilderness ethic has intrinsic scientific value be­
cause natural areas or wild areas least affected by
2.5 ENVIRONMENT (NATURE) AND WILDERNESS human impact represent the ecosystem where the
functioning of different components may be ob­
served and studied properly and these may serve as
base line for the comparison of such ecosystems
The dictionary, meaning of nature is external
which have been greatly impacted and modified by
world especially untouched by man. Thus, that part man with least impacted natural areas and thus the
of the planet earth which has not been invaded by level of degradation can be fathomed and deter­
man becomes ‘nature or wild area* but the question mined which may help in restoring the ecological
arises, is there any such area on our earth which has balance of otherwise sick ecosystems. It may be
not been approached by man? The answer is pointed out that the ‘materialistic m an’ intoxicated
negative and thus we do not possess any space by modern technology is reluctant to perceive the
having virgin physical environment. Even Antarc­ charm and value of natural areas in original state and
tica has been approached by several nations and thus such protected natural areas or wild areas
once difficult equatorial rainforest in terms of termed as ‘biosphere reserve or ‘nature reserve’ may
accessibility has now been greatly invaded by man. serve as an exhibition for the society to realise their
So, the qualifying conditions for ‘nature’ or ‘wild significance. Almost every nation has attempted to
a r e a ’ have to be lowered down and those areas protect a few wild areas as 'nationalpark’, ‘wildlife
should be termed ‘nature’ or ‘wild areas’ which have sanctuaries’ etc. but these have also been adversely
been least invaded by ‘economic m an’ or where the affected by ever-increasing pressure of recreation
inroades. o f m an’s agricultural and urban impact industry.

Several attempts have also been made to too Bird Sanctuary (Karnataka), Vedanthangal Bird
preserve a few natural and wilderness areas as Sanctuary (Chingleput, Tamil Nadu), Malapatti
‘national parks’, 'wildlife sanctuaries' etc. in India. Bird Sanctuary (Nellore, Andhra Pradesh) etc. A
‘The National Wild Life Action Plan’ was started in national scheme known as ‘Project Tiger has been
1983 with the basic purpose of formulation and launched to protect the tiger population in the
implementation of strategies, programmes and country,. The scheme ‘project tig er’ ensures com­
projects for the conservation of wild life in future plete protection to the tiger species in a fiew
and increase in the protected area from the existing speciallly selected tiger reserves (total 16) for
3 percent to 4 percent of the geographical area of the scientific, economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecologi­
country. cal purposes. These tiger reserves are at Manas
(Assam), Palamau (Jharkhand), Similipal (Orissa),
Wild Life Sanctuaries the Corbett National Park (Nainital, Uttarakhand)
Melghat (Maharashtra), Bandipur (Karnataka),
The important Wild Life Sanctuaries are Sundarbans (West Bengal) and Cariska (Rajasthan).
Bandipur Sanctuary (Karnataka), Bhadra Sanctuary
(Chikmanglur, Karnataka), Bhimabhandh Sanctu­ National Parks
ary (Monger, Bihar), Bori Sancturary (Hosangabad,
M.P.), Chandra Prabha Sanctuary (Varanasi, U.P. Besides, there are several National Parks in
for Indian Lions), Dachigam Sanctuary (Jammu and the country. These parks are fully protected to serve
Kashmir), Dalma Wild Sanctuary (Singhbhum, as museum of ‘nature’ (some of the National Parks
Jharkhand), Damp Wild Sanctuary (Aizwal, Mizoram), are also Wild Life Sanctuaries).
Dandeli Wild Life Sanctuary (Dharwar, Karnataka), Important National Parks are Bandhavgarh
Gandhi Sagar Wild Life Sanctuary (Mandsaur, National Park (M.P.), Bandipur National Park
M.P.), Warm Water Wild Life Sanctuary (Assam), (Karnataka), Banarghatta National Park (Bangalore,
Gautam Budha Wild Life Sanctuary (Gaya, Bihar), Karnataka), Corbett National Park (Nainital,
Hazribagh Wild Life Sanctuary (Hazaribhagh, Uttarakhand), Dudhwa National Park (Lakhimpur
Jharkhand), Wild Life Sanctuary (Kohima, Nagaland), Kheri, U.P.), Gir National Park (Junnagarh, Gujarat),
Jaldapara Wild Life Sanctuary (Jalpaiguri, West Kanha Natioinal Park (Mandla, M.P.), Kazi Ranga
Bengal),-Wild Life Sanctuary (Adilabad, Andhra National Park (Jorhat, Assam), National Park
Pradesh), Kinnarasani Wild Life Sanctuary (Khamman, (Gangtok, Sikkim), National Park (Kurg, Karnataka),
Andhra Pradesh), Manas Wild Life Sanctuary Pench National Park (Nagpur, Maharashtra), Rohala
(Barpeta, Assam), Mudumalai Wild Life Sanctuary National Park (Kulu, Himachal Pradesh), Madhava
(Niligiri, Tamil Nadu), Someshwar Wild Life National Park (Shivpuri, M.P.) Hazaribagh National
Sanctuary (South Kanara, Karnataka), Pachmarhi Park (Hazaribhagh, Jharkhand) etc.
Wild Life Sanctuary (Hosanghabad, M.P.), Pakhal
It may be pointed out that inspite of efforts
Wild Life Sanctuary (Warangal, Andhra Pradesh),
taken by the central government in collaboration
Palamau Wild Life Sanctuary (Daltonganj, Jharkhand),
with the state governments to protect ‘n a tu re’ or
Periyar Wild Life (game) Sanctuary (Kerala),
‘wild areas’ the conditions of National Parks, Wild
Ranathambhaur Wild Life Sanctuary (Sawai Madhopur,
Life Sanctuaries and Reserve Forests are deteriorat­
Rajasthan), Sharavathi Valley Wild Life Sanctuary
ing day by day due to complex socio-politico-
(Shimoga, Karnataka), Shikari Devi Wild Life economic factors.
Sanctuary (Mandi, Himachal Predesh), Simlipal
Wild Life Sanctuary (Mayurbhanj, Orissa), Sonai
Roopa Wild Life Sanctuary (Tejpur, Assam), Tansa 2.6 ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES
Wild Life Sanctuary (Thane, Maharashtra), Tungbhadra
Wild Life Sanctuary (Bellary, Karnataka) etc. The natural resources, both abiotic and biotic
constituting basic components of environment, in
Bird Sanctuaries the form of matter and energy are of vital signifi­
cance for the successful survival of all types of life
Among bird sanctuaries important are Ghana on the planet earth in general and for human being in
Bird Sanctuary (Bharatpur, Rajasthan), Ranganthit- particular. In fact, all aspects of human society
28 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

(social, cultural, political and economic) depend on and pollution and thus natural ecosystems become
resources. Therefore, the meaning, classification, disturbed and destabilized. It is, therefore, necessary
assessment and evaluation, uses and abuses, conser­ to pay more and more attention towards the
vation and management of all sorts of resources preservation, conservation and management of
either natural or cultural, renewable or non-renew­ ecological resources so as to maintain ecological
able, are very significant aspects of environmental balance and ecosystem equilibrium so that the
geography. The very fundamental principle of survival of humanity may be assured.
resources is that resources, even renewable, are Recently, more interests have been shown in
finite. For example, air and water are in abundance the preservation and management of ecological
and are very much renewable but when they are resources because of their intrinsic value, aesthetic
polluted and degraded, they become unusable and value, social benefits, scientific value, recreational
non-renewable because it becomes very difficult to and educational significance and overall environ­
restore the original quality of air and water if they mental value because the stability of natural
have been degraded beyond a certain critical limit. ecosystems depends upon ecological balance. D.R.
The resources are fundamental base for the Helliwell (1969) has shown that interests in the
economic growth and development of human ecological resources are increasing world over
society but their withdrawal from the nature, mode because of various benefits of ecological balance
of their uses by human being and their disposal have e.g. (i) Direct returns (such as direct material and
enormous adverse effect on the environment. It is, financial returns from hunting, shooting, fishing and
thus, imperative to study the linkages between food gathering), (ii) Genetic reserve (preservation
resource use and the environment so that proper of natural ecosystems and their ecological resources
management of resources, both effective resources help in the breeding of new varieties of crop
and resources out of place (waste materials after use) producing plants and animals), (iii) Ecological
and remedial measures of environmental pollution balance (maintenance and preservation of natural
and degradation arising out of resource use and populations of plants and animals help in maintain­
disposal of waste materials may be made possible. ing the ecological balance), (iv) Educational value
Resources are generally divided into (1) (direct education of children about natural plants
natural resources, and (2) non-utilitarian resources. and animals and their biological functions), (v)
Natural resources are those which belong to natural Research value (natural ecosystems and ecological
environment and include both (1) abiotic natural resources may serve as laboratories of research of
resources such as land, soils, air, water, minerals etc, biological functions and problems), (vi) Natural
and (2) biotic natural resources such as plants and history interest (natural ecosystems may help in
animals. Biotic resources are also called ecological tracing the history of biological world), and (vii)
resources which are further divided into two broad Local value (ecological resources decide the charac­
groups e.g. (i) natural or wildlife ecological resources teristics of the place and area concerned).
which include plant and animal resources of those The following aspects of natural resources are
natural ecosystems which have been least impacted of vital concern to the present human society and
by human activities, and (ii) managed ecological future generations with respect to their exploitation
resources, which include plants and animals of those and utilization :
ecosystems which have been managed by man such (1) the process of creation and regeneration of
as commercial and social forests, agriculture, and resources,
domestic animals. (2) availability of resources (inequality in their
Ecological resources are very important ele­ spatial distribution),
ments of the natural environment and ecosystems (3) exploitation and consumption of resources,
because their stability and survival largely depend and
upon ecological resources. Unwise and over- exploi­ (4) adequacy and inadequacy of resources.
tation of ecological resources and destruction of The processes of creation and accumulation
natural habitats lead to environmental degradation of many natural resources, m ainly mineral

resources, are very slow and take millions of years

sations, political stability, internation^relations
etc. Very rich reserve of mineral oil in the Middle
for their formation and accumulation as vast mineral
East is the main reason for political msta 1 1 y in e
reserves such as the formation of fossil fuels (coal,
Gulf Countries. The inter-state disputes of sharing
mineral oil and natural gas) and metals. The
river waters are because of location of rivers in more
availability of such resources for human use depends
than one country. In fact, the level of economic
on accessibility of resources and rate of their
development largely depends on natural resources.
exploitation. If the rate of exploitation of resources
far exceeds the rate of their generation, the The over exploitation and use of fossil fuels
availability and supply of desired resources become has posed a serious threat of climate change due to
poor. In case of some very important minerals such global warming caused by ozone depletion and
as mineral oil the availability may become almost increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. It
zero as such minerals may be completely depleted. is estimated (IPCC report, 2001) that by the turn of
While taking out the resources from the nature the 21st century the concentration of atmospheric
one should always bear in mind that resources are carbon dioxide would go upto 540-970 ppmv which
finite and have accumulated over a long geological may cause rise in temperature by 1.4 to 5.8°C and sea
period of time such as mineral oil, natural gas, coal level would rise from the present level by 9-88 cm.
and many key industrial minerals. These resources Due to excessive use of energy resources the
are being used at a very fast rate and there is every international communities are scared of catastrophic
likelihood that we will run out of these resources adverse effects of future climatic changes on
within a few hundred years or even less. These different spheres of man and nature e.g. deglaciation
resources are used for the supply of most of energy and sea level changes (rise), submergence ot island
in the industrial, transport and domestic sectors. The nations and major coastal lowlands, atmospheric
combustion of mineral oils, natural gases and coal dynamics including evaporation and precipitation,
pollute the atmosphere. The very composition of the increase in the frequency and magnitude and
atmosphere in te.rms of natural gaseous composition ferocity of tropical storms (e.g. hurricane Katerina
is altered and modified which consequently affects and Wilma, which caused colossal destruction in
the atmospheric processes. For example, emission 2005 in New Orleanse and Florida, USA, respec­
of carbon dioxide through ‘human volcanoes’ tively), changes in global radiation balance, changes
(chimneys of factories) increases the concentration in the pattern of photosynthesis and ecological
of C 0 2 in the atmosphere which in turn increases the production, plant and animal communities, human
green house effect of the atmosphere resulting into health and wealth. The major sources of global
rise of temperature at the earth’s surface and environmental problems have been identified as
consequent changes in the radiation or heat balance changes in the atmospheric chemistry through air
of the earth. The use of petroleum in the operation of pollution due to rapid industrialization and urbani­
motor cars, trucks, rail engines and air crafts zation by using huge amount of energy and other
releases nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere which resources; population growth (increased demand of
may deplete the ozone which is very vital for all resources), advances in productive technologies,
types of life on the earth because depletion in ozone major land use changes mainly deforestation etc.
may allow ultraviolet solar rays to reach the earth’s
The reckless exploitation of natural resources
surface. This may result in the rise of temperature
and unplanned development without considering the
and thus alteration of terrestrial heat balance. The
basic principles of ecology and environmental
release of sulphur dioxide (S 0 2) into the air by
science would cause without doubt, severe environ­
combustion of fossil fuels causes acid rains.
mental and ecological problems which may threaten
The most significant aspect of the environ­ the existence of human society. It is, therefore,
ment in influencing human activity is the availability imperative to adhere to basic principles of
of resources. The richness or poorness, quality and environmental science and to pursue the path o f
quantity and above all the availability of renewable sustainable environment, sustainable econom y, sus­
and non-renewable resources decide the type of tainable development and sustainable society. We
human activities, economic viability, social organi­ should also keep in mind the fact, while using natural
social organization and social structures such as
resources, that the limit of these resources mainly
institutional, agricultural, industrial, economic, cul­
non-renfcwable resources is finite, the mode of their
tural, political, religious set-ups etc. Such social
form ation is exceedingly slow process involving
organizations and structures could be developed
long geological period, the natural resources are
through different stages of development of human
public property and hence no one is entitled to
culture and civilizations prim arily based on natural
misuse them , there should be, thus, rational
environm ent and its immense resources. The devel­
exploitation and optimum utilization of resources.
This means there should be proper management of opment of early civilization known as ‘river valley
resources based on ecological principles and the civilization, such as Indus Valley Civilization, Nile
basics of ecological economics, sustainable envi­ Valley Civilization etc., could flourish along the
ronment, sustainable development and sustainable major perennial rivers because these provided ample
society. water, rich fertile soils for cultivation and wide flat
flood plains for shelter. With the advancement in
Sustainability refers to ecological stability
human skills and knowledge the role of man changed
and continuity of overall human progress. The
from a ‘physical m an’ to ‘social m an’, economic
concept of sustainable development gained currency
man’ and ultimately to present ‘technological m an’.
in 1987 in the report of the World Commission on
Consequently, man began to use natural resources
Environment and Development (Our Common
more quickly and efficiently to build up modern
Future) wherein sustainable development was de­
fined as ‘meeting the needs of the present without social structures, which are no doubt detrim ental to
compromising the ability of future generation to the environment.
meet their own needs.’ Development is a process of If the natural environment helped in the
improving the life conditions of people through the evolution and development of different culture and
exploitation and utilization of environmental (natu­ civilizations from pre-historic period to the present
ral) resources in raw and manufactured state. The day materialistic modern society characterized by
sustainable development aims at continuously im­ ever-increasing consumerism and globalization, and
proving the people’s lives through rational exploi­ different structures of the society such as highly
tation and optimum utilization of natural resources mechanized agriculture, industrial establishm ents,
on one hand and maintaining environmental quality commercial establishments, urban centers, educa­
and ecological balance on the other hand so that tional, cultural and religious structures etc. on one
there may be continuous supply of natural resources hand, the existence and quality of environment now
to the present and future generations without rest on the responses of human society and
harming the environment. It is evident that no doubt consequences of such social structures and cultural
the environment provides all essential raw materials organizations to the environment on the other hand.
for development processes and hence it is also Several issues like quality of environment, ecologi­
expected from the people to use the resources in such cal imbalance, disruption of earth’s natural ecosys­
a way that these do not fall in short supply to future tems, environmental degradation and pollution,
generation. natural hazards and disasters, depletion of natural
resources, sustainable development, sustainable
2.7 ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE AND SOCIETY society etc. have been raised since 1970s but any
environmental problem can be approached and
Environment and society are closely interre­ solved only after considering the society’s response
lated and are in fact interdependent. It is an towards such problems in general and costs involved
established fact that different aspects of social in setting the environmental problems right.
organization and institutions could be developed on
The responses or reactions of the society
the basis of natural (environmental) resources. In
towards the consequences of ‘environm ent im­
fact, the environmental resources became the basis
provement program m e’ can be determ ined on the
o f ‘built resources’ which we call cultural resources
basis of benefits acruing from such program m es and
which represent different human social groups,
costs involved therein. For exam ple, clearing of
tal problems catches the public attention and the
forest covers to meet the growing need of timber and
public are so alarmed and become so enthusiastic
agricultural land for everincreasing population leads
that they readily respond to solve the problems
to accelerated rate of soil erosion which causes
siltation of river beds and consequent recurring without having any care for the cost o inves me ,
floods. Is the society ready to stop massfelling of (iii) Third Stage is marked by realisation of the cos
trees to check soil erosion and floods. Is the society of significant progress. That is to s^y that the pu ic
ready not to expand the farmland and allow the become aware of the cost of investment. It is a so
teeming millions to die due to hunger and starva­ realised that the technological development may not
tion? The modern industries and evergrowing urban always be the best solution to the environmental
centers are responsible for air and water pollution problems, (iv) Stage Four is characterised by gradual
beyond repair. Is the modern society ready to restrict decline in public interest towards environmental
the industrial and urban growth? Is the society ready improvement programmes due to realisation of
to expend money, which is meant for development higher cost of solution of environmental problems
programmes, on environment programmes such as and difficulty in implementing the environmental
halting deforestation and starting reforestation and improvement programes, and (v) Post Problem Stajge
afforestation, checking soil erosion and river flood, is marked by lessening of public interest in the issues
halting the pace of industrialization and urbaniza­ of environmental concerns but the public interest
tion, management of environmental degradation and occasionally surges and again keeps a low ebb, thus
pollution and so on? Many more questions may be the public interests in environmental problems occur
raised in terms of relative value of resources to be in spasmodic manner.
spent on the programmes of the restoration of the The interaction between environment and
quality of environment and pollution abatement society depends largely on the social and political
programmes and immediate material gains to the systems within which arise the environmental and
society accruing from such programmes. All these ecological problems. The capitalistic and socialistic
depend on interests and desire of the society in systems perception and reactions to the environment
improving and maintaining the quality of environ­ are quite different. Even the ecological situation
ment. varies from one country to the other and one region
Without doubt the society is now awakened to the other because of uneven distribution of natural
towards environmental problems and the public resources, uneven economic and social develop­
concern about the quality of environment has ment, dissimilarity of demographic factors, varying
reached the emotional peak but can this tempo be view points of the government and individuals
sustained for long time? Can this be translated into towards environment etc. The capitalistic system of
practice? The environmental improvement meas­ government of the west is full of contradictions
ures being costly and long-term investment of time, regarding the exploitation of natural resources, rate
money and resources may eclipse the tempo, of development, use of modern technologies and
jeopardise the public interest and taboo the imple­ conservation of environmental resources and m ain­
mentation of environmental improvement pro­ tenance of ecological balance. Continuous but
grammes. exceedingly increasing rate of rapacious exploita­
tion of natural resources and uncontrolled develop­
Issue attention cycle : According to A. Downs
ment by the developed western world, m onopolistic
(1972) public interest in environment changes
groups and selfish international com panies, are
through time and the whole sequence of changes is
responsible for alarming situation of grave environ­
completed in five stages termed as ‘Issue Attention
mental crises and ecological imbalance not confined
Cycle', (i) First Stage or pre-problem stage is to the limits of their own countries and regions but to
characterised by no public attention towards envi­
the whole globe. The inherent ideology of capitalism
ronmental problems except a few experts and is to increase production with m inim um production
interest groups who are seized with such problems, cost but for maximum profit leading to accum ulation
(ii) Second Stage : Stage of alarmed discovery and and hoarding on the one hand and to shift the
euphoric enthusiasm-when the issue of environmen­
responsibility of environm ental crises to developing
Marxism preaches to organise society’s control over
and underdeveloped countries on the other hand. the rapacious exploitation of natural resources and
Conversely, they are raising the siren of ecological
to develop harmony between man and nature.
catastrophe’ and are propagating the idea of limits
to growth’, ‘society of zero growth’, ‘equilibrium The inherent socialist ideology o f public
society* etc. so that consumption of natural re­ ownership of natural resources is explicit expression
sources may be frozen and economic growth of effective nature conservancy. In other words, the
suspended. No doubt, there are individual groups deep involvement of society in production and
and even the general public in the west which are consumption processes injects a sense o f belonging
sore over the misuse of modern technologies and to natural wealth and therefore the public becomes
deterioration of environment but the ‘capitalist conscious about the uses and misuses o f natural
ideologists, politicians and the government are resources and possible danger emanating therefrom.
suppressing or subordinating the mass movement The socialist ideology proclaims to have socio-
for the defence of environment to their own ends and ethical interpretation and evaluation o f present-day
to gloss over and blur the close connection between ecological problems of ‘man society-nature-system’
the ecological crisis and the set of contradictions and to lay emphasis on socio-ecological research to
typical of modern capitalist society, to divert the find out ways and means for developing new
masses of working people (especially the youth) pollution-safe technologies aiming at careful and
from their class interests, and to convert the economical use of natural resources, transforming
movement into a purely ‘conservation’ one’ (P.N. productive forces and human activity in terms of
Fedoseev, 1983). For example, there is mass current ecological situation. According to I.T.
movement in the U.S. public against the nuclear Frolove (1983) the essence of ecological policy
prolification and possible nuclear disaster and pursued in the former U.S.S.R. (Now Russia) is to
holocaust but the U.S. Govt, is going ahead with its reduce the unfavourable consequences of
nuclear programmes. In fact, the pessimistic ideol­ scientific and technical progress to the minimum
ogy of the western world about environmental on the ecological plane and to increase its
degradation is painting a gloomy picture of ecologi­ positive effects on the natural environment to the
cal problem before the developing and under­ maximum’.
developed world, so much so to discourage the use of
modern technology and launching of developmental It may be summarized that the health of both
programmes so that they may remain perennial environment and society depends on symbiotic
markets where the factory produce from western relationship between society and environment so
world may continue to be dumped. It may be pointed that the goal of ‘sustainable environment and
out that intensive researches in the field of non­ development’, and ‘sustainable society’ may be
polluting and ecologically safe technologies are achieved. The United Nations Organization through
being conducted and polices of conservation of its publication entitled ‘Caring for the Earth :
nature are being pursued through appropriate A study for Sustainable Life’ (1991) has set
legislations even in the western world but these out the following principles for sustainable
are blocked by vested interests of monopolistic society :
groups. ► Respect and care for the community of life;
The socialistic system of government mainly co-existence and harmonious community life
of the Communist Block lays more emphasis on the by respecting each other,
social importance of natural resources and environ­ ► Improvement of quality of human life involv­
mental and ecological problems and on the urgent ing improvement in health, education, access
need to tackle these problems. ‘Fundamental tradi­ to the resources which are essential for decent
tions of investigating ecological problems have standard of living, political freedom, guaran­
matured in Marxism, which disclosed the dialectic teed human rights, and freedom from vio­
of the interaction of society and nature in demon­ lence,
strating the sources of the unity and opposition of
Conserve the earth’s vitality and biodiversity •
man and his habitat’ (P.N. Fedoseev, 1983).
conservation of life-support systems (eco-
logical processes), biodiversity (all species >■ Enable communities to care for their own
o f plants, anim als, m icro-organisms, environment (community participation in the
genetic stocks within each species, and management of natural resources and mainte­
different types of ecosystems), ensure nance of environmental quality),
that uses of renewable resources are sustain­ ► Provide national framework for integrating
able, development and conservation (o f natural
resources), and
► Minimise the depletion of non-renewable
resources, ► Create global alliance for globally shared
resources, especially the atmosphere, oceans
► Maintain the earth’s carrying capacity, and shared ecosystems.
► Change personal attitude and practices to­ Reproduced from ‘Caring for the Earth’
wards the exploitation and utilization of (1991),
natural resources and environment, an IUCN, UNEP and WWF (of UNO)

complete control of physical environment on man

and his activities. In fact, according to determ inistic
perspectives of man-environment relationships,
The study of relationships between man and
man is subordinate to natural environment as all
environment has always been, in one way or the
aspects of human life viz. physical (health and
other, a focal theme in geography but the concept of
comfort), social, economic, political, ethical and
geography as environmental science and facets of
aesthetic etc. not only depend but are dominantly
man-environment relationship changed through
time with the development of human society and the controlled by physical environment. Though this
dimension of environment. In the beginning of the deterministic or environmentalistic approach blos­
process of evolution of man and his society physical somed in the writings of E.C. Semple (1910) in the
elements of the planet earth e.g. terrain, soil, water, second decade of the 20th century but its seeds were
climate, flora and fauna formed man’s environment already sown in the second half of the nineteenth
and man was basically a ‘physical man’ because of century. In fact, the publication o f ‘The O rigin of
his limited wants, requirements and total depend­ Species’ of Charles Darwin in 1859 laid the
ence on nature. As the man became social, economic foundation stone of the concept of environmental
and technological man, he broadened his environ­ influences on man and other organisms.
ment by creating his own environment (built Fredrich Leplay demonstrated the effects of
environment) through his design and skill to have physical environment on society through his dictom,
provision for better food, shelter, access and
place (environment)-work-folk, which shows that
comfort. The man-environment relationships, thus,
environment (place) conditions the type of work,
can be perceived and evaluated in a variety of ways
and approaches. and work shapes, atleast in part, the social organisa­
tion (folk) (George Tantham). The concept was
further elaborated with the tone of firm determ inism
1. Environmental Deterministic Approach
by Demolins (1901 and 1903). He postulated that
‘society is fashioned by environment’. H e attem pted
This approach is based on the basic tenet of to analyse social structure in terms of ‘geographical
‘earth made man’ and pays more attention on the
environment’. Three American geographers e.g.

W.M. Davis, E.C. Semple and E. Huntington ‘had held sway-whether it was with emphasis on the
s tr e n g t h e n e d th e concept of environmentalism. role of human choice (as in the possibilist tradition
W.M. Davis, though more known as a geomorphologist, of French geography) or on influences and controls
attempted to link nature with man. His two essays exerted by nature on the course of developm ent of
published in 1903 and 1906 clearly demonstrate that humanT societies (as visible, for exam ple, in the
human activities, racial characteristics and cultural works on Ellen Churchil Semple in U.S.A. and A.J.
elements are related to greater extent to the Herbertson in U.K.) (R.D. Dikshit, 1985, p. 69). (ii)
environment. He classified human elements in terms Application of deductive approaches to scientific
of physical elements and pleaded for the control of enquiry, and (iii) Acceptance and application of
physical elements over human elements but later on Newtonian concept of cause-effect relationships.
he modified his earlier concept of man-environment
interrelationships as the main subject matter of 2. Teleological Approach
geography and treated description of regions of the
earth as the core of geography.
Teleological approach is based on religious
The concept of environmentalism culminated faith of man being superior to nature and all other
in 1910 when American geographer E.C. Semple creatures. This school emanated from the teachings
published her book ‘Influences of Geographic of Judeo-Christian religious tradition which preached
Environm ent’ wherein she opined that ‘man is the that ‘man is superior to all creatures and every thing
product of the earth’s surface. This means not is created for his use and enjoyment’. This ideology
merely that he is a child of the earth, dust of her dust, of man-environment/nature relationship fostered
but the earth has mothered him, fed him, set him the man to exploit natural resources and to subdue
tasks, directed his thoughts, confronted him with nature without considering the after-effects of
difficulties that have strengthened his body and reckless and uncontrolled plundering o f natural
sharpened his wits, given him his problems of resources. This approach of man-environment rela­
irrigation and navigation and at the same time tionship led to excessive and rapid rate of exploita­
whispered hints for their solutions’ (E.C. Semple, tion of natural resources in North America and
1910, pp. 1-2). Determ inistic/environm entalistic ap­ Western Europe as well as in other parts of the world
proach was fully organised on scientific plane by E. which were their colonies. A host of scientists and
Huntington. His ‘Civilisation and Clim ate’ (1915), environmentalists have held this religious tradition
‘The Human and H abitat’ (1927), ‘ Season of Birth’ responsible for present-day ecological crises.
(1938) etc. clearly demonstrate the influences of This approach of thinking of man towards
physical environm ent on man. His postulation that
nature and environment stimulated Europeans to
‘climate not only influences human life but also his spread out all over the world in search of unexplored
birth’ proves that he was a strong advocate of land and resources. Consequently numerous colo­
environmentalism. nies were established in all of the inhabited
It is ap p aren t that the determ inistic/ continents. After 1750 there began a race for
environmentalistic school advocating control of rapacious exploitation of natural resources and
nature on man dominated the geographic thoughts widespread industrialization in Europe and America.
upto 1920. According to Grossman (1977) the first The process continued for the last three centuries
two decades of the twentieth century was influenced and created most of the present-day environmental
by three aspects of contemporary scientific thoughts, problems.
(i) Darwinian concepts of natural selection, adapta­
tion and survival o f the fittest. Darwin’s argument 3. Possibilistic Approach
that ‘gradual modification and diversification of
organisms stems from a process of natural selection Possibilistic approach to the study of man-
and adaptation to environmental factor both being environment relationships emerged through the
slow but ongoing over long period of tim e’ (C.C. criticism of environmental determinism and over­
Park, 1980, p. H 3) is fuiiy reflected in ‘Ratzels’ tone of teleological approach. Right from the very
social Darwinist concept of geography as the study inception of the school of environmental determin­
of man s relationship to his environm ent’ which ism there was dissenting voice raised by those who
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
modify it but it can never suppress it and will always
elieved that ‘no doubt physical environment
be conditioned’ (Jeans Bruhnes).
influences man and his activities but there is ample
P o s s ib ilis t s replaced more deterministic terms
scope for man to change the environment so much so
that it becomes suitable for man and his society ’. The ‘control’ by ‘influence’ and ‘influence’ by more
German philosopher Hegal, fed. up with physical moderate terms ‘response’ or ‘adjustment’. G.
determinism remarked, ‘Don’t talk to me about Tantham while bridging the gap between environ­
environmental determinism. Where the Greeks once mental determinism and possibilism maintained that
lived, the Turks live now, that settles the matter.’ ‘the maxim should not be conquest of nor submis-
While reviewing man-environment relationships, sion to, but cooperation with nature . Harlan
Kirchoff concluded that ‘man is not an automation Barrows (1923) presented an alternative approach
without a will of his own. The suggestions thrown and defined geography as ‘human ecology’ wherein
out by the nature of his birth place some times find he pleaded for the study of mutual interaction
him a docile, some times a different people’. A group between man and environment, the study of human
of people did not approve the principles of environ­ societies in relation to their environment and
mental determinism. Though they did not discord environmental adaptation in place of environmental
the barriers of environment but they gave due control.
weightage to active man. They believed in the
capacity of man to modify and mould the nature in
4. Economic Deterministic Approach
their own ways. This concept of possibilism was
founded by Febvre who has remarked, ‘man is a
geographic agent and not the least. He every where This approach is based on the basic ideology
contributes his share towards investing the physiog­ of man’s mastery over environment and continued
nomy of the earth with those ‘changing expressions’ economic and industrial expansion through the
which are the special charge of geography to study’. application of modern technologies. “The basic
thesis of the growth (affluence) school is that
Two French geographers, Vidal de la Blache because economic growth is required for political,
and Jeans Bruhnes and American geographers Isiah social and economic stability, the ‘quality of
Bowman and Carl Sauer founded the school of
environment’ normally assumes lower priority in
possibilism which is based on the philosophy of
formulating planning proposals and in long-term
possiblism in nature at every stage in a given space
planning because the deterioration of the environ­
and time as remarked by Febvre, ‘There are no
ment is generally protracted and socially less
necessities, but every where possibilities and man as
a master of these possibilities is the judge of their oblique than a deterioration in the econom y’ (C.C.
use’. Possibilists were quite aware of the limitations Park, 1980). In fact, ‘economic determ inism ’ based
of freedom of man to dictate terms to ‘nature’ and on two fallacious assumptions of (i) positive
thus they did believe that man cannot fully tame the correlation between the population of a given region
nature and is not always victorious. Febvre, a and the level of economic development and activity
staunch believer and advocate of possiblism has in that region, and (ii) the interactions of people,
accepted that ‘Man can never entirely rid them­ resources and society being governed by universal
selves, whatever they do, of the hold their environ­ economic principles as observed by W .Zelinsky
ment has on them. Taking this into consideration (1966), believes in man’s ability to solve environ­
they utilize their geographical circumstances more mental problems arising out of continued economic
or less according to what they are and take advantage growth and industrial expansion. It may be pointed
of their geographical possibilities. But here as out that this extreme concept of economic determin­
elsewhere there is no question of necessity’. Jeans ism led to rapacious exploitation of natural re­
Brunhes also accepted the limitations of man’s sources in the western developed countries and thus
control over nature as is evident from his writings, created most of the environmental and ecological
“The power and means which man has at his disposal problems of global dimension.
are limited and he meets the nature bounds which he The everincreasing environmental problems
cannot cross. Human activity can within certain mainly environmental degradation and pollution!
limits vary its play and its environment, but it cannot the alarming problems of ozone depletion and global
do away with its environment, but it can often warming, consequent upon excessive use o f natural
resources in the last century softened the attitudes of ► that the natural resources are free gifts of
economists towards nature and environment which nature which should be u s e d judiciously,
is validated from the emergence of the concepts of >• that the natural resources are public property
‘environmental economics’, ‘ecological economics’, and hence no country or agency is allowed to
'steady-state economy* etc. Ecological economics misuse them,
means ‘application of ecological insights to
> that the environmental/natural system (eco­
economic analysis, incorporating ecological princi­
system) is governed by in built self regulatory
ples and priorities into economic accounting sys­
system (homeostatis) which states that any
tem’ (W.P., and M.A. Cunnighan, 2003). It is now
change in any component of the environment
believed by the economists that for sustainable
effected by natural factors is suitably counter­
development and steady-state economy the mainte­
balanced by changes in other components but
nance of environmental quality and ecological
balance is a prerequisite condition. if the changes brought in by human activities
are so enormous that these exceed the
y resilience of homeostatic mechanism of the
5. Ecological Approach
natural system, serious environmental prob­
lems emerge, which become lethal to all biota
Ecological approach to the study of man- in general and humans in particular,
environment relationships is based on the basic
>- that the political and economic stability
principle of ecology which is the study of mutual
depends on ecological and environmental
interactions between organisms and physical
environment on the one hand and interactions
among the organisms on the other hand in a given > that the sustainable society and sustainable
ecosystem. Thus, man is considered as an integral development may be possible only when the
part of nature/environment. ‘The relationship of environment also becomes sustainable,
man with the natural environment should be ► that the extraction of mineral resources and
symbiotic and not exploitative nor suppressive’ their processing leave immense quantity of
(C.C. Park, 1980). This school recognises man, wastes which degrade the environment,
being most skilled and intelligent, as the leader of all >- that the sustainable development, aiming at
biota and steward of the earth. This approach further real upgrading of quality of life of the people
lays emphasis on wise and restrained use of natural and improving human welfare for long-term
resources, application of appropriate environmental within the limit of the resources of the planet
management programmes, policies and strategies earth, can be achieved without compromising
keeping in view the ecological principles so that with the ability of the nature to provide
already depleted natural resources are replenished sustainable yield to the future generations and
(wherever possible), degraded environment is set without degrading the environment etc.
right and ecological balance is maintained.
It may be pointed out following C.C. Park
The ecological approach lays emphasis on (1980) that the debate on man-environment relation­
rational exploitation of resources and optimum ships should be viewed taking into account the
utilization through recycling of resources. The multi-dimensional aspects of environmental prob­
following facts should be taken into account while lems which are the result of complex series of
using natural resources : several factors viz. physical, economic, social,
> that the environment is a closed system, political, ethical etc. but any positive approach
> that the natural resources are finite, adopted for the study of man-environment relation­
> that the geological processes of the formation ships must take into account the fact that there
of abiotic resources, such as metals and should be harmony and not hostility between man
mineral oil, are exceedingly slow and take and environment. It is obvious that the relationship
millions and billions of years for their between man and environment is two-directional as
formation and accumulation. the environment affects and influences man and in
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
ouired amount of oxygen at higher altitudes makes
turn man also influences and modifies the environ­ re
human survival impossible. Excess,ve. heat and
ment. This type of mutual interactions and relation­
humidity retard body and mental growth whereas
ship between man and environment is symbiotic in
verT high or very low temperature on the one hand
adversely affects human body and on the other hand
makes food a scarce commodity to support human
Man-Environment Interactions
life. Micro-climate affects leisure, recreation, com-
Thus, the interactions between man and fort etc.
environment may be systematically studied on the Certain non-infectious diseases and medical
basis of bi-dimensional aspects of man-environment disorders have been correlated with environmental
relationships as follows : factors such as geochemistry of rocks, soils and
1. Environment and man i.e. environmental water. Concentration of a few trace minerals in the
controls on human health and activities, and rocks, soils and water in the Uttarakhand Himalaya
causes stomach disorders through diarrhoea, dysen­
2. Man and environment i.e. adverse effects of
tery etc. M. Cole (1971) has shown correlation
human activities on environmental system vis-a-vis
between certain forms of cancer and cardio-vascular
environmental quality and ecological balance.
troubles and geochemical properties of soils and
water whereas B.E. Davies and R.J.F. H. Pincent s
3.2 ENVIRONMENT AND MAN (1975) study of 'minerals and m orbidity’ has
revealed relationships between stomach cancer and
The environment affects man through (i) hardening of tissues and arteries of human body
biophysical limitations, (ii) behavioural controls, (sclerosis) and certain trace minerals in the soils and
and (iii) resource availability. water.
Certain diseases and illnesses have been
1. Biophysical Limitations related to atmospheric conditions. E.H. Derrick
(1965, 1966, 1969) has related seasonal, annual and
Weather and climate affect human well-being short-term variations in asthma in Brisbane (Aus­
and health. The study of reactions of human body to tralia) to variations in weather conditions. He has
changes in the atmospheric environment is known as related weeks with high incidence of asthm a with
‘human biometeorology’ which lays emphasis on to decrease in mean and minimum temperature, dew
‘establish how much of the overall biological point, relative humidity and rainfall but increase in
variability is the result of changes in weather, sunshine hours whereas low incidence of asthma has
climate and season’ (J.E. Hobbs, 1980, p. 60). been found in those weeks which are characterised
According to M. Bates (1966) three levels of by higher dew points and relative hum idity, more
climatic environment affect human behaviour viz. rainy days, low temperature ranges and few er hours
(i) ‘microclimate’ (which represents weather condi­ of sunshine. Many more investigators have estab­
tions surrounding an individual organism), (ii) lished evidences to demonstrate close association
^ecological climate’ or ‘ecolimate’ (represents weather between asthma and cold e.g. L. Greenburg, F. Field,
elements of the habitat of the organisms, in the case J.I. Reed and C.L. Erchardt (1964 and 1967,
of man the habitat may be his house and working relationship between asthma and temperature change
places like factory, office, mine, agricultural farms, in New York), S.W. Tromp and J. Bouma (1965-,
pasture or forest), and (iii) ‘geographical climate’ or increase in asthma among 16 years old children
‘geoclimate’ (weather conditions of larger areal unit during periods of cooling in the eastern N ether­
and longer temporal span). lands), M.J. Spondnik et'al. (1996), concluded that
Biologically, human body can function prop­ airflow resistance of 100 students of Baltimore,
erly only in certain suites of environmental condi­ U.S.A., increased with decrease in tem perature etc!
tions in terms of oxygen, heat, light, humidity and J.B. Hanesen and S.A. Pedersen’s (1972)
precipitation, wind, lightning, fog, clouds, atmos­ study of relation between barometric pessure and
pheric electricity and space. Even.the surviaval of certain ailments has demonstrated that there is
human b o d y depends on the above factors. Lack of positive correlation between rapid changes in the

atmospheric pressure and the incidence of perfo­ furious floods etc. c r e a t e d panic and fear among
rated duodenal ulcers and peripheral arterial embo­ thousands of family which s u f f e r e d from mental
lism. F.K. Davis has found close relationship disease due to death of their kith and tans, separation
between temperature changes and frequency of of family members, destruction o proper y
haemorrhaging from duodenal ulcers. A few dwellings.
researches have revealed seasonal occurrences of
many diseases and ailments e.g. scarlet fever, 3. Resource Availability
diphtheria, and jaundice are more prevalent during
winter whereas measles, influenza and chicken pox The most significant aspect of the environ­
are most common in spring in Switzerland (J.E. ment in influencing human activity is the availabil­
Hobbs, 1980). ity of resources. The richness or poorness, quality
and quantity and above all the availability of
renewable and non-renewable resources decide the
2. Behavioural Controlls
type of human activities, economic viability, social
organisations, political stability, international rela­
Various combinations of environmental fac­
tions etc. Very rich reserve of mineral oil in the
tors have not only affected but conditioned racial
Middle East is the main reason tor political
characteristics in different parts of the earth’s
instability in the Gulf Countries. The inter-state
surface. Environment also influences and conditions
disputes sharing river waters are because of location
thoughts, ideologies and culture of human being.
of rivers in more than one country. In fact, the level
Even the social, economic and political behaviour is
of economic development largely depends on
influenced to certain extent by man’s perception of
natural resources.
environmental factor and his responses to these
factors. Frequency and magnitude of extreme ■ / t

natural events and environmental factors like 3.3 MAN’S INTERACTIONS WITH THE ENVIRON­
vulcanicity, earthquakes, floods, droughts, land­ MENT
slides, atmospheric storms etc. influence man’s
perception of natural environment and decide his HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
reactions and responses to these events. For exam­
ple, the inhabitants of riparian tracts of major Man is an important part of the biotic
alluvial rivers o f the Ganga plain of North India are component of the environment and sim ultaneously
largely adversely affected by recurrent floods and he is also an important factor of the environment.
riparian decay and thus they conceive that rivers are Thus man plays important roles in the natural
sources of perpetual disasters but the inhabitants of environmental system in different capacities such as
equatorial rainforest living in the riverine tracts are biological or ‘physical man’, ‘social m an’, ‘economic
seldom aware of floods and disastrous role of rivers. man’ and ‘technological man’. All the natural
The ravinous tracts of the Chambal valley (India) functions of human beings such as in birth, growth,
have not only moulded the social behaviour of the health and deaths are affected and determ ined by the
local people but also of the people of the adjoining natural environment in the same manner as in the
areas as the circuitous network of ravines provides cases of other organisms but man being m ost
ideal hideouts and the people after committing developed and advanced animal, both physically
crime easily escape to these ravines which extend and mentally and hence technologically, is capable
standing invitation to criminals by providing safe of making substantial changes in natural environ­
shelter though with least comfort. Many more ment so as to make it suitable for his own living. The
examples may be cited to demonstrate the impact of
role of most prim itive biological or ‘physical man*
environment on human behaviour, his perception in the functions of natural environm ental system was
and responses to environmental factors.
fundamentally that of user of environm ental re­
The 1991 super cyclone of Orissa, the 2001 sources and thus he played the role o f a factor o f the
Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat (India), the 2004 environment but as the skill and technology o f man
tsunami onslought in Thailand, Sumatra, Sri Lanka developed with cultural development his roles
and the eastern coasts of India, the 2005 Mumbai towards natural environment also changed progres­
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
and his function was like other animals. Thus the
sively such as from user through modifier and nrimiti ve man was functionally a -biolopcrf man or
changer to destroyer of the environment. P . i l l mnn- because his basic requirements were
So, it is the technology of man which has ifmhed 'o food only which he could collect from his
drastically changed the man-environment relation­ surroundings. Thus the primitive man used to satisfy
ship from prehistoric period to the present most his hungerby fruits which w e r e e a s d y o b t a . n e d f r o r n
advanced industrial period. In fact, ‘the industrial plants and trees and he spent his nights in the caves
and scientific revolutions have led to rapid changes or on the trees. The relationship between man and
in oi?r environment, but all technology, from the the environment was very friendly, pord|al and
most primitive to the most advanced, causes some sweet. The natural environment provided all re­
changes in the environment’ (D.B. Botkin and E.A. quirements of early man (food and shelter) and thus
Keller, 1982). It may also be stressed that religious man was totally dependent on his environment.
ideas and materialistic outlook of man have also Though even early man used to derive resources
played significant roles in changing man-environ­
from the nature (only food) but this did not make any
ment relationships on a large-scale. Modern techno­
change in the natural environment because only
logical man, intoxicated by highly advanced tech­
nology and materialistic viewpoints, has changed fruits were used.
and is changing the environment for his vested With the march of time man learned to hunt
interests to such an extent that even the very animals for his food. This led to first attempted
existence of human beings is threatened. intentional step o f man in the exploitation o f natural
resources. Even the hunting o f animals (significant
Thus if we look at historical progression of
component of biotic components o f natural environ­
man-environment relationships it becomes d ear that
ment) by early man did not make any change in the
purely natural relationship between ‘physical primi­
tive m an’ and natural environment during prehis­ natural environmental system because o f his limited
toric period has changed to hostile relationship requirement and very low population and unorgan­
between ‘technological man ’ and the environment at ized society.
present. This substantial change and shift in the The discovery of fire made a significant
nature and magnitude of m an’s interactions with the change in the attitude o f man because now he learned
natural environment has given birth to numerous to cook animal flesh before eating. This practice
environmental problems of serious consequences required wood which he used to derive easily from
because the changes effected by man in the the forest. The demand o f wood for burning
environment have become unadjustable by the purposes to roast animals made another significant
inbuilt selfregulatory mechanism of the natural starting point in the technology as the man had to
environmental system/ecosystem. The study of invent some divice to cut and chop trees and their
changing relationships between man and environ­ branches to get firewood. He also invented some
ment in historical perspective may help in demon­ tools to kill animals. Thus the discovery of fire and
strating the increasing adverse impacts of human invention of tools and weapons made the man capable
activities on the environment. The changing rela­ of exploiting natural resources from the forest
tionships of man with the natural environment from through fruit gathering and animal hunting.
prehistoric to modern periods may be divided into
The first destruction o f environment started
four stages as given below :
with inadvertent burning of forests due to careless­
1. Period of hunting and food gathering
ness of man while cooking and roasting the animals
2. Period of animal domestication and pastoralism with fire. This led to a chain o f effects by man on his
3. Period of plant domestication and agriculture environment. He might have seen animals running
4. Period of science, technology and industriali­ away due to inadvertent man-induced fire. H e, thus,
zation. might have intentionally used fire to drive away
dangerous animals from his surroundings. A t a much
1. Period of hunting and food gathering latter date he also might have used fire to clear the
forest for different purposes (such as creation o f
This period is related to most primitive man habitats, farmland etc.). Since the early man
when he was basically a part of natural environment depended exclusively on fruit gathering and

.-.hunting to satisfy his hunger, he was very much environment (i) by hunting (of animals for his food);
mobile because he had always to move in search of (ii) by decreasing the abundance of some animals
food. This mobile tendency of early man was also through hunting; (iii) by increasing the abundance of
responsible for least interference with the environ- others when they altered the habitats (of animals)
_ ment in terms of its destruction. and made them more favourable to those species;
(iv) by burning (of the forests for making his and his
It may be concluded that “fire was one of the
domesticated animal’s movement easy, for creating
first major technological tools used by human beings
to change the environment for their own benefit. In homes for his animals etc.); (v) by domesticating
deed, fire has been used around the world by early plants and animals; (vi) by changing erosion rates by
people to clear the land for improved travel and agricultural and other land clearing practices and
hunting or for farming” (D.B. Botkin and E.A. thus altering soils as well as vegetation, and (vii) by
Keller, 1982). transporting organisms into new areas from which
they had been isolated by geographical boundaries.
2. Period of animal domestication and pastoral-
ism 3. Period of plant domestication and agriculture

With the march of time early man learned to Domestication of plants for food was hall­
domesticate animals for his own benefits. He might mark in the development of human skill of taming
have domesticated some milch cattle and some and controlling the biotic component of the natural
animals for meat in the beginning. Slowly and environmental system or ecosystem. Domestication
slowly his herd of domesticated animals might have of plants initiated primitive type of agriculture and
substantially increased. This trend might have sedentary settled life of people who previously were
necessitated to create habitats (ranches fenced with nomads and wanderers. But still many of the people
branhes of trees and thorny bushes) though for used to live nomadic life. It may be pointed out that
temporary stay for the domesticated animals. Thus initiation of cultivation of mainly food crops
early man used to burn forest to create temporary resulted into the formation of social groups and
home for the domesticated animals, to exploit forest organizations which gave birth to early human
resources to gather fodder for his animals and food civilization known as ‘river valley civilization'
for himself. Domestication of animals might have because most of people settled in the river valleys
also given birth to group or community life among due to availability of water and fertile land for
the early people in order to protect their animals and cultivation.
themselves from wild animals. Thus the emergence of socially organized
With the march of time the early people might human communities, human civilization and farm­
have gathered larger herds of domesticated animals. ing practices changed the existing almost friendly
They still stuck to nomadic way of life as they had to and cordial relationships between man and his
move from one place to another place in search of natural environment. Gradual but continuous im­
water and fodder for their animals and food for provement in farming practices resulted into
themselves. Tljus increase in the population of gradual increase in human population and in the
domesticated animals also led to increase in the number of domesticated animals and thus more and
population of early people which ultimately led to more virgin forest lands were cleared through felling
meaningful exploitation of environmental resources of trees with the help of more advanced tools and
but this could not change the natural state of the weapons and through burning of forest in order to
environment because the population of early people increase the agricultural land so that increasing
and their domesticated animals was still under number of human beings could get food. People also
manageable size and the changes brought in by moved from the area of greater concentration (of
human activities in the environment were well people) to other areas in search of new fertile land.
This led to spread of human population and thus
within the limit of self-regulatory mechanism of the
destruction of natural ecosystem. Shifting or jhum ing
natural environmental system/ecosystem.
cultivation, which was most prevalent form of
p.B . Botkin and E.A. Keller (1982) have primitive cultivation, was responsible for more
maintained that prehistorip people changed the destruction of natural forsest. Such farming p r a c t i c e

The man’s impact on environment fall into

s i in operation in many of the hilly regions of
south and south-east Asia. North eastern hill states two broad categories as follows :
of India are still characterized by jhuming cultiva­ (i) Direct or intentional impacts, and
tion. (ii)Indirect or uninternational impacts.
With the march of time man developed his (1) Direct Impacts : Direct or intentional
own environment known as ‘the cultural environ­ impacts are preplanned and premeditated because
ment’ by building houses and thus creating villages man is a w a r e of the consequences, both positive and
and towns and cities, by developing social institu­ negative of any programme which is launched to
tions like schools and colleges, by building places of change or modify the natural environment tor
worships like temples, churches, mosques etc., by ecnomic development of the region concerned. Such
constructing roads, railroads, bridges, canals etc. It changes include land use changes (clearing of
may be pointed out that all these and many more forests and burning of grasslands for crop cultiva­
elements of ‘cultural environment’ were evolved tion; felling of trees for commercial purposes;
through various stages of agricultural development changes in cropping patterns in relation to new
upto 1750 or say before industrial revolution. All farming techniques, new high yielding seeds,
these could be possible because of development in irrigational facilities etc.), constructions and exca­
technologies which changed the physical and social vations (constructions of dams, reservoirs and
man into ‘economic man’ which led to the phase of canals, diversion and manipulation of river chan­
industrialization but in the beginning no serious nels, construction of embankments and dykes to
damage was done to the natural environment though protect the area from floods, construction of roads
significant changes, no doubt, were brought in the and bridges, increase in urbanisation, mining,
environment. Though man became successful in drilling of mineral oils, withdrawal of groundwater
transforming the natural environmental resources in etc.), agricultural practices (mechanisation of agri­
his way but the nature was still supreme and master
culture, use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and
and .m an continued to be guided by physical
insectisides), weather modification programmes
(cloud seeding to induce precipitation, dispersal and
clearing of clouds and fogs, checking of hailstorms
4 . Period of science, technology and industriali­
etc.), nuclear programmes etc.
It is significant to point out that the effects of
The dawn of industrial revolution in late such anthropogenic changes in the natural environ­
nineteenth century (say precisely since 1860 A.D.) ment are noticeable within short period and may
with the emergence of science and development of continue to affect the environment for long time but
more efficient and sophisticated technology initi­ these effects are reversible because both before and
ated the hostile relationship between man and his after studies (which are possible) may enable the
natural environment. Extreme teleological and man to set the adverse effects right to certain extent
economic deterministic concepts of the western if so intended by making suitable changes in the
world, advanced technologies and scientific tech­ initial programmes. For example, deforestation
niques of the modern ‘technological man’ led to (either for cropland or for commercial purposes)
reckless and indiscriminate rapacious exploitation leads to accelerated rate of soil erosion resulting into
of natural resources for industrial expansion and gully erosion and loss of soil fertility on the one hand
urban growth which have altogether created most of and enormous increase in sediment load in the river
the present day environmental and ecological which causes severe floods on the other hand. These
chain effects can be effectively stopped by reforesta­
problems of global dimension.
tion of the deforested areas. Similarly, changes in
The impacts of modern technological man on farm practices, which introduce adverse changes in
natural environment are varied and highly complex the environment, may be rechanged to suit the
as the transformation or modification of one natural environmental and ecological situations.
condition and process leads to a series of changes in
As regards weather modification and transfor-
the biotic and abiotic components of the biospheric ■nat.on of climate at local and regional levels
ecosystems. through purposive human action, the after-effects
M AN-ENVIRONM ENT r e l a t io n s h ip s
used water was allowed to return to the groundwater
are seldom pre-meditated. It is important to note that
through these reacharge wells. This resulted iri®&%..
it is not possible to master meteorological processes
rapid rate of rise of water table by 1965. The trend of
because ‘there is no permanent channels of control
rise in water table continued upto 1970 * and the
in the atmosphere such as in machines and living
water table rose to the foundations of buddings
organisms’ (E.K. Fedorov, 1983, p. 93) but man can
causing great damages to human construction.
control or divert undesriable natural atmospheric
Excessive withdrawal of groundwater also resu ts in
processes and disturbances such as cyclones, hail­
storms, precipitation, clouds etc. One of the inten­ land subsidence (it may be pointed out that there was
tional or purposive actions of man to modify no land subsidence in the case of Brooklyn as
meteorological phenomena is ‘cloud seeding’ to referred to above because of massive and strong
stimulate clouds and precipitation through crystalli­ rocks). A land subsidence of one metre to 3 m etres
sation of supercooled drops through the application has been reported in a few localities of San Joaquin
of solid carbon dioxide and certain compounds of velley in California because of drop in water table
iodine. ‘A few hundred grams of solid carbondioxide from 30m to 150m due to pumping of groundwater
or a few grams of an iodine compound are enough to from the basins filled with alluvial sediments (A.N.
crystallise a cubic kilometre of a supercooled cloud Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976, p. 127). The cases
of water drops’ (E. K. Fedorov, 1983, p. 293) (also of land subsidence due to withdrawal of groundwater
see page 293). The second area of weather have occurred in several localities and cities all over
modification is prevention of hailstorms. The third the world e.g. Houston City (Texas, U .S.A., 0.3 to
area is of dispersal of low, supercooled clouds and 1,0m), Mexcio city (ground subsidence from 4 to 7m
fogs to clear airports in winter for smooth landing between 1891 and 1959), Venice (Italy) etc. Ground
and take off of aircrafts. In all the cases enormous subsidence also occurs due to mining activities.
heat energy employed to induce precipitation, to C o n s tr u c tio n a l a c tiv itie s , like consturction of
prevent hails and to disprese and clear clouds and dams and reservoirs, upset the equilibrium of the
fogs is released and it causes additional heating of rocks below and thus is triggered off seism ic events
the lower layer of the atmosphere and thus changes because the load of water of lakes and reservoirs
the natural meteorological processes. constructed behind the dam s on m ajor rivers
Withdrawal of groundwater for drinking water increases hydrostatic pressure w hich causes distur­
and irrigational purposes is a general practice in bances in the underlying rocks., The earthquakes of
almost all the countries but some times the impact is Denver since 1962 (Denver, Colorado, U .S.A ., due
so enormous that it becomes disastrous and pounds to pumping of fluids under pressure into disposal
back on man and society. The example of Broklyn well upto the depth of 3600m and associated release
(Kings County, New York, U.S.A.) is sufficient to of strains within the already disturbed rocks), Los
demonstrate environmental impact of groundwater Angles earthquakes of 1963 (California, U.S.A.
withdrawal. The pumping of water from beneath the caused due to raising of the hydrostatic pressure
ground surface of Brooklyn city for urban dwellers through pumping of fluids into the oil field so that
resulted in the formation of a cavity of 5-mile the production of m ineral oil could be increased, this
diameter reaching a depth of 35 feet below sea level resulted into the m ovem ent of pre-existing faults
by 1936 (drilling continued for the first three and triggered off tremors which fractured the wall of
decades of the 20th century). The water table the Baldwin Hills Reservoir), Lake M ead earth­
dropped considerably due to withdrawal of groundwater quake (Hoover Dam in A rizona and N evada, U.S.A.
at the rate of 75 miljion gallons per day on the one due to weight of accum ulated water in the M ead
hand and poor replenishment of groundwater from Lake Reservoir), earthquakes occurring around
natural sources (through infiltration of rainfall and Lake Kariba (on Zambezi river in Zambia), Koyana
snow melt) because of increasing urbanisation on earthquake of 11 Dec. 1967 (Satara, M aharashtra,
the other hand. This resulted into the formation of India, due to weight of water in the Koyana
big cavity beneath the city, consequently saline sea Reservoir) etc.
water leaked into the cavity and the wells became Man changes the river regime and ecology
contaminated due to salty water which forced the through flood control measures, reservoirs, con
city authorities to close down these contam inated struction of dykes and flood walls to restrict t e
we s. A few recharge wells were constructed and water into river valleys, flood diversion systems a
,» m e re ly s e w e r s e .g . th e Y a m u n a a t D e l h i a n d
stream channelization (strengthening, shortening, b e c o m e m e re ly R ishU cesh> H a r id w a r , K a n n a u j ,
Widening, deepening of river channels to prevent
K AHahabad (the Oanga at Allahabad has
a n o 'u r
seasonal overbank flooding). Kanpu » polluted that ‘sadhus’-saints of
(2) I n d ir e c t Im p a c ts : The indirect impacts different
of slots refused to take both in the Oanga on
man on the environment are not premeditated and
th e occasion of Mann,
planned and these arise from those human economic
activities which are directed to accelerate the pace of Yamuna”'« A g r a has become green a n d h e n c e t s
economic growth especially industrial develop­
called g re e n so u p . The D a m o d a r has b e e n s o greatly
ment. Though such economic activities may,be
polluted by the slurry of coal washenes a n d
economically important but the after-effects are
numerous industries located on its either banks t h a t
certainly socially undesirable. The indirect impacts
it is now called as b io lo g ic a l d e s e r t. The heavily
of human economic activities on the environment
polluted G o m a ti at Lucknow has become biological
are not immediately noticeable because of time-lag
because the effects of economic activities bring in disaster The Periyar river once known for its
medicinal miracle mainly for curing skin diseases
slow rate of changes of moderate nature in a few
now has become itself a sick river due to carrying of
components of the ecosystems and these changes
enormous pollution load released from more than 50
take long time to cross the sensitivity of the system.
Moreover, the indirect impacts are experienced after large and medium scale and 2500 small s c a l e
long time when they become cumulative. Some­ industrial units. The Noyal r i v e r in Tamil Nadu h a s
times, such effects are not reversible and therefore been termed as a d e a d r i v e r because of heavy
it becomes very difficult to identify and evaluate chemical pollution from 800 odd dyeing a n d
them. These effects may change the overall natural bleaching units of Tirrupur industrial area located
system and the chain effects some times become along the lower reaches of the river. These units use
suicidal for human being. Majority of the indirect and discharge 90 million liters of water daily and
impacts of human activities on the environment are thus besides polluting the river, these units have also
related to pollution and environmental degradation. polluted groundwater. The Bhawani r i v e r , a tributary
of the Cauvery river, has been heavily polluted in
The release of toxic elements into the
Erode and Coimbatore districts of Tamil Nadu. The
ecosyststem through their uses as insecticides,
heavy pollution load of the Cauvey, besides agricul­
fertilizers etc. changes the food chains and food
ture including coffee plantation, is contributed by
webs (e.g. introduction of D.D.T.). Similarly, the
the effluents discharged from more than 60 indus­
release of industrial wastes into stagnant water,
rivers and seas contaminates water and causes trial units in Karnatka and 1139 units in Tamil Nadu.
several diseases and deaths of organisms and thus The Bhadar r iv e r in Rajkot district of Gujarat has
disturbs ecological balance (e.g. washing and become the victim of chem ical p o llu tan ts
dumping of tailings or waste sludges from factories, discharged from 1200 odd sari dyeing and
release and concentration of specks of asbestos, printing units located in Jetpur., a sm all
release of mercury in its toxic methyl form, leakage industrial town having more than 500 allied indus­
trial units.
of crude oil from oil tankers, release of lead, mixing
of different quantities of dissolved inorganic matter Urbanisation, industrial expansion and land
etc.). use changes very often change weather and climate
The indiscriminate and excessive use of though in long-term perspective. Economic activi­
chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides etc. and ties of man are capable of affecting the heat balance
other chemicals not only pollute air, water and soils of the earth and its atmosphere which in turn
but also adversely affect food chains and hence all transforms weather and climate at regional and
the biota. It is estimated that about 2000 chemicals global scales. In fact, man changes the atm ospheric
are released to the atmosphere each year. conditions through (i) changes in the natural
gaseous composition of the atmosphere m ainly in
The accelerated rate of industrialization and
the lower part, (,i) changes in the w ater vaoour
usbanizaton has been responsible for severe air and
water pollution all over the world. Several rivers in content of the troposphere and the stratosphere
through direct (cloud se e d in g • j* ldlosPnere
India have been so greatly polluted that they have (deforestation^ 8) d Indlrect means
(.aeiorestation), («,) changes and alteration o f land

surfaces (deforestation, mining, urbanisation etc.), sonic jets (flying at the height of about 6 0 , 0 0 0 f ^ |:
(iv) introduction of aerosol in the lower atmosphere, with a speed of more than twice the speed of sound) %
(v) release of additional heat in the atmosphere is capable of depletion of ozone. It may be pointed
(from urban and industrial sources) etc. out that ozone gas in the atmosphere (ozone layer is
concentrated mostly between the height of 15 km-35
The burning of hydrocarbon fuels has in­
creased the concentration of C 0 2 in the atmosphere. km) absorbs ultraviolet rays of the sun and thus
The natural content of C 0 2 in the atmosphere was protects the earth from becoming too hot. Depletion
fixed at 0.029 per cent or 290 ppm (part per million) in ozone layer means less absorption of ultraviolet
before industrial revoluation (1750 A.D.) which rays and thus increase in the temperature at the
increased to 368 ppm by2000 A.D. and it has been earth’s surface. Thus increase in air temperature
estimated by IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on through increased solar ultra-violet radiation due to
Climate Change) (2001 estimate) that C 0 2 concen­ decrease in the concentration of 0 3 (ozone) would
tration would rise to 405-460 ppm by 2025,445-640 cause skin cancer, immuno-suppression in human
ppm by 2050 and 540-970 ppm by the end of the 21st body, decrease in photosynthesis, water use effi­
century if no effective and strict measures are taken ciency and crop yield. The marine environment
to control the release of C 0 2. The increase in C 0 2 would also suffer drastic damages as the productiv­
content of the atmosphere may change heat balance ity of phytoplankton would be reduced due to
by increasing the level of sensible heat in the decrease in photosynthesis and therefore zooplankton
atmosphere because C 0 2 allows more absorption of feeding on phytoplakton would starve. This will also
incoming short wave solar radiation and outgoing affect the mortality of larvae of zooplankton. The
long wave terrestrial radiation. Release of species composition of marine ecosystem may
chlorofluorocarbon in the atmosphere through the change as certain species are more vulnerable to
propellants used in spray can dispensers and fluids ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation also
used in refrigerators and air conditioners and of accelerates the photochemical processes that create
nitrogen oxides emitted from the engines of super­ urbaon smogs.

4.1 E C O L O G Y : MEANING AND DEFINITIONS b etw een o r g a n i s m s a n d t h ei r p h y s i c a l e n v i r o n m e n t

in o n e way or the oth er. T h u s , E r n s t H a e c k e l c o i n e d
the term ‘oecology’ o r ‘oek ology’ ( d e r i v e d f r o m tw o
E c o l o g y , in a v e r y s i m p l e te rm , is a science
G r e e k w o r d s , ‘o i k o s ’ m e a n i n g h o u s e o r d w e l l i n g as
t h a t s t u d i e s t h e i n t e r d e p e n d e n t , m u tu a ll y reactive
habitat and ‘l o g o s ’ m e a n i n g th e s t u d y of) to
a n d i n t e r c o n n e c t e d r e l a t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n the o r g a n ­
u n d e rs t a n d the r e l a t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n o r g a n i s m s and
i s m s a n d t h e i r p h y s i c a l e n v i r o n m e n t o n the o n e hand
their e n v i r o n m e n t . T h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s o f
a n d a m o n g t h e o r g a n i s m s o n the o t h e r hand. T h o u g h
Hae ck el ( o ri g in a l ly in G e r m a n L a n g u a g e ) t h r o w
t h e t e r m ‘e c o lo g y ’ ( o e k o l o g i e or o e c o l o g i e ) was first
light on v ari o u s a s p e c t s o f o e c o l o g y ( n o w e c o lo g y ) .
c o i n e d a n d u s e d b y t h e G e r m a n biologist, Ern st
H a e c k e l in 1 8 6 9 , a f e w c o n c e p t u a l term s wer e ‘By o e c o l o g y w e u n d e r s t a n d the s c i e n c e o f
a l r e a d y p r o p o s e d to r e v e a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s b etw een o e c o n o m y , o f t h e d o m e s t i c a ffa i r s o f a n im a l
o r g a n is m s and their environm ent. For example, or g an i s m s . It e n q u i r e s into the w h o l e re l a ti o n o f
F r e n c h z o o l o g i s t , I s o d o r e G e o f f r o y St. Hi l a i r e used a n im a ls with t h ei r i n o r g a n i c a n d o r g a n i c s u r r o u n d ­
t h e t e r m ‘e th o lo g y ’ in 1859, for the st u d y o f the ings, and a b o v e all t h e i r f r i e n d ly a n d h o s ti l e
r e l a t i o n s o f t h e o r g a n i s m s w i t h in the fa m i ly and relati on s with s u c h a n i m a l s a n d p l a n t s as t h e y c o m e
s o c i e t y in t h e a g g r e g a t e a n d in the c o m m u n i t y . into dire ct or in d ir e ct c o n t a c t w i t h , or in s h o r t with
B r i t i s h n a t u r a l i s t St. G e o r g e J a c k s o n M i v a r t p r o ­ all the i n v o l v e d i n t e r d e p e n d e n c e th at D a r w i n
p o s e d t h e t e r m ‘h e x ico lo g y ’ f o r the st u d y o f the d e s i g n a t e d as th e c o n d i t i o n o f t h e s t r u g g l e for
r e l a t i o n s w h i c h e x i s t b e t w e e n the o r g a n i s m s and e x i s t e n c e ’. E r n e s t H a e c k e l , 1869, 1870.
t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t as r e g a r d s the n a tu r e o f the ‘O econom y’ w a s later o n d e v e l o p e d into
l o c a l i t y t h e y f r e q u e n t , the t e m p e r a t u r e s a nd the ‘econ om ics’ w h i c h m e a n s the l a w s or ru le s o f
a m o u n t s o f l i g h t w h i c h s uit t h e m , an d th ei r r e l a tio n s p e o p l e ’s m a n a g e m e n t o f b u s i n e s s w h i l e ‘oecology’
t o o t h e r o r g a n i s m s as e n e m i e s , riv a ls, o r a c ci d e n ta l b e c a m e ‘eco lo g y ’, the s c i e n c e o f l a w s a n d r u le s o f t h e
a n d involuntary benefactors’. m a n a g e m e n t o f o r g a n i c w o rl d . H a e c k e l d e f i n e d t h e
I t m a y b e p o i n t e d o u t th at D a r w i n ’s c o n c e p t o f s u b je c t o f ‘oeco lo g y ’ as the e n t i r e s c i e n c e o f th e
t h e ‘e v o lu tio n o f s p e c ie s ’ t h r o u g h natur al se le c tio n r e l a ti o n s o f t h e o r g a n i s m s to t h e s u r r o u n d i n g
i n v o l v i n g i n t e r a c t i o n s b e t w e e n b i o l o g i c a l sp e c i e s e x t e r i o r w o r l d , to w h i c h r e l a t i o n s w e c a n c o u n t in the
a n d h a b ifa t w a s the key stone o f the formulation of b r o a d e r s e n s e all t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f e x i s t e n c e . T h e s e
v a r io u s t e r m s a n d c o n c e p t s o f i n t e r - r e l a t i o n s h . p s ar e pa rtl y o f o r g a n i c , p a rt l y o f i n o r g a n i c n a t u r e ’ .
It m ay be s u m m a r i z e d that : ‘ecology is-
The deve lopm ent of the subject o f ecology
was retarded during the late nineteenth c entury scie nc e that studie s i n te r re la tio ns hi ps b e t w t £ ^
b e c a u s e scientific c om m un it i es were actively e n ­
biotic and abiotic c o m p o n e n t s o f a natural e c o s y s - ^
gaged in either verifying or refuting the concept of tem on one han d and a m o n g o r g a n i s m s on the other
evolution o f species as presented by Charles Darwin h a n d ’. S a v i n d r a Singh
in 1859. E. W a r m i n g associated the subject of
‘e c o l o g y ’ to the study of plants and thus d efined 4.2 AIMS AND SCO PE OF ECO LO G Y
eco log y as ‘the study o f org anism s in relation to their
e n v i r o n m e n t ’ (E. Wa rmi ng , 1895, 1905). Eco log y Th e sco pe o f e c o lo g y and its a i m s h a v e
was cconisdered by Am e ric an ec ologist Frederick e x p a n d e d e n o r m o u s l y with the d e v e l o p m e n t o f
Cle me nt s (1916) as 'the scie nc e o f c o m m u n i t y ’ ecolog ical c on c ep ts and t h o u g h ts c o n s e q u e n t u p o n
while Charles Elton defin ed eco lo g y as ‘a scientific g r o w i n g interests in m a n - e n v i r o n m e n t r e l a t i o n s h i p s
natural hist or y’. T h u s the scien ce o f eco logy was d u e to incre asing p r ess ur e on n a t u r a l/ e c o l o g i c a l
endowe d with two o v e rl a p p in g areas o f study e.g. (i) res our ces to sustain and e n h a n c e e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p ­
the study o f o r g a n i s m s in relation to their e n v i r o n ­ m en t in view o f e v e r - in c r e a s i n g h u m a n p o pu l at io n.
ment, and (ii) the e v o lu tio n a r y history o f the In fact, ‘the traditional vi ew o f e c o l o g y as the
organisms. science o f living things in rel ation to th eir e n v i r o n ­
British e c ol og is t M a c f a d y e n (1957) e m p h a ­ ment has helpe d to place it in a v a l u a b l e strategic
sised to d i sc o v e r the prin ci ple s which govern the position from which it can m a k e im p o r t a n t contribuT
relation ships b e tw e e n p la nt s or an im a ls and their tions to their e n v ir o n m e n t a l m a n a g e m e n t (C.C.
e nv iro n m en t w hi le K. F r ie d e r ic h s (1958) d efined Park, 1 9 8 0 ). ’ T h u s e c o lo g y is not o n l y c o n f i n e d to
ecology as ‘the sc ie n c e o f living bein gs as m e m be rs biological scien ces from w h e r e it h as c o m e o u t bu t it
o f the w ho le o f n a t u r e ’ but he ig n o re d the effects of has reac hed the wh o le s oc ie ty and m a n y b r a n c h e s o f
the o r g a n i s m s on e n v i r o n m e n t and those o f the kno wled ge. ‘In d ee d , to m a n y p e o p l e e c o l o g y is
e n v ir o n m e n t on the o r g a n i s m s . F. Fr ase r Darling almost s y n o n y m o u s with c o n s e r v a t i o n a n d the
(1963) b r o a d e n e d the field o f e c o lo g y by de fining e n v i r o n m e n t ’ (C.C. P a r k , 1980) b e c a u s e ‘e c o l o g y
the s u b je c t as ‘the s c i e n c e o f o r g a n i s m s in relation to not only studies v a ri o u s a s p ec t s o f p l a n t s and
their total e n v i r o n m e n t , and the in ter -relationships animals but the w h o l e s oc ie ty o f all b i o t a as e c o l o g y
o f o r g a n i s m s in te r -s p e c i f ic a ll y and b etw een t h e m ­ has cease d to be a s y n th e s i s e d b r a n c h o f b i o l o g y ... it
s e lv e s ’. T h i s d e f i n i ti o n o f e c o l o g y led to the has b e c o m e a view p o i n t ‘(K. F r i e d e r i c h s , 1958).
d e v e lo p m e n t o f t w o a p p r o a c h e s to the stu dy of E c o lo g y n ow lays m o r e e m p h a s i s o n t h e s tu d y o f
eco log y and its d i v i s i o n s into tw o b ra nc he s viz. (i) unity and b a la n c e o f e n v i r o n m e n t or b i o s p h e r i c
‘autecology’ w h e r e i n e c o lo g i c a l rela tio ns o f ind i­ e c o sy st e m . E c o l o g y has b e e n v i e w e d a s ‘a state o f
vidual s pe ci e s in a g i v e n e c o s y s t e m are studied, and the m i n d ’ by J. M a d d o x ( 1 9 7 2 ) o n t h e b a s is o f its
(ii) ‘synecology’ w h i c h is the stu dy o f plant holistic natu re , ‘as a u n i f y i n g s oc ia l m o v e m e n t ’ by
c o m m u n i t i e s in re l a ti o n to th eir ha bi ta ts o f a given R.F. D a s m a n n ( 1 9 7 4 ) , w h i l e N. S i m o n a nd P.
e cosystem. G e r o n d e t ( 1 9 7 0 ) h a v e h i g h l i g h t e d t h e potent ial
M or e recen tly , the c o n c e p t o f e c o lo g y has c o n tr i b u ti o n o f e c o l o g y to e n v i r o n m e n t a l and
been ex te nd e d ‘to the c o r r e s p o n d i n g r a n g e o f e c o lo g i c a l p r o b l e m s a n d r e l e v a n c e o f e c o lo g i ca l
p h e n o m e n a , research and p r o b l e m s . In that c o n n e c ­ stu d ie s to so cial a n d e c o n o m i c sta b i li ty a n d b a la n c e
tion ‘e c o l o g y ’ has been qu ite l og ica lly e x t e n d e d as and th ey h a v e s u g g e s t e d t h a t e c o l o g y s h o u l d not be
well to the field o f the interac tion o f s o c ie t y a n d its c o n f i n e d o n l y to a b s t r a c t s c ie n t if ic d i s c i p li n e but
phys ical e n v i r o n m e n t (Y.P. T r u s o v , 1983). s h o u l d ris e a b o v e to *s o l v e the e n v i r o n m e n t a l
E.P . O d u m (1 9 6 3, 1964, 1969, 1971) p l ea d e d p r o b l e m s w h i c h t h e h u m a n s oc ie ty is c o n f r o n t e d
for r e m o d e l l i n g the c o n v e n t i o n a l d e fi n i ti o n o f
ec o lo gy (the s c i e n c e o f in te r -r e l a ti o n s h ip s b e t w e e n T h u s , th e s c o p e o f e c o l o g y ha s b e e n e x t e n d e d
or ga ni sm s and e n v i r o n m e n t ) on the g r o u n d that f r o m the s c ie n t if ic s t u d y o f m u tu a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s o f
biotic and ab iotic c o m p o n e n t s o f n a t u r e are not o n l y bi o tic a n d a b io t ic c o m p o n e n t s o f the w h o l e b i o ­
interrelat ed in r ec i p ro c a l m a n n e r but t h e s e tw o s p h e r e or part t h e r e o f to t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o b le m s
c o m p o n e n t s also f un c t io n in an o r d e r l y m a n n e r as a in t e r m s o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l d e g r a d a t i o n a n d e c o l o g i ­
de finite s ystem. So, O d u m p r e s e n t e d a n e w d e f i n i ­ cal c ri s e s a r i s in g ou t o f i n c r e a s e d h u m a n im pa c ts on
tion o f e c ol og y as ‘the s tu d y o f t he s t r u c t u r e and natural/ecological resources t h ro u g h advanced
unction o f e c o s y s t e m s ’ or the ‘s t u d y o f s t r u c tu r e m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g i e s a i m e d at a c ce l er a te d rate o
a nd function o f n a t u r e ’. e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t to m e e t the d e m a n d s o ever
cling, tolerance limits and successional chang e have
inc re asing population at global and r e g i o n a l leve s. been em p lo y e d in a range o f di ffere nt planning
T h u s , there has been marked shift in the emp asis o c o n te x t ’ (C.C. Park, 1980).
ecological studies in terms of m a n - e n v i r o n m e n
relationships atleast from geographica view poin The m ajor them es and areas o f ecological
studies at eco sys te m level (based on the basic tenet
Historically, the development of ecology in
that ec osystem is a fun dam en tal ecological unit)
terms of the scope ot the subject, m a j o t a r include the holistic view o f the chara cteristics of
interest, aims and objectives and approaches to the
abiotic (physical) and biotic 'components which
study of various aspects of ecology, may be divided
form an ec osystem, the fun ct io ni ng o f ecosystem
into four phases as follows . t h r o u g h - energy flow and b io -g eo ch em ica l cycles
(i) Phase One, representing the period upto involving the cycling and recy clin g o f organic and
First World War, was dominated by the attempts to inorganic substances th rough various components
define ecology mainly based on reciprocal relation­ of ecosystem, phot osy nt he sis , food c ha ins and food
ships between the organisms and their environment, webs, ecological pyr am id s, e c o sy s t e m productivity,
to search and identify fundamental units of vegeta­ limiting factors o f pr oductivity, ecological stability,
tion, to develop methods for vegetation classifica­
evolution of plant and animal species, extinction of
tion, to trace the evolutionary history of plants and
species, c on tem por ar y e vo lut ion , succ essional de­
animals as influenced by Darwinian concepts of
velopment o f plant c o m m u n it i e s , spatial distribu­
evolution of species, to explain the relationships of
tion of plants and an im a ls and b i o m e types,
plants and animals in relation to difference of
ecological variations at global and regiona l scales,
habitats etc.
man-induced ecological c h a n g es , environmental
(ii) Phase Two, representing the inter-war controls of ecological variations, ecological re­
period (between the two world wars), was character­ sources, ecological im b a la n c e and en vironm ental
ised by more rigorous and serious study of relation­ degradation and pollution and r em e di a l measures
ships between vegetation characteristics and physi­ thereof, resource m a n a g e m e n t , and ec o lo g ic a l basis
cal conditions of habitat rather than the surveying, of environmental m an a g e m e n t . T h e m o s t significant
mapping and classification of vegetation; develop­
thrust area of vital interest is the stu dy o f man-
ment of scientific methodologies based on laborarory
environment relationships specially the impa cts of
analysis, pollen analysis, application of statistical
man on environment which adve rse ly affect the
techniques etc., diversification of the feld of ecology
environmental and ec ological pr o ce s s e s causing
(i.e. besides natural terrestrial plant communities,
environmental de gradation and ec ological imba l­
the studies of plant communities of fresh water and
seas and oceans and animal communities were brought ance and the formulation o f e c olo gi cal ly sound
under the domain of ecology); attempts to study environmental planning and m an a g e m e n t .
ecological stability and various aspects of interactions The concept o f ecology now has been
between biotic and abiotic components etc. extended from single p h e n o m e n o n (pla nt ecology,
(iii) Phase Three (from the Second World War animal ecology) to set o f ph e n o m e n a oc c u p y in g a
to 1960) was characterised by the introduction of definite space in the biosphere at a definite time
system analysis in ecological studies. The complex interval e.g. forest ecology, grassland e c olo gy, lake
relationships between organisms and their physical ecology, river ecology, agricultural ec o lo g y , i nd us ­
environment were attempted through ecosystem trial ecology, rural ecology, urban e co log y, p o p u l a ­
studies based on more rigorous experimental results. tion ecology, social ecology etc. T h e main sub-fields
Major ecological processes became the focal theme of ecology are outlined in the following next
of ecological studies. subsection.
(iv) Phase Four or the Modern Phase (since
1960) is characterised by much diversification and 4.3 SUB-DIVISIONS OF ECOLOGY
specialization of themes of ecology. The most
outstanding field of interest is the emergence of The field and the scope o f eco lo g y have
applied ecology which envisages the rote of ecology changed during various phases o f m eth o d o lo g i c a l
in nature, conservation and environmental manage­ development o f the subject and therefor e m ai o r &sub-
me nt from ecological view points for the solution of divisions of ecology should be d e t e r m i n e d accord-
soc io-economic and political problems and for the ing to different ap proache s which in cl ud e taxo-
formulation o f environmentally sound social plan­ modern <;ninitlieS,H a *3' tat ’ *e v e ^s ° f o r g a n i s a ti o n and
ning pro gra mme s. ‘In particular the concept of niche
theory, the ecosystem energy flow, material recy­ regional levels eC° n° m'C SiU'ations al Sloba' and

1. Sub-division Based on Taxonomic Affinities as f u n d a m e n t a l u n its o f s tu d y w h e r e in

a s p e c t s o f s p e c i e s lik e g e o g r a p h i c a l distribution
In t he b e g i n n i n g , e c o l o g y w a s e x c l u s i v e l y m o r p h o l o g i c a l a n d t a x o n o m i c p o s iti o n , life c y c l e d
a s s o c i a t e d w it h b i o l o g i c a l s c i e n c e s - b o t a n y and an d s u c c e s s i o n a n d e c o l o g i c a l f a c t o r s w hi ch affect
zoology and thus plants (botany) and animals d i f f e r e n t s t a g e s o f g r o w t h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t of
( z o o l o g y ) w e r e s t u d i e d s e p a r a te l y . T h i s a p p r o a c h s p e c i e s a re s t u d i e d . Synecology is the study of
led to t h e d i v i s i o n o f e c o l o g y into (i) plant ecology c om plex interrelationships o f groups o f organisms
a nd (ii) anim al ecology. E a c h d i v i s i o n w a s f u r t h e r k n o w n as b i o l o g i c a l c o m m u n i t y b e c a u s e o r g a n i s m s
s u b - d i v i d e d into m i c r o - d i v i s i o n s b a s e d on s p e ci a l- - ( p la nt s, a n i m a l s a n d m i c r o - o r g a n i s m s ) affect each
iz e d stu di e s o f in d iv i d u a l c o m p o n e n t s e.g. p la n t o t h e r in r e c i p r o c a l m a n n e r a n d i n ter act with the
e c o l o g y into oa k e c o l o g y , p i n e e c o l o g y etc. and h a b it a t or n a tu r a l e n v i r o n m e n t . T h u s the f u n d a m e n ­
a n i m a l e c o lo g y into inse ct e c o l o g y , ba c te ria l e c o l ­ tal unit o f s t u d y is b i o l o g i c a l c o m m u n i t y r at he r than
o g y , fish e c o lo g y etc. It m a y be p o i n t e d o u t that i n d i v i d u a l o r g a n i s m s . F u r t h e r , s y n e c o l o g y is s u b d i ­
t h e s e tw o g r o u p s o f b i o t a a re so i n s e p a r a b l e and v i d e d into ‘p opu lation e c o lo g y ’ ( t h e s tu d y o f i n te r a c ­
i n terrelated th at it is not a d v i s a b l e to i so la te o n e tions o f i n d i v i d u a l s - p o p u l a t i o n - o f sin g le sp ecies
ind ividu al f r o m the g r o u p s o f o r g a n i s m s f or the with e a c h o t h e r ) , ‘com m unity e c o lo g y ’ (the study o f
e c ol og ic a l s tu d y o f s i n g l e s p e c i e s a nd t h e r e f o r e this i n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s a n d i n t e r d e p e n d e n c i e s o f groups
s u b d iv i s io n is no t a c c e p t a b l e at p r e s e n t on the o f i n d i v i d u a l s o f d i f f e r e n t s p e c i e s - p l a n t s a nd ani­
g r o u n d that t h e r e is c o m p l e x i n t e r r e la t io n s h i p s and m als t o g e t h e r ) , ‘biom e e c o lo g y ’ (t h e s tu d y of
i n t e r d e p e n d e n c i e s o f all t y p e s o f o r g a n i s m s with i n te r a c t io n s and i n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s o f m o r e th an o ne
t h e ir ha bi ta ts ( p h y s i c a l e n v i r o n m e n t ) . bi o lo g ic a l c o m m u n i t i e s in d i f f e r e n t s t a g e s o f s u c ­
c ess io n u n d e r s i m i l a r c l i m i a t i c c o n d i t i o n o f the area
2. Sub-divisions on the B asis of Habitat c o n c e r n e d ) and ‘ecosystem e c o lo g y ’ ( t h e s t u d y o f
in ter act io n s a n d i n te r r e l a t i o n s h i p s o f all o r g a n i s m s
T h e b a s ic t e n e t o f .t h e di v is i o n o f e c o lo gy on a m o n g t h e m s e l v e s a n d wit h t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t ) .
t h e ba s is o f h a b i t a t is th at t h e r e are va riations in T h u s the f u n d a m e n t a l u n i t o f s t u d y is an e c o s y s t e m
h a b it a ts in t e r m s o f th e i r p h y s ic a l c ha rac te r ist ics area h a v in g bot h b i o tic a n d a b io t ic ( p h y s i c a l )
(e.g. t o p o g r a p h y , soils, i ns ol a tio n and tem p e ra tu re , c o m p o n e n t s . It is e c o s y s t e m e c o l o g y w h i c h f o r m s
w a te r, m i n e r a l s , w e a t h e r and cl i m a t e etc.) and the basis o f s tu d i e s in e n v i r o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y .
t h e r e f o r e t h e r e a re d e f i n i te e ffe cts o f a pa rticula r
h a b it a t o n t h e o r g a n i s m s a n d gen era l ch a ra c t e ris tic s 4.4 ECO LO G ICAL CO N CEPTS AND PRIN CIPLES
o f bio tic c o m m u n i t i e s v a ry f r o m o n e habita t to the
ot her. T h i s a p p r o a c h o f e c o lo g i c a l stu dy led to the T h e r e are c e rt a i n b a s ic f u n d a m e n t a l p r i n c i ­
d e v e l o p m e n t o f ‘habitat eco lo g y ’. T h e habitat e c o l ­ ples w hi ch g o v e r n the v a ri o u s a s p e c t s o f o r g a n i s m s
e.g. e v o lu t io n and d i s t r i b u t i o n o f p l a n t s a n d a n im a ls ,
o g y is f u r t h e r s u b - d i v i d e d o n the bas is o f habitats
a nd th eir r e l a t i o n s h i p s w it h the o r g a n i s m s i n ha bi t ­ e x tin c tio n o f s p e ci e s , b i o l o g i c a l s u c c e s s i o n , c o n ­
in g a p a r t i c u l a r h a b i t a t into forest ecology, grassland su m p t i o n and tr a n s f e r o f e n e r g y in d i f f e r e n t c o m p o ­
ecology, fresh w ater ecology, estuarine ecology, island nents o f bi o lo g ic a l c o m m u n i t i e s , c y c l i n g a n d r e c y ­
ecology, m arine ecology, coral reef ecology etc. cling o f o r g a n i c and i n o r g a n i c s u b s t a n c e s t h r o u g h
va rio u s b i o - g e o c h e m i c a l c y c l e s , life c y c l e o f o r g a n ­
3. Sub-division on the B asis of Levels of isms, in te r a c t io n s a n d i n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s a m o n g the
Organisation organisms and betw een organism s and physical
e n v i r o n m e n t , etc. T h e s e c o n c e p t s a n d p r i n c i p l e s
T h e third a p p r o a c h to e c o lo g i c a l s tu di es is to m a y b e a n a l y s e d o n s tr u c tu r a l a n d f u n c t i o n a l b a s e s
s tu dy e it h e r i n d iv id ua l o r g a n i s m s or g r o u p s o f s e p a r a t e l y bu t b o th b a s e s m a y be c o m b i n e d t o g e t h e r
o r g a n i s m s o f a p a r t i c u l a r e c o s y s t e m . In o t h e r w or ds , if the e c o l o g i c a l s t u d i e s a re c o n s i d e r e d at th e leve l o f
ec olo gi cal s tu d i e s m a y be a c c o m p l i s h e d at tw o e c o s y s t e m w h i c h h as b e e n r e c e n t l y a c c e p t e d as
levels viz. (i) s tu d y o f e c o lo g i c a l r e l a ti o n s h ip s f u n d a m e n t a l e c o l o g i c a l unit. T h e f o l l o w i n g f u n d a ­
b e tw e en the s pe ci e s , a n d (ii) e c o lo g i c a l r e l a t i o n ­ m e n t a l c o n c e p t s a nd p r i n c i p l e s o f e c o l o g y in t erm s
ships within the e c o s y s t e m i n v o lv i n g all the o f e c o s y s t e m m a y be h i g h l i g h t e d .
o r g a n i s m s pr e s e n t t her ein . T h i s a p p r o a c h led to the
(1 ) E cosystem is a fundam ental unit of
d e v e lo p m e n t o f (i) autecology, a nd (ii) synecology. e c o l o g i c a l s tu d y b e c a u s e it c o m p r i s e s both biotic
Autecology is the s tu dy o f r e l a t i o n s h i p s o f in d iv id u al a n d a b io tic c o m p o n e n t s . In o t h e r w o r d s , ecosy ste m
species to its e n v i r o n m e n t . T h u s it is a p p a r e n t that b e i n g a m o n i s t i c c o n c e p t , b r in g s physical e nv iro n­
a ute co log ic al a p p r o a c h res t s o n i nd iv i du al sp e ci e s m en t , p l a n t s a n d a n i m a l s to g et h e r in a sing e

e n v i r o n m e n t is in f l u e n c e d by h u m a n a c ti v it y (D.B,
fram ew ork wh ic h facilitates the study o f interac­
> B ot ki n and E.A . Kelle r, 1 9 8 2 ). __
t io n s b e t w e e n biotic and abiotic components.
E c o sy ste m s are well structured and organised units (6) Natural hazards affect adversely the biologi­
t h ro u g h biotic and abiotic comp one nts . Ecos ys tem s cal c o m m u n i t i e s in g e ne ra l a n d m a n in particular.
are also functional units wherein two biotic c o m p o ­ W h e n biological p r o c e s s e s are a s s o c i a t e d with
ne nt s are of major significance i.e. (i) The au- physical eve nts, yet s e v e r e h a z a r d s are c re a te d. For
totrophic components, c om prised o f green plants e xa m p l e a f t e r f loo ds m a i n ly in u rb an are as , water is
prepare food through photosynthesis and use inor­ c o n ta m in a t ed by ba cte ria a nd thus d i s e a s e s s p r e a d at
ganic substances. These are self feeding and provide faster rate.
food energy to other biological co m m un iti es , (ii) (7) All living organism s and physical environ­
T h e heterotrophic components (animals and m icr o­ ment are mutually reactive. In o t h e r w o r d s , living
organisms) use, rearrange and d e c o m p o s e organic or gan is ms interact a m o n g t h e m s e l v e s a n d affect
substances which are made av ailable from the each other on the o n e hand and living o r g a n i s m s and
primary produce o f autotrophic co mponent s. physical e n v ir o n m e n t are inter rela ted th r o u g h re c i p ­
(2) At the largest scale, the whole biosophere rocal interactions and th ese affect e a c h o t h e r on the
becomes an ecosystem. T h e biotic and abiotic other hand. T h e v a ry in g d e g re e s o f in te r a c t io n s
components of biosphereic ecosystem are intimately amon g o r gan is ms , at both inte r-a nd i n tra sp e c ifi c
related to a series of large-scale cycle mechanisms e.g. levels, are positive, ne g a tiv e and s o m e t im es neutral.
water cycle, chemical ele m ent s cycle, sediment
(8) Ecosystem functions through the input of
cycle and unidirectional flow o f energy. These
energy mainly solar radiation w h i c h is trapped by
cycles help in the transfer o f energy, water, chemical
green plants (primary p r o d u c e r s ) a n d is u s e d to
elements and sediments in+various co mpo ne nt s of
prepare food (ch emical o r g a n i c mat ter ) t h r o u g h the
the biosphere.
process of photosy nth es is. T h u s , the s o la r r a d i a ti o n
(3) ‘Sustained life on the earth is a characteris­ is the main driving force o f the e c o s y s t e m . Energy
tic of ecosystem, not o f individual organisms or flow (transfer o f organ ic m o l e c u l e s ) is unidirectional
population’ (D.B. Botkin and E.A. Keller, 1982). (passes through various t ro ph ic lev el s) and is non-
(4) M.J. Holt iman (1974) has formulated the cyclic. Eco sy ste m e n e rg e ti c s o r e n e r g y f l o w also
following four ‘environmental principles’ of holistic helps in the circu lation o f c h e m i c a l s u b s t a n c e s
nature o f natural environment which largely affects (nutrients)within the e c o s y s t e m . T h e r e is p r o g r e s ­
the biological co mmunities in a biospheric ecosys­ sive loss of en ergy by re s p i ra t io n o f o r g a n i s m s
tem. through increasing troph ic levels. T h e e n e rg y
(a) ’Nothing actually disappears when we pattern and flow are g o v e r n e d by the f o ll o w i n g first
throw it a w a y ’ because all the materials are and second laws o f t h e r m o d y n a m i c s .
rearranged and cycled and recycled ihrough a series Law I— In any s y s te m o f c o n s ta n t mass,
o f cyclic pathways in the natural environment. energy is neither cre ate d n o r d e s tr o y e d but it ca n be
(b) ‘A l l systems and problems are ultimately transformed from o n e typ e to a n o th e r type. T h e
if not intimately inter-related. It does not make sense energy inflow or input in a sy ste m is b a l a n c e d by
to squabble over which crisis is most urgent; we energy outflow.
cannot afford the luxury o f solving problems one by Law II— W h e n w o r k is d on e , e n e rg y is
one. That is both obsolete and ecologically unsound dissipated and the w o r k is d o n e w h e n o n e f o rm o f
a n y w a y ’. energy is tr a n s fo r m ed into a n o th e r form.
(c) ‘We live on a planet earth whose resources Thus, e n e rg y is tr a n s fe r re d fro m o n e troph ic
are finite’. level to the next h i g h e r troph ic level but o r g a n i s m s
(d) ‘Nature has spent literally millions of at higher trophic levels r ec e iv e e n erg y fro m m ore
years refining a stable e c o s y s t e m ’. than one trophic level (in a natural e c o s y s t e m , ther e
are four trophic levels viz. troph ic level o n e
(5) The physical and biological processes follow
repre sen ted by au to tr o p h ic green p lants, t ro p h ic
the principle o f ‘uniformitarianism’ Which states that
level tw o rep re se n te d by h e rb i v o r o u s a n i m a l s ,
s a m e physical (right from the origin o f planet earth
trophic level three r ep r e s en t e d by c a r n i v o r o u s
and its a tm os phe re) and biological (since the origin
an im a s and trophic level f ou r h a v i n g o m n i v o r o u s
o f first or gan is m) pr ocesses which operate today,
animals including man ). R .L. L i n d e m a n (1 9 4 2 )
o p e r a t e d in the past not necessarily with constant
has f orm ula ted f ou r p r in c ip le s a b o u t the r e l a t i o n ­
m a g n i t u d e and frequ en cy with time and will operate
ships be tw e en trophic levels w i t h in a natural
in futu re but ‘at rates that will vary as the
(1 0 ) The ecosystem produetiritjr (referred to as
principle I : A s the dist an ce be tween the
.he rale o f g ro wt h o f e n e r g y or o r g a n i c mat ter per
organisms o f a given trophic level and the initial ine rate ui g iu trn n h i c level one) dep e nd s
source o f energy (trophic level one) increases, the unit time by a uto tr op hs a t » P f h e a m o u n t of
probab ility o f the o r g an i s m s to de pend exclusively on two factors : ( 0 the a v a i u o i i i y /.llllntrn nhs-
solar r a d i a t i o n to the p r im a ry p r o d u ce i U P
on the pr ece din g trophic level for energy decreases.
green plants) at trophic level one, andI 0 0 the
In other words, the or gan is ms at trophic levels
three a nd four do not depend for e ne rgy only on efficiency o f plants to c o n v e rt solar J . a *;on
chemical energy. There is m arked positive correlatio
trophic levels two and three respectively rather
they receive energy from m ore than one source between primary productivity and solar ra ia 10 ■
(trophic level) which means that or ga ni sm s at Th e progressive d ec re a se in so la r rad ia tio n t o w a r s
trophic level three and beyond tend to be 'generalists’ the poles is closely f ol lo w e d by d e c r e a s e in p r i m a r y
rather than ‘sp e ci a li s ts ’ in terms o f their feeding productivity in that di rec tio n p ro v id e d that o t h e r
habit. factors co ntrol ling p ro du cti vit y also c h a n g e in the
same direction. T h e limiting factors, b es id es so la r
Principle I I : T h e relative loss of energy due to
radiation, which control the e c o s y s t e m p r o d uc ti vi ty ,
respiration is progressively greater to higher trophic
include abiotic factors (rainfall, d e p th of w a te r and
levels because the species at higher trophic levels
above all clima te and c h e m i c a l f a c t o rs - n u tr ie n t s )
being relatively larger in size have to move and
and biotic factors ( m o d e o f i n te r a c t io n b e t w e e n
work for getting food and therefore more energy is
various populations such as m u t u a l i s m , c o m p e t i ­
lost due to respiration.
tion, c o m m e n s a l im , n eu tr a li s m , p a r a s i t i s m , p r e d a ­
Principle I I I : Species at progressively higher tion etc. and internal i nst in cti ve c o n tr o l m e c h a n i s m s
trophic levels a pp e ar to be progressively more within the popu lat ion s such as s oc ial o r g a n i s a t i o n ,
efficient in using their available food supply, territoriality and social h i era rch ies ).
be cau se increased a ctivity by predators increases
their c ha nc es o f e n c ou nt e ri ng suitable prey species, (11) The ‘norm al’ or ‘u n even tfu l’ ecosystem
and in general preda tors are less specific than their attains its stability ( w h i c h m e a n s b a l a n c e b e t w e e n
prey in food p r e f e r e n c e s . ’ production and c o n s u m p t i o n o f e a c h e l e m e n t in the
ecosystem or b a la n c e b e t w e e n i np ut a n d o u t p u t o f
Principle IV : ‘H i g h e r trophic levels tend to be
e n e rg y and n o r m a l f u n c t i o n i n g o f d i f f e r e n t
less discr ete than the lower o n e s ’ because the
biogeochemial c y cle s a n d s ta bl e c o n d i t i o n o f
or ga ni sm s at pr og re ss iv e ly higher trophic levels
concent rat ion o f ail e l e m e n t s ) through ‘hom eostatic
receive e ne rg y from m ore than one source (trophic
m echanism s’. T h e r e is inbu ilt s e l f - r e g u l a t i n g m e c h a ­
level) and are ‘g e n e r a l i s t s ’ in their feeding habit and
nism in a natural e c o s y s t e m t h r o u g h w h i c h any
they are m ore e ffi cie nt in using their available food
ch an g e c au sed by e x te r n al f a c t o rs in t h e e c o s y s t e m
is c o u n te r -b a l a n c e d by the r e s p o n s e s o f the s y s t e m to
Principle V : ‘F o o d chains tend to be re a s o n ­ the c h a n g e in s uc h a w a y that u l t i m a t e l y e c o s y s t e m
ably short. F o u r vertical l i n k s ' is a c o m m o n or eco log ica l sta bility is r e s t o r e d . T h e e c o l o g i c a l
m a x i m u m ’ be c au se loss o f e n e rg y is pr ogr essively diversity and c o m p l e x i t y e n h a n c e t h e e c o s y s t e m /
higher for higher troph ic levels and sp ecies at higher e co lo g ica l stabi lity. T h e e c o l o g i c a l c o n c e p t o f
levels tend to be less discrete.
d iv er s ity /s ta b ili ty h as b e e n i l l u s t r a t e d in t he f o l l o w ­
(9) T h e che mi cal (ino rg an ic) and organing ic m a n n e r : ,
su bs tan ce s are circu la ted a m o n g the various c o m p o ­
(a) I n c r e a s e in t h e d i v e r s i t y o f f o o d w e b s
nents o f the bi osp he re through a series o f closed
promotes ecosystem stability b e c au se increased
system o fcy cl es collectively known a s ‘biogeochemical
food w e b d i v e r s i t y i n c r e a s e s the r e s i l i e n c e o f the
cycles’ in such a w a y that total m ass o f these
s y s t e m to o u t s i d e i n v a s i o n s o f e x o t i c o r g n i s m s a n d
substances r em a in s a lm o s t the s a m e and are a lw a y s
r e d u c e s the f l u c t u a t i o n s in t h e p o p u l a t i o n w i t h i n a
available to biotic c o m m u n it i e s . The functioning of
given ecosystem . C.S. E lton (1958)
biogeochemical cycles is cyclic t hr ou gh vario us s im p l e
and complex p a th w a y s and the s u b s ta n c e s are (b) T h e e c o s y s t e m s t a b i l i t y i n c r e a s e s w ith
istributed, rearranged, c yc le d and r ec y c le d thro u g h i n c r e a s e o f n u m b e r of lin k s in t h e f o o d w e b b e c a u s e
he gaseous (at mospheric), biotic and s e d i m e n t a r y a l ar g e n u m b e r of i n t e r a c t i n g f e e d i n g l i n k s p r o v i d e s
phases of reservoirs o f these s u b s t a n c e s T h e s e a l t e r n a t i v e c h a n n e l s f o r e n e r g y f l o w a n d th u s is
s ubstance s (both inorganic and or g a n i c ) are r eq u ir ed g e n e r a t e d a w i d e v a r i e t y o f a d j u s t m e n t o f the
p o p u l a t i o n to e n v i r o n m e n t a l c h a n g e s a n d s tr e s se s
their n v e f niSmS ^ nUtrients t o r the s u s t e n a n c e o f
w i t h in the e c o s y s t e m s .
P. H . M a c A r t h u r (1955)

(c) High species diversity o f a mature when the struggle takes place betwe en closely
e c o sy s te m representing a ‘climax community is related species.
related to more stability o f natural ecosystem (g) Th e process o f natural selection (as
becau se as the community succession operates, referred to above) and adaptation to environmental
‘homeostatis’ increases due to more protection conditions leads to gradual modification and di ver ­
available to the member o f the co mm un ity against sification o f species ov er long period o f time. Such
external environmental change. variations in species increase progressively with
E.P. Odum each succeeding generation o f species and evolution
o f species continues.
(12) Ecosystem instability results when an
ecosystem becomes unable to adjust with environmen­ (14) De Vries chall eng ed the Darwinian
tal changes. This so happens when the environmental concept o f progressive evolution o f species on the
changes exceed the resilience or the capacity of the ground that sometimes the offsprings differ from
ecosystem to adjust with changed environmental their parents so markedly that a new species is
conditions. evolved within a single generation. T h e r e is
spontaneous and abrupt evolut ion o f species. The
(13) Evolution of species epitomises the inher­
process o f spontaneous e vo lut ion ar y ch a ng e is
ently dynamic nature of ecosystem. Charles Darwin
termed as ‘m u ta ti o n ’ which is believed to introduce
(1859) postulated the principles and mechanisms of
inheritable variations in a species. Such inheritable
evolution of species by the process o f ‘natural
variations can be spread by inter-breeding. T.
selection’ wherein heritable variations in the populations
Dobzhansky (1950) has presented the foll owi ng
(population means a community o f individuals of
basic elements of mutation :
sexually-reproducing species) form the basis of
evolution of species. The following are the main (a) ‘The mutation process furni sh es the raw
principles of natural selection (based on H. Robinson’s materials o f ev ol u t io n ’.
interpretation of Darwinian theory o f origin of (b) Num erous gene patterns are produced
species) as advanced by Charles Darwin : during the process o f sexual repro du cti on.
(a) There are heritable variations in the (c) ‘The possessors o f s o m e gen e patterns
individuals o f species. Though such heritable have greater fitness than the po s s es s or s o f other
variation is small but it is very significant because it (gene) patterns in available e n v i r o n m e n t ’.
forms the very basis o f evolution o f species. (d) The frequency o f s u pe rio r g e n e patterns is
increased by the process o f natural s ele cti on while
(b) Heritable variations provide certain char­
the inferior gene patterns are supp res se d.
acteristics which become advantageous to some
individuals to become more efficient and better able (e) ‘Groups o f so me c o m b i n a ti o n s o f pr ove n
to survive in their environment for the struggle of adaptive worth be c o m e s e g reg ate d into closed
their lives. genetic system, called s p e c i e s .’.
(Qu oted by C.C . Par k, 1980)
(c) Such advantageous characteristics con ­
ferred on an organism may provide better chance of (15) ‘Rep roductive iso l a ti o n ’ is a n o t h e r a s ­
survival and reproduction. pect of evolution of morph olo gica lly d i ffe ren tia ted
populations of species. Th e pr oc e s s o f ‘isolation
(d) When these advantageous characteristics
allows newly formed genetic patterns to avoid being
are passed on by the organisms to their offsprings,
vitiated by continu ous c ro s s - b re e d in g with ne ig h ­
the succeeding generations become superior and
bouring individuals or p o p u l a t i o n ’ (P.A. F u r le y and
further efficient in the struggle for existence and
W.W. New ey, 1983). In ot her words , there are
certain obstacles or barriers ( co m p r is in g external
(e) The individuals o f the species, which lack factors such as geographical isolation, ecological
the advantageous characteristics to stand up to their isolation, seasonal isolation, m ec ha ni ca l isolation
environmental conditions in their struggle for life etc. and internal factors, which p rev en t the f o r m a ­
and existence, are most likely eliminated by tion o f hybrids after cro ss -fertilization) w h ic h
co mpe tition from the better equipped superior prevent gene ex c h an g e b e tw een m o r p h o l o g ic a ll y
m e m b e rs (which have acquired advantageous ch ar ­ different populations. R e p r o d u c ti v e isolation is
acteristics) o f their species. considered to be the most crucial ste p in the
(f) evolution oi new species be c au s e ‘w it h o u t isolation,
Du ri ng the struggle for existence between
o r g a n i s m s , the wi nn e r leads to evolution of species new species might never e v o l v e a n y w h e r e ' .
a n d the l o s e r leads to extinction. This so happens (S. C a r k ju i s t, 1974)
. ^ ■

(16) The concept and principle of succession are of vegetation (either parly or c o m p le te ly ) either b y f g f e
very important in ecology as there is successional natural processes (lava flow , d r o ug ht , glac ation, S|
development of species mainly vegetation communi­ natural firest fires throu gh lightning, se v er e sto>"m s j
ties. Succesiora simply means the entire process of floods etc.) or by h u m an i n ter fer en ce (intentional
directional and sequential change of either plant burning o f vegetation, a n d land us e c h a n g e s , m ass
c o mm un ity (g roups of plants adapted to a particular felling of trees and o v e rg a z in g etc.).
habitat) or the whole ecosystem through time. F.E. (18) Besides comm unity succession, the ecosys­
Clements (1961) postulated the concept of vegeta­ tem also undergoes the process of successional changes.
tion succession which he defined as the directional According to E.P. Od u m (1962) ‘e c o lo g ic a l s u c c e s ­
and sequential development of plant comm un ity in sion is on e o f the most im por tan t p r o c e s s e s w h i c h
an orderly and predictable se quence along definite results from the c o m m u n i t y m o d if y in g the e n v i r o n ­
pathway towards predictable end situations. Ac* m e n t ’. Acco rd ing to R.H . W h it ta k e r ( 1 9 5 3 ) the
cording to F.E. Cl ements there are five sequential successional d e v e l o p m e n t o f e c o s y s t e m is c h a r a c ­
phases in the successional d ev elo pm en t o f vegeta­ terised by four major c h a n g e s in the e o c y s t e m viz. (i)
tion in a given habitat with available environmental Progressive increase in the c o m p l e x i t y and diversity
conditions. o f com m un ity , (ii) P r o g r e s s i v e i n c r e a s e in the
(a) Phase of nudation or the creation o f new structure and pr od ucti vity o f e c o s y s t e m , (iii) I n ­
area d ev oid o f vegetation. crease in soil mat ur ity, and (iv) I n c r e a s e in i ela tiv e
stability and regularity o f p o p u l a t i o n s w i t h in the
(b) Phase of m igration begins with the arrival
ecosystem and stability o f the e c o s y s t e m itself.
o f seeds into the ne w ly created bare area.
(19) Man, being an active agent of en viron m en ­
(c) P h a se o f e c e s is , when the plant seeds are
established in the n e w ly c rea ted bare area through tal change, m odifies the ecosystem through the exp loi­
germ in ati on and p l an t growth. tation of natural resources. H e r e d u c e s th e e c o l o g i c a l
diversity and c o m p l e x i t y o f the e c o s y s t e m by
(d) Phase of reaction, wh en there is c o m p e t i ­ rem oving a host o f biotic c o m m u n i t i e s f o r d i f f e r e n t
tion be tw een the e s ta b l is h e d plants on the one hand purposes. T h e d is r u p t io n o f ‘c l i m a x v e g e t a t i o n ’ a n d
and interac tion b e tw e e n plants and the physical ecosystem stability is c a u s e d by m a n t h r o u g h (i)
e n v i r o n m e n t o f the habitat on the other hand.
purely d es tru cti ve a c ti o n s ( f o r e s t c l e a r a n c e t h r o u g h
(e) P ha se of stabilization, when there is mass felling and e x t e n s i v e b u r n i n g ) , (ii) i n t r o d u c ­
e q uil ibr iu m c o n d iti o n o f po pu lat ion o f plant species tion and es ta b l i s h m e n t o f n e w t y p e s o f v e g e t a t i o n in
in h a r m o n y with the e n v ir o n m en t a l co nditions of the e c o s y s t e m w h i c h w e r e p r e v i o u s l y n o t p r e s e n t in
local and regi on al habitats. that e c o s y s t e m ( to r e x a m p l e , na tu ra l f o r e s t r e p l a c e d
(17) T h e transitional stages of sequential by food crop s) , (iii) i n t r o d u c t i o n o f s p e c i e s o f p l a n t s
changes from one vegetation com m unity to another and a n im a ls into the a r e a s b e y o n d t h e i r n a t i v e
vegetation com m unity are called ‘s e r e ’. Th e ‘sere’ is places, (iv) f a r m i n g p r a c t i c e s ( fo r e x a m p l e , by
compl ete wh e n the s u c c e s s io n o f ve getation c o m ­ a l l o w i n g the e c o n o m i c p l a n t s , s u c h as f o o d c r o p s , to
munity after p a s s i n g th ro u g h d iff ere n t ph ases g r o w w h il e d e s t r o y i n g th e U n w a n t e d o r u n e c o n o m i ­
culmin at es into e q u il ib r i u m c o n d it io n . T h e v e g e ta ­ cal p lan ts , s u c h as w e e d s a n d b u s h e s t h r o u g h th e
tion c o m m u n i t y d e v e l o p e d at the e n d o f s u c ce s s io n a p p l i c a t i o n o f h e r b i c i d e s a n d p e s t i c i d e s ) , (v) h a b i t a t
is called ‘clim ax vegetation’, ‘clim ax com m unity’ or c h a n g e s , a n d (vi) c o n s t r u c t i o n a l a c t i o n s ( s u c h as
‘clim atic clim ax’ (due to d o m i n a n t c on tro l o f c li m a t e roads, settlem ents, urbanisation, field d r a in a ° e .
on the e v o lu t io n a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f ve ge tati on ). c a n a l s etc.).
F.E. C l e m e n t s ( 1 9 1 6 ) has ident ifi ed t w o basic f o r m s
(2 0 ) T h e u ltim ate goal o f eco lo g ica l stu d y is to
o f s u c c e s s io n : (i) Prim ary succession : refe rs to
preserve ecological reso u rces by m a in ta in in g the
d ev e lo p m en t a l s e q u e n c e o f v e g e ta ti o n in t h o s e b a re
ecological d iversity and ecosystem sta b ility . 'P r e s e r v ­
areas wh e re there w a s no v e g e ta ti o n earlier. S u c h
ing d i v e r s i t y in a w o r l d of r a p i d l y s h r i n k i n g l a n d
areas may be n e w l y e m e r g e d se a flo or , c o o l e d and
r e s o u r c e s will r e q u i r e a p r o m p t a n d u n iv e r sa l
solidified basaltic s u r f a c e d u e to r e c e n t l ava f lo w ,
r e s p o n s e o n an a p p r o p r i a t e a p p l i c a t i o n o f e c o lo g ic a l
e x p o s e d lake bed d u e to d r y i n g o f w a t e r, n e w l y
kn o w led g e. E v ery nation sh o u ld p o ssess an in v en ­
fo rm e d sand dun es , f lo o d p l a i n s f o r m e d by r e c e n t
to r y of its b i o l o g i c a l e n d o w m e n t ' (J. T e r b o r g h ,
alluvia, heaps o f deb ris a c c u m u l a t e d by m a n etc. (ii)
19 7 4 ) f o r th e p u r p o s e f u l e c o l o g i c a l a n d e n v i r o n ­
Secondary Succession : D e v e l o p m e n t a l s e q u e n c e o f
mental m an a g e m e n t for future generation o f human
v e g e ta ti o n in th o se are as w h i c h h a d v e g e t a t i o n c o v e r
s o c i e t y to w h i c h t h e p r e s e n t s o c i e t y h a s to b e a r the
but n o w ha ve been re n d e r e d n u d e d u e to d e s t r u c t i o n

' ,. T h e ecological principles may be s u m m a ri s e d > the natural e c o s y s t e m a tta in s its stability J|
US f o l l o w s : t hr ou gh h o m e o s t a ti c m e c h a n i s m .
na t u r a l e c o s y s t e m is a f un da m e nt a l unit o f > i nc re ase in the d i v e r s it y o f food webs
e c o l o g i c a l study. p r o m o t e s e c o s y s t e m stabi lit y and ecological ,
balance. |
v at the large st sc ale th e w ho le o f bi osphere
b e c o m e s an e c o s y s t e m , the biotic and abiotic > e c o s y s t e m inst ab ili ty a nd ecolo gi cal imbal- 1
c o m p o n e n t s o f w hi c h are intimately related. a nc e result w h e n an e c o s y s t e m becomes ’
un ab le to a d ju s t with e n v i r o n m e n t a l changes,
> ‘s u s t a i n e d life on the earth is a characte ristic
w h e t h e r natural or a n t h r o p o g e n i c . ’
o f ecosystem '.
>• e v o lu t io n o f s p e c i e s r e p r e s e n t s the inherently
> ‘n o t h i n g a c tu a lly d is a pp e a rs whe n we th row it
d y n a m i c na tu re o f e c o s y s t e m , wh e re in there
a w a y ’ b e c a u s e all the m aterials are rearrang ed
is gr adual s p e c i a ti o n by the pr ocess of
a nd c y c le d and recycled through a series o f
‘natural s e l e c t i o n ’ a n d ‘a d a p t a t i o n ’ ( Da rw in) .
c yc li c p a t h w a y s ( g eo b i o c h em i ca l cycles) in
but there is also s p o n t a n e o u s and abrupt
the natural ec os ys te m.
e v o lu t io n o f s pe ci e s t h ro u g h the pr oce ss of
> the natural res our ces are finite and are public ‘m u t a t i o n ’ (De Vries).
> "reproductive i s o l a t i o n ’ is a n o t h e r asp ect o f
>- ‘nature has spe nt m ill io ns o f years to refine a e v o lu tio n o f m o r p h o l o g i c a l l y di f fe ren tia ted
stable e c o s y s t e m . ’ po p u la tio ns o f species.
> the physical, c h e m i c a l and biological p r o c ­ >• there is su c c e s s io n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o f v e g e t a ­
esses follow the principle o f uni formitarianism. tion co m m un ity through the pha s es o f nudation,
> all living o r g a n i s m s an d phy s ic al e n v i r o n ­ migr ation. ecesis, r e a c ti o n a n d st a bi liz at io n.
me n ts are i n t e r d e p e n d e n t and m ut ua lly inter­ > the ve getation c o m m u n i t y d e v e l o p e d at the
acti ve. end o f s u c c e s s io n b e c o m e s ‘c l i m a x v e g e t a ­
> e c o s y s t e m f u n c t i o n s t h ro u g h the input of tion’ or ‘d i m a x c o m m u n i t y ’ o r ‘c l i m a t i c c l i m x ’.
m a i nl y so lar e ne rg y.
> besides c o m m u n i t y s u c c e s s i o n , th e e c o s y s ­
>■ th er e is un i d ir e c t io n a l flow o f en erg y through tem also u n d e r g o e s the p r o c e s s o f s u c c e s ­
va rious trop hi c levels in natural eco s ystem . sional c h a n g es .
>■ as the di st a n c e b e t w e e n the o r g a n i s m s o f a >• the ultima te goal o f e c o l o g i c a l s t u d y is to
gi v en trophi c level in a natural ec os ys te m and c o n s e r v e an d p r e s e r v e e c o l o g i c a l r e s o u r c e s
the initial s o u r c e o f e n e r g y (trophic level one by m a i n t a i n i n g t h e e c o l o g i c a l d i v e r s it y
o f t he gr een plants ) in cr e as e s the probability ( b io d iv e rs ity ) a n d r i c h n e s s , a n d e c o s y s t e m
o f t he o r g a n i s m s to d e p e n d e x c lu s iv el y on the stability. *•
p r e c e d i n g trop hi c level for e n e rg y decre ases. "• •• i; '.i : •. - * \ •..•.,tmy> rv*■'<-1 ' -.
> the rela tiv e loss o f e n e r g y d u e to respiration 4.5 ECO LOGICAL NICHE
i nc r e as e s with h i g h e r trophic levels.
> the c h e m i c a l ( in o r g n a ic ) and or ga ni c s u b ­ T h e c o n c e p t o f ‘ecological n ich e’ was first
s ta n c e s are c ir c u la t ed a m o n g the va rious i nt r o d uc ed by J. Gr in el in 1917 but it wa s d e v e lo p e d
c o m p o n e n t s o f the b io s p h e r e t h rou gh a series by C h a r le s Elton in the y e a r 1927. G.E . H u t c h in s o n
o f c l o s e d s y s te m o f c y c le s c oll ect iv ely k n o w n p r o p o s e d m o r e b i o p h y s i c a l d e fi n i ti o n o f ecolo gi cal
as g e o b i o c h e m i c a l c yc les . niche. T h e ter m o f e c o l o g i c a l n ic he has b een used in
> the e c o s y s t e m p r o d u c t i v i t y and ecolo g ica l d iff e re n t c o n te x t s by the e c o l o g i s t s such as e c o l o g i ­
p r o d u c t i o n d e p e n d on (i) the av ail abi lit y o f cal n ic h e as a p a r t i c u l a r f u n c t i o n p l a y e d by a s pe ci f ic
s pe ci e s in a g i v en e c o s y s t e m (role o f sp e c i e s ); as a
the a m o u n t o f s ol a r e n e r g y to the pr im a ry
h abitat o f spe cific s p e ci e s in a g i v e n e c o s y s t e m
p r o d u c e r s ( au t o t r o p h i c g ree n plants) at trophic
r e p r e s e n t i n g total e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n d i t i o n ( h ab it at
level on e , and (ii) the e f f i c i e n c y o f p lan ts to
fact or) or as a d i st r ib u t io n a l p a tt e rn o f s p e c i e s in
c o n v e r t s o la r e n e r g y into c h e m i c a l (food)
e c o s y s t e m ( c o m m u n i t y role) etc.
It m ay be m e n t i o n e d t h a t in a natural
> t h e r e is m a r k e d p o s i t i v e c o r r e la t io n b e t w e e n
e c o s y s t e m there are s e v e r a l s p e c i e s o f p l a n t and
. s o l a r r a d i a t i o n a n d p r i m a r y e c o lo g i c a l p r o ­
a n im a l c o m m u n i t i e s a n d s p e c i e s o f e a c h c o m m u n i t y
pl ay d i ff e re n t ro les in g e tt in g f o o d a n d t hus each
specialists as they have ad a pt e d themselves to § %
community is confined so a certain locality. Such
a particular niche having single di me n sio n of
locality having ideal environmental conditions
which are suitable for the survival of specific species environmental variation.
is called niche. Th e species of a given niche may not ► More species may be a dded to the e co sy st em
survive in other niches. It is also important to note by ‘compression o f e x is tin g n ich es .
that there are numerous niches in a given natural ► If the sites (habitats or loca tions ) are most
ecosystem. equitable having eq uitab le d is tr ib u tio n o
Thus, ecological niche may be defined as ‘the resources, the d o m i n a n c e of a p a rt ic u la r
functional role and position (micro-habitat) of species b e co me s m ini mu m .
species in its ecosystem, including what resources it Qu o te d by C.C. P a r k , 1980
uses, how and when it uses the resources, and how it
According to S.A. W h it ta k e r , and R .B . R o o t
interacts with other s p ecies ’.
(1973) ecological niche are aff ec ted by 3 types o f
W.P. and M.A. Cunnigham, 2003 variables e.g. inter-ecological niche are a tt e ct e d by
There are temporal changes in ecological 3 types o f variables e.g. (1) i n te r -c o m m u n i ty
miche as the species develop new ways to exploit variables or habitat variables, (2) i n tr a - c o m m u n i ty
resources. Thus, it be co mes difficult for two species variables or niche varibles, and (3) po p u la tio n
to inhabit the same niche. In such cases the law of response variables. (1) H abitat variables in cl ud e
competitive exclusion works , which states that ‘no physical factors such as relief (e l e v a t i o n ), s lo p e, soil
two species will occupy the s ame niche and compete moisture, soil fertility etc. T h e c o m m u n i t y g ra d i e n t
for exactly the same resources in the s ame habitat for (species variations as d e t e r m i n e d by ph y s ic a l
very long’ (C unnigham and Cunn ig ha m, 2003). In factors) as dete rmi ne d by ph y s ic a l e n v i r o n m e n t a l
such situation, one species may adopt a few factors are also impor tan t fac to rs w h i c h d e t e r m i n e
alternative paths e.g. (i) either one species may the nature of a particular e c o lo g i c a l n ich e. (2) N ic h e
migrate to new niche, or (ii) may become extinct, or va ria b les include height o f the lo ca tio n a b o v e
(iii) ma y ch an ge physiological behaviour for the ground surface, rel a ti o n s h ip to i n t r a c o m m u n i t y
competit ion o f same resources. The process of pattern (food habit, fo od c h a i n etc.), s e a s o n a l a n d
minimiz ation of competition for res ources in called diurnal time, n u m b e r and size o f p r e y , and rati o
resource partition which ‘can allow several species between num ber o f a n im a ls a n d p la n t f o o d etc. (3)
to utilize different parts o f the same resource and
Population response variables i n c l u d e p o p u l a t i o n
coexist within a single habitat (niche) (Cunnig ham
density (of both pl ants a n d a n i m a l s ) , c o v e r a g e o f
a nd C u nn ig h a m , 2 0 0 3 ) ’.
species, fre qu en cy o f f e e d i n g , s u c c e s s o f r e p r o d u c ­
Th e eco sys te m s tability depends upon the tion, fitness o f a n im a ls etc.
diversity o f niche. In fact, the greater the niche
diversity, the more is ec o sy s te m stability be cause of (In C . C . P a r k , 1980)
larger number o f pa th w a ys for the flow o f energy
a nd less fluctuation o f s pecies population. The 4.6 DEEP ECOLOGY VS. SHALLOW ECO LO G Y
e cosystem becomes unstable if o ne or more s pecies
are eliminated becau s e then the niche be c om e s 1. Deep Ecology
e mpty and energy pathways are rem a rk a bl y reduced.
S.J. M c N a u g h to n and L.L. W o l f (197 0) have ► The term deep e c ol og y is related to e n v i r o n m e n ­
outlined the followin g characteris tic features of talism or is c o n s id e r e d as a m o v e m e n t or a
ecological niche : concept that pleads radical m e a s u r e s to protect
the ,
► The n u m b e r o f sp ecies in a niche o f a natural natural
ecosystem b e c o m e s larg$ .with high a b u n ­ e n v ir o n m en t irrespe cti ve o f their effe cts on
human welfare.
dance o f resqmces -a'nd vice versa.
>• D e e p e c ol og y c o n sid e rs h u m a n s no more sig ­
► Wifh'the increas e in the n u m b e r o f s p e c i e s o f
a c ommunity the a ve ra ge width o f nich e o f nificant than o th er sp ecies ( o f plants and
species within that c o m m u n i t y d e c r e a s e s (and animals). In o t h e r wor ds , all life wh e th e r
hence availability o f res ou rc es als o d e ­ hum ans or plants and an imals, have equal
creases). im po rta nc e on o ur plan et earth.

► D o m i n an t species oc c u p y e x te n s i v e and ► In tact, dee p e c o lo g y brings to focus the fact that

nature and m an are two faces o f the same coin
bro ader ecological niche in c o m p a r i s o n to
and thus r em ov e s the illusion that nature and
less d om ina nt s p ecies b e c a u s e they are
man are different.

> The term ‘deep ecology’ was first coined and (6) Present-day technology being non-ecofriendly
introduced by Norwagian activist and philoso­ must be drastically changed.
pher Am ies Naess in the year 1972. (7) There should be idealogical cha nge regarding
> The central theme of deep ecology is that we are standard of life of the western idealogy and
part of the earth rather than apart, and separate culture. The high quality of life should replace
from it. the thinking of high standard of life.

> Arnie Naess advocated to have close relation­

ships between different areas, bringing together 2. Shallow Ecology
! .! ' •• ‘<-M
personal and social change, science and spiritu­
ality, economics and ecology. > The term ‘sha llow’ is used for those approaches
which are concer ned pr imarily with natural
>- Deep ecology, thus, is an ecocentric philosophy resource degradation and pollution. In fact the
or view point of radical environmental move ­ philosophy of shallow e cology is more ‘anthro-
ment that considers humans as equal to other pocentr ic ’ as it seeks to save the earth but only
organisms within the global ecosystem. The for humans. It seeks to preserve wilderness areas
word ‘de ep ’ is used because it asks deeper
for the recreation and pleasure of humans. The
questions about the place of human life, who we
shallow ecology wants us to save the natural
are. In fact, the term ‘de ep ’ applies to ‘deepness
environment and the e cosyste ms only if they are
of change’ and ‘deepness of questioning’ but it
useful and valuable for human society.
does not necessitate an ‘ecocentric view’, so W.
Fox (1990) suggested the abandonment of the >- Shallow ecology believes that nature and
term ‘deep ecology’ in favour of ‘ecocentric’. humans are diff erent a nd man is superior to the
nature. Thus, no amou nt of efforts o f env iron­
> Arnie also introduced the following terms in
mentalism can. pr eve nt distruction of natural
1972 into environmental literature :
e nvironment if the pr ese nt-da y thinking and
(a) deep ecology movement culture that the world belongs to it by right as
(b) ecosophy man is e mp ow e re d to exploit the natural
He defined ‘ecosophy’ as a philosophy of resources in his interest, is not changed.
ecological harmony or equilibrium in the global > Arnie Naess also argued that the ‘shallow
natural ecosystem/environmental system. ecology m o v e m e n t ’ is or ie nted only to fight
against pollution and re source depletion inorder
Prfnciples of Deep Ecology to safeguard that health o f people in the
de veloped western world.
Humans and non-humans (all life forms includ­
It may be c onclude d that ‘dee p e c o lo g y ’ is
ing plants and animals and physical envir on­
‘ecocentric’ and c onside rs humans and non -h um a ns on
ment) on the earth have intrinsic value.
equal footing and c onside rs natural e n v iro n m en t in
(2) The richness and diversity of life forms are
holistic manner and pleads for the sa feguard, c on ser va ­
values in themselves.
tion and pr eservation of all plant a nd animal species
(3) Humans are not above nature and therefore they because they have their intrinsic value. On the other
should not overexploit natural resources and hand, ‘shallow e cology’ a dvoca tes for protection of
reduce this richness.
natural resour ces and c ontrol of pollution in the intrests
(4) Flourishing of human life and culture together of only humans. Thus, sha llow ec ology is such
with non-human life on this earth requires environme ntalism m o v e m e n t which is based on ‘an-
substantial decrease in human population to thropoc entr ic’ view point. But deep ecology e nv iro n­
maintain ecological equilibrium. mentalism m ov e m e nt a dvocates for both, the raising
(5) Presently, the interference of humanb eing with and mainte nanc e of quality of human life as well as
non-living world has become excessive and safeguarding the natural e cosyste m and main tainin g
hence it should be minimised. ecological equilibr ium.
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5.1 ECOSYSTEM : MEANING AND CONCEPT and interact upon each other. Any unit that includes
all of the organisms (i.e. the community) in a given
The term ‘ecosystem’ was first used by A.G. area interacting with the physical environm ent so
Tansley in 1935 who defined ecosystem as ‘a that a flow of energy leads to clearly defined trophic
particular category o f physical systems, consisting structure, biotic diversity and material cycle (i.e.
o f organism s and inorganic components in a exchange of materials between living and non-living
relatively stable equilibrium, open and of various parts) within the system is an ecological system or
sizes and kinds’. According to Tansley the ecosystem ecosystem’.
is com prised o f two major parts viz. biome (the According to A. N. Strahler and A.H .Strahler
whole com plex o f plants and animals of a particular (1976), ‘the total assemblage o f com ponents inter­
spatial unit) and habitat (physical environment) and acting with group of organisms is known as
thus ‘all parts o f such an ecosystem-organic and ecological system or more simply, an ecosystem .
inorganic, biome and habitat-may be regarded as Ecosystems have inputs of matter and energy, used
interacting factors which, in a mature ecosystem, are to build biological structure (the biom ass), to
in approxim ate equilibrium , it is through their produce and to maintain necessary internal energy
interactions that the whole .system is m aintained’ levels. M atter and energy are also exported from an
(A.G. Tansley, 1935). F.R. Fosberg (1963) has ecosystem. An ecosystem tends to achieve a balance
defined ecosystem as ‘a functioning, interacting o f the various processes and activities within it’.
system com posed o f one or more living organisms Based on the contents o f above definitions of
and their effective environment, both physical and ecosystem provided by various scientists it may be
biological’. pointed out that ‘ecosystem s are therefore unities o f
A ccording to R.L. Lindeman (1942) the term organism s connected to one another and to their
ecosystem applies to ‘any system composed o f environm ent’ (P.A. Furley and W .W . N ewey, 1983)*
physical-chem ical-biological processes, within a ‘and the ecosystem is thus the sum o f all natural
space-tim e unit o f any m agnitude’. In E.P. O dum ’s organism s and substances within an area, and it can
view (1971) ‘living organisms and their non-living be viewed as a basic exam ple of an open system in
(aboitic) environm ent are inseparably interrelated physical geography’ (C.C. Park, 1980). Stressing
ENVIRONMENTAL g e o g r a p h y
b io - g e o c h e m ic a l cycle, m ineral cycle, sedi­
the im portance of ecosystem C.C. Park further says
m ent cycle etc.
that ‘ecosystem s are regarded by many ecologists to
be the basic units of ecology because they are > Ecosystem has its own productivity w hich is
com plex, interdependent and highly organised the process o f building organic m atter based
systems, and because they are the basic building on the availability and am ount o f energy
blocks of the biosphere’. passing through the ecosystem . T he produc­
tivity refers to the rate o f grow th o f organic
‘In a more lucid style and simple term an
matter in an aeral unit per tim e-unit.
ecosystem may be defined as a fundamental
functional unit occupying spatial dimension of > Ecosystem has scale dim ension i.e. it varies in
‘earth space ship’ characterised by total assemblage spatial coverage. It m ay be as sm all as a
of biotic community and abiotic components and cowshed, a tree or even a part o f a tree haying
their mutual interactions within a given time unit’. certain m icro-organism s. The largest unit is
(Savindra Singh, 1991) the whole biosphere. Thus the ecosystem s
may be divided into several orders on the
Properties of Ecosystems basis of spatial dim ension. It is clear that ‘the
- y ,'. ecosystem is a convenient scale at w hich to
The ecosystems are characterized by the consider plants and anim als and th eir interac­
following basic properties : tion because it is m ore localised and thus more
► Ecosystem of any given space-time unit specific than the biosphere in its en tirety , and
represents the sum of all living organisms and it includes a sufficient w ide range o f indi­
physical environment. vidual organisms to m ake regional gen erali­
> It is composed of three basic components viz. zations feasible and v alu ab le’ (C .C . Park,
energy, biotic (biome) and abiotic (habitat) 1980)..
components. > There are different sequences o f ecosystem
> It occupies certain well defined area on the development. The sequence o f ecosystem
earth-spaceship (spatial dimension). development in term o f a p articu lar suite o f
>■ It is viewed in terms of time-unit (temporal physical and chem ical conditions is called as
dimension). ‘sere’. A ‘sere’ represents the d ev elo p m en t o f
a series o f sequential successions starting
> There are complex sets of interactions be­
tween biotic and abiotc components (includ­ from prim ary succession and culm inating into
ing energy component) on the one hand and the last succession in a sere as ‘climax’ or
between and among the organisms on the ‘climatic climax’ w hich is the m ost stable
other hand. situation o f an ecosystem . Thus, the study o f
ecosystem developm ent may help in en v iro n ­
► It is an open system which is characterised by mental planning from ecological p o in t o f
continuous input and output of matter and view.
> Ecosystems are natural resource system s.
► It tends to be in relatively stable equilibrium
unless there is disturbance in one or more > Ecosystem concept is m onistic in that en vi­
controlling factors (limiting factors). ronment (abiotic component), man, animals,
plants and micro-organisms (biotic com po­
> It is powered by energy of various sorts but
nents) are put together in a single framework
the solar energy is the most significant.
so that it becomes easy to study the patterns
► It is a functional unit wherein the biotic o f interactions among these com ponents.
components (plants, animals including man
> It is structured and w ell organized system .
and micro-organisms) and abiotic (physical
environm ent) components (including energy > [°Tconvenicnce’ "»ay be studied
com ponent) are intimately related to each theas,nJa f m° d el’ by con<*ntrating on
other through a series of large-scale cyclic the study o f input variables and related output
m echanism s viz. energy flow, water cycle, ariables while the input variables m ay be
ignored to reduce the com plexity.
desert area, on the basis of increasing aridity, ( e y f g |
from ground surface to higher altitudes of the Andes
on the basis of increasing altitude, and (D) from
Ecosystems may be identified and classified tropical rainforest to tundra on the basis of
on various bases, with different purposes and decreasing temperature. Thus on the basis o f above
objectives as outlined below : gradient profiles and associated ecoclines the
(1) O n the basis of habitats : The habitats following types of ecosystems in the aforesaid four
exhibit physical environmental conditions of a situations may be identified :
particular spatial unit of the biosphere. These (A) From mountains with relatively more
physical conditions determine the nature and char­ moisture to the areas of increasing aridity :
acteristics of biotic communities and therefore there
are spatial variations in the biotic communities. (a) mesophytic forest ecosystem, (b) oak-
Based on this premise the world ecosystems are hickory forest ecosystem, (c) oak woodland ecosys­
divided into two major categories viz. (A) terrestrial tem, (d) prairie ecosystem, (e) dry grassland
ecosystems, and (B) aquatic ecosystems. There are ecosystem, and (d) desert ecosystem.
further variations in the terrestrial ecosystems in (B) From the areas of high m oisture (equato­
terms of physical conditions and their responses to rial areas) to the areas of lowest m oisture (desert) :
biotic communities. Therefore, the terrestrial ecosystems (a) tropical rainforest ecosystem , (b) ev er­
are further divided into sub-categories of (i) upland green seasonal-deciduous forest ecosystem , (c)
or mountain ecosystems, (ii) lowland ecosystems, thorn forest ecosystem, and (a) desert scrub ecosys­
(iii) warm desert ecosystems, and (iv) cold desert
ecosystems. These subecosystems may be further
divided into descending orders depending on specific (C) from lower to higher altitudes (in the
purposes and objectives of studies. (B) The aquatic Andean area of S. America) :
ecosystems are subdivided into two broad categories (a) tropical rainforst ecosystem , (b) low er
(i) freshwater (on continents) ecosystems, and (ii) montane rainforest ecosystem, (c) m ontane rainforest
marine ecosystems. Fresh water ecosystems (Bi) are ecosystem, (d) montane thicket ecosystem , (e) elfine
further divided into (Bia) river ecosystems, (Bib) woodland ecosystem, and (f) param os ecosystem .
lake ecosystems, (Bic) pond and tank ecosystems, (D) From equatorial hot and m oist areas to
(Bid) marsh and bog ecosystems while (Bii) marine cold tu n d ra :
ecosystems are divided into (Biia) open ocean
(a) Tropical forest ecosystem , (b)sub-tropica
ecosystems, (Biib) coastal estuarine ecosystem,
forest ecosystem, (c) tem perate deciduous forest
(Biiic) coral reef ecosystem, or can be alternatively
ecosystem, (d) tem perate m ixed forest ecosystem ,
divided into (Biia) ocean surface ecosystems, and
(e) boreal forest ecosystem , and (f) tundra ecosys­
(Biib) ocean bottom ecosystems.
(2) On the basis o f ecoclines : Ecocline
(3) O n the basis o f spatial scales ecosystem s
means a broad transition between two different
are divided into different types o f various orders on
ecosystems of mainly plant communities. Infact an
the basis o f spatial dim ensions required for specific
ecocline represents gradient along which biotic
purposes. The largest ecosystem is the w hole
comm unities mainly plant com m unity and abiotic
biosphere which is subdivided into tw o m ajor.types:
conditions change. The study of ecocline represent­
(A) continental ecosystem , and (B) oceanic or
ing the changing conditions, across an ecosystem
boundary is known as ‘gradient analysis’ which m arine ecosystem s. The spatial scales may be
implies the plotting o f variations o f plant com m u­ brought dow n from a continent to a single b io tic life
(plant or anim al).
nity in particular direction and the analysis thereof
and division o f world ecosystem (M .J. Bradshaw , (4) On the basis o f uses E.P. O dum (1959)
1979). Based on abave considerations R.C. W hittaker has divided the w orld ecosystem s on the basis o f use
(1970) has drawn four profile diagram s o f four o f harvest m ethods and net prim ary production into
ecoclines on a m ajor world scale viz. (A) from tw o broad categories viz. (A ) cultivated ecosystem s,
Applachians to southern Texas (USA ) on the basis of and (B) non-cultivated or natural ecosystem s.
increasing aridity, (B) from equatorial rainforest to C ultivated ecosystem s may be further subdivided
e n v ir o n m e n ta l g e o g r a p h y
into several categories on the basis of cultivation of energy to crops, to kill insects and unw anted plants
dom inant crops, e.g. w heat field ecosystem , rice so that m axim um energy is utilized by field crops)
irrigational w ater (w hich augm ents the cycling and
field ecosystem , sugarcane field ecosystem , fodder
recycling of nutrients so that these are made
field ecosystem etc. Similarly, non-cultivated eco­
available to desired plants), and by d ev elo p in g new
system s can be subdivided into forest ecosystem, tall
hybrid high yielding varieties o f seeds so th at the
grass ecosystem , short grass ecosystem, desert
plants remain dw arf and require relativ ely low
ecosystem , seeweeds ecosystem etc.
amount o f solar energy and can m ake m axim um use
(5) O n th e basis of source an d level of of solar energy to prepare food through photosynthesis
en erg y : ecosystem s can be classified on the basis of and thus can yield m ore production. T he use of
source, type and amount of energy available in the m achines like tractors, hoes etc. also helps in
ecosystem on the basic premise that the main driving augmenting the natural processes of bio-geochem ical
force o f the ecosystems for their functioning is
cycles (these agricultural im plem ents m ake the soil
energy. E.P. Odum (1975) has classified the
horizons very friable after ploughing and thus
ecosystem s into four categories on this basis.
organic m atter is easily distributed in the soils fo r
(A) Unsubsidized natural solar-powered eco­
easy uptake by plants). The exam ples o f such
systems are those which are driven by solar energy ecosystem s are sim ple crop and fibre farm in g
only wherein incoming solar radiation is used to fix systems and highly advanced m echanised farm ing
chemical energy. Open oceans, upland forest, wide systems (agriculture) and som e form s of aq u acu ltu re
and deep lakes may be cited typical examples o f such (fish farming, shellfish cultivation etc.). T h e annual
ecosystems. The annual energy flow ranges between energy flow is from 10,000 to 50,000 K cl/m 2/y ear
1000-10,000 Kcal/m2/yr (kilocalories per square and estim ated average annual q uantity b ein g 20 ,0 0 0
meter per year) whereas estimated average energy is
about 2000 Kcal/m2/yr. ~
(D) Fuel-powered ecosystems are represente
(b) Natural-subsidized solar-powered ecosys­
by urban and industrial areas w here fu el en erg y fully
tems represent tidal estuaries, lowland forests, coral
replaces solar energy. T he fu el en erg y is derived
reefs etc. Natural processes like tides, waves,
through fossil fuels like coal and p e tro le u m w h ich
surface runoff, wind etc. supplem ent solar energy
are obtained from u n d erg ro u n d q u ite aw ay from the
input because these processes bring additional
centres of u tilization. B esid es, en erg y is also
organic matter and bio-geochemica! cycles help in
supplied through h y d ro electricity , n u c le a r p o w er
recycling of nutrients in the aforesaid ecosystem s
and thus solar energy is augm ented to produce and wood coal. T hese eco sy stem s are b a sic a lly
organic matter through primary producers (phtotroph wealth generating system s. T hese e co sy stem s also
and chemotroph plants) so much so that these generate pollutants and thus are p o ten tial so u rces o f
ecosystems become the most productive natural environm ental p ollution in cities and tow n s, su b u r­
ecosystems. The annual energy flow in such ban areas, industrial areas as w ell as th e ru ral
ecosystems ranges between 10,000-50,000 K cal/m 2/ atm ospheric en v iro n m en t o f even very d ista n t
year and average estimated energy flow is 20,00 places. T hese fu el-p o w ered u rb a n -in d u stria l e c o ­
Kcal/m2/year. - system s though gen erate m aterial w e alth o f the
(C) econom y o f the society but th ese d ep en d fo r life
Man-subsidized solar powered ecosystems
are those where additional energy is supplem ented support (oxygen supply and food su p p ly ) fu lly on
by human activities (e.g. farm ing). In other words, solar-pow ered natural e co sy stem s, n a tu re -su b si­
man applies additional energy in the form o f dized so lar-p o w ered e co sy stem and m a n -su b sid ize d
fertilizers both natural and chem ical, m achines solar-pow ered eco sy stem s. T h e a n n u al flo w o f
irrig atio n s water etc. to make the land more energy ranges b etw een 100,000 to 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 K cal/
productive. Thus he produces more food and fiber
m /y ear the estim ated av erag e b e in g 2 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 0
crops (food and fibre producing ecosystem s) in a
ca m year. T h u s th ese e c o sy ste m s a re p o w ered
sim ple farm ing system . In a highly m echanised
farm ing ecosystem s, man increases the productivity solar'sources011"' ° f ^ Wh‘Ch COmeS from n°"-
through the use o f chem ical fertilizers, pesticides
and herbicides (fossil energy to provide additional d e v e lo n !™ ? ^ ° f s ta * e s o f e co sy stem
p en t . O n the b a sis o f c h a ra c te ris tic s o f
W r'"
different stages of ecological successions and comparison to the m atter being cycled, (iii) func­
ecosystem developm ent in terms of community tioning of soils, m icro-clim ate and bio-geochemical
energetics, community structure, life history, nutri­ cycle as buffers against sudden changes in external
ent cycling and overall homeostasis (as mentioned conditions, and (iv) m inim ization o f instability due
by E.P. Odum in his paper ‘The Strategy of to diversity within the ecosystem . B ased on this
Ecosystem Development,’ 1969) the following four premise, ecosystems may be classified into (i)
major types of ecosystems are identified : simple stable ecosystems, and (ii) com plex unstable
ecosystems. But this classification is highly controvercial
(A) Early succession ecosystems are those
and debatable because there are lot o f variations in
which are characterised by high net community
opinions regarding the concept of system stability.
production, low biomass supported/unit energy
For example, if the stability is defined by frequency
ratio , lin ear food chain (p lan ts-» g razin g
of fluctuation of species population, stability has
animals—^carnivores), small total organic matter,
been reported to increase with succession whereas if
extra biotic inorganic nutrients, low biotic diversity,
the stability of an ecosystem is defined in term s o f
short size of organism, simple life cycles, rapid rate
time to be taken for a com m unity to return to its
of nutrient exchange, unimportant role of detritus in
former condition, stability may actually decrease
the regeneration o f nutrients, undeveloped mutual
relationship among community species, poor nutrient through time (C.M. Harrison, 1980).
conservation, high entropy (disordered biotic
community) etc. 5.3 COMPONENTS OF ECOSYSTEM
(B) M ature ecoystem are those which are
characterised by low net community production, There are three m ajor com ponents o f eco sy s­
complex w eblike food chain (besides major plants tems : energy com ponent, abiotic or physical
and anim als, decom posers also play important component and biotic com ponent. T he abiotic
roles), large total organic matter, intrabiotic inorganic component com prises land and soils, w ater, air and
nutrients, high com m unity diversity, large size of sunlight. Besides, some organic substances (carbo­
organism s, long and complex life cycles, closed hydrates, protein, fat and liquid substances) and
m ineral cycles, im portant roles played by detritus in biogenic substances (carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen,
the regeneration o f nutrients, quality production, phosphorous, calcium and potassium in large
developed mutual relationships among the community quantity and iron, m anganese, m agnesium , zinc,
species, good conservation o f nutrients, low entropy cobalt in small quantity) are required to sustain life
(ordered structure o f com m unities) etc. of different biotic com m unities. C om ponents o f the
(C) Mixed ecosystems represent the overlapping ecosystem s have been discussed in detail in the next
characteristics o f early succession ecosystem s and chapter (Chapter 6).
m ature eco sy stem s co n seq u en t upon general The biotic com ponents rep resen t plan ts,
environm ental change. anim als and m icro-organism s. B iotic com ponents
(D) In ert ecosystems represent the destroyed are classified into tw o broad categories on the basis
ecosystem s. These may result from the destruction o f functions : (i) autotrophic component co m p rises
o f either early succession ecosystem s or m ature those plants w hich produce th eir food th em selv es
ecosystem s due to volcanic eruptions or onset o f ice through photosynthesis and ch em o sy nth esis. T h u s
ages resulting into com plete destruction of life. they becom e (a) photographs (w hich p rep are fo o d
(7) On the basis o f stability or instab ility : through p hotosynthesis by using so lar ra d ia tio n ) and
The concept o f stability or instability o f ecosystem s (b) chemotrophs (w hich prep are fo o d th ro u g h
has been elaborated in different but contrasting ways chem osynthesis from in organic su b stan ces by o x i­
by various scientists. In a very general sense the dation). A utotrophs are the p rim ary p ro d u c e rs o f the
stability of an ecosystem is defined in term s o f ecosystem , (ii) Heterotrophic components com prise
relationships betw een input and output o f m atter and those organism s w hich depend on au to tro p h s o r
energy and functioning o f bio-geochem ical cycles. prim ary pro d u cers (p lan ts). B esid es, som e h etero­
An ecosystem in hom eostatic or dynam ic equilibrium trophic organism s d eco m p o se and rearrange the
state is that which represents (i) balance in the input organic substances. O n the basis o f feeding or
and output o f energy, (ii) excess o f resource pool in getting food h etero tro p h s are d iv id ed in to 3 sub-

ty p es : (a) saprophytes (depending on organic Solar radiation is the basic input o f energy
com pounds in solutions derived from dead plants entering the ecosystem . The radiant solar energy is
and anim als), (b) parasites (depending on living received by the green plants. M ost o f the received
o rganism s), and (c) holozonic (get food through their solar energy is converted into heat energy and is lost
m ouths, exam ple-large animals including man). The from the ecosystem to the atm osphere through plant
elem ents o f ecosystem are divided into 4 categories com m unities. Only a sm all proportion o f radiant
on the basis o f functions : (i) abiotic elem ents solar energy is used by plants to m ake food through
include abiotic and dead biotic compounds o f any the process o f photosynthesis. Thus green plants
site or habitat, (ii) producers (green plants (autotrophs) transform a part o f solar energy into food energy or
w hich act as interm ediataries between biotic and chem ical energy w hich is used by the green plants to
abiotic kingdom s), (iii) consumers are prim arily develop their tissues and thus is stored in the prim ary
anim als including man and they obtain their food producers or autographs at the bottom o f trophic
from organic substances produced by autotrophs or levels. The chem ical energy stored at trophic level
prim ary producers, and (iv) decom posers are m icro­ one becomes the source o f energy to the herbivorous
organism s which decom pose dead plants and animals at trophic level two o f the food chain. Som e
anim als and organic substances. D uring this process portion o f energy is lost from trophic level one
they receive their food as well as they rearrange through respiration and som e portion is transferred
organic substances so that these become easily to plant-eating anim als (herbivores) at trophic level
available to primary producers. two. The transfer o f energy from trophic level one
(green plants) to trophic level tw o (h erbivores) is
5.4 FUNCTIONING OF ECOSYSTEM perform ed through the intake o f organic tissues
(which contain potential chem ical en erg y ) o f green
plants by the herebivores. T hus the ch em ical energy
The functioning of an ecosystem depends on
consumed by herbivores helps in th e b u ild in g o f
the pattern o f energy flow because all aspects o f
their own tissues and is stored at tro p h ic level two
living com ponents o f an ecosystem depend on
and becomes the source o f energy fo r carn iv o res at
energy flow w hich also helps in the distribution and
trophic level three. A substantial po rtio n o f chem ical
circulation o f organic and inorganic m atter within
energy is released by carn iv o res at tro p h ic level
the ecosystem . W hile the energy flow follows
three through respiration b ecau se m ore energy is
unidirectional path, the circulation o f m atter follows
required for the w ork to be done by carn iv o res at
cyclic paths. T hese aspects o f energy flow and
trophic level three (b uilding o f tissues, grow ing,
circulations o f m atter will be discussed in detail in
the 8th and 9th chapters respectively. Here, only a m ovem ent for grazing, catching prey, rep ro d u ctio n
b rief discussion is presented so as to have a general o f their offsprings etc.). Som e portion o f p o ten tial
chem ical energy is tran sferred from tro p h ic lev el
idea o f the functioning o f ecosystem .
three to trophic level fo u r or top tro p h ic level
The energy pattern and flow are governed by represented by om nivores (those an im als w h ich eat
first and second law s o f therm odynam ics. The first both plants and anim als, m an is the m o st im p o rtan t
law states that in any system of constant m ass, exam ple o f om nivores). T h e an im als a t tro p h ic level
energy is neither created nor destroyed but it can be four m ainly m an also take energy fro m tro p h ic levels
transform ed from one type to another type (exam ple, one and tw o. A gain som e p o rtio n o f energy is
electrical energy can be converted into m echanical
released by o m n iv o res th ro u g h re sp ira tio n . T he
energy). In term s o f ecosystem energy inflow or
rem aining stored ch em ical energy in th e p la n ts and
energy input into the system w ill be balanced by
anim als is tran sferred to d eco m p o sers w h en they
energy outflow from the system . The second law o f
(plants and an im als) b ecom e dead. T h e d e c o m p o se rs
therm odynam ics states that when w ork is done,
release su b stan tial am o u n t o f en erg y th ro u g h re s p i­
energy is dissipated and the w ork is done when one ration to the atm osphere. It m ay be p o in te d o u t th at
form o f energy is transform ed into another form. In at each trophic level the av ailab le p o te n tia l ch em ical
the c o n te x t o f ecosystem there is dissipation o f energy to be tra n sfe rre d to the n e x t h ig h e r tro p h ic
en erg y from each tran sfer poin t (trophic level) and level decreases as m ore en erg y is re le a s e d th ro u g h
th u s the d issip a te d o r lost energy is not again resp iratio n to the a tm o sp h ere fro m e a c h tro p h ic
a v a ila b le to the ecosystem . level. R esp iratio n m ean s c h em ica l b re a k d o w n o f
food in the body and thus respiration releases heat Thus these elements, derived from a tm o s -< ^
which is transferred to the atmosphere. pheric and sedimentary reservoirs, are pooled into
Based on above statement it may be summa­ soils from where these are taken by plants in solution
rised that apart from the energy released to the form through the process of root osmosis. The plants
atmosphere through respiration, the remaining then convert these elements into such forms which
energy ‘is transferred in successive consumer stages are easily used in the development of plant tissues
known as trophic (literally nourishment) levels from and plant growth by biochemical processes (gener­
autotrophs to heterotrops (meaning that they derive ally photosynthesis). Thus the nutrients driven by
their nourishment from others). Ultimately all the energy flow pass into various components o f biotic
energy is passed on the detrivores, or decomposer communities through the process known as
organisms’ (P.A. Furley and W.W. Newey, 1983). ‘b iogeochem ical cycles’. In a generalised form the
The circulation of elements or matter or biogeochemical cycles include the uptake of nutri­
nutrients (organic and inorganic both) is made ents or inorganic elements by the plants through
possible through energy flow. In other words,
their roots in solution from the soils where these
energy flow is the main driving force of nutrient*"
inorganic elements, derived from sedim entary phase,
circulation in the various biotic components of the
ecosystem. The organic and inorganic substances are stored. The nutrients are transported to various
are moved reversibly in the biosphere, atmosphere, trophic levels through energy flow. Here the
hydrosphere and lithosphere through various closed nutrients become organic matter and are stored in the
system o f cycles in such a way that total mass of biotic reservoirs of organic phase.
these substances remains almost the same and are The organic elements o f plants and anim als
always available to biotic communities. ‘In other
are released in a variety of ways i.e. (i) decom posi­
words, the m aterials that make up the biosphere are
tion of leaf falls from the plants, dead plants and
distributed and redistributed by means of an infinite
series of cyclic pathways motored by the continuous animals by decomposers and their conversion into
input of energy’ (P.A. Furely and W.W. Newey, soluble inorganic from, (ii) burning o f vegetation by
1983). The m aterials or nutrients involved in the lightning, accidental forest fire or deliberate action
circulation within an ecosystem are grouped into of man. The portions o f organic m atter on burning
three categories viz. (i) micro-elements (which are are released to the atm osphere and these again fall
required in large quantity by plants, e.g. oxygen, down, under the impact o f precipitation, on the
carbon and hydrogen), (ii) minor or micro-elements ground and become soluble inorganic form of
(which are required by plants in relatively large element to join soil storage, w hile som e portions in
amounts, e.g. nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium,
the form o f ashes are decom posed by bacterial
calcium* magnesium and sulphur) and (iii) trace
activity and join soil storage, (iii) T he w aste
elements (plants require very small amounts of about
100 elements, im portant being iron, zinc, manga­ materials released by anim als are decom posed by
nese and cobalt). Besides these inorganic chemical bacteria and find their way in soluble inorganic form
elements, there are organic materials as well which to soil storage. Thus, biogeochem ical cycles involve
comprise (i) decomposed parts o f either alive or the m ovem ent and circulation o f soluble inorganic,
dead plants and animals, and (ii) waste materials substances (nutrients) derived from sedim entary and
released by anim als. A few o f the chemical elements atm ospheric phases o f inorganic substances (the tw o
act as organic catalysts or enzymes because they basic com ponents o f inorganic phase) through bio tic
help chemical reactions but seldom undergo
phase and finally their return to inorganic state. T he
chemical change themselves. Such chemical ele­
study o f biogeochem ical cycles m ay be approached
ments are hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen which
belong to gaseous phase (that is they are found in the on tw o scales : (i) the cycling o f all the elem ents
atmosphere in gaseous state— atm ospheric reservoir together or (ii) cycling o f individual elem en ts e.g.
or pool) and phosphate, calcium or sulphur which carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, nitrogen cy cle, phos­
belong to sedimentary phase (that is they are found phorous cycle, sulphur cycle etc. B esides, hydro-
in weathered rocks and soils-sedim entary reservoirs logical cycle and m ineral cycles are also included in
or pool). the broader biogeochem ical cycles.

5.5 ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY Since the primary productivity o f a natural

ecosystem largely depends on the amount o f solar
radiation, there is positive correlation between
The productivity of ecosystem refers to the primary productivity and solar radiation. Since there
rate o f growth o f energy or organic matter per unit is marked decrease in solar radiation received at.the
time by autotrophs at trophic level one through the earth’s surface from equator towards the poles,
process o f photosynthesis with the help of solar primary productivity also, on an average (besides a
energy. In other words, ecosystem productivity few intermediate zones o f exception), decreases
represents the total amount o f energy (organic markedly towards the poles. This results in spatial
matter) fixed or stored by the autotrophs per unit variations in primary productivity at regional and
time in the ecosystem. The production of organic local scales. At a very large scale the primary
matter or energy by autotrophos is known as prim ary productivity of the terrestrial ecosystem s is far more
production and the green plants involved in the
than the marine ecosystem s. E.P. Odum (1959) has
production activity are called prim ary producers. identified three levels of productivity at world scale
The ecosystem productivity depends on two factors
as follows : ,
e.g. (i) the availability of the amount of solar
radiation to the primary producers at trophic level (i) the regions o f high ecological productivity
one, and (ii) the efficiency o f the plants to convert represented by shallow water areas, m oist forest
solar energy into chemical energy which is used by (tropical and temperate), alluvial plains and regions
the green plants to build up their tissues. Primary of intensive farming;
production is measured in two ways : (i) gross (ii) the regions o f low ecological productivity
prim ary production (GPP) is the total amount of represented by arctic snow -covered wastelands,
energy produced by the autotrophs at trophic level deserts and deep ocean areas, and
one, and (ii) net prim ary production (NPP) repre­ (iii) regions o f intermediate eco lo g ica l pro­
sents the amount o f energy or organic matter fixed or ductivity e.g. grasslands, sh a llo w lakes and
stored at trophic level one. Thus net primary farmlands except intensively cultivated areas.
production excludes the amount o f energy which is
lost through respiration by the autographs. Net See chapter 8 for detailed discussion on
primary production is, thus, gross primary produc­ trophic levels and food chains.
tion minus the energy lost through respiration. Net
primary production represents the usable amount of 5.6 STABILITY OF ECOSYSTEM
energy at trophic level one, which is available to
higher trophic levels. The ecosystem productivity, The stability o f ecosystem refers to the
whether gross or net, is generally measured in gram/ balance between production and consum ption o f
m2day or year. each element in the ecosystem . In other w ords,
Biomass refers to the quantity or weight o f ecosystem stability means balance betw een input
living materials (animals, plants etc.) per unit area and output o f energy and normal functioning o f
and is represented in terms o f dry weight. Plant and different biogeochem ical c y cle s and stable condi­
animal biomass may be measured and represented tion o f concentration o f all elem en ts. T .D . Brock
separately. R.H. Wittaker and G.M. W oodwell have (1967) has defined steady-state condition in mature
measured the net primary productivity and biomass ecosystem as ‘a tim e-independent condition in
o f plants o f the major natural ecosystem s and o f the
which production and consum ption o f each elem ent
whqle earth’s surface. Mean net primary productiv­
in the system are exactly balanced, the concentration
ity for the whole earth is 320 dry grams/m2/year
o f all elem ents within the system rem aining c o n ­
whereas the mean values for the tropical rainforest,
swamps and marshes and estuaries are 2000 dry stant, even though there is continual change* (B rock ,
gram s/m 2/year in each case. Very low net primary
productivity is o f extreme desert, rock and ice (3 dry E cosystem or eco lo g ica l stability is v ie w e d in
grams/m 2/year), desert scrub (7 0 dry grams/m2/ different w ays as fo llo w s :
year), open ocean (125 dry grams/m2/year) and 1. No-Oscillation stability : S tability is v iew ed
Tundra and A lphine ecosystem (140 dry grams/m2/ as constancy o f sp ecies numbers w ithin a natural
year). ecosystem or the constancy o f individual num bers o f
a species within a population. Such stability has
D iversity/ Stability Theory ||j||
been termed by M.I. Dunbar (1973) as ‘no­ The ‘diversity/stability theory’ of ecosystem
oscillation stability’. or ecological stability states that ecosystem iver
2. Stability resilience : stability of a natural sity and complexity enhance the stability o P°P“
ecosystem is viewed in terms of system’s capacity to tion in a given system. This has been illustra e in
withstand changes brought in the system by external variety of ways by different scientists e.g. U
according to C.S. Elton (1958) increase in the
factors and to maintain or return to its original state
diversity of food webs promotes ecosystem stability
after external change. Such stability has been termed
because increased food web diversity increases t e
by H.A. Regier and E.B. Cowell (1972) as ‘stability
resilience of the system to outside invasions o f
exotic organisms and reduces the fluctuation in the
3. Resilience stability : Stability has been population within a given ecosystem , (ii) Follow ing
interpreted by A.R. Hill (1975) as a resilience of R.H. MacArthur (1955) the ecosystem stability
system to adjust to stresses brought in the ecosys­ increases with increase of num ber o f links in the
tem. This is called as ‘resilience stability’. food web because a large num ber o f interacting
feeding links provide alternative channels for
4. Elastic stability : Elastic stability refers to energy flow and thus is generated a w ide variety of
the establishm ent o f stability in a natural ecosystem adjustments o f the population to environm ental
after large-scale disturbances or perturbations. changes and stresses within the ecosystem , (iii) E.P.
Odum has related high species diversity o f a m ature
5. Cyclic-stability : Cyclical stability refers to
ecosystem representing a ‘clim ax com m unity to
the adjustm ent o f a system to regular external
more stability o f a natural ecosystem because as the
changes. T here is no unprecedented disturbance or community succession operates, the hom eostasis
perturbation. increases due to more protection available to the
T he natural, ‘norm al’ or ‘uneventful’ ecosys­ members of the com m unity against ex tern al
tem attains its steady state or equilibrium condition environmental change.
through homeostatic mechanisms. There is inbuilt
Equilibrium-Non-Equilibrium Theory
self-regulating m ecm anism in a natural ecosystem
through w hich any change in the ecosystem is
There are two m odels o f the nature of
counterbalanced by rsponses of the system to the
ecosystem equilibrium . The equilibrium model states
change and ultim ately ecosystem or ecological that an ecosystem alw ays tends tow ards stability.
stability is restored. For exam ple, if there is sudden V/henever the com m unity o f an ecosystem is
change in the ecosystem (due to any external factor) disturbed due to external environm ental change, it
like rapid increase or decrease in the population o f a quickly returns to original state w hereas the non­
species and if this change is regulated and the equilibrium model states that ecosystem stab ility is
population returns to its norm al position through self rarely attained .because disturbances caused by
regulating m echanism s within the system and the frequent external environm ental change do no t
system returns to stability, these self regulating allow to develop ordered state o f species asse m ­
m echanism s are called as hom eostatic m echanism s. blages in an ecosystem .
This may be further explained with an exam ple. If
the population o f insects in a specific area increases 5.7 ECOSYSTEM INSTABILITY
significantly beyond optim um level due to favour­
able clim ate, the food supply falls short o f the E cosystem instability refers to th at state w hen
demand of increased insect population. W ith the an ecosystem is unable to ad ju st w ith e n v iro n m en tal
result there is com petition am ong the insects for changes. T his so h appens w hen the ch an g es are
food and many insects die o f starvation and thus the continuous and en o rm o u s and these ch an g es exceed
the resilien ce o r cap acity o f the eco sy stem . F o r
insect population is brought back to its original size
and stability is restored. exam ple, rapid rate o f m ass fellin g o f trees in a forest
eco sy stem seldom allo w s reg en eratio n o f forest

com m unity because exposed surface due to defor­ > introducing foreign chemical substances through
estation is subjected to intense w eathering and the use o f chem ical fertilizers, p esticid es and
erosion and nutrients are washed out by surface run­ herbicides; \ . 1
off. H im alayan forest ecosystem is a typical > increasing or decreasing the o riginal p ropor­
exam ple o f ecosystem instability because mass tion o f atm ospheric gas i.e. by ch anging the
d e fo re s ta tio n and su b se q u e n t g ra z in g have atm ospheric chem istry e.g. em ission o f g reen­
resulted into com plete removal of forests at certain house gases and ozone depletion;
localities. > m anipulation o f environm ental processes etc.
The factors responsible for ecosystem stabil­ Man has m odified m any o f the natural
ity or instability should always be viewed in terms o f ecosystem s and hence has disturbed the stab ility of
ecosystem resilience. If the environm ental changes ecosystem and ecological balance through fa st rate
exceed the ecosystem resilience, ecosystem instabil­ o f urbanization and industrialization, m echanization
ity is caused but when the ecosystem resilience is o f agriculture, alarm ing rate o f d efo restatio n etc*
such that it can w ithstand the environmental M ost o f the forest ecosystem s rig h t from the
changes, ecosystem stability is maintained. The rainforests o f A m azonia to m ountain forests in all
environm ental changes which are responsible for the clim atic regions have been degraded due to
ecosystem instability are both natural ones (climatic reckless felling o f trees. The fresh w ater terrestrial
change, for exam ple) or m an-induced. ecosystems such as rivers and lakes have been
greatly polluted due to im m ense v olum e o f sew age
Man causes instability in the natural ecosys­
water, com ing from the urbaan and in d u strial
tem by :
sectors, discharged into riv ers and lak es. M an ag ed
>- destroying com pletely or partly the natural ecosystems such as farm lands have been d estab ilized
vegetation or original animal species or by due to heavy irrigation and e x ce ssiv e use of
replacing them by other vegetation or animal chemical fartilizaers and h erb icid es. T h e tem p erate
species; grassland ecosystem s (such as S te p p e s, P raries,
Pampas etc.) have been en tirely c h an g e d by re m o v ­
► introducing exotic plants or animals or both to
ing natural grasses and o th er v e g eta tio n and have
any area where such biotic communities were
been changed into farm lan d s. M any m o re ex am p les
not present previously;
may be cited to d em o n strate th e im p acts o f hum an
► altering or m odifying one or more com po­ activities on stab ility /in sta b ility o f e co sy stem s, (see
nents o f physical environm ent (such as land chapter 3 and 15 fo r fu rth er read in g m a te ria ls on this
use changes); theme).


‘A system may be defined as a set of objects The biosphere is a life supporting layer which
that are considered together by studying their surrounds the earth and makes plant and anim al life
relationships to each other and their individual possible without any protective device. The ‘organic
attributes’ C.A.M. King, 1966. R.J. Chorley and world or biosphere is that part of the earth which
B.A. Kenneday (1971) have defined system as ‘a contains living organism s-the biologically inhabited
structured set o f objects and/or attributes. These soil, air and w ater’ (J. Tivey, 1982). The biosphere
consist o f com ponents or variables that exhibit consists of all the living organism s (the biotic
discernible relationships with one another, and component), energy (the energy com ponent) and
operate together as a com plex whole according to physical environment (the abiotic com ponent) and
some observed pattern’. Systems are generally there are continuous interactions betw een living
classified into three types viz. (i) Isolated systems are organisms and physical environm ent and am ong the
those in which the boundaries for input of energy and living organisms them selves. The average thickness
output or export of mass and m atter are closed or of the biosphere or life supporting layer consisting
fixed, (ii) Closed systems are those whose boundaries of air, water, soil and rock is about 30 km . T he upper
are fixed and mass and m atter cannot cross the lim it of the biosphere is determ ined by the availability
system boundary i.e. after the initial input of matter of oxygen, m oisture, tem perature and air pressure.
no further m atter can enter the system but there is no Decrease in oxygen, m oisture, tem perature and air
binding for the renew ed im port and export (input and pressure with increase in height in the atm osphere
output) of energy into and out of the system lim its the upper boundary o f the biosphere. Though
respectively, and (iii) Open systems are those systems the N A SA has discovered the presence o f bacteria
wherein there is continuous input and output of mass upto the height o f 15km in the atmosphere but the
(matter) and energy. Thus the open system s function low er layer o f the atm osphere upto a few hundred
in such a way that there is balance betw een input and m eters accounts for m ost o f the livin g organisms
output of m atter and energy and the system s always because favourable environm ental conditions are
tend to be in a steady state of balance. available for the growth and developm ent o f living
live the burrowing organisms or the depth at
organisms in the lower part of the atmosphere. The
which lie the parent bed-rocks. The biosphere
lower limits of the biosphere are determined by the
extends upto greater depth in the oceans. The
availability of required amount of oxygen and light existence of life has been detected upto a depth of
which can sustain life. Thus, the depth of the 9,000 m in the deep oceanic trenches and deep sea
biosphere over the land is upto the depth of the
plains (fig. 6.1).
deepest roots of the trees or the depth upto which can

__________r- 12000m

Mountain Land plants and _ 8000m

Soil zone animals
(fishes etc)
K, Fresh water
"ii organisms Planktons Sea birds
i iiiiiii
...... ""•in
ii ill i ii ii n
........'" " " m i........... i l ii Mil l mi ii il l 111
.......................... 1^ "
.................. 1, High Tide 0 SL g
Soil organisms ^"'"lllM JIIIIIIIIII
iotlc J_Zone_______ 200m %
Littoral Low< \Continentr 1000m &
s h e lf/ y k Apholic zone
LITHOSPHERE tide 4000m
Continental 'ri 6000m a
O Bi°sPhere -Mill I IN
Benthos ^lope Deep"
Not to scale (bottom living organisms) plain Trenches

Fig. 6.1: Extent o f biospehre (life supporting layer).

6.3 BIOSPHERE AS A SYSTEM may be pointed out that the equilibrium state o f the
biospheric system which is, in natural state, self-
The biosphere is an example of a system as it sustaining and ecologically efficient, depends on the
is composed of basicaly three components viz. (i) intimate relationships between various components
organic component (plants, animals including man of the biosphere and a series of large-scale cyclic
arift micro-organisms), (ii) inorganic or abiotic mechanisms (energy cycle, hydrological cycle,
component (physical environments-land, soils, air, sediment cycle, nutrient cycle etc.-collectively
water), and (iii) energy component (solar and known as biogeochemical cycle) as these cycles
geothermal energy) and these three components are influence the biotic, abiotic and energy components
mutually interdependent and are interrelated through of the biosphere whereas in turn these components
a series of large-scale cyclic mechanisms which also influence the cyclic mechanisms involving the
make the input-output mechanism effective in the movement and transfer of energy, water, sediments
biopshere. The biosphere is considered as an open and nutrients throughout the biospheric system. If
system because there is continuous flow of energy any of the attributes of the biospheric system crosses
and output of matter. As long as the balance is the critical limit the system equilibrium is disturbed.
maintained between the input of energy and mater
and output of matter, the biospheric system remains 6.4 BIOSPHERE AS AN ECOSYSTEM
in equilibrium condition but when this critical
balance is disturbed, the equilibrium state of the Ecosystem has been defined and its various
biospheric system is also disturbed and several aspects have been described in detail in the
environm ental and ecological problems crop up. It preceding chapter (chapter 5). Since ecosystem is a

fundamental functional unit occupying spatial di­ 6.5 SUB-SYSTEMS OF BIOSPHERE

mension on the earth and is characterized by total
assemblage of biotic community and abiotic compo­ The biosphere consits of two major systems
nents together with energy component and their (of viz. (i) terrestrial biomes systems, and (ii) aquatic
various components-biotic, abiotic and energy) biomes systems. The terrestrial biomes systems are
mutual interactions within a given time-unit, the further comprised of three subsystems viz. (i) plant
biosphere becomes the largest ecosystem because it systems, (ii) animal system, and (iii) soil system.
(the biospheric ecosystem) consists of biotic compo­ These subsystems are intimately interrelated among
nent (plants, animals including man and micro­ themselves through the cyclic pathways of movements
and transfer of energy and materials (fig. 6.2)
organisms), abiotic component (land, air, soils and
whereas the aquatic biomes systems are also
water) and energy component (solar and geothermal composed of three sub-systems viz. (i) plant system,
energy) and the biotic and abiotic componts are
(ii) animal system and (iii) nutrients system. These
intimately interrelated through a series of large-
three sub-systems, of aquatic biomes system of the
scale cyclic mechanisms, collectively called as
biosphere are also intimately interrelated through
biogeochemical cycle.



Terrestrial Biomes Aquatic Biomes


Lithosphere t o

Fig. 6.2: Subsystems and components o f biosphere and their interrelationships. Arrows indicate pathways.

cyclic pathways of movements of energy and matter atmosphere which in turn affect climate and climate
among themselves. ultimately affects the ecosystems. Physical modifi­
ers also affect ecosystems through temperature
Modifiers of Biosphere changes, water flow, fire, excavation (mining),
constructional works etc. The chemical factors
The biospheric ecosystm is affected and affect the composition of the atmosphere which in
modified by certain factors either directly or turn affects climate which ultimately affects the
indirectly. These factors are called as modifiers of ecosystems. Water and soil composition is highly
ecosystems. The factors or modifiers which directly modified by chemical elements and thus modified
or indirectly affect ecosystems are of three catego­ soil and water affect the ecosystems. The biological
ries, e.g. (i) physical modifiers, (ii) chemical factors like cropping patterns, population character­
modifiers, and (iii) biological modifiers (fig. 6.3). istics, manipulation o f species density, and distribu­
The physical factors affect physical properties of the tion and species genetics also affect the ecosystems.
70 V

Chemical Physical
modifiers modifiers

Atmospheric Atmospheric
composition Physical Properties
eg. Turbidity

Fertilizers ECOSYSTEMS
sewage Excavation and
Water construction
I Toxic ;§ Manipulating
materials --------------- Manipulating species genetics
Soil Cropping species: density
composition populations and distribution


Fig. 6.3: Factors which affect the hioshpere directly or indirecty (after Furley and Newey, 1983).

6.6 COMPONENTS OF BIOSPHERE, ECOSYS­ component may also be considered with abiotic


If we consider the whole of the biosphere as
an ecosystem at global scale, the components of the
The abiotic (or inorganic or physical com po­
biosphere and the biospheric ecosystem become
nent) of the biosphere or the ecosystem represents
the same. The total physical environment at global
physical environment of the whole biosphere or part
scale also contains the same components as those
thereof. This component, on an average, includes the
o f the biosphere and the ecosystem (biospheric lithosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.
ecosystem). The biosphere, the ecosystem and the Generally, these are considered as land and or soil, air
environment consist of three components viz. (i) and water respectively. If the whole of the biosphere
inorganic or abiotic or physical component, (ii) is taken to be an ecosystem at global scale, these three
energy component and (iii) biotic or organic physical (abiotic) components are considered as the
component. It may be pointed out that energy sub-systems of biospheric system (ecosystem).

1. Lithospheric Components termed as continents which are like rafts and are
'4 • •/ constantly moving with respect to each other. Thus,
The lithosphere is an important component of the hard rigid part of the crust is called plate. There
the biosphere. The lithospheric components consist are 6 major plates (Eurasian plate, American plate,
of (from smaller to bigger) elements (iron, nickel, African plate, Indo-Australian plate, Antarctic
oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon etc.), minerals Plate, and Pacific plate). All of the activities of
(hematite, dolomite, feldspar etc.), rocks and soils movement of plate with respect to each other, the
(rocks : igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic and collision of plates, divergence of plates, the topographic
their sub-types; soils-podzols, latosols, alluvia, expressions in the form of crustal deformations
loam etc.), micro-landforms (relief features of third caused due to plate movements, etc. are called as
order viz. erosional landforms-V shaped valleys, U plate tectonics. The evidences of sea-floor spreading
shaped valleys, sea cliffs, rock-cut plantforms etc., and palaeomagnetism have almost validated the
depositional landforms-sand dunes, deltas, eskers, concept of continental drift. The thermal convective
sea beaches etc.), meso-landforms (relief features of currents originating from the mantle and the upper
second order e.g. landforms evolved due to endogenetic core are considered to be the main driving force of
forces like mountains, plains, plateaux, faults etc.) the plates (continents).
and macro-landforms (relief features of first order
e.g. continents).
The lithosphere accounts for about 29 percent
of the total surface area of the globe. The landforms Density Depth (km)
of various sizes as mentioned above provide a
variety of habitats for the plants and animals. Thus, 2.90
it is necessary to study the main characteristics of 3.3
lithospheric components and all the physical processes
whether exogentic or endoenetic, which affect the 4.3
lithosphere- the surface of the earth. The geological
cycle involving a set of processes and sub-cycles e.g.
tectonic cycle, rock cycle, geochemical cycle, water
cycle etc. is responsible for creation, maintenance,
changes or destruction o f the materials of the earth
for example-elements, minerals, rocks, soils, water
and the landform assemblage.
The tectonic processes, collectively known as
‘tectonic cycle’, are responsible for the creation of
new surface features or relief features on the earth’s
surface such as continents, ocean basins, mountains,
plateaus, lakes, faults, scarps, rift valleys etc. The 12.3
tectonic processes are driven by endogenetic forces 13.3
which originate deep within the earth. These
endogenetic forces, geologically known as con­
structive forces, create surface irregularities on the 13.6
earth’s surface by deforming the earth’s crust.
The strong and solid outermost zone of the
earth called as crust (fig. 6.4) represents the Fig. 6.4 : Interiror o f the earth (based on the inform ation o f
lithosphere which is not a continuous and uniform the International Union o f G eodesy a n d G eophys­
layer rather it is thicker in the continents and very ics).
thin in the ocean basins. This solid crust is called as
plate which is continuously moving over the weak G eologically, the boundaries between the
and partially molten asthenosphere, the outer zone plates or plate margins are most important because
o f the mantle. The lithospheric parts o f the crust are nearly all o f the tectonic activities take place along
communities of marine ecosystems. For example,
the plate .margins. Thus the plate margins are
killer tsunamis of December 26, 2004 of the Indian
considered as geologically most active areas as most
of the volcanic activity, earthquakes, orogensis, ocean caused by deep sea powerful earthquake
faulting etc. occur along th ese margins. Transform measuring 9.3 on Richter scale near Sumatra
faults are created along divergent (constructive) damaged coral reefs around Andman and Nicobar
plate boundaries where two plates move in opposite isnalds.
directions. Convergent plate boundaries (destruc­ In fact, plate tectonics largely affect the
tive plate boundaries), where two plates converge biospheric ecosystem in general and man in particu­
and one plate margin having relatively less density is lar. The continents, mountains, plateaus etc. provide
subducted below the other plate, are responsible for solid bases and habitats for terrestrial organisms and
the origin of mountains. Conservative plate bounda­ form all terrestrial ecosystems. These crustal fea­
ries create transform faults and give birth to tures are affected and modified by plate movements
vulcanicity. It is apparent that plate movements and therefore the nature and characteristics of
create different types of topographic features such as terrestrial ecosystems are closely related with plate
faults, mountains, plateaus, volcanic cones, vol­
tectonics. It is significant to point out that two major
canic plateaus and plains etc. which become suitable
natural en viron m en tal hazards e.g. volcanic erup­
habitas for plants and animals. On the other hand,
marine earthquakes measuring 7.5 or more on tions and earthquakes which are threat to biotic
Richter scale caused by divergent or convergent communities in general and mankind in particular,
plate movements, give birth to furious and destruc­ are also associated with plate tectonics (figs. 6.5
tive tsunamis which destroy many plants and animal and 6.6).


The materials of which the crust has been

oxygen, silicon, magnesium, nickel, sulphur cal­
composed of, are very significant for biological
cium, ammonium; table (6.1) constitute 99 per cent
communities. The smallest component of the lithospheric
or crustal components is element. As regards the £ 1 ™ r maSS 0f the ear,h where“ °"'y four
elements (,ron, oxygen, silicon and magnesium)
whole earth eight most abundant elements (iron,
account for 90 per cent of the total mass o f the earth.
d iv e r g e n c e

Continental Volcanic CONVERGENCE Sea floor

crust chain
A Trench Oceanic crust (basalt) = rift

Fig. 6.6: The illustration o f subduction and divergence o f plate margins.

On the other hand, the eight most abundant silicate minerals are very important rock making
elements which constitute 99 per cent of the total minerals. The most outstanding rock forming
mass of the crust are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, silicate mineral groups are quartz, felspar and
iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium ferromangnese. Quartz is comosed of two elem ents
(table 6.1). viz. silicon and oxygen and is generally a hard and
Table 6.1 : Important elements of the whole earth and
resistant mineral. The most abundant and the m ost
the crust outstanding rock-forming mineral is felspar which is
very important economic mineral because it is used
Whole Earth E arth’s Crust in ceramics and glass industry. Felspar is very weak
Elements Percentage Elements Percentage mineral and is easily broken down and decom posed
1. Iron 35 1. Oxygen 46 due to chemical weathering and is changed into
2. Oxygen 30 2. Silicon 28 clays as hydrated aluminosilicates. Clays are very
important for life because these hold chem ical
3. Silicon 15 3. Aluminum 8
elements which increase soil fertility. W hen silicon
4. Magnesium 13 4. Iron 6 and oxygen combine with iron and m agnesium ,
5. Nickel 2.4 5. Magnesium 4 ferromagnesium minerals are formed. Ferromagnsium
6.. Sulphur 1.9 6. Calcium 2.4 minerals are easily weathered and eroded and are
easily altered and rem oved. The rocks having
7. Calcium i.l 7. Potassium 2.3
abundant ferromagnesium m inerals provide w eak
8. Aluminum 1.1 8. Sodium 2.1 structure for construction of buildings, roads, dam s
Others less than 1.0 Others less than 1.0 and reservoirs, tunnels etc. (2) Carbonate*group of
minerals is very much susceptible to chem ical
weathering and erosion in humid areas. C alcite is the
More than one element of the earth’s crust are
most im portant m ineral of this group. Lim estones
organised to form compounds which are known as
and m arbles having abundant calcite are corroded by
minerals and minerals are organised to form rocks.
the surface and groundw ater and big caves are
The study o f elements and minerals as component of
formed below the ground surface. Such areas
physical environm ent is very significant as the
provide very weak structure for construction sites
physical and chem ical properties of major minerals
e.g. construction o f buildings, roads, dam s and
are largely related to soil fertility, water holding
reservoirs, air strips, tunnels etc. (3) Sulphide
capacity o f soils, richness or poorness of resources
minerals include pyrites, iron sulphides etc. When
of a given region, sources of pollutants etc.
these m inerals com e in contact w ith w ater or air,
The im portant mineral groups are silicates, these form ferric hydroxides and sulphuric acids
carbonates, sulphides, m etal oxides etc. (1) The w hich cause serious environm ental problems.
74 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

(4) Metallic elements like iron, aluminium etc. after gases necessary for the sustenance of all life-forms
reacting with the atmospheric oxygen form metal in the biosphere. It also filters the incoming solar
oxides which are commercially very important radiation and thus prevents the ultraviolet solar
because these are used in several industries. radiation waves to reach the earth’s surface and
hence protects the earth’s surface from becoming
Rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamor-
too hot. Thus it is imperative to study the composi­
phic, and their types and subtypes) are weathered by
tion and structure of the atmosphere and the
different weathering processes (physical, chemical,
biotic weathering) in varying climatic conditions to elements of weather and climate.
form different types of soils which are significant The atmosphere is a gaseous envelope which
components of the biospheric components because surrounds the earth from all sides and is attached to
these provide nutrients to plants. the earth’s surface by gravitational force. The height
Soil system is very important component of of the atmosphere is estimated between 16 to 29
lithospheric components because soils act as vital thousand kilometers from the sea level. It is
transfer pathways of energy in the biospheric eco­ estimated that 97% of the effective atmosphere is
system and are very important for the biological upto the height of 29 km. The atmosphere is
cycling of nutrients. The soil system acts as a very composed of (i) gases, (ii) vapour, and (iii)
important ‘biological furnace’ between the vegeta­ particulates. Nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) are
tion cover and the unweathered parent rocks. Thus the major gases which constitute 99% of the total
based on significance of soil system in the biospheric gaseous composition of the atmosphere. The re­
ecosystem, soils will be discussed in detail in the maining 1 per cent is represented by carbon dioxide
succeeding 7th chapter. (0.03%), hydrogen, neon, helium, argon, xenon,
The study of forces affecting the earth’s crust, ozone etc. The vapour content in the atmosphere
which provides habitats of different sorts to biologi­ ranges between zero to 5 per cent by volume. The
cal communities is of prime significance in environ­ atmospheric vapour is received through the
mental geography. The endogenetic forces originat­ evaporation of moisture and water from the water
ing from within the earth create different types of bodies, vegetation and soil covers of the lithosphere
landforms of varying dimensions such as mountains, and seas and oceans. Vapour in the atmosphere
faults, plateaus, lakes, volcanic cones, lava plateaus decreases from the equator towards the poles and
and plains etc. These features provide suitable
this trend of distributional pattern of atmospheric
habitats to various biological communities. Such
vapour affects vegetation though temperature is also
topographic features having varying combinations
of abiotic and biotic components become distinct significant factor which controls vegetation. The
ecosystems such as mountain ecosystem, plateau moisture content in the atmosphere is responsible
ecosystem, fault ecosystem etc. for the creation of several forms of 9ondensation and
precipitation (clouds, fogs, frost, rainfall, dew, ice,
The exogenetic processes originating from hailstorm, snowfall etc.). Vapour is transparent for
the atmosphere are called denudational processes
incoming short wave solar radiation so that solar
including both weathering and erosion. Different
rays reach the ground surface without much obsta­
erosional processes such as fluvial, glacial, aeolian,
marine, periglacial processes etc. called as cles but vapour is less transparent for outgoing
geomorphological processes, create different types terrestrial long wave radiation and therefore it helps
of erosional (e.g. gorges, canyons, cirques, caves, in heating the earth’s surface and the lower portion
wavecut plateforms, cliffs etc.) and depositional of the atmosphere. The solid particles present in the
(such as alluvial fans and cones, alluvial plains, atmosphere include dust particles, salt particles etc.
deltas, sand dunes, sea beaches etc.) landforms These particulates help in the scattering of solar
which provide suitable habitats for different bio­ radiation which resutls in the appearance of blue
logic communities. colour of the sky, charming colour during sunrise
and sunset. Salt particles become hygroscopic
2. A tm ospheric com ponents nuclei and thus help in the formation of drops, clouds
and various forms of condensation and precipitation.
The atmosphere is a significant component of Atmospheric gases (mainly oxygen, nitrogen
the biospheric ecosystem because it provides all the and carbon dioxide), hunidity, sunlight and tempera.,

ture are most significantattributes of the atmosphere source of surface water because some groundwater
which affect productivity of green plants through reappears on the earth’s surface through springs and
photosynthesis. There is positive correlation be­ seepages. The surface water includes the water of
tween insolation (temperature) and availability of lakes, ponds and rivers.
humidity, and ecological productivity of primary The water bodies mainly oceanic areas are the
producers (autotrophic green plants). On an average, source areas for the water vapour which provide
temperature decreases from equator towards the water solution for the biological c o m m u n itie s in the
poles and hence ecological productivity also de­ biosphere. The hydrosphere provides not only
creases in the same direction. Various combinations suitable habitats to aquatic organisms but al$o
of atmospheric humidity and precipitation have provides life to them. The aquatic organisms are
been responsible for different types of climates and largely affected by the depth to which sunlight can
climatic regions on the earth’s surface (e.g. equato­ penetrate. The sunlight reaches the sea water upto
rial climate, savanna climate, monsoon climate, hot the depth of 200 m. This zone is called photic zone
desert climate, mediterranean climate, taiga climate, which maintains planktons. The zone beyond 200 m
tundra climate etc.) and these account for varying depth is called aphotic zone which supports nektons,
degree of ecological productivity. The equatorial whereas the sea bottoms right from the continental
rainforest climate accounts for the highest ecologi­ shelves to the oceanic trenches support benthos or
cal productivity due to sufficient supply of sunlight sea bottom living organisms. Several properties of
and moisture throughout the year. The hot arid the oceans e.g. temperature, density and salinity of
climate and tundra climate are characterized by oceanic waters, oceanic movements (sea waves,
lowest ecological climate because of least moisture ocean currents, tides etc.), ocean deposits and
in the former and least availability of insolation in bottom reliefs affect biotic component of aquatic
the latter. ecosystem (marine ecosystems).

3. W ater Components

Water is very important component of the

Biotic or organic components of the bio­
abiotic or physical components because it is very
essential element for all types of life in the biosphere sphere/ecosystem/environment consist of three sub­
because without water no life is possible on this systems e.g. (1) plant system, (2) animal system
planet earth. Water plays very important role in the including man, and (3) micro-organisms. Of these
circulation of nutrients in the various components of three sub-systems plants are the most im portant
the ecosystems and it makes the biogeochemical because plants alone produce organic matters which
cycle effective in the biosphere. The water compo­ are used by themselves and by animals including
nents consist of (i) surface water, (ii) groundwater, micro-organisms either directly or indirectly. Plants
and (iii) oceanic water. also make the cycling and recycling of organic
matter and nutrients possible in different com po­
The main source of surface water is precipi­
nents of the biospheric ecosystem.
tation and melt-water. The groundwater is indirect

Plant system phototrophs

(primary producers) chemotrophs
Biotic Animal system saprophytes carnivores
Components (heterotrophs) parasites omnivores
(primary consumers) holozonic

1 ■Plant System mutual interactions of factors (components, both

abiotic and biotic) which affect the species, their
Social groupings of plant species are called structure, composition and growth form. Out o f the
plant community and plants are basic unit of this abiotic or physical factors, climate and soil mostly
community. Plants are found on any land in different affect the species of plants, their structure and
forms e.g. woodland, forest, meadows, bogs, grasslands, growth form. In turn plants also affect and control
marshlands etc. These different forms of plants are properties of soils and climatic conditions o f their
collectively known as vegetation. In other words, ‘all physical habitat. It appears that plant community not
the plants which grow together in any area form its only affects but also determines the productivity of
vegetation, the character of which depends not just the land of their habitat.
on the different species present but on the relative
Plants are prim ary producers because they
proportions in which their members are represented’
(Joy Tivy, 1982). Thus the vegetation of any produce their food themselves through the process
particular habitat consists of groups of plants of of photosyntehsis. Thus plants are also called
different species or of the same species which are auotrophs. It is evident that plants are the major
ecologically related, meaning thereby different source of food and energy supply to animals
plant groups are able to occupy the same habitat including man. The study of plant components
because of their competitive ability and range of includes the consideration of (i) classification of
tolerance. Plant community has been defined in a plants, (ii) major divisions of plant kingdom, (iii)
variety of ways by ecologists and biogeographers plant system, (iv) plants and their environment, (v)
e.g. (1) Social groupings of plant species are called plant communities (including vertical structure,
plant community, (2) Plant community represents species composition, community development and
groups of plants which occur together and possess a community hierarchy), (vi) plant evolution, (vii)
certain degree of unity of individuality, (3) Plant distribution, dispersal and extinction of plants etc.
community is a group of plants which occupy a These aspects of plant system will be discussed in
definite physical habitat, (4) Plant community refers chapter 10.
to groups of plant species which have distinctive
characteristics of their composition and structure in 2. Animal System
relation to their physical habitat.
There are certain characteristics of plant On a functional basis the biotic or organic
community e.g. (i) Plant community consists of two components of biospheric ecosystem are divided
or more different species of plants, (ii) The plant into two broad divisions e.g. (i) autotrophic compo­
species of plant community are capable of growing nent (which represents plants. These have been
together in a particular physical habitat which they briefly discussed above), and (ii) heterotrophic
inhabit and thus different members (species) of a
component includes those animals which depend on
plant community are ecologically interrelated, (iii)
autotrohpic green plants (primary producers, which
A plant community has a well defined composition
and structure which are attained over time through produce their food themselves. It may be pointed out
the interactions between different plant species and that it is not necessary that plants always have roots,
between plant and their physical environment, (iv) this is the reason that some bacteria also fall in the
Plant community represents the ecological condi­ category of plants because they produce their food
tions of a region or area or physical habitat, (v) The themselves) for their food. The main functions of
structures, composition and growth form of differ­ heterotrophic components or animals (primary
ent species of a given plant community reveal the consumers) include (i) to use organic matter made
effects of both mutually interacting biotic and available by the autotrophic green plants, (ii) to
abiotic environments on them. In other words, this is rearrange the organic matter/elements, (iii) to
well known fact that the species of plants, their decompose organic elements etc. Organic matters
structure, composition and growth form depend are available to animals in three forms e.g. (i) from
upon the nature of mutual interactions between living plants and animals, (ii) from partially
abiotic and biotic components of the environment, it decomposed plants and animals, and (iii) from
is easier to understand the nature and pattern of organic compounds in solution form.
' ,T jH8il
(2) classification of all iden tified animals and micro­
Thus heterotrophic animals are classified into
3 broad categories on the basis of the availability of organisms, and (3) the study of distributional
organic matter to them. parterns, evolution and extinction of animals. It is
significant to point out that animal kingdom
(A) Saprophytes are those animals which live
includes a variety of animals and micro-organisms
on organic compounds in solution form derived
ranging from microscopic organisms to giant whales.
from dead plants and animals.
The number of animals and micro-organisms in the
(B) Parasites are those animals which depend biospheric ecosystem is unlimited. Though all
on other living organisms for their food and life. organisms in the biosphere could not be identified
(C) Holozonic animals are those who take their and named yet animals are classified into seven
food through their mouths. All the big animals like successive groups (from higher order to lower order)
elephants, cows, camels, lions etc. are included in on the basis of available knowledge e.g. (i) animal
this category. kingdom, (ii) phyla, (iii) classes, (iv) order, (v)
family, (vi) genera, and (vii) species. The distribu­
3. Micro-Organisms tion of animals, their evolution, dispersal, extinc­
tion, relationships between animals, and their
Micro-organisms are also known as decomposers physical environment, the roles of animals in the
because these decompose the dead plants and ecosystems, relationships between plants and ani­
animals and other organic matter in different forms. mals and their mutual interactions will be discussed
During the process of decomposition of organic in the succeeding chapters (10 and 11).
matter micro organisms obtain their food as well as
The other properties of ecosystems viz.
they differentiate and separate complex organic
ecosystem productivity, ecosystem stability and
matters and thus make them simple so that these may
instability etc. have already been discussed in the
be again used by autotrophic primary producer green
preceding chapter (chapter 5). Energy flow in the
plants. A large number of microbacteria and fungi ecosystem (sources of energy, ecological production,
are included in the category of micro-organisms. trophic levels, food chains, ecological pyramids,
There are three stages of the study of animals flow of energy etc.) and circulation of elem ents in
and micro-organisms e.g. (1) identification of all the ecosystem would be discussed in the 8th and 9th
animals and micro-organisms in a given region, chapters.

7.1 MEANING AND IMPORTANCE roots and to the m icro-organism s w hich live in the
soil. The soil zone is considered to be a great
O rdinarily speaking soil represents the loose biological factory because (i) the soil layer functions
and unconsolidated m aterials derived through the as a medium for the transfer paths o f energy and
breaking dow n o f rocks. A ccording to Ramann matter and helps in the biological cycling of
(1917) ‘soil is form ed of rocks that have been nutrients, (ii) a great varieties o f organic com pounds
reduced to sm all fragm ents and have been more or are generated in the soil layers, (iii) the soil layer
less changed chem ically, together with the remains provides home and ideal environm ental conditions
o f plants or anim als that live on or in it’. J.S. Joffe for living organisms of several varieties and
(1949) has defined soil that ‘the soil is a natural body numerous species, (iv) this is the soil layer where
o f anim al, m ineral and organic constituents differen­ organic materials derived from plants and anim als
tiated into horizons o f variable depth, which differ and minerals derived from the parent rocks are
from the m aterial below in m orphology, physical
disintegrated and decom posed and are changed into
m ake-up, chem ical properties and composition, and
elements, (v) necessary nutrients are m ade available
biological characteristics’. Thus the whole depth or
to plants from the soil layer, (vi) soil layer holds
zone o f m aterials included in the category of soil is
water in storage which is used by plants and animals
differentiated into (1) true or top osil which represents
(which live in the soil) etc.
the upperm ost layer o f the soil and supports all types
o f plant life, and (ii) the su b soil which represents the Besides, soil is also very significant environ­
w eathered m aterials o f the parent rocks but does not mental attribute for human society because (i) it is
carry the nutrients and other properties of topsoil or the basic medium for food and tim ber production,
tru e soil. (ii) it provides foundation for buildings and roads,
The soil is in fact the very heart o f the life layer and (iii) it is very im portant natural ex h au stib le
k n o w n as the biosphere because it represents a zone resource because it cannot be replaced if it is
w h erein p la n t nutrients are produced, held, m ain­ destroyed or lost through excessive soil erosion
ta in ed and are m ade available to plants through their caused by antothropogenic activities.

Tree stratum

Vegetation strata

Bush stratum

Field stratum
(grasses, herbs and
flowering plants)
i i Ground stratum
Litter fermentation and humus (mosses & lichens
JtHIZOSPHERE and other ground
living plants)
root zone

unconsolidated Inorganic
layer above uninhabited
parent rock weathered rock

:•w / •:•^ •:: *: :'• ::«::

Depth o f e athe r>ng ^ o n e.

Fig. 7.1 : Vertical section through the vegetation and soil system (based on P. A. Furley and W. W. Newey, 1983).

The soil system is the product of environmen­ profiles and these extend from the ground surface
tal and biological processes and is interrelated with down to the unw eathered parent rocks. If the w hole
climate, vegetation (flora), animals (fauna), under­ length of vertical section rig h t from the up p erm o rst
lying rocks, topography and time which also affect stratum of the plant com m unity dow n to the basal
the biosphere. The comprehensive study of soil weathering surface or the upper surface of unw eathered
system in terms of is components, its classification, parent rocks is taken into account, tw o m ajo r zones
processes of its formation and its evolution through are identified e.g. (i) vegetation zone, and (ii) soil
time is of vital significance because it is an integral zone. The vegetation zone consists o f four strata viz.
part of the biogeographic system. (i) tree stratum , (ii) bush stratum , (iii) field stratum
(grasses, herbs, flow ering plants and ag ricu ltu ral
plants), and (iv) ground stratum (m osses, lich en s
and other plants w hich thrive on the ground surface).
j*f /- *• f The soil zone consists o f tw o layers or sub-zones viz.
The composition of soils is generally studied (i) The solum which contains loose unconsolidated
through its vertical sections which are termed as soil w eathered m aterials, organic m atter and living

organism s, (ii) sub-soil zone which contains inor­ ticks. Meso-animals o f the soil environm ent are of
ganic m atter and uninhabited weathered rocks the size ranging between one centimeter and 0.2 mm
know n as regolith. Some times the whole zone of in length and these include sm aller mites and
loose and unconsolidated weathered rock materials majority of spiders, springtails, potworms, insect
w hether containing living organisms or not is called larvae, some millipeds and isopods. Micro-animals
regolith (fig. 7.1). include the smallest organisms that live in the soil
There are four major components of soil environment. The length of their body is usually less
system which need consideration for understanding than 0.2 mm.
the composition and characteristics of soil in a given A few aspects of fauna like (i) the length of
area e.g. (1) flora, fauna and organic matter, (2) time spent by the fauna in the soils, (ii) their feeding
inorganic m inerals, (3) soil solution, and (4) soil habits, (iii) their habitats, and (iv) their movements
atmosphere. The following table (7.1) shows the or locomotion are significant from the standpoint o f
components o f soil. the development of soil characteristics. The soil
fauna are divided into three groups on the basis of
length of time spent by them e.g. (i) those soil
Table 7.1 : Soil components
animals which enter the soil environment when they
M ajor Components Percentage Composition become adult to take refuge during hibernation (like
beetles and thrips), (ii) those soil insects which
1. Living orgnisms and spend their early life in the soils as eggs or larvae
organic matter 5-12% (like butterflies, moths etc.), and (iii) those which
2. Mineral matter 38-47% spend almost whole of their lives (many invertebrate
3. Soil solution 15-35% insects). The soil fauna are divided into five
categories on the basis of feeding habits viz. (i)
4. Soil atmosphere 15-35% carnivores (like beetles, nematodes, m ites, centi­
pedes, molluscs etc.), (ii) phytophages (those fauna
1. Flora, Fauna and Organic Matter which feed in either plants standing above the
ground or on roots o f plants or on woody plant
Living organisms (plants and animals) and materials), (iii) saprophages (those soil animals
organic matter together constitute 5 to 12% of the which feed on dead and decom posed organic m atter
total composition of soil system. The organisms (earthworms etc.), (iv) microphytic feeders, which
living in the ground or soils are called edaphons. It feed on spores, lichens, fungi, algae and bacteria
is very difficult task to differentiate the organisms (like mites, nematodes, springtails etc.), and (v)
living in the soils and in the ground from those composite animals which feed on a variety o f
organisms which live on the ground because most of materials.
the major groups of organisms are common to both
Form the standpoint of habitats soil animals
the environments (soil environment and ground
surface environment). The animals living in the soils are divided into three groups which are associated
vary in size, from 20 cm in length to less than 20 with three sub-layers or horizons of organic layer
micrometers. The soil animals are classified into e.g. (i) soil fauna of litter horizons (or 1 horizon or
three groups viz. (i) macro-fauna, (ii) meso-fauna layer of fresh litter), (ii) soil fauna of ferm entation
and (iii) micro fauna. horizons (f layer or horizon o f partly decomposed
Macro animals living in the soils and organic litters), and (iii) soil fauna o f humus horizons (h
litters are over one centimeter in length and these layer or horizon of well decom posed litter and some
include both vertebrates and invertebrates of chor- times mixed with mineral matter).
date phylum. The important species of chordata Soil flora and micro-organisms include larger
vertebrates are mammals (moles, shrews, armadil­ plants mainly their roots, fungi, bacteria, algae and
los, hares, rabbits, squirrels, gophers, rodents etc.), soil protozoa. These organisms largely affect
amphibians (legless and worm-like tropical amphib­ properties o f soils of a given region. The bacteria
ians etc.) and reptiles (some lizards and snakes). The and fungi are basically m icrobes which play very
invertebrate chordate macro-fauna include earth crucial role in the transfer and circulation o f
worms, snails and slugs insects, spiders, mites and nutrients and flow o f energy in thib ecosystem s. The

fungi ai* chem osynthetic organisms represent- composition of a particular soil resting over a parent
jng various groups of soil organism s which perform rock may conform to the m ineral com position o f the
a verity of duties in the soil zone viz. formation of said parent rock because in m any cases m ore than
tnycorrhizas, breaking down of organic matter, 90% of the parent m aterials are not related to the
attack on living organism s and introduction of parent rocks rather they have been broug t an
several plant diseases. A few of the fungi are deposited by water, wind, ice etc. T he im portant
im portant com m ercial sources of antibiotic m edi­ minerals o f the soi zone are olivine, hypersthene,
cines and enzymes. B acteria are the most important augite, hornblende, biotite, potash, calcic plagioclase,
m icrobes of the soil zone because they play calcic-alkali plagioclase, alkali-calcic p lagioclase,
significant roles in (i) decaying wood and vegeta­ alkali plagioclase, felspar, m uscovite and quartz.
tion, (ii) decomposing organic matter, (iii) produc­ There are continuous processes o f reorganisation o f
ing humus, (iv) cycling of nutrients etc. Algae are texture and content o f m inerals breakdow n o f
photosynthetic organism s and live in the upper primary minerals, form ation o f secondary m inerals
surface of the soil horizons. They are very important and regrouping of organic m atter and m inerals into
to the soils because they (i) supplem ent the soil aggregates. The size o f m inerals increases w ith the
minerals w ith organic m atter, (ii) play a cohesive increasing depth o f the soil zone.
role in binding the soil particles together, (iii) make .VC? ' •* “ J <•-,*•
the soil structure stable which protects the soil from 3. Soil Solution
excessive leacing and erosion, (iv) provide nutrients
for higher plants, (v) help in the aeration of poorly The quality and quantity o f w ater p resen t in
drained soils, (vi) help in fixing the atmospheric the soil zones affect the flora and fau na o f the soil
nitrogen etc. zones and the organism s m ain ly plan ts ab o v e the
Organic m atter includes dead and decom- ground but having their roots in the soils. T he
posed parts of living plants and animals. In other presence o f w ater in the soils is m ust because it helps
w ords, organic m atter represents the ‘non-living in the preparation o f soil solution c o n tain in g
biom ass’ o f plants and anim als. The varied function nutrients which are taken up by the plants th ro u g h
o f organic m atter are very im portant to soil zone and their roots through the process o f root osm osis. T he
the organism s o f the biospheric ecosystem as it (i) amount of water held by the soils is determ ined by
provides nutrients to plants, (ii) is a major source of the rate o f infiltration o f rain w ater and m eltw ater
energy for m ajority o f the soil organisms, (iii) helps and the water retention capacity o f soils. T he
in the form ation o f soils, (v) is enriched by infiltration rate refers to the am ount o f w ater
continuous input o f m atter from plants and animals, percolating into the soils per unit tim e (usually
(v) undergoes continuous process o f its breakdown m easured in hour) w hich is co n tro lleld by the
and decom positions and (vi) is constantly circu­ strucutre and texture o f soils, nature o f organic
lated, cycled and recycled. The organic m atter o f the m atter and the am ount o f m oisture already p re sen t in
soil zone is com prised o f (i) 85% o f dead organic the given soil. On an average there are three rates o f
m atter together w ith products o f decom position, (ii) infiltration viz. (i) low rate (0.25 cm o f w ater
10% o f plant roots and 5% o f edaphons. The percolating dow nw ard per hour), (ii) m o d erate rate
edapthon consists o f (i) 40% o f bacteria and (1.27 to 2.54 cm per h our), and (iii) high rate (m ore
antinom ycetes, (ii) 40% o f other m icroflora (e.g. than 2.54 cm per hour). T h e clay so ils, loam so ils and
fungi and algae), (iii) 12% o f earthw orm s, (iv) 3% o f sandy soils account fo r low , m o d erate and h ig h rate
mesofauna, and (v) 5% o f other m acro-fauna. o f infiltration resp ectiv ely . O n the basis o f a m o u n ts
o f w ater retain ed in the soils w ith re sp ec t to soil
2. Mineral Matter
volum e three stages o f the p ro p o rtio n s o f so lid
• .. H ' m atter, w ater and a ir can be id e n tifie d e.g . (1)
Minerals are very important constituents o f S atu rated stage-w hen all the voids and p o res w ithin
the soil zone because they help in the formation o f the soils are filled w ith w ater. T h e satu rated soils
soil. Minerals are included in the category o f can n o t hold fu rth er ad d itio n o f w ater and thus there
inorganic matter of the soils. It may be stated that is throughflow o f w ater. (2) Field capacity stages-
soils are formed due to weathering o f parent rocks w hen fifty p ercen t o f the total voids and pore spaces
but it is. not always necessary that the mineral are filled w ith w ater and the rem aining 50 percent
H i* ;'

r a re o ccu p ied by a ir..(3) Wilting stages—when soil depletation o f soil oxygen ( 0 2) w ith the increase o f
W ater is lost through continued evaporation, uptake soil organism s. T he ratio betw een C 0 2 production
o f w ater by p lant roots etc. and thus no further water and 0 2 consum ption depends on a variety o f factors
is av ailable to soil organism s. Though at this stage e.g. the am ount o f m oisture in the soil, soil
ev en 25 percent o f voids are still filled up with water tem perature, the rate o f decom position o f organic
b u t this w ater cannot be used by plants because water m atter by the decom posers, the activ ities o f organ­
is tightly held against the colloidal surfaces. The isms and plant roots in the rhizosphere or rootsphere
saturated stage o f the soil water is not useful for the etc. There is inverse relationship betw een the
organism s because it causes respiratory problem to am ount o f soil w ater and soil air. If there is m inim um
soil organism s, dam ages root system of plants, am ount o f water in the soils (w ilting stage), there is
causes death to m icroflora and fauna. Similarly, maximum air in the soil (the stage o f well aerated
soil or aerobic stage o f soil), contrary to this, if there
w ilting stage of the soil water causes death o f soil
is m axim um am ount o f w ater in the soil (saturated
organism s. Thus the w ater held between field
capacity and wilting statge is m ost suited to soil stage) there is m inim um a ir in the soil (the stage o f
poorly aerated soil o r anaerobic stage o f soil
organism s.
environm ent). Thus the C 0 2 : 0 2 ratio in the aerobic
soils is around 1 because plants consum e m axim um
4. Soil Atmosphere
-■'-:r ■*’ amount o f oxygen but the C 0 2 : 0 2 ratio becom es
The soil atm osphere com ponent o f the soil more than 1 in the anaerobic soil because due to
system includes the consideration o f the presence o f excess w ater plants are unable to consum e required
different gases and air, the m ovement o f air within am ount o f oxygen as their respiration is retarded.
the soils and temperature distribution. It is important Besides oxygen, a few m ore gases are evolved
to note that there is variation in the proportion of due to decom position o f organic m atter by the
oxygen and carbon dioxide of the aboveground decom posers e.g. m ethane, ethylene, sulphides etc.
atmosphere and the soil atm osphere as is evident It is evident that the w ater-air ratio in the soils is very
from table 7.2 crucial factor for the survival and grow th o f soils
organisms particularly plants because abundant
Tab.* 7.2 : Composition of the Soil and aboveground
oxygen is required by the p lan t ro o ts for the proper
Atmopshere (in percent by volume) growth o f vegetation . If the soils co n tin ue to be w et
and over-saturated for longer period the am ount of
Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen Water the air present in the soils becom es m inim u m and
dioxide Vapour
therefore the respiration by plants is retard ed , w ith
1. Above-ground 20.97 0.03 79.00 <100 the result several plants die.
Atmosphere The soil tem perature is very im p o rtan t factor
for the growth o f soil organism s. It is affected by a
2. Grassland Soil 18.40 1.60 79.2
host o f factors e.g. horizontal d istrib u tio n o f
3. Arable soil 20.70 0.10 79.2 Frequen­ insolation and ground tem p eratu re from equator
tly 100 tow ards the poles, shades o f v eg etatio n , flux o f heat
energy into the soil, exchange o f h eat betw een the
soil and air, retention p o w er o f h eat by a given soil
The concentration o f C 0 2 in the soil atm os­
type, diffusion o f heat by the soils, p resen ce o f
phere is several times higher than the natural
organic m atter in the soils etc. Soil tem perature
concentration o f C 0 2 in the above-ground atmoshere.
largely controls the activ ities o f m icro -org an ism s,
This difference o f carbon dioxide between the soil
enzym e activity and the biological p ro cesses that
atm osphere and the above-ground atm osphere is
regulate plant grow th e.g. seed g erm in atio n , root
because o f the fact that there is continuous evolution
osm osis etc. The decom position o f o rg an ic m atter
o f carbon dioxide due to decom position of organic
by the decom posers (m icrobes) and m in eralizatio n
m atter by the m icroscopic organism s in the soils. On
o f the soils are d irectly related to tem p eratu re i.e.
the o th er hand oxygen is consum ed by the plants
decom position and m ineralisation in crease w ith the
through respiration and thus there is gradual
increase o f soil tem perature. T he d e co m p o sitio n o f

organic matter is considerably slowed down when called as cutons of clay. The other cutons include
the soil temperature falls below 10°C. Thus the coatings of oxides of iron, oxides of m anaganeseon
organic matter is least decomposed in the colder mineral grains-and films o f organic m atter which
regions and consequently there is greater accumula­ surround a ped.
tio n 'o f organic matter. Contrary to this, there is
maximum decomposition of organic matter in the 7.5 SOIL PROFILE AND HORIZONS
humid tropical areas and more and more nutrients,
resulting from the decomposition of organic matter, A soil profile is a display of vertical section
are made available to plants for further use and thus from the ground surface down to the parent rocks.
there is maximum growth of vegetation. Thus a soil profile denotes the vertical distribution
of soil components (e.g. the living organism s-flora
7.4 SOIL STRUCTURE and fauna-and organic matter, the inorganic m iner­
als, the soil solution and the attributes o f soil
The aggregation of individual soil particles in atmosphere, as discussed earlier) and various
the form of lumps or clusters is called soil structure. associations of the properties of these com ponents.
A particular soil may have several structures The soil profile is characterised by the following
wherein the aggregates or clusters of soil particles common properties.
are separated from each other by natural surfaces of (i) On an average there is gradual decrease of
weakness i.e. cracks. The soil structure is in fact the organic matter, number o f living organism s, activity
physical property o f the soil and is thus very of living organisms etc. with increasing depth in the
important for agricultural practices because (i) the soil profile.
structural units o f the soils indicate the air and water (ii) The level o f aeration o f soil decreases
holding capacity o f the soils, (ii) soil structure
from the surface downwards in the soil profile.
reflects the mineral and organic contents of the soils,
(iii) soil structure determines the nature and lateral (iii) There is increase in the num ber and
m ovem ent o f w ater in the soil, (iv) soil structure variety of parent m inerals from the surface d ow n­
determ ines the susceptibility of soil erosion, (v) the ward in the soil profile upto the base o f parent rocks.
ease of cultivation and the capability of the soils for (iv) There is no definite trend o f eith er
plant growth and management are determined by the increase or decrease in the content o f soil w ater w ith
soil structures etc. depth because there is a lot o f fluctuation in w ater
An individual natural aggregate of soil content. The content o f soil w ater is determ ined by
particles is called a ped whereas an aggregate of soil (i) the location o f groundw ater, (ii) nature o f
particles resulting from the breakage during ploughing movement o f groundw ater, (iii) frequency and
of the soils is called a clad. The shape, size and amount o f rainfall, (iv) absorptive characteristics o f
durability in terms o f hardness or stability of peds different horizons o f the soil profile.
are important properties o f the soil structure. Peds It may be pointed out that som e tim es the
are normally classified into four types on the basis of change of various properties o f soil com ponents
shape e.g. (i) platy, (ii) prism atic, (iii) blocky or with depth in the soil profiles is not sim ple, uniform
angular, and (iv) spheroidal or granular. In platy soil and regular because many inorganic p rocesses and
structure peds are composed o f plates or thin flat living organism s through their activities tran sp o rt,
pies which are arranged in horizontal manner. The distribute and redistribute the m aterials in the w hole
prismatic soil strucutre represents the vertical co­ profile and thus natural position o f various ch arac­
lumnar position o f peds. The peds in a blocky soil teristics is disturbed. T he layers in a soil p rofile
strucutre are angular in shape and of equal dim en­ characterized by distinctive ch aracteristics o f physi­
sion whereas the peds are more or less rounded in the cal and chem ical com position, organic content,
spheroidal soil strucutre. structure, etc. are called soil horizons. The ch aracter­
The peds and even individual coarse mineral istics o f the horizon d iffer from the characteristics
grains have the coatings o f surface film s of o f the other horizon o f a given soil profile. v
materials. Such coatings are called cutons. For D ifferent soil horizons o f a given soil profile
example, a ped may be coated with clay. This is having distinctive characteristics are developed due

° -act,0 n and interactions of clim ate, vegetation, may be pointed out that the properties o f A and B
an im als and reliefs of a particular area over a long horizons o f soil profiles vary from one type o f soil to
p erio d o f tim e. Som e tim es the boundaries o f a the other type and from one clim atic region to the
horizon (both upper and lower) are clearly observ­ other region. The follow ing are the com m on
able and are well defined. In other words, one characteristics o f different horizons o f m ineral
horizon may be easily differentiated from the other horizons o f soil profile.
horizon o f a soil profile. But some times the changes A |-T h is horizon lying below the 0 horizon of
o f soil properties with depth are so slow and gradual organic m atter is form ed at or near the soil surface
that the boundaries o f different horizons o f a soil and is characterized by m ixed zone o f m inerals and
profile are not well marked. organic m atter and by m ore biological activity. The
The soil horizons of soil profiles are basically horizon is o f dark colour.
divided into tw o broad categories e.g. (i) organic A 2-This is light coloured horizon w hich is
horizons (indicated by letter O), and (ii) mineral characterized by m axim um elu v iatio n (m ovem ent)
horizons. o f silicate clays, oxides o f iron and alum inium etc.
(1) Organic horizons are the topmost layers of A r Transitional to B but this zon e is more like
a soil profile and these contain organic matter A than B. It is not alw ays present in all soil profiles.
w hether dead or alive. These horizons are desig­
nated by the capital letter O. These layers are formed Loose leaves and organic debris, largely
due to accumulation o f organic matter which is 01 undecomposed.
derived from plants and animals. The organic or 0
horizon is further subdivided into two layers e.g. 0 | 02 Organic debris, partially decomposed.
horizon and 02 horizon. 0 | horizon is the upperm ost (it
layer of the organic horizon and consists o f the A dark-coloured horizon of mixed mineral and
original form of vegetative m atter as fresh litter and A1
organic matter and with much biological activity.
partly decom posed or com m inuted litter (also called
as litter layer and disignated by L for fresh litter and
F for partly decom posed litter). Just below the 0| A2 A light-coloured horizon of maximum eluviation.
horizon lies the 0 2 horizon which is characterized by
the altered rem ains of plants and animals. The plants Transitional to B but more like A than B may
2 A3 be absent.
and animals are so greatly altered through decom po­
sition and com m inution that the original form is O
beyond recognition w ithout the help of m icroscope. on B1 Transitional to A but more like B than A, may
The decomposed organic m atter of the 02 horizon is be absent.
called humus and the process of humus formation
and therefore of the developm ent o f 02 horizon is B2 Maximum accumulation of silticate clay minerals
called humification. or of sesquioxides and organic matter.
(2) M ineral horizons contain inorganic m iner­
als o f two types e.g. (i) skeletal m inerals (e.g. B3 Transitional to C but more like B than C, may
quartz), and (ii) clay m inerals. Besides, the upper be absent.
layers o f the mineral horizons also contain some Weathered parent material, occasionally absent,
lim ited am ount o f organic matter. There are signifi­ formation of horizons may follow weathering
cant variations even w ithin the mineral horizons and so closely that the A or B horizon rests on
therefore atleast 3 layers are identified within the consolidated rock.
m ineral horizons and these layers/horizons are
designated by capital letters A, B and C. Even within
R Layer of consolidated rock beneath the soil.
A, B and C horizons there are significant variations
and therefore various subdivisions are recognized
w ithin each m ineral horizon. These subdivisions or
su b h o rizo n s are nam ed by adding num erals w ith the
h o rizo n letters e.g. A j, A 2......... B j, B2........ etc. It
Flg' 7,2; Horizons in generalized soil profile.
SOIL. SYSTEM -L V ? 85 • W if.

B ,-T ransilional to A but m ore like B than A. etc.) due to varying of soil compo­
This zone is not always present in soil profile. nents. Thus lowercase letters are added to the capital
letters meant for designating major horizons (e.g. A
B2-This horizon is characterized by maxi­
mum illuviation (accumulation) of silicate clay or B) to reveal special and unique properties ot
minerals or sesquioxides (R203) (Fe203 + Al2 0-, + particular soil horizon as given below .
Mn02 + P2O 0 and organic matter. b-buried horizon
B 3-Transitional to C but more like B than C. ca-accumulation of carbonate m atter (e.g.
This, zone may be present or may be absent. Bca) j
C- C horizon represents weathered parent f-soil frozen
materials (called regoliths) which are unconsolidated g-mottled due to gleying (e.g. Ag. Eg, or Cg)
or weakly consolidated. This horizon is also called
subsurface horizon but lacks in the properties of A2 h-accumulation of humus (e.g. Ah or Bh)
A3 or B2 horizons and retains the characteristics of ir-accumlation of iron (Bir or iron pan)
the structure of the basal parent rocks. This is also hir (accumulation of humus and iron)
called as glay layer.
p-horizon disturbed by ploughing (e.g. Ap)
D or R- D or R layer represents the layer of
consolidated hard bedrocks beneath the soils. si-accumulation of silica (e.g. Bsi)
It may be pointed out that there are variations t-accumulation of translocated clay (e.g. Bt)
within a single subhorizon (e.g. A |, A2, A-,, B h B2 x-brittle layer (fragipan)

Table 7.3 : Horizons of Generalized Soil Profile

Ground Surface General Usage More Recent Usage

01 (Aoo) L Organic horizon. Litter Layer
02 (Ao) F Organic horizon (decom posed organic m atter)
Zone of eluvation A, H Dark colour : rich in humus
A2 A Light colour : zone o f maxim um eluvation
(leaching or downward m ovem ent o f m inerals
and organic matter)
A, E Transition to B
True Soil Zone o f illuviation B, Transition to A
(accum ulation) B2 B Zone of maximum illuviation (accum ulation o f
B3 Transition to C
W eathered parent C U nconsolidated w eathered subsurface
m aterials horizon, gley layer
Solid bedrock D R Solid bedrack.


A Horizon
formed by
removal The soil is a dynamic layer o f lo o se and
unconsolidated materials because many physical,
B Horizon chemical and biological activities and processes
formed by operate sim ultaneously in the soil layer or profile.
accumulation There is much variation in the soil forming processes
which range from individual, sm all-scale and rapid
events (like exchange o f ions) to large-scale
Fig. 7.3: Jhe processes o f eluviation and illuviation lead­ com plex events and processes w hich operate very
ing to theformation of A and B horizons. slow ly. The formation o f the so ils in a particular
' fi
region is the result of (i) soil forming processes, and soil profile, (v) loss o f surface m aterials both
(ii) the factors which affect the formation and organic and inorganic (m inerals) from th e soil
developm ent of soils. surface to the lower horizons (through the processes
o f leach in g or e lu v ia tio n (fig. 7.3) (downward
m ovement o f water, dissolved and suspended
1. Soil Forming Processes
organic and inorganic m aterials).
The events and processes, whether physical, (3) T ran slocation o f M a t e r ia ls : Translocation
chem ical or biological, which help in the formation of soil m aterials involve two types o f vertical
of soils in a given region are called pedogenic movements in the soil profile e.g. (i) upward
processes or soil forming processes, which are m o v e m e n t (ca p illa ry a c tio n ), and (ii) downward
classified into four groups. The formation of soil is, m ovement (leaching or eluviation). These vertical
in fact, the result of the proportions of these movements take place when the ground surface is
processes over a definite time. level but when the ground surface is sloping, lateral
movement is more dom inant. The process of
(1) Soil Enrichment : Soil enrichment is the
elu viation involves the dow nw ard m ovem ent o f fine
process that includes all those events and processes
which involve the addition of organic and inorganic particles (both m ineral and organic from the upper
materials to the soils. Various types of materials are soil horizon mainly from A 2 horizon). Thus due to
added to the soil profile through a variety of transfer o f fine particles dow nm ard coarse particles
pathways and mechanisms e.g. (i) Inorganic m ateri­ are left in the upper soil horizon. These skeletal
als are added to the soil profile by excgenetic mineral grains left behind in the A 2 horizon include
processes viz. running water, wind etc. The materi­ quartz and silica. The increase in the pro p o rtio n of
als are derived through weathering and erosion of silica in the A 2 horizon (because o f dow nw ard
the soils by transporting agents like running water, movement of finer m aterials) is called silic a tio n . The
wind etc. (ii) The m ater and energy added to the soil process of illu viation involves accum ulation of
surface (epipedon-surface horizon of the soil pro­ materials (removed from the upper soil horizons and
files) include solar energy (heat), rainwater having moved downward) in the low er soil horizons m ainly
dissolved substances, atmospheric gases and dust, B2 horizon. The m aterials accum ulated in B horizon
air-born organisms, organic matter, man-induced include clay particles, organic m atter (hum us) or
materials (fertilizers) etc. (iii) The organic materials sesqui-oxides o f iron and alum inium .
derived from the litter (leaves) of plants accumulate The process o f decalcification involves the
in the 0 horizons of the soil profile and these organic revoval of calcium carbonate due to reactio n s of
materials produce humus, the process of humus carbonic acids with carbonate m ineral m atter in the
formation is called humification, (iv) Addition of upper horizon under the broader process o f eluviation
materials due to lateral movement of water in the soil (removal of m aterials). The accum ulation o f carbon­
layer includes soil particles, water, dissolved sub­ ate minerals in the B horizon o f illuviation zone is
stances, migrating and transported organisms, (v) called the process o f calcification. T he process o f the
Addition of materials due to upward movement removal of salts is called as desalinization whereas
(capillary action) in the soil profiles includes the precipitation o f soluble salts is know n as
dissolved substances from the groundwater and the salinization.
materials brought to the soil surface by organisms
(e.g. earthworms, ants and termites). (4) Transform atinos of M aterials :The process
of the transform ation o f m aterials, both organic and
(2) Losses from the Soils : The loss ofinorganic,
the includes (i) the decom position o f prim ary
materials of the soil body includes (i) loss of surface minerals into secondary m inerals, (ii) form ation of
materials through lateral movement e.g. removal of new minerals and organic com pounds due to
m aterials by soil erosion caused by surface runoff, decom position o f m inerals and organic m atter, (iii)
(ii) loss o f radiation energy (heat) through evapora­ humification (transform ation o f plant tissues into
tion and Joss of water from plant leaves through humus), and (iv) intim ate m ixture o f organic and
transpiration, (iii) loss of gases (e.g. loss of nitrogen mineral matter.
through the process o f denitrification), (iv) removal It may be pointed out that the processes of
o f soil m aterials through lateral drainage within the translocations and transform ations are theoretically

separate but in most of the cases these two processes Combined P rocesses of Transformations m m .-
operate together. The following are the important Translocations
processes of translocations and transformations.
1. Silication : accum ulation o f s ilic a
2. Desilication : m o v em en t of silica ou t of a
section of the soil profile
1. IUuviation : movement of materials from A 3. Calcification : accumulation of calcium
horizon and accumulation in B horizon. carbonate mainly in C horizon.
2. Capillary action : upward movements of 4. D ecalcification : movement of calcium
dissolved or suspended matter by groundwater. carbonate out of a section of the soil profile
3. Upward movements : of matter by organ­ 5. Salinization : accumulation of soluble salts
isms e.g. earthworms, termites etc. in a section of the soil profile
4. Melanization : darkening of the colour of a 6. Desalinization : movement of soluble salts
section of soil profile through organic matter. out of a section of the soil profile
5. Leucinization : (decoloration) : lightening 7. A lkalization : accumulation o f Na ions and
o f the colour of a section of the soil profile mainly in
A horizon. rise in soil pH
8. D ealk alization : m ovem ent of N a ions out of
6. Compaction : physical reduction of the air
content. a section of the soil profile
9. Pedoturbation : disruption o f soil horizons
7. Induration : hardening of a section of the
soil profile such as kankar pan, iron pan (ferricrete), by biological (root pressure, burrow ing by anim als
and most of the human activities), physical and
calcrete, alcrete, silcrete etc.
chemical activities (wetting and drying, sw elling
Transformations . r -. and contraction, freezing and thaw ing etc.)
. ... " . : ti 10. S tab ilization : artificial and natural p ro c­
1. Audiflcation : accumulation of H ions, esses of making the soil horizons stable
m ainly in surface horizon (epipedons)
2. Neutralization : counteraction of H ions 2. Factors Affecting Soil Formation
3. Oxidation : form ation of iron oxides
The processes o f soil form ation and the
4. Reduction : loss o f oxygen ions properties of the soils are affected and determ ined
5. Solution : dissolution o f slouble mineral by a com bination of 5 basic factors e.g. (i) clim ate,
into solution, e.g. calcium carbonate into bicarbonate (ii) biotic factors or organism s, (iii) re lie f or
6. Precipitation : deposition of dissolved topographic factors, (iv) parent m aterials, and (v)
substances in solid form from solution time. The factors affecting the soil form ation have
been presented in the form o f an eq u atio n by H.
7. H ydration : sw elling o f m inerals through
Jenny (1941) as given below :
the absorption o f w ater resulting into the form ation
o f new com pounds Soil is the function o f clim ate, organism s,
reliefs, parent materials and time.
8. Dehydration : loss o f w ater resulting into
the return o f the com pound to original form S = f (cl, o, r, p, t ........)
9 Hydrolysis : replacem ent o f cations in a Where cl = clim atic factor
m ineral stru ctu re by hydrogen ions from the soil o = organism s or biotic factor
r = relief or topographic factor 1
10. Decom position: breakdown o f mineral and
p = parent material
organic materials through biochem ical processes
11. Humification : formation o f humus from t = time factor
original organic materials S = soil or soil profile
- 12. Mineralization : release o f m inerals in D ots in the equation are meant for the
various forms during the process o f decom position inclusion o f other factors w hich may be o f local
o f organic matter importance.

0 ) Climate (3) Topography

Relief or topographic factors greatly influ­

Clim ate affects the moisture content of the
ence the formation of the soils. Topography deter­
soil and the temperature which in turn affect the soil
mines the nature of drainage and erosion which in
form ing processes. In fact, the properties of the soils
turn affect the soils forming processes and therefore
are largely affected by the amount of soil water and
the prop erties of the soils o f a given locality. The flat
the movement of water in the soil profile. The
upland' surface is characterized by ideal drainage
downward movement of water helps in the forma­
and least erosion and therefore well leached thick
tion of soil horizons through the processes of
soils are formed whereas flat but low land surfaces
eluviation, illuvation, hum ification and mineralization
are characterized by poor drainage and hence thick
o f organic matter. In the areas of heavy rainfall (e.g.
gleyed soils are formed. Slope is an im portant factor
humid tropical climates), the amount of soil water
in affecting the form ation o f soils. T he slope
increases enormously which leads to greater amount
gradient, slope length and slope aspect (direction of
of dissolution of soluble elements, transfer of these
dissolved materials from the surface horizon, slope in relation to the sun) affect the physical,
increase in eluviation, decrease in pH level and biological and chem ical properties b f the soils.
therefore increase in the acidification of the soils.
The temperature largely affects the rates of (4) Organic Factor
chemical, physical and biological reactions within
the soil profile. The rise in temperature accelerates The organic factors w hich influence the
the speed of chemical reactions and biological formation of the soils include vegetation, animals
decomposition. The combination of temperature and and m icro-organisms. V arious characteristics of
moisture of the soil affects the rate of chemical plants viz. leaf fall, canopy, stem flow (flow of
weathering and bacterial activity. For example, clay rainwater through the stem s o f plants), ro o t system,
proportion and decomposition of organic matter by competitiveness etc. influence and m odify the
bacteria greatly increase in the regions characterized characteristics of the soils o f a region. T he nature of
by high temperature and high humidity (warm and tree canopy (dense or sparse, peren n ial-fu ll o f leaves
humid tropical climates). Climate largely affects the throughout the year or seasonal) affects the soil
surface materials through erosion and weathering moisture and soil tem perature. T he chem ical com ­
and the parent materials through weathering. It is the position of leaf litter largely d eterm in es the chem i­
weathering of the parent rocks which leads to the cal properties of the soils. G rasses and legum es
formation of soils. contain higher percentages o f p o tassiu m and m agne­
sium than the leaves o f the trees. T he ro o ts o f plants
(2) Parent Materials penetrate in the soils and w eathered m aterials and
thus modify the soils p ro p erties b ecau se these
The weathering of parent rocks is a prerequi­ provide new routes for air, w ater and o rg an ism s into
site condition for the formation of soils in any the soil. The roots also help in the b in d in g o f soil
region. The composition of the soil profile in terms particles together and thus assist in the fo rm atio n o f
o f primary and secondary minerals is directly soil aggregates (peds). T he plants p ro v id e organic
influenced by the composition of the parent rocks. m atter o f the soils.
The structure of the original rocks (e.g. degree of
A nim als paly a m ajor role in in flu en cin g the
consolidation, natureof cementation, bedding planes,
m ajor soil form ing p rocesses e.g. tran sfo rm atio n s
joints etc.) also influences the properties of the soils.
and translocations. T he m acro and m eso-fauna
A particular rock having certain chemical and
affect and m odify the soil p ro p erties through
physical characteristics, is subjected to weathering
burrow ing, transporting and m ixing o f o rg an ic and
which results into the breakdown of the rock into a
inorganic m aterials. R abbits, m o les, p ra irie dogs,
m ixture of soluble and insoluble m aterials. Some
ground squirrels, beavers, rats etc. are am ongst the
soluble m aterials are washed out by surface water
and are brought to the rivers while the insoluble w h f f " “h f ,! ° f ‘he SOilS' A m onS the m esofauna
m aterials rem ain as residues which help in the mhes Tor , I* S° ,|S' im P°nant are earthworm s,
form ation o f soils. d eco m n o T .h termUeS e “ - M i“ °-°rg a n ism s
decompose the organic matter.

7.7 CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS soils e.g. (i) zonal soils, (ii) intrazonal soils, and (iit) * J | j
azonal soils.
The soils of the world have been classified in (i) Zonal soils represent fully matured soils
a veriety of ways on different bases. Russian which have developed under the conditions of good
scientists took initial lead in the development of soil drainage. These are the result o f jn^ rP aY °
pedology (the science of soils) and the classification
climate and vegetation over a long period o time.
of soils. The Russian geologist, V.V. Dokuchaiev, Zonal soils are characterized by full developm ent ot
related the development of soil to the climate and almost all of the soil horizons, their number and
vegetation of a given region. Thus the Russian characteristics may vary according to local condi­
scientists ‘based their classifications of soils on the tions and degree of human interference. W ithin the
association of soil types with the climatic and zonal order of soils there are 6 suborders and 21 great
vegetation zones’ in the early twentieth century. soil groups.
G.F. Marbut, an U.S. scientist, presented a scheme (ii) Intrazonal soils are formed in those areas
of Com prehensive System of Soil Classification in where there is water-logging and therefore there is
1938 which is recognized as USDA (United States very poor drainage, regolith is endowed with high
Department of Agriculture) system. According to content of calcium carbonate and there is high
this system soils at the global level were divided into content of soluble salts and sodium. These soils are
three orders e.g. (i) zonal soils, (ii) intrazonal soils, divided into 2 suborders and 12 great soils
and (iii) azonal soils. The American pedologists groups.
presented a new system of soil classification named
as the C om prehensive Soil Classification System
Table 7.4 : Zonal Soils
(CSCS) in 1960. This system was initially named as
the Seventh A pproxim ation because it was seventh in
Suborders Great Soil Groups
the series of revisions of the system of soil
classification since 1950. The classification system
I. Soils of the cold zone 1. Tundra soils
of the CSCS is also called soil taxonom y. The other
significant soil classifications at global level include II. Light-coloured soils 2. D esert soils
the schemes of A m erican Soil T axonom y presented of arid regions 3. Red desert soils
by the Soil Survey Staff in 1975, Soil Type based on
bioclimatic zones as presented by E. Bridges in 4. Sierozem
1978, Soil Orders presented by H.D. Foth in 1978, 5. Brown soils
Soil C lassifications based on diagnostic horizons 6. R eddish brow n soils
developed by FAO (Food and Agricultural Organi­
sation of the UNO) and UNESCO (United Nations III. Dark-coloured 7. C hestnut soils
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations) etc. soils of the semi- 8. R eddish chestnut soils
In fact ‘there are almost as many classifications arid, subhumid and 9. C hernozem soils
and distributions of soils as there are soil scientists’ *
humid grasslands 10. Prairie soils
(P.A. Furely and W.W. Newey, 1983). The soils have
been classified at global, regional and local levels on 11. R eddish prairie soils
various bases e.g. age of the soils, zonality of the soil
IV. Soils o f the forest 12. D egratded chernozem
distribution, bioclimatic zonaiton, character of soil
horizons, physical properties of soils and associated grassland transition soils
processes, chemical properties and associated proc­ 13. N on-calcic brow n or
ess, biochemical properties. A few schemes o f the
Shantung brow n soils
classifications of world soils are discussed below :
V. Light-coloured 14. Podzol soils
1. USDA System of Soil Classification 1938 podzolized soils of 15. Brow n podzolic soils
forested regions 16. Gray-broW n podzolic
The U.S. D epartm ent o f A griculture System soils
ol Soil C lassification recognizes three orders of

V I. L ateritic soils 17. Yellow podzolic soils The USDA System o f soil classification (1938)
was revised in the 1940s because this system was
of forested subtropical 18. Red podzolic soils co n sid ered by many soil scientists as inadequate
and tropical regions (and terra rosa) because (1) this classification was prim arily based
19. Yellowish brown on the American experience and exam ples; (2) there
was a flood of new inform ation on soils due to
laterite soil researches carried out at regional and local levels in
20. Reddish-brown the different parts o f the globe; (3) the system could
lateritic soils not properly accommodate and represent the soils of
the tropical regions; (4) the classification was based
s' '-"iiglJ t, » •■•' 21. laterite
'• soils •’ __• on assumptions and axioms regarding the relation­
ships between the properties o f soils and the roles of
Table 7.5 : Intra-zonal Soila climate; (5) the lack o f precision in definitions; (6)
Suborders Great Soil Groups more emphasis on undisturbed or virgin soils etc.

I. Halomorphic (saline 1. Solonchak or saline

2. Comprehensive Soil Classification System
and alkaline) soils of soils
(CSCS), 1975
imperfectly drained 2. Solonetz soils
arid regions and 3. Soloth soils The Soil Survey S taff o f the U.S. Soil
littoral deposits Conservation Service prepared an exhaustive but
scientific scheme o f the classification o f the world
II. Hydromorphic soils 4. Meadow soils soils in 1975. The scheme is known as Com prehen­
. of marshes, swamps, 5. Alpine meadow soils sive Soil Classification System (C SC S) which is
seep areas and flats 6. Bog soils also called Soil Taxonom y. The CSCS o f soils
classification is based on a hierarchy o f 6 categories
7. Half bog soils or levels of classification.
o. rianu^uia
9. Groundwater podzol Levels Categories N um ber o f soil classes
soils (from higher recognized so far
10. Groundwater to lower)
laterite soils 1 Orders 10
III. Calomorphic soils 11. Brown forest soils 2 Suborders 50
12. Rendzina soils 3 Great Soil Groups 225
4 Subgroups 1000 (only in the U .S.A .)
(iii) Azonal soils do not have well developed 5 Families 5000 (only in the U .S.A .)
soil horizons, rather there is uniformity in the soils
from the top-surface to the base. There may be a 6. Series 10,000 (only in the U .S.A .)
It may be pointed out that the recognized
horizons in azonal soil e.g. (I) lack of sufficient number of the first three categories o f soils (e.g.
time, (2) steep slopy terrain, (3) renewal of soils
Orders, Sub-orders and G reat groups) may rem ain
every year because of deposition of new materials as
almost the same because they include alm ost all the
in the case of flood plains etc.
soils o f the world but the num bers o f the last three
Table 7.6 : Azonal aoila categories (e.g. Subgroups, Fam ilies and S eries) are
Suborders Great Soil Groups subject to phenomenal increase if the researches o f
soil studies at continental, regional and local levels
1. Lithosols advance and the soils o f all the continents are know n
2. Alluvial soils and are included in the classification.
3. Sandy soils .u ? Fder and Suborders of Soils :The soils o f
the world have been classified by the C SC S into 10

orders of the highest category on the basis of the (iii) Natric horizon (Latin word, natrium,
characteristics of diagnostic horizons of the soil means ‘sodium’) is sim ilar to A rgillic Horizon but it
profiles. Soil horizons have been divided into two has prismatic (columnar) structure and high propor­
groups e.g. (A) epipedons and (B) subsurface tion of sodium ions.
diagnostic horizons. (iv) Spodic horizon (German w ord, spodos,
(A) Epipedons represent the horizon o f the means ‘wood ashes’)1 represents accum ulated
upper surface of the soils and are darkened by sesquioxides o f aluminium with or w ithout iron. It
organic matter. Five types of epipedons have been may/may not cantain organic matter.
identified. _ ................ ...... ........ (v) Cambic horizon (Latin w ord, cam biar,
(i) Mollic epipedon (Latin word Mollies, soft) means ‘to exchange’) is changed or altered horizon
is relatively thick surface horizon o f dark colour due with loss o f iron and original structure o f the parent
to organic m atter mainly humus. materials.
(ii) Umbric epipedon (Latin word Umbra, (vi) Oxic horizon (French word, oxide, m eans
shade, dark) resem bles the M ollic Epipedon in ‘oxide’) repesents highly w eathered horizon o f 30
colour (of dark colour), structure and organic matter cm thickness having kaolinite as clay m ineral.
but the base saturation is less than 50 percent. (vii) Calcic horizon contains high am ount o f
(iii) Antropic epipedon is similar to Mollic calcium carbonate or m agnesium carbonate of
Epipedon but contains high amount of phosphorous secondary concretions. This horizon is m ore than 15
due to continued farming for a long time. cm thick.
(iv) Plaggen epipedon (German word Plaggen, (viii) Gypsic horizon is enriched by the
sod) represents a layer o f 50 cm thickness which has accumulation o f hydrous calcium sulphate (g y p ­
been created by human activities e.g. long continued sum) and is more than 15 cm thick.
farm ing and m anuring. (ix) Salic horizon is com posed o f m ore soluble
(v) Histic epipedon (German word Histos, salts than gypsum and is m ore than 15 cm thick.
tissue) represents thin surface horizon which is (x) Albic horizon (Latin w ord, albus, m eans
seasonally saturated with w ater (at least for 30 ‘white’) lacks in clay and free iron oxides w hich
consecutive days). This horizon o f peat contains have been removed through the process o f eluviation.
high organic carbon. This is alm ost sanday horizon.
(vi) Ochric epipedon (Germ an word Ochros, (xi) Duripan horizon is indurated horizon
pale) is hardly a horizon because it is very thin, very representing ‘hard p an ’ cem ented by silic a o r
light in colour and it contains very low amount (less alum inium silicate.
than 1 percent) o f organic m atter.
(xii) Fragipan horizon consists o f loam and
(B) Subsurface Diagnostic Horizons are formed platy structure. It becom es brittle w hen it is w et bu t
below the soil surface. The may be, in many cases, as it becom es hard w hen it is dried up.
parts o f A horizon or B horizon o f the soil profiles.
(xiii) Plinthite horizon is highly w eathered and
A bout 16 principal subsurface horizons have been
is poor in hum us content but rich in sesq u io x id es. It
identified under the CSCS schem e by the U.S. Soil
hardens to becom e hard cru st or h ard pan.
Survey S taff (1975).
(xiv) Placic harizon co n sists o f th in iron p an
(i) Argillic horizon (Latin w ord, argilla,w hich is cem ented by iron and m anganese.
m ean s’ ‘w hite c la y ’) is characterized b y the accum u­
(xv) Som bric horizon is freely d rain ed and it
lation o f clay m inerals through the process o f
contains illuvial hum us (accum ulated hum us, leached
illuviation (accum ulation o f m aterials). T his h o ri­
from above).
zon norm ally represents B horizon and is form ed
(x v i) S ulphuric horizon co n tain s m ineral o r
below the eluviation (m ovem ent, leaching) horizon
organic soil m aterial w ith very low pH (betw een 3-^4).
(called A1 horizon).
T he soils at global levels have been grouped
(ii) Agric horizon (L atin w ord, ager, m eansinto 10 orders rep resen tin g the h ighest category o f
‘field’) represents a com pact horizon and co n tain s the h ierarchy o f soil classificatio n . The soil orders
greater am ount o f silt, clay and hum us. T his horizon have been based on the follow ing criteria-(i) gross
is formed after contin u ed farm ing. co m position o f the soils in term s o f organic niBtteror
m in e ra ls o r even b oth (the com position o f organic or horizons, (iv) degree of weathering of the soil minerals
m in e ra l m a tte r is expressed in term s of percentage), which is expressed as cation exchange capacity (CEC)
(ii) d eg ree o f the developm ent o f soil horizons in the or as percent base saturation (PBS). The following
so il p ro files, (iii) presence or absence of diagnostic are 10 m ajor types (orders) o f the world soils.

C ategory A (not reco g n ised by the CSCS) horizon.

T h is category includes the soils which have poorly developed horizons o r even do not have
T h e m inerals o f these soils can be further altered.
I. Entisols 1. A quents
W eakly developed soils with no horizon Seaonslly saturated with w ater, generally gleyed.
2. Arents
Pedogenic horizons disturbed by human activities
mainly ploughing and spading.
; ; • fp'jj ■ .it *}'*-' v ifit*;‘ 3. Fluvents
( • * ”X' 1 • "ii • Formed from recent alluvium , rarely saturated with
water, usually stratified.
. • - .* 4. Psamments
Soils of sandy or loamy sand textures, parent
materials usually dune sands or beach sands.
- 5. Orthents
Soils with loamy or clay textures.
II. In cep tisols 6. Aquepts
Soils having weakly or quickly developed Soils of wet place, seasonally saturated w ith w ater, a
horizons, young to moderately developed soils gray subsoil, gleyed soil.
containing w eatherable m inerals
7. A ndepts
Soils having high content o f clays, hum us and silica,
developed from volcanic ash.
8. T rop ep ts
Soils developed in tropical clim atic areas having
brow nish or reddish horizon o f altered m aterials.
9. Umbrepts
Soils having dark acid surface horizon o f organic
m atter, crystalline clay m inerals, o ccu r in m oist
m idlatitude and high latitude clim ates m ostly on
steep slopes.
10. Ochrepts
Soils having thin or light coloured su rface h o rizo n o f
altered m aterials at or close to the surface w ith little
organic m atter.
11. Plaggepts
Soils w ith a plaggen epipedon, thick su rface horizon
o f m aterials added by m an through c o n tin u e d farm ing
and m anuring.

Category B (not identified by the CSCS)

This includes those soils which have higher propotion of organic matter.
III. Histosols 12. Fibrists
Histosols are those soils which have very Soils with least decomposed organic m atter, have

high content of organic matter in the upper fibrous and woody peats, saturated with w ater during
80 cm of the soil horizon. most of the year.
13. Folists
Soils consisting of slowly decomposing forest leaves,
resting on bedrock.
14. Hemists
Soils saturated with water during m ost of the year,
contain semi-decomposed organic m atter.
15. Saprists
Soils saturated with water during m ost o f the year,
have thoroughly decomposed organic m atter.
Category C (not identified by the CSCS)

This category includes those soils which have well developed horizons and fully w eathered m inerals.
IX. Oxisols 16. Aquox
Oxisols represent those soils which are very The soils of dominantly gray, or m ottled dark red and
old and highly weathered. These represent the gray colour, seasonally saturated w ith w ater.
soils of low latitudes and contain oxic horizon.
17. Humox
The soils having hum us-rich A horizon, found in cool
moist regions, very large accum ulation o f organic
carbon, occur on high plateaux.
18. Orthox
The soils of warm hum id reg io n s, m ainly of
equatorial areas.
19. Torrox
The soils o f hot and dry clim ates, have dried horizons
for more than 6 months o f the year, not darkened by
20. Ustox

The soils o f drier clim ates, m ainly wet-dry tropical

V. Ultisols 21. Aquults
Ultisols represent the soils developed in a The so ils seasonally saturated with water, gray in
variety o f clim ates e.g. moist sub-tropical colour,
climate, wet-dry tropical climate and monsoon
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
clim ate. These form under forest cover. B hori­ 22. Humults *
The soils having hi^h to very high content o f organic
zon of well drained ultisols is red or yellowish
matter, form ed under high rainfall in m iddle and law
brown in colour. These soils contain accumu­
lated clay. They are mostly found in S.E. latitudes.
United States of America, Southern China, 23. Udults
The soils having m oderate to sm all am ount o f organic
Bolivia, Southern Brazil, Western and Central
matter, reddish or yellow ish B horizons, and form ed
Africa, India, Burma, East Indies, N.E.
in warm tem perate to hot hum id clim ates.
Australia etc.
24. Ustults
T h e s o ils o f su b -h u m id clim ate.

25. Xerults
The soils having low to m oderate organic m atter,
n7 *:r: reddish to brownish horizons, develop in M ed iterra­
nean climate (cool m oist w inter and w arm dry

Vl.VcrtisoIs 26. Torrerts
Vertisols have the following properties, The soils having deep wide cracks a lm o st th ro u g h ­
(i) high content of clay (montmorillonite) out the year due to dry conditions,
which swells, on hydration and shrinks on 27. Uderts
dehydration, (ii) wide deep cracks during dry The soils developed in m oist conditions, h av in g open
season, (iii) movement of soil during wet cracks for less than 3 m onths, usually fo r-60 days in
season. These soils generally form under continuation. .* l-
grass or savanna vegetation in sub-tropical 28. Usterts (
and torpical climates charcterized by wet and > The soils developed in w et-dry tropical clim ate, hav e
dry seasons. These soils are locally called r open cracks for 90 days, cracks open and clo se tw ice
as black cotton soils, tropical black clays, in a year.
regur etc. These are exclusively found in
tropical areas (e.g. Deccan plateau of India,
Sudan region of East-Central Africa,north- 29. Xererts
south belt in eastern Australia etc.) The soils developed inMediterranean clim ate,
remain dry for long period, crack s are o p en fo r 60
___________________ consecutive days.
VII. Alfisols 30. Aqualfs
Alfisols are characterized by the following
These are gray in colour and are seaso n ally sa tu rate d
properties, (i) moist soils with B horizon of with water.
clay accumulation, (ii) horizons of gray, 3 1 . Borals

brown or red colour, (iii) surface horizon uot These are the soils o f cold d im a .es aud are form ed
darkened by humans, (,v) water availableeither under boreal forests or on hi„h
to plants for a, .east 3 c o n s e r v e months. These are c h a r a c te r e d by (i) gray surface” !
These soils are found mostly in Central
(ii) brow insh sub-surface horizon etc.

North Ameria, Europe, Central Siberia, ; :

North China, Southern Australia, eastern ** • .; " ~r;! j
Brazil, western, eastern and southern Africa,
northern Australia, eastern India etc. These 32. Udalfs ; '
are, on an average, agriculturally productive These soils are formed in temperate or warm humid
soils. climates of deciduous forests. / v-.--
32. Ustalfs
These soils have developed in sub-humid climates.
The soils remain dry for 90 consecutive days and are
of brownish to reddish colour.
34. Xeralfs
These soils have formed under Mediterranean cli­
matic conditions characterized by cool, m oist winters
and dry summers. They are of brownish to reddish
VIII- Spodosols 3S. Aquods
The spodosols are characterized by the The soils are seasonally saturated with water,
following-properties, (i) bleached gray to white These are characterized by black or white surface
A2 horizon, (ii) B horizon of accumulated horizon lacking iron oxides; black,brownish o rr
dark m aterials including organic materials, reddish B horizon etc.
com pounds of aluminium iron, (iii) strongly 36. Ferrods
acidic and low in plant nutrients, (iv) low These soils are of rare occurrence. These have
in hum us content, (v) sand texture and low accumulation of free iron oxides in B horizon,
w ater-holding capacity. These sols are 37. Humods
supposed to have been formed genrally Upper part of B horizon has accumulated humus
under forest cover o f cool and moist and aluminium but no iron,
midlatitude climates. These are agriculturally 38. Orthods
poor soils because o f their low productivity. B horizon is rich with the accum ulated iron,
aluminium, and humus.
IX . Mollisols 39. Albolls
M ollisols have the com bination of the follow- These soils have bleached gray to white upper
ing properties, (i) very dark to black surface albic horizon and subsurface horizon of the accum-
horizon o f a mollic epipedon, (ii) thick profile, ulation o f clay.
(iii) loose structure when dry, (iv) dom inance 40. Aquolis
o f calcium in A & B horizons, (v) dominance These soils have nearly black surface above and
o f crystalline clay m inerals, (vi) nearly black m ottled grayish B horizon below. These are scaso-
colour. nally saturated with water.
M ollisols form under grass cover o f dry-w et 41. Borolis
clim ates of m iddle latitudes and subtropical These soils represent the areas o f cool semi-arid
areas. These are mostly found in the U .S.A. s t e p phigh m ountains. These include chernozem
e s a n d

(G reat Plains region, C olum bia Plateau, soils, chestnut soils and brown soils

northern G reat Basin, along the G ulf Coastal 42. Rendols ' . ;• •
Plain, Yucatan Peninsula, etc.), South America These are formed on highly calcaeous parent materials
(Pam pas of A rgentina and Uruguay), Eurasia in moist clim ates under forest vegetation.
(from Rum ania across Russian Steppes,
Siberia and M ongolia to Manchuria). Mollisols
are well developed and fertile soils and are
world-wide known for food-grains and seed 43. Ustolls
These soils are characterized by a horizon of I
accumulation o f soft, powdery calcium carbonate at a -M
'■% hiIt- ■>'- ' -;r- ■'=“ •
depth of about 50 to 100 cm. These soils are dry for at
least 90 days.
44. Udolls
These soils are formed in temperate or warm humid
climates. There is no accumulation o f calcium
carbonate in soft powdery form.
45. Xerolls
These soils are formed in sub-arid clim ates character-
ized by long dry period, mainly M editerranean
X. Aridisols 46. Argids
Aridisols are characterized by the combination These include desert soils ard red desert soils.These
of the following properties, (i) lackof darkened have B horizon of accumulated clay.
surface horizon, (ii) lack of water for plants 47. Orthids
during most part of the year, (iii) low organic These soils do not have the horizon o f accum ulalted
matter, (iv) absence of deep wide cracks, clay horizon. Some sub-types o f these soils have salic
(v) large accumulation of carbonates at depth. horizon (of salt accum ulation) which appears as a
These soils form under semi-desert and desert white layer.
climate where there is very scantly rainfall
which cannot enter the soils. Most of the
deserts of the world represent these soils
which are used for nomadic grazing.

Evaluation of CSCS field and measured in the field and laborato­

The detailed classification of world soils ► The classification uses the nom enclature de­
under the Comprehensive Soil Classification Sys­ rived mostly from G reek and Latin languages.
tem (CSCS) prepared by the Soil SurveyiJtaff o f the ► The classification pays m ore attention tow ards
U.S. Soil Conservation Service in 1975 has the the classification o f soils rather than the soil
following characteristics which make this scheme of forming processes.
soil classification more useful and advantageous ► The classses o f soils have been strictly defined
than the other schemes. in terms o f the characteristics o f the soils
> The classification is based on such field and (morphology and com position o f the soils).
The definitions have been m ade to the largest
laboratory data which can be identified in the
extent on quantitative basis.
, . c rf-m ✓rcrs 1975) as prepared by the U.S. Soil Survey Staff.
.. rnm nrehensive Soil Classification System (C S L \ i v n j v
Fig. 7.4: World Soil Orders accord,ng ,o CompreHen,

>■ T h e defin itio n s o f different soil classes have ► The soils profiles have been distinguished on
been based on such features o f the soils which the basis o f their surface horizon (epipedon)
can be directly observed in the field. and sub-surface horizons.
> T he classification does not m ake distinction Inspite o f several advantages o f the Soil
betw een soils (w ell drained upland soils with Taxonomy o f the CSCS the classification also has
full developm ent o f soil horizons) and intrazonal some disadvantages e.g. (i) Very difficult nomencla­
soils (poorly drained soils) in the highest c a t­
ture o f Greek and Latin origin has been used in the
egory o f the classification o f the soils (the
highest category in this schem e is the soil classification, which becom es very difficult to
order). understand for the students o f other languages, (ii)
> The soils m odified by human activities (farm­ More emphasis has been given to laboratory data
ing, manuring etc.) have been given due which may not be possible in many o f the developing
weightage in this classification. and under-developed countries. “This classification
> The classification has wider scope to cover and has many merits as a scientific and a rigorous basis
include all those soils which have not till now unrelated to the earlier, often confused, term inol­
been discovered and studied but may be ogy, but it has not been adopted everyw here, and it
discovered and studied in coming future. seems that it may remain, as sim ply one more
> The classification gives a greater uniformity to interesting soil classification” (M.J. Bradshaw,
the soil classification. 1977).

As described in the 6th chapter the biosphere Second Law

is the largest ecosystem. There is input of matter and
energy in the ecosystem to build biological struc­ The second law of thermodynamics states that
ture, to reproduce and to maintain necessary internal when work is done, energy is dissipated and the work
energy level so that the ecosystems may function is done when one form o f energy is transformed into
another form.
properly. There is also export of matter and energy
from the ecosystems. When there is balance between
the input of matter and energy and output (exit) of 8.1 SOURCES OF ENERGY
matter and energy, the ecosystems tend to be in
equilibrium state. All organisms in the biosphere are All sources of energy o f the biospheric
like machines because they use energy to work and ecosystem are virtually out side the biosphere. The
convert one form o f energy into another form major source of energy is the solar radiation and
of energy. The energy pattern and flow are other minor sources of biospheric energy are cosm ic
governed by the first and the second laws of radiation, geothermal energy and energy subsidies
thermodynamics. released from storage in fossil fuels. The sun is the
most important source of energy for the proper
First Law functioning o f the ecosystem because the solar
radiation is converted by green plants into food or
The first law o f thermodynamics is known as chemical energy which is used by plants them selves,
the conservation o f energy which states that in any animals and man. Solar radiation also helps directly
system o f constant mass, energy is neither created and indirectly in the circulation o f matter in the
nor destroyed but it can be transformed from one biospheric ecosystem (the process is called as
type to another type (example, electrical energy can biogeochem ical cycles comprised o f water or
be converted into mechanical energy). In terms o f hydrological cycle, chemical elem ents cycles, sedi­
ecosystem, energy inflow or energy input into the ment cycle etc.)
system will be balanced by energy outflow from the The flux or inflow o f solar energy in the
system. biosphere has been estimated differently by various
for photosynthesis. This energy is converted by the
scientists. Following the estimate o f *an Simmons green plants into food or chemical energy o f which
(1982) the solar energy reaching the top o e a large part is spent by the plants through respiration.
earth’s atmosphere is 520 x 10“ Joules (which is V, Only 170 x 1019 Joules (which is only 0.2% o f the
billionth part of total energy radiated from the sun) total energy entering the earth’s atmosphere) are
every year. O ut of this total energy (transmitted from stored in the biomass (the total mass of the living
the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation) plant tissues). Thus it is obvious that the flora of the
about 100 x 10 22 Joules reach the earth’s surface but biosphere utilize only 0.2% of the total energy
40% of the total solar energy entering the earth’s present in the light (solar radiation) o f the right
atmosphere is reflected back into space by desert, wavelength (suitable for photosynthesis by green
snow and ice and oceans. Thus 60 x 1022 Joules plants). Man utilizes only less than one percent o f
become available to the green plants for photosyn­ the total energy stored in the biomass as accumu­
thesis. This part of the solar energy is known as pool lated organic matter (fig. 8.1).


Radiated from the sun

Solar energy Top of the

100% atmosphere
520 x 1022 Joules

Suitable for

Lost to atmosphere
through respiration
40 x 1022
20% of 40%
Reflected from deserts, clouds anc£-i
snow pool for photosynthesis 60% Biomass
100 xlO22 4
60 x 1022 170x 1 0 19
Joules Joules Joules
Earth’s surface

Fig. 8.1: The flow or flux o f solar energy to living plants (Based on Ian Simmons, 1982).

The solar or light energy is transformed into various levels of organisms. Thus the flow of energy
food or chemical energy by the processes of is unidirectional and once used and spent is never
photosynthesis by green plants. Some part o f this
available for reuse. “Energy is constantly flowing
chemical energy is lost to the atmosphere through
into the biosphere, undergoing various transforma­
respiration by the plants and the remaining part is
tions which may involve being stored but ultimately
stored in the plants as biomass. The energy is further
being lost in the form o f heat” (P.A. Furley and
transferred from one level o f organisms to the other
W.W. Newey, 1983). It is, therefore, necessary to
level o f organisms and it is also used and spent at
discuss the transformation of solar energy into
The productivity of the ecosystem depends on
various forms before describing the mechanism of
factors e.g. (1) the availability o f .he amount of
flow pattern o f energy in the biospheric
ecosystem. solar radiation to the autotrophic primary Produ“ rs'
life (>' '' * ■; .
i~ < and (ii) the efficiency o f the plants to convertsolar
energy (light energy) into chemical energy (
energy) which is used by green plants to ui
t h e i r tissues. Primary p r o d u c t i o n / p r o d u c t i v i t y is
The solar energy or the sunlight is received
and trapped by the green plants in the biosphere. The measured in two ways e.g. (i) gross primary
green plants contain pigment chlorophyll through production (GPP), and (ii) net primary production
which they convert solar energy into organic (NPP). Gross primary production is the total amount
molecules (molecules having carbon). Infact, green of energy produced by the autotrophic primary
plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and producers at tropic level one. In other words, gross
water into carbohydrates and other biochemical primary production refers to total amount o f energy
molecules. This process of conversion of light assimilated by autotrophic primary producer green
energy into food or chemical energy is called plants. Net primary production (NPP) represents the
photosynthesis. The organisms which produce their amount of energy or organic matter fixed or stored at
own food are called primary producers. They are trophic level one. Thus net primary production,
also known as autotrophs. excludes the amount of energy which is lost through
Primary producers fall in two categories e.g. respiration by autotrophic primary producer plants.
(i) phototrophs, and (ii) chemotrophs. Phototrophs Net primary production is, thus, gross primary
are those primary producers (green plants) which production minus the energy lost through respira­
trap solar energy (light energy) and produce their tion. Net primary production represents the usable
own food through the process of photosynthesis. amount of energy at trophic level one, w hich is made
The chemotrophic primary producers are primarily available to higher trophic levels. The ecosystem
chemosynthetic bacteria which produce their food productivity whether, gross or net, is generally
energy through chemical processes wherein simple measured in gram/m2/day or year.
organic compounds are oxidised to obtain food Biomass refers to the quantity or w eight o f
energy. In other words, chemotrophs use already living matter per unit area per unit tim e and is
photosynthesised organic matter which is already represented in terms o f dry w eight. B iom ass is
present in the biosphere to produce their own food. comprised o f plants and animals and therefore it is
The primary producers include chlorophyll contain­ referred to as plant biomass or animal biomass. Total
ing green plants, green purple bacteria, blue green plant biomass including both above ground and
algae and phytoplanktons. subsurface plants is called standing crop.
The total accumulated amount o f energy It is necessary to draw a distinction betw een
stored by the autotrophic primary producers per unit productivity and production. Productivity refers to
area per unit time is called ecological productivity. In the rate o f increase o f biom ass whereas production is
fact, the productivity o f ecosystem refers to the rate an amount o f biom ass o f a given unit area at a given
o f growth o f energy or organic matter per unit time time.
by autotrophic primary producers through the
Plant and animal biom ass may be m easured
process o f photosynthesis with the help of solar and represented separately. R.H. W hitaker and
energy (light energy). The production o f organic G .M ., W oodw ell (1 971) have m easured the net
matter or energy by autotrophic primary producers is primary productivity, world net primary production
called primary production and the green plants and biom ass o f plants o f major natural eco sy stem s o f
involved in the production activity are called the w hole earth’s surface. M ean net primary
primary producers. productivity for the w hole earth is 320 dry grams/

m 2/year whereas the mean values for the tropical (70 dry gram m2/year), open ocean (125 dry grams/
rainforest, swamps and marshes and estuaries m2/year) and Tundra and Alpine ecosystems
are 2000 dry grams/m2/year in each case. Very (140 dry grams/m2/year). Table 8.1 presents the
low net primary productivity is of extreme desert, generalized picture o f net primary production and
rock and ice (3 dry grams/m2/year), desert scrub plant biomass o f the major natural ecosystems.

Table 8.1 : Net Primary Production and Plant Biomass.

Ecosystems - Mean net primary W o rld n e t primary Plant biomass World plant
productivity (dry production (109dry (dry kg/m2) biomass (109
.. gram/m2/year) tons) (mean)________dry tons)

1. Lake & stream 500 1.0 0.02 0.04

2. Swamp & Marsh 2000 4.0 12.00 24.00

3. Tropical forest 2000 40.0 45.00 900.00

4. Temperate forest 1300 23.4 30.00 540.00

5. Boreal forest 800 9.6 20.00 240.00

6. Woodland & shrub 600 4.2 6.00 42.00

7. Tropical Savanna 700 10.5 4.00 60.00

8. Temperate grassland 500 4.5 1.50 14.00

9. Tundra and Alpine 140 11 0.60 5.00

10. Desert scrub 70 1.3 0.70 13.00
11. Extreme desert, rock and ice 03 0.07 0.02 0.50
12. Agricultural land 650 2.10 1.00 14.00

Total land 730 109.00 12.50 1852.00

13. Open ocean 125 41.50 0.003 1.00

14. Continental shelf 350 9.50 0.01 0.30
15. Attached algae and estuaries 2000 4.00 1.00 2.00
Total ocean 155 55.00 0.009 3.30
Total for earth 320 164.00 3.6 1855.00

I.G. Simmons (1974) has estimated the net productivity o f the continental ecosystem s is about 4
primary productivity for major world biomass (table times greater than the oceanic (marine) ecosystem s.
8.2). The mean net productivity of the whole world But the total net productivity o f the whole area o f the
is 303 gram/m2/year whereas total net productivity continental ecosystem s (102.2 x 109 tonnes per year)
o f the whole area of the world is 155.2xl09 tonnes is only double o f the marine (oceanic) ecosystem s
per year. Mean net primary productivity of the (55.0 x 109 tonnes per year) inspite o f the fact that
continental and oceanic ecosystems is 699 and 155 the oceanic ecosytems cover about 71 percent o f the
gram/m2/year. It is obvious that mean net primary total area o f the globe.

Table 8 .2: Prim arv Productivity of

estimated Net Primary
Estimated of primary productivity o f terrestrial ecosystem s at
Major World Biomass world scale (fig. 8.2) as follows .
Vegetation Unit > the regions of high ecological productivity
Mean Productivity Total of net
represented by shallow water areas, m oist forests
(g/m2/year) productivily
(tropical and temperate), alluvial plains and regions
(109 tonnes/year)
of intensive farming;
1. Forests 1290 64.5 > the regions of low ecological productivity
2. Woodlands 600 4.2 represented by arctic snow covered wastelands, and
3. Tundra 140 1.1
>■ intermediate ecological productivity e.g.
4. Desert scrub 70 1.3
5. Grassland 600 grasslands, shallow lakes and farmlands except
6. Desert 3 intensively cultivated areas.
7. Cultivated land 650 9.1 Though the productivity o f ecosystem largely
8. Fresh water 1250 5.0 depends on the availability of required amount of
9. Reefs and estuaries 2000 4.0 solar radiation (sunlight) and the efficiency o f plants
10. Continental shelf 350 9.3 to use this energy, there are also other factors which
11. Open ocean 125 41.5 affect and control the ecosystem productivity e.g.
12. Upwelling zones 500 0.2 abiotic factors (temperature, water quantity and
Total continental 669 100.2 depth of water, and above all climate and chem ical
Total Oceanic 155 55.0 factors-nutrient supply) and biological factors (m ode
World Total 303 155.2 of interactions between various populations such as
Source : I.G. Simmons, 1974 mutualism, parasitism, predation etc. and internal
Since the primary productivity of a natural instinctive control mechanisms within the populations
ecosystem largely depends on the amount of such as social organization, territoriality and social
available solar radiation, there is positive correla­ hierarchies). When the aforesaid factors are favour­
tion between primary productivity and solar radia­ able, there is quite high relative level o f productiv­
tion. Since there is marked decrease in solar ity. When one or more factors are in short supply or
radiation received at the earth’s surface from are not favourable to ideal ecosystem productivity
equator towards the poles, primary productivity ecological productivity becom es low . Such factor,
also, on an average (besides a few intermediate which inhibits ecosystem productivity and therefore
zones o f exeception ) decreases markedly towards ecological production, is called limitting factor. For
the poles. This results in spatial variations in example, water is a lim iting factor in the hot desert
primary productivity at global, regional and local areas because sufficient vegetation cannot develop
scales. E.P. Odum (1959) has identified three levels due to scarcity o f water though sunlight, temperature

under 0.5! 0 .5 -3
110-25 i 0 .5 - 3 under 0.5

forest, deep lakes, some Moist forest
agriculture shallow lakes, most!
grassland, moist ! jContinental
agriculture ; j shelf water
Estuaries, coral reefs, alluvial plains,
intensive year-round agriculture (sugarcane)

Fig. 8.2 : World distribution of primary productivity o f the major world ecosystems (after E.P. Odum. 1963,1971). The units
are grams of dry organic matter/m2/day.

and nutrients are plentiful. Similarly, sunlight and Thus the herbivores build up their tissues through
tem perature are limiting factors in polar areas. the food energy derived from autotrophic plants.
These herbivorous animals are called primary
It is important to note that there is also
consumers. The total amount of matter or energy
variation in the rate and amount o f photosynthesis
assimilated by herbivorous animals is called second­
with the season (more photosynthesis and hence
ary production. The gross secondary production
more gross primary production during summer
(GSP) represents the amount o f energy assimilated
season than winter season of a year) and with the age
and accumulated by heterotrophs whereas the net
of the plant, animal or microbe. In the initial stages
secondary production includes the amount of energy
o f the development o f living organisms gross
or organic matter assimilated and accumulated by
primary production (GPP) and net primary produc­
heterotrophs minus energy lost through respiration.
tion (NPP) both increase but after the attainment of
The net community production (NCP) represents net
mature stage of biotic community there is increase
secondary production by all heterotrophs at differ­
in GPP but at slow rate, whereas NPP decreases
ent trophic levels and unused primary production.
because of increase in respiration due to greater
consumption of energy in respiration.
The herbivorous animals depend on au- 8.3 TROPHIC LEVELS, FOOD CHAINS AND FOOD
totrophic primary producer plants for their food. WEBS

As stated earlier, green plants are very

important biotic component of the biospheric
ecosystem because these green plants manufacture
their own food which becomes source of food energy
for all types of organisms in the biosphere. Plants
manufacture their food with the help o f carbon
dioxide, inorganic salt (phosphorous and nitrates),
water and sunlight. Carbon dioxide is taken by
plants from the atmosphere through their leaves
during day time while inorganic salts and water are
taken by plants from the soils through their roots by
the process of root osmosis. The green pigment
chlorophyll of plants traps solar radiation or
sunlight. Now plants convert water and carbon,
dioxide into starch and sugar with the help of
sunlight. The whole chain o f this process is called
photosynthesis. Thus the green plants are called
primary producers and the animals depending on
primary producer plants (autotrophs) are called
consumers (heterotrophs). Some animals exclusively
depend on other animals for their food whereas some
animals (e.g. man) depend on both, plants and
animals for their food. The animals deriving their
food exclusively from plants are called herbivores.
Those animals, which take their food exclusively
from animals, are called carnivores and the animals
depeding on both, plants and animals, for their food
are called omnivores (
Fig. 8.3 : Ecological production and energy flow (modi­ Feeding (or transfer and assim ilation o f food
fie d from D.B. Botkin and E.A. Kellar, 1982). energy) takes place in hierarchical order in the
, NPP = Net Primary Production; GPP = Gross ecosystem through various levels. Thus the levels
Primary Producton. through which food energy passes from one group of

(2) Trophic level 2: The organisms, who do not '

organisms to the other group are called trophic levels.
The chain o f transformation and transfer of food produce their food themselves but depend on
energy in the ecosystem from one group of primary producers (of trophic level 1) for their food,
organisms to the other group through a series of are included in trophic level 2. These organisms are
animals and are called primary consumers. They are
steps or levels (trophic levels) is called food chain. In
other words, the chain of transfer of food energy basically grazers like sheep, cows, rabbits, goats,
from one group o f organisms to the other group in deers etc. These animals are also called herbivores.
the biosphere (ecosystem) is called food chain and The trophic level where food energy is transferred
the point where food energy is transferred from one from primary producers to primary consumers is
group o f organisms to the other group is called called trophic level 2 (fig. 8.4 and 8.5).
trophic level. The concept of trophic level is based on (3) Trophic level 3 : The anim als, who depend
the classic work o f R.L. Lindman (1942) who on animals mainly herbivorous anim als to r th eir
pointed out “that living organisms can be grouped food, arc included in this trophic level. T hese
into a series of more or less discrete trophic levels animals arc called carnivores and secondary consum­
with each level depending on preceding one for its ers becausc they depend on the prim ary consum er
energy (food) supply”. On an average four trophic animals of herbivorous group of trophic level 2.
levels o f a food chain are identified. Carnivores include (I) land anim als-lions, hawks,
(1) beers, leopard, eagles etc,; (II) anim als living in the
Trophic level 1: The base of the food chain
is formed by autotrophic primary producer organ­ soils-bacteria which decom pose dead herbivorous
isms which include green plants. This base of the animals; (III) aquatic anim als-herring. T he trophic
food chain is called trophic level 1 where green level where energy is transferred from prim ary
plants produce their food through the process of consum ers to secondary consum ers is called trophic
photosynthesis with the help of sunlight, water, level 3 (figs. 8.4 and 8.5).
carbon dioxide and inorganic salts and they consume (4) Trophic level 4 : Those animals are
the produced energy to build their tissues and included in this trophic level which take their food
bodies. The trophic level 1 is also the source of food either directly or indirectly from all the three low er
for all other organisms o f the food chain. All the trophic levels. Man is the most important member o f
green plants are the members o f trophic level 1. this trophic level because he derives food and fuel
from the green plants, commodities from second and
third trophic levels. Such animals (as man) are called
omnivores. Decomposers also derive their energy
from all the trophic levels (fig. 8.4).
A food chain is in fact the sequence o f energy
transfer from the lower trophic levels to the upper or
higher trophic levels. A simple linear food chain may
be illustrated by the follow ing example (fig. 8.5).
1. Plants (primary producers)-»herbivorous
animals (primary consum ers)—^carnivorous animals
(secondary consumers or primary carnivores)—>
carnivores/omnivores (secondary carnivores).
2. Grass (primary producer) is eaten by-»sheep
(herebivores, primary consum er)—»sheep is eaten
by—»wolves (carnivores, secondary consum er or
Soil water primary carnivore).
3. G rass-»in sects-*frogs—>snake—>hawk—»
leopard. - '
When the feeding relationships in a natu**J
ecosystem becom e more com plicated, the fo
Fig. 8.4: Functional relationships between different
chain does not remain sim ple and linear rather i is
v >: trophic levels in an ecosystem.

also complicated by several inter-connected over­ marine ecosystem) and adult herring (fig. 8.6) e.g.
lapping food chains. This happens when greater (i) herring feeds on arrow worms which feed on
number of species feed on many kinds of prey. Such barracle larva which feeds on diatoms; (ii) herring
complicated food chain is called food web. For feeds on sea butterfly which feeds on pseudo
example, there are various pathways of transfer of calanus, acortia, temora, calanus, all o f which feed
energy between diatoms (primary producer in on diatoms, and so on.

Fig. 8.6: Illustration of a marine food web (based on J. Phillipson, 1966).

Figure 8.7 illustrates another example of caribou and hares which feed on grasses; (v) Fox eats
complicated food web in a polar (arctic) ecosystem lemmings and hares which feed on grasses; (v i)
where there are several inter-connected food chains, Polar bear feeds on fish w hich feeds on crustacea
e.g. (i) Man eats caribou which feeds on grasses; (ii) which feed on diatoms and so on.
Man feeds on whales which eat crustacea which feed
The nature of food chains and food webs
on diatoms; (iii) Man eats walrus which eats
depends on the richness or poorness of biodiversity
crustacea which feed on diatoms; (iv) W olf eats of a natural ecosystem. The richer the biodiversity,
the longer and more complicated the food chains and webs become longer and more complicated, so the
food webs. The ecosystem stability also depends on ecosystem becomes more stable. A simpler food
biodiversity and food chains and food webs. As the chain represents unstable ecosystem and poor
biodiversity increases, the food chains and food biodiversity. -*,v


Wolf r Fox _________ a rOlaT DCof


Caribou Hare Musk-ox Lemming Birds Seals Fish Wa rus Whales

Insects Crustacea

» Grasses Diatoms

Fig. 8.7: Illustration o f a complicated polar (arctic) foodweb (based on J. Phillipson, 1966).

8.4 ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS have larger bodies or smaller ones). C. Elton (1927)
has pointed out that “the animals at the base o f a food
If we look into the nature and pathways of chain are relatively abundant, w hilst those at the end
transfer of energy through different trophic stages are relatively few in number, and there is a
(levels) and total biomass at each trophic level we progressive decrease in between the two extremes”.
find certain common characteristics e.g. (i) The Thus, the pyramid o f number means progressive
number o f species tends to decline successively decrease in the number o f species with successive
from the base o f the trophic level (trophic level 1) to higher trophic levels. On an average the primary
the top of the trophic level, (ii) The total biomass producers or the autotrophic green plants are smali
tends to decrease progressively from the base of the in size but very large in number at the base o f the
trophic level through successive higher trophic pyramid (representing trophic level I) because these
levels to the top. (iii) The energy availability at each have to provide food to the animals o f trophic level
successive higher trophic level decreases. Thus, it is 2 which are smaller in number (than the plants at
obvious that the number o f species, the total biomass trophic level 1) but larger in size. Sim ilarly, the
and energy availability decrease with successive number of animals at trophic level 3 is smaller than
higher trophic levels in the food chain in such a way the number of animals at trophic level 2 but the size
that the shape becomes like a pyramid. This is called
o f animals becomes larger at trophic level 3 than at
ecological pyramid. There are three types of ecological
trophic level 2 and so on. For exam ple, if a cow
pyramids e.g. (i) the pyramids o f numbers,
(primary consumer at trophic level 2) feeds on grass
(ii) biomass pyramid, and (iii) energy pyramid.
(primary producer at trophic level 1), there must be
numerous blades o f grass to feed and support one
1. Number Pyramids
cow (figure 8.8A ).
Number pyramids include only the number of In the forest ecosystem the situation is
species and not their sizes (whether the organisms reversed because the primary producers (trees) are

very large in size at the base o f trophic level (trophic tem, river ecosystem , lake ecosystem etc.) but these
le v e l 1). In such cases a single large tree is capable do not give any idea about the total biom ass (total
o f supporting a large number o f primary consumer weight o f living organisms) because pyramids o f
animals (herbivores) at trophic level 2, with the number consider only the number o f organism s and
result the pyramid o f number becomes tapering at not the size o f the organisms.
the base o f trophic levels (due to small number of
plants) and most extensive at trophic level 2 (due to 2. Biomass Pyramid
large number o f herbivorous animals) but thereafter
Pyramids o f biomass include the biomass
the pyramid assumes its normal shape (narrow
upward). This is evident from figure 8.8B. (total weight o f organic matter) o f each trophic level
(figure 8.8D) instead o f number o f species as is done
If a food chain represents primary producers in the case o f pyramid o f numbers. Thus the total
o f very large size (trees) at trophic level 1, and weight o f whole organic matter (biom ass) at each
parasites and hyperparasites at trophic levels 2 and 3 trophic level represents the standing crop at a single
as primary and secondary consumers respectively,
point in time. This enables the pyramid to assume its
the resultant pyramid is inverted pyramid (fig. 8.8C)
natural shape i.e. broad base and thin appex.
because one single primary producer (tree) can
Biomass pyramid does not give any idea o f the rate
support numerous primary consumers (parasites)
of ecological/ecosystem production.
and secondary consumers (hyperparasites).
Though the pyramids of number of species 3. Energy Pyramids
help in the comprative study of the diversity of the
structure and food chains and food webs of different C. Elton (1927) suggested to construct a
ecosystems (e.g. forest ecosystem , marine ecosys­ pyramid o f energy to have an idea o f eco lo g ica l

P = Primary Producers (D) (E) TROPHIC

PC = Primary Consumers LEVELS
SC = Secondary Consumers C2 TC 1
TC = Tertiary Consumers
Cl SC Cl
H = Herbivores SC -2
C - Carnivores H PC H PC 3
Kcal = Kilo Calories

BIOMASS (g/m2)
ENERGY (Kcal/m2/year)

F ig.8.8: Ecologicalpyramids -(A) pyramid o f numbers, (B) pyramid of numbers wilk large „ ce a, ,he ground. (C) invert'd
pyramid, (D) biomass pyramid and (E) tnergy pyramid.
m set

productivity. The energy pyramid is constructed, pointed out that the transfer o f energy from trophic
thus, on the basis of total amount of energy used at level 1 (green plants, primary producers or autotrophs)
each trophic level per unit area per unit time. The is performed through the intake o f organic tissues
total amount of energy used is generally expressed in (mhinh rnnfain
(which contain Dotential energy)j ouff green
potential chemical energy
plants by the herbivorous animals (when a cow
kilocalories (Kcal) per square metre per day or per
grazes grasses, chemical energy stored in grasses is
year (Kcal/m2/year). Energy pyramids help in the
comparative study of the productivities of different transferred to the cow).
ecosystems (fig. 8.8 E). Thus the chemical energy consumed by
herbivorous animals (derived from trophic level 1
8.5 ENERGY FLOW through food intake) helps in the building o f their
own tissues at trophic level 2 and thus the energy is
stored in them. This stored energy in the bodies o f
Solar radiation is the basic input of energy
which enters the ecosystem. This solar energy herbivores now becomes the source o f energy for
passes through the hierarchy of trophic levels in a carnivorous animals (secondary consumers) at
food chain and food web and ultimately becomes trophic levle 3. A substantial portion o f chemical
output from the ecosystem as energy is lost through energy is lost through respiration from herbivores at
respiration from each trophic level. Biosynthesis is trophic level 2 because the animals have to consume
the process of the formation of organic tissue which energy for their movement for getting food from
represents the transformation of solar or light energy green plants. In other words, energy is required for
into chemical or food energy. Biodergradation is the the work to be done and when work is done energy
process of breakdown and decomposition of organic is dissipated and the work is done when one form o f
matter and thus this process refers to the release of energy is transformed into another form (second law
nutrients and food (chemical) energy in the form of of thermodynamics). Some portion o f potential
heat. The energy flow (transfer of organic mol­ chemical energy is transferred to carnivorous
ecules) in the ecosystem is unidirectional and is non- animals at trophic level 3 through intake o f food
cyclic (is not available again for reuse). from herbivores. Some portion of energy is released
by herbivores as wastes (e.g. dung, urine etc.) which
The radiant solar energy or light (of the sun)
are decomposed by detrivores or decomposers. Still
energy is trapped by green plants (primary producers
some portions o f herbivores, when dead, are broken
or autotrophs) and is used to prepare food (chemical
down and decomposed by decomposers (fig. 8.9).
organic matter) through the process of photosynthe­
sis. Thus autotrophic (or phototrophic) green plants
transform a part of solar energy into food or
chemical energy which is used by the green plants
(primary producers at trophic level 1) to develop
their tissues and thus it is stored in the primary
producers or autotrophs at the bottom of trophic
levels (i.e. trophic level 1).
The chemical energy stored at trophic level 1
becomes the source of energy either directly or
indirectly to all o f the animals at different trophic
levels in a food chain in a natural ecosystem. Some
portion o f energy is lost through respiration from
trophic level 1 and some portion o f chemical energy
is transferred to plant-eating animals (herbivores) at
trophic level 2. Some portion o f plants falls down
without being consumed by herbivores o f trophic
level 2 on the ground surface and is ultimately Fig. 8.9 Generalized pattern o f energy flow in an eco­
consumed by detrivores or decomposers and thus system. Solid liines indicate major pathways
some energy is also transferred from trophic level 1 and dashed lines indicate minor pathways of
to the decomposers living in the soils. It may be energy flow.

(i) transfer o f chemical energy from each

A substantial portion of potential chemical
trophic level to the next higher trophic level (i.e.
energy stored in the bodies of carnivores is lost
from trophic level 1 to 2, from 2 to 3 and from 3 to
through respiration from trophic level 3 because the
carnivorous animals have to run for greater dis­ 4) and direct transfer o f chemical energy from
tances to catch their preys. A portion o f chemical trophic levels 1 and 2 to trophic level 4 (top trophic
energy is transferred to trophic level 4 or tophic level level);
represented by ominivores (those animals which eat (ii) transfer o f chemical energy from dead
both plants and animals, man is the most important organisms o f each trophic level to decomposers, and
example o f omnivores). The animals at trophic level
(iii) loss o f energy in the form o f heat through
4, mainly man, also take energy from trophic levels
respiration from each trophic level and from
1 and 2 (fig. 8.9). Again some portion of energy is
decomposers (fig. 8.10). The whole amount o f heat
released through respiration from trophic level 4 by
omnivores. The omnivores, after their death, are energy released from different organisms through
decomposed by the decomposers. respiration is lost to the atmosphere and thus is not
again available to the organisms for reuse. It is thus
Thus it is obvious from the above discussion and
figs, 8.9 and 8.10 that there are three-way pathways of evident that the energy flow in the ecosystem is
flow of energy in the natural ecosystem as follows : unidirectional and non-cyclic.


Green Plants L am f Decom

iyores posers

R = Respiration (heat)
L = Chemical energy of live-
organisms Dead Organic Matter
D = Chemical energy of dead

Fig. 8.10 : Simplified mechanism o f energy flow in the ecosystem (based on H.J.M. Bowen, 1966).

The first law o f thermodynamics, “that in any ecosystem as elaborated above. Light energy (solar
system o f constant mass, energy is neither created radiation) is transformed into chemical energy (food
nor destroyed but it can be transformed from one energy) by autotrophic green plants through the
type to another type, the energy inflow or input in a process of photosynthesis. The chemical energy is
system is balanced by energy outflow or output”, released as heat energy through respiration by the
holds good in the mechanism o f energy flow in the organisms at different trophic levels. R.L. Lindeman

(1942) has formulated the following five principles and work more for getting food and therefore more
regarding the relationships betwen different energy is lost due to respiration.
trophic levels and energyflow in a natural ecosys­ Principle I I I : Species at progressively higher
tem. trophic levels appear to be progressively more
Principle I : As the distance between the efficient in using their available food supply,
organisms of a given trophic level and the initial because increased activity by predators increases
source of energy (trophic level 1) increases, the their chances of encountering suitable prey species,
probability of the organisms to depend exclusively and in general predators are less specific than their
on the preceding trophic level for energy decreases. prey in food preferences’.
In other words, the organisms at trophic levels 3 and Principle IV : ‘Higher trophic levels tend to be
4 do not depend for their energy only on trophic less discrete than the lower ones’ because the
levels 2 and 3 respectively rather they receive organisms at progressively higher trophic levels
energy from more than one source (trophic level) receive energy from more than one source (trophic-
which means that organisms at trophic level 3 and level) and are ‘generalists’ in their feeding habit and
they are more efficient in using their available food
beyond tend to be ‘generalists’ rather than ‘special­
ists’ in terms o f their feeding habit.
Principle V : ‘Food chains tend to be reason­
Principle I I : The relative loss of energy due to ably short. Four vertical links is a common
respiration is progressively greater from higher maximum’ because loss o f energy is progressively
trophic levels because the species at higher trophic higher for higher trophic levels and species at higher
levels being relatively larger in size have to move levels tend to be less discrete.

earth’s crust (lithospheric source or reserv o ir), and

9.1 NATURE OF MATTER (ii) atmosphere (atm ospheric source o r reservoir).
When the chemical elem ents are involved in the
The circulation of elements (matter) or
growth and m aintenance o f organism s, these are
nutrients (both organic and inorganic) in the
called mineral nutrients.
biospheric ecosystem is made possible through
energy flow. In other words, energy flow is the main The chemical elem ents or sim ply the m ateri­
driving force o f material (nutrients) circulation in als or mineral nutrients (or sim ply n utrients)
the various biotic com ponents o f the ecosystem (the involved in the circulation w ithin an ecosystem (the
biosphere). The organic and inorganic substances biosphere) and in the grow th and m aintenance o f
are moved reversibly in the biosphere, atmosphere, organisms are grouped into three categ o ries e.g. (i)
hydrosphere and lithosphere through various closed Macro-elements, w hich are required in larg e q u an tity
system o f cycles in such a way that the total mass of by plants. These include oxygen, carb o n and
these substances rem ain alm ost the same and these hydrogen which form the basic cell stru ctu res o f the
substances are always available for use by the biotic organism s and are the principal co m p o n en ts o f fats
communities. “In other words, the m aterials, that and carbohydrates in the o rganism , (ii) M inor
make up the biosphere are distributed and redistrib­ elements, which are required by p lan ts in relatively
uted by means o f an infinite series o f cyclic large am ount. T hese elem ents in clu d e nitrogen,
pathways m otored by the continuous input of phosphorous, potassium , calciu m , m agnesium and
energy” (P.A. Furley and W.W. Newey, 1983). sulphur. N itrogen helps in the sy n th e sis o f proteins;
The m aterials or elem ents are also called phosphorous is resp o n sib le fo r th e b u ild in g of
nutrients because they help the organism s to build up nucleic acids and cy p to p lasm and th e tra n sfer of
their tissues and bodies. The chem ical elem ents, energy through cells o f the o rg an ism s; su lp h u r helps
which enter the ecosystem (the biosphere) through in the form ation o f am ino acids w h ich form proteins;
plants, are very im portant to biotic com m unities cell w alls o f the o rg an ism s are stre n g th e re d by
because they are essential for the sustenance o f life calcium w hereas ch lo ro p h y ll is produced by magne­
in the biosphere. T h e elem ents com e from tw o basic sium . (iii) Trace elem ents, w h ich are req u ired by
sources o r reserviors viz. (1) lithosphere or the plants in very sm all q u an tity . There are ab o u t 100

elements which are required by plants but the The inorganic elements of the atmospehric phase are
elements which are most required by plants are iron, brought to the soils under the impact of precipita­
copper, manganese, zinc, boron, chlorine, molybde­ tion. The inorganic elements or nutrients poole<i in
num etc. - • •" the soil reservoir are teken up by plants in solution
Besides chemical elements, there are also form through the process of root osmosis. The plants
organic materials which are involved in the circula­ then convert these inorganic elements into such
tion of elements or nutrients in the biospheric forms which are easily used in the development of
ecosystem. The organic materials comprise (i) plant tissues and plant growth by biochemical
decomposed parts of either alive or dead plants and processes (generally photosynthesis). Thus the
animals, and (ii) waste materials excreted (released) nutrients driven by energy flow pass into various
by animals (e.g. dung). components of biotic communities through the
process known as biogeochemical cycles.
A few of the chemical elements act as organic
catalysts or enzyems because they help chemical In a generalized form the biogeochemical
reactions but seldom undergo chemical changes cycles include the uptake of nutrients or inorganic
themselves. elements by plants through their roots in solution
form from the soils where these inorganic elements,
The elements (chemical or inorganic and
derived from sedimentary phase, are stored (fig. 9.1).
organic) which are circulated in the biosphere
Some nutrients are leached from the soil pool and are
belong to three main phases : (i) atmospheric phase
brought back to the sedimentary phase while some
(hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen), (ii) sedimen­ nutrients (chemical or inorganic matter) are washed
tary phase (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phos­ out and are brought to the ocean by rivers (fig. 9.1).
phorous, sulphur etc.), and (iii) organic phase The inorganic elements or nutrients taken up by
(organic matter including both plants and animals). plants are transported to various trophic levels along
the food chain through energy flow (fig. 9.2).

Biogeochemical cycles may also be termed as

geobiochemical cycles because the necessary nutri­
ents are provided by the soils and the roots of
phototrophic green plants take the nutrients in ATMOSPHERIC PHASE
solution form through the process of root osmosis ORGANIC | ASHES
from the soils. The biologists prefer to use the term j AND
biogeochemical cycles because plants play active role i GASES
in the cyclic pathways of nutrients.
‘A biogeochemical cycle is the cycling of
chemical element’ through the earth’s atmosphere,
oceans and sediments as it is affected by the
geological and biological cycles. It can be described
as a series of compartments or storage reservoirs, Oceans
and pathways between these reservoirs’ (D.B. Rivers
Botkin and E.A. Keller, 1982). P.A. Furley and
W.W. Newey (1983) have defined biogeochemical Weathering
cycles as ‘large scale cycles, involving inorganic Erosion vans
substances which pass through a biotic phase and
then return to an inorganic state’. ESS Volcanoes
The elements derived from the atmospheric
and sedimentary reservoirs are pooled into soils. The SEDIMENTARY PHASE
chemical or inorganic elements stored in sedimen­
tary phase are made available to soil pool or Fig. 9.1: Generalised and simplified biogeochemical
reservoir due to weathering and erosion of rocks. cycle (based on D.B. Botkin and E A . Keller,

trophic level 4 ■
(1) Through the decomposition o f leaf falls
from plants, dead plants, parts of plants and dead
animals by microbes (decomposers) mainly bacjeria
trophic level 3 (fig. 9.3). The gradual degradation of dead organic
i r------------ --------- matter (DOM) in the litter layer by saprophytes
"1 trophic level 2 (those organisms which feed on organic compounds
death + waste of dead plants and animals) has been shown through
trop ‘lie level I
fig 9.3. These organic materials after decomposition
death are again converted into inorganic materials which
weathering input 1I again join the soil pool.
Human input —
decomposers (2) Through burning of vegetation by light­
< Q utP ut Soil erosion
ning, accidental forest fires or deliberate forest fires
leaching removal
kindled by man. The portions of organic matter on
Fig. 9.2 : Generalized pattern o f nutrient cycling (after burning are released to the atmosphere and again fall
C.C. Park, 1980). ■ down on the ground surface under the impact of
precipitation and again become soluble inorganic
When nutrients are used and assimilated in the form of element to join soil pool (soil storage) while
building of plant tissues and their bodies and when some portions in the form of ashes after their fall on
these are circulated and assimilated among different the ground surfaces are decomposed by bacterial
organisms of different trophic levels, these materi­ activity and these again join soil storage.
als become organic matter and are stored in biotic (3) The waste materials excreted or released
reservoirs or pools of organic phase. The organic by animals (dung, stool etc.) are decomposed by
elements o f plants and animals are released in a microbes (decomposers) (mainly bacteria) and are
variety of ways as given below : again converted into inorganic elements which
again find their way in soluble form to soil storage
(fig. 9.4).



Vegetation | grazing
Collembolen death & wastes
:r------- ac
II £ ______ ft.
!l reservoir of decomposers
1! soluble
inorganic form I ORGANIC PHASE
10 micron of the element $
release from organic
j j r ------- ~A r~ -------
compound|j by bacteria
1 micron weathering storage of element in
+|ero<ision sediments etc.
S = Saprophytic decomposition ^volcanic eruptions SEDIMENTARY PHASE J

Fig. 9.3 : The gradual degradation o f dead organic Fi* 9 4 : o f terrestrial biogeochemical cycle.
matter(DOM) in the litter layer by saprophytes Solid arrows indicate major pathways ofm t-
(after I.G. Simmons 1982). ,nents (afier W B 1973).
The water or h y d r o lo g ic a l cycle at global
’ '-v Thus it'is obvious that biogeochemical cycles
involve the movement and circulation of soluble scale involves the mechanisms of ^ " / x x
inorganic substances (nutrients) derived from sedi­ water from the oceanic water throiig mso ’
m e n ta r y and atmospheric phases of inorganic conversion of water into water vapour or mois ,
substances (sedimentary and atmospheric phases are (first and second processes are almost t e sam® ’
two important basic components of inorganic phase (iii) transport of atmospheric moisture over e
of elements) through organic phase of various biotic oceans and the continents by atmospheric circu a-
componetns and finally their return to inorganic tion, (v) release of atmospheric moisture in the form
state. The study of biogeochemical cycles may be of precipitation (either in liquid form as water, or in
approached on two scales e.g. (i) cycling of all the solid form as snow and ice and other minor forms as
elements together or (ii) cycling of individual dew, fogs etc.) over the continents and oceans, and
elements e.g. water or hydrogen cycle, carbon cycle, (vi) eventual transfer of water received at the earth’s
oxygen cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorous cycle, surface to the oceans viz various routes and
sulphur cycle etc. Besides, hydrological cycle, hydrological processes, important being surface run
sediment cycle, and mineral cycle are also included off and rivers (fig. 9.5).
in the broader biogeochemical cycles.

M oist air Evaporation

About one third of the important 100 elements C o n d e n s a t i o n 1¥lu,ai a
massjn moves from oceans
which occur naturally in the earth’s crust are very • • ■ • — ■ * '— '
< m ---------- :
to continent
important for the sustenance of life in the biosphere.
Out of these essential elements oxygen, carbon and
hydrogen are by far the most essential elements for
the existence of living organisms because these
three elem ents constitute 90 per cent of dry weight of
the organic m atter in the biosphere. Out of these
three.essential elements, hydrogen in the form of
water and oxygen together make up 80.5 per cent of
the total weight o f all the living organisms. Since
hydrogen enters the biosphere and goes out of the
biosphere in the form o f moisture mainly in liquid
form, the hydrogen cycle is discussed in terms of
water cycle or hydrological cycle.
The water resulting from the association of
hydrogen (2 atoms, H 2 ) and oxygen (one atom, O) Fig. 9.5 : Global hydrological cycle involving different
(H20 ) is by far the most abundant substance in the pathways o f water e.g. from theocean, through
biosphere. The water is found on the globe in various the atmosphere and the lithosphere back to the
forms e.g. (i) gaseous form (vapour and moisture), ocean.
(ii) solid form (ice), and (iii) liquid form (water). The
water is found in various locations e.g. lakes, ponds,
tanks, rivers, occeans, groundwater, soils, surfae The m echanism s of global hydrological cycle
and subsurface rocks, living organism s, as water can be presented in the follow ing m anner :
vapour in the atm osphere, as snow and ice in the high Oceanic water is heateu by insolation and thus
latitude (polar areas) and high altitude (hills and w ater is transform ed (only a small fraction o f
mountains) areas. The w ater is very im portant oceanic water) into gaseous form -w ater vapour or
substance in the biosphere because (i) it is able to m oisture. This m oisture is transported across the
dissolve almost all substances, (ii it has great ability oceans and over the continents by atm ospheric
to store heat, (iii) it takes part in the nourishm ent of circulation (w inds). The air is cooled because o f its
organism s, (iv) it helps in the circulation o f elem ents ascent and thus the m oisture is released as precipita­
in the biosphere etc. tio n over the oceans and the continents. The
e n v ir o n m e n t a l geo g r a ph y
. % r '*. .•.
nercent of the total moisture o f the bim jto& c is
precipitation falls on the land in .a variety of ways available to the global hydrological cycle. O f this 5
e.g. (i) Some precipitation falls directly in the percent of moisture about 97.2 percent is stored «
streams, lakes and other bodies. This precipitation the oceans and the -remainder 2.8 percent is
fall is called direct fall which is directly disposed off rep resen ted by 2.15 percent moisture stored in polar
back to the oceans, (ii) Some portion of rainfall is
ice caps and permanent glaciers, 0 62 percent
intercepted by vegetation. Some portion of this
moisture in the form of groundwater (which is in
intercepted rainfall is evaporated from the leaves
and the remainder reaches the ground through the circulation) and 0.03 percent m oisture in the
branches and stems of plants as stem flow or aerial streams, soils, freshwater lakes, saline lakes and
streams, (iii) Some portion of rainfall reaches the inland seas.
ground directly as throughfall. Some portion of It is believed that the global hydrological
rainfall is lost to the atmosphere through evapo- cycle involves the balance between evaporation and
transpiration from the vegetation. Some water is also precipitation over the earth's surface but the pattern
lost to the atmosphere through evaporation from the of balance between evaporation and precipitation is
lakes, ponds, tanks and rivers. not uniform over the oceans and the land. According
A sizeable portion of rainfall reaching the to the estimate of M.L. Budyko (1971) evaporation
ground surface becomes effective overlandflow exceeds precipitation over the oceans because
which reaches the streams as surface runoff. Some 4.55.000 cubic km of water is evaporated from the
portion of rainwater received at the ground surface oceans every year whereas only 409,000 cubic km of
enters the soil zone through infiltration and thus water is returned to the oceans through precipitation
forms soil m oisture storage of which some portion is per annum. Thus there is net loss of 46,000 cubic km
again lost to the atmopshere through evaportion and of water from the oceans every year. On the other
plant transpiration, some portion reappears as hand 62,000 cubic km of water is evaporated from
seepage and springs via throughflow and interflow different water bodies of the land annually but
while some portion percolates further downward to 108.000 cubic km of water is annually received at
form ground w ater storage of which soome portion the land through precipitation. Thus there is a net
reaches the channel through base flow, some portion gain of 46.000 cubic km of w ater on the land every
moves upward as capillary rise to reach ‘soil year. This is because of the fact that 46,000 cubic km
moisture storage’ and some portion is routed further of evaporated water from the oceans is added to
donward through deep trnasfer and enters the atmospheric budget of m oisture over the land. The
underlying bedrocks. The channel storage receives additional amount of 46,000 cubic km o f water is
water from surface storage through runoff, from soil disposed off to the oceans through stream runoff
moisture storage through interflow and throughflow every year (fig. 9.6).
and from groundwater storage through base flow.
Hydrological cycle is very im portant mecha­
Thus (he initial input of precipitation finds exit
nism for various biological processes in the bio­
through two paths of output e.g. (i) to the atmosphere
sphere because no life is possible w ithout water.
through evaporation from rivers, lakes, ponds, soil,
Though the interaction betw een vegetation and
evapotranspiration from vegetation and evaporation
hydrological cycle is very lim ited but the effect of
of falling rains, and (ii) to the oceans through
hydrological cycle on the biosphere (viz. vegeta­
channel runoff or stream flow. This process is
tion) is enormous because the vegetation is an
repeated every year to make the water or hydrologi­
cal cycle at global scale effective. effective medimum for the circulation o f sedim ents
and chemical elements through biogeochem ical
It may be pointed out that though the different cycles in the biosphere and all these cycles becom e
hydrological processes as elaborated above main­
possible only through the m ovem ent o f water.
tain the global hydrological cycle through the
Though human activities have not adversely af­
oceans, the atmosphere and the continents but out of
fected the hydrological cycle at present to a
the total moisture o f the biosphere 95 percent is
significant level but man through his everincreasing
never available to hydrological cycle because it is
economic activities may affect various com ponents
(estim ated quantity being 2,50,000 x IO20 grams)
of hydrological cycle in a variety o f ways as
locked in the rocks o f the earth’s crust. Thus only 5 elaborated below :

•adT v-m u s •
Water vapour
— 517 km3 - Condensation
!■ rU

/ \
Precipitation Evaporation
+ 108 kmJ / \ Precipitation
- 62 km3 - 455 km5 + 409 km3


Numbers in 000.
. 'J * ' Kj • St- * ■ -L ' > ■ . , J. ■ ■ > ( ( ’• *- « - :" 'l • -■

Fig. 9.6 : Global hydrological balance. Source : data from M.L. Budyko (1971).

Man affects and modifies the internal proc­ artificial recharge, seepage from w ater supply
esses of hydrological regime of drainage basins in a systems, soakpits, cesspools etc. while it is nega­
variety of ways. These modifications have both tively affected by land clearance through deforesta­
positive and negative effects. The input of precipita­ tion, burning of grasslands, urbanisation etc.
tion in the hydrological cycle of a drainage basin is G roundw ater storage is m odified through extraction
modified through ‘cloud seeding’ (also see page 293) of groundwater for domestic use and irrigation
for induced precipitation (increase ininput), atmospheric purposes while channel sto rag e is m odified through
pollution(both increase and decrease in precipitation flood plain development, channel m odification
input), m odified atm ospheric circulation (e.g. (shortening or lengthening of channels), river
urbanisation induces vertical convective currents regulation, construction of dams and reservoirs etc.
and thus increases precipitation), forest clearance The impact of m an’s activities on different com po­
(decrease in precipitation), vegetation modification nents of basin hydrological cycle m ay ‘include
(changes in precipitation) etc. Additional input of increased flood hazard and other changes in river
water on ground surface is provided through regime, reduced availability of groundw ater, dete­
irrigation of crops and effluent disposal from urban rioration of water quality and widespread eutrophication
areas. In tercep tio n storage is modified by forest of water bodies and river system s in response to
clearance (reductionn in interception storage) and increased nutrients’ (K.J. G regory and D .E. W all­
vegetation m odification. S urface sto rag e is modified ing, 1981)
by land clearance, cultivation, urbanisation, land
* drainage, mining etc. while su rface ru n o ff is increased 9.2.2 CARBON CYCLE
due to deforestation and cultivation and is supplemented
by additional input through channeled irrigation for The carbon w hich m oves in the biosphere
cropland and effluent disposal from urban areas. through various parthw ays has three phases o f its
In filra tio n is modified through devegetation (de­ storage and m ovem ent e.g. (i) gaseous phase in
crease in infiltration), urbanisation (decrease), w hich carbon is present as gas ( C 0 2) in the
afforestation and reforestation (increase) and irriga­ atm osphere, (ii) liquid phase w hich includes dis­
tion (increase). Soil m oistu re sto rag e is positively solved carbon dioxide in w ater, and (iii) solid phase
affected by irrigation, planting o f grasses and plants, which includes carbon stored in the sedim ents, fossil

fuels and organic matter. ‘The movement of carbon down of carbohydrates during respiration. The
in solid and liquid forms and as carbon dioxide respiration by the biota transforms organic com­
(gaseous form) is of particular interest as it makes up pounds to gaseous carbon dioxide which is returned
around 50 percent of organic matter by dry weight, back to the atmospehre.
and its movemetns within the biosphere are closely Some of the carbohydrates (chemical energy)
bound up with the flow of energy’ (P.A. Furley and produced by the autotrophic plants at trophic level
W.W. Newey, 1982). I are consumed by the herbivourous animals at
The carbon cycle involving the circulation of trophic level 2 and carnivorous animals at trophic
carbon within the biosphere includes two pathways levels 3 and 4 and these heterotrophic animals
or cycles e.g. (i) gaseous cycle, which involves the release carbon as carbon dioxide due to breakdown
movement of carbon as carbon dioxide (CO2 ) which of their carbohydrates (during respiration, fig. 9.7).
is found as free gas in the atmosphere and as a gas Decomposition of fallen leaf litter, and dead organic
dissolved in the water of the land and of the seas and tissues (of both plants and animals) by decomposers
the oceans, and (ii) non-gaseous or inorganic cycle oxidizes further carbon to carbon dioxide which is
involves the solid phase of carBon wherein it resides returned back to the atmosphere. Some carbon is
in carbohydrate molecules (CH20) in the organic released as CO2 due to burning of vegetation and
matter, as hydrocarbon compounds in the rocks of animals and is returned back to the atmospheric
the earth’s crust (in coal etc.) and as mineral
reservoir. The microbes or decomposers also release
carbonate compounds such as calcium carbonate.
carbon in gaseous form through respiration when
The carbon dioxide of the atmospheric pool they decompose dead organic tissues.
enters the biological cycles through the process of
photosynthesis wherein carbon, hydrogen and oxy­ Some carbon goes to the sediments below the
gen are combined by the autotrophic green plants of ground surface and is stored in sedimentary reser­
the terrestrial and marine ecosystems with the help voir. Some of the dead organic matter is also stored
of sunlight and thus organic compounds are formed. in the soil or in deep-sea sediments for longer period
The flow of energy and elements in the ecosystem of geological time. The terrestrial organic matter is
(biosphere) is controlled by different components of transported to the oceans by the geological proc­
the system. The component whcih issues energy or esses in the form of dissolved or particulate organic
element is called donor component and the compoent matter. The geological processes include rivers,
which recei ves energy or elements is called recipient wind, glaciers etc. The organic materials brought to
component. In the case of carbon cycle in the the oceans are generally converted into rocks and
biosphere the transfer of carbon from the atmos­ thus carbon enters the sedimentary phase. '.
pheric pool or reservoir (donor component) to the The sedimentary reservoir or geological
living organisms or organic reservoir (recipient reservoir stores carbon mainly in the form of
component) is both donor-controlled and recipient inorganic carbonates and to some extent in the form
controlled. The rate of uptake of carbon dioxide by of peat, soil or coal or animal (e.g. shells, bones etc.)
green plants (recipients) from the atmospheric remains, or mineral oil. Carbon has a long residence
reservoir depends on the density of plants and their
time in the sedimentary phase because it remains
activities (receipient controlled) and on the concen­
stored in the sedimentary reservoirs for fairly a
tration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and other
environmental factors (light, water, nutrients etc. longer period of geological time. Carbon from the
and processes (donor controlled). sedimentary phase may be released only when either
(i) the rocks are weathered and eroded, or (ii) the
Thus the carbon dioxide assimilated by plants fossil fuels (coal, peat, petroleum and natural gas)
is stored in the woody tissues of plants. This is called are burnt during their uses in the factories, automo­
as organic reservoir (fig. 9.7) of carbon. Forests, biles or domestic affairs. Carbon released from the
mainly tropical evergreen rainforests, temperate sedimentary reservoirs (through weathering and
evergreen and deciduous forests, and the boreal erosion of rocks, burning of fossil fuels and volcanic
forests are significant storages (reservoirs) of eruption) goes back to the atmospheric reservoir but
biological carbon of the biosphere. Carbon is this sedimentary cycle of carbon takes much longer
released from the living organisms due to break­ time of geological time scale.
The movement of carbon in the marine such animals which feed on zooplanktons. Some
ecosystem is much simpler. Atmospheric carbon portion of carbohydrates stored in the marine
dioxide is taken by the marine autotrophic animals is broken down during respiration and thus
phytoplanktons who transform carbon together with carbon is released from marine animals as carbondioxide
oxygen and hydrogen into carbohydrates during the , which is returned back to the atmospheric reservoir.
process of photosynthesis. Some portion of carbon The remaining portion of carbon of marine organ­
stored in phytoplanktons goes to sedimentary isms goes to sedimentary reservoir as carbonate
storages after their death, some portion is trans­ sediments and hydrocarbons. Carbon stored in the
formed into organic matter to form petroleum and sedimentary reservoirs may be released to the
natural gas and some portion is transferred to marine atmosphere after long period of geological time scale
animals when they feed on phytoplanktons and on through weathering and volcanic eruption (fig. 9.7).

1—*------ OF C02 <
1 1
| [ I plant Respiration
photosyn­ | ... | p la m _ _ |---------> |
thesis outgassing
respira- j photosynthesis K------- -—
tion i
* land animal I organic storage of C02 COMBUSTION
' respiration ▼ BURNING IN
phyto- marine
planktons animals land crc VOLCANO
animals mineral oil
and gas
organic sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks

-►gain of C02 to atmospheric

-►loss of C02 from atmospheric storage during
storage photosynthesis

Fig. 9.7: Illustration o f simplified carbon cycle.

Sum mary of C arbon Cycle

thus carbon is stored in the organism s of different
trophic levels of terrestrial and marine ecosystem s
The aforesaid mechanism of gaseous and non-
gaseous carbon cycles may bs summarized in the (organic pool/storage of carbon). The atmospheric
following manner : pool receives carbon from the respiration of
microbes or decom posers (soil respiration), animals
Carbon is spent from the atmospheric reser­ and plants o f terrestrial ecosystem s and from the
voir (pool or storage) o f carbon dioxide in the respiration of phytoplanktons and animals of marine
formation o f carbohydrates by the autotrophic ecosystem, from the com bustion of fossil fuels( coal
terrestrial plants and marine phytoplanktons and and petroleum) (that is carbon from m an’s industrial
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
■ i A i n <j m an In crease in c a rb o n d io x id e le a d s to
role), from automobiles and aeroplanes and from jnchiding s ^ the b io sp h e re , as C 0 2
volcanic eruption. ^ te m p e r a tu r e of both the land and water
The sedimentary storage pool receives carbon !?ncrTases% w hich may affect evaporation,
from skeletal structures of calcium carbonate built surfaces i ltine Qf ice caps and ice sheets. All
up by phytoplanktons. These structures are disinte­ te S ? a ffc c " b ro a d e r world clim atic patterns. There
grated and decomposed into inorganic mineral will b e c o n s id e r a b le rise in .he sea level consequent
matter which accumulates on the ocean floor and is u p o n the melting o f glaciers, ioe caps and tee sheets
converted into sedimentary strata. Carbon is stored 35e to increase in tem perature. Increase .n carbon
in these sedimentary state of carbonate rocks for dioxide will also lead to increase in the greenhouse
long period of geological time and is not readily effects of the atmosphere which m eans increase in
available to general carbon cycle. Organic com­ emperature. This trend will adversely affect the
pounds synthesized by marine phytoplanktons settle living organisms in t h e biosphere (see section 1 3 .9 ,
down on the ocean floor and are transformed into
chapter 13 of this book).
hydrocarbons (pertoleum and natural gas) and thus
these join the sedimentary storage pool of carbon.
Plants are converted into peat and coal on the lands 9.2.3 OXYGEN CYCLE
and thus organic carbon joins the sedimentary
storage pool. Carbon is released from the sedimen­ Oxygeni plays a significant role in the
tary storage pool through weathering and erosion of biosphere and is very essential elem ent for the living
rocks, combustion of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum organism s because it supports life and arises from it.
and natural gas) and volcanic eruption (Fig. 9.7). The circu latio n of oxygen also helps in the cycling of
other elem en ts in the biosphere. O xygen is chem i­
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere is 0.036 percent of the total gases of the cally very active because it com bines w ith majority
of the elements in the biosphere. It generally forms
atmosphere which is equivalent to 0.007 percent
carbon. There has been gradual increase in the about 70 percent atoms in living m atter and plays a
concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is very important role in the form ation o f carbohy­
estimated that at the beginning of the industrial drates, fats and proteins. It is required for respiration
revolution (1860) atmospheric carbon dioxide was process by the anim als including m an and for
290 ppm (part per million) and since then the carbon photosynthesis by the plants. T he oxygen cycle in
content in the atmosphere has risen to 360 ppm (upto the biosphere is very m uch com plicated because of
1990). It is estimated that there is addition of carbon its various chemical form s e.g. m o lecu lar oxygen
content to the atmospheric storage pool of carbon at ( 0 2), water (H20 ), carbon dioxide ( C 0 2), different
the rate o f 5-6 x 109 tons per year due to release of inorganic compounds as oxides (iron oxides-Fe20 3),
carbon from the combustion of fossil fuels. This carbonates (calcium carbonate-C aC O s) etc.
means that there is an increase of carbon at the rate It is believed that there w as no free oxygen in
of 2-3 ppm per year. D.R. Kester and R.M. the original earth-atm osphere. T he m olecular oxy­
Pytkowicz (1977) have predicted that if the present gen probably was form ed only after the developm ent
rate of increase of C 0 2 is maintained there will be of photosynthesising organism s due to splitting of
fourfold increase in the atmospheric carbon within water molecules by plant cells. W ater is split by
about 80 years. According to another estimate the plant cells and is reconstituted in about every 2
concentration of carbon in the atmosphere was mi ion years and thus oxygen produced circulates in
predicted to reach 300 to 40ty ppm by the turn of the e atm osphere through various com ponents and is
20th century which has come; almost true. It has been again recycled after about 2000 years. Thus it is
predicted by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On obvious that the residence tim e o f oxygen in the
Clim ate Change) Report 6 f 2001 that the C 0 2 atmosphere is m uch longer (2000 years, that is
concentration may go upto 5(40-970 ppm which may oxygen is recycled in 2000 years) than the residence
cause rise in global termperatue by 1.4°-5.8°C by the bv nlant ^ ^ yearSi l^at is the carbon released
trun o f 21st century. The gradual increase in t h e ' able a « l , anr alS ,hr0Ugh O r a t i o n is avail-
concentration o f C 0 2 in the atmosphere would have continued i ' hem 300 y ^ . T h e oxygen
far reaching consequences on all living organisms time o f its fn concentrate *n *he atm osphere from the
o f " s form ation and now it co n stitu tes about 21

percent of the total gaseous composition of the also consumed during burning of wood and fossil
atmosphere. It is important to note that oxygen fuels. Some portion of oxygen in the form of oxides
remains in molecular oxygen form (O2 ) for very is incorporated in the drainage waters and ultimately
short time because it readily combines with C 0 2 or reaches the oceans and is incorporated in the
H2 O or with other oxide forms. sediments. Thus oxygen enters the sedimentary
Oxygen is produced through the process of storage pool and remains there for considerably a
photosynthesis by the autotrophic green plants of longer period of geological time scale. Thus the
terrestrial ecosystems and phytoplantktons of ma­ oxygen cycle involves the input of oxygen to the
rine ecosystems and to a lesser extent by the atmospheric storage pool from the photosynthesis of
reduction of various mineral oxides. Oxygen, thus marine and terrestrial autotrophic plants and from
produced, enters the atmospheric storage pool. Every volcanic eruption and the loss of oxygen from the
year some oxygen is also added to the atmosphere atmospheric storage pool through respiration of
from volcanic eruption through outgassing mainly marine and terrestrial organisms and minerals
in the form of CO 2 and H20 . Oxygen from the oxidation, burning of wood, grasses and forest fires,
atmospheric storage pool is used by marine and combustion of fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) etc.
terrestrial animals during respiration. Oxygen is (fig. 9.8).


'/s//s? /Z >
Volcano microbes
— Coal
mineral oil

Fig. 9.8 ■: Illustration o f simplified oxygen cycle.

ally. Since the proportion of vegetation cover is

The consumption of oxygen has increased decreasing and the industrial expansion is increas­
after the Industrial Revolution in 1860. It is ing, the imbalance betweeen the amount of con­
estimated that very high rate o f industrial combus­ sumed and regenerated oxygen may be serious
tion in the industrialized world, mainly the U.S.A.
concern to human society.
and the W estern Europe, uses more oxygen annu­

(C aC 03) and alkalis. These nitrates accum ulate in

the soils and are used by plants as nutrients to
prepare their food. The aforesaid processes of
‘Nitrogen moves through the biosphere in a fixation of nitrogen by atmospheric processes may
gaseous cycle in which the atmosphere, containing
be expressed in the following forms :
78 percent nitrogen by volume, is a vast storage pool
available to organisms’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. Lightning Discharge
Strahler, 1976). Nitrogen is very important for all I
life forms in the biosphere because it is an essential N2 + 0 2 —>2NO (nitrogen oxide)
part of amino acids which make up proteins.
2NO + 0 2—»2N02 (nitrogen peroxide)
Nitrogen generally exists in seven forms in the
atmosphere e.g. molecular nitrogen (N2), oxides of 4 N 0 2 + 2H20 + O 4 H N 0 3 (nitric acid)
nitrogen (e.g. N2 O = nitrous oxide, NO = nitric 4H N 03 + C aC 03—»Ca (N 0 3)2+ C 0 2 (calcium
oxide and N 0 2 = nitrogen peroxide) and hydrogen- nitrate)
mtrogen compounds (e.g. NH = amino, NH3 =
It is estimated that this process of nitrogen
ammonia and H N 0 2 = nitrous acids). Though
fixation results in the formation o f 2,50,000 tons o f
nitrogen constitutes the largest proportion of atmos­
pheric gases by volume, but living organisms cannot acid within 24 hours.
use nitrogen directly rather they obtain nitrogen in (ii) The other natural process o f nitroge
the form of ammonium salts and nitrate through their fixation is performed by the activities o f the
roots from the soils. Animals get nitrogen from the organisms. ‘One of the more curious and im portant
plants by eating them. The nitrogen cycle involves points we should keep in our m ind about the nitrogen
the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into differ­ cycle is that the conversion o f m olecular nitrogen
ent usable compounds (which become usable for ammonia or nitrate, and other chem ical transform a­
living organisms) under the process of nitrogen tions of inorganic forms o f nitrogen, can be done
fixation; transfer of nitrogen to the plants through only by bacteria and blue-green algae-m em bers of
their roots from the soils and liberation of nitrogen the prokaryotic forms o f life’ (D.B. B otkin andE .A .
as gas through the process of denitrification and Keller, 1982). The nitrogen fixing organism s are
final return of nitrogen as gas to the atmospheric divided into two categories e.g. (i) free living
storage pool o f nitrogen. The nitrogen cycle is organisms mainly bacteria and algae, a n d (ii) the
completed through the following steps : organisms having sym biotic association include
plants and bacteria which live together. T he free-
(1) Transfer of atmospheric nitrogen into soils
or nitrogen fixation—Nitrogen fixation means the living organisms are basically autotrophic organ­
conversion of the atmospheric molecular nitrogen isms like bluegreen alagae and som e photosynthetic
(N2) into usable forms (e.g. ammonia and nitrate) in bacteria. Many symbiotic bacteria living in the roots
the soils which can be taken by the plants through of leguminous plants (like peas, gram , clover, alfafa,
their roots-the process known as root osmosis. There soybeans, beans, peanuts etc.) help in nitrogen
are only two m ajor natural pathways of nitrogen fixation. It is im portant to note that b acteria and
fixation or conversion of molecular atmospheric plants live in close physical contact w here plants
nitrogen into ammonia, nitrate ion or amino acids provide nutrients and organic com pounds to bacteria
and bacteria in turn supply nitrogen in the form of
e.g. (i) lightning, and (ii) biological activity. There is
also artificial fixation of nitrogen by man through the ammonium or amino acids to the plants. T he m icro­
use of chemial fertilizers. organisms e.g. bacteria continuously tra n sfer atm os­
(i) pheric nitrogen in the soils and m ake nitrogen usable
M olecular atmospheric nitrogen and oxy­
gen are com bined by natural lightning discharge to for plants. Nitrogen fixation is done in the oceans by
form nitiric oxide (NO). Due to additional oxygen non-symbiotic organism s w hich inclu de bacteria
nitric oxide is oxidized to form nitrogen peroxide and blue-green algae.
( N 0 2) which changes to nitric acid (H N 0 3) after Oii) The artifical m ethod o f nitrogen fixation
com bining with w ater (H20 ). This acid (nitric acid)
includes the production o f chem ical fertilizers (e e
is brought to the soils by rainw ater where it changes
ammonium suplhate, calcium sinem ide, nitrates
to nitrates after reacting with calcium carbonates etc.) by man in the factories.

(2) Mineralization, nitrification and transferorganisms

of and »* transformed into amino acid; urea^
nitrogen from soils to plants and animals : Mineraliza­ etc.
tion and nitrification are the processes of transfor­ (3) Denitrification and return of nitrogen to the
mation of nitrogen in such forms in the soils that atmosphere : Ammonifying bacteria living in the
these can be easily taken up by plants. When organic soils convert amino acid and urea present in the
nitrogenous compounds are transformed into an excreted wastes of the animals into ammonia andv
inorganic or mineral form (either ammonia or ammonium salts. Similarly, soil-living bacteria
ammonium), the process is called mineralization or decompose dead plants or their parts and dead
ammonification where as the process of the conver­ animals and transform amino acid and urea present
sion of ammonium salts into nitrite and nitrate is in them into ammonia and ammonium salt. These
called nitrification. Thus plants take nitrogen in the ammonium salts and ammonia are again trans­
form of nitrates from the soils through their roots. formed into nitrates by nitrifying or nitrosifying
Nitrogen taken up by plants (in the form of nitrates) bacteria, the process being known as nitrification as
is transformed into complex organic compounds referred to above.
(e.g. protein) which are transferred to herbivorous The opposite process of nitrification is known
animals o f trophic level 2 where plant protein as dinitrification which means transformation of
(having nitrogen) is converted into animal protein. nitrates into gaseous nitrogen (molecular nitrogen)
Again nitrogen (in the form o f animal protein) is by denitrifying bacteria and fungi which operate in
transferred to carnivorous animals at trophic levels anaerobic conditions which goes back to the
3 and 4. The protein disintegrates in the bodies of atmospheric storage pool and thus the nitrogen cycle

Fig 9.9: Nitrogen cycle.

12 4

is completed (fig. 9.9). Some of the nitrates are also the sedim entary rocks in the form of phosphate
lost to groundwater and some are lost to the sea rocks When these rocks are weathered, phospho­
through erosion and transport by stream runoff. rous is transferred to the soil storage pool. It is
Bacterial decomposition of organisms releases significant to point out that phosphorous exists in the
ammonia to the atmosphere, which being soluble in soil in the form of minerals combined with calcium,
water is returned back to the oceans and continents potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphate Not a ll;
with rainfall in the form of ammonium sulphate and phosphorous present in the soils and rocks takes part
ammonium nitrate. It is important to note that in the cycle rather only 10 percent is involved in the
organisms are the controling and regulating factors cyclic pathways because phosphorous is relatively
of the nitrogen cycle because bacteria fix nitrogen insoluble in water.
and perform the process of nitrification as well as
Plants take up phosphorous in the form of
these also perform denitrification. It is evident that
the ‘removal and addition of nitrogen to the inorganic phosphate from the soils through their
atmosphere are primarily controlled by bacterial roots under the process of root osmosis. The
activity’ (D.B. Botkin and E.A. Keller, 1982). inorganic phosphates are converted into organic
forms in the plants which (organic forms of
It is expected that the removal of nitrogen
from the atmospheric storage pool and fixation of phosphate) are circulated in the food chain through
nitrogen by terrestrial and marine organisms should different trophic levels (from plants to herbivorous
be balanced by the addition of nitrogen through animals and from herbivores to carnivorous and
denitrification from the terrestrial and marine omnivorous animals). Phosphate is returned back to
ecosystems but the amount of nitrogen available to the soils when dead organisms (plants and animals)
plants is much larger than the amount of nitrogen and their excreted wastes are decomposed by soil-
returned back to the atmopsheric storage pool by organisms (decomposer organisms-microbes) and
denitrification because of increased use of industrial through mineralization of organic form of phosphate
nitrogen (chemical fertilizers). (i.e. conversion of organic form of phosphate to
inorganic form). Some portion is leached and
9.2.5 PHOSPHOROUS CYCLE washed out to the oceans while some portions of
phosphate are maintained as organic compounds
Phosphorous is the second most important (e.g. bones) which store and preserve phosphatic
(water being the most important) substance in the materials for long period. These are returned to the
biosphere which is most essential for the growth of soils when these are again converted into mineral
organisms because it limits production in the forms but this process is completed after long period
biospheric ecosystem. Phosphorous is in short of time. It is also important to state that a sizeable
supply as it is found in phosphate rocks which are portion of phosphate absorbed by the plants rem ains
restricted to very limited areas over the globe. in inorganic form in the plants and therefore this
Phosphorous is such a chemical element (mineral) inorganic form of phosphate is m ineralized after
which has a very limited gaseous phase and has decomposition of plants in a relatively shorter
major sedimentary phase in the biogeochemical period of time (fig. 9.11).
cycle. Phosphorous is temporarily present in the
atmosphere in very small quantity in the form of dust The return of phosphorous from the oceans to
and salt which are carried as salt spray from the sea the lands is not regular feature rather it is exceed­
or blown as dust from the areas of phosphate ingly slow and occasional feature. Phosphorous
deposits and active mines. brought to the littoral areas of the seas and the oceans
is returned back to the lands through salt spray, fish
The very interesting feature of the phospho­ (when eaten by terrestrial animals mainly m an) and
rous cycle is that it is gradual, very slow and one way
birds but major portion of phosphorous drained to
as phosphorous tends to move from the lands to the
the seas and the oceans is moved in the deener
oceans through surface runoff via rivers and very
sediments. In such cases, phosphorous m ay be
little amount of phosphorous is returned from the
ava, able again only when there is em ergence or
oceans to the lands. Most of phosphorous is stored in upliftment of oceanic bottoms.

atm osphere


Vegetation Grazing
do ath & wastes

. rr. 1

1 Decomposers
Soils ------------ F

Drained inorganic 1—----- release to

to < = phosphate
.........f - V
storage in sediments etc
Igneous rocks

Fig. 9.10: The phosphorous cycle (based on E.P. Odum. 1971).

It is estimated that an amount o f20,000,000,000 processes of running water (river), wind, glaciers
million meteric tonnes of phosphorous is stored in and sea waves. The entire mechanism of the
the rocks of the earth’s crust but only 10,000 to sediment cycle as referred to above is called geocycle
60,000 million meteric tonnes are minerable by which is the slowest of all the cycles which operate
conventional techniques, while ocean deposits in the biosphere.
account for 100,000,000 million metric tonnes of Water cycle, motored by the solar energy, is
phosphorous. Since there is gradual removal of the main propellant of the sediment cycle though the
phosphorous from the lands to the oceans and there major components of the sediment cycle e.g.
is very slow, almost negligible, return of phospho­ weathering, erosion and deposition are also affected
rous from the oceans to the lands, the amount of and controlled by wind and glaciers and biotic
terrestrial phosphorous is gradualy decreasing whereas community which are also affected by the atmos­
the demand of phosphorous by plants is increasing. pheric processes. Endogenetic forces caused by
Since phosphorous is the most critical element for thermal conditions of the mantle and the outer core
the plants, additional phosphorous in the form of and the superincumbent load create surface irregu­
industrial fertilizers is added to the soils by man. larities on the earth’s surface through diastrophic
movement e.g. creation of mountains, faults, pla­
teaus, lakes etc. and secular rise in the continents and
sea-floor and through sudden forces (e.g. earth­
quakes which cause faults, fractures, depressions
The sediment cycle involves the creation of
etc. and vulcanicity which causes volcanic cones
rocks, their disintegration and decomposition into
mountains, lava plains and plateaus).
sediments, the movement of sediments through the
earth’s environment and deposition of sediments The exogenetic or denudational processes are
and again the formation of rocks. The major always busy to remove the vertical irregularities of
processes involved directly and indirectly in the the earth’s surface caused by endogenetic forces.
sedimentary cycle are endogenetic processes mainly The uplifted landmasses are weathered (by physical
or mechanical weathering,chemical weathering.
tectonic forces and m ovements and exogenetic

biological weathering and physico-biochemical weath­ ing and erosion thus affect the organisms in the
ering) and continuously eroded and the resultant biosphere though indirectly. Erosion is influenced
sediments are ultimately deposited in the geosynchnes by the precipitation component and the vegetation
(a long, narrow and shallow tract of water bordered compoent of the biosphere. It is significant to point
by landmasses) though some sediments are also out that increased precipitation increases the erosion
deposited on the lands. The geosyclines when f.lled of the ground surface but it also increases vegetation
up with the sedim ents (in a very long period of time cover which offers protective cover to the ground
e.g. millions of years) are folded and uplifted as surface against erosion. It is obvious that erosion of
mountains which are again subjected to weathering the ground surface and the soils increases as the
and erosion resulting into gradual lowering of their vegetation cover decreases. The soil erosion, a
height and continuous deposition of sediments in the significant part of the sediment cycle, is of primary
geosynclines and the seas and the oceans. concern to human society in particular and other
Continuous sedimentation and consequent organisms in general because soil erosion adversely
increase of superincumbent load on a lower portion affects agriculture in a given area. Several attem pts
of the geosyncline increases the pressure to such an have been made to identify the factors which are
extent that the geosynclinal sediments are altered by responsible for accelerated rate of soil erosion. D. D.
pressure, heating, deformation and fusion at greater Smith and W.H. Wischmeier (1962) have presented
depth which results in the formation of magma due the following Universal Soil Loss Equation :
to melting of sedimentary strata or pre-existing other A = R.K.L.S.C.P.
rock strata. This mechanism causes valcanicity and Where A = average annual sedim ent loss in
seismic events. All these processes operate at a very kg/ha (kilogram per hectare); R = rainfall factor; K
large spatial scale involving longer period of = soil erodibility factor; L.S. = slope length and
geological time scale (millions of years) which may steepness factor; C= cropping and soil m anagem ent
be of relevance to the long-term stability of the factor and P = measures of conservation practice.
biospheric ecosystem. But a few components of the
Man has become very potent factor of
sediment cycle (e.g. weathering, erosion and deposi­
weathering and erosion as he accelerates the rate of
tion) are of immediate importance to the plants and
weatering and erosion through his econom ic activi­
animals in the biosphere and other forms of
ties to such an extent that the amount o f weathering
biogeochemical cycles (e.g. water cycle, chemical
and erosion caused by human activities within few
element/nutrient cycle etc.) which affect all types of
minutes (dynamite explosion) may be achieved by
organisms in the biosphere. natural processes in thousands to m illions o f years.
Weathering and erosion are very important Thus man has emerged as a very potent m odifier of
components o f the sediment cycle because these are the sediment cycle. M an’s activities mainly land use
the processes which help in the removal of chemical changes through deforestation, expansion in agri­
elements from the sedimentary phase and make them culture, industrial growth, urbanization etc. have
available to hydrological or water cycle which largely affected the rate of soil erosion, sedim ent
circulates these chemical elements in the various load and thus the overall mechanism o f the sedim ent
components of the biospheric ecosystem. Weather­ cycle.

Plants play very dominant role in the bio­ 10.1 VEGETATION AND PLANT COMMUNITY
sphere because these are primary producers in the
biosphere and provide directly or indirectly food to
The group or association of plants growing
all terrestrial and aquatic animals including man.
together in a particular habitat is caleld plant
The social groupings of plant species are called plant
community. In other words, ‘those plants which grow
community o f which plant is the fundamental basic
unit. Plants directly receive and trap solar energy together in a particular habitat are referred to as a
(light energy) and prepare their own food with the plant community, by which some thing more than a
help of sunlight through the process of photosynthe­ mere collection or assemblage is implied’ (J. Tivy,
sis. Thus solar energy converted into food or 1982). *A group of populations of different species
chemical energy is transferred to different animals living in the same local area and interacting with one
and m icro-organism s through different trophic another is called ecological community (B.D. Botkin
levels of food chain (chapter 8 ). Thus plants are and E.A. Keller, 1982). The plant community of a
intermediary between biotic and abiotic components given habitat has three basic characteristics e.g. (i) a
of the evironment /ecosvstem/biosphere. On the community consists of plants of two or more
basis of importance and dominant role of plants in different species, (ii) a plant community consists of
the biosphere the study of plants is given more such species of plants which are ecologically related
significance. The study of plants has been developed and can live and grow together in a particular
as an important branch of geography which is called habitat, and (iii) a plant community is well organised
as plant geography which includes the study of i.e. it has well developed composition and structure
classicification of plants, their spatial distribution. which are the result of continuous interactions
origin and developm ent, dispersal and extinction between different plant species and betw een
and functions. The main functions of plants are to plant species and their physical evironm ent through
trap solar energy and prepare their food with the help time.
of photosynthesis and to circulate and transfer
The association or group o f plant communi­
energy and nutrients among the organism s of
ties of any region is called vegetation. In other words,
different trophic levels o f the food chain. These
aspects have already been discussed in the preceding ,‘alll the plants which grow together in any area form
8 th and 9th chapters. its vegetation, the character of which depends not

ju st on different species present but on the relative adaptation, competition and natural selection. This
proportions in which their members are represented results in the development of various strata or layers
(J. Tivy, 1982V For example, two habitats mav have between the soil surface or ground surface and the
sim ilar floras but their vegetation may vary from one tree canopy. This vertical layering pattern or vertical
another and two havitats having different floras may stratification of plants is the result of competition
have similar vegetation. For instance, if there are among various species of plant community to get
two sim ilar habitats wherein both have grasses and sunlight because it is the primary source of energy
sal trees but there is overwhelming dominance of for photosynthis through which these plants manu­
grasses and sparse distribution of sal trees in the first facture their food. It is obvious that the availahiiity
habitat whereas the second habitat is characterized of sunlight is mainly responsible for the develop­
by dense sal trees and sparse distribution of grasses, m ent of vertical stratification of plants wherein the
the vegetation of the first habitat will be grasses Tieight of different species of plants vanes signifi­
whereas the vegetation o f the second habitat will be cantly. On an average there are four vertical strata of
sal forest (also see sub-section 6 .6 . 2 (l)-plant plant community in a given region mainly in the
system in chapter 6 ). deciduous forests of the tem perate regions.
(1) Dominant Layer represents the topmo
10.2 VERTICAL STRATIFICATION OF PLANT layer of the plant community (fig. 1 0 . 1 ) which is
COMMUNITIES determined by the canopy o f the largest trees. This
uppermost stratum is also called crown or canopy
which represents the highest lim it o f plant commu­
Different species of plants are evolved in a
habitat having favourable environmental conditions nity in a given region. A secondary layer very often
wherein different species of plant community grow called as co-dominant layer is form ed ju st below the
together having different life-forms. The develop­ crown or dominant layer by those large trees which
ment of different species o f plant community of a are relatively shorter than the largest trees (fig.
given region takes place through the processes of 10 . 1).

_ layer __


2 ___
-----LAYER 3


(leaves) bluebell
Moss litter with
herbs in less dense shade

Fig. 10.1 : Vertical stratification or vertical structure of temperate deciduous forests (after J. Cousens, 1974). Additional
examples o f vertical stratification o f other forests are given in the chapter on BIOMES (Chater 12).
f• f- *.f f
. . • - • r.

Second Layer is located below the domi­

nant or crown layer and is represented by plants of
frfcfuby life-form. This is also called as shfuh’laver,
munity after passing through dif P m ature
(3) Third Layer is formed by the herbaceous changes culminates into equihbri tation
plants and is also called as herb layer. condition. This phase of development of veg ^ t‘° "
(4) Fourth Layer represents mosses on the community is characterized by maximum 6
ground surface and is also called as moss layer or and development of plants. Thus the vege
ground layer (strata). community developed at the end of succession is
It may be pointed out that the environmental called climax vegetation, climax community, or c l-
matic climax (due to dominant control of clim ate on
conditions of each stratum or layer of the aforesaid
the evolution and development o f vegetation). It is
vertical stratification of the temperate deciduous
obvious that the last succession in the chains of
forests differ from the other stratum. The crown or
successional changes of vegetation community
the dominant or the uppermost stratum is completely
open to sunlight and therefore it is fully affected by becomes climax succession.
V;r./ :? . ,
sunlight, wind andprecipitatioin. Plants continously
grow upward. As we go downward from the Phases of Biotic Succession
uppermost stratum (layer) through the second and
third strata to the ground or fourth stratum there is F.E. Clements (1916) has described five
gradual loss of sun light and decrease in the effect of sequential phases in the successional developm ent
precipitation, temperature and wind but there is of vegetation community in a given habitat with
gradual increase in moisture content (humidity). available environmental conditions. * :r ^
Thus various speciees of plant communties have to (i) Phase of nudation or the creation o f bare
adjust with the changing environmental conditions area devoid of vegetation.
from the uppermost stratum to the lowermost ground (ii) Phase of migration begins with the arrival
stratum. It may be mentioned that different plant of seeds into the newly created bare area.
species growing in different vertical strata of plant
(iii) Phase of ecesis, when the plant seeds are
communities of a given region are fully adjusted established in the newly created bare area and the
with each other. If the topmost layer of the dominant seeds are germinated and plant growth continues.
species is removed through mass felling of trees, the
structure of that particular plant community and the (iv) Phase of reaction, when there is com peti­
tion between the established plants on the one hand
interrelationship between plant species of different
and interactions between plants and the physical
strata will not only be disturbed but will be
environment of the habitat on the other hand.
(v) Phase of stabilization, when there is
equilibrium condition of populations of plant
species in harmony with the environm ental condi­
COMMUNITY (BIOTIC SUCCESSION) tions of local and regional habitats.

The natural process of replacement of one Types of Serai Stages of Succession

vegetation community in a given habitat by the other
vegetation community is called succession. Succes­ It is im portant to note that the developm ent of
sion simply means the entire process of directional different vegetation com m unities takes place in
and sequential change of either plant community different habitats and therefore serai stages of
(groups of plants adapted to a particular habitat) or vegetation succession are clasified into three types
the whole ecosystem through time. In simpler term, on the basis of types of habitats e.g. (i) hydrosere
an ecological succession may be defined as the takes place in wet sites like sw am ps, lake shores etc.,
process of sequential devem opm ent of ecological (ii) xeric or xerosere represents the successional
developm ent of Vegetation on sand dunes of dry
5? community or ecosystem. The sequence of the
deserts, and (iii) lithosere takes place on bare rocks
development of vegetation com m unity is called sere.
of the continents w here excessive evaporation
In other words, the transitional stages of sequential
Causes dry condition. * ii *o- »??*•,»u-/ > ouli
.v?’ 'i

Factors of Biotic Succession nents of the environment or the habitat e.g. global
climatic changes, rapid rate of siltation of lakes,
The development of vegetation community in ponds etc., accelerated rate of erosion of the region
any ecosystem or habitat is affected and controlled concerned, upliftmerit or subsidence of ground
by the following factors : surface etc.
(1) Climatic factors : Temperature, sunlight, F.E. Clements (1916) has divided sucre.^;,™
soil-moisture, humidity etc. are the major climatic of vegetation community in two types e.g. (l)
factors which affect the successional development primary succession, and (ii) secondary succession.
of vegetation community. It may be pointed out that
macro-climatic conditions of a particular region are
1. Primary Biotic Succession
not as much effective in the successional develop­
ment of vegetation of that region as are the effects of
Primary succession refers to developmental
m icro-clim atic conditions of the neighbourhood of
the plants covering a few square metres of area. sequence of vegetation in those bare areas where
there were no vegetation and animals earlier. Such
(2) Edaphic factors include such soil proper­ areas or sites may be newly emerged sea floor,
ties which are im portant to plant life e.g. nutrient cooled and solidified basaltic surfaces due to recent
contents in the soils, soil texture, soil structure, soil lava flows, exposed lake bed due to drying ofwater,
solution, soil tem perature etc. (see chapter 7 ). newly formed sand dunes, flood plains formed by
(3) Biotic factors include the influences of recent alluvia, heaps of debris accum ulated by man,
living organisms of a given habitat on plant life of the areas of exposed rocks due to m elting of ice from
that habitat mainly the influences of animals in the glacial areas etc.
general and man in particular. Man is capable of
destroying the whole o f vegetation community of a Stages of Primary Succession
given habitat within short period of time through his
destructive activities. The competitions among The initial sites for the prim ary successional
plants for space, sunlight, water or energy also affect development of vegetation may be o f various types
vegetation com munity in a given habitat. having varying environmental conditons as referred
(4) Physiographic factors include nature of to above but for convenience such site is being
ground, reliefs (mountains, plateaus, plains, faults), selected which is of bare rock surface and does not
altitude, depths, slope angle, slope aspect etc. have any earlier vegetation for the explanation of
(5) Fire factors include both natural forest primary succession o f vegetation. Thus primary
fires through lightning and man-caused forest fires succession of vegetation on a bare rock surface
due to deliberate-actions (e.g. jhum ing cultivation) having no prior vegetation and animals starts and is
or inadvertent actions. Such forest fires destorty the completed through the following stages :
vegetation community at a very large scale. (i) The initial plant-free site has relatively dry
environment. It does not mean that the clim ate of this
Types of Biotic Succession site is dry becuase the rocks of the conerned site are
bare and are devoid of any plant and therefore the
The succession of vegetation community in environment becomes relatively dry due to exces­
sive evaporation though the climate may be even
any habitat o f an ecosystem is classified into two
humid. The pioneer plants are established upon the
types on the basis o f changes in the environmental bare rocks of the initial plant-free site. The initial
conditions o f that habitat. pioneer plants include mainly algae and lichens
(1) Autogenic succession takes place when the because they easily stick to the bare rocks and can
changes in environm ental conditions of a given easily adapt to the environmental conditions of the
habitat are effected by the vegetation itself. initial sites whether these may be hot, dry or cold.

(2) Allogenic succession takes place in a (ii) Dust particles blown by wind settle down
particular habitat wherein the changes in the in the concerned habitat. These dust particles are
environm ental conditions o f that habitat are effected gradually deposited around algae and lichens. Some
of the lichens secrete acids w hich react with the
due to variations in the abiotic or physical compo-

minerals of the rocks of that habitat resulting into plants for space, sunlight, water and nutrients. There
dissolution of some minerals. This process starts the may be two alternative routes of competition among
process of pedogenesis (soil-forminy processes) and the plants e.g. (a) If the plants of the concerned
thin veneer of soil is formed in due course of time. habitat are of the same species, there is competition
The soil zone, though very thin in the beginning, is for the aforesaid elements among the different
colonized by micro-organisms. members of the same species and only the fittest
(iii) The formation of soils through rockplants survive during the competition. Thus the
weathering and soil-organisms continues and the principle of ‘survival of the fittest’ becomes
thickness of soils continues to increase wth time. effective in the community development of plants.
Consequently, a few soil-living animals like mites, Such competition is called intraspecific competition
ants, spiders etc. are evolved. This ‘sere’ of which means survival of the strongest plants and
successional development of plant community is elimination of weaker plants but the preservation of
characterized by more soil living organisms, sporadic species is maintined. (b) If there are more than one
plants and wide open areas devoid of any plant. This species in the concerned habitat, competition for
type of plant community is called open community or getting space, sunlight, water and nutrients takes
pioneer community. place among the individuals of different species
wherein the strongest and most aggressive species
(iv) Secondary community of mosses replaces
establish dominance over the entire vegetation
the pioneer community of algae and lichens in due
community. But if all the species of the concerned
course of time. The mosses spread over the soils like
habitat are equaly powerful, there is maintained a
thin sheets and thus soils are covered by the mosses.
balance of power among different species inspite of
Consequently, the moisture content of the soils is
competition and the result is that all species are
increased because the moss cover retards evapora­
preserved and maintained. Such competition is
tion. Now dense matting of mosses also provides
called inter-specific competition. The phase (sere) of
organic matter to the soils and thus the soils are community development is dominated by herba­
enriched by the addition of organic nutrients.
ceous plants and thus by herb community.
Gradually and gradually seasonal and perennial
grasses are developed along with new groups of (vi) With the march of time there is developed
animals like nematodes, spring-tails etc. which are large shrubs in the concerned habitat and the herb
able to obtain their food from the seasonal and community is dominated and replaced by ‘scrub
perennial grasses. The gradual development of community’. At this stage a very significant develop­
grasses covers the whole area of the concerned ment takes place in that the seeds of flowering plants
habitat and thus is developed a dense vegetation (phanerogams) are brought from the neighbouring
cover which changes and modifies the microclimates areas to the concerned habitat by winds and give
of the concerned habitat. The dense vegetation cover birth to trees in the otherwise shrub-dominated
decreases ground temperature and sunlight at the habitat. The canopy of these scattered trees is much
ground surface but increases moisture content of the higher than the stratum of shrubs. Thus this
soils because evaporation of moisture from the soil vegetation community upto this stage (sere) is mixed
surface is effectively decreased due to shade with lichens, mosses, grasses, shrubs and tree. This
provided by dense vegetation cover. The open is called forest community and the sere of this
community is now changed to closed community successional development of vegetation community
(which means that no part of the concerned habitat is called preclimax.
remains without vegetation, in other words, whole (vii) The final stage or ‘sere’ of the succesional
area of the habitat is covered with vegetation). This development of vegetation community is character­
is possible only when the environment of the ized by the development of giant and very tall trees,
concerned habitat is wet but if the environment of the density of which increases rapidly and the whole
the concerned habitat is dry and the surface is of of the concerned habitat is covered with dense and
sandy desert, much area is still open and devoid of tall trees. The roots of such talll trees penetrate far
vegetaion. deeper in the ground. The soil zone attains its
(v) maximum depth, and different horizons of the soils
After the development of ‘sere’ of closed
community there begins the competition among the profiles are well developed. The soil zones are

colonized by v a r i o u s m icro-organism s which de­ > development of climax community of mature

compose the organic matter and help in the process ecosystem.
of energy transfer. The vertical stratification of plant
community is well developed. This final phase or
2. Secondary Biotic Succession
‘sere’ of the successional development of vegetation j , xiii •f\: i' "i .i'll ‘ :«;•'*'! i- 'v 'J'i’hjd >*, ii.%/ •3vi"( ■
community is called climax community, climax
succession, climatic climax vegetation etc. which Secondary succession refers to the develop­
represetns mature ecosystem. mental sequences of vegetation in thoise areas which
had vegetation cover earlier but now have been
The aforesaid example of primary succession rendered nude or bare due to destruction of
of plant community is related to terrestrial ecosys­ vegetation (either partly or completely) either by (i)
tem. The island of Krakatoa presents a fine example natural processes (like lava flow, prolonged drought,
of primary succession about which well documented glaciation, natural widespread forest fires through
accounts are available. Krakatoa island located in lightning, severe storms, catastrophic floods etc.), or
the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra was by (ii) human interferences (like intentional burning
adversely affected by violent volcanic eruption of of vegetation, massive land use changes, mass
central type in 1883,when 67 percent of the island felling of trees and overgrazing etc.). It may be
sank and only 1 1 km 2 of the island remained above pointed out that such disturbed ecosystems or
water but this too was covered by hot ash and pumice habitats still contain mature soils and some original
upto the depth of 30 to 60m. Thus the new surface vegetation and therefore the initial stage or ‘sere’ of
created after the volcanic eruption was completely secondary succession of plant community is quite
sterile but the newly formed surface was colonized different from the initial stage or ‘sere’ o f primary
by animals, micro-organisms and plants very rapidly succession which starts on a bare rocky surface,
because fully colonized islands with mature vegeta­ having no earlier plants and animals. The total time
tion community were hardly 40 km away from the required for the development of climax vegetation or
new habitat of Krakatoa island. Due to nearness of climax succession in the secondary succession is
colonized islands some seeds were brought in by much less than the time taken for the developm ent of
wind, some seeds were transported to the island by primary succession.
oceanic currents and some seeds were carried by
An example of secondary succession may be
birds. The island was again colonized by climax
given from the hill areas of north-east India where
vegation within less than 50 years after the great
jhuming cultivation (shifting cultivation) is a com­
volcanic eruption is 1883. .
mon practice. Under this cultivation, first forest is
The sequences and stages of primary biotic cleared from small areas through burning and then
succession of plant communities may be summa­ the soil is cultivated for agricultural crops for a few
rized as follows : years. When the soil loses its fertility, that area is left
>■ development of pioneer plants like algae and out and new areas are cleared o f vegetation for
lichens on plant-free bare rocky surfaces. cultivation. The abandoned area or the old clearance
> pedogenesis (soil fromation) leads to the is again colonized by vegetation through various
development and colonization of micro­ stages and it attains climax vegetation (climax
organisms. succession) in a short period of time (a few years),
because the sequence of secondary succession is
>■ development of soil-liviing organisms and
more rapid than the primary succession due to
open community of scattered plants with wide
availability of mature soils.
open areas devoid of any plant.
When the vegetation community of any. J
► development of secondary community of
region is disturbed before reaching its ‘clim ax sere’
mosses and closed community of dense
by human interferences (through slow but long-term
activities like deforestation or burning o f vegetation
► dominance o f herbaceous plants (herb com­ etc.), the resultant vegetation is called sub-climax
munity). vegetation. When the distrubances in the succes­
>• developm ent o f forest community mixed with sional development of vegetation continue for long
lichens, mosses, grasses, shrubs and trees. time, stages of normal sere of the developm ent of
vegetation do not take place but these ‘sere’ are tion or mature ecosystem biomass increases to!-
deflected by those factors which bring in distur­ maximum but net community production decreases
bances in the successional development of vegeta­ and food chain becomes highly complex and thus it 3
tion. The vegetation developed during the deflected changes to food web. :ri
sere persists so long as the factors responsible for the The attainment of the climax and its nature
disturbance remain active. Such deflected climax is have been explained differently by various scien­
called plagioclim ax and its various stages are called tists. Two theories have been put forth about the
plagiosere. After some time if the factors causing nature of the climax e.g. (i) monoclimax theory, and
disturbances in the succesional development of (ii) polyclimax theory.
vegetation community cease to operate or become
ineffective, then the environmental conditions of the
1. Monoclimax Theory
concerned site or habitat are changed, with the result
1- I - : ‘ : >.!v: I-ivi ?. r V.
new environmental conditions of the habitat are
The monoclimax theory put forth by F E.
unable to support and preserve the plagioclimax
Clements (1916,1936) states that regional climate is
vegetation. Thus new vegetation develops under new
the dominant control factor of climax vegetation. In
changed environmental conditions in place of
other words, the form of vegetation of any region
plagioclimax vegetation and the successional devel­
during each stage or sere of the successional
opment of vegetation community takes place under
normal sere. development of vegetation community is deter­
mined by the climate of that region. It is obvious that
To my mind the disturbance caused by natural the form of vegetation is in accordance with the
factors or by human interferences in the normal sere climate of region concerned. This is called uniform
of the primary succession of the vegetation commu­ climax condition and the vegetation developed
nity should be termed as the in terru p tio n of during such uniform climax condition is called
com m unity and the vegetation community devel­ climatic climax vegetation. If all the successional
oped during the interruption should be called as phases or ‘sere’ of the development of vegetation
in te r ru p te d com m uniy. It is believed that the present community of a region are unable to attain uniform
agricultural areas were previously covered with climax condition in harmony with the climate of that
densjs vegetation cover. At a much later date, man region within a reasonable time, the end product of
interrupted the normal development of vegetation the succession is called subclimax. With the
communities and thus deflected the normal sere of attainment of uniform climax condition and climax
the primary succession. If the cultivation of such vegetation the ecosystem becomes mature, micro­
areas (e.g. the Ganga Plain of India or the level changes in the environment do not occur,
Mississippi Plain of the U.S.A.) is stopped, the species become competent enough to reproduce
development of normal sere of vegetation commu­ their offsprings in their own place of living, the
nity would restart and the climax succession of the intrusion of any external aggressive colonists
development of vegetation community would be becomes impossible in the habitat of mature
ecosystem, there is progressive increase in the
complexity and diversity of communities, the
ecosystem reaches the state of stability and no
3. Climax Vegetation significant changes occur in the ecosystem (in the
• • V, fV ;v•);' V-$fi 5 1,;. ;• absence of human interference only).
Climax vegetation (climax community) is the
end point or final phase of the process of succession 2. Poly-Climax Theory
(sequential developm ent) of vegetation community,
primary succession or secondary succession, in any Poly-climax theory states that plant commu­
ecosystem or habitat. In other words, the vegetation nity of each ecosystem or habitat is not always in
community developed at the last stage of biotic equilibrium with the climate of that habitat. In a few
succession is called climax vegetation which is habitats or regions plant communities do not always
indicative of a mature ecosystem wherein the undergo the process of successional changes. In
dominant vegetation is in equilibrium with the such cases the climax vegetation is not determined
environment. With the attainm ent o f clim ax vegeta­ by the climate of the region concerned but is
determ ined by soil types or topographic characteris­ 10.3 EVOLUTION OF PLANTS
tics* or natural forest fires, or destructuve and
constructive activities of man etc. The theory further Plant evolution means the origin, grow th and
states that many climax communities may be development of plants througiT time. Thus the
developed in any climatic region. There are specific evolution is the indicator o f historical developm ent
examples of many climax communities in a single o f plants. The following are the im portant processes
climatic region. In other words, there may be and mechanisms which determ ine the nature o f
different habitats because o f various combinations evolution of plants in any region :
of local or micro-climate, reliefs, rocks, biotic (I) Variation is common feature o f all plant
factors etc. in a single climatic region and the species because there is a wide range o f variation
different climax communities may be developed in and diversity in the plants. Even there is much
different habitats of a given region inspite of the fact variation in the different populations o f a single
that the m acro-climate o f all the babitats of a region species in terms of their height, size, shape and size
is the same. of leaves, number, colour and structures o f flow ers
etc. Even there is variation am ong the offsprings o f
Types of Climax the same parents. Every plant inherits the qualities of
its parents and these inherited qualities help in the
A.G. Tansely has defined the climax on the growth and development o f plants. These inherited
basis of main dominant factor which controls the qualities get modified bv the environm ental condi­
maximum growth of vegetation of any habitat. tions during the growth and developm ent o f plants.
According to him the climax thus should be This inheritance o f the qualities o f the parents by
identified on the basis of the most dominant their offsprings, which m aintains the sim ilarity of
controlling factor e.g. (i) climatic climax, when their genetic constitution, is called genotype while
climate is the most dominant factor of all the the modified appearance o f the plant due to
controlling factors, (ii) edaphic climax, when soil is modifications in the inherited genetic qualities o f
the most dominant factor, (iii) relief-dimax (relief the plants by the environm ental conditions is called
being the most dominant factor), (iv) anthropogenic phenotype. In fact, the phenotype represents the
observable characteristics o f an organism produced
climax (human interferences being the most domi­
by the interactions o f genes and environm ent.
nant factors), and (v) biotic climax (biotic factors
being the most dominant factors).
1. Processes of Evolution
According to R.H. Whittaker no absolute type
of climax is possible if the successional development
There are two m ajor processes o f evolution o f
of vegetation community is determined by one or species e.g. (i) the proces o f selection, and (2) the
more than one factors which control the develop­ process of isolation. The process o f selection is o f
ment of vegetation in any region, rather the climax two types viz. (i) natural selection, and (ii) artificial
community is the result of combined effects of all the selection.
factors of a given region which control the develop­
(1) Natural Selection: C harles Darwin (18
ment of vegetation.
postulated the principles and m echanism s o f evolu­
Though there is no unanimity among the tion of species by the process o f ‘natural selection*
botanists and the ecologists about the concept of wherein the heritable variations in the populations
climax but all the scientists agree to the point that the (here population means a com m unity o f individuals
‘climax’ is indicative of the stability of vegetation of sexually-reproducing species) form the basis o f
community of a given ecosystem or habitat. Thus the evolution o f species. The principles o f natural
‘climax* denotes dynamic equilibrium of vegetation selection will be elaborated in the next section
community which reveals equilibrium not only namely origion of species.
betweeen vegetation community and its physical The process of natural selection sim ply m eans
environment but also between all organisms (plants, that a few of the advantageous qualities inherited
animals and micro-organisms) and their physical from the parents o f species by a few populations o f
environment. that species are such that these qualities enable a few

individual members of that species to survive in barriers (e.g. vast desert, seas and oceans, extensive
their environment and to become adapted to the mountains etc.), cross-pollination or cross-breeding
environmental conditons. On the other hand, some does not take place.
individual members of the species lack in the The internal factors operate from within the
advantageous qualities because these could not be tissues of the plants. These internal factors prevent
inherited by them from their parents. In such cases hybridization even after cross-pollination has taken
the individuals, which possess the advantageous place among the different populations of species.
qualities, which are useful for their adaptation to Thus the isolation caused by internal factors
their environmental conditions, eliminate those prevents inbreeding among the members of one
plants which do not possess those advantageous species and consequently several sub-species of the
qualities. main species are evolved and developed.
(2) Artificial selection occurs through human
activities when he creates new environment. For
2. Origin of Species
example, man creates new seeds to increase the
crop-productivity through artificial measures such
The evolutionary development in the plant
as cross-pollination and hybridization. Such newly
created hybrid seeds are disease and pest-resistent kingdom takes place through the processes of
and are capable for their adaptation to various types mutation, genetic recombination, natural selection,
of soils and climate because they have sufficient isolation etc. but it is the process of isolation which
is responsible for the origin and development of new
tolerance capacity to withstand adverse environ­
species through reproduction. The process, which is
mental conditions. This process of artificial selec­
responsible for the origin of species, is called
tion carried out by man creates new hybrid and high-
speciation. The speciation takes place in two forms
yeilding seeds on the one hand and eliminates
e.g. (i) gradual speciation, and (ii) a b ru p t speciation.
several naturally occurring seeds on the other hand.
This process may be beneficial for mankind at G radual speciation is also called as geographi­
present because it may solve the problem of short cal speciation wherein initial breeding and reproduc­
supply of foodgrains through increased production ing plants are evolved in any region having
but it may prove disastrous in coming future when all homogenous environment. The number of such
the natural plants of food crops will disappear from plants gradually increases and their habitat also
this planet earth. expands (as new plants colonize more and more
areas). Consequently, the plants of the concerned
(3) Iso latio n plays an important role in the
environment intrude in the adjoining area of
evolution of plants. The process of isolation is
different environment. These intruders or newcomer
related to the re p ro d u c tio n of morphologically
plants develop their own subpopulations or sub­
differentiated populations of species and thus this is
groups amid already developed plants of the
also called as rep ro d u c tiv e isolation. The process of
adjoining areas. Subspecies are evolved through the
isolation stops the exchange of genes between
selective influences of these newly developed
different members of species. This reproductive
isolation is caused due to a variety of barriers which
may be grouped in two categories e.g. (i) external The newely developed subspecies of plants
barriers (factors), and (ii) (ii) internal barriers are, at much later date, isolated by distance factor. In
(factors). External factors operate from outside the other words, these newly developed subspecies of
plants and prevent cross-pollination between differ­ plants are separated from each other and from the
members of initial species to which they originally
ent populations of species of plants. The external
belonged. Such distribution of species is called
factors (barriers) include (i) spatial or geographical
allopatric distribution which gives birth to new
isolation, (ii) ecological isolation, (iii) seasonal
species of plants because geographically isolated
isolation, (iv) mechanical isolation etc.
members of the same species are not capable of
The geographical isolation is caused due to interbreeding and producing strong offsprings. Such
distance factors or distance barrier. When the isolation which prevents interbreeding among the
members o f one species of plants are separated from populations of the same species is called reproduc­
one another by the presence o f large physical (relief) tive isolation.
?vs* * a few members o f t h i s newly developed ’ better able to survive in their environment f o r 1
spiSCies, at later date, cbriie back to their original 3f the struggle of their lives.
place which is still occupied by their parents. This so >- Such advantageous characteristics conferred
happens when the e n v iro n m e n ta l conditions of th e ,;J on an organism may provide better chance of
habitat ofn e w evolved and developed species
l y
survival and reproduction.
change. T h o u g h there is variation in the characteris­ r , m .a ! . ■r/.ins
>• When these advantageous characteristics are
tics of the populations of the original species of the
passed on by the organisms to their offsprings,
initial habitat and the populations of newly devel­
the succeeding generations become superior
o ped species but there is still some similarity
and further efficient in ,the struggle for
between the initial populations of the original
existence and survival. vm .
habitat (parent species) and emigrant and reinhabited
members (which now have become the members of > The individuals of species, which lack the
new species). Such distribution of plants is called advantageous characteristics to stand up to
sy m p a tric distribution but the plants of such distribu­ their environmental conditions in their strug­
tion cannot merge among themselves because of gle for life and existence, are m ost likely to be
reproduction barriers. ‘However, reproductive con­ eliminated by competition from the better
tacts may be formed between populations which equipped superior members (which have
have previously been isolated geographically as a acquired advantageous characteristics of their
result of migration of one into the area of the other’ species). •;
(P.A. Furley and W.W. Newey, 1982). However, > During t h e struggle for existence between
when two species of dissim ilar habitats invade the organisms, the winner leads to evolution of
territory of each other, cross-breeding becomes species and the loser leads to extinction. This
possible and the resultant hybridization gives birth so happens when the struggle takes place
to new species. between closely related species.
(2) Abrupt speciation is the process of sudden> The process of natural selection (as referred to
evolution of new species. This so happens when above) and adaptation of environm ental con­
there is sudden change in the number of chromo­ ditions lead to gradual m odification and
somes in the plants. diversification of species over long period of
Mutation is another process of speciation time. Such variations in species incease
wherein the spontaneous evolutionary change gives progressively with each succeeeding genera­
birth to new species. tion of species and evolution of species
(1) Darwin’s Theory of Evolution : The
Darwinian theory of origin of species, propounded (2) D. Vries’ Theory of Evolution : De V r
by Charles Darwin in 1859, is related to the concept challenged the Darwinian concept of progressive
o f progressive evolution of species (gradual evolution of species on the ground that some tim es the
speciation). Charles Darwin postulated the princi­ offsprings differ from their parents so m arkedly that
ples and mechanisms of the evolution of species by a new species is evolved within a single generation.
the process o f ‘natural selection’ and ‘survival of the The process of spontaneous evolutionary change is
fittest’. The following are the main principles of termed as mutation which is believed to introduce
natural selection (based on H. Robinson’s interpre­ inheritable variations in a species. Such inheritable
tation of Darwinian theory o f the origin of species) variation can be spread by inter-breeding. T.
as advanced by Charles Darwin : Dobzhansky (1950) has presented the follow ing
basic elements o f mutation :
> There are heritable variations in the indi­
vidual species. Though each heritable varia­ > ‘The mutation process furnishes the raw
tion is small but it is very significant materials of evoltuion’.
because it forms the very basis of evolution of > Numerous gene patterns are produced during
species. the process of sexual reproduction.
► H eritable variations provide certain charac­ > ‘The possessors of some gene-patterns have
teristics w hich becom e advantageous to some greater fitness than the possessors o f other
indiv id u als to becom e more efficient and (gene) patterns in available environm ents.’
■''Tm uM 'j m 'JY3

^ ^equeney of superior gene-patterns is skills and these are carried out in plaeobotany. The;’
increased by the process of natural selection discussion of these aspects mainly the techniques of
while the inferior gene patterns are sup^ reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the
1,K p r e s s e d .1 ' ^ cA-j -^v.v l&ct world plant cover is not desirable for the students of
bi\. s \ . i\*yr,'i i -y. geography. We need only the results o f t es£
> Groups of some combinations of proven
adaptive worth become seggregated into techniques which some times give misleading and
closed genetic system, called species’. confusing inferences. The views of palaeontologists
regarding the interpretation of evolutionary changes
-.'I: h r , ■ <
V.. (Quoted by C.C. Park, 1980) ‘ of the organisms (both plants and animals) on the
It is obvious from the aforesaid description basis of available records of fossils of plants and
that T. Dobzhansky is o f the opinion that no animals preserved in the sedimentary rocks are
organism is changed by natural selection but natural grouped into two schools of thoughts as elaborated
selection definitely provides an opportunity for the by S.J. Gould (1971).
organisms to attain the quality of adaptive transfor­
mation so that it, can react to a change in the (i) School of phylectic g rad u a lism states that
environment. Plant kingdom (and also the animal the evolution of all branches of the whole plant and
kingdom) o f any habitat or the whole biosphere is animal kingdom takes place slowly and side by side
evolved and developed by different processes and over long period of time. Some times a few groups
evolve more rapidly than the other groups. This type
mechanism of speciation. The initial unit or link of
of evolution is called g rad u al speciation o r geo­
plant evolution is species. Different species form
graphical speciation. This process of speciation has
plants of higher orders. Species differentiation gives
already been discussed in the preceding section.
birth to genus (plural-genera). The processes of
adaptation, selection, isolation, mutation etc. are (ii) School of punctuated equilibrium believes
responsible for the formation of ‘family’ which that the organic world is in the state of equilibrium
includes several ‘genera’. The process of speciation and there is gradual evolution of species but some
continues and the gradual evolution of species times the equilibrium is distrubed or interrupted and
culm inates into the formation of successive higher thus there are short periods between two periods of
orders o f plants namely ‘order’, ‘classes’, ‘phylla, stability or species equilibrium. These periods are
and several phylla form ‘plant kingdom’. characterized by sudden happenings and catastro­
phes when there is abrupt and sudden evolution of
species. This process of the speciation is called as
PLANT COVER On the basis of records of fossils discovered
from the sedimentary rocks D.V. Ager (1976) has
The present plant cover of the world is the concluded that fossil records do not indicate gradual
result of gradual evolutionary phases of plants successive evolution of the organisms but these
through past geological periods of the earth s records show that evolution has been episodic in
history. The study of the evolutionary history or the nature wherein one group of species suddenly
historical developm ent of vegetation community advances at the cost of the other group of species.
right from the origion o f the first plant to the present The historical evolution of the plants can be
day distribution o f plant species and vegetation traced through the geological periods as follows :
com m unities is carried out on the basis of the (1) Evolution of Heterotrophs : Evolution
analysis and interpretation of vegetation fossils organisms on the earth’s surface begins from the
preserved in the sedim entary rocks. Thus the study pre-cambrian period when probably the first life in
o f the evolutionary history o f plant cover falls under the form of single celled or unicellular microscopic
the domain o f palaeobotany. The various aspects of organisms resembling the present-day cocoid or
the study o f the historical developm ent o f plants and spheroid bacteria, was evolved in aquatic environ­
vegetation com m unity e.g. discovery, identifica­ ment. These early organisms were anaerobic
tion, interpretation and tim e correlation o f vegeta­ heterotrophs (these organisms did not use oxygen
tion fo ssils preserved in the sedim entary rocks wit because at that time there was no oxygen in the
the geological form ations need highly specialized environment). It may be pointed out that there were
no autotrophs in the beginning due to absence of such that they could adjust with the dry environ­
photosynthesis. Thus the initial organisms were ment. Rhynia and cooksonia are supposed to be the
heterotophs which depended for their food on non- first plants to evolve on the land surface. The early
biologically produced organic food. The early land plants were characterized by vascular system,
organism s used to live in water and derived their xylem, cuticle, stem-like green axes, stomata and
food in the form of diluted nutrients in liquid form. terminal sporangia.
As regards the origin o f non-biologically produced (4) Evolution of vegetation communities :
organic food, it is believed that a few organic During the beginning of Devonian period several
compounds might have been synthesized from the new species of flora were developed and the first
mixture o f some sim ple substances like methane, representative plants of the modern club-mosses and
ammonia, water vapour etc. by ultraviolet radiation the ancestors of horsetails were exclusively evolved
(it may be rem em bered that in the beginning of the during early Devonian period. The first tree-like
evolution o f organism s there was no ozone layer plants were evolved during middle and late Devonian
because o f the absence o f atm ospheric oxygen and period (e.g. large arborescent lycopods, tall horsetails
hence m ost o f ultraviolet radiation reached the etc.). Lycopods and horsetails became extinct in their
earth’s surface) or electrical discharges. original form but they could persist in transformed
(2) Evolution of au to tro p h s: It is believed that form like herbaceous plants. Ferns were evolved from
the initial heterotrophic organism s might have given the spores hidden in the earlier plants. By the end of
birth to autotrophic plants which could have become Devonian period the flora attained a uniform charac­
able to m anufacture their food themselves. The ter because of the development of vegetation in
initial autotrophic organism s included purple bacte­ uniform climatic conditions and the vegation com­
ria, blue-green algae and green algae. It is important munities were transformed into forests.
to note that like initial heterotrophic organisms (5) Carboniferous flora : A ll the landmasses
initial autotrophic plants were also originated in continued to be united in the form o f Pangaea upto
water areas. T hese aquatic plants are supposed to Carboniferous period. The disruption o f Pangaea and
h av ejb rm ed oxygen through biological processes. drifting of its broken landm asses had a great
The oxygen, thus form ed, was gradually diffused in influence on the developm ent o f world flora.
the atm osphere and hence new aerobic organisms Though the breaking of Pangaea and continental
(organism s w hich use oxygen) were evolved. The drift have been validated on the basis of plate
gradual concentration o f oxygen in the atmosphere tectonics (which is based on two convincing
resulted into the form ation o f ozone gas (O 3 = 0 2+ 0 ) evidences of palaeom agnetism and sea-floor spread­
which controlled the tem perature of the lower ing) but there is no unanim ity about the time of
atm osphere and the earth ’s surface by absorbing disruption. M ost of the scientists believe that
ultraviolet solar radiation. This resulted in the Pangaea was disrupted during Jurassic period while
evolution and developm ent o f several aerobic some consider the disruption of Pangaea in the
complex m ulti-cellular plants and animals. It is Carboniferous period.
believed that about 600 million years ago the
It is believed that Pangaea consisted of two
atm ospheric oxygen was about 3 percent of its big landmases e.g. Laurasia (including Asia, Europe
present level in the atm osphere. Even this meagre and North Am erica) and Gondwanaland (including
am ount o f initial oxygen enabled a few multi- S. America, Africa, India, A ustralia and Antarctica).
cellular organism s like sponges, corals, worms, The northern segment o f Pangaea (Laurasia or
shellfish and the ancestors o f vertebrates ^ evolve Angaraland) was characterized by the spread of
and develop on the earth ’s surface. dense luxuriant forests o f tall arborescent plants
(3) Evolution of land p la n ts: It is believed that during Carboniferous period. The vegetation in­
the origin and colonization o f plants on the land cluded several g en era o f g ia n t club-m oses
surface began in late Silurian and Devonian periods (lepidodendrum and sigillaria), cone-bearing plants
when the first terrestrial green plants were evolved having the height of more than 30m, the giant
from the aquatic red and brown algae. During this horsetail plants, ancestral form s o f m odem conifer­
p erio d the landm asses were characterized by dry ous trees etc. which developed w ithin swampy
en v iro n m en t and the first green land plants were littoral habitats. These vegetations were buried

under sediments and compressed and ultimately Jurassic and Cretaceous periods provided
were converted into peats and coals. Most of the coal ideal climatic conditions for the development of a
formations of North America and Western Europe variety of plants and animals. Sub-tropical humid
belong to the Carboniferous period. climate developed over major areas became most
There was a global climatic change during favourable for evergreen forests which included
Carboniferous period when most of Gondwanaland conifers, ginkgos, and cycads during Jurassic
was covered with ice sheet and thus pre-Carbonifer- period.
ous ice Age vegetation of Gondwanaland, which was The world flora underwent a tremendous
sim ilar to the vegetation of Laurasia or Angaraland, transformation because of the emergence of flower­
was drastically changed. The deglaciation of ice ing plants (phanerogams) during Cretaceous period.
sheets resulted into the origin of new sets of climatic The evolution of flowering plants (both angiosperms
conditions over Gondwanaland e.g. cold and humid and gymnosperms) was so rapid and abrupt under
temperate climates. During this period the glossopteris episodic events that they soon changed into dense
flora covered very extensive area of Gondwanaland. forests. This sudden spread of dense forests of
The rem ains o f glossopteris are still found over the flowering plants resulted into marked decrease in
members o f the Gondwanaland e.g. South America, the number of earlier species and their populations,
Africa, India, A ustralia and Antarctica. because flowering plants became fittest and most
There was substantial change in the vegeta­ dominant of all earlier plants. These plants included
tion o f Laurasia (A ngarland) during late Carbonifer­ oak, poplar, sycamore, maple, ash and species of
ous and Perm ian periods and consequently three modern tropical trees e.g. breadfruit, fig, palm etc.
main types o f vegetation were developed e.g. (i) These forests were characterized by dense under­
Eum erican flora in the western part of Laurasia growth of shrubs and small trees which included
(present north-eastern North America and Western laurel, dogwood, holly etc., and herbaceous plants.
Europe); (ii) A ngara flora in modern Siberia and, Thus the vegetation community was well organized
(iii) C athysian flora in S.E. Angaraland (modern by the end of Cretaceous period and the stratification
C hina and S.E. A sia). was well developed e.g. top layer (stratum) of tall
flowering plants, second layer of shrubs, third layer
(6) Mesozoic flora : There was a large scale
of herbaceous plants and fourth or ground layer of
change in the clim ate, plant and animal life during mosses and lichens. The following reasons have
Mesozoic era (w hich includes Triassic, Jurassic and been suggested by the palaeobotanists to account for
C retaceous) m ainly due to disruption of Pangaea and the abrupt evolution of flowering plants and their
large-scale d riftin g o f continents and ocean basins. dominance over other (earlier) plants.
First, Pangaea w as broken into two big landmasses
known as L aurasia or A ngaraland and Gondwanland. The Jurassic period was characterized by
These w ere separated by Tethys Sea. These two relative stability of environmental conditions but the
landm asses w ere further disrupted into many parts Creataceous period was punctuated by several
w hich drifted in different directions to acquire their events of earth movements (e.g. formation Of
present position. mountain ranges, volcanic eruption and massive
lava flows, faulting etc.), sea level changes resulting
D ry clim atic conditions prevailed over major
into transgression of seas on the continental margins
areas o f th e 'n o rth e rn landm asses during triassic
and clim atic changes. All these events resulted into
period w ith the result m ost o f the vegetation
the formation of new habitats having varying
developed d u rin g C arboniferous and Permian peri­
environm ental conditions. The flow ering plants
ods was rep laced by sparse vegetation o f desert
clim ate. M any sp ecies o f dense forests o f C arbonif­ possessed enorm ous capacity for their adaptation
erous and Perm ian periods disappeared and becam e and adjustm ent to a variety o f environmental
extinct but p lan t-e atin g dinosaurs could survive conditions. Cosequently, the flow ering plants fully
exploited the new physical conditions o f newly
because o f the av ailab ility o f th eir food from cycads,
created habitats as they were quickly adjusted and
conifers, ferns and h o rsetails w hich also could
adapted to new but varied environm ental conditions.
su rv iv e because th e y b e c o m e su c c e ssfu l in
This resulted into rapid colonization of the earth s
ad ap tin g them selves w ith new environm ental condi­
surface by flow ering plants.
!>1Flowering plants and insects were evolved ► ^During Carboniferous period glossopteris
together (side by side) through the process of flo r a covered very ex ten siv e area ©fW
mutualism. T h u s the insects helped in crosspollination Gondwanaland. There was substantial change d
among the flowering plants Which resulted in th e - in the vegetatioif of Angaraland during
genetic and ecological diversification which ulti­ Carboniferous period and consequently 3
mately gave birth to the evolution of new species of main types of vegetatin developed e.g. (1)
flowering plants. Eumerican flora in the western parts of
Laurasia (present north-eastern North America
• The capability o f flowering plants to adapt
and Western Europe); (2) Angara flora, in
and adjust with varying physical conditions enabled
modern Siberia, and (3) Cathysian flora in S.E.
them to develop a great variety of lifeforms and habit
which allowed a great variety of species of flowering Angaraland (modern China and S.E. Asia).
plants to share and exploit the same habitat. This ► Most of the vegetation developed during •
process resulted into the formation of different Carboniferous and Permian periods over
vertical strata or layers of plants communities. northern landmasses were replaced by sparse
(7) Tertiary flora : Though there is a lot of vegetation due to onset o f dry clim atic
controversy about the exact place of the origin of conditions during Triassic period.
flowering plants but the western part of Gondwanaland >■ World flora underwent trem endous transfor­
is generally considered as the birth place of mation during Cretaceous period due to
flowering plants. From this part of Gondawanaland emergence of flowering plants (phanerogam s)
flowering plants were dispersed to other places. which formed dense forests.
Large-scale global orogeny during Tertiary period ► The onset of monsoon clim ate during Tertiary
(origin of Alpine mountains like the Rockies, the period gave birth to the developm ent of
Andes, the Allps, the Himalayas etc.) and related monsoon deciduous forests.
climatic changes, glaciation of major parts of North ► Large-scale global m ountain building during
America and Eurasia (Pleistocene glaciation) during Tertiary period, related clim atic changes,.,
Quaternary period, frequent changes in climate and glaciation of m ajor parts o f N orth Am erica
sea levels because o f sub-glacial and interglcial
and Europe during Q uaternary period, fre­
periods etc. have largely affected the life-forms and
quent climatic and sea level changes due to
patterns o f vegetation at global and local scales.
deglaciation largely affected the life form s
and patterns of vegetation at global, regional
Summary of Historical Evolution of Plants
and local scales.
••• V. -s M
The detailed description of historical evolu­
tion of land plants, as given above, may be 10.5 D ISP E R SA L OF PLA N TS
summarized as follows:
► Heterotrophs were evolved during pre-Cambrian Dispersal of plants refers to m igration and
period. These organisms depended on non- spreading of plants from the places o f th eir origin
biologically produced organic food. due to a host of factors. The present-day distribution
> Initial heterotrophic organisms gave birth to o f world vegetation com m unities is the result of
initial autotrophic organisms such as purple gradual dispersal o f plants through ages o f geologi­
bacteria, blue-green algae and green algae cal history. The study o f d ispersal.of p lants includes
during pre-Cambrian period.
the consideration o f nature and factors o f dispersal,
► Origin and colonization o f plants on land patterns of dispersal in historical p ersp ectiv e, role o f
surfaces began in Silurian and Devonian man in plant dispersal etc. T hese aspects are
■ periods. e la b o ra te d below :
> By the end o f Devonian period the land flora
attained a uniform character because of 1. Nature and Factors of Dispersal
developm ent o f vegetation in uniform cli­
m atic conditions and the vegetation com m u­
, Present-day d istrib u tio n o f p lants over
nity was transform ed into forests.
e g 0 e is the result o f m ig ratio n o f plants over
PLANT SYSTEM ii 0 # / m J41

time into ecologically suitable areas. The spread or transport seeds of various sorts in varying amounts
migration of plants takes place mainly in two ways in different ways. Wind transports seeds mainly in
e.g. (i) through vegetative propagation, and (ii) suspension from one place to anot er p ace. ma er
through seed d isp ersal. Since plants do not have and lighter seeds are more efficiently transpor e y
immobility like animals, and hence plants spread or wind but such seeds are susceptible to ig ra e o
dispersal through vegetative propagation is exceed1 u mortality. Birds c a r r y such seeds which stic o
ingly slow process and the new shoots which come different parts rof their bodies. Birds are very
out from the parent stocks do not acquire the genetic i effective carriers of seeds because they can transport
variability of seeds. Thus the plants coming out from i- seeds to great distances. Besides, seeds which are
the shoots of the parent stocks are not able to adapt kept in the stomach of birds are also dispersed when
to flie variations in habitat where they reach through the birds release them as wastes. There are certain
the gradual process of spreading. limitations of seed dispersion by birds i.e. only
Thus the dispersal of plants becomes effective Smaller seeds are carried away by birds, there is high
through external factors mainly through the disper­ rate of mortality of seeds carried by birds because if
sal of seeds. The following factors determine and seeds are transported to such areas after covering
control the nature of seed dispersal and therefore long distances where environmenal conditions are
dispersal and migration of plants : not favourable for the germination o f newely
brought seeds they may die. Other animals transport
(1) Properties of seeds,
seeds through their bodies when seeds are stuck to
(2) Agents of seed transportation, different parts of their bodies. The nature of seed
(3) Speed and distance of dispersal, dispersion by animals depends on the nature of their
(4) G eographical barriers, mobility, slow or rapid, daily, seasonal or annual etc.
Water transports seeds and disperse them through its
(5) Tolerance factor,
various types of movements e.g. sea waves, tidal
(6) C ontinental drift, and currents and oceanic currents. M an has now
;' y <
v - . . : -• n r; r,?, -

(7) A nthropogenic factor (role of man). emerged as the most potent and effective carrier of
seeds because he is capable of increasing the speed
(1) Properties of Seeds and range of seed dispersal to the greatest extent.
. =- :■ • 1i •• ; • J } i- J ! / t / : 1 3! • : • • •’ i ■ - •/. r - ■- 1

The properties of seeds which help in the (3) Limiting Factors of Seed Dispersal
process o f seed dispersal include the following :
There are certain factors which limit and
>- The properties o f seeds to stay up in the air
restrict the dispersal of seeds e.g. distance factor,
while carried away from one place to another,
geogrphical barriers, speeed factor etc.
>- The properties o f seeds of sticking to the
► Smaller and lighter (in weight) seeds are more
bodies o f carriers (animals),
efficiently transported to greater distances
>- The properties o f sticking to the feathers and but they are susceptible to high rate of
f feet o f birds, mortality,
> Property of floating in the waters, ► Larger seeds are difficult to be dispersed but
> The ability o f seeds to germ inate and these have low rate of m ortality because they
establish them selves as plants successfully in have greater chance o f survival for long time
new habitats having different environmental due to greater food reserve contained by them ;
conditions, ► The size and num ber of seeds produced by
> N um ber and size o f seeds and the frequency of different plants also affect and control seed
their reproduction etc. dispersal. For exam ple, annual plants producc
large quantity of small seeds w hich can be
(2) Agents of Seed Transportation easily transported to greater distances while
,, I / . . ■ r T . - A * » , . - f i .. * many perennial plants produce few seeds but
The m ain agents o f seed-transportation are of large size. Such seeds are transported and
wind, ocean curren ts and anim als including man who dispersed as elaborated above.
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y
rate of reproduction, breeding and evolution and
>• Oceans and seas are the most formidable development of different populations of organic
limiting factors of seed dispersal because
communities. He has intentionally created and
these are so ex ten siv e in size and become so
evolved new species of plants and animals through
enorm ous barriers that these are not likely to
the process o f ‘a rtific ia l selectio n ’. He has introduced
be crossed over by any means of seed
new plant species through ‘c ro ss-p o llin a tio n ’ among
dispersal.'The most significant carriers of
seeds through the oceans are the ocean different types of plants and has encouraged
currents which take very long time to tra n s­ ‘vegetative p ro p a g a tio n ’. Man has developed new
port them from one end of the land to the other species by creating habitats of new environments.
end. On the other hand, it is very likely that Man has affected the dispersal, distribution,
seeds will perish during their long journey of and redistribution of plants and animals and
water because there ae very few seeds of land vegetative propagation through the following m eth­
or fresh water plants which can withstand the ods :
long period of their immersion in the oceanic > Through his destructive activities e.g. defor­
saline waters. Similarly, extensive high mountains estation for domestic, argicultural and indus­
and extensive deserts are effective formidable trial purposes, forests fires etc.
barriers for the dispersal of seeds.
>• Through the discovery and development of
new types of vegetation and their establish­
(4) Tolerance Factor
ment in suitable habitats.
The tolerance factor plays more important > Through the removal of plants from their
role in the dispersal and migration of plants than the native places and their transplantation in
rate of seed production and the efficiency of other areas.
transporting agents of seeds because ultimate > Through agricultural practices. v
success of seed dispersion depends not only on the > Through changes in the habitats.
ability of seeds to germinate in new environment of
the habitat to which they have been transported but Man has created new habitats for his own
also on their ability to establish in new habitat and to benefits by changing and m odifying the local
adapt to new environment. The more the tolerance physical environment called as hybrid habitats
limit of plants to adapt and adjust to new~environ­ which have two types of locations e.g. (i) near the
mental conditions of new habitat, the more is the camp-sites (this was in practice during pre-historic
chance of their survival and greater opportunities period), kitchen garden, city parks and national
and possibilities of their distribution and expansion parks etc., and (ii) newly created areas for the
in extensive areas. construction of roads, rails, factories and for
agriculture. Such areas are created through land use
(5) Continental Drift changes mainly through mass felling o f trees or
extensive deliberate forest fire. There is very fast
Continental drifts are also helpful in the rate of growth of plants desired by man in such
dispersal of plants at global scale. The distribution disturbed or hybrid habitats because there is no
and dispersal of flowering plants (phanerogams) competition among the desired plants and other
developed during Cretaceous period can be ex­ plants as unwanted plants have been elim inated.
plained in the light of continental drift. The presence
It is believed that the first dom estication of
ofglossopteris vegetation in South America, Africa,
plants of food crops was started in the north-w estern
Australia etc. could be possible due to continental
part of South America and S.E. A sia. T hat is why
drift. This aspect will be detaield out in the
C.O. Sauer has called the aforesaid areas as the
succeeding section (10.6).
‘planting hearth’. Four areas of the origin o f cereal
plants have been identified e.g. (i) Guatemala-
(6) Role o f Man In the Dispersal of Plants region-where corn was dom esticated for the
first time and beans and squashes were dom esticated
Man has changed and diverted the direction of
an eve oped at later date and these w ere, later on,
evolution o f plants and animals, has accelerated the
dispersed and distributed by m an into North
America and South America; (ii) N.W. India-Eastern dispersion-som e seeds are unintentionally tran s­
Mediterranean region represents the first domestica­ ported by man during his migration from one place
tion and cultivation of wheat, barely, rhye, oat etc. to another place but he does not know that he is
which were later on dispersed and distributed by transporting seeds with him. Such type of uninten­
man in other parts of the world; (iii) North China tional transport of seeds by man may be possible in
region-where millets and soybeans were developed a variety of way e.g. the seeds may be attached to the
as domesticated crops, and (iv) Abyssian Highlands packings, to the means of transport (vehicles, ships,
region (eastern Africa)-where sorghums were do­ aeroplanes, etc.) to the human bodies and his cloths
mesticated. Man has widely disperesed and distrib­ etc. and may be carried to the desired destinations
uted cereal plants from these aforesaid four principal where a few of them may be able to germinate (if
areas of their domestication in those areas where he environmental conditions of new places are favour­
has migrated either permanently or temporarily. able at least to minimum.level) and develop while
The pace of migration of man to different others may perish. There has been phenomenal
parts of the world during the past 4-5 hundred years increase in the number of plant and animal species due
has been greatly accelerated because of (i) explora­ to colonization of New Zealand and Hawaiiland by
tion of new areas, (ii) development of fastest means men because the native flora and fauna before the
of tran sp o rtatio n and therefore reduction in dis­ migration of men to these areas were limited in number.
tances in terms of time, (iii) growth in international A few plants introduced in new areas by man
trade and commerce etc. All these have resulted in through intentional transport and dispersion have
large-scale migration of human beings in the now become problems for human society✓ For
different parts of the world and this migration has example, since the time of first introduction of
caused widespread dispersal and distribution of prickly pear cactus as fodder for animals in Australia
plants and animals from their places of origin and from South America it has so enormously multiplied
dom estication to other parts of the world. It may be due to rapid rate of increase of its pastures that it has
pointed out that in the beginning the dispersal and adversely affected and damaged the natural source
distribution o f plants and animals were limited of animal fodder. Similarly, kudzu (a type of vine
because o f the presence of physical (geographical) creepers) was introduced in the U.S.A. from Japan to
barriers (e.g. high mountains, seas and oceans, check soil and gully erosion but its growth has been
extensive deserts and ice covered areas etc.) but rjlan so phenomenal that it has covered many areas of the
now has conquerred these obstacles because o / the U.S.A. and now it has become very difficult to
developm ent o f aeroplanes and ships which can eradicate this problematic plant from the U.S .A. The
carry man w ithin short time from one end of the growth of Ipomoea Cornea, brought in India from
globe to the other end. Previously plants and animals North America, has been so rapid and enormous that
mainly cereal plants were confined to the limits of it has spread in almost all parts of the country. This
hem isphere or continents but now these limits have plant has become so problematic that there is need of
been rem oved and the dispersal and distribution of movement from the government side as well as from
cereal plants have becom e world-w ide for example, the public side to eradicate this problem plant
(i) the introduction of potato, tobacco and corn in otherwise it will cover many of the agricultural
Europe, (ii) introduction of rubber and cincona in fields. The dispersal of animals by man from one
south-east A sia from South Am erica, (iii) introduc­ part of the world to the other part also poses great
tion o f wheat, oat, rhye, barley, flax, sugarcane, danger to native vegetation. For exam ple, European
paddy, banana from A sia and sorghum from Africa in rabbits and red deers brought in New Zealand have
South A m erica etc. are the testimony of man-induced done extensive damage to natural vegetation which
dispersion and distribution o f cultivated plants. has a chain effects on the local environm ent e.g.
phenom enal increase in the population of rabbits and
It m ay be p ointed out that the dispersal and
distribution o f plants by man is carried out in two red deers has resulted in the loss o f natural
ways e.g. (i) Intentional dispersion-w hen man inten­ vegetation (due to m ass grazing by these foreign
tionally brings with him the seeds o f desired plants anim als) w hich has caused extensive soil and gully
erosion resulting into trem endous loss of good
or even plants to those areas w here he m igrates to
fertile soils and decrease in agricultural production
settle down or a country o fficially im ports the seeds
developed in other countries, (ii) Unintentional and in the num ber of native animals.
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y
to their dispersal, from Africa during middle
10.6 DISPERSAL OF FLOWERING PLANTS Cretaceous period. The dispersal of the flowering
v-UsJ-u,'} plants continued further eastward from Africa
Figure 10.3 depicts the situations of the through Madagascar and India to South-East Asia.
continents during (A) Carboniferous period, (B) late ! The disruption of Gondwanaland began some
Cretaceous period, and (C) early Tertiary period 100 million years ago due to sea-floor spreading and
wherein the directions of plant dispersal have been the opening of South Atlantic ocean began with the
shown by arrows. There are contrasting opinions westward drifting of South America. About 75-70
about the exact place of the origin of the flowering million years ago Indian subcontinent lost contact
plants mainly the angiosperms during Cretaceous with Gondwanaland due to northward movement of
period. Some scientists are of the view that the
Indian plate which resulted in the formation of
flowering plants were originated in the areas of high
Indian Ocean and widening of gap between Indian
latitudes mainly in the Arctic and Antarctic areas but
subcontinent and Australia. About 55-50 years ago
D.I. Axelord (1961) has strongly refuted the
(during middle Miocene period) Indian plate was
aforesaid concept and has maintained that the
flowering plants were originated in the tropical and subducted below Asiatic plate which resulted in the
subtropical areas. According to the recent views of formation of the Himalayas. Due to this northward
D.I. Axelord and P.A. Raven (1974) the flowering drift of the Indian subcontinent many plant and
plants are believed to have been originated in the animal groups of the southern location were also
western part of Gondwanaland ..(figure 10.3B) drifted northward with the drifting o f the Indian:
(during Cretaceous period) which now represents subcontinent to new locations but many groups of
modern Africa and South America. Axelord and plants and animals of India having tropical origin
Raven have further maintained that there were and austral connections were lost during this
different habitats having various combinations of northward movement of the landmass because the
the arid and semi-arid climatic conditions. The plant and animal groups had to move through
combinations of arid and semi-arid environmental different climatic zones. The formation of the
conditions different types of soils and varying Himalayas during Tertiary period presented a
topographic characteristics provided favourable formidable geogrpahical barrier in the dispersal of
environmental conditions for the maximum and plants and animals between India and Asia.
rapid rate of vegetative growth of the flowering It has been already pointed out that the
plants in the tropical areas during Cretaceous period. dispersal of plants and animals of tropical and
From this original nucleus (western part of subtropical origin to North America took place
Gondwanaland) of the origin of the flowering plants, during Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods from
the dispersal of plants was radiated in all directions, western part of Gondwanaland (the nucleus of the
which continued from late Cretaceous to early flowering plants) via Africa and Europe when North
Tertiary periods (fig. 10.3 B and C). The dispersal of America and Eurasia were united together as
plants from the said nucleus of origin was directed Laurasia. With the opening of the A tlantic ocean due
towards north into north Africa and Eurasia during to sea-floor spreading during early Tertiary period
late Cretaceous period. These flowering plants were the water barrier prevented dispersal of plants and
redispersed from Europe westward into North animals from Europe but still direct dispersal and
America because North America was at that time migration of biota of cooler environmental condi­
(late Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods) united tions continued through the landmasses o f higher
with Eurasia in the form of Laurasia. From the latitudes because the landmasses of North America
nucleus o f South America the flowering plants were and Eurasia in the higher latitude were still
dispersed southward into South America and then connected together (fig. 10.3C). Some dispersal and
eastward into Antarctica and Australia (fig. 10.3B). migration also became possible through the volcanic
The flowering plants were also dispersed eastward islands associated with the m id-Atlantic ridge.
from the African nucleus into India through M ada­ At present many groups of plants and animals
gascar as these were united together. It is obvious such as nothofagus, southern beech, marsupials
that m ost o f tropical and subtropical flowering (such animals who carry their offsprings in the
plants were developed in India and M adagascar due pouch attached to their stom achs, like kangaroo) are

e.g. iSouth A m erica and A u s tra lia in c lu d in g New

fAVCarboniferous Zealand.
v VwW<'///////X It is believed that these plants and ani™jJs
vi. r /ww/r/w rt JKv//////>///////y///^> were first originated during early an mi e
'N ortn Laurasia
i. w
Cretaceous period in the initial nucleus o ou
A m e*n‘ 'c' “a (r'//''////<’
/ / / / / / / // ///////F
/ / / / / / / L Unra^ia
i a a l d /vwwwj
WWW/////yw 11fZ/ZV/////////////////////^.—V///A
___ ^ ^/////////////y/zi
/w / / /
America and from there these were disperse an
I W /////A -----
rf ////////////\.
yw////w /////^i'f»Kr.n1Ctrl
VS migrated eastward into Australia and new Zealan
r . ///^ v
/// —'
before the disruption of Gondwanaland which began
v Sm
OUUU ith1»A [////w /////W_ # in late Cretaceous period but the separation of
a n Aeracr*a r
/A\ im11C
e nricuad rw////////>y
L /w ///// / ^ " T «.0/ i^; n^ “ Australia from Antarctica and their drifting began
W ////W //W / v / ^ v i n o i g . .. rrT77///\
during middle Miocene period some 55-50 years
____ Antarcticass*^: age. Due to northward movement of Australia, after
breaking its connection with Gondwanaland, there
fl?) Late Cretaceous
»ww/^s was collision of Asiatic plate with Australian plate
J rx r tK
. _
NUIHls. W///////7)
........ *^V_ ^ .»/w/ww^>
which provided a land connection between these two
, /' nAimpripQ
llt l IV/d plates through New Guinea. This new land bridge
^ /z y z z z z z z z /z z z z z ^ ^ y ^ z z y y /z z . r ; v z ///)
///w //////^^n»y/</? ^ ////<.z/.c u r as 1a vzzzzzz^>
/ / W / / // / / // / W / / / / /4 ) w // / w / ^ < <y //////z /z z //z ///y w y < /f '
fZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/f t'ZZZZ^Z^'ZZZZZ^S^ZZZZ/ZZ/ZZZ/ZZZ/'ZZ///^ between Australia and Asia provided new avenues
Q i ~ N ^ zzzzzzz/zzzz> w ^ zzzzz/zzzzz/zzz;
C 52
r 'y C f f/%x/f/s//s/s////////7/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj
'Wv^j4<^z/zzzzzzzzzzzzzz>A-^/zzzzz^ for free exchange of biota of these two landmasses.
? I ' At the same time New Zealand broke away
<4O-1 . 255 A
rouuJ ' J
[z z z z z z z * * ^
/ f . A
from Australia. Thus the isolation of Australia from
2( J aH ■" ■■” '
*nc*ia > iy / / / / / / / / z *
the rest of Gondwanaland enabled it to possess its
.2 “ V //////< lk Z ///z /z ^ r
x1 J J/7ss/£)^s///\
unique native plants (like eucalyptus) and animals
■/✓z/zzzzzzzzzz/^^z Australia (marsupials-kangaroo).
vAntarctica^ The evolution and development of vegetation
(C) Early Tertiary" of Antarctica right from the glossopteris of Permian
^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/V. - ,/ *>*»Wzzzzzzzzzzzzzz77 period to the temperate flowering plants of mid-
,* N O r t n '✓ />vy^.^*^vw »«/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'zzzzzA Tertiary period have taken place through many
.....................U^zz/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. — . W /A
///*’ AA m m ea rr .'^ icra. ’1/ // ^>zzzzzzzz/7Ezzzzzzz^*itzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzA
zzzzzzzz<,\, phases of successions of plant communities. The
ty/SS/SS/SS/jr*W » .............. temperate flowering plants became extinct due to
■ ^ /////jA . 'S y '^ v ~* -< ^/zzzz/f
-Vzz/vSvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzA southward movement of Antarctica after middle
t ^~l1^ ...................... ^
Africa & ^ Tertiary period because this movement ushered in
: South 3 \
# "A \ _^rK//ZZZZZZZZ^^^
IJndiaj cool climate which could not be tolerated by these
America^*"'. Madagascar plants. As the movement of Antarctica towards
\\ *xWw////
V /////- / ^f7///?\
_ _

\ V iz
\ Australia south pole continued, climate became m ore and
r////77> \ more severe due to increasing cold and thickening of
y////Trrf//t "t££l ice cover. This resulted into complete extinction of
.1 --------- Mid
oceanic ridges all plants. The earlier forests were replaced by
^----►Direction of dispersal tussock communities which were also elim inated at
latter date due to the severity of clim ate. At present
Antarctica is an ice covered sterile continent.
Fig. 10.2: Relationship between continental drift and
plant dispersal. A-The position of continents
during Carboniferous period, B-Position of 10.7 DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS
, ,., continents during late Cretaceous period and
the nucleus o f the origin o f the flowering There is a wide range of variations in the
plants (shown by oblique lines). distribution of vegetation on the globe. There is a
C-Position o f continents during early Tertiary zonal pattern of vegetation from equator towairds the
period and direction o f plant dispersal. poles and from sea level to vegetation level on the
high m ountains. The distribution of plants is
found in the tem perate areas o f the southern affected and controlled by a variety o f factors e.g.
continents, the m em ber o f previous G ondw analand, (i) climatic factors (sunlight, tem perature, m oisture
and humidity, precipitation, soil-moisture etc.); 0 0 of almost uniform environmental conditions is
edaphic factors (soil nutrients, soil texture, soil called floristic kingdom whereas the smaller group
structure, aciditiy and alkalinity, nature and proper­ covering smaller area is called floristic province or
ties o f soil profiles etc.); (iii) biotic factors (effects of region. It may be pointed out that there are variations
living organisms mainly animals and man of in plants at regional level even in floristic kingdoms
particular habitat on plants, interactions between and therefore each floristic kingdom is sub-divided
different plant species and between plants and into several floristic provinces or regions covering
animals like natural selection, competition, mutual­ much smaller areas.
ism, pasasitism etc); (iv) physical factors (reliefs and It may be further pointed out that each
topography, slope angle, gradient and slope aspect, floristic province includes all types of plants having
etc.); (v) tectonic factors (continental displacement different life-forms e.g. trees, bushes, shrubs,
and drift, plate movements, endogenetic forces and grasses and lichens and mosses. It is obvious that a
movements, vulcanicity and seismic events etc.); floristic or floral province or region represents the
(vi) fire factor (forest fire-natural forest fire through
total vegetation of particular region. Thus floral
lightning, man-induced forest fire-both intentional
region is also called formation. The total assem blage
and accidental; (vii) dispersion of plants, and (vii)
human interferences. of all plants and animals of a given ecosystem or
habitat is called biome.
Distribution o f plants may be attempted in a
variety of ways viz. (i) on the basis of habitats as the The vegetation or floral regions of the world
distribution of terrestrial and aquatic plants, (ii) on developed during Tertiary period but these floral
the basis of floral divisions, (iii) on the basis of regions have been greatly affected, m odified and
latitudinal and altitudinal extents, (iv) on the basis of tranformed by the climatic changes which occurred
characteristic features of plant communities etc. during Quaternary period mainly during Plesistocene
and post»Pleistocence periods. It is interesting to
point out that only a few species of plants could
attain the status of world distribution as many o f the
(LAND) PLANTS plant species were confined to a specific location.
The land plant species of the world are
The study of the distributional patterns of
grouped into 6 major floristic kingdoms on the basis
terrestrial plants may be attempted in two ways e.g.
of their worldwide distribution (fig. 10.4) as given
(i) World distribution of a particular plant species-
below :
which includes the consideration of the distribu­
tional patterns o f plants and their diversity in
relation to climatic variations, dispersion and (1) Australian Region
migration of plants and continental displacement
and drift, (ii) The study o f vegetation distribution This floristic kingdom includes the plants of
through ecosystems-which involves the study of whole Australia which is characterized by typical
vegetation in terms of ecosystems wherein all plant species e.g. eucalyptus. The different species
species o f plants of different habitats having same of this unique genera of encalyptus are so dominant
environmental conditions are studied collectively. in Australia that they represent 75 percent of all
In geography the distribution o f vegetation is Australian plants. There are over 600 species of
studied in terms o f geographical and climatic eucalyptus which greatly vary as regards their
regions. general characteristics as they range from tall, giant
Different but definite groups and assemblages and shady ecucalyptus trees to dw arf and stunted
o f plants occupying definite areas on the earth’s desert ecucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus is said to be
surface have emerged due to continuous dispersion related to mimosa which is still found in South
and m igration o f plants mainly flowering plants America (only a few species). Eucalyptus has been
from their centres o f origin (eastern South America dispersed and distributed by man (deliberately) from
and W estern A frica) in different parts of the world Australia to almost every continent. One can see
since Cretaceous period. The largest form o f group extensive plantation o f eucalyptus in India particu­
o r assem blage o f plants occupying definite habitats larly along the rail afid road sides and it is being

expanded rapidly by deliberate actions of man in all the typical plant species of this floral kingdom. The
parts of the country irrespective of environmental plants of this kingdom belong to the category of
requirem ents and suitability of this unique cryptophytes which bear their buds in the form of
exotic plant. The typial endemic flora of Australia bulbs and tubers which are buried in the soils. These
having unique characteristics have developed due to bulbs and tubers give birth to other plants as new
its isolation from other continents of the southern shoots come out from these bulbs and tubers and are
hemisphere because of continental drift. developed as plants. These plants represent most
plants of the gardens such as garden flowering plants
(2) Cape Region (e.g. loplia, kniphogia, erica freesia etc.). The
dispersal of these garden plants became possible
The floral kingdom has developed in the when South Africa was colonized by Europeans
southern tip of Africa wherein the plants having who distributed these garden flowering plants from
bulbs and tubers have developed and these represent South Africa to the gardens of other parts of the
S jw rijjq ifA i Oit?i '.V • ■ .J


Kingdom \

West African rain Madagascar

Forestj " Region

Fig. 10.3 : The present-day distribution o f landplants. The majorfloral kingdoms andfloral regions have been demarcated
on the basis o f dominantflowering trees and their species, IMSK-Indo-Malayan subkingdom; EAR-East Asian
Region; ESR-Euro-Siberian Region; ITR-Iran-Turanian Region; MR-Mediterranean Region; ANAR-Atlantic-
North American Region; ASAR-Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region. The solid lines denote boundaries of major floral
kingdoms whereas dashed lines indicate the limits o f floral regions.

world. There is gradual decrease in the number and Zealand has been greatly modified and destroyed by
area-of these garden flowering plants in their own human activities and the mammals (mainly grazing
native areas (southern part o f South Africa) because red deers and rabbits) brought by them from Europe.
their areas are continuously being replaced by This has led to the destabilization of vegetation
a g ric u ltu ra l lands. The untouched areas still have community at large scale.
s c le ro p h y llo u s shrubs which attain the height o f a
few meters. There is undergrowth of herbaceous (4) Palaeotropical Region
shrubs in the sclerophyllous shrubs. It may be ••
remembered that the native vegetation of this region This kingdom includes most of Africa, South
before the European colonization consisted of West Asia, South Asia, South East Asia and southern
temperate evergreen forests which were extensively and middle portions of China. This floral kingdom is
cleared off by the Europeans for agricultural further divided into 3 sub-kingdoms e.g. (i) African
purposes and thus the sclerophyllous shrubs devel­ sub-kingdom, (ii) Indo-Malaysian sub-kingdom,
oped in this region at later date as secondary and (iii) Polynesian sub-kingdom. This floral
succession of vegetation. kingdom is also divided into several floral provinces
or regions (fig. 10.4) e.g. West African rainforest
(3) Antarctic Region region, Madagascar region, Iran-Turanian region,
East Asian region, etc. For details see chapter 12
This kingdom includes a narrow strip in the (biomes). There is great variation in plant species
north of Antarctica which runs from Patagonia and from one region to another region but few plants are
southern Chile of South America to New Zealand. common to all sub-kingdoms and regions.
The most important representative plant of this zone
is nothofagus which is also known as southern (5) Neotropical Region
beech. About 100 million years ago temperate
grasses developed as the native vegetation of this This region includes the whole of South
region (New Zealand). The most outstanding and America except southern Chile and Patagonia. A
typical species of the grasses were tussock grassses few genera are common to this kingdom and
though a few species of sedges (plants which grow in palaeotropical kingdom mainly Africa because the
water) and dicotyledon shurbs were also developed original flowering plants were developed in South
but these original native vegetations have undergone America and Africa during Cretaceous period when
massive modification and transformation since the all members of Gondwanaland were united together.
colonization of New Zealand by the Europeans. Later on the spreading of Atlantic seafloor, disrup­
Thus the present-day vegetation of New Zealand is tion of Gondwanaland and westward drift of South
of modified type which is still characterized by two America from Africa became responsible for the
types of tussock grasses viz. (i) short tussock origin and development of new species at regional
grasslands-which have two main species e.g. festuca level and therefore variations in the plant species of
and poa. The average height of these grasses is upto South America and Africa were introduced.
0.5m and the colour is yellow-grey, (ii) tall tussock
grasslands-which have the main species of chiomechloa. (6) Boreal Region
Warm temperate areas of New Zeland are
characterized by the dominance of the forests of This floral kingdom includes the whole of
gymnosperms and angiospherms trees. The main North America except middle America, Greenland,
species of the coniferous family of gymnosperms are entire Europe, northern Asia and Arctic region. This
podcarpaceae, cupressaceae and araucariacae whereas is the most extensive kingdom of all the floral
flowring plants are included in angiosperms of kingdoms. This is again divided into several sub­
w h ich nothofagus is the most important plant. kingdoms and regions or provinces e.g. Rocky
The sub-tropical forests o f New Zealand are Mountainous Region (RMR); Atlantic-North American
o f evergreen type which is characterized by dense Region (ANAR, fig. 10.4); Arctic and Sub-Arctic |
cover o f tall trees having different vertical strata of Region (ASAR); Europe-Siberian Region (ESR)*»
other plants. The original vegetation of New Mediterranean Region (MR) etc.
plan t sy ste m

See chapter 12 (biomes) for detailed discus­ oceans. There is more or less uniform ity in the
sion on species, genera and family of plants and general characteristics o f m arine plants a
major vegetation of the aforesaid floral kingdoms there are no physical or geographical barriers like
and floral provinces or regions. those in the terrestrial (land) habitats, rather there is
free mixing among marine plants because of oceanic
movements (e.g. sea waves, tidal currents, oceanic
currents etc.) and there is no significant tem perature
variation in the marine habitats as is in the land
The habitats of plants are divided into two habitats.
major types e.g. (i) land habitats, and (ii) aquatic or
water habitats. Aquatic habitats are further divided There is greater variation in the general
into two sub-types e.g. (i) marine habitats, and (ii) characteristics between the m arine plants living in
fresh-water habitats which are further divided into the sea beds and floating on the upper water surface.
two sub-types e.g. (a) mobile fresh water habitats Marine plants are divided into two m ajor groups on
(e.g. rivers), and (b) static freshwater habitats (e.g. the basis of marine thermal conditions e.g. (i) plants
lakes, tanks, reservoirs, ponds etc.). of warm oceanic water, and (ii) plants o f cool
oceanic water. M ost of the genera and species o f the
M arine habitats are further divided into two
marine plants are found in the warm w ater zones of
sub-divisions e.g. (a) pelagic marine habitats (which
the tropical areas which are divided into four zones
include the entire water of the seas and the oceans),
e.g. (i) Atlantic-tropical zone; (ii) Indian O cean-
and (b) benthic habitats (which include only the sea
tropical zone; (iii) W estern Pacific O cean-tropical
beds and sea bottoms).
zone; and (iv) the Eastern Pacific O cean-tropical
There are few number of plant species of Zone. Most of the plant types of the m arine habitats
marine habitats than the plant species of terrestrial or are found in the continental shelves o f Indian O cean-
land habitats. The m arine plant kingdom consists of Western Pacific Ocean region. See chapter 12
mainly m icroscopic phytoplanktons and different (biomes-marine biome) for the detailed description o f
types o f algae living in the beds of shallow seas and the distribution of m arine plants. * ,V • . •».



The geographical study o f animals is called whereas plants are p ro d u cers and autotrophs.
zoogeogrphy w hich includes the consideration of Anim als also depend on h erb iv o ro u s anim als
classification, historical evolution and spatial distri­ for their food. Thus anim als d eriv e th eir food
bution o f different kinds o f anim als to be found in the from various sources viz. (1) from auto tro p h ic
biosphere. All these require the identification and plants (as herbivorous g razin g an im als like
determ ination o f all anim als o f a particular region or cows, goats, deersr, etc.); (ii) from herb iv o u rs
habitat having certain environm ental conditions, anim als (carnivorous anim als like lions,
their classification on various bases and considera­ tigers, w olves, m an etc.); (iii) from a u ­
tions, and their distributional patterns. The most totrophic plants (in the form o f vegetables,
im portant variations betw een plants and animals are food crops etc.) as well as from h erb iv o ro u s
related to their m obility and stability. A lm ost all the anim als (om nivorous anim als lik e m an ); and
plants are static at their places except a few floating
(iv) from dead parts o f p lan ts an d anim als
aquatic plants w hich m ove to some extent under the
(detrivorous m icroscopic o rg a n ism s o r m i­
influence o f w ater m ovem ents whereas animals crobes or decom posers).
(both land and aquatic anim als) are very much
mobile. M ost o f the plants are autotrophic phototrophs ► A nim als have m axim um m o b ility b u t the *
and prim ary producers w hile all anim als are degree o f m obility ran g es from one group of
consum ers (w hether prim ay consum ers like grazing anim als to the o th er group w h ereas plan ts are
herbivorous anim als or secondary consum ers like m ostly static in th e ir places.
carnivorous and om nivorous anim als m ostly man). ► E very anim al has a co m p lete life-cycle
The follow ing characteristics o f anim als differen ti­ w herein it attains its d efin ite ad u lt form in a
ate them from plants. definite tim e-span.
► The m etabolism o f anim als is not photosyn­ ► T here is absen ce o f cell v a cu o le s (empty
thetic as is the case o f plants. It m eans that space in the cell) and rig id c ell w alls in the
anim als do not prepare their own food rather anim als w hile m o st o f the c e llu la r and m ulti-
they depend on plants for their food. Thus cellu lar plants are c h a ra c te riz e d by these
an im a ls are consum ers and heterotrophs c h aracteristic featu res.

>■ There is quick and rapid response among the wamer while it was cooler doriog P ^ C a m b ria n
animals to the external stimuli.. In other period. Consequently, algae, fungi an
words, the animals are very much sensitive to plants and several varieties of m icroscopic Q r g -
,aO> external stimulating events. isms and invertebrate animals (such as un
organisms of the Phylum prptozoa, sP ^n8 *
brachiopods, sea urchins, s e a cucum bers, star is es,
molluscus etc.) were evolved in m arine environ
The only sources of the evidences of the ments mainly inland seas. The anim als o f this p e n o ^
were dominated by ‘trillobites* and ‘brachiopods
origin of the oldest animals on the earth’s surface are
(it is estimated that there were 1000 species o f
fossils preserved in the sedimentary rocks of
different geological periods. These fossils provide trillobites during Cambrian period).
only the rough estimates about the origin of animals
Ordovician Period
because the fossils have also undergone large-scale
m odifications and transformations. It is estimated Ordovician period (500 m illion years from
on the basis of fossils found in different rocks that present, total duration, 60 million years) was
the earliest invertebrate microscopic organisms characterized by the first appearance o f vertebrate
might have evolved some 4600 millions years ago animals in the freshwater environm ent. T hese
during late pre-C am brian period in marine environ­ vertebrates were characterized by jaw less bodies b u t
m ent though very rare fossils of these primitive by bony armour around their bodies. T hese bony
organisms are traceable. The following is the armours conferred on them protection from other
chronological sequence of the origin and evolution organisms and from the severity o f the environ-*
of animals through geological periods : ments. Snails, corals, sponges and squid-like ani­
mals developed in the oceanic environm ents.
Pre-Cambrian Period
Silurian Period ^
A ccording to H. Clemmay (1976) the fossils
o f the oldest anim als have been found in Zambia Silurian period (440 m illion years before
(A frica). T hese fossils indicate that the earliest present, total period, 40 m illion years) again saw a
anim als m ight have evolved in the said area some global climatic change w herein the clim ate changed
1000 m illion years ago. The prim itive earliest from warmer type o f the O rdovician period to co o ler
anim als belonged to the category of detrivores which type. The geological and tectonic activities w ere
derived th e ir food from the detritus because no dominated by large-scale m ountain building. T he
autotrophic plants could be evolved by that time. primitive inland seas were dom inated by m arin e
The fossils o f softbodied invertebrate animals like algae whereas first land plant in the form o f
clubmoss was developed in the surroundings o f th e
jellyfish, segm ented worm s, and soft corals have
inland seas. Because o f the richness o f lan d and
been found from the Ediacara Hills o f South
water flora a large variety o f anim als w as evolved
A ustralia. T hese organism s were evolved in marine
and there was w ide expansion o f already evolved
environm ent because these belonged to the groups
invertebrates. This period saw the first appearance '
o f m arine organism s w hich date back to 680-580 o f land invertebrate anim als. T he carnivorous m any-
m illion years ago. The fossils o f sim ilar organism s armed m olluscs belonging to the group o f nautiloids
have been found in m odern A ustralia, Europe, were the m ost dom inant anim als o f this p erio d . It
A frica, and N orth A m erica. It may be pointed out may be pointed out that larg est fossil shell o f
that these continents, which are now separated from nautiloids m easuring about 5m in length has b een
each other, m ight have been united together during found so far. The other im portant organism s o f this
pre-C am brian period so that the dispersal o f animals period included several types o f sn ails, b rach io p o d s,
to the locations o f the aforesaid continents m ight graptolites, corals, je lly fish , carnivous sea lillies,
have becom e possible. giant sea scorpions etc.

Cambrian Period Devonian Period

From 600 to 500 m illion years ago the clim ate D evonian p erio d (before 400 m illio n y ears
a t. global level during C am brian period becam e from presen t, total d u ratio n , 50 m illio n y ears) was

characterized by maximum development ih the life- number of insects. There was further developm ent in
form o f prim itive animals because there was broad amphibians and a few of them were evolved in
distribution of uniform climates which were charac­ reptiles. A few insects were developed into large
terized by increased temperatures and aridity. The preydator insects like giant dragonflies and spiders.
m ost outstanding advancement in the evolution took The climate of Gondwanaland changed into very
place in the primitive fishes as these first developed cool climate during the C arboniferous period due to
bony gills which were later on transformed into which major parts o f G ondw analand were exten­
jaw s. The freshwater fishes were endowed with sively glaciated. This Great Ice Age o f C arbonifer­
additional characteristic features e.g. habit and ous period resulted into w idespread extinction of
capability of invading and attacking other organisms several animal species but the anim als, which
to catch their prey and ability to compete with other became successful in w ithstanding the severe
organisms to get food. The first amphibians and climatic conditions and ultim ately could survive,
spiders were evolved during this period. There was became very strong and powerful. A m phibians still
wide expansion and dispersal of primitive fishes. remained dominant anim als but reptiles also in­
The increasing aridity provided additional qualities creased their numbers.
to few organism s to withstand extreme hot and dry
conditions. M any land animals developed burrow­ Permian Period
ing habits and thus they used to live in the burrows
Permian period (before 270 m illion years,
in order to escape from prolonged droughts. The
total duration, 45 million y e a rs): The G ondw analand
diversification in the floral system because of the
was still covered with ice sheets during early
developm ent of first forests consisting of many trees
Permian period. All the landm asses w ere still united
mainly horsetails, ferns, liverworts etc. resulted into
together as Pangaea. This period was dom inated by
phenomenal increase in the numbers and species of
many events like form ation o f m ountains (e.g. the
animals because o f the fact that abundant food was
Applachians), their erosion and resu ltan t degrada­
available to the increasing population of animals.
tion and lowering, origin o f deserts, advancem ent
Several varieties o f insects (such as mites, millipeds,
and retreat of ice sheets etc. w hich so greatly
centipeds) and flies were originated during Devonian
affected the plants and anim als th at m any of them
period. A few special types of fishes (e.g. lobe
could not w ithstand the extrem e environm ental
finned fish) and amphibians with tails were also
conditions and thus becam e extinct but the survivors
evolved during this period.
introduced a wide range o f variations in the plant and
■ • i■ *•*•: . :■ .......
Carboniferous Period animal species. A m phibians still dom inated the
animal kingdom but som e reptiles w ere so greatly
C arboniferous period (before 350 million modified that they developed the characteristics of
years from present, total duration, 80 million years) primitive mammals. These acquired the properties
saw a great clim atic change at global level as the of brisk walking, running and sw im m ing.
G ondw analand was extensively glaciated due to the
onset o f very cool clim atic conditions. It may be Triassic Period
pointed out that there is difference of opinion about
the time o f glaciation o f Gondwanaland as a few Triassic period (225 m illion years B .P., total
duration 45 m illion years) : though P angaea was
scientists are o f the opinion that Gondwanaland was
broken into two big landm asses (L aurasia and
glaciated during Permian period but majority o f the
G ondw analand) w hich w ere separated by Tethys
scientists believe in Carboniferous glaciation of
Sea but these tw o landm asses w ere still linked by a
G ondwanaland. The C arboniferous glaciation of
few land bridges. There was developm ent o f w orld­
Gondwanaland (including South Am erica, A frica,
wide tropical and sub-tropical clim ates and several
India, A ustralia and A ntarctica as all these were
deserts and phenom enal increase in the nu m b er of
united together) brought in several drastic changes
invertebrate anim als m ainly arthropods (e.g. spi­
in the floral and faunal kingdoms. Before the ders, scorpions etc.) F irst aquatic rep tiles w ere
g laciation o f G ondw analand during late C arbonifer­ evolved. A few reptiles developed the ch aracteris­
ous period there w ere evolved several types o f plants tics o f prim ative flight m echanism s. S uch reptiles
an d an im als. T here was phenom ental increase in the were later on developed into birds due to th e process

o f gradual evolution (this happened during succeed­ (e.g. Rockies, Andes, Alps, Himalayas etc.), large-
ing Jurassic period). scale displacement and drift o f continents and sea-
r,: .•*’"••• ... . Hv, ; floor spreading and the attainm ent o f the present
Jurassic Period position o f the continents and ocean basins. It may
be pointed out that the present position o f the
Jurassic period (180 million years B.P., total continents and ocean basins is not perm anent
duration, 45 million years) was characterized by because the evidences o f palaeomagnetism and sea-
world-wide warm climates and beginning of the floor spreading indicate that the continents and
disruption of Pangaea and continental drift though at
ocean basins are constantly changing their positions
a very small scale. The humid climate led to the
with respect to each other.
expansion of coniferous, cycads and fern forests. A
few plants developed flower-like structure which The Eocene period was characterized by the
introduced diversity in the life-forms of insects. This development of climatic zones in early Eocene;
period was characterized by the abundance o f first large-scale denudation of continental masses; m od­
birds, spread o f reptiles, appearance of primitive ernization and extension o f flow ering plants
(angiospherms); evolutionary explosion of mam­
mam mals, evolution o f species of dianosaurs which
mals (rapid rate of increase in the number, species
could live in m arine habitats (e.g. plesiosaurs),
and ocupied areas of mammals) and hence dom i­
evolution o f prim itive birds from such reptiles
nance of mammals over other animals; maximum
which had the prim itive flight mechanisms (e.g. diversity in the placental animals mainly insecti-
pterosaurs), evolution o f first lizards and crocodiles vores and herbivores; evolution o f the oldest
etc. The m ost characteristic feature of this period carnivorous mammals; evolution o f hoofed animals,
was that a few anim als w ith a method bearing live rabbits and rodents-like primates; evolution o f even­
offsprings were evolved. toed herbivores (such as deer and cattle) and later on
odd-toed animals (such as horse, rhinoceros and
Cretaceous Period
hippopotamus; evolution of prim itive m ammals in
the seas (ancestors of whales and porpoises) or in the
C retaceous period (135 million years B.P.,
air (ancestors of modern bats) and the establishm ent
total duration, 65 m illion years) : There was final
of regional patterns of fauna like earliest elephants
disru ption o f G ondw analand. Inland seas and
in Africa, tapirs in Asia, horses in North America,
sw am ps w ere form ed. There was evolution and
armadillos in South America etc.
developm ent o f flow ering plants but decrease in
coniferous forests. A m ong the animals reptiles were Oligocene Period
reduced in num ber but there was phenomenal
increase in the num ber o f dianosaurs. Infact Oligocene period (40 m illion years B.P., total
C retaceous period is considered to be a period of duration, 15 million years) was also characterized by
clim ax developm ent o f dianosaurs. The gradual widespread warm clim ates but at few places mainly
evolution o f m am m als continued. There was m axi­ in the high mountainous areas clim ates began to
mum developm ent, grow th and expansion o f insec- become cool because o f eVerincreasing heights o f
tivores. A few o f them evolved into the first the Alpine m ountains. This phase of relatively cool
placental anim als. D ifferent species o f bony fishes clim ate resulted into the retreat o f tropical vegeta­
w ere evolved in freshw ater ■and marine water tion from the northern hem isphere. There was
habitats. C reeping piosonous anim als with tails evolution o f the South A m erican anim als like
w ere evolved during this period. agouits and capybaras in com plete isolation because
there was no m igration o f animals through the B ering
Eocene Period Strait because o f cooler clim ate and geographical
barrier between A sia and N orth Am erica. The m odern
E ocene period (70 m illion years B.P., total
mam mals were evolved during this period.
duration, 30 m illion years) : Tertiary epoch (70
m illion years B .P ., total duration, 69 m illion years) Miocene Period
includes E ocene, O ligocene, M iocene and Pliocene
p eriods. T his epoch w as ch aracterized by the origin M iocene period (25 m illion years B .P., total
o f the y o ungest and ta llest A lpine folded m ountains duration, 14 m illion years) w as characterized by

cooling of climate, development of grasslands, elephant and hippopotamus-like animals were present
decrease in forests, phenomenal increase in the in North America but there were no bisons and
num ber and species of mammals, migration of wapiti but at present elephants and hippopotamus
elephant-like animals from Asia to North America ' have become totally extinct whereas bisons and
through Bering Strait, migration of animals from wapiti are found in large numbers. The extreme cool
North America to South America through Panama climatic conditions and four cold periods o f ad­
etc. j vancement of ice sheets and four warm interglacial
periods of the withdrawal (retreat) o f ice sheets had
Pliocene Period the following effects on animals.
(i) A few large animals faced mass extinctio
Pliocene period (11 million years B.P., total
duration, 10 million years) : Polar and temperate like dinosaurs because they were slow-moving
climates developed on either side of the equator. animals due to heavy weight o f their bodies and large
tails, and (ii) brisk-walking and fast-running ani­
This period was characterized by rise of herbaceous
plants, increase and spread of grasslands, increase in mals could survive because they rapidly migrated
mammals, diversification of large and fast-running from the areas of extreme environmental conditions
herbivorous animals, appearance of Hominids and (cold climate and glaciated regions) to relatively
Pongids etc. favourable areas. This resulted in widespread
migration and dispersal o f animals which thus
Quaternary Period became responsible for the origin and evolution of
new species through the process o f speciation. N orth
Quaternary period (from 1,000,000 years, America lost its several animals (e.g. cats, bears,
B.P. to the present time) consisting of Pleistocene racoons, horses, peccaries) because these m igrated
Period (1,000,000 years B .P., total duration 9,90,000 from their native place to South A m erica to get rid
years) and Holocene period (from 10,000 years B.P. off extreme cold conditions but many anim als of
to present time) was characterized by widespread South America became extinct becasue o f invasion
global clim atic change as the major parts of North of the aforesaid animals from the north.
America and Eurasia were covered by continental According to L. M ilne and M. M ilne (1972)
glaciers. Four phases of successive advancement of some parts o f the north-eastern Siberia and north­
ice sheets during Pleistocene Ice Age have been western Alaska were not affected by Pleistocene
recognized e.g. Gunj, Mindel, Riss and Wurm in glaciation and the B ering Strait was covered with
Europe and Nebraskan, Kansan, Illinois and Wis­ grasslands and forests w hich facilitated free m igra­
consin in North America. These are called glacial tion of bears, m oose, w hite-tailed deers, wapiti,
periods. Between two glacial periods there were biason, mountain sheep and m ountain goat, musk
interglacial periods when there was retreat of ice oxen, saiga, mammoths and even m an (at a much
sheets. Thus there were four glacial periods charac­
later date) from A sia to N orth A m erica (via Bering
terized by advancement of ice sheets and four
Strait). Beavers and cam els were m igrated from
interglacial periods characterized by withdrawal or
North America to Eurasia. The landbridge o f m iddle
retreat of ice sheets.
America facilitated free exchange o f several animals
The onset of cold climate and Pleistocene
between North and South A m ericas e.g. capybaras,
glaciation affected and modified the plants and
porcupines, arm adillos, glyptodonts, ground sloths
animals on a large-scale. The most characteristic
etc. m igrated from South A m erica to N orth A m erica
feature of this period was that there were several
phases o f dispersal, distribution and redistribution whereas carnivorous racoons, cats, bears, horses,
o f plants and animals in response to the changing elep h an ts, h ip p o p o tam u s, ta p irs, lla m a s etc.
environm ental conditions (four glacial and four were dispersed from N orth A m erica to South
warm interglacial periods during Pleistocene Ice
A ge). There was further increase in herbaceous Though the m odern m an w as evolved about
vegetation but decrease in trees and forests because 10,000 years ago but the initial stage o f the evolution
o f covering o f ground surface by ice sheets. There of man began from the origin o f P rim ate Prosim ians
were several cases o f extinction o f many large in early Eocene period or Palaeocene period (fig.
m am m als. F or exam ple, before Q uaternary epoch 11.1). True Prosim ians and m an-like anim als (An-


t i Dryopithecus
Homunculus fSivopithecus. 9 , / MIOCENE
Cebupithecia "Limnopithecus\\ |^ ™ o n s u l
^ 7 1/* , *Pliopithecus
TUPAIIDAE (Shrews) Moeripithecus f Propfiopithecus

g a a p r im it iv e :;;"^"'
■' S / / / * / / f f / / / A * / / / / / / * / / / / / / / * f / t '

Fig. 11.1: The evolution o f Anthropoids (based on Beer, 1964).

thropoidea) were evolved from Primate Prosimians Miocene period e.g apes and ape man (early man).
during late Eocene period. Gibbons, orangs, gorillas, and chim panzee were
Shrews (tupaiidae, animals living on tree evolved from apes during late Pleistocene period
branches), tarsiers (tarsiidae, ‘langur’, still found in whereas the modern man was evolved from ape man.
Africa), and lemurs, lemuridae still found in Normally, the central-east Africa is considered
Madagascar) were evolved fom Prosimians during as the original place of the origin of Homo Sapiens
Oligocene period. Monkeys of New World (N. and where the early man was evolved some 40,000 years
S. Americas) like douroucouli, saki, howling mon­ ago. The Australian anthropologist Alan Thorne and
key, capuchin moneky and spider monkey and a few others viz. John Sherwood, Edmund Gill,
monkeys o f Old World e.g. colubus, langur, Josephine Flood etc. are of the views on the basis of
proboscis monkey, phesus monkey, macaque, man­ the fossils o f marine organisms discovered from
drill and baboon were gradually evolved from W arranambool located along the coastal cliff of
anthropoidea (anthropods) o f Eocene period whereas southern Australia that the Homo Sapiens were
the third branch developed from prim ate of prim itive evolved some 60,000 to 85,000 years ago in eastern
prosimians was that o f hominoidea which was Australia (Northern India Patrika, June 22,1986, p.4)
evolved during O ligocene period. Further two but this concept has not been corroborated by
branches were developed from H om inoidea during majority o f anthropologists and biologists.

112 DISPERSAL OF ANIMALS visit India each year during w inter season and they
return back to their native places during sum m er
The spreading o f animals from the places of season the same year.
their origin to other areas is called Animal dispersal (4) Forced dispersal occurs when animals are
which is divided in the following five types : forced to leave their native places due to sudden and
catastrophic events having adverse effects on
Types of Dispersal animals e.g. prolonged droughts, recurrent floods,
forest fires, volcanic eruptions etc. All such severe
(1 ) G radual dispersalis secular in nature
events cause scarcity o f food leading to fam ines.
because it involves longer period o f time and very
Consequently, the animals of the affected locality
slow rate o f m igration but such dispersal covers
migrate to other such areas where they can get
larger areas and results in wide-spread distribution
of animals over time. plentiful food. Many animals migrated from Siberia
because of severe forest fire which broke out there in
(2) Rapid dispersal involves mass exodus of
1915. '
animals from one area to other area but the animals
Some times m any animals m igrate from their
involved in such type o f dispersal are unable to
native areas because they do not find sufficient and
colonize in the areas where they are rapidly migrated
suitable breeding places due to phenom enal increase
or dispersed because either they are not allowed by
in the populations o f animals.
man or by the local environm ental conditions to
settle down in new habitats. Such rapid dispersal (5) A n th rop ogen ic d isp ersal : R ecently m an
involves certain anim als only e.g. lemmings, lo­ has largely been involved in the dispersal o f anim als
custs, butterflies, several varieties o f moths, dragon­ through his deliberate efforts. The dispersal o f
flies etc. aniamls to very distant places by m an has introduced
diversification in the regional fauna on the one hand,
(3) Seasonal dispersal involves those seasonal
while it has caused several environm ental and
migratory anim als which leave their habitats due to
ecological problem s on the other hand. For
seasonal extrem e w eather conditions every year and
example, the arrival o f European deers and rabbits in
m igrate to those areas which have favourable
New Zealand has resulted into large scale destruc­
seasonal w eather conditions. These migratory ani­
tion of native natural vegetation due to m ass grazing.
mals again return to their native places when the
This has led to accelerated rate o f soil erosion and
season becom es favourable for them. Many arctic
thus the loss o f agricultural land and fertile soils.
birds leave their places during w inter season every
year because o f the severity o f cold and come to Besides, dispersal o f anim als is also caused
subtropical and tropical areas and they again return due to continental d rift and clim atic changes. The
back to their respective native places during next following are the im portant factors w hich affect
sum m er season. The m igratory birds, inspite of dispersal and m igration o f anim als :
dangers o f atm ospheric storm s, droughts and o f man
him self, m illions in num bers, undertake bi-annual Factors of Animal Dispersal
journeys covering the whole o f continetns and
oceans. The dispersal and m igration o f anim als are
prim arily the result o f m u lti-facet interactions
Some o f the G reenland wheatears birds fly
betw een one group o f anim als and the o th er groups
directly from G reenland to Spain during w inter
and betw een anim als and the environm ental co n d i­
season covering a distance o f 3,200 km. Sim ilarly,
tions o f the habitats. T he factors w hich stim u late,
blackpoll w arbler (a sm all bird like sparrow ) flies
directly from N ew England o f the U.S.A. during affect and control the d isp ersal o f anim als are
w inter season to V enezuela o f South A m erica. generally grouped in tw o categ o ries e.g . (1 )
A rctic terns co v er the longest distance am ong all the environm etnal or p hysical factors, and (2 ) b io tic
seaso n al m igratory birds as these cover the total
d istan ce o f over 35,000 km each year. Som e o f the
Environmental Factors
Siberian A rctic terns have been located during
su m m e r season in A ustralia (there is w inter season Environmental factors include land and water
in the n o rth ern h em isphere). M any Siberian birds distribution, sediments, physical barriers, physical

events,distance etc. Lands and waters are barriers Topographic factors such as high mountains,
for the dispersal and migration of aquatic and highly rugged and ravinated terrains, long, wide and
terrestrial or land animals respectively. Water deep valleys, extensive swamps and marshes,
bodies such as large lakes, inland seas, and oceans deserts whether warm or cold are effective barriers
are effective barriers for the dispersal and migration in the dispersal, migration and spreading of animals
of land animals because most of the land animals from their native places to other areas. There is wide
lack in swimming mechanism. Even those land range of variation between the animals of the
animals which have the swimming mechanisms northern and the southern sides of the Himalayas and
cannot cross over the wide expansion of seas and the eastern and the western sides of the Rockies and
oceans because of large distances. Thus the water the Andes because these lofty Alpine mountains are
bodies completely deter the dispersal of non­ effective barriers which stop free exchange of
swimming animals, slow down the rate of dispersal animals of either side of these mountains but the
of land animals having swimming mechanisms over natural passes or man-made passes (constructed for
smaller water bodies like lakes, and large water the highways) enable the animals of one side of a
bodies like seas and oceans completely make the mountain barrier to migrate into the other side
dispersal of land animals (whether having swim­ provided that there is no large-scale climatic
ming m t hanisms or not) impossible. difference between two sides of the mountain
It such animals (having swimming mecha­ concerned. ; <3
nisms) venture in the seas and oceans, they die soon Dispersal and migration of animals are also
after they become tired. There is a genetic tendency motivated by the typical characteristics of vegeta­
among the lemmings of Norway to move westward tion of a particular habitat. For example, a few
every year (lem m ings have inherited the habit of insects such as western tent caterpillar lay their eggs
seasonal westward migration from their ancestors on tall trees. The animals of such habits do not
who used to m igrate westward as North America was migrate to those areas where tall trees are not
united with Eurasia before Jurassic period) and in present. '•
doing so they die in the Atlantic Ocean (Norwegian Adverse and severe climates are also hurdles in
Sea) every year. Several cases of water barriers have the dispersal and migration of animals except
been reported e.g. (i) H. W olda (1963) has reported seasonal migration. Distance factor is also important
from his studies o f ‘natural populations of polymor­ in the dispersal and migration of animals. If
phic land sn ails’ that about half of the total topographic and climatic uniformity is found over
population o f 300 snails of the species of Capaea larger areas, gradual dispersal takes place without
nem oralis died while crossing a narrow ditch full of hindrance for longer distances but if the region is
w ater (2.4 km wide); (ii) K. Zimmerman (1935) has characterized by topographic and climatic heteroge­
reported through his study of ‘race analysis of the neity or if there are frequent changes in topograhic
middle European vole^ that river Elbe is an effective characteristics and climatic conditions after short
barrier to voles because they cannot cross over the distances, dispersal is lim ited to only short dis­
rivers; (iii) K.R. Kelson (1951) has reported that the tances. It is obvious that distance factor does not
families of rodents living on either side of the play an independent role rather it influences animal
Colorado river do not have any contact and therefore dispersal together with topographic and clim atic
they are also not related to each other. factors.

The properties of oceanic water like salinity, Inhospitable environments also deter if not
density, tem perature etc. also affect animal disper­ stop the dispersal and m igration o f anim als. Such
sal. For exam ple, the animals o f fresh w ater habitats inhospitable habitats and environm ents are the
(and having sw im m ing m echanism s) cannot swim plantless areas of soft deposits such as sands over
across saline sea water. If w ater bodies hinder, deter vast areas in the form o f deserts, toxic deposits
and taboo the dispersal o f land anim als, these also derived from the recent volcanic eruptions and lava
facilitate the dispesal, m igration and spreading of flow s, vast cold deserts having perm anent continen­
aquatic animals but m ost o f the aquatic anim als tal glaciers and ice sheets because such habitats do
not have the necessary conditions to become suitable
cannot cross over the land surface because they do
habitats as these lack in all o f the basic requirem ents
not have walking m echanism s.

° f anim als e.g. favourable climatic conditions, degree of mobility of the animals. B esides, several
availability of food, suitable places to live, to breed inherited qualities and social behaviour also help in
and to have sexual contacts. the active dispersal of animals. Some tim es the
animal dispersal is effected by external carriers.
It may be pointed out that under exceptional
Such dispersal is caleld p assive d isp ersal.
circum stances the animals tide over the barriers of
inhospitable environments and become adapted to
Passive Dispersal
them while migrating through them. It may be
remembered that the topographic and climatic Passive dispersal o f anim als occurs when they
barriers are not permanent, rather they change over are transported by other anim als including m an or by
geological time. The topographic characteristics are means of various types of transport developed by
controlled by endogenetic movements and high man (e.g. two wheelers like bicylces, scooters and
mountains are continuously eroded and denuded motor cycles; four wheelers like cars and jeep s,
and therefore are lowered down in height under buses and trucks; rails; ships and aeroplanes) or by
prolonged period of crustal stability and thus natural means of transport such as rafts, ocean
topographic barriers of same geologcial period are currents, winds etc.
eliminated but new barriers are created due to fresh
orogeny. Sim ilarly, previous oceans are removed Carriers of Dispersals
due to collision o f convergent plates whereas new
seas and oceans are created due to divergent plates. The carriers which help in the dispersal o f
The geological and geophysical evidences have animals (passive dispersals) are divided in to four
proved that the Atlantic ocean has been closed and grops as follows :
opened twice during the past geological time-scale. (1) aeolian carriers,
Simiarly, the clim ate o f a given habitat changes over
(2) aquatic carriers,
time. All these mean that no part of the globe is
permanent barrier in the dispersal and migration of (3) organismic carriers, and
animals. Since the dimension and location of (4) anthropogenous carriers.
toporgraphic and clim atic barriers change through (1) Aeolian carriers include airm asses and air
time, anim al dispersal and migration become possi­ currents which transport m icro-organism s from one
ble over larger areas and thus the distributional place to another place w ithout the w illingness o f the
pattern of animals becomes highly diversified. organisms because gusty w inds lift them and carry
them to various destinations. The dispersal o f m icro­
(2) Biological Factors
organisms by wind is called anim ochore dispersal.
Animals have certain intrinsic characteristics Several studies have been carried out about the
which m otivate and stim ulate them to change their dispersal of insects by w ind e.g. (i) P.I. D arlington
places. Such intrinsic characteristics o f animals is (1957) has reported that the force and insect-
called innate ability which is also called vagility (the carrying pow er o f w inds increases approxim ately
ability to move about and thus to succeed in the with the square o f the velocity o f w ind; (ii)
struggle for existence). The innate ability of animals A ccording to S.C. K endeigh (1961) ab o u t 12.5
includes those intrinsic properties of animals which m illion insects are carried aw ay p er ho u r during
enable them to move and migrate. Such intrinsic sum m er season in the southern E n g lan d etc. Som e
properties of animals include the ability and habit of anim als carried by w ind alo ft are attached to the
burrowing, creeping and crawling, hopping, clim b­ aircrafts because o f th eir (o f such anim als) in b u ilt
ing, digging, running, leaping, swimming, flying trapping devices and are carried aw ay to far o ff
etc. These qualities o f animals not only determ ine places. This type o f trapped dispersal takes p lace in
the type o f dispersal and m igration but also diptera, hym enoptera, hom optera and other arthropod
determ ine the nature and rate of dispersal. W hen the insects such as spiders and m ites (are the anim als
anim als becom e m obile and move out from their which have w ings o f uniform structure-cicads).
places m otivated and stim ulated by their intrinsic
Som e anim als have the a b ility and th e ir
p ro p erties, the resultant dispersal is called active natural habit to hop in the air fo r w in d -a ssiste d
dispersal w hich is exclusively dependent on the
gliding. S uch anim als include c a te rp illa rs, sq u airels,
direction of w ave propagation, (ii) Endozoic biochore
lemurs, m arsupials, lizards, frogs, snakes etc. These
dispersal involves internal tra n sp o rt o f p arasitic
anim als are picked up by atm ospheric storms w hile
they are in the air during hopping and glidding and organism s such as viruses. S uch *re
thus are carried away over various sorts of physical hidden in the stom ach o r are m ix ed wi oo s,
barriers. Such aeolian dispersal is called chance sputum and stool o f anim als and these o rg a n ism s are
dispersal. H urricanes, typhoons, tornadoes ^and carried away by the anim als to v arious d e stin atio n s.
temperate cyclones are effective carriers o f anim als Several types o f w orm s such as tape w orm s, rin g
which have gliding habits. w orm s etc. live in the stom achs o f hum an b ein g s as
(2) parasites and are carried aw ay to far o ff p la ce s in the
A q u atic carriers are m ainly the sea waves,
tidal currents and oceanic currents which carry case o f journeys to distant overseas co u n trie s
sm aller as well as larger anim als (w hether they have undertaken by man.
swimming m echanism s or not) to distant places. It (4) Anthropogenous c arrie rs are the m o
may be pointed out that many of the anim als becom e pow erful and effective m eans o f passive dispersal
dead in transit. Such dispersal o f anim als is called as and m igration o f anim als involving the w hole globe.
hydrochore dispersal. A ccording to C.H. Lindroth The dispersal caused and effected by m an is called
(1957) the spread o f staphylinid beetle in the north­ anthropochore dispersal, w hich is o f tw o types e.g. (i)
western E urope, Spitzbergen, Iceland and G reen­ deliberate dispersal, and (ii) accidental or in a d v ert­
land has been possible through several branches o f ent dispersal. The deliberate tran sp o rt o f b ird s,
the G ulf Stream . O cean currents have carried several rabbits and deers from E urope to N ew Z ealan d and
types o f anim als to m any isolated islands. It may be the transprot o f several birds from E u ro p e to N o rth
pointed out that long-distance transport of anim als America are the examples of deliberate anthropochore
through oceanic w ater by ocean currents depends on dispersal. A ccidental transport o f anim als in v o lv es
a variety o f intrinsic properties o f the anim als e.g. the carriage of anim als attached w ith hum an bod ies,
ability to w ithstand longer duration o f im m ersion in his luggages and m eans o f transport. F o r ex am p le,
the oceanic w ater, the characteristics of body surface of brown rats are now w idely d istrib u ted th ro u g h o u t
the animals in term s o f the ability o f water permeabil­ the world because o f their un d esired tran sp o rt to
ity, respiration ability, tem perature and salinity of the various parts of the w orld through ships. T h e
oceanic w ater etc. Som e aquatic anim als are also deliberate transport o f anim als by m an from th eir
transported by floating rafts and debris. native places to other destinations has in som e cases
(3) O rganism ic carriers are those animals changed the natural d istrib u tio n al p attern o f the
which are sym biotic in character. In other words, the concerned anim als. For exam ple, tran sp o rt o f lions
anim als w hich depend on each other and live from A frica to G reat B ritain has resu lted into
together are called sym biotic anim als. The dispersal phenom enal increase in th e ir num bers to such an
caused by such anim als is called biochore dispersal. extent that the density o f lions per hectare o f natio n al
M ostly parasites are dispersed by active and m obile parks in G reat B ritain has becom e m uch h ig h e r than
anim als. The biochore dispesal by animal is caused their density in their native p laces in A frica.
in two w ays e.g. (i) Ectozoic biochore dispersal The favourable en v iro n m en tal co n d itio n s o f
involves external transport o f anim als by carrier the regions w here anim als are tran sp o rted by m an
anim als. This so happens when sm all anim als are w hether by d elib erate actio n o r by accid en t,
attached and stuck to the bodies o f the carrier incourage rapid grow th o f p o p u latio n s o f the
anim als and thus these are transported and carried to transported anim als and thus the sp read in g o f
various destinations w hich are visited by the carrier concerned anim als is accelerated . F o r ex am p le, one
anim als. B irds also help in ectozoic dispersal pair o f E uropean rab b its tra n sp o rte d to A u stra lia is
because these carry the eggs o f other anim als. Som e cap ab le o f p ro d u cin g 9 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 o ffsp rin g s w ith in a
times birds also carry insects, w orm s, snails etc. period o f only th ree years. E u ro p ean starlin g was
inadvertently. W ading anim als like ducks, rails and b ro u g h t to N orth A m erica in 1989 and sin ce then
terns transport sm aller aquatic organism s to other starlin g s have spread o v er la rg e r area o f the U .S .A .
places. W hen dolphins m ove in groups, enorm ous and C anada. T h e d isp ersal o f A frican sn ails (fig.
sea waves are generated. T hese dolphin generated 11.2) to various p arts o f the w orld is the ex am p le o f
sea waves cause m ass m ovem ent o f fish shoals in the effectiv e an th ro p o g en ic d isp ersal o f anim als.

^ v
wwv^w \Vwwvkww wvk
w»V i\\\\*W \\W
/wvW\\\w X\w\\^\w«V7 6r
vvw','y t// /y // V
A N ^ \\v \\\\s « m \\\v v i\\\\\\\\\
Aftxvx^kW W NNw sii.wsww wvKww wwX


\\yA If Vm>N\\w\\\A
AV\V\\V'*V\\V\\\\\\\ A \\\\S \V \\> 4 \\\\\\\\\4
w w v w w w xxwxxxxxxA
^w w \ww A wv»wy‘"w
/\\\\\\\\yvwN^'V7 / // I I kx'JLxwxxW xxxV
V w is w w m ^ ’••nW' w

A vVV i f Vvvv\ / ^ S ^ 'W W N \xxxw \xxxx\
—■/ \ v w 4 \ w . v w w w m v kXxxxxxxxxxML » \m \w ^ w y ^
' / / - “ ■\v \W W w w

/V M * jiN \\\\W \U A kXWWWWW WWWWWS'i
’ Tdkxxxxxxxvwxxx VNWWSSWWW vw w w vw w J
L ^ J l w m v w s w w w m w w w w w sw w w v
M v^W toA N vvw -ijY vvN \s \m \N \\w v t l f i / f t f i s '

SN i
i\\\\\\S\<Yt^vvwvV*UM\\V\W V\\\NV<10*t0 x> ^fcSwwv
Vww A
^ \\s w \v \\< J k \\w \\v \^ « v
L \\\\v \\v \\y W \\\\\\\\\\
V w vw v ^ 1 0 4 '
> a \ \ x v yVLvl 0 ^ 1 i i
w v w w w w A Vxxx\xxx\>
w w w m W sw w
“ ■” xxxw • * " xxxxy -A•“>
20 vvnnv4 0 vi r
Tt' t



Vwwwwi,17601^- iCxxlxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxA
\w v
VxxVsy ■
w ax U w w v

• |.,4 . . , . ... . . . ■ -j.

Fig. 11.2 : Dispersal of giant African snails by man between 1760 and 1945 (based on F. OkUmd, 1955).

Active Dispersal Fig. 11.4 depicts the centres o f ev o lu tio n and

dispersal routes o f som e an cien t an im als betw een
Active dispersal of animals takes place Permian and late T riassic periods. M eso sau rs (a
because o f motivation of their intrinsic properties Permian reptile), glossopteris (P erm ian p lan t) and
such as the properties of digging, burrowing,
cynognathus (a reptile o f late T riassic p erio d ) were
creeping and walking, hopping and running, float­
originated in South A m erica from w here cynognathus
ing, flying, climbing etc. These innate (inborn or
inherent) abilities o f animals motivate them to and mesosaurs m igrated to A frica and glossopteris
become mobile and move out of their places. plants m igrated to A frica, A n ta rc tic a , In d ia and
Australia. Lystrosaurs (late T riassic rep tile) was
Natural dispersal of animals is a slow and
originated in A frica from w here it w as dispersed to
gradual process which covers major part of the
India and A ustralia.
world. Fig. 11.3 depicts the nature and directions of
natural dispersal o f freshwater fish and land Fig. 11.5 depicts m ajor routes o f w idespread
invertebrate animals since Mesozoic Era. The fresh­ dispersal o f plants and anim als at global scale. Deer,
water fishes and land invertebrates were originated saiga, sheep, bison,, m usk oxen, m astodons, m am ­
in the tropical areas o f the old world from where they moths, and man m igrated from A sia to N orth
migrated to Europe, A frica and Siberia (Asia). These Am erica via Bering B ridge w hereas beavers, o p o s­
animals crossed through Bering Strait to reach North sums, raccoons, horses etc. m igrated from N o rth
America from where they spread in Canada and the A m erica to A sia via B ering B ridge. R acco o n s, cats,
U.S.A. ad migrated further southward through horses, tapirs, llam as, cam els etc. m ig rated from
central American bridge (fig. 11.3) to South North A m erica to South A m erica v ia C entral
Am erica. The m igration o f these anim als from Asia A m erican Bridge w hereas cap y b aras, po rcu p in es,
to A ustralia was not sm ooth because o f the presence arm adillos, glyptodonts, ground slo th s, etc; were
o f w ater gap (11.3). dispersed from South A m erica to N o rth A m erica via
anim al kingdom

Dig. 11.3 : Centres of evolution and dispersal routes offreshwaterfishes and land invertebrate animals since Mesozoic era
(based on G. de Beer 1964).

Fift- H A : Centres o f origin and dispersal routes o f mesosaurs, glossopteris (plant), lystrosaurs and cynognaikus (aft*r
£ H. Colbert, 1974).

C en tral A m erican B ridge. B utterflies, m oths, bee­ environm ental conditions and ultim ately perish. On
tles, grosshoppers, lucusts, bugs etc. w ere dispersed the other hand, the successful spread o f anim als
from A frica to E urope and A sia w hereas these becomes possible when dispersed anim als becom e
anim als w ere transported to South A m erica by ships. able to adapt to new environm ental conditions and
It m ay be pointed o u t that the fate o f dispersal establish them selves in new habitats and start fresh
o f anim als is not alw ays positive. The dispersal colonization. There may be many alternative possi­
becom es unsuccessful w hen the anim als dispersed bilities o f dispersed anim als from old habitat to new
to new habitats are unable to adapt to new habitats as follow s :

D ispersal o f P lants
& A nim als

T Beavers
/ Opossums
Rocoons cats Deer Saiga Sheep
Horses Tepins Bison Musk Oxen
Llama Camels Mastodons
Logsjr Mammoths, Man
of douglas
fir to Hawaii
bridge S '

Capy baras
Porcupines Coutancau from
Butterflies moths
Armadillos Pondicherry to
beetles grasshoppers
Glyptodonts Mauritius
iloths S locusts
loc“sts and
g bugs
Ground Sloths

Pollen of Nathofagus 1
by wind to 2800 miles I


Fig. 11.5 : Dispersal o f animals and plants (both ancient and modern) at global scale.

> The m igrating or invading species o f anim als occupants o f the invaded h ab itat o r m ay not be
after reaching new habitats having different able to adapt to new en v iro n m en tal c o n d itio n s
environm ental conditions may be able to o f the invaded habitat. C o n se q u e n tly , th e
com pete w ith the original occupants o f the m ig ratin g an im als are elim in a te d .
concerned habitat and finally occupy the > It m ay be p o ssib le th at n e ith e r th e im m ig ra n ts
habitat. (m ig ratin g or in v ad in g ) n o r th e o rig in al
occu p an ts o f the c o n c e rn e d h a b ita t are elimi*
> T he m ig ratin g o r invading species o f anim als
nated c o m p letely , ra th e r b o th liv e in th e sam e
m ay not be ab le to com pete w ith the original habitat.

>► The m igrating or invading anim als may live in extint. In other words, if the rate o f environ­
the open and vacant spaces o f the new habitat mental change exceeds the rate o f adaptation
and thus m ay form their own colonies through by animals to changed environm ental condi­
the process o f gradual colonization. tions, many species becom e extinct. The mass
► A few o f the species o f m igrating or invading extinction o f dinosaurs is believed to have
anim als m ay establish sexual contacts with been effected because o f sudden drop in
the original occupants and thus can produce tem perature during the early period o f T erti­
hybrid species through interbreeding. ary Epoch. The dinosaurs having a large body
and unproportionately long tail could not
>• If the environm ental conditions o f the habitat
move to other places to escape from the
to w hich the anim als have been m igrated or
excessive cold and therefore they perished
dispersed are favourable, the m igrating new-
and became extinct.
* com ers (anim als) start colonization o f the
new habitat. > The sudden outbreak of disease and pest
. ar 11 ■*. . _ . fJ 'i. .•.?.»
infections caused by changed environm ental
11.3 EXTINCTION OF SPECIES conditions o f the region concerned causes
' t : • ' S1 ,'i species extinctions.
S peciation (evolution o f new species) and ► Some sudden events like forest fires, volcanic
species extinction (com plete elim ination of species) eruption etc. cause species extinction. V iolent
are the natural processes w hich follow the evolution explosion o f Kratatao in 1883 led to m ass
o f anim als. It is believed that about 200 species of extinction o f species o f that island.
m am m als and birds have becom e extinct for the last >■ Direct hunting and persecution o f species lead
2000 years. T hough there are several natural causes to ‘selective mass extinction. P.S. M artin
o f species extinction but the modern man has (1967) has suggested three alternative hyr
accelerated the pace o f anim als extinction. The potheses o f ‘selective m ass extinction’.
num ber o f a few species o f anim als has come down
(a) Ecological substitution by other species of
to such a sm all size that if they are not provided
large carnivorous anim als w hich com pete for the
im m ed iate protection, they will soon become
same food resources.
extinct. F o r exam ple, the total population o f 150
species o f birds is believed to be only 2000 at present (b) Climatic change accelerates the com peti­
tim e, sh o rt - tailed albatrosses are only 100 in tion between large m am m als for shelter and food.
num ber a n d a b o u t 100 m am m als are faci ng immedi* (c) over-killing o f certain species by m an.
ate ex tin ctio n . ► Some w eaker species becom e extinct as these
E xtinction o f anim als m ay take place in a perish during the course o f Com petition with
n um ber o f w ays due to a variety o f causes as given most pow erful and strongest species.
below : > M an-induced environm ental changes also
► Sudden and rapid changes of environmental cause species extinctions. M an changes the
conditions cause species extinction. It is an environm ental conditions both intentionally
established ecological principle that the envi­ and unintentionally through a variety o f his
ronm ental conditions o f any region may activities e.g. h ab itat re m o v a l/ land use
changes, w eather m odifications, chem ical
change. T he change m ay be gradual and long­
and atom ic wars etc. H um an activities also
term o r it m ay be sudden and short-term . If the
alter the equilibrium state o f ecosystem w hich
environm ental conditions o f any region change
causes extinction o f som e species at local
gradually, the anim als o f that region also try scale or regional scale. M an ’s continued
to adjust and adapt to new environm ental in terference with natural environm ent at local
conditions and som etim es they becom e suc­ and regional levels has led to d estabilization
cessful to survive. B ut if the environm ental o f environm ental and ecological eqilibrium
conditions change so rapidly that the anim als and several species o f anim als are facing
are unable to adapt to new changed env iro n ­ threatened extinctions. According to R. Sil verberg
m ental conditions, several species becom e (1973) only tw o kinds o f m am m als became
1 64
e x tin c t at w orld level during 1801-1850- the (those birds w hich rest on trees), colubrid snakes
p erio d 1851-1900 registered upw ard trend in (representing the species which is m ostly found in
the sp ec ,e s extinction as 31 kinds o f mammals United K ingdom), various types o f rodents and m an.
b ecam e e x t.n ct; there w ere extinctions of 41 It may be forw arded that a particular ‘species* o f
. in. o ? / ! n im als ,n the next period from 1901 anim als may be concentrated in particular region but
to 1944. It m ay be pointed out that extinction a ‘genus’ (including several species) m any not be
>s an in h eren t natural ecological process and confined to a particular region rather it may be found
th e re is natural balance or dynam ic equilib­ in several faunal regions w hereas a ‘family*
rium betw een speciation, dispersal and ex­ (consisting o f num erous genera) m ay be found over
tin c tio n b u t m an-induced extinction may many continents. It may be further pointed out that
u p set this balance w hich may cause hazardous the distributional patterns o f anim als is dynam ic and
and d isastro u s ecological problem s to human is subjected to continuous changes because o f
society. speciation, extinction, dispersal and m igration o f
/ anim als. Thus the continuity o f distributional
11.4 WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS patterns o f world anim als is seldom m aintained.
Inspite o f this fact there are som e distributional
T h e study o f distributional patterns o f animals patterns o f anim als at world level. The factors w hich
at global scale is carried out in different ways e.g. (i) control the distribution o f anim al species are divided
co llectiv e study o f the distributional patterns o f all into 2 groups.
m em bers o f particu lar species. This involves the (1) physical factors, and
division o f anim als in definite distributional areas (2) biological factors
on the basis o f the abundance of animals species; (ii)
A nim al d istribution is also studied at community 1. Physical Factors
level w hich involves the consideration and study of
total population o f all individuals o f all species of a A particular anim al species can live and
given region. It may be pointed out that the flourish in a particular h ab itat because each species
d istributional patterns o f anim als at global or requires definite co m b in atio n s o f environm ental
regional levels are m ore com plex than the distribu­ conditions w hich favour th eir g ro w th , speciation,
tion o f vegetation because anim als are very much colonization, reproduction and o verall d ev elo p ­
m obile. Thus no anim al species is universally ment. Tem perature, m oisture and hu m id ity , w ater,
distributed because several factors distort the sunlight, solar radiation, air p ressu re, g rav ity ,
uniform ity o f distributional patterns o f animals. topography, relief, slope and g radien t, acidity,
alkalinity and salinity o f w ater, pro p o rtio n o f
Controlling Factors of Animal Distribution atm ospheric gases, presence o r absence o f m ajo r
m inerals etc. are the im portant elem en ts o f p h y sical
The present-day distribution o f anim als in the
factors w hich largely affect and co n tro l the d istrib u ­
world is highly com plex. It becom es difficult to
tion o f anim al species. The to p o g rap h ic featu res like
determ ine the distributional area o f a particular
distribution o f land and w ater, m o u n tain s, p lateau s,
species because o f the m obility o f anim als. If we
lakes and several erosional and depositional landform s
look into the areas o f A rctic terns, these cover the and overall clim ate affect and co n tro l the d istrib u ­
whole w orld in one way or the other because their tional patterns o f w orld fauna.
seasonal m igration is so w idespread that they are ■■■• s r
found in the A rctic region during northern sum m er 2. Biological Factors
w hereas these reach as far south as South A m erica
and A u stralia during southern sum m er. T hough Biological factors include the aspects of
there is no universal distribution o f any species but population ecology or ecological aspects of species
th ere are som e such anim als w hich are cosm opolitan population, interactions between animals and their
at least to lim ited ex ten t and are found in m ore than physical environmental conditions, interactions among
o n e en v iro n m e n ta l conditio n s and habitats, for the animals themselves, interactions between ani­
e x a m p le , cyp rin id fish (inclu d in g carps, tenches, mals and plants, mobility, migration and dispersal of
m in n o w s etc.), frogs o f genus R ana, perching birds animals. The important aspects of animal ecology,

which affect and control the distribution of animals called m igratory sw arm s. The visibility in the sky is
in any region, include abundance r '’animal populations, reduced to minimum rather to zero when such large
size of populations, regulation of population size aggregations of locusts leave their places o f initial
and mutual interactions among the organisms and breeding and fly in great swarm s in the air to reach
between the organisms and physical or natural other places (fig. 11.6). Several types o f d istrib u ­
environm ents. tional zones of locusts are form ed over south-w est
and South Asia (Pakistan and north-w estern India)
The abundance of animals of a particular
when the populations of locusts o f A siatic deserts
species is determined and controlled by the charac­
teristics of a group o f animals and not of the and north-eastern Saharan desert change abruptly to
individuals e.g. density of animals (number of form enormous aggregations and sw arm s into
animals per unit area), birth and death rates, age several adjoining areas. Consequently, four d istri­
distribution, growth forms, biotic potentials, group butional zones of locusts are formed (fig. 11.6) e.g.
movement etc. (i) permanent zones o f constant inhabitation which
form the centres of periodic enormous aggregations,
For example, m igratory locusts are used to
(ii) temporary zones of peak locust population, (iii)
live m ost o f their lives as solitary individuals. In
temporarily inhabited zones occupied by w andering
other words, locusts norm ally do not live in clusters
great swarms o f locusts mostly during sum m er
or groups but when there is sudden increase of
months (mainly during m id-June to Septem ber), and
harm ones in their bodies their habit of living
(iv) the outer zone of swarming locusts w here these
separately changes and they start living in groups
are not able to reproduce by laying eggs. It m ay be
and clusters and soon form aggregations at a
pointed out that the locusts have great ability o f
particular place. T his change in their habit triggers
reproducing within a single season. It is believed
o ff change in their behaviour and the locusts resort
that if a pair o f locusts is allow ed to settle in the area
to m ass exodus in great m igrating swarms. These
it can produce a progeny of over 1,00,000 in a single
mass m ovem ents o f locusts in large aggregations are
summer season.

Fig. 11.6 : Aggregations and swarming o f locusts (based on N.P. Naumov, 1955).
166 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y 1

S u c h e n o r m o u s locu st sw arm s o c c a sio n a lly increases when birth' rate far exceeds death rates; |
a f fe c t n o r th -w e ste r n India during J u ly-A u gu st when major portion o f the animal population consists o f 1
K h a r if C r o p s ’ (lik e m aize, m illets) are in grow in g mature animals; im m igration exceeds em igration; 1
s ta g e . H ere the visitin g locu sts have such an and the dispersion o f anim als from a given area is !
e n o r m o u s l y high breeding rate that a pair o f locu sts l0W* ’7 ^
can p r o d u c e thousands o f offsp rin gs within 2 4 hours There is a biological law that there is a
if they are a llo w e d to sit on the s o ils and lay e g g s. capacity am ong the anim als to grow rapidly, j
T h is is the reason that when m igrating swarm s are A ccording to Thom as M alth u s the populations (his \
d e te c te d (as the sky in the w est b e c o m e s red) the concept is based on hum an population) go on
farm ers rush to their crop -field s and use seveal increasing until they exceed their resource supply. |
d e v i c e s to drive away the locusts. Malthusian law of human populations further states
Termites, ants ^nci honeybees have also that when the population o f a given region or a
tendency to form clusters, groups or aggregations on country exceeds a critical limit (lim it o f supply of
sudden their populations. Some animals food resources) there is natural decrease in the
like bisons also form groups and clusters whenever population because o f natural hazards and c a la m i­
they are threatened by external sources. Some ties and thus there is autom atic regulation o f
animals mainly birds and vertebrates develop the population size. This is called self regulation. This
tendency of social organization or social grouping law of human population also applies in the case of
which results in phenomenal increase in their animal populations. A ccording to this law , when the
populations. ' number of animal populations o f a given sp ec ie s in
The animal populations are closely related to a particular area exceeds the critical lim it, its size is i
food chains. Normally, in any habitat the herbivo­ naturally controlled and reg ulated in accordance
rous animals of trophic level 2 (primary consumer) with the supply of food resources. It m eans that the !
are largest in number and derive their food from the population of a given anim al sp ecies in a particular
autotrophic green plants (primary producers which habitat is not allowed to ex ceed a certain limit. T he j
produce their own food through the process of self regulation o f animal po p u la tio n s d ep en d s on
photosynthesis) of trophic level I. There is progres­ decreasing fecundity or fertility and birth rate, j
sive decrease in the number of animals with increase in em igration (outw ard m o v e m e n t of
increasing trophic levels. animals from the concerned habitat), d ecrease in
food supply due to increase in p o pu lation , increase
The abundance and distribution of animals
in death rate due to epidem ics etc. *j
also depend on their typical behaviour. Forexample,
there are such animals (like musk rats) which have One case of self regulation o f anim al p o p u la ­
high breeding rate but they do not return again to tion may be presented in the fo llow in g m a n n e r. If the
their breeding places. This typical behaviour (of not population of insects in a specific area increases
returning to breeding places) o f some animals causes significantly beyond o p tim um level d u e to favour- *
rapid rate of dispersal of their populations. On the able climate, the food supply falls sho rt o f the
other hand, there are some animals (like racoons) demand o f the increased insect p o p u la tio n . W ith the
which have low reproduction rate but have the lesult there is c o m petition a m o n g the insects for
tendency to remain at their birth or breeding places food and many insects die o f starvatio n and thus the
for longer time. This typical biological instinct or insect population is b ro u g h t back to its optimum
behaviour restricts the dispersal and spreading of size. Such type o f self regulation o f p o pu latio n size ;
such animals but allows the abundance o f animals in is also called as density-dependent regulation.
a particular area which results in the formation of
The interspecific in teractio n s (interactions j
groups, clusters or aggreations.
t am ong the anim als o f the d ifferen t species) and
The anim al density in a given area depends on intraspecific interactons (in tera c tio n s am on g the
birth rates, death rates, immigration (arrival of animals of sam e species) also affect the distribu-
a n im a ls in a given area from other areas), emigration tional patterns of animals. These ecological interactoins
(m ig ra tio n o f p o p u latio n s from a given area to other result in either p h eno m en al in crease (overcrow ding)
are as), age structure, dispersion etc. o f animals. The or ph enom enal d e crease in anim a l population
d e n s ity o f p o p u la tio n o f anim als in a given area (underpopulation). T h e afo re sa id e co lo g ica l interne-
167 f l
t |l
tions may be negative or positive. Predation is the 11.5 W ORLD DISTRIBUTIO N OF LAND
exam ple o f negative biological interaction because ANIMALS
such interaction causes dam age in terms o f death by
one group of anim als to the other group of animals. If we look at the distribution o f all an im als at
This type o f interaction thus controls animal global level, the whole o f the b io sp h ere b eco m es a
population w herein the animal population -in any single distributional unit w hich rep resen ts the
region depends on prey-predator relationships. It largest animal com m unity. This sin g le global
may be pointed out that predation maintains pattern o f all animal com m unities may be fu rth er
equilibrium in animal population o f any region. For sub-divided into two zoogeographical regions e.g .( 1)
exmaple, if all the predators are elim inated from any land/terrestrial zoogeographyical regions, and (2)
given region or if they are com pletely destroyed, the aquatic zoogeographical regions. Z oogeographical
prey population will increase to such an extent that regions are also called faunal regions. The terrestrial
the region will have overpopulation. In the begin­ or land faunal or zoogeographical region is fu rth er
ning o f the present century the kaibab deers in the divided into several faunal regions at d ifferen t
Arizona province o f the U .S.A . were endangered by levels. It may be pointed out that a single faunal
their predator anim als, consequently the predators region does not mean that it represents uniform
o f kaibab deers w ere elim inated, which resulted in distribution of all anim als o f a p articular species, or
phenom enal increase in the population of kaibab family or order and the anim als o f a p articu lar
deers and thus the ecological equilibrium was species or fam ily are confined to a p articu lar reg io n
disturbed. If all the prey anim als are elim inated by alone, they are not found in other regions. In fact,
the predators w hen the form er are eaten by the latter, speciation, m igration, dispersal and ex tin ctio n o f
predators also perish because o f scarcity of food.
animal species are natural biological p ro cesses and
The various types of biological interactions are active in each stage o f anim al evolution. T h ese
w hich affect and control w orld distribution of biological processes m ake the distributional patterns
anim al population include (1) competition (wherein of world animals very complex. Inspite of this fact,
tw o o r m ore species o f anim als com pete in a given there are certain common characteristics of animals
region fo r the sam e food resource and each species which help in the identification and dem arcation of
has a negative effect on the other), (2) neutralism faunal or zoogeographcal regions. The following facts
(w herein several species live in a habitat but neither must be taken into account while studying the world
species affects the other species), (3) inhibition distributional patterns o f the anim als : ,
(w here one species prevents the other species but the
> Physical environm etnal co n d itio n s determ ine
species w hich inhibits the other is not affected), (4)
the num ber, abundance and d iv ersity o f
predation/parasitism (w here the parasites or predator
anim als. M axim um diversity is noticed am ong
anim als feed on oth er species o f anim als and thus
the vertebrate anim als o f the land and
prey.anim als suffer negative effect), (5) mutualism
freshw ater habitats o f the tro p ical regions.
(w hen tw o species depend on each other for their
> T here is zonal pattern in the w orld d istrib u ­
survival and thus both are benefitted from each
tion o f anim als. T h is zonal pattern o f the
other), (6) commensalism (w here two species feed
anim al d istrib u tio n is in tw o form s viz. (a)
together but one species know n as com m ensal
horizontal zones, and (b) vertical zones.
depends on the other and requires the other species
L atitudes have m axim um co n tro l on the
to survive but the com m ensal species does not hurt
horizontal zonal p attern s o f anim al d is trib u ­
the other speices), and (7) protocooperation (non-
tion because su n lig h t d ecreases fro m the
obligatory sym biosis-w here tw o species benefit
eq u ato r tow ards the poles, w hich m ean s th ere
from each other but they can also survive sepa­
is co rresp o n d in g d ecrease in v eg etatio n and
its d iv ersity tow ards in creasin g latitu d es and
The positive effects o f biological interactio n s hence anim al sp ecies d iv ersity also d ecreases
(when both the species or all the species are from the eq u ato r to w ard s the p o les. It m ay be
benefitted) result in the increase o f anim al po p u la­ fu rth er p o in ted ou t th at the origin and
tion w hereas negative effects control the population ev o lu tio n o f an im als first took place in the
size o f a region. tro p ical or th e eq u ato rial regions from where
168 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

animals were dispersed to other areas. Thus >■ The diversity o f anim als o f any region is the
the developm ent of animal zones in the higher result o f several phases o f their dispersal and
latitudes took place because of the dispersal colonization.
and migration of animals from the animal > The concentration o f anim als could be p o ssi­
zones of the tropical regions. Thus the ble only in the m am m als w hereas the distribu­
horizontal animal zones of the higher lati­ tion o f other species o f anim als is m ore
tudes are the result of the dispersal and widespread and is not specific.
migration of animals and various phases of >• The distributional patterns o f all the animal
speciation. For example, the development of species are not uniform because the distribu­
tem perate animal zone took place due to tion o f same animal species is continuous while
substraction of animals during their migration that o f other species is discotinuous o r disjunct.
from the tropical zone. For example, the distribution o f m oose (a type
► The animals have radiated in all directions of deer) is found in continuous zonal pattern in
from the centres of their origin. In other the taiga regions o f North A m erica and E urasia
words, the animals have dispersed and mi­ whereas the distribution o f azure-w inged
grated in all directions through various routes maggie, weather fish and bitterling is discon­
from the centres of their origin. Conse­ tinuous as their two continuous distribution
quently, the distributional patterns of the zones in middle and w estern Europe and in
south-east Asia are separated by an extensive
world fauna are found in concentric zones.
zone devoid of these anim als.

Zoo G eographical
(Faunal) R egions

a v • fs w

, .


Ethiopian Region

Transitional Zone

Pleistocene Land Bridge

- . • Boundaries of Faunal Regions

Fig. 1 1 7 : World distribution o f land animals and majorfaunal regions o f the world

> Occeanic islands are characterized by special The palaearctic faunal region includes 136
types of animals because there has been families of vertebrate animals, 100 genera of
minimum migration and dispersal o f plants mammals and 174 genera o f birds Besides 3 unique
and animals to the islands because of great families of vertebrate animals, 35 and 57 unique
oceanic barriers. Hawaii island, which was genera of mammals and birds respective y are a so
never connected with any landmass in the found in the palaearctic faunals region.
\ geological history of the- earth, lacks in
reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fishes and 2. Nearctic Region
mammals (except one species of bats).
Nearctic region consists o f the geographical
A.R. Wallace attempted the classification of territories of North America and G reenland. It is
world animals into faunal regions in 1876. Since significant to point out that there is much sim ilarity
then a number of attempts have been made to divide between Palaearctic and Nearctic faunal regions.
the world animals into fanual regions by several Both the regions were connected through the Bering
scientists e.g. P.J. Darlington (1957), S.C. Kendleigh Land Bridge during Tertiary Epoch and Pleistocene
(1961), W .George (1962), De Latin (1967), W.T. period. This land bridge (fig. 11.4) enabled free
Neil and M .D.F. Udavardy (1969), De Laubenfels exchange and migration of animals between these
(1970), J. lilies (1974) etc. but still the division of two regions which resulted into much m ixture of
world anim als into fanual regiosns as presented by animal species and therefore increase in species
A.R. W allace is the m ost convincing and acceptable diversity. For example, American and European
among all the subsequent divisioins. Normally, the bisons reproduce after having sexual intercourses
world is divided into the following 6 major faunal between them. Both the regions have salm ons and
regions (fig. 11.7). trouts. On the basis o f such biological sim ilarities
(1) Palaearctic region, between Plaearctic and N earctic regions, som e
(2) N earctic region, scientists have grouped these two regions into one
single region as holarctic region. It may be pointed
(3) O riental region,
out that in the beginning, horses, pigs, goats and
(4) E thiopian region, and sheep were not present in the N earctic region but
(5) A ustralian region. later on these animals m igrated to N orth A m erica
from N.E. Asia through the landbridge o f B ering
1. Palaearctic Region Strait. The Nearctic region is characterized by a few
special and typical anim als e.g. pocket gophers,
Palaearctic region includes Europe and midle pocket mice, pronghorns, wild turkeys etc. R eptiles
and north A sia w hich represent 28 chordata families. are found in large numbers. There are 122 fam ilies o f
The im portant anim als o f this great faunal region are all vertebrates, 74 genera o f m am m als, and 169
Russian desm ans, dorm ice o f Eurasia, M editerra­ genera of birds. B esides, 12 unique fam ilies o f
nean m ole rats, saiga and chiru antelope (a type of invertebrates, 24 unique genera o f m am m als and 52
deer), acentors, crocodiles, lizards etc. Reptiles are unique genera o f birds are also found in this region.
found in lesser num ber. This faunal region is further N earctic faunal reigon is also divided like Palaearctic
divided into 5 sub-regions on the basis o f vegetation region into the follow ing 5 sub-faunal regions on the
e.g. (i) T undra region represents caribou, lemming, basis o f vegetation :
m usk ox, A rctic hare, A rctic fox, vtfblf, polar bear (1) Tundra region is characterized by the
etc.(ii) tem perate coniferous forest region : m oose, dominance o f caribou, musk ox, lemmimg, arctic wolf,
mule, deer, lynx etc. are the im porant anim als o f this arctic fox, polar bear etc. It may be pointed out that the
region, (iii) tem perate grassland region represents genera o f the animals o f Palaearctic and N earctic
saiga, wild ass, horse, cam el, jerb o a, ham ster, jack al faunal regions are the sam e but their species vary.
etc,, (iv) deciduous forest region represents racoons, (2) Tem perate coniferous forest includes moose,
oppossum, red fox, black bear as im portant anim als, m ule, deer, w olverine, lynx etc.
(v) desert region : the im portant anim als o f this (3) Tem perate grassland region is character­
region are lizards, snakes, ham ster, hedgehog, rat, ized by bison, pronghorn, ja c k rabbit, prairie dog,
jerboa, cottontail etc. gopher, fox, coy note etc.

(4) Deciduous forest region includes racoons, (2) Savanna region represents zebra, eland,
oppossum, red fox, black bear etc. The genera of gemsbok, hartebeest, gnu, giraffe, elephants, os­
animals o f deciduous forest regions of the Palaearctic trich, lion, cheetah etc.
and N earctic faunal regions are alm ost the same but (3) T ropical forest region includes important
their species vary. animals like okapi, gorilla, chimpanzee, monkey,
(5) Desert region is characterized by lizards, forest elephant etc.
snakes, kangaroo, jerboa, hamster, hedgehog, cottontail There is similarity in a few animals of the
etc. Oriental and Ethiopian faunal regions like el­
ephants, lions, cheetah etc. H ippopotam us, aard-
3. Oriental Region vark, ostrich and rodents and a few species of
TV <• <A . ' m O. ' .'.
insectivorous animals are exclusively found in the
The oriental region includes the geographical
Ethiopian faunal region.
areas of m ainly south and south-east Asia. The
H im alayas, Tibetan plateau and Chinese mountain­
5. Australian Region
ous region form transitional zones between Palaearctic
and Oriental faunal regions. Sim ilarly, East Indes The A ustralian region includes A ustralia,
form transitional zone betw een Oriental and Aus­ New Zealand and islands between S.E. A sia and
tralian faunal regions. The whole of this faunal Australia (such as New G uinea, Solom an, Sam oa
region falls under tropical regions and hence this etc.). Some scientists do not include New Zealand in
faunal region is associated with the Ethiopian faunal the Australian faunal region. There is difference of
region. This faual region represents 164 families of opinions among the scientists about the linkage o f
all vertebrates, 118 genera of mammals and 340 this region with the O riental faunal region. This
genera o f birds out o f which there are 12 unique region is dom inated by placental anim als. M arsu p i­
families o f vertebrates, 55 unique genera of mam­ als (characterized by pouch attached to th e outer p art
mals and 165 unique genera of birds. This faunal of their abdomen) are the typical anim als o f the
region is characterized by the dominance of Indian Australian faunal region. T hese anim als carry their
elephants, rhinos, several species of deers, ante­ off-springs in their pouch w hich has feeding
lopes, pheasants, tigers, lizards, snakes, gibbons, mechanisms. There are 141 fam ilies (22 are unique)
monkeys, sunbear, porcupine etc. Tree shews, of vertebrate anim als, 72 genera (44 are u n ique) o f
gibbon, orangutans and tapirs are the typical animals animals and 298 genera (198 are unique) o f birds.
o f the oriental faunal region. This faunal region is fu rth er divided into 3 sub-
4. EThiopian Region
(1) Desert region is ch aracterized by m arsu ­
pial, mole, jerboa, parakeet, lizard etc.
The Ethiopion region incorporates substantial
areas o f the whole o f A frica south of Sahara and far (2) Savanna region is rep resen ted by em u , red
o ff south w estern A rabia which is separated from the kangaroo, bandicoot, w om bat, co ck ato o , p a rro t etc.
A frican region by Red Sea. This faunal region also (3) Tropical forest region is d o m in a te d by tree
falls under tropical clim atic region. Unlike other and m usk kangaroos, w allaby, k o a la, o p p o ssu m ,
cassow ary, etc.
faunal regions, this region is characterized by
m inim um diversity o f anim als though there is 6. Neoarctic Region
com plete absence o f m oles, beavers, bears and
cam els in this region. This region represents 174 The neoarctic reg io n in clu d es th e w h o le o f
fam ilies (22 are unique) of vertebrate anim als, 140 South A m erica w hich is c h arac te riz ed by tro p ic a l
g enera (90 are unique) o f m am m als and 294 genera environm ent. T his reg io n re p re se n ts th e la rg e s t
(J 7 9 are unique) o f birds. This faunal region is num ber o f exclusive m am m als (w h ich are n o t fo u n d
further d iv id ed into 3 sub-regions. elsew here). A bout 32 fam ilies o f m a rsu p ia ls (w h ic h
are quite d ifferen t from the A u stra lia n m a rs u p ia ls),
(I) Desert region is characterized by the
and several typical and sp ecial fa m ilie s an d g e n era
d o m in a n c e o f sp rin g b o k , porcupine, je rb o a , rock o f m onkeys, birds and ro d en ts are e x c lu s iv e ly fo u n d
h y ra x e tc. " only in this faunal reg io n . T h e re a re 168 fa m ilie s (44

are unique) of vertebrate animals, 130 genera (103 the oceans, and therefore there is free movement of
are unique) of mammals and 683 genera (567 are animals in the seas and the oceans which allows
unique) o f birds in this faunal region. This faunal them to move for very long distances. As compared
region is further divided into 3 sub-regions. to the lands there is very little variation in the
(1) Temperate grassland region is dominated horizontal and vertical distribution o f temperatures
by guanaco, rhea, viscacha, cavy, fox, shunt etc. in the oceanic areas because the horizontal and
(2) D esert region is characterized by guanaco, vertical movements in the oceans mi* the tem pera­
rhea, armadillo, vulture etc. tures and thus try to maintain thermal hom ogeneity
(3) T ropical forest region is represented by in the oceans.
monkey, kinkajoy, pygmy ant eater, sloth, tree Marine animals are divided into tw o groups
snakes, parrot, humming bird etc. on the basis of their life-forms e.g. (i) bottom living
Some scientists have assigned the status of animals or benthos, and (ii) floating animals or
m inor faunal region to those islands which have nectons (fig. 6 .1) which live in the photic zone o f the
been connected with the mainland (though this oceans.
concept o f isolation of some islands from the
On the basis of temperature marine animals
m ainland throughout the geological history o f the
are divided into two groups e.g. (i) animals o f the
earth is still debatable). Such islands include Hawaii
island. G reater A ntilles, M adagascar and New cold water, and (ii) animals o f warm water.
Zealand. The solenodons and hutia family of rodents It may be pointed out that the variation in the
in G reater A ntilles; tenrecs, lem urs, aye-aye, M ala­ temperatures from equator tow ards the poles is
gasy m ongooses and fossa, M alagasy rats and vanga confined to the surface oceanic w ater only because
shrikes in M adagascar and Kiwis, tustara, New there is more or less uniformity in the tem perature of
Z eland frogs etc. in New Zealand are some of the increasing depths from equator towards the poles.
im portant anim als o f such so called isolated islands. There are larger number o f marine anim als in the
photic zones of tropical seas and oceans than the
11.6 DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE ANIMALS cold regions. Secondly, the zonal patterns o f the
distribution o f marine anim als have developed only
T here is w ide range o f variation between the
d istrib u tio n s o f land and m arine animals because in the tropical seas and oceans. Thus four m arine
nearly all types o f vegetations right from algae to tall faunal regions o f the tropical seas and oceans are
trees are found o v er the lands whereas only determined on the basis o f areal variations in their
phytoplanktons and algae o f the bottom s o f shallow life-form s e.g. (i) A tlantic faunal zone, (ii) Indian
seas are found in the seas and oceans. Land areas are Ocean faunal zone, (iii) W estern Pacific Ocean
ch aracterized by several physical barriers (like high faunal zone, and (iv) Eastern Pacific O cean faunal
m ountains, large inland w ater bodies, deserts, snow zone.
covered areas etc.) w hich hinder the dispersal and The distribution o f m arine anim als has been
m igration o f anim als from one region to the other discussed in the next chapter (chapter 12, BIO M ES,
region but there are no such barriers in the seas and M arine Biom e).
b io m e s

patterns of soils and climate. ‘Thus the biom es o f the

12.1 M E A N IN G A N D C O N C E P T
world are major world-scale regions which integrate
a number of factors into an intuitively recognisable
The biosphere is divided into several natural whole-deserts, forests, savannas, oceans etc.’ (I.G.
ecosystems on the basis of life-forms of world Simmons, 1982). ‘Although the biom e includes the
vegetations. Such type of vegetation-dominated total assemblage of plant and animal life interacting
ecosystems are called formations. An ecosystem within the life layer, the green plants dominate the
becomes biome when all the plants, animals and soils biome physically because o f their enormous biomass,
are studied collectively. In other words, a biome as compared with that of other organisms. The plant
includes all plants, animals and soils o f all those geographers concentrate on the characteristic life-
areas of the world where all the biota have minimum form of the green plants within the b iom e........ the
common characteristics and all the areas of biome life-forms are principally trees, shrubs, lianas, and
are characterized by more or less uniform environ­ herbs but other life forms are important in certain
mental conditions. Some scientists are not in favour
biomes’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976).
of the inclusion o f soils in any biome because the
rate o f evolution o f soil is much slower than plants It may thus be concluded that the biome is
and animals. According to some scientists only the infact a large natural ecosystem wherein w e study
land plants and animals are included in biome the total assemblage o f plant and animal communities.
because it is very difficult to demarcate marine
biomes. Though a biome includes both plant and 12.2 BIOME TYPES
animals communities but green plants are more
dominant because their total biomass is far more than World biomes are divided variously on differ­
that o f the animals. ent bases like climate, vegetation, soil-water condi­
A ccording to I.G. Simmons (1982) 'the most tion, heat, growth form o f plants. B asically world-
extensive ecosystem unit which it is convenient to biomes are divided into the follow ing tw o broad
designate is called biome'. Though a biome is categories on the basis o f the nature o f the h a b ita ts:
studied in terms o f its plant and animal communities (1) land biomes, and
but it also conform s with a definite distributional (2) aquatic biomes.
Land Biom es (1) Tundra biome,
(2) Temperate biome, and
1. O n the B a s is of Climate and Vegetation
(3) Tropical biome. i
Though there is variation in the evolutionary Since the vegetation is the most dominant
stages of plants and animals over lands and in component of the biomes and the vegetation and
aquatic environments but on an average there is climates are very intimately related and hence the
close relationship between the world distributional world is divided into different biome types on
patterns of plants and animals and the present the basis of major world climates and vegetation
climatic types of the world. Thus based on relation­ types.
ships between the distributional patterns of plants Thus biomes are divided into second order
and animals and world climates the world biomes and third order biomes on the basis of vegetation
have been divided into the following 3 broad types and characteristics as shown in table 12.1
categories :

Table 12.1 : World biome types based on climate and vegetation

Biomes o f the First Order Biomes of the Second Order Biomes of the Third Order
(based on clim atic zones) (based on vegetation)
1. TUNDRA BIOME (i) Arctic Tundra Biome
(ii) Alpine Tundra Biome
2. TEM PERATE BIOM E (i) Boreal Forest Biome (Taiga (a) North American Biome
Forest Biome) (b)'Asiatic Biome
(c) Mountain Forest Biome
(ii) Temperate Deciduous (a) North American Biome
Forest Biome (b) European Biome
(iii) Temperate Grassland Biome (a) Eurasian Steppe Biome
(b) North American Prairie Biome
(c) Pampa Biome
(d) Australian G rassland Biome
(iv) Mediterranean Biome (a) Northern Hem ispheric Biome
(b) Southern Hem ispheric Biome
(v) Warm Temperate Biome

3. TRO PICA L BIOM E (i) Tropical Forest Biome (a) Evergreen R ainforest Biome
(b) Sem i-evergreen Forest Biom e
(c) Deciduous Forest Biome
(d) Sem i-deciduos Forest Biom e
(e) M ontane Forest Biome
(f) Swam p Forest Biom e
(ii) Savanna Biome (a) Savanna Forest Biom e
(b) Savanna G rassland Biom e
(iii) D esert Biom e (a) Dry or arid D esert Biome
(b) Sem i-arid Biom e

2. Oni the B a s is of Soil-W ater and Heat Aailabilitv (6) Savanna biome is, in fact, tropical grassland
and G row th of Plants y having scattered trees, characterized by tropical climate
with long dry season and short, wet monsoon season.
The land biomes are determined and divided (7) Tall-grass prairie biome represents the
into the following 3 major types and 13 sub-tyeps : region of mid-latitudes having dense and tall grasses
(A) Optim um land biom•.e.j f■ and herbs and sub-humid climate.
• '» ' • (8) Short-grass steppe biome represents the
Those land biomes become optimum biomes steppe region of the Eurasia which is characterized
which are characterized by constant supply of soil by short and sparse grasses of semiarid plains of
water and heat throughout the year and the plants mid-latitudes and moderate soil-water deficit.
grow in all seasons of the year.
- > ■'■ ' v"
(1) Tropical evergreen rainforest biome repre­ (C) Biomes with permanent deficiency In heat
sents the equatorial forest zones which are warm and and/or water
wet throughout the year because of vertical sun’s
rays all year round and daily rainfall. There is water On the basis of permanent deficiency in heat
surplus throughout the year and the vegetation and or water world biomes are divided into the
grows constantly in all seasons of the year. following 5 sub-types :
(9) semi-arid biome,
(B) B io m e s with se a so n a l clim ates •> (10) warm arid biome, ■'
There are at least two seasons in a year when (11) temperate arid biome,
there is marked variation in temperature and (12) arctic tundra biome, and
humidity. At least one season is characterized by (13) alpine mountainous tundra biome.
deficiency in either heat or humidity. There are
seven types of biomes under this major class of Aquatic Biomes
biomes with seasonal climates as follows :
(2) Monsoon forest biome includes the open Aquatic biomes are divided into 3 m ajor
forest of tropical areas. One season is cool and dry categories and 8 sub-types as follows :
while the other is warm and moist. There is
(A) Warm water biome
deficiency of moisture during dry season and hence
the plants shed their leaves at the end of winter (1) continental shelf biome
season to conserve moisture. Thus the trees of this (2) open sea biome
biome are deciduous in character. (B) Cold water biome
(3) Temperate deciduous forest biome repre­
(3) upwelling water biome
sents broadleaf deciduous forests of middle latitudes
o r- of temperate regions. Plants shed their leaves (4) continental shelf biome
during winter season. There is surplus soil water in (5) open ocean biome
this biome because o f lesser evaporation due to (C) Fresh water biome
relatively lower temperature than the tropical
monsoon deciduous forest biome. (6) riverine biome (river biome)
(4) Coniferous forest biome includes conifer­ (7) lacustrine biome (lake biome)
ous trees of the temperate climatic zones of high (8) pond biome
latitudes. These are evergreen forests. Winters are
long and exceptionally cold and therefore there is 12.4 M A J O R B IO M E S O F T H E W O R L D
deficiency o f heat during cold months.
(5) Mediterranean forest biome represents the 1. TROPICAL EVERG REEN RAIN -FO REST B IO M E
evergreen forests having stiff and hard leaves
(s^Ierophyll forest) and very hard barks. Summers Location and Extent
are dry but winters are wet. Thus there is deficiency
o f soil-w ater during dry summer months but the
plants have been endowed with several typical
characteristics to cope with dry summer months.
and development of plants aiwi animals because itfc

Tropic of Cancer


Tropic o f Capricorn

' i i— i— i— r . .
160 140120100 80 60 40 20 0 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180
Tropical rain forest biome Desert shrub and waste biome Temperate coniferous forest biom e
Perm anent icecap Tundra biome M editerranean forest biom e
Savanna biom e £|Temperate grass land biome B roadleaf and m ixed broadleaf
Monsoon deciduous and other Undifferentiated highland coniferous forest biom e
sem ideciduous forest biome

Fig. 12.1 : Major biomes of the world.

-2 0
- 10
Evergreen rain Evergreen seasonal-Deciduous Thom wood Lo
Desertscrub D esert
forest forest land

Fig. 12.2 : The nature o f vegetation in tropical biomes where vegetation changes from evergreen rainforests, through
evergreen seasonalforests, monsoon deciduous forests, thorny woodland to desert scrub in accordance with the
increasing aridity from equator towards the tropics.

characterized by high rainfall and temperature the year which ensures continuous and normal
throughout the year. This biome is also called growth of plants. Normally, the evergreen rainforest
optimum biome because of uninterrupted supply of biome extends between 10° N and 10° S latitudes.
abundant moisture and water, and heat throughout The maximum development of this biome has taken
climatic region though in some areas the spatial
place in Amazon Basin (South America), Congo
coverage of this biome far extends beyond the
Basin (Africa) and Indo-Malaysian Region (mainly eauator. For example, it extends upto Vera Cruz in J
in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia and Guinea). Mexico (about 19° N) and upto 30° S in South
This biome has developed, in fact, in true equatorial America (fig. 12.3)

A frican-rain'
Amazon formation
American Basin AFRICA
form ation


Fig. 12.3 : Distribution o f tropical evergreen rainforest biome.

Climate downward and it becomes minim um at the ground

surface as there is complete darkness. This trend of
The average annual rainfall of most of the progressively decreasing sunlight from the upper­
areas of the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is most stratum to the ground stratum sets in keen
about 2000 mm or even more. Except 2 or 3 months competition among the various m em bers of the
generally every month receives rainfall of at least vegetation community of the tropical evergreen
200 mm. The aridity during a few months certainly rainforest biome for getting sunlight. It may be
increases with increasing distance from the equator. pointed out that the upperm ost canopy is also
There is high temperature throughout the year .Mean covered by climbers and creepers and therefore the
annual temperature is around 20°C but the highest leaves of the uppermost canopy receive only 25
temperature of the year touches 30°C. The sun is percent of the total sunlight reaching the top surface
more or less overhead throughout the year. There is of the uppermost canopy. The underlying areas o f
very little difference between the lengths of day and the tree canopy receive only 3 percent of total
night throughout the year. Annual range of tempera­ sunlight. Wind speed also decreases downward from
the upper most canopy and it becomes alm ost zero at
ture is around 1°C but the daily range of temperature
the ground surface but the m oisture content in the air
varies between 5°C and 10°C. Most of the rainfall is
increass from the upperm ost canopy dow nw ard to
received through convectional mechanism which
the ground surface because evaporation also d e ­
yields heavy downpour thrbugh cumulonimbus
creases downward.
clouds daily normally between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Almost absence o f sunlight at the ground
The upper canopy o f the tallest trees receives stratum results in the developm ent of very few
maximum sunlight whereas its amount decreases leaves and flowers of plants. The germ ination of

seeds and growth of seedlings and sapplings are C re e p e rs(climbers) are the second important
exceedingly slow because of the pacucity of sunlight floral members of the rainforests. These belong to
on the forests floor. There is maximum inerception the category of vines and range 1" ^ or„m from fine
string-like stems to massive cable-like forms. These
of falling rains by the uppermost canopy of the forest
creepers are so circuitous and highly irregular in
cover and thus the intercepted rainwater reaches the
f o r m that it becomes difficult to find out their actual
ground through the leaves, branches and stems of lengths ‘They ramble through the forest, scaling the
trees and other plants in the form of aerial streamlets highest emergent trees and frequently looping down
which allow maximum infiltration of rainwater in to the ground and then ascending further sections of
the ground surface. The interception of rainwater by the forests. In the constant struggle for light,
the uppermost forest canopy also allows much climbers have developed this mechanisms for
evaporation of intercepted rainwater because the reaching the high insolation areas with the invest­
rainwater is held at the outer surfaces of the leaves. ment required for a large supporting biomass’ (P.A.
Only one third of the total rainfall received at the Furley and W.W. Newey, 1983). The climbers thus
uppermost forest canopy reaches the ground surface. so greatly bind several trees and plants together that
It is obvious that the vegetation has been controlled the accessibility in the forest cover becomes almost
and determined by the typical characteristics of zero. This typical structural form of the tropical
equatorial climate and in turn the vegetation has evergreen rainforest has also affected the form of
given birth to tropical micro-climates in several animal life (to be discussed in the succeeding
strata of the vertical structure of the vegetation section). It may be poited out that the tropical
community of the tropical eergreen rainforest rainforests account for 90 percent of all climbing
Vegetation S p ecies Composition Climbers are divided into two major groups as
presented by P.W. Richards (1952) e.g. (1) Climbers
of the lower strata of the forests include herbaceous
The tropical evergreen rainforest biome ac­
plants, and (ii) Long woody climbers known as
counts for the largest number of plants species.
lianas are found in all strata (right from the ground
Though there is almost uniformity and similarity in
stratum to the uppermost stratum of fore; anopy)'
the life-forms and the structure of the plants in all
of the forest. Lianas are the m ost significant
parts of this biome but there is much variation in the
members of the climbers or creepers. The lianas are
composition of plant species. There are numerous
characterized by thick woody stems of 20 cm or ever
species of plants in various parts of the tropical more, longer lengths upto 240m or even more and
evergreen rainforest biome. For example, 6000 to large crowns of numerous leaves sometimes resem­
7000 species of flowering plants in the western bling the crowns of trees. Besides, (iii) a third type
Africa (Congo Basin); 20,000 species of flowering of tropical climbers has been also identified i.e. the
plants but quite different from the western Africa in epiphytes which do not have their roots on the ground
Malaysia; 40,000 species of flowering platns in
surface, rather these are evolved on the trunks,
Brazil and 2000 species of flowering plants in
Panama Canal Zone have been identified. It will be stems, branches and leaves of trees, shrubs and
virtually impossible to present all the species of herbs, climbers etc. The epiphytes live in almost all
plants by names if all the species of all plants of the the strata or layers of the forests and they do not
tropical evergreen rainforest biome become known require climbing ability as they grow upward and
to the botanists. reach the upperm ost canopy of the forest in search of
Tree is the most significant member of the sunlight. These epiphytes provide certain habitats to
tropicai evergreen forests. The number of tree micro-organisms such as planarians, earthworms,
species is so large and their diversity is so great that snails, woodlice, millipedes, centipedes, termites,
one hectare of land in the equatorial region accounts ants, grasshoppers, earwigs, scorpion, snakes, tree
for 40 to 100 species o f trees. It may be pointed out frogs, lizards and a host of insect larvae.
t m trCf S^ec*es account for 70 percent of the Epiphytes are further divided into 4 subtypes
rainfore T** S^ec*es troPical evergreen on the basis of their morphology as presented by
S.A. Cain and G.M. de Oliveiro Castro (1959) e.g.
(i) holo epiphytes, the roots of which never reach the
ground surface; (ii) hemi-epiphytes are first evolved
on the branches, trunks and stems o f trees and grow Umbrella Shape Canopy
upward but ultimately their roots reach the ground
surface and are thus established in the ground and
take the form o f climbers; (iii) pseudo-epiphytes first
evolve in the ground and grow upward to establish
themselves on the branches and stems o f trees. After
the pseudo epiphytes are established on the trees,
their roots disappear but their upper parts are
maintained; (iv) semi-parasite epiphytes are those
climbers which get their food from other autotrophic
Epiphytes are also divided on the basis of their
forms e.g. (i) m acro-epiphytes which include
-2 0
several types o f ferns and shrubs of angiosperms Shrubs
such as orchidaceae, brom eliaceae, asclepiadaceae and
etc. and (ii) m icro-epiphytes which include moss, Sapling
lichens, algae etc. Ground or Root layer

It may be pointed out that the aforesaid two

major m embers o f the tropical rainforest biome viz. Fig. 12.4: Vertical stratification o f the tropical ever­
trees and clim bers are autotrophic green plants green rainforest biome.
which m anufacture their own food through the
process o f photosynthesis but there are other
numerous parasite and saprophyte plants in this uniform, rather it is discontinuous and wavy in
character. This layer receives m axim um am ount of
sunlight and intercepts the rain drops. T he height o f
Vertical Stratification of Vegetation
the tompmost layer ranges between 30 m and 60 m.
This layer is also called as dominant layer.
The vertical stratification of vegetation com­ (2) Second layer : is form ed below the
munity means the composition of plant assemblages uppermost layer (top layer) of the forest canopy at
from the soil surface or ground surface to the the height of 25 m to 30 m. It is also called as the
uppermost forest canopy. Thus the different strata of codominant layer or the second dom inant layer. T he
upper crown of this layer is mop-shaped.
the vertical profile of plant community in a given
region represent diferent layers of habitat (niche) of (3) Third layer : is form ed o f low er and
different plant groups. ‘Stratification results from smaller trees, the crown o f which is at the height of
competition between species for favourable loca­ 15-20m from the ground surface. The trees o f this
tions which, in turn, exerts control over microclimate layer have a typical characteristics o f their leaves in
and other factors affecting the habitats of plants and that they (leaves) are much larger than the leaves o f
anim als’ (P.A. Furley and W.W. Newey, 1983). the aforesaid first two layers because o f the fact that
these larger leaves can trap more sunlight w hich is
There are five layers or strata from the ground
very low in this layer.
surface to the uppermost canopy of the tropical
evergreen rainforest biome out of which three upper (4) Fourth layer : represents the shrub lay er
which is below the aforesaid three layers. T his layer
layers consist o f trees (fig. 12.4).
is not continuous rather it is fragm ented and sporadic
( I) First (top) layer (stratum ): represents the
in nature. This layer also includes the saplings but
uppermost canopy o f the tallest trees of the forests. these are not perm anent m em bers o f this lay er This
The top surface o f the pppermost stratum is like an herbaceous (shrub) layer also includes som e pygmy
um brella but the level of the top surface is not (dwarf or stunted plants and trees) trees b u t o f less

than 5m height. The crown of this layer is usually 5m made lively and vibrant by the noise of several
from the ground surface. animals and birds like howler mcmkeys, parrots,
parakeets, tree frogs and numerous types o op op .
(5) Ground layer : represents the plants
growing at the ground surface but seldom gains Thus it is obvious that the animals make t e r®Plc
height of more than a metre or two. This layer is evergreen rainforests always alive day an mg
dominated by herbaceous plants and fern. These It may be pointed out that the vertical
herbaceous plants do not form dense cover and have stratification of the rainforest biome has large y
fewer species because the absence of light does not affected the life-forms of animals living in the
allow much growth of herbaceous plants. different layers (strata) of the forests. M ost o f the
animals are arboreals (tree living) and thus they have
Animal Community been provided additional features by the nature to
climb the trees like claws, adhesive pads, fingers,
There are some unique characteristics of toes and several clinging mechanisms. Some ani­
animals of the tropical evergreen rainforest biome mals have developed the ability to glide in the air e.g.
which are not observed in other biomes e.g. (i) There fox, tree frogs, squirrels, tree snakes etc. The ground
is regular growth of plants throughout the year and animals have to pass through the dense and thick
therefore there is regular and constant supply of covers of trees, shrubs and climbers and thus they
abundant food for the animals, with the result they have aquired special qualities to make their way
have not to migrate for food. In other words, the through the forests viz. (i) Mammals have generally
animals of the tropical evergreen rainforest biome larger and sturdy bodies so that they can move by
are least mobile, (ii) The forest is full of animal pushing thickets of plants away. Such animals
activities throughout 24 hours i.e. throughout day include chimpanzee, gorilla, bison, African el­
ephant, ocapi, leopard, numerous genera o f pigs etc.
and night because animals of different species live in
(ii) Some ground animals are very small in size but
various vertical strata of the forests. Some animals
are very much mobile and clever so that they can pass
are active during day time while others are active through dense vegetation, (iii) The third category of
during nights. It is very unique but interesting ground animals includes hidden small organisms
feature of the rainforests that there is always hue and belonging to the group of cryptozoic animals. Such
cry which makes this biome alive. organisms live beneath stones, logs, dead branches
P.W. Richards (1970) has presented a very of trees, parts of trees, litters of leaves etc.
stylish and poetic description of the diurnal rhyth­ The number, density and diversity of animals
mic activities of different animals living in different in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome increase
strata of the rainforest of South America. During day from the ground layer towards increasing strata
time the biological environm ent of the lowest (layers) upward because of the fact that food supply
stratum or the ground layer is made lively through also increases upward from the ground stratum due
the activities of several species of deers like brocket to increasing trend of sunlight in the same direction.
deer, coatimundis (a South American herbivorous It may be remembered that the green plants
animal), and agoutis while howler monkeys jump manufacture their food through the process of
from one branch to the other branch of small trees. photosynthesis which requires sufficient amount of
The upper strata are made lively through the sunlight. It is obvious that the vertical stratification
activities o f curassows (a type of South American of the rainforest has given birth to well organized
bird), tinamous (a type of bird) and numerous vertical stratification of animals. J.L. Harison
colourful humming birds and numerous butterflies (1962) has identified the following strata of animals
make the environment of the lower strata very and their im portant members from the upperm ost
soothing and charming while numerous lizards and stratum to the ground stratum.
other climbing animals move vertically along the (1) Upper air animals community : The up
stems and branches of trees of different vertical strata. surface of the canopy of the topmost stratum o f the
Several animals like silky anteaters, woolly oppossum, rainforest is dominated by insectivorous birds and
kinkajous, armadillos, and several predators ranging bats but a few species are also carnivores. These
from jaguars to owls are busy during night for getting birds belong to the category of fast flying species
their food. The mornings and envenings are always such as Asian falconet, swifts, seviftlet etc.
types of the world. It may be pointed out that the
(2) Main canopy animal community : includes rainforest biome represents only 13 percent o f the
those birds and fruit bats which live in the canopy of
total geogrpahical area o f the world but this biome
the tallest trees forming the uppermost stratum. The accounts for 40 percent o f the total net prim ary
important animals o f the tompmost canopy of the
p ro d u ctiv ity o f the world. The average net primary
Amazonian rainforest are toucans, parakeets, barbets,
production o f this biome is 5000 dry gram s per
cotingas, curassows, bill birds etc. A few small square metre per year. W ood constitutes the largest
mammals, such as squirrels, herbivorous monkeys share of the total biomass and net prim ary produc­
etc., are also found in the topmost stratum. tion. There is maximum com petition am ong the
(3) Middle zone flying animal community : various members of vegetation com m unities o f the
includes mostly flying birds and insectivorous bats. tropical evergreen rainforest biom e to get light.
(4) Middle zone climbing animal community : Thus it is obvious that the plant species o f alm ost
The animals o f this zone have various climbing similar characteristics and features can survive in
mechnisms and they reach the topmost stratum this competition. This is the reason that inspite of
through the stems and brancehs of trees and climb largest number of plant species in this biom e they
down to the ground stratum. These belong to both have more or less sim ilar life-form s.
categories o f carnivorous and herbivorous animals. The maximum ecosystem productivity is
Squirrels and civets are the important members of because o f availability of sufficient sunlight and
rodents which belong to the category of mammals. humidity (water) throughout the year. It may be
The binding, circuitous and criss-crossing networks remembered that these two are the prim ary req u ire­
of various types o f clim bers facilitate easy move­ ments for photosynthesis by green plants. It is thus
ments of these climbing animals through all the apparent that two basic param eters o f high m ean
vertical strata. These creepers also provide ideal monthly temperature (radiant energy) and rainfall is
habitats for these animals. fully reflected in the luxuriant grow th o f tropical
(5) Ground zone large animal community : evergreen rainforests and their m axim um prim ary
includes mostly animals but there are also some productivity.
birds in the ground stratum. These animals have
large but sturdy bodies and lack in climbing qualities Hum an Interactions
and mechanisms. The herbivorous large animals are
few in number, important being mouse deer and The human interaction w ith tropical (eq u ato ­
cassowaries. Numerous members of pig family feed rial) rainforest biome has not been harm onious
on roots, tubers and bulbs. It may be pointed out that rather it has been and is exploitative and destructive.
the largest animals of the tropical rainforests are Man has started to dam age this biologically ric h est
smaller in size than their counterparts in other open ecosystem through his econom ic activ ities. A
forests and grasslands because here the ground sizeable portion of A m azonian rain fo rests has
animals have to pass through dense vegetation cover already been dam aged through m ining activ ity and
and therefore they have been provided relatively
industrial and agricultural expansion. T h e co n stru c ­
smaller bodies but with great power and strength so
that they can make their ways through dense forest. tion o f large dams and reservoirs on the A m azon and
For example, the forest elephants of the rainforest its tr,butar,es at the cost o f rich fo rest co v er has upset
biome are much smaller in size than the bush the ecological balance o f the area. T h e p o w erfu l elite
elephants and savanna elephants. society and even the local B razilean governm ent is
(6) Ground zone small animal community : "he a,lenti0n
includes small animals and micro-organisms. Most he local abongm s against10m,he m ass o f trees.
as felling of

o f these animals are insectivorous such as argus 2. MONSOON D EC ID U O U S F O R E S T B IO M E

pheasant, peacocks and numerous types of fowl such
as Guinea fowl.

E co lo gica l Productivity found in the^egions P ' CaI d ec id u o u s fo re sts are

are some departures fromthi'S° i>n ° lim ate but ,here
The primary ecological productivity of the
tropical rainforest biome is the highest o f all biome near correspondence bTtween^h relati° " shiP «"d
climate and dec i duous f o“ s , » f , " o n s o o n
'• ^ e r e are three major

areas of tropical deciduous forest biome viz. (i) the major areas, some discontinuous j ;
Neotropics mainly West Indes, (ii Indo-Malaysian tropical deciduous forest biomes are a s
Zone (mainly in south and south-east Asia except South Africa, Southern Brazil, South-Eastern
equatorial evergreen rainforest areas), and (iii) U.S.A., Formosa ( T southern China ana
a i w a n ) ,

Eastern A frica and northern Australia. Besides these Japan (fig. 12.5).

A \ \ Ocean *^ Pacific
C , Ocean
OCEAN Indian
A u str a lia

Fig. 12.5 : Distribution o f Monsoon deciduous forest biome.

Climate water because dry season receives less than 25mm of

rainfall per month. There is maximum evaporation
This tropical deciduous forest biome is during warm dry summer months which results in
charaterized by two distinct seasons viz. moist desiccation of soils and marked reduction in soil
season and dry season. There are three main seasons water. This seasonal regime of annual monsoonal
in a year in India and surrounding monsoonal areas rainfall gives deciduous character to the vegetations
such as Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. e.g. (i) dry warm which shed their leaves (mostly trees and shrubs)
summer season (March to June), (ii) warm humid during the transitional period between winter and
summer season (July to October), and (iii) dry summer season.
winter season (N ovem ber to February). Average
temperature of warm dry summer season ranges Plant Com m unity
between 27°C and 32°C but the maximum tempera­
The number of paint species is less in the
ture ranges between 38°C and 48°C during May and
tropical deciduous forest biome than the tropical
June. Warm humid sum m er season records average
temperature between 20°C and 30°C. The tempera­ evergreen rainforest biome. Since the density of
ture during dry winter season ranges between 10°C plants is also lower in this biome than the rainforest
and 27°C. The length o f dry season is more important biome and hence there is com paratively less
than the total amount of precipitation in affecting competition among the plants for getting sunlight.
vegetation in the tropical deciduous forest biome. The height of m ost of the trees ranges between 12m
On an average the mean annual rainfall is and 30 m. There are four strata or layers in the
around 1500 mm but there are much variations in vertical structure of the tropical deciduous forests.
temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall. Some The uppermost and the second strata consist of trees,
times a few areas receive even less than 500 mm of the third stratum is formed by shrubs whereas the
mean annual rainfall. Even the temporal distribution last and the fourth stratum or the ground stratum
of rainfall within a single year is highly variable represents herbaceous plants.
because more than 80 percent o f mean annual M ost o f the trees are deciduous but the shrubs
rainfall is received within 3 wet m onths o f summer of the third stratum are evergreen. The trees are
season (July, August and Septem ber). Thus the rainy characterized by thick girth of stems, thick, rough
season records much surplus w ater whereas dry and coarse barks and large hydromorphic leaves or
w inter and summer seasons have marked deficit small, hard xeromorphic leaves. The large hydromorphic
leaves enable the trees to trap more and more rainfall
particularly breeding and migrating behaviour. In
during wet seasons but these large leaves are shed in other words, the seasonal charater of the monsoon
dry period to conserve moisture whereas small and deciduous forests has been responsible for the
hard xeromorphic leaves enable the trees to with­ seasonal regime in the breeding and reproduction
stand dry weather and water deficiencies. and migration of animals. For example, birds in east
Though there are numerous climbers mainly Africa breed twice during the two different seasons
lianas and epiphytes but their numbers are far less in of a year. Indian dogs generally breed once a year
the tropical deciduous forest biome than the tropical mainly at the end of wet monsoon season (during
evergreen rainforest biome. October-November).
Sal (Shorea robusta) and teak trees of Indian The animals of the tropical and sub-tropical
deciduous forests form forest canopy but its shape is dry deciduous forest biome range from very small
not like umbrella or cauliflower as is the case with animals (micro-organisms) to very large-bodied
the forest canopy of the rainforest biome. Bamboo is animals like elephants, horses, hippopotamus, ganda
another important member of the Indian deciduous or rhinos, lions, forest buffalo together with a large
forests. Besides, there are numerous trees, climbers, populations of birds of several species. This biome
shrubs and grasses which have spatial variations represents the largest number of domesticated
from one region of the tropical deciduous forests to mammals because of the development of agricul­
the other region. ture. This biome also carries the largest number of
human population of the world.
Animal Com m unity
Human Interactions
It may be pointed out that various dimensions
of animal community of any habitat/ecosystem/ The tropical and sub-tropical monsoon de­
biome including the number of species, their ciduous forest biome is one of the most disturbed
populations and density, their life-forms and various ecosystems of the world. The forests have been
activities, reproduction and various types of biologi­ adversely affected by both natural and anthropo­
cal interactions and above all species diversity genic processes. There are numerous cases of
largely depend on the composition and structure, frequent forest fires every year kindled by either
richness or poorness, total biomass etc. of vegetation natural processes such as lightning or anthropogenic
communities of the concerned biome. It is a factors such as inadvertent actions of man (throwing
significant ecological principle that more is the of burning ends of ‘bidi’ or cigarettets by the
development of stratification of the vertical struc­ herdsmen in the forest) or advertent and intentional
ture of the vegetation community of a biome and actions of man (such as clearing of forests through
greater the number of plant species, the more will be deliberate burning for agricultural purposes under
the number of animal species, their total population jhum cultivation (which is very much prevalent in
and species diversity. This ecological principle India) and large-scale grazing. The forests of the
holds good in the case of tropical evergreen monsoon deciduous forest biome have been so
rainforest biome as discurssed earlier. But there are rapidly destroyed within the last 50 years or so
comparatively lesser number of animal species in through the rapacious utilization of forest resources
the monsoon deciduous forest biome than the for commercial and industrial purposes and large-
rainforest biome because of comparatively less scale clearance through mass-fe|Iing of trees for
developed vertical strata and hence less diversifica­ agricultural land that the vegetation cover has
tion of animal species. shrunk to a very critical size.
The seasonal character of vegetation commu­ The rapid rate of deforestation has led to the
nity in terms of dense vegetation cover, full initiation of several ecological and geological
development of leaves and their evergreen form problems. Several species of precious animals have
during rainy months (wet summer season, July to now become endangered species because of destruc­
September) and shedding of leaves, drying of tion of their natural habitats. For example, lions and
herbaceous plants etc. during dry season mainly tigers and even elephants have become endangered
during dry warm season has affected and determined species in India partly because of deforestation and
the seasonal behaviour of animal communities partly by mass hunting of these animals. Similarly,

Indian rhinos are facing extinction because of their savanna climate, while the botanists have used the
mass killing. The lions of Gir forest of Gujarat of word savanna for a typical type of vegetation
India together with other animals like leopards, community of the tropical regions characterized by
spotted deer, sambhar, deer, Indian gazelle, nilgai the dominance of grasses. Normally, the Savanna
antelope, wild boar etc. are now endangered species biome refers to that vegetation community o f the
because of enormous destruction of the Gir Forest tropical areas which is characterized by the dom i­
Ecosystem. The rapid rate of deforestation in the
nance of ground cover by partially xeromorphic
monsoon lands mainly in India has caused acceler­
herbaceous plants, upper stratum of scattered trees
ated rate of soil loss through rill and gully erosion,
silation o f river beds and consequent recurrent and middle layer of sparse shrubs. This Savanna
severe floods in the alluvial rivers. biome extends in both the hemispheres between 10°-
20° latitudes and includes Llanos of Columbia and
Venezuela; South-Central Brazil, Guiana, Paraguay
(all in South America); hilly areas of the Central
Location and Extent America; Central and East Africa (maximum extent
in Sudan); Northern Australia and some areas of
The word Savanna has been used for different India (the Savanna of India is not the original and
meanings by various scientists e.g. the word natural vegetation cover rather it has developed due
‘savanna region’ has been used by the climatologists to human interference with the original forest cover
to indicate a particular type of climate i.e. tropical resulting into the development of w idespread man-
wet and dry climate (Aw climate of Koppen) as induced grasslands) (fig. 12.6).

Fig. 12.6: Distribution o f Savanna Biome.

There is no unanim ity o f views o f the region by man him self (human activities like
scientists about the origin and evolution o f savanna deforestation, frequent forest fires, overgrazing etc.
grassland biome. A ccording to the m ajority o f the are considered to be the main factors for the
scientists the savanna biom e is the result o f evolution of savanna biom e). There are clear-cut
interference and m odifications in the natural envU evidences to dem onstrate that the Savanna regions
ronm ents o f the regions now considered as Savanna o f India have certainly originated and developed
because of deforestation o f the original forests by highest temperature (being 45°C-48°C in May and
m an because Indian Savanna areas are found within June) and lowest temperature (being 5°C or even less
and around deciduous forest covers. Unlike other during the month of January) of all the savanna
m ain Savanna areas of the world Indian Savanna regions of the world and mean annual rainfall well
areas are dominated by shrubs instead of grasses. It below 1500 mm, 80 to 90 percent of which is
may be concluded that the Savanna biome is the received during a brief period of 3 months (15th June
outcome of a set of com plex factors such as to 15th September).
characteristic features o f clim ate, geomorphic his­
tory, natural fires, the evolution of grazing animals Vegetation C om m unity
and their consequent im pact on natural original
vegetation and above all the presence of man and his Though the general characteristics of typical
various activities. Savanna vegetation are trees and grasses but the
kj | 'i t
Savanna biome is, no doubt, dominated by grasses.
Clim ate The Savanna vegetation community has developed
layered structure wherein three distinct layers have
The Savanna clim ate is characterized by clearly developed.
distinct wet and dry seasons, mean high temperature (1) G round lay er is dominated by various
throughout the year and abundant insolation. Mean types of grasses and herbaceous plants. The grasses,
annual rainfall ranges between 250-500 mm on the the most dominant vegetative m em ber of the
desert fringes of the Savanna and 1300-2000 mm on Savanna biome, are generally coarse, stiff and hard
its border with the equatorial climate. Temperature and of course perennial having the height o f 80 cm
does not fall below 20°C in any month of the year. but very long grasses reach upto 350 cm (3.5m ) in
There are three seasons on the basis of the height. The African elephant grass attains the
combinations of tem perature and humidity (though enormous height of 500 cm (5m). The leaves of these
on an average there are only two seasons as referred grasses are almost flat which are shed during dry
to in the beginning but the dry season is further season but they are regenerated during w et season.
divided into warm dry season and cold dry season on The Savanna grasses are usually tufted in structure
the basis of tem perature) viz. (i) cold dry season is and form. It may be pointed out that not all the
characterized by high day temperature ranging grounds are continuously covered by Savanna
between 26°C-32°C, but relatively low temperature grasses, rather there are frequent open patches which
during nights, usually 21°C; (ii) warm dry season is are devoid of grasses. The root system s of the
characterized by almost vertical sun’s rays, high Savanna grasses consist of lateral dense netw ork of
temperature ranging between 32°C-38°C due to fine branches which penetrate upto the depth o f 2.5m
abundant insolation, and (iii) warm wet season in the soil cover. The im portant genera o f the
receives between 80 to 90 percent of the total annual Savanna grasses are Hyparrhenia (elephant grass),
rainfall. Panicum, Pennisetum, Andropogon and A frican
It may be pointed out that there is much species Imperata cylindrica. The grasses bear
pronounced variation in the spatial dislribution of deserted look during dry warm sum m er season but
mean annual rainfall in the different parts of the they become lush green again during hum id sum m er
Savanna biome of the world mainly because of two season.
major factors viz. (i) distance from the equator, and
(2) Middle layer consists of shrubs and very
(ii) the nature of topographic features. For example
small woody plants.
the Savanna region o f Brazil, locally called as
Cerrado, having the average absolute relief of (3) Top (canopy) layer is form ed by trees o f
1300m AMSL, records mean annual temperature various sorts. The general characteristics o f trees
and mean annual rainfall of 20°C-26°C and 750mm- depend on the availability o f w ater and m oisture and
2000mm respectively. The Llanos of Columbia is therefore there is a great taxonom ic variety of
characterized by mean annual rainfall of 2000mm- Savanna trees which are usually 6 - 12m in height.
4000mm (near Andes mountain) and mean annual The Savanna trees have developed various unique
tem perature o f 22°C and the maximum temperature characteristics to cope with the dry conditions o f this
o f 32°C. The Indian Savanna is characterized by biome. For example, there are a few species o f trees
__ _ u . d iv id ed into the
which have developed such mechanisms which help Savanna biom e may be N
them to reduce evapotraspiration from their leaves following four types (P. A. Furley and W.W. Newey,
during warm dry season and enable them to remain 1983):
green even during dry season of deficient water dom inated by trees
(1) Woodland Savanna is
supply. On the other hand, there are such tree species and shrubs which form dense upper canopy. *
which cannot withstand dry conditions and therefore Savanna is, thus, also called as ‘closed savanna .
they shed their leaves and bear the characteristics of Inspite of comparatively closed upper tree canopy o
deciduous trees. The roots of the Savanna trees have the topmost layer, enough sunlight reaches the
also developed according to the environmental ground surface to support ground cover o f herba­
conditions as they are very large which can penetrate ceous plants. There is more or less general absence
into the soil and ground up to the depths from 5m to of epiphytes but some climbers having their roots in
20m so that they can obtain water from groundwater
the ground are present.
even during dry season when the groundwater table
(2) Tree Savanna represents relatively open
falls considerably. The smaller plants and many
vegetation cover in terms of trees, and shrubs which
herbaceous plants have special kinds of root systems
are sparsely distributed. The ground cover is
characterized by root tubers and swellings so that
dominated by grasses. No tree canopy is developed.
they may preserve water which may be used by the
plants during dry season, because the roots of these (3) Shrub Savanna is represented by treeless
plants seldom reach the depth of more than 20 cm in vegetation which is dominated by grasses at the
the soils and the coarse soils up to this depth become ground layer and shrubs at the second layer. In fact,
dry during dry season. shrub Savanna is two layered vegetation w here the
topmost layer is formed of shrubs and the ground
The trees form flattened crown or canopy but cover consists of grasses.
they are very sparsely distributed. Several branches
(4) Grass Savanna is characterized by general
come out from the stems which are mixed up with the
absence of trees and shrubs and over dom inance o f
middle layer. Some of the Savanna trees are fire
dense grasses. The grasses cover is not continuous,
resistant (pyrotic) as they have thick bark and thick
rather it is separated by intervening patches of
bud-scales. The Savanna biome is characterized by
grassless areas.
the monotony o f tree species as there are very few
tree species per unit area as compared to the tropical The frequent fires, both natural and anthropo­
rainforest and tropical m onsoon deciduous forest genic (intentional annual burning o f grasses by
biomes. For exam ple, baobab is the only significant man), are common features of all the aforesaid
tree from Tanzania to Senegal and the Savannas of Savanna biomes. Though m any organic m aterials
Ivory Coast and Sudan are dom inated by palm trees. are destroyed due to annual burning of grasses by
The important tree species are Isoberlinia, the man, regular fires in S avanna grasslands are very
baobab and dom palm in A fricna Savannas; species important ecological processes because these favour
o f eucalyptus such as E. M arginata and E. Calophylla regeneration of grasses every year, m ineralisation of
in Australia; pine trees in Honduras etc. leaf litter and regulation o f fauna. ‘Thus fire appears
The net primary productivity ranges from one to be a normal part of the Savanna biom e and one of
place to another place depending on the nature of the m ajor factors in its n atu re........Savanna (is) a
tree densities. The mean net prim ary productivity of delicate balance of the outcom e o f clim ate, soils,
the Savanna biome is 900 dry grams per square metre vegetation, anim als and fire, with fire as the key
per year but there is great spatial variation in the agent whereby m en have created the biom e; as it now
productivity as it ranges from 1500 dry grams per stands this biom e in A frica cannot be regarded as
square metre per year in the closed savanna (dom i­ clim atic clim ax but as a product o f hum an activity’
nated by trees and shrubs) to a m inim um o f 200 dry (I.G. Sim m ons, 1982).
grams per square metre per year in the desert scrub No doubt frequent burning of grasses by man
has been responsible for the evolution o f a few fire-
On the basis o f the proportion of trees and resistant species of trees and grasses such as
grassland and the structure o f the vegetation the Im perata spp (a type of grass).
Animal Community
maximum mobility to the animals and thus the
Savanna grasslands have been responsible for the
It m ay be pointed out that animal communi­ origin and evolution of great number of large
ties of different Savanna areas o f the continents
mammals (like elephant, giraffe, zebra, ganda,
show a wide range of species diversity because of the
hippopotamus, gazells, antelopes etc.) and birds
fact that (i) different Savanna areas have developed
such as courses, bustards, game birds, ostrich, and
differently in different environmental conditions
several non-flying birds like emu.
during various stages of evolution, and (ii) the
degree o f human interference has greatly varied in There is complete correlation and corre­
different Savanna regions. The availability of food spondence between the structure and seasonal
during different seasons depends on the environ­ regime of the Savanna vegetation and invertebrate
mental conditions. Since there is maximum growth animals. The invertebrate animals include insects
and developm ent of vegetation during wet summer (such as flies-Diptera, locusts, grasshoppers, ter-
season and alm ost barren ground during dry summer mites-Isopetra, ants and arthropods (like spiders,
season and hence there is abundance of food during scorpions etc.) which are found profusely in the
wet season but there is marked scarcity of food various parts of the Savanna regions. The density of
during dry season. This seasonal regime of the oligochaete worms, spiders and insects in the
availability of anim al food has largely affected Guinea Savanna of tall grasses of the western Africa
is 50,000 to 60,000 per 300 square metres of area
animal com m unity in the Savanna biome. Secondly,
during dry season but the density o f these organisms
hunting o f animals by man has also adversely
increases to 1,00,000 during wet season because of
affected them. Inspite of these limiting factors the
regeneration of dense cover of green grasses. The
Savannas are capable of supporting a very diverse
rainy season is characterized by the dom inance of
smaller animals (such as springtails, ants, earwigs,
The A frican Savanna accounts for the largest cockroaches, small crickets, carabid beetles etc.)
number and the greatest variety of grazing verte­ whereas the larger invertebrates dominate during
brate m am m als in the world. For example, the East dry season like locusts, grasshoppers, m antids and
African Savanna carries 40 species of very large crickets.
herbivourous mammals such as African buffalo,
It may be pointed out that inspite o f large
zebra, giraffe, elephants, many types of antelopes,
number and great variety of animals o f invertebrate
hippopotam us etc. of which even 16 species graze
together in the same habitat. On the other hand, the and vertebrate categories (ranging from m icro-or­
South A m erican and Australian Savannas do not ganism-like insects to very large bodied animals like
have large num ber of grazing mammals similar to giraffe and elephants) there is no com petition for
the African Savanna but great variety of birds like food among the animals in the Savanna biome
those o f the African Savanna is invariably found. because of the fact that the animals of this biome
The A ustralian Savanna is dominated by marsupials have developed typical feeding habits and m echa­
(typical m am m als of South American and Austral­ nisms according to the characteristics o f the
ian origin having pouch in their bodies to keep and vegetations. For example, giraffe uses the top layers
feed their offsprings). There are at least 50 species of of the trees and shrubs through his exceptionally
kangaroo in the Australian Savanna which greatly long neck, zebra lives on the leaves of shrubs and the
vary in size ranging from very large red kangaroo heads of tall grasses, wildbeasts graze the grasses o f
(1.5m tall) to very small species o f wallaby (only 30 medium height whereas the gazelles (deer family)
cm in height). The large grazing mammals of the depend on short grasses. It appears that there is close
South Am erican Savannas include deer and guanaco. correspondence between the vertical stratification
B esides, toucans, parrots, nightjars, kingfishers, of the vegetation community and feeding habits of
doves, finches, parakeets, wood peckers are also the animals of the Savanna region. Thus the Savanna
found in large num ber in the South American biome is characterized by the developm ent of
grazing succession which enables the anim als of
various species and sizes to live in the sam e habitat
It m ay be pointed out that relatively less dense without having much com petition am ong them ­
c o v er o f vegetation in the Savanna biome provides selves for food.

There is also wide range of variation in the natural environmental conditions particularly natu­
seasonal mobility of the ungulate animals (animals ral vegetation and related micro-climates. The
having hoofs) and thus the seasonal variability of the regular burning of vegetation generates lush green
animal mobility has also discouraged competition grasses during the wet season which support large
among the animals for food. Based on seasonal number and variety of grazing animals but sim ulta­
characteristics of mobility, A.F. Lampray (1964) neously this routine annual practice reduces the
has divided the animals of the Savanna biome into number of large animals feeding on the leaves of
the following 5 categories : trees because frequent fires are not conducive for
luxriant growth of trees.
>• Animals with little or no seasonal movement,
e.g. giraffe, grant’s gazelle, hartebeests etc. The rapidly increasing human population for
the last 50 years or so has put enoromous strain on
> Animals having partial movement during dry
the natural Savanna grasslands because a vast area of
season, e.g. impala.
the original grasslands has been converted into
>• Animals having partial movement during wet agricultural fields to grow more food crops to feed
season, e.g. worthog, dikdik, waterbuck; the teeming millions. The rapid rate of expansion in
rhino etc. the agricultural lands under the new scheme of green
> Animals migrating during dry season e.g. revolution has further been responsible for the
buffalo, zebra, wildbeest, eland, elephant etc. shrinkage of natural Savanna grasslands. Further
more, enormous increase in the number of domesti­
> Animals used to passage migration, e.g.
cated animals has greatly damaged the grasslands. In
buffalo, zebra, elephant etc.
nut shell, the impact of human activities has resulted
in the shrinking of the areas of grasslands and
E c o lo g ic a l Productivity
reduction of natural vegetation which have caused
shortage of food supply to the animals. All these
The East African Savanna is the richest of all
have ultimately adversely affected the animals
the other Savannas in terms of total animal communities. Consequently, the number of animal
population. ‘W here a rich fauna still exists, as in species and their total population are gradually
East and Central Africa, it may achieve a yearlong decreasing.
vertebrate biom ass of 100 x 105 kilogram per hectare
live weight* (I.G. Simmons, 1982). The average net
primary productivity (NPP) of the Savanna biome is
900 dry gram per square metre per year whereas the
Location and Extent
total net primary productivity of all the Savannas of
the world is 13.5x 109 tons per year. The termites are The Mediterranean biome is also called as
very significant animals of the Savanna biome sclerophyl ecosystem or biome because of the devel­
because they help in decomposing the organic opment of special features and characteristics in the
matter and in recycling the nutrients. According to dominant trees and shrubs to adapt to the typical
an estimate (I.G. Simmons, 1982) the biomass of environmental conditions of the Mediterranean
termites in Ivory Coast is 12 kg per hectare and these climates (dry summer and wet winter). The Mediter­
consume 30 kg of cellulose per hectare per year and ranean biome has developed between 30°-40° (some
rearrange several dozen tons of soils every year. times upto 45°) latitudes in both the hemispheres in
the western parts of the continents. This biome
H um an Interactions includes the European lands bordering the Mediter­
ranean Sea, central and southern California of the
The impact of man in the Savanna biome right U.S.A., central Chile of south America, north­
from the evolution of human races in the various western coastal lands of Africa bordering the
parts of the present-day Savannas to the present-day Mediterranean Sea and the far south-western part of
technologically advanced society has been so South Africa and the coastal zones of western and
immence that the very nature and the characteristics- southern Australia and the Asiatic coastal lands
of savanna grasslands are the outcome of the bordering the Mediterranean Sea (western Turkey,
continued m an’s interferences with the original Syria, western Israel and Lebanon) (Fig. 12.7).
en v iro n m en ta l geog raph y

Fig. 12.7: Distribution of Mediterranean Biome.

Clim ate fluctuations in the soil-water and soil-m oisture

regime during winter and summer seasons. The
The M editerranean climate has three typical amount of soil-water increases during w inter season
characteristic features which give sclerophyll char­ because of winter and spring rainfall w hich is
acteristics to the vegetation of this biome e.g. (i) responsible for maximum growth in the vegetation
Winters are cool but wet whereas summers are dry. but dry summer season causes deficiency in the soil-
M ost o f the annual rainfall is received during wet water content because of loss of water and m oisture
winter months; (ii) Summer season is warm and dry due to increasesd evaporation and evapotranspiration
whereas winters are moderately cool, and (iii) There because of substantial increase in tem perature and of
is sufficient sunlight throughout the year but course due to general lack of precipitation during
summer is more sunny. These characteristic climatic summer season. Thus the deficiency in soil-w ater
features o f the M editerranean climate have devel­ content during dry summer season prevents vegeta­
oped because of the seasonal shifting of the pressure tion growth.
and wind belts due to northward and southward
migration of the Sun. Vegetation C om m unity
The average temperature during cool winter
season ranges between 5°C and 10°C whereas mean Though the M editerranean regions are widely
summer temperature varies from 20°C to 27°C and scattered over different continents, there is m ore or
thus.the annual range of temperature becomes 15°C less broad generalization in the overall structure and
to J 7°C or even more. Mean annual rainfall ranges composition of the vegetation com m unity o f all the
between 370 mm and 650 mm, the most portion of regions of the M editerranean biom e. The structure
which is received during winter season. The winter of the M editerranean vegetations is such th at they
rainfall is received through the cyclonic storms can withstand the aridity of sum m er season.
associated with the westerlies. The summer season
Consequently, the leaves have developed sclerophyllous
is alm o std ry . This, seasonal regime of rainfall causes
characteristics wherein they are stiff and hard and
the stems have thick barks. The Mediterranean vegetation community wherein three distrinct layers
vegetation community consists of a variety of (strata) have developed. The topmost first layer or
sclerophyll plant formation classes which range the canopy layer is dominated by oak tree which is of
from Mediterranean mixed evergreen forests (in the two types e.g. (a) evergreen oak, and (ii) deciduous
coastal lands immediately bordering the seas and the oak. There are several species of oak in the European
oceans) to woodland, dwarf forest and scrubs. The Mediterranean biome. The sequence of trees changes
vegetation community is dominated by trees and with the increasing altitude e.g. the evergreen oaks
shrubs. The shrubs are differently named in the are found at the lower height and with the increasing
various parts of the Mediterranean biome on the basis height the sequence of trees is formed by deciduous
of local names e.g. maquis or garrigue in southern oaks, beech, fir and pine. The second or the middle
Europe, chaparral in California, fymbos or fymbosch layer is formed of shrubs which include the species
in South Africa and mallee scrub in Australia. like arbutus, pistacia, rhammus, ceratonia etc. These
The plants of the Mediterranean biome have shrubs attain the height of 2m or even more which
developed several morphological characteristics to are clearly differentiated from the topmost layer of
withstand dry conditions. Such structure is called the dominant oak trees of 3 to 4m height. These
xeromorphic structure such as thickened suticles, shrubs provide valuable forages to the animals and
glandular hairs, sunken stomata etc. Thesclerophyllous valuable products to human beings like gums, resins,
structure o f the plant leaves enables them to regulate tannins, dyes etc. The continuous grazing, natural
the gaseous exchange according to the availability and anthropogenic frequent fires and felling of trees
or scarcity of water during different seasons of the have largely transformed the shrub community
year. A few species o f trees such as mastic trees, have called as maquis into garrigue. The garrigue shrubs
the mechanism of adjusting themselves to the have also been modified by continued human
changing weather conditions during the year. For activities and transformed into batha (dwarf shrubs).
example, the mastic trees are able to close their The third or the ground layer consists of numerous
stomata during dry summer season or even during herbaceous plants.
winter drought so that they can reduce transpiration (2) North American or Californian Mediterra­
from their leaves to minimum and hence can conserve nean biome is dominated by different species of oak
moisture. Some trees have developed smaller leaves trees and chaparral shrubs. The first or the topmost
(such as chamise) so that they allow minimum loss of layer is formed by the canopy of oak trees reaching
moisture through transpiration. Some trees have the height between 6m and 23m. The oak has short
thorny leaves (such as succulent cactus family). but thick stem and flattened crown. The second or
middle layer is dominated by various shrubs locally
The plants o f the Mediterranean biome have
called as chaparrals. The ground layer is dominated
also developed special types of root systems in
by herbaceous plants and grasses. Chaparrals gener­
accordance with the regional environmental condi­
ally become gregarious in the areas of less fertile and
tions mainly the availability of moisture. For
light soils. The chapan-als of California are the
example, some plants have extensive root systems counterpart of the European maquis. The duarf shrubs
with strong tap root which extends even into the (like batha of the European Mediterranean biome)
consolidated parent rocks (such as the roots of locally called as sage scrub have developed in many
almond); some plants have such root systems which parts of the Californian Mediterranean biome. The
develop above the ground as well as quite deep Mediterranean biome of Chile of South America has
inside the ground (such as the root of chamise); some also developed vegetation quite sim ilar to that of the
plants have bulbous or tuber roots (such as the Californian Mediterranean biome. The Californian
geophyte plants, e.g. different types of flowers like chaparrals are called mattoral in Chile.
dehlia) etc. (3) South African Mediterranean biome is
There are some regional variations in the characterized by the dominance of small but
species composition and vertical structure of the attractive flowering plants of numerous varieties.
vegetation community in the various parts of the These plants have been extensively migrated by
M editerranean biomes as given below ; deliberate actions of man to various gardens of
(1) European Mediterranean biome is charac­ numerous countries of the world. These garden
terized by multi-layered structural pattern of the flower plants include erica, ereesia, lobellia, kniphofia
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y

catepnri** lle shrubs bel°ng to sclerophyllous characterized by more or less similar animal species.
and f > aS 6 are characterized by hard, stiff There are numerous animals in these two regions
lnnaii , These sclerophyllous shrubs are because of abundant supply of food from the good
... y called as fymbos. It may be pointed out that cover of various types of shrubs. *
f region was originally covered by temperate There are about 201 species of vertebrate
torests before the arrival of Europeans in this area. animals in south California, of which about 75 percent
I he Europeans largely removed the original forests are bird species. The large mammals of Californian
for the purpose of agriculture and thus there and Chilean regions include mule deer (in California)
developed the secondary succession of vegetation and Chilean guanaco but the latter is no more a
which now has taken the form of present-day fymbos. browsing animal rather it has changed its feeding
The large-scale transformation of original habitats habit and it has been transformed to grazing animals.
through forest clearance and mass hunting of The mammals are now dominated by ground squir­
animals by the Europeans resulted into the oblitera­ rels, wood rats and mule deers. Many of the predator
tion of several species of animals from the South species like wolf and mountain lion, diversivores like
African Mediterranean biome. For example, quagga, grizzly bear have now become rare species because of
species o f zebra, has now become totally increasing pressure of man on the Mediterranean
extinct. Only a few species of antelope like vegetation. The other important animals include
duiker and steenbuck are found only in the dense several species of rodents such as rabbits, the rabbit
cover of fymbos. Hyraxes, baboons, and leopard are predators such as cyote, similar to Chilean fox, other
found in small number only in the mountainous areas. predators such as lizards, snakes, and several types of
(4) raptorial birds like kites, falcons, hawks etc.
Australian Mediterranean biome is domi­
nated by the species of eucalyptus. Thus the topmost Most of the original native animals of the
layer or the canopy layer is formed by about 100 South African Mediterranean biome have now
species o f evergreen eucalyptus trees with the height become either extinct or rare due to the destruction
of 70 m or even more. The tallest species of of their natural habitats through extensive forest
eucalyptus is karri. It may be pointed out that the clearance by the European settlers. For exam ple,
forms of vegetations change inland from the coastal quagga, a type of zebra, which was an im portant
areas and thus several zones of vegetations are species, now has become totally extinct whereas
found from north to south. The southernmost coastal bontebok, a type of antelope, has now becom e a rare
land having maximum amount of annual rainfall is species and has been pushed to remote areas. Some
characterized by the dominance of eucalyptus forest animal species, which were very im portant before
which is replaced by jarrah forest in the north. the arrival of Europeans in this area, have now
Further northward the forest cover becomes thin and occupied remote areas to escape from the hunters.
is finally replaced by grasslands. Malle scrubs have These animals include some species o f antelopes
developed to the north and east of grasslands. There (which now live in the dense shrubs of high ground)
are numerous animals in the malle scrubs. like duiker and steenbuck; rodent like brow sing
small animals like hyraxes (which have now been
E c o lo g ic a l Productivity pushed to mountainous areas); baboons and leopards
(which also live, though in very small num ber, in the
The average net primary productivity (NPP) of remote hilly and mountainous areas).
the M editerranean biome is about 700 dry gram per
The Australian M editerranean biom e is
square metre per year whereas the total net primary chatacterized by numerous types of birds and
production of all parts of the Mediterranean biome is animals. The m arsupials include kangaroos m ainly
6 x I09 tons per year. The NPP of 700 dry gram per western grey kangaroo. There are num erous varie­
square metre per year generates a biomass of 6000 ties of wallaby and mice. The typical birds o f the
grams per square metre. shrub habitats and grasslands are honeyeaters,
whistlers, wrens, robins, quail-thrushes etc.
A n im a l C om m u n ity
Hum an In te ractions
Like vegetation, there is also regional varia­
tion in the anim al communities of the various parts Man has directly (through his deliberate
o f the M editerranean biomes of the world. The actions) and indirectly adversely affected the flora
M editerranean biomes o f California and Chile are and fauna of the Mediterranean biom es. Fire, both
natural and m an-induced, is normally of annual plant communities because these do not favour
occurrence in the M editerranean biome. The natural decomposition of leaf litters and prevent nitrogen
forest tires occur through lightning whereas man fixation in the soils.
burns the grasses to get luxuriant growth next The burning of vegetation has certain nega­
season. There is a common practice to burn the tive results as well. For example, soil structure is
vegetation each year or after two or three years after changed by frequent fires and thus is subjected to
heavy grazing and browsing by sheep and goats. accelerated rate of soil erosion during the rain­
Similarly, vegetatoins are burnt in every part of the storms. Besides burning of vegetation, mass clear­
M editerranean biomes. The recurrent burning of ance of natural vegetation for agricultural and
vegetation has certain positive ecological results commercial purposes, overgrazing of grasslands and
e.g. (i) Most of the plant species of the M editerra­
large-scale hunting of animals have led to elim ina­
nean biomes have become fire-resistant and are now
tion of certain animal species, accelrated rate o f soil
well adapted to fires. In other words, the plants, after
erosion, increase in the silt load of major rivers and
burning, bear luxuriant growth of new branches,
shoots and leaves. For example, numerous stems alteration of original natural vegetation, habitats and
corfie out from the burnt stumps of eucalyptus trees; micro-climates.
(ii) Some seeds germinate more quickly and
properly after fires; (iii) Burning of vegetation T E M P E R A T E G R A S S L A N D S B IO M E
transforms the organic m atter into ashes and thus
facilitates the m ineralisation o f organic matter and Location and Extent
ultimately m akes the m ineralised organic matter
available to plant roots; (iv) Fire destroys poisonous Temperate grasslands are located in the
compounds secreted by plant roots. If undestroyed, interiors of the continents which com e in the
these poisonous compounds are very injurious to westerly wind belt but because of their m ore interior

Fig. 12.8: Distribution o f temperate grassland biome.


locations they do not get sufficient rainfall and ture of 40°C. Due to marine influences, the mean
hence the grasslands are practically treeless. The annual range of temperature in the southern hemi­
temperate grasslands of the southern hemisphere are sphere is much lower than the northern hemisphere
located along the south-eastern margins of the as it is around 10°C to 12°C. The mean annual
continents and therefore have more moderate precipitation ranges between 250 mm-750 mm in
climate than their counterparts of the northern different locations of the temperate grasslands. The
hemisphere because of more marine influences as winter precipitation in the northern hemisphere is
they are closer to the marine environments. The usually received in the form of snowfall and most
temperate grasslands of Eurasia, known as steppes, parts of the Eurasian steppe are snowcovered for
are most extensive as they extend for a distance of several months during northern winters. M ost of the
more than 3200 km from the shores of the Black Sea annual rainfall is received during summer season.
across the Great Russian Plain to the foothills of the
Altai Mountains. Their continuity is broken at few Vegetation Com m unity
places by the highlands. There are also some isolated
patches of steppes e.g. in Hungary (known as Grasses are the most dominant members of
(pustaz) and in the plains of Manchuria (Munchurian the different regions of the temperate grasslands of
grassland). The temperate grasslands of North both the hemispheres. The perennial grasses, mostly
America (extending in the U.S.A. and Canada both) belonging to the family of gramineae, of this biome
are locally known as prairies which extend from the are considered to be the climax community. Besides,
foot-hills of the Rockies in the west to the temperate some herbaceous plants are also found in this biome
deciduous forest biome in the east. The temperate but trees and shrubs are conspicuous by their general
grasslands of the southern hemisphere include the absence. There are two concepts of the evolution of
Pampas of Argentina and Urugay of South America; temperate grasslands biome viz. (i) The temperate
bush veld and the high veld of South Africa; and grasslands are the result of climatic conditions and
Downs of the M urray-Darling basins of south eastern pedogenic properties of these areas. The extreme
Australia and Canterbury grasslands of New Zea­ continental climate and limited supply of water to
land. (Fig. 12.8). the plants because of low rainfall are the main
factors for the dominance of grasses and general
Climate absence of trees and bushes, (ii) The climatic origin
of the temperate grasslands is not always acceptable
The temperate grasslands of the northern because many scientists believe that these grasslands
hemisphere are characterized by continental climate are the result of human activities mainly burning of
wherein extremes of summer and winter tempera­ vegetation.
tures are well marked but the temperate grasslands This biome exhibits close relationships among
o f the southern hemisphere are characterized by vegetation types, soil types and climatic conditions
more moderate climate. Summers are warm with
and between plant and animal com m unities. The
over 20°C temperature during July (Winnipeg,
temperate grassland biome is unique in the sense that
Canada) and 22°C during January (Pretoria, South
it has single-layered structure of vegetation commu­
Africa, January is summer month in the southern
nity where the upper canopy of the grasses is formed
hem isphere). W inter season becomes very cold in
the northern hemisphere because of enormous by their leaves but for a short period the flowering
distances of the temperate grasslands from the stalks also join the canopy and add grandeur to the
nearest sea as W innipeg records-20°C temperature top-layer. The flowers do not have petals. The
during January. On the other hand, the steppe climate pollination of flowers and the dispersal of seeds are
o f the temperate grasslands of the southern hemi­ facilitated by wind. It may be pointed out that most
sphere is never severe rather it is moderate because of of the areas of the temperate grasslands have been
the nearness o f these areas to the sea. The average now cleared and are used for cereal crops. Thus the
w inter tem perature ranges between 1°C and 12°C. temperate grasslands have become now the grana­
ries of the world and the heartland of the world dairy
The steppe clim ate is characterized by high
industry. Since there are some spatial variations in
annual range o f tem perature. For example, W inni­
p e g (C anad a) records mean annual range of tem pera­ the general characteristics of the vegetations of the
different parts of the temperate grasslands of the described above. The meadow steppes have devel­
northern and the southern hemispheres, a brief oped in the areas of well developed deep chernozem
separate description of vegetation characteristics of soils. These are characterized by the species of turf-
each region is necessary to understand the overall grasses (such as the species of Stipa and Fescue) and
nature of the vegetation community of this biome. numerous flowering herbaceous plants (such as
(1) European steppes biome has the largest trifolium and several types of daisy).
areal extent in Russia wherein it extends from (iii) Grass steppes are found over well
eastern Europe to western Siberia and between developed deep chernozem soils and are dominated
temperate coniferous forest in the north and arid by grasses, wherein the tussock forming species of
regions in the south-west. The Russian steppes are stipa are the most important members of the
divided into two sub-types on the basis of vegetation vegetation community. Besides, a few flowering
e.g. (i) forest steppe, and (ii) grass steppe. These two xerophytic shrubby species of artemisia are also
combined together represent 12 percent of the total' found in the southern marginal belt of the main grass
geographical area of the former Soviet Union. The steppes.
forest steppe consists of alternate bands of woodland (iv) Semi-arid xerophytic steppe is found in the
and open steppe. The European forest-steppe is extreme southern and south-western parts of the
represented by oak, limes, elms and maple while the Russian steppes where the xerophytic grasses (such
Siberian part of forest steppe consists of birch, aspen as fescue and feather grass species) are also
and willow. The intervening bands of open steppes associated with chestnut soil and semiarid climatic
in the forest steppes are called meadow steppes which conditions (mean annual precipitation ranging be­
are characterized by the common genera of grasses tween 300 mm and 350 mm). A few species of
o f fescues (Festuca) and feather grasses (Stipa). The xerophytic herbs (such as artemisia) and some
forest steppes receive mean annual precipitation ephemeral herbs are also found in this semiarid tract.
between 500 m m-600 mm whereas the grass-steppes (2) North American prairies have developed i
receive mean annual precipitation of 400 mm-500 the U.S.A. and Canada between the foothills of the
mm. Rockies in the west and the tem perate deciduous
The com binations of climate, vegetation and forest biome in the east. On the basis of decreasing
soil change from north to south in the Russian trend of mean annual precipitation from east (1050
steppes. In the extrem e northern part of the Russian mm) to west (400 mm) and a gradient of falling net
steppes are found forest steppes. The soils of the primary productivity (NPP) the North American
woodland steppe or the forest steppe are degraded Prairies, are devided into 3 sub-reginos viz. (i) tall
chernozem because the chernozem has been exten­ grass prairie, (ii) short grass prairie and (iii) mixed
sively leached out and transform ed into grey forest grass prairie. It may be pointed out that there is a
soils. The grass steppes, further south of the forest complete sequence of taller to shorter grasses from
steppe, is characterized by true chernozem soil. east to west.
Further southw ard, the increasing aridity has been (i) Tall grass prairie is found in the eastern part
responsible for the transform ation of true grass of the north American tem perate grasslands (prai­
steppe into semi-arid steppe which is associated with ries) wherein the most dom inant species of the tallest
chestnut soil. Further southw ard the climate be­ grass are bluestem and switch grasses which attain
comes arid and steppe grasslands cease to exist. The the height of 1.5 of 2.5m. There are a few patches of
following sequences of vegetation are found from oak and hickory trees within the vast areas of tall
north to south in the Russian steppe : grasses.
(i) Forest steppes consist o f trees mainly oak, (ii) Mixed prairie has m ost extensive cover in
elms, limes, m apple, a few arboreal vegetation of the Great Plains of the U.S.A. This belt extends
Siberian steppe such as birch with m ixture o f aspen between the U .S.-Canada border in the north and
and willow. The soils have degraded chernozem. Texas in the south. This prairie is characterized by
There are alternate bands of open steppes between the m ixture of medium (0 .6 -1.2m in height) and
the woodland bands. short grasses such as little bluestem , needlegrass
(ii) Meadow steppes are open steppes between (Stipa spartea), June grass (K oeleria cristata) and the
the woodland zones of the forest steppes as short and bunch grasses such as buffalo grass

(B uchloe dactyloider) and blue gramma (Bouteloua (i) Themeda veld has developed at the altitude
gracilis). ranging between 1500 m and 1700 m where mean
annual precipitation of 650 mm to 750 mm is
(iii) Short grass prarie is developed in the
recorded. The m ost dominant grass species is red
w estern part o f the Great Plains and is dominated by
grass (Themeda triandra) which has developed on
the species of short grasses which seldom exceed the
black turf soils. It may be pointed out that the
height of 60 cm.
original dominant red grasses of this biome have been
(3) South American Pampas have their most transformed to less useful xerophytic forms because
extensive cover in A rgentina where these account of continued pressure of overgrazing by man.
for about 15 percent of its total geographical area.
(ii) Sour veld represents those areas of
The South American Pampas are comparatively
Themeda veld which are dom inated by relatively
more humid than the Eurasian Steppes and North
less important grasses such as aristida, eragrostis
American Prairies. The mean annual precipitation
and hyparrhenia.
decreases from the east (coastal land, 900 mm) to
west (450 mm). Thus the Pampas are divided into (iii) Alpine veld is found over relatively higher
two sub-types e.g. (i) humid pampas, and (ii) sub- altitudes (2000-2500 m) of the Darkersberg M oun­
humd pampas. The humid pampa, developed in the tain where Themeda grasses are found mixed with
eastern part of Argentina, is characterized by tall Festuca and Bromus which are developed on black
grasses whereas the increasing aridity westward soils.
results in the growth of short grasses in the western (5) Australian Downs have developed in t
sub-humid pampa. The important grasses of the south-eastern parts of A ustralia and the northern part
pampa include briza, bromus, panicum, paspalum, of Tasmania. This region is characterized by (i)
lolium etc. It may be pointed out that the grasses of relatively warmer winter season than the tem perate
tl?e pampas have m ultilayered structure which is the grasslands of the northern hem isphere (Eurasian
result of the availability of moisture, soil and effects Steppes and North American Prairies), and (ii)
of grazing by the animals. Man has introduced lucerne mixture of grasses with eucalyptus trees. The
plant of legume species which forms good forage for grasslands gradually change from south (Australian
the animals. M ajor part of the pampas has been coast) to north (interior land) in accordance with the
cleared of their original grasses and has been decreasing trend of mean annual precipitation from
converted into agricultural farms mainly wheat fields. south (1524 mm) to north (635 mm). Thus 3 distinct
(4) African Veld has developed on the high and different grasslands are found in the Australian
plateau land of varying heights (1500 m to 2000 m) Downs (temperate grasslands) e.g. (i) temperate tall
in the south-eastern part of South Africa. The grasslands, (ii) temperate short grasslands, and (iii)
African Velds include the temperate grasslands of xerophytic grasslands.
southern Transwaal and Orange Free State of South (i) Temperate tall grasslands have developed
Africa and some parts o f Lisotho. It may be pointed in a region which extends from the eastern coastal
out that the South American Pampas are developed lands of New South W ales to V ictoria and eastern
on flat lowland terrain whereas the South African Tasmania. The dominant grasses are Poa tussock
Velds have developed over 1500-2000 m high and Themeda Australia. The Them eda A ustralia is
plateau surface where the growth of plants is not
also called as kangaroo grass because it is very much
possible because of uncertainty of rainfall, increas­
palatable to kangaroos. Danthonia pallida dom i­
ing aridity, severity of frosts during nights and high
nates the areas with drier environm ental conditions.
daily range of temperature during winter season.
Thus the true climax grasslands of African Velds (ii) Temperate short grasslands have devel­
have developed. There are much variations in the oped parallel to but north of the tem perate tall
com position and structure o f grasses because of grasslands as discussed above. The im portant
variations in the topographic characteristics, soils, grasses developed in this biome include short
altitudes and clim atic conditions. Based on afore­ species of grasses such as D anthonia and Stipa
said considerations the South African Veld Biome is genera of grasses.
further divided into 3 sub types, e.g (i) themeda veld, (iii) Xerophytic grasslands are developed
(ii) alpine veld, and (iii) sour veld, further northward such as the interior lands of New

South Wales 4nd Queenlands which are character­ circuitous tunnels in the soft-dry soils to store food
ized by semi-arid clim atic conditions and the and to protect them from severe cold. ey rem ain
grasses, which have developed in this biome, are indoor throughout the day (in side their tunnels) but
adapted to dry conditions. The im portant species of come out of their tunnels during night to ge oo
this biom e are A ristida and M ulga (a shrub species). Predator animals include wolves, eagles, ar®e
hawks etc. which depend on rodents for their foo .
(6) Canterbury Grasslands of New Zealand :
Polecat is also an important species o f sm aller
The original temperate grasslands were developed
in the eastern part of the southern island and the predator animals.
central part o f the northern island of New Zealand (2) The bisons and p r o n g h o r n s , dom inated the
wherein the tussock or bunch grasses were the animal community of the North Am erican Prairies
dom inant species but man has changed and trans­ before the arrival of the European settlers, explorers
formed the original structure o f the temperate and fur traders in this continent but now these
grasslands within the last 100 years or so through his animals are on the verge of extinction because of
economic activities. At present there are two main their indiscrim inate mass hunting by the European
types of grasses in the tem perate grassland biome of immigrants. Similarly, there were num erous species
New Zealand e.g. (i) short tussock grasses having of rodents in the American Prairies such as gophers
the main species o f Festuca and Poa, are 50 cm tall and prairie dogs which used to live in long and
and yellow-brown in colour, and (ii) tall tussock narrow tunnels dug-out in the loose and dry soils to
grasses (main species being Chinom echloa) are protect them from the predators during day-tim e but
found relatively over higher grounds. most of these rodents have been either elim inated or
markedly reduced in number because of rem oval of
A n im al C o m m u n ity grasses on a large-scale for agricultural d evelop­
ment. A large number of predator species depending
The animal com m unity o f the temperate primarily on rodents such as hawks, eagles, ra ttle ­
grassland biom e is characterized by a unique snakes, foxes, wolves etc. have also been adversely
property in that every grassland region of the affected by ever-expanding agriculture in the
southern and the northern hem ispheres is dominated prairies. Thus the agricultural developm ent o f the
by a few species o f large m am m als. For example, north American Prairies has provided food to large
buffalo and pronghorn antelope in the North number of human population on the one hand b u t this
American Prairies; wild horse and saiga antelope in practice has disturbed the original natural ecosystem
the Eurasian Steppes; antelopes in the South African of the Prairie grassland and has created ecological
Velds and guanaco in the South Am erican Pampas. imbalance on the other hand.
Secondly, the large herbivorous anim als of the (3) The South A m erican pam pas have now
temperate grasslands are endow ed with sturdy become m ajor w heat fields and the rem aining
bodies so that they are able to protect them selves to grasslands are so open that herbivorous anim als are
some extent from their predator enem ies like wolf provided little natural refuge and protection from
and coyote. Thirdly, the grazing mammals have predator anim als. T he pam pa deer is im portant
developed m igratory habits so that they may avoid among many species of herbivorous grazing anim als
overuse of their forage and thus can conserve their whereas rodents m ainly viscacha and m ara are
food resources. Inspite o f the aforesaid and even im portant burrow ing species of m am m als w hich
more sim ilarities in the animal com m unities o f the like the rodents o f the N orth A m erican Prairies live
different regions o f the tem perate grassland biome in long and circuitous tunnels dugout in the loose
there are some regional variations as well. and dry soils. R hea is very im portant flightless
(1) The m ost im portant anim als of thespecies o f birds w hich resem bles em u o f the
Eurasian steppes are saiga antelopes o f the western A ustralian D ow ns and ostrich o f A frican Savanna.
steppes and M ongolian gazelles o f the eastern Inspite of its giant body size the rhea becom es
steppes and the rare species o f w ild horses of the successful to som e extent in protecting him from his
ungulate category (animals having hoofs). Among predators because his colour helps him to becom e
the burrowing animals rodents are im portant spe­ invisible in the surroundings o f the local vegetation
cies. These rodents and mole rats dig out long and and his height enables him to see and detect the
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a ph y
enemies (predators). The predator animals include square metre per year whereas the total N et Primary
manned w olf which depends on rodents, birds and Production of all the regions of this biom e spread in
even small reptiles. The pampas are enriched by the northern and the southern hem ispheres is 5.4 x
many migratory seasonal birds such as herons, 109 tons per year. The average biom ass o f these
geese, ducks, etc. grasslands is about 1600 grams per square metre. It
(4) The animal life o f the South African Velds may be pointed out that the tem perate grasses have
has been largely affected and m odified by human well developed network o f root system s. The roots
activities. The region was earlier enriched by large may penetrate upto 2m in the ground whereas the
herds o f game, antelopes, hyaenas, jackals, lions, shoots of the grasses are only 0.6 to 1.2m above the
leopards etc. (all belonging to carnivorous category) ground. It is thus obvious that the root system s of the
and zebra but now these animals are not seen in the temperate grasslands have m ore biom ass (2000
Veldean grassland because large-scale hunting has grams per square m etre) than the biom ass o f grass
either elim inated them or has forced them to seek standing above the ground (1600 gram s per square
refuge in other areas. Since m ost of the natural metre). The long and dense mesh o f root system s of
habitats of these anim als have been converted into short and bunch grasses such as blue gram a and
farmlands, the original anim als have also been buffalo gasses account for 50-55 percent o f their
replaced by dom esticated animals such as farm total biomass.
animals, cattle (for dairy purposes), sheep and goats.
Some of the birds and m ost o f rodents are still found
Hum an In teractions
in this biome because the birds having high degree of
mobility easily escape from their most dangerous , f ij
The climatic conditions, resultant soils, na­
enemy (man) while the rodents hide them in the long
tive and transformed regional vegetations, animal
and circuitous earthen tunnels. The important
species o f rodents are springhare and gerbil whereas communities and of course man produced a unique
important species of carnivorous group of burrow­ interactive temperate grasslands biom e ecosystem
ing animals include yellow mongoose. but the dominant activities o f man and their
widespread impacts on the total transform ation of
(5) The Australian Downs are dominated by
kangaroos which are of three types e.g. (i) red this biome/ecosystem have altogether changed the
kangaroos, (ii) grey kangaroos, and (ii) wallaroos. very nature of this biom e/ecosystem . ‘So virgin
The European rabbits introduced in this biome have grasslands are rare since m ost o f them have been
so greatly multiplied within the last 100 years or so altered by pastoralism of dom esticated anim als,
that they have now outnumbered other animals and replaced by agricultural ecosystem s, or converted
have become dominant animal species of the into a different species com position through the use
Australian temperate grasslands. The introduction of biocides (weed and/or pest killres) or m echanical
of sheep for commercial purposes has also altered processes such as brush rem oval, seeding w ith
the composition of animal community in this leguminous species or simply through the invasion
grassland biome. Emu is the typical flightless bird of new (including exotic) species follow ing utiliza­
species of this region. tion by m an’ (I.G. Sim m ons, 1982).
(6) The New Zealandean grassland biome is No other natural ecosystem or biom e tells the
characterized by almost general absence o f herba­ story of the impact of human activities better than
ceous mammals because of the fact that this island the temperate grassland biom es of the world.
probably has always been isolated from the other M ajority o f the original grasslands have now been
landmasses and therefore no migration o f animals
converted into agricultural farm lands w hich have
from other areas into New Zeland could be possible.
now become famous ‘granaries of the w orld’.
Previously this biome was inhabited by giant flightless
Wheat, corn and diary farm ing now occupy m ost o f
birds, the moas, but now these have disappeared
the areas of the N orth Am erican Pairies (o f the
because o f their large-scale hunting by man.
U.S.A. and Canada); w heat fields have replaced
most of the Steppes o f K azakhastan and o f northern
Ecological P ro d u ctivity China; South American Pam pas are now extensively
farmed for wheat and the sem i-arid tem perate
The average net primary productivity o f the grasslands have been converted into great sheep and
temperate grassland biome is 600 dry grams per cattle ranges o f the world.
The wide-spread agricultural development in >■ The introduction o f new species o f exotic
the temperate grassland biom es at the cost o f natural plants into many parts o f the temperate
and original stands o f rich grasses of numerous grasslands has either suppressed the native
varieties have led to the em ergence o f several natural vegetation or has elim inated many
ecological and environm ental problems. plant species. For example, the introduction
>■ T he conversion o f natural grasslands of this of a few species of legum inous plants such as
biom e resulted into the obliteration o f natural clover and grasses such as brom us, hardeum
habitats o f the anim als o f numerous species. and perennial ryegrass by European im m i­
Thus the disappearance o f natural habitats or grants into Australian tem perate grasslands
their overall transform ation has caused disap­ has suppressed several species o f native
pearance and extinction o f several animals perennial grasses.
species. For exam ple, bisons and pronghorns, >• Extensive cultivation of the sem i-arid prairie
once the dom inant anim al species o f the North regions of the Great Plains of the U.S.A. has
A m erican Prairies, are now facing imminent resulted into enormous deflation o f dry, loose
extinction; many rodents o f the temperate and friable soils by wind which (deflation of
grasslands have now becom e endangered soil particles) generates dust storm s during
species because o f the destruction o f their the period of drought which cause great
natural hideouts o f tunnels dug-out in the damage to crops and human property in the
loose and dry soils through large-scale ploughing Mississippi plains. Due to greater frequency
by tractors; many o f the anim al species such of intense dust storms the areas o f the sem i-
as gam e, antelopes, zebras, lions, leopards arid parts of the western Kanasas, T exas and
and hyaenas have disappeared from several Oklahoma are called as ‘dust bowl*.
tem perate grasslands etc. >■ The large-scale rem oval o f vegetation for
>• Large-scale hunting o f anim als has resulted agricultural purposes has resulted in the
into phenom enal decrease o f the populations loosening o f the soil cover because o f the
o f som e anim als, m igration o f some animals destruction of dense network of ro o t system s
of grasses. This change in the soil cover has
to other areas and disappearance and extinc­
resulted into accelerated rate of soil erosion
tion o f som e anim als. For exam ple, many
and therefore loss o f otherw ise rich and fertile
species o f anim als such as game, antelope,
zebra, lions, leopards, hyaenas etc. have
disappeared from the A frican Velds because
o f m ass hunting o f anim als by the European 6. B O R E A L FO R EST (TAIQA) BIOME
im m igrants.
Location and Extant
► The introduction o f new species of exotic
anim als has altogether changed the com posi­ The boreal forest biom e, also called as
tion o f native vegetation. For exam ple, the tem perate coniferous forest biome or taiga biome,
introduction o f sheep by the European settlers represents the taiga or the Siberian type o f clim ate
in A ustralia has changed the com position of and includes the areas of sub-arctic regions o f North
vegetation com m unity which was originally A m erica (extending from A laska o f the U.S.A.
suited to the native m arsupial anim als. The across C anada to the H udson Bay in the east) and
introduction o f European rabbits into A us­ E urasia (from the Scandinavian Peninsula across the
tralia by the European im m igrants has re­ Russian Siberia to the Bering Sea). B esides, there
sulted into such a phenom enal grow th in their are sm all patches o f natural coniferous forests at
populations that they have becom e m enace to higher altitudes in G erm any, Poland, Sw itzerland,
both the natural vegetation com m unity and A ustria and other parts o f Europe and on the high
man. Predator foxes have been introduced in Rocky M ountains o f N orth A m erica. In fact, the
this region to control the ever-increasing taiga biom e is located betw een the tundra biom e in
population o f rabbits but this has not pro­ the north, and the tem perate grassland biome
duced any fruitful result. (Eurasian Steppes and N orth Am erican Prairies) in
the south. The taiga biome is conspicuous by its total nual precipitation varies between 350 mm and
absence in the southern hemisphere because of 2000 mm in both the form s-snow fall and
narrowing trend of the continents towards the south rainfall in different parts o f this biome).
pole (fig. 12.9). ► Extreme annual variation o f temperature
(ranging between 25°C during Summer months
Clim ate and -40°C during w inter months).
The taiga or the Siberian clim ate o f the boreal
Vegetation C o m m u n ity
forest or the temperate coniferous forest biome is
. characterized by continental clim ate marked by
The coniferous trees are the m ost dom inant
bitterly cold winter o f long duration and cool brief
member of the taiga or the boreal forest biome. The
summer season. Spring and autumn are merely brief
coniferous trees are well adapted to the extrem e
transitional periods between summer and cold
environmental conditions o f the Siberian type of
seasons. The 10°C isotherm of the warmest month
climate of this biome. These trees form dense cover
forms the northern boundary of this biome. The
temperatures of w inter m onths are always below of forests which are the richest sources o f softw ood
freezing point. The tem peratures o f the coldest and in the world. These trees are used for various
purposes e.g. for building construction, furniture,
the warm est m onths (M oscow) are-12°C and 20°C
respectively and thus the annual range of tempera­ matches, paper and pulp, rayon and other branches
ture becomes 32°C. Verkhoyansk of the Siberia of chemical industry. There are four m ajor genera of
evergreen coniferous trees e.g. (i) pine (Pinus-w hite
records the lowest tem perature of -68°C. Soil water
pine, red pine, Scots pine, jack pine, lodgepole
is frozen for 5 to 7 m onths of winter season in
continuation. The m ean annual precipitation rang­ pine); (ii) fir (Abies-doughlas fir, balsam fir etc.),
ing between 370 mm and 600 mm is received mostly (iii) spruce (Picea), and (iv) larch (Larix). B esides, a
in the form o f snow which accumulates throughout few species of tem perate deciduous hardw ood trees
winter and is released as surface water due to have also developed in this biom e m ainly in those
thawing because of increase in temperature during areas which have been cleared by man through
summer season. It may be pointed out that the felling of original tem perate coniferous trees. Thus
precipitation is more or less uniformly distributed the temperate deciduous trees represent the second­
throughout the year whether in liquid form as ary succession of vegetation. These tem perate
rainfall or in solid form as snowfall. Thus there is no hardwood and broad-leaved deciduous trees include
month without some form of moisture.
the genera of alder (Almus), birch (B etula) and
The following are the main characteristic
poplar (Populus). The follow ing are the characteris­
features of the taiga or the Siberian climate of the
temperate coniferous forest biome : tic features of the tem perate coniferous forests :

> Bitterly cold long winter season (temperature ► The gym nosperm conifers are the m ost
is below zero degree centigrade at least for 6 im portant m em ber o f the vegetation com m u­
months). nity of the tem perate coniferous or the boreal
> Heavy snowfall during winter season. forest biome.

>• Formation of permafrost (permanently fro­ >• Coniferous forests are o f m oderate density.
zen) ground because of freezing of ground Unlike the equatorial forests characterized by
moisture due to very low temperature as luxuriant growth, dense plant cover, varying
referred to above. heights o f trees etc., the tem perate coniferous
> Cool summer of short duration having pre­ forests are m ore uniform and grow straight
cipitation in liquid form-rainfall and melting and tall.
of snow cover.
► M ost of the coniferous trees are: evergreen as
>- Growing period o f vegetation ranging from there is no annual replacem ent o f new leaves
50 days a year (along the northern boundary) to
because trees do not shed their leaves enm ass
100 days a year (along the southern boundary).
as is the case o f deciduous trees,
> High range o f variability in the spatial
► The coniferous trees assum e conical shape
distribution o f annual precipitation (i.e. an­
with tapering top-end so that snow m ay not

accumulate on the branches and leaves of (ii) Woodland subzone has developed just to
these trees rather this shape facilitates the the south of the northern forest tundra and is
snow to slide down the trees. characterized by open covers of coniferous trees
such as black spruce and white spruce. e opeti
>• Leaves of the coniferous trees are small,
character of the woodland sub-zone or t e open
thick, leathery and needle-shaped so that they
forest of coniferous trees (trees are widely space
may control excessive transpiration during
resulting into moderate density) has been responsi­
winter season.
ble for the development of rich ground cover o
>■ Coniferous forests are characterized by very shrubs, mosses and lichens.
little undergrowth because the poor and
leached podzolized soils having higher acid (iii) Further south of the woodland sub-zone
content do not favour much vegetative growth has developed the true coniferous forest with dense
at the ground surface below the forest cover of tree cover. The most dominant tree species o f this
tall conifers. | southernmost zone of the temperate coniferous
forest are white spruce, black spruce and balsam fir.
>• Seeds of the coniferous trees are closed in the -
outer shells of conical shape. It may be pointed out that there is very close
relationship between tree types and soil types. For
>• Due to spatial variations in the climatic example, the areas of fertile and well drained soils
conditions, topography and soils there is
are associated with rich stands of white spruce and
marked spatial variation in the size, composi­
balsam fir; sandy soils support jack pines and
tion and structure, branching patterns and shallow depressions have given birth to m arshes and
species o f the coniferous trees. swamps, the margins of which are enriched by the
> Usually the conferous trees are tall and their clumps of black spruce.
average height ranges between 12m and 21m It may be further pointed out that there are few
but some trees of the m ountainous location localities of mixed forests in Canada m ainly in its
attain the height of even 100m. south-eastern parts where the m ixed forest form a­
On the basis o f regional variation in the tions of evergreen coniferous trees and deciduous
overall characteristics o f vegetation communities broad-leaved trees (e.g. hem lock, sugar m aple,
the boreal forest or the tem perate coniferous forest American elm and eastern w hile pine) have devel­
biomes are divided into two sub-types viz. (1) North oped because of local clim atic conditions.
American coniferous forest biome, and (2) Eurasian (2) Eurasion Temperate Coniferous Fore
coniferous forest biome. Biome: extends from the northern Scotland (o f U .K .)
(1) North American Temperate Forest Biome : in the west, through Scandinavia, E uropean R ussia
has developed in A laska o f the USA and Canada. and Siberia to the Bering Sea in the east. T his biom e
Thus the lowland tem perate coniferous forest is has the largest areal extent in a w ide belt having
found between the A rctic treeline (tree line is that north-south width of 1600km in the form er Soviet
northward (in the case o f m ountains, the upward) Union. Like the N orth A m erican tem perate conifer­
limit beyond which no growth o f tree is possible) or ous forest biome three sub-zones of forest tundra,
the southern boundary o f the treeless tundra biome woodland sub-zone or, open forest and true conifer­
in the north (determ ined by 1°C isotherm o f the ous forest (as referred to above) from north to south
werm est month) and the northern lim it of the have also developed in this biom e. The uneven
tem perate deciduous hardwood and broadleaved distribution of glacial soils of Pleistocene Ice Age
forests in the south. There is a well developed have largely affected the types and distribution of
gradation o f vegetation com m unity from north to vegetation in this biom e. S pruce trees have
developed in the areas o f clay and loam soils while
south in accordance with the com binations of
sandy soils have favoured the grow th of pine trees.
climate, topography and soils as given below :
The interm ediate zones betw een the forests m ainly
(i) The extrem e northern zone o f the boreal the
or m argins o f depressions and lakes have supported
temperate coniferous forest biom e is characterized alders, birch and w illow trees. Fir, spruce, pine and
by extrem e clim atic conditions and is known as larch trees dom inate in the w estern Siberia whereas
forest tundra which represents the m ix tu re(o f tundra tem perate deciduous trees are the main species in
and boreal vegetations. This zone is dom inated by the m iddle Siberia characterized by very severe
the clum ps o f larch and spruce trees. w inters.

The temperate coniferous or boreal forest the leaves, small branches and new stalks of plants
biome of North America and Eurasia could not and harden the soils through their frequent move­
develop vertical stratifications like the biomes of the ments. The influent animals include vertebrate
tropical and sub-tropical regions because of climatic carnivorous animals including man. It may be
conditions and resultant soil formation. The dense mentioned that man has . now appeared with new
and closed coniferous forests have minimum under­ technology the most powerful destroyer of forests
growth of ground cover whereas open forests have and hence he should be included in the category of
some undergrowth of a few types of shrubs and some the dominant animals because he has destroyed most
herbaceous plants. The uniformity of the temperate of the forest cover not only in this biome but in all the
coniferous forests facilitates easy exploitation of biomes of the world within last one hundred years or
so. The minor influent animals include mostly
timber wood.
invertebrate carnivorous animals and parasites.
Numerous species of insects are also included in the
Anim al C om m u nity
dominant category of animals because they damage
the plants by eating their leaves and new stalks, by
On the basis of functions and feeding habits defoliating the plants, by eating away the barks and
the animals of the taiga biome/ecosystem are roots of the plants, by making holes in the branches
divided into two m ajor categories viz. (i) sap-sucking and stems of trees etc. Such insects include larch
species (those anim als which suck liquid saps from sawfly, pine sawfly, spruce budworms, etc.
the branches and stems of trees, such as aphids), and
Caribou and moose are important herbivourous
(ii) grazing and burrowing species (those animals
animals of the boreal forest or taiga forest biome.
which graze grasses and eat new stalks of trees). The
These animals are necessary components of the taiga
feeding mechanisms of these animals have ad­
biome because they have a variety of feeding habits
versely affected the vegetation communities in a
and therefore these help in the m aintenance of
variety of ways as fallows :
ecological balance of this biome.
>■ The flow of fluids in different parts of a tree is
The important predator carnivorous animals
greatly hampered because of sucking of saps
include blackfly which sucks blood from the bodies
by some animals from trees. This (lack of saps
of mammals and birds. The dom inant predator
in trees) results in the defoliation of plants
carnivorous animals include tim ber wolf, lynx
(shedding of leaves) and thus decrease in the
whereas bears and wolverines are im portant species
number of leaves decreases photosynthesis
of scavengers, 't'he minor influent anim als include
and overall total food production by plants.
mammals and birds sueh as spruce groups (North
> The growth of branches and leaves is ham­ America), caperaillies (Eurasian organism feeding
pered and reduced due to consumption of on needles of coniferous trees), red squirrels
stalks o f trees by herbivorous animals. (feeding on seeds), crossbil etc. The m inor influent
> Some animals eat fruit and flowers of plants predator animals include pine marten (which eat
and thus by doing so they reduce the squirrels), owls and hawks (which eat small birds
reproductive potentials of plants. and mouse like rodents) etc.
> Some plants are eliminated and some are This boreal or taiga biome is characterized by
suppressed due to various feeding mecha­ seasonal migration of some animals. During severe
nisms and habits of animals. cold season some animals migrate southward into
V.E. Shelfofd (1963) has divided the animals temperate deciduous forest biome and even further
o f taiga biome into 3 major groups on the basis of southward into grasslands and during sum m er a few
effects o f anim als on the biome viz. (i) domiant animals migrate northward into tundra biome. There
anim als, (ii) influent animals, and (iii) minor is very close relationship between clim ate and body
influent anim als. structure of the animals. In other words, the anim als
The dominant animals affect the biome to such have developed such body structures that they can
an extent that the whole composition and the very withstand the severity of cold season. M ost o f the
nature o f the biom e/ecosystem mainly the vegeta­ animals are endowed with thick skin, long and dense
tion com m unity and in turn the other animals are haris and luxuriant furs. Such anim als are called fur
transform ed. These dom inant anim als include large animals such as mink, marten and beaver. This thick
h erbivorous anim als such as moose who consume fur coating covering the anim al bodies externally

protects the animals from severe cold. As one goes into the development of secondary succession of
northward, the size of animal increases so that they temperate mixed forest of coniferous trees and
can withstand the severity of cold. There is seasonal deciduous broad leaved trees.
problem of food supply of the animals with changing
season. There is acute shortage of food for the 7. TUNDRA BIOME
animals during winter season because the soils are
frozen, ground surface is covered with thick layer of Location and Extent
ice and snow and smaller plants are hidden in the
snow cover. In order to avoid starvation due to acute Tundra is a Finnish word which means barren
food shortage during winter season a few species of
land. Thus tundra region having least vegetation and
animals go for long hibernation.
polar or arctic climate is found in North America and
In other words, the hibernating animals go to
Eurasia between the southern limit of the permanent
underground abode and become inactive and wait
for favourable summer season. A few rodents take ice caps in the north and the northern limit of the
some food from the small plants which are under temperate coniferous forests of taiga climate in the
thick cover of snow. Some animals such as beavers south. Thus tundra biome includes parts o f Alaska,
store food for severe winter season. extreme northern parts of Canada, the coastal strip of
Greenland, and the arctic seaboard regions of
Ecological Productivity European Russia and northern Siberia. Besides,
tundra biome has also developed over arctic islands.
The average net primary productivity of the Vegetations rapidly change to the north o f tree line
boreal forest or the taiga biome is 800 dry grams per because of the increasing severity o f clim ate. Thus
square metre per year whereas the total primary net based on variations in the general characteristics of
production of all the boreal biomes of the world is vegetations in the arctic tundra (tundra biom e is
9.6 x 109 tons per year. divided in two sub-divisions e.g. A rctic T undra
Biome and Alpine Tundra Biome where the latter is
Hum an Interactions found over high mountains of tropical to tem perate
areas), three zones are recognized from south to north
The temperate coniferous forest biome pro­
viz. (i) low arctic tundra, (ii) m iddle arctic tundra, and
vides the largest amount of soft wood of the world
(iii) high arctic tundra. It may be pointed out that high,
and therefore man has encroached upon taiga forests
for their commercial requirements. The secondary middle and low are not indicative of altitudes rather
succession o f temperate deciduous forests has these indicate latitudes (figs. 12.9 and 12.10)
developed in those areas which have been trans­ Low arctic tundra is the southern m ost zone of
formed by man through clearance of the original Arctic Tundra which includes m ost o f northern
stands of temperate evergreen coniferous forests. Canada, northern Alaska, southern parts o f Cana­
The clearance of forests for agricultural purposes
dian Islands (e.g. southern parts of Banks, V ictoria
has not proved successful because the spodosols
developed beneath the forest cover is not fertile and and south-eastern part o f B affin islands), southern
therefore cannot yield good crops without heavy coastal lands o f G reenland and Siberian Peninsula.
dose of chemical fertilizers. Similarly, the podzol High arctic tundra includes the islands located to the
soils of the Siberian taiga are also not much suited to north of Canadian archipilago (e.g. Queen Elizabeth
agricultural crops because o f their poor qualities. island groups). This zone is characterized by sparse
W.J. Beal (1889) has aptly remarked about the status vegetations such as m osses, lichens and hardy herbs
of North American spodosols. ‘It would be im possi­ (such as avens and saxifrages). Middle arctic tundra
ble to profitably grow any forage, grain, fruit or is found between high tundra in the north and low
vegetable crop in this sandy soil without the use of tundra in the south.
fertilizer’. Thus the initial clearance o f woodland of
sub-arctic climate mainly in North Am erica for C lim ate
agricultural purposes by the European settlers was
again abandoned and returned back to the forests The tundra or the polar clim ate is character­
because of failure of crops. This practice resulted ized by general absence o f insolation and sunlight and


N. A m erica

S. America
23.5 S

Arctic Tundra

Fig. 12.9 : Spatial distribution o f taiga biome or temperate coniferous forest biome and Arctic tundra biome .

Q ueen Elizabeth

Fig, 12.10 : Divisions of Arctic Tundra o f Canada.


very low tem perature throughout the year. This The evergreen flowering plants develop on
severe clim atic condition does not favour much the ground like cushions m ostly during short cool
vegetative growth and hence most of the Tundra summers. These flowering herbaceous plants in­
remains a barren land. There is total lack of trees. clude moss campion (Silence acaulis). Some plants
The ground surface is covered with snow at least for assume the shape of rosette wherein the leaves
7 to 8 months each year. Temperature is generally radiate from a point and leafless stalk bearing flower
below freezing point. The region is swept by speedy grows upward. Saxfragus nivalis is the typical
cold powdery storms known as blizzards. Growing species of rosette plants. Some plants are endowed
season is less than SO days in a year. The ground is with the typical features of fleshy leaves, thick
permanently frozen (permafrost). Even soil is also cuticle and external covers of hairs (epiderm al hairs)
perennially frozen. Mean annual precipitation, around their stems and branches. Some plants grow
mostly in the form o f snowfall, is below 400 mm.
on the ground like tussocks while other groups of
Winters are long and very severe whereas summers
plants grow horizontally on the ground surface like
are short, moderately cool but pleasant.
mats or compact turf (such as Dryas octopetala). It
may be pointed out that the period available for the
Vegetation C o m m u n ity
growth of tundra plants is of only 50 days during
cool summer season, during which all the stages of
There is perfect relationship between vegeta­
the life-cycle of a plant are completed e.g. grow th of
tion and the condition o f m oisture in the soils. The
plant tissues, flowering, pollination, ripening of
characteristic lithosols o f the tundra biome (a well
seeds, dispersal of seeds and establishm ent of
drained soil) support only lichens and mosses.
Arctic gray soils favour the growth of dwarf seedlings etc.
herbaceous plants and bog soils maintain sedges and
mosses. Only 3 percent species of the total world Anim al C om m unity
species o f plants could develop in the tundra biome
because o f the severity o f cold and the absence of The animals of arctic tundra biom e are
minimum am ount o f insolation and sunlight. The grouped into two categories viz. (i) resident animals,
vegetations o f the tundra biome are cryophytes i.e. and (ii) migrant animals. M ost of the anim als leave
such vegetations are well adapted to severe cold Arctic Tundra and m igrate southw ard during w inter
conditions as they have developed such unique season to escape severe cold because only those
features which enable them to withstand extreme animals stay at home during severe w inter season
cold conditions. which have such typical body structures which
enable them to withstand the severity o f cold. Thus
A ccording to N. Pollum in (1959) there are 66
the resident anim als of relatively larger size have
families o f cryophytes in arctic tundra biome. The
thick and dense insulating coat of fur or feathers
number o f plant species and plant population
around their bodies. Such epiderm ic insulating
decreases northw ard with increasing severity of
cover of fur or feathers works as blanket and keep the
cold. M ost o f the plants are tufted in form and range
animals warm during severe w inters. The American
in height between 5 cm and 8cm. These plants have
musk ox is a typical exam ple of such anim als. This
the tendency o f sticking to the ground surface
bulky herbivourous anim al living in the Arctic
because the. tem perature o f the ground surface is
Tundra of Alaska, northern Canada and Greenland is
relatively higher than the tem perature of the
endowed with epiderm ic coat of dense and soft wool
overlying air. The herbs are developed mainly in around his body and an outer cover o f thick and long
those areas where heaps o f ice and snow protect the hairs which are so long that they touch the ground.
plants from gusty icy winds. Such herbaceous plants This thick coat protects the m usk ox from cold and
include willow (Salix herbacea and Salix arctica). m oisture because this thick coat works as insulator
The stems and leaves o f these herbaceous plants are and is im pervious for both, cold and m oisture. M usk
very close to the ground surface (hardly a few ox gets rid o ff this heavy coat during sum m er season
centimetres above the ground surface). Though the to adjust with relatively warm er environm ent. Thus
growth rate of these herbaceous plants is exceed­ after shedding thick hairy and wooly coat the musk
ingly slow but their survival period is unbelievably ox presents a ragged appearance. The animal is again
very long (between 150 to 300 years). endowed with this coat during the next winter. The
Arctic fox has double coats of fur around its body Some birds cover very long distances during
and thus is able to withstand very severe cold. It may the period of their migration. For exam ple, the
be pointed out that the fur coat of the Arctic fox Arctic tern is the most im portant m igratory bird, as
enables to bear as much low temperature as -50°C it breeds during summer season in the Arctic tundra
and hence the animal is active even during severe and leaves its native place with the beginning of
winter season and is able to catch its prey such as winter season and reaches as far south as Antarctica
lem m ings and hares. The resident birds have feathers in the southern hemisphere which is characterized
(such as ptarmigan) which protect them from severe by summer season. It is obvious that the Arctic tern
cold. In fact, these feathers work as insulators. The is benefitted from two summer seasons in a single
smaller birds protect them from severe cold by year. M osquitoes, midges and blacky are im portant
shivering or by fluffing their feathers. species of insects which emerge in huge and dense
swarms in pools, ponds, lakes, bogs and swam ps
Some resident animals of the Arctic tundra
during summer season. Tundra birds feed and rear
biome change their colour during different seasons
their offsprings on huge populations o f insects,
of the year. For example, ptarmigan (a kind of bird)
moluscs and worms which also em erge in huge
changes the colour o f its feathers thrice a year. The
swarms during summer season in pools, ponds,
arctic foxes and stoat, prom inent predator animals
rivers, lakes, swamps and soils.
having fur coat, are brown in colour during summer
season but become white in colour during winter Raindeer and caribou are im portant anim als
season. Some animals such as wolves and caribou of the category of large m igratory anim als. These
have such hairless feet which act as insulator and do mammals spend winter season in tem perate conifer­
not allow the heat of their bodies to escape. Some ous forest biome or taiga biome located to the south
smaller animals such as rodents, lemmings, shrews, of their native tundra biome and establish sexual
voles etc. live in burrows and tunnels during winter contact. It may be pointed out that the fem ale
season to protect them from severe cold and hungry raindeer and caribou conceive through w inter
predator animals. mating (sexual intercourse between m ale and fem ale
The second category of animals of the arctic animals) during their w inter m igration to tem perate
tundra biome consists of migratary animals which coniferous forest but they deliver their offsprings in
start migrating with the beginning of winter season tundra regions during sum m er season w hen they
to warmer areas in the south and return back to their migrate from temperate coniferous forests to tundra
native places during coming spring season. The biome. Thus raindeers and caribous cover distances
animals move away from their native places during of hundreds of kilom eters each year betw een
every winter season because they are not equipped summer and winter seasons o f the same year. Som e
with suitable devices which may enable them to times mother raindeer and caribou deliver young
protect themselves from the severity of cold as is the ones in the transit and such newly bom youngones
case with the resident animals as referred to above. perish in the way because they are unable to
The birds, such as waterfowl, ducks, swans, geese undertake arduous long journey. These anim als
etc., are the first to leave their native places with the again move southward in herds as the arrival o f
arrival o f autumn and are also first to come back to winter season is heralded.
their original places in the spring or early summer. This annual rhythm of m igration o f anim als
Some birds establish sexual contact before they from, tundras to southerly tem perate coniferous
return to their native places during summer season. forest regions during w inter season and from the
Some birds return to the same nests which they left latter to the form er during sum m er season co n tin u es
at the time of their migration during winter season. without any interruption. It is significant to note that
Since the summer season is of very short duration this seasonal migration of tundra anim als is m o ti­
and many functions and duties like nesting, pairing vated by the availability and non-availability o f food
or courtship (sexual contact between the pair of male
and female birds), laying of eggs, hatching and Of the r e tio i Thated by Vary'"8 wea,her c °" dition s
or the region. The m igrating herds o f rain d e e r and
rearing o f offsprings are. to be completed within this
L I Hrn a"aCked b* “"I several weak
short period. The most o f the birds are not used to lame and .11 ammals and many youngones are km Td
have sexual contacts for long duration.
attacked by great sw irm c V
and eaten away by predators T f L . • ,
anin»als are also
°y great sw arm s o f numerous mosquitoes

and many bloodsucking insects during their summer changed as many of the people o f the tundra biome
stay in tundra region. These animals have no better are leading a permanent or semi-nom adic life. The
alternative to escape from the attack of aforesaid Eskimos have established perm anent settlements
inserts than to take temporary refuge in ponds, lakes and have formed villages in the coastal areas of
or streams whichever is nearer to their localities. tundra regions and have dom esticated caribou and
fur animals. Many of Eskimo children have got
E co lo gica l Productivity modern education in the schools. They have adapte
to new technologies. For example, deadly rifles have
Primary productivity in tundra biome is replaced the traditional and out-dated harpoons.
exceedingly low because of (i) minimum sunlight Thus the modern Eskimos equipped with modern
and insolation, (ii) absence or scarcity of nutrients technologies are now in a position to dam age the
(such as nitrogen and phosphorous) in the soils, (iii) tundra ecosystem in the same way as is done by
poorly developed soils, (iv) scarcity of moisture in already technologically advanced man in other
the soils, (v) permanently frozen ground (perma­ biomes. The Samoyeds and other tribes of the
frost), (vi) very short growing period (about 50 days) Eurasian Tundra have also adapted new way o f life.
etc. According to V.D. Alexandrova (1970) the Some of them are leading permanently settled life.
mean regional prim ary productivity decreases from They rear raindeers and fur animals and even grow
low Arctic Tundra (228 dry grams per square metre food crops mainly wheat in the Siberian Tundra
per year) to high Arctic Tundra (142 dry grams per while some tribes still wander with their herds of
square metre per year) whereas the lowest primary raindeer across the Eurasian Tundra in search of
productivity o f 12 dry grams per square metre per pastures.
year is found in the polar desert areas. The net ' -i'
primary productivity (NPP) of the tundra biome is 8. MARINE BIO M ES
140 dry gram s per square metre per year whereas the
total net prim ary production of all parts of the tundra M ain C haracteristic Fe atu res
biome is l . l x 109 tons per year. It may be pointed out
that because o f severity of clim ate and resultant poor Marine biomes account for about two third of
vegetation, dry areas produce little litter but wet the total areas of all the biomes o f the globe as sea
litter accum ulates to form peat, and there is very water covers about 71 percent o f the total geographi­
slow and thus low nutrient release to vegetation. It is cal area of the world. The m arine biom es have
thus clear that the scarcity o f food makes the tundra certain such typical characteristics (w hich are
animals m igratory. generally not possessed by terrestrial biom es) which
affect the biological com m unities o f the m arine
H um an In te ra c tio n s biomes as follows :
(i) The m arine biomes provide a wide range of
Man is closely associated with the biota of the
habitats for the m arine plants and anim als as the
tundra biome because even his very existence
marine organism s can live in the shallow seawater,
depends upon animals of both terrestrial and aquatic
deep sea water and even at the deepest bottoms; they
habitats. About 50 years ago the Eskimos of
can live in coldest w ater near the polar zones but the
Greenland, northern Canada and Alaska; Lapps of
terrestrial organism s cannot live beyond certain
northern Finland and Scandinavia; Samoyeds of
height and near the poles except a few species o f
Siberia; Yakuts o f Leena basin and Koryaks and
penguins and other animals.
Chuckchi o f north-eastern Asia spent complete
(ii) The sea w ater is characterized by more or
nomadic life depending on their food derived from
less uniform ity in the distribution o f tem perature
fish, seals, walruses, polar bears and other anim als
and therefore m arine organism s have not to adapt to
and on othf-com m odities derived from caribou (the
extrem e tem perature conditions. Various forms of
relative of Eurasian raindeer is called caribou in sea m ovem ents such as sea waves, tidal waves,
North American Tundra), raindeer and various fur oceanic currents, upwelling and subsidence (vertical
animals. Thus the earlier nom adic tundra man m ovem ents of waters) and horizontal movement o t
inflicted a great damage to tundra anim als through surface water help in even horizontal and vertical
his hunting activities. But now the situation has distribution o f tem perature.

(iii) Sea water contains all the nutrients in neretic pelagic biome includes continental shelves
solution form which are easily taken by sea with average depth of 200 m, and (ii) open sea
organisms (plants). pelagic biome.
(iv) The life-form and food chains and food On the basis of the availability of sunlight
webs in the marine biome depend-on the availability marine biomes are divided into two major divisions
of sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen etc. All of e.g. (i) euphotic or aphotic biome, and (ii) photic
these elements are mostly confined to the upper zone biome.
of sea water and therefore most plant life is also The following is the detailed classification of
confined to 200 m-thick zone of upper sea water
marine biomes :
because sunlight decreases with increasing depths
and it practically becomes absent beyond the depth (1) Pelagic biome
of 200 m from the water surface. This upper zone is (a) photic or upper pelagic biome
called photic zone which is full of primary producer (b) aphotic pelagic biome
green plants called as phytoplanktons because these (i) mesopelagic zone
plants prepare their food through the process of (ii) bathypelagic zone
photosynthesis with the help of sunlight and
zooplanktons which are primary consumer herbivo­ (iii) abyssal pelagic zone
rous heterotrophic animals depending on phytoplanktons (2) Benthic biome
for their food. (a) littoral zone biome
(v) Since sunlight becomes totally absent at (between high and low tide water)
greater depths in the seas and the oceans and hence (b) sub-littoral zone biome
photosynthesis is not possible at greater depths, (c) deep sea benthic zone biome
consequently the organisms depend on detritus
(marine sediments) and are called deterivores. (from 200 m to more than 6000 m depth)
(vi) Sea water provides maximum mobility to (i) archibenthal zone <
the marine organisms. Nutrients are circulated more (between 200-1000 m depth)
quickly and efficiently and marine organisms are (ii) abyssal benthic zone
more rapidly dispersed than the terrestrial organisms. (between 1000-6000 m depth)
This is the reason that the distributions of marine (iii) hadal zone
plants and animals are more widespread and cosmo­ (between 6000-7000 m depth)
politan than the distributions of terrestrial organisms.
Based on temperature and nutrients of oce­
(vii) Sinking of cold water from the water anic water marine biomes are classified into the
surface transports oxygenated waters to the sea following types :
bottoms which make animal life possible even in the
1. Warm water continental shelves biome
deep oceanic trenches whereas animal life is not
possible beyond a critical limit over high mountains (surface temperature over 20°C, it represents
because o f lack of oxygen at much higher altitude. photic zone and richest biome in term s of
large variety of organisms living in the warm
T y p e s of M arine B io m e s waters of continental shelves)
2. Cold water continental shelves biome
Different types of habitats are formed in the (surface temperature usually less than 20°C )
oceanic environment on the basis of various combina­ 3. Oceanic biome with upwelling nutrients
tions of sunlight, availability of nutrients, carbon
(sufficient nutrients are brought by upw elling
dioxide and oxygen and thermal conditions of sea of water)
water. These various habitats house different types of
4. Cold open sea biome
marine organisms (both, plants and animals). Based
on salient environmental conditions of the marine (less number and variety of sea organism s
due to poor supply of nutrients)
environment, marine biomes are classified into two
5. Warm open sea biome
types e.g. (i) pelagic biome, and (ii) benthic biome.
(upper 200 m is fully illum inated throughout
Pelagic biome is further sub-divided into two
the year but there is general lack of nutrients
types on the basis of depths and plantlife e.g. (i)
and hence less population of marine organisms)

Supra littoral [* PELAGIC

Neritic — Occanic
------------^ ------- APH0T1C ZONE
High tide Sub-littoral j Epipelagic
IIIOwater 111 Low tide water
Continental Shelf
Mesopelagic 1000m
llllll slope || Bathypelagic 4000m

Abyssopelagic 6000m


Fig. 12.11 : Types o f Marine biomes based on J.W. Headgepeth (1957).

animal planktons are called zooptanktoni which

depend on phytoplanktons for their food. Phytoplanktons
arc microscopic in size but are very important
Marine organisms including both plants and members of marine organisms because all the
animals are divided into 3 categories on the basis of animals of the marine ecosystem depend on these
their habitats. primary producer autotrophic microscopic green
(1) Planktons are floating and drifting plants plants for their survival and existence. These
and animals o f the euphotic zone of the seas and the phytoplanktons represent trophic level one o f the
oceans. Planktons are further divided into two sub­ marine food chains and food webs.
categories viz. (i) phytoplanktons (plant planktons)
and (ii) zooplanktons (animal planktons). (1) Phytoplanktons
(2) Nektons include large, strong and power­
ful floating and swimming marine animals mainly Phytoplanktons including diatom s and
fishes. These marine animals move in all the zones dinoflagellates produce most of the organic carbon
of the oceanic environments. in the seas and the oceans and most of the oxygen of
the atmosphere. Goldenbrown algae and flagellated
(3) Benthos include those marine plants (non­
photosynthetic or non-phototrophs) and animals green algae are the other important members of
which live at the bottoms of the seas and the oceans. phytoplanktons. Though phytoplanktons are micro­
scopic in size but these have enormous reproductive
ability as they are multiplied several times within a
short period of time but these are also consumed by
marine animals with the same speed as they are
Planktons include the groups o f buoyant and
floating marine plants and animals which live in the reproduced. It is obvious that the marine ecosystem
euphotic zone or epipelagic zone extending from sea is therefore more efficient and is maintained in
water surface to the depth o f 200 m. The plant equilibrium state because o f balance between
planktons are called phytoplanktons because these reproduction o f phytoplanktons and their simultane­
are the primary producer green plants which ous consumption by marine animals.
manufacture their own food through the process of Algae and diatoms are m ost important mem­
p otosynthesis with the help o f sunlight whereas the bers o f the phytoplankton community. These are

m icroscopic buoyant and freely floating green It may be pointed out .that m ost of the
plants at the water surface. Algae and diatoms are zooplanktons remain permanently as zooplanktons
m ostly produced and developed in the cold water but some zooplanktons spend only a part of their
biom e but these are widely distributed by the life-cycle in the form of planktons such as eggs,
oceanic currents in other parts o f different marine larvae and immature and undeveloped forms as these
biomes. The reproduction of diatoms is so rapid that become nektons (such as fishes) and benthos (such as
these cover large areas of sea surface within very crabs) soon after they assum e m ature forms.
short period of time. The copepod belonging to the group of small
Flagellate is the second im portant sea plant of crustaceans and feeding on phytoplanktons is very
the micro-algae group. M ost of the flagellates are important zooplankton which produces protein and
autotrophic plant but a few of them depend on is found in large number in many oceanic biomes.
organic m atter for their food. Dinoflagellate is the Thousands of copepods o f a single species are found
most im portant species of flagellates. Gonyaulax and even in one cubic metre of sea water. About 67
gymnodium genera o f flagellates are characterized percent of the total weight of zooplanktons of the
by reproduction explosion which results in the North Sea is accounted for by copepods. Copepods
developm ent of enorm ous mass of these red-brown have high rate of reproduction. For exam ple, one
plants within short period of time. The swarms of single pair of Calanus finmarchicus species o f
these redbrown plants are called red tides which copepods produces its three generations in a single
grow m ostly in the tropical warm m arine biome. year. Copepods are easy prey to several species of
Cocolithophores are the im portant members of the fishes such as herring, sprat, piechard etc.
group of m inor phytoplanktons. Though these grow Euphausiid is another im portant species of
mostly in the tropical m arine biomes but some times herbivorous zooplankton. These anim als grow in
they grow in large swarm s in the North Sea. large swarms in the Antarctic environment and
Plant planktons/phytoplanktons also include become food of the large baleen whales. It is believed
numerous types of bacteria which are found in both that these euphausiids may become im portant source
cold and warm m arine ecosystems but they mostly of animal proteins for human food in coming future.
grow in the littoral biomes and the photic zones of Arrow worm is an im portant carnivorous
the seas and the oceans because these bacterial zooplankton but it is also eaten by herring and other
plants depend on organic m atter for their food and fishes. These worms become large swarm s in the
the organic materials are abundantly found in the shallow waters of the Atlantic Ocean o ff the coast of
littoral biomes and in the photic/euphotic zones. North-West Europe. Foram inifera and radiolaria are
important protozoans which-are abundantly found in
(2) Z o o p la n k to n s the warm water biome.
Pleuston and neuston are also very im portant
Zooplanktons or animal planktons include
groups of zooplanktons. Pleuston is a very unique
various life-form s of marine animals. The size of
and typial marine zooplankton in the sense that its
these marine animals ranges from a fraction of a
millimetre to several metres. These zooplanktons body is partly in the air above the water surface and
are divided into 3 types e.g. (i) herbivorous partly in the water. Siphonophores (having floating
zooplanktons, (ii) carnivorous zooplanktons, and bladder and long tentacles), salps and comb jellies
(iii) deterivorous zooplanktons. It is important to are other important species of the pleuston group of
note that this community is of key importance as its zooplankton. Neuston group of animals includes
herbivorous forms (herbivorous animals of zooplankton those microscopic zooplanktons which live in large
community) are essential in the conversion of number in one millimetre-thick thin film of surface
vegetable m atter into animal protein; it is the sea water becuase this thin layer contains rich nutrients,
fundam ental bridge between the microscopic pas­ numerous bacteria and other microscopic organisms.
tures o f the sea (great swarms o f plant planktons
spread over larger area of the sea surface) and the 2. NEKTON COMMUNITY
largest m arine anim als’ (P.A. Furley and W.W.
N ew ey, 1983) because zooplanktons eat phyto­
p lan k to n s and carn iv o ro u s m arine anim als feed on Nekton community of sea organim ss prim a­
rily consists of swimming anim als of various depths
zo o p lan k to n s.
b io m e s

of the seas and the oceans. Most of the animals of the diversity. The total known species of the benthos
nekton group are vertebrates. The most important animals community represents 16 percent o f the
and omnipresent component of the nekton group of total species of all the marine animals. M ost o f the
animals is formed by numerous species of fishes. benthos animals live on the bottom where the depth
These are found in all types of marine biomes and in of sea water is about 200 m. In other words, m ost of
all oceanic depths. The marine fishes are divided ’benthos animals live on the sea botom of the photic
into two groups viz. (i) pelagic fishes, and zone having average depth of 200 m of sea water.
(ii) demarsal fishes. Benthos organisms are divided into two
The pelagic group of fishes such as herrings or categories on the basis of their habitats viz. (i)
anchovy live in the upper zone of the seas and the epiflora and epifauna, and (ii) inflora and infauna.
oceans whereas the demarsal group of fishes such as Epiflora and epifauna live on the surfaces of the sea
plaice, cod, haddock etc. live in great depths mainly bottoms whereas inflora and infauna live in the
on the bottoms of the seas and the oceans. Squids are detritus and are generally buried whether com ­
the fast swimming invertebrate animals of the pletely or partially in the oceanic bottom deposits. It
nekton group. Sm aller squids move in groups and may be pointed out that the nature, characteristics
are thus easily trapped by fishermen because of their and types of life of the benthos plants and animals
slow speed o f m ovm ent but the larger squids are affected and controlled by several factors such as
generally escape from the trawler because of their the nature and composition of sea bottom (jt may be
sheer fast speed. The squids are carnivores but they of rocky, or sandy or muddy surface), physical
are themselves the food of large fishes like sperm characteristics of sea water including tem perature of
whales. sea water, amount of salinity, pressure, am ount of
The swim m er m arine mammals of nekton sunlight etc. and the nature and thickness o f oceanic
community are divided into two groups e.g. deposits resting on the oceanic bottom s.
(i) Those m arine m ammals which live in water as The important plants o f sea bottom s o f the
well as on the land such as seals. Such animals get littoral and continental shelve biom es are seaw eeds,
their food from the m arine biome but breed on the large algae, eelgrass (zostera) and turtle grass
lands. They spend part o f the year in sea water and (Thalassia). It may be. pointed out that m axim um
part of the year on the land, (ii) The second category growth of the benthos plants takes place in the
of swimm ing m arine mammals includes those bottom zones of the littoral biom e or littoral zone.
animals which spend their entire life in sea water There is well developed gradation in the plant colour
such as whales. W hales are further divided into two from the sea coast towards the sea. F or exam ple, the
families viz. (i) toothed whales, and (ii) whalebone colour of the littoral benthos plant gradually changes
whales. The toothed whales are predators and range from the sea coast tow ards the sea in the follow ing
in size from small size (such as sperm whales) to sequence : green weed, brow n w eed, and red weed.
giant size (sich as killer whales). Dolphins and Similarly, the benthos plants developed on rocky
porpoises are also included in the toothed whale bottoms of littoral zones range gradually from the
family. The whalebone whale family o f fishes coast towards the sea in the follow ing sequence :
includes blue whales and hum pbacked whales. Sea channel wrack zone o f facus (w rack) algae, flat
cow such as m anatees is also im portant species of wrack zone, knotted w rack zone and oar w eed zone.
swim m ing mammals o f the nekton community.
Benthos animals m ostly include several sp e ­
Guano, m ainly boobies and corm orants are im por­
cies o f m ollusca w hich are found in large num ber.
tant swim m ing birds.
The im portant species are bivalve m ussels, oysters
and cockles. These anim als live in hard outer,shells
3. BENTHOS CO M M U N ITY or m antle and filter organic m atter and m icro-
' 1/V • *4 .
/ •
• •*'f ' organim s from sea water. These filtered organic
The benthos community o f marine organisms m atter and micro-organisms become food o f molluscus.
includes all those plants and animals which live on E chinoderm s and spiny skinned anim als are car­
the sea bottoms right from the littoral marine biome nivorous benthos anim als. Starish and brittle stars
to the open sea biome. The benthos community o f are im portant species o f such spiny skinned anim als.
marine organisms is charaterized by large species 1 N um erous evidences o f the existence o f benthos

anim als at greater depth have been gathered. Several is 9.3 x 109 tonnes per year for continental shelf
species o f m olluscus, worms, jellyfish and comb biome; 41.5 x 109 tonnes/year for open ocean biome;
jellies have been found at the depth of 1650 m. 0.2 x 109 tonnes/year for upwelling zone biome and
S carlet prawns have unique characteristic feature in 55.0 x 109 tonnes/year for the whole oceanic areas.
that they have daily migration from the sea bottom to
the upper surface of sea water during night to get
food (because the upper surface of sea water is the
richest zone in terms of abundance of marine plants
and animals) and from the surface to the sea bottom The food chains and food webs of the marine
before sunrise. biome are highly complex because of no effective
barriers in the oceans and seas which can restrict
The life o f m arine benthic animals living on
marine animals to certain fixed localities. It may be
the 1000 to 4000 m deep sea bototm largely depends
rather convenient to discuss the feeding relation­
on the organic m atter o f the upper surface of sea
ships among the marine organisms of the upper zone
water and the rem ains o f nekton animals. Such deep
of the seas and the oceans or the upper pelagic
benthos anim als are generally scavengers such as
biome. The phytoplanktons are the primary produc­
sharks, sablefish, hagfish, octopus etc. There are
ers in the photic zone (upto the depth o f 200 m from
such species o f fish, squids and crustaceans living on
the sea surface) and these form the base o f trophic
deep sea bottom s the bodies o f which emit or throw
structure of marine food chain because these green
light w hich enables them to see in the otherwise dark
plants (mainly algae and diatom s) manufacture food
environm ent. H atchet fish is the most important
through the process of photosynthesis with the help
exam ple o f such self-illum inated animals. Some
of sunlght. Thus the autotrophic prim ary producer
deep benthos anim als are endowed with illuminate phytoplanktons provide directly and indirectly food
lures (in other w ords, the bodies of such animals are to all of the marine organism s at different trophic
covered with self-illum inated skin) which also
produce light in the pitch dark environment.
Octopus is very unique and conspicuous deep Zooplanktons are the heterotrophic prim ary
benthos anim al because it frequently changes its consumer animals and form trophic level two o f the
colour according to the colour of its surroundings as food chain because these feed on phytoplanktons
a means o f cam ouflage. The deepest parts of the and form animal protein in their bodies.
oceans representing hadal zone ranging in depths Phytoplanktons m anufacture food through
from 6000 m to 7000 m are characterized by very the process of photosynthesis because o f the
few animals because of very low temperature, total availability of sunlight during day-tim e but the
absence o f sunlight, near absence of nutrients etc. grazing of these phytoplanktons by the herbivorous
Among the deep benthos animals important are zooplanktons during day-tim e is minimum because
some detrivorous animals (feeding on detritus or of the fact that most of the grazer herbivores live
sediments) such as sea cucum ber (holothurians), sea below the photic zone during daytim e. These
anemones, crustaceans and worms. Several bacteria, zooplanktons such as copepods and crustaceans
sea cucumbers, brittle stars, poly chaete, sea spiders come upward during night time to graze phytoplanktons.
are found on the bottoms of deep sea trenches. It is interesting to note that most o f the nekton fishes
and many benthos anim als like carnivorous crusta­
Ecological Productivity ceans also com e upward during nights to catch their
preys. Thus carnivorous nekton and benthos
The average net primary productivity of animals have easy catch o f the herbivourous
different m arine biom es (according to I.G. Simmons, zooplanktons o f trophic level two. T hese carnivo­
1974) is 350 dry gram s per square metre per year for rous nekton and benthos anim als again return to their
continental sh e lf biom e; 125 dry g/m 2 per year for respective places during daytim e. It m ay be pointed
open sea biom e; 500 dry g/m 2/year for upwelling out that m arine food chain is not so sim ple and
zone biom e; and 155 dry g/m 2/year for the whole of unidirectional as m entioned above, rather it is highly
oceanic environm ent. The total prim ary production com plex.

The atmosphere, a multilayered gaseous processes to human beings and the changes and
envelope surrounding the planet earth, is a signifi­ modifications of the atmospheric processes brought
cant com ponent o f the natural/physical environment in by man.
and the biospheric ecosystem because it provides all
the gases necessary for the sustenance of all life- 13.1 THE ENERGY SYSTEM
forms in the biosphere. It also filters the incoming
solar radiation and thus prevents the ultraviolet solar The earth and the biospheric ecosystem
radiation waves to reach the earth’s surface and receives energy from three basic sources viz. (i)
solar radiation, (ii) gravity, and (iii) endogenetic
■ hence protects it from becoming too hot. The
forces coming from within the earth but the solar
atmospheric processes and the elements of weather
radiation is the most significant source of terrestrial
and climate have affected and controlled the origin,
heat energy. The endogenetic forces caused by
evolution and developm ent of plants and animals in
varying thermal conditions deep within the earth
the biosphere. There is mutual interaction between
create relief features of varying orders and dimen­
the com ponents o f the atmosphere and the biotic
sions on the earth’s surface which in turn affect
com ponents o f the biosphere (plants and animals).
waterflow, vegetation cover, development of soils,
Though there are secular changes in the weather and
weather and climate etc. Gravity forces help in the
climate at global, regional and local scales due to
downslope movement of water and ice and thus
natural factors but since the em ergence of man as the
facilitate in transforming potential energy into
most advanced ‘technological m an’ the atmospheric
kinetic energy.
processes are under trem endous changes because
man has become able and com petent to change and - Solar energy received through solar radiation
modify the basic structure o f the atmospheric heats the earth’s surface and the atmosphere and thus
components through his intentional and uninten­ is responsible for the movem ent of air and currents
tional, direct and indirect actions. The present through changes in pressure gradients; drives the
chapter deals with the usefulness o f the atmospheric hydrological cycle through evaporation and precipi-
.-,v •" -■■

tation w hich in turn helps in the cycling and surface depend on the m ode o f transfer and exchange
re c y c lin g o f nutrients and chemical elem ents in the o f solar energy betw een the e a rth ’s surface and the
b iosph ere through the broader cyclic pathw ays atm osphere. T h e energy transfer from place to place
collectively known as biogeoch em ical cycles, helps takes place through the processes o f conduction,
the plants to prepare their food through the process convection and radiation.
o f photosynthesis which in fact c h ang es solar energy ('
into chemical energy w hich is used by plants, 13.2 FLUX OF SLOAR ENERGY IN THE
animals and man through d ifferen t trophic levels of BIOSPHERE
food chains and food webs.
T he flux or inflow o f solar energy in the
R adiation b alance or heat b a lance is very biosphere has been e stim ated differently by various
important for biological com m unities in the biospheric scientists. F o llow ing the e stim ate o f Ian Simmons
ecosy stem and hence a d etailed discussion on global (1982) the so lar en erg y reaching the top o f the
radiation and heat balance and the role o f man in the
e a rth ’s atm osp here is 5 2 0 x 10 22 Joules (which is
alteration and m a in te n an c e o f global and regional
1/2 billionth part o f the total energy radiated from
heat balances o f the earth and its atm o sph ere is not
the sun) every year. O ut o f the total energy
only desirable but is also necessary for future (transm itted from the sun in the form o f electro m ag ­
environm ental and e co lo g ical planning. netic radiation) ab ou t 100 x 10 22 Jou les reach the
It may be p oin te d out that the solar energy is earth’s surface but 40% o f the total so lar energy
responsible for the functioning and m aintenance of entering the e a rth ’s a tm o sp h ere is re fle c ted back
the ‘earth a tm o sp here s y s te m ’ and the solar energy is into space by desert, snow a n d ice an d oceans. Thus
received through so lar radiation. D ifferent types of 60 x 1022 Joules be co m e a v ailab le to the green plants
w eather ph e n o m en a w hich occu r on the e arth ’s for photosynthesis. T h is p a rt o f the so lar energy is



520 x 1022 JOULES 100% Atmosphere

■ <u


40 x 1022
20% OF
100 x 1022 60 x 1022 170x 10”
Fig. 13.1 ■' The flow or flux o f solar energy to living plants (Based on Ian Simmons, 1982).

known as pool for photosynthesis. This energy is The prime source o f heat energy o f the earth
converted by the green plants into food or chemical and its atmosphere is the sun which is a great e n gin e
energy o f which a large part is spent by the plants that drives winds on the earth s surface, ocean
through respiration. Only 170 x 10 19 Joules (which currents, exogenetic or denudatinal processes and
is only 0 .2 % o f the total solar energy entering the ultimately sustains life in the biosphere. Tho ug h the
earth ’s atm osphere) are stored in the biomass (the earth receives a very small am ount of total energy
total mass of the living plant tissues). Thus it is emitted from the sun’s surface ( 1/2 billionth part o f
obvious that the flora of the biosphere utilize only the sun’s total energy output) yet this m eagre
0 .2 % of the total energy present in the light (solar amount of solar radiation is sufficient enough to
radiation) of the right wavelength (suitable for sustain life in the biosphere.
photosynthesis by green plants). Man utilizes only The source of energy o f the sun is its interior
less than one per cent of the total energy stored in the wherein the hydrogen is converted into helium due
biomass (as accumuled organic matter, fig. 13.1). to enormous confining pressure and very high
The solar or light energy is transformed into temperature under the process o f nuclear fusion
food or chemical energy by the processes of which generates huge quantity o f heat. This heat is
photosynthesis by green plants. Certain part of this transported to the outer surface o f the sun through
chemical energy is lost to the atm osphere through convection and conduction from below . It may be
respiration by the plants and the remaining part is pointed out that the rate of generation o f h eat inside
stored in the plants as biom ass. The energy is further the sun is more or less constant and hence the
transferred from one level o f organism s to the other radiation of energy from the o uter su rface o f the sun
level of organism s and it is also used and spent at (called as photosphere) is also m ore or less constant.
various levels o f organism s. Thus the flow of energy Thus, the amount of solar radiation o r the solar
is unidirectional and once used and spent is never energy received on a unit area of the su rface fa c in g
available for reuse. “Energy is constantly flowing the sun at the average distance b etw een the sun and
into the biosphere, undergoing various transform a­ the earth is also more or less co n sta n t and is c alled as
tions which may involve being stored but ultimately solar constant. Thus, it is ob v io u s th a t the so lar
being lost in the form o f h eat” (P.A. Furley and constant refers to the rate o f rad ia tio n fro m the sun
W.W. Newey, 1983). which is of the value o f 2 gram c alo ries p e r square
centimetre per m inute (2 c al/cm 2/m in ). It is also
13.3 GLOBAL RADIATION (HEAT) BALANCE expressed in terms o f langley (a u n it m e asu re of
AND MAN h e at e n e rg y , o n e g ra m c a l o r i e p e r s q u a r e
centim eter is equal to o ne la n g e ly ) as 2 langely per
1. Mechanisms of Radiation
minute (2 ly/min).
The understanding o f global radiation and There are tw o b a sic law s w h ic h govern the
radiation or heat balance requires the study of nature and flow o f ra d ia tio n as given below :
radiation processes, the storage and transport o f
(1) W ien’s displacem ent law ‘states that the
solar energy. T hese aspects involve the c on sidera­
w av elen gth o f m a x im u m rad iatio n is inversely
tion o f (i) input or source o f energy (that is the sun),
proportional to the abso lu te tem perature o f the
(ii) transm ission and transport o f energy through the
e m ittin g b o d y .’
atmosphere; (iii) interception or absorption o f
energy at the e a rth ’s surface; (iv) conversion of T h u s, the h ig h e r the te m p e ratu re o f radiating
energy (radiant) into heat energy; (iv) heat transfer b ody, the shorter the w a v ele n g th and vice versa.
m echanism s o f the a tm osp h ere (w ind and air) and T h is law m ay be ex p lain ed w ith the ex am p le o f
the oceans (waves and currents), and (vi) the w av ele n g th s o f the radiation w aves o f the earth and
m echanism o f output o f energy by the earth in the the sun. It may be m en tio n ed that the average
form o f secondary radiation o r the terrestrial tem p eratu res o f the su rface o f the earth and the sun
radiation. are 288 °K and 6000°K respectively.

Xmax (wavelength in micrometer) = K/T

where K is constant (2897)
T is temperature in degrees Kelvin
(i) In the case of the sun the wavelength of solar radiation waves Xmax = 2897/6000°K
' ; I. = 0.48 micrometer
(ii) In the case of the earth the wavelength of terrestrial radiation waves = Xmax = 2897/288°K
10 m icrom eters

It is evident from the above examples that the earth’s surface, say the s u n ’s surface is roughly 20
wavelengths of terrestrial radiation waves are much times hotter than the e a rth ’s surface. T w e n ty raised
longer than those o f the solar radiation waves. to the fourth pow er is 160,000. Therefore, the sun
(2) emits 160,000 times as much radiation per unit area
Stefan-B oltzm an law o f radiation states
‘that flow, or flux, of radiation is proportional to the as earth’s (Oliver and Hidore, 2003).
fourth power of the absolute temperature of the
radiating body.’
It may be mentioned that W ien ’s displace­
m ent law, Stefan-B oltzm an law , K irchoff’s law,
Plank’s law etc. are related to radiation from the
black body. A black body is that hypothetical body
of object which absorbs all incoming electromag­
netic radiation without reflecting any amount of
incident energy and radiates energy. The sun and the
earth though not perfect black bodies, are approxi­
mately black bodies.
Stefan - Boltzman law states : ♦1U+-
F = oT 4
Where F = flux of radiation from per square
meter surface area of the radiating
a = is a constant equivalent to 5.67 x Fig. 13.2: Relationship between wavelength and wave
10"8 W /m 2 K4 in SI units frequency, L = wavelength, C = wave crest,
and T = wave trough.
T = is the temperature o f the radiating
body in degree Kelvin. :
The Kirchoff’s law is related to the absorption
The Stefan-Boltzman law simply states that
of radiation and emission o f radiation from a body.
‘the hotter the radiating body, the greater the amount
The law states, the higher the absorption o f radiation
o f energy radiated from that body and vice versa.’
of a body, the greater the emission of radiation from
This can be explained with the temperatures o f the that body.
o u te r surfaces o f the sun and the earth. As stated
The surface tem perature of the sun is 6000°K.
abo v e the tem peratures at the surfaces of the earth
The highly incandescent gas o f the s u n ’s surface
a nd the sun are 288°K and 6000°K respectively.
being heated from below emits bundle o f energy
T hus, the s u n ’s surface is much hotter than the
called ‘photon’ which is in fact the particle of

radiation which has the property o f wavelength. wavelength. W ave freq uency is g e n e ra lly e x p re se d
Continuous emission o f photons from the sun’s as wave cycles p er second. T h e w a v e c y cle s are
surface causes continuous bands of radiation having usually expressed by the unit o f m e asu re o f hertz.
certain wavelength which is considered as short For example, one hertz per secon d re p re se n ts o n e
wavelength in relation lo the earth’s outgoing longwave wave cycle meaning thereby only on e w a v ele n g th
radiation. The solar energy radiated from the outer passes p er second from a fixed point. H ertz is fu rth e r
surface of the sun in the form of electromagnetic wave expressed in kilohertz ( 1,000 hertz) or m e g a h e rtz
is called as electromagnetic radiation, which travels ( 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 hertz).
at the speed of 3,00,000 km per second (1,86,000 The electrom agnetic radiation em itted fro m
miles per second). The solar energy received at the the outer surface o f the sun consists o f fo ur s p ec tra
e arth’s surface is called insolation or solar radiation. o f radiation w aves having different w avelen gth s and
The energy from the sun is emitted in the form wave freqeuencies.
of electromagnetic waves which travel outward in (1) The first spectrum o f electrom agn e
radial manner from the sun almost in straight line waves includes gama rays, hard x-rays, soft x-rays
and lake 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach the earth’s and ultraviolet rays. The w av eleng ths o f this
surface after covering an average distance of 150 spectrum o f the shortest w avelengths are e x p re ssed
million km (93 million miles) between the sun and in the unit measure o f an g stro m w herein on e
the earth. The electrom agnetic radiation waves are angstrom is equal to 0.000,000,01 c m o r 10- 8cm . T h e
expressed in terms o f wavelengths (L). The stra ig h t. wavelengths o f the waves o f the sp ec tru m o f the
distance between two successive crests or troughs is shortest waves are given in table 13.1.
called wavelength (fig. 13.2) (L) which is expressed
(2) The second spectrum o f the electrom agenetic
in the length units of meters, centimeters, millimeters,
radiation waves is also called as the spectrum of
microns etc.
visible light or rays which inc lu d e s vio let, blue,
green, yellow, orange and red ra y s w h ic h carry 41
Table 13.1 : W avelengths of shortest waves per cent of the total energy o f the s o la r s p e c tru m o f
V _ 1:
all the electrom agnetic radiatio n w a v es. T h e u n it o f
Waves W avelength Frequency of wavelenghs
the measure o f w aveleng th s o f this s p e c tru m is
(in angstrom ) (in megaherts)
micron (one micron is equal to 0 .0 0 0 1 c m o r 1 0 ,0 0 0
L Gama Rays Less than 0.03 1014
angstroms). The w ave fre q u e n c y o f th e se d ifferen t
2. Hard X-Rays 0.03-0.6 10,?
rays ranges betw een 1 0 10 and 109 m e g a h e rtz p er
3. Soft X-Rays 0.6-100 10,2-1 0 "
4. Ultra-Violet
second. The w aveleng th s o f th e se v isib le rays are as
given below :
Rays 100-4000 10,o- i 0 9
Visible rays W a v e le n g th s in m icro ns
The num ber o f radiation waves (one radiation 1. V iolet rays 0.4 -0 .4 3
wave is equal to one w avelength) passing through a 2. Blue rays 0 .4 3 -0 .4 9
certain point per unit time (usually one second) is 3. Green rays 0 .49 -0 .53
called wave frequency which varies according to the 4. Y ellow rays 0.5 3 -0 .5 8
wavelengths o f the radiation waves. There is inverse 5. Red rays 0 .5 8 -0 .7 0
relationship between the w avelength, and wave
(3) The third spectrum o f the electro m ag n etic
frequency i.e. shorter the w avelength, higher the
radiation w aves is called as infrared spectrum which
w ave frequency and longer the w avelength, lower
consists o f infrared w aves o f the w avelengths
the wave frequency (fig. 13.2). In other words, high
ranging fro m 0.7 m icron to 300 m icrons. T he wave
w ave frequency is associated with short wavelength
frequency ranges b etw een 108 and 106 m egahertz
and low wave frequency is associated with long
per second.

(4) gases
The fourth spectrum o f the elec tro m ag ­ (e.g. by ozon e in the stra to sp h e re , oxygen and
netic radiation wave consists of long w aves in clu d­ carbon dio xid e to very lim ited e xten t), w a ter vapour
ing microw aves, radar waves and radio w aves. The (H 20 ) , d ust and haze. S o m e portion o f the incoming
unit measure o f these w avelengths o f longw aves is e lectro m agn etic so lar radiatio n (a b o u t 23% ) is
usually centimetre to metre. T h e w avelengths o f scattered in the a tm o sp h e re by d ust particles and
microwaves range betw een 0.03 cm and 1.0 cm. haze. T h e part o f this scattered en erg y (ab o ut 6 %) is
These waves are used to send m essages from one sent back to the space w hile m ajo r portion o f this
place to other distant places. T he w avelengths of scattered solar en ergy reaches th e e a r th ’s surface
radar waves vary from 1.0 cm to 100 cm ( lm ) . The (about 17 per cen t o f the in com in g so lar radiation).
radar system is divided into tw o sub-system s on the The process o f scattering is sele c tiv e in nature.
basis' o f frequency viz. (i) radio system, and (ii) Scattering becom es p o ssib le when the d ia m e ter of
television system. The radar, television and radio invisible dust particles (aerosols) su sp e n d e d in the
waves are divided into 6 categories on the basis of air and the m olecules o f the a tm o sp h eric gases is
wave frequency and w avelengths. shorter than the w aveleng ths o f the so lar radiation,
Frequency W av eleng th s waves. Blue light o f the in co m in g s h o rte r w a v e ­
length is more scattered than red light. T h is is the
1. Extremely High
reason that the sky looks blue. S im ilarly, the
Frequency (EHF) 0.1 - 1.0 cm
picturesque colours o f the sky d u rin g su n rise (d aw n )
2. Super High and sunset (twilight) are the resu lt o f sca tte rin g o f
Frequency (SHF) 1.0 cm - 10.0 cm incoming solar radiation (o f certain w a v ele n g th s
3. Ultra-High only).
Absorption o f inco m ing so lar radiatio n by the
Frequency (U H F) 10.0 cm-100.0 cm
atmospheric gases, w ater v apo ur, h aze etc. is also
4. Very High
selective in nature. T h e sh o rtest w a v ele n g th s ra n g ­
Frequency (VHF) 1.0 m - 1 0 .0 m ing between 0.02 m icron and 0.29 m icron are
5. High Frequency (HF) 10 m - 100 m absorbed by oxygen ( 0 2) and ozon e ( 0 3) gases.
6 . Low Frequency (LF) more than 100 m Ozone also absorbs ultraviolet rays o f the w a v e ­
lengths varying from 1000 ang strom s to 4 0 0 0
2. Transport of Solar Radiation Through the angstroms and thus prevents these ultravio let
Atmosphere radiation w aves from reach ing the e a r th ’s surface.
W ater vapour absorbs the in co m ing so lar radiation
The electrom agnetic radiation or the incom ­ waves when their w av elen gth s ran ge betw een 0.9
ing short wave solar radiation has to pass through micron and 2.1 m icrons.
thick layer o f the e a rth ’s atm osphere and therefore it
The scattering o f in co m ing solar radiation by
plays a significant role in affecting the transport of
dust particles and m o lecu les o f w a te r vapour
solar energy to the e a rth ’s surface via atmosphere.
(clouds), w hen the d ia m e ter o f these particles is
The electrom agnetic solar radiation while passing
longer than the w av elen g th s o f in com in g solar
through the atm osphere is partly absorbed, partly
radiations is called diffuse reflection w hich sends
reflected, partly scattered and partly transmitted
som e portion o f in c o m in g so lar en erg y back to the
through the surface o f the planet earth.
space and som e portion rem ains in the lower
I f the total am o u n t o f energy radiated towards atmosphere. T h e diffused and scattered solar energy
the earth and its atm osph ere is taken to be 100 per present in the low er atm o sp h ere e n ab les us to see
c e n t ( 1/2 billionth part o f the total'en ergy radiated even the dark portion o f the m oon. O ne can also see
fro m the o u te r su rface (photosphere) o f the sun), (if not suffering from cataract) even in the pitch
a b o u t 14 p e r c e n t is a b so rb e d by the atm ospheric d arkness o f night. Som e o f the scattered and diffuse

solar energy reaches the ground surface. Such energy in the fo rm of longwave radiation. The
energy is called as diffuse blue light of the sky or radiation from the sun towards the earth and from the
diffuse day light. Some portion of incoming solar earth towards the atmosphere and the space is called
radiation is reflected back to space by high clouds incoming shortwave solar radiation (radiation from
(about 27 percent of the total incoming solar radiation) the sun) and outgoing longwave terrestrial radiation
and by the ground surface (about 2 per cent). (from the earth) respectively.
The proportion o f incident radiant energy The heat budget o f the earth and the a tm o s­
reflected back by a surface is called albedo. Various phere displaying statement o f receipt o f solar
attempts have been made to measure total albedo of radiation by the atmosphere and the earth ’s surface
the earth (including its atmosphere). Various data and the loss of energy by the earth and the
derived so far indicate the earth’s average albedo atmosphere known as terrestrial radiation is also
fluctuating between 29 percent and 34 percent called energy balance of the earth and the atmosphere
(including the energy reflected through the mecha­ or global radiation balance.
nism o f difuse reflection by dust particles, water On an average, the solar radiation reaching
molecules etc., from the cloud surface and from the the outer boundary of the earth ’s atm osphere is
earth’s surface). The albedo of other planets has also estimated as follows :
been estimated e.g. Moon (7 percent), Mercury (6
total solar radiation
percent), Mars (16 percent), Venus (76 percent) and
the remaining outer planets (ranging between 73 per at the otuer boundary o f = solar constant X7tr2 /47tr2
cent to 94 per cent). It may be pointed out that the the atmospehre
processes o f absorption, scattering and reflection are
not as simple as discussed above rather these are where r - radius o f the earth
highly complex. Furthermore, the figures used here 47ir 2 = surface area o f the earth (both land and
to indicate the quantity o f solar radiation lost during
sea surfaces)
its passage through the atmosphere by different = 1 l x 109 Jm -2 yr~'
processes are mere estimates and these vary from
where J = Joules (the SI unit o f en erg y , eq u iv a­
the estimates o f one scientist to the other scientists.
lent to 109 ergs and one w att-second)
109J = one GJ ( G -gig a m e an s one billion)
3. Global Heat Balance of the Earth and the J = Joules

‘The total solar radiation reaching a horizon­ The total incident solar radiation (energy)
tal surface on the ground is called global radiation. It reaching the outer m argin o f the e a rth ’s atmosphere
comprises the direct shortw ave radiation from the is taken to be 100 units or 100 p e r cent for the
sun, plus the diffuse radiation scattered by the explanation of heat/en erg y b ud get o f the earth and
atm osphere’ (J.E. H obbs, 1980). On an average, the atm osphere. T w o e xam p les based on the data of
there is supposed to exist heat balance between the (1) G.T. T rew arth a, and (2) O liver and Hidore are
amount o f solar radiation received by the e a rth ’s given below to explain the heat/energy budget
surface and its atm osphere and the am ount o f heat (b a la n ce ):
lost by the outgoing terrestrial longw ave radiation
1. Based on G.T. Trewartha
from the earth ’s surface and loss o f heat from the
atmosphere. It may be pointed out that the solar The total incident radiation at the outer
energy received at the e a rth ’s surface is converted margin o f the e a rth ’s atm osphere is taken as 100
into heat energy w hich heats the o u te r surface o f the p ercent (fig. 13.3) and hence all the data used in the
earth. Thus, the earth a fter being heated also radiates explanation o f heat budget are in percentage.

(1) Incoming Shortwave Solar Radiation and

from the ground surface (2%), 5 1 percent is received
the Heat Budget of the Earth and the Atmosphere by the e arth ’s surface (received as direct radiation),
The earth receives most o f its energy from the and 14 percent is absorbed by the atm ospheric gases
sun through shortwave solar radiation. The solar (ozone, oxygen etc.) and water vapour in different
energy radiated towards the earth s surface ( 1/2 vertical zones o f the atm osphere. T he 51 per cent
solar energy received by the earth com prises 34 per
billionth part of the total energy radiated from the
cent as direct solar radiation and 17 per cent as
outer surface (photosphere) of the sun which is
diffuse day light. The heat budget o f the atmosphere
equivalent to 23 trillion horse power) is taken as 100
comprises 48 per cent o f solar radiation wherein 14
per cent or 100 units. Out o f the total incoming solar per cent is received through absorption o f the
radiation entering the earth’s atmosphere 35 per cent shortwave incoming solar radiation and 34 p er cent
is sent back to space through scattering by dust is received from the outgoing long wave terrestrial
particles ( 6 %), reflection from the clouds (27%) and radiation.

Table 13.2 : Sim plified global radiation/heat budget of the earth and the atm osphere (based on G .T. T rew arth a)

(1) Incoming Shortwave Solar Radiation (in percentage)

Total energy reaching the top of the atmosphere 100
(A) The amount o f solar radiation lost (depleted) during its passage through the
atmosphere (a + b + c) - 35
(a) reflected from the clouds 27
(b) reflected from the ground surface 2
(c) scattered and diffused by the dust particles and
molecules of water vapour and sent back to space 6
Remaining amount of solar radiation available 65
for the earth and its atmosphere ( 100 - 35 )
(B) Terrestrial heat receipt (gained by the earth’s surface)
(a + b, 3 4 + 1 7 = 51)
(a) received through direct radiation 34
(b) received through diffuse day light 17
(C) Atmospheric heat receipt (gained by the atmosphere)
from incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation,
(a + b, 14 + 34)
(a) received through absorption o f incoming solar 14
rediation by ozone, C 0 2, oxygen, water
molecules etc.
(b) received through outgoing terrestrial radiation 34
(2) Outgoing Longwave Terrestrial Radiation and Heat
Balance o f the Earth and the Atmosphere

(A ) E n e rg y received by the earth (B) Energy lost by the earth

(a + b + c, 23 + 9 + 19 = 51)

Total energy received by the earth 51 (a) lost through direct 23

(b) spent in convection 9
and turbulence
(c) spent in evaporation - 19
(3) Heat Balacne of the Atmosphere
(A) Total energy received by the 48 (B) Energy lost from the atmos-
atmosphere spahere to space 48
(a) received through absorption 14
of incoming shortwave solar
(b) received through effective
radiation from the earth
(c) received through convection
and turbulence r
(d) received as latent heat of 19
Total am ount received by the 48 Total amount lost by the atm osphere 48
atm osphere (a +b+c+d)
Atm ospheric (heat /energy balance = gain (48) - loss (48) = 0
Source of data : G.T. Trewartha

(2) Outgoing Longwave Terrestrial Radiation

atmosphere from the sun (14% ) and the earth (34%)
and Heat Balance becomes 48 per cent w hich is rerad iated to the space
A fter receiving energy from the sun (fig. in one way or the other.
13.3) the earth also radiates energy out o f its surface It may be m e n tio n e d , th a t the m o del o f heat
into the atm osphere through longwaves (fig. 13.3). balance o f the e a rth and th e a tm o s p h e re as
The terrestrial radiation is also called ‘effective p resen ted by G .T . T r e w a r th a is o v e r sim plified
r a d i a t i o n ’ because it helps in heating the lower because it d o es n o t c o n s id e r the c o u n te r radiation
portion o f the atm osphere. Tw enty three per cent (re ra d ia tio n ) o f te rre s tria l ra d ia tio n by the a tm o s ­
energy (out o f 51% energy which the earth has pheric v a p o u r an d c lo u d s . It is s ig n ific a n t to note
gained from the sun) is lost through direct longwave that a s iz e a b le p o rtio n o f h e at ra d ia te d from the
outgoing terrestrial radiation out o f which 6 per cent earth is r e tu rn e d b a c k to th e e a r th ’s su rfa ce by
is absorbed by the atm o sp h ere and 17 per cent goes w a te r v a p o u r, c a rb o n d io x id e etc. after ab sorbin g
directly to the space. A bo ut 9 per cent o f the te rre stria l ra d ia tio n . In fact, a p a rt o f ground
terrestrial energy is spen t in con v ectio n and tu rb u­ ra d ia tio n a fte r b e in g a b s o r b e d by the atm osphere
lence and 19 per cen t is sp ent through evaporation is r a d ia te d b a c k to the e a r t h ’s su rface. This
which is added to the a tm o sp h ere as latent heat o f p ro c e ss o f r e ra d ia tio n o f terre stria l heat energy
condensation. T hu s, the total energy received by the fro m th e a tm o s p h e re b a ck to the e a r th ’s surface is

Short wave solar radiation

Total solar radiation = 100%


+ 17% Received as + 34% Received through

diffuse day light direct radiation

Fig. 13.3: Radiation or heat balance of the earth and the atmosphere.

called counter-radiation which is effected mainly 2. Based on Oliver and Hidore

by w ater vapour and atm ospheric carbon dioxide.
Oliver and H idore have in clu ded c ou nter­
This m echanism known as greenhouse effect
keeps the low er atm osphere and ground surface radiation by the atm ospheric w ater v a p o u r and gases
in their model o f heat/energy b a lan ce o f the earth
relatively w armer. Thus, it is imperative to
and the atmosphere and have re fe rre d counter-
include reradiation o f terrestrial energy back to
radiation as skyradiation. T hey have used units to
the atm osphere and the space in the consideration
explain the solar energy, earth e n e rg y and atmos­
o f heat/energy budget (balance) o f the earth and
pheric energy wherein one unit is equal to 1/100 of
the atm osphere. So, the second example o f a
the total solar radiation w hich re a ch e s the top o f the
com prehensive model o f Oliver and Hidore is
earth’s atmosphere. T able 13.3 e x p la in s the heat/
presented below.
energy balance of the earth and the atm osphere.

Table 13.3 : Energy (heat) balance (budget) of the Earth and the Atm osphere (num ber in d icates unit)

Total Solar Radiation Reaching the outer Boundary of the Earth’s A tm osphere
Gain of energy by the earth (inflow)
(a) through direct radiation absorbed
by the earth’s surface
(b) through longwave sky-radiation (counter-radiation or
reradiation from the lower atmosphere) (absorbed by the
earth ’s surface)

(A) Total energy gained by the earth 146

(a + b, 50 + 9 6 = 146) • '
Loss of energy from the earth’s surface (outflow)
(a) radiation loss in the form of sensible heat 12
(b) longwave radiation from the earth’s surface to the
atmosphere 107
(c) loss in the form of latent heat 20
(d) longwave radiation from the earth’s surface to space 7
(B) Total loss of energy from the earth
(a + b + c + d) (12 + 107 + 20 + 7) 146
1. Heat Balance of the Earth’s surface 146-146= 0 (balance)
( A - B ) (1 4 6 - 146 = 0)
Gain of heat energy by the atmosphere (inflow)
(a) solar radiation directly 20
absorbed by the atmosphere
(b) latent heat of condensation 20
(c) longwave radiation from the earth’s surface 107
(d) through conduction from the earth’s surface as sensible 12
(A) Total energy gained by the atmosphere
(a + b + c + d) (20 + 20 + 107 + 12) 159
Loss of heat energy from the atmosphere (outflow)
(a) Long wave radiation from the
atmosphere to space ' 63
(b) longwave sky radiation
(counter-radiation to the earth’s surface) 96
(B) Total loss of heat energy from the atmosphere (a+b, 63+96) 159
2. Heat Balance of the Atmosphere 159-159= 0 (balance)
( A - B , 159 - 159 = 0)
3. Heat Balance of the Earth-Atmosphere
(A) Inflow of energy
solar radiation reaching
the outer limit o f the 100
atm osphere r .
Total inflow . ... " 100
(B) Outflow of energy
(a) sent back to space by reflection and scattering
(b) longw ave radiation from the atmosphere to space 63
(c) longw ave radiation from the earth’s surface to space 7
Total outflow (a + b + c, 30 + 63 + 7) 100

Source of data : O liver and Hidore, 2003

t is evident from table 13.3 that out o f the v to space by the atm osphere through the processes o f
a solar radiation (100 units) reaching the outer reflection and scattering while 7 units are sent back
■mit o f the earth s atm osp here 30 units are sent back to space from the e arth ’s surface as direct longwave

ra d ia tio n . T h u s, 37 units (30+7) o f incoming solar balance o f heat energy o f the e a rth ’s surface (gain o f
ra d ia tio n , s en t back to space by the atmosphere and 146 units - loss o f 146 units = 0, balance).
th e e a r th ’s surface, are o f no use in heating the
The atm osphere receives 159 units o f heat
e a r th ’s surface and the atmosphere. Only 63 units
energy comprising 20 units through direct absorp­
(10 0 -3 7 ) o f energy are available to the earth’s
tion o f incoming solar radiation by atmospheric
surface and the atmosphere.
gases (mainly carbon dioxide and ozone) and water
The inflow o f solar radiation to the e arth ’s vapour, another 2 0 units from condensation and
surface com prises 146 units o f energy which are latent heat, 107 units from longw ave radiation from
received through direct solar radiation and scattered the earth’s surface and 12 units through conduction
energy (50 units) and through counter radiation or (sensible heat) from the e a rth ’s surface. Thus, the
sky radiation from the atm osphere (due to green­ total gain o f heat energy by the e a rth ’s atm osphere
house effect) (96 units). T hus, the total gain of solar becomes 159 units. The heat energy from the
radiation by the e a rth ’s surface becom es 146 units. atmosphere is lost through (i) longw ave radiation o f
The heat energy received by the e arth ’s surface (146 63 units to space, and (ii) longw ave sky radiation
units) is spent in evapotranspiration (20 units), (counter-radiation) o f 96 units to e arth ’s surface.
conduction (as sensible heat, 12 units), direct Thus, total loss o f heat energ y from the atm osphere
radiation to the atm osphere (107 units) and the space becomes 159 units (63 + 96 = 159 units). This
(7 units). T hus, the total loss o f energy from the demonstrates balance betw een the gain o f heat
e arth ’s surface beco m es 146 units (20 + 12 + 7 + 107 energy (159 units) and loss o f heat e n erg y (159
= 146 units). T his dem onstrates a st.eady state units) from the atmosphere.

-7 -6 3 + 100 -3 0
Long-wave Incoming
Earth radiation radiation
from the
solar radiation
solar constant
to space
atmosphere Solar
absorbed So ar
by the reflected
atmosphere and
20 scattered
Long-wave Long-wave back to space
Earth by atmosphere
sky Sensible
radiation radiation heat and surface
107 96 12

Fig.13.4: Heat (energy) balance of the earth and the atmosphere. After-J.E. Oliver and J. J. Hidore, 2003.
mm-. 223
m a n , a t m o s p h e r ic -e n v ir o n m e n t a n d g l o b a l w a r m in g


The 100 units of incoming solar radiation is
balanced by 30 units of energy sent back to space by BALANCE
scattering and reflection by the atmosphere, 63 units The difference between all incoming solar
sent back to space by atmopsheric longwave
energy and all outgoing terrestrial energy by both
radiation and 7 units sent back to space from the
shortwave and longwave radiation is called net
earth’s surface (30 + 63 + 7 = 100 units).
radiation. It is apparent from the aforesaid discus­
Oliver and Hidore (2003) maintain that ‘the sion that the net radiation from the whole globe is at
earth is in a steady-state balance of incoming and least theoretically zero but this is far from truth if we
outgoing energy. The temperature (average) of the look at the regional distribution of insolation. T here
earth undergoes small changes, but the mean, are some places where the receipt of solar energy is
temperature stays nearly the same. It varies only more than the energy lost because the solar energy
slightly around 15°C (59°F) at the surface, although comes at faster rate than the terrestrial energy goes
there are daily, seasonal and year to year changes.. .There
out. Similarly, in some areas the loss of energy
is a built in storage mechanism known as the
through outgoing terrestrial radiation is faster than
greenhouse effect that raises the temperature such
the gain of incoming solar radiation. This m ech a­
that life can exist’ (Oliver and Hidore, 2003).
nism results in the development o f areas of energy

Table 13.4 : Annual meridional heat transport

Latitudes Heat transport Latitudes H eat transport

(northern hemisphere) (kilocalories per (northern (kilocalories per
year x 10 9) hemisphere) y ear x 10 9)
90 0.00 40 3.91
80 0.35 30 3.56
70 1.25 20
60 2.40 10 2 .5 4
50 3.40 0 (equator) -0.2 6
Source : W.E. Sellers, 1965

surplus (where incoming solar radiation exceeds

energy through o u tg in g lo n g w a v e terrestrial ra d ia ­
outgoing terrestrial radiation) and energy deficit
tion and the annual s u rp lu s e n e rg y am o u n ts to 100
(where outgoing terrestrial radiation exceeds in­
kilo langleys per year; (b) n e t ra d ia tio n rap idly
coming solar radiation).
d ecreases fro m the en erg y s u rp lu s are as o f low
The energy surplus and energy deficit areas latitudes tow ard s m id -latitu d es; (c) n e t ra d ia tio n
may be identified and studied at two levels viz. (i) at b ecom es p ra c tica lly zero n e a r 70° la titu d e in th e
the earth’s surface, and (ii) in the atmosphere, northern and so u th ern h e m is p h e re s , and (d) the p o la r
latitudinal base being com m on in both the cases. areas are th e z o n es o f p e re n n ial energy deficit.
0 ) The distribution of net radiation at the e a rth ’s
(ii) T h e latitud inal d istrib u tio n o f n e t ra
surface from equator towards the poles show s that
tion in the a tm o sp h e re sh o w s th a t ‘the a tm o s p h e re is
- is„ lar8e ener®y surplus area betw een the itself a net lo ser o f ra d ia tio n at all la titu d e s ' (J.E.
zones o 0 N and 20°S where energy gain from the
H o bbs, 1980). T h u s, the a tm o s p h e re is the zon e o f
incoming solar radiation is m ore than the loss o f
p erennial en erg y de fic it b e ca u se the deficit o f

energy always exceeds 60 kilo langleys per year. If canic dust in the atmosphere reduces the shortwave
the data of net radiation o f both, the earth s surface solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface), and (iii)
and the atmosphere, are combined together, the net the global climate changes due to m ovem ent of.
radiation value for the combined ‘earth’s surface- continents and ocean basins in relation to poles due
a t m o s p h e r e system’ may be calculated. Based on the to the mechanism of plate tectonics.
combined data the following energy zones are Besides these and many more natural changes
identified, (a) large region o f surplus radiation o f solar radiation balance and w eather and climate,
extending between 40°N and 30°S latitudes, (b) man is also capable o f changing and altering the
northern high-latitudes o f deficit radiation, and (c) radiation balance and w eather and climate from
southern high-latitudes of deficit radiation (A.N. local through regional to global scales.
Strahler, 1978).
(1) At Local Level : Man has largely
It means that “ there must exist a two-way heat
responsible to affect and modify the radiation
transfer; from the e arth ’s surface to the atmosphere
balance through his activities e.g. increasing urbani­
and from the equator to the poles” (J.E. Hobbs,
sation and expanding industrialisation. Increasing
1980). This can be achieved if heat is transported
urbanisation means covering o f more and m ore bare
from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere and from
ground surface by ‘pucca stru c tu re ’ which sets o ff a
the tropical and subtropical areas of surplus radia­
chain of effects and counter-effects viz. spraw ling
tion to the high latitude zones o f deficit radiation.
urban areas change the thermal p rop erties o f the
The transport o f heat from equatorial area towards
ground surface, reduce the albedo, c han ge the
the poles is called ‘meridional transport of heat’.
aerodynamic character o f the surface, alter the
The meridional transport of heat energy in the pattern o f air circulation, lo w e r the speed o f wind,
form o f sensible heat is accomplished by the reduce total insolation, increase m ean annual
atmospheric circulation and ocean currents which temperature and create heat island in the city centre
transport heat energy from the ‘low latitude surplus and pollution dome in the low er a tm o sp h ere above
energy areas’ to the ‘high latitude deficit energy the major urban centres. E x p a n d in g in d u stria liz a ­
areas’. The vertical transport o f heat in the atm os­ tion causes addition o f en orm o us q u a n tity o f du st
phere is accom plished by ascending air in the form
and gases (mostly toxic and p oiso n o u s) through
of sensible heat and latent heat. Table 13.4 portrays
human volcanoes (factories) to the lo w e r atm o sp h ere
latitudinal transfer o f sensible heat.
and thus changes the h eat b alance at local level
which is also extended to reg ion al level in the highly
urbanised and industrialized cou n trie s w h ere sev ­
eral industries o f large industrial belts in ten sify the
Radiation balance or heat balance is very greenhouse effects.
important for the biological com m unities including T w o case studies o f B u d ap e st city (H ungary)
both plants and animals together with m icro­ and H am ilton (O ntario, C an a d a ) industrial area may
organisms and man. The changes in the radiation illustrate the influences o f u rb an isation and industri­
balance may be grouped in two classes viz. (i) alization on radiation balance at local level. D.
natural changes, and (ii) man-induced changes or G reenland (1981) has repo rted that there is d ecrea se
anthropogenic changes. Natural changes in the global in the annual m ean in c o m in g s h o rtw a v e so lar
radiation/heat balance take place due to (i) periodic radiation upto the tune o f 7to 8 p e r c en t n e a r the c ity
changes in solar constant, (ii) alteration o f the centre o f B u d ap e st w h e rea s F. P ro b ald (1 9 7 2 ) has
transparency o f the atm osphere through the addition m aintained that the d e c re a se in the in c o m in g solar
o f e n o rm o u s quantity o f dust and sm oke to the radiation in the city c en tre o f B u d a p e s t d u rin g w in ter
a tm o s p h e re e jected through volcanic eruption (v o l­ m onths (N o v e m b e r to M a rc h ) c a u s e d by p o llu te d air

over the city rises to 15 per cent or even more. The the radiation balance. According to the rePo rt. ° J
conversion of larger ground area into ‘pucca SMIC the clearance of coniferous forest (of w ic
structure’ has markedly reduced the albedo of the the albedo is 12 per cent) or deciduous forest (albedo
city. This reduced albedo compensates the loss of being 18 per cent) for agricultural la n d (albedo being
reduced incoming solar radiation because decrease 20 percent) results in increase of surface albedo and
in surface albedo means decrease in the loss of heat hence decrease in the absorption of solar radiation.
through reflection from the surface. The study of Thus land use changes from forest cover to.
Budapest city further reveals that the longwave agricultural land reduce the net radiation balance.
radiation from the surface has also increased but the The irrigated land in dry areas r e d u c e s albedo by 5
effect of this process is negated because of increased per cent in comparison to the surrounding desert
longwave radiation from the atmosphere back to the areas.
surface as a result of counter-radiation which is (3) At Global Level: The radiation balance at
because of accumulating greenhouse gases (carbon global level is changed in the following manner :
dioxide) in the lower atmosphere over the city of (i) Emission of carbon dioxide through the burning
Budapest. W.R. Rouse and J.G. McCutcheon (1972) of hydrocarbon fuels( coal, petroleum, natural gas
have reported similar situation in the industrial city etc.) and its concentration in the atmosphere raises
of Hamilton as they have reported an overall the temperature of the earth’s surface by retarding
decrease of 9% to 17% in the incoming solar the loss of heat from the ground surface through
radiation and 11% increase in the longwave down­ outgoing longwave terrestrial radiation, and (ii) The
ward radiation from the: atmosphere as counter introduction of chlorofluorocarbon and nitrogen
radiation. D. Greenland (1981) has concluded that oxides in the stratosphere depletes ozone layer and
‘it is interesting to note, however, that the changes in thus allows more ultraviolet solar rays to reach the
the various radiant flows tend to balance each other earth’s surface. This results in the increase of
out, leaving the net radiation of the urban surface incoming shortwave solar radiation which raises the
rather similar to that of the surrounding surfaces. temperature o f the ground surface and the lower ,
The effect of increased longwave radiation counter­ atmosphere. This in turn changes the heat balance of
ing decreased shortwave radiation was seen in both the earth and its atm osphere.
Budapest and H am ilton’..
It may be pointed out that the effects o f human
(2) At Regional Level: The change of radiation
activities in changing the radiation b alance are so
balance at regional level is caused due to weather complex and involve negative feedback m echa­
modification programmes viz. cloud seeding to nisms that it is not easy to build any adequate model
induce more precipitation, prevention of hailstorms, which can well explain the im pact o f h u m a n ,
dispersion and diversion o f clouds and other human activities on radiation balance. Any change in
activities like melting of ice through the use of radiation balance effected by man would certainly
carbon-black dusts on the ice-covered surface, cause changes and alteration in other environm ental
diversion of atmospehric storms etc. Land' use processes because radiation balance is a .key factor to
changes affect the radiation balance in a variety of w eather and clim ate o f the planet earth. Any change
ways at regional scale. According to the report of in the natural state of radiation balance may change
SMIC (1971, Study o f M an’s Impact on Climate, the- w eather and clim atic conditions from local
Massachusetts, U.S.A.) 18 to 20 per cent of land through regional to global levels w hich in turn
surface of the earth has been changed by man for would affect the hydrological cycle and processes,
agricultural purposes. The change in land use, flow o f sedim ents and chem ical elem ents in the
mainly through deforestation for increase in cropland, biospheric ecosystem and food chains affecting all
changes the albedo (reflection of incoming solar form s o f life in the biosphere. The impact of
radiation) of the earth’s surface which then changes depletion o f ozone layer, incressing greenhouse

effects and other factors on radiation balance, tal problems and international cooperations to tackle
weather and climate will be discussed in the the problems o f global warming and climatic
succeeding sections. ’ 1
13.5 GLOBAL WARMING . j. : .
Global w arming refers to gradual rise in
The most significant global environmental atmospheric and ground surface air temperatures
problem faced by the world community is related to and consequent changes in global radiation balance
global environmental changes (GEC) consequent caused mainly by anthropogenic processes (al­
upoii global warming resulting from a host of causal though natural processes also cause global warming
factors mainly anthropogenic factors such as changes
and cooling) leading to climatic changes at different
in atmospheric chemistry, ozone depletion, emis­
levels (e.g. local, regional and global levels). It may
sion of greenhouse gases at-alarming increasing rate,
be pointed out that the pattern o f global rise in air
urbanization, land use changes mainly deforestation
temperatures has been studied and reported by
etc. The probable net result of global warming and
different scientists and agencies, and a few computer
changes' in atmospheric chemistry through air
models have been constructed, but their results are
pollution and other natural sources would be climatic
not uniform, rather a few are contrasting. The
changes at local, regional and global levels including
radiative forcing and global warming potential
both short-term and long-term changes in weather
(GWP) are used by the Inter-governm ental Panel on
and climate.
Climate Change (IPCC) to com pare the relative
The international communities are scared of warming effect o f different gases. The radiative
catastrophic adverse effects of future climatic forcing as defined by the IPCC refers to ‘the effects
changes on different spheres o f man and nature e.g. which greenhouse gases have in altering the energy
deglaciation and sea level changes, submergence of balance of the earth-atm osphere system ’? On the
island nations and major coastal lowlands, atmospehric other hand, the global w arm ing potential is used as
dynamics including evaporation and precipitation, a tool to compare the relative warming effect of
global radiation balance, photosynthesis and eco­ various gases emitted from anthropogenic sources
logical productivity, plant and animal community, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen
human health and wealth and many more. The major oxides,, methane, sulphur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon
sources of global environmental problems have been etc. (these will be discussed under the heading ‘air
identified as changes in atmospheric chemistry pollution’, in chapter 2 0 , entitled ‘environmental
through air pollution (both gaseous and solid pollution’).
particulates pollution), through rapid rate of indus*
The scientists have attempted to identify
trialization and urbanization, population growth at
convincing evidences to demonstrate the rising
alarming rate, advances in productive technology,
trend of air temperatures at least since the beginning
major land use changes mainly deforestation etc.
of industrial revolution (1860 A.D.), though system ­
and efforts are afoot for tackling the problem of atic recording of temperatures at different m eteoro­
global warming leading to climatic changes at logical centres in the world started since 1880 A.D.
international level. It may be mentioned that only those evidences may
It is ‘thus, necessary to discuss the evidences yield fruitful results in demonstrating any trend of
o f global warming, trend of global warming, rise in air temperatures (which is the only indicator
processes o f global warming including ozone of global warming) which are tem perature-depend­
dpletion and emission o f greenhoiise gases, effects ent evidences. The following evidences support the
o f global warming, air pollution leading to changes theory of gradual rise in air temperature and
in atm ospheric chemistry, and related environmen­ consequent global w arming :
1. >Temperature records,
century has been the warmest century in the last
t 2 : M elting o f mountain and continental glaciers, 2000 years. The last two decades o f the 2 0 th century
' 3. W arm ing o f ocean water at global level, (1980’s and 1990’s) have been warm est decades
4. R ise in sea level, since the systematic recording o f air tempehiture
5. T haw ing o f permafrost areas, began in 1880. All the ten warm est years have
occurred since 1980. The last decade o f the 20th
6. U pw ard shifting o f snow lines o f the tropical
century (1990’s) was the warmest single decade in the
and subtropical mountains,
historical record of temperature, as seven out of ten
7. Spreading o f tropical diseases towards tem ­
warmest years occurred in this decade wherein, the
perate and polar regions,
year 1998 was the warmest year of the millennium.
8. Shifting of seasonal weather phenomena and
The 2 0 0 1 Synthesis Report on Climate Change
changes in precipitation patterns etc.
by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Increase in Air Temperature (IPCC) has shown that if the concentration o f
•••;. ■ v,' .it,- "■• atmospheric C 0 2 increases to 540-970 ppmv by the
end of the 21 st century, the average global tem pera­
It has been stated that the overall increase in
ture may rise by 1.4 to 5.8°C and sea level may rise
the air tem perature in the 2 0 th century has been
to 9-88cm from 1990 level (table 13.5) if no serious
about 0.5 to 0.7°C. T h e last century i.e. the 20th
attempts are made to check C O 2 concentration.

Y ear 2025 2050 21 00

C 0 2 concentration 405-460 ppm 445-640 ppm 540-970 ppm
Global mean tem perature 0 .4 - l.l° C 0.8-2.6°C 1.4-5.8°C
change from the y ear 1990
Global mean sea level 3-14cm 5-32cm 9-88cm
rise from the year 1990

Source :IPC C synthesis report on climate change, 2001

T he World Wildlife Fund (WWF) predicted in this 100 -years increase w as only 0 .6 °C ±
D ecem ber, 2005 th a t ‘the earth could warm by 2°C 0.2°C betw een 1901-2000.
above pre-industrial level as early as 2026 A.D. and
The total tem perature increase from 1850-
by 6 °C in the Arctic re g io n ’.
1899 to 2001-2005 is 0.76°C ± 0.19°C.
The IP C C Report, 2007 (Intergovernm ental D ifferent global estim ates show consistent
Panel on C lim ate C h ang e) stated that the years 1998 w arm ing trends.
and 2005 (also 2010) w ere w arm est tw o years in the
T he effects o f urbanization and land use
recorded global surface air tem perature history since
changes on global w arm ing or global tem ­
1850. Eleven out o f the last 12 years betw een 1995
perature record are negligible, that is less than
to 2006 (the year 1996 w as an e x cep tio n) ranked
0.006°C per decade over land areas and zero
among the 12 warm est years on record since 1850.
o ver ocean surface.
The follow ing are the salient featu res :
Surface tem perature over land regions have
• The global surface tem p eratu re increased by w arm ed at a faster rate than over the oceans in
0.74°C ± 0.180°C be tw ee n 1906-2005 w hile both the hemisphere.
228 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

2010, A Remarkable year surface and air temperatures, ice core analysis, size
V ... . . \ m
.m j. O'* ' * and thickness o f ice sheets and glaciers, contraction
T he year 2010 became a remarkable year in and shrinking rate o f ice sheets,.etc. The regular
the annals of climatology due to following, weather m onitoring o f A ntarctic ice sheets has shown about
phenam ena which occurred during thisvyear . :,a 100 m annual rate o f their shrinking. A rise of
• 2010 bacame the hottest year at par with the tem perature o f w inter season by 4°C has been
year 2005 since temperature recording began reported since 1950 in the w est Antarctic Peninsula.
« 1 in 1880. There are am ple evidences to demonstrate regular
• 2 0 1 0 , 40 per cent rise in C 0 2 level since breaking o f ice shelves and formation of giant
' industrial revolution. icebergs which are floating masses o f ice. It may be
mentioned that ice shelf is floating huge mass o f ice
• 2 0 1 0 , the wettest' year in the historical
but is attached to the landm ass while icebergs are
• records. 1
floating masses o f ice independent o f ice shelves. In
• 2010, record heavy snowfall in Europe
other words, the icebergs are formed when the ice
and North America breaking all previous
shelves are disintegrated, thus huge voluminous
' records.
mass o f ice known as iceberg m easuring several
• 2010. severe floods in Pakistan, Australia, hundred square kilometers in area, floats ind epend ­
California and Tennessee. ently in the sea. It is significant to point out that
• 2 0 1 0 , severe coral bleaching and coral melting of ice-bergs does not make any change in
death. seal level because these have already occupied
Jt V7 s - • ':■>.;*. 1 .3
places in the sea but melting o f ice shelves and
2010, Indian Scenerio glaciers causes rise in sea level. T he disintegration
of Antarctic ice shelves is rapidly increasing e.g.
► 2010, warmest year since 1901 in India.
Larsen iceshelf disitegrated in 1995 while many
► 2010, an increase o f 0.93°C average
Antarctic iceshelves including Larsen B and Wilkes
temperature over 30 year period from 1961 to
iceshelves broke away during 1998-1999
The study of 244 glaciers in the Antarctic
► 2010, north and central India was warmer than
Peninsula since 1950 by the British Antarctic Survey
..... rest of the country.
based on 2000 aerial photographs taken since 1940s
► 2010, mean temperature was 0.6°C above the and more than 100 modern satellite im ages revealed
mean temperature of 1901-1990. the fact through its report published in 2005 that
► Out of 10 warmest years, 7 were recorded in temperature in this region has registered a rise o f 2°C
the 1st decade of the 21 st century (2001 to since 1950, 87 per cent o f 244 glaciers have shown
2010 ). : *' significant shrinking in their size and length. The
•y r. .. • . ;• ; - • ; M . 1’• T . ' ...
glaciers registered a much faster rate o f retreat i.e. 50
Melting of Ice Sheets and Glaciers m per year since 2000 A.D. T h e study further shows
that the glaciers are losing 250 cubic kilom eters of
The recent evidences have shown that the ice ice every year.
sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are breaking, the
Recording o f ice covers over Bering Sea and
perm anent ice covers o f the arctic regions are
Arctic Sea has revealed gradual but reg ular shrinking
melting, and continental and mountain glaciers are
o f their areas, e.g. (i) there has been decrease in areal
sh rin kin g in both size and length as evidenced by
coverage o f Bering sea ice covers by 5 per cent since
their reg ular retreat, It may be mentioned that the
1960, (ii) the sea ice area over A rctic sea has
A n ta rctica is well instrum ented continent in terms of
decreased by about 90,000 square kilom eters since
the s tu d y o f various aspects o f the continent e.g. 1978 etc.

o . . TJiejice cover area of the Arctic Sea around - 90m3 in 2001 and -78m3 in 2 0 0 2 ). The study
North >Pole registered a record shrinkage during revealed that if the current rate o f retreat continues,
2005*06 as reported by Walt Meier, a researcher at these glaciers would disappear by 2040 A.D. The
the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, study by SAC scientists from 1962 to 2001 also
Colorado in 2006. ‘The Arctic is repidly becoming revealed loss of 24 per cent o f glacial ice cover at the ^
the clearestdemonstration of the effects of mankinds’ altitude of 5000 meters and of 14 percent at the
impact on the global climate. The temperature is altitude of more than 5000 meters. The latest
rising twice as fast as the rest of the planet and the findings o f SAC studies published in Current
region is expected to warm by a further four degrees Science (Vol. 86 , No 1,2004) as reported in Down to
centrigrade to seven degrees centrigrade by 2100 Earth (March 31,* 2004) revealed the fact that
A .D .’ (Hindu, 2006). The scientists believe that if continuous melting and retreat of glaciers in Himachal
the present trend o f melting o f Arctic ice Pradesh resulting into decrease in the mass o f ice of
continues, the Arctic Sea will lose most o f its ice by glaciers would result in marked reduction on runoff
2030 A.D.s
* ***• ***■* ; **' * 4 '. causing serious shortage of water su p p ly in future.
There are ample evidences to demonstrate the The rapid rate of retreat o f glaciers in the
melting and retreat o f mountain glaciers i.e. Alpine, Garhwal and Kumaon Himalayas has also been
Himalayan and Andean glaciers etc. A few examples reported.
would be sufficient enough to validate the melting According to the latest survey of the Himalaya
and retreat of mountain glaciers upward e.g. (i) by Chinese scientists there is reduction in the height
European Alpine glaciers have been reported to have of Himalaya sinCe 1966. The m easured height o f Mt.
shrunk in their length and volume by more than 50 Evertest was 8849.75 meters in 1966 which dropped
p er cent in the past century, (ii) the rate of upward to 8848.45m in 1999, thus registering a drop o f 1.3 m
retreat o f Andean glaciers in Peru increased seven height in 33 years. The rate o f lowering of its height
times in the last 3 decades o f the 20th century, more was 0.1 m per year from 1966 to 1975, 0.01 m
prescisely betw een 1978 and 2000 A.D., (iii) the between 1975 and 1992 and again O .lm from 1992 to
Russian C aucases mountain glaciers have been 1999.
shortened in their length by about 50 per cent due to
m elting since 1960, (iv) the glaciers o f Chinese Tien Melting of Permafrost
Shan M ountains have lost their ice volume by 25 per
cent on m elting since 1960, (v) the glaciers o f It has been d e m o n strated by a few scientists
Southern Alps o f N ew Z ealand have moved upward that a large am ount o f carbon is stored in the soils.
by about 1000 m eters due to their retreat caused by David Law rence, a c lim ate scien tist associated with
thermal m elting o f ice, (vi) Mt. Kenya has lost its the U.S. National C en ter for A tm osp heric Research
most extensive g la cier in the past century etc. has studied the nature o f m elting o f Arctic perm a­
D ifferent studies have dem onstrated faster frost. His studies (20 05 ) have revealed the fact that
rate o f m elting o f the Himalayan glaciers in India, the upper layer o f the A rctic perm afrost holds about
resulting into th eir upw ard retreat and negative m ass 30 p e rc e n t o f the total carbon held by the soils world
balance. A recent study o f 19 glaciers o f the B aspa over. T he global w arm ing, if unchecked, wowld cause
basin o f H im ach al Pradesh by the scientists o f the m elting o f the A rctic p erm afrost resulting into the
Marine and W a te r R esource G ro up o f Space thaw ing o f 1.5 million square miles o f permafrost area
Application C en ter (S A C ), A h m e d ab a d d u rin g upto the depth o f 3.5m by 2 1 0 0 A.D. This would
20 0 0 -2 0 0 2 on the basis o f w eek ly satellite im ages release im m ense volum e o f carbon to the atmosphere
and field data provided by the G eo lo g ical S u rv ey o f w hich w ould further intensify greenhouse effect and
India (GSI) has revealed th at th e ir m ass b a lan ce w ould accelerate the process o f global warming
during 2001 and 2 0 0 2 re g istered negative trend (i.e. resulting into dram atic clim ate changes.
Other Indicators Townsville (Australia). The coral bleaching
is related to 2°C rise in temperature from the
T h e gradual spread o f a few tropical and
normal temperature in the Andman Sea in
subtropical diseases polew ard such as m a­
1997-98. . ,
laria, cholera, plague, dengu fever, yellow
fever etc. is indicative o f global warming. It ► The analysis o f recorded temperatures at the
may be mentioned that the insects, bacteria, sea surface and below upto the depths ranging
virsuses o f such diseases flourish in extreme between 800 meters and 3000 meters has
weather conditions e.g. extrem e heat and revealed the fact that the average sea tempera­
cold, and extrem e wet and dry seasons. The ture has risen by 0.6°C in the later half of the
2 0 th century which caused rise in sea level by
, global w arm ing is supposed to bring extreme
10-25 centimeters. It has been estimated that
w eather conditions in the middle and high
if the current rae o f increase of sea tempera­
;i . latitudes. The cases o f outbreaks of cholera
ture continues upto the end of the present
(in 1991 in Peru), dengue fever (e.g. during
century i.e. by 21 00 years, the sea level would
1994 in Australia)'ftnd m alaria in the temper­
register an increase o f one meter.
ate countries dem o nstrate the warming of
middle latitude areas. A ccording to an esti­ The continued thawing of permafrost
mate, presently tropical diseases cover about areas in Alaska and Siberia is another
42 per cent area o f the globe which may testimony of global warming. The studies by
increase to 60 per cent if the earth ’s surface various scientists have indicated rise o f
average tem perature rises by 2°C. temperatures of the upper layer (active layer)
of permafrost ranging between 0.6°C and
>■ Decrease in the Antarctic penguins population
1.5°C in Alaska resulting into the thawing of
by 40 per cent during the past 3 decades of the
the upper layer of permafrost.
2 0 th century, due to their deaths from
> Expansion in the area and latitudinal extent of
starvation because rise in sea temperature
the tropics is a convincing evidence o f global
causes m arked decrease in zooplanktons
warming. The measurements o f atmospheric
which are main sources o f penguine feeding,
temperature by the U.S. weather satellites
is indicative o f global warming.
have revealed the fact the tropical zone has
> Mass destruction o f corals due to coral
expanded by 2° latitude or by 224 km on either
bleaching is another significant indicator of
side of the equator since 1979. This observa­
global warming. The coral bleaching during
tion is based on the data o f tem peratures from
1997-98 has been recorded as the most
1979 to 2005 by TIROS-N and NO A A weather
catastrophic event as it accounted for large-
satellites. The poleward shift of jet streams is
scale deaths of corals in the tropical oceans of
also an indicator o f global warming.
60 countries and island nations. Though coral
> Increase in the annual frequency and severity
bleaching was observed by Alfred M ayer as
o f tropical, storms also indicates global
back as 1991 but it was the year 1998 when
w arming. The all time record o f 19 storms in
large-scale coral bleaching accounting for 70
s the USA during 1969 was broken in the year
p e r cent deaths o f corals off the coast of
2005 when 27 hurricanes, including Katrina
Kenya, M aldives, A ndm an and Lakshadeep
and W ilma struck USA.
islands in the Indian Ocean and 75 per cent
d eaths in the Seychelles M arine Park System
and the M afia M arine Park o f Tanzania was
re p o rte d by C live W ilkinson o f the Global M ajor sources and processes o f global warm­
C oral R e e f M onitoring Netw ork (G CRM N ) of ing include ozone depletion and greenhose effects..
.2 3 1

Thus, it is necessary to understand the m echanism o f which have the sam e atom ic n u m b e r but d ifferen t
creation, destruction and maintenance of ozone atomic weight is called isotope) o f oxygen ( O 3) , o r
layer and sources and processes o f intensification of ‘merely a triatomic form o f oxygen (O 3), is a faintly
greenhouse e'ffects by increasing emission of carbon blue irritating gas with a characterstic p u n gent
dioxide and methane for evalution o f global odour. Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent w hich can
warming. , at high oncentrations decom pose with an ex p lo sio n .
There are contrasting opinions ab ou t the altitudes o f
13.8 OZONE DEPLETION the concentration o f ozone. It may be p o in ted ou t
that ozone is present alm ost at all altitudes in the
The mechanism o f ozone depletion includes
atmosphere but the bulk o f its co ncen tratio n is
the aspects o f creation of ozone, destruction of
present in a layer from 10 km to 5 0 km up in the
ozone and recreation or m aintenance o f ozone layer
atmosphere and within this ozone the highest
in the stratosphere. It is desirable to understand the
concentration o f ozone is betw een the altitudes o f 12
mechanism o f formation o f ozone layer first so that
km and 35km in the stratosphere. This zone (12 km -
the processes o f its destruciton and its impacts on
3 5 m) o f ozone is called ozonosphere o r ozone layer or
global w arm ing can be properly understood. It may
stratospheric ozone layer.
be mentioned that the thinning of stratospheric
The ozone gas is unstable because it is c re ate d
ozone layer allow s more ultraviolet solar radiation
as well as destroyed o r disintegrated. In o th e r w ords,
to reach the earth’s surface and thereby increases the
the creation and destruction o f o zo ne gas is a g radu al
temperature o f the e arth ’s surface.
and continuous natural process. T h e o x y g e n m o l­
The stratospheric ozone layer mostly concen­ ecules are broken up o r separated in the a tm o s p h e ric
trated between the altitudes o f 12km to 35km, is layer between the altitudes o f 80 to 100 km by
considered as a protective shield and earth ’s ultraviolet solar radiation or by an electric d isch a rg e
umbrella because it prevents ultraviolet solar radia­ in oxygen or air during a th u n d e rsto rm in the
tion from reaching the e arth ’s surface. Thus, the troposphere in the follow ing m a n n e r :
presence o f ozone layer in the stratosphere is o f vital
O 2—> O + O
significance for all biota including plants, animals
and man in the biosphere. In the absence o f this layer (Oxygen breaks up into tw o se p a ra te o x y gen
no life is possible in the biosphere because a t t t h e molecules)
ultraviolet rays o f the sun will reach the e arth ’s These sep a ra te d o x y g e n a to m s (O ) are then
surface and consequently the tem perature o f the com bined with o xy gen m o le c u les ( 0 2) and thus
earth’s surface and the low er atm osphere will rise to ozone ( 0 3) is form ed.
such an extent that the ‘biological’ furnace’ o f the
0 2 + 0 + M - > 0 3+ M
biosphere will turn into a ‘blast furnace’. It is, thus,
desirable to study the various aspects o f this
^ 2 + 0 ................................... . . . . 0 3 (ozone)
invaluable ozone layer viz. the form ation o f ozone
W here M denotes energy and m om entum
layer, global concern o f its depletion, factors and
balance p roduced by the collision o f oxygen
mechanisms o f its depletion, effects o f ozone
m olecules ( 0 2) with a n o th er individual atom or
depletion and m aintenance o f ozone layer.
molecule. It m ay be pointed out that the collisions o f
1. Creation of Ozone Layer 3 atmos or m olecules or the collisions o f o x y g e n .(0 2)
with the third atom are not vey com m on feature o f
Ozone, defined as ‘a three-atom isotope (one regular occurrence betw een th e a l t i t d u e s o f 8 0 t o 100
of a set of chemically identical species o f atoms km (though 0 2 is very frequently broken up into

individual atom or molecule in this layer as referred rium level of ozone i n 't h e atmosphere if not
to above) because of very low density of gases in this interfered by human activities.
part, of the atmosphere and such collisions are also Though ozone layer contributes only about 3
very rare in the atmosphere below the altitude of 35 to 4 mm of thickness to the total atmospheric
km because most of the solar ultraviolet.rays have thickness of 8 m (if the whole o f atmosphere may be
already been absorbed above this height..Thus it is compressed to sea level temperature and pressure)
obvious that the formation of ozone ( 0 3) due to but this layer is a life-saving protective cover for all
collision of 3 atoms ( 0 2 + O) through th process of the biota of the biosphere.
photomechanical reaction triggered by the sunlight is
•4 •
more active in the atmospheric zone of 30 to 60 km 2. Depletion of Ozone Layer: An Environmental
height from the sea.level. It is further Concern
note that the ozone mixing ratio (ozone mixing ratio
= mass of ozone per unit mass of dry air) is maximum There has been much hue and cry about the

at the height oj; about 35 km but the maximum ozone depletion of stratospheric ozone in the last one or
density, (ozone density = mass of ozone per unit two decades (of the 2 0 th century) and the issue now
volume) is found between the height of 20 km to 25 has assumed a global dimension because the
km. This is because of the fact that ozone is problem of ozone depletion and its adverse
transported to lower height (upto 12 km) by some conssequences have threatened the existence of all
upper air atmospheric circulation mechanisms which forms of life in the biosphere. The presence of ozone
allow the ozone gas to accumulate between the layer in the atmosphere is very crucial and signifi­
height of 12 km to 35 km. cant for plants and animals in general and human
beings in particular because it provides a protective
It is also important to note that most of the
cover, known as earth’s umbrella, to all of the
stratospheric ozone is formed in the atmosphere over
organisms (including plants, animals, micro-organ­
the tropical areas from where some ozone is
isms and man) in the biospheric ecosystem against
transported by the atmospheric circulation to the
their exposure to ultraviolet solar radiation by
polar areas up in the atmosphere. The ozone ( 0 3) is
absorbing unwanted ultraviolet rays and allowiing
also transformed back into oxygen by further
only those radiation waves to reach the earth’s
collision of ozone with monatomic oxygen (indi­
surface which are essential for the maintenance of
vidual molecule of oxygen, O) in the following manner.
life on the planet earth. Any change in the
Ozone ( 0 3) + O —>Oxygen ( 0 2) + Oxygen ( 0 2)
equilibrium level of zone in the atmosphere will
Ozone is also transformed into oxygen by adversely affect the life in the biosphere. Thus, the
photochemical processes (by the actions of solar growing concern for the depletion of stratospheric
radiation on ozone). ozone is not without reason and scientific evidences.
In a very simpler term the process of the The following evidences and effors of scientific
formation of ozone may be described as the communities and governments are sufficient enough
production of ozone by the actions of ultraviolet rays to demonstrate the growing awareness about the
on ordinary oxygen atoms by the photochemical importance of ozone and possible adverse effects
process which is responsible for the constant arising out of its sharp depletion.
transformation of oxygen (through the collision of 3 Perhaps the first concious effort to sound a
atoms o f oxygen i.e. 0 2 + O) to ozone and from warning about the depletion of ozone layer was
ozone back to oxygen. Thus the constant formation made in the Western World by M. Molina and S.
or production and destruction of ozone is a natural Rowland of the University of California (U.S.A.) in
process which maintains an approximate equilib­ 1974-75 when the result of their published theoreti­

cal computer studies using a unidimensional linear as large as the U.S.A. The findings o f this
model predicted the accumulation of man-made multinatinoal expedition team revealed that (i) the
ozone d e stro y e r c hem icals know n as average natural concentration of ozone dropped by
chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere of the earth 50 per cent between August, 15(1987) to October, 7,
and rapid rate of depletion of ozone because of the 1987, a'nd (ii) in some patches o f the observed area
presence of these chemicals. On the other hand, the the ozone concentration dropped by 100 per cent or
efforts to collect information and data of the ozone totally disappeared which resulted into the
variations in the ozone level in earth’s atmosphere formation of ozoneless patches now called as ozone
based on satellite monitoring on regular basis started hole in the ozone layer or the ozonosphere.
in Russia as back as 1967. The data of ozone level Thus following the startling revelations by the
variations coming through satellite monitoring since British Antarctic Survey Team in 1985 and the
1967 have revealed sharp depletion of ozone layer. Multinational Expedition o f Antarctica in 1987
The monitoring from NIMBUS 3, NIMBUS 4 about the depletion of ozone layer and the creation o f
satellites and EXPLORER 5 and TYROS 4 of the ozone hole over Antarctica the M ontreal P rotocal on
former U.S.S.R. indicated definite variations in the substances that deplete the zone layer was signed in
ozone level. The sharp decline in the ozone level September 1987 by 35 countries. This first interna­
during 1960’s was attributed to the discharge and tional agreement to limit the production and
transport of nitrous oxides caused by numerous consumption of ozone depleting chem icals such as
nuclear tests carried out by the developed nations CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) was m ade possible due to
like Russia, the U.S.A., France etc. into the sincere efforts made by the developed countries and
atmosphere. The original level of ozone was leading scientists under the United Nations Environmet
restored and the depleted ozone layer was gradually Programme (UNEP).
stabilized soon after the banning of nuclear tests in
The World W atch Institute (U .S .A .) released
the atmosphere.
the first authentic and well d o c u m e n te d detailed
The British Antarctic Survey Team led by research monograph on the th reat to the o zone layer
Josepth Farman provided first hand evidence of authored by C ynthia Po llock S hea in 1988. It m ay be
ozone depletion over the Antartica in 1985. Joseph pointed out that prior to the re le ase o f the rep ort of
Farman reported 40 per cent loss in the spring time the NASA Ozone T ren d Panel in 1988 there was a
ozone layer in the atm osphere lying over Antarctica common belief that the d e p letio n o f ozone was a
(reported in Nature, 1985). seasonal p heno m eno n and w a s co n fin ed to the
atmosphere lying o v er A n ta rc tica alone but the
Ozone Hole
report o f the said N A S A O T P (N A S A O zone T rend
Following the startling findings o f ozone Panel) based on the co n clu sio n s o f m ore than 100
depletion over A ntarctica by the British team (3 scientists o f 10 c o u ntries re v e ale d that the previous
British scientists, Joseph Farman, Brian G ardiner orthodox h y p oth esis o f o z o n e depletio n only over
and Jonathan Shanklin, first o f all discovered ozone A ntarctica w as e rro n e o u s and th erefore n o t tenable
hole over Antarctica in 1985) a M ultinational and con clu d e d that the depletio n o f ozone layer was
Expedition was launched during the spring season a global affair.
(March to October) o f 1987. T his expedition T he World Watch Institute fu rth er released a
involviing scientists from several countries c o n ­ detaield re p o rt on the State of the World in 1989
ducted satellite, aircraft, baloon and terrestrial w herein several crucial facto rs responsible for
measurem ents to find out the level o f ozone in the env iro nm etn al d e g ra d atio n such as the depletion o f
atm osphere over A ntarctica involving an area tw ice ozone layer, g re e n h o u se effects, soil erosion,

d eforestation and population growth were listed and 3. Factors and Mechanisms of Ozone Depletion
d etailed immediate action plans at global scale were and Creation of Ozone Hole
suggested inorder to safeguard the earth from the
The mechanisms of ozone depletion include
perilous effects o f these m an-m ade environm ental
both (i) the natural processes, and (ii) the anthropo-
diseases so that the future generations might not ' . .• • • ■ -i . *J . - | *’#.•* ' -v j & i i J *. /.••* i
genic processes.
curse the present human society.
A three-day international conference involv­ (i) The n atu ral processes o f ozone depletion
ing a large number o f m inisters, senior officials, involve the conversion o f atm ospheric nitrogen into
leading international scientific societies, scientists nitrous oxides due to solar activity because o f
and industrialists of over 150 countries was organ ­ m axim um sunspots at the end o f every 11 -year
ised between March 5 to 7, 1989, at London at the cycle. A ccording to latest estim ate the level of
behest of the United N ations Organisation. The nitrous oxides rises from 30 to 60 per cent at the end
central theme o f the conference was to search ways o f 11 -year cycle in the m iddle latitudes o f the
and means to save the endangered ozone layer. The southern hem isphere. T his mass o f nitrous oxides is
basic issues were co ncerned with limiting the transported to the stratosphere o v e r the polar areas
production and consum ption o f ozone depleting during winter season (polar night). T h e se nitrous
chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons not only in oxides then deplete the ozone layer through p h o to ­
the developed countries but also in the developing chemical reacitons. T hese nitrous o xid es also
countries. The deleberations and decisions of the augment the rate o f ozone depletio n triggered by
London Conference on ‘Save Ozone Layer’ as chlorine molecules. Secondly, o z o n e (O 3) is also
referred to above will be discussed in the next split into oxygen ( 0 2) and single ox ygen m olecule
subsection o f this topic (maintenance of ozone layer). because o f ultraviolet solar rad iatio n. T h e natural
mechanisms o f ozone d e p letion d o n o t necessarily
Ozone Halo upset the ozone e q u ilibriu m in the atm osphere
because the loss o f ozon e caused by natural
Contrary to ozone depletion ozone halo refers
processes is suitably c o m pen sated by the creation o f
to concentration o f excess ozone around a low ozone
ozone through natural processes. T hirdly, the
zone above a specific location. The study conducted
dynam ic m echanism involves the redistribution o f
by the departm ent o f chemical and physical sciences
ozone by the atm o sp heric circulation . It has been
at the. University o f Toronto, C anada has reported
suggested that the u p p er air atm o sp h eric circulation
the concentration o f excess ozone around the
transports ozone from ov er south pole and a cc u m u ­
Tibetan Plateau. G.W. Kent Moore found, in January,
lates it in a belt betw een 60° to 70°S. T h is transport
2005, a concentrated ring o f excess ozone at the height
o f ozone from o ver south pole results in the thinning
o f 4 0 0 0 m around the T ibetan plateau as revealed by
o f ozone layer and thus the form ation o f ozone
satellite m easurem ents. This ring o f excess ozone
e x isted from O c to b er-N o v em b er, 1997 to 2004 but
the central parts ov er the T ibetan Plateau showed (ii) T h e anthropogenic mechanisms o f o zon e
low levels o f ozone. A cco rd in g to M oore the ozone depletion include a few processes on w h ich the
h alo is form ed due to the plateau acting as an follow ing hypotheses have been p o stu la ted :
o b s ta c le w hich creates a colum n o f stagnant air ( 1 ) chlorine hyp oth esis,
a b o v e the p la te au . ‘T h e ozone ring w as probably
( 2 ) sulphate h y p o th esis,
fo r m e d b e c a u s e the p la te a u ’s influence extends into
(3) nitrog en o xides h y p o th e sis, and
the o z o n e - ric h u p p e r tro p o sp h e re and the low er
s t r a t o s p h e r e ’ ( D o w n to E arth s Jan. 15, 2006). (4) p o la r stra to sp h e ric c lo u d s hypothesis,

(1) Chlorine Hypothesis > During the next spring sunlight breaks dow n
chlorofluorocarbons and halons through the
The chloro-fluorocarbon and halon gases are mechanism of photochem ical processes and
released during the maintenance or operation of thus chlorine and bromine are released to the
seveal devices using these synthetic chemicals (such atmosphere. These halogen m o lec u les then
as refrigerators, airconditioners, spray-can dispens­ disintegrate ozone ( 0 3) i n t o ordinary o xygen
ers etc.) shredding of foam insulation and fire ( 0 2 + O) and thus the process o f destruction or
fighting into the atmosphere. Initially, these gases depletion o f ozone starts.
are chemically inert and nontoxic at the ground level
and in the troposphere. These gases also do not break (2) Sulphate Hypothesis
down in the troposphere. These are transported upward
into the stratosphere. The transport of chlorofluorocarbons In 1986 it was established by the scientists
and halons by vertical atmospheric circulations to the that the chemistry of cloud surface is o f param ount
stratosphere normally takes 6 to 8 years or even more significance in the destruction o f ozone. It is
(about 10 years). These gases are further transported to believed that the sulphate aerosols em itted through
the south polar stratosphere. The depletion of ozone volcanic eruptions (natural) and nu m erou s c o n ­
due to chlorofluorocarbons and halons involves the stantly active human volcanoes (chim neys o f fa c to ­
following steps : ries) accumulate in the atm osphere at all latitudes
> A swirling polar vortex is formed over the between the altitudes o f 15 km to 22 km. It has been
south pole (in the atmosphere) during long discovered that the concentration o f su lp hate a e ro ­
Antarctic winter (from M arch to September). sols is most prevalent ov er the p o p u la te d and
> This swirling south polar Antarctic vortex industrialised areas o f the northern hem isp here. T h is
causes considerable lowering o f temperature. trend further validates fhe b e lie f th a t m ost o f the
sulphate aerosols p resent in the a tm o s p h e re are
> The meagre am ount o f vapour present in the
contributed by h u m an (in d u strial) activ ities. T h e s e
dry upper atmosphere is frozen due to markedly
sulphate aerosols cataly se the tra n s fo rm a tio n o f
low tem perature below freezing ponit. This
ozone to ordinary o xy g en ( 0 2+ 0 ) . I f this sulphate
frozen upper atm ospheric moisture forms
upper atm ospheric or stratospheric clouds. hypothesis o f o zone d e p le tio n is a c c e p te d , the
destruction o f the o zo n e la y e r th u s b e c o m e s global
> The chlorine and bromine o f chlorofluorocarbons
phenom enon a n d the d e p le tio n ^>f o z o n e w o u ld be
and halo ns are~^n5hverted~fromtheir initial
accelerated m ore than a n tic ip a te d o n the b asis o f
non-reactive form to reactive form because of
chlorine hypothesis (d e p le tio n o f o z o n e d u e to
the chem ical reactions on the ice crystals. It
may be m entioned that chlorofluorocarbons chlorine m o lecules re le a s e d fro m the b re a k d o w n o f

and halons are transported to the stratosphere ch loro flu oro carb on ).

by vertical atm ospheric circulation. T hus the

(3) Nitrogen Oxides Hypothesis
transformed form o f non-reactive chlorine
and bromine, as reactive m olecules, becom es
T h e n itro g e n o x id e s h y p o th e sis states that
very much sensitive to sunlight.
nitrogen o x id e s e m itte d fro m su p erso n ic je ts in the
v The nitrogen oxides generally inactivate h ig h e r altitu d e s d e p le te ozo n e. T h e s u p e rso n ic
chlorine but the low ering o f stratosph eric tra n sp o rt airc ra fts (S S T ) fly in g at the s p e e d o f m ore
temperature because o f po lar A ntarctic s w irl­ than tw ice the sp eed o f s o u n d at altitu d e o f 18 to 20
ing vortex transform s nitrogen o x ides into km re le ase sig n ific a n t a m o u n t o f n itrog en oxid es
frozen form w hich then be co m e s no n -rea ctiv e fro m th e ir e x h a u sts (the first c o m m e rc ia l flig hts o f
nitric acid.
C o n co rd e an d S u p e r S o n ic T ra n s p o rt aircrafts
research team o f the C am bridge U niversity there has
started on Janu ary 22,1976). The study o f impact of
n itro gen oxides released from the exhausts o f a large been m axim um depletion o f A rctic stratospheric'
fleet o f Super Sonic Transport (SST) aircrafts on the ozone betw een 1965 and 2005. It was believed by the
stratospheric ozone conducted by Harold H. Johnston, scientists that after the-implementation o f M ontreal
an atmospheric scientist at the .University of Protocol there w ould be substantial decrease in
California, Berkeley (U.S.A.) dem onstrated that ‘a ozone depletion but this could not happen. Now the
fleet o f 500 Boeing SSTs would reduce global ozone scientists believe that the increase in the number of
by a value between 3 and 23% over all the e a rth ’s clouds in the Arctic stratosphere leads to reduction
surface, and by as much as 50% near areas of in the concentration o f strato sph eric ozone. The
intensive air travel’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. green house effect causes w a rm in g o f lower
Strahler, 1976). The Climatic Impact Assessment atm osphere but there is cooling o f stratosphere. This
Programme (ClAP) launched by the U.S. D epart­ phenomenon causes form ation o f ice clouds at the
ment o f Transportation (DoT) to study the impact of height o f 14-26 km in the stratosphere. It may be
nitrogen oxides on ozone depletion confirmed the remembered that there is also m ax im um c o n ce n tra ­
initial conclusion of considerable impact of nitrogen tion o f ozone within this zone o f the atm ospehre.
oxides released from the exhausts o f Super Sonic There are fast chemical reactions due to such ice
Transport aircrafts on ozone as drawn by H.H. clouds in ozone zone which cause depletion o f ozone
Johnston as referred to above. Further studies to layer. According to M arkus Rex the cloud covers in
assess the impact of nitrogen oxides on stratospheric the stratosphere over the A rctic region increased
ozone conducted by the U.S. National Academy of four times in 2005 in c o m pariso n to Arctic
Sciences and the U.S. National Academy o f Engi­ stratospheric cloud covers during the decades 1960
neering have confirmed the potential impact of and 1970 due to marked cooling o f the stratosphere.
nitrogen oxides o f ozone depletion. This led to record depletion o f A rctic ozone layer
upto the tune o f 50 per cent d urin g 2 004-2005.
(4) Polar Stratospheric Clouds Hypothesis
4. Ozone Depletion and Global Warming
The research team o f the C am bridge U niver­
sity, U.K. reported in march, 2005 that the concen­ According to one school o f thought the net
tration of stratospheric ozone over Arctic region effect o f ozone depletion m ain ly becau se o f the
decreased upto 50 per cent between November, 2004 impact of chlorofluorocarbons on therm al co n di­
to March, 2005. According to Markus Rex of the tions o f the e arth ’s surface and the lo w e r atm osphere
Alfred Wegener Institute, located in Potsdam, would be highly c o m p licated and unpredictable
Germany, the Arctic ozone layer was depleted upto because o f two facts arising ou t o f ozone depletion
30 per cent by 2005. The question arises, as to why viz. (i) B ecause o f w e ak e n in g o f ozone layer there
the ozone layer got depleted over the Arctic region will be less absorption o f u ltrav io let solar radiation
inspite o f substantial reduction in the production and hence more ultraviolet rays will reach the earth’s
and consumptin of CFCs under Montreal Protocol? surface and con seq uently the tem p e ratu re o f the
It may be mentioned that the depletion o f ozone e a rh ’s surface will be increased, (ii) On the o t h e r ,
layer continues though there is gradual decrease in hand, the heating o f the stra to sp h e re will be reduced
the production and consumption o f ozone depleting because o f reduced absorption o f ultraviolet rays.
substances. It means that besides CFCs being major This phenom enon w ould resu lt in the cooling o f the
fa cto r o f ozone depletion, there are also other e a rth ’s surface because o f less therm al radiation
factors which contribute in the depletion o f stratospheric from the stratosphere to the e a r th ’s surface. These
o z o n e layer. A c co rd in g to John Pyle (2005) o f the two factors will certainly c o m p lic a te the effects of
m 237

c o n s u m p tio n of
ozone depletion due to the effects of chlorofluorocarbons. reduce the ■prod u ction and
This hypothesis is not tenable because without doubt chlorofluorocarbons and the organization
it has now been established that ozone depletion national Conference known as London on
would result in the increase of surface temperature hosted by the British Government and col a
by the United Nations Environment Program m e
of the earth and its lower atmosphere.
(UNEP) during March 5-7 1989 at London to study
It is believed that the depletion of ozone layer
the level and causes o f ozon e depletion and to
would result in 5 to 20 per cent more ultraviolet
involve more international participation to tackle
radiation reaching the populated areas of the world.
the problem o f ozone depletion clearly indicate the
The substantial increase in the surface temperature
level o f the seriousness o f the problem and k eenness
of the earth would cause global warming and climate
o f the world communities to protect the gradually
changes at regional and global levels. The overall
warming of the environment would cause melting of depleting precious ozone layer. The remedial

continental glaciers and ice sheets such as those of measures o f ozone depletion at international level

Antarctica and Greenland. This would in turn cause are being taken at two levels viz.
rise in sea level and consequent submergence of >■ to promote reduction in the production and
coastal lowlands. consumption em ission s o f o z o n e d ep leting

Chlorofluoromethanes, besides depleting ozone chemicals, and

layer, are also supposed to enhance the greenhouse > to make serious efforts to produce and
effect o f caTbon dioxide because these halogen gases propagate the use o f alternative ch e m ic a ls
are effective absorbers in the 8-13 microns wave­ which do not deplete o z o n e in the strato­
length band but w ater vapour and carbon dioxide sphere.
may not effectively absorb these radiation waves. (i) Reduction in the production and consum
Thus, the increased temperature would induce tion of CFCs and halons : T he first and fo re m o s t task
several clim atic changes in various parts o f the before the world cm m m unities is to stop or m ark ed ly
globe. It is also believed that the depletion o f ozone
reduce the production and c o n su m p tio n o f ozo ne
in the stratosphere would result in the increase of the
depleting synthetic chem ical c o m p o u n d s like C F C s
amount o f hydrogen peroxide in the troposphere
(chlorofluorocarbons) and h alons. T h e M o ntreal
which would ultim ately induce acid rain. Ozone
Protocol signed in S e p te m b e r 1987 at M o n treal,
depletion and increased ultraviolet solar radiation
Canada, by 35 developed c o un tries o f the w orld is
would also increase photochem ical processes which
the first concrete step in this regard. T h e sig n in g o f
in turn would create poisonous urban smogs.
this M ontreal Protocol was m ade p o ssib le b e ca u se
5. Protection and Maintenance of Ozone Layer o f continued efforts and n e g o tia tio n s m ade by the
United N ations E n v iro n m e n t P ro g ra m m e (U N E P ).
The depletion o f ozone layer and consequent The follow ing provisions w ere c o m m o n ly a g re e d by
imminent danger to biological com m unities in the countries w hich sig ned the said p roto co l.
general and hum an society in particular have
> To fre e z e th e p r o d u c tio n of CFCs
become a matter o f serious environm ental concern
(ch lorofluo ro carb on s) at 1986 level by 1989.
to governments, scientific co m m u n ities and general
public at local, regional and global levels. W ith the > T o d e crea se the p ro d u c tio n o f these

result serious attem pts are being m ade at in terna­ synthetic ch em ical c o m p o u n d s by 2 0 p e r c e n t by the
end o f 1993.
tional level to heal the already w o un d ed stratosphere
by protecting and m aintaining the p recious ozone > T o a llo w fu rth e r 30 p e r c e n t cu t in the
layer. T he signing o f M ontreal Protocol in 1987 to p ro du ction o f th e se c h e m ic a ls by 1998.
by ab so rb in g ultriviolet rays. T hu s the ozo n e layer
► To freeze the produciton o f halons at 1986
serves as an u m brella or shield against the ultraviolet
level starting from 1992.
solar radiation and saves the e a rth ’s surface from
► Thus the total production of ozone deplet-
b ecom ing too hot. T he m ost dangerous effect o f
i „ . chemicals (mainly CFCs and halons) w ould be
ozone depletion (ozone depletion means thinning of
reduced, according to the M ontreal Protocol, by 50
the ozone layer through lo w ering o f its density in the
p ercent by the beginning of 1999 but this could not
stratosphere) w ould be substantial increase in the
be achieved.
ultraviolet so lar radiation reach ing the e arth ’s
(ii) Search for alternative technology : Besides
surface. The increased ultraviolet so lar ra d iation in
reducing the level of production and consumption of
turn w ould raise the tem perature o f the earth s
ozone depleting CFCs and halon, attentions are
surface and the low er atm osp eh re. This would
focussed on improving the use and maintenance of
trigger a chain o f effects and c o un tereffects which
existing CFCs and halon and on searching substitute
would adversely affect the life-form s in the bio­
chemicals which can replace dangerous CFCs and
sphere in a variety o f ways.
halons. New techniques should be developed so that
leakage o f these gases may be stopped and efficient (1) Effects on Climate
equipments may be used to handle these gases. A
few substitute chemicals claimed to be chlorine free According to one school o f tho ug h t the net
have been developed. For example, a U.S. based effect o f ozone depletion m ainly because o f the
petroleum company has developed Bioact EC-7, a impact o f chlorofluorocarbons on therm al c o n d L
biodegradable non-toxic, and non-corrosive chemi­ tions of the earth’s surface and the lo w er atm osphere
cal known as HFC-134 (a trade name) which may be would be highly com plicated and unpredictable
used in place of Freon-12 in airconditioners and because of two facts arising out o f ozone depeltion
refrigerators. This chemical is claimed to be free viz. (i) Because of w eakening o f o zone lay er there
from chlorine. A new chemical called CFC-22 has will be less absorption o f ultraviolet so lar radiation
been developed in the U.SA. as a substitute for and hence more ultraviolet rays will reach the e a r th ’s
Freon-11 and Freon-12. But the researches on the surface and consequently the tem perature o f the
use and effects of CFC-22 conducted by the U.S. earth’s surface will increase, (ii) On the o th er hand,
scientists have revealed that the CFC-22, a the heating of the stratosphere will be reduced
monochlorofluoromethane considered to be best because o f reduced absorption o f ultraviolet rays.
among the fluurocarbons, also depletes ozone more This phenomenon w ould result in cooldirtg of
than CFC-11 (F reon- 11 ) and CFC-12 (Freon-12). the e a r th ’s surface b e ca u se of less thermal
The research laboratories o f some companies have radiation from the stratosphere to the earth’s
discovered that HCFs or CFCs with an added extra surface. T hese two factors will certainly complicate
hydrogen atom may be used in airconditioners. the effects o f ozone depletion due to the effects
Attempts are also being made in the developed and o f chlorofluorocarbons. This hypothesis is not
the industrialized countries to search for chlorine tenable because w ithout doubt it has now been
free substances that do not have ozone depletion established that ozone depletion w ould result in
potential but can be used in refrigerators. the increase o f surface tem perature o f the earth
and its low er atm osphere.
6. Effects of Ozone Depletion
It is believed that the depletion o f ozone layer
The most important function o f the stratospheric would result in 5 to 20 per cent more ultraviolet
o z o n e is to pro tect the troposphere and the earth’s radiation reaching the populated areas o f the world.
su rfa c e from m ost o f the ultraviolet solar radiation The substantial increase in the surface temperature

o f the earth would cause global warming and climate smog due to increased photochem ica pro

changes at regional and global levels. The overall consequent upon more ultraviolet rays p

warming o f the environment would cause melting of through the troposphere would adverse y a e

continental glaciers and ice sheets such as those of respiratory system o f human body. S m o g im Pai
Antarctica and Greenland. This would in turn cause lung functions and reduces body strength to g
rise in sea level and consequent submergence of bacterial infections. Besides these diseases, hu m a
coastal lowlands. beings will face food shortage because o f very
severe adverse effects o f increased ultraviolet solar
C hlorofluorom ethanes besides depleting
radiation on agricultural crops, vegetation c o m m u ­
ozone layer are also supposed to enhance the
nities and fishes in the freshw ater and marine aquatic
greenhosue effect of carbon dioxide because these
halogen gases are effective absorbers in the 8-13 ecosystems.
microns wavelength band but water vapour and
(3) Ecological Effects
carbon dioxide may not effectively absorb these
radiation waves. Thus, the increased temperature The increased ultraviolet solar radiation
would induce several climatic changes in varous would adversely affect plant and anim al c o m m u n i­
parts o f the globe. It is also believed that the ties in a variety o f ways. It is ex p ected th^t
depletion o f ozone in the stratosphere would result in photosynthesis, water use efficiency and y ield o f
the increase o f the am ount o f hydrogen peroxide in plants would be markedly decreased. T h e heavily
the troposphere which would ultimately induce acid fertilized crops would be more adversely affected
rain. Ozone depletion and increased ultriviolet solar due to their exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is
radiation would also increase photochemical proc­ significant to point out that as the level of
esses which in turn would create poisonous urban phosphorous in the soils increases, the p lan t
smogs. resistivity to ultraviolet radiation d e crea se s and
hence plants are dam aged. D ue to rise in te m p e ratu re
(2) Effects on Human Beings
consequent upon increased u ltrav iolet rad iation the
The increased surface temperature because of evaporation rate o f surface w a ter and soil m oisture
more ultraviolet solar radiation reaching the earth’s would be greatly accelerated resulting into p h e n o m ­
surface consequent upon ozone depletion would enal decrease in soil-m oisture co ntent. T his w ould
cause skin cancer particularly among the white cause drying o f agricultural crops and h en ce m ark ed
populations. A ccording to an estimate 12 per cent reduction in average and total crop p ro du ctio n .
decrease in ozone because o f nitrogen oxides The p hotosynthesis by p h y to p la n k to n s in the
emitted from the exhausts o f a fleet o f 500 Boeing marine ecosystem w o u ld be m ark ed ly reduced.
Super Sonic T ransport aircrafts would cause skin M any m ic ro -ph yto plan kto ns w o u ld die b e c a u s e of
cancer to 1,20,000 people per year in the U.S.A. their exposure to u ltrav iolet so lar radiatio n. T hu s,
alone. Secondly, increased exposure o f human marked reduction in the productivity o f phytoplanktons
bodies to ultraviolet solar radiation would decrease would in turn ad versely a ffect z o o p lan k to n s and
immunity o f human bodies against infectious m arine fishes b ecau se these will starv e and d ie in the
diseases with the result human beings would be absence o f su ffic ie n t su pp ly o f th eir fo o d in the form
more prone to infectious diseases. Further rise in o f phyto plan kton s.
temperature in the already hot and moist equatorial T he loss o f fish p o p u la tio n w ou ld d irectly
regions would further retard physiological grow th o f affect hum an b e in g because fish es are m a jo r source
human bodies and would cause further supression o f o f food to the inh ab itan ts o f the coastal areas. T he
mental developm ent o f human beings. T h e resultant increased ultrav io le t so la r radiatio n w ill also in-

c rease the mortality rate o f larvae o f zooplanktons. chemical elemetns cycles. All these changes conse­
It is also feared that the increased ultraviolet solar quent upon the depletion o f ozone layer would upset
radiation may change the species com position o f the ecological balance o f the biosopheric ecosystem.
m arine ecosystem s.because o f the fact that not all the
marine species are uniformly vulnerable to ultravio­ Coral Bleaching

let solar radiation rather som e species are more

Coral bleaching refers to loss o f algae from
vulnerable while the others are less vulnerable to
the corals resulting into white colour which is
ultraviolet radiation.
indicative o f death o f corals. Global warming
The depletion o f ozone, if not checked and
caused by ozone depletion and emissions of
corrected, w ould enorm ously change the global greenhosue gases has been reported as the major
radiation and heat balance which is so dear to factor of coral bleaching. The coral bleaching
biological com m unities o f the biopshere. In fact, any during 1997-98 has been recorded as the most
alteration in the global radiation balance may catastrophic event as it accounted for large-scale
adversely affect the ecosystem productivity, eco­ death of corals in the tropical oceans o f 60 countries
logical stability and overall environmental equilib­ and island nations. Though coral bleaching was
rium. The depletion in ozone would trigger a number observed by Alfred M ayer as back as 1919 but it was
1! <• V •-
o f changes in the biospheric ecosystem which would the year 1998 when large scale coral bleaching
adversely affect the biological communities includ­ acounting for 70 per cent death o f corals off th 6
ing man viz. (i) Ozone depletion will change the coasts o f K enya, M a ld iv e s, A ndam ans and
spectral composition o f solar electromagnetic radia­ Lakshwadweep islands in the Indian Ocean and 75
tion reaching the e arth ’s surface as more ultraviolet per cent death in the Seychelles M arine Park System
rays will reach the e arth ’s surface, (ii) The increased and the Mafia Marine Park o f T anzania was reported
solar ultraviolet radiation will increase surface by Clive Wilkinson o f the Global Coral Reef
temperature and thus will change the global energy Monitoring Network (G C R M N ) o f Townsvile
and radiation balance, (iii) Increase in temperature (Australia). He identified four overlapping levels of
may change climates at local, regional and global coral bleaching : ( 1) catastrophic bleaching ad­
levels. Thus the resultant climatic changes would versely affecting 95 per cent of shallow water corals
certainly change the physiological characteristics of in Bahrain, the M aldives, Sri Lanka, Singapore and
animal bodies in general and human bodies in Tanzania; (2) severe bleaching accounting for 50-70
particular, (iv) Increase in temperature may de­ per cent death of corals in Kenya, Seychelles, Japan,
crease photosynthesis which in turn would reduce Thailand and Vietnam; (3) moderate bleaching
ecosystem productivity, (v) Change in radiation and resulting into 20-50 per cent coral mortality but with
energy balance would affect the survival and quick recovery, and (4) insignificant bleaching or no
stability o f living orgnisms. (vi) Increase in tem­ bleaching.
perature due to increased ultraviolet solar radiation
The cases o f large-scale bleaching have been
would affect precipitation (both increase and de­
reported in the Andaman and Nicobar islands o f
crease depending upon the existing local environ­
India. It may be pointed out that the areal coverage
mental conditions) which in turn would affect water
o f coral reefs in India has been estim ated to be
cycle which w ould ultim ately affect broader
18,000 km 2. The corals have mainly colonized
biogeochem ical cycles, (viii) The changes in ther­
around the Lakshw adeep and the Andman and
mal co nd ito ns o f the e a rth ’s surface and the lower
N icobar islands. Besides, small patches o f coral
atm osphere would affect type, density and stability of
reefs are found in the G ulf o f Kutch and the Gulf of
vegetation which in turn would affect sediment and M anar. A ccording to the study conducted by the

Society for Andman and Nicobar Ecology (SANE) pollutants and thus save corals from d eg rad atio n):
based at Port Blair there has been mass coral mining of coral rocks for building m ateria s,
bleaching (in 1998) around the Andaman reefs and collection o f rare coral species^ etc. are a
30-70 per cent bleaching around the Nicobar reefs. responsible for coral degradation at loca
This bleaching is related to 2°C rise in temperature regional levels.
from the normal temperature in the Andman Sea in It may be mentioned that corals also have
1997-1998. According to the study by National recovery characteristics. In the past inspite o f
Institute of Oceanogrpahy (NIO) based in Goa coral largescale climatic change since m esozoic era ( 2 0 0
reefs of the Kavaratti and Kadamat islands in million years ago) like Ice Age (Pleistocene Ice
Lakshshwadweep have suffered great damage from Age), fluctuations in solar activities and several
coral bleaching due to bacterial diseases and warmer environmental stresses corals have managed to
sea temperature. The corals in the Gulf of Kutch
survive and recover. ‘Reefs will not becom e extinct
have been bleached due to siltation.
in the long term, but a single bleaching event will
(1) Most o f the scientists have acknowledged take reefs between 30 to 100 years to recover
global w arming as the most significant factor of (Down to Earth, A ugust 15, 1999).
coral bleaching causing large-scale coral death.
It is suggested that proper investigations and
‘According to the Global Coral Reef Alliance
studies of coral ecosystem s are necessary to
(GCRA) every known mass bleaching occurred
understand the holistic view o f association betw een
when temperatures were ju st 1°C higher than normal
coral ecosystems, global w arm ing and coral b le ac h ­
during the warm est summer months’ (Down to
ing so that the corals may be rejuvenated.
Earth, 1999).
(2) El Nino phenomenon has also been related 13.9 GREENHOUSE EFFECTS AND GLOBAL
to coral bleaching. It may be mentioned that the WARMING
warmest year o f 1998 was also associated with the
1. Meaning of Greenhouse Effect
strongest El Nino phenomenon causing further
warming o f the Pacific Ocean waters. It may be
A greenhouse is m eant for plants m ain ly in the
pointed out that El Nino accounts for coral bleaching
cold countries where total insolation at least du rin g
in certain localities only but the phenomenal
winter season is not sufficient enou gh to su pp ort
increase in coral bleaching in the years 1983, 1987
plant growth. The glasses o f g reenh ou se are such
and 1998 was also associated with strong El Nino
that these allow the visible sun lig h t to enter but
weather phenomenon.
prevent the longw ave intfrared rays to go out. A
(3) The outbreaks o f coral diseases (black greenhouse also does n o t have any provision for
band disease, coral plague, aspergillosis and white artificial heating. T h e gre e n h o u se effect m eans
band disease) cause coral death. ‘progressive w a rm in g -u p o f the e a rth ’s su rface due
(4) Local factors like increase in siltation of to the b lanketting e ffe c t o f m a n -m a d e carbon
sea waters due to mass flux o f sedim ents and dioxide in the a tm o s p h e re ’ (O x fo rd D ictio n ary).
nutrients brought by thes streams from the erosion o f , ‘In a green h o u se, visible su n lig h t passes
high islands consequent upon land use changes; through the glass and heats up the soil and w a rm s the
pollution o f sea waters caused by industrial efflu­ plants. T h e w arm soils e m it rad iatio n in lon g er
ents, urban sewage and oil slicks; destructive fishing
w av elen g ths p articu alrly in the infrared. B ecau se
practices, over-fishing, clearing o f m arine forests the glass is o p a q u e to th ese w a v ele n g th s (long
around coral reefs; filling o f w etlands (m arine w avelen gth s o f infrared rad iatio n w aves), it absorbs
forests and w etlands trap sedim ents and filter and reflects the in frared (radiatio n w a v e s )’ (D.B.
dioxide together with other u ndesirable gases
Botkin and E.A. Keller, 1982). This mechanism
through their chim neys into the atm osphere.
keeps the greenhouse warmer than the outside
environment. In nut shell it may be sum m er.zed that >► The third m ajor source is the transport
a greenhouse is the body which allows the shortwave sector w hich includes various types o f vehicles run
incoming solar radiation to come in but does not on coal and petroleum . F or exam ple, railways are
allow the longwave outgoing terrestrial infrared large consum ers o f coal m ainly in the developing
radiation to escape. Carbon dioxide and water countries, in India coal operated locomotives have
vapour act as a greenhouse in that these allow visible been phased out and many develo pin g countries are
light of the sun to reach the surface o f the earth but trying to phase out coal operated rail engines.
absorbs and reflect back the longwave outgoing Similarly, large fleets o f autom obiles (trucks, buses,
terrestrial radiation mainly infrared rays back to the cars and two w heeler-m otor cycles, scooters etc.),
earth’s surface and thus help in keeping the earth’s agricultural implements like tractors, com bines etc.
surface warmer. The gases with the properties of and aircrafts all over the world burn im m ense
greenhouse are called greenhouse gases such as quantity of diesel and petroleum each year.
c arbo nd iox id e. H a lo g en a te d gases such as >►The fourth m ajor source o f the production
chlorofluorocarbons are also greenhouse gases of carbon dioxide is deforestation and burning of
because these absorb longwave terrestrial radiation firewoods. The people are acqu ainted with the first
in the 8-13 microns band and thus help in enhancing three major sources o f carbon d io x id e as they
the carbon dioxide greenhouse effect. It may be,
directly spew carbon dioxide but the m ech an ism s of
thus, concluded that the net result of greenhouse
the release o f carbon dioxide through deforestation
effect of carbon dioxide, water vapour and halogen­
are little understood by c o m m o n man.
ated gases, is the increase in the temperature of the
The vegetation is a very large sink o f carbon
earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere because
these gases allow solar radiation to reach the earth’s dioxide because carbon dioxide is used by plants to
surface but absorb most of the longwave terrestrial prepare their food during the process o f p h o to sy n ­
radiation and reradiate back to the earth and thus thesis and thus huge quantity o f carbon diox id e is
regularly warm the earth’s surface and its immediate fixed among the plants. If the forest c o v er is reduced
atmosphere. through large-scale deforestation for d ifferen t p u r ­
poses (for increase in agricultural lands, fo r urban
2. Major Sources of Greenhouse Gases and industrial expansion, for co m m ercial purposes
etc.) the consumption o f extra am o u n t o f carbon
The most significant greenhouse gas is carbon
dioxide released through a n th ro p o g e n ic sources
dioxide which is released to the atmosphere by
(e.g. human v olcanoes-chim neys o f factories, trans­
burning of fossil fuels for different purposes in
port vehicles, thermal po w er stations etc.) to the
various ways as follows :
atmosphere will be reduced and thus the concentra­
> Electric power stations based on fossil fuels tion o f carbon dioxide in the atm osphere will
mainly coal and mineral oil emit huge amount of
increase. It is believed that the deforestation has
carbon dioxide which reaches the atmosphere every
added 90 to 180 billion tonnes o f carbon to the
year. These power stations are the most significant
atm osphere w hereas the total contribution o f carbon
and widespread major sources of man-induced
from the burning o f mineral oil and coal has been
carbon dioxide.
150 to 180 billion tonnes (the base year of the
> Numerous factories spread all over the beginning o f the Industrial R evolution).
world burn immense quantity of coal, mineral oil
M inor greenhouse gases like halogenated
and natural gas and spew huge amount of carbon
gases (chlorofluorocarbons) and halons are released
* ’2 43
> The major sources o f increase o f atmospher"
to the atmosphere during the operation and mainte.-
nance of appliances and equipm ents using concentration of C 0 2 since 1750 .ncluded
chlorofluorocarbons as coolants and propellants (e.g. following :
airconditioners, refrigerators, several cosmetic goods, • burning of fossil fuels at alarm ing rate, and
plastic foam, fire extinguishers etc.). Besides, methane, • effects of land use changes.
nitrous oxides, and ozone are also green house
>- As per estimate of the IPCC Report 2007 the
gases. r { 1 r
burning of fossil fuels contributed 2/3rd of
3. E m is s io n s o f C a rb o n D io x id e atmospheric C 0 2 emissions since 1750, w hile
;]_> •: ' —' iljfl "f"7 J7
land use changes contributed 1/3rd C 0 2
The climatic changes caused by global green­
house effect due to higher concentration of carbon
> Out of the total atmospheric concentration o f
dioxide in the atmosphere are primarily related to the
C 0 2 about 45 percent rem ained in the
pattern of energy transfer and uses the world over. It
atmosphere, and 30 per cent was absorbed by
may be pointed out that here only that part of
the oceans and the remaining 25 per cent was
climatic changes is being considered which is
caused by greenhouse effect only. taken by terrestrial biosphere (m ainly plants).
Rapid rate o f deforestion also increases the
The IPCC Report 2007 (Intergovernmental
atmospheric C 0 2 concentration because forests are
Panel on Climate Change) revealed the following
facts about global atmospheric concentration of the largest source of carbon sink as plants c o n su m e
carbon dioxide and its primary source : carbon dioxide to prepare their food with the help o f
sunlight and water through the process o f p h o to s y n ­
> The global concentration of carbon dioxide in
thesis and thus fix carbon in their biom ass.
the atmosphere registered an increase from
pre-industrial (1750 A.D.) level o f 280 PPM 4. Emission of Methane (CH4)
to 379 PPM in the year 2005.
The IPCC Report 2007 (In terg o v ern m en ta l
> The annual atm ospheric carbon dioxide con­
Panel on Climate C hange) rev ealed the fo llo w in g
centration growth during the period from
trends of atmospheric c o ncen tration o f m e th a n e :
1960 to 2005 was 1.4 PPM per year but it
registered a phenom inal growth of 1.9 PPM > The concentration o f m ethane in the a tm o s ­
per year during 1995-2005. phere alm ost dou bled fro m p reind ustrial level
(1750 year) to the level o f 200 5 A .D . (1774
>• The annual rate o f increase o f concentration
ppb, part per billion)
o f atm ospheric C 0 2 varies from year to
year. > T h e co ncentration o f a tm o sp h eric C H 4 varied
from 580 ppb to 7 3 0 ppb o v e r the la st 10,000
► A tm ospheric concentration o f C 0 2 increased
by only 20 PPM over 8000 years prior to the years but re g istered an in c re ase o f 10 0 0 pp b in
the last tw o cen tu ries.
year o f industrial revolution, i.e. 1750. This
was because o f the o v erdo m in an ce o f natural > T he de ca d e s 1970s an d 1980s re g istered
processes o f em ission o f C 0 2 and near m a x im u m g ro w th rate o f a tm o s p h e ric c o n ­
absence o f a n throp og en ic source o f em ission cen tratio n o f C H 4 bu t it started dra stic d e clin e
of C 0 2. since the early 1990s.

V A tn ^ s p h e ric c o n cen tratio n o f C 0 2, on the > T h e g ro w th rate o f a tm o s p h e ric C H 4 c o n c e n ­

other hand, increased by 100 PP M from 1750 tration sig n ific a n tly d e c lin e d a lm o s t to zero
to 2005 due to hum an factors. fo r 6 -y e a r p e rio d from 1999 to 2005. T h e

sharp decline o f C H 4 denotes the fact that the 5. Nitrous Oxides (N20 ) Concentration
annual rate of emission o f CH4 equals the rate
As per IPCC Report 2007, the follow ing trends
o f its removals.
o f atm ospheric concentration of nitrous oxides
> ‘The slowdown in the atm ospheric C H 4
(N 20 ) may be underlined :
growth rate since 1993 is likely due to the
atmosphere approaching an equilibrium d u r­ • T h e N20 co n ce n tra tio n in the atmosphere

ing a period o f near-constant total em issio n.’ registered an increase o f 18 percent from pre­
industrial period (17 5 0 A .D .) to 2005 A.D.
> The current atmospheric C H 4 levels are due
(319 ppb, part per billion), due prim arily to
to continuing anthropogenic emissions of
human activities, m ainly a g ricu ltu re and
CH 4 which are mostly biogenic and include
emissions from wetlands, ruminant animals, associated land use ch an ges.

rice agriculture and biomass (cowdung cakes) > The anthropogenic source co n trib u te s about
burning, with smaller contributions from 40 per cent o f total N 20 em ission s.
industrial sources including fossil fuels-
related emissions.

Table 13.6 : Emission of carbon dioxide (C 0 2) in 2008

(billion metric tonnes) (% o f global total)

World 29.888 100
1. China 7.031 23 .3 0
2. U.S.A. 5.461 18.11
3. European Union 4.177 10.04
4. India 1.724 5.78
5. Russia 1.708 5.67
6. Japan 1.208 4.01 v ’ J
7. Germany 0.786 2.61
8 . Canada 0.544 1.80
9. Australia 0.399 1.32
10. Brazil 0.393 1.30

Table 13.7: Per capita emission of C02 (metric tonnes), 2008

1. A ustralia
189 7. U .K . 8.5
2. U.S.A.
8. F ran c e 6.1
3. R ussia
121 9. C h in a 5.3
4. South K orea 10.6 10. B razil
5. G e rm a n y 9-6 11. In d ia 1.4
6. Japan 9.5

T ble 13 8: Gobal em ission of greenhouse gases from anthropogenic sources (IPCC R eport.-----------
% o f world total

burning o f fossil fuels 56.6

T C 0 2 (carbon dioxide)
deforestation, decay of biomass etc. 17.3


CH 4 (methane) wetland, rice cultivation, cow dung etc. 14.3

N20 (nitrus oxides) 7.9
co2 cement production, natural gas flaring etc. 2.8
6. F -g ases 1.1

4. Greenhouse Effect and Climate change composition o f the atm osphere and overall heat
balance because carbon dioxide is m ore o r less
The carbon dioxide is, in fact, a natural transparent to incoming shortw ave solar ra d iation
constituent of the earth’s atmosphere. It is not but it absorbs most o f the o u tg o in g lo n g w a v e
necessarily a pollutant at least in the lower radiation emitted from the e a rth ’s surface. T h u s the
atmosphere but its increased concentration in the supply of additional am ount o f carbon d io x id e to the
atmosphere leaves adverse effects on biological atmosphere every year enh ances the ab so rp tio n o f
communities through changes in the thermal condi­ radiation of more heat em itted from the e arth s
tions and global radiation and heat balance. As surface. This m echanism (absorption o f m o re h e a t
stated in the beginning the carbon dioxide, present in emitted from the e a rth ’s su rface by the atm o sp h eric
gaseous form in the atmosphere, has unique proper­ carbon dioxide) results in the w a rm in g of th e lo w e r
ties in that it allows the solar radiation to reach the atmosphere. This w arm ed lo w e r a tm o s p h e re ag ain
surface o f the earth but tends to prevent longwave reradiates heat (c o un ter-radation ) to the e a r th ’s
terrestrial radiation (such as infrared heat radiation surface which further w arm s th e e a r th ’s surface. T h e
from the earth) from the earth surface from escaping net result of all these mechanism is the g ra d u a l
into outer space. This m echanism results in the increase o f the temperature of the e a r th ’s s u rfa c e and
increase of temperature o f the surface o f the earth the lower atm o sp here which causes c h a n g e s in th e
and the lower atmosphere. It may be pointed out that climatic co n ditio ns at local th ro u g h re g io n a l to
about 50 per cent, o f the total carbon dioxide global levels.
produced by anthropogenic sources (com bustion of
Inspite o f contrasting opin ion s about the im pact
fossil fuels and burning o f w ood) is dissolved into'
of increasing concentration o f carb o n dioxide in the
the oceans and fixed by the plants in their biom ass
earth s atm osphere fro m the b urning of w oods and
whereas the remaining 50 percent is stored in the
combustion o f fossil fuels on the air tem perature it may
atmospheric storage pool and thus the concentration
be c o n c lu s iv e ly o p in e d th a t th e re is
of carbon dioxide in the atm osphere steadily in­
definite positive effect o f the increased concentration
creases. The trend o f increasing atm ospheric carbon
o f the atm ospheric carbon dioxide, that is there is
dioxide increases the greenhouse effect which raises
increase in the tem perature o f the surface o f the earth
the temperature o f the e arth’s surface. This m e c h a ­
and the low er atm osphere. T his increase in tem perature
nism may be explained in sim ple term as given below.
introduces several changes in the clim atic conditions at
T he everincreasing proportion o f carb on
local, regional and global levels as follows:
dioxide in the atm osphere through anth ro p o g en ic
> A c c o rd in g to A .B . P itto ck (1 97 2 ) th e c h an g e
sources (as discussed earlier) ch an g e s the general
in the glo bal m ean te m p e ra tu re by a few

d e g re e s c elsiou s caused by greenhouse effect increased. This increase in the atm osph eric
w o u ld greatly affect the hum an society and pressure w ould broaden the absorption bands
agriculture. and increase the opacity o f the a tm o sp here to
the outgoing long w ave terrestrial radiation
> It is believed by some scientists that increased
which w ould in turn increase the surface
tem p eratu re due to increased greenhouse
tem perature to such an extent that all the
e ffect w ould cause decrease in precipitation
atm ospheric processes w hich are now re sp o n ­
and soil moisture content in the most d evel­
sible for the existen ce and sustenance o f all
oped agricultural regions o f the world. The
life form s in the bio sp h ere w ould com e to
plants, animals and insects may be able to
grinding halt and every thing, then, would
adjust themselves to the changed environ­
be over. But this is an ex tre m e situation
mental conditions caused by rise in the air
which is unlikely to o c c u r and this should not
temperature but the whole ecosystems may be
adversely damaged.
► The impact o f g reen h o u se gases m ainly
► If the concentration o f carbon dioxide goes on
carbon dioxide is also ex p ec te d to influence
increasing, the oceans would be required to
rather intensify the d ep letio n o f o z o n e layer
absorb more and more carbon dioxide. More
which w ould cause furth er rise in the te m p e ra ­
absorption and decomposition o f carbon
ture o f the e a r th ’s surface.
dioxide in the oceans would raise their normal
level of acidity. Increased oceanic acidity > It is also argued by som e scientists mainly
would decrease biological productivity o f the botanists that the increased concentration of
marine ecosystem and the decreased plant carbon dioxide in the atm osphere w ould in ­
cover in the oceanic areas would change the crease plant production. A ccording to an
albedo o f the ocean surface. estimate an increase o f carbon dioxide between
> The increased surface temperature would 300 to 600 p.p.m. w ould increase vegetative
cause melting o f continental and mountain productivity by about 30 per cent. It m ay be
glaciers and polar ice caps. The resultant pointed out that this positive response o f the
melt-water would raise sea-level and thus increased carbon dioxide on the vegetative
would cause flooding o f coastal areas o f productivity is only theoretically deduced c o n ­
lowland countries. A ccording to an estim ate clusion because increase in tem perature is
one-metre rise in sea-level may be possible by believed to have serious adverse effects on
2050 A.D. due to w arm ing impact o f green ­ vegetation com m unities m ainly agricultural
house effect. This rise in sea-level may cause crops.
■| t , -i . .jj
flooding o f 15 per cent o f the agricultural
lands o f U.A.R. bordering the M editerranean Summary of Impact of Global Warming
sea and thus about 8 million people would be
► Percep tib le c h a n g e in the a tm o sp h er ic ch e m ­
displaced. Sim ilarly, a m ajor portion o f the
istry due to in crease in the c o n cen tra tio n o f
lo w er delatic region o f B angladesh w ould be
atm osph eric carbon d io x id e s in c e industrial
su bm erg ed under sea-w ater and consequently
a b o u t 8 to 10 million people would lose their
ag ric u ltu ra l lands and homes. ► S ig n ific an t c h a n g e in g e n e ra l c o m p o s itio n of
the a tm o s p h e re a n d o v e ra ll h e a t b a la n c e .
> It m a y be p o ssib le that the concentration o f
► G rad ual in c re a se in the te m p e r a tu r e o f the
c a r b o n d io x id e m ay increase to such an extent
earth s su rfa c e a n d lo w e r a tm o s p h e r e .
that th e total a tm o s p h e ric p re ssu re w ould be
. earlier break up caused flo ating
> Increase in the activity of hydrological cycle.
of 66 km2 in August, 2 0 0 •
> Decrease in precipitation and soil moisture
content in the most developed agricultural , 2 trillion tonnes o f ice m elted
regions of the world. land, Antarctica and A laska b etw e

>- Whole ecosystems may be adversely affected. 2008 as reported by N A SA .

> Probable increase in the acidity of the oceans Greenland ice melt adds to rise in sea level y
and decrease in the biological productivity of 0.5 mm per year.
the marine ecosystems and change in the
albedo of the ocean surface. Impact of Climate Change in India

>- Melting of continental and mountain glaciers, India, being a party o f U.N. Fram ew ork
Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets and Greenland Convention on Climate Change (F.C.C.C.) published,
ice sheets and consequent rise in sea level and
its first official document on impact o f emission o f
flooding o f coastal areas of lowland coun­
green house ^ases on present and future climate o f the
tries, and island nations.
country on June 1, 2004. The total annual emission o f
> Total atmospheric pressure may increase. GH gases amounted to one million tonnes giving per
>- May increase plant production in some areas capita emission of 1.3 tonnes/year. T he over all global
and may decrease in other areas. rise of temperature of 0.4°C has caused 10-12%
>- May accentuate tropical cyclones in terms of increase in monsoon rain in the west coast, north-w est
both frequency and severity. As per the report of regions and north Andhra Pradesh but 6 - 8 % decline in
the WMO the northern hemisphere was hottest M.P. and adjoining areas, north-east regions and parts
during 2005 A.D. since the data collection in of Gujarat and Kerala. The temperature is likely to
1861. The year 2005 recorded the highest 27 increase by 2-4°C from 1994 level by 2 04 0 A D .
numbers of tropical cyclones of which 14 storms Minimum temperature will rise by 4°C across tl^e
were o f the intensity of hurricanes. Hurricane country by the year 2040. There will be decrease in
Wilma, which struck Florida of the USA was rainy days by 15 days over m ajor parts o f the
termed as the strongest ever recorded hurrcane country. The rising temperature w ould dry up key river
. in the world. Hurricane Katrina which flattened basins of India after 2040 AD (D ow n to Earth, July 31,
New Orleans o f the USA in August 2005 proved 2004).
to be most disastrous.
5. Remedial Measures
> May change existing world patterns o f pre­
cipitation. ‘
T he first and the fo re m o s t step to a rre s t th e
> Increase in the frequency o f extrem e weather problem o f e v er-in c rea sin g g re e n h o u se e ffe c t an d
condition. expected rise in the global m e an te m p e ra tu re is to
> biggest break up o f W ard H unt Ice S h e lf o f 20 prevent or to redu ce the re le ase o f a d d itio n a l c a rb o n
km 2 o ff E llesm ere Island in C an ad ian Arctic dioxide fro m the c o m b u stio n o f fossil fu e ls an d
A rchipilego into 2 flo a tin g ice island as through d e fo re statio n . T h e f o llo w in g m e a s u re s m ay
follows : be su g g este d to d e c re a se the in c re a s in g g re e n h o u s e
effect :
• 4 to 5 k m 2 flo a tin g island fo rm ed around
July 22, 2008. (1) T h e re sho uld be d ra stic c u t in th e c o n s u

• 14 k m 2 flo a tin g ice island fo rm ed around tion o f fossil fuels m ainly in the d e v e lo p e d a n d h ig h ly

Ju ly 23, 2008. industrialized c o u n trie s like th e U .S .A ., R u ssia , U.K .,

G erm any , F rance, C a n a d a , Ja p a n etc. T h e T o ro n to

W o rld C onference held at Toronto, Canada, in June, (5) Solar energy may be developed as alterna­
1988 called for 20 per cent voluntary reduction in the tive to the conventional fossil fuel energy at least in
em issions o f carbon dioxide by the year 2005 so that those tropical and subtropical countries where sun
the greenhouse effect may be minimized or at least light is available during most period of the year. It
may be stabilized and the possible climatic changes at may be pointed out that most o f the tropical and
regional and global levels may be prevented. The subtropical countries are either under-developed or
implementation of Toronto Resolutions has several developing nations and hence their own resources
practical difficulties. will not allow them to develop costly solar energy at
the cost o f primary needs o f food, shelter and clothing
(2) As per Kyoto Protocal (1997) there should
of their people. This may be possible only when the
be 5.2 per cent reduction in the emission of carbon
developed countries give generous but sufficient
dioxide below the level of 1990 emission. This
economic aid (without interest) to the under-devel-
agreem ent became effective from February 2005
oped and developing countries to develop solar
when it was rectified by required number of
energy on commercial level. Will this be possible?
countries though the USA and Australia have not yet
Will the greatly developed and highly industrialized
signed (by 2006) the agreement.
nations of the west be ready to part with the money
(3) In order to solve the problem of energy which they have actually earned from the perennial
crisis and energy security arising out of the commercial markets o f the Third World Countries?
implementation of the Kyoto Protocol demanding Biogas may be considered as another alternative
5.2 per cent reduction in the consumption of fossil source of conventional energy for the domestic
fuels from the 1990 level o f emissions of C 0 2 to sector. It may be mentioned that the installation and
reduce the emission o f arbon dioxide the scientists operation of biogas plant requires sufficient quantity
must discover and develop alternative sources of of cow dung which is mostly used for cooking food in
energy and power and improved better technologies. many of the d e v e lo p in g c o u n tr ie s su ch as
For example, more serious researches are required to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. T h e diversion of
assess and e v a lu a te the p o te n tia ls of cow dung from the hearth to the biogas plant will
methanol, derived from methane, as the major source not only provide fuel to the kitchens but will also
of fuel to be used in the transport sector. Thus provide good natural fertilizers to the agricultural
methanol may be expected to be substitute for crops.
petroleum. ( 6 ) Afforestation and reforestation on a large
(4) More advanced and efficient technologies scale will certainly reduce the greenhouse effect. It is
should be developed so that maximum energy may a well known fact that the forests are big natural ‘sink*
be derived from the use of existing fossil fuels and of carbon dioxide. In other words, forests consume
emission of carbon dioxide may be minimised. carbon dioxide to prepare food with the help of
Virtually no attention is paid towards the restriction sunlight through the process o f photosynthesis and
of the emissions o f harmful carbon dioxide and other thus fix carbon dioxide as carbon in their biomass.
gases from the factories and vehicles in most o f the The rapid rate o f forest removal at global scale has
developing countries. Thus the internal combustion resulted in considerable decrease in the forest cover of
engines should be improved and maintained prop­ almost all o f the countries in general and subtropical
erly so that maximum benefits may be derived from and temperate countries in particular. The reduction
m inim um use o f petroleum and emissions o f carbon in forest cover results in low consum ption o f carbon
dioxide, nitrous oxides etc. may be reduced to dioxide by vegetations and therefore considerable
m a x im u m degree. increase in the concentration o f carbon dioxide in the
leadership o f UNO-sponsored
atmosphere. It is estimated that the forest cover of 120 ber, 1987 u nd er the ------------ -- / it n FP)
U n ited N ation s E n v ir o n m e n t P r o g r a m m e ^
million hectares can fix about 780 million tonnes of
the international co n feren ce on dep e i
the atmospheric carbon each year. Thus if 120 million
lay er’ in L ondon, held fro m M arch ° » ^
hectares of land at world level are brought under the
w herein g o v e rn m e n t o ffic ia ls , s c ie n t i s
scheme of active and effective tree plantation, 47 per
du strialists o f 180 c o u n trie s p a r tic ip a te d , in t®rn .
cent of the total annual release of carbon dioxide from
tional c o n fe ren c e on ozone d e p letion he
the combustion of fossil fuels and the burning of
London in 1990 etc. fo r re s tric tin g the p r o d u c tio n
firewood may be reduced because of consumption of
the gas by new cover of tree planation. According to and c o n su m p tio n of ozone d e p le tin g

an estimate if the forest cleared lands are reforested in ch lo ro flu o ro ca rb o n s (C F C s) etc. are a fe w e x a m ­
Brazil, India, Columbia, Indonesia, tropical countries ples w hich reveal the s e rio u s n e s s o f in te r n a tio n a l
of Africa, Pakistan etc. about 60 percent of the total c o m m u n ities for their a ctiv e c o o p e r a tio n s in
release of carbon dioxide through anthropogenic tackling the global e n v iro n m e n ta l p ro b le m s b u t it
sources may be effectively reduced. It is also is painful to pen dow n th at still the p o litic a l
important to note that the rate of deforestation is gim m icks, in tern atio n al p o litic s , s e lf in te re s t
increasing alarmingly particularly in the developing and greed are the taboos o f su ch e ffo rts a n d
countries. It is very necessary to prevent deforestation cooperations.
if we want not to be cursed by our future generations. Several international c o n fe ren c e s, sem in ars,
Greenery of the landscape is the only immediate symposia, workshops etc.. for the m a in te n a n c e o f
solution of everincreasing greenhouse effect caused environmental quality, ecological b alance, e c o s y s ­
by everincreasing concentration of carbon dioxide in tem stability and biodiversity h av e been a tte n d e d by
the atmosphere. different countries, U nited N atio ns, vo lu n ta ry n o n ­
government and g o v ernm ent o rg a n iz atio n s and
several agreements and d ecla ra tio n s h a v e b een
signed. The following are the im p o rta n t c o n fe r­
The international co m m u n itie s are well ences, protocols, agreem ents a n d d e cla ra tio n s .
aware and are seized o f the global environm ental 1 (1979) first World C lim ate Sum m it, 1979 in
and ecological problem s and v arious effeorts have G eneva (S w itzerland).
been initiated to control global w arm ing and halt
2 . (1980), C o nference on In d u s trie is a n d C li­
probable clim atic c h ang es. T h ere are several
mate, 1980, in V ie n n a (A u stria ).
organizations, g o v ern m ent ag rencies, in te rg o v ­
ernm ental agencies, n o n -g o v e rn m e n t o rg a n iz a ­ (1985), Vienna Convention (A ustria), 1985, for
tions (N G O ) which have undertaken various the protection and m a in te n an c e o f o z o n e layer.
action plans and p ro jects to study the re la tio n ­ 4. (1987), A greem en t on M o ntreal Protocol,
ships betw een man and e n v iro n m e n t, in teractio n s
M ontreal, C anada, 1987 (S e p te m b e r) fo r r e ­
between man and n atu re, the en v iro n m en tal
duction o f the p ro du ction and c o n su m p tio n o f
problems re s u ltin g th e re fro m and rem edial m e a s ­
ozone depleting c h lo ro flu o ro c a rb o n s (C F C s)
ures therefor. It is h e a r te n in g to note that now
in order to ch eck the d e p letio n o f o z o n e layer.
international c o o p e r a tio n s are fo rth c o m in g for the
The M ontreal Proto co l on s u b sta n c e s th a t
amelioration o f the e n v iro n m e n ta l and e co lo g ica l
deplete the ozo ne sig n ed in S e p te m b e r, 1987 at
Problems. E fforts are b e in g m a d e to c o n tro l oz o n e
M ontreal, C anada, by 35 d e v e lo p e d c o u n trie s
depletion and g re e n h o u s e e f f e c ts at g lo b a l level.
o f the w orld w as the first c o n c re te step in this
The formulation o f M o n tre a l Protocol in S e p te m -
regard. T h is w as in itia te d by U n ite d N a tio ns

Environment Programme (UNEP). The fol­ by 178 countries which signed the Climate
lowing provisions were commonly agreed by Change Convention.
the countries which signed the protocol. 9. (1994). The signed climate change convention
(i) To freeze the production of CFCs at 1986 during ‘first earth summit’ was given practical
level by 1989. shape which aimed at reduction in carbon
(ii) To decrease the production of these emission and to stabilize the emission at 1990
synthetic chemical compounds by 20 per level by 2000 AD but it could not be imple­
cent by the end of 1993. mented in letter and spirit by the allotted time

(iii) To allow further 30 per cent cut in the frame.

production of these chemicals by 1998. 10. (1995), The first sum m it o f the advocates of
(iv) To freeze the production of halons at Climate Change Convention, better known as
1986 level starting from 1992. Berlin Summit, was held in June 1995 in
Berlin city o f G erm any but no agreem ent
(v) Thus, the total production of ozone
could be arrived at for the fixing o f am o u nt of
depleting chemicals (mainly CFCs and
emission o f carbon dioxide by different
halons) would be reduced by 50 per cent
by the beginning of 1999. countries.

5. (1988) Toronto Summit, in Toronto city of 11. (1996), The second sum m it o f the advocates
Canada, for the reduction in the emission of o f the Climate C hange C o n ven tio n was held
carbon dioxide. The summit aimed at 20 per in Vienna city o f A ustria in July 1996 but this
cent cut in the emission o f carbon dioxide by summit also proved unsuccessful as no
2005 AD but the developped countries backed agreement on the a m o u n t o f em ission of
out from the agreement on the pertext o f non­ carbon dioxide could be struck.
availability of reliable data of emission of 12. (1997), U nited N ations Second Earth Summit,
green house gases. was organized in N ew Y ork city o f the U.S.A.
6 . (1988), Constitution o f Intergovernmental from June 23 to 27, 1997 and w as represented
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the study by the representatives o f 170 co u n tries and 70
o f climatic changes by United Nations Envi­ heads o f the gov ern m en t. T h is s u m m it aimed
ronment Programme (UNEP) and World at the evaluation o f the im plem en tation of
Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988. Agenda 21 o f the first earth s u m m it organized
This panel was assigned the main task o f in Rio De Janeiro in 1992.
presenting report on effects of greenhouse 13. (1997). The third s u m m it o f the advocates of
gases on the earth from time to time.
the climate change w as h eld fro m D ecem ber 1
7. (1990), Second World Climate Summit was to 10, 1998, in the K y oto city o f Japan. After
held in 1990 to search effective measures to prolonged discussion an a g re em e n t, known as
check the emission o f greenhouse gases and Kyoto Agreement, to 5.2 p e r c en t cut in the
Intergovernmental Agreement Commitee was em ission o f carbon d io x id e by the developed
countries, w as sig ned .
8 . (1992). The United Nations Conference on 14. The 10th clim ate c h a n g e m e e t k no w n as Tenth
Environm ent and Development— UNCED,
C onference o f P arties ( C o P - 1 0 ) o f the United
better known as First Earth Summit or Rio
N ations F ram e w o rk C o n v e n tio n on Climate
Summit, was organized in June, 1992 in Rio
C hange (U N F C C C ) w as he ld fro m Dec. 6 to
D e Jan eiro city o f Brazil which was attended
17, 2004 in B u e n o s A ire s (A rgentina) to

com bat global warm ing and implement Kyoto from 0.3°C to 0.6°C. G re e n h o u se g ( ^
dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, mtrous ox-
Protocol but nothing substantial could be
achieved as ‘political will for concerted ide etc.) have been identified as m ajor
global warming. It is, thus, apparent that the globa^
global solutions (of global warming and
warming is due to anthropogenic econom
climate change) has seriously waned’ (Down
ties. Greenhouse gases are em itted from in us n
to Earth, Jan 15, 2005, p. 22).
establishments, automobiles, dom estic app lances
Besides, the Stockholm Conference in 1972
etc, and these gases are concentrated in the low er
(Sweden), Desertification Conference in 1972 in
atmosphere, thereafter they increase air tem pera
Nairobi (Kenya), Hague Declaration of March, 1989,
ture. The relative shares o f carbon diox ide,
Helsinki Declaration of May, 2,1989 etc. are positive
chloroflurocarbon, methane and nitrous oxides were
steps towards the maintenance of environmental
51%, 20%, 16% and 16% respectively upto 1990.
quality. It may be mentioned that about 158
The detailed information o f emission o f greenhouse
agreements, delcarations, protocols etc. have been
signed upto 1997. gases and global warming have already been
presented in the preceding section 13.9 and the
First Earth Summit causes, mechanism and adverse effects o f g re e n ­
house gases and ozone depletion have been d is­
(Rio Summit)
cussed earlier in this chapter. It may be pointed out
United Nations Conference on Environment that developed countries are them selves respo nsible
and Development (UNCED), better known as Earth for ozone depletion and creation o f ozo ne hole.
Summit or Simply Rio Summit was organized from An attempt was made at the time o f earth summit
June 3 to 14, 1992, in Rio De Janeiro city of Brazil for an agreement to reduce the emission of greenhouse
under the aegis o f United Nations for the protection of gases at 1990 level by 2000 AD by the developed
the earth and its environment, maintenance of countries to tackle the problem o f global rise in
ecological balance and to enrich bodiversity. The temperature and its consequential adverse effects in
conference was attended by the representatives of 178 future but no concrete agreement could be arrived at. It
developed and developing countries. The primary was commonly agreed upon to cut the emission o f
objectives of the conference were to arrive at greenhouse gases but neither any concrete from ula nor
commonly acceptable agreements and their imple­ any time limit could be decided for this purpose.
mentation to tackle the problems of global warming,
2. Forest Conservation : A t the tim e o f ear
depletion of ozone layer and ozone hole, deforesta­
summit all the participants e x pressed d eep con cern
tion, biodiversity, weather and climate change, acid
and anger at the rapacious and reck less cuttin g o f
rain, sustainabJe development etc. The following
forests. It may be pointed out that acc o rd in g to an
were five important agenda o f the conference: (i) rise
estimate about 8 ,0 0 0 years ago 8 ,0 0 0 m illion
in global temperature (global warming), ( 2 ) forest
hectares o f land w ere co v ered w ith fo rests w hich
protection, (3) biodiversity, (4) agenda 21, and (5)
decreased to 3,000 m illion h ectares by 1998. T h u s,
Rio declaration. Only two aspects of global warming
the modern society has already c o n s u m e d tw o third
and forest conservation o f Rio Summit are being
o f world forest cover. It m ay be re m e m b e re d th at one
discussed here as only these two are directly
third tropical rainforests w ere c lea re d by 1972 and
concerned with global w arming and climate change.
the loss o f re m ain ing ra in fo rests b e g an at the annual
1. Global W arming : A rise o f 1.5°C in the
rate o f 0.5 per cen t (i.e. 100,000 k m 2 fo re st a rea per
atmospheric tem perature has been reported for the
year). T he annual rate o f loss o f ra in fo re s t reached
last 75 years (upto 1995). S o m e sources put this rise
the figure o f 170,000 k m 2 by the y e ar 1992.

A c c o rd in g to U nited N ations data (1980) forest area order to evaluate the progress and im plem entation of
is b e in g lost at the annual rate of 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 hectares proposals and A genda 21 which were agreed during
in A sia and Pacific region. Even in Brazil 620,000 the First E arth Sumit organized in 1992 in Rio De
k m 2 o f forest area was cleared in the decade 1980- Janerio city of Brazil. T he second earth summit was
90. India is losing its forest cover at the rate of 2.8 attended by the representatives of 170 countries
per cent per year. It may be pointed out that the with 70 heads of governm ent. This sum m it is also
developed countries have already consumed major known as Plus-5 Summit because this summit was
portions of their forest covers. It may be underlined organized after 5 years from the first earth summit
that the tropical rainforests are richest in biodiversity (Rio Summit) and the program m es and action plans
and have medicinal importance. (accepted during Rio Sum m it) were discussed and

D eveloped countries plead for imposing reviewed but ultimately no concrete and fruitful

restrictions on cutting of tropical rainforests in order results could be achieved because no agreem ent

to use them for medicinal purposes and as natural could be made on any agenda.V arious agenda which
carbon sinks for the absorption of emitted carbon were endorsed during Rio Sum m it e.g. financial help
dioxide from their industrial establishments and for check on global rise in temperature, effective cut
thermal power plants. Keeping this fact in mind the in the emission o f greenhouse gases, law o f forest
conservation, sustainable agricultural developm ent,
United States presented a proposal o f forest conser­
vation which was strongly supported by the coun­ conservation of biodiversity, eradication of poverty
tries of European Communities at the time of first etc. could not be sincerely im plem ented. It may be
earth summit. The American proposal was based on pointed out that the aforesaid problem s could not be
the logic that forest wealth is the commonly shared attendd sincerely and hence could not be solved
property of the world community and hence an rather they were further aggravated during 5-year
international law should be enacted for its conserva­ period (1992-97) because (a) the em ission o f carbon
tion and maintenance. It may be mentioned that the dioxide further increased from 1992 to 1997 (but
United States clevery excluded private forests from slightly decreased in 1998), (b) the pace of
the purview of the proposed forest conservation law deforestation got accelerated, (c) global w arming
because most of forests in the U.S.A. come under could not be controlled, (d) poverty and population
private ownership. Thus, the U.S.A. on one hand growth have increased etc. T he U .S.A . becam e an
tria l to delink its forest resources from the proposed effective barrier in endorsing the proposal for
international law and on the other hand, attempted to curtailing the emission o f carbon dioxide and the
claim right on the forest resources of the developing agenda was postponed to be con sid ered at Kyoto
countries. The developing countries smelt the trick Summit to be held in D ecem ber, 1997 in Japan. At
of the U.S.A. and under the leadership of India and the end of the sum m it a declaration o f voluntary
Malasia rejected the U.S. proposal outrightly on the contribution o f 0.7 percent o f national product by the
ground that forests are their national property and developed countries to dev elo p in g countries was
hence they cannot be brought under any interna­ signed but the developed countries did not imple­
tional law. Developing countries strongly pleaded ment this declartion sincerely as they contributed
that the developed countries should control the only 0.27 per cent o f their national product to aid
emission o f carbon dioxide in their own regions. fund. World W ild Fund (W W F) and W orld Bank
-Thus, the proposal o f forest conservation was finally assuied to take the responsibility o f forest conserva­
rejected. tion.

Second Earth Summit Kyoto Protocol

The second earth summit was held from June A summit to reduce global w arm in g w as held
23 to 27, 1997 in New York city o f the U.S.A. in from D ecem ber 1 to 10 , 1997 in K y oto city o f Japan

and an agreement to this effect was also signed. This (3) The Kyoto Protocol and A greem ent would

summit was attended by the representatives o f 149 automatically be invalidated if at I«*< 60 countries
countries. This agreement is popularly known as o f Conference o f Parties (C oP) do not endorse and
Kyoto Protocol or Kyoto Thermal Treaty. The implement its provisions and re s o l“ ‘' ° " s ' ! he
protocol was to be effective from June,
following are the main items of this historic
agreement. would be imposed on those countries w hic o

(i) A proposal of 30 per cent cut in the adopt the protocol.

emission of carbon dioxide by 2008-12 A.D. was (4) A Clean D evelopm ent Fund (C D P) w ould
presented by the island nations on the fear that the be established which w ould be funded by the
temperature is estimated to rise 2°C to 3.5°C at the fines realized from the countries which flou t the
present rate (1997 level) of global warming but the protocol.
proposal was strongly opposed by the developed and Review o f Kyoto P rotocol : O ne positive
industrialized countries. Ultimately an agreement outcome of the Kyoto C onference on C lim ate
on 5.2 per cent cut from 1990 level o f carbon Change and Kyoto Protocol is that the d e v elo p e d and
emission could be signed. This cut in carbon developing countries accepted at least in prin cip le
emission would be implemented by 11 industrial­ that some concrete steps should be initiated to check
ized countries. It may be pointed out that the U.S.A., climatic change due to rise in global tem peratu re.
European com m unity and Japan agreed to curtial 7 The developing and poor cou ntries su cc e ed e d in
per cent, 8 per cent and 6 per cent emission of carbon managing unanimity on the point th at red u ctio n in
dioxide respectively but the developing countries the emission of greenhouse gases w ould n ot be
did not agree for any cut in carbon emissioin. binding on them. It may be pointed out th at the
(2) According to this agreement industrial
emission o f greenhouse gases from a fe w big
countries can. have mutual transfer of fixed quota of developing countries like C hina, India, B razil etc.
cut in the emission o f greenhouse gases. For would also increase substantially in n e a r fu tu re. It is
example, if two countries have been allotted the to be remembered that at the tim e o f K yoto Proto co l
quota of 6 per cent cut each in carbon emission, after (1997) the per capita em ission o f g re e n h o u se gases
mutual understanding one country may curtail only from the developing countries was 2.4 to n nes per
4 per cent carbon emission while the second country annum against annual per capita e m ission o f 11.9
wil have to cut 8 per cent carbon emission and can tonnes from developed countries, thus, the d e v e lo p ­
claim royalty for additional 2 per cent cut from the ing countries should also be p repared fo r fu ture cut
first country. This is termed as carbon trading or hot in the emission of greenhouse gases. In fact, K y o to
air trading. As a consequence of Kyoto Protocol conference could not be as m uch effe ctiv e as
Russia and Japan have struck such deal between expected because o f rigid attitud e o f de v elo p e d
them. Japan found it difficult to implement the quota countries and futile efforts to b lam e each o th e r for
o f 6 per cent cut in carbon emission from 1990 level. global warm ing. It may be p o in te d out th at in o rd er
On the other hand, Russia can meet its target o f zero to transfer environment friendly technologies from
per cent rise in carbon dioxide because o f its developed countries to d e v e lo p in g c o u n trie s to
economic recession. ‘U nder the agreem ent Japanese check the em ission o f g re e n h o u se g ases Global
companies would invest in 20 Russian po w er plants Environment Facility (GEF) h as b e en established
and industries to cut g reenhouse em ission. These w ith the help o f W o rld B an k , U n ite d N ations
reductions of Russian em issio ns w ould be added to D e v elo p m e n t P ro g ra m m e (UNDP) and U nited N a­
Japanese carbon dioxide balance s h e e t’ (D ow n to tions E n v iro n m e n t P ro g ra m m e (UNEP) but no
Earth, July 31, 1998).
c o ncrete steps c o u ld be in itiated by 1998.

It may be concluded that ‘the Kyoto protocol, oTthe world of the environment lobby to the big bad
agreed in D ecem ber 1997, was the first step to curtail world o f money. The key issue— between the b u ^ r s
em issions of the industrialized world. It is now being and sellers of this commodity (carbon emission)
used to set up a trading system to buy and sell carbon which has no clearly defined borders— is to trade
emission. The Kyoto protocol is increasingly being without limits and without the interference of
understood not as an environmental agreement but a prickly issues of the property rights of the poor....... Rich
trading agreement’ (Down to Earth, July 31, 1998). nations want to reduce their emissions on the
cheep........Politics is now driving science. The
The Kyoto Protocol, envisaging 5.2 per cent
threat posed by global w arming has been forgotten
reduction in C 0 2 emission from the 1990 level
(Down to Earth, July 31 1998).
emission was rectified on Feb. 17, 2005 and would
A conference known as Bonn C onvention to
be effective upto 2012 A.D. but the USA and
deliberate climate change affair was held in Bonn
Australia did not sign the agreement.
city of Germany in June, 1998 in order to make
Carbon Trading carbon trading effective. It may be mentioned that
the industrialized countries in general and the
As per Kyoto Protocol carbon trading simply U.S.A. in particular became frenzy about their greed
means that in order to implement the mandatory cut to start carbon trading, say trading in the atmosphere,
in the overall carbon emission by at least 5.2 per cent
without further delay. The countries involved in
below 1990 level between 2008-2012 A.D., the
negotiating carbon trading and rules for it has been
industrialized developed ‘countries and their private
identified to fall in three blocks viz. (1) The
. corporations could invest in projects in developing
JUSSCANNA Block, com prising U .S.A ., Australia,
countries which are carbon efficient. The net
Canada, Switzerland, Japan, N ew Zealand and
benefits o f carbon reduction would accrue to the
Norway, is led by the US. T his block has now been
industrialized country or private corporation in its
joined by the Russian Federation and Iceland also.
balance sheet of carbon accounting. Developing
This block better know n as the Free Raiders Group,
countries would be selling ‘certified emission reduc­
is over enthusiastic in the im plem entation o f carbon
tion’ units’ (Down to Earth, July 31, 1998). It is
trading and is dem anding m ean ingful participation o f
proposed to set up a global Executive Board (EB) to
developing countries in the program m e to curtail
superwise carbon trading and numerous certifica­
carbon emission. (2) The EU Block, better know n as
tion agencies will be authorized by the Executive
the Free Bubblers Group, c o m prising the countries of
Board. Several organizations and establishments
European Union, desires to “ bubble together” i.e. all
have floated various brokers for managing carbon
the countries o f EU can m eet their target o f cut in the
trading. For example, Carbon Investment Fund by
the World Bank, Portfolio of Projects o f Interest by emission o f greenhouse gases together (in aggre­

the Asian Development Bank, Emission Trading gate). (3) The G-77 and China, know n as The (Not) for

Corporation by the United Nations Conference on Sale Group. “T hese countries do not have co m m it­

Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Intergovern­ ments to curtail their em issions but they are required
mental Panel on Emission Trading by the United to “assist” the industrialized nations m eet their

Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Clean targets by selling carbon u n its’ (D ow n to E a rth , July
31, 1998).
Development Mechanism (CDM) by the United
Nations D evelopm ent Programme (UNDP) etc. are a These three blocks sharply d iffered on tw o
fe w efforts to m anage carbon trading. basic issues o f carbon tradin g viz. (i) a p p ro a ch
It m ay be rem arked that ‘after the Kyoto meet, tow ards carbon trading, and (ii) a p p ro a ch tow ards
one thing is clear, clim ate change has been taken out three m echanism s o f carb on tra d in g as laid out in

Kyoto Protocol (Decem ber 1997), e.g. (a) Joint natural landscape o f a richly vegetated countryside
Implementation (Article 6), (b) Clean Development into the developm ent o f cities and towns character­
Mechanism—CDM (Article 12), and (c) Emissions ized by concretionary structures w hich greatly
Trading (Article 17). There was a lot of discussion modify the pre-existing clim atic conditions o f the
between trading and non-trading blocks but ‘it countryside o f the pre-urbanized stage. Thus ‘a city
would be right in a way to say thaftfre-meeting of generates its own distinctive clim ate (W .R . Rouse,
Bonn did flag important issues and provided in K.J. Gregory a n d D .E . W alling, 1 9 81 ) w hich is an
countries with an opportunity to size up the situation example o f ‘man-modified or m aninduced c lim ate .
before they come to the negotiations in Buneous The'various factors o f well developed city o f fairly
Aires city o f Argentina at the Conferences o f Parties a large size viz. density of buildings, height o f
(CoP-4) to be held in N ovem ber 1998’ (Down to buildings, size o f city, size o f human population,
Earth, July 31, 1998). breadth o f roads and streets, nature o f storm drains,
The convention o f C onference o f Parties-4 open unbuilt spaces, nature o f urban vegetation,
(CoP-4) held from N ovem ber 2 to 12, 1998 in topography and other environm ental conditons of
the surrounding countryside or rural areas, level of
Buenos Aires (A rgentina) fixed 2000 A.D. as the
industrial developm ent o f the co ncern ed city, nature
deadline for the im plem entation o f Kyoto Protocol
and amount o f pollutants in the city atm o sp h ere etc.
which envisaged reduction in the emission of
modify the climatic conditon o f a city and thus
greenhouse gases by 5.2 per cent below the level of
generate a typical ‘urban climate’. T h e urbanization
1990 emission by 2008-2012 A.D. It may be
affects the local climate through the formation o f heat
concluded that efforts are being made through
island, changes in the patterns of air flow both horizontal
periodic meetings o f the U N Fram ew ork Convention
and vertical, creation o f pollution do m e abo v e the
on Climate Change (F C C C ), C onference o f Parties
city, alteration of urban hydrological regim e etc.
(CoP) and many o th er conventions and conferences
to tackle the p roblem s o f global w arm ing and related 1. Urbanization and Heat Island
environmental p ro blem s and clim ate change.
The process o f urb anization c h an g e s the
Tenth CoP Meet (2004) radiaton and heat balance at local level w hich
becomes regional in c h arac te r w hen the effects are
The T en th C o n fe re n ce o f Parties (CoP-10) of
extended to larger areas m ain ly in big industrial
the_U nited N atio ns Fram ew ork C onvention on
belts. T he higher te m p e ratu re in the C B D (C entral
Climate C hange (U N F C C C ) was held from Dec. 6 to
B usiness D istrict) or the C ity C entre (k no w n as
17,2004 in B uenos A ires (A rgentina) ‘to discuss the
‘chowk’ in Indian cities) is very often called as urban
development, d e p lo y m e n t and diffusion o f tech­
heat island or sim p ly , a heat island. I f w e have a
nologies to m itigate clim ate change. W hat they
‘therm al cross s e c tio n ’ o f a city it app ears that
agreed was m erely to co n tinu e focu ssing its work on
tem p erature d e crea se s o u tw a rd fro m the city centre.
exchanging inform ation and sharing experiences
and views, a m on g m em bers, on practical o p p o rtu n i­ It may be p o in te d o u t th a t the te m p e ra tu re

ties and solutions to m itigate clim ate c h a n g e ’ (D ow n d ecreases slo w ly fro m the city c en tre to w a rd s the

to Earth, Jan. 15, 2005). o u te r p arts o f the city but at the b o u n d a ry o f the city
and the c o u n try s id e there is su d d en d ro p in the air
13.11 URBANIZATION AND CLIMATE tem p eratu re. T h e h e a t isla n d b e c o m e s m o st p ro ­
n o u n c ed at n ig h t b e c a u s e the te m p e ra tu re d iffe re n c e
The piocess o f urbanization, a m an -in d u ced b etw een the city c en tre a n d the rural s u rro u n d in g s or
phenomenon, results in the tra nsform atio n o f m ostly c o u n try sid e is n o rm a lly 6°C in m ost o f the large

cities but som e times the difference o f temperature space heating and cooling, p o w e r stations etc.
b eco m es 12°C or even more. ‘T h e m agnitude o f the supplem ent the heat received through solar
urban heat island shows a clear relationship to city radiation. A ccording to the study conducted
size and to wind speed. The larger the city the by J.D. K alm a (1974) about the assessm ent of
stronger the winds which are necessary to dissipate m an-induced heat in the city centre of Sydney
the heat island effect’ (T.R. Oake and F.G. Hannei), (A ustralia), m an-m ad e heating can e x c e e d 25
1970; quoted by W.R. Rouse, 1981). It is significant watts per square m etre w hich is equivalent to
to note that the thermal effect of urban heat island is alm ost 50 per cent o f incom ing solar radiation
confined to about 300 m above the city, centre and during w inter season. T h e contribution of
beyond this height temperature countinues to m an-induced heat to that o f the solar radiation
decrease upward following the general rule of drops to 25 per cent during s u m m e r season
normal lapse rate. because o f increase in in com in g so lar radia­
tion and decrease in sp ace heating due to rise
The radiation and heat balance of an urban
centre is modified because of more absorption of in air tem perature.

incoming shortwave solar radiation which causes >■ The construction m aterials used in m odern
higher temperature o f the masonary ground surface cities and the w alls a n d the p a v em e n ts also
because o f two factors viz. (i) The transformation of positively c o n tribu te to the heat b u d g e t o f the
natural landscape into urban centre results in the urban islands. The b u ildin g construction
absence o f plant cover except a few planted trees, materials such as bricks, c o n crete s, sands and
bushes, hedges, grassy lawns and gardens scattered cements, pebbles, ro c k s and ro c k pieces,
in the different parts of the city. Thus the solar bitumen etc. ab so rb m o re so lar rad iatio n more
radiation in the absence of vegetation reaches the efficiently. Simi larly, the m a so n ry su rfaces o f
ground surface with almost full intensity, (ii) The the vertical walls a b so rb so lar rad iatio n and
masonry structures o f the roofs of the buildings, reflect it to the g ro u n d p a v e m e n t su rfc es and
pavements and- roads and streets largely absorb the to other vertical s tru c tu re s d u rin g d a y tim e
incoming solar radiation. Further more, the total where the solar en erg y is p ro p e rly sto red. It
lack o f moisture does not facilitate evaporation and may be pointed out that n o rm a lly o n e e x p e c ts
thus in the absence o f evaporative cooling (evapora­ lower tem perature in the city a rea th an the
tion involves use o f heat to convert water into surrounding c o u n try s id e s because of ex­
gaseous form and causes lowering of air temperature. pected rapid loss o f h e at th ro u g h lon gw ave
This process is called evaporative cooling of the air) radiation from the bare a nd dry s u rfa c e s o f the
the temperature o f the urban centres increases. city but the heat isla n d is m a in ta in e d even
The follow ing factors and m echanisms may during night b e c a u s e o f the fact that the heat
be held responsible for the creation o f an urban heat stored in the p a v e m e n ts , w a lls and ground
island : surfaces d u rin g d a y tim e is re le ase d during
> As referred to above the masonry structures o f night and h en ce re la tiv e ly h ig h e r tem perature
the urban centres absorb solar radiation more o f the urban cen tre is m a in ta in ed . S o the urban
efficiently than vegetated covers. M ore over, heat island is a ll-s e a s o n p h e n o m e n o n .
the incom ing solar radiation reaches the city > U rban areas are p ro v id e d w ith m a so n ry storm
surface with full intensity. drains w hich are c o n s tr u c te d in acco rd an ce
> M an -in d u ce d heat m ainly in the larger in d u s­ with the slope g ra d ie n t o f the city area.
trial cities and even in other m etropolitan C o n se q u e n tly , the ra in w a te r a n d dom estic
c ities e m itte d from industrial processes, w aste w a te r are n o t a llo w e d to c o lle c t rather

these are q uickly disposed o ff through effi­ urban centres from w here the ascending warm and
cien t and rapid drainage system. Thus the light air spreads laterally outw ard in all directions
e v ap o rativ e co o lin g effects o f such waters are from the city centre-heat island). On the other hand
re d u c ed . T h is m echanism ultimately does not relatively cooler air o f the surrounding rural areas
help in low ering the temperature. flows inward to converge at the city centre from
> T h e re is positive relationship between the where it is again warmed up and rises upw ard. The
intensity o f urban heat island and the size of spreading warm air over the city area is cooled and
h u m an population and density o f buildings. thus descends in the surrounding rural areas. Thus
V e ry closely spaced buildings (high density the mechanism o f warm air moving up from the city
o f buildings) and narrow roads and streets centre (heat island) and relatively c ooler air m oving
tend to increase tem perature o f the urban in form the surrounding rural areas towards city
centre m ore than the widely spaced buildings centre completes a cycle which is c o m m o nly known
(low density o f buildings) and relatively as urban wind cell and the air circulation cuased
w id er roads and streets. ‘M easurem ents in the therefrom is called as weak counter breeze or
USA suggest that a ten-fold increase o f city countryside breeze.
population has an average w arm ing effect on The convectional system o f air circulation
the centre o f 1°C. It is also found that the consequent upon the formation o f urban heat island
urban heating effe ct is rem oved by winds o f as discussed above results in more cloudiness ov er
sufficient strength rang ing from 4.1 m.s -1 for urban areas and consequently more precipitation. In
a city o f 33,000 population to 11.8 m.s -1 for a fact, the effects o f urban agglom erations have been
m etropolis o f 8 m illio n ’ (T.R. Oake, 1973 positiviely correlated with precipitation a m ou nt
1976, quoted by J.E. Hobbs, 1980). though in spasmodic manner. The clim atological
studies conducted in the urban areas o f central
2. Heat Island and Weather Phenomena Europe have revealed an increase o f annual am ount
o f precipitation by about 10 per cent. T he urban
T hough the pre sen c e o f urban heat island is
environment together with the heat island induces
all-season and daily p h e n om eno n but its effects are
precipitation through (i) increased w ater vapour
more p rom in ent at night. Urban heat island gener­
input provided from the cum bustion o f hydrocarbon
ates thermal a no m aly in the ru rb a n environm ents i.e.
fuels in the pow er houses and transport vehicles, and
between urban area and its surrounding rural
thus increase in absolute hum idity, (ii) increased
countryside area wherein the d ifference o f tem pera­
num ber o f hygroscopic nuclei due to em ission of
ture between these tw o areas and their correspond­
particulates from factories and com bu stio n engines,
ing environm ents (that is urban-rural temperature
(iii) mechanical turbulence c au sed by the roughness
difference) becom es 5° to 6 °C during daytim e and
factor of city surface, (iv) increased thermal
rises to 12°C or even more at nights. This diurnal
turbulence and convection caused by higher tem ­
range o f tem perature betw een the urban-rural
environments g enerates convectional air circulation perature o f the heat island (city centre) etc.

during night because o f the form ation o f low Therm al con vection caused by heating o f air
pressure cell in the heat island o f the city centre and c o nsequ en t uplift due to relatively higher
because o f high tem perature in com parison to the tem peratu re o f the city centre intensifies any
temperature o f the surrounding areas. rainstorm or thunderstorm o r cyclone passing
The air o f the heat island is w arm ed up and through the co n cern ed city and thus causes more
thus rises upward to the limit o f pollution dome precipitation than the normal value. ‘For exam ple, it
(formation o f thick cover o f polluted air atop of has been found that thunderstorm s o v e r the city o f

London produce 30 per cent more rainfall than (1976) based on the m easurement o f wind speed
thunderstorm s over the surrounding country. In­ during different seasons o f a year (December-
creased precipitation over an urban area is estimated January, M arcb-M ay, June-August and September- ;
to range from 5 to 10 per cent over the normal for the November) at 0100 G M T (Greenwich Mean Time) >
region in which it lies’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. and 1300 G M T at London Airport (Heathrow) and
Strahler, 1976). Cloudiness is also reported to Central, London city, urban wind speeds are greater

increase by 5 to 10 per cent over a city. S.A. than those in the surrounding rural areas during
Changnon (1969) has also reported based on his night (at 0100 GMT) wherein average annual wind
‘Recent studies of urban effects on precipitation in speed is about 2.5 metres per second over the central
the United States of America’, that the average London whereas it is only 2.2 metres per second over j
annual precipitation over urban centres is usually 7 London Airport but daytime wind speed is higher
per cent greater than the surrounding rural areas. over London Airport (2.9 meters per second) than that |
over central London (2.2 meters per second). The f
It may be pointed out that a few studies have
contradicted the concept of increased precipitation pattern of airflow in the cities located in the coastal J

over urban centres because of thermal convection areas is complicated by sea breezes (from the sea
caused by urban heat islands. ‘A study in the New towards the coastal land, during daytime) and land
York metropolitan area, for example, indicated no breezes (from the coastal land towards the sea) during
effect on daily precipitation patterns. Nevertheless, night. This mechanism o f land and sea breezes is
it does seem likely that convection related to an responsible for the circulation and recirculation of
urban heat island can produce a significant effect on atmospheric pollutants over the cities.
precipitation in some cities such as Washington D.C. Urban air pollution largely modifies the
where a study by Harmack and Landsberg (1975) climatic conditons o f large urban centres in a veriety
showed that the extra increment of heating supplied of ways. Most of the urban pollutants are released to
to aconvecti ve cloud by the urban fabrics is often the the atmosphere as waste products from different
trigger for the occurrence of convective precipita­ combustion processes mainly through human volca­
tion (H.E. Hobbs, 1980). noes (chimneys of factories) and automobiles. The
main pollutants emitted through the chimneys of
3. Urbanization and Other Weather Phenomena
factories include unoxidised nitrogen, carbon diox­
Urban centres affect rather modify patterns of ide, coarse ash, fine smoke, sulphur dioxide etc.
air circulation in and above the cities and their whereas the pollutants emitted from automobile
immediate surroundings and the modified air circu­ exhausts include lead, unburnt hydrocarbons, car- f
lation in turn affects temperature, humidity, pres­ bon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, water vapour,
sure and precipitation patterns. Tall buildings in the carbon dioxide and unoxidised nitrogen. These
cities obstruct free flow o f air and thus retards wind pollutants form a thick layer over the cities generally
speed. According to the findings of H.E. Landsberg at the height o f 1000 m. Such thick layer o f the
(1970) annual mean wind speed is usually 20 to 30 concentrated pollutants over a city is calleld as
per cent less over the cities than the surrounding ‘climatological dome’ or ‘pollution dome’. ‘This
countryside and the speed o f extreme gusts (a urban particulate concentration is responsibile for
sudden violent burst o f wind) is 10 to 20 per cent absorbing or reflecting up to 20 per cent o f the solar
low er while the calms (cool gentle wind with very radiation which arrives above the pollution dome
lo w speed) are 5 to 20 per cent more frequent in the and can also reduce soalr radiation over the
cities than their immediate surrounding country­ downward countryside’ (W.R. Rouse, 1981). The
sides. A c c o rd in g to the findings o f T.J. Chandelier urban pollutants introduce several modifications in


the urban climate. The concentration o f pollutants Photochemical sm ogs caused due to the
depends on several factors viz. am ount o f pollutants reactions o f nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons and
emitted into the atmosphere, air circulation which sunlight become very dangerous w hen they mix up
controls the movement and mixing of pollutants, the with ozone. The nitrogen dioxide em itted from
depth o f mixing layer which itself depends on the anthropogenic sources after a b so rb in g u ltrav io le t
height and thickness o f inversion layer etc. rays o f solar radiation is d e c o m p o s e d into nitric
Higher concentrations o f particulate pollutants oxide and atom ic oxygen w hich c o m b in e s w ith
decrease visibility in the city and form dense fog m olecular oxygen and form s ozone. T his p ro c e ss is
when there is abundant moisture in the urban air. In called photochem ical process. T he p h o to c h em ica lly
fact, particulate pollutants provide num erous produced urban smogs red uce a tm o sp h eric v is ib il­
hygroscopic nuclei which in the presence o f suffi­ ity, reduce solar radiation and in flu en c e p re c ip ita ­
cient available moisture increase the incidence of fog tion. T he cities located in the va lle y s are very often
by 100 per cent and water vapour readily condenses affected by p ersisten t inv ersio n o f tem p e ratu re.
around numerous hygroscopic nuclei and thus forms This inversion o f tem perature in te n s ifie s fo g and
innumerable tiny water droplets which form fogs. smogs and enhances their d ura tio n . T h u s p e rs is te n t
W hen fogs are formed due to the combinations of smogs in the cities cause irrep a ra b le loss to h u m a n
smoke, dust, aerosols, water droplets and nitrogen health and biological c o m m u n itie s . T h e p o is o n o u s
dioxide, these are called smogs or urban smogs. These smogs o f D onora tow n lo c a te d in P e n n s y lv a n ia
smogs when associated with sulphur dioxide become (U.S.A., O cto b er 26, 1948), o f M e u s e V a lle y o f
poisonous because the resultant form o f sulphuric Belgium (D ecem ber, 1930) and o f L o n d o n (1 9 5 2 )
acid becomes very much injurous to organisms in are a few e x am p les o f d e a d ly a fte r-e ffe c ts o f
general and human beings in particular. urbanization. . . . . . .
• « ■■ .1.5 1 • 1 i'll . '•
, • •1 ' 4>.. i . . • •' ' . • * rini
- - 1 1 \ , - • *’ • i , / J . * r~ r' :

«i . • • nv
13 • r .i * '< tv;, • . v. - \> 1 h; P».. vr •/)]
'• . . 5 vnr.iTPli.

14.1 MEANING AND CONCEPT sphere) or by both, at local, re g io n a l an d global

levels. The climochronology (history o f palaeoclim ates)
V ariab ility , in both tim e and space, is an reveals the fact that clim ates have ch an g ed in the
inherent feature o f clim ate, as the atm osphere is geological past and hence it is o p ined th a t ‘the
alw ays in the state o f turm oil and instability leading w o rld ’s clim ates have changed in th e p a st, are
to variations in w eather and clim atic conditions. The changing now, and there is every reason to ex p ect
clim atic change, thus, is defined as variations and that they w ill change in fu tu re ’ (J.E. H obbs, 1980).
shifts in w eather conditions over space and tim e o f If the change is law o f nature, the ch an ge in clim ates
different scales and m agnitude resulting into change is a reality because the clim ate o f a reg io n is not
o f clim atic type fo r exam ple, from warm and m oist fixed and static rather it goes on ch an g in g . Som e
clim ate to w arm and dry clim ate, from warm and tim es, the changes are cy clic and rh y th m ic, such
moist clim ate to cool and m oist clim ate (as happened change is called climatic cycle. It m ay be m en tio n ed
during C arboniferous period in India) etc. In fact, that Jam es H utton (a S co ttish g eo lo g ist) w hile
clim atic change refers to drastic or secular changes propounding the concept of un ifo rm itarian ism , p o s­
in heat balance o f the earth-atm osphere system , tulated the concept o f cyclic n a tu re of e a rth ’s history.
m oisture, cloudiness and precipitation caused by The exam ple o f o ccu rren ces o f ice ages during (1)
either external factors such as variations in orbital pre-C am brian period (8 5 0 -6 0 0 m illio n years before
characteristics o f the earth, solar variability (flu c­ present, m bp = m illion years before present), ( 2 )
tuations in radiation from the photosphere o f the O rdovician period (45 0 -4 3 0 m bp), (3) C arb o n ifer-
sun), tectonic processes (m ainly plate tectonics and ous-P erm ian periods (300 m bp), and (4) P leisto cen e
displacem ent o f continents and ocean basins), period (2-3 m bp) v alidates the co n cep t o f cyclic
vulcanicity, changes in atm ospheric com position in nature of clim atic changes.
term s o f concentration o f atm ospheric aerosols and T he clim atic changes are su p p o sed to be quick
carbon dioxide contents etc. or by internal factors and rapid rath er than slow and g rad u al b u t this m ay
such as exchanges o f energy betw een the atm os­
not be alw ays true as clim ate ch an g es both g radually
phere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and cryosphere (ice
and rap id ly , partly and d ra stically . F o r ex am p le, the
covered surfaces o f both lithosphere and h y dro­
clim atic change, w hich o ccu rred d u rin g Ju rassic

period leading to mass extinction of dinasaurs due to depending on the purptise ot studies. The tempOial
sudden onset of cold climate, was rapid and scales of climatic changes range from a very micro-
instantaneous. In fact, the rate of climatic changes scale involving 10-day period to macro-tem por
depends on the nature of causal factors. The rapid scale involving thousands to millions o yeais.
Jurassic climatic change is reflated to sudden variability may be periodic (A), quasi-peuo ic
collision of the earih and a giant meteor and or non-periodic (C), or alternatively it may s ow a
consequent release of enormous amount of dusts in progressive trend* (Barry and Chorley^ 20 )•
the atmosphere. One cannot infer the nature of may be mentioned that spatial and temporal scales ot
long-period climate on the basis of present-day climatic changes are correlated e.g. as the temporal
climatic conditions. It is also an observed fact that scale of change becomes shorter, the area also
the ‘cool periods of earth history are periods of becomes smaller. In other words, the changes may
g re a ter than normal clim atic instab ility ' be more perceptible and pronounced in localized
(7. E. Hobbs, 1980). area during short period of recorded climatic data,
The human society with present-day weather but if we consider climatic data at regional level
conditions is seized with the problems of possible involving large countries or continents, and at global
climatic changes in near future. The most significant level, the local level changes are overshadowed.
global environmental problem faced by the world Thus, the climatic changes may be viewed in terms
community is global environmental changes (GEC) of three temporal scales, namely (i) m acro-tem poial
leading to probable climatic changes consequent scale (millions of years), (ii) meso-tem poral scale
upon global warming resulting from a host of causal (thousands of years), and (iii) m i c r o - t e m p o r a l scale
factors, namely ozone depiction, increase in the (hundreds of years). These three temporal scales
emission of green house gases at alarming rate, correspond to global, regional, and local spatial
deforestation etc. The probable net result of global scales. At regional' and local spatial scales the
warming would be climatic changes at local, climatic variability can be looked upon at even
regional, and global levels. The international com­ shorter tem poral scales w h ich m ay ra n g e
munities are scared of catastrophic adverse effects from very micro-temporal scale to increasing
of future climatic changes on different spheres of time span e.g. ( 1)10 days time scale, (e) 10- 100 days time
man and nature, e.g. deglaciation and sea level scale, (3) 100-1000 days time scale, (4) 1000-10000 days
changes, submergence of island nations and major time scale etc. It may be remembered that such changes
coastal lowlands, atmospheric dynamics including may be detected only if the instrumented data are very
evaporation and precipitation, global radiation accurate and regular. The climate changes which occurred
balance, photosynthesis and ecological productivity, in the past, say before the industrial revolution, cannot be
plant and animal communities, human health and viewed in such a micro-temporal scales.
many more. It may be summarized that climatic Generally, climatic changes are considered at
change is a reality, it has changed in the pass, it is two levels e.g. ( 1) short-term changes, and (2 ) long­
changing at the present, and it will change in future. term changes. Short-term clim atic changes involve
The change of climate may be slow and gradual, rapid the consideration oi changes in the energy balance of
and catastrophic, periodic, scmi-periodic or non­ the earth-atmosphere system leading to periodic
periodic. short-term or long-term, may be at local, changes in weather and climate. T his tem poral scale
regional and global scales, it may be due to natural involves time span ranging from few years to
factors or anthropogenic factors. It is, thus, necessary
thousands of years. Short-term clim atic changes are
to discuss various aspects of climatic changes,
either inter-annual or they may persist f o r many
namely scalcs o f climatic changes (both spatial7and
years and are generally caused by anthropogenic
temporal scales), indicators of climatic changes (i.e.
(actors. On the other hand, long-term clim atic
evidences of climatic changes), reconstruction of
changes persist for thousands to m illions o f years
palaecolimates (climochronology), causes of . cli­
and are exceedingly slow. T h ese are alw ays caused
matic changes, theories o f climatic changes, and
by natural factors.
effects o f c lim atic ch an g e s on both nature
and biological communities including human beings. 14.3 INDICATORS OF CLIMATIC CHANGES
The evidences of clim atic changes in the past,
The climatic variations and changes are w hich are utilized in the re c o n stru c tio n o f
viewed in terms of temporal and spatial scales climochronology (history of palaeoclim ates) are

c a lle d in d ic a to rs o f past c lim a tic changes. The riddle (B) Periglacial evidences
o f re c o n stru c tio n o f p alaeoclim ates is a fascin atin g (4) T e c to n ic In d ic a to rs
p u z zle , the solution o f w hich .basically, depends on
proxy d ata (w hich include altern ativ e sources o f data (A) Plate tectonics
as su b stitu tes for real data) and logical deductions by (i) p o l e w a n d e r i n g and c o n t i n e n t a l drift
the investigators. It m m entioned that recorded
(ii) p a l a e o m a g n e t i s m and s e a floor spread­
data o f w eather and c lim ate are available only since ing
industrial revolution, m ore p recisely for the last 100
(B) Sea level changes
years o r so, and hence proxy d ata for recorded data
are the only in d ic a to rs to d e c ip h e r the pages o f past (5) G e o n io rp h o lo g ic al In d ic a to rs
clim atic histo ry and ch an g es on the basis o f (A) Morphological features
H u tto nian th e o ry ot uniform itiarianism (postulated (i) erratics
by S c o ttish g eo lo g ist, Jam es H utton in the year
(ii) sand dunes
1785). T h is theory w as based*on tw o concepts o f
H u tto n , nam ely, (i) ‘p resent is key to«the p a st', and (ii) (iii) river terraces
‘no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.’ The (iv) duricrusls
p rin c ip le o f u n ifo rm itarian ism sta te ^ th a t 'the same (v) pediments
p h y s ic a l p ro ce sse s a n d law s that operate today, (iv) tors
o p e ra te d th ro u g h o u t g e o log ical tim e, although not (B) Geomorphological processes
n e ce ssa rily a lw a ys with the s a m e intensity as now '
( 6 ) H isto rical R eco rd s
(H u tto n p o stu la te d , sam e intensity o f processes
th ro u g h o u t g eolog ical tim e). ■fi) flood records
(ii) drought records
T he in d icato rs (clues) o f palaeoclim ates may
be c lassifie d on the basis o f basic sources as (iii) migration of man and animals
fo llo w s :
1. Biological Indicators
(1) B io lo g ic a l I n d ic a to r s
(A ) Floral indicators The fossilized organic remains o f plants and
(i) fossil rem ains o f plants animals (i.e. organic residues) provide significant
(ii) fo ssilized pollens evidences and proxy data for contem porary climatic
(iii) oxygen isotopes conditions mainly temperatures and moisture. It
(iv) tree ring grow th may be mentioned that the nature and types o f
(d en d ro ch ro n o lo g y )) organisms and their habitats are determined by a
(B ) F aunal indicators-(«vidences) climatic type. After their deaths the plants and
(i) fo ssilized anim al rem ains animals are preserved irc the forms of fossilized
organic remains in the contem porary and subsequent
(ii) d istrib u tio n and dispersals o f ani­
geological formations. The analysis o f such organic
m als
fossils through the application o f proper techniques
(2) G eo lo g ica l I n d ic a to r s
(e.g. carbon dating, oxygen isotope analysis, pollen
(A) T errigeneous ancient deposits analysis, dendrochronology etc.) reveals important
(i) lacustrine deposits clues to decipher contemporary past climates. The
(varves) biological indicators fall under two broad categories
(ii) evaporite deposits e.g. (I) plant (floral) indicators, and (2 ) animal
(iii) sedim entary deposits (coals) indicators (faunal indicators).
(B) M arine deposits
(i) sea floor deposits (1) Plant (floral) Indicators
(C) Pedogenic indicators Presently, there is very close correspondence
(3) C ry o g e n ic In d ic a to rs between the distribution ot climate types and
(A ) Glaciation vegetation types. Based on the principle ot
(i) ice ages uniformitarianism, as stated above, and the concept
(ii) glaciers and glaciation o f ‘present is key to the p a st’ it may be opined that
sim ilar relationships and conditions might have
(iii) ice sh eets and ice cores
prevailed throughout geological history of the earth. season. The plant remains of such sclerophyllous
Thus, on the basis of fossilized plant remains, the vegetation indicate dry summer and wet winter
vegetation type is inferred and such inferred climate (Mediterranean type of climate). The cryophytc
information (proxy data) provide cluc to determine vegetations are well adapted to severe cold condi­
the nature of climate. For example, the existence of tions as they develop such unique features which
coals having remains of tropical forests, in the north­ enable them to withstand extreme cold conditions.
west Europe and Great Britain remind us hot and Thus, the fossil remains of cryophyte plants indicate
humid climate of these areas during Jurassic period. cold climatic conditions (tundra climate).
The plant physiology gives sufficient information The remains of vegetation in the thick coal
about climatic conditions. For example, the fossil seams of Carboniferous period worldover are related
remains of plants having long roots, thick barks, to horsetails and club mosses which develop in
waxy leaves, thorns, little leaves etc. indicate warm
marsh and swamp environment. The fossil remains
and dry climate (warm desert climate), while plants
of trees in Carboniferous coal seams do not indicate
having drip leaves are indicators of warm and very
annual ring growth which reveal the fact that such
moist conditions (tropical rainforest climate). Now
trees thrived in warm and moist climate with no
question arises, why plant physiology indicates a
appreciable seasonal contrasts.
particular clim ate? The answ er is simple, the
physiological characteristics of plants are indicative
Pollen Analysis
of their adaptation to particular type of climatic
conditions. A few m o re exam ples may be cited. The The pollen analysis involves the inference of
vegetation com m unity having sclerophyllous char­ climatic conditions on the basis o f dating of
acteristics (stiff and hard leaves and stems with thick fossilized pollen grains preserved in the inorganic
barks) can w ithstand extrem e aridity of summer sediments layers. It may be mentioned that pollen

Pollen Climate
Modem plants
T f lW l Oak, beech, Warm and
spruce moist

Pine, spruce Cool

; Mostly pine Cool

Core through V
lake deposits

Fig. 14.1: Presentation o f simplified method o f pollen analysis for the reconstruction ofpalaeoclimates. After J.E. Oliver
and J.J. Hindore, 2003.

grains o f flo w e rin g plants are very durable organic vegetation on the basis of pollen grains, and the
substances w hich are duly preserved by the nature. vegetation types give clues for deciphering the
The pollen g ra in s are d istrib uted by wind in wide climate in which that vegetation type might have
areas h a v in g s im ila r type of vegetation. The science developed. The pollen analysis involves the identi­
o f palynology, w h ic h is the stu dy of pollen grains and fication of layered sequence of pollen grains in the
spores o f plants, helps in id en tify ing the types of terrigenous sedim ents, the dating ot pollen grains o
each layer, determinaiion o f vegetation type of each > A vegetation cover oniy attains maturity after
layer and finally the determination oi climatic fairly a lengthy period of lime, and it is quite
condition of each vegetation type (tig. 14.1). Fig. feasible that the vegetation established through
14.1 depicts the pollen analysis technique wherein pollen analysis represents successional stage
the fossilized pollen grains preserved in lacustrine that is not totally representative of the
deposits o f lower, middle and upper layers denote prevailing climate’ (Oliver and Hidore, 2003).
dominance of pine in the lower layer, prevalence of
pine and spruce in the middle layer, and oak, beech Dendrochronology
and spruce species of trees in the upper layer under
the modern plant covers. On the basis of the principle Dendrochronology is the science that deals
o f uniformiiarianism, the lower and middle layers with ‘the study of the annual rings of trees in
h a v i n g poMen grains of pine and spruce indicate cool determining the dates and chronological orders of
climate w hile the upper layer containing pollen past climatic events’. The ring growth of the trunk
grains o f oak. beech and spruce trees reveals the and.stem of a tree provides significant clues for
prevalence of warm and moist climate. detecting seasonal rhythms of climate during the life
time of the concerned tree. The thickness and
It may be remem bered that pollens o f flowers
spacing, and colour of growth lings indicate the
of plants are blown away by winds, they settle down
climatic conditions and rate of annual growth of
on land surface as well us water surfaces of lakes,
trees. The widely spaced thick growth rings denote
ponds etc. The pollens deposited on land surfaces
warm and moist climate with sufficient rainfall to
may decay after lapse o f time but pollen grains
support luxurious and quick growth of trees, while
falling on water surfaces sink down and are narrow and closely spaced tree growth rings denote
deposited in the layers of sediments. The pollens so arid climate and poor growth of trees. The colours of
fossilized in different sedimentary layers are identi­ growth rings also denote seasonal weather condi-
fied and their plant species are determined. The tions. ‘The abrupt change from light to dark-
identification of plant species on the basis of their coloured rings (growth rings) delineates the annual
pollen grains then helps in determining the climatic increments of growth’ (Oliver and Hidore, 2003). It
conditions on the basis of present relationship between may be mentioned that the study and interpretation
plant types and associated climatic conditions. of different aspects of tree rings such as, the size
Inspite o f wide use of pollen analysis tech­ (thick or narrow), number, colour shades, symmetry
nique in determ ining vegetation types and associ­ or asymmetry etc. provide information about cli­
ated climatic conditions this method suffers from the matic and environmental variations sustained by the
following shortcomings. concerned tree during its life time and hence the
>■ In the case o f mixed vegetation area having climatic events which happened in the recent past,
several plant species, the pollen grains are say 3000-4000 years before present may be
mixed and in such circumstances it becomes reconstructed on the basis of dendrochronological
difficult to separate pollen grains of domi­ characteristics. ‘
nant and co-dominant plant species and The study of tree ring growth, known as
hence this technique fails to give desirable dendrochronology, was initiated by A. E. Douglas
result. and his team at the University of Arizona, USA.
> The winds can carry the pollen grains and After the analysis of growth rings of trees in the
deposit them in distant places away from the southwestern USA he found close relationship
area of the vegetation of which the pollens between annual amount of rainfall and growth rings
have been blown away. in the adverse climatic conditions of the S. W. United
>■ Not all the pollens of vegetation of a region are Slates. The scientists have become successful in
deposited, rather they are deposited selectively reconstructing the climatic conditions and environ­
and randomly, and hence they may not be taken mental changes for the last 3000 years on the basis ol
as representatives of particular vegetation type. analysis of growth rings of living trees, and for the
>■ The distribution o f vegetation has been last 5000 years on the basis o f fossils of dead trees.
tempered and modified by human actions, The scientists at the Laboratory of Tree Ring
both advertent and inadvertent and hence Research, University of Arizona, USA, have also
pollen analysis would not be useful for the derived logical and fruitful inferences about the
reconstruction o f climates of recent past relationship between weather elements (e.g. tem­
mainly since the neolithic times. perature, air pressure, and atmospheric circulation
•fK new tem perature and m oisture
patterns) and widths and spacing of tree rings. Such i n accordance with ne ,Pnues and ,o s s i| s ot
relationships have also been used to demonstrate regime. This piocess . c e s s jve layers of
climatic fluctuations which took place during the animals are deposited in' ‘ ,akes a„d rivers,
bottom sedimentary layers o r . —, inns tiie
life time of trees. After determining the lithologica s . 7 d' [ hejr
Dendrochronology also helps in reconstruct­ animal fossils in each layer are iden ‘ ,.1, 1,11-14
ing the advances and refreats ol glaciers in the recent dates are determined on the basis o
past on the basis of shapes of tree growth rings like analysis. On the basis o f the p r .n c .p t o
concentric (symmetrical) growth rings or asym­ ‘u n ifo rm itarian ism ’ (th e comparison ol anim als o ^
metrical rings. It may be remembered that growth particular geological period as determ ined on ic
rings become concentric and symmetrical as long as basis of C-14 analysis, with identical anim als at
the trees remain perfectly erect (perpendicular to the
present provides the climatic conditions in w hich
ground surface) but become asymmetrical when the
they lived on the ground that same physical
trees are tilted. It is argued that trees are erect when
processes and laws which operate today operated
the glacial ice is away from the position of trees but
throughout geological periods) the clim atic c o n d i­
they are tilted when ice comes close to the trees.
Thus, erect trees and resultant concentric and tions of that particular period is inferred.
symmetrical growth rings are indicative of with­ The radiocarbon dating m e th o d or c a r b o n -1 4
drawal or retreat of glaciers while asymmetrical analysis requires obtaining o f cores of mud layers
rings reveal advancing glaciers. It may be men­ containing animal and plant iossils Irom the 1loors of
tioned that tilting of trees and resultant asymmetri­ oceans, lakes, and river valleys and the dating o t the
cal growth rings may not be always due to glacial fossils is accomplished through the analy sis of
advancement, rather it may also be due to carbon-14 and carbon- 12 contained in the sk ele to n s
landslides, gusty winds, strong storms etc. of the fossilized animals. It may be m en tion ed that
skeletons of dead animals 'contain both ord in a ry
(2) Faunal Indicators carbon and minute trace of isotope c a rb o n -14. The
proportion of carbon-14 to carb on -12 remains fixed
Identification and analysis of fossilized in­ while the organism is alive. After it dies the c a r b o n -14
vertebrate animal remains embedded in the sedi­ begins to decay; by knowing the ratio of carbon- 12 to
mentary formations provides significant clues about carbon-14, one can determine the age of the sh ell’
the climatic conditions that existed during the period (Oliver and Hidore, 2003).
of their survivals. In this respect the physiological
characteristics of fossils of invertebrate animals The isotope analysis of the chem istry o f
(without backbones) and their chemistry are of vital skeletons of fossilized anim als also helps in d e te r­
significance wherein two techniques are used to mining palaeoclimates on the basis of te m p e ra tu re
determine their age, namely (I) radiocarbon dating and moisture cosiditions which are inferred fro m the
(C-14 analysis), and (2) isotope analysis. body chemistry of dead anim als. O xy g en has three
non-radioactive isotopes e.g. O 17, O 18 and O 16 out of
The analysis of fossils of bones of inverte­ which the first two isotopes are not very c o m m o n but
brate animals helps in determining the lilhological
the last one is com m on and normal isotope. A fter the
successions of sedimentary formations containing
evaporation of water, these isotopes cry stallize at
animal fossils and thereafter the sequences of
diiteient rates in the shells i.e. O 18 isotope settles
palaeoclimates are reconstructed on the basis of
down more rapidly than the O 16 isotope b e c a u se the
dating of animal fossils and sedimentary layers. It
latter is lighter than the lo rm er isotope ( O 18). It m ay
may be remembered that animal fossils are mostly
be mentioned that the rate of cry stalliza tio n o f
preserved in the bottoms of oceans, lakes and rivers
oxygen isotope is controlled by tem p e ratu re. T h e
which provided them suitable habitats for their
number of settling O 18 isotope d e crea se s w ith
development and survival. Each species of tiny
increase in the tem perature of ocean water. Thus, on
creature (e.g. foram inifera) survives in certain
temperature and moisture condition. After death the basis ot number of oxygen isotopes contained in the
shells ot dead animals the prevailing tem perature at the
such creatures are em bedded in the mud layers of
time of the existence of particular animal is deter­
water bodies. The mass deaths of certain species of
mined. For this purpose again the cores of m ud layers
micro-organisms take place when the temperature
and moisture conditions change and become unfa­ trom the floors of oceans, lakes and river valleys are
vourable to them. New species of organisms develop taken out, oxygen isotopes of shells of each mud layer
are determined, temperature condition for cach mud

layer is inferred and finally temperatures prevailing at ceeds precipitation. In such circum stances water is
the time of deposition o f skeletons and mud
a n i m a t
evaporated and salt contents are left behind. It may
layers are used to ascertain climatic changes. be m entioned that this happens only when w ater on
Tw o important research projects, namely land is saline and thus salt is in solution form. So, the
m assive salt rocks deposited on land surfaces such
CLIMAP (Climate, Longrange Investigation, M ap ­
as in South-W est USA, Germany, Central Asia,
ping and P r e d ic tio n ) and COHMAP (C ooperative
N orth-W est India (mainly Rajasthan and Gujarat),'
Holocene Mapping Project), were concerned with
denote' hot and arid climatic environment.
the study of climatic changes which might have
occurred in the recent past on the basis o f carbon-14 Limestones (CaCOO containing calcium
analysis and isotope analysis of skeletons o f organ­ carbonates are deposited in tropical warm oceanic
isms embedded in the m ud layers at the floors o f the water and hence the occurrence of limestones in the
oceans. The CLIMAP studies concentrated on the regions having cold climates denotes the fact that the
reconstruction of palaeoclim ates of about 1,000,000 concerned region was under tropical warm climate
years before present, while COHMAP project studied at the time of limestone deposition.
the palaeoclim ates of the past 10,000 years only. D uricrusts are indurated hardened surfaces o f
The occurrence of large numbers of animal different kinds such as laterites, silcretes, calcretes,
fossils in close proximity of a region denotes the fact alcretes, ferricretes etc. depending on the dominance
that they might have been killed during a cata­ of constituent minerals. Normally, lateritic crusts
strophic disasters e.g. advancing ice sheets and are supposed to have been formed in hot and humid
freezing, severe droughts, meteoric collision with climate of tropical and subtropical areas and
therefore these are indicative of hot and humid
the earth (as is supposed to have happened during
climate. Lateritic crusts are predom inantly found in
Cretaceous period killing dinasaurs enmass) etc. On
Chotanagpur highlands (Patlands of Ranchi and
the basis o f such evidences one can infertile climatic
Palamau plateaus of Jharkhand), and over many areas
and environmental conditions at the time of con­
of Deccan plateau (e.g. Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani
cerned catastrophic disaster.
plateaus of Maharashtra). The presence of lateritic
crusts in certain parts of Europe (e.g. U.K. and
2. Geological Indicators
Germany) clearly demonstrates the fact that these are
G e o lo g ic a l in d ic a to rs (e v id e n c e s) of not the result of the present temperate climate. ‘Such
palaeoclimates include lithological characteristics crusts are often interpreted as of Tertiary age, or as
of mainly sedimentary deposits such as lacustrine having been under continuous formation since the end
of the Mesozoic. Exposures of silcretes and calcretes
deposits (varves), evaporites, limestones and coal
similarly are often related to past rather than present
seams, marine deposits (sea floor deposits), soil
climatic conditions’ (D. R. Stoddart, 1969).
profiles etc. Varves are the alternate sequences of
layers of fine silts and clays deposited at the floors of Cave deposits : throw light on the patterns of
lakes and large ponds in such an area which is palaeoclimate. Scientists have studied the oxygen
characterized by alternate freezing and thawing isotopes of deposits of stalagnites in limestone caves
during winter and sum m er seasons respectively. to study the changes in the m onsoon patterns mainly
Thus, the lithological sequences of lacustrine in India and China. For example, the scientists o f the
deposits in the aforesaid condition denote periglacial National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) at
climate. The analysis of annual layers of silt and clay Hyderabad have studied the stalagmite deposits in
provides an idea of seasonal changes in climate. It the Valmiki cave of Karnool district of Andhra
may be mentioned that when the surface freezes Pradesh to detrmine the monsoon patterns for 1000
during winter season, very fine suspended clay years (from 14700 A.D. to 15700 A.D. before
particles are deposited in the lakes and ponds but present) and the following results were derived :
during summer season, when frozen surface thaws • Age of stalagm ite o f Valmiki cave was
(melts), silts with melt water are deposited in the lakes determined through thorium 230 dating and
and ponds. Such type of annual banded alternate oxygen isotope analysis o f sam ples o f stalag­
layers of clay and silt denote periglacial climate. mite deposits at every m illim eter interval.
Evuporite deposits, represented by salt depos­ • The result o f the study revealed that monsoon
its, occur when climate is characterized by high became more intense every 50, 80 and 200
tem perature and aridity wherein evaporation ex­ years because of ocean-atm osphere changes.
« n f ice ages. yLouis A gassiz
• The study also revealed good correlations tion and recognitio for an early start in
between Indian monsoon and East Asian (1807-1873 A .D .) is given .t o ^ * and
this precarious field and fo r the « k
monsoon o f China because the results of
identification of the presenc ^ i|je
analysis o f stalagmites o f 2 caves in China
(Holo cave and Dongge cave) were perlectly Pleistocene period as he pie n a m e ly Jean de
year 1840. A host ot geo scieiU y
comparable with the result of Valmiki cave.
Charpentier, John P la y fa ir ( 1 8 1 5 ) * e n e / 1X24)
• Both, south-west monsoon (Indian monsoon) zerland ( 1 8 2 1 , 1829), H sm ark of N o r w a y ( 1 8 2 4 )
and East Asian monsoon behaved the same in Bernhardi o f G e r m a n y ( 1 8 3 2 ) etc., s t u d i e d d i t t e r e n l
the past.
aspects o f Pleistocene ice age The Scottish g e o lo ­
Pedogenic criteria used to decipher past gist James Geikie postulated the concept ol g ie at
climates, include the analysis o f palaeosols and ice age’ in 1894 which is com prised o f several
fossils of plants and animals therein. The alluvial glacial periods which are separated by wairn
soils buried in older flood plains give indication of interglacial periods. A. Penck and B r u c k n e r identi­
moist climate and the dominance o f fluvial proc­ fied four glacial periods during Pleistocene ice age
esses. The older Joessic soils indicate dry climate e.g. Gunz, Mindel, Riss, and W urm w hich were
and the dom inance o f aeolian process. Even the separated by three warm interglacial periods. S im i­
materials involved in the deposition o f foess also larly, four glacial periods (e.g. N e b r a s k a n , K an sa n,
give clues for climatic conditions. The extensive Illinoin, and Wisconsin) and three inteiglacial
loess deposits of China having areal coverage of
periods (e.g. Aftonian, Yarmouth, and S an g m an)
774.000 km 2 and thickness o f 90 m to 300 m consist were identified during Pleistocene glaciatio n of
o f materials blown from the deserts o f central Asia
North America. Most of G ondw analand was g la c i­
while the European loess is example o f glacial loess.
ated during Carboniferous ice age.
The American loess, extensively found in Illinois,
Iowa, N ebraska etc. is partly glacial and partly The shapes of glaciated valleys, glacial drifts,
desert loess. The datermination of palaeoclimates on erratics (glacial boulders), striations etc. pro vid e
the basis o f fossil remains in the soils is accom­ important clues for climatic changes.
plished through radiocarbon dating and isotope The glaciers and ice layers provide ev id en c e s
analysis, which have already been explained in the for temperature and precipitation conditions d u rin g
previous subsection on floral and faunal indicators. different phases of ice ages. A dvancing glaciers and
ice sheets indicate cold phase and lo w ering o f
3. C ry o g e n ic Indicators temperature much below freezing point, w hile
retreat of ice sheets heralds increase in tem p eratu re
C ryogenic indicators are related to the proxy and subsequent ablation of glaciers d e m o n stra te s
data from the evidences o f glaciation, glaciers and onset of warmer climate. The g lacio lo g ists have
icesheets. T h e science dealing with elaciation and demonstrated the retreat o f A lpine g laciers and
glaciers is known as glaciology. The processes of resultant shrinking in their length and w idth ab ou t
glaciation and deglaciation provide significant 3000 B.C. (i.e. about 5000 ybp, years before
proxy data for clim atic changes and fluctuation. The present), followed by re-advance o f glaciers abo ut
period o f w idespread glaciation o f larger areas of the 500B .C. (i.e. 2 5 0 0 y b p )a n d again retreat o f glaciers.
globe is called great ice age which com prises several The Alpine and Scandinavian glaciers registered
glacial and interglacial periods. The glacial period resurgence in the 17th and 19th c en tu ries w hile they
denotes onset o f cold clim ate and advance o f ice again started to retreat in the 20th century. All these
sheets while interglacial periods indicate relatively indicate climatic fluctuations ch arac te riz ed by c o o l­
warmer periods when ice sheets retreat. The ing (advance of glaciers) and w a rm in g (retreat of
geologists, glaciologists and clim atologists have glaciers) periods during the past 5 00 0 years in
identified a few great ice ages (e.g. pre- Cambrian European continent.
ice age, C arb on iferou s ice age, and Pleistocene ice Ice sheets and ice cores arc m o st sig n ific a n t
age) when m ajor portions o f the globe were cryogenic indicators o! p a laeoclim ates. It m ay be
glaciated and covered with thick ice sheets which lem em bered that the ice sheets are fo rm ed by the
are definite indicators o f m ajor clim atic changes. deposition of several layers o f ice. T he accum ulated
C r e d it g o e s to E u r o p e a n s c h o o l o f snow from the annual snow fall is c o m p re sse d and is
geom orphologists and glaciologists for identifica- changed to ice w herein the air bubbles and a tm o s ­

p h e ric dusts are trapped. Thus, every y ear a lay er o f technologies o f obtaining ice cores, studies are
ice is d ep o sited upon underlying ice layer. It is carried out to reco n stru ct the atm ospheric co n d i­
e v id e n t th at the great ice caps o f G reenland and tions m ainly tem perature variations and clim atic
A n ta rc tica are com prised o f num erous ice layers flu ctu atio n s fo r the past 200 years or so on the basis
w h erein the then clim atic conditions have been o f the analysis o f ice cores derived from m ountain
preserved. Thus, the study o f each ice lay er provides ice sheets in the tropical and subtropical areas.
am ple evidence o f the w eather and clim atic co n d i­ T he evidences of periglacial features and
tions at the tim e o f its form ation. T he drilling into ice deposits found in such areas w hich at present do not
caps is undertaken to obtain ice cores for analysis.
have periglacial environment, indicate earlier periglacial
The follow ing properties o f ice layers derived from clim ate o f those areas. The term periglacial literally
the ice cores provide proxy d ata for tem perature, m eans around the ice or p eripheral to the m argins o f
precipitation, com position o f atm osphere, sto rm i­ the glaciers but now this term is used for both
ness, volcunic events, atm ospheric pollution etc. ‘periglacial landscape’ and ‘periglacial clim ate’.
(i) thickness o f annual ice layers Periglacial areas are those w hich are in perm anently
precipitation frozen condition but w ithout perm anent ice cover on
(ii) chem ical analysis o f annual ice layers the ground surface. The periglacial clim ate is
—> tem perature characterized by m ean annual tem perature ranging
between -1 °C and -1 5 °C and mean annual precipita­
(iii) air bubbles trapped in the annual ice
tion o f 120 mm to 1400 mm (m ostly in solid form ).
layers —» atm ospheric
M any parts o f Europe and S o uth-W est U SA
com position
presently do not have periglacial clim ate b u t have
(iv) dust contents trapped in the annual ice relict periglacial features w hich dem o n strate that
layer —» atm ospheric such areas were under periglacial clim ate in the past.
and storm iness 4. Tectonic Indicators
(v) acid co n ten t in the annual ice la y er-*
volcanic events The tectonic m ovem ents in v o lv in g plate
m ovem ents, pole w andering, co n tin en tal drifts,
A few studies o f ice cores from G reenland ice orogenesis, palaeom agnetism , topographic features
sheets (nam ely, G reenland Ice Sheet Project 1 and 2, etc. and seafloor spreading and sea level changes are
GISP-1 and 2) and A ntarctica ice sheets have
significant indicators o f palaeoclim atic changes. A.
revealed sequences o f clim atic variations for the last W egener, a G erm an m eteorologist, was prim arily
110,000 years and 160,000 years respectively. The concerned w ith the problem o f past clim atic
analysis o f ice cores to obtain clim atic records is
changes. It m ay be p ointed out th at there are am ple
based on isotopes o f oxygen (tw o very com m on
evidences, as discussed above, w hich indicate
isotopes are 160 and , 80 ) w herein the ratio o f l60 to
widespread climatic changes throughout the past history
l80 p rovides inform ation about the existing environ­
o f the earth. Infact, the continental drift theory of
m ental tem peratures at the tim e o f the form ation of
W egener ‘grew out o f the need o f explaining the major
annual ice layers. T he isotope analysis o f ice cores
also reveals relationship betw een global w arm ing variations o f climate in the past’. The climatic changes
and co ncentration o f greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon which have taken place on the globe may be explained
d io x id e, m ethane etc.), and level o f atm ospheric in two ways as follows :
p o llu tio n caused by anthropogenic sources since the ( 1) i f the continents rem ained at their places
p erio d o f industrial revolution. B esides, the concen­ throughout geological history o f the earth, the
tration o f rad io activ e elem ents in the atm osphere clim atic zones m ight have shifted from one reg io n to
and th e ir fallo u t em itted during nuclear plant another region and thus a p articular reg io n m ight
d isasters (fo r exam ple, C hernobyl nuclear disaster)
have experienced varying clim atic c o n d itio n s from
an d testin g s o f atom ic devices, can be m easured
tim e to tim e.
th ro u g h the an aly sis o f annual ice layers. The ice
c o re a n aly sis also reveals inform ation about the (2) If the clim atic zones rem ain ed statio n ary ,
le v e ls o f su lp h ate c o n ten t in the air em itted from the the landm asses m ight have been d isp laced and
v o lc a n ic e ru p tio n . W ith the im provem ents in the drifted.
>► Landforms differ significantly in different
Wagener opted for the second alternative and
postulated the concept of ‘continental drift’ or climatic regions. .
► Spatial variations o f landform s m different
‘displacement hypothesis’ to explain the global
climatic changes on the basis of a number of climatic regions are because o f spatta v aria ion;s in
geographical, geological, palaeontological etc. evi­ climatic parameters (e.g. tem perature, hom .d.ty,
dences. The plate tectonic theory as an outcome of precipitation etc.) and their influences on w eat™ £
post-Second World War advancement (mainly in the ing processes, erosion dynam ics and surface run
1960s) in geotectonics, the evidences of > Quaternary climatic changes could not
p a la e o m a g n e tism and seafloor spreading have vali­ obscure relationships between landform s and c li­
dated the concept of polewandering (shifting of the mates.
positions of the poles) which help in the reconstruc­
In other words, there are certain diag n o stic
tion o f climochronology mainly global climatic
landforms which clearly demonstrate climate-landforms
changes during Carboniferous and Pleistocene Ice
Ages and widespread glaciation. relationships.
Thus, on the basis o f diagnostic landform s,
It has been dem onstrated that plate move-
j ments during Cenozoic era displaced major conti­ the inference o f clim atic conditions at the tim e o f the
nental blocks in the middle and high latitudes in the formation o f such landform , is draw n w hich helps in
northern hem isphere and thus such northward the reconstruction o f palaeoclim ates.
displaced continental masses were subjected to the The clim atogenetic or clim atically controlled
dominance o f cold clim ate resulting into widespread landforms are identified and d ifferen tiated in tw o
glaciation (such as m ajor parts of North America and ways, e.g. (i) general observation and acqu ain tan ce
Eurasia) during Pleistocene period (known as of whole landscape o f each clim atic region, and (ii)
Pleistocene Ice Age and Pleistocene glaciation). On identification o f typical or distinctive lan d fo rm s
the other hand, m ountain ranges of Tertiary period, which represent the controls o f p articu lar clim ate.
formed due to collision of convergent plates and The typical landform s are, in fact, m ain to o ls o f
consequent subduction o f heavier plate and lateral climatic geom orphologists w hich h elp them in
com pression, and high plateaus, became effective determining clim ate-landform s relatio n sh ip s in d if­
barriers in controlling the global atmospheric ferent clim atic regions. Such d istin ctiv e lan d fo rm s
circulation and generating a few new climatic types are designated as diagnostic lan d fo rm s w hich
such as m onsoon clim ate o f South Asia (due to relief include duricrusts, inselbergs, p ed im en ts, tors,
barriers o f the H im alayas and Tibetan plateau). The glaciated valleys, glacial boulders o r e rra tic s, sand
investigations regarding the impacts of tectonic dunes etc.
m ovements on clim atic conditions have revealed Duricrusts are indurated h ard en ed su rfaces o f
strong relationship between horizontal plate m ove­ different kinds such as laterites, silcretes, calcretes,
ments leading to seafloor spreading along divergent alcretes, ferricretes etc. and are norm ally su p p o sed to
plate boundaries and orogenesis along the conver­ have been form ed in hot and hum id c lim ate o f
gent plate boundaries, vertical movement (tectonism) tropical and subtropical areas and h en ce th ey are
lead in g to u p liftm e n t and su b sid e n c e and indicative o f warm and m oist clim ate. T h e p resen ce
clim ate change. The changes in global pattern in
o f lateritic crusts in certain parts o f E u ro p e (e.g .
plate m otions cause changes, in clim ates at global
U.K., G erm any etc.) clearly d em o n strates th e fa c t
that these are not the resu lt o f p resen t c lim a te. ‘S u ch
crusts are often interp reted as o f T ertiary age, o r as
5. Geomorphological Indicators having been under co n tin u o u s fo rm atio n sin cc th e
end o f the M esozoic. E x p o su res o f silc re te s an d
The geomorphological processes and landforms
calcretes are often related to p ast ra th e r th an p re se n t
resulting therefrom have been directly related to
clim atic c o n d itio n s’ (D. R. S toddart, 1969).
particular clim atic type on the concept that each
Inselbergs rep resen tin g steep sid ed re sid u a l
climatic type produces its own characteristic assem ­
hills are considered to be the rep resen tativ e lan d fo rm s
blage o f landform s and set o f geom orphological
o f hot and arid and sem i-arid clim ates. It is arg u ed
processes which shape them on the basis o f the
th at inselbergs are stru ctu rally c o n tro lle d ra th e r th an
following them es :
clim atically co n tro lled an d m o st o f th e p re sen t
in selb erg s w ere form ed before Q uaternary period, o f different sizes o n the tops and clitters (trains o f
‘h ence p resent clim ates are not necessarily those in blocks) on the sides’ <Savindra Singh, 1977). Tors
w hich inselbergs w ere form ed (Stoddart, 1969). It have been considered o f periglacial origin by J.
m ay be possible that inselbergs m ight have been P alm er and R. A. Ateifconf1962), o f f i c i a l origin by
form ed when the clim ate was w arm and arid or sem i- D. L. Linton (1955), w hereas L.C. King has opined
arid which m ight have changed after th eir form ation. that tors are th e result o f universal processes o f
P e d im e n ts , characterized by low -angle rock- pediplanation in d ifferen t clim atic conditions. I n
cut surfaces surrounding m ountains, are also co n sid ­ fact, the presence o f tors right from the D artm oor of
ered to be the rep resen tativ e landform s o f w arm arid E ngland through N icargua to India has com plicated
and sem i-arid clim ates. P edim ents are also found in the problem o f the origin o f tors rather than solving
a variety o f clim atic conditions e.g. tropical w et and it.
dry clim ate, subtropical and tem perate clim ates. A
It m ay be concluded that the aforesaid
few g eom orphologists argue th at pedim en ts are
diagnostic landform s are older than Pleistocene
stru ctu rally and tectonically controlled rath er than
clim atic changes, so they are definitely not related to
c lim a tic ally controlled. L .C . K ing has opined that
present clim ates w here they are found. It m ay be
th e process o f p ed iplanation and pedim entation is
pointed o u t th at clim atic relation o f landform s at
universal and occurs in all environm ental condi­
least in glacial, periglacial and w arm desert clim ates
tions. In fact, ‘m any arid zone pedim ents are clearly
is undoubtedly confirm ed. So, such landform s may
polycyclic, developed durin g the com plex sequence
o f Pleistocene plu v ials (period o f prolonged rain ­ provide definite clues to reco n stru ct p ast clim ates.
fall) and interpluvials : M any appear to be being It is an estab lish ed fact ' th at d ifferen t
d estroyed under p resen t clim atic conditions, rather geom orphological processes w ork in d ifferen t c li­
than being fo rm ed ’ (D .R . S to d d a rt, 1969). m atic regions because the geom orphic p ro cesses
T ors, ‘one o f the m ost controvercial landform s, originate from the atm osphere and th e ir n atu re (type,
are piles o f broken and ex p o sed m asses o f hard rocks e.g. w hether fluvial, o r g lacial, o r p e rig la cial or
p articularly g ran ites having a crow n o f rock-blocks aeolian etc.) depends on the c o m b in atio n s o f

Fig. 14.2 : Fluctuations in sea level during last 150,000 years based on raised coral terraces and core oxygen 18 isotope,
data from deep sea deposits. Source: after: K.K. Turekian, 1996, in Oliver and Hidore, 2003.
IF ; ■ .'-'271

temperature and precipitation. Thus, the nature of the time o f formation and
geomorphological processes in the past geological erratics. Similarly, the presence o f frost ° •
tors, altiplanation terraces, p grounds (hav
a t t e r n e d
history of the earth helps in deciphering the climatic
conditions in which a particular process was ing stone rings, polygons, garlan s, _ P ® _ • *
predominant. thermokarst lakes, nivation hollows, ’
pingos, congelifluctate landform s, blocklieios
The presence of glacial boulders or erratics in
. a region presently having other than glacial climate, (blockmeers), boulderfields etc. tells us t e
may it be warm tropical or temperate climate, nance of periglacial processes under p englacia
reminds us the fact that the region was glaciated at climate at the time of the development


- 100

16 14 12 10 8 6
Thousands of years ago

Fig. 14.3 : Fluctuations in sea level with reference to present sea level (present datum line at o meter). Source : after
Fairbridge, in H.J. Critchfield, 2002.

of such landform s. The presence o f glacial boulders and negative change denoting fall in sea level below
and erratics in the coal seams o f Talcher o f Orissa datum line. Changes in sea level are effected by (i)
(India) o f G ondw ana period clearly indicates an tectonic m ovem ents, and (ii) clim atic changes. T he
earlier cold and glacial clim ate in India having tectonic m ovem ents cause rise in sea level w hen
presently warm m onsoon climate. there is upw ard m ovem ent o f sea floor (ocean
bottom s) or down w arping o f coastal areas w hereas
6. Sea Level Fluctuations fall in sea level is caused by dow nw arping leading to
Fluctuations in sea levels are considered subsidence o f sea floor or upw arping o f coastal
significant indicators o f past clim atic changes. Sea lands. It may be m entioned that tectonically induced
level changes are o f two types, namely positive changes in sea levels are very slow . The clim atically
change marked by rise in sea level above datum line, induced changes in sea levels are rapid and are
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y


effected by glacial age and ^ “ ^ d 'e g b c i a l i o n (CLIMOCHRONOLOGY)
and .ce sheets ( f a l l ■» ‘ ^ jce sheets (ris(. in
leading to retreat of g d fal, jn sea Climochronology m ay be defined as sy ste m ­
sea levels). The sequences ot rise atic description o f clim atic conditions and clim atic
changes in term s o f geological history o f the earth
levels during erio{is (Ounz. M indel,
i.e. past clim ates o f each p erio d o f the e a rth 's
S H ! d w S i» Europe, and Nebraskan, Kansan history. The reconstruction o f p alaeo clim ates i.e.
Illinoin W isconsin glacial periods in North
a n d
clim ochronology m eans rearran g in g o f clim atic
America and interglacial periods (relatively warm history o f the globe or p art th e re o f on the basis o f
periods) separating two glacial (cold) periods. indicators/evidences o f p laaeo clim ates. T h e de­
Figures 14.2 and 14.3 denote fluctuations o f sea scription o f clim ochronology o f the w orld m ay be
level (rise and fall) with reference to present sea
attem pted in the follow ing heads.
level (i.e. present datum line at o meter) about
150,000 ybp and 20,000 ybp (years before present). (1) C lim atic changes d u rin g g eo lo g ical p e ri­
7. Indicators of Historical Records
(2) C lim atic changes d u rin g Q u atern ary p e ­
The recorded events during the existence of riod, and
human species provide valuable data for recon­
(3) C lim atic changes in the re c en t p a st (ab o u t
structing the palaeoclim atic history (palaeochimo-
past 1000 years or so).
chronology) for the past 6000 years. It may be
mentioned that the recorded past events are related 1. Climatic Changes Through Geological Periods
mostly to extreme events of weather conditions rather
than regular weather conditions. Such extreme
The geological history o f the earth o r the
weather events include freezing o f rivers and lakes, ‘geological clock’ refers to the reconstruction o f
unprecedented floods and droughts leading to fam­ evolutionary sequences o f the geological events involv­
ines, mass exodus o f human migration deserting their ing the information o f various zones (crust, m antle and
settlements etc. A few examples will be sufficient to core) of the earth, formation and evolution o f geomaterials
demonstrate the significance o f such indicators of (rocks), formation and developm ent o f m ountains and
climatic changes. The records o f temperatures o f the faults, evolution o f different lives etc. The whole
Thames (U.K.) from 9th century A.D. to 18th century geological history right from the origin o f the earth to its
A.D. denote increasing trend o f frequencies of present form has been divided into m ajor and m inor
freezing of the Thames river per 100 years e.g. the periods on the basis o f form s o f life (organic rem ains),
Thames was frozen only once or twice per 100 years characteristic rock deposits, places o f rock form ation,
from 800 to 1500 years ago, 4 times during 16th major tectonic events etc. The whole geological history
century, 8 times during 17th century, and 6 times of the earth has been divided into five eras (the largest
during 18th century. This denotes cooling o f U.K. time division o f the earth’s history has been term ed Era)
and environs from 800 to 1800 years before present based on five m ajor groups o f deposits as follows:
(YBP). The recorded data from Iceland from 900 to Major Groups of Eras
1900 YBP also demonstrate cooling of North Atlantic Deposits
Ocean between 900 and 1900 YBP. The records o f (from youngest to oldest)
high floods in the Nile Valley since 640 A.D. reveal , Cenozoic
increase in rainfall in the source regions o f the Nile Cenozoic group (era of recent life)
river. The records o f droughts in the south-western Mesozoic group Mesozoic
and and semiarid United States of America and Sahel D (era of medieval life)
reg.on or S ub-S ahara region denote acu te Proterozoic Proterozoic
deficiency in normal rainfall and resultant'extrem e A . (era of earlier life)
aridity. Archeozotc Archaeozoic
(era of primeval life)


Fig. 14.4: The geological clock (modified after F. Press and R. Siever, 1974). Numbers denote years in millions before

Each era is numbered in sequence as first Ordovician Ordovices (a B ritish tribe in N.

(primary), second (secondary), third (tertiary) and Wales)
fourth (quaternary) epoch. Further, each epoch is Silurian Silurs (a British tribe in S. W ales)
divided into several periods. The names of periods Devonian Devonshire (place and region in
have been assigned on various grounds e.g. names of U.K.)
the places of characteristic systems of deposits, the
Carboniferous dom inance o f carbon (coal)
names of tribes, the characteristics of deposits,
dominance of certain elem ents and minerals etc. as Permian perm (a province in erstw hile U SSR
follows : Triassic three-fold division of deposits in
Palaeozoic palaeo (ancient), zoe (German)-life Germ any, ‘trias’ m eans triple
Jurassic after Jura m ountains in Sw itzerland
Mesozoic mesos (German) means middle
Cretaceous creta (Latin) m eans chalk, dom in-
Cenozoic Kainos (German) means new • _ ,
Camhrian r> u ' nr i t i \ • tt v \ ance abundant deposits o f w hite
'-ambrian Cam bria or W ales (place) in U.K. ^ w riting chalk
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

274 representing the w hole geological and geom orphic

Eos means day break history together is called as ‘geological clock’
Oligos (German) means little w herein one billlion years represent each rev o lu tio n
Oligocene Meion (German) means smaller o f the clo ck ’s arm. Each revolution is fu rth er
Miocene Pleion (German) means greater subdivided into ‘h ours’ w here each division (hour)
Pleistos means most corresponds to 100 m illion years and ‘m inutes’
ene Holo means complete represent the tim e period o f 10 m illion years. Fig.
Some scientists have put together all the 14.4 represents the geological clock suggested by
geological events of the past history of the earth in Frank Press and R aym ond S iev er (1974).
the form of a clock. ,Thus, the spiral system

Table 14.1 : Geological Time Table (from youngest to oldest)

S tartin g tim e
Eras Epochs Periods Duration Ice
before p resen t
(million years) Age
(m illion years)

Neozoic Quaternary 2. Holocene or

Post-glacial Pleistoecene
1. Pleistocene 0.990 ice age 4 1.000
4. Pliocene 10.000 11.000
Cenozoic Tertiary
3. Miocene 14.000 2 5 .0 0 0
2. Oligocene 15.000 4 0 .0 0 0
1. Eocene 30.000 7 0 .0 0 0
Mesozoic Secondary 3. Cretaceous 65.000 135.000
2. Jurassic 45.000 180.000
1. Triassic 45.000 3 2 2 5 .0 0 0
Palaeozoic Primary 6 . Permian 45.000 C arboniferous 2 7 0 .0 0 0
5. Carboniferous 80.000 ice age 350.00 0
4. Devonian 50.000 age 4 0 0 .0 0 0
3. Silurian 40.000 2 440.000
2. Ordovician 60.000 Ice age 500.000
1. Cambrian 100.000 (450-430 m ybp) 600.0 0 0
Pre-Palaeozoic Pre-Cambrian - Pre-C am brian 700.0 0 0
or Algonican ice age (850-
Azoic or Archaean ■ Archaean - - 600 m ybp) 800.000

Pre-Palaeozoic Era
follow ed by the form ation o f den se atm osohere
Very few geological evidences are available — calm . lo g raau ai Din continued
to reconstruct the climatic history of early pre- cooling and contraction o f the earth and resultant
Palaeozoic era. Inferences have been drawn on the condensation o f w ater vapour th ere b eg an the
basis of lithological evolution and evidences thereof precipitation process w hich u ltim ately resu lted into
numerical models and Eductions. The earth changed he developm ent o f rivers and seas. It is assu m ed that
from gaseous state to liquid state after its origin The w e*r lest cl» " a‘ic p^ ase t*le e a rth ’s atm osphere
sohd c r,s t was formed due to cooling and D e ra tu r!^ f^ J fv fVera®e (assumed ) atm ospheric tem-
solidification of liquid materials. This phase was before nre aboul 4250 M Y B P (m illion years
before present) which is supposed to have dropped*)

25°C. about 2500 MYBP. Such assumptions and by warm climatic phase which becam e responsible
calculations are based on the estimate that the concentra­ for the evolution of life mainly plants in wa^ej: q> ,ies
tion of carbon dioxide (CO 2) might have been much i.e. seas. M ost of the vertebrate anim als inc u sin g
higher in the earliest atmosphere than at present and thus 1000 species were evolved in the seas bu t t ese are
the pre-Palaeozoic climate might have been very warm not found at present. These anim als depended on
due to green house effect of the early atmosphere. marine grasses for their food. Though evidences
from ancient;organisms and sedim entary deposits
The sequence of warming was broken by
many glacial periods as indicated by glacial depos­ suggest warm clim atic phase during C am brian and
its, a few glacial features, striated surfaces, sedi­ early Ordovician periods but some evidences from
mentary data etc. found from Gowganda, Ramsey Sahara indicate little ice phase, if not ice age, during
lakes, Bruce form ations etc. in the Ontario province late Ordovician period. The Silurian period again
of Canada. These indicators reveal the existence of became warm and this phase continued into D evonian
probably the first ice age, known as Huroriian period. The.evidences denote warm tropical clim ate
Glaciation (on the basis of Lake Huron of Canada and of most of the northern hem isphere including North
USA) which is supposed to have occurred about America, Europe and China, characterized by warm
2700 M YBP and m ight have continued upto 1800 and semi-arid climate. The D evonian period was
MYBP. The earth again experienced warm climatic also characterized by the evolution o f green land
• phase w hich continued upto 950 MYBP. plants and a large number of species o f fish.
Amphibians were evolved tow ards the end of
The late pre-C am brian period is supposed to Devonian period. There was dispersal o f vertebrate
have been again under cold clim atic phase wherein animals from seas to land areas due to such flora on
three glacial periods m ight have occurred when most land areas which could provide them food.
of the e arth ’s surface was glaciated.
The Carboniferous period experienced con­
Precambrian Period trasting climatic conditions in the northern and the
southern hemispheres. M ost o f the coals o f N orth
The geological characteristics of rocks of pre- America and Europe were deposited during this
Cam brian period w hich started about 700 MYBP period. The northern hem isphere w as characterized
(m illion years before present) denote that dense by warm tropical clim ate having both w arm dry and
atm osphere was formed around the earth. Due to warm wet climates w hich becam e responsible for
gradual but continued cooling and contraction of the dense vegetation cover in the northern hem isphere.
earth and resultant condensation of water vapour On the other hand, m ost o f the southern hem isphere,
there began the process o f precipitation which say Gondwanaland, was under cool clim atic phase
ultim ately resulted into the developm ent o f rivers leading to w idespread glaciation know n as C arbon­
and seas. The sequence o f warm clim ate was broken iferous Ice Age w hich is supposed to have continued
by many glacial periods resulting into the beginning from middle and late C arboniferous period to early
of perhapse the first ice age known as pre-Cambrian Permian period. The clim atic hazard o f such
ice age having a time span from 850 M YBP to 600 widespread glaciation becam e resp o n sib le fo r ex ­
MYBP. A m ong the plant kingdom only marine tinction o f num erous plant and anim al species. W ith
grasses were evolved. The three pre-Cam brian glacial increasing seasonal variations in the clim atic co n d i­
periods known as Gnejso, Sturtian, and Varangian tions the ratio o f evergreen trees co n tin u ed to
glacial periods, continued from 950 to 650 MYBP. decrease. C onsequently, the deciduous trees w hich
could resist dry w eather and frost, w ere evolved. T he
Palaeozoic Era (650-600 to 250 MYBP) num ber and species o f land anim als fu rth er in ­
creased a rd num erous species o f m am m al-lik e
The early C am brian period is supposed to reptiles were evolved b u t these soon p erish ed . B y the
have been in cold clim atic phase leading to ice age end o f Perm ian period the southern h em isp h ere
during w hich the glaciation was m ore w idespread recovered from C arboniferous g laciatio n d u e to
than pre-C am brian ice age. This cannotation is retreat and ablation o f ice sheets.
validated on the basis o f the presence o f ancient
Mesozoic Era (225-70 MYBP)
early C am brian m orainic deposits in G reenland,
Scottland, S candinavia, C hina, South A m erica T he clim atic co n d itio n d u rin g T riassic p erio d
southern parts o f A frica, A u stralia etc. representing was warm and dry b u t it b ecam e w et by the end o f
both the hem ispheres. This cold phase w as follow ed this period. C o n seq u en tly , co n ifero u s trees and ferns
w ere d ev elo p ed in the northern hem isphere. F o r the o cean s in both low and hig h latitu d es. T h e la te r h alf
first tim e, m am m als evolved from reptiles on land o f C retaceo u s p erio d w itnessed co o lin g o f high
areas. T he Jurassic clim ate becam e subtrop ical. The latitu d es due to northw ard d isp lacem en t o f land
ra in fa ll was such that dense vegetation co u ld be areas o f A ngaraland. ‘T his tim e o f earth h isto ry saw
ev olved and developed in m any areas. F o r the first the w orld in its greenhouse m o d e, w hen clim ate w as
tim e, flow ering plants (angiosperm s) w ere evolved p red o m in an tely w arm , p o lar ice caps nonexistent,
during this period. L and areas w ere dom in ated by and sea lev el high. T he change from this to an
forests and sw am py plains having lakes and m ean ­ ev en tu al ice house mode m ay n o t have been sm ooth,
dering rivers. C retaceous p eriod w as m arked by b u t rath er e p iso d ic ’ (O liv e r and H idore, 2003).
w arm ing o f high latitu d es w hich m ade the grow th o f
vegetation p o ssib le upto G reenland. D eciduous Cenozoic Era
trees flo u rish ed becau se o f seasonal regim e o f
clim ate. T he oxygen isotope analysis o f deep sea cores The early Tertiary witnessed drop in temperatures
hav in g b en th ic and p lan k to n fossils (300 planktons) b u t still the clim ate rem ain ed w arm . In th e Eocene
p ro v id e am ple data for in ferrin g tem peratures o f period (7 0 to 40 M Y B P) or early T e rtiary epoch


England was characterized by tropical vegetation were separated by w arm er perio

similar to present M alaysia. W arm climate extended interglacial periods, namely A ftonian i g
upto Greenland and hence tropical palm trees grew period between N ebraskan and ^ nsa j L outh
upto Greenland. D uring Oligocene period (40 to 25 periods (260,000 to 205,000 Y B P), Yarnwou
MYBP) m ost of the areas were dominated by warm interglacial period between K ansan an
and tem perate clim ate but the cycle of cold climate glacial periods (167,000-135,000 YBP)* S angam on
also started in this period. The onset of cold climate interglacial period between Jllin o in and W isconcin
caused disappearance of forests in some areas glacial periods (100,000-70,000 Y B P) and recen t
mainly in high latitudes but there was expansion in Holocene interglacial period. The ice sheets a d ­
grasslands which became responsible for the evolu­ vanced from 3 m ajor sources (ice caps) e.g. ( 1)
tion of many species o f grass eater mammals. During Labrador ice sheet; (2) Hudson Bay or K eew atin ice
Miocene period (25-11 M YBP) the earth’s surface sheets, and (3) Cordillarean or R ocky ice sheets.
was characterized by varying clim atic conditions as Two ice sheets o f Labrador ice caps and K eew atin
these varied from dry and desert clim atic conditions ice caps after their -initial southw ard advance
to wet and cold clim ate. Humid climate became combined together and becam e m uch w ider and
responsible for the grow th and developm ent of extensive ice sheets which m oved as far south as
deciduous forests having species o f maple, oak and upto the province o f N ebraska. The co m b in ed ice
poplar in N orth A m erica and Europe while cedar sheets were called as L aurentide ice sheet. T he St.
grew in highlands. The plains o f North America Lawrence Valley and central low land w ere co m ­
were covered by prairie grasses. The Pliocene period pletely covered by Laurentide ice sheet. Its eastw ard
(11-1 M YBP) w itnessed wide range of fluctuations movement covered the A ppalachians. B esides,
in tem peratures i.e. repetition o f warm and cold Alaska, western Canada, W ashington, Idaho, M on­
phases. The glaciers began to form over Antarctica. tana etc. were also covered by thick ice sheets
The continued low ering of temperature culminated measuring 1000 m eters to 1500 m eters in thickness.
into the form ation of continental glaciation and onset The withdrawal or retreat o f ice sheets during
o f ice age in Pleistocene period of Quaternary epoch. interglacial periods left behind num erous term inal
This is being discussed in the following heading. moraines. Several lakes m ainly the G reat L akes
(comprising Superior, M ichigan, H uron, E rie and
2. Quaternary Climate Changes Ontario) are the legacy o f P leisto cen ce Ice A ge and
consequent glaciation.
The Q uaternary epoch o f Cenozoic era started
about one m illion years before present and continues Table 14.2 : Pleistocene Glaciation of North America
at present. T his epoch com prises Pleistocene and
Glacial and Duration
Holocene (post-glacial period) periods. The Pleistocene
Interglacial (years before present)
witnessed m ost pronounced clim atic changes for
which m uch authentic data derived through different Periods
techniques such as pollen analysis, isotope analysis, 1. N ebraskan 300,000-260,000
carbon dating, potassium -argan dating etc. are
available and the sequences o f events are well 1. A ftonian 260,000-205,000
documented. M ajor parts o f N orth Am erica and (inter glacial)
Europe were extensively glaciated during Pleistocene 2. Kansan 205,0 0 0 - 167,000
ice age which com prised o f four glacial and four 2. Y arm outh 167,000-135,000
interglacial periods. (inter glacial)
The P leistocene g laciatio n o f N orth A m erica
(Pig. 15.5) w itnessed four p eriods o f cooling and 3. Illinoin 135,000-100,000
resultant form ation o f glaciers and ice sheets and 3. Sangam on 100,000-70,000
their equatorward advancem ent. T he glacial periods (inter glacial)
have been identified and nam ed as N ebraskan 4. W isconcin 7 0 ,0 0 0 -1 0 ,0 0 0
(300,000-260,000 y b p ), K ansan (205,000-167,000 4. H olocene 10,000
YBP), Illinoin (135,000 -100,000 YBP) and W iscconsin (inter glacial)
(70,000-10,000 YBP). T hese fo u r glacial periods

Europe was glaciated during Pleistocene ice margins o f retreating ice sheets in Scandinavia and
age by the advancing ice sheets from three major Scotland (Europe) started to expand and advance
sources of s n b w fields (i.e. caps), namely Scotland, about 10,200 YBP and thus there was reappearance
Scandinavia, and the Alps. The advancing ice sheets o f short period glacial phase involving limited areal
from Scotland and Scandinavia covered Great extent. This little short-period glacial phase is
B r i t a i n , Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Bel­ known as Younger Dryas but this temporary, glacial
gium.' Luxemburg, Netherlands, Germany while phase soon came to ah end as the ice sheets melted
Switzerland, Austria,, Italy, France, southern Ger­ and finally withdrew. The period ranging from
many etc, were glaciated by ice sheets advancing 18,000 to 5,500 YBP is considered as a period of
northward from the ice caps of the Alps. Like glacial
deglaciation denoting rapid changes in climate and
and interglacial periods .in North America, four
rise in temperature.
glacial periods have also been identified and named
in Europe, e.g. Gunz, M indel, Riss and Wurm glacial It may be mentioned that the Pleistocene Ice
periods wherein two glacial periods were separated Age caused lowering of sea level at least by 100
by warmer interglacial period. The tropical and meters -about 18,000 YBP and the d eg laciatio n '
subtropical regions of the globe remained warm. during Holocene period resulted in the recovery of
sea level to its present level about 5000-6000 YBP
The last but most recent early Wisconcin
(fig. 14.3). As mentioned above after Younger Dryas
glacial period started about 70,000 YBP but main
Wisconcin glacial period in North America is the warming of previously glaciated areas resulted in
supposed to have started about 30,000 YBP (years complete withdrawal of ice sheets from North
before present) and retreated about 12,000 YBP. The America and Europe by 5,500 YBP. G reenland and
then temperature was about 4°C less than the present Antarctica still remained under thick ice sheets. ‘All
temperature. evidence points to this being a time when the mean
atmospheric temperature of the m id-latitudes was
3. Climate in the Post-Glacial Period
2.5°C (4.5°F) above that of the present. This time has
The final retreat and withdrawal of recent ice been described as the Climatic Optimum a term
sheets started about 18,000 YBP and continued upto originally applied to Scandinavia when tempera­
10-12,000 YBP when m ost of the ice covers were tures were warm enough to favour more varied flora
withdrawn from the USA. On the other hand, the and fauna’ (Oliver and Hidore, 2003).


Fig. 14.6: Trend o f changes in surface temperature for the past 14,000 years. The temperature change is from present
average global temperature. After J.E. Oliver and J.J. Hidore, 2003.

4. Climatic Changes in the Recent Past tion of Greenland with Iceland and Europe. .The 13th
(Christian Era) century saw very stormy w eather in the. Atlantic
- Ocean and the north Sea while extreme arid
The proxy data from geological and biologi­ condition leading to severe drought prevailed in the
cal sources and indicators, instrumental records, western USA.
historical records, documentation etc. provide am­ The trend of worsening clim atic conditions in
ple authentic information to reconstruct yearly the middle and high latitudes o f the northern
climatic fluctuations since 1st century A.D. The hemisphere continued and the clim ate became
records show that the temperature and precipitation further harsh for another period o f around 400 years
conditions of European continent and Mediterra­ (i.e. from 1450 A D . to 1880 A.D.) as the tem pera­
nean regions were similar to presentday climatic ture fell below freezing point giving birth to another
conditions in the 1st century of Christian era. These glacial period known in the climatic history o f the
areas experienced further more humid conditions earth as Little Ice Age. The climate of Greenland
characterized by increased precipitation and became so cold that the earlier settled people
ameleorating temperature upto mid 4th century A.D. perished and their settlements and other infrastruc­
(i.e. by 350 A.D.). Europe and North America tures were buried under thick cover o f ice sheets.
experienced dry phase resulting into semi-drought The Alpine glaciers became more active, all the
condition in the 5th century A.D. The increased glacial valleys were covered with thick ice sheets,
aridity caused drying of several lakes in the western the advancing glaciers engulfed several villages at
USA. The climate in the northern hemisphere became the foot-hills of the Alps mountain chains, several
further harsh during 600-700 A.D. when climate lakes and rivers were frozen, which are presently
became warmer and drier. The increased aridity unfrozen etc. for example, the Tham es river o f
resulted in melting of valley glaciers in the Alps of England was frozen 4 times in the 16th century, 8
Europe and opening of frozen passes allowing free times in the 17th century, and 6 times in the 18th
movement of people across the Alpine mountains. It century. The historical records and Icelandic sagas
may be mentioned that these passes are again in very much indicate the severity o f clim ate in
frozen condition at present time due to reestablishment Iceland. Extreme cold condition led to hum an deaths
of valley glaciers. The moist condition returned again due to severe famines. It may be m entioned that
in the 9th century A.D. glacial period (i.e. Little Ice Age) from 1450 to 1880
The period from 950 to 1250 A.D. i.e. 300 A.D. was not always characterized by continuous
year period is called as Phase of Little Climatic extreme cold condition and advancing glaciers
Optimum in the clim atic history of the earth when rather it was punctuated by several cold and warm
climate became warm and relatively dry as average intervals. It is believed that each cold period
temperature increased by 1° to 2°C from the present- continued at least for 30 years in each century
day global average temperature. The climate of (between 15th and 19th centuries) and two cold
Greenland and Iceland became mild and attracted periods were separated by relatively warm period.
the Vikings from Iceland to settle in Greenland. It The coldest period culm inated in the year 1876 when
may be m entioned that Vikings migrated from
major parts of northern Europe and the USA did not
Europe to settle in Iceland in the 9th century A.D.
experience summer season. The year 1816 is know n
because o f favourable conditions characterized by
as ‘the year without a summer’ in the clim atic history,
warmer clim ate. The clim atic conditions in southern
when the glaciers became most active after Pleistocene
Greenland allow ed the growth of stunted vegetation,
pasture and agriculture to support newly settled Ice Age, thereafter clim ate began to im prove due to
human population. rise in tem perature and by the end o f 19th century the
ice age was term inated.
The period from 1250 A.D. to 1450 A.D. was
characterized by the reversal of m ildclim ate of 10th The records o f global tem peratures since
to 13th centuries A.D. as referred to above as Industrial Revolution (1860) denote slow but irregaular
temperature began to drop causing accum ulation of trend o f rise o f tem perature i.e. ranging betw een
more ice over G reenland, drifting o f ice sheets and 0.3°C and 0.6°. Follow ing R.G . B arry and R.J.
numerous icebergs in the N orth A tlantic Ocean. The Chorley (2002) the phases o f rise in tem peratures
drifting icebergs disrupted hum an physical connec­ after 1860 have been identified as follow s:
► Highly irregular trend o f rise in tem perature present amount o f carbon dioxide (1975 level) o f the
ranging between 0.2°C to 0.4°C between atm osphere is doubled, the tem perature o f the
1860-1920 A.D. earth’s surface wil increase by 2.9°C.
>• C onsistent trend o f rise o f tem perature of The m ajor sources and processes o f global
m e a n value o f 0.4°C between 1921 and 1945. warming, for exam ple, ozone depletion and green­
house gases, will be discussed in the succeeding
. > Oscillating trend o f rise o f tem perature
between 1946 and 1975 A.D. around 0.4°C. chapter.
The northern hem isphere was warmed while 14.5 CAUSES AND THEORIES OF
the tem perature in the southern hemisphere CLIMATIC CHANGES
rem ained more or less constant i.e. neither
increase nor decrease. As mentioned earlier clim atic changes are
effected by changes in atm ospheric circulation and
► Overall warming trend continued between
interactions among five com ponents o f the earth-
1976 and 1989 A.D. when temperature
atmosphere system, nam ely atm osphere, hydro­
registered an upward rise by 0.2°C.
sphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere (fro­
► The global rise o f temperature reached its zen surface o f the earth) w herein the amount o f
peak in the last decade of 20th century (i.e. received solar energy, and the process o f distribu­
1990s). Six out o f seven wannest years on tion, redistribution, and absorption o f solar radiant
record occurred since 1980. energy at the earth surface are im portant considera­
It may be summarised that overall increase in tions o f the state o f clim ate o f an area in specific time
the surface air temperature in the 20th century has period. The causes for such interactions leading to
been about 0.5°C to 0.7°C against an average rate of climatic changes are related to ( 1) outside sources,
increase o f 0.3°C per 1000 years at global level.
say extraterrestrial sources, and ( 2 ) inside sources,
According to another view the average air tempera­
say eath-atm osphere system or terrestrial sources
ture in the northern hemisphere increased by 0.4°C
between 1880 and 1940 because o f rapid rate of The causes and theories o f clim atic changes
combustion o f fossil fuels during this period but the are viewed in terms o f periodicity o f climatic
temperature dropped after 1950 inspite o f continued changes which are generally o f two types, namely ( 1)
rapid rate o f combustion of fossil fuels due to fast short-term climatic changes, and ( 2 ) long-term cli>
industrial growth but soon after 1940 air tempera­ matic changes. Since the nature and patterns of
ture in the southern hemisphere showed rising trend climatic changes vary tem porally and hence the
which registered an overall increase of 0.6°C causes o f such changes are also o f varied nature. This
between 1940 and 1960. is why no single theory can explain all types and
Another source has indicated an increase in patterns o f clim atic changes and thus we have a host
air temperature by 1.5°C upto 1995 while other of causes and theories o f clim atic changes.
sources have shown general air temperature rise Since the Industrial R evolution (1860 A.D.)
ranging between 0.3°C and 0.6°C. It may be the m an’s increased econom ic activities and the
mentioned that a rise of 2°C temperature from the
application o f advance technologies are introducing
normal temperature was recorded in the Indian
significant m odifications and changes in climatic
Ocean during 1997-98 which caused catastrophic
conditions. This has led to the em ergence o f a new
coral bleaching leading to 70 per cent death o f corals
dimension in clim atic changes and an additional
in the Andman Nicobar and Lakshwadeep inlands.
source thereof. Thus, the sources o f clim atic changes
Various models have been developed to may be g rouped in the fo llo w in g 3 broad
predict global rise in air temperature. S.H. Schneider categories :
(1950) pointed out that the temperature could rise
(1) O utside o r extra-terrestrial sources
upto 1.5°C to 3°C if the concentration of atmospheric
carbon dioxide could be doubled from the 300 ppm (2) Inside or terrestrial sources
(by volume) level to 600 ppm. The General (3) Anthropogenic sources
Circulation M odel (GCM) developed by S. M anabe
The significant causes and related theories of
and R.T. W etherald (1975) predicts that if the climatic changes may be stated as follows:
CLIMATIC c h a n g e 281
(1) Solar irradiance (variation in solar radia- changes in terms o f changes in tem perature and
tion). precipitation. The recorded data o f sun s surface
(2) Sunspot cycles, temperature revealed a drop o f tem perature y
in January, 1977. If the solar radiation drops by even
(3) Astronomical theories (ecentricity of one to two per cent, the tem perature at t e eart s
earth’s orbit, obliquity of the ecliptic, precession of
surface in the middle and high latitudes may come
the equinoxes, earth-sun relationship) etc.,
down and may cause climatic changes s *m ^
(4) Atmospheric dust hypothesis (mainly Little Ice Age which occurred from 1450 to 1880
volcanic eruptions and dusts thereof), A.D. The year 1816 was known as the year without
(5) Carbon dioxide hypothesis, summer in the USA. The computer model has further
( 6) Continental drift and pole wandering, revealed that the drop in solar radiation by 2-3 per
cent for 50 years in continuation may cause
(7) Tectonic and topographic control theory, regeneration of glaciation and may reactivate older
( 8) Oceanic variation hypothesis, glaciers, and if the solar radiation decreases by 5 per
(9) Extra terrestrial bodies collision theory, cent or more, the earth may experience new ice age
and and widespread glaciation.
( 10) Anthropogenic sources (changes in the The expansion and contraction of the core o f
earth’s surface and atmospheric composition). the sun has been accepted by a few scientists as basic
cause of changes in the amount o f energy radiated
Solar Irradiance Theory from the outer surface of the sun. According to E.J.
Opik the core of the sun expands after long intervals.
Solar radiative forcing is considered to be a The sun consumes a portion o f its energy to expand
significant factor o f climatic changes. It is important its outer surface to cope with the expansion o f its
to note that there are fluctuations in the energy core. In such circumstance the radiant solar energy
radiated from the sun 's outer surface (photosphere). decreases because of consum ption o f substantial
It may also be mentioned that the amount of solar portion of solar energy by the sun itself. The
energy received at the earth’s surface determines the decrease in solar radiation results in low ering o f
nature and pattern of energy exchanges and atmos­ atmospheric tem perature o f the earth and conse­
pheric circulations which in turn determine tem­ quently cool phase o f clim ate is introduced, w hich
peratures and precipitation. The amount of solar causes ice age. Conversely, when the core o f the sun
radiant energy received at the earth’s surface is also contracts, the internal consum ption o f solar energy
subject to changes due to (i) changes in the is remarkably reduced. C onsequently, the solar
com position o f the atmosphere in terms of its radiation increases, which results in the increase o f
transparancy to incom ing shortwave solar electro­ temperature of the earth ’s surface, term ination o f
magnetic radiation waves, ( 2 ) changes in the relative glacial period and beginning o f interglacial period.
distances betw een the sun and the earth, (3) the
amount o f the energy radiated from the earth’s Simpson Theory
surface, ( 4 ) changes in the surface covers of the
earth’s surface etc. The variations in solar irradiance Contrary to the general view o f the w arm ing
are viewed as (i) long-term change, and (ii) as short­ of the earth’s surface and its atm osphere during the
term or periodic change (i.e. sunspots cycles). period o f increased solar radiation, Sir. G eorge
Simpson presented an entirely different concept
It is a com m on belief that increase in solar
related to variations in solar radiation and clim atic
radiation for longer duration will cause warming of
changes in 1938 A.D. A ccording to Sim pson during
the atm osphere leading to onset o f warm clim ate and
the period of m oderate increase in so lar irradiance,
melting o f ice sheets and glaciers. It may be the m iddle and high latitudes w ill experiencre
mentioned that regular m easurem ent of tem pera­ extension in glaciers and their advances w hile
tures o f the su n ’s surface started at the Kitt Peak decrease in solar radiation and resu ltan t decrease in
National O bservatory in A rizona, USA, from 1975. air tem peratue w ould cause m elting o f ice sheets and
It is believed that even 0.1 per cent decrease in the glaciers and their retreat, resulting into onset o f
average annual so lar radiation for a decade in interglacial period. Sim pson propounded the con­
continuation niay introduce m easurable clim atic cept o f cyclic pattern o f increase and decrease in

solar radiation. According to him the atmospheric w hereas the prolonged period o f m axim um sunspot
tem perature increases with increase in solar ra la activity may cause warming. It m ay be m entioned
tion. The increase in atm ospheric tem perature that perfect correlation between sunspot activity and
causes increase in evaporation and cloudiness, atm ospheric tem perature has not been substantiated.
strong meridional air circulation and increased It may be that periodic fluctuations in sunspot cycles
precipitation in higher latitudes. The precipitatiqn in may introduce some sort o f w eather changes at
higher latitudes is in the form o f snowfall which shorter temporal scale. ‘R epeated studies trying to
allows more accumulation o f ice and extension o f ice correlate rainfall with the fluctuation in sunspot
sheets and glaciers. The .greater cloudiness during cycles have not yet produced statistically significant
summer season prohibits m elting o f accum ulated resu lts’ (O liver and Hidore, 2003).
snow and ice rather protects the ice cover. On the
other hand, during the phase o f decrease in solar Atmospheric Dust Hypothesis
radiation, the atm ospheric tem perature decreases,
The atm ospheric solid particulate m atters
m eridional air circulation is w eakened, evaporation
include dust particles, salt particles, pollen, sm oke
and precipitation rem arkably decreases in high
and soot, volcanic dusts and ashes etc. M ost o f the
latitudes, m elting o f ice sheets causes their retreat.
solid particles are kept in suspension in the
‘Thus, paradoxically a low ering of mean atm os­
atm osphere. It is an established fact that these solid
pheric temperature m ight cause a recession o f ice
particulate m atters (SPM ) present in the atm osphere
sheets, whereas tem perature increase would lead to
reduce the am ount o f solar radiant energy reaching
their advance. A lthough the Sim pson theory appears
the earth ’s surface by scattering, reflection and
not to fit recent instrum ental evidence, it is a
absorption of incom ing shortw ave electrom agnetic
warning against oversim plified explanations of
solar radiation. A bout 23 per cent o f incom ing solar
complex processes’ (H.J. C ritchfield, 2002).
radiation is scattered by dust particles and haze, of
Sunspot Theory which 6 per cent energy is sent back to the space
while 17 per cent energy reaches the e arth ’s surface
The sunspot activity has been related to as diffuse day light, o f course m uch later. The
variations in solar irradiance. The increased sunspot scattering of incom ing solar radiation w aves by dust
activity (increase in the num ber of sunspots) causes particles when the diam eter o f such particles is
warming o f the e arth ’s surface and its atmosphere longer than the w avelengths o f incom ing solar
whereas decreased sunspot activity (decrease in the radiation waves, is called diffuse reflection which
num ber of sunspots) causes low ering of atmospheric sends some portion of incom ing solar energy back to
tem perature. Sunspots are darker and cooler areas in space while some portion rem ains in the low er
the photosphere o f the sun. The increased sunspot atmosphere.
activity m eans increase in the num ber o f sunspots
It is also an established fact that sudden
while decreased sunspot activity is related to
decrease in the num ber o f sunspots. The study of increase in dust particles caused by violent pow erful
sunspot activity for the last 200 years has revealed volcanic eruptions reduces the tem perature o f the
cyclic pattern o f increase and decrease in sunspot earth ’s surface at its low er atm osphere rem arkably
activity. On an average, 11 years cycle has been and introduces fluctuations in w eather and clim atic
accepted where as the period o f one cycle may be as conditions atleast at shorter tem poral scale. It may
short as 8-9 years and as long as 16 years. C ertain be rem em bered that the stratospheric tem perature
subcycles o f sunspot activity at longer period have increases at the tim e o f greater volcanic activity
also been postulated e.g. 35 years cycle, 80 years because m ost o f the scattered, reflected and ab­
cycle etc. It has been estim ated that the output o f sorbed energy rem ain there, but the tem perature of
ultraviolet radiation from the sun's surface at the the low er troposphere and the e a rth ’s surface drops
time o f m axim um sunspot activity (m axim um significantly, and it is the tem perature o f the low er
num ber o f sunspots) is 20 tim es more than during the atm osphere that controls w eather and clim ate at the
period o f m inim um sunspot activity. The prolonged e arth ’s surface. T his corollary m ay be substantiated
period o f m inim um sunspot activity, called as w ith a few exam ples o f volcanic eruptions and
M aunder M inimum, is supposed to introduce resultant cooling o f the e a rth ’s surface and its
co o lin g o f the e a rth ’s surface and its atm osphere, atm osphere.
(1) There was annihilating violent explosive volcanic eruptions such as El Chichon eruption of
eruption of a volcano on 27 August, 1883 in 1982 in Mexico, Mt. St. Helens eruption .of 1980
Krakatoa island located in the Sunda Strait between (USA) a few earlier explosive eruptions such as
Java and Sumatra in the East Indies. The powerful Mount Cosequina eruption of 1835 in Nicaragua
volcanic blast was 9TNT equivalent of about 100 show no such correlation. It may be mentioned that
million tons (2x 10 11 pounds). Nearly 20 cubic the impact of volcanic eruptions in lowering the
kilometers (some sources put it 53 cubic kilometers) temperature depends on a variety of factors, numely
of fragmental materials, ashes and dusts were the penetration of the stratosphere by ejected
thrown in the air upto 32 kilometers in the volcanic dusts and gases, the volume, of sulphur
atmosphere (upto middle of stratosphere), which dioxide, the amount of dusts etc. If the eruption is
were later on distributed, due to their fall, on an area very explosive and powerful, the volume of ejected
of 700,000 square kilometers. The fine dusts were sulphur dioxide is. very large, and the amounts of
ejected upto 32 kilometers in the atmosphere which dusts are very high, definitely these materials will
produced global decrease in solar radiation received reach the stratosphere and will reduce the tempera­
at the earth’s surface by 10-20 percent, there was total ture at the earth’s surface and its atmosphere. The
darkness in the sky because the dusts and ashes ejected sulphur dioxide gas after combining with
blotted out the sun for several days, the effect of total atmospheric water vapour forms tiny droplets of
darkness was observed upto the distance of 150 sulpluric acids. These tiny sulphuric acid droplets
kilometers from the center of eruption. The ejection remain in the atmosphere for longer period and
of fine dusts and ashes in the stratosphere and their reflect sizeable portion of incoming solar radiation
circulation and drifting around the earth by upper air and thus the amount of solar radiation received at the
atmospheric circulation produced brilliant red sun­ earth’s surface is remarkably reduced resulting into
sets for several years. The reduced solar radiation the lowering of earth’s surface temperature.
received on the earth’s surface and resultant drop in Recently, two evidences related to volcanic
temperature matches with cold years from 1884 to eruption and its impact on climate change, namely
1886. (1) Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) and (2) Dust Veil
(2) The violent eruption of Mt. Asomain 1783 Index (DVI), have been prepared. It is argued that
in Japan is correlated with severe cold years of 1784, high VEI would indicate powerful and effective
1785 and 1786. The exceptionally cold year of 1816 penetration of the stratosphere by volcanic dusts and
A.D., known as a year without summer in the climatic gases and thereby would cause lowering of tempera­
history o f the world, followed the famous explosive ture. Similarly, high DVI would be indicative of
eruption o f Mt. Tamboro in Dutch East Indes in the reduction in solar radiation received at the earth’s
year 1815. The volume o f dusts ejected from the violent surface and consequent drop in temperature. It may
eruption of this volcano was so enormous that thick be mentioned that resident period of volcanic dusts
dust veil covered the sun resulting into complete and gases is very important factor for glacial
darkness for 3 days in continuation, which extended climate. If the resident period of volcanic materials
upto a distance o f 500 kilometers from the center of is for longer duration i.e. if the volcanic materials
eruption. remain in the atmosphere for longer period, the
resultant lowering of temperature may initiate
(3) T he explosive eruption o f Mt. Katmai in
glacial period. On the other hand, short-term
1912 in A laska (U SA ) ejected about 21 cubic
resident period would cause only local effects on
kilom eters o f volcanic m aterials and dusts in the
weather and climate.
atm osphere resu ltin g into 20 per cent reduction in
the am ount o f so lar radiation received at the earth s Carbon Dioxide Theory
surface. A bout 2 percent drop in solar radiation was
noted at the M auna L oa O bservatory in Hawaii at It is important to note that it is the receipt of
the time o f the eruption o f M t A gung in Bali in the solar energy at the earth’s surface and absorption of
incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial
year 1963. ,
radiation by the atm osphere which has significant
, . C ontrary to the general b elief o f correlation
control on weather and clim ate, and the amount of
between m ajor vo lcanic eruptions and low ering ot
energy received at the earth ’s surface depends on ( 1)
temperatures, the em pirical studies o f a few recen
c h a n g e s in th e com p osition o f the atm osphere, (2) gas) for d ifferen t purposes in various w ays, burning
c h a n g e s in the transparency o f the atm osphere, (3) o f firew oods etc. D eforestation also helps in
m o d ific a tio n o f energy in the tra n sit (i.e. flow ing increasing the concentration o f carbon dioxide in
th ro u g h th e atm osphere) etc. T he changes in the the atm osphere. T he pre-industrial level o f atm os­
g a se o u s com position o f the atm osphere are effected pheric content o f carbon dioxide was fixed at 280-
by b o th natural and anthropogenic sources. T he 290 ppm v (part per m illion by volum e) or 0.028 per
in crease o f relative proportion o f g reenhouse gases cent to 0.029 per cent (the base year o f the beginning
(e.g. carbon dioxide, m ethane, nitro g en oxides etc.) o f industrial revoltuion in 1860A.D.) It is also
in general and carbon d io x id e in p a rticu lar causes im portant to note that there are certain natural
global w arm ing and in itia te s w arm clim ate w hile processes and sources which regulate the atm os­
decrease in th e ir relativ e p ercen tag e causes global pheric concentration o f carbon dioxide, nam ely
cooling and h e lp s in in itia tin g co ld clim ate if other vegetation covers and oceans are m ajor sinks(
factors re m a in constant. T hus, the carbon dioxide absorbers and users) of atm ospheric carbon dioxide.
theory states th a t increase and d ecrease in tem pera­ D eforestation and burning o f forests for shilfting
tures o f th e e a rth ’s surface and its atm osphere is cultivation rem arkably reduces the use o f carbon
e ffe c te d by increase and decrease o f its ( C 0 2) dioxide by vegetation covers and hence helps in
re la tiv e percen tag e in the gaseous com position of increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the
the atm osphere resp ectiv ely . atm osphere.
It m ay be rem em bered that the increase of The atm ospheric content o f carbon dioxide
e a rth ’s tem perature by absorbing outgoing terres­ increased from the pre-industrial level o f 280-290
trial infrared radiation by certain gases (m ainly ppmv to 350-360 ppmv during 1998, registering an
carbon dioxide) is called greenhouse phase of the overall increase by 25 per cent from the pre-
atm osphere w hereas icehouse phase refers to low er­ industrial level. It is believed that the rate o f increase
ing of e a rth ’s tem p eratu re leading to beginning of of atmospheric carbon dioxide through anthropo­
glacial p erio d . T h e greenhouse effect m eans ‘pro­ genic sources will be accelerated due to uncheked
gressive w arm ing-up of the earth ’s surface due to the industrial developm ent and increasing urbanization
blan k eting e ffe ct o f m an-m ade carbon dioxide in the worldover.
•atm osphere' (O xford D ictionary). ‘In a green house, Different models have been developed to
visible su n lig h t passes through the glass and heats up reveal the relationships between the increase in the
the soil w arm ing the plants. T he warm soils em it concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide through
radiation in lo n g er w avelengths particularly in the anthropogenic sources and clim ate changes but the
infrared band. B ecause the glass is opaque to these predictions of these models are very much confusing
w avelengths (long w avelengths of infrared radiation and contradictory. ‘If there is uncertainty in the
w aves), it absorbs and reflects (reradiates back to the prediction of carbon dioxide trends, then the
soils) the infrared (rad iatio n )’ (D .B. Botkin and E.A. predictions of the resulting clim atic effects are even
K eller, 1982). This m echanism keeps the green­ more uncertain' (J. E. Hobbs, 1980).
house w arm er than the outside environm ent. In nut (1) Schneider Model (1950): S.H. Schneid
shell it m ay be sum m arized that a greenhouse is a while review ing the results of various clim atic
body w hich allow s the shortw ave incom ing solar m odels dealing with the predictions in the change of
radiation to com e in but does not allow the longwave therm al conditions of the atm osphere and the earth’s
outgoing terrestrial infrared radiation to escape. surface resulting from the increased content of
C arbon dioxide and w ater vapour act as greenhouse atm ospheric carbon dioxide concluded that the
in that these allow visible sunlight to reach the tem perature could rise upto 1.5C-3.0°C if the
surface o f the earth but absorb and reflect back concentration o f atm ospheric carbon dioxide could
(reradiate) the longw ave outgoing terrestrial radia­ be doubled from 300 ppmv level to 600 ppmv. He
tion m ainly infrared radiation (back to the earth’s further predicts that increased tem perature would
surface) and thus help in keeping the earth ’s surface cause increase in evaporation and cloudiness which
w arm er. would reduce incoming solar radiation (because of
T he m ost significant greenhouse gas is carbon increased albedo i.e. m ore clouds w ould reflect more
d io x id e w hich is released to the atm osphere by solar radiation back to space). Thus, the reduced
b u rn in g o f fossil fuels (coal, m ineral oil and natural solar radiation reaching the earth ’s surface would

counteract the w arm ing of the earth ’s surface. It is M ayon and F e r n a n d a in i19M
obvious that such feedback m echanism s negate the reduced air tem perature in the n o rth ern h e m ,sp h e re
impact o f greenhouse effect of increased atmospheric between 1940 and 1970.
carbon dioxide and the w hole process of the heating or Inspite o f contrasting o p i n i o n s a b o " t 1 ®
cooling of the low er atm osphere and the earth’s im pact of increasing co n cen tratio n o a
surface becom es highly com plicated. Another model carbon dioxide due to g reen h o u se e cc
envisages cooling o f the earth’s surface due to tem perature it may be con clu siv ely o p in e a
enormous increase in the atm ospheric carbon dioxide. is definite positive effect o f in creased g reen ouse
(3) G eneral C irculation Model (GCM) : The effect due to increased co n cen tratio n o f c a r on
general circulation m odel by S. M anabe and R.T. dioxide in the atm osphere. The in crease in te m p e ra ­
W etherald (1975) predicts that if present am ount ture introduces several changes in c lim atic c o n d i­
(1975 level) o f carbon dioxide of the atm osphere is tions at local, regional, and global levels as fa llo w s.
doubled, the tem perature of the earth ’s surface will (1) A ccording to A .B . P itto ck (1 9 7 2 ) the
increase by 2.9°C and there will be 7 per cent change in global mean tem p eratu re by a few deg rees
increase in the activity o f hydrological cycle but celcious caused by greenhouse e ffe c t w o u ld greatly
there will not be any feedback and thus there will not change clim ate.
be either in crease or decrease in the am ount of
(2) Increased tem perature d u e to in creased
cloudiness as p redicted by S. H. Shneider. In other
greenhouse effect w ould cause d e crea se in p re c ip i­
words, the increase in surface tem perature caused by
tation and soil m oisture content.
increase in the atm ospheric carbon dioxide will not
be negated by feedback m echanism and hence (3) In case o f global w arm ing o cean s w o u ld be
increased greenhouse effect w ould certainly intro­ required to absorb m ore and m o re c a rb o n d io x id e ,
duce clim ate change (w arm ing of the earth’s surface this will raise norm al level o f acid ity o f th e o cean s,
and its low er atm osphere). which would decrease b io lo g ical a ctiv ity in th e
oceans and oceanic p lan t cover, w h ich u ltim a te ly
It has been estim ated that the overall increase
would alter the albedo o f ocean su rface.
in surface tem perature over the past one hundred
years (upto 2000 A .D .) has been about 0.5°C to (4) It may be possible th at the carb o n d io x id e
0.7°C. A ccording to another view the average air concentration in the atm osphere m ay in crease to su ch
tem perature in the northern hem isphere increased by an extent that the total atm ospheric p ressu re w o u ld
0.4°C betw een 1880 and 1940 because of rapid rate increase. Such increase in a tm o sp h eric p ressu re
o f com bustion o f fossil fuels during that long period would broaden the absorption bands and in c re ase th e
but the tem perature dropped after 1950 inspite of opacity of the atm osphere to the o u tg o in g te rre stria l
continued rapid rate o f com bustion of fossil fuels radiation which would in turn in crease th e su rface
due to fast industrial developm ent after 1960. The tem perature to such an extent th at all the atm o sp h eric
air tem p erature in the southern hem isphere showed processes may com e to grinding halt.
rising trend w hich registered an overall increase of (5) R ecently, atm ospheric black clouds (A B C ),
0.6°C betw een 1940 and I960. It is evident that as a result o f co n cen tratio n o f p o llu ta n ts in the
though there is m axim um consum ption of fossil atm osphere due to b u rn in g o f fo ssil fu e ls, h a v e b een
fuels in the n orthern hem isphere and consequent related to un p reced en ted sn o w fall in D u b a i, h eav y
increase in the c o n cen tratio n o f atm ospheric carbon snow fall in the low er a ltitu d in a l areas o f Jam m u and
dioxide but the air tem perature dropped w hereas K ashm ir, H im achal P rad esh and U tta ra n c h a l H im a ­
there is m inim um consum ption o f fossil fuels in the layas (India) etc. d u rin g D e ce m b e r (2 0 0 4 ) and
southern h em isp h ere but air tem perature increased. January (2005).
It does not m ean that there is no direct im pact o f (4) A tm osphere-O cean G en eral C ircu la
increasing carbon d io x id e on air tem perature rather M odel (A O G C M ): If th e c o n c e n tra tio n o f C 0 2 in th e
some other facto rs m ig h t have dom inated over the atm o sp h ere rises to 5 4 0 -9 7 0 ppm by th e en d o f 2 1 st
factor o f g reen h o u se effect. It is opined th at large cen tu ry , th ere w ould be an in c re a se o f 1.40° to 5.8°C
am ount o f vo lcan ic d u sts throw n into the atm o s­ in the av erag e te m p e ratu re o f th e e a rth ’s su rfa ce and
phere through the e ru p tio n s o f H eckla (Icelan d ) in the atm o sp h ere. T h is in c re ase o f te m p e ratu re has
1947, M t. S p u rr (A lask a, U S A ) in 1953, A gung been e stim ated on the b a sis o f av erag e te m p e ratu re
(Bali) in 1963, M ount. T aal (P h ilip p in se) in 1965, o f the y ear 1990-2000 A .D .
Continental Drift and Polewandering occurrred around one m illion years B.P. due to
closer location o f N orth A m erican and Eurasian
T he plate tectonic theory, based on the landm asses to north pole. The Pangaea began to
evidences o f palaeomagnetism and seafloor spread­ break during early Jurassic about 180 m illion years
ing, the result o f post-1950 advancem ent in geo­ B.P. and the disruption was com pleted by 70-100
physical researches w orldover, has validated the million years B.P. Consequently, the northern part
concept of continental drift. It has now been proved of North America upto present N ebraska in the south
that different plates are in constant motion and hence (in USA), G reenland, Iceland, Europe and Siberia
th*e continents and ocean basins change their relative were covered with ice sheets during Pleistocene
locations. The plate tectonics have two major period (about one m illion years B.P.). As m entioned
implications, namely changes in relative positions in the preceding section the P leistocene Ice A ge
o f the continents (and ocean basins) due to com prised o f four glacial periods separated by four
continental displacem ent (drift), and origin of interglacial periods o f w arm er clim ate. It m ay be
m ountains o f varying heights due to convergence of mentioned that interglacial periods w ithin a co m p re­
destructive plate boundaries (the effects of the later hensive ice age cannot be explained on the basis o f
on clim ate will be discussed under the next heading). continental drift and plate tectonics. It m ay also be
It is believed that the relative locations of continents remembered that glaciers o f the R ockies, A lps,
in relation to the poles have param ount control on Him alayas etc. were m ore extensive than th eir
clim atic changes. The clustering o f continental present position. The glaciation o f high m ountains,
masses around the pole causes glaciation o f major which were far away from the location o f pole also
land areas while scattering o f continents away from cannot be explained on the basis o f plate tectonics and
the poles causes deglaciation o f the land areas which continental drift.
are places at greater distances from the poles, as ‘the
primary requirem ent for the form ation of great ice Tectonism and Topographic Controls
caps is the polar location o f continents’ (J.E. Oliver
and J.J. Hidore, 2003). It is a com m only agreed fact th a t to p o g ra p h ic
factor (relief) plays an im p o rtan t ro le in sh ap in g
A lot of convincing evidences are available
for two great ice ages e.g. Perm o-Carboniferous ice w eather and clim ate at regional and g lobal lev els.
age, and Pleistocene ice age. It is believed that about High m ountains control tem p eratu re and u p p e r air
350-250 million years B.P. (before present) i.e. circulation patterns. This is w hy e ffo rts h av e been
during Carboniferous-Perm ian periods all the land- made to correlate ice ages w ith activ e te c to n ism and
masses were united in one landm ass which has been m ountain building, ‘as w ith in creasin g h e ig h t o f
named as Pangaea II. M ost o f the land areas of landm asses, the potential for ice fo rm atio n is g reatly
Gondwanaland (com prising present South America, increased’ (O liver and H idore, 2 0 0 3 ). T h e a d v o ca te s
Africa, India, A ustralia and A ntarctica ) clustered of tectonic theory o f ice ages and g la c ia tio n h a v e
around south pole which was located near the tried to dem onstrate clo se re la tio n sh ip b e tw e e n
present position o f Durban in Natal (South Africa). Perm o-C arboniferous ice age and P le is to c e n e ice
Thus, the south pole was located alm ost in the age and glaciation w ith la rg e -sca le v e rtic a l te c to n ic
middle o f Pangaea. Consequently, ice sheets might m ovem ents and o ro g en esis (m o u n tain b u ild in g ) as
have spread out from south pole at the time o f these tw o g reat p erio d s o f ice age and w id e sp re a d
glaciation and Brazil, southern South A m erica upto glaciation preceded la rg e -sc a le m o u n ta in b u ild in g
Falkland, southern A frica, peninsular India, A us­ activities. In oth er w o rd s, the C a le d o n ia n m o u n ta in
tralia, A ntarctica etc., which were closer to south
building w as fo llo w ed by P e rm o -C a rb o n ife ro u s ice
pole, m ight have been covered with thick ice sheets.
age and late C en o zo ic m o u n tain b u ild in g , le a d in g to
A t much later date, these land m asses m ight have
parted aw ay due to disruption o f Pangaea and the form ation o f A lp in e-H im alay an m o u n ta in c h a in s,
consequent m ovem ent to present locations because N orth A m erican C ordillera, u p liftm e n t o f T e b a ta n
o f plate m ovem ents, and finally m ight have ex p eri­ plateau, w estern N o rth A m e ric a in c lu d in g G re a t
enced deglaciation and term ination o f Perm o- Plains etc, w as fo llo w ed by P lio c e n e -P le is to c e n e ice
C arboniferous ice age. age w hen m a jo r p a rts o f N o rth A m ferica a n d E u ra s ia
The Pleistocene glaciation o f northern land
areas o f the northern h em isphere is supposed to have tzszr?
w ere g laciated . R u d im a n an d K u tz b a c h ( 1989 ) h a v e
such th ^ g h c0m-
models wherein tl>ey used the models with ‘no

m ountains’, ‘half m ountains’, and ‘full m ountains’ ... elliptical orbit, thus, the eccentricity o f the e a rth y
to predict the patterns of general atmospheric orbit is derived by com paring the orbital elliptical
circulation and their impact on producing cool path o f the earth to theoretical circu lar path.
climate to introduce glaciation. The computer (1) The e c c e n tric ity o f the e a rth ’s elliptical
models based on ‘half m ountains’ and ‘full moun­ orbit simply means deviation o f its e llip tic a o r ita
tains’ during late Cenozoic period predicted colder path from true circular path. The p resen t po sitio n o
clim ate over North America, North-W estern Eu­ earth’s orbital path has been show n to be clo se r to
rope, and northern Asia during Pliocene-Pleistocene circular path. W hen the earth ’s orbit is nearest to a
periods and likely ice age and glaciation. The actual circle, the earth’s eccentricity becom es alm o st zero.
occurrence o f Pleistocene ice age after late Cenozoic It has been dem onstrated through m easurem ent for
mountain building validates the prediction of the past million years on the basis o f infrared data
com puter m odels, as ‘in general 2 to 4 km o f late that variations in the earth's eccentricity take place
Cenozoic surface uplift in Tibet and the Himalayan in cyclic manner. The variations in eccentricity
m ountains, and at least one kilom eter uplift across a during the past 1,000,000 years have changed
broad area o f the w estern N orth America, including between a minimum value of 0.001 to m axim um
the Sierra N evada, Basin and Range province, value o f 0.054. It takes about 9 5 ,000 years for the
C olorado Pleateau, Rocky M ountains, and the earth’s eccentricity to attain its m axim um value o f
w estern G reat Plains, successfully produced changes 0.054. This is called 95,000 years cy cle or M ilutin
in the model clim ates that are comparable to, although Milankovitch cycle (after the nam e o f Serbian
less extrem ethan, the inferred actual climate changes scientist M. M ilankovitch). The tem poral variatio n s
of the late Cenozoic E ra’ (A.L. Bloom, 2002). in the earth’s eccentricity influence the am o u n t o f
V ertical tectonic m ovem ents leading to origin solar radiation to be received by the e a rth ’s surface
o f m ountains and their further uplift results in high and also determ ine the tem poral v ariatio n s in
reliefs w hich augm ent erosional and weathering solstices and equinoxes. It has been estim ated th at
processes w hich in turn affect atmospheric carbon the maximum variation in the earth ’s eccen tricity
dioxide. It has already been stated earlier that (0.054) ‘results in a m axim um variation o f the
decreased content o f atm ospheric carbon dioxide incoming annual radiation o f only 0.2 per cen t o f the
cools the e arth ’s surface and its low er atmosphere to total over a cycle o f about 95,000 y e ars’ (B erg er,
such an extent that glacial clim ate is induced. The 1988, quoted in A.L. B loom , 2002).
w eathering o f rocks has been correlated with (2) The obliquity o f the e a rth ’s ro tatio n al axis
clim atic cooling. In o ther w ords, chemical weather­ or lilt of the earth ’s rotational axis ‘refers to the
ing requires dissolution o f atm ospheric carbon angle of the axis (of the e arth ’s ro tatio n ) in relatio n
dioxide. The increased rate o f chem ical weathering to the plane in w hich the earth rev o lv es aro u n d the
results in decrease in the concentration of atm os­ sun’ (O liver and H idore, 2003). T he ob liq u ity o r tilt
pheric carbon dioxide and resultant reduction in of the earth’s rotational axis varies tem porally
greenhouse effect, with the result cooling o f the between 22° and 24° 27'. The net an g u lar v ariatio n is
earth ’s surface and its low er atm osphere induces 1.5° which oscillates around m ean o bliquity v alue o f
glaciation. 23.1°. The present angle o f the e a rth ’s ro tatio n al axis
is 66.5° giving an obliquity o f 23.5° i.e. the tilt angle
Astronomical Theories
of the earth ’s rotational axis w ith resp ect to the p lan e
T he astrom ical theories are related to three o f its orbital path is 23.5 degree. T he sig n ifican ce o f
the obliquity factor lies in the fact th at it c o n tro ls the
variables, nam ely ( 1) e a rth ’s orbital eccentricity, ( 2)
latitudinal d istrib u tio n o f so lar ra d ia n t en erg y and
obliquity (tilt) o f the e a rth ’s rotational axis relative
the intensity and d uration o f d ifferen t seaso n s. It
to the plane o f e a rth ’s orbit, and (3) precession of
m ay be m entioned th at if the ob liq u ity an g le is zero
equinoxes, w hich determ ine the am ount o f solar
(i.e. if the ro tatio n al axis o f the earth is p e rp e n d icu la r
radiation received at the e a rth ’s surface and its to its plane o f orbital circle) the len g th o f d ay , and
tem poral variations. T he e a rth ’s orbital eccentricity night w ould be o f equal d u ratio n th ro u g h o u t the
refers to a ratio betw een the elliptical orbit o f the
year, there w ould be no seaso n ality i.e. th e sam e
earth around the sun and a true circle. It may be season w ould prevail th ro u g h o u t the y ear, and the
rem em bered that the earth revolves around the sun in horizontal d istrib u tio n o f clim atic zo n es w ould be

s ta tic b u t s u c h situ a tio n is h ot possible because no year when the earth is at p erih elio n , o r clo se t to the
s u c h eV iderices c o u ld be found in the clim atic history sun, w hich is now in early January (m ore p recisely 3
o f th e e a rth . It has been dem onstrated through January). C lim atic precession controls the d iffer­
c o m p u te r m o d els, and m anual calculation by M ilutin ence in the length o f the seasons and has an o pposite
M ila n k o v itc h th a t there have been angular varia­ effect on each h em isp h ere’ (A .L. B loom , 2002). In
tio n s in the e a rth ’s o b liquity in the past and such other w ords, at the tim e o f p erihelion position o f the
v a ria tio n s , th o u g h sm all (m axim um value o f 1. 5°), earth during northern hem ispheric w inter, the
are su ffic ie n t enough to induce changes in the w inters in the northern hem isphere becom e m uch
c lim a tic co n d itio n s and its w orld distribution. The longer and 7 per cen t m ore w arm er w hile in the
c h an g e o f th e e a rth ’s obliquity from the m inim um southern hem isphere the sum m ers becom e m uch
an g le v alu e o f 22° to the m axim um value o f 24° 27' longer and 7 per cent less warm .
takes a b o u t 41 ,000 years. Thus, the com plete change Presently, the e a rth ’s perihelion p o sitio n with
in the e a rth ’s obliquity occurs in cyclic m anner and respect to its distance from the sun is in the northern
one c y cle is com pleted in a period o f 41,000 years. hem ispheric w inter. T he astronom ical calculation
T h ere is d irect relationship betw een the am ount of denotes that this position will be rev ersed after about
a n g u lar variation o f the earth ’s obliquity and 10,000 years from p resen t i.e. the perihelion
seaso n al contrasts i.e. difference o f tem perature in position o f the earth will change to northern
sum m er and w inter seasons. The sm aller the changes hem isphere sum m er season, w ith the resu lt w inter
in the inclination o f the earth ’s rotational axis season will be m ore extrem e and cold d u e to receip t
(obliquity), the sm aller is the change o f tem perature o f less am ount o f so lar rad ian t energy. T h e scien tists
betw een sum m er and w inter seasons and vice versa. have m ade successful attem pts in co m p u tin g the
It may be m entioned that w arm er w inters induce dates o f occurrences o f p erihelion and aphelion
more snow fall and accum ulation o f ice due to positions in the past and have tried to reco n stru ct
increased evaporation and resultant condensation, palaeoclim ates on this basis.
while cool sum m ers taboo m elting o f ice sheets. M ilutin M ilankovitch, a S erb ian scien tist,
Thus, it is apparent that if the tem perature difference m anually calculated the dates o f o ccu rren ces of
between sum m er and w inter seasons is m inim ised perihelion and aphelion p o sitio n s o f the earth fo r the
and if such condition persists for longer duration, the
past thousands o f years (6 0 0 ,0 0 0 y ears) and p re­
climate would be cold enough to induce glacial
sented a m athem atical m odel based on th e aforesaid
period. three astronom ical v ariab les (e.g. eccen tricity o f the
(3) Precession of equinoxes : The dictionary
earth ’s elliptical orbit, o b liquity in clud in g o f the
(W ebster) m eaning o f precession denotes ‘slow, e a rth ’s rotational axis, and precession o f eq u in o x es)
conical motion o f the earth ’s axis o f rotation, caused to explain the advancem ent (expansion) and retreat
by the gravitational attraction o f the sun and the (contraction) o f ice sheets during P leisto cen e Ice
moon, and to a sm aller extent, o f the planets, on the A ge. H is m odel or theory is pop u larly know n as
equatorial bluge of the earth*’ while the precession ‘M ilankovitch T heory’ or ‘orbital variation theory.’
of equinoxes ‘refers to earlier occurrences o f the The earth’s orbital variations are known as ‘Milankovitch
equinoxes in each successive~sldereal year because cycles’. The salient featu res o f M ilan k o v itch theory
of the slow retrograde motion o f the equinoctial are stated as follow s :
points along the ecliptic, caused by the precession o f
the earth’s axis o f rotation’ (W ebster D ictionary). In (i) The change o f obliquity angle o f the earth ’s
more simple words, the precession o f equinoxes may rotational axis from 22.1° to 24° 27’ (say 24.5°) is
be defined as the time o f a year or say the days o f the com pleted in a cycle o f 4 1,000 years. Such variations
year on which the earth’s position is nearest to the in the inclination o f the e a rth ’s rotational axis affect
sun (perihelion) or farthest to the sun (aphelion) due the am ount o f radiant so lar energy to be received at
to varying m otions o f the earth. Thus, the precession the earth surface, tem perature d istrib u tio n , general
o f equinoxes denotes ‘the regular change in time atm ospheric circulation and seasons.
when the earth is at given distance from the su n .’ (ii) T he change in the e c c e n tric ity o f th
‘Climatic precession is a com plex variable with e a rth ’s orbit from m inim um v alue o f 0.001 to
principal periods o f 23,000 and 19,000 years. The m axim um value o f 0 .0 5 4 takes p lace in a cycle o f
clim atic precessional param eter refers to the tim e o f 95,000 years. Such v ariatio n c au se s v a ria tio n s in the
distance o f the earth from the sun which in turn It may be concluded that the eccentricity of
affects the am ount of insolation and temperature the earth’s orbit affects the receipt o f insolation at.
distribution on the e a rth s surface. the earth’s surface while the obliquity o f the earth s
(iii) The precession of equinoxes in terms rotational
of axis and precession o f equinoxes deter­
the perihelion position of the earth -with respect to mine the horizontal (latitudinal) distribution o f
the sun is completed in about one-half cycle of temperature over the earth’s surface and length and
11,000 years duration. It is believed that ‘in about intensity of summer and winter seasons in term s o f
one-half cycle or 11,000 years from now, the temperature. All such changes and variations induce
northern hemisphere winter reaso n will be cooler, climatic changes.
and more than 23 days longer than the summer
It has been argued by the critics of Milankovitch
season, because the northern hemisphere winter will
occur while the earth moves more slowly from the orbital theory of climatic changes that ‘the am pli­
sun’ (Berger, 1978, quoted by A.L. Bloom, 2002). tude of the fluctuations of solar energy inferred by
The above view is based on the calculation of past Milankovitch theory are inadequate to produce the
events that about 10,500 years before present the documented climatic changes o f ice ages’ (A.L.
northern hem isphere winter was at the time when the Bloom, 2002). The advocates of this theory are o f the
earth was farthest (aphelion position of the earth) opinions that the aforesaid three astronom ical
from the sun. variables, known as M ilankovitch orbital variables,
A ccording to M ilankovitch orbital theory have operated throughout past geological periods
cool sum m ers and relatively warmer winters in the and may be effective in explaining clim atic fluctua­
latitudinal zone o f 50° to 70° in the northern tions at least during ice ages with m inor corrections
hem isphere are prerequisite conditions to induce and improvements. They argue that ‘other tectonic,
cold phase of the clim ate leading to continental atmospheric, oceanographic, and biological changes
glaciation because cool summers prevent melting of of the late Cenozoic Era, also created an environ-*
annual accum ulation o f snow while relatively ment in which the relatively w eak orbital param eters
w arm er w inters induce m ore evaporation and
could be expressed as m ajor clim ate changes’ (A .L.
condensation leading to more snowfall and accumu­
Bloom) and may act as climatic pacemaker.
lation o f ice sheets.

Environmental processes include those physical through negative feedback mechanism if man does
processes'which operate on the earth’s surface both not interfere in the natural state o f physical
internally and externally. The internal or ertdogenetic environmental processes. Now man has emerged as
processes originating from within the earth fostered a very important geomorphic agent and is capable of
by diastrophic and sudden forces, caused by thermal changing the earth’s surface at a much faster rate
conditions o f the interior of the earth and varying than many o f the natural processes. The develop­
physical and chemical properties o f the materials of ment of the concept o f ‘noosphere’ in the former
which the interior o f the earth has been composed of, U.S.S.R. highlights the active role played by the
introduce vertical irregularities on the earth’s conscious mind o f man in changing the physical
surface and create various suites of habitats for environment and thus generating a new geological
biotic communities. The external or exogenetic epoch. Thus it is pertinent to study the role o f man in
forces originating from the atmosphere driven by changing the environmental processes because these
solar energy change the face o f the earth’s surface processes affect the energy system, hydrological
through erosional and depositional activities. The cycle, chemical element cycle and sediment cycle
interactions between endogenetic and exogenetic which in turn maintain unity o f biospheric ecosystem.
processes produce complex sets of physical land­
scapes which affect the biotic communities in the 15.1 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
biospheric ecosystem. These physical environmen­
tal processes work through several routes of
Though man began to interfere with the
feedback mechanisms. The actions and responses of
natural processes right from the beginning of
these processes vary in scale (both spatial and
sedentary life but the impact o f man on the
temporal), frequency and magnitude but the envi­
environment and its processes assumed greater
ronmental processes follow the principle of equifinality-
proportion after industrial revolution (1860). Man
that is they lead to similar end-forms.
equipped with modern technologies and advanced
The changes, brought in by the physical scientific knowledge has become a very important
environmental processes on the earth’s surface, factor in changing the environmental processes. The
occur in such a way that equilibrium is maintained realisation o f the impacts o f man on environmental
m an a n d e n v ir o n m e n ta l p ro c e s s e s

processes began even in the beginning of the ‘Man is many more time m o r e powerful, as a n agent
nineteenth century but G.P. M arsh’s book ‘Man and of denudation, than all the atmospheric demjding
Nature’ (1864) may be taken as the pioneer work forces combined’ (R.L. Sherlock, 1922, p. ).
which demonstrates the effects of human activity The rapid rate of soil erosion at local, regional
upon environmental processes and cautions the and global scales caught the eyes of G.-V- Jacks and
society against the magnitude of changes wrought R.O. Whyte (1939) who presented a picture o f soil
by man. The following sentence in the preface of erosion at world level through their book, ‘The Rape
M arsh’s book (Man and Nature) illustrates the. of the Earth’ (1939), identified the role o f man in
significance o f m an ’s role in changing the environ­ accelerating the rate of soil erosion and suggested
mental processes and physical environment. the need for soil conservation and control measures
'The o b j e c t of. t h e p r e s e n t v o l u m e is : to i n d i c a t e the against soil erosion. The individual approach to
c h a r a c t e r a n d , a p p r o x i m a t e l y , th e e x t e n t o f c h a n g e s p r o d u c e d b y emphasise the realisation of m an ’s active role in
h u m an a c t i o n in th e p h y s i c a l c o n d i t i o n o f th e g l o b e w e i n h a b it ; to changing the environmental processes and the face
p o i n t o u t th e d a n g e r s o f i m p r u d e n c e a n d the n e c e s s i t y o f c a u t io n of the earth culminated.into collective approach to
in a l l o p e r a t i o n s w h i c h , on a l a r g e s c a l e , i n t e r f e r e w ith the study the man-environmental processes-relation-,
s p o n t a n e o u s a r r a n g e m e n t s o f th e o r g a n i c o r the i n o r g a n i c w o r l d ; ship in 1955 when an interdisciplinary international
to s u g g e s t th e p o s s i b i l i t y a n d the i m p o r t a n c e o f the r e s t o r a t i o n o f symposium on ‘Mail’s Role in Changing the Face of j
d i s t u r b e d h a r m o n i e s a n d th e m a t e r i a l i m p r o v e m e n t o f w a s t e a n d the Earth’ was organised at Princeton, New Jersey,
e x h a u s t e d r e g i o n , a n d i n c i d e n t a l l y , to i l l u s t r a t e the d o c tr in e , that U.S.A. The publication of the proceedings o f the ,
m a n is a p o w e r o f h i g h e r o r d e r t h a n a n y o f the o t h e r f o r m s o f aforesaid symposium in a book form entitled ‘M an s
a n i m a t e d life, w h i c h , lik e him , a r e n o u r i s h e d a t th e t a b l e o f Role in Changing the Face of the E a rth ’ edited, by
b o u n t e o u s n a t u r e ’. W.L. Thomas in 1956 unfolded the dim ension of
G.P. Marsh (Man and Nature), 1864 changes in various environmental processes ef­
fected by man before the wider section o f scientific
Since the publication of M arsh’s ‘Man and
communities and paved the way for indepth study of
N ature’ in i 864 and the realisation of changes in the processes and mechanism of changes in the env iron ­
environmental processes brought by man as aroused mental processes induced by man and their remedial
by Marsh no significant contributions could be made
measures. . '
in this important theme of man-environmental
processes relationship upto the first two decades of The under-emphasis on the study of m a n ’s
the twentieth century because the conceptual ap­ role in changing the environmental processes till
proaches throughout physical geography were swayed 1950 was because of less attention paid tow ards the
by evolutionary ideas or concepts probably due to measurement of contemporary geom orphological
the influence o f Charles D arw in’s ‘Origin of processes and qualitative assessm ent o f the re c o n ­
Species’ (1859). The application of Davisian model struction of the effects of palaeoprocesses. - I n ­
of ‘cycle o f e ro s io n ’ in the interpretation ol physical creased enthusiam towards the m easurem ent o f
landscape, the concept o f plant succession in the contemporary environmental processes since 1950
evolution o f plant com m unities, the concept o f the ushered in a new era of realisation of significance of
development o f zonal soils etc. may be quoted as a human activities affecting the environm ental proc-
few examples to show the dominance of evolution­ esses. H. Wilkinson through his research paper ‘M an
ary concept in physical geography. R.L. Sherlock and the Natural Environm ent’ (1963) dem onstrated
realised the enorm ous impact of m an ’s activities on the powerful impact of hum an activities (destruc­
many environm ental processes as denudation, sub­ tive, conservative and creative) on natural e n v i r o n ­
sidence, sedim entation, sea coast changes, circula­ ment. E. Felese (1956) em phasised the necessity of
tion of water etc. His book ‘Man as a Geological the study of anthropogenous . geom orphological
Agent’ (1922) and his research paper, ‘The influ­ processes. In his research paper ‘M an shapes the
ence of man as an agent in geographical c h an g e ’ E a rth ’ E,H. Brow n (1970) also studied the im pact o f
(1923) clearly dem onstrate the role of man in human activities on environm ental processes. R.J.
changing and transform ing the environmental proc­ Chorley andB.A. Kennedy (1973, Physical Geogrpahy
esses. He differentiated betw een natural (geologi­ : A System A pproach) while introducing system
cal) and anthropogenic denudation and observed approach in physical geography involving m orp h o­
that erosion induced by man is much more than by logical system, cascading system, process-response
natural processes as is evident from his remarks system and control system asserted that m an and his
about the densely populated country like England, activity operate as regulator in the control system.
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y
monographs and books on the im pact o f man on
K.J. Gregory and D.E. Walling (1981) have
environmental processes and m an-environm ent r e ­
summarised the development ot ideas concerning
lationships e.g. ‘Environmental P ro b le m s’ (I.R.-*
the im pacts of man on environmental processes and
Manners and M.W. Mikesell, 1974), ‘M a n ’s Im pact
have pointed out tour major trends in this field
on Environm ent’ (T.R. Detwyler, 1971), ‘E nv iron ­
during the decade 1960-70.
mental Geomorphology and Landscape C onserva­
►The first theme was related to the deduction tion’ (in two volumes, D.R. Coates, 1972 and 1973),
of the rate of erosion in various areas and the ‘Urbanisation and E nviro nm en t’ (T.R. D etw yler and
presentation of a comparative picture. S. Judson M G Marcus, 1972), ‘Urban G eom o rph o log y’
(1968) estimated the current rate of erosion near (D R. Coates, 1976), ‘G eography and M a n ’s Envi­
Rome (Italy) between 100 m 3 per kin2 per year and ronment’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 976),
1000 m3 per km2 per year as against between 20 m3- ‘Applied C limatology’ (J.E. Hobbs, 1980) E n vi­
30 m ’ per km2 per year prior to man’s influence on ronmental Change and Tropical G eom orphology
environmental processes. The influence ol man on (Ian Douglas and T. Spencer, 1985), ‘ E n v iro nm en ­
gully erosion (in S.W.U.S.A. by W.M. Denevan, tal Management ‘ (L.R. Singh, Savindra Singh, R.C.
1967). on fire and floods (in Bow Valley of Alberta, Tiwari and R.P. Srivastava, 1983), First Interna*
by J.G. Nelson and A.B. Byrne, 1966), on urban tional Conference on Geomorphology and E n v iro n ­
climate'(the climate of London by T.J. Chandler, mental Management (M anchester U .K., 1985),
1965), on changes of geographic environment International Symposium on G eom orphology and
through industrialization and urbanisation (S. Environmental Management (Allahabad, India, 1987),
GiJewaska, 1964) etc. are few examples to demon­ ‘Geomorphology and Environm ent (S avindra Singh
strate the initiative taken to study man-environmen-
and R.C. Tiwari, 1989), Second International
tal processes-relationship.
Conference on G eom ophology and G eoecology
>- The second theme of interest was the (1989, Frankfurt, G ermany) etc.
investigations of natural hazards/environmental
>- The third trend was the initiation of PROCESSES
international programmes to study the influences of
man on nature and natural processes e.g. I.H.D.
The external or exogenetic environm ental
(International Hydrological Decade, 1965-74), M.B.P.
processes originate from the atm osphere and are
(Man and Bisophere Programme, 1970).
basically related to solar energy which affects the
> The fourth trend was the realisation of basic elements of atmospheric processes. Fluvial,
environmental concern which was reflected in a glacial, periglacial and aeolian processes are co n ­
number of writings e.g. ‘Silent Springs’ (R. Carson, trolled by solar energy. The efficiency o f environ­
1962), ‘Man and Environment’ (R. Arvill, 1967), mental processes is determ ined by the potential
‘The Environmental Revolution’ (M. Nicholson, energy of the lithospheric reliefs. Man, by affecting
1972) etc.
solar radiation and thus the heat energy, m ay affect
‘One consequence of the I960’s may there­ the processes of precipitation and air circulation
fore be seen as the development of specific studies which in turn would affect the environm ental
on man s influence on particular processes and
processes. W eather m odifications and climatic
sections of environment, accompanied by general
change affected by man change and transform the
conceptual attention accorded to human activity.
very nature of environm ental processes.
These developments internal to geography were
achieved within an intellectual environment which
embraced growing concern for the effects of man in 15.3 MAN AND HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES
the past and concern for his future, and this provided
one of the motivating reasons for the initiation of The influence o f human activities, both
international research programmes’ (K.J. Gregory intentional and inadvertent, on hydrological proc­
and D.E. Walling, Man and Environmental Proc­ esses and hydrological cycle has been so im m ense
esses, 1981, p. 5). This trend resulted into a number nat this theme was included as one o f the m ajor
of studies, organisation of several national and Hvrir!, enies ^ study o f the IHD (International
international symposia and conferences and publi­
tioMl vS a . de’ 1965‘7 4 ) a"d IHP (Interna-
cation o f a number o f research papers, research
U N F S r o t L ° 81C^!- ^roSramme) launched by the
e m odifications o f hydrological proc-
m an a n d e n v ir o n m e n ta l p ro c e s s e s

esses by human activities range from local level to Pradesh (India) when continuous 75 hours o f flying
regional level including small-scale insignificant to was carried out to sread cloud seeding substances.
large-scale catastrophic effects. * This led to over 1,850 mm of rainfall. T he samples
of rainwater were analysed to ascertain the relationship
The hydrological cycle of natural drainage
basins has been largely modified by human activities between received rainfall during this period and
in almost all of the countries. The hydrological cycle mechanism of cloud seeding. The analysis revealed
of a drainage basin unaffected by man operates in the calcium concentration ranging from 12 to 36 m g per
following manner. litre of rainwater, which is a sure indicator oi
The basic input of the basin is rainfall which artificially-induced rainfall. Additional input ol
is intercepted first by vegetation and reaches the water on ground surface is provided through
ground as ‘aerial streamlets’ or ‘stemflow’ and irrigation of crops and effluent disposal from urban
throughfall. In the absence of vegetation the rainfall areas. ‘Interception storage5 is modified by forest
reachcs the ground directly. Some portion is lost to clearance (reduction in interception storage) and
vegetation modification. ‘Surface storage’ is modified
the atmosphere through evapo-transpiration. The
water available on the ground forms ‘surface storage’ by land clearance, cultivation, urbanisation, land
of which a sizeable portion moves down the slope as drainage, mining etc. while surface ru n o lf is
surface runoff, some portion is evaporated, some increased due to deforestation and cultivation and is
portion remains on the ground surface while some supplemented by additional input through channelled
portion infiltrates downward into the soil to form irrigation for cropland and effluent disposal from,
‘soil moisture storage’ o f which some portion is lost urban areas. Infiltration is modified through devegetation
through evaporation and plant transpiration, some (decrease in infiltration), urbanisation (decrease),
portion reppears as seepage and springs via throughflow afforestation and reforestation (increase) and irriga­
and interflow while some portion percolates down­ tion (increase). ‘Soil moisture sto rag e’ is positively
ward to form ‘ground water storage’ of which some affected by irrigation, planting of grasses and plants,
portion reaches the channel through base flow, some artificial recharge, seepage from w ater supply
portion moves upw ard as capillary rise to reach ‘soil systems, soakpits, cesspools etc. w hile it is n e g a ­
moisture storage’ and some portion is routed further tively affected by land clearance through d efo re sta ­
downward through deep transfer. The ‘channel tion, burning of grasslands, urb an isatio n etc.
storage’ receives water from surface storage through ‘Groundwater storage’ is m odified th ro u g h e x tra c ­
surface runoff, from soil moisture storage through tion of groundwater for dom estic use and irriga-
interflow and throughflow and from groundwater tional purposes while ‘channel sto ra g e ’ is m odified
storage through base flow. Thus the initial input of through flood plain developm ent, ch annel m o d ific a ­
precipitation finds exit through two paths of output tion (shortening or lengthening o f ch an nels), river
e.g. (i) through evapotranspiration from all types of regulation, construction ot dam s and reservoirs etc.
storages as referred to above, and (ii) through The impacts of man s activities on d ifferen t c o m po ­
channel runoff from channel storage. nents of basin hydrological cycle may ‘include
increased flood hazard and other changes in river
Man affects and modifies the internal proc­
esses of hydrological regime of drainage basins in a regime, reduced availability of groundw ater, d ete­
variety o f ways. These modifications have both rioration of water quality and widespread eutrophication
positive and negative effects. The input of precipita­ of water bodies and river system s in response to
tion in the hydrological cycle o f a drainage basin is increased nutrient lo a d in g s’ (K.J. G regory and D.E.
Walling, 1981). . .
modified through ‘cloud seeding’ for induced pre­
cipitation (increase in input), atmospheric pollution In the forested area (either natural or man-
(both increase and decrease in precipitation input), made) falling rain drops are intercepted by the forest
modified atmospheric circulation (e.g. urbanisation canopy and m ajor portion o f rainfall reaches the
induces vertical convective currents and thus increases ground surface through ‘aerial stream lets’ and
Precipitation, see section 13.11, chapter 13), forest stem flow and thus a sizeable portion o f rainw ater
clearance (decrease in precipitation), vegetation infiltrates into the ground surface and surface runoff
modification (changes in precipitation) e tc / t h e is decreased. This process m inim ises channel flow
c °ud seeding was practiced during monsoon period to assume flood stage on the one hand and increases
ln 007 in 12 districts of Telangana region of Andhra recharge of groundw ater on the other hand. On the

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f. ’
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, m:
i ■ Mi


Fig. 15.1: Natural hydrological Cycle.

contrary, cleared land (devegetaed) receives the rain Urbanisation m odifies hydrologic character­
drops with full kinetic energy directly and thus the istics o f drainage basins in two ways e.g.
loose bare ground surface is heavily pelted by falling (i) increaseing urbanization results in the increase o f
rain drops which result in the compaction o f loose pucca (masonry) structure through the construction
materials and thus surface runoff is increased but o f buildings, courtyards, pavements, roads, streets
infiltration is markedly reduced. This process leads etc. and thus there is marked increase in impervious
to increase in channel flow causing floods on one ground surface which reduces infiltration and
hand while reduced infiltration results in poor increases overland flow in the form o f surface ninoff
recharge which reduces the replenishment o f which reaches the nearby streams and increases
groundwater storage on the other hand. flood peaks during rainstorms. C onversely, reduc­

tion in infiltration results in marked decrease in watersheds and 0.014 mg per litre o f water in the
recharge o f groundwater storage and consequently forest-dominated basins) and nitrogen (4.17 mg and
decrease in base flow contribution to nearby streams 0.85 mg per litre of water for agriculture-dominated
and forest-dom inated basins respectively) w ic is
causes minimum discharge during dry season of the
year. Thus the range o f flood stage and minimum because of the use of fertilizers in the agricultural
discharge during low stage (low water level) is watersheds. ir
accentuated, (ii) Surfacb runoff reaches the streams
directly through storm drains and sewers very 15.4 MAN AND WEATHERING AND
quickly and thus the runoff travel-time is reduced
and consequently the lag-time between rainstorms MASSMOVEMENT PROCESSES
and peak discharge is shortened which results in
flash floods in the rivers. Weathering refers to disintegratkw and de­
The effects o f land drainage (artificial field composition o f rocks and regoliths in situ. Weather­
drains to remove surface water from the areas of ing, is a natural process and is accomplished through
intensive farming, commercial forests and waterlogging various combinations o f insolation, water, frost, air,
in the areas o f impervious soils) on hydrological pressure, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, plants
characteristics o f drainage basins as reported from and animals. Man being a biological agent acelerates
various studies in different parts o f the world have and decelerates the natural rate o f weathering.
been related to increase in flood because clearance Mining activities for extraction o f m inerals, blasting
o f surface water through land drainage lowers down o f hills and ridges for dam construction and mineral
extraction, quarrying for industrial (lim estone for
the water table, reduces evapotranspiration and
increases mean annual surface runoff. cement) and building materials etc. result in such a
fast rate of disintegration o f geom aterials that, this
M an’s activities besides modifying the vol­ may be accomplished by natural weathering proc­
ume o f water (quantity) passing through different esses in thousands to m illion o f years. Man
interlinked components o f the basin hydrological accelerates the rate o f weathering on h illslo p e sb y
cycle, also m odify the quality o f water in terms of modifying the ground surface through deforestation.
physical and chem ical properties. These modifica­ Vegetations mainly trees with high density provide
tions may not alw ays be necessarily pollution stability to hillslope profiles as the root .networks
though water pollution does occur from the used provide mechanical reinforcement to regolith on
water (dom estic, urban and industrial effluents) hillslope and increases cohesion o f geom aterials.
which reaches the channels. Changes in stream flow Deforestation on hillslopes reduces the m echanical
quality have been w idely reported through the reinforcement and cohesion o f unconsolidated
studies o f vegetation removal and soil disturbance geomaterials and thus increases slope instability
(through vegetation rem oval, strip mining etc.). The which causes slope failures and mass m ovem ent o f
mineral and nutrient cycles, sediment load and materials down the slope in the* form o f landslides, f
sediment budget o f streams are largely modified due slumping and debris fall and slides. Man-induced
to devegetation, excavation (m ining) and building landslides due to deforestation have becom e,com ­
activities (construction o f dams and reservoirs). mon features in the foothills o f the H im alayas. .
These aspects would be discussed in the succeeding
section. Salinisation is a perpetual problem in the Human activities causing mudflow and earthflow
areas o f canal irrigation mainly in the semi-arid mainly fall into tw o categories e;g. (i) accumulation
zones. The findings o f the study o f NES (National o f waste soil and rock fragments arising out o f
Eutrophication Survey, U .S .A .) regaiding the m eas­ mining activities into huge piles results in spontane­
urement o f relationships between stream nutrient ous lateral earth flow engulfing surrounding areas
loading and watershed land use in 473 small basins and (ii) removal o f support by undermining o f
to the east o f the M ississippi river (selected from natural m asses o f so il, regolith and rock (A .N .
different areas having different land uses e.g. forest, Strahler and A .H . Strahler, 1976, p. 190). The
mostly forest, m ixed, m ostly urban, m ostly agricul­ constructional activities like dams, canals /etc. and
tural and agriculture) revealed a vast difference in construction at the base o f hillslope leads to removal
the total mean concentration o f phosphorous (0.15 of- support to slope and causes mass movement.
Construction o f roads along and across hills and
rog per litre o f water in the agriculture-dominated
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y
crenulated coast lines, coves and caves etc.) and in
ridges composed of weak lithologies (e.g. shales)
turn these waves also deposit materials o f various
causes frequent earth flows. Such examples are
sizes to form beaches and bars. Majority o f the
observable along the Rewa scarps just to the south of
coastal features are formed by natural marine
the Ganga plain and Kaimur hills (southern margin of
processes but man’s activities have m odified the
the Rewa plateau) which are composed of quartzitic
coastal processes and have accelerated ,or deceler­
sandstones above and shales below. The roads have
ated erosional and or depositional works o f marine
been constructed in shale lithology. The steep walls of
waves at certain localities mainly at the sites o f
shales along the road-side very often collapse and
harbours and recreation. , > ..
minor to major earthflow occurs at many places every
year and causes road blocks. Such phenomena are The direct modifications o f coastal processes
very common features in the Himalayas. by man include the follow ing :
The encroachment of urban settlements on ► disruption of wave motion and w eakening o f
hillslopes affects slope processes and mass- move­ energy o f coast-bound waves by injecting air
ment of rockwaste. It is significant to point out that bubble curtains,
safety factor on the higher sides of hillslope is >- attempts to deflect or resist the effects o f sea
almost close to unity. Any effort through man’s waves and currents by constructing sea w alls,
activities may destabilise the equilibrium condition groynes (groins), break-waters (masonry walls
and cause slope failure and massmovement. to break sea waves),
For example, construction of roads, build­ >• trapping or import o f sedim ents to replenish
ings, laying out of waterpipes and power cables, beaches, and
construction of sewers etc. on higher sides of
> plantation of trees to stabilise beaches and .
hillslopes for human purposes decrease the resisting
force o f slope materials. If the aforesaid works are coastal dunes.
not properly planned, there result slope failures and Man’s attempts to reduce or stop coastal
hazardous earthflows and landslides are caused. erosion and therefore to check retrogradation on the
Example may be cited from Nainital (Uttarakhand, one hand and to promote deposition to encourage
India) town which is located on hillslopoes sur­ progradation on the other hand have not been
rounding Naina Lake. The construction of buildings successful because of com plex nature o f m echa­
and roads is gradually increasing upslope. The nisms o f coastal processes, both erosional and
lithologies constist o f shales and dolomites. The depositonal. These direct attempts o f man to
encroachment of buildings and roads at the cost of manipulate and modify coastal processes for spe­
natural vegetation has decreased the safety factor cific purposes (to halt erosion at harbours, to build
which may result in severe landslide any time. It may beaches, to replenish already depleted beaches, to
be mentioned that a very massive landslide occurred in open inlets to encourage sea transport etc.) bring in
the northwestern side of the lake in 1884 and a sizeable changes in nearshore topography, m echanism of
partofNaina Lake was filled with debris. This infilled wave and current actions and coastal erosion, nature
part of the lake is now used as helipad. It is necessary and pattern of sediment m ovem ent and deposition on
to measure slope angles, to study lithologies, safety the adjacent part o f the coast where structural works
factor, groundwater conditions, nature of soil and have been initiated.
regolith before the construction of roads traversing the
slopes and houses and other establishments so that
Protective Structures
hazardous consequences may be avoided.

Protective structures to check c liff erosion

15.5 MAN AND COASTAL PROCESSES includes the follow ing :
(1) Sea walls
Sea coastal areas are affected by natural (2) Breakers
marine processes mainly by sea waves and tidal
(3) Groins
currents. These waves and currents, of various types,
erode the coastal lands and create several erosional (I ) Sea Walls : Protective structures in th
Jandforms (e.g. sea cliffs, rocky slopes, indented and orm o f masonary or concrete sea w alls are built to
protect the coastal land from w ave and current

erosion in those areas which have cliffed-coast but the scouring by the storm waves which are deflected by
immediate hinterlands are either urbanised or indus­ sea walls and their effects are reduced by intertidal
trialised and are in danger of being eroded by the areas with the result there is continuous accretion o f
recession of cliff due to wave attack or the coastal mud on the seaward side o f sea walls. Examples o f
areas are significant resort centres, or there are sites of such measures may be cited from the shore lines o f
harbours which are endangered by wave erosion. The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.
construction of sea walls (fig. 15.2) to stop the (2) Break W aters: Efforts are made to shelter
recession of cliffs at the sites of recreation produces the harbours and the estuaries o f river mouths being
adverse effects on beaches. In such cases beaches are used as harbour from strong wave action and drifting
depleted because (i) the supply of sands and shingles of sand and shingle into the harbours through the
from the cliff erosion is stopped due to protection construction o f breakwaters which are extended
provided by extended sea walls parallel to the coast, from the coast towards the sea.
and (ii) wave after striking powerfully against the
Generally five types of break waters are used
walls scour the beaches and remove the materials.
as follows (fig. 15.3):
Basically three types o f sea walls are
constructed : (i) parallel break waters,
(ii) perpendicular break waters,
(i) concrete sea walls
(iii) slanting break waters,
(ii) wooden sea walls
(iv) curved break waters, and
(iii) boulder sea walls
(v) enclosing break waters.
Boulder sea walls have been used to protect
the coasts of Ratnagiri area o f Maharastra (India). This human action results in the accumulation
of sand and shingle and formation o f beaches on the
updrift side of breakwaters whereas beach depletion
occurs on the downdrift side o f breakwaters because
of marked reduction of transport o f sediments
downdrift. The modification o f coastal processes
mainly of longshore drift transporting sediments at
Newhaven harbour located on the mouth o f Sussex
Ouse river (southern coast o f England) is a typical
example of man’s manipulation o f coastal processes
and positive and negative results arising therefrom.
Breakwaters have been built to prevent the drifting
of sands and shingles transported by the south­
westerly waves into the entrance o f the harbour. The
result is that the river mouth, which was previously
very often deflected by strong waves (before 1731),
has been stabilised, shingle has accumulated on the
western side o f the breakwater (updrift side o f the
break-water), beach on the eastern side o f the river
Different Types of mouth at Seaford has been depleted and c liff erosion
Sea Walls at Seaford Head has been accelerated. This after­
effect o f protective measures o f Newhaven harbour
demanded protection o f coastline and beaches from
Fig. 15.2 : Construction o f concretionary protective sea accelerated cliff erosion (induced by human activi­
walls. ties) on long stretches o f coastline east o f the Sussex
Ouse estuary.
Consequently, additional masonry and con­
Another use of sea walls as dykes is to enclose crete sea walls have to be built along the vulnerable
tidal marshlands and mudflats as a measure of land coast and groynes have to be inserted at right
reclamation. Such device does not encourage angle to the coast line. Other examples o f updrift
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y
Third type o f break waters is enclosing one
(fig.. 15.3) to convert a bay into a harbour. This
device changes the pattern o f waves in terms o f their
energy and angle at which they strike the coast. The
waves are refracted by enclosing breakwaters and
these refracted waves erode the beaches with
increased energy. Creation o f Portland harbour on
the south-eastern coast o f Australia by enclosing the
bay through the construction o f breakwaters has
resulted into severe beach erosion at Dutton Way
located to the north o f the harbour. '
(3) Groins : In order to stop beach scourin
and its depletion a series o f groynes (these may be o f
huge rock masses, or o f concrete or o f wooden logs,
fig. 15.4) are placed at close intervals at right angles
to the seawalls or shore lines to reduce the loss o f
sand and shingle. In such cases the destruction o f
those parts o f beaches which have closely spaced
groynes may be retarded but the waves are deflected
by these groynes and thus resort to scouring in those
parts of the beaches where groynes are not inserted.
The examples o f depletion o f beaches through
human actions to stabilise the eroding cliffs through
the construction o f sea walls may be cited from


Fig. 15.3 : Examples o f different types o f break waters.

7 ////////// y ,
/////////// j / ///////////////////////j
f/s////////. ----

///////////. ////////////////SSS///R
accumulation of sediments and downdrift erosion of /// //// ///// /////////////////////////✓ A

cliffs pnd beaches due to construction of break­


water include South Lake Worth Inlet (Florida coast, '////////// •////////////////////////////////A rj /7
t//////////. a ///////////////////////////s////A i f i f n n n n n r j n n
///////////. * ////////////////////////////////J / / / / / / II ll II II II 77 7
U.S.A.), harbour in I^agos (Nigerian coast), Durban
Harbour (south African coast), Madras harbour
W W /////1..'/////////////A
/f////////. \ ['////////////A .Formation of
S Groins
(India, drifting of sand by northward longshore drift
W///////A //»///////y///////X§£New Beach Trapping
has been prevented and sand has accumulated to the W////////////////////////////X
of Sands
south of harbour-breakwaters whereas beach has
been eroded to the north of break waters), Santa W///////A [J
///////////, ////////////////////////////J
Barbara (Californian coast, U.S.A-X Tweed River
mouth on the east coast of Australia, Salina Cruz
(Mexican coast) etc. In order to offset the depletion i = = = l
of beaches on down driff side due to breakwaters
sand has to be pumped out from accumulated sand on
updrift side of breakwaters under th e, harbour
entrance so that the eroding beaches may be
replenished. Some times offshore breakwaters are
also constructed (e.g. Santa Monica, California,
U.S .A. ) to modify the waves reaching the coast. /J. Construction o f groins perpendicular to sea

Bournemouth (south coast of England), north­ deposited in certain localities and new beaches
eastern shores o f Port Phillip Bay (Australia) and are formed (example-progradation o f beach
many more. , '
ridge plain on the east coast of Jutland,
Such groins have been constructed at Madras Denmark, due to dumping of waste materials
(Chennia) harbours to check sedimentation in the . coming out from chalk quarry).
harbour. •••■»
> Artificial replenishment of eroded beaches
• '» • fyci i 'lor*
due to alteration of sediment supply caused by
construction of breakwaters.
> Quarrying of beaches to obtain building
D redging o f ports and harbours to improve materials leads to erosion of coastal land
navigation channels modifies the pattern and veloc­ because of depletion of beach and direct
ity of waves and currents. The materials derived exposure of coast to severe wave attack
from dredging are generally dupmped at many (example, quarrying of beaches for sand and
alternative locations e.g. offshore locations, shallow gravel on Black Sea Coast of the former
areas adjacent to the harbour, onshore shallow areas USSR resulted into severe wave erosion of
(to reclaim land), beaches (to enrich them) etc. Sochi coast which prompted to reverse the
These dum ped m aterials are reworked and dispersed procedure by dumping of sand gravel to
by waves in a variety o f ways. The dumping of restore the beach and save the coast from
dredged m aterials offshore creates new mounds continuous wave erosion). The other exam­
w hich m odify the direction, strength, velocity and ples of beach nourishment through accumula­
overall pattern o f sea waves. Some times sea floor is tion of sands and gravels by man include the
dredged to obtain materials to reclaim marshy beaches at Atlantic city (New Jersey, U.S.A.),
coastal lands or to replenish eroding beaches. This Palm Beach (Florida, U.S.A.), W est Haven
activity deepens the sea floor which in turn generates (Connecticut, USA), Virginia Beach (south of
long waves which erode the coastal land at relatively Cape Henry, USA), Harrison county (M issis­
faster rate than the normal waves. ; sippi, U.S.A.), Californian coast (U.S.A.),
G ovt, o f India launched a massive project of Mentone (Shores of Port Philip Bay, A us­
^S ethusam tldram , in July, 2005 for dredging the tralia) etc.
shallow portions o f sea to the south of Tamil Nadu > Devegetation and extensive cultivation, in the
coast in o rd er to connect the Bay o f Bengal and the immediate hinterlands of the catchments of
G u lf o f M a n a r through Palk Strait inorder to those rivers which drain the coast, result in
facilitate easy and sm ooth m ovement of commercial progradation of coastal lands, phenomenal
ships betw een east and west coasts of the country. growth in beaches and deltas because of
Thus circu m -n av ig atio n of Sri Lanka would be increased supply of fluvial materials brought
avoided. T h e project was launched after proper by the rivers. This process has resulted into
analysis o f en v ironm ental conditions of the area rapid rate of siltation of bays and inlets at the
such as m arin e, land and socio-econom ic environ­ mouth of rivers along the M editerraean coast
m ent and pro p e r environm ental impact assement. due to extensive removal o f vegetation (for
The pro ject also ensures to protect marine ecological increasing the cropland) and resultant accel­
resources m ainly coral reefs in the G u lf o f M anar erated rate of soil erosion and supply of
and Palk B ay. , enormous quantity of sediments!.
> Construction of dams and reservoirs on major
S edim entological Characteristics rivers (which drain into the seas) reverses the
process o f growth of beaches and deltas
' M a n ’s activities also affect sedim entological because the dams trap the sediments and force
them to settle down in the reservoirs and
characteristics o f coastal enviro nm en t as follows :
therefore supply o f fluvial sedim ents through
> T h e re is additio n al supply o f waste materials the river mouths is m arkedly reduced. This
c o m in g out o f q uarry in g in the coastal zones. results in rapid rate of erosion of beaches and
T h e se m aterials are rew orked and dispersed deltas w hich causes retrogradation. It has
by sea w av es and thus these m aterials are been reported that the Nile delta is suffering

severe w ave erosion and. the shore line is and the Ganga became econom ic back bone o f north
receding at the rate of 40 m per year since the India on the one hand, the Hawang Ho (now Y ellow
com pletion o f Aswan High Dam in 1970. river) river became sorrow for China, Tennessee
became hell for S.E .U .S.A ., Damodar became
>- Marked removal o f vegetation from stabilised
menace for West Bengal (India)) on the other hand.
coastal dunes through intentional clearance
Man, equipped with technological skill has at­
for econom ic use of the land, burning, grazing
tempted to metamorphose river channels in two
etc. accelerate wind erosion of coastal dunes
and the eroded fine materials blown by the ways :
onshore wind are heaped inland. This process (1) to train the rivers to get rid o ff their
destabilises the previously stabilised coastal disastrous roles, and
dunes (exam ple, south-eastern Australian (2) to develop the rivers as natural resource
coast). for development purposes.
► Conversely, destabilised coastal dunes can be
stabilised by. planting trees, shrubs and Channel Modification
grasses (example, Landes region, S.W. France,
Culbin area on Scottish coast etc.). The modifications o f river channel processes
>- Reclamation of tidal marshes and mudflats by man may be grouped into two categories viz.
through expanding earth fills from urban and (1) direct or intentional m odifications for
industrial seaboard areas provides additional useful purposes, and
space for industrial installations, construction (2) indirect or unintentional m odifications
of buildings, roads and airfields on the one which cause adverse effects on human society.
hand and poses problems o f weak foundations
< :)' v •*'• '.'M
of buildings, highways and air strips and
(1) Direct Channel Modifications
destroys estuarine environment resulting into
loss of marine food resources on the other
Direct modifications o f channel processes
include flood control measures, channel improve­
ments, dams and reservoir construction, stream
15.6 MAN AND RIVER PROCESS channelization (straightening, w idening, and deep­
ening o f channels), bank manipulation through
River is the most significant fluvial geomorphic channel control structures (revetment-blanket revetment
process which shapes the surface of the earth at o f rocks, concrete or other materials; pervious
global scale. The erosional and depositional works revetment o f open fence and bskets; solid fence and
of the rivers produce a variety o f landforms on the groynes o f solid structures at right angles to channel
earth’s surface on the one hand and they (rivers) flow, training structures-timber pile dikes, rock
undergo their own transformation through the dikes, rock-filled pile dikes, artificial earthen
processes of river piracy, lengthening of channels levees; closure o f secondary channels etc.), and
through meandering, shortening of channels through irrigation diversions (canals).
the intersection o f meander necks, braiding of
Direct channel m odifications fall in two broad
channels due to aggradation and related branching o f
categories as follow s :
channels, drainage integration, changes in courses,
changes of channel geometry and channel dynamics (i) direct point m odifications, and
etc. under natural conditions without any anthropo­ (ii) direct reach m odifications
genic manipulation on the other hand. Under natural (i) Point modifications : o f channels at spec
conditions rivers are beneficial as well as disastrous points or locations o f the river concerned, called as
for human society. The negative effects of rivers
‘point m odifications’, include the construction o f
under natural conditions without being interfered by
dams and reservoirs for the purpose o f water supply
man include recurrent floods, changes in their
for dom estic use, for supply o f water for irrigating
coures, riparian erosion etc. which adversely affect
the crops through canals, for the generation o f
human society (e.g. agriculture, transport network,
hydroelectricity; pumping o f water for local water
settlem ents etc.). If the N ile became gift to Egypt
supply for dom estic use and for lift irrigation canals;

disposal o f used water from urban and industrial .control and naviga.ion im provem ent. It may be
areas into the rivers at specific outfall points; pointed out that meandering is a natural Ptocess o f
construction of road and rail bridges across the alluvial rivers and it is very difficult to rtreven th e
rivers etc. The construction o f dams on major rivers rivers from developing meander bends y
o f the world has multiplied many folds since the start cutoffs of individual natural bends; If ol mean e s
o f the 20th century and thus more than 13 per cent of are cut off and the channel is straightened, t e river
the total runoff o f the world has been regulated by develops new meanders. The dredging o fc h a n n e s
reservoirs. The storage reservoirs constructed be­ either for navigation purposes or for obtaining sands
hind the dams trap sediments and thus discharge and gravels as building materials increases the
pattern and sediment load o f the rivers downstream amount o f sediment for transport downstream. Thfe
are markedly modified. The study o f effects of small regulation o f river to halt riparian (bank) erosion
structures on peak flow conducted by C.M. Moore decreases the supply o f sediment downstream which
(1969) has shown that peak discharge downstream results in downstream scouring.
from the reservoir may be reduced by 98 per cent to The other devices to regulate river channels
50 per cent depending upon the level of water in the include the construction o f a series o f large flood-
reservoirs. The trapping and settling down of bed control or flood-storage reservoirs on a particular
load and suspended sediments in the reservoirs river, widening and deepening o f channels for
result in marked reduction in the sediment load of preventing seasonal overbank flooding, construc­
the channel downstream and this process encourages tion of dykes, embankments etc. on river banks to
downstream erosion o f river valley. protect the cities and towns from overbank flooding,
Withdrawal o f water from rivers and pouring provision o f flood-diversion system etc.
o f water through pumping into canals (lift canals) in (2) Indirect channel modifications : Indirec
India during post-m onsoon period of lean discharge modifications o f channel processes include the
o f rivers causes siltation o f river beds and reduces changes of general surface characteristics o f the
water retaining capacity o f the valley resulting into entire catchment area or part thereof through
increase in the dim ension o f floods. Construction of deforestation. The bare ground surface cuused due
bridges m odifies the direction o f channel flow and to deforestation is eroded at faster rate on the one
increases flow velocity which encourages down­ hand and generates more surface runoff on the other
hand. This process increases both stream discharge
stream erosion. The construction of a road bridge
and sediment load which changes the channel
500 m downstream from the old railbridge on the
regime in terms o f river m etam orphosis which
Gomti river near Kaithi village (Varanasi district,
includes changes o f channel geom etry, channel
India) straightened the course o f the Gomti river
planform and sediment transport.
which resulted into the shifting o f the confluence of
the said river with the Ganga river in 1980 by 2 km The Y ellow river o f China transports the
upstream from the old confluence because of highest amount o f average annual silt load o f 1640
accelerated erosion through meander loop which million tonnes from intensively cultivated upland
was hardly one km away from the Ganga bank surfaces o f wind deposited loess in Shensi and
Shansi provinces whereas the Ganga river carries the
(Savindra Singh, 1983).
second highest amount o f sedim ent load o f 1450
(ii) Reach modifications : involve a sizeable
million tonnes per year derived from the deforested
span o f the channel. The highly sinous channels are steep mountain slopes o f the Him alayas and from
straightened by cutting o ff meander loops so that the intensively cultivated alluvial plains. C onversely,
channel reach may be shorterned in length and the the M ississippi river occupying roughtly three tim es
velocity o f water is increased to allow quick disposal more catchment (3 ,2 6 9 ,0 0 0 km2) than the Ganga
of water during flood s downstream through in­ catchment (9 ,5 5 ,0 0 0 km2) carries much sm aller
creased frequency o f peak discharge. The lower amount o f sedim ent load (8 5 0 m illion tonnes/year).
M ississippi river near G reenville (M ississippi, ‘Thus the high rate o f sedim ent load o f the Ganga
USA) was shortened in its length from 530 km to reflects the deforestation x>f the source areas o f the
185km between 1933 and 1936 to reduce flood Ganga-system (the Him alayas and the foreland o f
crests. Sim ilarly, the M issouri river was shortened in Indian Peninsula) which has accelerated the rate o f
its length by 52 km betw een Sioux city and its erosion o f surficial materials* (Savindra Singh and
confluence with the M ississip pi in 1960 for flood A lok Dubey, 1989) »>.. v
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
• Human a c t i v i t i e s responsible for the aggradation processes. All of the constructions made by man for
and siltation of river valleys due to increased the colonisation of the tundra region o f North
America (roads, railways, bridges, buildings, facto­
sediment supply include accelerated soil erosion
consequent upon extensive and itensive cultivation, ries etc.) before the knowledge o f deceptive nature
deforestation, natural and deliberate forest fires, of permafrost have been greatly deformed. The
laying out of rails for Trans-Siberian rail'line in
mining operations, urbanisation and highway con­
Siberia also suffered great damages in the initial
struction etc., all o f which not only increase
stages because o f thawing o f permafrost, due to
sediment supply to cause channel aggradation but
vegetation removal and consequent subsidence o f
also increase suspended load of the channels which
ground surface. Now greater attention, is paid
travels downstream and is deposited in lakes,
towards the study of permafrost in Canada, USA and
reservoirs and estuaries and thus adversely affects
Russia.. The PISAS (Permafrost, Institute o f the
the aquatic life.
Siberian Academy o f Sciences at Yakutsk) o f Russia
and CARREL (Cold Region Research and Engineer­
15.7 MAN AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES ing Laboratories, at Hanover, N ew Hamphire) o f the
USA are actively engaged in the study o f permafrost
Periglacial areas are those which are in and periglacial processes.
permanently frozen condition but there is no
Two specific periglacial processes need spe­
permanent ice cover on the ground surface. The
mean annual temperature ranges between-15°C and cial mention because these affect human activities
l°C and mean annual precipitation is between 120 most. These are thermokarst and frost heave.
mm and MOO mm (mainly in solid form). The most Thermokarst is both process and landform. Thermokarst
striking feature of periglacial areas is the ‘perma­ refers to collapse, sinking and subsidence o f ground
frost’ (permanently frozen ground) and the ‘active surface caused by disturbance iti the thermal
layer’ which is the uppermpst layer of the periglacial equilibrium o f permaforst (due to increase 'in
area. The ‘active layer’ is characterised by diurnal temperature). The process is m ost active in the areas
freeze (during night) and thaw (during day time) of unconsolidated frozen materials. The effect of
cycle during the intervening periods o f summer and thermokarst in consolidated frozen parent rock is
winter seasons. It is completely frozen during witner negligible. Frost heave refers to bulging o f ground
and is thawed during late summer. The depth of surface due to ice seggregation. Thus if thermokarst
‘active layer’ ranges from a few centimetres to 3 causes subsidence o f ground surface due to thawing
metres. All the periglacial processes viz. congelifraction of frozen moisture and creates several sinks and
or frost weathering, congelifluction or solifluction, cauldron subsidence o f varying dim ensions, frost
frost heave, nivation and of course fluvial processes heave renders the ground surface uneven.. ■,
(during summer) operate in the ‘active layer’ and the There are several natural and anthropogenic
main driving force of the periglacial processes is factors which upset thermal equilibrium of perma­
related to thermal conditions. ‘Permafrost’ lying frost which in turn either causes thawing o f frozen
below the active layer represents the permanently ground moisture and induces thermokarst or encour­
frozen ground upto varying depths. About one fifth
ages ice seggregation to foster frost heaving. The
o f the surface area of the globe is covered by
degradation o f permafrost through thermokarst or
permafrost (including both continuous and discon­
frost heaving largely depends on the follow ing :
tinuous types). The largest areas of permafrost are in
Siberian part o f Russia, Alaska (USA) and northern ► the nature o f g e o m a te ria ls, w hether ,
Canada. unconsolidated or consolidated,
The understanding of nature, behaviour and ► content o f ice present in the permafrost,
characteristics o f permafrost and mechanism of nature and density o f vegetation on the
periglacial processes is o f paramount significance ground surface,
for man if any development programme related to ► insulating properties o f surface vegetation,
cultivation, settlement, highways, mining etc. is to and
be extended to permafrost areas because it poses
► duration o f sunlight and quantity o f insola­
greatest problems o f construction and engineering
tion during summer days. The activities of
works o f all the other environmental processes. In
fact, a II aspects o f human activities in the periglacial man destabilise thermal conditions o f permafrosts
areas are affected by permafrost and periglacial and render them hazardous for human society
in the follow ing manner :
nermafrost is disturbed
(1) Removal of surface vegetation either thermal equilibrium o P ozen moisture of
which induces thawing o ^ u Uimateiy
through direct felling of trees or constructional
purposes allows sun’s rays to reach the ground grou^surface undergoes the process
surface directly and thus ground temperature is
increased. It may be pointed out that surface Degradation of permafrost in * e, P° n ® lurai
vegetation acts as insulator to solar rays and protects areas either caused by human actI ' C in eerjng
processes poses severe problems of , g
the ground surface from direct solar rays. Tempera­
works and hydrological regime. Suitable ge
ture thus increased due to removal of surface
meaasures and advanced engineering d evices ar
v eg e ta tio n causes thawing of ice in the permafrost
needed for any successful constructional w orks to oe
which causes subsidence of ground surface and
extended in the more remote northern regions ot
changes the ground surface into undulating surface
permafrost in Alaska (USA), C anada and Siberia but
dotted with tiny mounds, and small depressions.
these devices are so costly and com plicated that the
Such changes of ground surface have been recorded
net results are limited but the fragile permafrost
in Fairbanks region of Alaska where extensive
environments are more rapidly degraded.
clearance of surface vegetation for cultivation in the
decade 1920-30 led to formation of undulating
surface characterised by numerous mounds of 3 to 15.8 MAN AND SUBSURFACE P R O C E S S E S
15 m diameter and of 2.4 m height. The increase of
temperature b y k14°C upto the depth of 40 cm has Subsurface environment is largely affected by
been reported from Yenesei region of Siberia. This human activities and the consequences are rather
increase of temperature has been related to defor­ more hazardous and disastrous to hum an society
estation and cultivation. than any other modification o f en v iro n m en tal
processes by man. The impacts o f hum an activities
(2) Excavation activities of obtaining materi­ on subsurface conditions are increasing day by day
als for construction (e.g. for the construction of with everincreasing population. T he c h an g e s o f
roads, airstrips of air ports) or for laying down water subsurface environment mostly include c h an g e s in
pipes lines, etc. disturb the thermal equilibrium of subsurface materials e.g. expansion or co n tra ctio n ,
permafrost and cause the ice lenses to melt which loosening or compaction, fracturing and d is p la c e ­
allows the ground surface to subside. ment, upward or dow nw ard m o vem ent, d e c re a se or
(3) Regular driving of vehicles over the increase of stresses, d eform ation o f s u b su rfa c e
thawed permafrost surface during summer season materials etc. The impacts o f these c h an g e s are so
destroys surface vegetation and causes trenching in deceptive and slowly cu m ulative that th ese are no t
the soft and wet ground surface. Such trenchings, if realised and detected before real d a m a g e s are do ne.
caused on slopy ground, develop ' into gullies The after-effects of these ch an ges are so c o m p li­
because these trenches channelise the snow-melt cated and are so poly genetic th at it is very difficu lt
and surface runoff. to predict them well in advance. Since these c h an g e s
(4) Forest fire, either natural or deliberate, in are confined to underground e n v iro n m e n t and their
permafrost regions changes the ground thermal causes are so com plicated that th eir p re v e n tio n and
regime through vegetation destruction. Increased control are very difficult.
temperature due to fire and consequent removal of
Man changes su b su rta c c c o n d itio n s in a
vegetation deepens the thickness of active layer and num ber of ways such as :
thus the thermokasrst process starts. Increase in the
depth of active layer by 45cm has been reported from (1) in tr o d u c tio n of a d d itio n a l a rtific ia l
sup erin cum ben t load th ro u g h :
Siberian Taiga o f Russia due to forest fire in 1953.
(i) construction o f big d a m s, and
It may be pointed out that terrian disturbance
caused by man through excavation pits (for extrac­ (ii) im p o un din g o f h u g e v o lu m e o f w a ter in
tion of construction materials from the ground), big reservoirs.
movement o f vehicles, road-cuts etc. thins out the (2) injection of u sed and w aste w a te r th ro u g h
active layer’whereas deforestation, cultivation, injection w ells into the ground.
construction of roads, rails, buildings and drainage
(3) supply o f w ater thro u g h irrig atio n in the
c ranges thicken the active layer’. In either case the
agricultural farms.
either salt water intrusion or to check contam ination
(4) withdrawal o f water and mineral oil from the
o f groundwater through inflow o f saline water in
ground. coastal areas. Another way o f injecting water
(5) underground mining. underground is to pump water into mineral oil strata
to increase hydrostatic pressure so that oil may be
(1) Introduction of Additional Artificial Loads p u s h e d upward and production o f oil may be
augmented. In all such cases subsurface equilibrium
Man changes subsurface conditions by putting is disturbed and seism ic activities are set in.
additional load on ground' surface through the
construction o f dams and reservoirs, highways and (3) Irrlgatfn of Agricultural Fields
bridges, canals, injection o f water underground,
buildings, irrigation etc. and by reducing load and Yet another way o f increasing superincumbent
pressure underground through water withdrawal,
load o f ground surface is the supply o f water through
drilling o f mineral oil and natural gas, underground
irrigation in the agricultural farms. When irrigation
mining, mining o f solid materials etc. It may be
pointed out that any change in subsurface environ­ waters are spread over loose and dry soils in the arid
ment occurs only when the impact of human and semi-arid regions, the loose and dry materials
activities exceeds the resisting force of the geomaterials. are wetted and compacted under the process o f
The introduction o f additional artificial hydrocompaction. The result o f such hydrocompaction
superincumbent load through the construction of big is subsidence o f general surface upto 1-2 metres,
dams and impounding o f huge volume o f water in which causes damage to irrigation drains, canals,
big reservoirs causes disequilibrium o f already casings o f w ells, roads, water and oil pipe lines,
isostatically adjusted rocks below the reservoirs or buildings etc. The overload exerted by buildings in
further augments the already fragile structure due to the areas o f recent infilled m aterials cau ses land
faults and fractures underneath. This process causes subsidence and resultant great dam ages to buildings,
earthquakes o f varying intensity which inflict road and pipe lines. Ill-designed construction o f
damage to human life and property. Many major houses in the permafrost areas causes thaw ing o f
seismic events have been correlated with dams and frozen moisture which encourages subsidence o f
reservoirs all over the world (e.g. earthquake of 1931 land surface and buildings.
in Greece due to Marathon Dam constructed in 1929,
start o f earth tremors since 1936 around Hoover
(4) Mining of Groundwater and Petroleum
Dam (USA) due to creation of Mead Lake in 1935;
Koyna earthquake o f 1967 (India) due to Koyna
reservoir constructed in 1962; other examples of Certain human activities reduce the load o f
significant earthquakes caused by dams and reser­ subsurface environment by withdrawing fluids
voirs are of Monteynard and Grandvale in France, (water and petroleum) and solid materials (m inerals
Mangla in Pakistan, Kariba in Zambia. Manic in and rocks). Extraction o f groundwater through
Canada, Hendrick Verwoerd in South Africa, pumpsets and tubewells at a much faster rate than the
Nourek in former USSR, Kurobe in Japan, recharge o f groundwater through annual infiltration
Hsinfengkiang in China etc. Underground distur­ o f precipitation results in low ering o f water table
bance due to hydrostatic pressure of water in the which causes depletion o f groundwater resources on
reservoirs also causes landslides and earthflow the one hand and the empty cavity consequent upon
along the natural and artificial walls of the resrvoirs. groundwater m ining’ and low ering o f water table
It may be pointed out that the intensity of allow the ground surface to collapse on the other
earthquakes has been positively correlated with the hand, The exam ples o f subsidence o f ground surface
levels of water in the reservoirs. due to extraction o f groundwater have been already
quoted in chapter 3 on ‘M an-Environm ent R elation­
(2) Use of Injection Wells ship’. It may be pointed out that subsidence o f
ground surface due to ‘groundwater m in in g ’ m ostly
Subsurface equilibrium is also disturbed at occurs in those areas where the subsurface m aterials
s o m e place s due to pumping o f used and waste water are loose and unconsolidated. The extraction o f
through injection wells into the ground. At some | T e,ra . °'^ an^ natural gas from consolidated
p l a ce s water is injected into aquifers to remove ithologies causes cracks, fractures, faults and
subsidence at local scale

(5) Mining Activities 15.9 MAN AND PEDOLOGICAL PROCESSES

it *.:'

The mining o f solid materials like coal, gold, Soil is very important natural res0“^ | |5®
copper, lim estones etc. through underground mining cause it provides all sorts o f food to man a
causes collapse pf overlying surface. it provides bases o f life to terrestrial an aq
Some times the underground mining reaches flora and fauna in one way or the other. The p ysica
processes operating in different soil horizons o a
the water table and water finds its way into the mine,
difinite soil profile (see chapter 7) determine t e
so water is pumped out to extend the mining further
general properties o f soils. Soil largely influences
underground. If such situation is associated with
human activities which in turn also affect labile soil
limestone or dolomite lithologies, man-induced sink
characteristics (those characteristics which are
holes develop on the ground surface which allows susceptible to external changes occasioned by man).
the surface water to disappear through these sink Thus the study o f interrelationships between soils
holes and causes surface collapse and depletion of profile processes and human activities is o f para­
surface water resources. Dewatering o f underground mount significance for better land use management.
mines also result in drying out o f springs due to The formation o f soil is a very slow natural process
lowering o f water table. The example o f dewatering as the development o f one inch thick soil requires
o f gold mines in the Far West Rand Mining District one thousand years but man can degrade, destroy
Near Johannesburg (Union o f South Africa) tells the and change the soils within very short period
impact o f dewatering o f deep mines on ground through his various economic activities. The use o f
surface and ultimately on human society. A score of soils is must because these are fundamental to the
survival of human beings but the m echanism s o f
sink holes were developed in the said areas (1962-
varous soil profile processes and their responses to
1966). The largest sink hole was 125m in diameter
external changes brought by man must not only be
and 50 m in depth. Some times deep coal mines are realised but must be also studied properly so that a
left over without filling them and new mines are particular soil is utilised in right manner.
started near the old ones. In such cases the old
The apparent direct impact o f man on total soil
unfilled m ines are filled with rain water and there is is total loss of all horizons o f soil profile due to
instrusion o f water through the intervening walls accelerated erosion consequent upon rem oval o f
into the active mines. The process, sometimes, is so surface vegetation mainly o f slopy ground. The
sudden that all the workers are submerged and indirect human impacts, include changes o f soil
drowned in the active mines. Chasnala tragedy properties o f different soil horizons o f soil profiles
(Jharkhand, India) very well illustrates the folly of through various economic activities. It is, therefore,
human activity as water from the old left-over necessary at the very outset to study the characteris­
Chasnala coal mine gushed into the adjacent active tics o f different horizons o f soil profiles o f different
mine and all the workers in the mine lost their lives. kinds o f soils in various clim atic and vegetation
zones. At the second level, there should be micro-
Underground m ining also leads to diversion
level study o f various responses o f soil com ponents
o f underground flow , disruption o f water flow
and soil profile processes to inputs applied by man to
regimes, release o f harmful gases, rockbursts, the soils and various responses o f farm techniques
outbursts o f geom aterials, subsidence cracks on the and land use practices to soil profile processes. At
ground surface, ground surface disruptions etc. the third level, there should be com prehensive
Localised but more powerful human activities such planning for better soil conservation and m anage­
as use o f dynam ites to blast rocks for highway ment. The last theme will be discussed in section
construction, clearance for dam sites and o f course 16.2 o f chapter 16 (conservation measures o f soil
the most pow erful but disastrous nuclear explosions erosion). S o i l ' pollution w ill be discussed in
cause surface deforamation and more powerful chapter 21.
earthquakes. Surface transoframation in periglacial A record o f past history o f interactions o f man
areas brings harzardous effects for huamn society with soils may be very helpful in understanding the
(see previous sub-section). ways the soil characteristics have changed overtime.
v. “• , j.y

Sim ilarly, the historical study o f soil profile deteriorates the structure o f wet soils. Increase in the
evolution enables us to ascertain (i) the process of amount o f organic matter responds positively to the
developm ent o f man-induced properties in the stability o f soil aggregates. The content o f organic
present soils, and (ii) the rate o f operation o f various matter in the soils is very important on two counts
soil forming processes helps to predict the changes viz. (i) organic matter absorbs the soil pollutants
in soil forming processes in’future. Itmay be pointed added by man to the soil and thus renders soil
o u t that ploughing o f soil for agricultural purposes pollutants less harmful, and (ii) organic matter
acts as a process of redistribution and homogenisa­ present in the soils allows growth o f organisms
tion o f constituent elements of soils in different soil living in the soils which may decom pose certain
horizons o f soil profile. S. Trudgill (1981, p. 194) cartegories o f soil pollutants. The significant soil
has reported that unploughed chalk soils contain pollutants added by man are pesticides (to kill
high humus content of 8-14 percent organic carbon insects harmful to crops) and herbicides(to destroy
in 'A' horizon o f dark brown colour whereas the wild growth o f undesirable plants in the crop
ploughed chalk soils contain low humus content of fields). The pesticides and heribicides used by man
only 2-3 per cent o f organic carbon because the fall into two categoreis e.g. (i) those which are
humus content is distributed in all the horizons of decomposed by soil organisms and thus are absorbed
soil profile due to ploughing. Conversely, calcium in the soil profiles, and (ii) those which are not
carbonate content in unploughed chalk soils in decomposed but remain persistent with high concen­
natural condition may be as low as 15-20 per cent but tration. The last category o f pesticides and heribicides
it may increase to 68-80 per cent after ploughing is harmful to soils as these pollutants alter the soil
because ploughing helps in bringing the chalk to the chemistry. The decomposed heribicides and pesti­
upper horizons from the sobsoil (S. Trudgill, 1981). cides partly reach the food chains and are partly
" S. Trudgill has spelt out two procedures to drained to water bodies like rivers and lakes by
estimate the'rate o f soil profile formation viz. (i) hydrological processes.
dating of buried soil horizons with the help o f pollen Besides pesticides and heribicides, there are
analysis on the basis of pollen preserved in the soils pollutants o f heavy metals like zinc, copper, lead,
and C-14 dating, and (ii) deductions o f the rate of mercury, cadmium, chromium etc. which are added
soil development from historical evidences from a to soil profile from natural (geological formations)
known starting point (by enclosing uncultivated and man-made sources (ore mining and direct
land). Two specific studies in two different localities application o f certain minerals to the field crops like
o f U.K. reveal the rate o f soil development in terms zinc). These solid matters are seldom decomposed
of changes in minerals and organic matter. The by soil organisms and are relatively insoluble in the
studies o f soil organic profiels by K. Crabtree and soils. Consequently, they do not reach water bodies
E.M. Maltby (1975 and 1976) on Exmoor land in solution but their persistence and concentration in
(U.K.) from 1833 to 1974 have revealed marked the soil profiles change the soil properties by
increse in organic matter from 20 grams per m2 per contaminating them.
year while the study o f soils o f Romney Marsh The presence or absence o f acidic and
reclaimed from sea at various times (started in the alkaliine elements in the soil profiles affects
9th century) by R.D. Green (1968) has indentified decomposition o f solid substances added by man to
decalcification as the main process o f soil develop­ the soils. Heavy metals are generally decomposed by
ment. The results of these studies denote that the
acid contents o f soils and thus these dissolved solid
organic matter in the soil changes at much faster rate
materials are changed in solution form and are partly
than certain minerals in response to changes in
consumed by plants through root osm osis and reach
external conditions introduced by human activites.
the food chains' and are partly removed by hydro-
Agricultural practices and farm techniques logical processes and find their way to water bodies
are supposed to affect soil profile processes and soil like streams and lakes whereas alkaline soil profiles
properties. The introduction o f modern technology are not capable o f dissolving solid metals. The
involving heavy and huge farm machines results in sulphur contents reaching the soil profiles through
the alteration o f soil structure in certain conditions fallout o f aerosol emitted by factories acidify the
(we.f silt soils) through compaction. Overgrazing o f soils and thus help in decom posing solid metals. It
pasture with big animals (cow herds, pigs etc.) may be pointed out that minimum amount o f certain

elements like copper, zinc, sulphur etc. is necessary aluminium or managanese contents encourage the
for plant growth and so long as the amount of these fixing of phosphates whereas alkaline soils discour­
elements is within permissible threshold values age solution of calcium phosphate. All these result in
these seldom become pollutants but increased the concentration of phosphate in the upper horizon
amount may become injurious to soil profiles and o f soil profile but this concentration seldom
consequently to plant growth but the presence of adversely affects the productivity of soils but the
nickel, lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium etc. is leaching of nitrates and their movement to streams
not desirable as these elements are, without doubt, and lakes encourages unwanted plant growth which
pollutants and degrade soil profiles. adversely affects the aquatic organisms.
The use of chemical fertilizers to enrich soils Changes in plant cover in terms o f changes o f
for incresed food production is rapidly increasing in plant species also alter the chemical properties o f
response to increasing food demand to feed the soils profiles. It may be pointed out that the adverse
teeming millions. Economically and socially the use effects of human activities on soil profile processes
of chemical fertilizers is desirable but these should and soil characteristics do not necessarily mean to
be used with proper care based on understanding of undermine the value o f soils as fundamental
soil properties and their ability to assimilate these resource to huamn society. What is desirable to
fertilizers. For example, nitrates are very important make soil resources more useful to human society is
for plant growth but since nitrogen is soluble and is to understnad the processes o f soil formation (see
easily leached downward,-the amount to be applied chapter 7 on soil system), the mechanism o f operation
to the soils should be decided in accordance with the of soil forming processes, the mechanism o f
structure of soils. Excess use of nitrogen in loose, operation of soil profile processes, the properties o f
coarse grained and well drained soils like sandy soils, the nature and rate of various responses o f soil
soils, results in greater loss of nitrogen because it characteristics and soil profile processes to external
being Quickly dissolved'm oves away with water inputs added by man to the soils so that better soil
movement. Conversely, phosphates are absorbed in management strategies may be evolved to get
the soils and are concentrated in the soils and may maximum benefits from soils without degradating
not be available to plants. Acidic soils with iron. them..'


16.1 FACETS OF SOIL EROSION E rosion is a co m p reh en siv e n a tu ra l p ro c e ss o f

detachm ent and rem oval o f lo o sen ed ro ck m aterials
V a rio u s a sp e c ts o f soil system viz. com po­ and soils by ex ogenetic p ro cesses su ch as ru n n in g
n en ts, soil te x tu re , so il stru c u tre , soil profile and w ater, groundw aer, sea w av es, w in d , g la c ie r etc.
h o riz o p , fo rm atio n o f so ils and c lassificatio n o f soils E rosion caused by natural p ro c e sses w ith o u t being
h av e been d is c u sse d in the 7th c h ap te r w hile the interfered by huam n a ctiv itie s is also c a lle d geologi­
im p act o f m a n ’s a c tiv itie s on ped o g en ic processes cal erosion. It m ay be p o in ted o u t th a t ‘slow rem o v al
h as been d e sc rib e d in the 15th chapter. Soils, o f soil is a part o f the natural g eo lo g ical p ro c e sse s o f
denudation and is both in ev itab le and u n iv e rs a l’
d e fin e d as lo o se an d u n c o n so lid ate d m aterials
(A .N . S trah ler and A .H . S trah ler, 1976). Accelerated
d eriv ed th ro u g h th e b re a k in g dow n o f rocks, are in
erosion refers to the in creased rate o f e ro sio n cau sed
fact v ery h e art o f the life la y e r know n as the '
by v arious land use c h an g es e ffe c te d by m an . T h u s
b io sp h ere b e c a su e th e se re p re se n t a zone w herein
soil erosion norm ally m ean s a c e le ra te d erosion
p la n t n u trien ts are p ro d u c e d , h eld, m a in ta in ed and
w hich is also c alled as man-induced soil erosion
a re m ade a v a ila b le to p la n ts th ro u g h th e ir ro o ts and
b ecau se o f g re a te r im p act o f h u m an a c tiv itie s than
to th e m ic ro -o rg a n ism s w hich live in the so ils. Soil n atu ral facto rs on soil e ro sio n . ‘T h u s, so il e ro sio n is
is a lso very s ig n ific a n t e n v iro n m e n ta l a ttrib u te for
an ex tre m e form o f soil d e g ra d a tio n in w h ic h natural
hum an so cie ty b ecau se :
g eo m o rp h o lo g ic a l p ro c e sse s are a e c e le ra te d so that
► It is the b asic m ed iu m fo r food and tim b er, so il is re m o v e d at ra te s ten an d so m e tim e s several
► It p ro v id e s fo u n d a tio n s fo r b u ild in g s and th o u san d tim e s fa ste r th an is th e c ase u n d e r the
ro ad s, and c o n d ito n s o f n atu ral v e g e ta tio n , an d m u c h faster
► It is very im p o rtan t e x h a u stib le n atu ral lh a n ra te s at w h ich new soil fo rm s ’ (R .P .C . M organ
re so u rc e b e ca u se it c a n n o t be re p la cd if it is in K .S. R ic h a rd s, R .R . A m e tt an d S . E llis , 1985).
d e stro y e d o r lo st th ro u g h e x c e ssiv e soil In fact, the d a m ag e an d d e g ra d a tio n cau se d to
e ro sio n c a u se d by a n th ro p o g e n ic a ctiv itie s the so ils d u e to c o m p a c tio n , sm e a rin g , ex cessiv e
an d it is the base fo r the d e v e lo p m e n t o f w o rk in g , p u lv e risa tio n e tc. th ro u g h h u m a n activ ities
h u m an c iv iliz a tio n . is c a lle d soil d e g ra d atio n w h ic h is re s p o n s ib le fo r the
m a n -in d u c e d s o il er o sio n a n d s e d im e n t a t io n

removal o f fertile upper soil horizons at the rate size and the cohesiveness o f the particles. The
faster than they can be form ed, decline in the organic detachm ent of particles having the grain size of
content of the soil and several types of changes in the above 0.2 mm requires m ore force pro v id ed by the
physical and chem ical properties o f the soils. velocity o f m oving w ater. In o th er w ords, the
A ccelerated soil erosion or m an-induced soil ero­ required critical velocity to detach soil particles
sion is m ostly operative in the hum id clim atic increases with increase in the grain size above 0.20
regions w here extensive forest clearance (tropical mm. In such case the detachability is con tro lled by
and sub-tropical forest biom es), grassland removal the size and w eight o f p articles because m ore force
(steppes and prairies) and extensive overgrazing and in the form o f velocity o f m oving w ater is required
tram pling by livestock have been practiced by man to dislodge larger and heavier particles. It is
at an alarm ing rate. interesting to note that the required critical velocity
to detach and dislodge p articles from the soil m ass
Machanics and Forms of Soil Erosion also increases w ith decrease in grain size below the
grain size o f 0.20 m m because fin er p articles are
Soil erosion involves m ainly two processes as heavily com pacted and thus such co h esiv e m aterials
follows : also require greater force o f velocity o f m oving
• * T>

(1) loosening and detachm ent o f soil particles w ater to be detached from th eir sofl m asses, b u t if the
from the soil m ass, and finer and sm aller particles are not co m p acted , the
critical force o f the velocity o f m oving w ater m ay
(2) rem oval and transport of the detached soil
slightly decrease.
particles dow nslope (if the soil erosion is being
effected by raindrops and overland flow on the soils The raindrops strike against the open and bare
developed over hillslopes), dow nstream (when the ploughed ground surface w ith g reater k in etic energy
soil is eroded by rills, guillies and channels) or down in the absence o f any interception b arrier o f
w ind (in the case o f soil erosion through deflation by vegetation. This results in the breaking dow n o f the
w ind or aeolian process). soil aggregates into fine p articles w hich are throw n
up in the air by the im pact o f falling raindrops and
T hough the m echanism s o f man-induced soil
resettle on the ground surface. T h is p rocess o f soil
erosion are m ore or less sim ilar in all those areas
erosion is called splash erosion. T he resettlin g of
w here hum an activities have largely m odified and
upthrown soil particles (caused by sp lash ero sio n as
changed the land use patterns but some distinctions
referred to above) on the top horizon o f soil p rofiles
m ay be draw n betw een the m echanism s and rates o f
results in the plugging and sealing o f larg er openings
soil erosion on hillslope and ploughed flat plains.
and the form ation o f strong im pervious thin layer
L.D . M eyer and W .H . W ischm eier (1969) acting as cuirass w hich p revents infiltration o f
have identified tw o types o f soil erosion due to the rainw ater and thus generates surface ru n o ff and
im pact o f raindrop on soil surface and the action of overland flow . The overland flow picks up the soil
runoff on a hillslope having thin to thick veneer of particles and carry them . T his sort o f rem oval and
soils as follow s : transport o f soil p articles is called entrainment
(i) transport-lim ited soil erosion, and W hen the soil is eroded in thin layers, the process is
(ii) detachm ent-lim ited soil erosion. called rainwash or sheet erosion. W hen there is heavy
rainfall associated w ith rainstorm s, the overland
If the detachm en t o f soil particles and hence flow or sheet flow is transform ed into linear flow
the soil erosion equals the rate o f transporting called as rill, and the soil erosion caused by rills is
capacity c f the agents o f transport e.g. rainfall and called rill erosion, o r sim ply rilling.
runoff, the soil erosion is called transport-limited As the process o f rill erosion continues
erosion, on the other hand if the rate o f detachm ent o f num erous interconnected rills are formed. These
soil m ass is low er than the transport capacity o f the closely spaced dense netw orks of rills or narrow
transporting agents, the soil erosion is called channels are called shoestring rills. These rills are
detachment-limited erosion. very often destroyed every year by tillage if farming
T he degree o f detachability o f soil particles is practiced every year but when these are nol
from soil m ass is a crucial factor for soil erosion. The destroyed by soil tillage, the rills are established into
detachability largely depends on grain-size or the the soils and subsoils, are enlarged and deepened

an d are finally transform ed into long and deeper (e.g. intensity, am ount and duration). A v ailab ility o f
ch an n els w hich are called gullies. The rills are very sunlight (a facto r o f clim ate) is also an im portant
freq u en tly transform ed into gullies over the slopy facto r w hich controls vegetation. T he overall
grounds and the foothill zones o f the h illslope w hich ch aracteristics o f soils o f the region concerned are.
have been divested o f th eir vegetal co v er either,, dependent upon tw o basic com ponents o f geology
t h r o u g h m ass-felling o f trees or extensive overgrazing viz. ro ck type and topography and on clim atic
and tram pling by livestock. T he soil erosion caused factors .T h u s v egetation is dep en d en t on clim ate and
by rills and gullies is c alled rill and ravine erosion soil ch aracteristics (both physical and chem ical) are
which is the m ost pow erful and effectiv e form o f soil d ep en d en t on clim ate and regional geology (rock
erosion. T he heavily gu llied arid ravinated land is type and topography). V egetation influences soils
called badland. ' through :
r • 1 S' ,,■'

T h e erosion o f soils th ro u g h raindrops (splash ► the actions o f roots w hich bind the soil
ero sio n ) and overland flow or surface w ash (sheet particles together,
ero sio n ) o f the areas situ ated betw een tw o rills is > uptake o f nutrients by plants through their
c a lle d in terrill erosion w hereas the rill erosion is roots under the process o f ro o t osm osis,
cau sed by c o n cen trated ch an n el ru n o ff Sim ilarly,
► release o f organic m atter to the soil horizons,
the erosion o f th e so ils o f th e ares situated betw een
tw o gullies is c a lle d intergully erison w hereas gully > interception o f raindrops and thus p ro tectio n
erosion is cau sed by co n cen trated and enlarged rills to the soils from splash ero sio n , etc.
resulting from the in teg ratio n o f several rills. The The effects o f these facto rs (rain fall ch arac ­
in terrill and in terg u lly e ro sio n is transport-lim ited teristics, vegetation and soil p ro p erties, w h ich are
w here the rill and gully erosion is detachm ent- highly interrelated am ong th em selv es) on soil
lim ited. T h e rills and g u llies extend headw ard at erosion wil be discussed later in th isk sub sectio n .
varying ra te s d ep en d in g on the characteristics of
soils, n ature o f slo p e and am ount and intensity of Soil Erosion Equation
rain fall. T h e m ag n itu d e o f soil erosion caused by rill
and g u lly erosion o r'ra v in e erosion may be gauged The follow ing eq u atio n ex p resses the m ean ­
from the fact th at the g u llies are extending at the rate ing and basic factors o f soil e ro sio n :
o f 4-5 m p e t y e a r through headw afd erosion and 2.35
SE = f (E ros, E r o d )...........(1 6 .1 )
m illion cu b ic m etres o f agricultural land are lost
every y e ar from Jaw a B lock o f R ew a D istrict o f W here SE = Soil erosion
M adhya P rad esh , In d ia (S av in d ra Singh and S.P. f = fu n ctio n o f
A gnihotri, 1987). E ros = E rosivity
Erod = E ro d ib ility
In oth er w ords, ero sio n is a fu n ctio n o f the
SION ' erosivity o f soil ero sio n p ro cesses (i.e. the eroding
pow er o f rain d ro p s, ru n n in g w ater and slid in g or
D ifferen t form s o f soil erosion such as splash flow ing earth m asses) and the erodibility o f th e soils.
erosion; sheet erosion or rainw ash, interril ero sio n , Erosivity is d efin ed as the p o ten tial ability o f
rill erosion, ravine and gully erosion are related to p ro cesses (such as rain d ro p , ru n n in g w ater in the
raindrops, runoff, overland flow and subsurface form o f ru n o ff and o v erlan d flo w and slid in g or
w ater under varying environm ental conditions. M. flow ing e arth m asses) to cau se e ro sio n o f so ils in
M o risaw a (1968) has identified tw o m ajor in d e­ certain set o f en v iro n m en tal conditions. T h e erosivity
p en d en t facors w hich cdntrol the rate and type o f soil o f p ro cesses d ep en d s, b esid es o th e r en v iro n m en tal
erosion ocduring on hillslo p e e.g. climate and facto rs, on the n atu re o f d isp o sitio n o f ra in w a te r on
geology. In ten sity , am o u n t and duration o f rainfall the ground su rface or in the so il p ro file s. For
are d eterm in ed by clim ate and these in turn ex am p le, if the g round su rface is c o v e re d w ith dense
d e term in e the n a tu re and ch aracteristics o f natural veg etatio n , the ra in w a ter fo llo w s a v ery co m p licated
v eg etatio n o f the region concerned. V eg etatio n , in ro u te b efore re a ch in g a n earb y c h an n e l e.g . rain d ro p
tu rn, also a ffe cts d ifferen t’ p aram eters o f rain fall is in tercep ted by v e g e ta tio n —^in tercep ted w ater

reaches the ground surface through the leaves, (iii) Soil characteristics : detachability and trans­
branches and stem s o f trees as aerial stream lets-*this portability, aggrega­
water slowly and slowly infiltrates into the soil-»goes tion and surface seal­
to the contributing area via throughflow—>which ing, depth, water-hold­
ultim ately reaches the nearest stream channels. ing capacity
A lternatively, if the ground surface is intensively ( (iv) Cover or vegetation : cultivated, fallow, for­
cultivated agricultural field or unconvered bare ests
ground fallow land the raindrops strike the bare These factors o f soil erosion have been used to
ground, and generates maximum overland flow which build a model o f soil erosion which is known as
reaches the nearest stream channel without being universal soil loss equation as given below :
much infiltraed into the soils and ground surface.
E = f (R, K, L, S, C, P ...... ..(16.3)
Soil erodibility : refers to the resistance of the
soil to erosion or its vulnerability to erosion. Soil W here E = avaerage annual soil/sedim ent loss
erodibility is dependent upon soil characteristics f = function o f
such as its physical and chem ical characteristics R = rainfall factor (quantity, intensity,
(particle size d istrib ution, structure, organic-matter .» energy and distribution o f rainfall)
content, perm eability, ro o t content, shear strength,
K = soil erodibility factor(chem ical and
aggregate ability, tendency to surface crusting) and
physical characteristics o f soils as
the nature o f treatm en t o f soil under land use (such
referred to above)
as cropping p attern , forestry, grazing etc.) and
management (such as application o f agricultural L = length-of slope facto r
implements, irrig atio n and fertilizers, types o f S = Steepness-of slope factor
fanning, cro p p in g p attern , harvesting etc.). C » C ropping and m anagem ent ia c to r .
The factors, w hich control soil erosion, P = conservation practice factor
include clim ate, to p o g rap h y , rock type, vegetation
It may be pointed out th at hum an factor has
and soil c h arac te ristic s. T hese factors operate
not been show n in the equation o f soil erosion (16.2)
together and are e x p re ssed as universal soil loss
but C and P (cropping and m anagem ent factor and
equation as fo llo w s :
conservation practice factor) rep resen tin g exclu­
E = f ( C , T, R, V, S ).................(16.2) sively hum an factors have been included in the
W here E = S oil erosion equation o f soil erosion as p resen ted by FA O
f = fu n ctio n o f (equation no. 16.3). Since the accelerated soil
C = C lim ate erosion is the resu lt o f increasing im pact o f human
activities on natural ecosystem , m an has becom e the
T = T o p o g rap h y
m ost im portant facto r in the soil erosion equation
R = R ock type
and thus this equation m ay be restated as given
V = V eg etatio n below :
S = S oil c h arac te r (physical and
E = f (C, T, R, V , S . . . ........H )...........(1 6 .4 )
ch em ical pro p erties)
W here E, f, C , T , R, V and S have the same
T he F ood and A g ricu ltu re O rganization (FA O )
m eaning as show n in equation 16.2. H stands for
has listed (1965) the factors o f soil erosion in
anthropogenic facto r or hum an interference.
slightly a d iffe re n t m anner. A ccording to FA O the
following are the im p o rtan t factors w hich influ en ce Factors of Soil Erosion
soil erosion :
A s stated above the factors o f soil erosion
(i) P h y siographic f a c to r s : length, steepness and
include the follow ing :
cu rv atu re o f slope
(1) climatic factors : ,
(ii) C lim atic facto rs : q u a n tity , in te n s ity , (i) precipitation m ainly ra in fa ll- • • '
energy and d istrib u ­ (a) rainfall intensity / ",
tion o f rainfall and
(b) quantity o f rainfall
tem p eratru e chan g es

(c) duration o f rainfall rainfall intensity (rainfall intensity m eans total

(d) rainfall distribution amount o f rainfall received per unit time m ainly per
(e) terminal velocity o f raindrops hour) exceeds infiltration rate (am ount o f rainw ater
percolating into soil horizons or ground surface per
(f) kinetic energy unit time). A ccording to N . Hudson (1971) andM .A .
(ii) tem perature (sunshine) M organ (1969) rainfall intensities may go upto 225
(iii) wind mm per hour whereas infiltration rates range
between very low value o f 2 mm to very high value
(2) topographic factors :
of 2500 mm per hour in different regions having
(i) relative reliefs
varying environm ental conditions but average val­
(ii) gradient and slope segm ents ues o f infiltration rate common to many locations
(iii) slope profile length range between 5 mm to 150 mm per hour. Densely
(iv) slope aspects vegetated mainly forested areas allow maxim um
infiltration of rainw ater because it reaches the
(3) lithological factors :
ground surface slowly in the form o f aerial streamlets
(i) rock types through the branches and stem s o f trees and thus the
(ii) chem ical and physical properties resultant overland flow is either absent or is
o f rocks insignificant and hence soil erosion in the presence
(4) vegetation factors : of forest cover is negligible. On the other hand, bare
arable soils generate maximum overlandflow and
(i) types o f vegetation cover
allow least infiltration o f rainw ater because o f
(ii) density o f vegetation compaction o f the soils caused by the use o f
(iii) nature o f parent rocks agricultural equipments (such as tractors, harvestors,
combines etc.). This resutls in m axim um erosion o f
(5) soil factors :
soils which are exposed to falling raindrops in the
(i) soil erosivity absence of any vegetal cover.
(ii) soil erodibility The terminal velocity o f raindrops (the
(6) hum an factors : constant velocity o f raindrops, know n as term inal
(i) land use changes velocity, is the result o f equilibrium betw een the
(ii) farm practice changes gravitational force and frictional resistance o f the
(iii) construction and building activities air) depending upon size, density and shape o f the
raindrops affects the nature and m agnitude o f soil
(iv) m ining and excavation
erosion. On an average, the term inal velocity o f
(v) m anagem ent measures
raindrops increases as the size o f raindrops in ­
(1) Climate factors : influencing runoff creases.
and The standard large natural raindrops w ith
soil erosion include precipitation mainly rainfall, diam eter of about 5 mm have term inal velocity o f
tem perature and w ind. The intensity, amount (quan­ about 9 meters per second. The m om entum o f the
tity), duration and distribution of rainfall are the falling rain, known as kinetic energy o f rain or
m ost im portant com ponents o f rainfall factor which rainfall energy is closely related to the intensity of
determ ine the nature and m agnitude o f soil erosion rainfall. The kinetic energy o f rain determ ines the
most. Large am ount o f rainfall (due to persistence o f power of raindrops to break dow n soil aggregates, to
rainfall for relatively longer duration) with high splash these split aggregates, to cause turbulence in
intensity causes m axim um soil erosion if other surface runoff to carry away soil particles etc. The
factros also favour soil erosion but high intensity o f raindrops having high kinetic energy resulting from
rainfall o f short duration (and hence low am ount of high intensity o f rainfall detach soil particles from
total rainfall) causes little erosion o f soils. The the aggregated m ass at faster rate. Such type o f soil
m agnitude o f soil erosion caused by the param eters erosion is called as raindrop erosion w hich is the
o f rainfall is largely dependent on vegetation m ost significant process o f soil erosion on exposed
because vegetation determ ines infiltration-runoff soil surface. The surface runoff, having far less
ratio w hich ultim ately determ ines the nature and kinetic energy than the falling raindrops, transports
rnagnitude o f erosion. O verland flow is caused when the detached soil particles occasioned by raindrop
(3) Lithological factors : include.rock types
erosion or splash erosion. Raindrop or splash
and their chem ical and physical characteristics.
erosion also helps in compacting the soil surface and
These factors are, in fact, related to geological
plugging or sealing the pore spaces within the soils
erosion o f all types of geom aterials and are not
with finer particles such as clay. This compaction of
soil surface reduces the infiltration capacity and related to soil erosion.
increases surface runoff. (4) V egetation facto r : is a d o m inant control
The kinetic energy or simply rainfall energy factor o f soil erosion becaue it (i) intercepts the
resulting from rainfall intensity also determines the rainfall through its canopy and thus protects the
rate o f detachment o f soil particles. High intensity ground surface from d ire c t rain d ro p im pact,
rainfall has high erosive power because of high (ii) allows m axim um infiltration o f rainw ater
resultant kinetic energy whereas low intensity because the rainw ater reaches the ground surface
rainfall has low or little erosive power. Temperature very slowly through the leaves, branches and stem s
also affects, though indirectly, the nature and rate of as aerial stream lets, (iii) d ecreases sruface ru n o ff
soil erosion m ainly by wind. Alternate wetting and because o f m ore infiltration and red u ces velocity of
drying o f soils causes hydration and dephydration of runoff because o f obstructions offered by the stem s
thin soil layer having m ontm orillonites. This proc­ o f plants, (iv) reduces the rate o f d e tach m en t o f soil
ess causes expansion (due to wetting and hence particles and th eir tran sp o rtatio n , (v) its roots
hydration) o f soil particles which weaken the soils increase soil strength, granulation and porosity,
and develop m yriads o f tiny cracks in the outer (vi) acts as insulator o f soils ag ain st h ig h and low
surface o f the soils. These cracks are filled with tem perature and thus prevents the d e v elo p m en t o f
water during the next rains and thin layer o f the soils cracks, and (vii) m arkedly red u ces th e sp eed o f w ind
becomes as sdft as curd and slum p down to be and thus prevents soil erosion by w ind.
removed by surface runoff. Such mechanism o f soil (5) Soil factor : is related to the erodibility o f
erosion becom es m ore effective and operative in soil which refers to the resistan ce o f the so il to,
those tropical and surbtropical areas which are
erosion or its vulnerability to soil e ro sio n . Soil
characterized by w et and dry seasons. W ind
characteristics such as its p h y sical and c h em ica l
becomes m ore effective agent o f soil erosion in the
properties (e.g. particle size d istrib u tio n , stru ctu re,
arid and sem i-arid regions during sum m er season of
organic m atter content, p e rm e ab ility , ro o t co n ten t,
m onsoon clim ate and during dry season o f tem perate
shear strength, aggregate a b ility , te n d en c y to su r­
climate. W ind also d eflects raindrops and reduces
(in the case o f high speed w ind) kinetic energy of face crusting etc.) and m a n ag e m e n t p ra c tic e s (su ch
raindrops. as crop m anagem ent and land m a n a g e m e n t) affect
erodibility o f soils w h ich in tu rn to g e th e r w ith
(2) T opographic factors : include relative
eroding p ow er o f the p ro c e sses (e ro siv ity ) d e ter­
reliefs, gradient, slope segm ents, length o f slope
m ines the n ature and m a g n itu d e o f so il ero sio n .
profiles, slope asp ects etc. T hese factors are m ore
im portant for g eological erosion w hich is not our (6) H um an factor : h as re c en tly b eco m e the
concern here but the slope is closely related w ith soil m ost im p o rtan t fa c to r o f a cc e le ra te d soil erosion
erosion and soil loss because steep gradient in ­ because his m u lti-fa ce t a c tiv itie s ch an g e and m odify
creases the flow velocity and kinetic energy o f alm o st all o f the n atu ral facto rs (as listed and
surface ru n o ff w hich accelerates the rate o f soil d iscu ssed ab o v e) w h ich co n tro l soil lo ss and soil
erosion and tran sp o rt o f eroded m aterials. The erosion. T h e h um an activ itie s lead in g to accerlerated
studies have show n th at the rate o f soil loss increases rate o f soil ero sio n m ay be g ro u p ed u n d er three
with increasing slope angle. S im ilarly, longer length cate g o rie s :
o f slope accounts fo r m ore soil ero sio n because o f (i) Land use changes in clu d e rem o v al o f fo
greater d epth and velocity o f overland flow than the an d g ra ssla n d co v ers fo r v ario u s p u rp o ses viz. fo r
shorter length o f slope profile. A .W . Z ingg (1 9 4 0 ) in crease in ag ricu ltu ral lan d , fo r m e etin g o u t ev er-
has co n clu ded th at soil loss v aries as the 1.4 p o w er in creasin g d em an d o f sp ace fo r in d u stria l ex p an sio n
o f the per c en t slope if o th e r en v iro n m en tal facto rs and u rb a n iz atio n , fo r th e ex p an sio n o f m in in g , fo r
w hich co n tro l soil ero sio n rem ain m o re o r less co n stru ctio n al p u rp o ses su ch as ro a d s, ra ils, dam s
constant. an d re serv o irs etc;

(ii) Farm practice changes: such as greater use m atter in the soils and m oisture and thermal
o f farm m achines leading to greater impact of conditions of the soils. Ploughing methods also
wheeled traffic on the land (use of tractors, largely affect the magnitude of soil erosion. For
harvestors, combines etc.), frequent changes in example, in the ‘kachchar lands’ (vally-sides having
nature of farming such as shift from field crops to rich alluvial soils^being renewed every year because
orchard farming or change from field crops to cattle of recurrent floods in the Indian alluvial rivers) are
ranching etc., and generally ploughed transverse to the channels in
(iii) Management measures include both crop order to get rid off excessive m oisture (the farmers
management and land management. Ever-increas­ have little time for sowing ‘rabi crops’-w inter crops
in India such as wheat, barley, gram, peas, mustard
ing application of farm machines and chemical
oil seeds etc. because of late withdrawal o f flood
fertilizers has largely modified the physical and
chemical characteristics of soils. water). The crops are not irrigated at all. W ith the
result the ploughed furrows become dry and provide
M an induces and accelerates soil erosion by ready paths for surface runoff during next monsoon.
m odifying the natural factors of soil erosion through Thus the channelled flow of overland flow erodes
his activities in a variety of ways as givne below : the loose soil materials easily and transports them to
>- Climatic factor is modified by the removal the river channel soon. The devegetation on the
of forest and grassland covers. Extensive clearnace lower segments of hillsllope and cultivation o f cut­
of vegetation including both forests and grasses over land acelerates the rate of soil erosion because
exposes the ground surface to the direct impact of of exposure of the ground surface to the direct
raindrops. In the absence of vegetation cover there is impact of raindrops, faulty ploughing o f the land
no interception o f rainfall and thus falling rain drops and slope fator. Frequent use o f heavy m achines
with high intensity and kinetic energy strike the results in the cohesion and com paction o f soil
ground surface o f loose and unconsolidated materi­ surface which reduces infiltration o f rainw ater and
als. Consequently, the soil surface is pelted heavily markedly increases surface run o ff w hich u lti­
by raindrops, soil particles are thrown up in the air mately causes soil erosion through sheetw ash or
and they are washed out after their return to the rainwash.
surface by surface runoff. Thus raindrop erosion or
► Extensive grazing by sheep, goats and
rain splash erosion is greatly increased which
cattle also increases soil erosion.'B esides, the soil
results in rapid and heavy loss of soils. The fine
properties are greatly m odified through tram pling
particles thrown up in the air by the impact of
by grazing animals.
raindrops striking the surface resettle on the surface
and seal the open pore spaces within the soils. This It may be pointed out that natural processes of
process results in the crusting o f soil surface which geological erosion w hether of copsolidated m ateri­
markedly reduces the infiltration capacity of the als such as rocks or unconsolidated loose m aterials
soils and consequently increases surface runoff and such as soils are so gradual but slow that these do not
overland flow which further erodes the soils at hamper the process of soil form ation but the man-
increased rate and transports the eroded materials. induced accelerated soil erosion is so rapid and
immense that it disturbs the process of soil
> Man modifies topography by constructing
terraces or contour bunds on hilly slopes for formation and thus there is enorm ous loss of this
precious natural resource.
agricultural purposes, by quarrying and mining, by
constructing roads, by digging canals and drainage
ditches etc. The constructional works in urban areas 16.3 REGIONAL PATTERN OF MAN-INDUCED
accelerate soil erosion and increase sedim ent supply SOIL EROSION
to the nearby rivers but this is lim ited to the period
o f construction, only. Soil erosion stops after, the
It has already been pointed out that hum an
construction is over.
activities such as replacem ent o f natural forest and
> The physical and chemical propertiesgrassland
of covers by agricultural lands, felling of
soils are changed by devegetation, ploughing, trees for com m ercial purpose, agricultural practices
increased use o f m achines, application o f fertilizers mainly ploughing, large-scale grazing o f vegetation
etc. D evegetation changes the content o f organic cover by sheep, goats and cattle, construction works
such as construction of roads, dams, reservoirs and about 10 tonnes per square kilometre per year’
buildings, etc. have no doubt accelerated the rate of (Nature and Resources, UNESCO, Vol. 19, No. 2,
normal process of soil erosion very, commonly 1983). It has been reported that soil erosion during
known as geological erosion but it becomes difficult the constructional stages in the urban areas increases
to ascertain the amount of soil erosion caused by 20,000 to 40,000 times more than the normal rate of
human activities and normal processes of soil soil erosion in the undisturbed natural areas. The rate
erosion separately. ‘It is not known in any detail how of soil erosion of 34,000 tonnes per square kilometre
much the present rate of total soil erosion in the per year has been reported from Central China.
world can be attributed to natural processes and how
much is the result of m an’s influence. Nevertheless, A study by Savindra Singh and S.P. Agnihotri
some scientists have estimated that man is responsi­ (1987) has shown that the rate of soil loss by rill and
ble for more than 50 per cent of the total erosion. gully erosion in the intervening zones between the
Even if this average figure is rather a rough estimate, Ganga plain and the foreland of Peninsular India is
it is evident that in some environments man-induced 2.35 million cubic metres per year in Jawa Block of
erosion is definitely predom inant’ (Nature and
Resources, UNESCO, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1983) such as A study of gully erosion by Savindra Singh
monsoon regions, tropoical arid and semi-arid and Alok Dubey in the extreme southern part of
regions, M editerranean regions and even temperate Allahabad district from 1991 to 1994 revealed the
grasslands and forests where extensive forest and fact that the rate of soil erosion from cultivated
grassland clearance for agricultural and commercial gullies (4,56,530 cubic meters per square kilometer)
purposes has augm ented the rate of normal soil was much higher than the rate of soil loss from the
erosion by several tim es. natural gullies (3,87,800 mVkm2) covered with
natural vegetation (Savindra Singh and A. Dubey,
It is estim ated that the world rivers carry 2002 ). 1
about 40,000 cubic kilom etres of w ater as surface
Soil erosion caused by agricultural practices
runoff from the continents to the oceans each year.
and extensive deforestation, clearance of grassland
About 15 to 20 m illion tonnes o f eroded soils are
covers and overgrazing has assumed alarming
carried by the w orld rivers and are deposited in the
proportion in tropical, subtropical and semiarid
seas and the oceans each year. Besides, 4 billion
(savanna) regions. Extensive deforestation in the
tonnes o f fine m aterials are carried by the world
tropical evergreen rainforests has immensely dam­
rivers as su spended soluble m aterials. Based on this
aged the physical and chemical properties of soils
inform ation it is calculated that each cubic metre of
and has accelerated soil erosion by manyfolds.
w ater from the continents reaching the seas and the According to the report of the study of runoff and
oceans via rivers carries with it about 500 grams of erosion under various covers of vegetation (viz.
sedim ents every y ear w hich are derived mainly forest or ungrazed thicket, crop and barren soil) in
through soil erosion. five locations of Upper Volta (Ouagadougou),
T he rate o f soil erosion (both natural soil Senegal (Sefa), Ivory coast (Boyake and Abidjan)
erosion and m an-induced accelerated soil erosion) and Tanzania (M pwapwa) in tropical region of
varies considerably frdm one clim atic region to the Africa (as reported by A. Goudie, 1984) the mean
o ther clim atic region. Even in a single clim atic annual runoff is 0.9 per cent, 17.4 per cent and 40.1
region there is considerable variation in the rates of per cent of the total mean annual rainfall for forest or
soil ero sion because o f the com plexity o f the factors ungrazed thicket cover, agricultural fields and
barren soil respectively. It is apparent from the
w hich control soil erosion. For exam ple, it has been
above recorded d a t a that mean annual runoff
estim ated th at the average rate o f soil erosion on,
increases considerably from forest cover to barren
ag ricu ltu ral land in the U .S.A . is about 30 tonnes per soil, t h e rate o f soil erosion also increases in the
hectare per y e a r but ‘strip m ining often gives rise to same direction but at much faster rate. The study
a trem endous increase in erosion activity. In a shows that the average rate o f soil erosion in h
m ining d istric t in southern K entucky, U nited States, forest o r ungrazed thicket cover, agricultural fields
an annual sed im en t yield o f m ore than 10,000 tonnes an!d barren fo ils in the
per sq u are kilo m etre was recorded w hile undis­ four tropical African c o u n tie s is 0.09,28.8
tu rb ed w atersheds, in the sam e area only yielded
to n n e s p er hectare per year respectively. Thus it is dem onstrates the dimension o f im pact o f human
ap p a re n t th a t the rates o f soil rerosion increases from activities upon soil loss and sedim ent yield.
m in im um rate o f 0.09 tonne per hectare per year ins
The studies o f soil erosion under various land
the fo rested cover to 320 tim es under crop covers
uses in eastern England (R.P.C. Morgan 1973-75)
and 768 tim es under bare soil conditions. These
also indicate much difference in the rates of soil
fig u res clearly dem onstrate the dom inant role o f
erosion under different land use categoreis. For
m an in accelerating the rate o f soil erosion through
exam ple, the rates o f soil loss over top slope,
his various activities m ainly deforestation and
m idslope and low er slope segments of bare soil
agricultural practices. f
cover are 7.10, 17.69 and 15.02 tons per hectare per
The areas o f deforested m ountain slopes with year respectively. On the other hand, annual rate of
steep gradients and sem i-arid savanna lands o f East soil loss is almost negligible in the areas o f grassland
A frica are the regions of m ost severe soil erosion covers (ranging between 0.17 to 0.68 ton per hectare
caused by varied land use practices such as (i) per year) and forest covers (annual erosion rate
extensive deforestation, (ii) overgrazing, (iii) over­ ranging between 0.008 to 0.012 ton per hectare per
cu ltiv ation, (iv) excessive collection o f firew ood, year).
and (v) excessive burning o f grassland, woodland Extensive deforestation and overgrazing have
and forest. The tem perate grasslands have also been led to severe soil loss in the monsoon lands of Asia
co n v erted into extensive agricultural regions and in general and India is particular. The rill and gully
thus are prone to excessive soil loss. T he problem s of erosion is most severe form o f soil erosion in India.
accelerated soil erosion have been reported from It is estim ated that more than 37,00,000 hectares of
different grassland biomes o f the tem perate grasslands agricultural lands have been rendered wastelands in
o f the w orld viz, Steppes o f R ussia, prairies of India due to intense rill and gully erosion. Though
C anada and the U .S.A ., Pam pas of South America, deforestation (the percentage o f forest cover to that
Veld o f South A frica and D ow ns o f Australia. The of the total geographical area has decreased from 30
studies o f soil erosion and sedim ent yield under per cent to about 12 per cent) and consequent soil
various land uses in the northern M ississippi, the erosion has become a serious problem all over the
U .S.A ., (as reported by A.N. Strahler and A.H. country right from the nude and denuded hills of the
Strahler, 1976) denote the fact that the surface runoff North-Eastern Hill region in the east to bare
decreases considerably from cultivated crop fields Aravallis in the west and from extensively devegetated
(40 cm per year) through grazed pastures (38 cm per and sick Himalayas in the north to N ilgiris and Tamil
year), abandoned fields (18 cm per year), depleted Nadu plains in the south and from W estern Ghats in
hardw ood (13 cm p er year) to pine plantation (only the west to Eastern Ghats and coastal plains in the
2.5 cm per year). It is evident from the above east, but soil erosion through rill and gully erosion
inform ation that increasing vegetation cover from has assumed alarming dim ension in the states of
shrubs to forests increases infiltratin of rainw ater Uttar Pradesh (12,30,000 hectares), M adhya Pradesh
co n sid erab ly and thus surface runoff is reduced (6,83,000 hectares), Rajasthan (4,52,000 hectares),
m arkedly. T his trend o f increasing surface runoff G ujarat (4,00,000 hectares), M aharashtra (20,000
from fo rest co v er to cultivated crop fields is also hectares), Punjab (1,20,000 hectares), Bihar (6,00,000
clo sely reflected in the increasing rate o f soil loss hectares), Tamil Nadu (60,000 hectares) and W est
and sed im en t yield in the sam e direction as average Bengal (1,04,000 hectares) where large areas have
been engulfed by rill and gully erosion.
annual soil loss and sedim ent yield increases from
the m inim um value o f 0.05 m eteric ton per hectare Extensive deforestation and terraced cultiva­
fo r p in e plantatio n s through depleted hardwoods tion over U.P. Himalayas have accelerated the rate
(0 .2 m etric ton p er hectare per year),abandoned o f soil erosion. The studies show that 24.99 m illion
field s (0.3 m etric ton per hectare per year), grazed tonnes o f top soils are eroded every year from the
p a stu res (36 m etric tons per hectare per year) to very m iddle and Siw alik ranges o f the H im alayas of
h ig h value o f 500 m etric tons per hectare per year for U ttarakhand. Thus the mean annual rate of soil loss
the c u ltiv a te d cro p field appears from the above from the U ttarakhand H im alayas is 8.34 hectare
m etres per 100 square kilom etres (8.34 ha m/100
sta te m e n ts th at the rate o f soil loss and sedim ent
km 2/year). It means that 0.834 mm thick soil cover is
y ie ld fro m c u ltiv a ted crop field is 1000 tim es greater
eroded every year from the catchm ent area o f about
th a n the ra te from forested areas. This clearly

21,400 km 2 o f the G anga in the Uttarakhand / The soil conservation m easures and tech­
H im alayas. In all 179.12 m illion tonnes of top soils niques are divided into tw o categdreis e.g. (i)
are eroded every year from U ttarakhand and Uttar m easure and techniques related to crop m anage­
Pradesh and are disposed off by the Ganga river at ment, and (ii) m echanical protection and conserva­
V aranasi. T otal am ount of average annual silt tion devices and practices. It m ay be pointd out that
carried away from U ttar Pradesh to Bihar by the any m easure and technique o f soil con serv atio n m ust
G anga System is about 23,456 hectare metres or take into consideration the degree and duration of
328.384 m illion tonnes and average annual runoff o f exposure o f ground surface to rainfall because the
the G anga System between U ttar Pradesh and Bihar exposure o f larger areas in continuation fo r longer
is about 21,328 thousand hectare metres or 213.28 period to rainfall allows the raindrops to strike the
thousand m illion cubic m etres. The average annual soil surface with maxim um kinetic energy and thus
silt-load factor of the G anga’s catchm ent area in causes extensive soil loss through rain splash,
U ttar Pradesh (674,535 km 2) is about 3.476 ha m/ rainwash and sheet erosion. It is, therefore, n eces­
100 km 2/ year or 0.3476 mm per year. It means that sary to reduce the direct exposure o f ground surface
every year about 0.3476 mm of top soil of to raindrops. Before the initiation of any soil
U ttarakhand and U ttar Pradesh is eroded and carried conservation m easure and technique the follow ing
away to the State o f B ihar by the G anga river system. steps should be follow ed so that the im plem entation
of soil conservation m easures m ay yield satisfactory
16.4 C O N S E R V A T IO N M EASUR ES OF MAN- results : (i) extensive survey o f the areas affected by
soil erosion, (ii) classification o f agricultural and
INDUCED SOIL EROSION forest lands according to land cap ab ilities, (iii)
identification and classification o f ero sio n -in fested
Since m an -in d u ced soil erosion has resulted areas into definite categories viz. areas o f severe, ^
into the loss o f fertile soils and thus degradation of m oderate and low soil erosion based on in ten sity o f
agricultural lands and rill and gully erosion aug­ soi erosion, and (iv) finalization o f the p rio rities o f
mented by e x ten siv e use o f natural resources has soil conservation and land reclam ation.
rendered m illio n s o f hectares o f land into w aste­ The soil conservation m easures and te c h ­
lands. S incere e ffo rts are im m ediately required to
niques are broadly divided into tw o categ o reis viz.
halt accelerated rate o f soil erosion caused by rill and
(i) measures o f crop m anagem ent, and (ii) m ech an i­
gully erosion and to protect the cultivated farms
cal protection devices.
from slow p o iso n in g through rain splash and sheet i

erosion. A ny viab le soil conservation m easure

1. Measures of Crop Management
includes som e basic objectives e.g. (i) protection of
surface from ra in d ro p im pact, (ii) increase in the
M easures o f crop m anagem ent to check soil
infiltration o f rain w ater, (iii) decrease in the volume
erosion are basically applied in those cultivated
and velocity o f o v erlan d flow , and (iv) reduction in
areas w hich are under crops and are m odeately
the ero d ibility o f soils or increase in the resistance of
affected by soil erosion. As stated above, the am ount
soil ag ainst ero sio n by m odifying physical and
chem ical properties o f soils. o f surface area exposed and total duration o f
exposure o f land surface to raindrops largely control
Since the m echanics and form s of soil erosion
soil loss. T he proper m anagem ent o f grow ing of
are divided into tw o m ajor categories e.g. (i) slow
rate o f soil erosion m ainly through rain splash, crops may decrease both, the am ount o f surface area
rainw ash and sheetw ash w hich are operative to exposed and total duration o f exposure o f surface
greater ex ten t in the cultivated areas, cut-over land area to rainfall. C rop m anagem ent may also reduce
and abandoned ag ricultural land, and (ii) accelerated ru n o ff and overlandflow by increasing infiltration
rate o f soil erosion through rill and guly erosion rate o f rainw ater. Increase in infiltration capacity
w hich is operative over the hill slopes cleared o f and consequent reduction in ru n o ff generation will
vegetation covers, slopy grounds and riparian zones autom atically reduce soil erosion to great extent.
o f the rivers, separate soil conservation m easures T he follow ing m easures o f crop m anagem ent may
be adopted to reduce and retard soil loss through
and techniques are required to check soil erosion o f
rainsplash, rainw ash and sheetw ash :
the aforesaid tw o categories.

>■ Proper crop selection may markedly reduce According to N.W. Hudson (1957) early plantation
surface exposure to rainfall arid therefore may o f tobacco in Rhodesia has reduced soil erosion by
significantly reduce soil loss by restricting rainsplash 50 per cent. ~
hazard. F or example, in India and in many tropical
>• Practice of intercropping and mixed crop­
and subtropical developing countries agricultural
ping may also prove beneficial to soil conservation
fields are left open after the harvesting of ‘rabi
becaue this practice does not allow simultaneous
cro p s’ (like wheat, grams, barley, peas, mustard
exposure o f the whole field to rainfall as not all the
oilseeds etc.) and are m aintained as fallow lands
crops mature and are harvested at the same time.
throughout the rainy seasons (June to September).
Some crops mature early while others mature at later
This traditional age old practice exposes the
dates. Thus early maturing crops provide protection
cultivated fields to rainfall throughout the rainy
to late maturing crops. Such cropping is practiced in
season (m axim um surface exposure for longest India during ‘kharif season’ mainly in those areas
duration) and hence maximum soil erosion first by where irrigational facilities are not available. Such
rainsplash and then by rainwash and sheetwash cropping practice involves the cultivation o f maize
results into enorm ous loss of good agricultural top (corn), leguminous crops, arhar (a typical Indian
soils. A fter the ‘green revolution’ in India, no fallow pulse) and millet together in the same farm.
land is m aintained during rainy season in those areas
>- Stubble mulching is another type o f crop
where irrigational facilities are now available. The
management which provides protection to the soil
extensive cultivation o f paddy crops in the areas
surface against raindrop erosion because the roots,
which were previously used as fallow lands now has
leaves and stems o f crops after the harvest of grains
significantly reduced the period of exposure of the
are left over in the fields and these parts o f plants
ground surface to rainfall but still there is long
provide cover to the soil surface against falling rains
period o f tim e between the harvest period of rabi
and reduce soil-moisture evaporation. This practice
crops and the transplanation o f paddy crops. This
besides being deterrant to soil erosion causes some
period of no-crops and exposure to pre-monsoon
other problems as well. For example, ‘it leads to
rains and first rains during the outbreak of monsoon
problems with seeding and the em ergence of
may be further reduced by growing leguminous
seedlings and to a proliferation o f weeds and soil
crops during dry sum m er months and thus soil
pests. A related system which is effective without
erosion may be significantly reduced. This measure
those negative effects is trash farming in which
may require additional supply of irrigational waters
chopped crop residue is spread and ploughed into the
during hot and dry sum m er months.
soil to produce an improved tilth in the surface soil’
> Such crops should be grown which cover (R.B. Bryan, in K.J. Gregory and D.E. Walling,
maximum surface area and bind the soil particles 1981).
together so that the ground surface may be protected
► M aintenance of soils at high fertility level
from direct im pact o f raindrops and thus soil erosion
through the application o f sufficient amount of
may be reduced. It may be pointed out that total
change o f crops in view o f their protective efficiency chemical fertilizers increases the aggregation o f soil
against soil erosion may not be possible and which enhances infiltration capacity, reduces sur­
practicable because crop selection is governed by a face runoff and therefore decreases soil erosion.
variety o f factors e.g. local demands, commercial This practice is very much expensive and hence may
value, m arket conditons, individual choice and not be followed by poor farmers of the developing
preference, food value, water requirement etc. nations. Secondly, increased use o f chemical ferti­
> lizers causes progressive decrease in the content of
A lternatively, the sowing of crops should
be so suitably adjusted that no ground surface organic m atter in the soils. The presence of organic
rem ains exposed to the rainfall of high intensity for m atter in the soils is very much necessary for the
long period. For exam ple, early, transplantation o f aggregation o f soil particles.
paddy crops may reduce rather elim inate exposure >- In order to offset the problem o f declining
o f ground surface to the outbreak o f monsoon rains organic m atter content in the soil crop rotation must
in the m onsoon lands o f Asia. Sim ilar practice (early be practiced because it increases the fertility o f the
sow ing o f crops) in other tropical and subtropical soils and raises the level o f content of organic
countries may check soil erosion to great extent. matter. Nitrogen fixing legum inous crops are very
rainw ater and by red u cin g the v elo city and trans­
useful in raising the organic content of the soils.
Several crop-com binations may be suggested for the porting po w er o f o v erlan d flow . T h e follow ing
purpose but the application o f crop rotation in techniques are used for th is p u rp o se .
several developing nations may not be feasible (1) contour farm ing
because increasing pressure of food on agricultural (2) terracing
land due to ever-increasing population may not
(3) control o f gully erosion
perm it the abandonm ent o f continuous cropping or
retirem ent o f land from cultivation o f crops, (1) C ontour farm ing : ‘is a g en eral term fo r
>►T he land under active rill and gully erosion ploughing, planting, cu ltiv atin g and fu rro w in g
should be retired from active cultivation and grazing along the natural co ntour lines o f slo p in g g ro u n d
so that m echanical protective/conservation tech­ (A .N . Strahler and A .H . S trah ler, 1976). T h e
niques m ay be applied to reclaim degraded land. The ploughing o f the slopy ground w h eth er o f a h illsid e
im plem entation o f this schem e m ay also n o t’ be slope or valley side slope (o f allu v ial riv ers) p arallel
easily feasible and applicable because o f several to the slope gradient or parallel to the c o n to u r o f the
econom ic, social, technical and legal constraints. slope generates ready-m ade flow p ath s fo r rain w ater
The farm ers w ill not be ready for voluntary in the form o f rills w hich carry hu g e am o u n t o f lo o se
retirem ent o f rav in e-in fested agricultural land be­ and friable soils dow n the slo p e d u rin g heavy
cause they do not have any other alternative source rainstorm s. In m any o f the c o u n trie s th e sim p le st
of food supply. T h is m ay be possible only when they m echanical protective d ev ice u sed to c h ec k soil
are paid su itab le com pensatory free econom ic aid by erosion along the furrow s is to p lo u g h th e land
the g o v ern m en t agency for entire period for which transverse to the slope g rad ien t. T h is m eth o d
the land is intended to be retired for reclam ation and reduces overland flow because each fu rro w acts as a
land tre atm en t program m es. W ill the governm ents tem porary dam . T hus num erous fu rro w -d a m s a cro ss
be in a p o sitio n to bear such extra huge econom ic the slope in descending o rd er hold w ater, allo w
burden m ainly in the d ev eloping countries at the cost m axim um infiltration o f ra in w a ter in th e p lo u g h e d
of o ther d e v elo p m en t program m es? W ill the farm ers fields, reduce overland flow , d isco u rag e th e fo rm a ­
be p rep ared to re tire th eir land from active cultiva­ tion of channels and rills and fin ally tab o o so il lo ss
tion? T h ese and m any m ore quesitons rem ain through rill erosion.
unansw ered m ainly due to econom ic factor. M oreo­ This m ethod o f co n to u r p lo u g h in g is u sefu l
ver, m ajo rity o f the farm ers in the developing only on gentle slopes o f h illsid e s and v a lle y sid e s
countries are c o n se rv a tiv e , and are not readily which are affected by m o d e ra te in te n sity o f soil
prepared to ad o p t any b eneficial innovative schem e. erosion caused by ra in sto rm s o f a lso m o d e ra te
> R eforestation and afforestation at intensity but if the rain sto rm s o f v ery h ig h in ten sity
scale are the only e ffe ctiv e m easures which can yield copious rain fall the fu rro w -d a m s are easily
reduce and ch eck a cc e lerate d rate o f soil erosion dom olished and release o f c o n c e n tra te d w ater
mainly o v e r the h ills w hich have been deprived of causes speedy o v erlan d flow w h ich e ro d e s the soils
their d en se c o v er o f original forests through m ore rapidly than the av erag e n o rm al o v erlan d flo w
extensive d e fo re statio n . T his cannot be achieved during m o derate in ten sity ra in sto rm s.
w ithout the active c o o p eratio n o f both, the g o v ern ­ (2) Tied - ridging : is an o th er form
ments and the general public. Social forestry may m ech an ical p ro tectiv e d e v ice to ch eck soil erosion
also be helpful in ch eck in g soil erosion d irectly and w hich is p racticed m ain ly in E ast A frica. Tied-
indirectly b ecau se it w ill reduce the p ressu re on rid g in g in v o lv es p lo u g h in g o f the land acro ss the
forests for firew ood and grazing. slope g rad ien t and co n stru ctio n o f ridges across the
furrow s (i.e. p arallel to the slo p e) or p arallel to the
2. Mechanical Devices general slope. In o th er w ords, the land is ploughed
tran sv erse to the slope w hereas rid g es are co n ­
M echanical d ev ices include several te c h ­ stru cted p arallel to the slope. T his p ractice, thus,
niques o f p lo u g h in g , hoeing, cu ltiv atio n etc. to div id es the field into several sm aller b asin s w hich
check soil e ro sio n m ainly o v er slopy ground by retard o v erlan d flow co n sid erab ly and allow m ax i­
reducing o v e rla n d flow and in creasin g in filtratio n o f m um in filtratio n o f rain w ater. Such tech n iq u e is also
u se in the U .S.A . and is called ‘basin-listing’ which The construction o f diversion drains to dispose off
>s p rim arily m eant for w ater conservation because storm water is an essential part of contour bunding.
th is tech n iq u e allow s m axim um infiltration of These drains are meant for diverting the rainw ater of
ra in w a te r w hich increases the soil-m oisture content. the areas outside the farms or say upslope areas of
(3) Criss-cross ploughing : o f the valley sides the terraced farms so that excess rainwaters may not
o f th e alluvial rivers may reduce soil erosion to pass through the terraces because if the excess water
g re a ter extent. In India velley-side slopes are is not dispoed off by diversion drains, it may damage
ploughed dow n to the channel parallel to the general the embankments and may cause concentrated flow
slope i.e. in transverse furrows to the river channel of overland flow with high velocity down the slope
during ‘rabi seaso n ’ (w inter season ) and the farms and thus may cause rapid rate o f soil erosion.
are seldom irrigated. A fter the crops are harvested,
(6) Control of gulley erosion: The fundamenta
the p lo ughed fields are baked hot in the scorching
sunlight o f sum m er m onths with the result loose difference between soil erosion caused by rainwash,
soils becom e extrem ely dry. These dried soils are sheetwash and rainsplash erosion on the one hand
soaked w ith w ater during first sum m er shower and and by rill and gully erosion on the other hand is that
are slum ped into the river bed by overland flow. This the former (normal soil erosion) leads to the removal
slum ping o f m oistened soils results in the gradual o f rich surface soil in larger areas am ounting to
silting of river beds. If the valley-side slopes are millions of tonnes of top-soils each year but the
ploughed in criss-cross m anner (first transverse to ground surface remains less dissected and is always
the slope and then parallel to the slope), the long suitable for the use o f farm m achinery whereas
furrow s will be destroyed and therefore no furrow- ‘gullying, while actually removing less surface soil,
channel will form. The absence of concentrated
can dissect land into minute uneconom ic fragm ents,
furrow -channel flow will retard rill erosion along
can totally distrupt the operation o f m achinery, and
the valley-side slopes.
by lowering the water table, can reduce yields or
(4) Terracing (contour bunding): involves the pasture growth even where the soil is intact’ (R.B.
construction of level-floored benches across the
Bryan, in K.J. Gregory and D.E. W alling, 1981). In
general slope gradient of hillslope bounded by
fact, the rill and gully erosion, if unchecked,
earthen ridges or em bankm ents which obstruct the
dow nslope flow of w ater during rainstorms and converts very large areas into badlands which
retain water in the level floored small farms. In fact, become totally unsuitable for cultivation and pas­
the terraced farm ing or contour farming is intended ture. A large tract of intervening zone between the
to hold water (such terraces are called as irrigation foreland of Indian Peninsula and the southern
terraces) or to check soil erosion (such terraces are margins of the Ganga plain (for exam ple, Chambal
called as bench terraces). Such techniques are used in ravines) has been so greatly dissected by rill and
those areas where soil erosion is severe because of gully erosion that the whole area has become a
steep slope gradients and heavy rainstorm s e.g. wasteland where dense network of gullies ranging in
hillslopes in South-A frica and South Asia. M editer­
depths from 5 m to 80 m has engulfed m illions of
ranean regions are also known for their level-floored
bench terraces which are used for providing level hectares of good agricultural land.
• , •»’• ''
ground for the cultivation o f olive groves and The control of gully erosion and the reclam a­
vineyards. The hilly regions of India whether the tion o f ravinated land require a series o f steps as
H im alayas, or the W estern Ghats or the North- follows :
Eastern Hill Regions are characterized by bench
terraces. In m ajority of the cases these terraces have (i) to reduce the flow o f w ater in the gullies by
been greatly dam aged because of release of more constructing a series o f check dams o f earthen
w ater from upslope region due to com plete removal materials,
o f vegetal covers. The construction of bench (ii) to trap the sedim ents behind the check
terraces m ust take into consideration the hydraulic dams,
characteristics o f overland flow and slope gradient.
The terraces should be closely spaced so that (iii) to reduce the velocity of w ater flow in the
overland flow can be retarded and kept minimum . gullies by reducing the channel gradient resulting

from the responses o f the first two steps as the (soils, unconsolidated surficial materials and parent
sedimentation caused due to the trapping of sediments rocks), transportation o f these eroded materials
behind the check dams causes siltation of the gullies called as sediments and deposition o f these materials
which in turn decreases channel gradient, (sediments) in different parts of the river basins,
lakes and seas. It is, thus, apparent that the basic
(iv) to Iow6r the gradient of gully walls and
source of the supply of sediments is erosion o f loose
gully heads, '
and unconsolidated surficial m aterials as well as
(v) to stabilize the gully walls and gully heads parent rocks. The normal rate o f erosion o f
through the plantation of vines, grasses, hushes, and geomaterials by natural processes w ithout being
trees and the developm ent of pastures, interfered by m an’s activities is called geological/
(vi) to stop the gully head-cut advancement by natural erosion. ‘Slow removal of soil is part o f the
plugging the gully heads with stone filled iron-nets, natural geological process o f denudation and is both
(vii) to retire the land between two gullies inevitable and universal’ (A.N. Strahler and A .H .
from cultivation and to plant bushes and trees to Strahler, 1976). On the other hand, accelerated
protect the rem aining land from gully erosion'etc. erosion refers to the increased rate o f erosion*caused
The problem o f ravination in several parts of by various land use changes effected by man.
India (H im alayan foot-hill zones, intervening zones Erosion and sedim entation under natural conditions
between the southern m argins o f the Ganga plains are part o f denudation system and do not cause any
and the foreland o f Indian Peninsula, W estern Ghats, significant problem except some catastrophic
eastern coastal plains and other foot-hill zones of events but accelerated erosion caused by human
those hills and ranges w hich have been extensively activities causes several environm ental problem s
deforested) is quite alarm ing and it has attained the which adversely affect the plant and anim al lives e.g.
status o f national em ergency. ‘The alarm ing rate of siltation of river beds and their consequent rise,
ravination has caused and is causing colossal loss to shifting in river courses, increase in the frequency
agriculture, besides disturbing the hydrological and m agnitude o f floods, reservoir sedim entation,
balance. A lth o u g h preventive m easures including filling o f lakes and their degradation etc.
afforestation and ravine reclam ation engineering ‘Sediment yield is a technical term for the
w orks (co n to u r bunding, plugging o f gully head with quantity o f sedim ent rem oved by overland flow from
stone-filled w ire nets etc.) have been suggested by a unit area o f ground surface in "a given unit tim e’
go v ernm ent agencies and professional geoscientists, (A.N. Strahler and A.H. S trahler, 1976) and this is
“unfortunately ravine erosion, ravine m anagem ent usually expressed in tons per acre or m etric tons per
and rav in e reclam atio n are all in part, social hectare. In other w ords, sedim ent yield refers to the
pr oblem s" (M.J. Haigh, 1984). ‘The lack o f en v iro n ­ total am ount o f sedim etns rem oved from a unit area
m ental p ercep tio n , p overty, land ow nerships, frag ­ (per square m etre, per square m ile/kilom etre, per
m entation o f land hold in g s and lack o f liasion acre/hectare etc.) per unit tim e (usually per year).
betw een g o v e rn m e n t o fficials and the farm ers lim it Sediment load o f a riv er refers to the total am ount of
the ex ten t to w hich any reclam atio n m easure can be sedim ents o f various sizes carried aw ay by a river as
a p p licable and e ffe c tiv e ’ (S av in d ra Singh and S.P. suspended load and bed load w herein suspended load
A g n ih o tri, 1987). refers to the am ount o f fine sedim etns such as clay,
silt and fine sands w hich are carried by the river in
16.5 MAN AND SEDIMENTATION su sp en sio n o ff the bottom . The bed load com prised
o f sand, g rav el, peb b les and cobbles is carried by the
Sedim entation Processes and Global riv er w ater clo se to the channel floor. M echanics and
Sedimentation Problems form s o f soil ero sio n and factors and causes o f soil
e ro sio n w hich c o n trib u te sedim etns to the sedim ent/
T h e se d im e n ta tio n p ro c e ss refers to the silt load o f the rivers have already been d iscussed in
d ep o sitio n o f se d im e n ts c arrie d by ru n n in g w ater in the p reced in g sectio n s o f this chapter. It m ay be
d iffe re n t s u ita b le p la ce s like riv e rs, lak es and seas. poin ted out that huam n activ ities m ainly land use
In fact, th e p ro c e ss o f se d im e n ta tio n is a c o m p re h e n ­ c h an g es (such as d efo restatio n ), urbanization, co n ­
sive n a tu ra l g e o m o rp h o lo g ic a l p ro c e ss w hich o p e r­ stru ctio n al w orks (such as con stru ctio n o f roads,
ates th ro u g h th e c h ain o f e ro sio n o f g e o m a te ria ls dam s and’reserv o irs), farm ing practices, overgrazing

etc. have accelerated the rate of soil erosion at deforestation, faulty land use practices, construction
alarm ing rate which has been responsible for supply works etc.’ (Savindra Singh and, A. Dubey, 1989).
o f enorm ous quantity of sedim ents to the world ‘The Amazon basin with largest catchm ent
rivers. The increased sedim ent load of the major area (6,100,000 km 2) and highest mean annual water
rivers of the world has caused 'several serious discharge (172,000 m 3/ sec-cum ecs) carries less
environmental problems and thus sedim entation in annual sedim ent load (850 million tonnes/year) than
the different segments of the rivers, lakes, seas and the relatively sm aller basins like the Ganga (catch­
canals has assumed global dim ension. ment area 9,55,000 km2, mean annual water dis­
It may be stated that the m ajor river basins of charge 11,800 m 3/sec and mean annual sediment
the world mainly in the hum id tropical and load 1,450 million tonnes/year) and the Yellow
subtropical regions and sem i-arid environm ent have (catchm ent area 7,52,000 km2, mean annual water
become ecologically im balanced because o f sedi­ discharge 1,379 m3/sec, and mean annual sediment
m entation problem s due to accelerated soil erosion load 1,640 m illion tonnes/year) which clearly shows
caused by anthropogenic factors. The average more dom inance o f vegetation in the Amazon
annual w ater runoff o f 40,000 km 3 from the catchm ent than in the aforesaid two basins (Ganga
continents to the oceans through rivers transports basin of India and Yellow basin o f China). The total
aboutl5,000 m illion to 20,000 m illion tonnes of Ganga catchm ent representing a bit more than one-
solid materials per year to the oceans besides 4,000 third of the M ississippi catchm ent o f the U.S.A.
million tonnes o f soluble m aterial in suspension (3,269,000 km2) and only 1.27 times more than the
(Ake Sundborg, 1983, in N ature and Resources, Vol. Yellow catchm ent o f China contributes about 5
14, N o. 2). One o f the highest rates of soil erosion is times more sedim ents than M ississippi (annual
reported from the Y ellow basin o f China wherein sediment load being 300 m illion tonnes) and about
mean annual rate o f soil erosion per square kilometre 200 million tonnes less than the Y ellow river. The
per year is 34,000 tonnes m eaning thereby the loss of sediment load per square kilom etre per year o f the
34 kg of soil from every square m etre of the river Ganga, the Yellow, the M ississippi and the Amzon is
basin per year (reported by Ake Sundborg, 1983, 1,500 tonnes, 2,480 tonnes, 91 tonnes and 139
based on the study of S. Gong and G. Xiong 1980). tonnes respectively. Thus the high rate o f sedim ent
Savindra Singh and S.P. A gnihotri (1987) have load of the Ganga reflects the im pact o f deforesta­
reported that m ean annual rate o f soil erosion is 55.7 tion of the source areas o f the catchm ents of the
m 3 per hectare of land in the Tons riverine Ganga System (the H im alayas and the foreland of
environm ent in T eonthar tahsil of M adhya Pradesh, Indian Peninsula) which has accelerated the rate of
India. ‘V arios studies on soil erosion and sedim enta­ erosion of surficial m aterials (Savindra Singh and
tion problem in different parts o f the world indicate A. Dubey, 1987, p. 154). Table 16.1 presents the data
that the com m on factors for severe soil erosion are of sediment load together with total catchm ent area,
high intensity rains, seasonality of annual rainfall, and mean w ater discharge o f m ajor rivers o f the
loose and highly erodible soils, high reliefs, world.

Tabic 16.1 : Catchment areas, water discharge and sediment loads of some selcted rivers of the world

R iver Country C atchm ent Mean w ater Annual sedim ent Sedim ent load
area (km 2) discharge load (tonnes per sq.
(m3/sec) (m illon tonnes/ km per year)
Y ellow C hina 7,52,000 1370 i640 2480
G ^nga India and B angladesh 9,55,000 11,800 1450 1500
A m azon B razil 6,100,000 1,72,000 850 139
B rah m aputra India & B angladesh 6,66,000 12,200 730 1,100
Y angtze C hina 1,807,000 29,200 480 280
Indus Pakistan 969,000 5,500 435 450
M ississippi U.S.A. 3,269,000 24,000 300 . 91
Irrawaddy Burma 430,000 13,500 300 700
Red river Socialist Republic 120,000 3,900 130 1100
of V iet Nam
Parana Argentina 2,305,000 90 38
Congo Zaire 4,014,000 39,600 72 18
Pearl China 3,55,000 8,000 70 260
D anube Romania 816,000 <6,200 65 80
N iger N igeria 1,081,000 4,900 21 19
Ob river Russia 2,430,000 12,200 15 6
Po river Italy 54,300 1,550 15 280
Don river R ussia 3,78,800 830 . 4.2 11
Rhine N etherlands 160,000 2,200 2.8 17
W isla Poland 193,000 900 1.4 7
Source : A ke Sundborg, N ature and Resources, 1983, Vol 14, No.2
r . , , ,,

It appears from table 16.1 that the rivers of network of tributary rivers of the G anga system
tropical, subtropical and M editerranean regions through the erosion of the three physiographic
carry larger am ount of sedim ent loads than the rivers regions of India viz. (i) the Himalayas, (ii) the Ganga
o f the other biom es because o f two basic factors viz. plains, and (iii) the foreland of Indian Peninsula. The
(i) large-scale deforestation, and (ii) enormous sediment load characteristics of the Ganga system in
volum e o f w ater because of heavy rainfall in the Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh of India illustrates the
catchment areas. Yellow, Ganga, Amazon, Brahmaputra, nature of acelerated rate of erosion conssequent
Y angtze, Indus, Irraw addy, Red. Po rivers etc. tell upon deforestation in the source catchm ent areas of
the story o f ever-increasing sedim ent loads because the tributary rivers of the Ganga mainly in the
o f accelerated rate o f soil erosion consequent upon Himalayas.
rapid rate of rem oval o f vegetal cover in their The average sediment loads of m ajor tributary
catchm ents. The average annual sedim ent load per stresms of the Ganga river at different sites in the
square kilom etre for these river basins ranges state of Uttar Pradesh reveal the com parative rate of
between 139 tonnes and 2480 tonnes whereas the erosion of the Himalayas, the V indhyan uplands '
average annual sedim ent load o f the rivers of colder (foreland o f Indian Peninsula) and the Ganga plains
clim ates ranges betw een 6 tonnes per square of alluvial soils. The Yam una river, the most
kilom etre per year to 17 tonnes/km 2/year. It means significant tributary of the Ganga in Uttar Pradesh
that the problem o f sedim entation o f the river basins brings annually about 9,127 ha m (hectare metre) of
is m roe alarm ing in the tropical, subtropical and sedim ent at A llahabad, the site of the confluence of
M editerranean countries than those o f the tem perate the G anga-Y am una whereas the mean annual runoff,
and p o lar clim ates. silt content by volume of w ater and silt load are 7.7
m illion ha m, 0.196 per cent and 2.493 ha m /100
km 2/year respectively. The average annual silt load
o f the Y am una at D elhi site is only 1511 ha m and the
average silt load factor is as high as 8.634 h m/100
It is ev id en t from table 16.1 that the G anga
km 2/ year. It m eans that the, silt load factor in the
riv er carries the second largest am ount o f sedim ent
upper reaches o f the Y am una (at D elhi site) is higher
load o f 1450 m illion to n n es/y ear and annual rate o f
by 6.141 ha m /100 km 2/year than the silt load faptor
sedim ent load p er square kilom etre is also the
at its confluence (A llahabad) w ith the Ganga. Thus
second h ig h e st (1500 tonnes/km 2/year) in the w orld.
the higher silt load factor o f the Yamuna in i t s upper
This huge am ount o f sedim ents is contributed by the

re a c h e s th an its lo w er reaches reveals higher rate o f 100 km 2/year, 8.33 ha m /100 km 2/year, 13.025 h a m /
e ro sio n o f th e H im alayas. It m ay be pointed out that 100 km 2/year and 13.599 ha m /100 km 2/y ear respec­
th e c a tc h m e n t area o f the Y am una increases 2.1 tively w hereas the corresponding catchm ent areas of
tim e s from D elhi (17,500 km 2) to A llahabad (36,600 these rivers in the H imalayas are 11,422 km 2, 22,926
k m 2) w hereas the silt load factor is reduced by 3.5 km 2, 3,134 km 2 and 46,145 km2 respectively.
tim e s. T his is because o f the fact that m ajor
O ut o f total annual sedim ent load of 23,456 ha
trib u taries o f the Y am una com e from the northern
m (328.28 m illion tonnes) carried by the G anga
fo relan d o f Indian P en in su la and thus m arked
system and transported to the state o f Bihar, the
reduction in the silt load factor in dow nstream
H im alayas, the V indhyan uplands (norhtern fore­
course o f the Y am u na is because o f slow rate o f
land o f Indian Peninsula) and the alluvial plains
erosion o f relativ ely resistan t rocks o f the V indhyan
(G anga plains) contribute 9,166 ha m (128.32
uplands (northern foreland o f Indian Peninsula) by
m illion tonnes), 8,423 ha m (117.82 m illion tonnes)
the right-bank tributaries o f the Y am una (the
and 5,867 ha m (82.13 m illion tonnes) respectively.
C ham bal, the B etw a, the Ken etc.). The source
catchm ents o f the Y am una, the Ganga, the Ram ganga Thus the H im alayas, the V indhyan uplands, and the
and the G haghra (all are the tributaries o f the Ganga) alluvial plains contribute 39 per cent, 36 per cent and
bring 704 h a m , 1913 h a m , 409 ha m and 6140 ha m 25 per cent o f the total annual sedim ent load o f the
sedim ents each year from the H im alayas to the plains G anga system in U ttar Pradesh. The different terrain
respectively. The sedim ent load factors o f these rivers com ponents o f U ttar Pradesh a r e , eroded at an
at the foot-hill zones o f the H im alayas are 6.132 ha m / average rate o f 0.347 mm per year.

Table 16.2 : Silt and runoff data at different sites on Ganga river in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India

Silt observation D istance from A verage an­ A verage an­ A verage silt A verage % o f
sites the source nual runoff nual silt load load factor (ha silt content by
(km ) (thousand (m illion ton­ m /100 volum e o f
m illion cub­ nes) km 2/year) ru no ff
ic m eters)
R ishikesh 250 27.78 24.99 8.34 0.064
K anpur 760 33.43 53.28 0.109
V aranasi 1115 116.99 179.72 2.48 0:116
B order o f U ttar 1370 213.28 328.38 3.38 0.110
Pradesh and B ihar

T able 16.2 reveals the increasing trend o f reaches o f the catchm ent o f the G anga river (0.834
sedim ent load, ru n o ff and decreasing trend o f silt mm per year) in com parison to plain areas.
load factor w ith increasing distances from the source The G anga system com prised o f significant
a t d ifferen t hydrological centres located along the tributaries like Y am una, Ram ganga, G om ti, Ghaghra
G anga river. It is apparent from table 16.2 that etc. and covering a total catchm ent area o f 674,535
average siHrload factor near the m ountainous area at km 2 (out o f total cathm ent area o f 955,000 km 2) in
R ishikesh hydrological centre is quite high (8.34 ha the state o f U ttar Pradesh including U ttarakhand
m per 100 km2 per year) in com parison to the carries an annual sedim ent load o f 328.384 m illion
hydrological sites in plain areas near V aranasi (2.48 tonnes and ru n o ff o f 213.28 thousand m illion cubic
h a m /1 00 km 2/year) and at the border o f U ttar m etres. The average silt load factor is 3.38 ha m/100
P radesh and B ih ar (3.38 ha m /100 km 2/year). This km 2/year and average per cent silt content by
trend o f silt load factor reveals the fact that the rate volum e o f ru n o ff is 0.11. The top soil is eroded away
o f so il erosion (soil loss) is quite high in the upper at the rate o f 0.3476 mm per year. The upper

catchment of Ganga system in the Himalayas between U ttar

havoc in the agricultural producti vity
contributes 128.32 million tonnes of silt load of the
hectare yield of crops due to ero sio n o f
entire Ganga system in th states of Uttar Pradesh and
o f fertile soils from U ttar Pradesh. T P
Uttarakhand. The Yamuna through its tributaries
soil erosion because ‘b f m icro-pedogen f
like the Chambal, the Betwa, the Ken etc. brings
processes and increasing problem o f doftcw ijcy
117.83 million tonnes o f sediments each year from
the northern foreland of Indian Peninsula mainly soil fertility due to w ashing aw ay o f the ferti P
from the world famous Chambal ravinous tracts layer o f soils is gradually increasing in U ttar
where rill and gully erosion has resulted in the Pradesh. This problem is also being ag g rav ated d u e
formation of dense network of gullies ranging in to increasing interference o f m an as g eo m o rp h ic
depths from 5 metres to 80 metres. On the other hand agent in the geocycle system o f geo m o rp h ic
82.13 million tonnes o f top-soils are eroded each environm ent (such as d efo restatio n , o v erg razin g ,
year from the alluvial plains o f the state of Uttar faulty land use practices etc.). A ffo restatio n , d e v el­
Pradesh and are brought to the Ganga through its opment o f new grasses to increase the sh e a r strength
tributaries (Savindra Singh and A. Dubey, 1989). and aggregate stability o f soils, scien tific m eth o d -o f >
‘The high rate of fluvial erosion in the farm m anagem ent, farm er’s aw arness p ro g ram m es
Himalayas is because of reckless felling of trees for etc. can check and control the hazard o u s p ro b le m o f
the last 100 years or so. H uge amount of sediments soil erosion and increasing rate o f silta tio n o f riv e r
unloaded by the H im alayan rivers in the plains beds in U ttar P radesh’ (S avindra S in g h an d A.
causes siltation o f the river beds, changes in the river Dubey, 1989).
courses, braiding o f the channels and increase in the The D am odar river is a n o th er e x a m p le o f
frequency and dim ension of floods’ (Savindra Singh carrying ernorm ous am ount o f sed im en ts d e riv e d
and A. D ubey 1989). The study conducted by A. from the acclerated rate o f soil ero sio n o f th e fo re st-
Dubey, (1985) has show n that the bed of the Ganga cleared land o f Jharkhand and w estern W e s t B en g a l.
river at A llahabad has risen by 1.89 m between 1971
to 1978 w hile the study o f S.S. O jha (1987) has
revealed that the bed o f the G anga at A llahabad has
risen by 4.10 m during the last 80 years. ‘Almost
complete deforestation in the catchm ents of the A ccelerated soil erosion is the m o st im p o r ta n t.
Chambal, the B etw a, the Ken (tributaries of the source o f sedim ent loads o f the riv e rs. N a tu ra l
Yamuna) and the T ons (tributary o f the G anga) has processes o f erosion, tran sp o ratio n o f e ro d e d m a te ­
resulted into accelerated rate o f soil loss through rill rials by the rivers and their d ep o sitio n in su ita b le
and gully erosion. T he C ham bal gullies range in areas o f the river basins are o f c o m m o n o c c u rre n c e
depths from a few m etres to 80 m w hereas the depth and norm ally these do not in itia te any m a jo r
of gullies in the tons riverine area (bordering the environm ental problem b u t the e v e r-in c re a s in g
Ganga plain) varies from 5 m to 30m ’ (Savindra activities o f ‘economic’ and ‘technological m a n ’ su ch
Singh and S .P A g n ih o tri, 1987). ‘The m ost vulner­ as cultivation w ith g reater u se o f a g ric u ltu ra l
able areas for accelerated soil erosion are the im plem ents, forestry, g razin g , c o n stru c tio n a l w o rk s
intervening zones o f the northern foreland of Indian (such as co n stru ctio n o f ro ad s, d am s, re s e rv o irs
Paninsula and theY am una-G anga plain and the foot­ etc.), m ining, u rb an izatio n , a c c e le ra te d ra te o f
hill zones o f the H im alayas. M arkedly reduced technical d ev elo p m en t etc. a cc e le ra te th e ra te o f
discharge o f w ater in the m ajor rivers due to natural o r geo lo g ical ero sio n an d th u s m a n h a s
becom e the m o st im p o rta n t so u rc e o f se d im e n t
diversion o f w ater thro u g h can als and lift irrigation
supply to the riv ers. ‘It is n o t k n o w n in an y d e ta il
schemes d uring lean flow period (O ctober to June) is
responsible for sig n ific a n t siltation in the river how m uch o f the p re se n t ra te o f to ta l e ro s io n in th e
ta d s ’ (S avindra Singh and A. D ubey, 1989). w orld can be a ttrib u te d to n a tu ra l p ro c e sse s an d h o w
m uch is th e re su lt o f m a n ’s in flu e n c e . N e v e rth e le s s
‘T he tran sfer o f energy and geom aterials som e scie n tists h av e e stim a te d th a t m a n is re s p o n s i­
through the m ic ro -p e d o g e n ic erosional processes ble fo r m o re than 5 0 p e r c e n t o f th e to ta l e ro s io n ’
functioning in and th ro u g h the catch m en t area o f the (A k e S u n d b o rg , 1983). T h e h u m a n a c tiv itie s in flu ­
Ganga river sy stem in th e form o f kin etic energy o f ence th e ch an n el a g g ra d atio n (d e p o sito n o f sed im etn s
the river w ater and e n tra in ed soil p articles respec- in th e riv e r v a lle y ) in th e fo llo w in g m a n n e r :

>> T he sedim ent load o f the rivers is enor­ annual sedim ent yield o f m ore than 10,000 tonnes/
m ously increased because o f phenom enal increase km 2 was recorded w hile undisturbed w atersheds in
in soil erosion m ainly through rill and gully erosion the sam e area yielded only about 10 tonnes/km 2/
caused by deforestation, overgrazing, faulty farm ­ year (A ke Sundborg, 1983). Coal m ining supplies
ing practices, forest fires etc. H uge am ount o f sand, enorm ous quantity o f coarse sedim ents and causes
silt, gravels, pebbles and cobbles is carried aw ay by large-scale aggradation o f channels. Strip m ining o f
the rivers a s suspended load and bed load. As the coal in the D am odar V alley (India) releases huge
am ount o f sedim ent increases, the rivers becom e quantity o f coarse sedim ents every year. This
overloaded and additional sedim ents are deposited additional am ount o f sedim ents increases the sedi­
as sandy c o llu v ia and alluvia in d ifferen t parts o f the m ent load o f the D am odar and causes filling of
river valleys. D eposition o f sedim ents in the beds reservoirs o f the D am odar Valley A uthority (D.V.A.).
(valley floor o f the rivers) causes channel aggradation ‘Throughout the A pplachian coal fields, channel
w hich resu lts in gradual rise in the riv er beds. R ise in aggradation is w idespread because o f the huge
the riv e r beds causes several serious environm ental supplies o f coarse sedim ents from m ine wastes.
problem s (these w ill be d iscu ssed in the subsequent Strip mining has enormously increased the aggradation
sections). R eckless fellin g o f trees renders hills and o f valley bottom s because o f the vast surfaces o f
ridges nude. The ex p o sed bare rocks o f such nude broken rock available to entrainm ent by ru n o ff ‘
hills and ridges are su b jected to severe disin teg ra­ (A.N. Strahler and A .H ., S trahler, 1976).
tion and decom position by m echanical and chem ical ► Increasing urbanization and construc
w eathering processes. C on seq uently , w eathered of roads m ainly in the hilly areas contribute
rocks are easily eroded aw ay and are converted into enorm ous quantity o f very coarse sedim ents which
coarse sands and gravels. W hen such coarse sands increase the sedim ent load o f the rivers and cause
and gravels are d e p o sited in huge am ount in the channel aggradation. T he period o f construction o f
valleys and riv e rin e zones good fertile aggricultural buildings in the urban and industrial areas augm ents
soils are bu ried u nder heaps o f enorm ous quantity o f the supply o f sedim ents to the nearby rivers and
coarse sands and thus agricultural productivity is causes channel aggradation bu t this is not a perennial
con sid erably reduced but the deposition o f fine source o f sedim ent supply. In fact, ‘m ining, urbani­
alluvium in the riv erin e zones also increases zation and highw ay construction not only cause
agricultural pro d u ctiv ity b ecau se o f the enrichm ent drastic increase in bed load, w hich cause channel
o f soils. aggradation close to the source but also increase the
M ajor engineerin g w orks such as construc­ suspended load o f the sam e stream s. Suspended load
tion o f dam s, m an-m ade reserv oirs or lakes behind travels dow nstream and is eventually deposited in
the dam s, artificial levees and em bankm ents etc. lakes, reservoris and estuaries far from the source
also affe ct the transpo rtation and deposition o f areas’ (A .N . S trahler and A .H . S trahler, 1976).
sed im ents. A ccelerated rate o f soil erosion in the
so u rce c atc h m e n t areas con seq uent upon d efo resta­
tion, o v erg razin g and faulty cultivation m ethods
release en o rm o u s qu an tity o f sedim ents into the PROBLEMS
riv e rs and th ese sed im ents settle dow n in the
re serv o irs behind the dam s. R eserv o ir sedim en ta­ A ccelerated rate o f soil erosion induced by
tion cau ses sev eral prob lem s to en gineering w orks hum an activ ities and resu ltan t increase in sedim ent
e.g. fillin g o f reserv o irs, d am age to turbines, load o f the m ajor rivers o f the w orld and rapid rate o f
d ecrea se in sed im en t load in the d ow nstream section aggradation o f riv er valleys cause a series o f
o f the c h an n e l and h e n ce sco uring o f valleys etc. environm ental problem s w hich introduce eco lo g ical
(th ese w ill be e lab o rate d later on). im balance and environm ental d eg rad atio n in the
> M in in g o p eratio n s supply huge am ountregion
of concerned. T hese en v iro n m ental problem s
se d im e n ts to th e riv ers and th u s in creased sed im en t include (i) loss o f fertile ag ricu ltu ral so ils and hence
lo a d c au se s a g g ra d a tio n o f ch an n els o f the riv ers in phenom enal decrease in ag ricu ltu ral productivity
m a n y p la c e s. ‘S trip m in in g often g iv es rise to a and total agricu ltu ral p ro d u ctio n due to accelerated
tre m e n d o u s in c re a se in ero sio n a ctiv ity . In a m in in g rate o f soil erosion, (ii) p o llu tio n o f riv e r w ater due
to su b stan tial increase in suspended sed im en t load
d is tric t in so u th e rn K en tu ck y , U n ited S tates, an
and increase in sedim ent-w ater content, (iii) in­ rocks to atmospheric processes. Rapid rate of
crease in the turbidity o f waters of the rivers, lakes deforestation of the Himalayas during the past 100
and reservoirs and even the sea shores where the years or so and quarrying o f lim estones at certain
rivers pour down immense quantity of sediments and localities (e.g. near D ehra Dun and M ussoorie in
thus cause adverse effects on aquatic life, (iv) Uttarakhand Himalayas) have been responsible for
reservoir sedim entation leading to silting of reser­ choking the rivers with debris of various sizes in the
voirs and reduction in the storage capacity, (v) intervening zones of the foot-hills of the H im alayas
destruction o f agricultural land, (vi) increase in the and the Ganga plain because o f sudden fall in the
m agnitude o f floods, (vii) changes in river courses, transporting capacity of the rivers due to m arked
(viii) drying o f lakes etc. These after-effects of decrease in slope gradient and supply o f huge
sedim entation and related aggradation require fur­ quantity of coarse sands which have been deposited
ther elaboration. in the flood plains at many places.
(1) Loss of Rich Agricultural Soils: is basically (2) Pollution of W aters: Pollution of waters of
caused by accelerated rate o f soil erosion due to rivers, lakes, and reservoirs due to excess sediment
huamn activities. Faulty farm ing practices such as load particularly suspended load is the direct result
ploughing o f the land parallel to the valley-side of accelerated rate of soil erosion. In fact ‘suspended
slope or traansverse to the river channel, furrowing sediment is a form of water pollution and may make
across the contour o f the hillslope or parallel to the water unfit for use in municipal w ater supplies and
gradient o f hillslope, jhum ing or shifting cultivation for certain industrial uses’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H.
etc. cause rapid rate o f soil erosion and thus the Strahler, 1976). Excess amount o f suspended load of
eroded m aterials are brought to the rivers by clay and silt in the river water dam ages turbines
rainwash, rills, rivulets, gullies and stream s. Con­ which are used to generate hydroelectricity at the
tinuous rem oval o f soils from the hillslopes and dam sites, increases turbidity of w ater which thus
valley-sides does not allow the soils to m ature and becomes harm ful to aquatic life, reduces the quality
thus the fertility o f the soil is not stabilized rather it of water for dom estic and industrial uses etc.
is continuously lessened and degraded. U nscientific Harmful dissolved substances as ions in solution are
terracing along the hillslopes cleared o ff the forest brought to the rivers by surface runoff via rills,
cover causes rapid rate o f loss o f rich soils which rivulets and stream s. These dissolved substances
were formed in the past thousands o f years under adversely affect the physical and chem ical com po­
forest cover. Rill and gully erosion in the riverine sition o f w aters. N um erous ions in solution forms
tracts o f the alluvial rivers causes loss o f im m ense such as chlorine ions, sodium ions, potassium ions,
quantity o f rich agricultural soils. For exam ple, 2.35 phosphate ions etc. reach the stream s and lakes via
million cubic m etres o f good agricultural soils are surface runoff from the agricultural fields which are
lost every year due to rill and gully erosion from the very often treated w ith insecticides and pesticides
riverine tracts o f the T ons river (R ew a district, and chem ical fertilizers and from the urban sewage
M adhya Pradesh, India). A .N . S trahler and A.H. effluents. Som e o f the ions like phosphate and
Strahler (1976) have reported that the average rate of nitrate ions are rich nutrients to aquatic plants. These
soil loss from the w ooded rural areas in the chem ical sedim ents after reaching the rivers and the
W ashington-B altim ore region is 200 to 300 tons per lakes in profusion cause phenom enal growth of
square m ile p er year w hile it is 500 tons per square som e aquatic plants, the process is known as
mile p er y ear from the cultivated areas. ‘eutrophication’. Excess amount of chemical sediments
also causes deaths o f various aquatic organisms.
D eposition o f coarse sands in the flood plains
during the period o f extensive floods buries fertile (2 ) A g g ra d a tio n and S e d im e n ta tio n
alluvial soils and renders the flood plains infertile A g g rad atio n and sedim entation of river beds,
and w asteland. T his very often happens in those reservoirs and lakes trigger o ff a series o f chain
areas w here the rivers becom e sluggish due to effects. Excess supply o f sedim ents due to acceler­
phenom enal increase in the sedim ent load m ainly o f ated rate o f soil erosion m akes the rivers overloaded
and sluggish, w ith the result sedim ents are deposited
coarse sands because o f accelerated rate o f w eath er­
in the valley floors and river beds. Continuous
ing and erosion in the source catchm ent areas o f the
deposition o f sedim ents in the river beds and their
rivers w here ex ten siv e defo restatio n has rendered
consequent gradual rise upward bn n g m
the hills and ridges nude and thus has exposed the
developed m eanders in a riv er course reduces the
follow ing changes in the river regime. <i) velocity o f w ater flow donw stream because o f
0US aggradation o f river valleys c a » « s flattenm g o f
obstructions cau sed by the m eander necks and thus
the valleys and braiding o f river channels m ainly of
overall discharge rate o f w ater is considerably
the alluvial r i v e r s . Thus the braided channels,
become unsuitable for navigation, (n) A ggradation reduced. Thus m eandering courses o f a riv er retards
o f r i v e r valleys causes frequent changes in the river
the disposal o f rainw ater dow nstream and hence
courses mainly in the areas of flood plains w here the causes floods in the adjoining areas. N early all o f the
ground su rfa c e * almost flat, (iii) Rise in the river alluvial rivers, o f north In d ia are characterized by
beds due to continuous siltaton reduces the w ater m eandering course and these (as listed above) have
accommodating capacity of the river valleys on the registered substantial rise in their beds because of
one hand, and reduces the channel gradient on the continuous gradual siltation due to increased supply
other hand. These two side effects of, siltation of of sedim ents derived from the rapid rate of
river beds increase the frequency .m agnitude and w eathering and erosion o f the H im alayas due to
dimension of floods because the river w ater during exposure o f rocks to atm ospheric processes co n se­
occasional rainstorms easily overtops the river quent upon mass deforestaion. The Y am una, the
banks due to increased shallow ness of the river Ganga, the R am ganga, the Gom ti, the G haghra, the
valleys and spreads over larger areas. As the filling Gandak, the Kosi etc.. have becom e m enace during
of river valleys due to continuous sedim entation every rainy season because o f ever-increasing
goes on unabated, the valleys becom e shallow er and frequency, recurrence interval and m agnitude of
flood water covers m ore and more areas every floods. The Kosi river has becom e notorious because
succeeding year. This trend is observable in all of the of sudden changes in its courses.
rivers of the G anga-Y am una plains of north India (4) Souring of River Beds.: C onstru ctio n o f
where the frequency and dim ension of floods are dams on the rivers for irrigational p urposes and for
increasing every year. The bed of the Ganga river the generation of hydroelectricity allow s the sedim etns
has risen by several m etres at numerous places in its to settle down in the reservoirs behind th e dam s. This
middle and lower reaches. For exam ple, ‘the study results in m arked reduction in the sed im en t load in
conducted by A. Dueby (1985) shows that the bed of the dow nstream section from the dam sites. T hus the
the Ganga has risen by 1.89 m within 8 years (1971 underloaded rivers reso rt to scouring o f th eir beds
to 1978) which is evident from the fact that during and banks w hich causes riparian decay and loss o f
1971 the Ganga recorded maximum discharge of agricultural lands, settlem ents and overall en v iro n ­
58,377 m3/sec with flood level (gauge level) at 86.46 mental degradation.
m (ASM L) whereas the flood level rose to 88.35 m
(5) Reservoir Siltation : Increased sedim ent
(AM SL) with com paratively low discharge (53,877
m3/sec) during 1978 which can be explained only in load o f the rivers due to d eforestation and co n se­
terms of silting o f the Ganga bed by 1.89 m. The quent accelerated rate o f erosion has becom e serious
study conducted by S.S. Ojha (1987) shows that the threat to the m an-m ade reservoirs becau se o f rapid
bed o f the Ganga near Phaphamu (A llahabad) has rate o f siltation o f reservoirs behind the dam s. A fter
risen by 4.10 m during the last 80 years (S.S. Ojha, the com pletion o f seven dam s and several reservoirs
Savindra Singh and R.C. Tiwari, 1989). on the D am odar river and its trib u taries (India) in
1950 severe soil erosion in the up p er catch m en ts o f
(4) Sedimentation and Floods : Taking out of
the river basin and the transportion o f huge am ount
substantial am ount o f w ater for irrigation purposes
o f sedim ents led to the rapid rate o f siltation o f new ly
from the m ajor alluval rivers o f the G anga-Y am una
constructed reservoirs in a very short period w hich
plains (such as the G anga, the Yam una, the
was never expected w hile fram ing the p ro ject. T he
R am ganga, the Gom ti, the G haghra.'the G andak, the
im pounding of w ater in the reservoirs led to m arked
Kosi, the Tista etc.) during lean period of minimum
reduction in the volum e o f the d ow stream from the
discharge reduces (he discharge and velocity consid­
dam s and hence sedim entation w as au g m en ted in the
erably and thus the overloaded rivers becom e
H ooghly part o f the G anga delta. All th ese req u rired
sluggish and deposit the etxtra load o f sand and silt
dredging o f the reservoirs and the H ooghly river.
in th eir beds. This siltation o f river beds causes This costly undertaking o f d red g in g o f silted
b raid in g o f the riv er channels and m eandering in the reservoirs and choked riv er ch an n els due to ex ces­
lo n g itu d in al courses! The greater frequency o f well sive sedim entation still co n tin u es in m any parts o f
India and the world. In fact.reserv io r sedimentation lake) are a few typical exam ples o f dead lakes of
has becam e a global environm ental problem. ‘The *Kumaun region of U ttarakhand, India, because these
range in rates o f reservoir sedim entation is very have been com pletely destroyed by sedim entation of
large. For about 1,000 small reservoirs in the United high magnitude. Even N aina lake (N ainital, India)
States with a storage capacity o f less than 140,000 and Bhimtal (Kumaun region, U ttarakhand, India)
m 3 the average annual loss in capacity was 2.7 per have registered rise o f their beds by several m etres.
cent. For large reservoirs with a storage capacity Bhimtal is surrounded by bare hills on all its sides,
greater than 1,400million cubic metres the coresponding which are being eroded at fast rate and eroded
value was 0.16 per cent. M any reservoirs around the materials are quickly transported to the said lake
world have had their usable capacity completely thus causing rapid rate of siltation of the lake.
filled by sedim entation after Only a few years of
operation. An exam ple is the H eisonglin reservoir (7) Progradation of the Coast : Sediments
com paratively sm all reservoir in the loess area of brought down by the rivers, if not deposited in their
China with a drainage area o f 370 km 2 and annual courses, are ultimately deposited in the seas to form
deltas and marshy lands. The increased supply of
sedim ent load o f about 700,000 tonnes. The reser­
sediments to the coastal areas by the stream s some
voir was com pleted in 1959 (A ke Sundborg, 1983)
times, if other factors remain favourable, casues
with life expectancy of 16 years but due to
progradation of the coast land. At m any places the
im plem entation o f several corrective measures in
sediments brought down by the rivers are picked up
the catchm ent area such as soil conservation
by sea waves and are reworked and redeposited at
measures and m easures o f sluicing sediments
other places. This process enriches sea beaches in
periodically through the dam, the life of reservoir
some places while causes deterioration of harbours
has been estim ated to have increased from initial
due to siltation in other places. N early all o f the
estimate o f 16 years to about 80 years.
major deltas of the world (such as M ississippi D elta,
The dam s and storage reservoirs also modify Nile Delta, Ganga Delta, Godawari D elta etc.) show
the pattern o f d isch arg e o f dow nstream section of the the trend of their seaward growth at increasing rate.
streams. The studies o f inflow and outflow of water
in and out o f the reservoirs have shown that if the 16.9 CORRECTIVE MEASURES OF SOIL ERO­
reervoirs are not full the peak discharge downstream
may be reduced by 98 per cent and if the reservoirs
are full to near cap acity dow nstream discharge may
be reduced by 50 p er cent. ‘B ecause reservoirs Erosion and sedimentation in river basins,
provide a sedim ent trap in w hich upto 95 per cent of reservoirs, lakes and coastal areas have become
the bedload and suspended sedim ent carried by the serious environmental problems of economic sig­
river can be retained, then it encourages scouring nificance because these affect the economic devel­
dow nstream o f the dam . At the upstream end of the opment of a nation concerned. It is not only desirable
reservoir, sedim ent accum ulation may be encour­ but is also necessary to check soil erosion and lessen
aged as the velocity o f the w ater is reduced on sediment load of the rivers and retard sedimentation
reaching the im pounded w ater bo d y ’ (K.J. Gregory, process. Two-fold corrective measures are required
to control the problem s of erosion and sedim entation
1981, in K.J. G regory and D.E. W alling, 1981).
e.g. (i) to check accelerated rate of soil erosion
(6) Siltation of Lakes : is o f very common
because erosion is the main culprit of supplying
occurrence due to sedim entation processes induced sedim ents to fluvial processes mainy rivers, and (ii)
by human activ ities. A ggradation of interm ontane to m inim ise the sedim entation and aggradation in
basins in arid and sem i-arid regions is a very different locations such as sedim entation in the river
common natural process but the aggradation of such courses, flood plains, reservoirs and lakes.
basins has been augm ented because of increased
Elaborate conservation measures o f soil ero­
supply o f sedim ents due to accelerated rate of
sion, the main source o f sedim ent supply, have been
erosion caused by devegetation of hillslopes. Many
suggested in much detail in section 16.4 of this
of the natural fresh w ater lakes of India situated in
chapter. It is, therefore, not desirable to reproduce
the H im alayas are being silted rapidly because of those corrective m easures o f soil erosion here again
inflow o f huge am ount o f coarse sedim ents each (see section 16.4 o f this chapter). In brief it may e
year. Sukhatal (dry tank/lake) and S anatal (rotten

re stated th at the conservation m easures, to be The follow ing are effective m easures to
a d o p ted to check accelerated rate o f soil erosion, control erosion of river beds and riparian tracts :
should include (1) agricultural measures such as (1) Surface arm ouringof river banks by :
selection o f suitable and appropriate crops, m axi­ ► natural vegetation,
m um coverage o f soil surface by crops, crop rotation
>- plantation o f trees and bushes,
program m es, intercropping and m ixed cropping,
stubble m ulching, strip cropping, contour and criss­ ► prevention o f cultivation o f valley-sides,
cross ploughing, conservation tillage, dry farm ing, >■ placing o f gabions (engineering structure of
proper use o f chem ical fertilizers, retirem ent o f land baskets filled with earthen m aterials),
under active rill and gully erosion from active >- m attresses or rip-rap,
cultivation for such period w hich may be required to ► em bankm ent dykes,
restore the soils to their original status, afforestation
>- concrete bank walls ju st like a sea walls etc.
and refo restatio n ; (2) mechanical protection devices
such as terracing, construction of earth ridges, (2) Engineering structures to deflect or retard
d iversion drains and channels,- gully control struc­ channel flow such as :
tures, ditches w ith banks, bench terraces, check >- fencing,
dam s, several engin eering m ethods to check rapid ► pilling o f boulders,
surface ru n o ff and rills and gullies, plantation of >- construction o f jetties,
trees and bushes at the gully heads and valley-sides >- construciton o f groyns o f w ooden, concrete
of rills and gullies etc. etc.

' 1

.n . • 'r-iircu

17.1 E N V IR O N M E N T A L H A Z A R D S AN D DISAS- (i) natural extrem e events

T E R S : M E A N IN G A N D C O N C E P T S (earthquakes, volcanic eruption,
atm ospheric disturbances, floods etc.)
B efore atte m p tin g the discussion on natural
(ii) anthropogenic extrem e events
hazards and d isa ste rs m anagem ent it is im perative to
define the fo llo w in g term s : nuclear disaster, leakage of po iso n o u s gases
(1) ex tre m e events, etc.)

(2) h azard s
(3) d isa ste rs, and
(4) e n v iro n m e n ta l stress.
Environm ental hazards m ay be defined as
those extrem e events either natural or m an-induced
which occur rarely and exceed the to lerab le m ag n i­
tude w ithin or beyond certain tim e lim its, m ake
T hose e v en ts or accid en ts, w hether caused by
hum an adjustm ents very d ifficu lt, re su lt in colossal
natural p ro c e sses o r hum an factors, are called
losses o f property, hum an and anim al lives, d e stru c ­
extrem e ev en ts w hich occur very rarely and ag g ra­
tion of settlem ents and vegetation etc.
vate natural en v iro n m e n ta l processes to cause
It may be m entioned that hazards have been
disaster fo r hum an society such as sudden tectonic
differently defined as processes or causes w hich lead
m ovem ents lead in g to earth q u ak es and volcanic
to extrem e events, as natural or m an-induced events
eruptions, c o n tin u e d dry c o n d itio n s leading to
w hich cause disasters, as a synonym o f disaster etc.
prolonged d ro u g h ts, flo o d s, atm o sp h eric d istu r­
bances, c o llisio n o f c elestial bodies, leakage o f toxic As per d efin itio n o f the U N O hazard is ‘a
gases, p o u rin g o f im m en se vo lu m e o f petroleum p o ten tially dam aging physical event, phenom enon
from big oil tan k ers into the seas, natural and or hum an activ ity th at m ay cause the loss o f life or
accidental fo rest fires etc. E x trem e ev en ts fall into in ju ry , pro p erty dam age, social and econom ic
two c ate g o rie s : d isru p tio n or en v iro n m en tal d egradation.
and adversely affect hum an society. For
ft is apparent from Hie above UN definition that
exam ple, a very strong tropical cyclone
hazards are p h y s i c a l events i.e. causes or processes of
(typhoon, hurricane) becom es only extrem e
disasters whether natural or man-induced.
events when it occurs and d ies in the m idst o f
Hazards have been accepted b y jth e UN an ocean but it becom es disaster w hen it
Commission for Human Settlem ents (UNCHS as strikes the inhabited coastal area and inflicts
the probability of occurrences of damaging physical colossal loss to hum an property and lives.
events which have potential for causing colossal loss
Sim ilarly, a volcanic eruption in uninhabited
to h u m a n health and wealth if they strike inhabited
land or ocean is never disastrous but when it
areas. Thus, hazards have the following characteris­
takes place in densely populated area, it
tic featureis:
becom es disaster,
>• hazards are natural or m an-induced extrem e
► disasters are such uncontrollable extrem e
events, events that disrupt social structure and
► hazards are physical events or causes or im pair essential functions w hich are neces­
processes of disasters, sary to support hum an life system ,
>- hazards have potential for dam aging differ­ ► disasters cause several socio-econom ic and
ent forms of life m ainly human life, health problem s etc.
► hazards represent latent conditions for future
threats to all .types o f biota, ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS
► hazards are o f varying origins; o f natural
W hen the cum ulative effects o f en v iro n m en ­
origin or of anthropogenic origin,
tal hazards, environm ental d isasters and o th er form s
>• hazards may or may not becom e disasters etc. o f environm ental degradation and p o llu tio n becom e
so immense that the tolerance lim it o f the natural
DISASTERS environm ent to assim ilate them is surpassed and the
environm ental balance is d istu rb ed , the resu ltan t
D isasters, w hether natural or anthropogenic, state of the highly disturbed natural en v iro n m en t is
are sudden adverse unfortunate extreme events or called environm ental stress. It is ev id en t th at the
hazards which cause great damage to human beings environmental stress represents ex trem e lim it o f
as well as plants and animals. Disasters occur environm ental degradation w here the h om eostatic
rapidly, instantaneously and indiscrim inately. mechanism of the natural system becom es unable to
It is obvious from the above definition of assim ilate the adverse effects o f hazards, d isasters
disasters that these are the results or responses of and environm ental degradation and pollution.
environm ental hazards. Thus, all the extrem e events
are hazards by not all the hazards are disasters. A 17.2 CLASSIFICATION O F H A Z A R D S AND
hazard may become disaster only when it strikes the DISASTERS
inhabited area. The following are the characteristic
features of disasters : Environm ental hazards and d isaste rs are
>- disasters are natural or m an-induced hazards, norm ally divided into the follow ing tw o broad
► disasters occur rapidly, instantaneously and categories on the basis o f m ain cau sativ e facto rs and
their m ode of origin :
indiscrim inately,
( 1) natural hazards and d isasters
' > disasters are always viewed in term s of
human beings i.e. severe dam age to human (2) m an-induced (an th ro p o g en ic) hazard s and
life and property, disasters
► the intensity o f disaster is w eighed in term s N atural hazards and d isasters are fu rth er su b ­
o f the quantum of dam ages done to the divided into m ain and su b -categ o ries as fo llo w s (see
also fig. 17 .1 ):
hum an society,
>• hazardous environm ental processes alw ays 1. Natural Hazards and Disasters
create extrem e events but not all the extrem e (1) Planetary hazards and disasters
events becom e diasters; they becom e disas­ (A) T errestrial or in d o g en o u s d isasters
ters when they occur in the inhabited area, (i) volcanic d isaste r
NATURAL h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s m a n a g e m e n t 333
(ii) seism ic d isa ste r ( .. 2. Man-Induced Hazards and Disasters 0 4i* *
(iii) tsu n am i d isaste r (1) Physical disasters
(iv ) la n d slid e d isaster •'(A )! re serv o ir-in d u c ed se ism ic (R IS ) dis-
(B ) a tm o sp h e ric or exogenous disasters
1 aster
(i) ab n o rm al o r in freq u en t events ’ (B) m an -in d u ced la n d slid e d is a s te r
(a) c y clo n e s d isaste r 'V,
(C) accelerated soil e ro sio n
(b) h u rrican es d isaster
(2) Chemical disasters
(c) to rn ad o d isaste r
(A) release o f toxic ch em ica ls
(d) lig h tn in g d isaster
(B ) large-scale leakage o f p etro leu m fro m
<e) h a ilsto rm d isaste r
(ii) c u m u la tiv e atm ospheric d is­ oil tankers
asters (C) nuclear tests and ex p lo sio n
(a) flo o d d isa ste r u , . (3) biological hazards and disasters
(b) d ro u g h t d isaste r (A ) failure o f n u clear p la n ts ■; y>-
(c ) c o ld w ave d isaste r (B) eu tro p h icatio n ■7s ^ •'
(d) h e a t w ave d isaste r (C) insect sw arm s (such as lo cu st sw arm s)
(2) E x tra -p la n e ta ry h a za rd s and disasters (4) technological disasters
(i) c o llis io n o f m e te o rs w ith the earth (A) failure o f n u clear p la n ts
(ii) m u tu a l c o llisio n o f m eteors (B) n u clear w ars

H a z a rd s a n d D isaste rs
' I
I-------------------- ------- I
N a tu ra l H a z a rd s, D isasters M an -in d u ced H azard s, D isa ste rs
________ I -- ----- - T - |:
r---------- -- I “ 1 —

Planetary H a z a rd s E x tra-P la n etary or Physical C h em ical B io lo g ic al

Disasters E x tra -T e rre stria l H azards H azard s/ H a za rd s
H a za rd s/D isa sters D isasters D isasters D isa ste rs

- r 1—
Terrestrial or A tm o sp h eric or E arthquakes L and-slides Soil erosion
Endogenous Exogenous
hazards h a za rd s I------------- 1
R elease o f toxic N u c le a r
chem icals E x p lo sio n

Volcanic E arth L an d
A bnorm al or C um ulative P o p u la tio n E u tro p h icatio n
eruption quakes slid es In freq u e n t A tm ospheric E x p lo sio n
E v en ts H azard s/D isasters

- ----------------------- 1

C y clo n es L ig h tn in g H ailsto rm s

F lo o d s
r D ro u g h ts C o ld W aves H e a tW a v e s

Fig. 17.1 : Tabular classification o f hazards and disasters.

It m ay be m entioned th at now and onw ard T h e follow ing discu ssio n will focus only on natural
°nly the term d isasters w ould be used in this chapter. disasters.
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
m elt’ (C. Em bleton, 1989) and thus it becam e
A ccording to the report o f the U nited N ations
It may be further pointed out that to m ajority
o f the people environmental hazards and environ­ D isaster R elief C oordinator (U N D R O ) about 90 per
mental disasters are synonymous terms because cent o f all the reported natural hazards and d isasters
these are related to extreme events in one way o r the occur in the developing countries or in the T hird
other. The present author, thus, also intends to use W orld C ountries. This observation m ay not be
thesetwosigniflcanttenns o f environm ental science entirely true because natural disasters do not know
as synonyms and hence only the term disaster wi II be any political or econom ic boundary and co n sid era­
used for further discussion. tion. This observation may be because o f the fact that
Generally, the environm ental disasters are m ost o f the developing countries are located in the
natural and hence these are also term ed as natural tropical and subtropical regions o f the w orld w here
hazardous processes. It may be pointed out that the atm ospheric processes very often cause num erous
concept and perception of environm ental disasters natural hazards and disasters such as floods,
are closely related to their im pacts on the organisms droughts, forest fires and o f co u rse volcanic
in general and mankind in particular. In other words, eruptions and earthquakes w herein the last tw o are
the natural sudden physical processes and events also more prevalent in other parts of the w orld.
become disasters when people live close to a Rapid rate o f urbanization, in d u strial e x p an sio n ,
potential danger. For exam ple, if an earthquake of agricultural developm ent, p o p u latio n g ro w th and
more than 8 on R ichter scale occurs in totally social developm ent are co n tin u o u sly acce leratin g
uninhabited area it is not a disaster at all but an the frequency and m agnitude o f natural h azard s and
earthquake even o f low er intensity, say below 7 on disasters in the developing co u n tries. ‘D e v elo p in g
Richter scale, occurs in heavily populated area, it countries more or less ch ro n ically su ffe r from
becomes a severe hazard and disaster. For example, disaster. In one sense, they live w ith d isaste r. T he
the O ctober 8, 2005 earthquake o f M uzaffarabad (in achievem ents o f developm ent p ro g ram m es have
Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, POK) was o f only 6.5 often been destroyed and th eir fu tu re plan s halted
magnitude on R ichter scale but was one o f the most because funds had to be d iv erted to re lie f and
disastrous seism ic disasters claim ing more than recovery activities. It should be noted, ho w ev er, th at
50,000 human lives. It may be further pointed out a single disaster can strike a n a tio n ’s social
that it is not the frequency which m akes any extreme infrastructure, dam aging its feedback system to an
event hazardous and disastrous rather it is the irrecoverable ex ten t’ (M. H ashizum e, 1989).
intensity, m agnitude and dim ension and the quan­ Table 17.1 depicting m ajor n atu ral d isaste rs
tum of damage done by any event which make it in the developing countries from 1960 to 1987 as
hazardous and disastrous. It is also im portant to note com pilled by M. H ashizum e (1989) from the w orks
that environmental hazards are not alw ays destruc­ o f G. Berg (1988) reveals the fo llo w in g facts :
tive and disastrous them selves rather it is the effects
(i) Table 17.1 includes only th o se d isaste rs
o f these events on other natural processes which
which econom ic loss caused by ex trem e ev en ts
become disastrous. For exam ple, the Tajik area of
exceeded one per cent o f the G N P (G ross N ational
the form er southern U.S.S.R. ‘is seism icaliy a highly
Product) of the nation co n cern ed . It ap p ears that
active region, shaken by upwards o f 3000 trem ors a
natural disasters dom inate in the T hird W orld
year but these cause few direct casualties’. But ‘the
countries. It m ay be pointed out th at the co n clu sio n
Tajik earthquake in the south o f the form er U .S.S.R.
o f M. H ashizum e is decep tiv e b ecau se th e G N P is
on 21 January, 1989, for exam ple, was only o f
m uch higher in the developed co u n tries than in the
m agnitude 5.5, but its tim ing unfortunately coin­
developing countries and th erefo re it w o u ld not be
cided with highly unstable slope conditions caused
fair to calculate the m agnitude o f d am ag es d o n e by
by high pore-w ater pressures resulting from snow-
natural disasters on the basis o f the G N P.
n a t u r a l h a z a rd s a n d d is a s te rs m anagem ent
Table 17.1 : Major natural diaaatara, 1960-1987

Country E v e n t (d isaster) M onth Y ear D eaths (o f hum an L oss GNP

M orocco E arthquake February 1960 13,100 120 12

Chile E arthquake M ay 1960 3,000 800 17
Y ugoslavia E arth q u ak e July 1963 1,070 600 „,i 45
phillippines T yphoon N ovem ber 1964 58 600 32
Italy E arth q u ak e M ay 1976 u 978 3,600 352
Peru E arth q u ak e M ay 1970 67,000 500 17
N icaragua E a rth q u a k e D ecem ber 1972 5,000 800 3
Honduras H u rrican e S eptem ber 1974 8,000 540 3
Guatemala E arth q u ak e F ebruary 1976 22,778 1,110 9
Italy E a rth q u a k e M ay 1976 978 3,600 352
China E a rth q u a k e July 1976 242,000 5,600 280
Romania E a rth q u a k e M arch 1977 1,581 800 51
Yugoslavia E a rth q u a k e A pril 1979 131 2,700 45
Caribbean/USA H u rrica n e A ugust 1979 1,400 2,000 ••0

Algeria ( E a rth q u a k e O ctober 1980 2,590 3,000 47

Italy E a rth q u a k e N ovem ber 1980 3,114 10,000 352
Greece E a rth q u a k e February 1981 25 920 33
Yemen E a rth q u a k e D ecem ber 1982 3,000 90 4
Peru/Ecuador F lo o d s A pril 1983 500 700 27
Fiji C y clo n e M arch 1983 7 85 1
Colombia E a rth q u a k e M arch 1983 250 380 35
Chile E a rth q u a k e M arch 1985 200 1,200 17
Bangladesh C y clo n e M ay 1985 1 11,000 ... ...

Maxico E a rth q u a k e S eptem ber 1985 10,000 4,000 136

Colombia V o lc an o N ovem b er 1985 23,000 230 35
El Salvador E a rth q u a k e O ctob er 1986 1,000 1,500 4
Iran F lo o d s D ecem ber 1986 424 1,560 90
Vanuatu Typhoon February 1987 50 . 200 0.1
Ecuador E a rth q u a k e M arch 1987 1,000 700 10
Bangladesh F lo o d s S eptem ber 1987 1,600 1,300 12
Source : M. Hashi2ume, 1989 : ‘ The Present State of Natural Hazard; Identification and International Cooperation’, in
Aerospace Survey and Natural Disaster, Proceedings of the Symposium, Sept. 14-16, 1989 at ITC, Enschede,
Netherlands (the present author also participated in the said symposium).

(ii) It is ap p aren t from table 17.1 th at earthq u ak es m ore o f G N P o f the nations concerned the events o f
dom inated o v e r o th e r natural d isasters d u rin g the the occurrence o f earthquakes accounted for 66 per
period 1960-1987 as o u t o f total 30 extrem e natural cen t (20 in num ber). It appears that as regards the
events causing eco n o m ic loss o f one per cen t or even adverse/negative o r destructive im pacts o f natural

disasters earthquake disasters are the most serious rences in .near future in a region o f locality is Ta
and dam aging ones. ~7, v , "• prerequisite condition for any purposeful m anage­
". <■ j . . . . .
m ent plan for natural disaster reduction. The hazard
analysis involves the histogenisis of different
hazards,- nature and mode of occurrence o f 1 a
DUCTIOI'i AND MANAGEMENT particular hazard in a specific region or locality with
the following objectives :
The processes o f reduction and m anagem ent to ascertain the num ber of hazards,
o f natural disasters include the following aspects : likely to occur
I Components (elements) of disaster reduction and to ascertain the degree of intensity
management and severity < ‘
(1) hazard analysis to understand the likely adverse
(2) vulnerability analysis effects o f a disaster on human
(3) risk analysis society
2. Stages of disaster reduction and management (PMP) to understand the mode o f occur­
rences o f different hazards
(1) Pre-disaster stage
A set of factors related to a particular hazard
(a) disaster preparedness (P)
are taken into account to present detailed inform a­
(i) level and nature o f disaster tion which may be helpful in the reduction and
preparedness . , m anagement o f natural disasters. T he follow ing
(ii) disaster research factors are considered in com piling inform ation
(iii) disaster prediction system of a hazard which may lead to d isaster :
(iv) disaster w arning system (DW S) >- frequency o f hazardous event, the frequency
(v) disaster education may be year-w ise and season-w ise,
(b) disaster mitigation (M) V recurrence intervals o f hazards o f varying
(c) disaster prevention (P) intensities and m agnitudes,
(2) Post-disaster stage > occurrence duration o f each hazard,
(a) refief measures (R) > intensity and m agnitude o f hazard in term s o f
(i) social response speed,
(ii) participation in relief work > severity of hazard in term s o f quantum of
(iii) relief m aterials likely adverse effects on hum an com m unity,
(iv) execution o f relief work > degree o f predictibility o f hazards,
(b) rehabilitation (R) > timely forew arning about the likely o ccu r­
(c) disaster recovery (R) rence of a particular hazard,
Before attem pting discussion on stages (phases) > degree o f m anageability o f a particular
o f natural disaster reduction the following terms as hazard etc.
basic com ponents o f the processes o f disaster
The hazard analysis also includes the co n sid ­
reduction need explanation :
eration o f hazard types and th eir occurrences. O n th e
1. hazard analysis
basis o f speed o f m ovem ent hazards are divided into
2. vulnerability analysis, and
the follow ing two m ajor categories :
3. risk analysis
slow on-set hazards and disasters

(e.g. drought, sea level rise)

T he analysis o f different types o f hazards with

p re v io u s h isto ry o f occurrences and likely occur­ rapid on-set hazards and disasters
(e.g. lava flow , earthquake, tsu­
nam i, tornado etc.) ■
H azards m ay also be divided on the basis o f
plains, coastland, mountain slope, ice caps,
duration o f hazards and disasters as follows :
islands etc.
Short-duration hazards and disas-
ters vv; v >• vulnerable community, such as human com ­
munity, plant com m unity (a forest fire may
Hazards (e.g. tornado, avalanch, lava flow,
landslides etc. destroy a large chunk o f valuable forest
area), animal community, both terrestrial and
long-duration hazards and disas­
ters '■ marine, including m icro-organism s.
(e.g . flood s, droughts etc.) > speed of hazard, such as rapid, onset o f a
natural hazard (e.g. tsunam i, ^earthquake
DISASTER VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS occurrence, lava flow, tornado etc.), slow
onset of a natural hazard (e.g. drought, sea
level rise etc.) , )
In en v iro n m en tal science vulnerability refers
to capable o f or su scep tib le to a particular hazard and > duration o f hazard, short-period quick im­
disaster. Q u estio n arises as to who is susceptible to pacts (e.g. tsunam i, tornado, seism ic events
a d isaster? T h e a n sw e r is, it m ay be spatial unit (be etc.), long-period slow but w idespread im­
it a sp ecific lo catio n , or a region or a country or even pacts (e.g. floods, droughts, sea level rise etc).
larger a rea), a p h y sio g rap h ic unit (e.g. mountainous
>• resistibility of m aterials o f physical stru c­
area, flood p la in , coastal area, m arine ecosystem
etc.), hum an c o m m u n ity , plant com m unity and tures such as different types o f buildings in
anim al co m m u n ity . varying locations (e.g. hillslo p es, flood
plains, low coastlands etc.), bridges, roads,
T h e W C D R (W orld C onference on D isaster
R ed u ctio n , 2 0 0 5 ) has adopted the following defini­ rail tracks etc. ; ■- ;
tion o f v u ln e ra b ility :
Vulnerability Typology
V u ln e ra b ility d enotes the “conditions deter­ r. . ; r - . ' . -» •• ... v
m ined by p h y sic a l, social, econom ic and environ­
On the basis o f elem ents o f h azard /d isaster
m en tal fa c to rs o r p ro cesses, w hich increase suscep­
vulnerability, the follow ing vu ln erability types m ay
tib ility o f a c o m m u n ity to the im pacts o f hazards. be identified :
V u ln e ra b ility is th u s the probability o f being
dam aged, d e stro y e d or lost because o f a natural 1. Individual hazard vulnerability
h azard .” “ V u ln e ra b ility is far from Seing a static (i) volcanic v u lnerability,
process; it is a d y n am ic p ro cess that keeps on (ii) seism ic vuln erab ility ,
ch an g ing the p ro b a b ility o f process o f loss and
(iii) tsunam i vu ln erab ility ,
dam age o f all th e e lem en ts exposed to disasters.
(iv) hurricane v u ln erab ility ,
Elem ents o f D isa ste r Vulnerability (v) tornado v u ln erab ility ,
(vi) cyclone v u ln erab ility ,
, V u ln e ra b ility to a p a rtic u la r natural hazard or
(vii) typhoon v u ln erab ility ,
d isaster c o m p ris e s a set o f co m p o n en ts w hich help in
(viii) flood vu ln erab ility ,
the id e n tific a tio n and d eterm in a tio n o f nature and
types o f h a z a rd s and d isa ste rs. Such vulnerability (ix) d ro u g h t vuln erab ility ,
elem en ts (c o m p o n e n ts) o r factors include the (x) lan d slid e vu ln erab ility ,
fo llo w in g : (xi) El N ino v u ln erab ility , etc.
>■ h a z a rd /d is a s te r nam e, such as earth q u ak e, 2. Spatial vulnerability (vulnerable area)
cy c lo n e s, v o lc a n ic e ru p tio n , floods, droughts, (i) local area v u lnerability (vulnerable lo-
a v a la n c h e s , la n d slid e s, tsu n am i etc. • cality )
► s p a tia l u n it su c h as a p a rtic u la r lo cality , a (ii) regional vulnerability (vulnerable region),
re g io n , a c o u n try e tc .: ex am p les, flood (iii) country vulnerability (vulnerable country)

f a ,/
(iv ) global vulnerability, such as sea level

im portance in the m itigation and reduction and
rise, etc. future m anagem ent o f disasters.
3. Infrastructural vulnerability

(v u ln e r a b le infrastructure) DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS

(i) vulnerable w ater supply system

D isaster risk is defined and viewed differently
(ii) vulnerable transport system as follow s :
(iii) vulnerable com m unication system
A disaster risk is defined as likely adverse
(iv) v u ln e ra b le electricity supply system im pacts o f a particular hazard on different aspects,
4 / Com m unity vulnerability such as social, econom ic, political, m edical, psycho­
logical etc., of human society.
(v u ln e ra b le com m unity)
“A risk (o f hazard) is the probability that a
I f the aforesaid vuln erab ility types are com ­
hazard will happen or, more precisely, the likelihood
b in e d , th ese m ay be grouped into the follow ing two
that an event will coinside with elem ents w hich can
c a te g o rie s :
be affected’’ (C.J. Barrow, 2005).
physical vulnerability
Since hazard/disaster risk is a probability o f
V u ln erab ility types likely adverse impacts o f a particular hazard on
\ J V’ ! > ! *>V ’J i f •>*" • •
social vulnerability society, it is full o f uncertainties in terms o f magnitude
.'•-•I4.. ’ ] r, and severity o f a hazard, speed, quantum o f likely
41. : *' 1•./ ' damage, duration o f persistence o f disaster etc.
T he co m m unity o r social vulnerability in­
c lu d es the co n sid e ra tio n o f susceptibility of a Disaster risk has different connotations and
definitions in different disciplines e.g. environm en­
p articu lar c o m m u n ity o r social group to a particular
tal science, ecology, econom ics, engineering and
d isaste r (fo r ex am p le, the fisherm en com m unity
technology, toxicology etc. A few exam ples are
living in the c lo se proxim ity o f seas is most
given below :
su sc e p tib le to the adverse effects o f atm ospheric
sto rm s and tidal surges, tsunam i etc.); degree of According to com m on connotation disaster
h u m an re sista n c e and adaptation to disaster; level of risk is defined as ;
so cial in te ra ctio n s and social adjustm ent to a (H) hazard x vulnerability (V)
d isaste r; p sy ch o lo g ical set up o f individuals and or
society tow ards the occurrence o f a hazard and
A ccording to engineers and technocrats disas­
c o n seq u en tial d isastro u s im pacts; level o f com m u­
ter risk becomes the product o f the follow ing :
nity co o p eratio n in rescue and rehabilitation pro­
(P) probability (of the occurrence o f a hazard) x
gram m es etc.
(C) consequences (of a hazard)
G eographic inform ation system (G IS), aero­
space survey and satellite im ages help considerably or
in id en tify in g and m apping o f vulnerably areas, in PxC
o b tain in g h isto ric inform ation gathered from local H azard/disaster risk is view ed in term s of
p eo p le and transm itting such inform ation to the human health and w ealth; or it is view ed in term s of
research ers to b elter m odel the frequency and environm ent and nature.
m ag n itude o f events in an area. T he detailed analysis
The risk m anagem ent, very significant aspect
o f the vulnerable areas affected in the past and likely
o f natural disaster reduction and m anagem ent,
to be affected in n ear future by a particular hazard
includes the follow ing aspects :
and d isaster, o f m ass data set regarding the
freq u en cy , recu rren ce intervals o f m ajor events, > risk identification,
' . i.’
m ag n itu d e and severity o f hazards and disasters, > risk assessm ent,
p h y sic a l, in frastru ctu al, com m unity and social >- risk perception assessm ent,
v u ln e ra b ility , social and governm ental reactions and
> determ ination o f risk m agnitude,
re sp o n se s to hazards and disasters, adjustm ent o f
s o c ie ty to the h azards and disasters is o f vital > risk com m unication (risk inform ation),

>- risk responses and risk takers, they inflicted heavy loss o f hum an lives and
property. Further, the b u m aterials also d e ter­
i l d i n g

> risk acceptability,

m ine the m agnitude o f risk by earth q u a es, m
> risk avoidance, exam ple, L atur (M aharashtra, 6.3, S e p te m b e r ,
>• risk m itigation, etc. 1993) quake was also o f m o d e r a t e in te n sity b u t
Disaster risk assessment in volves the fo llo w ­ killed m ore than 11,000 people. T he people liv in g on
the hillolopes are m ore vulnerable to seism ic e v en ts
ing :
and hence are liable to m axim um risk. L ik ew ise,
>- assessm ent o f vulnerability o f a society, a
inhabitants o f coastal areas in general and fish e rm e n
locality, plant and anim al com m unities, com m unities in particular have m axim um ris k o f
>■ assessm ent o f ability of resistance o f system being adversely affected by cyclonic storm s, tid al
to a particular hazard/disaster, surges and tsunam i. T he densely po p u lated flo o d
>- assessm ent o f ability o f resilience o f a plains o f alluvial rivers are m ost v u ln erab le to
system , affected or to be affected such as recurrent severe floods and h e n c e are in m axim um
humans, plants and anim als, to recover from risk and threat zone.
the dam ages do n e by a particular disaster, Disaster communication is in fact a w arn in g
system o f the probable occurrences o f h azard s and
> risk-cost-benefit evaluation,
disasters. This is also called risk in fo rm atio n w hich
> assessm ent o f vulnerable localities has two basic com ponents as follow s :
> assessm ent o f v u ln erability o f different (1) risk com m unication system o r tra n sm issio n
sections o f so ciety to a particular hazard, o f disaster risks inform ation to d iffe re n t
disaster etc.
segm ents o f society, g o v ern m en t and n o n ­
D isaster risk assessm en t, though a significant governm ental o rg an izatio n s (N G O ), .and
aspect of disaster re d u c tio n and m anagem ent, is an
(2) takers (receiver) o f d isaste r risk in fo rm atio n
uphill task because it becom es m ore or less
i.e. vulnerable and th reaten d sec tio n s o f
subjective (in case o f v o lu n tary risk assessm ent) and
qualitative as it b e co m e s d ifficu lt, and som e tim es
impossible, to o b tain au th en tic and am ple data of This aspect w ill be d iscu ssed la te r in this
chapter but it m ay be em p h asized th a t the e ffe c ts and
risk aspects.
responses o f d isaster risk w arn in g s d e p en d on the
Some p aram eters h av e been found out to types o f m edia thro u g h w h ich risk a sse ssm e n t and
determine m agnitude and severity o f natural haz­ w arnings are co m m u n icated , so u rc es o f risk in fo r­
ards, such as R ichter and M arcali scales to m easure m ation, credibility and a c c e p tab ility o f risk in fo rm a ­
the intensity and sev e rity o f earthquakes; Fuijita tion, nature o f takers (rec ip ie n ts) o f risk in fo rm a ­
scale to m easure the sev erity and m agnitude of tion, nature o f resp o n ses and a d ap ta b ility to risk
damage o f torn ad o es; Saffir-Sim pson hurricane inform ation from d iffe re n t seg m e n ts o f so ciety etc.
damage scale (5 -p o in t sca le , m inim um dam age, It m ay be m e n tio n e d th at p ercep tio n o f
moderate dam age, e x ten siv e dam age, extrem e dam ­ d isaster risks and d isa ste r th reats v aries from person
age and catastrophic d am ag e) etc. to person and from co m m u n ity to co m m u n ity . Som e
tim es som e people b eco m e d isin te re ste d tow ards
It may be p o in ted o u t th at it is not the
risk and th reat w arn in g s in sp ite o f high m ag n itu d e
m agnitude o f a hazard th a t m atters in term s o f risk o f
and high degree o f risk asso ciated w ith likely
damage rather it is the v u ln erab ility o f the locality o ccurrence o f a h azard . S om e tim es certain people
and com m unity to a p a rtic u la r hazard that m atters becom e in d ifferen t and co m p lacen t ab o u t the risk
more. For exam ple, the inhab ited hillslopes are m ore w arnings.
vulnerable to e arth q u ak es. T he earthquakes o f U ttar It m ay be su m arized that the basic elem en ts o f
Kashi (U ttarakhand, In d ia) (6.6 m agnitude on n atural d isaste r red u ctio n and m anagem ent include
Richter scale, 20 O ctober, 1991) and M uzaffarabad the study and an aly sis o f the nature o f hazards in
quake (PO K , 6.5, O cto b er 8, 2005) in Pakistan term s o f th eir o rig in , m ag n itu d e and severity;
O ccupied K ashm ir w ere o f m oderate intensity but vulnerability o f an area o r segm ents o f society or
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

340 These are called PM P stages w herein first (P)

both to a particular hazard and disaster; risk and second (M ) stages lead to the third stage (P). In
assessm ent o f probable occurrence o f a particu ar other w ords, the prim ary goal o f natural disaster
hazard and disaster, risk and threat perception and reduction is to m inim ise the adverse im pacts of
risk information system; resistance or ability o a natural hazards on hum an society and thus activities
system, may it be a social system (community) or undertaken under first two steps (preparedness and
biological community (plants and animals), or m itigation) are prerequisite requirem ents for pre­
physical system ( terrain characteristics, infrastructural vention o f dam ages done by a disaster.
facilities etc.) to withstand the furry o f the severity
of a hazard and disaster; resilience o f human society and
re lie f (R)
environmental system to recover from the destruction
2. Post-disaster stage recovery (R)
done by a hazard and disaster; human responses and
adjustment to a particular hazard and disaster. rehabilitation (R)

17.5 STAGES OF NATURAL DISASTER RED UC­ These relief w orks, recovery steps and proper
TION AND M ANAGEMENT rehabilitation o f affected people are called Three ‘R ’
steps o f post-disaster m anagem ent o f disaster
Basically, the occurrences o f hazards and reduction and m anagem ent.
disasters are studied in three stages as follows :
1. Pre-disaster stage,
2. On-disaster stage, and
Pre-disaster stage o f d isaster reduction and
3. Post-disaster stage. managem ent aim s at inform ing the people o f the area
A lternatively, these three stages are termed to be affected by a hazard and d isaster w ell in
as : advance; to m ake the com m unity prepared and
mently ready to face any sort o f eventuality through
1. A nticipatory stage (anticipation o f disas­ various m easures; to m inim ize the probable adverse
ter), effects; and to prevent the occurrence o f a hazard or
2. Participatory stage (participation o f com ­ atleast to weaken the furocity th e re o f or to d iv ert the
munity in disaster m itigation), and path o f m ovem ent o f storm s such as hurricanes,
other tropical cyclones etc. Thus, the pre-disaster
3. Recovery stage (relief work, rehabilita­
stage includes the follow ing three m ajor steps
tion and recovery from the disaster).
(known as PM P steps) ;
These three stages o f natural disaster reduc­
1. disaster preparedness (P)
tion and managem ent are also termed as :
■1, f' r '' 2. disaster m itigation (M )
1. Preparedness stage (P),
3. disaster prevention (P)
2. M itigation stage (M), and
The pre-disaster stage prim arily aim s at
3. Recovery stage (R). reducing the adverse im pacts o f hazards and
These are called PMR stages wherein each disasters by adopting certain m easures. T here are
stage or step is linked with other stage or step. These certain hazards, the tim e o f occurrence o f w hich
cannot be precisely know n before hand such as
three stages of natural disaster reduction and
seism ic events (earthquakes), volcanic eruption,
managem ent (NDRM ) may be combined into two
tsunam i, tornadoes, but there are certain hazard s and
broad stages as follow s : disasters w hose occurrence tim e can be k now n well
in advance such as tropical cy clo n es, floods,
preparedness (P) droughts etc. If a long-range plan n in g is fo rm ulated
J. Pre-disaster stage m itigation (M) and executed, the occurrences o f su ch hazards
though cannot be prevented b u t th e ir adverse
prevention (P)
im pacts can be reduced to a certain degree.
> preparation of contingency plans and creation
It is, thus, necessary to discuss PM P steps as
preparatory m easures to m anage hazards and disas­ o f infrastructural facilities fo r re lie f w ork,
recovery and reh ab ilitatio n activ itie s to be
follow ed in the p o st-d isaster stag e o f d isaste r
1. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS (F) m anagem ent. The needed in frastru c tu ra
cilities include the follow ing :
Preparedness m eans necessary arrangem ents
(i) rescure operation,
to m eet any eventuality if a hazard strikes a locality
and com m unity. This involves the study o f the (ii) shelter and food,
vulnerability o f a locality or a region to certain (iii) safe drinking w ater,
hazards and disasters; to identify hazards and to
(iv) electricity supply,
study the nature, severity, and m ode o f occurrence of
particular hazard; to assess the risks of individual (v) transport system ,
hazard; to determ ine the m agnitude of a hazard; and (vi) language efficiency,
quantum o f dam age to be done by such hazard; to (vii) m edical facilities etc.
prepare vulnerability m aps of the concerned area; to
>• adaquate support systems are req u ired to m e et
educate the people about the nature and likely
adverse im pacts o f a hazard through various out the requirem ents o f above m e n tio n e d
m ethods; to educate the people about avoidance of infrastructural facilities. T h e fo llo w in g su p ­
hazards and taking safety m easures in the event of port system s are required :
occurrence o f a disaster etc. (i) financial support,
It is apparent from above discussion that (ii) m aterial support,
prim ary aim o f d isaster preparedness is to initiate
such steps and m easures, pursue such activities and (iii) equipm ent support,
form ulate and adopt such action plans which can (iv) adm inistrative support,
reduce the adverse im pacts o f disasters in term s of (v) m edical support,
loss o f lives and property o f the hum an society to be
(vi) social support, etc.
affected by a d isaster. In fact, disaster preparedness
refers to g ear up all governm ent m achineries, > disaster education and a w are n e ss
individuals and com m unities, non-governm ental >- disaster m an ag em en t tra in in g p ro g ra m m e s
organizations, social groups, activists etc. to be in a
>- disaster w arning system
state of readiness and fully equipped in the event o f a
>- dissem ination o f d isaste r in fo rm a tio n an d
disaster. The follow ing m easures should be adopted
know ledge
to m ake the disaster preparedness effective :
► disaster research, w hich includes the follow ­ > form ation o f d isaster re d u c tio n p la n s an d
ing : projects fo r red u cin g p o v erty o f the a ffe c te d
(i) m apping and preparation o f disaster people due to lo ss o f th e ir life s u p p o rt
prone (vulnerable) areas and risk system s, and d isab ilitie s cau se d by th e
m agnitude zone m aps,
(ii) study o f nature (types, ch aracteris­ >- in v o lv em en t o f N G O s, b u sin ess se c to rs,
tics, origin), m agnitude and severity en trep ren eu rs, so cial activ ists etc. in e ffe c ­
o f hazards and disasters, tive ex ecu tio n o f rescu e o p e ra tio n an d
(iii) risk assessm ent o f d isasters, re h a b ilitatio n p ro g ram m es
(iv) study o f p ast history and recurrence >- p rep aratio n o f in v e n to rie s o f re lie f g o o d s fo r
intervals o f hazards and disasters, d ifferen t types o f d isa ste rs, fo r e x am p le,
(v) study o f psychological, econom ic heavy m ach in es and e q u ip m e n ts are n eed ed
and social im plications, to rescu e tra p p e d p eo p le u n d e r th e ru b b le s in
(vi) prediction techniques etc. case o f e arth q u ak e d isa ste r w h ile d isaste r-
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
> governm ental disaster preparedness includes
pre evacuation of people to safer places is
the preparedness at the follow ing levels :
■' m ost needed help in Ihe c a s e o f tropical
cyclones and flood hazards, food and shelter (i) village level ( ‘gaonsabha le v e l’),
are required for almost all of the disasters. (ii) village ‘pan ch ay at’ level,
► proper land use planning for rehabilitation o f (iii) developm ent block level,
evacuees (iv) d istrict level,
> emergency plans to tackle severe disasters (v) state level, and
>► suitable plans for evacuation and rehabilita­ (vi) central governm ent level.
tion o f oustees
The following aspects o f disaster prepared­ (2) Disaster Research
ness need further elaboration :
(1) level and nature o f disaster preparedness D isaster research for the reduction and
m itigation o f natural hazards and disasters includes
(2) disaster research
the follow ing aspects :
(3) disaster prediction
> types and nature o f hazards and disasters
(4) disaster warning & com m unication
> contributing factors o f hazards and disasters
(5) diaster education
>- m apping o f disasters vulenerable areas
(1) Level and Nature of Disaster Preparedness >- prediction o f hazards and disasters
>- m onitoring o f natural hazards
Various plans may be form ulated and ex­ Contributing factors : The types o f natural
ecuted at different levels ranging from household hazards and disasters have already been described in
preparedness to governm ental preparedness as
the preceding section 17.2 o f this chapter. The
follows : characteristics, severity and m ode o f occurrences o f
> household preparedness, each fam ily should selected hazards and disasters w ill be discussed in
be m entally and m aterially (depending on the the succeeding 18th and 19th chapters o f this book.
econom ic position o f the fam ily) should be in The contributing factors o f hazard occurrences
the state o f preparedness in the event o f a include the analysis o f bedrocks and surficial
geology, soils, w ater resources, land use etc.;
atm ospheric and ocean dynam ics; precipitation and
>- organizational preparedness including both rainfall characteristics; stability and instability of
public and private sectors, NGOs may play hillslopes and hillslope failures; hum an activities
major roles in disaster m anagem ent. which affect environm ental processes (see chapter
>■ inter-organizational preparedness, means full 15); hum an econom ic activ ities such as construction
coordination between and among public and o f dams and reservoirs, u sb an izatio n , land use
private organizations. changes (e.g. deforestation) etc.
► community level preparedness, for example, M apping of disaster vulnerable areas : The
there are different com m unities in the coastal prim e objective o f d isaster research is to gather
zones such as fishermen community, busi­ inform ation about different aspects o f natural
ness community, farmers community etc., disasters such as topographical m aps, aearial photo­
each community requires disaster prepared­ graphs, satellite im ages, p ast history o f the area in
ness at varying levels, the fisherm en should term s o f the occurrences (including frequency,
have the facility for early warning systems m agnitude, severity, recurrence interval o f severe
disasters), geographic inform ation system (G IS),
for tsunami occurrence, onslaught o f tidal
personal interview s, archives, g o v ern m en tal and
surges etc., the coastal zone com m unities
non-governmental sources, experim ents and rrsearches
should always be prepared to face the
for preparing the m aps o f ‘terrain risk a re a s’ ‘disaster
eventualities o f disasters.
vulnerability m aps’, ‘m ajor disaster zone m aps’ etc.

GPS plays significant role in disaster mapping. Such The' 'SCOPE tfs o
n o n - g o v e r n m e n ta l organizations.
types o f disaster maps are of vital significance not assists the United N ations Env.ronm ent ^ g r a m m e
only for disaster m anagem ent but also for environ­ (UNEP), Man and Biosphere Programme ( )
mental planning, planners, administrators, NG O 's the UNESCO and W orld C lim ate Program m e
etc. (WCP) of the WMO (W orld M e t e o r o l o g i c a l Orgam-
The hazards and disasters maps are prepared zation).
on the basis o f quantification of data related to IGBP : The ICSU again launched an in tern a­
different aspects of disasters such as magnitude, tional research progamme to study global environ-
frequency, recurrent intervals o f disasters of varying mental issues in October, 1988 at Stockholm
magnjtudes and severity o f disasters, quantum of (Sweden) known as International G eosphere-B io-
damages done .by disasters, terrain characteristics, sphere Programme (IGBP) or G lobal C hange P ro ­
accessibility etc. The disaster maps so prepared gramme (GCP). This program m e stresses the study
include different zones of varying intensities and of interactive processes o f physical environm ent
dimensions. such as terrestrial (lithosphere), m arine and atm os­
Rem ote sensing techniques, aerospace sur­ pheric com ponents o f the environm ent based on
veys and GIS help in disaster m anagement in the satellite remote sensing techniques, environm ental
following m anner : monitoring and geographic inform ation system
► by providing detailed m aps o f the problem
areas. HDGC : Social scientists have lau n ch ed a
parallel research program m e nam ed th e H um an
► by providing historic inform ation gathered Dimension o f Global C hange (H D G C ). T h is p ro ­
from local people to disaster researchers to gramme is supported and funded by the U N O , the
better m odel the frequency and magnitude of International Social Science C ouncil (IS S C ) and th e
hazards and disasters in an area. International Federation of Institutes fo r A d v an ced
Studies (IFIAS).
► by providing a planning fram ew ork for local
p o liticians, adm inistrators and activists. IDNDR : The U nited N atio n s O rg an izatio n
launched the International D ecad e fo r N atu ral
>• by providing d isaster reduction planning Disaster Reduction (ID N D R) fo r the d e cad e 1991-
based on past experiences o f disasters and 2000 A.D. to study the m ajor natural d isa ste rs and to
aw areness o f d isasters am ong the people. find out ways and m eans to allev iate th e ir c a ta ­
M ajor disaster research programmes : m ap­ strophic effects on hum an society. T h e m a jo r
ping o f natural hazards and global changes in objective o f ID N D R was to reduce lo ss o f life,
environm ental co n ditions are very im portant aspects property dam age, and social and eco n o m ic d isru p ­
of disaster m anagem ent. T his requires indepth study tion caused by natural d isasters th ro u g h co n certed
of hazard-prone areas at global, regional and local international activities and co o p eratio n . T h e d isas­
levels. The in ternation al C ouncil o f Scientific Union ter reduction program m e under the p u rv iew o f the
(ICSU) and o th e r organizations have launched ID N D R included only rapid pro cesses su ch as
several research program m es to study the environ­ earthquakes, volcanic eru p tio n s, lan d slid es, tsu n a­
mental changes caused by hum an activities and m is, floods, w indstorm s, w ild fires, lo cu sts and
natural d isasters in term s o f m echanism s involved in droughts. L ong-term d isasters w ere n o t in clu d ed in
the genesis o f such disasters, their m onitoring and the im m ediate p rogram m e o f the ID N D R . T h e
m itigation. T he follow ing are the im portant p ro ­ follow ing w ere th e m ain goals o f the d isaste r
grammes o f d isaste r research and d isaster m itig a­ red u ctio n p rogram m e u n d er the fram e w o rk o f
tion. ID N D R :
SCOPE : T he IC SU , an U N organization > to im prove th e cap acity o f each country
established a com m ittee as the S cientific C om m ittee ag ain st n atural d isaste rs by th e esta b lish m e n t
on Problem s o f E n v ironm ent (SC O PE) in 1969 to o f early w arn in g sy stem s,
further enhance our standing o f hum an influences on >• to fo ster scien ce and tech n o lo g y aim ed at
the en vironm ent and the events o f environm ental clo sin g c ritical gaps in th e k n o w led g e to
problem s for governm ental, intergovernm ental and red u ce n atu ral d isasters.

► to dissem inate existing and new inform ation It may be pointed out that the prediction o f
related to assessm ent, prediction, prevention rapid on-set disasters such as volcanic eruption,
and m itigation o f natural disasters, and earthquake, tornado, landslides etc. eith er becom es
v to develope m easures for the assessm ent, d ifficult or deceptive. A few exam ples m ay be
prediction, and m itigation o f natural disasters sufficient to validate this connotation :
through various m odalities and dem onstra­ >• The prediction o f m ajor seism ic events is
tions. alm ost im possible, because till date no
effective m echanism o f occurrence o f earth­
(3) Disaster Prediction
quake could be evolved.
D isaster prediction is a significant com ponent >• The eruption o f existing dorm ant and extinct
o f disaster m anagem ent. The d isaster prediction is volcanoes som etim es becom e easier to pre-
made on the basis of the follow ing : '
diet and som etim es eruption prediction be­
> past history of the area, w hich is vulnerable to com es false and proves m ost disastrous; one
a particular hazard and disaster in term s o f : exam ple each for success and failure o f
(i) disaster occurrence frequency, prediction o f volcanic eruption m ay validate
(ii) recurrence intervals o f m ajor disasters, the above statem ent.
(iii) m agnitude and severity o f disasters, and (i) The eruption - o f K ilauea volcano in
(iv) dim ension o f disasters. H aw aiiland, which occurred on 14th
N ovem ber, 1959 and again on January
>- precursor events, slow events w hich herald
13, 1960 was predicted w ell in advance
the occurrence o f m ajor events, for exam ple,
and the prediction becam e true.
(1) there is surface creep o f very slow rate of
m ovem ent for longer duration before a major (ii) Professor Landes o f St. P ierre C ollege
landslide occurs; (2) final violent eruption of predicted on M ay 7, 1902 ab o u t non­
a volcano is heralded by the bulging of occurrence o f any eru p tio n from M t.
ground surface, significant increase in local Pelee located on the M artin iq u e Islan d in
seism ic activity, em ission o f volcanic gases, the C aribbean Sea in near future bu t his
increase in the tem perature o f surface w ater prediction proved w rong on the fo llo w ­
or lake w ater present in the existing volcanic ing day as it was 8.02 a.m . o f m ay 8 ,1 9 0 2
crater o f old volcano, increase in the tem­ when gloom and d isp air loom ed large
perature o f existing hot springs, geysers and over the coastal tow n o f St. P ierre as M t.
fum aroles; deform ation o f the configuration Pelee erupted w ith violent ex p lo sio n and
o f dorm ant or extinct volcanoes; significant destroyed the whole o f the tow n k illin g
changes in local gravity; (3) long-duration all the 28,000 inhabitants o f the tow n
incessant high intensity rainfall is precursor leaving behind only tw o su rv iv o rs to
event o f probable flood; (4) regular occur­ m ourn the dem ise o f th eir fellow p er­
rence o f seism ic trem ors o f m inor to m oder­ sons.
ate intensities heralds the occurrence o f ► The occurrence and arrival o f a few disasters
m ajor earthquake etc. is so quick and sudden th at even they are
> nature of causative factors, for exam ple, predicted correctly but there is no su fficien t
p ossible floods may be forecast on the basis time for evacuation and tim ely av o id an ce of
o f am ount, intensity and duration o f rainfall onslaught o f the d isasters. The fo llo w in g two
in the catchm ent area; spotting o f tropical exam ples illustrate the lim itatio n s o f d isaster
c y clo n es and local storm s near their source prediction :
areas and tracking o f their paths o f m ovem ent (i) The u n p red ictab ility and ferocity o f
etc. tornadoes m ake p ro tectio n and p rep ar­
> Floods in India are predicted o* the basis of
edness very difficult. Tornadoes are
amount, intensity and duration o f m onsoon
generally predicted on the basis of (a)
detection and tracking of tornadoes by rainfall from June to Septem ber. S.W .
weather surveillance radar, and (b) prompt monsoon is predicted on the basis o f cortipu
reports of visual sightings by competent ter model by Indian M eteorological D ep art­
observers. Recently, doppler raders are ment (IMD) which includes 16 param eters
used in the study of different aspects of (see ‘C lim atology’ by Savindra Singh, 2007,
tornadoes and their prediction and warn­ pp 428-429). Though the IM D predicted the
ing. A doppler radar predicts the arrival onslaught o f severe cyclones in the w estern
of a tornado at a particular locality 20 India in the last week o f July, 2005, but the
minutes in advance but the time is so unprecedented rainfall o f 940 mm in 24 hours
short that any step of preparedness in Mumbai culm inated into w orst floods ever
proves ineffective, though people may recorded in the history o f the city, w hich
go to safer places if tornado warning claimed more than 1000 hum an lives. It may
reaches them on time. be mentioned that the city w as not prepared
(ii) The tsunam i m eter predicts the arrival of and geared to face such disastrous situation.
tsunam i at a particular coastal area 20
m inutes in advance but again this time is (4) Disaster Warning Systems

not sufficient for safety of human and

Disaster warning system (D W S) com prises
animal com m unities. effective measures to com m unicate the hum an
>• The prediction o f certain disasters, such as community of the area, which is liable to be h it by a
hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons etc. made on particular disaster, about various aspects o f a
the basis of tracking o f the storms by satellite probable disaster. The DW S now a days uses
radars and other prediction system s, is made advanced scientific know ledge and technologies o f
early warning system (E W S)w hich includes the
well in advance but devastation of human
following com ponents :
health and wealth is not avoided. For
example, tw o hurricanes viz. Katrina and > trace indicators having reliable m ass d ata set
Wilma struck the states of Louisiana and regarding the nature, source o f origin, speed,
Florida, USA in 2005 and inflicted heavy magnitude, severity, tracks and direction o f
loss of hum an lives and property, though all m ovem ent (in the case o f atm ospheric
aspects o f these disastrous hurricanes viz. storm s, tsunam i etc.), likely im pacts, tim e o f
their origin in the Caribbean sea, tracks of the hitting o f the locality etc.
their m ovem ent, velocity and severity, were > early warning tools, such as radars, television,
timely predicted. H urricane Katrina almost radio, news papers, hooters and sirens o f alarm,
flattened New O rleanse (A ugust, 29, 2005) door knocking, m obile loud speakers etc.
and left behind untold m isery unheard in > elements of warning systems; detection o f
the h u rric a n e h isto ry o f this city . disaster, detectional w arning, com m unica­
Hurricane W ilma, which hit Florida in tion o f disaster w arning to concerned seg­
October, 2005, was the strongest hurricane ments o f society, response and quick review
ever recorded. o f disaster w arning etc.
Sim ilarly, the supper cyclone of 1999 in >- disaster warning centers, local centers, re­
Orissa, India, was correctly predicted and satellites gional centers, national centers, global centers
tracked the cyclone and transm itted hourly pictures (involving many countries, as is done in the
but the devastation of coastal districts of Orissa case of tsunam i occurrence in the Pacific
could not be avoided due to human failure. Ocean).

> mobilization of masses for quick response to people were killed and 200 villages were Completely
• ’- warnings and to follow the safety measures. washed out but the unofficial sources put human
death toll at about 100,000. The loss o f property
The success o f disasters warning depends on
mounted to about 10,000 core rupees (1000 billion
reliability o f warnings, proper functioning o f elec­
tronic and print media o f com m unication, sincerity
o f the agencies involved in the warnings, education The unfam iliarity with tsunam i waves among
and understandings o f the general public, positive the nations bordering Indian Ocean claim ed more
responses from the com m unities likely to be than 250,000 people in more than a dozen countries,
affected, accuracy o f w arnings, tim e factor etc. It mainly in Indonesia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.
may be m entioned that disaster w arning is, in fact, A powerful earthquake m easuring 9.3 m agnitude on
the next step o f disaster prediction because the Richter scale occurred at 00.58:53 (GM T), 7.58.53
predictions o f various disasters have to be com m uni­ (Indonesian Local Tim e) or 6.29 a.m. (Indian
cated to the people in tim e so that they may adopt Standard Time) on Decem ber, 26, 2004 with its
necessary safety m easures. A ccurate and timely epicenter at Sim eulue, o ff the w est coast o f Sum m tra
w arnings may m inim ize dam ages to human lives and in the Indian Ocean and generated pow erful tsunam i
property. The disaster w arning aiso depends on the waves with a wavelength of 160 km and initial speed
nature and predictions o f occurrences of disasters. of 960 km/hour. Indian M eteorological D epartm ent
Since the occurrence o f seism ic events cannot be (IMD) detected the occurrence o f quake at 6.30 a.m.
predicted before hand, no w arning can be issued in but could not think o f the possibility o f tsunami
the case o f an earthquake, but the tsunami can be generation. Tsunam i hit Car N icobar at 7.50 a.m. but
predicted and hence w arning can be com m unicated Indian scientists and governm ent w ere unaw are of
if the earthquake exceeding 7.5 on R ichter scale the killer wave, though the air base officials at
occurs in the oceans. Nicobar informed Tam baram A ir Force (C hennai)
and the IAF chief inform ed the defence m inister of
The ‘super cyclone’ of O rissa which struck
India. The following tsunam i diary tells the sad story
Orissa coast on O ctober 29, 1999 was well detected
of failure o f Indian Govt, tow ards natural disaster
and predicted by satellite radars and was tracked
m anagement :
since the form ation o f a depression on October 25,
about 500 km east o f Portblair in the Andman Sea > The above m entioned quake struck at 6.29
(Indian O cean), its further developm ent and m ove­ a.m.
m ent as a deep depression, and a cyclonic storms on >- Tsunami originated at 6.30 a.m.
October, 26, 350 km away from Portblair, severe
cyclonic storm on O ctober 27, 750 km away from > The IMD knew the quake at 6.40 a.m. but could
Paradeep port in the Bay of Bengal, super cyclonic not analyse data due to failure of computer.
storm on O ctober 28, near Paradeep with a velocity > The Air Force Base at N icobar inform ed
o f 260 km per hour, and its final assault on October Tambaram Air Force Station (C hennai) about
29, 1999. Though hourly inform ation and warnings Sumatra quake at 7.30 a.m. Indian A ir Force
were relayed by television and radio but due to the
chief informed the defence m inister o f India.
apathy o f the state governm ent and poor com m uni­
cation system the people could not be tim ely warned > Tsunam i hit C ar N icobar at 7.50 a.m.
about the calam ity w hich was looming large above > Tsunam i hit Tam il N adu coast at 8.50 a.m.
their heads. U ltim ately, the super cyclone entered
>• IMD inform ed (about the tsunam i) to C risis
O rissa on O ctober 29, 1999 and began to play its
game o f destruction in 10 coastal districts. The M anagem ent G roup (C M G ) at 8.31 a.m .
supper cyclone resulted into the disruption o f the >• Tsunam i inform ation was faxed to the
supply o f w ater and electricity. The com m unication secretaries o f Science and T echnology and
system was throw n out of gear. D estruction and H om e M inistries at 8.56 a.m .
obstruction o f roads and rails brought a grinding
hault to rail and road transport which continued for > C risis M anagem ent G roup m et to assess the
w eeks. T housands o f fam ilies suffered mental agony extent o f dam age and to d iscu ss rescue and
and pains due to separation o f their kith and kins. relief w ork in the afternoon o f D ecem ber, 26,
A ccording to official sources m ore than 10,000 2004.
It appears from the above chain of events that rences, magnitude and severity, nature and magni­
the information about tsunami hitting India crawled tude of damage, prediction and warning system of
at snail space and took two hours time to reach the disaster, preparedness and safety measures, adjust­
government officials. The scientists and administra­ ment with disaster etc., so that they are least
tors were ignorant about even the name of tsunami as adversely affected by disasters of various sorts. In
is apparent from the following statements : fact, education on disasters plays an im portant role
“It was beyond our horizon of imagination” in various programmes of disaster reduction a n d ,
— Union M inister for Science and Technol­ management. Disaster education must be broad-
ogy” based and must reach everyone including scientists,
engineers, policy and decision makers and general
“Till 8.30 a.m. we were clueless”
public through popular media such as news papers,
Secretary, Science and Technology Ministry radio and television broadcasts, documentary films,
“Tsunami d o n ’t happen in India” poster displays, seminars and workshops, ‘nukkar
— D irector o f Seismology, IMD natak’ (street corner drama), popular slogans,
booklets, handouts, child and adult education etc. In
(these three statem ents have been quoted from
most of the countries the responsibility to educate
Down to Earth, January, 31, 2005).
and inform the public about the impending hazards
It may be m entioned that there is network of and disasters lies with governments and thus
Pacific Tsunami W arning System (PTWS) compris­ researchers and scientists must educate the decision
ing 26 m em ber ocean countries that face the fury of makers (administrators and politicians) about disas­
tsunami waves very frequently. “Had any of the ters reduction and management. It may be remem­
Indian Ocean nations (except Indonesia) been bered that a British school girl, who was taught about
member o f the PTW S, they would have got the tsunami in her higher secondary school, saved her
advisory and India would have had at least three
family members and a few more people from being
hours before the tsunam i actually struck its coast, to
swallowed by furious tsunami waves on Phuket
order evacuation or signal people to move to safety”
Island of Thailand, generated by December 26,
(India T oday, January, 10, 2005).
2004, Sumatra quake. Disaster education aims at the
It may be noted that the PTWs based at Hawaii following :
center released the news of Sum atra Tsunami on its > to arouse perception and awareness about
website and w arned two subscriber nations Aus­ hazards and disasters among decision and
tralia and Indonesia about impending danger of policy makers and general public and to train
tsunami but did not pass on the information to India the decision makers to handle the situation
and Sri L anka because firstly they were not the created by a disaster.
mem bers o f PTW S and secondly the phone numbers > to provide information about possible disas­
of concerned officials were not known. ter well in advance.
It may be concluded that it is not the > to provide disaster risk and vulnerability maps.
prediction and early warning of natural disaster > to persuade the people to improve the
which can save human life and property alone, but standard of constructions so as to escape the
hum an dim ension is also equally important. If the disasters.
persons concerned with disaster prediction and >- to acquaint the people about safety measures
w arning do not work with sincerity and integiity, if in the event of occurrence of a disaster.
the w arning o f im pending disaster does not reach the > to explain the disaster reduction techniques.
people well in advance, no science and technology > to motivate the local people for rescue
can be effective in disaster management. operation and relief work.
>- to persuade people to change their age-old
(5) Disaster Education attitudes and perceptions towards natural
hazards and disasters.
The prim e goal of disaster education is to > to persuade people to adopt proper scientific
educate the people about various aspects of hazards techniques and safety measures to minimize
and disasters, such as nature and mode of occur­ damage of various sorts.

2. DISASTER MITIGATION >- Im proving structures and follow ing o fd isa s-

ter-safe building designs and codes. It may be
W hile disaster preparedness includes all m entioned that it is not the earthquake that
th o se m easures which enable the people to cope with kills people, rather it is the buildings which
the adverse situations created by disasters, disaster kill people.
m itigatiori focuses on the follow ing two major The follow ing are two basic approaches to
objectives : m eet out the disaster m itigation program m es.
(1) to m inim ize the disruptive forces of (1) top-dow n disaster m itigation approach
disasters, and to reduce the m agnitude of disasters. (2) bottom -up disaster m itigation approach
(2) to lessen the adverse im pacts of disasters. The top-down approach o f d isaster m itigation
It m ay be m entioned that the primary goal of entirely depends on different m easures o f disaster
disaster preparedness is to save human lives from management initiated by the governm ent estab lish ­
disasters but disaster m itigation also aims at ments at different hierarchical orders such as at
reducing economic losses in- case of disaster national, state, tahsil, block levels etc. T here are
occurrences. So disaster m itigation lays more many beaurocratic hurdles and com plications at
em phasis on econom ic impacts of disasters. The government levels in im plem enting d isaster m itig a­
nature o f disaster m itigation depends on the nature tion programmes and hence actual victim s o f
o f disaster and environm ental conditions of the area disaster-hit areas do not get the benefit o f disaster
which is vulnerable to a particular disaster. For mitigation measures. Some tim es there is absence of
example, terrain characteristics, human structures such scheme in many countries. The exam ple of
(buildings and building m aterials, density of settle­ Hurricane Katrina which flattened and devastated
ments etc.), population density etc. may be o f vital New Orleans city o f the USA in 2005 tells the story
consideration for earthquake disasters while human of government apathy tow ards saving the lives and
population & settlem ents, coastal configuration, property of the victim s. The alternative disaster
ecological setup etc. o f coastal zone may be more mitigation approach is community-based bottom-up
significant for cyclonic storm s, tidal surges and approach wherein there is direct involvem ent o f
tsunam is in the coastal areas. The terrain character­ local people who participate in d isaster m itigation
istics are very im portant factors for the flood mission. The com m unity p articipation involves
disasters created by m eandering alluvial rivers. from local com m unity to w orld com m unity as
follows :
The following measures, which are also
>• local com m unity level participation
integral parts of disaster preparedness, are prerequi­
site conditions to minimise adverse impacts of natural > non-governm ental organization (NGOs)
disasters mainly economic and property losses : > gram panchayat and block-level participa­
> M apping o f disaster-prone areas and prepa­
> state-level participation
ration o f disaster zones maps.
>• central governm ent level participation
► Proper land use planning and prohibition of
v world com m unity level participation
such land uses which may accentuate disas­
It may be m entioned that any disaster
ters. For exam ple, coral mining, sand mining
m itigation m easure cannot be successful unless
from sea beaches, reclam ation o f coastal sufficient m onetary fund and am ple infrastructure
lowland areas and swamps for developm ent are made available but this cannot be possible at
purposes, destruction o f m angroves etc. local com m unity level as fund and infrastructural
accelerate the disruptive forces o f disasters. facilities and other resources are lim ited and hence
In fact, these are frontline natural buffer sufficient funds m ust com e from ‘central c e ll’ and
zones which protect the coastal lands from ‘state governm ent c e ll’. W hat is req u ired is to
the onslaught o f tidal surges and tsunam is. m otivate local com m unity to actively p articip ate in
disaster m itigation program m es. T he necessity o f
> Provision o f coastal protection through con­ com m unity participation m ay be ju stifie d by the
structing sea walls and planting m angroves. follow ing two exam ples :
n a t u r a l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s m a n a g e m e n t 349
(i) The total lack o f com m unity participation at prevent the adverse im pacts o f natural disasters by
the time o f K atrina calam ity in the city of adopting certain m easures m uch in advance o f the
New O rleans (U SA ) in 2005 exposed the occurrence of a disaster. It is, thus, evident that
w eakness o f m aterialistic society of the disaster prevention is based on the outcom e o f
disaster preparedness and disaster m itigation as
highly industrialized w estern world as the
discussed earlier. D isaster prevention includes all
absolute lack o f social bond and sense of
those activities which help in preventing the harm ful
belonging allow ed the anti-social elem ents effects o f natural disasters on hum an lives and
to exploit the victim s o f K atrina disaster at property. It may be mentioned that there are som e
the m ost critical tim e o f distress. N ot only the natural safeguards against natural hazards and
anti-social elem ents indulged in all sorts of disasters. For example, coral reefs, beaches, m an­
m alpractices but also tried to stop the relief groves, coastal wetlands (sw am ps, m arshes and
team to enter the storm -hit city! M any of backwaters), coastal sand dunes etc. which act as
natural or frontline buffers and absorb m ost o f the
them fired at the helicopters having relief
energy of disruptive forces of natural hazards and
items and experts hovering over New Orleanse
save the coastal zone and its inhabitants from the
city. devastation caused by natural oceanic disasters such
(ii) T he exam ple o f flood deluge of the city of as cyclonic storms and tidal surges, tsunam is etc.
M um bai due to unprecedented and incessant Mangroves are the most significant natural
high intensity rainfall am ounting to more buffers against oceanic disasters. A ccording to the
than 900 m m (940 m m ) w ithin 24 hours on studies conducted by US-based Earth Institute,
previously mangrove forests covered about 75 per
July 2 6 ,2 0 0 5 , illustrates the high social bond
cent of the coastlines in the tropical and subtropcal
and strong com m unity feeling in rescuing the regions but now (upto 2005 A.D.) only 50 per cent o f
flood m arooned people and saving hundreds coastlines have mangrove forests. There are still
to thousands o f hum an lives. Not even a some patches o f rich m angroves along the east
single case o f m alpractice (rape or robbery) coasts of India. The Sunderbans in W est B engal and
was reported. Bhitarkanika in O rissa are the largest and second
largest mangrove forests. It was the m angrove
It m ay be sum m arized that government based
forests at Bhitarkanika which saved the locality
mitigation (G B M ) should be associated with commu­ from the ferosity o f 1999 super cyclone o f O rissa.
nity based m itigation (C B M ) so that the benefits of The Pichavaram and M uthupet having dense m an­
disaster m itig atio n m easures reach the victims. grove forests in Tamil Nadu coast absorbed the
tsunami force on Decem ber 26, 2004 (Sum atra
T here are certain constraints which hinder the
tsunami) and m inimized the casualties and property
im plem entation o f disaster m itigation programmes
damage while N agapattinam and C uddalore suf­
such as governm ental constraints (lack of proper fered heavy loss of human life and property.
resources, lack o f provision for regular involvem ent Destruction o f m angroves, reclam ation o f coastal
of governm ent at differen t levels in disaster m itiga­ lowlands and wetlands, coral m ining, sand m ining
tion, lack o f proper legislation etc.); social con­ from beaches, destruction of coastal sand dunes for
straints; political constraints; legal im plications, various developm ental projects have led the east
coasts o f India m ost vulnerable to oceanic hazards
financial constraints (lack o f budgetary provision
and disasters. Inspite of large areal extent and fairly
fo rd isaster m itigation fund, poverty and technologi­ larger area of high ground the Indian east coasts
cal backw ardness etc.) etc. mainly in Tam il Nadu suffered m ost from tsunam i
impact in 2004 due to destruction o f natural life line
3. DISASTER PREVENTION com prised o f m angroves, sand dunes, beaches and
coral reefs while M aldives com prising tiny 1190
It m ay be m entioned at the very outset that islands in the Indian O cean and on an average
disaster prevention does not mean to prevent the em erging hardly one m eter above sea level, having
occurrences o f natural disasters rather it m eans to no high ground that can provide safe refuge at the

tim e o f oceanic disasters, was least impacted by > to use standard building m aterials for con­
D ecem ber 26, 2004 tsunami because rich coral reefs structing different types o f buildings,
encircling tiny islands absorbed m ost of the energy
o f tsunam i force and restricted human casualties to > to follow earthquake-resistant standard de­
only 85 deaths. signs for the construction of buildings,
Stability of hillslopes covered with dense > to restrict the construction of high rise
forests prevents m assive landslides but massive buildings in the quake vulnerable areas,
deforestation world over has exposed many hillslopes >■ to prepare earthquake risk zone maps,
and has made them m ore vulnerable to frequent
> to adopt safety measures, etc.
landslides. It may be m entioned that dense forests
also act as natural buffers against landslides. Very high human casualties and heavy loss of
C onstruction of roads and buildings has also property in the case o f recent M uzaffarabad quake
destabilized hillslopes and has accelerated the (POK) on October 8,2005, which measured only 6.5
process o f landslides. A voidance of steep hillslopes on Richter scale, were caused not because o f the
for road and building construction, farming and magnitude of the quake, rather were caused due to
horticulture; reforestation and afforestation may be negligence of all the preventive m easures, as
effective preventive m easures for accelerated soil referred to above, of earthquake disasters. The same
erosion and landslides. mistakes resulted into heavy loss o f human lives and
property (more than 6200 people died, m ore than
The w ater-logging in the urban areas resulting 46,000 people were inured o f which 33,000 suffered
from high intensity incessant rainfall of long from serious injuries, more than 139,000 homes
duration is not alw ays prim ary cause of urban flood were destroyed) when a m oderate earthquake
but at tim es it becom es the result o f human failure. measuring only 6.3 on R ichter scale rocked Central
For exam ple, the M um bai deluge of July 26, 2005 Java on May 27,2006, epicenter being at Yogyakarta,
was not only because of 940 mm of rainfall within 24 400 km east of Jakarta, the capital o f Indonesia.
hours but it was also because of choking of outlets of • .. •. ■:••<; Lc \< 'i
accum ulated w ater and lack of proper drainage
w hich may allow quick disposal of rainwater. It is, POST-DISASTER STAGE
, ' -v
therefore, im perative that the urban authorities
should make provision for proper drainage and Post-disaster phase o f disaster management
quick disposal o f rainw ater in the event of incessant reflects the resilience o f disaster affected com muni­
heavy rainfall. The riverine cities should also be well ties towards facing the calam ities introduced by a
protected from flood w aters o f the rivers entering the particular or a host o f disasters. The post-disaster
cities by the construction o f riparian dykes of stage com prises the follow ing steps to absorb the
various sorts. The following measures should be adverseries o f natural disasters :
adopted to m inim ise the devastation by severe (1) relief m easures,
floods o f the rivers :
(2) recovery from shocks o f disasters, and
> to delay the return of runoff resulting from
(3) rehabilitation o f displaced communities.
torrential rainfall to the rivers,
>- to hasten the discharge of rivers,
(1) Relief Measures
> to reduce the volum e of water,
> to divert the flow of river water, The m om ent a disaster occurs in an area, the
> to reduce the im pacts of floods, im m ediate steps to be taken are to rescue people
> to forew arn the occurrence of floods, etc. buried under debris, to provide food, drinking water,
T hese aspects have been discussed in detail in shelter, m edicines, to restore pow er and water
the 19th chapter o f this book. supplies and com m unication and trasnsport systems.
T he follow ing are the preventive,m easures of The following are the significant com ponents o f relief
earth q u ak e disasters ; measures at the time o f occurrence o f a disaster ;

> to avoid the earthquake-prone areas for > social response and action,
hum an settlem ents. > participants in relief w ork,
>• organizational involvement, medicines etc. and men such as volunteers, doctors,
>- correct picture of nature, magnitude and nurses, engineers etc. are immediately arranged and
sent on the basis of reports o f news m edia and not on
severity of disasters and necessary require­
ments, the basis of specific requests of the disaster-affected
nation, such hasty steps create certain problems
> priority fixation of relief measures, instead of mitigating the calamity. The em otional
> zonation of priority on the basis of magnitude strong social response to the earthquake disasters in.
o f dam ages and requirements, and Mexico city, Mexico (1985), Armenia (1988), north­
ern Iran (1990), December 26,2004 tsunami disaster
>* active participation in relief work.
triggered by undersea Sumatra quake (9.3 on R ichter
Social Response : There is instantaneous scale) in the Indian Ocean, October 8, 2005 quake o f
response in humans to help each other during the Muzaffarabad (POK), May 27, 2006 quake o f Java
time of disasters cutting across political, religious, etc. reveals the instantaneous urge of humans to help
ethnic, territorial and physical boundaries because their fellow men in distress. The example of relief
the human stinct is stirred up by the news, pictures or measures arranged by human communities for the
on the spot scenes of misery of nature’s anger. victims of earthquake disaster in M exico city during
The social response to disasters is largely 1985 clearly demonstrates the nature o f social
determined by the com m unications of mediamen response to disasters.
like news paper reporters, television news, gossips The damage done by the devastating earth­
etc. Thus com m unications are of crucial importance quake included death of 5000 people, disappearance
in the assessm ent and reduction of disasters. of 2000 people, injuries to 40,000 people, destruc­
Generally, the opinion makers and media people tion of 400 buildings, damage to 6000 buildings,
report about the disasters based on their own lesser damage to 50,000 buildings. B esides, infra­
assessment having lim ited observations. If their structure of the city such as water pipes, pow er
reports are based on m isconceptions the problems supplies, tele-communication systems, transport
arising out o f a particular disaster are further systems etc. was seriously damaged. The social
com plicated because the nature of social response to response from within the city was quick and
the disaster is guided by the nature of reports. It is impressive. Children took over the charge o f traffic
im portant to note that ‘It is man and his response to control at road crossings and thus relieved traffic
disaster that is at the heart of disaster m anagem ent... police to take up rescue operation. Social workers
Man is a product o f his social as well as of his and volunteers poured in from various parts o f the
physical environm ent, and it is in times of disaster country and within hours m ore than 50,000 odd
that these strong bonds with his origins manifest volunteers pressed themselves in the salvage work
them selves and take precedence over his ordinary and worked tirelessly for several days and brought
behaviour. It is then that he realizes his dependence out several buried people alive even after a week
on kin and neighbour, his roots in the soil where he later. The following description by K. N impuno
grew up, and deep m eaning o f home that shelters (1989, in Aerospace Survey and Natural Disaster
him . In tim e of crisis, he may suddenly realize that Reduction, ITC, Enschede, Netherlands) reveals the
these are as much part o f him as his limb, and that magnitude of problems created by unsolicited relief
losing any of these is deeply • dam aging’ (K. measures in disaster affected areas :
N im puno, in A erospace Survey and Natural Disaster “The disaster brought massive assistance
R eduction, ITC Enschede, N etherlands, 1989). from abroad, most of it unsolicited, m uch o f it
It is heartening to note that social response to unwanted. Much of the goods and personnel that
disasters is increasing positively and immediate landed in M exico reflected the expectations o f the
relief m easures are forthcom ing from within the relief agencies and not the needs in M exico city.
country(w here disaster has occurred) and from out W ithin days, more than 1000 tons o f m aterials
side the country. Several nations and voluntary arrived. Tons o f m edicines arrived and caused
social organizations involve them selves im m edi­ handling and storage difficulties. M edical teams, a
ately in providing re lie f m easures and helping and planeload of Dutch medical staff among them,
serving the disaster victim s. Since the relief m eas­ appeared from all over the world, but they were
ures in term s o f kind such as food, clothes, unneeded and unwanted. W ithout local knowledge.

not speaking the language, they needed accommoda­ • social groups

tion, transport ahd interpreters and thus added to the • non-governm ent organizations (NGOs) -
confusion,” • governm ent organizations
“Despite all the damage, M exico city had
• international participation
m ore than enough medical resources . 20,400
physicians, 32,800 nurses, 500 ambulances, 110 such as UN Red Cross Crescent Societies,
hospitals and 844 clinics. The foreign medical team League of Red Cross, W orld Health Organi­
had no role to fulfill. Some started vaccination zation, International Council o f Voluntary
campaigns without being asked and reinforced Agencies, UNDRO etc.
unfounded fears of epidem ics” (K. Nimpuno, 1989).
Relief Materials : The relief m aterials include
It does not mean that foreign relief measures rescue team and necessary equipm ents for rescue
are always useless. Such measures become more operation, monetary fund, relief com m odities as
effective when they conform with the need of the follows :
affected people and dem anded by the government of
(1) rescue team : com prising expert team, techni­
that country. For exam ple, the M exican government
did make requests for certain items such as special cians, heavy equipm ents in order to rescue
rescue tools, com m unication equipments, some the victims buried under rubbles etc.
medical specialists and heavy machines to remove (2) medical team : com prising doctors, nurses,
the debris of collapsed buildings and these items volunteers if demanded by the disaster-hit
were supplied by developed countries. country.
It may also be pointed out that there are some (3) relief materials : com prise food item s, safe
anti-social elem ents as well who resort to looting,
drinking water, tents, generators, com m uni­
robberies and rape during disasters not only in
developing countries but also in some cases in cation devices, lighting item s, m edical
developed countries. The cases of looting and raping equipments, cooking gas cylinders and stoves,
were reported in the V irgin Islands of the USA after wood, coal, blankets, garm ents etc.
the deluge of Hugo hurricane was over. The US govt, (4) monetary fund : received from individuals,
had to fly troops in Virgin Islands to protect the institutions, voluntary social organizations,
hurricane victim s and other citizens from anti-social
as donations; governm ent agencies as finan­
cial help; and from international com m uni­
A few anti-social elem ents were involved in
taking undue advantage of Katrina hurricane disas­
ter which occurred in 2005 and devastated the city Execution of Relief-Work : The supply and
o f New Orleans, USA, as they resorted to malprac­ distribution of relief m aterials should be accom ­
tices of looting the property and raping the already plished with the help o f local com m unities and
troubled women. Even they fired at the helicopters voluntary social organizations under the um brella of
carrying rescue team. government officials. The execution of relief m eas­
ures for disaster victim s involves the following
Participation in Relief Work : It has already
steps :
been pointed out that,relief measures at the time of
major disasters require huge amount of money and > There should be correct picture o f the nature,
m aterials and heavy equipm ents for rescue opera­ m agnitude and severity o f disasters. Very
tion and they cannot be possible without government often the news m edia (both print and
assistance and international cooperations but the electronic m edia) report their own versions
execution of relief work made effective by
based on m isconceptions and rum ours in­
taking the help of local people and voluntary
stead o f reporting the real events. This is not
organizations. The following are the participants in
the operation of relief work : done deliberately. The m isconceptions about
a particular natural event arise because o f the
• < individuals
personal views o f the m edia observers and
• com m unity
analysers. It is, therefore, desirable for the

international co m m unities to respond to the (vi) Restoration o f transport and.communi­

o fficial requests o f the concerned govern­ cation systems,
m ent only. It m ay be rem em bered that m any v R elief m easures sh o u ld be p ro v id e d by
c o u n tries in cluding the USA offered help in foreign countries only after they are re,
the fo rm o f m oney and kinds to Indian quested by the disaster-affected country or
G o v ern m en t at the tim e o f D ecem ber 26, the offers of relief materials from other
2 0 0 4 tsunam i tragedy but the G ovt, o f India countries are accepted by the concerned
refu sed to accept the help as m any countries country because uunwanted and
n o f f i c i a l ,

bordering Indian O cean w ere m ore seriously >'■> unsolicited re lie f supplies o f m en and m a te ­
dam aged in term s o f hum an lives and rials create confusion and co m p lic ate the
property (such as Indonesia, T hailand, and problem s created by a p a rtic u la r d isastro u s
Sri L anka) and hence they needed help first. event instead o f solving them . M any o f the
Instead o f accep tin g foreign assistan ce India countries after hearing the d isa ste r from
rushed re lie f m aterials and rescue team s to electronic an d r p rin t m ed ia im m ed iately
M ald ives, Sri L an k a, In donesia etc. and thus dispatch huge consignm ents o f m e d ic in es
acted as a re sp o n sib le sen io r friend. and doctors w hich are no lo n g e r n e ed e d so
>■ P rio rity m u st be d e cid e d before undertaking much. Thus huge am ount o f m o n ey is w asted
the re m e d ial and re lie f m easures. F or exam ­ on m edicines, w hich o th e rw ise is m o re
ple, re lie f m e asu re s m u st be concentrated in needed in other assistan ce areas.
the high d e n sity a re as o f the affected locality.
The d is a s te r-a ffe c te d area should be divided (2) Disaster Recovery
■ . ? '»I '' i i > i • ! , it . - <

into d iffe re n t zo n es on th e basis o f m agnitude

The recovery from ad v erse e ffe c ts o f a
o f d e v a sta tio n an d re lie f w ork should be done
disaster begins from an in d iv id u a l to a c o m m u n ity .
a cco rd in g to p rio rity zones. T he follow ing
Question arises, recovery o f w hat? re c o v ery fro m
seq u en ce o f p rio rity should be adopted :
where?, recovery o f w hom ?, and m any m o re. In fa c t,
(i) R esc u e o p e ra tio n should be initiated recovery is a process that in v o lv es a d a p ta tio n and
first. R esc u e team m u st be equipped with adjustm ent of d isaster victim s to new c o n d itio n s
sp e c ia liz e d e x p e rts in rescu e operation, created by a p articu lar d isaster. In o th e r w o rd s,
n e ce ssa ry eq u ip m e n ts and m achinery, recovery process includes all th o se a ctio n s and
v o lu n te e rs, sn iffe r dogs, electronic d e­ activities w hich help the in d iv id u als and c o m m u n i­
ties to adjust w ith the effects o f all so rts le ft b eh in d
vices etc. to lo cate and ex tricate disaster
by a particular d isaster. T h u s, reco v ery p ro cess
v ictim s trap p ed in the debris, to treat
involves m ultiple stra teg ies to g et rid o ff th e a d v erse
them w ith first aids, to tran sp o rt them to effects o f d isasters. The ad v ersaries o f a sev e re
n earby h o sp ita ls, if needed, or tem porary d isaster m ay include p h y sical and m ental in ju ries,
s h e lte r houses. loss o f pro p erty , sep aratio n o f fam ily m em b ers,
(ii) T h e re should be p ro p er listin g o f dead m ental agony o f social evils co m m itted by a n ti­
and in ju red , and m issing people and the social elem ents, loss o f territo ry , loss o f n ativ e
in fo rm atio n should be com m unicated to culture etc.

g en eral public. Since d isaste r reco v ery is a c o m m u n ity -b a se d

(iii) T h e in ju red victim s should be given process, co m m u n ity p a rtic ip a tio n is a p re re q u isite
condition to reco v er the in d iv id u als and the c o m m u ­
p ro p e r m ed ical help.
nity from the agony o f the trau m a o f d isa ste rs. T h e
(iv) P ro p er supply o f food and drinking first and fo rem o st step in d isa ste r recovery, p ro c e ss is
w ater. to rebuild the c o n fid en ce level o f d isa ste r victim s by
(v) R esto ratio n o f w ater; and electricity bringing them in the m ain stream o f co m m u n ity
su p p lies. program m e, by in jectin g a sen se o f b e lo n g in g and
b ro th erh o o d , by m aking them active in the recovery (3) Rehabilitation
pro cess so that they may forget the fear psychosis
c re ate d by the disaster, by diverting their m ind from It may be m entioned that recovery and
the sad m em ory o f the destruction caused by the rehabilitation are tim e consum ing lengthy and costly
d isaster through recreation (by show ing com edy and processes as these require long time and huge
fam ily friendly m ovies, docum entary film s), leisures, am ount o f m oney for successful execution of
com m unity education, ‘pranayam and y o g a’, sp ir­
recovery and rehabilitation program m es as rehabili­
itual teaching, participation in com m unity d ev elo p ­
tation process involves renewal o f disrupted sys­
m ent program m es etc. T his process m ay be called
mental recovery. Economic recovery may be effected
tem s, rep air o f dam aged system s and reconstruction
by grantnig liberal m onetary fund for rebuilding o f houses, buildings, roads, rails, bridges and other
dilapilated houses and repairing partially dam aged item s o f utilities, relief employment etc. The success
houses, for purchasing and m aintaining infrastructural o f rehabilitation o f distressed and displaced people
facilities to earn livelihood, for giving education to depends upon the econom ic health o f the concerned
children etc. Social recovery involves adjustm ent of country. It may be m entioned that the victim
com m unity to new con d itio n s created by a disaster country, what so ever big, strong and rich it m ay be
through follow ing m easures : cannot manage all the segm ents o f disaster reduction
> change in the attitudes and perceptions of and m anagem ent program m e on its own resources. It
individuals and com m unity and institutions may be rem em bered that the USA, superpow er, had
tow ards natural disastrs. to ask for help from w orld com m unities w hen deadly
> com m unity education through electronic and hurricane Katrina ravaged the city o f N ew O rleans in
p rint m edia, personal contacts, group discus­ 2005. Sim ilarly, the relief, recovery and re h a b ilita ­
sions, docum entary film s etc. tion cannot be successful on local reso u rces alone.
>■ involvem ent in com m unity developm ent Thus, m onetary, adm inistrative and technological
program m es. assistance from governm ent departm ents and even
>■ continuous flow o f inform ation regarding all international com m unities becom es necessary for
the steps taken for recovery and rehabilita­ natural disaster reduction. The follow ing tw o tables
tion program m es. (17.2 and 17.3) may give the clear picture o f the
> rehabilitation o f and healing touch to the extent of devastation caused by D ecem ber 26, 2004
victim s o f anti-social elem ents, to rebuild tsunam i in India and the quantum o f financial
se lf confidence and to bring them in the requirem ent for the rebuilding and rehabilitation
m ainstream of com m unity life. program m es :

Ta b le 17.2 : D im ension of D ecem ber 26, 2004 tsunam i devastation in India

Tam il Nadu K erala A ndhra Pondichery A ndm an Total

Pradesh &
N icobar
affected (in lakhs) 8.97 13 1.96 0.43 356 27.92
N u m b er o f villages
affected 376 87 301 33 192 1089
A ctual deaths
(e x c lu d in g m issing
p erso n s) 8009 117 107 599 3513 12405
H o u ses dam aged 1,90,000 13,735 481 10,061 21,100 2,35,377

C ropped area
affected (hectares) 19,168 7,763 302 792 11,010 39,035
Boats dam aged 52,638 10,882 12.189 6,678 1,401 83,788
Livestock lost 1,653 0 86 2,685 27,331 31,755
D am age (in crore
rupees) 4,528.66 2,371.02 342.67 466 3,856.56 11,544.91
S o u r c e : “T su n a m i— A R eport to the N a tio n ” published by the M inistry o f Inform ation and B roadcasting, G ovt, o f Ind ia,
in H indu, D e cem b er 26, 2005.

Table 17.3 : R ehabilitation p ackage for Decem ber, 26, 2004 tsunam i devastation, India, under Rajiv G an dh i
R ehabilitation Program m e (Rs. in crores)

Item s Tam il N adu K erala Andhra Pondichery Andm an Total

Pradesh &
R elief and response 233.22 1 17.16 *' 8.12 26.03 107.35 391.99
Sustenance allow ance 118.80 12.30 00 1.05 23.04 155.19
Tem porary shelters 90.00 17.39 0.31 6.04 99.10 212.84
Perm anent housing 6 5 0.00 50.00 2.30 50.00 0 0 .0 0 752.30
R elief em ploym ent 54,00 26.00 12.60 1.95 9.75 104.30
Infrastructure 161.15 44.01 10.35 | 6.61 ir- 305.97
-• t 528.09
A griculture and ' il ’! ’ fV
animal husbandry 32.35 3.52 1.16 0.80 261.66 2 4 9 .4 9 -'
A ssistance to fisherm en 1007.56 78.98 35.16 63.14 15.01 1 199.85
Total 23 47.19 249.36 7 0 .0 0 155.62 821.88 3644.05
Source ’’T s u n a m i— R e p o rt to N a ti o n ” , p ublished by the M inistry of Inform ation and B roadc astin g, G ov t, o f In d ia, in
H in d u , D e c e m b e r 26, 2005.

It is ap p aren t from tables 17.2 and 17.3 that international com m unities. The success o f recovery
the quantum o f d am ag e (R s. I 1544.91 crores) done and rehabilitation processes depends on political
by D ecem ber 26, tsunam i in India far exceeded the system s, nation’s readiness for any contingency
am ount sp en t on re h a b ilitatio n and relief p ro ­ plan, com m unity p articipation, financial position,
organizational structures o f post-disasters activities
gram m es (R s. 3644.05 crores).
e.g. relief work, recovery and reh ab ilitatio n , social
It m ay be sum m arized that recovery and structure, fixation o f p rio rities for rehab ilitatio n ,
reh ab ilitation p ro cesses are m ost significant aspects role o f voluntary organizations (N G O s), form ation
of p o st-d isaste r phase o f natural disaster reduction o f accurate plans for reh ab ilitatio n , coop eratio n o f
and m an ag em en t w hich needs assistance from local people, ad m in istrativ e assistance, resilien ce o f
individuals to co m m u n ities, concerned nation and the com m unity etc.

Terrestrial hazards normally include those (2006) are the examples of severe natural hazards
extreme tectonic events which are caused by and disasters which inflicted great dam age on
endogenetic forces coming from within the earth. In human lives and property.
fact, the causative factors of terrestrial extreme The killer tsunami generated by powerful
events and hazards are hidden deep within the earth under sea earthquake o ff the coast of Sum atra on
and are not observable by man. Only their effects are December, 26, 2004, in the Indian Ocean claim ing
experienced, rather badly, by human beings. Such more than 250,000 lives in the countries bordering
extreme events include earthquakes, tsunamis, Indian Ocean mainly Indonesia, Thailand, India and
volcanic eruptions, major natural landslides, ava­ Sri Lanka is another example of severe disaster
lanches etc. Most of the terrestrial natural extreme caused by endogenetic forces.
events are caused by tectonic movements of the
lithospheric and oceanic plates relative to each other 18.1 TYPES OF TERRESTRIAL DISASTERS
caused by thermal conditions of the interior of the
earth. Those volcanic eruptions become more Terrestrial hazards and disasters belong to the
hazardous and disastrous which occur after long pategory of rapid-onset disasters which occur all of
period of dormant phase. The examples of sudden sudden, though there is relatively long period-
eruption of dormant volcano of Mt. Helgafell in preparatory stage inside the earth but we do not
January, 1973, on the island o f Heimaey (with 5000 know about such hidden geological happenings. As
people), Iceland and Mt. Pelee eruption on May 8, stated above, terrestrial hazards and disasters are
1902 (28,000 deaths) are sufficient enough to tell the caused by endogenetic forces and hence these are
sad story o f destructive and disastrous hazards
called endogenous hazards and disasters. The follow­
which virtually buried the town of Vestmannaeyjar
ing four types of terrestrial hazards and disasters are
in ash and lava flows and St. Pierre city was
identified :
com pletely destroyed by burning lavas killing
28,000 people. The recent severe earthquakes of 1. Volcanic disaster,
Darbhanga in Bihar (India, 1988), Bhuj (India, 2. Seismic disaster,
2001), A rm enia (1989), M uzaffarabad in Pakistan 3. Tsunami disaster, and
occupied K ashm air (POK) (2005) and of Java
4. Landslide disaster.
terrestrial hazards and disasters

18.2 VOLCANIC DISASTER lated deep within the earth. Such volcanoes are very
: : ■

■• ’ - • . ■
V-f} destructive. Explosive volcanoes are further divided
Volcanic hazards and disasters are associated into 5 sub-types viz. (i) H a w ain type of volcanoes,
with volcanic eruptions of both types e.g. violent (ii) S tro m b o lian type of volcanoes, (iii) V ulcan ian
central eruptions and fissure lava flows. The type of volcanoes, (iv) P elean type of volcanoes, and
volcanic hazards include lava flows and ‘lahar’, mud (v) V isuvius type of volcanoes. This subdivision is
flows, eruption of dusts, ashes and fragmental based on the intensity of eruptions of volcanoes and
materials, toxic gases, smokes and soots etc. typical cases of specific eruptions. (2) F issu re
e ru p tio n type of volcanoes. Such volcanoes occur
Volcanic eruption is another example of
natural terrestrial hazard but unlike earthquakes, along a long fracture, fault and fissure and there is
volcanoes are both hazards/disasters and boons to slow upwelling of magma from below and the
human beings because they destroy human settle­ resultant lavas spread over the ground surface. The
ments, agricultural farms, and kill people and speed of lava movement depends on the nature of
animals and destroy human properties through magma, volume of magma, slope of ground surface
explosive central eruption and spread of hot and and temperature conditions.
liquid lavas coming out of fissure flows as well as
Distribution of Volcanoes
they provide rich soils for agricultural purposes.
More or less there is well marked distribu­ Like earthquakes, the spatial distribution of
tional pattern of volcanoes over the globe. On the volcanoes over the globe is well marked and well
basis of nature o f eruption volcanoes are divided into understood because volcanoes are found in a well
two broad categories viz. (1) Explosive type of difined belt or zone. Thus the distributional pattern
volcanoes wherein volcanic eruption occurs through of volcanoes is zonal in character. Like earthquake
a central pipe by breaking and blowing of crustal belts, there are also three major belts/zones of
surface due to violent and explosive gases accumu­ volcances (fig. 18.1) as follows :

Basaltic plateau

Fig. 18-1: World distribution of volcanoes.


(1) Circum-Pacific belt or Pacific ring of fire, along coastal areas and during wet season denote the
fact that there is close relationship between water
(2) Mid-continental belt, and
and volcanic eruption. Similarly, volcanic eruptions
(3) Mid-oceanic ridge belt. are closely associated with the activities of mountain
Circum-Pacific belt and mid-continental belt building and faulting and fracturing. The mecha­
account for about 80 per cent of the total active nism of vulcanicity and volcanic eruption is closely
volcanoes of the world. It may be pointed out that associated with several interconnected processes,
there is very close relationship between the plate such as gradual increase of temperature with
boundaries and volcanic belts. In fact, more than 80 increasing depth due to heat generated from the
per cent of the world’s active volcanoes are found disintegration of radioactive elements deep within
along the destructive or convergent plate margins the earth, origion of magma because of lowering of
(boundaries). The Circum-Pacific belt includes the melting point caused by reduction in the pressure of
volcanoes of the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean overlying superincumbent load due to fracture, and
(both eastern and western) or say the coastal margins ascent of magma forced by enormous volume Of
of North and South Americas (representing eastern accumulated gases and vapour, which cause vol­
coastal areas of the Pacific) and eastern coastal canic eruptions of violent central type or quiet
margins of Asia (representing western coastal areas fissure type depending upon the intensity of gases
of the Pacific), of island arcs and festoons and of and vapour and the nature of crustal surface.
oceanic islands. This volcanic belt is also called as Theory of plate tectonics now very well
the ‘fire girdle of the Pacific Ocean’. Here volcanoes explains the mechanism of vulcanism and volcanic
are primarily caused due to collision of convergent eruption. Volcanic eruptions are very closely
plates along the Benioff zones. Mid-continental belt associated with plate boundaries. It may be pointed
includes the volcanoes of Alpine mountain chains out that the types of plate movement and plate
and the Mediterranean Sea and the volcanoes of fault margins (boundaries) also determine the nature and
zone of eastern Africa. This belt also represents the intensity of volcanic eruptions. Most of the active
destructive or convergent plate margins (bounda­ fissure volcanoes are found along the mid-oceanic
ries) or say the collision zones of Eurasian plate and ridges. Two plates move in opposite directions from
the African and Indian plates. The famous volcanoes the mid-oceanic ridges. This lateral spreading of
of the Mediterranean Sea such as Stromboli, plates causes pressure release and therefore materi­
Visuvius, Etna and volcanoes of Aegean Sea are als of upper mantle lying below the mid-oceanic
included in this belt. This belt does not have the ridges are melted and move upward as magma. This
continuity of volcanic eruption as several gaps rise of magma along the mid-oceanic ridges causes
(volcanic-free areas) are found along the Alps and fissure eruption of volcanoes through which there is
the Himalayas because of compact and thick crust
constant upwelling of lavas (molten rock materials
formed due to intense folding activity. The Mid-
are called magma inside the earth but when they
oceanic ridge belt includes volcanoes mainly along
come on the earth’s surface they become lavas).
the mid-Atlantic ridge which represents the splitting
zone of plates. In other words, plates diverge in These lavas are solidified and added to the trailing
opposite directions from the mid-oceanic ridge. ends of divergent plates and thus there is constant
Thus volcanoes mainly of fissure type occur along creation of new basaltic crust. The volcanic erup­
the constructive or divergent plate boundaries. tions of Iceland and the islands located along the
mid-Atlantic Ridge are caused because of seafloor
Causes of Volcanic Eruptions
spreading and divergence of plates. Itis obvious that
If we look at the world distribution of the constructive or divergent plate boundaries are
volcanoes (fig. 18.1), it appears that the volcanoes always associated with quiet type of fissure flows of
are associated with the weaker zones of the earth’s lavas because the pressure release of superincumbent
crust and these are closely related with seismic load due to divergence of plates and formation
events say earthquakes. The weaker zones of the of fractures, and faults is a slow and gradual
earth’s crust are represented by folded mountains process.
and fault zones but the Alps and the Himalayas are On the other hand, destructive or convergent
exceptions. Occurrences of more volcanic eruptions plate ftiargins (boundaries) are associated with
t e r r e s t r ia l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s 359
explosive type of volcanic eruption. When two clue for future eruptions. This principle is based on
convergent plates collide along Benioff zone, the basic tenet that the ascent of magma forced by
comparatively heavier plate margin is subducted enormous volume of gases and vapour below the
earth’s crust causes tremors and there is marked
below comparatively lighter plate. The subducted
increase in the frequency and intensity o f tremors
plate margin, after reaching a depth of 100 km or
just before the eruption occurs.
more inside the supper mantle, is melted and thus
> Regular measurement of ground surfac
magma is formed. This magma is forced to ascend by
mainly tilt measurement in the possible localities by
the enormous volume of gases and vapour acumu lated
instruments such as ‘tiltm eters’ gives some indica­
below and thus magma appears as violent volcanic
tions of possible volcanic eruption. This method is
eruption on the earth’s surface. Such type of
based on the basic premise that there is deformation,
volcanic eruption is very common along the
destructive or convergent plate margins which though of very moderate nature, of the ground
represent the volcanoes of the Circum-Pacific belt surface due to pressure exerted by ascending magma
before the final eruption of a volcano. Some times
and the mid-continental belt.
the eruptions of volcanoes arc so quick that no time
\ The re-eruption of May on volcano in Philip­ is left for measuring the tilt or bulges in the ground
pines in February, 2000 and of Ashu volcano in surface. For example, ‘the volcanic cinder cone of
April, 2000 in Japan validates the concept of Monte Nuovo in Italy, 120 m high, followed ju st two
occurrence of volcanic eruptions along destructive
years of increased seismic activity and a few days o f
(convergent) plate margins. About 80,000 people
minor ground uplift. The eruption o f M ount St.
were displaced due to re-eruption of Mayon.
Helens was, in the final few days before it exploded,
The recent eruption of Merapi volcano of Java better forecast, based on the alarm ing grow th o f a
in 2006 and further triggered by Java earthquake of bulge in the side of the m ountain, which later
December 26, 2006 also validates the above theory. collapsed, releasing the cataclysm ic outburst’ (C.
Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions Embleton, 1989).
>- Constant measurement of tem perature o f
Prediction of terrestrial natural hazards with crater lakes, hot springs, geysers and fum aroles also
near certainty could not be possible till now inspite gives some indications o f possible eruption o f a
of continued efforts of scientists. ‘As in the case of volcano in a particular locality because there is sharp
earthquakes, the spatial distribution of volcanoes is increase in the temperature o f waters. Thus regular
well understood but the prediction of the timing of
readings and recording of water tem perature in the
eruptions has had little success’ (C. Embleton,
areas of earlier volcanic eruptions give som e
1989). A few characteristic features of volcanoes
warning signs of possible eruption.
and their eruptions based on close observations of
past volcanic eruptions are used as warning signs of >- Similarly, monitoring o f gases com ing out
impending eruptions but these warning signs, as of craters, hot springs, geysers, fum aroles etc. also
elaborated below, cannot yield predictions with helps in predictive purposes because there is
complete certainty. The following are the rudimen­ variation in the composition o f gases o f these
tary measures and means of predictions of volcanic volcanic features before eruption.
eruptions. > Monitoring of changes in the configuration
It may be pointed out, before enlisting the of dormant or extinct volcanoes by laser gives
methods of prediction of volcanic eruptions, that valuable information and warning signs o f volcanic
crude generalization of eruption prediction is eruption in some cases.
possible, and is generally done, only in those areas ►M easurement of local gravity and m agnetic
which have already been affected by volcanic field and their trends may also help in the prediction
eruptions. In other words, case histories of volcanic of possible eruptions. In fact, ‘volcanoes situated at
eruptions largely help in the eruption prediction.
plate boundaries, erupting gas-charged, silicic (hencc
The following steps are followed in predict­
viscous) magma and pyroclasts, are particularly
ing a dormant or extinct volcano :
danagerous; they explode, and the instant o f (he
>■ Regular measurement of seismic events explosion is almost impossible to predict. The
and earth tremors by seismic methods give some beginning o f a period o f dangerous activity might be

foretold by seism ographs, tiltmeters, temperature The inhabitants of St. Pierre town were so
m onitors, or changes in gravity and magnetic fields’ unaware of any possibility of eruption in immediate
(F. Press and R. Siver, 1978). future that the sudden explosion of thunderous
> eruption caught them Unaware and the helpless
The path of lava flow also known as ‘lahar’
(lava flow) can be better predicted on the basis of the panicked victims had no alternative other than
detailed analysis of the topography and identifica­ opting for their deaths. It is im portant to note that the
tion of possible eruptive points. prediction made by Professor Landes of St. Pierre’s
It may be pointed out that the eruption of a College only a day before the catastrophic eruption
valcano cannot be stopped, even if predited well in about non-occurrence o f any volcanic eruption in
advance, but its effects may be minimised. The
near future once again was proved to be a futile
direction of lava flow or ‘lahar’ can be effectively
exercise to predict the endogenetic events which are
diverted by building diversion walls and the speed of
lava flow s may be reduced by sprayng them with not discenible to hurtian eyes. He predicted that ‘The
water. Montagne Pelee presents no m ore danger to the
inhabitants of Saint Pierre than does Visuvius to
Failure of Volcanic Prediction those of Neples*. It is irony o f fate that the predictor
The prediction of volcanic eruption is not of the volcanic eruption was him self swallow ed by
always true because the eruption is related to the the Peleean eruption. The destruction o f Saint Pierre
interior of the earth about which little is precisely town was closely observed by A ssistant Purser
known. Professor Landes o f St. Pierre’s College Thompson aboard his ship, the R oraim a on may 8,
predicted about non-eruption of Mount Pelee Vol­ 19Q2. He also surveyed the destruction o f the town
cano on May 7, 1902 but it erupted on the following
on the following day, M ay 9, 1902. The following
day i.e. May 8, 1902. The following description
are the descriptions of the events as presented by
illustrates the unpredictiveness of volcanoes and
disaster caused by a volcanic hazard. Thompson h im se lf:
M ount Pelee eruption o f 1902 tells the “I saw St. Pierre destroyed. The city was blotted out by
dreadful story of total destruction of all humanity of one great flash of fire. Nearly 40,000 people were killed at once.
a particular locality because of unprecedented Of eighteen vessels lying in the roads, only one, the British
volcanic eruption: It was 8.02 A.M. o f May 8, 1902 steamship Roddam escaped and she, I hear, lost more than half of
those on board. It was a dying crew that took her out. Our boat, the
when gloom and dispair loomed large over the
Roraima, arrived at St. Pierre early thursday morning. For hours
coastal town o f St. Pierre facing M ount Pelee on the
before entering the roadstead we could see flames and smoke
M artinique island in the W est Indes in the Caribbean
rising from Mt. Pelee. No one on bbard had any idea of danger.
Sea when a violent explosion o f most disastrous
Caption G.T. Muggah was on the bridge and all hands got on deck
volcanic eruption destroyed the whole of the town
to see the show. The spectle was m agnificent....... The mountain
killing all the 28,000 inhabitants of the town leaving was blown to pieces. .There was no warning. The side of volcano
behind only two survivors to mourn the demise of was ripped out and there was hurled straight toward us a solid wall
their fellow persons. The type o f volcanic eruption of flame. It sounded like a thousand cannons. The wave of fire was
which destroyed the whole town o f St. Pierre has on us and over us like a lightning flash. It was like a hurricane of
been named as nuee ardente m eaning thereby fire, which rolled in mass straight down on St. Pierre and the
‘glowing cloud* or cloud of hot gas, lava etc. coming shipping. The town vanished before our eyes and then the air grew
out of a volcanic eruption. The nuee ardente spread stifling hot and we were in the thick o f it. W herever the mass of
fire struck the sea the water boiled and sent up great clouds of
laterally out of the mountain (M ount Pelee) with
steam. I saved my life by running to may stateroom and burying
great speed which caused disastrous avalanches on
m yself in the bedding. The blast o f fire from the volcano lashed
the hillslopes which plunged down the slopes at a only for a few minutes. It shriveled and set fire to everything it
speed of about 100 kilometers per hour. Conse^ touched. The burning rum ran in streams down every street and
quently, the town of St. Pierre was engulfed by the out into the sea. Before the volcano burst, the landings at St. Pierre
em ulsion o f gas, glass, dust aad lavas with shearing were, crowded with people; After the explosion, not otic living
tem perature o f 8000°C: The gases were composed soul was seen on land... The fire swept o ff the sh ip 's mast and
m ostly o f carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. smoke stack as if they had been cut by a knife.”
Success of Volcanic Prediction The eruption o f huge volum e o f lavas
: •’< .■
continued for seven days when about 30 million
T he accurate prediction o f the eruption of cubic m etres of lavas poured out. The interm ittent
K ilauea volcano o f H aw aii could be possible eruptions continued upto Decem ber, 21, 1959 when
because o f regular instrum entation and m onitoring the volcano became dormant. The seism ographs
o f all sorts o f events occurring in and around again detected a series of earth trem ors in the first
dorm ant volcano. The follow ing description depicts
week of January, 1960 near Kapoho village, about
the story o f prediction and eruption o f the said
40 kilom eters away from the K ilauea caldera.
volcano :
Finally, a flank eruption broke out on January 13,
” The M auna Loa and K ilauea shield volcanoes 1 9 6 0 /W ithin a period o f four weeks o f eruption
o f the southern H awaii are the m ost instrum ented
about 100 million cubic m etres o f lavas poured out
and docum ented volcanoes o f the world. A series of
of one Kilometre long fissure which com pletely
devices such as installation o f volcano observatory
destroyed Kapoho village. It may be pointed out that
m aintained by the U .S. G eological Survey, modern
though whole of the village was buried under thick
netw ork o f seism ographs, tiltm eters (instrum ent to
layers of lava but no casualty could be recorded
m easure the deform ations of ground surface such as
tilting, bulging etc.) and geochem ical laboratory (to because of the fact that people were evacuated to
study the characteristics and system atic variations in safer places in the wake o f correct prediction much
the chem istry and petrology o f the lavas and the before the time of actual eruption. The construction
chem istry o f em itted gases) regularly m onitor the of 20-feet wall to halt the flow of lava down the slope
tectonic activities in and around the Kilauea caldera. or to divert the direction of flow path o f lavas to save
The final eruption o f K ilauea volcano took place in the seashore community could not prove to be
the evening o f 14th N ovem ber, 1959 but several effective.
devices as m entioned above to m onitor the predic­
Hazardous Effects of Volcanic Eruptions
tion o f the eruption o f Kilauea provided vital
inform ation and clues before the final eruption, as As stated earlier volcanic eruption causes
follow s : heavy damage to human lives and property through
> Seism ographs detected a series of small advancing hot lavas; fallout of volcanic m aterials;
seism ic trem ors o f earthquakes having the destruction to human structures such as buildings,
foci at the depth of 55 kilometres below factories, roads, rails and airports, dams and bridges,
K ilauea caldera between August 14-19,1959. reservoirs, fires caused by hot lavas; floods in the
> F urther weak trem ors of seism ic disturbances rivers and climatic changes.
originating at the depths o f 5 to 15 kilometres It is the speed of lava spread and m ovem ent
heralded the upw ard m ovem ent o f magma in down the cone slope that kills people and burn
the conduits o f older volcano, and bury human structure. In fact, lava flow does not
> Substantial sw elling o f ground surface be­ give any time for the inhabitants living in the low er
tween A ugust and October, 1959 as detected segments of dormant volcanic m ountain to move
by tiltm eters showed the possible occurrence to safer places. A few o f the severe dam ages
o f volcanic eruption in the immediate future. done by volcanic disaster may be sum m arized as
> The seism ographs detected earth tremors of follows :
m ore than 1000 a day. (1) Huge volumes o f hot and liquid lav
> Volcano observatory noticed the swelling of moving at considerably fast speed (recorded speed is
volcanic sum m it three times more in Novem­ 48 kilom etres per hour) bury human structures, kill
ber, 1959. people and anim als, destroy agricultural farm s and
> The num ber and intensity of quakes increased pastures, plug rivers and lakes, bum and destroy
tenfold in the m orning of November 14,1959 forests etc. The great eruption o f Mt. Loa on Hawaii
indicating that the eruption was imminent and poured out such a huge volum e o f lavas that these
it actually happened as the violent volcanic covered a distance of 53 kilom etres down the slope.
eruption greeted the evening o f 14th Novem ­ The Laki fissure flow o f 1783 (Iceland) generated
ber, 1959; ~ enormous volume o f lavas which covered a very

large area w hich was equal to ihe geographical area Table 18.1 : Human casualties resulting from severe
o f the Isle o f Man. The thickness of lavas at places volcanic eruption
was 180 m or more. The cases of Mt. Pelee eruption Localities Deaths
of 1902 and Mt. St. Helens eruption of 1980 are
1902 Mt. Pelee, M artinique Island, 28,000
representative examples of damages done by lava
movement. West Indes, Caribbean Sea
(2) Fallout of immense quantity of volcanic 1902 La Soufriere, St. Vincent 1,565
m aterials including fragmental materials, dusts and 1919 Kelut, Japan 5,500
ash, smokes etc. covers ground surface apd thus 3,000
1951 Mt. Lamington, Papua
destroy crops, vegetations and buildings, disrupt
1963 Mt. Agung, Bali, Indonesia 1,500
and divert natural drainage systems, creates health
hazards due to poisonous gases emitted during the 1965 Mt. Taal, Philippines 500
eruption and causes acid rains. 1980 Mt. St. Helens, W ashington, 70
(3) All types of volcanic eruptions, if not USA
predicted well in advance, causes tremendous losses 23,000
1985 Columbia
to precious human lives. Sudden eruption of violent
and explosive type through central pipe does not
give any time to human beings to evacuate them­ Nothing can illustrate better the disastrous /
selves and thus to save them/<■from the clutches of impacts of volcanic eruptions than the following
death looming large over them. As already men­ statements of C.D. Oilier (1969):
tioned, the sudden eruption o f dormant volcano of
Mt. Pelee on the island o f Martinique, West Indes in “In the past 500 years volcanoes have probably
the Caribbean Sea on May 8, 1902 destroyed the killed, directly or indirectly, over 2,00,000
whole of St. Pierre town and killed all the 28,000 people (some other authorities put the figure on
3,00,000 people), of whom half died in the
inhabitants leaving behind only two survivors to
eruptions of Tamboro, Krakatoa and M ount
mourn the sad demise of their bretheren. Some times
Pelee. This toll is in fact very low when
the volcanic eruptions are also followed by heavy
compared with those of earthquakes, floods,
rainfall. Thus the heavy downpour mixing with wars, or road accidents. On the credit side
falling volcanic dusts and gases causes enormous volcanoes provide fertile land, energy and
mudflow or lahar on the steep slopes of volcanic materials for industry, and a livelihood for many
cones which causes sudden death of human beings. people in the tourist trade. Even when activity
For example, great mudflow created on the steep has long ceased, most volcanic regions retain a
slopes of Kelut volcano in Japan in 1919 killed 5500 great natural beauty, and frequently display
persons. Table 18.1 presents the example of human most spectacular scenery. Such areas are often
casualties caused by a'few important volcanoes of tourist attractions and a large num ber of
the world. National Parks are located on volcanic centres.
On balance volcanoes do more good than harm .”
(4) Earthquakes caused before and after the
C.D. Oilier, 1969
under sea volcanic eruptions generate destructive
tsunamis seismic waves which create most destruc­ J.E. Costa and V.R. Baker (1981) have
tive and disastrous sea waves causing innumerable summarized the magnitude of damages wrought by
deaths o f human beings in the affected coastal areas. the eruption of an individual volcano with the
Only the example of Krakatoa eruption of 1883 example of the eruption of M t St. Helens in 1980 in
would be sufficient enough to demonstrate the the state of W ashington, U.S.A. in the following
m an n er:
^disastrous impact of tsunamis-generated sea waves
as the enormous sea waves of 30 to 40 meters height The northward blast of the lateral eruption
generated by the explosive eruption of Krakatoa reduced the mountain’s elevation by 396 m ... ash
volcano in the Sunda Strait between Java and was blown 19 km into the, atm osphere. W aves of
Sumatra killed 36,000 people in the coastal areas of superheated dust and gas knocked down m illions of
these two islands. trees. Mudflows filled lakes, rivers and stream s,
destroying fish, road and bridges...T w o earth­ been known to exceed 400,000 m 3 per second, and a
quakes o f m agnitude 5.0 were recorded during the boulder 400 m 3 in size was carried 15 km by such a
eruption. T he blast left a crater 1.6 km across and flow in Iceland in 1918. (For com parison, it is worth
900 to 1500 m d e e p ........An estim ated 4.2 x 109 m3
noting that the Amazon, which normally carries
o f debris had been blown out o f the volcano by the
more discharge than any other river, has an
start o f su m m e ash fall closed schools,
estimated flow o f about 200,000 m3 per second)’ (A.
factories, stores, offices, airports and highways, and
Goudie, 1984).
idled 370,000 workers in W ashington state.. .Damages
from the eruption are estim ated to be $2.0 Volcanic Dusts and Climate Change : Enor­
b illio n ...S h ip p in g on the Colum bia river was halted mous quantities of dust and ashes em itted into the
by the C oast G uard because o f sedim ent and log sky during a volcanic eruption have been associated
jam s. The harbour o f Portland was reduced in depth with weather and climatic changes at regional and
from 12 to 4 m in places by sedim entation^..” global levels. It has been established by several
atmospheric scientists that the formation of dust
veils in the stratosphere whether due to volcanic
Environmental Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions
eruption or from industrial sources or from atmos­
pheric dust storms causes lowering o f temperatures
B esides the disastrous hazards caused by
of the earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere
fallout o f dust and gases, gas clouds, debris flows,
because (i) dusts reduce the am ount o f solar
breaking o f crustal rocks and violent explosions,
radiation reaching the earth’s surface as they scatter
lava flow s etc. during various types of volcanic
and reflect some amount of incom ing short wave
eruptions, som e m ore hazardous events of serious
solar radiation, and (ii) the dust veils do not hinder
environm ental consequences such as the formation
in the loss of heat of the earth’s surface through
o f jokullh lau p s, tsunam is and w eather and climatic
outgoing longwave terrestrial radiation. In other
changes, are also caused due to volcanic eruptions.
words, the stratospheric dust veil (layer) does not
Form ation of Jokullhlaups : Jokullhlaups refer block outgoing longwave radiation waves from the
to the existence o f enorm ous volume of water earth’s surface and therefore it does not intensify the
beneath the ice caps due to m elting of ice caused by greenhouse effects as is done by the accumulation o f
rise in tem perature during the mechanism of carbon dioxide in the stratosphere. :i .
vulcanicity. It so happens w hen a volcano erupts
Scientist Benjamin Franklin, while address­
beneath the thick cover o f ice sheets of an ice-cap. In
ing to the M anchester Library and Philosophical
such cases there are tw o possibilities viz. (i) If the
Society in 1789 forcefully pleaded for a close link
volcanic eruption is strong enough and the tempera­
ture o f erupted lavas is very high, the whole lot of ice between volcanic activity and weather and climate.
sheets above is blasted and m elted, (ii) But if the He presented the example of increased cold ju st after
eruption is not strong and the heat is not sufficient the explosion of Laki eruption (Iceland) in 1783-
enough to m elt the w hole ice sheets above, the ice 1784. Several attempts have been made to correlate
sheet lying ju st above the volcano is callapsed and a global changes in temperatures with global activi­
big hole or depression is formed above the point of ties of volcanic eruptions.
eruption. It is to be rem em bered that this hole is H.H. Lamb (1970 and 1982) ‘has studied the
hidden beneath the overlying unm elted ice sheet. link in great detail, showing conclusively that the
dust veils that spread over a hem isphere or even the
The w ater resulting from the m elting o f ice due to
globe have effects on the w eather that can last for up
heat o f volcanic eruption collects in the hole or
to seven years after an individual m ajor eruption. It
depression. This ponding o f ice m elt-w ater or ice- is even possible that increased volcanic activity was
dam aged w ater is called jokullhlaups. Some times one o f the factors responsible for the Little Ice Age,
the volum e o f m elt-w ater below the ice sheet and some recent studies have suggested that the
becom es so enorm ous and the pressure becom es so global cooling of the northern hem isphere after 1950
high that the superincum bent ice sheet is broken and may have been caused by a marked increase o f
there is abrupt outburst o f w ater causing flow of vulcanism over the sam e period’ (C. Em bleton,
enorm ous volum e o f water. ‘Individual flows have 1989).
T he m ost forceful exantple to dem onstrate the (1947), Mt. Spur in Alaska, U.S.A. (1953), A gu n g in
cooling effect of volcanic eruptions is the case of Bali (1963), M t. Helgafell in Iceland (1973). M l
K rakatoa volcano which exploded on A ugust 27 T aal, Philippines (1965), Mt. St. Helens in the state
1883 with a powerful blast with TNT equivalent of o f W ashington, U.S.A. (1980), in C olum bia (1985)
about 100 million tons. The ejection of nearly and a num ber of eruptions o f lesser significance. Dr.
cubic kilometres o f fragmental m aterials, dusts and Reid Bryson has related the cooling trend of
ashes upto the height o f 23 kilom etres in the tem perature since 1940 to sharp increase in the
atmosphere formed a thick dust veil in the strato­ atm ospheric dusts contributed by ‘Human V olca­
sphere which caused a global decrease o f solar noes’ (chim neys of factories) because of increased
radiation received at the earth’s surface by 10 to 20 pace of industrial developm ent after second World
per cent. There was a total darkness in the sky in the W ar. The analysis o f geom aterials obtained through
vicinity of Krakatoa (between Java and Sum atra) the drilling of ice of the A ntarictic ice-cap has
because the dusts and ashes blotted out the sun for revealed that there are evidences of the existence of
several days. The dust veil in the stratosphere and the deposition of volcanic dusts dated about 20,000
the circulation and drifting o f dusts around the earth to 16,000 years BP (before present) buried in the ice
by upper air atm ospheric circulations produced sheets. The dates o f these buried volcanic dusts very
brilliant red sunsets for several years. ‘However, the much coincide with the phase of maximum cold of
Krakatoa dust veil reduced by about 20 per cent the the last glaciation o f Pleistocene period.
intensity of solar energy reaching the atm osphere in
Volcanic Eruption and Ecological Changes : A
the first year following the explosion (in 1883). For
group of scientists believe that volcanic eruptions
each of the next three years the reduction (of solar
and fallout of dusts and ash cause m ass extinction of
energy reaching the earth ’s surface) was about 10
percent. Eventually m ost o f the dust settled into the a few species of anim als. Based on this hypothesis
lower atmosphere, and the blocking effect disap­ the mass extinction of dinosaurs about 60 m illion
peared. A number o f other large volcanic eruptions years ago has been related to increased w orld-w ide
followed Krakatoa (in other parts of the world) in the volcanic activity. The second group o f the scientists
1880’s and 1890’s, but their effect as stratospheric believes that the mass extinction o f dinosaurs was
dust producers seems to have been relatively less caused because o f the collision of a giant asteroid
im portant’ (A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976). with the earth. ‘New evidence suggests that both
groups may be right and that the im pact o f an
The disastrous fissure flow of Laki volcano of
Iceland in 1783-1784 also caused severe winter in asteroid could have triggered the volcanic activity’
(M. Ram pino, 1990). The researchesrs have based
Iceland and its environs. ‘In certain areas especially
their hypothesis on the discovery of high levels of a
those with a more prim ative way of life, the volcanic
trace elem ent, iridium , in the sedim ents deposited
fall-out and the ensuing weather changes have been
about 66 m illion years ago when m any anim als and
known to cause economic disaster as in Iceland after
plants including dinosaurs faced m ass extinction, at
1783, and possibly in western Scottland after Hekla
the b o u n d ary b e tw e e n th e C re ta c e o u s and
(volcanic eruption) in 1104 A .D .’ (C. Embleton,
1989). Teritary periods-the C /T boundary. T he concept is
based on the evidence o f eruptions o f modern
The gradual rise o f temperature atleast in the
v o lcan o es w h erein it has been fo u n d th at
northern hemisphere in the first half of the 20th
volcanic eruptions in H aw aii give o ff vapours w hich
century (1901 to 1950) upto 0.5°C has been
are rich in iridium . ‘T his (iridium ) presum ably
attributed to a period of insignificant volcanic
com es from the deep m antle o f the earth w here
activity. According to a few scientists this rise in the
such elem ents are m ore com m on than in the c ru s t’.
tem perature during the first half of the 20th century
Some scientists believe that the Deccan eru p tio n s o f
was because of the recovery of decrease in the
India during late C retaceous and early T ertiary
tem perature caused by Krakatoa eruption in the late
period m ight have caused m ass e x tin ctio n o f
19th century. The sharp decline in the tem perature in anim als. ,
the northern hem isphere since 1940 has been
ascribed to increased volcanic activity in this A ccording to M ichael R am pino ‘th ese resu lts
hem isphere such as eruption o f Mt. Hekla in Iceland have led to a num ber of researchers to p ro p o se that
the Deccan eruptions m ight have cau sed the
■ ig f j
extinctions. Recent calculations by our group at saved by timely prediction o f eruption, forewarning,
N ASA’s Goddard institute for Space Studies in New and evacuation of people living in the vicinity of
York City suggest that the largest individual
As stated earlier the probable eruptions of
eruptions o f flood basalt, which might have involved
volcanoes can be predicted with some degree of
the production up to 1000 cubic kilometres of lava in
accuracy and certainty if the dormant volcanoes are
less than a week, could have sent up enormous properly and regularly instrumented and m onitored.
fountains of fiery lava, forcing ash and gases into the There are certain precursor events which help in the
stratosphere. Large eruptions of basalt might have prediction of eruption of dormant and extinct
had widespread environmental effects, perhaps volcanoes as given below :
producing a severe ‘w inter’ sim ilar to a ‘nucear > increase in the frequency of tremors, as
winter’, with acid rain, darkening of the sky and recorded by seismographs,
clim atic cooling from dense clouds of sulphuric acid
> deformation of existing craters, as indicated
aerosols. Even if they are not the primary cause of
by tiltmeter,
the extinctions (o f anim als including dinosaurs),
> rise i n the temperature o f w ater o f crater lake,
such eruptions could have made conditions deadly
for many species o f anim als’ (Michael Rampino, >• emission of gases and smokes from existing
NIP, July U 1990). craters,
>- restlessness of birds and anim als etc.
Explosive type o f volcanic eruptions and
fallout o f volcanic dusts and ash and accompanying The only effective preventive m easure from
acid rains also cause large-scale destruction of the damages of impending volcanic eruption is to
evacuate the people living on the low er segm ents of
plants and anim als. The annihilating eruption of
volcanic cone and nearby locality to safer places. It
Krakatoa in 1883 resulted in the sinking of 67
may be remembered that there is speedy flow of
percent o f the island and thus total destruction of
immense volume of hot and liquid lava down the
plants o f prim ary succession and animals. The fresh
slope of volcanic m ountains and all the objects
colonization o f the newly built Krakatoa island by
(vegetation, crops, houses, buildings, anim als and
plants and anim als took 50 years and thus secondary
people, if not evacuated in tim e) are burnt
succession o f vegetation on the newly built island
and destroyed and hence it is the tim ely evacuation
could be possible because o f dispersal of seeds from of local population which alone can save human
the nearby islands. The nearest island was only 40 lives. If the lava flow is slow its speed can be
km away from K rakatoa island. minimized by using huge volum e o f w ater spray and
M ovem ent o f enorm ous volume of hot lavas chemicals.
erupted from fissure flow through faults and fisures Generally it happens that after long tim e
destroys vegetations and anim als and thus causes interval people forget the previous event of eruption
ecological im balance. and lured by rich fertile black soils, the result o f
weathering of basaltic lava deposited during earlier
Volcanic Disaster Reduction eruptions, settle in the vicinity of dorm ant volcanic
m ountain unaw are of the fact that they are living
The re d u c tio n and m an ag em en t of
over explosive volcanic bomb. It is, therefore,
volcanic disaster involves two m ajor m easures as necessary that people should not be allow ed to settle
follows : down in the vicinity o f a dorm ant volcano.
(1) Prediction and early w arning of eruption, and Precursor events gave r g u la r indications
(2) Tim ely evacuational and relief work. since May, 2006, o f imminent eruption o f Mount
It may be m entioned that the eruptions o f Merapi volcano in Java (Indonesia). The pouring o f
volcanoes cannot be prevented and the loss of superheated clouds o f gases and lava from Mt
property cannot be avoided but hum an lives can be Merapi was closely watched since its first sign o f
366 ENVIRONMENTAL g e o g r a p h y

em ission o f gases in M ay, 2006. Feared from the the number of recorded earthquakes increases 10
unusual sw elling of lava dome, its probable sudden times as m agnitude decreases by one.’
collapse and speed o f fast-m oving lava and debris
down into populated areas around mount Merapi in Table 18.2 : Richter scale of earthquake magnitude
M agelang district, the government officials m obi­ M agnitude Description___________
lised m ore than 40 trucks and motor cars and
Sm allest earth trem or detected by
evacuated 11,000 villages from the foot-hill and seism ograph only. Energy released
nearby areas and put the inhabitants in temporary by such insignificant earthquake
shelters such as tents, school buildings and other amounts to 3 x 1012 ergs.
governm ent buildings as precautionary measures in 2.5 to 3.0 Such eiarthquakes may be felt and
the 1st w eek of June, 2006. detected if they occur near the
settlem ents. The annual frequency
18.3 EARTH QUAKE DISASTER ’ o f such earthquakes is around
100,000. No dam age is done.
An earthquake is a major demostration of the 4.5 Local dam age is done.
power of the tectonic forces caused by endogenetic 5.0 The quakes o f this m agnitude
thermal conditions of the interior of the earth. ‘An equal in energy to ordinary atom ic
earthquake is a motion of the ground surface, bomb. The atom ic bom b hurled on
ranging from a faint tremor to a wild motion capable Hiroshim a (Japan) during Second
W orld W ar equalled the m agnitude
of shaking building apart and causing gaping
of 5.7 on R ichter scale. T he energy
fissures to open in the ground. The earthquake is a
released from such earthquakes
form of energy of wave motion transmitted through
equals 8 X 1020ergs.
the surface layer of the earth in widening circles
6.0 Such earthquakes becom e destruc­
from a point of sudden energy release, the ‘focus’
tive within a lim ited area provided
(A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1976). The that the geological structure is
magnitude or intensity of energy released by an weak and the area is heavily
earthquake is measured by the Richter scale devised populated.
by Charles F. Richter in 1935. The number >6.0 Devastation increases with increasing
indicating magnitude or intensity (M) on Richter m agnitude.
scale ranges between 0 and 9 but in fact the scale has
no upper limit of number because it is a logarithmic
scale. ‘It is estimated that the total annual energy Another scale of the m easurem ent o f the
released by all earthquakes is about 1025 ergs, and degree of destructiveness or intensity o f earthquakes
most of this is from a small number of earthquakes of is Mercalli scale. The degree o f destructiveness or
magnitude over 7 ’ (A.N. Strahler and A. H. Strahler, intensity of an earthquake depends on a variety of
1976). The 1934 Bihar earthquake (India) m easur­ factors e.g. m agnitude, distance from epicentre,
ing 8.4 magnitude on Richter Scale and Good Friday acceleration, duration, am plitude of w aves, type of
Earthquake of March 27, 1964, in Alaska, U.S.A. ground, w ater table, nature o f geom aterials o f the
measuring 8.4 to 8.6 on Richter scale are among the region concerned and the nature and type of
greatest earthquakes of the world ever recorded. The constructions (such as buildings m ade o f w ood or
following description o f Richter scale may help in bricks or stones or concretes, dam s w hether concrete
assessing the devastation caused by the energy or earthen, buildings m ade of m uds, tin shades, huts
release during earthquakes of varying magnitudes. etc.) affected by an earthquake. T able 18.3 repre­
T h e w orld’s largest and most intensive recorded
sents the com parative picture o f M ercalli Intensity
earthquake was of the magnitude of 8.9 (and 9.3) and
Scale and R ichter M agnitude Scale.
t e r r e s t r ia l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s
Table 18.3 : Comparative picture of Mercalli and Rich­ The place o f the origin o f an earthquake is
ter Scales
called focus which is alw ays hidden inside the earth
Mercalli D escription of Richter Magnitude but the depth of which varies from place to place.
Intensity Characteristic ^ corresponging to The deepest earthquake may have its focus at a depth
Effects highest intensity o f even 700 km below the ground surface but some
of the m ajor Himalayan earthquakes, such as the
I Instrumental The tremors o f this
Bihar-Nepal earthquake o f A ugust 21, 1988, have
category o f earthqu­
akes are detected only their focus around 20-30 km deep. The place on the
by seism ographs ground surface, which is perpendicular to the buried
11 Feeble Such earthquakes are 3.5 ‘focus’ or ‘hypocentre’, recording the seism ic
noticed by only sensi­ waves for the first time is called epicenter. The
tive people
seismic waves move away from the source o f the
III Slight Like the vibrations 4.2
caused by passing truck
earthquake (focus or hypocentre) in the form o f (i)
or lorry; felt by people primary or pressure waves (P waves), (ii) secondary,
at rest especially in shear or transverse waves (S waves) and (iii) long
upper floors o f the buil­ waves or surface waves (Lwaves). T hese seism ic
dings *
waves are recorded with the help o f an instrum ent
IV M oderate Felt by people while walk­ 4.3
called seismograph or seismometer at the epicentre.
ing; rocking of loose obj-
cts including standing vehicles
The patterns o f recorded seismic waves are studied
V Rather Strong Felt generally, most sleeping 4.8 and various definite inform ation about the centre o f
people are awakened . .((• the origin of the earthquake (focus or hypocentre),
and bells ring magnitude and destructive pow er of the earthquake,
VI Strong Trees sway and all suspended 4.9-5A probable cause of the earthquake etc. are received.
objects swing;
damage is caused by over­ Magnitude and energy released during an
turning o f vehicles and earthquake is generally related to the effects o f the
falling of loose objects r earthquake in terms o f human beings and his
VII Very Strong General alarm; walls 5.5-6.1
habitats. It is apparent from table 18.4 that m ost o f
crack; plaster falls
the earthquakes occurring on the earth are sm all. On
VII D estructive Vehicle drivers serious­
ly disturbed; masonry an average about 80,000 earth trem ors are recorded
constructions are fissured, by seismographs each year but m ost o f them are not
chim nyes fall; poorly cons­ felt by human beings. Beno G uttenburg and Charles
tructed buildings damaged F. Richter have stated that the size (m agnitude M)
IX Ruinous Some houses callapse 6.9
and the logarithm of frequency (num ber o f earth­
where ground begins to
quakes, N) of earthquakes in a given area of
crack and pipes breack
open observation are linearly related. On the basis o f this
X Disastrous Ground cracks badly; 7-7,3 analysis one can calculate the probable return
many buildings destroyed periods o f earthquakes o f different m agnitudes.
and railway lines bent;
Great earthquakes, with m agnitudes over 8, gener­
landslides on steep slopes
Few buildings remain 7.4-8.1 ally occur about once every 5 to 10 years.
XI very
disastrous standing; bridges des- Earthquake o f m agnitude 8 or m ore has a probable
troyedKall serivces (rail­ return period of 50 years in N orth E ast India. Real
ways, pipes and cables) damages caused by earthquakes begin at m agnitude
out o f action; great land­
5 and continue to increase to nearly total destruction
slides and floods
in the neighbouring settlem ents by the earthquakes
XII Catastrophic Total destruction; objects above 8.1
thrown into air; ground with more than 8 m agnitude. M axim um recorded
rises and falls in waves. m agnitude is 9.3 (Sem euleu, 2004).

Table 18.4 : Magnitudes, energies, effects and frequencies of earthquake*, , ......

SI. No. C haracteristic effects o f shocks A pproxim ate Num ber of Released energy
in populated areas m agnitude (M) earthquakes per (ergs)
y e a r(F )

1 D am ages nearly total , > 8.0 0.1-0.2 >10”

2 G reat dam age > 7 .4 4 • > 0.4 x 1024 : <
3 Serious dam age, rails bent 7.0-7.3 15 0.04-0.2 x 1024
4 C onsiderable dam age to buildings 6.2-6.9 100 0.5-23 x 1021
5 S light dam age to buildings 5.5-6.1 500 l-2 7 x 1019
6 Felt by all 4.9-5.4 1,400 3.6-57 x 1017
7 F elt by m any 4.3-4.8 4,800 1.3-27 x 1016
8 F elt by some 3.5-4.2 30,000 1.6-76 x 1015
9 N ot felt but recorded 2.0-3.4 800,000 4 x 1019 - 9 x 1013

Causes of Earthquakes (1) Constructive plate boundaries: are charac­

terized by continuous addition o f geom aterials as
E arthquakes are caused due to disequilibrium there is constant upw elling'of m olten m aterials from
in any part o f the crust o f the earth. A num ber of below along the m id-oceanic ridges. These molten
causes have been assigned to cause disequilibrium in hot materials (lavas) are cooled and solidified and
the earth’s cru st such as volcanic eruptions, faulting are added to the trailing m argins o f the divergent
and folding, upw arping and dow nw arping, hydro­ plates. In fact, divergent plates m ove in opposite
static pressure o f m an-m ade w ater bodies like directions from the m id-oceanic ridges and there is
reservoirs and lakes, and o f late the plate move­ always addition of new crust to the trailing ends of
m ents. T he occurrence o f severe devastating earth­ these plates because o f cooling and solidification of
quakes o f San Fransisco (U .S.A .) in 1906 led H.F. molten lava.
Ried, one o f the official investigators of San (2) Destructive plate boudaries : are those
Fransisco earthquake disaster, to advance his where two convergent plates collide against each
im portant ‘elastic rebound theory’ to explain the other and the heavier plate boundary is subducted
mode and causes o f earthquakes mainly caused by below relatively lighter plate boundary. This results
fractures and faults in the earth ’s crust and upper in constant loss of crustal m aterials.
m antle. R ecently, ‘plate tectonic theory’ has been (3) Conservative plate boundaries : are those
accepted as the m ost plausible explanation of where two plates pass past each other w ithout any
earthquakes. As per theory of the plate tectonics, the collision. This process results neither in the creation
crust o f the earth is com posed of solid and moving nor in the destruction o f crust.
plates having either continental crust or oceanic
M ajor tectonic events associated with these
crust o r even both continental-oceanic crust. The
plate margins are rupture and faults along the
e arth ’s cru st consists o f 6 m ajor plates (Eurasian
plate, A m erican plate, African plate, Indian plate, constructive plate m argins; faulting and folding
P acific plate and Antarctic plate) and 20 minor along the destructive plate m argins and transform
plates. T hese plates are constantly moving in faults along the conservative plate m argins. Thus
relation to each other due to thermal convective these m ajor tectonic events o f faulting and folding
currents originating deep within the earth. Thus all and mountain building cause volcanic eruptions and
tne tectonic events take place along the m argins of earthquakes o f varying m agnitudes along different
plates. plate margins.
From the standpoint o f m ovem ent and tec­ Norm ally, m oderate earthquakes are caused
tonic events and creation and destruction of geomaterials along the constructive or divergent plate margins
the p late boundaries are divided into 3 types. because the rate o f rupture o f the crust and
consequent m ovem ent of plates away from the mid-
magnitudes along the ‘circum-Pacific belt’(along
oceanic ridges is rather slow and the rate of the western and eastern margins of the Pacific ocean
upw elling o f lavas is also slow. Consquently, or say along the western coastal margins of North
shallow focus earthquakes are caused along the and South Americas and thus the Rockies-Andes
constructive plate m argins or say along the mid- mountain belt and along the eastern coastal margins
oceanic ridges. The depth o f focus of the earth­ of Asia and Island arcs and festoons parlleJ to Asiatic
quakes associated with the constructive plate mar­ coast) and ‘mid-continetal belt’ (along the Alpine-
gins ranges betw een 25 km to 35 km but a few Himalayan chains). The earthquakes o f the western
earthquakes have also been found to have occurred marginal areas of North and South Am erica are
at the depth o f 60 km. It is thus obvious that the caused because of subduction of American plate
earthquakes occurring along the m id-Atlanic Ridge, below the Pacific plate and resultant tectonic forces
m id-Indian oceanic ridge and E ast Pacific Rise are whereas the earthquakes of the eastern margins of
caused because o f m ovem ent o f plates in opposite Asia are originated because of subduction of Pacific
directions (divergence) and consequent formation of plate under the Asiatic plate. Similarly, the subduc­
faults and upw elling o f m agm a (say vulcanicity, tion of African plate below Eropean plate and the
more specifically fissure flow). subduction of Indian plate below A siatic plate cause
earthquakes of the mid-continental belt. Creation of
E arthquakes o f high m agnitudes and deep transform faults along the conservative plate mar­
focus are cau sed along the convergent or destructive gins explains the occurrence of severe earthquakes
plate m argins because o f collision o f two convergent of California (U.S.A.). Here one part o f C alifornia
plates and co n seq u en t subduction of one plate moves north-eastward while the other part moves
margin along the B en io ff zone. Here mountain south-westward along the fault plane and thus is
builing, fau ltin g and violent volcanic eruptions formed transform fault which causes earthquakes.
(central eru p tio n s) cause disastrous earthquakes v.
having the focus at the depth upto 700 km. The Distribution of Earthquakes ? >
earthquakes having th eir focus upto 720 km depth
have been reco rd ed so far. This process, conver­ The world map of the distribution o f earth­
gence o f plates and related plate collision, explains quakes prepared by the seismologists on the basis o f
the m axim um o ccu rren ce o f earthquakes of varying computer analysis and simulation of 30,000 earth-

.>\\sVv*i<tvA s\\\w • t
y'■>>• A.w
\V '
' .\\y ^ \V
Awwv «^n •WS\W)<\\w\
’v^'V'NS>W '
.A xw
o J _ /

V .w\\V R
/ vmw
'Xu\\\ l/ /T •
J | \\ w \ 'A \\ s

Pacific V vK vW I
A\\yU\V^V.\W"'«'N\V/ \ V s VVVVVVVVV .
Ocean .s'.\\
A \\s\w^sw
\N\vJlNV I

NN |N\NS\\f.V
>q aw r90hvv
" .\V V '
■ViV I N\\W\

\ \NvW
\ \w\ n s\

VV \ NWW *
\V \ .NNV
ki __\N\\\N
W\ \\\ \\__ \\\(v
\ VVVVVVWA ,A N v i\
\\ •VWVW

\ ' vvw vvvn V

.\V V W

\\\\vV-»4k . ,\,s « \wvwvvv^ .
\. V.vvvvvsy*'

\ w vvV avvvvvvvw vvvvvvvvvvv

\ • V V C vN ' V .xvvvvvvvv

\\V \N ' 1
.V \V >

Circum-Pacific belt Mid-Atlantic belt Mid-Continental belt Others

Fig. 18.2 : World distribution o f earthquakes.


quakes th at occurred betw een 1961 and 1967 very where plates slide past each other. But earthquakes
m uch co in cid es with, the traditional map of world that occur at depths greater than about 100 kilom e­
d istrib u tio n o f earthquakes (fig. 18.2) viz. (i) tres (60 miles) typically occur near margins where
C ircum rP acific Belt or Ring of Fire surrounding the plates collide (fig. 18.3). It is a basic tenet o f the
Pacific Ocean, (ii) M id-Continental Belt represent­ theory of plate tectonics that these deep earthquakes
ing epicentres located along the Alpine-Himalayan actually define the positions of subducted plates
chains o f Eurasia and northern A frica and epicentres which are plunging back into the mantle beneath an
o f east A frican fault zone, and (iii) M id-Altantic Belt overriding plate’ (F. Press and R. Siever, 1978). It
representing the earthquakes located along the mid- may be pointed out that the occurrences of earth­
A tlantic Ridge and its off-shoots. ‘The high-quality quakes along the plate margins (boundaries) are well
seism icity m aps showed that narrow belts of explained on the basis o f plate tectonic theory but the
epicentres coincide; alm ost exactly with the crest of
earthquakes originating within the plates are diffi­
m id-A tlantic (Ridge), the east Pacific, and other
cult to the explained on the basis of this revolution­
oeanic ridges, where plates separate. Earthquake
epicentres are also aligned along transform faults, ary theory.

Ocean ridge Ocean trench
(spreading) (convergence)
Transform Continent
. fault _

Healed transform fault

g?Cool Lithosphere
Hot Asthenosphere
Hot matter rises into
ocean ridge rift Rising magma

Shallow earthquakes
Deep earthquakes

Fig. 18.3 : Relationships between earthquakes and plate margins (boundaries), after F. Press and R. Siever, 1978.

For exam ple, the earthquakes of New. Madrid tectonics. The A siatic plate is m oving southward
(M issouri, U.S.A., 1812), Charleston, South Caro­ whereas the Indian plate is m oving northward
lina (U.S.A., 1886), Boston, M assachusetts (U.S.A., and hence the northern m argin o f the Indian plate
1755), Tang-Shan (China, 1976), Koyna (December is being subducted below the A siatic plate. This
11,1967, India) etc. are a few examples of intraplate collision of Asiatic and Indian plates and subduction
earthquakes. Sim ilarly, ‘the seism icity of the Indian o f Indian plate and consequent folding and faulting
Shield as revealed from Kutch (1819), Koyna and gradual rise of the H im alayas at the rate o f 50
(1967), Bhadrachalam (1969) and Broach (1970) mm per year cause earthquakes o f northern India and
cannot be explained easily by plate tectonics since Tibet and Napal. A ccording to J.G. N egi, P.K.
they occurred far away from the plate boundary’ Agrawal and O.P. Pandey (as reported in the Hindu,
(J.G. N egi, in the Hindu, Septem ber 18, 1988). Septem ber 18, 1988) ‘the Indian subcontinent has
The Indian earthquakes along the Himalayas deform ed at places due to the Indian O cean floor
and foo thill zones may be explained in terms of plate spreading process. India folds at places and when the

energy reaches the elastic limit, the rocks breakup earthquake in May, 1970 triggered off the collapse
and t r i g g e r strike-slip and thrust fault earthquakes. of ice cap seated on the peak o f high m ountain called
The Himalayan fault zone is not actually one fault Huascaran of 6654 m height near ^the town, of
but a broad system of interactive faults. I t consists of Yungay in Peru. Huge m asses o f falling ice
ia complex grid of faults extending all along this dislodged thousands of tonnes o f rock m ass from the
bolliding zone. The earthquake belt extends from said mountain and thus was generated a gigantic
Sulaiman and K irthar shear zones in the west, the debris flow down the slope o f H uascaran m ountain
Himalayas in the north and Burmese arc in the east’. travelling at the speed o f 320 kilom etres p er'h o u r.
These tectonic events caused by plate movements The volume of debris flow further increased down
cause earthquakes in the northern and north-eastern the slope because more and more debris and w ater
parts of India. joined the main debris flow route. This enorm ous
i ; ' • ‘i •
1. i! ' v .■ ■ ••?•-• mass of ‘ debris flow covered a distance of 15
Adverse Effects of Earthquake Disaster kilometres within few minutes. The enorm ity o f the
mass of debris may be gauged from the fact that
It may be restated that the intensity of individual rock blocks m easu red about 15 cubic
earthquakes and their hazardous impacts are deter­ metres. This enormous debris fall triggered by
mined not on the basis o f the m agnitude of seismic earthquake buried many buildings an d Human
intensity as determ ined by Richter or M ercalli scales structures of Yungay town and killed about 25,000
but are decided on the basis o f quantum of damages people.
done by a specific earthquake to human lives and The second example o f slope failure arid
property. An earthquake becom es disaster only resultant landslides caused by earthquakes m ay be
when it strikes the populated area. Some times the cited from the Tajik earthquake o f 1989. ‘The Tajik
moderate earthquakes on Richter scale inflict great earthquake in the south of the form er U SSR on 21
damages by stim ulating and augm enting other January 1989, for exam ple, was only o f m agnitude
natural physical processes such as landslides, floods 5.5, but its timing unfortunately coincided w ith
and fire. Thus it is obvious that it is not necessary highly unstable slope conditions caused by h ig h
that an earthquake creates havoc itself but it also pore-water pressure resulting from snow -m elt. Huge
becom es disastrous indirectly. It may also be landslides and rivers o f mud 20 m deep w ere set o ff
m entioned that it is not the earthquake that inflicts that engulfed houses and even w hole v illag es/ T his
m ore dam age, rather it is the buildings of weak is seismically a highly active region, shaken by
structures, that cause more dam age and kill people. upwards of 3000 trem ors a year, but these cause few
The direct and indirect disastrous effects of earth­ direct casualties— it is the effects on other natural
quakes include deform ation o f ground surfaces, processes that are disastrous* (C. E m bleton, 1989, in
'damages and destruction of human structures such Aerospace Survey and N atural D isaster R eduction,
as buildings, rails, roads, bridges, dams, factories,
ITC, Enschede, N etherlands, 1989).
destruction o f towns and cities, loss of human and
animal lives and property, violent fires, landslides, The Cham oli quake follow ed by a series of
floods, disturbance in groundw ater conditions etc. seism ic events in U ttarakhand (India) in .1999
triggered killer M alpa landslides w hich killed all the
1. Slope Instability, Slope Failure and Landslides 200 piligrim s, on way to M ansarovar, w hich were
cam ping in M alpa village in the night.
The shocks produced by earthquakes particu­
The occurrence of earthquakes during w et
larly in those hilly and m ountainous areas which are
season in the hilly and m ountainous regions cau ses
composed o f w eaker lithologies and are tectonically
landslides even' if the earthquakes are o f very
sensitive and weak cause slope instability and slope
m oderate nature. This is the reason, that people
failure and ultim ately cause landslides and debris
notice earth trem ors through landslides during w et
falls which dam age settlem ents and transport
season but fail to notice such earth trem.ors during
systems on the low er slope segm ents. The Peruvian
dry season o f the year. ‘L andslides are often
earthquake o f May, 1970 tells the aw esom e story of
triggered by earthquakes in m ountainous zones,
disastrous tragedy inflicted by the said earthquake to especially in the wet.season. I was baffled once when
the town o f Yungay. The shocks generated by strong a farm er in southern Italy asked me ‘why do
earthquakes always occur in winter?. Until I realized m ore or less seism ically dorm ant (as regards severe
that quakes occurring during the dry summers, when earthquakes only) except ordinary earth trem ors, for
m ost slopes are stable, may hardly be noticed by the more than 54 years blit was suddenly struck by
p easants’ (H.T. Verstappen, 1989, in Aerospace devastating hazardous earthquake in the m orning
Survey andNatural Disaster Reduction, ITC, Enschede, hour of A ugust 21, 1988. ‘Once again the epicentre
Netherlands, 1989). was located near D arbhanga town (tow ards Bihar-
Nepal border) and the focus may lie 20-30 km deep
2. Damage to Human Structures at the intersection of Patna fault (or nearby parallel
fault) and H im alayan frontal thrust. The seism ic
Earthquakes inflict great damage to human energy o f the 1988 earthquake (6.5 m agnitude on
structures such as buildings, roads, rails, factories, R ichter scale) was 1000 tim es sm aller than the great
bridges and thus cause heavy loss of human
earthquake of 1934 (with m agnitude o f 8.4 on
property. In fact,, the principal damage emanating
Richter scales as referred to above) but m ore than
from earthquake disaster is construction failure. It
850 people were killed, thousands injured in India
may be pointed out that the extent o f damage done to
the human structures not only depends on intensity and Nepal, with an earth surface split up at many
and magnitude o f earthquakes but also on the places and more than 25,000 houses dm aged. The
characteristics o f ground upon which the buildings damage is high (inspite o f com paratively lower
are constructed and the nature o f m aterials of which m agnitude o f 6.5 than the higher m agnitude o f 8.4 of
the buildings have been constructed (such as stones, 1934 Bihar earthquake) due to the location o f the
bricks, muds, concrete, cem ent, tins, huts etc.). It affected area in the unconsolidated G angetic allu­
may be stated that if the ground surface com posed of vium which acts like a seism ic amplifier* (J. G. Negi,
unconsolidated geom aterials such as alluvium, 1988, in The Hindu, Septem ber 18, 1988). It m ay be
colluvium, artificially filled up and levelled up pointed out that a fortnihgt ago the N orth-E astern
depressions, sw am p deposits reclaim ed through the India was rocked by m ore severe earthquake
dumping of coarse sands and city garbages, vibra­ (magnitude being 7.3 on R ichtre scale, epicentre
tions o f earthquakes last longer and the amplitudes being near Imphal, M anipur, India) on A ugust 6,
o f seism ic w aves are g re a te r than in 1988 but the damage was insignificant because o f
the structure o f consolidated m aterials and bed­
the fact that ground m aterials o f N -E India are
rocks. Thus the earthquakes cause more damages in
consolidated. Many of the houses dam aged in B ihar
the areas o f unconsolidated ground than their
because of Darbhanga earthquake o f 1988 w ere
counterparts in the regions o f solid structures and
bedrocks. quite old and were constructed by bricks and m uds.

Two m ajor earthquakes of Bihar (India)- The recent earthquakes o f O ctober 8, 2005 in
Nepal border in 1934 and 1988 (D arbhanga quake) Pakistan Occupied K ashm ir (Pok) and M ay 2 7 ,2 0 0 6
explain the im pact o f earthquakes disasters on quake of Java flattened all the buildings and other
human structures and human lives. It was the human structures and rendered m illions o f people
afternoon o f 15th January 1934 when a powerful homeless.
earthquake o f the m agnitude (M) 8.4, one o f the ‘Ground vibrations can shake structures and
greatest seism ic events o f the world, struck the stress them to the point o f failure and collapse. The
northern Bihar plain (a part of the G anga plain) and ground accelerations caused by great earthquakes
the Himalayan country o f Nepal and adjoining Tibet. can approach and even exceed that o f gravity near
The epicentre of the earthquake was located at 26.6° the epicentre, and very few m an-m ade structures can
N and 86.8° E (near Darbhanga in Bihar, India). The survive w ithout severe dam age. C ertain kinds of
damages caused by this disastrous earthquake in soils loose their rigidity and “ liquefy*' when
India (Bihar), Nepal and Tibet include 10,700
subjected to repeated seism ic sh o c k s’ (F. Press and
human deaths, landslides and slum ping in an area of
R. Siever, 1978). It may be m entioned that it is not
m length and 60 km width, ruptures in the
only the vibrations caused by earthquakes which
ground surface, faults etc. which caused irreparable
dam age buildings d irectly but unconsolidated
damage to human structures. This area rem ained
geom aterials o f the ground su rface are com pacted by
these vibrations because the particles move closer the 1964 A l a s k a earthquake (U.SA.)- The conse­
and are aggregated to form dense arrangement. ‘As quence on settlement will be especially severe if
a consequence ground subsidence occurs, and this building foundations are built across deposits of
too can damage buildings. The ground locally varying physical properties, which would cause^one
subsided 0.6 m by compaction of sediments in the part of the foundations to settle more than another
1906 San Fransisco earthquake, and by 1.8 m during (A. Goudie, 1984).

T ab le tB.S : Som e of th e w o rld ’s in terms f —. . ——---—w ■

'— '
Year Place of occurrence death Year Place of occurrence death
856 Corinth, Greece 45,000 1737 Calcutta, India 300,000
1038 Shansi, China 23,000 1755 Northern, Perisa 40,000
1057 Chihli, China 25,000 1755 Lisbon, Portugal 30,000-60,000
1170 Sicily 15,000 1783 Calabria, Italy 50,000
1268 Silicia, A sia M inor 60,000 1797 Quito, Ecuador 41,000
1290 Chihli, China 100,000 1812 Venezuela 10,000
1293 K am akura, Japan 30,000 1819 Kutch, India 1,500
1456 N aples, Italy 60,000 1822 Aleppo, Asia Minor 22,000
1531 Lisbson, Portugal 30,000 1828 Echigo (Honshu), Japan 30,000
1556 Shen-Shu, China 830,000 1847 Zenkoji, Japan 34,000
1667 Shem aka, Caucasia 80,000 1868 Peru and Ecuador 25,000
1693 Catania, Italy 60,000 1875 Venezuela and Colombia 16,000
1693 N aples, Italy 93,000 1896 Sanriku, Japan 27,000
1731 ■.,» Peking, China 100,000 1897 Assam, India 1,500
1898 Japan 22,000

fable 18.6 : Some of the world’s major earthquakes in terms of human deaths, property loss, between 1900-1950

Year Place o f occurrence death Year Place of occurrence death

1905 K angra, India 20,000 1932 Sagami B ay,Japan 250,000

1906 V alparaiso, Chile 1,500 1934 Bihar, India 10,700
1906 San Francisco, USA 500 1935 Quetta, Baluchistan 60,000
1907 K ingston, Jam aica 1,400 1939 Chile 40,000
1908 M essina, Italy 160,000 1939 Erzincan, Turkey 40,000
1915 A vezzano, Italy 30,000 1948 Fukai, Japan 5,000
1920 Kansu, C hina 180,000 1949 Ecuador .v 6,000
1923 T o k y o ,Jap an 163,000 1949 Khait, form er USSR 12,000
1930 A pennine M ountains, Italy 1,500 1950 Assam, India 1,500
1932 Kansu, C hina 70,000

Table 18.7 : Some of the world’s major earthquakes in terms of human deaths^and property loss between 1951 and
2000 A.D.
Y ear Place o f occurrence dfeath’ Year Place o f occurrence death
1?53 :<■. N orth w estern Turkey 1,200 1976 New Guinea 9,000
1954 N orthern Algeria 1,600 1977 Rom ania 1,581
1956 K abul, Afghanistan 2,000 1978 Tabas, Iran 25,000
1957 N orthern Iran , .• 2,500 . 1979 Y ugoslavia I3 i.
1957 - W estern Iran 1,400 1980 A lgeria.................................I 2,590
( I « | • « t

1957 - O uter M ongolia 1,200 1980 Italy 3,114

1960 “ Agadir, M orocco ' 14,000 1982 Yemen 3,000
1960 Southern Chile 5,700 .1983 ■ Colom bia 250
1962 ■ • North western Iran 14,000 1985 Chile 200 ,

1963 Skopje, Y ugoslavia 1,000 1985 M ax ico (8 .1 ) 10,000

1968 .Dasht-e-Bayaz, Iran , . 18,600 1986 El Salvador , 1,000
1970., Chim bote, Peru 67,000 1987 Ecuador 1,000,
1872 M anagua, N icargua 10,000 1988 Darbhanga, Bihar 850
1 • f * ' •’

1974 W est Central China 20,000 1988 A rm enia (6.9) 26,000

. . . r , ' '. ‘t , . . f i .

1975 Haicheng, China 10,000 i990 Iran (7.5) 50,000

1976 Italy 23,000 1990 Philippines 500
1976 r : G uatem ala 23,000 1995 Japan (7.2) 6,000
1976 Tang-Shan, China ■750,000 1998 Afganistan (6.9) 5,000
1976 Philippines 3,100 1999 Columbia (6.0) 1,171
.4 ■: 1 1 . 1999 Turkey (7.4) 17,000
Table 18.8: Devastating severe earthquakes of 20th and 21th centuuries with their magnitude and death toll

Year Place of Occurrence Magnitude Deaths Year Place of Occurrence Magnitude Deaths
(Richter (maximum (Richter (maximum
Scale) estimates) Scale) estim ates)
1 # a i *

1905 Kangra Valley* India 8.6 20,000 1962 Buyin-zara, Iran 7.3 14,000
1907 Afghanistan 8.1 12,000 1968 Dasht-e-Bayaz, Iran 1 3 -1 .9 18,600
1908 > M essina, Italy 7.5 , 200,000 1970 Chimbote, Peru 7.8-7.9 67,000
1915, Avenzzaro, Italy 7.5 30,000 1974 West Central China 6.8 20,000
1917 South Java 15,000 1975 Haicheng, China 7.3-7.4 10,000
1918 South-East China 7.3 10,000 1976 Guatemala 7.5 23,000
1920 Kansu, China 8.5 180,000 1976 Tang-shan, China 7.8-8.1 750,000
1923 " Tokyo-Yakohama 8.3 163,000 1978 Tabas, Iran 7.7-7.8 1 25,000
1927 Nanshan, China 8.0-8.3 180,000 1985 M excio-city, Mexcio 8.1 10,000
1933 North-Central China 7.4 10,000 1988 Armenia 6.9 26,000
1934 Bihar, India , .. 8.4 10,700 . 1988 Darbhanga (Bihar, India) 6.5 850
1935 Quetta, Pakistan 7.5-7.6 60,000 and Nepal
1939 Chilian, Chile 8.3 40,000 1990 Northern Iran 7.3 50,000
1939 Erzincan, Turkey 8.0 40,000 1990 M anila, Philippines 7.7 — 500
1948 Kagi, Formosa (Taiwan) 7.3 19,800 1990 (June) Iran 7.3 40,0000
I960 Agadir, Morocco 5.6-5.9 14,000 5,00,000 homeless
t e r r e s t r ia l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s
Y ear P lace o f O ccu rren ce M agnitude Deaths Y ear Place o f O ccurrence M agnitude D eath s'
(R ichter (m axim um (R ich ter (m ax im u m
S cale) estim ates) S cale) ' estim ates)

1995 (Jan u ary ) K obe, Japan 7.2 5,502 dead 550

1999 (12 N ovem ber) Turkey 7.2
2,80,00 hom eless 1999 (21 Stptem ber), Taiw an 7.3 m ore than 2000
1997 (M ay) Ja b alp u r (India) 6.0 50 2001 (January 26), Bhuj (India) 8 .1 5 0 : 0 0 0 to 100,000
1997 (M ay Iran 7.1 2,500 2002 1 ,0 0 6
A fghanistan (M arch 25) 5.8
1998 (F eb ru ary ) A fghanistan 6 .1 4,400
2003 (M ay, 22), A lgiers (A lg eria)6.7 2 3 0 0 d ead
15,000 Fam ilies
> 5000 w o unded
hom eless
1998 (29 M ay) A fg h an istan 2005 (Oct., 8) M uzaffarabad (PO K )6.5 > 5 0,000 dead
6.9 m ore than 5000
1998 (17 Ja n u a ry ) K obe Janan 2006 (M ay, 27,) Java 6.5 > 57 0 0
O ver 5,000
23,600 injured 2009 (30 Sept) Penang (Sum atra) 7.6 a few thousand
1999 ( 1 7 A u g u st), T u rk ey 7.4 O ver 40,000 2010 (Jan, 12)Port-au-Prince 7.0 2 ,3 0 ,0 0 0
than 19,000 w ounded (H aiti)

Table 18.9: Major earthquake hazards of India

Time and m agnitude Location Effects

October, 11, 1737 Calcutta 3,00,000 deaths of human beings, the worst earth quake
of India in its seismic history.
Septem ber 1, 1793 M athura Adversely affected larger areas including G arhwal,
Kumaun and Simla hills
June, 16, 1819 Kutch 2.000 people died, Bhuj city destroyed, famous m osque
of 15th century in Ahmedabad city broken, rise of land in
a length of 15 km in the Rann of Kutch known as Allah
Bund ____2.
June 16, 1828 Kashm ir 1.000 people died , •:< ■
August 26, 1833 Bihar Adversely affected the areas from Bihar to Nepal; 1000
houses destroyed.
February 19, 1842 Jalalabad Adversely affected the areas from Delhi to Kabul city of
April 1, 1843 D eccan India Carnool, Solapur, Belgaon and Bellary cities greatly
January 10, 1869 A ssam Adversely affected a large area of 2,50,000 square m iles
May 30, 1885 K ashm ir s;. 3.000 people died
July 14, 1886 D acca (Bangladesh) & Adveersely affected large area of W est and East
W. Bengal Bengal, Assam , Sikkim, Bhutan and C hptanagpur
covering an. area of 2,30,000 square m iles. - ■ .
June 12, 1887 (8.7) Shillong (M eghalaya) 1500 people died; houses even of stones in the cities of
N aogaon, Shillong, G auhati (G uw ahati), G olpara etc.
heavily dam aged and destroyed; affected area 17,50,000
square m iles, a great fault o f 35 feet w idth and 12 miles
length form ed in the ground . .
June 15, 1890
Kutch 1500 people died
A pril 4 . 1905 (8.6) Kangra 20,000 people killed, whole Punjab was affected
J u ly 8, 1918 Assam ••!
Ju ly 3, 1930 Assam (Dhubri) Dhubri town destroyed
J an u ary 5, 1934 Bihar-Nepal 8.4 M agnitude on Richter scale; 10,700 people killed
Ju n e 26, 1941 Andman
A ugust 15, 1950 (8.7) Assam 1500 people killed; 60 after shocks; floods in the rivers
of Assam
M ay 18, 1955 N icobar (Andman)
A ugust, 1956 Kutch
Septem ber, 1956 Bulandshar
D ecem ber 11, 1967 (6. 5) Koyna (Satara) 1000 people killed; 2063 wounded and 10,000 homeless
A ugust 21, 1988 Darbhanga (Bihar)- M agnitude 6.7 on Richter scale, 850 people died, 25,000
Nepal houses damaged
October 20, 1991 (6.6) Uttar Kashi (Uttarakhand) Over 2500 dead
Septem ber 30, 1993 (6 .3)L atur (M aharashtra) 11.000 dead
May 22, 1997 (6.0) Jabalpur (M.P.) 50 dead -
March 29, 1999 (6.8) Cham oli (Uttarakhand) 50 dead
January 26, 2001 (8.1) Bhuj (Gujarat) 50.000 to 100,000 dead
Dec. 26, 2004 (9.3) Sum atra tsunami > 250,000 dead in Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka
Oct. 8, 2005 (6.5) POK (M uzaffarabad) > 50,000 dead
Sept. 18, 2011 (6.8) M angan (Sikkim) > 100 dead, about 1,00,000 houses and buildings

3. Damage to Towns and Cities The exam ple o f severe hazardous earth­
quake o f m exico city o f S eptem ber, 1985 tells the
Earthquakes have their worst effects on build­ story o f disastrous effects o f seism ic hazards on
ings and large agglom erations o f human population. human structures and p roperty. T hough the epi­
The earth tremors of higher magnitudes shake the centre was located about 4 00 km south-w est of
ground to such an extent that the large buildings M exico city, the capital o f M exico, but greatest
collapse and men and women are buried under the dam age was caused in M exico city. It is believed
large debris and rubbles o f collapsed structural to be the strongest earth q u ak e in Latin Am erica in
materials o f buildings, ground water pipes are bent last 100 years or so. The total d estruction caused
and damaged and thus water supply is totally
by this earthquake includes death toll 10,000;
disrupted, electric poles are uprooted and electric and
m issing people 2000; in ju red people 40,000;
telephone wires and cables are heavily damaged
buildings co llap sed -4 0 0 ; b uildings severly dam ­
causing total disruption o f electric supply and
telecommunication systems, obstruction and dstruction aged 6000; m oderately dam aged buildings 50,0000;
o f sewer system causes epidemics, road blocks throw total loss o f p roperty 4000 m illion US dollars; loss
the transport systems out o f great etc. Kolkata city o f G ross N ational P ro d u ct (G N P) 136 billion US
was severaly damaged due to sever earthquake of dollars. B esides, the in frastru ctu res o f the city
O ctober 11, 1737 and tidal surges as thousands of w ere seriously dam aged, fo r exam ple, w ater pipes
buildings were severly damaged and 3,00,000 people w ere broken, teleco m m u n icatio n lines and sys­
were killed. Nearly 2,00,000 people were killed tem s w ere severly dam aged, p ow er and water
within a period o f 100 years due to earthquakes of supplies w ere d isru p ted , in n er v eh icu lar transport
1688, 1693 and 1783. was halted etc.
t e r r e s t r ia l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s

(4) Loss of Human Lives and Property (2) H ighly disastrous earth q u ak es : causing
human deaths ranging between 51,000 and 100,000
f The destructiveness of an earthquake is as shown in table 18.11.
determined on the basis of human casualties in terms
of deaths. Some of the world’s worst earthquakes in
Table 18.11 : Highly disastrous earthquakes (death
terms of human deaths during 19th century (table
toll, 51,000-100,000)
18.5), first half of 20th century (table 18.6) and in the
later half of the 20th century (table 18.7) have been Year Location Human casualties
listed in tables 18.5 to 18.7 and severe hazardous > 50,000
2005 M uzaffarabad, POK
earthquakes causing heavy toll of human lives
during the 20th and 21st centuries have been shown 1268 Silicia, Asia Minor 60,000
in table 18.8. It is apparent from table 18.8 that it is 1667 Shemaka, Caucasia 60,000
not the magnitude (intensity) of earthquake alone 60,000
1693 Catania, Italy
which matters more as regards the human casulaties
1693 Naples, Italy 60,000
but itis the density of human population and houses
which m atter more in terms of human deaths and loss 1970 Chimbote, Peru 67,000
of property. For exam ple, the Kangra earthquake of 1932 Kansu, China 70,000
India in 1905 recorded 8.6 magnitude on Richter 93,000
1935 Quetta, Baluchistan
scale but it could cause death of only 20,000 persons
whereas 1976 Tang-shan earthquake of China 2001 Bhuj, Gujarat, India 50,000-100,000
measuring 7.8 to 8.1 on Richter scale caused deaths (3) M ost disastrous earth q u ak es : are thos
of 750,000 persons. which have claimed lives of m ore than 100,000
From the stand point of human casualties persons. Table 18.12 displays the occurrences o f
earthquake disasters are divided into the following 3 most disastrous earthquakes causing m ore than
categories : 100,000 human casualties.
(1) D isastrous earthguakes : represent earth­
quakes which claim ed human death toll ranging Table 18.12 : Most disastrous earthquakes (human
between 20,000 to 50,000 (table 18.10) : deaths > 100,000)
Year Location H um an deaths
Table 18.10 : Disastrous earthquake (death toll, 20,000- 1290 Chihli, China 100,000
50,000) 1908 M essina, Italy 160,000
Year Location Human casualties 1932 T okyo,Japan 163,000
1971 China 20,000 1920 Kansu, China 180,000
1293 Kamakura, Japan 22,000 1923 Sagami Bay, Japan 250,000
1731 Peking, China 22,000 1737 Kolkata, India 300,000
1555 Shen-Shu, China 25,000 1976 - T ’ ang-Shan, China 750,000
1980 A rm enia 26,000 1556 Shen-Shu, China 830,000
1896 Sanriku, Japan 27,000 2010 P ort-au-Prince (H aiti) 2,30,000
1828 Honshu, Japan 30,000
1755 N orthern Persia 40,000
1939 Chile 40,000 A case history of disastrous earthquake of
1939 Erzincan, Turkey 40,000 northern Iran which occurred in the m onth of June,
1797 Quito, Equador 41,000 1990 may dem onstrate the aw eful calam ity o f the
856 Corinth, Greece 45,000 devastating natural hazard borne by hum an society.
1783 Calabria, Italy 50,000 The degree of devastation caused by the earthquake
1990 N orthern Iran >50,000 may be gauged from the fact that M r. Ali Akabar
Hashemi Rafsanjani, the then President o f Iran,

ecalred three days o f official national mourning damage to human property worth 10 billions US
and called on the Iranian people to mobilize for relief dollars was done by the earthquake o f N ovem ber,
and rscue operations. 1980 in Italy. Only four years back property o f 3.6
billion US dollars was destroyed by the earthquake
The dreadful killer earthquake occurred at
of May, 1976 in Italy. M exican earthquake o f
12.31 A.M . on June 21, 1990 and measured 7.3 on
September, 1985 (M exico city) claimed loss of
R ichter scale as recorded by Iranian seismologists
human property worth 4 billion US dollars. The
but it was recorded by Indian and American
property loss includes destruction of houses, gov­
seism ologists as 7.7 on Richter scale. The quake
ernment and public establishm ents, roads, rails,
jo lted the provinces of Tehran, Gilan, Mazandaran,
bridges, vehicles of several sorts, pow er houses,
E ast A zarbaijan and Hamedan. The epicentre of the
power lines, pipe lines, cables, shops, crops, cattle
earthquake was located in Daylaman between
L anground and Lahijan in the Gilan province, 70 km and of course most precious human lives.
aw ay from the Caspian Sea. The killer quake
devastated towns and flattened whole villages (5) Severe Fires
across m ountains, valleys and lush coastal plains of
The strong vibrations caused by severe
C aspian Sea in an area of 150 km width in the
earthquakes strongly shake the buildings and thus
northern part o f Iran and thus killed more than
strong oscillations cause severe fires in houses,
50,000 persons (some agencies estim ated the death
toll to be more than 100,000 mark) and injured more mines and factories because of overturning of
cooking gas cylinders, contact of live electric wires,
than 100,000 people. It may be pointed out that
Iran’s m ost disastrous earthquake of the past two chiming of blast furnaces, displacem ent o f other
decades was recorded and felt in 1978 when 25,000 electric and fire-related appliances. For exam ple,
people were killed around the eastern desert town of the housewives were cooking their lunches in the
kitchens when disastrous killer earthquakes struck
Tabas but this quake has surpassed the killer effects
of all the past seim sm ic events recorded in Iran. in the vicinity of Tokyo and Sagami Bay in 1923.
Consequently, severe fire broke out which claim ed
Main roads linking Rasht,the provincial capital of
the lives of 38,000 peope out of total fatalities of
Gilan, to the m ajor cities were blocked by massive
landslide triggered by the quake. The hardest hit 1,63,000 caused by the eartquake through various
processes. This earthquake resulted into total loss of
cities were Lahijan, Langround, Astaneh, Ashrafiyeh,
all in Gilan province neartest to the epicentre of the property worth 2500 m illion US dollars. The severe
quake. Even buildings shook and window broke in earthquakes of S aaF rancisco (USA) which occurred
Tehran sending frightened residents fleeing into the on April 18,1906, caused fires in several parts o f the
streets. The quake left scroes o f villages located at city. No water could be made available im m ediately
the slopes of the A lborz mountains between the to extinguish the fire because w ater pipes w ere also
Caspian Sea and Zanjan in a total ruin. Some of the broken and displaced by the earthquake. This delay
rubbles appeared to have rolled hundreds of metres in fire-fighting resulted in the destruction o f m ajor
down the slopes. Many o f the houses have sunk deep •portions of the city.
into the earth. About 100,000 persons were rendered
homeless. (6) Ground Deformation
Loss o f property and Gross National Product
Severe earth trem ors and resultant vibrations
(GNP) due to disastrous earthquakes which occurred
between 1960 and 1987 has been shown in table 17.1 caused by severe earthquakes result in the deform a­
in chapter 17 of this book. G reat damage of human tion of ground surface because o f rise and subsid­
property worth 5.6 billion US dollars was done in ence of ground surface and faulting activity. For
C hina (in T ’ ang shang) by July 1976 earthquake exam ple, the A laska earthquake (USA) o f 1964
m easuring 7.8 to 8.1 on Richter scale which caused displacem ent of ground surface upto 10-15
am ounted to 280 billion US dollars GNP of the metres. ‘Some seism ic m ovem ents are m ore gradual,
country. Peruvian earthquake of 1970 (Chim bote) and occur by a process called seismic creep.
m easuring 7.8 to 7.9 on Richter scale caused damage A lthough their effects are less im m ediately dra­
to property worth 500 m illion US dollars. The huge m atic, detailed surveys with precise levelling
instrum etns in parts o f California, where there are Severe floods are also caused because of
major faults like the G arlock and San Andreas, blocking of water flow of rivers'due to rock blocks
reveal m ovem ents of 5-13 m in 1000 years’ (A. produced by severe tremors on the hillslopes facing
Goudie, 1984). The 1987 Assam earthquake of India the river valleys. Some times the blockade o f the
caused a large fault m easuring 35 feet (10.6m) long rivers is so immense that even the course o f the river
and 12 m iles (19.3 km) wide. Several faults were
is changed. The 1950 earthquake of Assam, India,
careated in the mouth areas of the M ississippi river
produced barrier in the Dihang river, the tributary of
because o f the earthquakes o f 1811, 1812 and 1813
in the M ississippi valley. The alluvial-filled areas of the Brahmputra river, due to accumulation of huge
the flood plains o f the M ississippi were fractured at debris caused by landslides due to earth trem ors and
many places which forced ground surface at few thus, caused severe floods in the upstream section.
places to collapse. This process resulted into the Similarly, the dam on Subansiri river broke in and
. ation o f lakes. and marshes.
# resultant flash flood submerged an area of 7,770
. The ground surface was greatly deformed in square kilometres. . . .
the delta area of the Indus river (Pakistan) due to the
(8) Tasunami Waves
earthquake o f 1819 as an area of 45,000 square
kilom etres was subsided to such an extent that this Undersea occun’encs of earthquake exceed­
was subm erged beneath sea water and this land area ing 7.5 on Richter scale very often generate strong
disappeared for ever. It may be pointed but that waves, called as tsunami, which cause devastation in
subsidence in one area is followed by emergence of the coastal areas. The Pacific coasts are m ost
the land in other area. This also happened in the valunerable to tsunami waves. The strong under sea
Indus delta area as a large area measuring 80 km in earthquke with a magnitude of 9.3 on Richter, w hich
length and 26 km in width was raised by 3 m from the occurred on December 26,2004, in the Indian Ocean
surrounding area.Sim ilarly, the coastal land of Chile off Sumatra coast produced killer tsunami waves
was raised from 6 m to 13 m because of the which claimed more than 250,000 human lives in the
earthquake o f 1835. The sea-floor of Sagami Bay of countries bordering Indian Ocean, m ainly Indone­
Japan was subsided from 30 m to 457 m because of sia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. Besides, huge
the earthquake o f 1923. property worth billions of US dollars was dam aged.
Detailed discussion on various aspects of tsunam i
(7) Destruction of Dams and Flash Floods
disaster has been presented in the succeeding section
S trong seism ic events result in the damages of 18.4 of this chapter.
dams and cause severe floods. A possible disastrous
flash flood was averted by prom pt action of local EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS IN INDIA
authorities in the San Fernando Valley of the U.S.A.
The San Fernando earthquake of February 9, 1971 in India is frequently adversely affected by
the San Fernado V alley Area, lying north-west of the m oderate to severe earthquakes in different parts of
city o f Los A ngeles (USA) produced a crack in the the country mainly the Him alayan regions, north
Van Norm an Dam and threatened the breach of dam Bihar, N.E. India,G ujarat etc. A fter First shocking
and possible flash flood but the local authorities earthquakes of Koyna in 1967 in M aharashtra, India
realized the immediate danger and promptly dewatered has been severly rocked in August, 1988 (D arbhanga
the reservoir behind the dam and thus prevented the quake, 6.7), O ctober 1991 (U ttarkashi, U ttarakhand,
dam collapse and possible disastrous flooding of a 6.6),Septem ber 1993 (Latur, M aharashtra, 6.3),
densely built up area. Inspite o f the prompt remedial M ay, 1997 (Jabalpur, M .P., 6.0), M arch, 1999
measures adopted by local authorities the Sylmar (Chamoli, U ttarakhand 6.8), January, 2001 (Bhuj,
Converter Station, one o f the key elements in the Gujarat, 8.1) etc. (table 18.9)
electrical pow er transm ission system o f the Los
On .the basis of m agnitude o f damage risk
Angles area could not be saved as it was severaly
India is divided into five damage risk zones as
damaged. follow s :

(1) Zone I of least damage risk includes the villages and towns became heaps of debris, com m u­
places of some parts of Punjab and Haryana, plain nication and power lines were com pletely disrupted,
areas of U ttar Pradesh, portions of plains of north transport system was thrown out of gear and
B ihar and west Bengal, delta areas of Godavari, settlements became ruins. This was the second m ost
coastal plain areas of M aharashtra and Kerala, desert devastating quake in the earthquake history of India
areas of Rajasthan and m ost areas of Gujarat except after 1737 killer earthquake of K olkata when
Kutch region. 300,000 people were killed. The epicenter was
located near Bhuj town (population 150,000). A
(2) Zone II of low damage risk includes
moderate quake m easuring 4.20 on R ichter scale
southern Punjab and Haryana, southern parts of
was registered on 24 December, 2000, the epicenter
plains of U ttar Pradesh, eastern Rajasthan, coastal
of this precursor quake was located only 22 km away
districts of Orissa, Tamil Nadu etc.
from Bhuj town but no attention was paid to this
(3) Zone III of modernate damage risk repre­ precursor seismic event either by experts or govt,
sents the areas of southern and south-eastern agencies. The Bhuj quake o f Jan 26, 2001 was
Rajasthan, most of M adhya Pradesh, Maharashtra measured 6.9 on R ichter scale by the Indian
and Karnataka, southern Bihar, Northern and north­ Meteorological D epartm ent (IM D) while the quake
western Orissa etc. was measured 7.9 which was subsequently upgraded
(4) Zone of high damage risk covers Jammu to 8.1 by the USA, France and China. National
and Kashmir, Him achal Pradesh, northern Punjab, Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) o f India and
and Haryana, Delhi, western Uttar Pradesh, ‘tarai’ Bhabha Aomic Research C enter (BARC) also
and ‘bhabar’ regions and Himalayan regions of confirmed the American m easurem ent (8.1). Acording
Uttarakhand and Bihar, and Sikkim areas. to Indian M eteorological D epartm ent the main
(5) Zone of very high damage risk includes reason for the difference in the m agnitude o f the
parts o f Jammu and Kashmir, some parts of quake was the application of different m ethodolo­
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, extreme north gies for the m easurem ent of seism ic m agnitude by
Bihar, entire north-eastern India and Kutch region of different countries and organizations. It may be
Gujarat. pointed out that the IMD uses body w ave for the
Though the plains of West Bengal comes measurement of seismic m agnitude w hile the U SA
under the zone of least damage risk but the uses shock waves for this. This severe devastating
devastating severe earthquake of Kolkata of 11 earthquake claimed the lives o f 50,000 to 100,000
October, 1737 killing 300,000 people put a question people and adversely affected 5;00,000 people.
mark against this concept. The zone of very high Bhuj, Bhachau and A njar tow ns w ere flattened, m ost
dam age risk of Kutch region of Gujarat registered of the buildings collapsed, 90, 60 and 50 per cent
most devastating killer earthquake on January 26, houses collapsed in Bhuj, R ajkot and A hm edabad
2001 (8.1 on Richter scale) in its seismic history of respectively.
past 182 years killing 50,000 to 100,000 people. The If we look at the past seism ic history of
towns o f Bhuj, Anjar and Bhachau were flattened Gujarat, it appears that a severe earthq uake occurs
and razed to the ground. every 30 years e.g. B haw nagar earthquake, 1872;
Kutch earthquake, 1903; D w arka earthquake, 1940;
Killer Bhuj Earthquake (2001) Broach earthquake, 1970 and B huj earthquake,
2001. Between 1845 and 1956 sixty six m oderate
W hile the people of India were celebrating the
earthquakes were registered in K utch area but no one
first republic day on January 26, 2001 of the new
was killed,5 severe and one very severe earthquakes
century in different parts of the country and the
m ight o f armed forces of the country was being r fC ® area- fac*' the sequence o f destruction
displayed in New Delhi, the nature demonstrated its i Q i s l a n f 11 With the severe earthquake o f June
m ight by unleashing its immense energy in the form ° n R »chter scale) w hen 2000 people
o f a very severe earthquake which rocked Kutch m o s a u e o f lh y ), town was destroy ed, fam ous
region at 8.45 A.M. and shook the region for almost ridge k n o w ^ A i i ^ WaS d am a8e d ' a 100 km long
a m inute. W ithin no time the villages and towns were Sind of Pak t ®und (m ost o f w hich is now in
flattened, high rise buildings collapsed, many created 0nly 15 km ridge in India) was

The m ain reasons for the recent Bhuj quake of be developed as the seismic events are sudden and
2001 are : seafloor spreading o f Indian Ocean at the very rapid on-set disasters and are related to the
rate of 5 cm per year, gradual northward movement interior of the earth about which we do not know
o f Indian plate and reactivated faults below the precisely. Though there are precursor trem ors
ground surface. Tw o m ajor connecting faults have before the final on-set o f earthquake disaster in near
been located in Kutch region. A 200 km long and 100 future but it is not precisely known as to when and
km w ide fault runs east-w est between Bhuj and where the earthquake would finally strike? Inspite o f
Ahm edabad. The second fault measuring 500 km in the complete uncertainty of earthquake prediction
length and 100 km in width runs in north-south some precautionary measures, as m entioned below ,
direction through Ahm edabad, M ehsana and Baroda should be taken to avoid and m itigate the disastrous
and is known as Com bay Graben. These subterra­ effects of seismic events. Such m easures are related
nean faults intersect each other near Viramgam, to pre-disaster phase (see previous chapter) :
Santhalpur and Radham pur towns and become the >- to avoid the human settlem ents in the high
pivot o f seism ic events w henever these are activated
earthquake risk zone,
due to plate m ovem ent.
> to follow earthquake resistant architectural
MANAGEMENT OF EARTHQUARE DISASTER designs for the construction of buildings, t
>- to use building materials o f high quality and
The overall m anagem ent of earthquake disas­ strength,
ter involves the follow ing aspects :
> to stop the construction o f high rise buildings
> risk assessm ent and analysis of earthquake in earthquake-prone areas,
hazards, > to restrict the groundw ater m ining to avoid
>- preparation o f earthquake vulnerability and larger cavities below the ground surface
risk zones m aps, which may weaken the foundations o f
>■ prediction o f occurrence of earthquakes, buildings,
> earthquake disaster preparedness, >- to acquaint the people of earthquake-prone
> search and rescure operation, areas with safety m easures in case o f sudden
> re lie f operation after the occurrence of ocurrence of an earthquake, so that they can
earthquake disaster, immediately follow the safety rules in the
case of calam ity,
>■ recovery o f disaster-affected people from
m ental, econom ic and social problems, > to restrict urban growth in the hilly areas
having high earthquake vulnerability risk,
>■ rehabilitations o f displaced people, etc.
> to avoid the construction of large dam s and
T he advanced techniques of com puting facil­
ity provided by advanced com puters and analysis of reservoirs in high seism ic zones inorder to
mass dataset of seism ic situation and geological restrict the onset of reservoir-induced seismisity
form ation provided by rem ote sensing technique (RIS),
have enabled the experts to prepare the maps of >- to stop deforestation and m assive quarrying
earthquake vulnerability and risk zones of varying
in the high seism ic zones o f hill regions, etc.
m agnitudes. For exam ple, India has been divided
into five earthquake risk zones (see preceding As stated earlier, it is not the m agnitude of
subsection, ‘earthquake hazards in India’). All these earthquakes which kills people, rather it is the
help in m aking assessm ent o f vulnerability of a buildings which kill people. So, topm ost priority
region for seism ic events and to initiate the should be given to follow approved standards o f
necessary steps for the m itigation and prevention of building construction. A fter the disastrous earth ­
adverse effects o f seism ic disasters. It may be quake of Bhuj (G ujarat) in 2001, the central and all
m entioned that the occurrences o f earthquakes the state governm ents o f India issued strict orders
cannot be precisely predicted because till now no not to approve any plan for the construction of
suitable technique for earthquake prediction could highrise buildings unless the provisions o f all the
safety measures as per standard codes of building com m ented on relief supplies to M exico city during
construction have been taken care of but soon after 1985 quake as follows : • V
the tragedy was over the people and officials became “Despite all the damage M exico city had m ore
reluctant towards the . implementation of building than enough medical resources; 20,400 physicians,
codes and rules. 32,800 n u r s e s , 500 ambulances, 110 hospitals, and
84 clinics. The foreign medical team had no role to
Post-disaster measures of reduction of earth­
fulfill. Some started vaccination compaigns without
quake disaster includs three significant aspects as being asked and reinforced unfounded fears of
follows : epidemics’. ;
(1) relief (R) In fact, special search and rescue tools,
(2) recovery (R) communication equipments, heavy machines to
(3) rehabilitation (R) v remove debris, water pumps, cement and techni­
cians are more im portant than drugs and doctors
There is immediate need of relief work after because ‘the health dangers after disasters are
an earthquake has struck a locality. The relief predominantly environmental in character and not
operation includes search and rescue work; provi­
medical’ (K. Nimpuno, 1989).
sion for temporary shelters of tin shades, tents,
public buildings etc.; supply of clothes, food, safe Rehabilitation o f displaced earthquake vic­
drinking water and medicine; provisions for medi­ tims needs permanent shelters to house those
cal team; restoration of electricity,. transport and displaced persons whose houses have been either
flattened or severely damaged. T his requires huge
communication etc. The first and foremost job is to
monetary assistance which may not be sufficient
search people who are trapped in the rubbles. This
from the resources of victim nation and hence
requires expert hands, sniffer dogs and some
financial assistance should also com e from foreign
sophisticated elctronic devices. The extraction of
countries, World Bank, and voluntary social organi­
people from the debris requires heavy machines
zations. It is heartening to note that besides
(like cranes), buldozers etc. and suitable equipemts.
government assiastance, the citizens of India liber­
The history of past events of earthquakes denotes the ally contrbitute to Prime M inister R elief Fund at the
facts that generally the seismic events are followed time of natural disasters. ■The rehabilitation of
by rainfall and therefore water proof tents and mentally injured people, destitudes and children
clothes are required to protect the victims from rain who become orphans because of deaths o f their
and cold. Such problems arose when an earthquake parents and relatives in the disaster is another
struck Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) in Octo­ serious problem. Though a few individuals and
ber, 2005. The survivors of the quake faced acute social organizations come forward to adapt such
problem of severe cold mainly in the hill areas and children but this does not solve the problem. Many
many surviviors died in the winter due to lack of of them are left alone and uncared and hence only the
heavy woolen garments and their exposure to government agencies can make arrangem ent for
extreme cold condition. Relief work should be their rehabilitation and upkeep.
undertaken according to the request and need of the
concerned nation. No foreign aids should be rushed 18.4 TSUNAMIS DISASTER
without the official request of the victim nation
because unsolicited and unwanted relief supplies
Tsunami disaster caused by killer waves in the
create confusion and complicate the problems
oceans originating from a host of causative factors,
instead o f solving them. For example, the Dutch
undersea earthquake being the m ost significant
governm ent sent a plane load of medicine and actor, claims human lives and inflicts huge dam age
medical teams without the request of the govern­
to human structures and properties in the coastal
m ent of Mexico, at the time of 1985 Mexico quake.
areas. Though the Pacific coasts are m ost vulnerable
This unsolicited, unneeded and unwanted medical
to (tsunami disaster, but the recent tSunami disaster of
team w ithout local knowledge and language needed
Indian Ocean on December 2 6 ,2004 proved to be the
accom m odation, transport, and interpreters and thus
worst tsunami disaster of the recent past! This
created further problem and consfusion in already
section includes discussion on the nature, causes,
troubled M exico city. K. Nimpuno (1989) has
adverse effects and m anagem ent o f tsunam i disaster.
t e r r e s t r i a l h a z a rd s a n d d is a s te rs

Tsunamis : Nature and Characteristics r towards coastlines while distant tsunainis

travel out to deep ocean. The speed o f
Tsunamis are high energy waves in the oceans movement of these two waves depends on the
generated by high magnitude earthquakes in the depth of ocean water and hence varies as
ocean floors (exceeding 7.5 on Richter scale), or by
‘square root of water depth’ o f the ocean.
violent central volcanic eruptions or by massive
landslides of coastal lands or of submerged conti­ >- As stated above, the speed o f tsunam i
nental shelves and slopes or in deep oceanic trnches. increases with increase in w ater depth and
Tsunami is a Japanese word mening therby harbour vice versa. Normally, distant tsunam is travel
waves. Tsunami consists of Japanese words tsu+nah+me in the deep ocean with the speed o f 500 to
= ‘tsu’ (means harbour) and ‘nami’ (means waves).
1000 km/hour while the speed decreases
Tsunamis are called as ‘seismic sea waves’ because
most of the tsunamis are generated by undersea remarkably as the local tsunam is approach
seismic events (earthquakes). These are also called the coast because the w ater depth also
high energy tidal waves. Tsunami moves away from decreases substantially.
the center o f origin with high speed and low crests >■ The wavelength o f distant tsunam is in the
across the ocean and is usually not noticed as the deep ocean is much longer exceeding 100
massive ocean waves move silently but assume
kilometers but the w avelength decreases as
destructive form as these travel through shallow
waters o f continental shelves and approach coastal the local tsunamis approach the coasts.
waters and cause w idespread devastation along the >- The wave height o f distant tsunam is in the
coastlines of low height and gentle slope. deep ocean is very low, say about a m eter or
Tsunam is are generally divided into the so but as tsunamis approach the coasts the
following two types : heights of both, distant and local tsunam is,
(1) distant tsunami or deep sea tsunami; and increase phenom enally, som e tim es ex ceed ­
(2) local tsunami. ing 25 meters or so. In fact, as the depth o f
A fter being Originated in the deep waters water on continental shelves decreases, the
initial tsunam is are split in two e.g. distant tsunami tsunami speed decreases but w ave height
and local tsunam i. Distant tsunami moves out to the increases. This is why tsunam is are not
deep ocean (open ocean) while local tsunami travels detectable in the deep ocean because o f their
towards the coasts. Thus, two tsunamis move in very low wave height. T his is the reason that
oppsoite directions. D istant or dep tsunamis travel
ships travelling at the top o f tsunam is in deap
much faster than local tsunam is but it is the local
tsunami that causes destructioon in the coastal oceans do not feel the im pact o f tsunam is.
zones. >■ The height o f w ater o f tsunam i w aves above
The follow ing are the characteristic features mean sea level (M SL) in the near shore zone
of tsunami waves : is called ‘tsunami ru n -u p ’. T his is the ‘ru n ­
>• Tsunam is are high energy sea waves caused up or wave am plitude that brings w alls o f
by a host o f causative factors but undersea w ater in the coastal zone and by sudden
earthquake event is the m ost potent factor. flooding o f coasts these cause d evastation.
>• These are long waves having longer w ave­ ► Tsunam i waves do not break at the plu n g e
lengths exceeding 100 kilom eters in the deep line as do the su rf currents rath e r tsu n am is
oceans but as these m ove coastw ard, their com e over the beaches as w alls o f huge
w avelengths decrese rem arkably. volum e o f w ater and invade the co astal zone
>■ A fter their origin tsunam i wavs are split into far inland and the strong cu rren t and flo atin g
debris, m ay be called floating missiles or
two brances e.g. distant or deep tsunami, and
tsunam i missies, cause havoc in the coastal
local tsunam i. These two tsunam is m ove in
areas by destroying hum an stru ctu res and
opposite directions i.e. local tsunam is move
killing people.
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

Causes and Origin of Tsunamis

► T he tim e lag between successive tsunami
w aves ranges between 20 to 40 minutes. In It may be em phasized at the very outset that
other words tsunam i is not a single wave tsunamis in ocean are not generated by the forces
phenomenon but is a multiple wave phenom­ coming outside the earth ’s surface such as g rav ita­
enon. So, one should not return to the beach tional pull of the m oon and the sun rather these are
after the first wave has returned back because produced by the forces com ing out from w ithin the
after the sea recedes there may come a few earth such as tectonic m ovem ents which cause
undersea earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, undersea
more tsunamis after an interval of 20-40
landslides, faulting and dow nthusling etc., which
m inutes. Unlike normal sea waves, succes­
become plausible causes o f tsunam is. In fact,
sive tsunami waves do not break nearing the
tsunamis are produced due to large-scale displace­
beaches but enter the coastal zone further m ent of im m ense volume of sea w ater due to sudden
inland with full energy and force. tectonic disturbances in the sea floor. The changes
► Tsunamis, some times, generate peculiar and disturbances in sea floor are produced by a host
waves called as ‘edge waves which move back of causative factors such as faulting in the sea floor,
and forth and parallel to the coasts’. These slumping and m assive undersea landslides, sliding
edge waves are responsible for the occur­ of large blocks o f ice near the" fiord coasts,
rences of successive waves with time interval avalanches, subm arine volcanic eruptions, undersea
of 20-40 minutes. This phenomenon further seismic events etc. Thus, the follow ing factors m ay
complicate the tsunamis and produces tsu­ be identified as tsunam i producing factors :
nami syndrome (named by Savdindra singh, >- Undersea powerful earthquake ev ent exceed­
2006). The wave height or simply the crest of ing 7.5 m agnitude on R ichter scale. The
the first tsunam i wave necessarily may not be tsunami of Decem ber, 26, 2004 in the Indian
highest, the next tsunami wave with further Ocean is a fine exam ple o f earthquake­
higher run-up (wave height) may invade the generated tsunam is.
coast. > Undersea massive landslides caused by sud­
>- The arrival of tsunamis in the coastal zone is den tectonic m ovem ents displace seaw ater
heralded by sudden recession of sea water. upward which generates tsunam is.
>■ Collision of convergent destructive plates and
► The detection, tracking and monitoring of
subduction of relatively heavier plate below
tsuamis in the deep sea is not possible
relatively lighter plate results in upthrusting
because of low wave height. These can be
of plate m argins w hich causes sudden up­
detected only when these enter the shallow ward m ovem ent o f im m ense volum e o f
water zone of the continental shelves where seawater resulting into the genesis o f tsu n a­
tsunamis assume enormous wave crest but mis. The dim ension and m agnitude o f tsuna­
the time available to forewarn and to send an mis in terms of force and energy depend upon
alarm of alert is very short. Generally, the the nature of rapture of plate m argins and
time available is 20 to 30 minutes when upthrusting thereof. The Sum atra tsunam i of
tsunami hooters on the coast can work. 2004 in the Indian O cean was the result of
► When tsunamis are generated along a fault such rupture and upthrusting and consequqnt
occurrence of tsunamigenic earthquake o f the
zone due to upthrusting of one side, they do
m agnitude o f 9.3 on R ichter scale.
not radiate in all directions, following circular
paths rather they move in east-west or north­ >• Explosive volcanic eruptions in the sea floor or
west directin depending on the orientation of on islands also generate pow erful tsunam i
fault. In the case o f Sumatra tsunami of 2004, waves. The violent eruption o f K rakatoa
volcano in the year 1883 generated a pow er­
the direction of the rupture of fault measuring
ful 120-foot (36 m eters) high tsunam i w hich
1200 km was north-south and hence the
claim ed the lives o f 36,000 people o f Java
waves moved in east-w est direction.
and Sum atra.
If we examine the causes of genesis of coasts knew the killer tsunami l o n g before. Though
tsunamis as discussed above it becomes evident that tsunami is a natural phenomenon and is associated
it is the tectonic movements and disturbances in the with the earth’s tectonic activities and hence is a part
sea floor which are the pivatal; cause of tsunamis of the dynamics of oceans and m ight have occurred
because undersea earthquakes, undersea volcanic since the oceans came into existence but due to lack
eruptions, underwater massive landslides etc., which of proper recording of tsunamis, the accurate
are sources of the origin of tsunamis, are themselves chronological description is not possible. It is
the results of sudden tectonic movements such as believed that the evidences of earliest known
faulting, rupture of seabeds, collision of converging tsunamis are available since 1400 B.C. when a
plates and upthrusting. The expedition team of the powerful and violent volcanic eruption in the
experts of several disciplines including tsunami Santorin island generated high energy tsunami in the
modellers, tunded by the Discovery Channel, spent eastern Mediterranean Sea which washed <out the
ancient Minoan civilization. In fact, we get system ­
17 days on board the ship Perform er in May, 2005 to
atic description of tsunami tragedy from the 19sh
find out the exact cause of the origin of tsunami of
century. The following is probable chronological
2004 in the Indian Ocean. The team found that the
order of important tsunami disasters :
half of the 2400 km long fault in the Indian Ocean
1400 B.C. : A powerful tsunami, triggered by a
ruptured on D ecem ber 2 6 ,2 0 0 4 due to subduction of
violent volcanic eruption in the island Santorin
Indo-Australian plate below Burma plate, a part of
in the eastern M editerranean sea, washed out
Asia plate. This sudden collision of two plates and
and completely obliterated the ancient M inoan
rupture of southern half (1200 km) of the said fault
lifted the seafloor by 10 to 12 meters and thus
displaced 200 trillion tonnes of seawater which 1775 (Portugal) : The great tsunam is caused by the
Lisbon earthquake (Portugal) o f the year 1775
generated strong tsunam i initially travelling at the
generated about 12-m high sea waves which
speed o f 500 miles (800 km) per hour. ‘ 11
damaged most parts of Lisbon city and killed
The m om ent the plates collide and rupture, 30,000 to 60,000 people
the ruptured part of the plate is displaced and lifted
1819 (India): The Kutch earthquake (Gujarati India)
upward, the potential energy of displacement is
of June 6, 1819 generated strong tsunam is
changed into kinetic energy which generates hori­
which submerged the coastal areas. The land
zontal m ovem ent of water in the form of waves,
area measuring 24 km in length was raised
which are called tsunam is. Thus, the waves so
upward because of tectonic m ovem ents. This
generated from the place of displacement move
raised land area was called the Allah’s Bund
outward in all directions. Initially, the wave height is
(Bund created by the God). M >; •
generally a m eter or two but as the tsunami waves
approach shallow waters o f continental shelves, 1868 (P eru ): A dreadful tsunam i having 21m wave
their height (am plitude) increases but the speed height adversely affected African and Peru
decreases. Such high crest tsunami waves become coasts. The tsunami wave was so powerful
disastrous when they strike the coasts of very low that it carried ships 5 km inland. * l
height and gentle gradient. This is the reason that the 1881, December 31 (India) : The first tsunam i event
breadh of continental shelves control the energy and on the eastern coasts of India was recorded on
ferocity of tsunam is. M uch of the energy of tsunamis Decem ber 31, 1881 when an earthquake
is dissiplated on broader and shallow continental measuring 7.5 on Richter scale caused by the
shelves and hence tsunam is becom e less destructive subduction of plate to the east of N icobar
than the coasts having narrow continental shelves. Island triggered tsunam i waves.
1847 (India) : 31 O ctober, G reat N icobar and Car
Chronology of Tsunami Events Nicobar.
Though to the m ost of Indians the word 1883, August 27 (Indonesia) : A severe earthquake
tsunami was alien before D ecem ber 26, 2004 when caused by violent volcanic eruption in Krakatoa,
the powerful tsunam i struck the coasts of southern located betw een Java and Sum atra on August
India and played a dreadful dram a by killing 27, 1883 generated furious tsunam i waves
thousands of people and destroying properties worth ranging betw een 30 to 40m in height (average
billions of rupees, but. the people p f the Pacific being 120 feet or 36.5m ) which devastated the
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y
coasts o f Java and Sum atra and killed 36,000 1992 (Nicaragua) : Septem ber 2, 1992, m axim um
wave height 10 m eters, hum an casualties 1 /0
persons and rendered lacs o f people homeless.
in N icaragua.
1896, June 15 (Jap an).: nearly 27,000 people were
1992 (Flores Isla n d ): D ecem ber 12, 1992, in Flores
„ .■ , killed pn the east coast o f Japan. Island o f East Indes, S.W . Pacific Ocean,
1933 (Japan) : A powerful tsunami caused by maximum wave height 26 m eters, human
tsiinam igenic quake took off in the Japan casualties more than. 1,000.
Trench with a wave height of 27m. The 1993 (Japan) : July 12, 1993 O kushiri, Japan,
tsunami took 10 hours to reach Sans Fransisco maximum wave height 31 m eters, human
on the west coast of US A and 20 hours to reach casualties 239.
Chile on the west coast of South America. 1993 (Papua New Guinea) July 12, 1993, S.W.
1941 (In d ia ): A tsunami triggered by tsunamigenic Pacific Ocean, East Indes, m axim um wave
earthquake in the Andman islands was noted height 15 m eters, hum an deaths tpore than
on June 26,1941 but could not be recorded due 2 ,200 .
to military disturbances and political uncer­ 1994 (East Java) : June 2, 1994, m axim um wave
tainty created by Japanese attack on Andmans height 14m, hum an c a s u a ltie s 238.
in 1941. The earthquake was measured 8.5 1995 : O ctober 9, 1995, Jalisco (Japan), maxim um
magnitude on Richter scale. wave height 11 m eters, least hum an casualty
1945 (India) : A 11.8-meter tsunami hit the G ulf of (only one).
Combay, Gujarat, in November 1945 but no 1996 (Sulawesi Island) : January 1, 1996, Sulawesi
records are available. Island of East Indes in S.W . P acific Ocean,
1946 (N.A.) : The Aleutian tsunami (April 1, 1946), maximum wave height 3.4 m eters, human
generated by Aleutian earthquake of the casualties 9.
’ magnitude o f 7.8 on Richter scale, with a 1996 (Irian Jaya) : F ebruary 17, 1996, n e a r Papua
; 'height of 35 meters killed many people in New G uinea in S.W . P acific O cean, m axi­
Alaska and Hawaiian coastal areas. mum wave height 7.7 m eters, hum an deaths
1952 (Kamchatka) : The Kamchatka tsunami was 161.
generated on N ovem ber 4, 1952 due to 1996 (P eru ): February 21, 1996, north coast o f Peru,
tsunam igenic quake of the magnitude of 8.2. maximum w ave height 5 m eters, hum an
This tsunami with a height o f 15 meters was a casualties 12.
Pacific-wide phenom enon.
1994 (Mindoro Islan d ): N ovem ber 14,1994, M indoro
! 1957 (Alaska) : An earthquake o f the magnitude of Island of Philippines, m axim um w ave height
8.3 on Richter scale generated a Pacific-wide o f 7m, human casualties 49.
tsunami with a height o f 16m, known as
1998 (Papua New G u in ea): July 17, 1998, a m aderate
Aleutian tsunami, on March 9, 1957. This
intensity (7.0 on R ichter scale) subm arine
tsunami adversely affected Hawaii islands.
earthquake and resultant m assive subm arine
1960 (C hile): A strong earthquake o f the m agni­ landslides generated 30 m high tsunam i which
tude of 8.6 generated a Pacific-wide tsunami, claim ed thousands o f hum an lives along the
known as Chilean tsunami, on May 22, 1960 coasts of lagoon.
and claimed 2,300 human lives in Chile alone.
2004 (South and South East Asia) : D ecem ber 26,
1964 (A laska): A strong tsunam igenic quake of the 2004, A pow erful earthquake o f the m agni­
magnitude o f 8.4 on Richter scale, generated tude of 9.3 on R ichter scale, o ff the coast of
15 m high wave known as Alaskan tsunami on Sum atra with its epicen ter at Simeulue in the
j March 28, 1964 and killed more than 120 Indian Ocean occurred at 00:58:53 (GM T),
people in Alaska.
7:58:53 (Indonesian L ocal T im e) or 6.28 a.m.
1975 (Philippines) : The tsunam igenic M oro G ulf (Indian S tandard Tim e, 1ST) and generated a
quake generated 5-m eter high tsunam i waves pow erful tsunam i w ith a w avelength o f 160
on August 16, 1975 which killed 3000 people, km and initial speed o f 960 km /hr. T he deep
• injured 8,000 persons and rendered 12,000
oceanic earthquake was caused due to sudden
fam ilies hom eless.
subduction o f Indian plate below B urm a plate
1976, August 23, Philippines : Nearly 8,000 people upto 20 m eters in a boundary line o f 1200 km
were killed. or even m ore. T his tectonic m ovem ent caused

10-12 m rise in the oceanic bed which countries wherein Indonesia, Sri L anka and
suddenly displaced im m ense volume of water India stood 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the n u m b er o f
causing killer tsunam i. This earthquake was human casulalties. D etaifed discussion on
largest (highest on Richter scale) since 1950 Sum atra tsunami will be p resen ted in the
and the 4th largest since 1900 A.D. The succeeding subsection,
A ndm an and N icobar group o f islands were : i (Java) : 17 July, 204 km S.W . o f Java, undersea
only 128 km (80 m iles) away from the earthquakes o f 7.7 and 6.1 m agnitude g e n e r­
epicenter (Sim eulue) and the east coasts of ated 2.5 to 3.0 m high tsunam i k i l l i n g m ore
India were about 1920 km (1200 miles) away * than 600 people o f Java. ,•
from the epicenter. The furious.tsunami with a 2 (Samoa) : 30 Sept., w ave height-4-6m , death
height o f about 10 m adversely affected 12 foll-> 100, under sea earthquake, m anitude =
countries bordering the Indian Ocean, worst 8 to 8.3.
affected areas included Tam il Nadu coast and -•. 2i (Japan) : 11 M arch, 130 km o ff the coast o f
i 'a n d A n d m an -N ic o b arlslan d s o f India, Sri Sendai City, undersea earthquake o f 8.9
Lanka, Indonesia, and Thailand. The strong magnitude generated 10m high tsunam i killing
tsunam i took a b o u t.3 -hours to strike Tamil more than 10,000 people, shattered nuclear
N adu coast. The killer tsunam i claim ed more Power Plants in Fukushim a resulting into
than 250,000 hum an lives in the affected . leakage o f dangerous radioactive rad iatio n .

T sunam is o f the recent pasfc

' January 1,1996 July 12, 1993 October 9, 1995
;; ‘ ><• ;.-v Sulawesi Island Okushiri, Japan Jalisco, Mexico
Maximum wave: 3.4m Maximum wave: 31m Maximum wave: 11m
Fatalities: 9 „ r. ,,, Fatalities: 239 Fatalities: 1
December 12, 1992 November 14, 1994, February 17, 1996 September 2,1992
Fiores Island Mindoro Island Irian Jaya Nicaragua Maximum
Max imum wave; 26j t i Maximum wave: 7m/ Maximum wave: 7.7m wave: 10m
Fatalities: >1,000 \ Fatalities: 49 / Fatalities: 161 Fatalities: 170
June 2 ,1 994 / July 12, 1993 February 21, 1996
East Java /Papua New Guinea North coasi of Peru
Maximum wave: 14m Maximum wave: 15m Maximum wave:
Fatalities: 2 3 8 \ Fatalities: >2,200 5m, Fatalities: 12

Pacific Ocean
..................... o July 17*2006
December 26, 2004 Simeulue, Sumatra S.W. Java coast ntic
Maximum wave: 10-12m, Casualties: > 200,000 Fatalities: > 600 O cean

Fig. 18.4 : Major tsunamis from 1990 to 2004.

Source : Frontline, 2005.
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y

M y n m a r

\ f

Plate Boundary

Fig. 18.5 : Sumatra tsunami o f 2004 and adversely affected locations. Source: Outlook. January%2005.
t e r r e s t r ia l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s 389

Tsunamis occur mostly in the Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean but not u n p re c e d e n ted natura
wherein 86 per cent of the total tsunami occurrences events. The decadal average num ber o f tsunam i
are the products of tsunamigenic undersea earth­ ocurrences worldover is 57 w hereas the deca e
quakes. In fact, the Pacific rim is the most favoured 1990's alone accounted for as many as
tsunamigenic region because this region represents tsunamis. -The last major 10 tsunam is, leaving
the collision (and hence subduction) zone of 2004 Sumatra tsunami, claimd about 4,000 hum an
continental and oceanic plates and hence is the lives whereas December, 26, 2004 S u m a tr a
tectoncially m ost active area and generates most of tsunami of Indian Ocean claim ed m ore th a n
w orld’s earthquakes, m ost of the Pacific tsunamis 250,000 human lives in 12 countires bordering th e
are the result o f undersea earthquakes. Though Indian O cean.Significant tsunam is s in c e 1990
tsunamis are comparatively rare phenomena in the have been shown on fig. 18.4.

Successively Increasing
Wave Height

Fig. 18.6 : Genesis o f Sumatra tsunami o f December 2004 in the Indian Ocean. Source : Outlook, January. 2005

transport systems, communication systems; destruc­

Adverse Effects of Tsunami Disaster
tion of beaches, shifting of locations o f small
The adverse effects o f tsunami attacks are islands, deposition o f sands on coastal plains;
many folds ranging from human casualties to loss of destruction o f marine ecological resouces mainly
properties including cattle, crops, fishing, tourism, corals and fishes. Besides, the ferocity o f powerful

su n am is also creates social problem s such as mental powerful undersea earthquake of the magnitude of
stresses leading to physiological disorder and 9.3 on R ichter scale (fig. 18.6). The expedition team
sev eral types o f. diseases, such as epidem ics, of the experts of several disciplines including
restlessn ess, fear psychosis etc. The follow ing case tsunam i m odellers, funded by the Discovery Chan­
stud y o f Sum atra tsunam i of D ecem ber 26, 2004 nel, spent 17 days on board the ship Performer in
clearly dem onstrates the dim ension of adverse May 2005 to find out the exact cause of the orign of
im pacts of strong tsunam i. tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean. The. team
explored a few possibilities ssuch as undersea
Sumatra Tsunami (2004) * , , * landslides, faulting and thursting as probable causes
(H V i . •.• >{•
o f Sum atra tsunam i and ultimately, found that the
Pow erful and deadly tsunam i waves were half o f the 2400-km long sbmarine fault in.the Indian
generated in the Indian Ocean on Decem ber 26,2004 Ocean along the convergence zone of Indo-Austral-
due to occurrence of severe undersea earthquake ian and A siatic plates ruptured on December 26,
m easuring 9.3 on Richter scale with its epice- 2004 due to sudden subduction o f Indian plate below
ter at Sim euleu off the coasl o f Sum atra and 250 Burm ese plate, a part of Asia plate. This sudden
km (fig. 18.5) s o u th e a st of Banda Aceh town collision o f tw o convergent plates (fig. 18.6) and
of Sumatra. These killer waves claim ed more consequent rupture o f the southern half (1200 km) of
than 250,000 hum kn liv es o f 12 countries the said fault induced a high magnitude (9.3)
bordering the Indian 0.cean wherein Indonesia, earthquake with its epicentre at Simeuleu and lifted
Sri Lanka, India; a n d ' T h a ilan d w ere w orst the sea floor by 10 to 12 m eters and thus displaced
sufferers. ‘ ' -c * •* . • 200 trillion tonnes o f seaw ater which generated
The Sum atra tsunam i was generated by the strong tsuanm i waves initially travelling at the speed
tectonic activities i.e. subductkm o f Indo-A ustralian of 500 miles (800 km) per hour in the deep sea and
plate below th e , Burm ese p la te 'a n d consequent slow ing down w hile reaching the coastal areas.

Vital Statistics of Sumatra Tsunami, 2004

>- Day of occurrence : Sunday, D ecem ber 26, 2004

> Tim e o f undersea earthquake • : GMT; 00 : 58 : 53
. Indonesian local tim e; 7 : 58 ; 53, Indian
*a-,. ** , . '"“•a * standard tim e ; 6. 28 a.m .
> Epicenter o f quake v/.v'- - • Sim euleu, 250 km south-east o f B anda Aceh
• town of Sum atra
> Location of epicenter . : 3.3° N — 95.78° E
> M agnitude o f quake on R ichter scale :. 9.3 *
> D istance from quake epicenter to Andm an and
N icobar : 80 m iles (128 (km)
j ► Distance from quake epicenter to Bangkok : 1,260 km
>- D istance from quake epicenter to Jakarta : 1,605 km
> D istance from quake epicenter to eastern Indian
coast in Tamil Nadu : 2000 km • . --j
> Tim e taken by tsunam i to reach east coast of
Indin (a) C uddalore : one and h a lf hours after the quake i.e. 8.0 a;ml
(b) Chennai at 8.40 a.m.
(c) M achilipattanam „ „ : 10.0 a.m . , :v!Ti
> T im e taken by tsunam i to reach A frican coast ; 6 hours from the event >T ^
> A verage w ave height at the east coast of India : 4 m eters (4.1 m as recorded by C hennai port,
w hereas E nnore Port T ru st recorded 3.5 m)

>■ Total number o f countries affected by tsunami :

► Ranking of the earthquake ; 4th since 1900; largest since 1950
> Total num ber of hum an casualties by 10 big
tsunamis since 1990
>■ Total number of huamn casualties
: 4,000 ;
more than 250,000

Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were Orissa and Kerala but the Tamil Nadu c o a s t wais
worst affected by killer tsunami. More than 150,000 worst affected. Besides, Andman and N icobar
people were killed in Indonesia alone and Banda islands were devastated. Nagapattinam, Cuddalore
Aceh town o f Sumatra was almost wiped out by 5m and Kanyakumari districts of Tamil Nadu and
to 10 m high waves. A few villages of the western Pondichery suffered heavily from the killer tsunami
coast o f Aceh province were washed out from the but Nagapattinam was the worst affected among the
map while only a few houses could be saved. The sunami hit coastal districts of south India. In the
bridges across the estuaries were washed out. The
coastal rim of Nagapattinam ‘the ferocity of the
worst sufferer was M eulaboth town, only 150 km
waves that hit Nagapattinam to w n was unimagina­
away from the epicenter (Semeuleu) of the quake as
ble. The waves lifted up mechanised trawlers, spun
about 40,000 o f its total population of 120,000
them around, and dumped them on the railway track
perished in the killer wave disaster.
there. One, weighing several tonnes, landed on the
Thialand, Tsunam i waves hit the Thailand railway line to Nagore’ (Frontline, 2005). The
coasts at 8 a.m. local time. The Phuket and Phi Phi powerful tsunami waves entered Kalpakkam hous­
islands packed with tourists were attacked by 10m ing two nuclear reactor plants and killed 60 persons.
high waves, which claim ed hundreds of human The Mamallapuram temple was flooded by 6-foot
lives. The official sources put the total death toll at tall wall of seawater, the groyne wall constructed for
5,291 but the actual figures might have been much the protection of Mamallapuram beach was breached.
more as thousands were reported missing. The
The official records put death toll to 8,009 in Tamil
foreign tourists enjoying at the beaches of Phuket
island were caught by surprise and many of them
were washed into the sea. The tsunami affected districts of Andhra
Pradesh included Nellore, Krishna, East Godawari,
Sri Lanka, The killer tsunami waves first
West Godawari, Prakasam and Visakhapatnam
struck the eastern Barticaloa district at 8.45 a.m.
where 107 persons were reported killed by tsunami
local time and later ravaged 9 provinces of Jaffna,
Trincom alee, Barticaloa, Amparai, Hambantota, waves. The Kollam and Alappugha districts of
Matara, Galle, Kulutara and Colombo and claimed Kerala were badly affected by surging tsunami
lives of 30,882 people. More than 2.8 million people waves. As per official source 117 people were
lost their homes and about one million were washed in the Arabian Sea. Andman and N icobar
adversely affected. These figures were upto January islands suffered most from tsunami onslaught on
14, 2005 but the figures might have gone up. The December 26, 2004. The key islands, which were
unstopable waves measuring 8 to 11 feet in height worst affected, include Car N icobar (total popula­
destroyed expensive hotels, roads, bridges, rails, tion 40,000-50,000), Noncowarie Group of Islands
houses, other buildings, bus stations, vehicles in the (total population 21,000), Compbell Bay (total
northern, eastern and southern coastal rims of island population 5,000), Little Andman (total population
nation. It was the absence of any tsunami warning 21,000) and Chowra (total population 1800). Car
system which was responsible for the destruction Nicobar was worst affected as the island was alm ost
beyond imagination, otherwise there was ample flattened. The Indian Air Force base in C ar N icobar
time of 2 hours for safe evacuation if the people
was washed away. Great dam age was done to th e%
would have been timely forewarned.
tribals of the islands which included Great Andamanese,
Indian Scenario Onges, Jarawa, Sentinelese, Shom pens, and G reat
Nicobarese. The Andman groups of islands were
The December 26, 2004 Suma'tra tsunami hit worst sufferers of the tsunam i because o f their
the Indian coasts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, nearest location to the center of epicenter (Sim euleu)

° f the earthquake and flattish nature of terrain. It . quake. The Tambaram Air Force base
w ay be m entioned that rich mangrove and corals informs the Defence M inister of India. ■*,
m inim ised human causalties. The official sources 8.0 a.m, Tsunami waves hit Cuddalore, Chennai, and
put hum an deaths at 3,513 but unofficial sources M achilipattanam.
recorded more than 10,000 human causalties. 8.31 a.m., IMD informs Crisis Management Group'
(CMG). - _ l iW i,
Tsunami Diary of India (2004)
8.45 a.m., A fresh earthquake of 7.3 magnitude
6. 28 a.m ., earthquake o f the magnitude of 9.3.on occurs near Andmans. Just after 15 min­
Richter scale occurs with its epicenter at utes tsunami strikes India, Sri Lanka and
Sim euleu about 250 km S.E. of Banda
Aceh o f Sumatra. 8.56 a.m., Department of Science and Technology
and Home M inistry are informed about the-
6.40 a.m ., Indian M eteorological Department
tsunami attack.
(IMD) knows about the occurrence .of
10.30 a.m., The Secretary of the Department of
the earthquake but does not analyse the
Ocean Development informs the Chief
data because of computer develops de­ Secretary of India.
12 noon, Crisis M anagement Group meets to
7.30 a.m., Tsunami hits Car Nicobar, the Car estimate damage and discusses rescue and
Nicobar base of Indian Air Force informs
relief work.
the Air Force base at Tambaram about the

Table 18.13 : Devastation by Sumatra Tsunami in India, 2004

Tamil Nadu Kerala Andhra Pondic- Andman • Total -1'

Pradesh hery & N icobar

Population affected 8.97 1.3 1.96 0.43 3.56 27.92 . ,v

(in lakhs)
Number of villages affected 376 187 301 33 192 1,089
Human deaths 8,009 177 107 599 3,513 12,405
Orphaned children 289 3 6 39 143 480
Houses damaged 190,000 13,735 481 10,061 21,100 253,377
Cropped area
affected (in hectares) 19,168 7,763 302 792 11,010 39,035
Boats damaged 52,638 10,882 12,189 6,678 1,401 83,788
Liverstock lost 1,653 — 86 2,685 27,331 31,755 ,
Damage (Rs in crores) 4,528.66 2,371.02 342.67 466.0 3,836.56 11,544.91
Human deaths do not include ‘m issing’ in the Andman and Nicobar Islands.
Source : ‘Tsunami-A Report to the N ation’, published by the M inistry o f Inform ation and Broadcasting,
Govt, of India

JAVA TSUNAMI-2006 west of Java of Indonesia in the Indian Ocean. The

subduction of A ustralian plate under Sunda plate
A localized tsunami with wave height from caused vertical uplift of the latter by 90 cm along 150
2.5 to 3.0 m was generated due to the occurrence of km long fault zone. This vertical uplift caused
shallow focus (10 km deep) earthquake of 7.7 vertical displacem ent o f seaw ater and generated
m agnitude on July 17, 2006 about 245 km south­ tsunami waves moving in two directions i.e. 0)
t e r r e s t r ia l h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s
towards Java coast, and (ii) towards open sea in the
* v protection and conservation of natural line of
direction o f Christm as Island. Since the vertical
protection from tsunami waves such as
displacem ent o f sea w ater was only 0.9m, the
resultant tsunam i was localized and hence its energy coastal dunes, beaches, mangroves, corals x
was soon dissipated. This was the reason that this etc.
tsunam i could not reach Indian coasts. This tsunami jj >■ installation of tsunami meters, tracking of
killed more than 6.00 people in S.W. Java coast and undersea earthquakes and resultant tsunami
displaced 54,000 people. waves.; -
>* provisions for early tsunami warning system
JAPAN TSUNAMI, 2011 (TWS) and preparedness for timely evacua­
tion of people living in the danger coastal
D ate : M arch, 11, 2011; time : Japan time =
2.46 A. M ., 1ST = 6.15 A. M.; undersea earth quake zone to safer places.
of 8.9 m agnitude; epcenter 130 km off the coast of
(2) Post-tsunami disaster stage
Sendai City near Lam eng Village and 380 km north­
east o f Tokyo, at the depth o f 10 km on sea bed; The following steps should be taken after
tsunam i wave height 10m; more than 10,000 people the tsunami has struck a particular locality of a
killed; m any cities like M iyako, M iyagi, Kesennuma country :
were flattened; Sendai air port was inundated with
>* rescue and evacuation of stranded alive
heaps o f cars, trucks, buses and mud deposits;
aircrafts including fighter planes standing onair port
were washed out by gushing tsunami waves; rotation >- immediate relief work,
speed of the earth increased by 16 microseconds; > recovery, and
day length decreased by 1.6 microseconds; Honshu > rehabilitation.
island was displaced by 2.4 m due to monstrous (1) Pre-tsunami disaster stage : As state
quake; earth rotational axis was displaced by 10 earlier a tsunami is generally generated when the
centim eters; 2100 km stretch of eastern coastlines magnitude of undersea (submarine) earthquake is
having several villages, cities and towns were 7.5 or more on Richter scale. Such undersea
battered by killer tsunam i; nuclear power plants in earthquakes are called tsunamigenic earthquakes.
Fukushim a severely dam aged resulting into leakage The identification and preparation of maps of areas
of killer radiactive radiation; more than 5 lakh of potential tsunamigenic earthquakes is the first
people in the radius o f 20 km from Fukushima power step under tsunami disaster reduction and mitigation
plants were evacuated and shifted to safer places. programmes. The suduction zones of convergent
plate boundaries along the rims of the Pacific Ocean
MANAGEMENT OF TSUNAMI DISASTER are very high tsunamigenic potential areas. The
western coastal zones of North and South Americas,
,, As stated in the preceding chapter the manage­ and the eastern coastal rims of Asia and Australia are
ment of any natural disaster includes two principal the danger zones of highest order and hence the
components such as (1) pre-disaster stage, and (2) people living in these areas should always be
post-disaster stage. The stages of reduction of prepared to face tsunami tragedy. The subduction
tsunami disaster include the following : zone of Indo-Australian plates and Burmese plate
part of Asia plate, are also vulnerable to tsunami
1. Pre-tsunami disaster stage : events. The occurrence of December 26, 2004
Sumatra tsunami proved to be most disastrous in the
> identification and mapping o f areas of past history of tsunami events as regards human
tsunamigenic earthquakes. casualties and property loss. Except the students of
> demarcation of coastal regulation zone (CRZ) earth sciences and civil engineering and seismology,
and to make it free from human settlements the general public, adm inistrators, politicians etc. of
India, were not even acquainted with tsunami word.
and dense structures except a few important
Now every nation having coasts should be in the
installations such as military bases.
state of preparedness to face the fury of tsunami.

Coastal zone regulation (CRZ) should be >• Zone IV includes Andmans and Lakshadweep
strictly enforced in order to save the humans from where a zone o f 500 meters from the coast
death traps o f tsunam i waves. In India coastal (high tide water) is fully protected and no
R egulation Zones were declared through govern­ construction and- new development plan is
m ent notification in 1991 wherein coastal and allowed. ...
m arine ecosystem s are under continued threat. Such It may be m entioned that the rules for CRZ
coastal zone natural ecosystem s include coastal have been relaxed and diluted since 1991 through
dunes, beaches, mangrove forests and coral reefs. several am endm ents in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2001,
The coasts as per 1991 notification have been 2002 and 2003 (June) and thus the island and coastal
divided into 4 zones as follows : ecology has been system atically' eroded by the
> Zone I includes most sensitive areas having government. For exam ple, the lim it o f no-develop­
mangroves and coral reefs. No development is ment zone in Andmans and Nicobars was relaxed
allowed within 500 meters of the high tide from 200 'm to 50 m on June 24, 2003. The
water. It may be mentioned that coral reefs and inhabitants of Andmans paid the penalty of this
mangroves are natural lines of protection from government negligence and deliberate action on
tidal surges and tsunami waves because these December 26, 2004 when the killer tsunami waves
absorb a sizeable portion of wave energy and swallowed thousands of people o f the islands and
protect the humans from the fury of tidal flattened most of human structures.
surges and tsunami waves. These are vari­ As per report o f the U S-based Earth Institute
ously called such as natural line of defence, once mangrove forests covered 75 per cent of
natural buffers, natural barriers etc. The w orld’s coastlines o f tropical and subtropical
following three locations could suffer least nations but now only 50 per cent is covered with
destruction from D ecem ber 26, 2004 tsunami mangroves.
onslaught because of rich natural buffers :
It is suggested that the Coastal Regulation
(a) Pichavaram in Tamil Nadu Zone should be properly m aintained to strengthen
(b) M uthupet in Tam il Nadu the ecological security o f coastal areas. The fishing
(c) B hitarkhanika in Orissa communities should be shifted beyond 200 meters,
Pichavaram and M uthupet in Tamil Nadu seawalls should be constructed along the 200 m line
have dense cover o f m angroves which were and mangroves should be developed all along the
responsible for few er hum an casualties and seawalls. Coastal dunes and swam ps should not be
less property loss during 2004 tsunami reclaimed. New m angroves should be developed
waves. B hitarkanika in O rissa has the second along tsunami vulernable coastlines, and exhisting
largest mangrove cover in India after Sunderbans mangroves should not be destroyed in the name of the
m angroves of W est Bengal. This is why developm ent of tourism industry and agriculture.
villages around B hitarkanika were least Tsunami w arning system : T he Pacific Tsu­
im pacted by 2004 tsunam i. nami W arm ing System (PTWS) was set up in the
Besides the above m entioned Indian loca­ year 1948 with total m em bership o f 26 countries
tions, the M aldives com prised of 1,190 tiny around Pacific O cean including Indonesia. The
islands rising on an average about one m eter Tsunam i W arning C enters (TW C) have been located
above sea level and having alm ost flat terrain in A laska, H aw aii (U SA ) and Japan. S everal tsunami
have rich coral reefs which absorbed m ost of m eters (6 along the US Pacific coastlines, one near
the energy o f 2004 tsunam i waves and Chile and 14 o ff the Japanese coasts) have been
restricted human causalties to only 85. installed along the P acific coastlines. T hese tsunami
>■ Zone II includes the areas above 500 m meters detect, locate and determ ine the m agnitude of
distance line having towns and cities. Here, tsunam igenic undersea earthquakes and send the
new constructions are perm itted further land­ data to the Pacific T sunam i W arning C enters (PT
ward from the already constructed buildings. W C) located in A laska and H aw aii w hich transm it
> Zone III com prises undeveloped areas and inform ation to P acific T sunam i W arning System
tourists centers. Perm ission to new construc­ m em ber countries (26 in num ber) w ithin 3 to 14
tions and developm ent plans is granted on the hours. The tsunam i m eter co n sists o f three major
basis o f review o f individual cases. com ponents as follow s (fig. 18.7) :
(1) Pressure recorder (or deep sea sensors),
(2) Floating buoys, and tsunamis warning centers. These centers then issue
warnings to member countries. It may be m entioned
(3) Satellite.
that the Pacific Tsunami W arning C enter at Hawaii
The pressure recorders or deep sea sensors are did know the genesis of Sum atra tsunami on
placed at sea bottom (ocean floor) which measure December 26, 2004 but could not transm it to Indian
changes in w ater pressure as a tsunami passes Ocean Countries except Indonesia due to lack o f the
overhead. The recorders send the data through capability to receive tsunami advisories in these
acounstic signal to floating buoys (placed at sea
countries and to issue appropriate warnings. Hawaii
level). The buoys m easure wind speed, temperature
PTWC did inform Indonesia and Australia which are
and barom etric air pressure. The data so derived are
members of PTWS but they ignored the warnings
transm itterd to satellites which relay information to
and did not inform India about tsunami waves.

D ata are
transm itted to
a satellite that
relays inform ation
to several
w arning centers
— The buoy
m easures
w indspeed,
tem perature
and barom etric

H ydrophone

A nchor chain
Signal flag

Recorder sends data Glass

via an acoustic signal ball
to the buoy -------- flotation
A bottom pressure recorder
on the ocean floor measures
change in water pressure
as a tsunami passes __I ______
Pressure recorder

SOURCE: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

>* i. ' v : V;• r :~
Fig. 18.7
: Tsunami warning system, source : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Had any of the Indian Ocean nations been Hyderabad where the Indian National Center for
m em bers of the Tsunami Warning System, they Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), would han­
w ould have got the advisory and India would have dle the data. Visakhapatnam has also been suggested
had atleast three hours before the tsunami actually as ideal location of warning center.
struck its coast to order evacuation or signal people (2) Post-tsunami disaster stage : The pos
to move to safety’ (India Today, January, 2005) but tsunami stage of disaster management includes three
tim ely warnings would have not saved Andmans and major steps, popularly known as ‘three Rs* after the
N icobar Islands because ‘the reaction time offered tsunami has actually struck the coasts such as relief
by the system (warning system) would be of the work, recovery and rehabilitation. On an average,
order o f 5-10 minutes only. Practically it is as good there is spontaneous response for help if any disaster
as having received no warning’ (V.K. Porwal, strikes a nation. The response to a disaster cuts
across the language, religion and politics. The
Hindu, 2005). But the east coasts of India would
immediate response to December 26, 2004 tsunami
have been saved.
devastation from several countries tells the truth of
Now, efforts are on to set up Indian Ocean human feelings of helping the people in distress.
Tsunami Warning and Mitigation system (IOTWS). Though India was itself severely attacked by 2004
Under this plan Australia, India, Indonesia, Iran, tsunami, yet it helped the countries which were
Malaysia, Pakistan, and Tahiland would set up their worst affected by tsunami fury like Sri Lanka,
National Tsunami Warning Systems (NTWS) which Indonesia, Thailand, Maldives etc. In fact, India
would detect tsunami in Indian Ocean and issue stood tall as it initially did not accept foreign help
timely warnings of tsunami occurrence. Other rather urged foreign nations to help Indonesia, Sri
countries would set up capability centers to receive Lanka, Thailand, Maldives etc.
tsunami advisories from the IOTWC and then issue Just after tsunami struck the eastern coasts of
warnings to the people of coastal areas of their own India, it started massive relief operation under the
countries. code <- named relief operation as ‘Operation Sea
The IOTWS may install US-made DART Waves’ wherein ’20,000 men from armed forces, 40
(Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsuna­ ships of Indian Navy and Coast Guard, 34 aircrafts
mis) which has two components e.g. (i) sea level and 44 helicopters provided the logistics of the relief
gauges, and (ii) deep sea pressure sensors. India is operations. While relief may not have been prompt
planning to create Tsunami and Storm Surge or exacting, the fact is that by day 10 (from
Warning System (TSSWS) at an estimated cost of Rs.
December 26, 2004) over 6 lakh people were
125 crores which would be operational by 2007.
evacuated, 605 relief camps set up to house 579,506
This system requires placing of 20-25 automated sea
level gauges along the east and west coasts. people and 2,142 medical teams were working round
the clock to prevent any outbreak of epidemic and
Besides, 10 to 12 DART-type deep sea
death’ (India Today, January, 2005). It was said to be
pressure sensors and sea level buoys would be
deployed to track tsunami and tidal surge waves on ‘the biggest ever peace time relief operation’. The
east and west coasts. The data from various sensors following table 18.14 dpicts the concerted action of
would automatically come to warning center at India to undertake relief and restoration works :

Table 18.14 : Relief and rehabilitation package under Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Programme lor tsunami hit
states of India (Rs in crores).
Tamil Nadu Kerala Andhra Pandi- Andman Total
' Pradesh chery & Nicobar
(1) R elief and response 233.33 17.161 8.12 26.03 107.35 391.99
(2) Subsitence allowance 118.80 12.30 *— 1.05 23.04 155.19
(3) Temporary shelters 90.00 17.39 0.31 6.04 99.10 212.84
(4) Permanent housing 650.00 50.00 2.30 50.00 --- 752.30

(5) R elief equipment 54.00 26.00 12.60 1 1.95 9.75 104.30 :

(6) Infrastructure 161.15 44.01 10.35 6.61 305.97 528.09
(7) Agriculture & animal ■i-j f.
husbandry 32.35 3.52 1.16 0.80 i 261.66 299.49
(8) Assistance to fishermen 1007.56 78.98 35.16 63.14 15.01 1199.85

Total 2347.19 249.36 70.00 155.62 821.88 3644.05

Source : ‘T su n am i : A R ep o rt to the N a tio n ’, published by M inistry o f In fo rm atio n and B ro ad castin g , G o v t, o f In d ia.

It may be mentioned that there was no dearth chanical, chemical, biotic and biochem ical) are
of men and m aterials for evacuation and relief work called rockwastes. Generally, movement of rockwaste
rather bureaucratic set up and mode o f distribution enblock down the hillslope is called mass movement
o f relief m aterials including food, clothes, shelters of rockwaste or simply mass movem ent. ‘Mass
(tents) , m edicines etc. was major impediment in movement is the detachment and dow nslope trans­
executing re lie f operation in time. The rehabilitation port of soil and rock material under the influence of
programme is long-period task which may take a gravity. The sliding or flowing of these material^ is
couple o f years. The rehabilitation of 2004 tsunami due to their position and to gravitational force, but
victims in India was not com plete even by June mass movement is accelerated by the presence of
2006. The fishing com m unities were the worst water, ice and air’. It may be m entioned that
generally all types of mss m ovements o f rockw astes
sufferers as they lost not only their houses but they
including soils and ice are collectively called as
also lost their m eans o f livelihood such as fishing
landslides which are variously classified on different
nets and boats. The restoration of such facilities
bases i.e. direction of movement, type and rate o f
requires huge m onetary fund. The recovery from movement, nature of materials, presence or absence
mental agony and fear is also a long-term process. of lubricants etc. On an average, landslides (downslope
The sea, once a source o f livelihood o f fishermen, movement of different types of debris enblock) are
turned to them as dem on. This frightened the divided into five m ajor categories e.g. fall, slide,
fishermen to venture into the sea for weeks and topple, flows and lateral spreads. On the basis of
months from the dreadful tsunam i event on Decem­ nature of materials these are further subdivided into
ber 26, 2004. The loss o f kith and kins also upset several types.
many survivors who rem ained mentally stressed for
several m onths. Thus, recovery from mental stress Factors of Landslides
caused by any disaster is an uphill task.
Any sort of mass m ovem ent o f weathered
18.5 LANDSLIDES HAZARDS AND DISASTERS debirs leading to landslides with any rate w hether on
hillsope or valley side slope depends on the ratio
Landslides are natural as well as man-induced between shearing forces (sim ply known as stress)
hazards when they occur in uninhabited area but they and resistance of m aterials to shearing forces (i.e.
become disasters when they strike populated areas. shearing resistance of m aterials) as follow s :
Generally, hills and m ountains and cliffed sea coasts
_ strength or shearing resistance of materials
are vulnerable to landslides o f various sorts. The
study of landslides hazards and disasters include magnitude of shearing forces
discussion on m eaning of landslides, causative where Fs= factor o f safety
factors, types o f landslides, adverse effects of
landslides and m itigation o f landslides disaster. When the quotient o f shearing resistance of
materials (sim ply strength o f m aterials) and m agni­
Landslides : Meaning and Concepts tude of shearing force i.e. safety factor (Fs) is less
than 1.0 (i.e. when m agnitude o f shearing forces o f
Disintegrated and fragm ented rock m aterials hillslope or valley side slope exceeds th e shearing
due to mechanism o f w eathering processes (me­ resistance o f m aterials resting on slopes) m aterials

begin to m ove dow nslope and thus slides of

movement, type of movement, lubricating substance
w eathered debris occurs. It is apparent that land­
e.g. water, ice etc.
slides may occur when either shearing forces
The direction of landslides down the slope
increase or shearing resistance of materials de­
may be (i) vertical, (ii) lateral, and (iii) diagonal.
creases. It may be pointed out that either of the two
Based on direction landslides may be divided into
processes (increase in stress and decrease in
vertical movement, lateral movement ahd diagonal
resistance o f m aterials to stress) may operate or both
movement of rock waste. Vertical movement
the processes may operate together.
(landsllides) is further divided into (a) rocakfall, (b)
Based on this corollary D.J. Varnes (1978) collapse earthall. Lateral mass movement includes
classified the factors which control landslides in two (a) block slide, (b) spread, (c) cambering, (d)
broad categories and many subcategories : (1) sackung etc. Diagonal movement is divided into (a)
factors w hich increase shearing forces (shear stress), soil creep, (b) rockcreep, (c) talus creep, (d)
and (2) factors which reduce resistance of materials rockslide, (e) debris slide, (f) slump, (g) debris flow,
to shear stress. (h) mud flow, (i) solifluction, (j) avalanche etc.
Recently, man has emerged as a significant Based on the rate o f movement and water
factor o f landslides in alm ost all of the environmen­ content landslides are classified in 3 types :
tal conditions. His activities (e.g. deforestation for
(1) Large-scale rapid slide o f rock waste.
commercial wood and increase in agricultural land;
Water is needed as lubricating agent for such type of
construction o f roads; dams, reservoirs; urbaniza­
mass movement. Landslide is the typical exam ple of
tion on fragile hillslope; manipulation of rivers,
this type.
coastal areas etc.) destabilize hillslopes as well as
valley side slopes and accelerate the process of (2) Slow flowage of rock waste and weathered
landslides and increase frequency and magnitude of debris. Partial saturation of rock debris is required
different m echanism s thereof. Increased deforesta­ for such mass movement and hence m oderate
tion, cultivation on cleared hillslope, construction of quantity of water is needed as lubricating and
roads and reservoirs in the Himalayas have made the stimulating agent. Rock creep, soil creep, solifluction
m ountain ecosystem more fragile and vulnerable to etc. are typical examples of this type.
increased frequency and magnitude of different (3) Rapid flowage o f w eathered, debris.
types o f landslides. Sufficient quantity of water is needed as lubricant.
Earth flow, mud flow etc. are representatives o f this
Types of Landslides type of landslides.
A generalized classification o f landslides is
A wide range o f variations in terms of rate,
presented as follows :
and type o f movements is noted in landslides in
different places having varying environmental Table 18.15 : Classification of mass movement
conditions. It is generally believed that landslides
1. Very rapid movement
occur suddenly and instantaneously and hence all
landslides cannot be witnessed by man. But in (no water is required)
reality landslides have long preparatory period and (i) Landslides
there are certain precursor events which herald the (a) slump (b) debris slides
occurrence of landslides but these are generally (c) debris fall (d) rock fall
unnoticed. It may be mentioned that most of (e) rock slides
landslides occur in mountainous areas and hence it is 2. Slow movement (flowage or slide)
not possible to notice the precursor events such as
(little water is required)
restlessness of animals, deserting of hives by bees
etc. ‘Hence if a landslide comes as a surprise to (i) Rock creep (ii) Soil creep
eyewitness, it would be more accurate to say that the (iii) Solifluction
observers failed to detect the phenomena which 3. Rapid movement (flowage or slide)
preceded the slide’ (R J . Chorley et. al, 1985). (enough water is required)
Landslides are generally classified on the basis of (i) Earthflow (ii) M udflow
causative factors e.g. rate o f movement, direction of
(iii) Sheetwash
Table 18.16 : Classification of mass movement (R.J. Chorley, et. al. 1985)
1. Vertical movement
(A) Fall (of earth m aterials from very steep slopes like steep scarps and cliffs)
On the basis of materials
(a) rockfalls
(b) earthfalls (of alluvia, soils, colluvia)
(c) debrisfall (soils, alluvia, colluvia, vegetation and human structures)
(d) topple (rotational fall of rock slabs, or of earthen material)
(B) S u b sid en ce (o f the ground surface)
S in k in g

(a) collapse (of roofs or underground caves or cavities or lava tubes) ,

(b) settlement (collapse o f ground surface due to withdrawal of water, crude oil etc.)
2. Lateral movement . Lai; ' .!<
(A) Slides (m ovem ent o f m aterials along a horizontal fracture or interface between tw o rock
(sliding) strata o f varying resistance e.g. sandstones-shales or lim estones-shales)
(a) block slide (dow nslope movement of a single large block of massive rock on
;. , , ;; V I . ' .r ■ ’• ‘ I »M' "i •■■it**' ■'
(block glide) such a surface which has been lubricated by water)
(B) Spreading (lateral displacem ent of a series of rock blocks (multiple blocks) or mud block
dow nslope)
(a) cam bering (draping of sedimentary units)
(b) sackung (lateral spreading away from anticlinal crests)
3. D iagonal m ovem en t .v, •. r,\ >-n
(A) Creeping (dow nslope m ovem ent of earthen materials at slow velocity) . burm:
(a) s o i l creep (m ovem ent o f m oistened soils downslope) -• m.
(b) rock creep (m ovem ent o f rock upon rock)
(c) talus creep (rearrangem ent of scree and downslope movement)
(B) Slide (rapid rate o f dow nslope m ovem ent of large quantities of debris o f varying sizes) (on
the basis o f m aterials)
(a) rock slides (b) debris slides (c) soil creep
(d) slumping (m ovem ent o f fine m aterials along a curved plane)
(C) F low s (dom inant role o f water, dow nslope transport of w ater-soaked fine debris)
(a) earthflow (b) slides (c) mudflow______________________________

18.17 : Simplified classification of mass movement (land slides)

1. Fall
(a) Rock fall (b) Debris fall (c) Earth fall
2. Slides
(a) Slump
(a) rock slump (b) debris slump 1 (c) earth slump
(b) Slides
(a) rock slides (b) debris slides (c) earth slides

3. Topples
(a) rock topples (b) debris topples (c) earth topples
4. Flows
(a) Rock flow
(b) Soil flow
(i) debris flow (ii) earthflow
5. Lateral spreads
(i) rock spreads (ii) debris spread (iii) earth spread
IJ V *• ' *'

Landslide-prone Area generally cloud bursts are succeeded by landslides

x \ ■ ' i i . i '»• >• •• / ' t * f » J • ,J' * - -
of various sorts. The 1884 m ajor slides of Nainital,
The most vulnerable regions from the stand­ the 1998 Malpa and Ukhimath (Rudhraprayag
point of occurrences of landslides are the Himalayas district) slides, etc. are a few examples o f landslide
mainly in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, sub- disasters which inflicted heavy loss of human lives
Himalayan West Bengal (Darzeeling Himalyas), and property. In fact landslides are regular features
North-East Hill Region etc.. of Uttarakhand Himalayan ecosystem and one
Human economic activities such as felling of cannot stop slides so long as human presence in the
*.'rV; !'( Ijj/fV' TO • ' »: 1:
trees for various commercial purposes but ulti­ geologically and ecologically fragile Him alayan
mately leading to deforestation and making the environment dominates hill ecosystem . One can
hilslope bare, road construction, urbanization, agri­ only reduce the impact of landslide disaster. The
culture, building activities, construction of dams recent Vernavat landslides and their impacts on the
and reservoirs etc. destabilize hillslope and trigger town of Uttarkashi located at the foot-hills of
the slides in already slide-prone areas of Uttarakhand Vernavat mountain tell the awesom e story of
Himalayas. There are frequent cases o f landslides devastating impact of natural disaster on human
along the major roads connecting major human society. All the devotees en route to holy M ansarover
settlements and places of worships. The exposure of Kailash were camping during night (1998) in M alpa
geomaterials all along the roads leading to holy village located in the valley of Kali river when a
places of Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri, Yamunotri massive landslide burried M alpa village and killed
etc. denotes very weak formations which are all the villagers and devotees.
slumped enmass due to heavy rainfall in general and The Darzeeling Him alaya is another landslide
cloud bursts in particular. The major causative
vulernable area of high m agnitude. M ore than a
factors o f landslides in the Garhwal and Kumaun
dozen landslides of varying dim ensions occur every
Himalayas include weak geological formations,
year during monsoon rains.
active tectonism, slope instability, deforestation,
building activity, unscientific farming, high inten­ Landslide Disaster Management
sity rainfall including cloud bursts etc.
Though numerous landslides o f different Like other natural hazards landslide disaster
varieties and varying magnitudes occur every year reduction and m anagem ent involves two stages of
but not all o f them are noticed and recorded. About action i.e. (1) pre-disaster stage, and (2) post­
60 m ajor landslides have been recorded since 1970 disaster stage. It may be m entioned that besides
claim ing m ore than 3500 human lives. The records natural causative factors, landslides are also caused
o f cloud bursts and landslides denote the fact that by human activities m ostly deforestation, building

activities, urbanization, quarrying and mining in development work should be allowed. Roads should
landslide-prone hill areas. The forem ost task in not be constructed along hillslopes o f w eak form a­
landslide m anagem ent is to prepare landslide tions. In nutshell efforts should be m ade not to
vulnerability m aps on the basis o f susceptibility of undertake such economic activities which may
an area to landslides, landslide history of the region, destabilize fragile hillslopes. Removal o f forest
frequency and recurrence interval of landslides, covers from hillslope should be im m ediately stopped
vulnerability index in terms o f density of human and there should be massive reforestation o f already
settlem ents and population, economic activities, denuded hillslopes with sincerity. The post-land-
risk factor, loss o f property etc. Such areas of high slide disaster stage includes quick action of rescue of
landslides vulnerability should be avoided for stranded alive people buried under thick cover of
human settlem ents and building activities. Seismic debris and to evacuate them to safer places
events trigger m ore hazardous land slides. Such Immediate medical help should be provided to
areas should be identified and dem arcated and no survivors.

A tm ospheric extrem e events, hazards and Some of the extrem e w eather events leave
disasters represent unstable aspects of weather instantaneous effects and cause hum an causalties,
when they hit human beings (such as lightning),
which include mainly atmospheric disturbances
some of them have im pacts both during the events
such as severe atm ospheric storms (e.g. tropical''
and after the events such as floods, w hile some
cyclones, tornadoes, hailstorms, duststorms, snow
extreme events have long lasting and far-reaching
storms, thunderstorm s etc.). In fact, severe atmos­ impacts such as super cyclone o f O rissa (India) in
pheric storms are originated due to unequal spatial 1999, severe Gujarat and Rajasthan droughts during
and temporal distribution of atmospheric energy and 1980s and 1990s. It may be m entioned that the
these storms exchange and transfer energy at global frequency, recurrence interval, size and dimension,
level. Since the atmospheric extreme events are spatial and temporal characteristic features of
caused by atm ospheric processes which originate atmospheric extrem e events w idely vary depending
due to unequal distribution of energy within the on the duration o f such events. T ropical cyclones,
atmosphere and hence these extreme weather events tornadoes, regional floods and droughts are 4 most
are also called as exogeheous natural extreme events notorious atm ospheric extrem e events and disasters
and hazards. The atmospheric extreme weather at global scales and these need detailed discussion.
events may be divided into two major groups, (A) Abnormal or infrequent hazards and disasters
namely (1) abnormal and infrequent events, the mean
(a) cyclonic disaster (tropical cyclones)
duration of their occurrences ranges from m illisec­
(b) hurricane disaster (tropical cyclones)
onds (such as lightning), minutes (tornadoes, thun­
derstorms, hailstorm s etc.) to hours (e.g. dust (c) tornado disaster
storms, snowstorms, blizzards, flash floods), and (2) (d) lightning disaster
cumulative atmospheric extreme weather events, which
(e) hailstorm disaster
prolong for days (such as tropical cyclones, arctic
(B) Cumulative atmospheric hazards and disasters
cyclones, floods, heat waves, cold waves, N or’
easters), weeks (regional floods), and even months (a) flood disaster
(droughts). (b) drought disaster

(c) cold wave disaster called tropical cyclones which are not regular and
uniform like extratropical or tem perate cyclones.
(d) heat wave disaster
There are numerous forms o f these cyclones which
vary considerably in shape, size, velocity, and
19.1 TR O PIC A L C Y C LO N ES DISASTERS weather conditions. The w eather conditions of low
latitudes mainly rainfall regim es are largely control­
Tropical cyclone, representing a closed low led by tropical cyclones. They are characterized by
pressure system generally having a diam eter of
the following salient features :
about 650 kilom eters, counterclockw ise and clock­
wise air circulation in the northern and southern (1) Size of tropical cyclones varies co n sid er­
hemispheres respectively, energy power equivalent ably. On an average, their diam eters range betw een
to more than 10,000 atom ic bombs which were 80 km and 300 km but some times they becom e so
hurled at Nagasaki in Japan during W orld W ar II, is small that their diameter is restricted to 50 km or
one of the m ost pow erful, destructive, dangerous even less.
and deadly atm ospheric storm s on the planet earth. (2) They advance with varying velocities.
Tropical cyclones are differentally called in differ­ Weak cyclones move at the speed o f about 32 km per
ent parts o f the globe such as hurricanes in the North hour while hurricanes attain the velocity of 180 km
Atlantic Ocean m ainly in the Caribbean Sea and
per hour or more. Super cyclone attains the speed of
southeastern USA; typhoons in North Pacific Ocean,
300 to 400 km/hr.
mainly in China Sea, eastern and southern coasts of
China, taifu in Japan, Philippines and S.E. Asia; (3) Tropical cyclones becom e m ore vigorous
cyclones in Bangladesh and eastern coastal areas of and move with very high velocity over the oceans
India; and willy willy in A ustralia. but become weak and feeble while m oving over land
Tropical cyclones becom e more disastrous areas and ultimately die out after reaching the
natural hazards because of their high wind speed of interior portion of the continents. This is why these
180 to 400 kilom eters per hour, high tidal surges, cyclones affect only the coastal areas o f the
high rainfall intensity (highest recorded rainfall continents (e.g. south and south-east coasts o f the
value exceed 2000 mm per day in Philippines), very USA, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and W est Bengal coasts o f
low atm ospheric pressures causing unusual rise in India, southern coastal regions of B angladesh etc.).
sea level, and their persistence for several days or (4) The center of the cyclone is characterized
say about one week. The total cumulative effects of by extremely low pressure. Isobars are m ore or less
high velocities o f wind, torrential rainfall and circular but are fewer in number. This is why winds
transgression o f sea w ater on to the coastal land hurriedly rush up towards the center and attain gale
becom e so enorm ous that the cyclones cause havoc velocity. The air pressure at the center som etim es
in the affected areas and thus tremendous loss of
becomes as low as 650 m illim eters.
human lives and property is the ultimate result of
such atm osperhic deluge. The ‘storm surge’ or ‘tidal (5) Like tem perate cyclones, tropical cy­
surge’ refers to unusual rise in seal-level caused by clones are not characterized by tem perature varia­
very low atm ospheric pressure and the stress of the tions in their different parts because they do not have
strong gusty winds on the sea surface. These storm different fronts (warm and cold fronts).
surges or tidal surges, when coincide with high tide, (6) There are no different rainfall cells in the
are further intensified and after intruding into the tropical cyclones as is the case of tem perate cyclones
coastal land cause w idespread inundation of coastal and hence each part of the cyclones yields rainfall.
areas and great dam age of human live and property.
(7) Tropical cyclones are not alw ays m obile.
The case histories of a few most powerful and
Some times, they becom e stationary over a particu­
disastrous tropical cyclones may unravel the m agni­
lar place for several days and yield heavy
tude of destructions wrought by these natural
atm ospheric disturbances. rainfall causing flood deluge and environm ental
disaster. ■ * '. " v
1. Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones (8) The tracks of tropical cyclones vary
considerably in different parts. N orm ally they move
C yclones d ev elo p ed -in the regions lying from east to w est under the influence o f trade winds.
between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer are The general direction is w esterly upto 15° latitude

from the equator, poleward between 15°-30° lati­ stationary over an area for several days. They are
tudes, and thereafter easterly. These cyclones associated with heavy cumulus or cumulonimbus
w eaken when they enter subtropical regions. clouds which yield moderate to heavy rainfall with
(9) Tropical cyclones are confined -to a thunderstorms. Some times, the easterly waves are
particular period of the year, mainly during summer so greatly intensified that they develop into hurri­
season. The frequency and affected areas of tropical canes. Generally, they develop in the Caribbean Sea
cyclones are far less than those of the temperate and North Pacific Ocean during summer months.
cyclones but damages done by them are much higher. (2) Tropical depressions are centres of low
(10) Tropical cyclones become disastrous pressure surrounded by more than one closed isobars
natural hazards because of their high wind speed of and are very small in size. Wind velocity around low
180 to 400 km per hour, high tidal surges, high pressure center ranges between 40-50 km per hour.
rainfall intensity (highest recorded rainfall value Their direction and velocity are highly variable.
exceeded 2000 mm per day in Philippines), very low Some times, they remain stationary at a place for
atm ospheric pressure causing unusual rise in sea- several days. They usually develop in the vicinity of
level, and their persistence for several days or say inter-tropical convergence (ITC) but seldom de­
about one week over a particular place. velop in the trade wind belt. Tropical depressions
’ ; • r ’ . t.\ ' i
r .* * ' • 7 ' '» r *
generally influence the weather conditions of India
2. Types of Tropical Cyclones and north Australia during summers. After being
originated in the Bay of Bengal these cyclones move
It may be pointed out that tropical cyclones in north-westerly and westerly directions and reach
are so varied in size, weather conditions and their inner parts of India. Some times, they become so
general characteristics that no two cyclones are strong that they yield heavy downpour resulting into
identical and therefore it becomes very difficult to severe floods.
classify them into certain categories. Generally, (3) Tropical storms are low pressure centres
they are divided into 4 m ajor types. and are surrounded by closed isobars wherein winds
(1) Tropical disturbances or easterly waves move towards the centre with the velocity ranging
(2) Tropical depressions between 40 to 120 km per hour. They frequently
develop in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during
(3) Tropical storms
summer season. They also develop in the Caribbean
(4) Hurricanes and typhoons Sea and in the vicinity of Philippines. M any of these
On the basis of intensity they are divided into cyclones become violent and disastrous atmospheric
two principal types and 4 subtypes. hazards as they cause heavy rainfall and thus
(1) W eak cyclones inundate lowlying areas of Bangladesh, delta region
(i). Tropical disturbances of West Bengal and coastal areas of Orissa, Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The northern parts of Bay
(11) Tropical depressions
of Bengal mostly the Ganga D elta plains of West
(2) Strong and furious cyclones Bengal, India and Bangladesh very often suffer from
(iii) H urricanes and typhoones frequent severe cyclonic storms and resultant storm
(iv) Tornadoes surges (tidal waves) because o f a combination of
(1) Tropical disturbances are migratory several natural conditions and phenomena such as
like cyclones and are associated with easterly trade astronomical tides, funneling coast configuration,
winds. They are also called easterly waves. Winds low and flat terrains of coastal areas and frequent
m ove towards center with low speed. Though they occurrence of severe cyclonic storms. The most
m ove in westerly direction under the influence of disastrous cyclone, which hit the coastal low land of
trade w inds with low velocity but they are most Benglaesh on November 12,1970, claimed 3,00,000
extensive and w idespread and influence the weather human lives. Similarly, the deadly cyclone of 1737
conditions o f both tropical and subtropical areas. claimed the lives of 3,00,000 people in the east coast
M ost o f the easterly waves develop between 5° and of India. The disastrous cyclone o f 1977 moving
20° north latitudes in the western parts of the oceans. with a speed of 175 km per hour killed 55,000
Som e tim es, they are so sluggish that they remain people, destroyed the homes o f 2,000,000 people
and ruined 1,200,000 hectares o f agricultural crops types of cyclones originate because o f frontogenesis.
and m ade m ost o f the coastal land barren and Inspite of the absence of two contrasting air masses
w asteland because o f deposition o f thick layer of salt in the equatorial region fronts are formed due to
on the soils by storm surges in Andhra Pradesh. meeting of land and sea winds. Initially, different
Super cyclone o f Orissa of 1999 (Oct. 29-31) with fronts are formed but later they disappear. This
w ind velocity of m ore than 300 km per hour killed frontal concept of the origin of tropical cyclone is no
about 1,00,000 people (official figure, 10,000), longer acceptable because tropical cyclones in no
w ashedout 200 villages, damaged standing crops of case are related to fronts. In fact, tropical cyclone is
1.75 m illion hectares and claim ed loss of property like a heat engine which is energised by the latent
worth 1,000 billion rupees in the coastal districts. heat of condensation. On an average, tropical
(4) Hurricanes and Typhoons : The extensive cyclones are formed due to the development o f low
tropical cyclones surrounded by several closed pressure of thermal origin. They develop when the
isobars are called hurricanes in the USA and following requirements are fulfilled.
typhoons in China. They are also called willy willy in (1) There should be continuous supply of
A ustralia, cyclones in Indian Ocean, ‘baguio’ in abundant warm and moist air. W ithout doubt
Philippines, ‘taifu’ in Japan etc. Hurricanes are, in tropical cyclones originate over warm oceans
fact, m ost violent, m ost awesome, and most disas­ having surface temperature of 27°C during summer
trous hazards o f all the atm ospheric disturbances. season. (2) Higher value of coriolis force is required
They m ove w ith average speed of more than 120 km for the origin of these cyclones. It is apparent that
per hour. Though hurricanes are most extensive and tropical cyclones are practically absent in a belt of
violent but their clim atic importance is limited 5°-8° wide on both sides of the equator where
because o f their few er num bers and their occurrence coriolis force is minimum. It means that cyclonic
in lim ited areas. circulation of air is caused due to deflection in wind
B esides, hurricanes are characterized by the direction resulting from coriolis force. M ajority of
follow ing properties. The diam eters range between the tropical cyclones originate within a belt of 5°-20°
160 and 640 km. The size o f hurricanes is usually latitudes in the western parts of the oceans. (3) They
small at their origin points near the equator but the are associated with inter-tropical convergence (ITC)
size gradually increases away from the equator. The which extends from 5° to 30° N latitudes during
pressure at the centre ranges between 900 and 950 summer season. (4) Pre-existing weak tropical
mb which is perhaps the lowest pressure of all the disturbances intensify and ultimately develop into
high intensity violent tropical cyclones. (5) There
tropical cyclones. The pressure gradient between the
should be anticyclonic circulation at the height of
centre and outer m argin ranges from 10 mb to 55 mb.
9,000 to 15,000 m above the surface disturbance.
The areas o f 6 to 48 sq km around the centre o f
The upper air anticyclonic circulation sucks the air
hurricane is generally dry and rainless and winds are
from the ocean surface above and thus the upward
feeble. This is called ‘eye of the cyclone’. The waves
movement of air is accelerated and low pressure
caused in the oceans due to ferocity of hurricanes are
centre at the surface is further intensified. (6)
called hurricane waves which are generally from 3 to
6 m in height. These storm surges inundate the Tropical cyclones develop around small atmos­
coastal areas with immense volume of oceanic water pheric vortices in the inter-tropical convergence
and thus cause immense loss to human health and zone (ITC).
wealth. Hurricanes extend upto 12,000 m above the The necessary conditions required for the
ocean surface. They last for many days and ome formation of tropical cyclones (all types) may be
times for m ore than a week. summarized as follows :
>• continuous supply of warm and m oist air,
3. Origin of Tropical Cyclones
> suitable source o f sensible and latent heat (of
There is no com m only acceptable viewpoint condensation),
for the origin o f tropical cyclones because the exact >- vertical air motion and convergence of air,
mechanism of the form ation and development of
>■ powerful trigger mechanism in the form of
these cyclones could not be properly understood as
yet. According to the advocates of frontal theory all intruding low pressure system at high altitude,
w arm w ater surface o f oceans (having atleast hemispheres and influence the weather of coastal
27°C tem perature) upto the depth of 60-70 areas of the continents. There are 6 m ajor regions of
m eters, tropical cyclones e.g. (1) W est Indies, Gulf of
M exico, and Caribbean Sea, (2) W estern North
presence of pre-existing disturbances at lower Pacific Ocean including Philippines Islands, China
altitude to be intensified and transformed into Sea, and Japanese Islands, (3) Arabian Sea and Bay
fully developed tropical cyclones, of Bengal, (4) South Indian Ocean coastal regions
>- higher values of coriolis force, off M adagascar (M alagasi), and (6) W estern South
>■ divergent circulation in upper troposphere, Pacific Ocean, in the region of Samoa and Fiji Island
and the east and north coasts of Australia.
> existence of small atm ospheric vortices in
North Atlantic Ocean : It may be pointed out
the intertropical convergence zone, .
that the occurrences of tropical cyclones are
> w eak vertical wind shear etc. rhythmic in nature because they are restricted to a
certain season o f a year which varies from one region
4. Weather Conditions Associated With Tropical
C yclo n es to the other region. On an average, about 7 cyclones
develop every year in the southern and south­
The arrival o f tropical cyclones at a particular western parts of the A talantic Ocean, most of which
place is heralded by sudden increase in air tem pera­ become hurricanes. They develop (i) in August and
ture and wind velocity, marked decrease in air September around Cape V erde Island, (ii) between
pressure, appearance of cirrus or cirrostratus clouds June and O ctober to the north and east of West Indes
in the sky, and em ergence o f high waves in the and to the south o f the A talantic coast of the USA,
oceans. The clouds are thickened and become (iii) from M ay to N ovem ber in the north Caribbean
cum ulonim bus w hich yield heavy rains. The clouds sea, (iv) from June to O ctober in the south Caribbean
are also associated w ith thunder and lightning. On an sea, and (v) from June to O ctober in the Gulf of
average, a single storm yields 100 to 250 mm of Mexico.
rainfall but if obstructed by relief barrier it may give
as heavy rains as 750 to 1000 mm. The visibility North Pacific Ocean : The cyclones after
becom es zero because the sky is overcast with thick originating off the western coast o f M exico move
and dark thunder clouds. Such destructive condi­ north-westward and affect the w eather of California.
tions persist for a few hours only. The arrival of the Some times, they also reach H aw aii Island. About 5
center or the eye o f the cyclone is characterized by to 6 tropical cyclones develop each year between
calm breezes, clear sky, rainless fine and settled June and N ovem ber and two of them gain hurricane
w eather, and low pressure at the centre. Such intensity.
w eather conditions do not persist for more than half South-West North Pacific Ocean : Normally
an hour. The w eather suddenly changes with the tropical cyclones develop in C hina Sea, off the
arrival o f the rear portion o f the cyclone as the sky coasts of Philippines Islands and South Japan
again becom es overcast, wind direction changes, between May and D ecem ber. They have disastrous
and pressure sharply goes up. There is heavy effects on the eastern coasts of China where they
dow npour with cloud thunder and lightning and gain the ferocity of typhoons. A bout 12 typhoons
storm becom es very severe and furious. T his develop every year.
situation persists for several hours. Slowly and South Pacific Ocean : Tropical cyclones
slow ly the ferocity o f cyclone starts declining and develop to the east of Society Island (east of 180°
the w eather becom es calm after the cyclone has longitude) during D ecem ber-A pril and influence the
p assed off. The sea surface also becom es calm and weather of north-east coast of A ustralia.
clea r w eath er sets in.
North Indian Ocean : A fter originating in the
5. D istribution of Tropical Cyclones Arabian Sea and Bay o f Bengal tropical cyclones
(also called as depressions) influence the weather
T ro p ic a l c y c lo n e s m o stly d evelop over the conditions o f India and B angladesh on a large-scale
ocean s u rfa c e b e tw e e n 5°-20° latitu d es in both the between April and D ecem ber.

South Indian Ocean : C yclones originate off influence of westerly winds. It may be mentioned
the coasts o f Re U nion, M adagascar, and M aritius that when the tropical storm s strike the coast land,
islands betw een N ovem ber and April. they start losing energy and dissipation as the source
of required energy o f latent heat ol condensation,
6. T ra ck s of Tropical Cyclones which is over the warm w ater surface ol the tropical
oceans,, is cut off. Some times the tropical cyclones
T he tropical cyclones after their formation
become stationary at a particular place lor most part
over warm w ater surfaces of the tropical oceans
of their life cycle.
m ove w estw ard in general betw een a zone of 5(,-20()
latitudes in both the hem ispheres under the influence It may be rem embered that the tracks fol­
o f easterly trade winds but after reaching the western lowed by tropical cyclones vary considerably in
m argins o f the oceans and striking the continental different parts. Normally, they move from east to
coastal lands they curve north-westward and poleward. west under the influence of easterly trade winds and
The equatorial warm ocean currents also help in the equatorial warm ocean currents. The general direc­
westward m ovem ent o f tropical cyclones. Alter tion is westerly upto 15° latitude from the equator,
reaching 20°-30° latitudes the tropical cyclones, if poleward between 15°-30° latitudes, and thereafter
not exhausted and finished, move eastw ard under the easterly (fig. 19.1)



[5 0 E 180 150 E
_ l _________________ 1 ---------- L_

Fig. 19.1 : Tracks of Tropical Cyclones.

7. Adverse Effects of Tropical Cyclones It is now desirable to discuss the dam ages
done by hurricanes in the USA, by cyclones in India,
Tropical cyclones are very severe disastrous M yanmar and Bangladesh, by typhoons in China and
natural hazards which inflict heavy loss to human Japan, and by willy willy separately but before that a
lives and property in terms o f destruction of general global picture of tropical cyclonic destruction
buildings, transport system s, w ater arid power is presented as follows :
supply system s, disruption of communication sys­ Cyclone Nargis of May 2, 2008 caused
tem, destruction o f standing agricultural crops, following damages in M yanm ar :
dom estic and wild anim als, natural vegetation, >- the cyclone was of category 4 on severity
private and public institutions, etc. through damages scale.
caused by high velocity winds, floods and storm
>- ravaged Irrawadi D elta including the cities of
surges. Tables 19.1 to 19.3 depict the death toll of
Yangon, Bogalay, Labutta and Pyapton.
human life by tropical cyclones in different parts of
the world, > yielded total rainfall of 510 mm.

> k illed m ore than 1,00,000 people, Crop area dam aged -> 2,90,000 ha in West
Bengal 1,25,000 ha in Sunderbans
m issing people - 43,000
The follow ing tables (19.1, 19.2 and 19.3)
> w ind speed = 241 km /hr 1
portray the death toll o f hum an lives caused by.
>- m assive destruction to mangroves.
tropical storm s and local storm s in different parts of
D estructions by tropical cyclones include loss the world :
of human lives and property in terms ol destruction of
buildings, transport systems, water and power supply
Table 19.1 : Som e noteworthy Indian tropical cyclonic
systems, disruption of communication system, destruction d isa ste rs
o f agricultural crops, domestic and wild animals,
Year Hum an death year Human death
natural vegetation, private and public institutions and
so on. The deadliest impacts of tropical cyclones and 1737 300,000 1789 20,000
tornadoes are on human beings. There are 6 major 1839 20,000
1833 50,000
regions in the world which are responsible for the
1864 50,000 1977 55,000
origin of tropical cyclones e.g., (i) West Indes, Gulf of
M exico, and Caribbean Sea; (ii) Western North 1990 598 1998 >1000
Pacific Ocean including Philippines islands, China 1999 > 10,000 .
Sea and Japanese islands; (iii) Arabian SeaandB ay of
Bengal; (iv) Eastern Pacific coastal region off Mexico Note :The intensity of 1990 Andhra cyclone was 25 times
and Central Am erica; (v) South Indian Ocean, off greater than the 1977 Andhra cyclone but human
casualty could be contiained because of correct
Madagascar (M alagasi); and (iv) W estern South prediction and better warning systems but the
Pacific Ocean, in the region of Samoa and Fiji Island property damage could not be stopped. On the other
and the east-north coast of Australia. It may be hand, inspite of timely warning of 1999 super
cyclone of Orissa death toll of human beings could
pointed out that the occurrences of tropical cyclones
not be avoided because of inefficient government
are rhythmic in nature because they are restricted to machinery.
certain seasons of a year. The seasons of the Table 19.2 : Notable tropical c y c lo n ic d isaste rs in
occurrences of tropical cyclones vary from one region B ang ladesh
to the other region. For example, hurricanes mostly Year Human death Y ear H um an death
affect the U.S.A. between May and November
1822 40,000 1876 100,000
wherein the maximum frequency is recorded in the
1879 175,000 I9 6 0 5,149
end of sum m er and the beginning of autumn seasons.
1963 1 1,488 1970 300,000
Cyclone Aila 1976 100,000 1985 ‘ 11,000

Initiation -> May 23, 2009 in Central Bay of

Table 19.3 : Typhoon d isa s te rs in the F a r E a s t
Y ear C ountry H um an deaths
N.W . ward m ovem ent ->May 24, 2009
1881 C hina 300,000
Strikes W est Bengal ->M ay 25, 2009
1923 Japan 250,000
Speed —>110 km /hr 1950 Japan 5,000
D uratio n -> 3 hours
' ' t • i • I ' • . * . , . ■ .y\
W ave height ->15 feet
H um an lives lost -h>137 + 70 in D underbans Hurricanes in the United States of Am erica

L ivesto ck lost —>71,196 in W est Bengal The hurricanes are chronic disasters in the Gulf
70,811 in Sunderbans coastal and Atlantic coastal areas o f the U nited States

of America. Before attempting description of hurri­ India, China (typhoon Carry, typhoon Betty) and
canes onslaught in the USA, it is desirable to discuss Japan also follow this practice.
the hurricane damage scale as devised by Saffir- Hurricanes very often strike the southern and
Simpson popularly known as Saffir-Simpson H urri­ the south-eastern coasts of the USA. G u lf coasts o f
cane Damage Scale (table 19.4) wherein 5 point scale Louisiana, Texas, Alabam a and Florida are worst
has been developed on the basis of size, intensity in affected areas. The Galveston, Texas (U .S.A .)
terms of duration of occurrence in minutes, wind disaster of September 8, 1990 tells the story of
velocity in km/hour, height of storm surge and devastation caused by hurricanes in the G ulf coastal
quantum of damage. The scale starts from a value of 1 region of the U.S.A. The terrible hurricanes gener­
for the weakest hurricanes of the shortest duration to ated a strong surge (tidal wave) which raced inland
the value of 5 for the strongest and most severe and and killed 6,000 people mostly through drowning
hazardous hurricanes. caused by inundation under 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5m)
It may be m entioned that there is a practice in deep water and destroyed 3,000 houses. Flying
the USA to prepare a list of names for hurricanes in planks and timbers under the force of strong gale
the beginning of a year and each hurricane is winds also caused several deaths and dam age to
assigned a nam e e.g. hurricane Katrina, hurricane human structures.
Wilma in the year 2005. The names of only those
Hurricane Katrina (2005) proved one of the
hurricanes are retained and are never used again to
most disastrous hurricanes in the US history of
name new hurricanes, w hich attain the magnitude of
hurricanes. This killer hurricane inflicted heavy loss
5 on Saffir-Sim pson H urricane Damage scale. Now
of human lives and property in New Orleans of

Louisiana state. S im ilarly, hurricane Wilma (2005) greatly adversely affected Florida.
Table 19.4 : Saffir-Sim p son hurricane damage scale

Scale num ber C entral Wind speed Storm Description

pressure (mm) (km/hour) surge (meters)
1 980 118-152 1.5 minimum damage, m ainly to
vegetation and m obile houses.
2 965-979 153-176 2.0-2.5 moderate damage, m ainly up­
rooting and blowing of trees,
roofs of buildings are dam ­
3 945-964 177-208 2.5-4.0 extensive damage to trees, m o­
bile houses, roofs of build­
ings, structural damage to small
4 920-944 209-248 4.0-5.5 extreme
5. <920 >248 >5.5 catastro p h ic, w indow s,
glasspanes, roofs o f houses
and industrial buildings etc.
are severely dam aged.
Source : Summarized from J.E. Oliver and J.J. Hidore, 2003. It is apparent from table 19.4 that hurricanes are divided
into 5 types based on the quantum of damage done by them, namely (1) hurricanes of minimum damage, (2)
hurricanes of moderate damage, (3) hurricanes of extensive damage, (4) extreme hurricanes, and (5)

catastrophic hurricanes. sm ashed houses and floated them away, uprooted

It m ay be po in ted out that M ississippi D elta Plains of sealed concrete tom bs and floated them 32 kilome­
th e sta te o f L o u isian a (U .S.A .) have the equivalence tres away from their resting places, but only 55Q
o f th e G a n g a D elta P lains of India and B engladesh as hum an deaths could be caused because of better
reg ard s the frequency and intensity of tropical w arning system s and spontaneous response of
cy clo n es but the dam ages m ainly in the form of people to the w arning and predictions. In fact,
hum an casualties are far less in the form er than in the the w ater level used to rise at the rate of 1.5 feet per
la tte r becau se o f m ore advanced and better warning hour. Thus m ost o f the people had ample time to
system s. T h e Audrey hurricane of June, 1957 struck evacuate them to safer places before the water
the L o u isian a coast betw een New Orleans and level forced by strong storm surge could reach its
G alveston. T hough the storm was very severe as it peak d f 8 to 12 feet (2.4 to 3.6 m) above high tide

w ater.
T a b le 19. 5 : Category-w ise number of hurricanes in the USA from 1990 to 1996
Saffir-Sim pon dam age scale (vide table 19.4)

1 2 3 4 5 Total
Scale N um ber

USA 58 36 47 15 2 158
Florida 17 16 17 6 1 57
Texas 12 9 9 6 0 - 36
Louisiana 8 5 8 3 1 25
1 0 25 • 'f
North C arolina 10 4 10
Source : J.E. O liver and J.J. Hidore, 2003.

Table 19.6 : D eadliest US H urricanes

Location (name) Y ear Category Hum an deaths

Saffir-Sim pon scale
TX (G alveston) 1900 4 8000
(may be 10,000 to 12,000)
FL (Lake O keechobee) 1928 4 1836
FL (Keys), S. TX 1919 4 600
NE 1938 3 600
FL (Keys) 1935 5 408
FL = Florida, TX - Texas, NE = New England
Sou rce : J.E. O liver and J.J. H idore, 2003.

Table 19.7 : Most Ex p en sive US Hurricanes (property damage in US biUions of dollars)

N am e o f hurricane Year o f occurrence D am age cost
1. A ndrew 1992 30.5
2. H ugo 1989 8.5
3. A gnes 1972

4. Betsy 1965 7.4

5. Camille 1969 6.1
6. Floyd 1999 6.0

7. Katrina deaths (some sources put the figure between 300,000

2005 and 1,000,000 deaths in Bangladesh and West Bengal
damaged New Orleans of India) wherein most of the deaths were caused by
8. Wilma drowning in the storm surge of oceanic water (20 feet)
2005 on the land. The official record of Bangladesh
presented the total loss as death of people-200,000,
damaged Florida
missing persons 50,000 to 100,000, cattle death-
Severe hurricanes cause havoc in the U.S.A. as 300.000, houses destroyed 40,000, crops losses of
regards the damages of property. ‘In a ten-year period 63.000.000 US dollars, fishing boats destroyed-9,000
from 961 to 1971 property damage from United States (offshore) and 90,000 (inland water).
hurricanes averaged some $ 440 million annually. The tropical cyclones coming from over the Bay
Single hurricane in this period caused damage valued of Bengal also become hazardous to the east coastal
at $ 1.5 billion.’ According to R.F. Abey (976) lands of India (West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh
tornadoes cause the property loss of about 100 million and Tami Nadu). The deadliest hazardous cyclone
US dollars and 150 human casualties per annum. struck the east coast in 1737 and claimed the lives of
‘Since 1950 every year in the U.S.A. there has been an 300,000 people. Other disastrous cyclones occurred in
average of 662 tornadoes, resulting in 114 deaths.’ 1977 (55,000 deaths), 1864 (50,000 deaths), 1839
Efforts are' being made to forecast the origin and travel (20,000 deaths), 1789 (20,000 deaths) etc., The
paths of hurricanes and tornadoes in the U.S.A. on the November, 1977 cyclonic storm struck Andhra coast
basis o f the study o f synoptic situation combining and generated three successive ‘storm surges’ of which
seven elements viz. (i) convergence near the surface, the biggest surge of 6 m height was recorded in the last.
(ii) mass divergence aloft, (iii) a buoyant airmass, (iv) This deadly storm moved with a speed of 175
wind shear in the vertical, (v) moist air mass in the kilometers per hour. The biggest surge raced into the
lower layers, (vi) a trigger mechanism, and (vii) coastal low lying areas up to 20 kilometres inland and
surface cyclogenesis. Attempts are also being made to thus killed 55,000 inhabitants through drowning
develop effective devices of cloud seeding to decrease caused by sudden inundation, destroyed the homes of
the intensity of hurricanes and tornadoes. Further 2.000,(XX) people, ruined 1,200,000hectares of agricultural
more, scientists are trying to develop scientific crops and made most of the coastal land barren and
methods to divert the paths of hurricanes and tornadoes wasteland because of deposition of thick layer of salt
to such areas which are not so important from the stand on the soils by storm surges. The saline land could be
point of human population and economic loss. reclaimed only after three years.

Before 2005 there was an all time record of 19 The strongest and most notorious cyclone hit
hurricane storm s in 1969 in the USA but the year the Andhra coast on May, 9, 1990. It was 25 times
2005 w itnessed a record number of 27 hurricanes out stronger and more disastrous than the deadliest
of which Katrina and Wilma proved to be most cyclone of November, 1977 (which also struck the
Andhra coast as referred to above) but could claim
the lives of only 598 people (official figure but the
Cyclones in India and Bangladesh
actual figure might have crossed 1,000 deaths).
Besides killing 598 people, it adversely affected
Cyclonic hazards very often visit the eastern 3.000.000 people, rendered 3,00,000 people hom e­
coastal areas o f India and the southern coastal areas of less, perished 90,000 cattle and caused loss of 1,000
Bangladesh. The disaster of the deadliest storm in the crore rupees worth of property. Very low figure of
recorded history occurred on November 12, 1970 in human casualties (598 deaths) in com parison to the
the coastal lowland of Bangladesh. This Bay of killer cyclone of 1977 (55,000 deaths) inspite of 25
Bengal disastrous cyclone tells the magnitude of times more intensity of M ay, 1990 cyclone than the
environmental hazards in respect of its killer impact latter was particularly because of the advance
on the affected people as it caused as many as 300,000 monitoring and prediction of the cyclone from the

tim e o f its form ation in the Bay of Bengal off the caused a havoc of mass destruction through its
so u th ern co ast o f Tamil Nadu on May 5, 1990. notorious acts from October, 29 to 31, 1999. Nearly
one third of Orissa plunged into gloom and dispair.
This cyclone is termed most notorious in the
Prior to the final assaultby this killer cyclone, a strong
sense it shifted its course almost by 90 degree. But
cyclone already knocked at the door of Orissa on
m ore than 100 direct warning systems and even dying
October 18, 1999 with a velocity of 200 km per hour.
IN S A T -IB provided direct audio-broadcasts from
This cyclone claimed the lives of 200 people,
m eteorological stations in Chennai and Hyderabad and
damaged 460 villages and adversely affected 500,000
6 cyclone detection radars fitted all along the coastline
people in Ganjam district. The people of Orissa were
provided minute by minute information about the
yet to recover from the trauma of this cyclone, the
m ovem ent o f incoming cyclone. Initially, the cyclone
was m oving westward and was expected to strike the killer super cyclone hit the Orissa coast on October,
southern coast of Tamil Nadu near Nagapattinam but 29. The successive phases of the formation and
after M ay 6 it suddenly shifted its course northwards advancem ent o f super cyclone may be outlined as
and eventually hit the coastal districts of Andhra follows : (1) October 25: A depression was formed 500
Pradesh and unleashed the devastating force of its fury km east of Portblair in Andman Sea, which started to
on five districts, viz. Krishna, Guntur, East Godawari, move in N-W direction from the midnight and soon
W estG odaw ari and Visakhapatnam. It may be pointed turned into a deep depression. (2) October 26 : The
out that the cyclone was so strong and enormous that deep depression changed into a cyclonic storm by the
some of the major towns of Krishna and Guntur morning of October 26 which was stationed about 350
districts such as Vijayawada, Machlipatnam, Pamarru, km away from Portblair. The Indian Meteorological
Guntur, Bapatia, Repalle and Tenali, which could not Department started to issue warning of advancing
be affected by the deadliest 1977 cyclone and tidal cyclonic storm. (3) October 27 : By the morning of
wave, were also hit this time by the powerful storm October 27, this cyclonic storm changed to severe
surges (tidal waves) caused by gale winds with a speed cyclonic storm and was positioned 750 km away from
of 220 to 250 kilometers per hour. Paradeep port. It rem ained stationary for 6 hours at the
G u jarat coast was struck by a very powerful distance of 600 km from Paradeep. (4) October 28 :
cyclonic storm w ith a velocity of more than 200 km Advancing towards north-w est this severe cyclonic
per hour on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 and caused a storm bccame a fully developed supper cyclonic storm
surging tidal wave o f 8 m height which transgressed and moved towards Paradeep with a velocity of 260
into the coastal land and caused immense loss of km per hour. (5) October, 29 : Indian Meteorological
property and human death unknown in the cyclonic Department (IM D) issued an alarm o f warning about
history o f G ujarat. The salt workers working in the the arrival of the super cyclone betw een Paradeep and
salt pans in the Runn and the Little Runn areas of Puri. Though the Govt, of O rissa was posted with this
Kutch were washed away by high tidal waves. The warning by 5.30 A.M. but this w arning could not be
storm was so pow erful accom panied by heavy conveyed to the general public due to lack of radio and
rainfall that human settlem ents were destroyed all television network.
the way from Surat and Am ereli in G ujarat to Jalore
U ltimately, the super cyclone entered Orissa
and Jodhpur in Rajasthan. Mud built houses were
on October, 29, 1999 and began to play its game of
flattened, pow er supply was snapped, trees were
destruction in 10 coastal districts. M oving with a
uprooted and carried away as m issiles, and
velocity of 300 km per hour the cyclone became
com m unication and vehicular traffic were com ­
stationary for 8 hours over this vast area. This
pletely disrupted. The storm caused m ore than 1000
disastrous cyclone generated 9 m high tidal surges
human deaths and econom ic loss worth more than
which transgressed upto 15-20 km inside coastal
100 billion rupees (unofficial estim ates put the
region. Kendrapara, Jagatsinghpur, Balosore, Paradeep,
num ber of death between 5,000 and 10,000). Kandla
Bhadrak and K hurda were w orst affected. According
port was greatly dam aged.
to official sources m ore than ten thousand people
were killed and 200 villages w ere com pletely washed
out but the unofficial sources put hum an death toll at
about hundred thousand. M ore than 6,000 people
The 29th October, 1999 proved a black and
were killed in Jagatsinghpur alone. Several hundred
killer day for the inhabitants o f the coastal region of
thousand cattle perished and countless people were
O rissa (India) when the strongest cyclone in the
rendered hom eless. The standing kh arif crops over
cyclone history o f India struck the Orissa coast and
1.75 m illion hectares were destroyed. The loss of
a t m o s p h e r ic h a z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s

ing cyclones may be timely conveyed to the

concerned area and the people m ay be evacuated to
^ ^ ^ ^ ruptionofth^ p & s safer places in time. The cyclone warning system
includes the following com ponents :
rails brought a grinding halt to rail and road transport > Detection of cyclones, , ;
w hich c o n tin u e d fo r w eeks. >■ Identification of position of cyclones in terms
of vicinal location (in terms o f latitudes and
C yclone Nargis (2008) longitudes) and their disJance from the area
to be affected by the storms,
A d isastro u s cyclone o f 5 magnitude on > Tracking of cyclones,
Sim pson-Saffir dam age scale hit M ynm ar in the
> Means of detection, location of position and
night of M ay 2, 2008. It ravaged Irrawadi Delta area
tracking such as weather / meteorological
including the cities o f Y angon, Bagalay, Labutta,
satellites, doppler radars etc.,
pyapton etc. T he follow ing is the vital statistics of
this notorious tropical cyclone : >* Estimate of severity of the storms on the basis
• people killed > 100,000 of severity / damage scale from 1 (weak
• m issing p eople > 43,000 cyclone) to 5 (most severe cyclone i.e. super
cyclone e.g. 1999 cyclone of Orissa, India),
• wind speed = 241 km /hour
• total rain fall = 510 mm > Communication of warning messages of
advancing cyclones to the people and admin­
This cyclone did massive destruction of mangroves istrators of the concerned areas as well as
which are natural buffers against sea waves and storms.
central and state government authorities who
It may be m entioned that the intensity of tropical
may be concerned with the cyclone mitigation
cyclone has doubled since 1950. Now scientists
programmes. The warning message may be
believe that global w arm ing has been responsible for
conveyed through electronic (television, radio
increase in frequency and severity of tropical cyclones.
—network, fax, internet, telephones etc.) and
print media (newspapers). The cyclone warning
8. Reduction and Management of Cyclonic Dis­
system messages (CWSM) include the hourly
aster information about the location of storms,
direction of movements, wind zones, wind
The red u ctio n and m anagem ent of tropical
velocity, probable dimension of storm surges
cyclonic d isaster includes the follow ing steps : mainly height, es*imate of likely damage in
> P rep ared n ess, terms of loss of human lives and property.
>• M itig atio n , It may be mentioned that most of the developed
> P revention, countries, which are very often affected by tropical
> R e lie f w ork, cyclonic storms and resultant storm surges have
developed their own cyclone warning system mechanism
> R ecovery, and
(CWSM) such as the USA, Japan, China etc. China
> R ehabilitation. and India have also developed advanced system of
It m ay be m entioned that tropical cyclones are detection, tracking and warning systems with the help
natural phenom ena and the result of atmosp eric of meteorological satellites, radars etc. Thus detection
oceanic dynam ics and hence t h e i r occurrence ca
and tracking of tropical cyclonic storms are successfully
be prevented but their adverse effects can be
done in many countries having tropical and subtropical
m inimized (m itigation). Efforts are eing . t
coastal locations. The only problem is related to
the USA to divert the tracks o f hum canes so th
densely populated areas may escape fr°m thepaths efficient mechanism of timely communication of
of advancing hurricanes and thus the damac s y warning messages in developing countries. Some
be either prevented or atleast are P ^ times, the warning of hourly position of tropical
minimum. Thus, the state o f f" storms is effectively and timely communicated but
most significant step o f pre-disas the damage is not contained. For example, the
m anagem ent o f cyclonic storm isa development of hurricane Katrina in the Caribbean
Sea (2005) was timely defected and early warning was
The stale o f PrePar‘ d " “ Sw%S1earV cy°Io»« issued but the people of New Orleans, USA could not
around the m echa" lb™ establishm ent of c y c l o n e move to safer places and thus the loss of human lives
w a r n i n g s y s t e m , and the e_ f advanc-
w a r n i n g c e n t r e s (CW C so that m e ss a g e

and property could not be minimized. It is evident that communication o f storm

India has also developed effective mechanism warning to the public and timely evacuation is the
o f detection and tracking of cyclones originating in only effective measure of mitigation of cyclonic
the Bay o f Bengal and the Arabian Sea through its disasters.
m eteosat-5, successive generations of INSAT, radars The post-disaster stage of cyclnic storms
etc. All aspects of detection, tracking and cyclone disaster reduction includes rescue operation, quick
warning system messages are exclusively handled by and logical relief work with honesty and integrity,
the In d ian M eteorological D epartm ent medical help, provision for temporary shelters'
' (IM D) with its headquarters at New Delhi. There restoration of supply of water and electricity,
are more than 100 direct warning systems and restoration of communication system, effective and
half a dozen cyclone detection radars fitted all along meaningful rehabilitation from temporary shelters to
the coastlines which provide minute by minute permanent houses, sufficient economic package to
information about the movement of incoming cyclone.
com pensate property losses m ainly cattle
It may be mentioned that the cyclone which and agricultural loss in the case of farmer community
struck the Andhra coast on May 9, 1990 was 25 times and means of fishing for fishing community etc.
stronger and more disastrous than the deadiest cyclone
of November, 1977 (which also struck Andhra coast
and claimed 55,000 human lives) but could claim the
lives of only 598 people (official figure but the actual 1. Meaning and Concept
figure crossed 1000 deaths) but the timely detection of
shift in its trajectory and early warning enabled the Thunderstorms, considered as tertiary atmos­
people tu move to safer places. Initially, the cyclone pheric circulation, are local storms characterized by
was moving westward and was expected to strike the swift upward movement (updraft) of air and heavy
southern coast of Tamil Nadu near Nagapattinam but precipitation including both rainfall, hailstorm and
after May 6 it suddenly shifted its course northwards squall with cloud thunder and lightning. According to
and eventually hit the coastal districts of Andhra A.N. Strahler ‘a thunderstorm is an intense local
Pradesh and unleashed the devastating force of its fury. storm associated with large, dense cumulonimbus
Though the loss of human lives was minimzed due to clouds in which there are very strong updraft of air.’
early warning and timely evacuation but property loss ‘Fundamentally, the thunderstorm is a thermody­
could not be contained. namic machine in which the potential energy of latent
Some times, the cyclonic storms are timely heat of condensation and fusion in moist conditionally
detected and warning messages are communicated to or convectively unstable air is rapidly converted,into
the government officials but the government machinery kinetic energy of violent vertical air currents with
fails to inform the general public in time and thus the associated torrential rain, hail, gusty surface squall
people are let loose to the fury of the storms. Such winds, lightning, and thunder........A thunderstorm is
incident happened in the case of Orissa in 1999 when therefore an intense instability outbreak’ (G.T.
a powerful super cyclone with a wind velocity of 260 Trewartha, 1954). Because of heavy downpour
km per hour struck Orissa coast on October 29, 1999. associated with thunderstorms they are also called
The Indian satellites tracked the cyclone from cloud hursts but the rainfall is of very short duration.
October 25 when it was only a depression and was Thunderstorms differ from cyclones in-that the latter
positioned 500 km east of Portblair in Andman Sea to are almost circular in shape wherein winds blow from
October 28, 1999 when it assumed the form of super out side towards the center while the form er is
cyclonic storm of the severity scale of 5. The Indian characterized by strong updraft of air. They are
M eteorological Department (IMD) issued an alarm of considered to be special case of convective mechanisms.
warning about the arrival of the super cyclone
between Paradeep and Puri on October 30, 1999 and It is the cloud burst which causes flash floods
the Govt, of Orissa was posted with this warning by in the plains and landslides in the hills. U ttarakhand
5.30 a.m. but this warning could not be communicated of India is frequented with num erous cloud bursts
to general public by the state government due to each year which cause heavy loss o f hum an lives and
failure o f radio network. property.
2. C h a r a c t e r is t ic s of T h u n d e rsto rm s 10. The strong thunderstorms associated with
heavy precipitation through dense
The thundeistorm s occurring in both tropical
cumulonimbus clouds are characterized by
and temperate regions are characterized by the
following salient features : strong downward movement of air (downdraft)
which is called downburst.
1. Thunderstorms are powerful local storms
having swift updraft (upward movement) of 3. Stru ctu re of T h u n d e rsto rm s
air from the central point.
The faully developed and strong thunder­
2. They are powerful thermodynamic machines
storms comprise a few convective cells which may
wherein potential energy is transformed into
kinetic energy through the input of latent heat vary from 5 to 8 in number. These convective cells
are characterized by strong updraft (also updraught)
of condensation and fusion. The resultant
of air. Each cell covers a distance of a few kilometers
kinetic energy provides momentum to the
storm. and may last from one hour to 8-10 hours. The
updraft of moist and unstable air is in the form of a
3. Thunderstorm is a cellular type of vertical chimney. The swift updraft of moist warm unstable
movem ent of moist air which comprises air (chimney) allows the downdraft of relatively
several convective cells. cool air as compensatory air movement. Each
4. Som etim es, a few thunderstorms coalesce convective cell passes through three consecutive
and becom e powerful enormous storms, they stages of its development and dissipation e.g. (1)
are called mesoscale convective complex. cumulus stage, (2) mature stage, and (3) dissipating
stage. The stages of life cycle of thunderstorm are
5. The thunderstorm having a single convective
described in the following subsection.
cell is not much powerful and hence is less
violent but the storms having several convec­ 4. C onditions for Th u nd erstorm Developm ent
tive cells become not only enormous convec­
tive machines but also become most disastrous. Atmospheric instability, updraft of poten­
6. The tropical thunderstorms are associated tially unstable air, abundant supply of warm and
moist air, thick clouds etc. are the factors which
with heavy downpour, cloud thunder and
favour the development of thunderstorms. The
lightning but in the middle latitudes they are upward movement of warm and moist air is
also associated with hails, and squall besides prerequisite condition for the origin of thunder­
heavy precipitation, cloud thunder and light­ storms. Surface heating through intense insolation
ning but in the regions of dry climate there causes convective mechanism resulting into updraft
may be no precipitation. of air and atmospheric instability. This is why
7. The occurrence of thunderstorms in the humid thunderstorms originate mainly during summer
season, warm day of a season, and warm hours of a
tropics is almost a daily phenomenon but the
day. It appears that warm, moist and rising unstable
frequency of their occurrence is more over
air is the most important factor in the development of
land surfaces than over the ocean sui faces thunderstorms. This becomes possible when normal
because of less intense convective mechanism lapse rate of temperature is greater than adiabatic
over the oceans than over the continents. rate of temperature change. Besides convective
8. Thunderstorms are short-duration local weather mechanism, warm and moist winds also rise and
phenom ena as the life cycle of these storms is become unstable due to orographic obstacles. The
com pleted within an hour or two but some­ greater the instability of warm and moist air, the
times these storms last for a few houis. greater the intensity and duration of thunderstorms.
9. On an average, about 16 million thunder­ There must be greater thickness of clouds
storms occur each year in tropical, sub­ between cloud base (e.g level at which condensation
tropical, and m iddle-latitude regions and and cloud formation begin) and icing level (i.e. the
level at which water droplets change into ice
daily averages of occurrences of these storms
particles). The higher the icing level above cloud
have been reported to be 2000.
base, the greater the thickness of clouds and thus the
.< - :
416 ■'!

g rea ter the in tensity o f convection. Since the icing subsection (4). Consequently, the cum ulus clouds
lev el is at very low height in the m iddle latitudes, become thick com ulonim bus clouds.
th u n d ersto rm s do not frequently develop there. On (2) M ature stage is the second stage of
the o th er hand, thunderstorm s are common features thunderstorm developm ent characterized by both
in th e w eather o f low latitudes because o f the higher upward (updraft) and downward (dow ndraft) m ove­
h eig h t o f icing and greater thickness o f cloud cover. m ent of air and occurrence of torrential rainfall from
thick cum ulonim bus clouds, m aximum cloud thun­
T he necessary favourable conditions for the
dering and lightning etc.
origin and developm ent of thunderstorm s may be
sum m arized as follow s : (3) Dissipating stage is the senile stage of
thunderstorm s. This final stage is characterized by
1. The atm ospheric conditions should be in
downward m ovem ent of winds w hich laterally
conditional or convective unstable state.
spread over the ground surface and stop vertical
2. T he norm al lapse rate should be greater than m ovem ent (updraft) of winds. Clouds spread in the
adiabatic rate of tem perature change. sky in um brella shape and becom e altostratus and
3. There should be warm, moist and rising cirrostratus resulting into dissipation of thunder­
unstable air. storm as these clouds are rainless. The dow ndraft of
4. There should be enough supply o f moisture winds and end of updraft o f winds causes the
from the ground surface to the air. stability of the atm osphere and the energy is
5. There should be greater thickness of ultim ately finished (fig. 19,2)
cum ulonim bus clouds between the conden­ • . ,* ‘ ’’ ' ' i - > . i <*. ‘• . ' i
sation level (cloud base) and icing level. 6. Classification of Thunderstorm s
6. Enough supply of latent heat of condensation
and fusion which may transform potential Thunderstorm s are generally classified on the
energy into kinetic energy which provides basis of their mode of origin and lifting factors and
strength to the storms. m echanisms
7. There should be efficient trigger effects for (1) Air mass thunderstorm s
causing and augm enting convective m echa­
nisms. These may be effected through (i) (i) heat (therm al) thunderstorm s
. insolational heating of ground surface and (ii) orographic thunderstorm s ,,
resultant rising convective air currents; (ii) (iii) advectional thunderstorm s
forced ascent o f m oist air by mountain (2) Frontal thunderstorm s
barriers; (iii) forced ascent of warm and
(i) warm lro n t thunderstorm s
m oist air along cyclonic fronts (applicable in
middle latitudes only) etc. (ii) cold front thunderstorm s
(1) Therm al or local thunderstorm s orig
5. Stages of Thunderstorm Development due to intense heating o f ground surface through
Like tem perate cyclones, the origin and insolation and resultant rising therm al convection
development of thunderstorm s also passes through a currents. They are called local because they influ­
life-cycle but unlike six-stage life-cycle o f tem per­ ence very lim ited area. In fact, heat thunderstorm s
ate cyclones, thunderstorms pass through only are real thunderstorm s w hich originate in the
three-stage life-cycle as follows (fig. 19.2) : afternoon during sum m er season and die out by the
(1) evening. H eat thunderstorm s are m ore com m on in
C u m u l u s stage, the first stage of the life
cycle of a thunderstorm, is also called y o u t h s t a g e , the belt of doldrum because large am ount o f air
when ground surface is intensely heated, the m oist m oisture, high tem perature and co n v erg en ce of
air coming in contact with heated ground surface is winds provide ideal conditions for th eir origin and
also heated, expands and rises upward as strong developm ent. H eat thunderstorm s becom e stronger
convective current losing tem perature at the dry and m ore vigorous if the surface through w h ich they
adiabatic lapse rate of 10°C per 1000 m eters, reaches travel is w arm er, otherw ise they are soon w eakened
its condensation level and thus helps in the if the surface is less warm . T his is w hy they die out
form ation o f clouds having precipitation particles. when they pass through w ater bodies (lakes, rivers,
The updraft o f m oist air becomes stronger with reseivoirs etc.) because o f no supply o f heat from
greater wind speed exceeding 150-160 km per hour below . H eat thunderstorm s also o rig in ate in the
due to trigger effects as described in the previous
inner parts o f the continents during su m m er season
a t m o s p h e r ic Ha z a r d s a n d d is a s t e r s

in middle latitudes. H eat thunderstorms are difficult ment of the air. This results in the form ation of most
to be predicted because of their highly uncertain and active and strong thunderstorm which yields copi­
variable behaviour. ous heavy rains. This is called cloud burst rain. The
southwest Indian monsoon winds after strking the
(2) O rographic thunderstorms : When warm,
hillslopes produce strong thunderstorms which yield
m oist and unstable air strikes a mountain barrier, it
more than 10,000 mm of annual rainfall atCherrapunji.
is forced to rise hurriedly along the hillslope. The Orographic thunderstorms are more extensive,
latent heat o f condensation (release of heat after widespread, and active than heat thunderstorms and
condensation) accelerates the rate o f upward move­ thus their forecast is easy.

X 10

EZZD Ice crystals Snow Rain
▼ Heavy surface rain G£) Light surface rain

Fig. 19.2 : Development stages o f a thunderstorm : (A) initial or cumulus stage marked by only updraughts, (B) mature stage
marked by both updraughts and downdrughts, (C) dissipating stage marked by only downdraughts. Arrows
indicate wind direction. Source: based on Byers and Braham; and Barry and Chorley, 2002.

Garhwal and Kumaun Himalayas of Uttarakhand are not significant because they are very weak
are frequented by num erous orographic thunder­ storms. Cumulus clouds do not form because the air
storms each y ear leading to cloud burst rain. ascends slowly.
(3) Advectional thunderstorms are produced (5) Cold front thunderstorms develop alo
due to substantial increase in normal lapse rate of the cold front of tem perate cyclones when cold and
temperature and consequent upward movement of dense air pushes warm and m oist air upw ard w ith
great force. Since they are associated w ith tem perate
unstable air when a cold air underlies a warm air. Such
cyclones, they are easily predicted. C old front
thunderstorms develop during dark nights when the
thunderstorms may develop at any tim e of a day or in
sky is overcast because the upper layers of the clouds
lihy season of a year because their origin is , not
are cooled due to loss o f heat through radiation, with
related to the heating o f the ground surface.
the result cool and dense air settles downward and
pushes underlying warm and light air upward 6. Thunderstorms and Weather
resulting into convective m echanism in the air.
(4) Warm thunderstorms are F o r c e d
f r o n t a l
(i) R ainfall in thunderstorm s, unlike trop
when sea breezes are m ore hum id and unstable. They cyclones, is in the form o f heavy dow npour w ith

g re a te st in ten sity of all other forms of precipitation pressure wave due to rapid expansion of air column
u t is o f sh o rt duration because of two factors viz. (i) as m entioned above is called cloud thunder.
t e air rises abruptly w ith great force due to which (v) Squall : the downward movement a
th ere is quick condensation and cloud formation, divergence of cold air at the ground surface is called
and (ii) there is abundant absolute humidity due to squall. The velocity of squalls is equal to and some
high rate o f evaporation consequent upon very times greater than hurricane velocity and hence they
high tem perature during summer season. The inflict greater damage to human structures and
rainfall of thunderstorm is closely related to its vegetation. Squall is produced after the thunder­
num erous cells. There is maximum rainfall in the storm becomes mature and heavy precipitation
centre and m inim um at the periphery of each occurs.
convective cell. Fully developed cell yields rainfall
for about an hour whereas weak cell dies out within Cloudbursts and Flash Floods
few m inutes. v
Cloud burst may be defined as sudden
(ii) Hailstorms : when condensation occurs
below freezing point, ice particles are formed which localized very heavy downpour with cloud thunder
range from the size of a pea to a large ball. Hail is not and lightning associated with thunderstorms caused
associated with every thunderstorm. Not only this, due to forced ascent o f moisture laden winds.
hail is confined to only certain cells of a thunerstorm. Though cloud bursts may occur any where whenever
Hails fall down on the ground surface when the ideal conditions are available but they mostly occur
rising convection currents become weak and feeble. in the hilly areas because of orographic barriers and
Hails are o f three types, namely (i) soft hail also consequent forced uplift of m oist air. From this
known as graupel, is less than 5 mm in diam eter and stand point the geom ophological set-up of the
is crushed and broken when hits the ground; (ii) Himalayas presents most conducive situations for
small hail is mixed with rain and remains intact when frequent occurrences of cloud bursts because of
it hits the ground surface; and (iii) destructive hail numerous sites of narrow valleys surrounded by
also called as severe hail, is very large in size and steep valley sides and high reliefs, ablated and active
weighs from few grams to several kilograms in cirques, passes and wind gaps, transverse position of
weight. Such destructive hails cause maximum ridges etc. which force the m oist winds to ascend
destruction. The sudden fall of hails inflicts great quickly and reach condensation level to yield heavy
damages to human health and wealth, birds and rainfall. The cloud bursts resulting into very high
animals and standing agricultural crops.
intensity rainfall, say 250-300 mm rains in a couple
(iii) Lightning : electrical discharge centers of hours, if continue for 3-4 days, the ground surface
are developed in a m ature thudnerstorm. The centres becomes saturated, the Hortonian surface runoff
of positive and negative electrical charges develop exceeds infiltration and narrow but less deeper
in the upper and lower portions of the clouds
valleys become bankfull and ultim ately flash floods
respectively with discharge values ranging between
are caused. The cloud bursts besides causing flash
20 to 30 coulom bs. Lightning is produced when the
floods lead to accelerated rate of soil erosion,
electrical potential gradient between the electrical
landslides, road dam age and blockage, settlement
positive and negative charges becomes very steep.
According to another view lightning is produced due collapse, degradation of forest and agricultural lands
to splitting of large water drops. Each water drop has etc.
positive and negative electrical charges which The m ost vulnerable areas o f higher frequen­
remain in neutral state when they are evenly cies of cloud bursts in the western Garhwal
balanced. This, balance is disturbed due to splitting H im alayas include the tracts o f Cham oli, U ttarkashi,
of these drops resulting into difference in positive Tehri, R udraprayag and Pauri d istricts while
and negative charges.
Pithauragraph, Alm ora, Bagesw ar and N ainital of
(iv) Thundering sound is produced due to the Kumaun H im alayas are m ost frequented by
sudden and rapid expansion o f air colum ns caused cloud bursts and associated problem s. Table 19.8
by intense heat (10,000°C) resulting from lightning
depicts m ajor cloud bursts o f the G arhw al H im ala­
strokes. This deafening noise produced by vibrating
yas which caused havoc in the affected areas.

Table 19.8 : Major cloud bursts in Garhwal Himalaya ________________ .

Location * Month Year A ltitu d e (m eters)

1. Dhak Nala (Dhauliganga) July 1970 • 3700

2. Belakuchi (Birehi river) Chamoli August 1970 " 2150
3. Kontha, Chamoli July 1979 1800
4. Ukhimath August 1998 2000
5. Neelkanth, Pauri July 1990 1800
6. Budha Kedar August 2002 1600-2200
7. Mandakhal, Pauri August 1981 1950.
8. Phata, Bantoli, Rudraprayag August 2001 ,1650, ,
9. M ussoorie hills, Dehra Dun August 2001 1650
10. M edh-Agunda, Tehri \ ; ; August 2002 _______ 1650
Source : B. Sharma, A.K.L. Asthana, and D. Pal, 2003. v f • * .* ; ; • 17 • • i v U V i »»• - i ']

i - ■ J : r # 1 f( t ‘ * , s' .

19.3 TORNADO DISASTER extremely low. The recorded low est pressure
(in 1904) of a tornado in the state of
Minnesota of the USA was 813 mb. On an
1. Meaning and Characteristics
average, the center of a tornado is character­
The. word ‘tornado’ is derived from Spanish ized by extremely low pressure, say 100 mb
word ‘to rn a r’ meaning thereby, to ‘tu r n ’ and less than the outside environments.
‘tornada’ which means thunderstorm ’. It is known 3i The diameter of the upper funnel increases
as twister’ , a special form of a ‘cyclone’.
from 90 m in the lower portion say at the base
Tornadoes are funnel shaped storms wherein at the ground to 460 m in the upper portion^
the upper portion is like umbrella in shape while the
say at the top.
lower portion is like pipe which touches the ground
surface (fig. 19.3). Tornadoes are smallest but 4. Because of steep pressure gradient winds
violent, awesom e, disastrous o f all the atmospheric rush up with great force towards the’center
storms and are notorious for destruction of human having fourious velocity ranging between
property and causes human deaths if not forecast 400 km to 800 km per hour depending upon
well in time to facilitate evacuation. In fact, the magnitude of pressure gradient. Thus , the
tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air swiftly inward rushing air is caught into a
having upper portion of funnel shape of cumulonimbus vortex of the storm and is rapidly :lifted
clouds which are attached to the ground by very upward and cools adiabatically and form s
narrow colum n o f air. The tornadoes are character­ thunderstorms. This is why tornadoes are
ized by the follow ing salient features : always associated with violent thunder­
storms. . '' ' : * v
: 1. Tornadoes are very violent rotating systems
of air wherein the air from the ground surface 5. The m ovem ent of tornadoes is not in w ell
having lowest pressure is sucked by the upper defined route and direction. Som e tim es,
air and is suddenly uplifted causing convec­ they become stationary at a place. G enerally,
tive instability. they move with average speed of 40-60 km
2. The pressure in the center o f tornado, though per hour, though the speed o f m ovem ent
not precisely measured as the instruments becomes zero for stationary tornadoes w hile
meant for measuring wind speed and air it in exceptional case m ay exceed 100 km per
pressure are destroyed by gusty wind, is hour.

6. T ornadoes follow very narrow paths, the The origin o f tornadoes has also been related
w idth of w hich ranges between a few meters to fronts. The upthrusting of warm and m oist
to m ore than 2,000 m eters, while the average tropical and subtropical air mass by cold polar air
mass along the cold front presents ideal condition for
length of path follow ed by a tornado is about
tornado development. Some times, intense local
40-50 km. The recorded long distance cov­
heating of the ground surface causes strong convec­
ered by a tornado in the states of Illinois and tion which induces ideal conditions for the forma­
Indiana (USA) in May 1977 was 570 km. tion of tornadoes. According to Californian scientist
7. T he average duration of existence of a V.J. Rossaw tornadoes develop because o f attraction
tornado ranges between 15-20 minutes but of two cloud masses. Though tornadoes may
occasionally they may be in existence for a develop at any time but they are m ore common
few hours. during spring and summ er seasons.
8. Tornadoes look very dark in colour because In the regions of polar frontogenesis torna­
o f the dom inance of dusts, sands, debris and does are formed due to strong collision of warm and
moist air mass from tropical and subtropical regions
condensed m oisture.
with cold and dry air mass from polar regions. Due
9. The arrival of tornado is heralded by dark and to such strong collision strong turbulence develops
thick clouds in the sky resulting into com­ along the air mass collision boundary, this strong
plete darkness, minimum visibility and low turbulence causes the developm ent o f several eddies
pressure; which develop into powerful wind whirls having
10. Tornadoes m ove as a single unit or in a group rotating winds, these whirls allow the warm , m oist
consisting o f an average 7-8 in number. The and unstable warm air to escape upw ard like smokes
cluster or group of tornadoes is called in a factory chimney. The trigger m echanism which
tornado family while occurrence of several causes violent exchange o f air o f contrasting
properties requires some sort o f disturbance which
tornadoes in succession as a group or cluster
may be heat at the ground. The intensely heated
is called tornado outbreak.
ground radiates heat upw ard w hich provides energy
2. Formation of Tornadoes to the ascending warm air. This causes extrem ely
low pressure at the ground and strong convective
It may be m entioned at the very outset that mechanism above the ground surface i.e. intense
exact mode of form ation and development of insolational heating of the ground. Extremely low
tornadoes (fig. 19.3) is not properly understood by central pressure draws air from all directions. Thus,
the storm experts and m eteorologists because the a rising column of rotating warm air is developed
measurement o f wind speed, temperature, humidity, and a tornado storm is formed. Such violent storm is
and pressure at the time of their occurrence becomes comprised of several super cells. F urther violent
practically difficult as the instrum ents are also lifted strong upward m ovem ent o f warm and m oist air
up and destroyed by the ferocity of the storms but results in the form ation of enorm ous thunderstorm
majority of the m eteorologists are of the opinion that
having numerous supercells w hich yield copious
the primary cause of the origin of tornadoes is
rainfall and hails. It may be m entioned that wind
violent convection of conditionally or convectively
shear (change of speed and direction o f w ind) acts as
unstable column of warm and m oist ascending air.
The following are the prerequisite conditions for the m echanism to rotate the winds rushing tow ards the
formation o f tornadoes : (1) mass convergence central low est pressure. As the storm develops into
o f air near the ground surface, (2) mass divergence thunderstorm characterized by strong turbulence
aloft, (3) byoyant air masis, (4) wind shear in and updraughts, m am antus clouds are form ed at
the vertical, (5) m oist air mass in the lower layers, low est level of clouds i.e. near the ground surface
(6) a trigger m echanism , (7) unstable vertical while funnel clouds develop at the top o f thunder­
tem perature structure, (8) some preexisting m echa­ storm. All these are indicators o f the form ation of *
nism for rotating the winds, (9) surface cyclogenesis tornado. The funnel clouds drop dow n and the
etc. tornado develops from the cloud w all.

3. Distribution of Tornadoes April to September. The Great Plains present most

ideal conditions for the formation o f tornadoes
Though tornadoes can develop in any part of
where these are associated with frontal activity (cold
the world except extreme cold region (fig. 1 9 . 4 ) but
fronts). The Great Plains are also called Tornado
the United States o f America is most important
Alley because of maximum frequency o f their
breeding region o f tornadoes. The region to the
south of 45°N latitude and to the east of the Rocky occurrences. The most adversely affected states are
mountains is freequented by tornado outbreak from Texas. Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma,

Overshooting top of clouds

Fig. 19.3: Development o f tornado. Source A.C. Donald, 1988, adapted from Oliver and Hidore, 2003.

Arkansas, Kansas and Iowa. The occurrence of between 10 A.M. and 12 midnight wherein the most
thunderstorms and tornadoes in the USA are terrible devastation was caused by terrific wind
synchronous (i.e. they occur at the same time-April storms ever experienced in the U SA before this date.
to September, during daylight). The occurrence of The second important outbreak of tornadoes, known
tornadoes in groups involving larg-; numbers on a as the Jumbo Outbreak, comprised o f 148 tornadoes,
specific day are called in the USA tornado outbreak. struck 12 central states o f the U SA on April 3 and 4,
One such tornado outbreak occurred on Feb. 19, 1974.
1884 when 60 tornadoes struck the states of Though tornadoes may occur in any month of
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, the year in the USA but highest frequencies o f their
Alabama, M ississippi. Tennessee and Kentucky occurrences are concentrated in three months o f
422 e n v ir o n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y

A pril, M ay and June (based on dala from 1950 to struck eastern Bihar and West Bengal on April; If,
2 0 1 0 . The salient features were as follows :
1997) w hich account for average number of torna­
does of 104, 171 and 161 per annum (table 19.8). • time, 13 April, night
Forty-ei ght years data (1950-1997) of frequencies of • duration, 3 0 minutes il i
occurrences of tornadoes in the USA denote total • speed, 1 2 0 - 1 3 0 km per hour
occurrences to be 37.760 with mean annual average • people killed, 129
o f 786 tornadoes (table 19.8). Besides the USA, • houses damaged, 200,000 . •••*«? ,<<..*•
tornadoes also occur in-France, United Kingdom,
• prediction, no prediction
China. Australia, eastern India etc.
4 S e v e rity an d D am a g e S c a le of T o rn a d o e s
T o rn a d o in In d ia
A scale to assess the relative severity and
W eak tornadoes, locally called as ‘Bawandar’
occur in North India during hot and dry summer damage of tornadoes was devised by T. Theodore
months (April, May and June). One severe tornado Fujita in the late 1960s on the basis of wind velocity

Tropic of Cancer f AFRICA
•"l %
Tropic of Capricorn


Fig. 19.4 : Tornado areas of the world; source: based on and modified from McKnight, 1996.

and quantum of damage done by a tornado. This between 116km/hr and 179km/hr, moderate
scale is popularly known as Fujita Scale. It may be damage, trees are broken, windows of houses
mentioned that the wind speed is not practically broken, broken parts whisked away.
measured rather it is estimated after the tornado is 2. Strong tornadoes are characterized by wind
over- Based on Fujita Scale tornadoes are divided speed ranging between 180km/hr to 329 km
into three major categories as follows : per hour, these are further divided into two
f. Weak tornadoes are characterized by wind subcategories e.g. category 2 : wind speed
speed ranging between 64 km/hr to 179km/hr. between 180 km/hr and 187km/hr, consider*
These tornadoes are further divided into two able damage, large trees are broken and
'subcategories on the basis of expected uprooted, moving houses flown, weakly
damage e.g. category O : light damage, fixed building structures are damaged and
branches of trees are broken, sign boards are removed; category 3: wind speed between
damaged etc., wind speed from 64 km/hr to 188 km/hr and 329km /hr, severe dam age-|
1I5km /hr; category 1 : wind speed ranging upiooted trees are carried away as tornado i
missiles, four wheeler and three wheeler I
autom obiles are overturned and uplifted, dam age to property w orth 100,000,000 US dollars
roofs and w alls o f buildings are dam aged and and 150 human deaths. The deadliest parts of
removed. tornadoes are t o r n a d o m i s s i l e s (consisting of up­
3. Violent tornadoes are characterized by very rooted trees, their branches, roofs, o f buildings etc.
high w ind speed ranging betw een 330km /hr which are carried away by the dynam ic force of
and 509km /hr. These are further subdivided winds) which inflict great dam age to buildings,
into 2 categories on the basis o f wind speed other human structures, and human lives. A tornado,
and expected dam age e.g. category 4 : wind for example, at Lubbock (Texas, USA) in 1970
speed ranging from 330km /hr to 416 km/hr, moved a long cylindrical fertilizer tank (3.35m X
devastating dam age, houses are destroyed, 12.5 m in size with average weight o f 11 tons for a
roofs, trees and autom obiles are carried as distance of 1.21 km from its original place. It m ay be
to rn ad o missiles; category 5 : wind speed pointed oul that a tornado becomes disaster only
ranging betw een 417 km /hr and 509km/hr, when its funnel of dark clouds moves by touching
incredible dam age. The above types of torna­ the ground through narrow column of swiftly
does m ay be sum m arized as follows (adapted moving wind. The t o r n a d o o u t b r e a k (occurrence of
from O liver and H idore, 2003) : tornadoes in groups involving large num bers) of 60
tornadoes on February, 19, 1884 struck the states of
(1) weak tornadoes
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Category 0 : wind speed 64 km/hr to I 15 km/hr. Alabama, M ississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky
dam age category light between !0 A.M. and 12 midnight wherein the most
terrific devastation was caused by violent wind
Category 1: wind speed 116km /hrto 179km/hr, storms ever experienced in the USA before this date.
dam age category-m oderate Total damages caused by these tornadoes included
(2) strong tornadoes loss of property worth 3 to 4 million US dollars,
death of 800 persons, injuries to 2,500 people,
C ategory 2 : wind speed, 180 km/hr to 187 km/ destruction of 10,000 buildings, homeless and
hr, dam age category-considerable destitute people numbering 10,000 to 15,000.
C ategory 3 : wind speed, 188km/hr-329 km/ The following reporting in the news paper, the
hr, dam age category-severe Washington Post, presents a vivid picture o f the sad
story of 1884 outbreak of tornadoes :
(3) violent tornadoes
"The c e n tre o f th e sto rm stru c k th e o u ts k ir ts of
C ategory 4 : wind speed 330 km/hr-416km/hr, < R ock in g h a m w ith su ch f u r y th a t p e o p le w e re u n a b le to e s c a p e
dam age category-devastating fr o m th e ir h ou ses. B u ild in g s w ere b lo w n in to fr a g m e n ts . S o m e
b o d ie s w e re fo u n d u n d e r th e tim b e r s, o th e r w e re c a r r ie d b y the
category 5 : wind speed 4 17km/hr-509km/hi,
w in d 1 5 0 to 3 0 0 y a rd s . A w o m a n w a s f o u n d c la s p in g to h e r b r e a s t
dam age category-incredible.
an in fa n t s c a r c e ly a m on th o ld ; b o th w e re d e a d . T he b o d ie s o f
v ic tim s w e re te r r ib ly b r u is e d a n d cu t. p r e s e n tin g ci g h a s tly
5. Tornado Hazards
a p p e a ra n c e . The f o r c e o f th e w in d w a s su ch th a t tw o m ills to n e s

Tornadoes are more common in the southern w e re m o v e d J0 0 f e e t. C h ic k en s a n d b ir d s w e re p ic k e d c le a n ,

and eastern USA. The arrival of tornadoes is e x c e p t th e fe a th e r s on th e ir h e a d s. ” (W illim in g to n (N .C .) S ta r in

heralded by dark and thick clouds in the sky T he W a sh in g to n P o st, 2 2 F e b ru a ry , JS 84).

resulting into com plete darkness and minimum The second im portant outbreak of tornadoes,
visibility and low air pressure. The wind blows with known as the Jumbo Outbreak com prised of 148
highter velocity which causes cracks in the build­ tornadoes, struck 12 central states of the U .S.A . on
ings. The corcks of bottles suddenly open up April 3 and 4, 1974. The city of X enia in Ohio state
autom atically due to sudden change (lowering) of air was worst affected by the tornado which destroyed 5
pressure. schools within the city. Like 1884 outbreak of
Tornadoes, though sm allest in area of all the tornadoes this outbreak also largely affected rural
hazardous atm ospheric storm s, are very deadly to areas and avoided large cities. Total dam age caused
human lives and property. On an average, the annual by these tornadoes in 12 US states includ eddeaths o f
toll caused by tornadoes in the USA includes 300 people and injuries to 5,000 persons.

l ! ^ e_ 19-8 : F re quency of tornadoes and human causalties in the USA between 1950-1997
Months Total number Total number of Mean number of
o f tornadoes number of human deaths human deaths
January 716 15 106 2
February 975 20 274 6
M arch 2514 52 602 13
April 5002 104 1245 ... 26
May 8185 171 883 18
June 7715 161 521 11
July 4509 94 63 1
A ugust 2806 .58 ' 112 2
Septem ber 1829 38 75 2-
O ctober 1298 27 82 2
Novem ber 1398 29 149 ,3
December 810 17 124 3
Total 37,760 — — ---

Source : J.E. O liver and J.J. Hidore, 2003.

6. Prediction of Tornadoes of tornadoes by weather surveillance radar, and (ii)

prompt reports of visual sightings by competent
The prediction of formation of tornadoes is observers.
very difficult because o f its localized nature and The following agencies handle different
very small size but violent nature, random distribu­ aspects of tornado forecast in the USA :
tion over space etc. The moment tornadoes are
located after their form ation their movements are 1. The National Severe Storm Forecast Center
tracked by radar system and the warning of their (NSSFC), established in the year 1952, sends
destination becomes possible but the time available the signals of probable potential severe
is so short that destruction becomes inevitable weather conditions including the formation
destiny. of tornadoes to the w eather forecast centers.
‘The unpredictability and ferocity o f torna­ 2. The National Severe Storm Laboratory (NSSL)
does make protection and preparedness very diffi­
handles the tracking aspects of moving
cult. Nevertheless, in the period that tornado
forecast and warning services have been in operation tornadoes and sends inform ation to con­
in the U.S.A. the annual average number of fatalities cerned centers, such as NW S.
seem to have decreased markedly ‘ (J.E. Hobbs, 3. The National W eather Service (NW S) issues
1980). According to G.P. Gressman (l 969) the warning m essages o f the m ovem ent, tracks
average number o f annual deaths due to tornadoes is and severity of tornadoes.
decreasing every year as average number of deaths
Recently, doppler radars are used in the study
between 1916 and 1952 was 200 per year but this
figure was reduced to 120 between 1953-1968 of different aspects o f tornadoes and their prediction
because of improved warning systems. The forty- and warning. It may be m entioned that a m esocyclone
eight-year data o f human casualties denote average takes.20 m inutes tim e to develop into tornado and
annual death o f only 70 people. Two methods of hence doppler radar predicts the arrival o f a tornado
operational detection and tracking of tornadoes are in at a particular locality 20 m inutes in advance. The
practice in the U.S.A. viz. (i) detection and tracking doppler radar also determ ines the speed and

direction of tornado and hence it has now become Generally, floods are considered to be associated
possible to forecast the likely track of a tornado. with rivers and people conceive floods as the
It is apparent that the only effective measure outcome of accumulation of huge volume of water
to mitigate tornado disaster is to issue quick warning coming out of the rivers through overtopping of river
messages which may reach general public before 20- banks during peak discharge period. In fact, flood is
minute time so that people may move to safer places. an attribute of physical environment and thus is a
Thus, the public should always be in a state of component of hydrological cycle of a draioage
preparedness during tornado period, mainly during basin. It may be pointed out that flood is natural
April, May and June because tornadoes in the USA phenomenon and is a response to rainfall but it
follow a seasonal pattern, i.e., they are more becomes hazard and disaster when it causes colossal
frequent during summer season.
loss to human lives and property. It is also important
to note that floods are also aggravated by human
19.4 CUMULATIVE ATMOSPHERIC HAZARDS activities and thus flood hazard is both natural as
well as man-induced rather man-accentuated phe­
Cumulative atmospheric hazards are those nomenon. Floods are very often associated with
events which are caused due to cumulative effects of alluvial rivers draining extensive alluvial and flood
weather events which prolong for longer period of plains. About 3.5 per cent of the total geographical
time ranging from a few weeks to several years area of the world is covered by flood plains which
depending upon the nature of the weather events. For house about 16.5 per cent of the total population of
example, any hot day may not become disastrous or the world. The most notorious rivers of the world in
hazardous but when very hot and dry days prevail for
terms of devastating floods and resultant damage to
a few weeks in continuation, environmental hazards
natural environment (riparian decay) and loss of
in the form of heat waves occur which affect the
human lives and property are the Ganga and its
environment and human lives, plants and animals.
major tributaries such as the Yamuna, the Ramaganga,
The persistence of exceptionally cold conditions for
the Gomti, the Ghaghra, the Gandak, the Kosi, the
several days causes severe snowfall. A dry season in
Damodar etc. (northern India), the Brahmaputra
a year may not be as much disastrous as continued
dry seasons for several years. The perception and (north-east India), the deltaic segments of the
Mahandi, the Krishna, the Godavari, the Tapi, the
concept of drought vary from place to place and from
Narmada, the Luni, the Mahi etc. (all in India), the
one group of people to other group based on
Mississippi and Missouri (U.S.A.), the Yangtze, the
profession and occupation. In fact, drought occurs
Yellow (China), the Irrawadi (Myanmar), the Indus
when there is appreciable decrease in rainfall from (Pakistan), the Niger (Nigeria), the Po (Italy), the
the average normal rainfall. Floods are still very Euphratus and Tigris (Iraq) etc.
severe environmental hazards which are related to
Besides river floods which involve extensive
atmospheric processes. Mississippi flood plains
areas, there are localized floods such as urban
(U.S.A.) and the Ganga plains (India) are frequented floods, coastal floods, etc. The urban or city floods
by severe flood hazards. It may be pointed out that are in fact the result of water logging caused by
floods are not always hazards rather these are also extremely heavy rains (more than 250 mm within 24
boon because these bring rich fertile alluvial soils hours). Such water logged floods occurred in
each time and thus increase agricultural productiv­ Mumbai in the last weak of July, 2005 when more
ity. The significant atmospheric cumulative hazards than 944.2 mm of rainfall was recorded within 24
include floods, droughts, heat waves and cold hours on July 26. Similar situation developed in
waves. Mumbai in the 1st week of July, 2006 when heavy
rains occurred in couple of days (since July 2 to 6,
19.5 FLOOD HAZARD AND DISASTER 2006). Coastal floods occur due to strong storm
surges when a few meters high tidal waves
1. Meaning and Concepts
transgress into low coastal zones but such situation
Flood simply means inundation of extensive does not persist for longer duration but great danvage
land area with water for several days in continuation. is done to human health and wealth.
Thus, floods are divided into the following
three broad categories :
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

land-born floods or river floods

types o f floods coastal floods or storm surge flooding

local water logged-flooding

Heavy Rainfall v"

2. Causes of Floods
Heavy rainfall for long period in continuation
Since the floods of rivers are the responses of is the root cause of river floods because im m ense
both natural and anthropogenic factors, the causes of volume of water either through high-intensity
floods of the alluvial rivers become highly complex rainfall or large-scale snow -m elt is the prerequisite
and their relative importance varies from place to condition for river floods. Heavy rainfall in the
place. Among the natural factors which cause river upper catchment areas of the concerned river causes
floods, important are prolonged high intensity sudden increase in the volume o f w ater downstream .
rainfall; meandering courses of the rivers; extensive This causes overtopping of river banks by enormous
flood plains; break in slope in the long profiles ol the volume of water and consequent inundation and
rivers i.e. sudden change in channel gradient at the flooding of flood plain areas. It may be pointed out
intervening zones of foothill slope of the mountains that the occasional heavy rainfall resulting from
and upper end of the plains; blocking of free flow of strong rainstorms can cause severe floods only in
the rivers because of enormous debris provided by those regions which are characterized by seasonal
landslides and due to volcanic eruptions; nature of regime of rainfall or say seasonality o f rainfall such
river valleys and channels etc. Anthropogenic as the regions of monsoon clim ate (rainfall during 4
activities such as building activity and eventual wet summer months e.g. June to Septem ber),
urbanization, channel manipulation through diver­
Savanna climate (rainfall during w et summer
sion of its (of the river) course, construction of
months), M editerranean clim ate (rainfall during wet
bridges, barrages and reservoirs, agricultural prac­
winter months) etc. because o f the fact that the rivers
tices, deforestation, land use changes etc. by man
maintain very low flow and low discharge o f water
invite several hazards in the river system viz.
during most part of the year and hence sudden
disastrous floods, landslides and slumping along the
torrential rainfall causes sudden increase in the
banks, massive erosion along the river banks
causing large-scale riparian decay, shifting of volume of water which cannot be disposed off by the
channels and even of the river courses, silting of rivers immediately and thus the river banks are
beds, deposition of sands, silts and clays in the flood overtopped by the swelling w ater and instantaneous
plains etc. which pose a serious threat to human floods are caused.
society and necessitate river regulation and flood The unprecedented flood of the Lower Damodar
control (Savindra Singh, 1983). The following river in West Bengal due to torrential cyclonic
causes may be held responsible for devastating rainfall of Septem ber 26-29, 1978 explains the
floods of alluvial rivers. It may be pointed out that impact of high intensity rainfall as a potent causative
these factors should never be considered separately factor of floods. The severe cyclonic storm yielded
because it is the cumulative effects of several factors
heavy rainfall totalling 600 mm betw een Septem ber
which ultimately cause severe floods..
26-29, 1978 in the upper catchm ent o f the D am odar
> heavy incessant rainfall, river (falling in Jharkhand, India) and 500 mm in its
> spell of extremely heavy rainfall, lower catchm ent (falling in W est B engal) thus
> highly sinous and meandering courses of giving an average am ount o f 550 mm w ithin a 3-day
rivers, period (Septem ber 27-29, 1978). It m ay be pointed
>■ large-scale deforestation, out that the Dam odar river is a controlled river
> increased urbanization, t rough a series of dams and reservoirs on the main
> faulty agricultural practices, lts„ tributf ies such ^ Panchet dam,
> blocking of natural flow of water etc. scheme n f n ' 7 T ilaiya dam etC' under the
Damodar Valley Corporation (D .V .C .).

The combined outflow o f water from Maithan and volume of water caused due to huge volume of
Panchet dam s, was 16,000 cusecs (cubic feet oer runoff resulting from high intensity rainfall during
second) o u Septem ber 23, 1978 and 10,000 cusecs occasional rainstorms. For example, unprecedente
on Septem ber 26 (upto the 6th hour), 1978 just rainfall of836.4m m between July 17,1981 andJuly
before the outbreak of torrential rainfall from strong 21,1981 in and around Jaipur city (Rajasthan, India
cyclonic storm centered in the upper catchment of : July 17-4.2mm.; July 1 8 - 2 3 5 .8 mm;, July 19-353.6
the D am odar river. The torrential incessant rainfall mm., July 20-228 mm, July 21-14.2 mm) caused
resulted into enorm ous surface runoff which imme­ flash floods because the chocking and blocking of
diately reached the m aster stream and thereafter the lateral drainage from the hill through the dunes by
reservoirs constructed behind the dams on the human activity has resulted in a situation whereby
D am odar and its tributaries. Rapid pouring of this catastrophic runoff could not be eased out (H.S.
enorm ous volum e o f w ater into the reservoirs caused Sharma, 1983).
quick rise in the level o f reservoirs water and hence
A spell of 24 hours of very heavy rainfall
the discharge o f outflow from the dams downstream
yielding a record rainfall of 944.2mm in past 95
had to be increased. Thus the outflow of water
years (upto 2005) from 8.30 a.m. on July 26,2005 to
increased from 10,000 cusecs to 100,000 cusecs in
8.30 p.m. on July 27, 2005 created hovoc of
the 24th hour o f Septem ber 26 in response to the
disastrous flood in Mumbai. Almost similar situa­
beginning o f torrential rainfall in the upper catch­
tion developed in Mumbai in the first weak of July,
m ent area. T he discharge o f outflow was noted on 2006 resulting into flooding of the city due to
the next consecutive days as 160,000 cusecs on the incessant rainfall. Many parts of the city reeled
24th hours o f Septem ber 27, 1978, 161,900 cusecs under waist-deep water for 5 days (July 2 to 6,2006).
on the 3rd hour o f Septem ber 28, 100,000 cusecs on Earlier Mumbai faced disastrous water-logged
Septem ber 29 and 60,000 cusecs on September 30, flooding on July 5,1974 when Colaba and Santacruz
1978. received 575.0 and 375.2 mm of fainfall respec­
H eavy rainfall also in the lower catchment tively.
having alluvial plain? o f W est Bengal amounting to Torrential rainfall on August 6, 7 and 8,2006
500 m m w ithin 3-day period and high discharge of resulted in devastating floods in many parts of
w ater com ing from upstream segment of the Gujarat where Surat city was the worst affected as
D am odar further augm ented the discharge which the 200-year record of flood of the city was
was recorded as 379,800 cusces on the 12th hour of shattered. More than 250,000 people were adversely
S eptem ber 27, 1978. This high discharge of water affected. Many parts of Maharashtra, Gujarat,
could not be accom m odated in the valley of the Madhya Pradesh and Chattishgarh were marooned
D am odar in its low er reaches and hence devastating by dangerous floods caused due to very heavy
flood was generated which destroyed agricultural rainfall for 4 days in continuation during August,
crops, caused heavy loss o f human lives and 2006.
property. H igh intensity rainfall giving average
annual am ount o f 2500, mm in the plain area and Sinuous and Meandering Courses of the Rivers
5000 mm in the hilly sector in Assam (India) causes
frequent floods o f high m agnitude through the Highly sinuous and meandering courses of the
B rahm aputra river alm ost every year. High rainfall rivers obstruct the normal discharge of water and
in the H im alayas and in the plains causes disastrous thus the velocity is reduced which delays the passage
floods in the H im alayan rivers draining through the of water resulting into stagnation of water. Conse­
North India Plains or the Ganga plains. quently, the meandering valleys are immediately
overflown and meander belts and loops are flooded.
Heavy Spell of Rainfall
Heavy spell o f rainfall in arid and semi-arid
areas w here the rainfall is scant, low and infrequent Large-scale deforestation in the upper catch­
causes flash f l o o d s because such areas have poor ments is perhaps the most im portant anthropogenic
natural drainage system s and existing rivers an factor of the causes of the river floods. Large-scale
stream s are unable to accom m odate enormous deforestation effected by man for various purposes

s v m rllv ^ /01^ extensioR o f agricultural land, for the ground cover through the construction o f buildings,
3 1 ° f; aw m aterials to the factories, for domestic courtyards, roads, streets, pavem ents etc. reduces
as firew ood, for com m ercial purposes etc.) infiltration of rainwater significantly and increases
©creases infiltration capacity of the cutover land surface runoff considerably which increases the
an d conseq u en tly increases surface runoff which volume and discharge o f storm drains o f urban areas.
e ps trem endously in increasing the m agnitude of Thus, the rainw ater resulting from torrential rainfall
floods. It m ay be pointed out that dense vegetation is quickly disposed off through the city storm drains
allow s m axim um infiltration of rainw ater into the to nearby stream s and thus the volume o f river water
ground because rain drops are intercepted by forest is increased causing floods. Besides, obstruction of
canopy and thus reach the ground slowly in the form river flow due to bridges across the rivers, silting of
o f aerial stream lets through the leaves, branches and river beds due to pouring o f wastes and garbages
stem s o f trees and hence infiltrates easily into the from the nearby urban centres, gradual encroach­
spongy soil layer, form ed because of decomposition ment of human settlem ents towards the channels and
o f fallen leaves (leaf litters). On the other hand, in lowlying areas, filling of ‘nallas’ (natural urban
the absence o f forests and other vegetation covers drains), construction o f new roads and bridges etc.
raindrops stike the ground surface directly and in are also significant factors (related to urbanization)
case of heavy downpour the rainfall exceeds the of floods which not only degrade the physical
lim it o f infiltration soon and thus maximum runoff is environm ent o f the rivers and surrounding terrains
generated which reaches the rivers through rills, but the recession o f deluge also causes accumulation
rivulets and streams and causes floods. of human refuse, sewage m aterials, silts etc.
bringing the epidem ics and thus degrading the
Increased surface runoff also accelerates the
rate of soil erosion and thus increases the sediment human environm ent in m ost o f the riverine cities of
load o f the rivers. Increased sedim ent load causes alluvial regions o f the developing countries in
siltation o f river beds and filling o f the valleys. This general and India in particular (K anpur, Allahabad,
process results into gradual rise in the river beds and Varanasi etc. located along the m ighty G anga river
decrease in the cross sectional areas o f the valleys are burning exam ples of degradation o f environment
and hence reduction in the water accommodating caused by recurrent floods of the G anga river at
capacity o f the river valleys. All these chain effects frequent intervals).
of deforestation and related increased surface Uncchecked urban grow th has been responsi­
runoff, increased soil erosion and decreased cross ble for w ater logging and consequent urban flood in
sectional areas o f the valley not only cause floods Mumbai in the last week o f July 2005 and 1st weak
but also increase the m agnitude and dim ension of of July 2006. Though m ajor cause o f M umbai flood
floods. Large-scale deforestation in the Himalayas was very heavy rainfall o f more than 944 mm on July
for the last one hundred years or so has resulted into 26 and 27,2005 but the rainw ater could not find easy
phenomenal increase in the frequency, m agnitude exit due to chocking of storm drains.
and dimension of floods in those rivers which have
their source catchm ents in the Him alayas but Faulty Agricultural Practices
extensive drainage areas in the alluvial Ganga plains
such as the Ganga and its tributaries like the In India valley side slopes of alluvial rivers are
Yamuna, the Ramaganga, the Gomti, the Ghaghra, ploughed down to the channel transverse to the
the Gandak, the Buri Gandak, the Kosi etc. The channel or say transverse to the contours (inorder to
extent of damages caused by swollen alluvial rivers dry out the m oisture accum ulated due to alluviation
and recurrent floods in the states of U ttar Pradesh, during floods) during ‘rabi seaso n ’ (w inter cropping
Bihar and W est Bengal (India) is increasing every season) and the farm s are never irrigated. A fter the
year. crops are harvested, the ploughed fields are baked
hot in the scorching sunlight o f sum m er m onths with
Increasing Urbanization the result loose soils becom e extrem ely dry. These
dried soils are soaked w ith w ater during first
Increasing urbanization also helps in increas­ sum m er show ers and are slum ped into the riv er bed
ing the surface runoff and therefore dim ension and by overland flow. This slum ping o f m o isten ed soils
m agnitude o f floods because extension in the pucca results in the gradual silting o f riv e r bed. On the

other hand, the cultivation o f valley-side slopes the downstream se c tio n s o f ' . :ver
reduces the gradient o f river banks. These two breaches in the dams c o n str u c te d acr f
processes flatten the valley and thus reduces the also cause devastating floods in the o
water accommodating capacity o f the river valley segments.
with the result the river takes very little time in
attaining its bankfull capacity and afterward water 3. Floods Disaster in India
spreads over the valley sides, inundates the low
lying flood plains and helps in aggravating the flood Most of the flood-prone and flood affected
situation. areas of the country are located in the northern parts
mainly in the Ganga plains of the states o f Uttar
Blocking of Natural Flow of Rivers Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. The flood hazards
and disasters in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Andhra
Blocking of natural flow of the rivers by Pradesh combined together account for 62 percent o f
landslides caused by earthquakes, other natural the total damages caused by flood hazards in the
factors and anthropogenic factors and clearance of country. Table 19.9 presents the statewise damages
such blockades causes sudden severe flash floods in caused by flood hazards in India.

States Share o f damages (in percentage) States Share o f damages

(in percentage)
Bihar 23.9 Rajasthan 4.5
Uttar Pradesh 23.8 Tamil Nadu 3.8 -
Andhra Pradesh 15.4 Haryana 3.2
W est Bengal 7.0 Assam 2.1
Gujarat 5.7 Punjab 1.4
Orissa 4.5 Madhya Pradesh 1.3
Source :National Commission on Floods, 1980, Ministry of Energy and Irrigation, New Delhi.

It may be pointed out that there is constant ‘During recent years, both the frequency and
increase in the frequency, intensity, spatial coverages intensity o f floods have increased significantly. For
(dim ensions) and magnitude of damages of floods in example, compared to 1950-65, the average loss
India every year because o f a bunch o f causative from floods got doubled in 1966-67 and went upto 3
times in 1971-75 and 5 times in 1976-78 showing a
factors such as rapid rate o f deforestation in the
constant upward trend. According to another
source catchments o f major rivers and their tributar­
estimate, the loss caused by floods within two years
ies and consequent accelerated rate of soil erosion,
(1976-78) remained more than 5 times as compared
increase in sediment load o f rivers, siltation and rise
to earlier period o f twelve years...A s National
o f river beds and marked reduction in the water Commission on Floods reports, the country suffers a
accommodating capacity o f the river valleys, damage o f Rs. 1000 crores every year on this account
increasing urbanization, mushroom growth o f set­ and the figure is rising steadily. What is more, the
tlements in the floodplains and even in the flattened total area subject to flooding has doubled from 20
(due to alluviation) valleys; encroachment of agri­ million ha(hactare) in 1971 to 40 m illion harin 1981’
cultural practices upon the valley sides and even (J. Singh and D.N. Singh, 1988). Table 19.10 depicts
down to the channels; construction o f bridges, the damages done by flood hazards in India during
embankments and dikes etc. 20-year period (1953-75).
Table 1 9 .1 0 ; Magnitude of flood damage in India

Areas affected by floods 7.4 million hactares 1.372 million hactares -
Cropped areas affected 3.1 million ha 7.6 million ha v ••• . ' ' ■

Number o f houses damaged 8,00,000 23,10,000

Number o f cattle lost 50,331 270,000
Number o f persons died 742 3,498
Total direct losses Rs. 2104 million Rs. 8,850 million • V "

Source : National Commission on Floods, Vol. I, Ministry of Energy and Irrigation, Govt, of India, 1980.

Man cannot stop high intensity rainfall and there is

4. Management of Flood Disaster no need at all to interfere with natural processes.
'.'.'r.i r.\ . •. . * - -
What man can do is to delay the return o f surface
The following steps should be taken for the runoff resulting from the high intensity rainfall to
reduction and management of flood hazards and the rivers. This can be achieved by large-scale
disaster : reforestation and afforestation in the hilly source
>■ Preparadness (P), catchment areas o f those rivers which are notorious
for their recurrent disastrous floods. The thick
> Mitigation (M), vegetal covers mostly of dense forests help in this
> Prevention (P), regard in a number of ways as follow s :
> Rescue operation (R), > Forests delay the return o f rainwater to the
>■ Relief work (R), rivers because these intercept the. falling
> Recovery (R), and raindrops and leaf litters and herbaceous
>• Rehabilitation. ground covers hold waters.
Let us discuss the preventive steps first. The > These encourage more infiltration o f rainwa­
following flood control measures should be adopted ter and therefore reduce, though marginally,
to mitigate the adverse impacts o f severe floods and amount of surface runoff.
to prevent ordinary floods : > These significantly reduce soil erosion and
>- delay the return o f runoff resulting from hence reduce sediment load o f the rivers,
torrential rainfail to the rivers, >■ Marked reduction in soil erosion and sedi­
> hasten the discharge of river water, ment load discourage siltation and hence
>• divert the flow o f rivers, and reduction in the water accommodating ca­
> reduce the impacts o f floods. pacity of the rivers etc. It is therefore
It may be pointed out that the floods are apparent that making the hills, having the
natural phenomena and one cannot entirely get rid source of flood producing rivers, green
off them but their impact can be minimised by man’s through large-scale tree plantation can effec­
technological skill, better warning systems and tively reduce the frequency and dimension o f
positive human response to- flood warnings and
various control measures adopted by the govern­
(2) Hasten the Discharge of River Water
(1) Delay the Runoff
It has ahready been mentioned that too much
bends and meander loops in the highly sinuous and
The First and foremost step to control floods is
meandering rivers retard the quick disposal o f water.
to look into their basic cause which is perhaps the
It is, therefore, advisable to straighten the sinous and
high intensity rainfall and resultant surface runoff.
meandering courses o f the rivers at som e places
(where meanders and loops have become extremely Valley Authority (T.V.A.) since 1933 has not only
sharpened) -by perform ing artificial cutoffs of controlled the recurrent floods and tamed the mad
individual bends or a series of bends so that the flood Tennessee river but has entirely changed the social
discharge may move downstream more rapidly and and economic picture of the basin to such an extent
the water may be disposed off by the rivers quickly. that the basin once considered as ‘hell and curse* is
Such devices are required to train the alluvial rivers now considered as heaven.
because these rivers (like all of the alluvial rivers of The success of TV A attracted more countries
the Ganga plains e.g. the Ganga, the Ramaganga, the to launch multi-purpose river projects for watershed
Rapti, the Gomti, the Gandak, the Kosi etc.) develop
management. The scheme was also implemented in
highly m eandering courses due to alluvial filled flat
India to check floods and for other purposes. The
terrain. There are two main difficulties in the
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), a m ulti­
im plem entation o f these control measures e.g. (i) the purpose river project, was launched on the line of
device requires huge money which may not be easily
TVA wherein 4 major dams and reservoirs have been
forthcoming in the developing countries, and (ii) constructed on the Damodar river and its tributaries
m eandering is a natural process o f alluvial rivers, if such as the Barakar and the Konar rivers for water
meanders are rem oved at some places the river may storage and flood moderation in the lower reaches of
develop m eanders at other places. The lower the Damodar river. Besides flood control, the DVC
M ississippi river near Greenville (U.S.A.) was also generates hydroelectricity and provides water
shortened in its length from 530 km to 185 km for irrigational purposes. ‘The four dams namely
between 1933 and 1936 to reduce flood crests. Konar, Maithan, Panchet Hill and Tilaiya have a
Sim ilarly, the M issouri river (U.S.A.) was short­ flood storage of 1603 million cubic metres and have
ened in its length by 52 km between Sioux City and been in operation since 1958 and have helped
its confluence with the M ississippi in 1960 for flood considerably in the moderation of floods in the
control and navigation improvement. Lower Damodar Region’ (K.L. Rao, 1975). Sim i­
larly, the construction of UkaiDam and Reservoir on
(3) Reduce the Volume of Water the Tapi (Tapti) river has almost saved the lower
reaches of the river and the town of Surat from the
The volum e of water during flood stage of a
disaster of flood hazards. Many more examples may
river may be reduced through a series of engineering be cited to demonstrate the positive effects of
devices such as construction of flood-control stor­ storage reservoirs on flood control.
age reservoirs. Such storage reservoirs impound
enorm ous volum e o f w ater during flood period and (4) Divert the Flood Water
thus these help in two ways e.g. firstly, these storage
reservoirs reduce the volume of water of the rivers, Flood-diversion systems imply diversion of
and secondly, these provide water for irrigation and flood water in lowlying areas, depressions or
drinking purposes. If the reservoirs are succeeded by artificially constructed channels bordered by artifi­
huge dam s, they also help in the generation of hydro- cial dykes so that the flood crests may be reduced
electricity. and the flood magnitude may be decreased. For
Such flood-control reservoirs were constructed example, Ghaggar Diversion Schemes divert the
on M iami river in the state of Ohio (U.S.A.) as early water discharge of about 340 cumecs (cubic metres
as in 1913. A series of storage reservoirs were per second) before entering Rajasthan (India) into
com pleted by 1921 and thus the scheme of the the depressions and in the areas between the sand
construction of storage reservoirs as effective flood- dunes during flood period so that discharge of w ater
control m easure becam e very popular in the U.S.A. in the main river (the Ghaggar) during flood stage
The Tennessee basin o f the U.S.A. was considered to may be kept within the safe lim its.
be hell till 1933 because o f perpetual waterlogging,
recurrent floods, very high incidence of malaria, (5) Reduce the Impacts of Floods
typhoid and tuberculosis, accelerated rate of soil
erosion and increase in the infertility of the soils and Embankments, dikes and flood walls are used
wasteland. B ut the construction of a series of dams to confine the flood water within the valley or say
and reservoirs under the scheme of Tennessee within a narrow channel. These engineering works

include the building o f artificial levees of earthen and the shifting o f existing outfall o f the KaralarivtSry|
materials, stones or even concrete walls. Artificial into the Teesta river n ear Jalpaiguri by 6 km
bunds (levees) of mostly earthen materials have downstream.
been constructed to protect many of the riverine
Flood Fo recasts and Early Warning
cities and towns in the Ganga plains (such as Delhi,
sJ s-'ie ji
Allahabad, Lucknow etc.). Construction of dikes or Flood Control Organisation and Flood Fore­
artificial levees was practiced long ago in China, casting and Warning System in India s The Constitu­
India etc. but there were several cases of breaches of tion of Central Flood Control Board in 1954 and the
earthen dikes and consequent more disastrous floods establishment o f the State Flood Control Boards at
than natural floods. ‘For example, dike failures in state level have proved beneficial in adopting
great flood on the Hwang Ho River (now Yellow several flood control measures. The flood forecast­
river) in China in 1887 brought inundation to an area ing and warning system was started in India in 1959
of 50,000 sq miles (130,000 sq km) and death by to monitor the flood situation in the capital city of
drowning to approximately one million persons’ Delhi. Since then a network o f flood forecasting and
(A.N. Strahler and A.H.Strahler, 1976). Besides,
warning systems has been spread over the country to
protection to the towns and cities from floods by
monitor the flood conditions o f major river basins o f
constructing dikes and other engineering structures
the country. Thus the flood forecasting centres setup
such as revetments, artificial levees of earthen dikes
in various parts o f India help in the forecasting of
are also constructed on either side of the river for
floods in the Ganga and its tributaries (e.g. Rapti,
longer distances to protect the floodplains from
floods. For example, the Kosi flood embankments Gomti, Ghaghra, Yamuna, Burhi Gandak, Kosi,
running for 246 km are being used to check the etc.), the Brahamaputra and its tributaries (i.e.
westward shifting of the Kosi river (in Bihar, India) Pagladiya and Burhi D ehing, Bark, Teesta),
and to protect the fertile floodplains from recurrent Subarnarekha, Damodar, Brahmani, Baitarni, Tapi,
floods and deposition of sands and coarse silts which Narmada, Sahibi, Godavari, A joy, Betwa and other
used to render vast tracts of fertile lands unfit for flood-prone rivers. The flood forecasting centres
cultivation. It may be pointed out that the Kosi river collect data o f rainfall and discharge rate, gauge
before the construction of flood embankments has level or flood level from various data recording
shifted its course westwards by about 112 km. centres in the jurisdiction o f each flood forecasting
The 246 km long embankments on either side of the centre and thus warn the inhabitants o f particular
Kosi river have been kept wide apart about 12 to 16 river basin about the possible danger o f floods much
km so that broad areas confined between the in advance, so that people may be evacuated to safer
artificial walls (embankments /dikes) may serve as places.
silt trap. ,,
There is immediate need for Flood Informa­
The Bagmati Flood Control Embankments tion System (FIS) which may com municate the
running for a distance of 241 km and 290-km long
concerned governments for issuing tim ely warning
embankments along the Mahnanda river under
messages to the inhabitants o f the area likely to be
Mahananda Embankment Scheme protect about
57,000 hectares and 160,000 hectares of floodplains affected by flood hazard. Information technology
respectively. and communications have proved very useful for
flood forecasting and warning system s.
Stone spurs are also used to protect the towns,
cities and other important places from severe It may be mentioned that flood forecasting
erosion during and after the floods. Under the and warning system is w ell organized in India and
scheme o f Dibrugarh Town Protection Works stone flood warning m essages are com m unicated in time
spurs, semi-permeable spurs, pile spurs, revetments through electronic and print m edia. T he concerned
and protective dikes of about 10 km length have authorities also alert the people about im m ediate
been constructed to protect the town from floods
flood occurrence but the social constraints taboo the
and erosion by the Brahmaputra river The
Jalpaiguri Town Protection Works (India) include Pla” bCCa“Se pe0ple are always scared of
the construction of 16-km long embankments h ° ,eir ProPerty in case they evacuate their
homes and m ove to other places.

19.6 DROUGHT HAZARD AND DISASTER and, through years of long and sometimes bitter
experience, has learned to adapt his operations to the
Meaning and Causes of Drought
rainfall characteristics of the a re a / ‘In other words,
drought is related to the failure of the usual rains a t
D roughts are m ore deadly natural environ­
a particular time, since most activities using water
m ental hazards because these are direcly related to
will be geared to that much is normally available’
one o f the three basic requirem ents of any form of
(J.E. Hobbs, 1980).
life (such as w ater, air and food) that is water and are
indirectly related to food because crops and other It is, thus* obvious that rainfall is the main
plants and anim als exclusively depend upon water. parameter for the determination of droughts but
D roughts resulting from accum ulative effects of ‘rainfall values, however, have limitations as drought
w ater scarcity cause extensive and enormous dam­ indicators, so many definitions and indices incorpo­
age to agricu ltu re and natural .vegetation and rate other parameters such as evaporation, humidity,
therefore cau se fam ine and starvation of human and air temperature, solar radiation, wind, soil moisture,
animal p o p u latio n o f the region concerned. The streamflow and plant conditons’ (J.E. Hobbs, 1980).
The following are a few drought definitions based on
m eaning and d efin itio n o f droughts are difficult
the parameters of precipitation :
propositons because there are m uch variations in the
view points and percep tio n of droughts from one (i) C.G. Bates (1935): Annual precipitation is
region to an o th er and from one group of people to 75 per cent or less of normal precipitation and
another. M ost p eo p le are reasonably well aware monthly precipitation is 60 per cent or less of normal
when a d ro u g h t situ atio n exists, but it is very monthly precipitation.
difficult to fin d an overall acceptable definiotn of (ii) BRO (British Rainfall Organization, 1936):
drought. It c learly involves a shortage of water but absolute drought : when there are atleast 15
can really be defin ed only in term s of a particualr consecutive days with less than 0.01 inch of rainfall
need. The m o st com m on view o f drought is of per day. partial drought: when there are at least 29
rainfall d eficien cy , but the links between rainfall days having mean rainfall of 0.01 inch or less, dry
and the w ater w h ich becom es available to meet a spell : when 15 consecutive days receive less than
dem and are com plex. Therefore, definition of a 0.04 inch of rainfall per day.
drought relates n ot only to w ater needs but also to the (iii) J.C. Hoyt (1936) : Annual and monthly
com plex set o f facto rs involved to supply that need rainfall less than 85 per cent of normal rainfall.
through the h y d ro lo g ical c y c le ’ (J.E. Hobbs, 1980). (iv) V.A. Conard (1944): Period of 20 or more
It m ay be p o inted out that increased dryness consecutive days without 0.25 inch precipitation in
for prolonged p eriod causing drought conditions is 24 hours (during M arch-September).
related to the am o u n t o f rainfall, its departures from (v) D.A. Ramdas (1950) : W hen rainfall for a
normal average annual value and local demand of week is half normal or less.
w ater for various purposes. It is not the am ount of (vi) A.J. Henry (1960) : 21 days or m ore
total annual rainfall w hich m atters for drought or wet when rainfall is 30 p e r cent or less of average
conditions rather it is the regularity and irregularity
rainfall. Extrem e droughts occur when rain fall is
o f rainfall w hich m atters m ore. For exam ple, a more
less than 10 per cent of average rainfall for 21 days
p ersisten t and reliable am ount o f 200 mm of annual
or m ore.
rainfall m ay not be the cause of concern of the
agriculturists in dry region because their agricultural M ost of the aforesaid definitions of droughts
activities w oud be adapted to this m eaagre am ount do not have any relevance in India and in m any of the
o f rainfall but the receipt o f only 200 mm of annual tropical and sub-tropical countries because here
rainfall fo r a few years in continuation or even in a agricultural practices are associated with distinct
single year in those areas w hich receive normal seasonal w ater regim e. Failure of m onsoonal rain ­
annual rainfall o f 500 to 800 mm may cause crop fall in India and addjacent countries adversely
failure and hence disastrous drought condition may affects ‘kharif crops’ and causes drought conditons.
prevail. A ccording to C .E . H ounam et al. (1975) A ccording to Indian M eteorological D epartm ent
‘The agriculturist or pastoralist, especially in the (IM D) drought is defined as a situation occurring in
direr regions, has assessed the nature o f local rainfall any area when the m ean annual rainfall is less than

75 per cen t o f the norm al rainfall. IMD has further industrial production because o f short supply of
c lassifie d droughts into two broad categories viz. (i) water. Demographic im pact o f drought includes
severe drought w hen the deficiency of rainfall depopulation o f regions/areas and tem porary m igra­
ex ceed s 5.0 per cent o f the normal rainfall, and (ii) tion of affected people and anim als. M any of the
moderate drought when the deficiency o f rainfall is people of Sahelian region o f tropical A frica have left
the region because o f persistent drought conditions.
betw een 25 per cent and 50 per cent of normal
There is frequent m igration o f people from drought
affected areas of R ajasthan, G ujarat, M aharashtra
Palm er Index is generally used to determine and Andhra Pradesh in India. Due to prolonged
w et or dry conditions as given below : severe droughts for four consecutive years (1984 to
1987) in Gujarat and Rajasthan a large number of
Palmer Index of Drought Severity
people tem porarily shifted to U ttar Pradesh and
A bove +4.0 extreme moist condition Bihar together with their cattle though m ost o f the
people sold out their cattle at m uch low er prices due
+3.0 — +3.9 very m oist condion
to total dearth of fodder. Political significance of
+2.0 — +2.9 unusual moist condition extreme drought conditions includes the change of
+ 1.0 — +1.9 moist condition political power due to acute shortage o f foodgrains
+0.5 — +0.9 incipient moist condition caused by crop failure due to droughts (e.g. Mr
Khurschev had to step down from pow er in the
+0.4 — (-) 0.4 near normal condition
form er USSR because he had to purchase wheat
(_) 0.4 — (-) 0.9 incipient drought condition from the western world) and increase in the
(-) 1.0 — (-) 1.9 mild drought condition dominance of the USA, C anada etc. on drought
(-) 2.0 — (-) 2.9 moderate drought condition affected poor countries because they have to depend
on those developed countries w hich have surplus
(-) 3.0 — (-) 3.9 severe drought condition
food supply. Even the fate o f state and central
below . (-) 4.0 extreme drought condition government of India depends on the nature and
mercy of monsoon rainfall.
Impact of Droughts
Environmental impact : C ontinued dry spells
As referred to earlier, droughts affect all types for several years may change the nature of dryland
of life-form in the biospheric ecosystem because ecosystems because prolonged drought causes
both plants and animals directly depend on water. desertification and d e s e rt sp re a d . The drylands, in
Any shortage of water supply adversely affects the absence of atm ospheric and soil m oisture, are
them. Thus, the impacts of prolonged droughts subjected to severe wind erosion. Even the sem i-arid
include ecological, economic, demographic and ecosystem suffers m ost from prolonged severe
political aspects. Prolonged drought conditons in a droughts. The idea of im pacts of droughts on human
given region change the biotic component of the activities may be had from the detailed discussion of
natural ecosystem because (i) some species of plant a few case studies of drought affected areas as given
and animals perish as they cannot withsand extreme below.
drought conditons; (ii) some animals migrate to (1) Sahel Region : The region extend
other places and hence there is marked decrease in between hot and dry desert areas o f the Sahara in the
the population of certain animal species; (iii) some
north and the Savanna region in the south and
animals die of hunger and starvation; (iv) there is
running from the w estern part of A frica through
stiff com petition for food due to scarcity created by
M auretania, Senegal, M ali, U pper V olta, Niger,
drought among the animals which result in the
Nigeria, Chad, U ganda, and E thiopia in the east is
elim ination o f weaker animals etc. The most
called Sahel Region or Sub-Sahara Region. The
significant ecological impact of prolonged drought
drought zone of the Sahel is a tropical grassland and
is natural control o f plant and animal populations.
is characterized by a feast and famine climate wherin
The economic impact of droughts includes the life o f nom adic herders and grain farm ers
econom ic losses due mainly to marked decrease in exclusively depends upon rainfall received during a
agricultural production, livestock yield and even short rainy season. The grow th o f grasses depends

upon rainfall. Even the people of Sahel depends for severe droughts viz. (i) 1895-1903; (ii); 1911-1916
their drinking water upon groundw ater which is and (iii) 1919-1920 resulted in m arked decrease in
replenished through rainfall. Prolonged drought the agricultural land which was increased substan­
results, in the depletion of groundwater and hence tially after .1866. I t : may be pointed out that
acute scarcity of drinking water. This region is very favourable rains during 1860’s and 1870 s led to
often frequented by severe droughts which cause phenomenal increase in the cropped area as the
extensive damage to flora and fauna and humans. cultivated lands were extended from m ore favour­
The past severe droughts began in 1968 and able coastal areas to the inland marginal areas. The
continued upto 1975. The drought became acute cropped land in the south-east Australia increased 6
during 1971 and 1972 and its cumulative effects times between 1866 and 1900 but the aforesaid three
became so disastrous that it became a human consecutive phases of severe droughts forced the
catastrophe by 1974. The prolonged drought for 7 farmers to retreat towards the favourable coastal
years in continuation resulted in the depletion of areas. The recent severe droughts in Australia
subsurface water reserve and drying of water holes include two widespread dry spells in 1965-66.and
(trapped w ater in sands and gravels of stream beds) 1967-68 which caused decrease in the farm gross
and low wells. The nomadic herders were compelled national product by 20 per cent.
to sell out their cattle which could survive due to (3) The aforesaid examples of droughts are
water shortage in the beginning of the drought and related to those areas whch are already rain deficient
-thus they becam e refugees and collected in special regions and droughts are very c o m m o n . features but
camps near the cities and towns to get small packets there are other areas where there is no problem of
o f foodgrains donated by other countries of the large-scale droughts. In such areas a drought causes
world. Inspite of relief m easures coming from over serious problems o f various sorts. The exam ple of
the world thousands of people of the Sahel region 1975-76 drought in U.K. reveals this fact. The
died o f hunger and staravation, thirst and diseases. twelve-month period (from M ay 1,1975 to A pril 30,
A bout 5 m illion cattle were claimed by severe Sahel 1976) recorded less than 60 per cent of norm al
drought. A bout 50,000 people in Ethiopia alone died annual precipitation. The dry conditions continued
o f starvation, m alnutrition and diseases. The drought for further 4 months i.e. from May 1,1976 to A ugust
condition still persists in Ethiopia and millions of 1976. This prolonged dry spell resulted into acute
children are suffering from m alnutrition and dis­ shortage of supply of water for dom estic and
eases. industrial purposes as the reservoirs could not be
(2) A ustralia : D rought is very commonfilled up to their capacities. T here was also
natural phenom enon in A ustralia. The Australian substantial fall in agricultural production as w heat,
d ro u g h ts-a re both frequent in recurrence and barley, oats and potato productions in England and
widespread in spatial coverage. A few case histories Wales fell by 22, 12, 12 and 13 to 40 per cent
of droughts would certainly reveal the magnitude of respectively. The total loss to agricultural produc­
Australian droughts. The worst drought started in tion amounted to more than 500 m illion pounds. The
1895 and continued upto 1903. The adverse impacts gravity of the 1975-76 drought m ay be gauged from
of this prolonged droughts included sharp fall in the the fact that the governm ent appointed a D rought
num ber o f sheep from 106 m illion sheep in 1891 to M inister to handle the problem arising out o f the
only 54 m illion in 1902 and 50 per cent decrease in drought.
the num ber o f cattle (from 14 m illion cattle in 1891
(4) India : Since m onsoon clim ate and
to 7 m illion in 1902). Several enorm ous dust storms
associated rainfall is very m uch deceptive, irreg u lar
submerged m any fences under thick cover o f huge
amount of soils and sands, the city of M elbourne was and uncertain, and hence nearly m ost parts o f the
drenched (on N ovem ber 21,1 9 0 2 ) with dust, several country are affected by drought and floods in one
towns in the interior part could not see the sun on that way or the other. For exam ple, R ajasthan is a ch ro n ic
day (November 21, 1902) because o f thick layer of drought-prone area but heavy rainfall*during the first
dusts in the air, railw ay lines at m any places were two weeks of July 1990 (exceeding 500 m m a day)
buried under thick deposits o f loose soils and sands, caused severe floods in m ost parts o f R ajasth an . T he
evere hazardous droughts again occurred during chronically drought affected areas o f the country
-1916, and 1919-1920. Thus the three phases of include 67 districts w here d ro u g h t affects 25 p er cen t

e total cropland and 12 per cent people of India, scattered pockets o f droughtprone areas cover about
is zone, worst affected by severe droughts, 100,000 km2 o f area.
in clu d es larger tracts in the states o f Rajasthan, The Ministry o f Agriculture has identified
Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra drought affected areas in the country on the basis of
Pradesh and southern Uttar Pradesh. The severe r a i n f a l l distribution, frequency o f occurrence of
drought-prone areas o f India are divided into 3 zones droughts and percentage o f irrigation. On the other
as follow s : hand, the Irrigation Com mission has demarcated
(1) Zone I : Desert and semi-arid regions drought-prone areas on the basis o f rainfall and
spread over an area of about 600,000 km2 and form irrigation in the region concerned. Thus, according
a rectangular tract which stretches from Ahmedabad o f the Irrigation Commission those areas are drought
to Kanpur (to form eastern and southeastern border), affected areas which have less than 1,000 mm of
from Kanpur to Jullundhur (to form north-eastern mean annual rainfall, 20 per cent or more o f the years
and northern boundary) and form Jullundhar to Rann do not receive even 75 per cent o f this annual amount
o f Kutch along the western international border. The o f rainfall and where irrigated areas are less than 20
region is characterized by low rainfall ranging per cent of the cropped areas.
between 350 mm and 750 mm per annum but the
extreme western desert areas receive even less than Drought Control M easures
350 mm o f annual rainfall. This zone includes whole
Unlike floods, forewarning is not possible in
o f Rajasthan and Gujarat, western and south­
the case o f droughts, though computer-based study
western parts o f Punjab, most of Haryana, south­
western part o f Uttar Pradesh and narrow strip along o f numerous climatic and m eteorological param­
the western and north-western border of Madhya eters may provide some idea about the nature and
Pradesh. There is little impact of droughts in Punjab pattern of precipitation in the ensuing year. Even the
and Haryana because sufficient irrigational facili­ amount o f air moisture and precipitation may be
ties are available but the areas having no irrigational increased through anthropogenic activities such as
facilities are the worst drought-affected and famine afforestation. The usual practice prevalent in most
areas of the country. o f the country to combat droughts is to provide relief
measures to drought affected people. Such measures
(2) Zone 2: The second chronic drought-prone
zone forms a rectangular tract which spreads over are also necessary because these provide immediate
the rainshadow areas o f the Western Ghats. In fact, reliefs to the affected people. Besides, there should
this zone is situated to the east o f the Western Ghats be long-term measures to ameliorate the severity o f
and extends in a width of 300 km. It includes south­ droughts. Such measures include afforestation to
western Andhra Pradesh, eastern Karnatka (east of increase the content o f air moisture, to increase the
Western Ghats) and south-western Maharashtra amount of precipitation, to increase the rate of
(east of Western Ghats). This region covers 370,000 infiltration o f rainwater and hence the replenishment
km2 of area and is characterized by highly erratic of groundwater and rise o f water table; introduction
mean annual rainfall of less than 750 mm. o f dry farming techniques to reduce the dependence
(3) Zone 3 : Besides the aforesaid two broad of farming on rainwater; checking o f desertification
/ones of severe droughts, there are some scattered or desert spread; introduction o f water conservation
pockets o f droughts in the country such as Tirunelveli schemes; developm ent o f horticulture and pastures;
district located to the south of Vagai river, Coimbatore revitalisation o f Drought-Prone Area Programmes
area, Palamau area of Jharkhand, Purulia District o f (DPAP); construction o f reservoris, digging o f wells
West Bengal, Kalahandi region of Orissa etc. The etc.

20.1 ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION: MEAN­ they are dispersed to such locations w hich may not
be reached by man for fairly long period o f tim e or
they become so contam inated that they are not
As stated earlier environm ent is a com prehen­
Physical and biological processes of the
sive term which in general refers to the surroundings
natural environm ental system operate in such a way
but in geographical perspective environm ent in­
that any change in any part o f the environm ent at any
cludes abiotic or physical (land, air water) and biotic
place in a specific tim e period is suitably com pen­
(plants and anim als including man and his several
sated by negative feedback m echanism in a natural
functions, organizations and institutions) com po­
condition. Thus the natural environm ental system
nents of the life supporting layer-the biosphere. The
has ‘inbuilt self regulating m echanism ’ know n as
dynamic evolving earth system in general and the
homeostatic mechanism through w hich any change in
biospheric system or natural environm ental system
the natural ecosystem / environm ental system is
in particular are governed by discernible processes,
counterbalanced by responses o f the system to the
both physical and biological. V arious physical,
change and ultim ately ecosystem stability or envi­
chemical and biological processes are continuously
ronm ental equilibrium is restored. In other words,
engaged in the creation, m aintenance, and destruc­
any change in the environm ent brought by the
tion o f surface m aterials o f the earth ’s surface (both
natural processes is suitably com pensated by changes
organic and inorganic). These earth m aterials e.g.
in other com ponents of the environm ent. Thus there
m inerals, rocks, soils, w ater etc. are not only created
is reciprocal relationship betw een various com po­
but are also m aintained, changed in their properties,
nents o f the environm ent. The physical processes
transferred from one place to another and even
create suitable habitats for biological com m unities
destroyed by geologic cycle but these m aterials even
on the one hand, biological com m unities (m ostly
while passing through the aforesaid pathw ays
m an) m odify the environm ent on the other hand.
rem ain initially uncontam inated and are very useful
for man but w henever these m aterials are used or In fact, life has continued to m odify and alter
dispersed by m an, they becom e contam inated and the atm ospheric, lithospheric and oceanic com po­
are seldom available for hum an use because either nents o f the natural environm ent since the very

beginning of life on this planet earth. The very environmental degradation because it becomes
nature o f the atmosphere, the rocks and sediments, difficult to perceive environmental degradation
freshw ater on the earth’s surface and oceanic water directly in the initial stages. Adverse effects of
in terms of organic and inorganic constituents has environmental degradation are easily observable in
been greatly modified by the organisms including biological communities.
both plants and animals. Since the dawn of industrial
revolution in 1860 man has emerged the most 20.2 ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND
powerful environmental process spearheaded by
modern technologies capable o f m odifying the
environment to great extent. In fact, of all the
organisms man is the m ost intelligent and powerful To most of the people environmental degrada­
animal and is capable o f not only affecting the tion and pollution are synonym as both are
environm ent like other organisms but is also able to concerned with the lowering of the quality of the
alter the basic composition of the environment at a environment. But a distinction between these two
scale detrimental not only to all biota but also to his aspects of the lowering and deterioration of the
own existence. Phenomenal increase in human quality of the environment may be drawn on the
population in the present century has put enormous basis of causative factors and scale of deterioration
pressure on natural resources which has resulted into of environmental quality in terms of m agnitude/
accelerated rate of rapacious exploitation of natural intensity and covered area. To my mind environ­
resources in order to m eet out the demand of ever- mental pollution means lowering of the quality of
increasing population, rapidly growing industries environment at local scale caused exclusively by
and increasing urbanization. The development of human activities whereas environmental degrada­
modern technologies and increased economic func­ tion means lowering of environmental quality at
tions of man have further accelerated the rate of local, regional and global scales by both natural
exploitation of natural resources. All these have processes and human activities. For example,
modified a few of the components of the environ­ volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, submergence and
ment to such an extent that the adverse effects on the emergence, faulting, atm ospheric storms like cy­
environment cannot be set right by the homeostatic clones (typhoons, and hurricanes), forest fires,
mechanism or self regulatory mechanism of the atmospheric lightning, hailstorm s, excessive snow­
environment. Consequently, the changed environ­ falls, geological erosion, landslides and avalanches
mental conditions adversely affect the organisms etc. are the natural factors which cause destabilization
(both plants and animals including man) in the of ccosystem and thus cause environmental degrada­
biosphere. tion but natural processes absorb them and keep the
ecosystem in balance.
Thus it is obvious that environmental degra­
dation refers to the deterioration in its physical It may be pointed out that many of the
component brought in by the biological processes aforesaid natural factors are also affected by human
mainly by human activities to such an extent that it economic and technological activities (the rates and
cannot be set right by the se lf regulatory mechanism magnitude of some natural factors may be increased
or homeostatic mechanism o f the environment. or decreased by human activities). Even the scale
In other words, environmental degradation factor may also be negated if we consider such
simply means overall lowering o f environmental human factors/actions which degrade the environ­
qualities because of adverse changes brought in by ment at global level. In other words, the adverse
human activities in the basic structure o f the changes in the environmental quality at local scale
components of the environment to such an extent are caused by human activities as referred to above
that these adverse changes adversely affect all and thus the lowering of environm ental quality
biological communities in general and human caused by human activities at local level is generally-'
society in particular. Environmental degradation called pollution but some times the effects of human
leaves direct impact on the ecology and thus is activities are so immense that the environm ent is
caused ecological imbalance because of marked degraded at global level as well. For example,
reduction in the ecosystem and ecological diversity. depletion of ozone layer by hum an actions (release
In fact, ecological imbalance is the indicator of of chlorofluorocarbon, halons, nitrogen oxides etc.

in the stratosphere) and increase o f green house
The com prehensive study o f environmental
effects of the atm osphere due to increase of
degradation/deterioration and pollution includes
concentration o f carbon dioxide in the atm osphere perception of pollution (in terms o f individuals,
through burning o f fossil fuels in the factories may social problems, economic problem s, and ecological
change the radiation balance o f the earth and the problems); definitions of pollution; sources and
atm osphere at global level. The nuclear holocaust types of pollution; causes and processes o f pollu­
disaster m ay change the global environm ent within tion; environmental effects of pollution on humans,
the shortest tim e scale. It, thus, appears that organisms and ecosystems; monitoring o f pollution
en vironm ental degradation and pollution may not be about programmes. These aspects shall be discussed
differentiated on the basis o f factors and causes of in the next chapter (chapter 21).
the lowering o f the environm ental quality and the
area affected by environm ental changes. 20.3 TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL
It may be suggested that environm ental DEGRADATION
degradation should be taken in w ider sense so as to
include both natural and hum an factors whereas It is apparent from the preceding discussion
environmental pollution should be restricted to the that environmental degradation is much bigger and
comprehensive term which includes low ering and
lowering of environm ental quality by human factors
deterioration of environmental quality caused by
only in limited areas.
both natural factors (as elaborated in the preceding
A further area o f distinction may be drawn sections) and anthropogenic factors from local level
between environm ental degradation and pollution in through regional level to global level. The events
terms of destabilization o f various com ponents of caused by either natural processes or anthropogenic
the environm ent. Pollution may be restricted to processes, which bring immediate changes in the
include the adverse effects of hum an activities in one of natural environment and inflict colossal damage and
the components of the environm ent or one group of the loss to the environmental quality and living organ­
organisms w hile environm ental degradation may isms are called extreme events or hazards which are
include total deterioration and degradation of the further divided into two broad categories viz.
majority of the components o f the environment/natural (i) natural hazards (like tropical cyclones, volcanic
eruptions, earthquakes, floods, drought etc.), and
ecosystem and its organism s, both plants and animals.
(ii) anthropogenic hazards (like nuclear holocaust,
Moreover, environm ental degradation and chemical war, etc.). The deterioration of environ­
pollution are always considered in terms of man. In mental quality beyond a critical limit caused by
fact, environmental degradation is a wider term human activities is called pollution. The environ­
which means disturbance o f various m agnitudes in mental degradation/deterioration may be classified
the ecosystem equilibrium , environm ental stability as given below :
and ecological balance caused by human activities.
When environmental degradation/deterioration crosses Environmental Degradation
the critical limit to such an extent that it becomes
lethal to the organisms in general and human beings (Divided into two categories on the basis of
in particular, it becomes pollution. Thus pollution is factors responsible for the lowering of environmen­
the upper limit of environmental degradation/deterio­ tal quality and the level and magnitude of lowering/
ration. deterioration of environmental quality)
Since the realization of environmental degra­ (1) Extreme events and hazards
dation and pollution has now become of global (2) Pollution
concern and there is growing awareness about Extreme events and hazards have been widely
pollution as ‘vicious circle’ situation, a com prehen­ classified and discussed in chapter 17 of this book.
sive study of various aspects of pollution is not only
desirable but is also necessary for environmental Pollution
geographers so that future strategies for resource
utilization and comprehensive environmental man­ (Pollution is caused by human activities and i?
agement programmes may be formulated. generally divided into two broad categories).

(i) Physical Pollution in the natural environment but these changes are
counterbalanced by the nature itself and no serious
(Physical pollution is caused due to lowering perpetual environmental and ecological problems
o f the quality of physical or abiotic components of crop up but when man augments the rate and
the e n v iro n m e n t by human activities and is further magnitude of natural extreme events and hazards
divided into three subtypes). these become lethal to natural environment and
serious environmental problems are generated due
fA) Land Pollution to large-scale environmental degradation/deteriora­
tion. Secondly, man also degrades the environment
Examples : (a) accelerated rate of soil erosion through his increased economic activities. Thus
through rill and gully erosion, (b) desertification, (c) environmental degradation is effected in two ways
soil pollution, (d) salinization etc. viz. (i) through the augmentation and acceleration of
extreme events and natural hazards by man, and (ii)
through the exploitation of natural resources and
(B) Water Pollution their processing in a variety of ways by man.
In fact, the processes and mechanisms which
Examples : (a) pollution of sea water, (b)
disturb the stability or equilibrium of the environ­
pollution of groundwater, (c) pollution of streams,
ment and consequently cause environrfiental degra­
(d) pollution of lakes etc. dation are called the processes of environmental
degradation. The stability of the environment means
(C) Air Pollution balance between the production and consumption of
each element in the natural ecosystem. There is
Examples : (a) depletion of ozone layer, (b) inbuilt self regulatory mechanism called homeostatic
increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in mechanism in a natural ecosystem through which
the atmosphere, (c) decrease in the quality of air, etc. any change in either of the components of the
environment (abiotic and biotic components) and in
(ii) Social Pollution production-consumption ratio of the elements caused
by natural processes is counterbalanced and the
(Pollution caused in different aspects of the stability of the environment and the natural ecosys­
tem is maintained. When the environmental change
society due to cum ulative effects of extreme events/
brought in by the activities of man or say by
hazards and pollution. Social pollution may be
anthropogenic processes is not suitably compen­
further divided into several sub-types).
sated by homeostatic mechanism of the natural
environment, environmental degradation sets in.
(A) Population Explosion This so happens when the changes brought in the
(B) Sociological Pollution natural environment by anthropogenic processes are
continuous and enormous and these changes exceed
Examples : (a) educational and social back­ the resilience or the capacity of the environment to
wardness, (b) crimes, (c) perpetual quarrels, sustain these changes. For example, rapid rate of
(d) wars, (e) communal riots etc. mass felling of trees in a forest ecosystem seldom
allows regeneration of forest community because
(C) Econom ic Pollution exposed land surface due to reckless deforestation is
subjected to intense weathering and accelerated rate
Example : poverty.
of erosion and thus rich fertile soils and nutrients are
washed out by surface runoff. Himalayan forest ■>
20.4 PRO CESSES OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEG­ ecosystem is a typical example of ecosystem I
RADATION environmental instability because mass deforesta­
tion and subsequent overgrazing have resulted into
It has already been stated that environmental complete removal of natural forests at certain
degradation and pollution are always considered in localities.
terms of living organisms in general and human It may be stated that there are mutual
beings in particular. Though natural processes interactions between the abiotic and biotic compo­
mainly extrem e events also bring substantial changes nents of the environm ent and th e environm ent
e n v ir o n m e n t a l d e g r a d a t io n 441
remains in equilibrium condition so long as the >► by manipulating environmental processes
mutual interactions and relationships between the such as cloud seeding for induced precipita­
abiotic and biotic components of the environments tion, cloud dispersal, prevention of hail­
are harmonious and these do not bring far reaching
changes in any or many components of the storms etc.
environment. Man being the most intelligent animal >■ by altering chemical and gaseous composi­
of all of the animals and technologically most tion of the atmosphere through industrializa­
advanced tries to make use of the environmental tion and urbanization, etc.
resources and to make the environmental influences Over-exploitation of exhaustible resources,
favourable for him. In doing so man affects and continuation of exploitation of those natural re­
modifies the environment and thus environmental sources whose reserves have reached a critical limit
conditions are changed by human activities. When and are at verge of exhaustion, excessive use of those
the environmental changes brought in by man resources whose generation is a very slow process
exceeds the critical limit, environmental degrada­ (like soils) etc. are few examples of rapacious use of
tion starts. It may be pointed out that the factors and natural resources by greedy economic man. Such
the processes responsible for the environmental
human actions make the environment sick and
stability or instability (and hence environmental
degrade the environmental quality to such an extent
degradation) should always be viewed in terms of
that degraded environment endangers the very
resilience of the natural environment or natural
existence of human beings. In fact, the very
ecosystem. If the environmental changes brought in
existence of all living organisms depends upon
by anthropogenic processes exceed the environmen­
tal resilience, environmental instability and hence natural environment. Clean air and water, fertile
environmental degradation is caused but when the land, rich biotic community including both plants
environmental resilience is such that it can with­ and animals, wilderness and recreational areas,
stand the environmental changes, environmental sufficient mineral resources, ideal weather and
stability is maintained and the natural environment climatic conditions etc. are the elements of the
is protected from being degraded. environments which are needed in sufficient amount
The processes of environmental degradation for the maintenance and development of human
are, thus, both natural and anthropogenic but society. ‘Economic’ and ‘technological man’ has
anthropogenic processes are largely responsible for started exploitation of natural resources ateverincreasing
environmental degradation of high magnitude and of rate inorder to meet the growing demands of the
global concern. Man causes environmental instabil­ present-day human society. Thus man’s exploitative
ity and hence environmental degradation in the and productive activities have significantly lowered
following manner : the quality of life-saving clean air through expand­
ing industrialization, urbanization and everincreasing
>- by destroying completely or partly the
means of transportation as the pollutants emitted
natural vegetation or original species or by
from the human volcanoes (chimneys of the
replacing them by other vegetation or animal
factories), house hold commodities and appliances,
vehicles etc. have disturbed the natural gaseous
>■ by introducing exotic plants or animals to composition of the atmosphere and global radiation
any area where such biotic communities were balance.
not present previously,
Precious water resources, both surface water
>- by altering or modifying one or more
and groundwater, have been largely contaminated or
components of natural environment (land use
being contaminated by industrial wastes, urban
changes, for example),
sewage, chemical fertilizers (released from the
> by introducing foreign substances through agricultural fields), toxic chemicals e'tc. The quality
the use qf chemical fertilizers, pesticides and of fresh water all over the globe has been so
herbicides, degraded that these have become unsuitable for
> by increasing or decreasing the original drinking purposes without being treated carefully
proportion of atmospheric gases, before their use by the public.

Land has been d eg rad ed in almost all of the 20.5 CAUSES OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS
countries even in the tropical countries through AND DEGRADATION
accelerated rate of soil erosion by rill and gully
erosion consequent upon rapid rate of deforestation. The ‘environm ental crisis’ caused due to
Large-scale deforestation has resulted into the environm ental and ecological changes is the result
decrease of infiltration o f rainwater and therefore of developm ental processes o f the ‘econom ic and
marked reduction in the recharge of groundwater technological m an’ o f the past century. In fact, if the
and hence depletion in the groundw ater resource.
past century was m arked by socioeconom ic, scien­
Marked increase in surface runoff; accelerated rate
tific and technological developm ent on the one
of soil erosion through rainsplash, rain wash, sheetwash
hand, it was plagued by serious problems of
and gully erosion; decrease in agricultural produc­
environm ental problem s on the other hand. The
tivity and gross agricultural output; changes in
environm ental crisis arising out of the environm en­
weather conditions; increease in the frequency and
tal degradation/deterioration caused by several
magnitude of floods; m arked decrease in the
forms of pollution, depletion of natural resources
biological diversity of the natural ecosysteni have
because of rapid rate o f their exploitation and
caused overall disequilibrium in the natural environ­
increasing dependence on energy consuming and
ment and ecological imbalance. Land has been also
ecologically dam aging technologies, the loss of
degraded by unscientific m ining operations and
habitats due to industrial, urban and agricultural
accumulation of huge am ount o f mining wastes and
expansion, reduction and loss o f ecological populations
industrial and urban refuses. Several acres of good
due to excessive use o f toxic pesticides and
agricultural land on the right-bank of the Yamuna
herbicides and loss o f several species o f plants due
river opposite the city o f Allahabad were rendered
toxic and wasteland due to dumping o f m illions of to practice o f m onoculture and rem oval o f habitats
tonnes of ‘night soils’ (human refuse) during the through forest clearance has now becom e of global
Kumbha Fair held at the confluence o f the Ganga and concern. The life o f com m on m an is being so rapidly
the Yamuna rivers in the m onth o f January, 1989 at adversely affected by environm ental degradation
Allahabad. (It may be stated that the confluence site caused by man him self that ‘there has been a marked
at Allahabad, India, becomes the largest megalopolis growth of interest within the last decade in the
of the world at least for a week during twelve-yearly quality of environm ent, the disruption o f the earth’s
Kumbha Fair as 20 to 30 million people congregate natural ecosystem s and the depletion o f resources.
at the sacred confluence of the holy Ganga and Pollution, ecology and environm ent have been
Yamuna rivers at Allahabad). projected from the cloistered world o f science into
the forefront of public debate, and all aspects of
Industrial expansion, sprawling urban growth,
m an’s use of his environment have been widely
everincearsing tourism etc. have put enormous
discussed with passionate interest’ (C .C .P ark, 1980).
strain on wildeness areas and virgin natural areas
hitherto unaffected by human influences. Now no The m ost striking reason o f the environm ental
wildareas or wilderness areas in true sense exist on degradation and hence global environm ental crisis is
this planet earth because man has reached every the fast deteriorating relationship betw een m an and
nook and corner of the planet earth. The present-day environm ent because of rapid rate o f exploitation of
m aterialistic greedy economic man has spoilt the natural resources, technological developm ent and
natural beauty of the environm ent through his industrial expansion. The rate of environm ental
exploitative activities. change and resultant environm ental degradation
It is now obvious that the anthropogenic caused by human activities has been so fast and
processes, as referred to above (also see chapters 3 widespread that R.F. D asm ann (1976) has rem arked
and 15 of this book), disturb the environm ent by that ‘the human race is like an ape w ith a hand-
changing the different com ponents and thus the grenade. Nobody can say w hen he w ill pull the p in ’
overall quality o f the natural environm ent is lowered of the grenade and the w hole w orld w ill be destroyed
and environm ental and ecological balance is dis­ (in case of breaking out o f nu clear w ar). J.
turbed. Ail these processes and after-affects lead to Poelm ans-K irsch’ n (1974) has recogn ized the fol­
environm ental degradation at local, regional and lowing reasons for environm ental deg radation and
global levels. resultant environm ental crisis :

and activity in th at region, and (ii) the interactions of com ponent o f the biotic com ponents o f the natural
people, resources and society are governed by environm ental system and the stability o f the
universal econom ic principle’ (W. Zelinsky, 1966). environment and ecosy stem/ecological balance largely
Based on these two fallacious assum ptions the depend on the status o f the forests o f the region
‘econom ic determ inism believes in man s ability to concerned.
solve environm ental problems arising out of contin­ It is a m atter o f serious concern that the
ued econom ic grow th and industrial expansion. It present econom ic m an has forgotten the environ­
may be pointed out that this extrem e concept of mental and ecological significance of natural vegetations
economic determ inism o f the rich m aterialistic m ainly forests and grasslands and has destroyed the
society led to rapacious exploitation o f natural forests so rapidly and alarm ingly that the forest areas
resources in the w estern developed countries and at global, regional and local levels have so markedly
their colonies in Third W orld C ountries and thus has decreased that several serious environmental prob­
created m ost of the environm ental and ecological lem s such as accelerated rate of soil loss through
problem s of global dim ension. rainsplash, sheetw ash, rill and gully erosion; in­
The ‘ecological viewpoint’ o f the nature and the crease in the frequency and dimension of floods;
environm ent considers m an as an integral part o f the greater incidence of drought due to decrease in
nature/environm ent and em phasizes sym biotic rela­ precipitation etc. have plagued the modern human
tionship between m an and environm ent. In fact, this society. From ecological point of view, at least one
view point states that there should be harm ony and third of the total geographical area of a country
not hostility betw een m an and nature. This view should be under rich forest cover but this general
point also lays em phasis on w ise and restrained use rule o f environm ental significance has been flouted
of natural resources, application of appropriate in many o f the countries. Deforestation has immedi­
environmental m anagem ent program m es, policies ate adverse effects on soils and land because of
and strategies based on ecological principles i.e. exposure o f ground surface to high intensity rainfall.
rational exploitation of natural resources and opti­ M any of the developing countries of the
mum utilization of natural resources. tropical and subtropical regions have lost substantial
portions of their forest covers due to conversion of
20.7 DEFORESTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL forested land into agricultural land in order to feed
the teem ing m illions. India has also not been
DEGRADATION exception to the present global trend of rapid rate of
deforestation. A ccording to the Report of the Forest
Forests are invaluable property of a nation Survey of India, the following is the present status of
because they provide raw m aterials to modern different land uses under forest covers in India (table
. industries; tim ber for building purposes; habitats for 20. 1).
numerous types of animals and micro-organisms;
good friable and nutrient rich soils having high 20.1 : Different categories of forest covers in India
content of organic matter; offer protection to soils by
binding the soils through the network of their roots Total forested area 11,45,816 km2
and by protecting the soils from direct impact of Closed forest area 2,24,025 km2
falling raindrops; they encourage and increase Open forest area 2,59,062 km2
infiltration of rainwater and thus allow maximum
Degraded forest area 1,79,624 km2
recharge o f groundwater resources; minimize sur­
face runoff and hence reduce the frequency, Good forest cover 4,83,123 km2
intensity and dim ension of floods; they help in Forested cover 20.2% of the total
increasing the precipitation; they are natural ‘sink’ geographical
o f carbon dioxide because they use carbon dioxide to area of India
prepare their food during the process of photosyn­
Good forest cover 6.8% of the total
thesis; they provide firewood to millions of people
geographical area of
all over the world, and food and shelter to
innum erable humans and animals. In fact, forests are India
‘life-lin e’ of a nation because prosperity and welfare Open degraded 13.4% of the geo­
o f the society directly depends on sound and healthy -
forest graphical area of India
forest cover o f a nation concerned. Forests are main
Source : Report of the Forest Survey of India.

M anipur 500 . . . .. 300 grasses next season leads to several types of changes
173 - 116 in the surface materials. The herdsmen also throw
Andhra Pradesh burning ‘bidies’ (smoking sticks used mostly in
Tripura 170 .... 100 South Asian countries particularly in India, Paki­
Bihar 162 61 stan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) inadvertently
M adhya Pradesh 81 114 which causes forest fires. Besides destroying vegetations,
19 16 forest fires harden the ground surface which
Kerala ______
decreases the porosity of the soils and consequently
S o u rce : Report o f the F orest Survey o f India! there is little infiltration of rainwater. Thus most of
the rainwater becomes effective surface runoff
(3) Transfromation of Forests Into Pasture which accelerates the rate of soil erosion. Secondly,
the frequent forest fires destroy the leaf litters on the
Transform ation o f forests into pastures has ground and thus the soil nutrients and humus
been responsible for rapid rate o f loss of virgin contents are markedly reduced and some times are
forests in the M editerranean and temperate areas com pletely destroyed. Besides, forest fires kill all of
mainly in North A m erica, South Am erica and the m icro-organism s living in the leaf litters mainly
Africa. The main factor behind large-scale conver­ decomposers and in the soils and plant roots-. Thus
sion of woodland into pasture land is expanding forest fires not only destroy natural'vegetation and
dairy farm ing and cattle ranching for meat. Exten­ retard and taboo regeneration of trees but also cause
sive areas o f original forest stands in New England tremendous damage to the biological communities
region, M ichigan and m ountainous states of the and thus cause ecological imbalance.
W estern U.S.A.; Canada, South American countries
and A frican Savannas have been converted into (6) Lumbering
pastures for cattle ranching.
Lumbering for dom estic and commercial
(4) Overgrazing purposes is the real cause of large-scale destruction
of forest covers. Everincreasing demand of timber
O vergrazing o f forests of m oderate cover by for various purposes due to industrial expansion,
anim als m ainly in the tropical and subtropical and urban growth and rapidly increasing human popula­
arid and sem i-arid areas has resulted into large-scale tion has done great damage to natural forest covers
degradation o f natural vegetation, if not the com­ all over the world. The reckless felling o f trees from
plete destruction o f forests. Very low yielding (low the very beginning of the 20th century without
per capita yield o f both m eat and milk) but large caring for environmental and ecological conse­
numbers o f cattle in the developing countries of the quences and without having any plan for replanation
world have consum ed m ost part of the ground cover to ensure regeneration of forests has depleted the
and bushes and herbaceous plants. The deforested forest resources to such an extent that the possible
areas have been w orst affected by grazing animals gruesom e consequences of deforestation are loom ­
because no fresh regeneration o f plants has been ing large over the human society all over the globe
allowed by large herds o f grazing anim als. The and even the existence of human beings stands
Savanna grasslands have been com pletely destroyed threatened. Collection of fodder and firewood by
partly by conversion o f grasslands into agricultural rural population from the depleted and poor forest
farms by man and partly by overgrazing. covers m ostly in the developing countries has
further degenerated already impoverished forest
(5) Forest Fires covers.
The private contractors in collusion and
Forest fires w hether natural or m an-m ade are connivance with the governm ent officials in India
effective destroyers o f forest covers. A tm ospheric and many developing and even a few developed
lightning is the m ajor source o f natural forest fires. capitalist countries have done great dam age to the
B esides, man causes forest fires through his natural forest covers through reckless felling o f trees
intentional/advertent and unintentional actions. D e­ for their lim ited econom ic gain at the cost of national
liberate burning o f vegetation to get rich and fresh interest. Inspite of the provision of Forest Policy in

force since 1894 and implementation o f National because the Tehri Dam is being constructed in the
Forest Pollicy since 1952 and despite the guidelines lower Himalayas which come under maximum
issued by the Union Governm ent of India for not seismic intensity zone, Rishikesh (an important holy
diverting the forest area to non-forestry uses there pilgrim centre on the bank of the Ganga) will be
has been rem arkable loss of 91,70,000 hectares of flooded in 57 minutes and Hardwar (another
good forest area in India between 1972 and 1980. important holy piligrim center) in ju st 63 minutes. It
This colossal loss o f precious ecological resource is believed that in case of sudden breach in Tehri
despite the guidelines issued by the Government of Dam major cities on either side of the Ganga in its
India that forest area should not be converted into downstream section in the alluvial plains o f Uttar
other forms o f land uses and in case of any Pradesh will be submerged within 72 hours.
inescapable diversion (of forest land to non-forestry Similarly, there was strong protest from general
uses) it should be done with the concurrence of the public to abandon the proposed projects of Sardar
states and the loss o f forests be adequately compen­ Sarovar and Indira Sagar on Narmada river in the
sated by providing, as far as possible, equivalent states of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, India. The
alternative land for afforestation and reforestation, ecologists believed that the submergence of thou­
clearly indicates the non-com pliance of the govern­ sands of sequare kilometres of areas would destroy
ment directives by the governm ent officials and regional forest covers and animal community and
greedy and selfish contractors. Developmental thus would cause serious environmental and eco­
projects such as construction of dams, reservoirs and logical problems.
canals and m ining operations are damaging even the It may be mentioned that inspite of continued
dense and extensive rainforests of the Amazonia. protests from environmentalists and activists now
The local people m ainly Indian aborigins have the Tehri Dam Project and Sardar Sarovar Project
raised their arm s against the destruction of forests have been completed and they have started generat­
(16 to 20 m illion hectares per year) because their ing hydel power.
habitats, livelihood and even their existence have
been threatened. (8) Biological Factors

(7) Multi-Purpose River Projects Biological factors also help in destroying the
natural vegetations. Conversion o f forest areas into
M ulti-purpose river projects require larger agricultural farms has resulted into marked shrink­
areas to be subm erged for the storage of huge age in the forest covers and thus tremendous
volume o f w ater in the reservoirs constructed behind pressure of animals on existing forests. Further
the dams. Thus subm ergence of forested riverine more, application of chemical fertilizers, pesticides
areas com pletely destroys the natural forests. Tehri and herbicides in the agricultural fields nearer to the
Dam Project on the head-waters of the Ganga, and forests has driven out m icro-organism s such as
Narmada R iver Project in Madhy Pradesh and insects and termites towards the adjoining forests
Gujarat, India, were under serious public protests. where these cause serious damages to the plants.
Tehri Dam on the headw aters of the sacred Ganga
Adverse Effects of Deforestation on Environment
river, in Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India, is
m eant to generate hydroelectricity to meet out the Deforestation gives birth to several problem s
growing demand o f pow er in Uttar Pradesh and encompassing environm ental degradation through
adjoining states and Union Territory o f Delhi but its accelerated rate of soil erosion, increase in the
construction was frequently stopped because of sediment load of the rivers, siltation o f reservoirs
protest by noted environm entalist and chipko move­ and river beds, increase in the frequency and
ment leader, Bhat and Sunder Lai Bahuguna. It is dim ension o f floods and droughts, changes in the
feared that storage o f m illions of acre feet o f water in pattern of distribution o f precipitation, intensifica­
the reservoirs behind Tehri Dam will submerge tion of greenhouse effects, increase in the destruc­
hundreds of square kilom etres o f forested land tive force Of the atm ospheric storm s etc; econom ic
which will destroy rich forest cover and displace loss through dam ages o f agricultural crops due to
local inhabitants. It is also feared that if the dam increased incidence o f floods and droughts, de­
breaks in, - for which there is every likelihood crease in agricultural production because o f loss of

fertile top soils, decrease in the supply o f raw the increase of the concentration o f carbon dioxide
m aterials to the industries and building m aterials in the atm osphere because forests consum e carbon
(tim ber) to the urban and rural areas, m arked dioxide during the process o f photosynthesis for the
decrease in fodder to anim als etc. and social m anufacturing o f their food but absence o f forests
problem s in the form o f econom ic poverty, crimes allows more concentration o f carbon dioxide in the
and increased legal litigation. atmosphere because o f its non-consumption. It is,
As already stated forests are natural um brella thus, obvious that deforestation increases greenhouse
for ground surface because these protect the ground effect of the atmosphere which raises the temperature
surface from erosion caused by falling raindrops and of the earth’s surface and the atmosphere.
control radiation balance o f the earth and the Increased rate o f soil erosion caused due to
atmosphere by consum ing increased am ount of deforestation results in colossal loss o f fertile
carbon dioxide released from everincreasing ‘hu­ topsoils and agricultural land which ultimately
man volcanoes’ (chim neys o f the factories) and thus causes m arked reduction in agricultural production'
prevent the earth from becom ing too hot. Removal Rapid rate o f rill and gully erosion in the intervening
of forest cover exposes the ground surface to the zone between the G anga plains and the foreland of
atm ospheric processes. It may be pointed out that Indian peninsula has resulted into the conversion of
forests intercept falling raindrops and thus split thousands o f hectares o f good land into ravinous
them and reduce their (of raindrops) kinetic energy. land which has displaced the affected inhabitants
Intercepted rainfall reaches the ground surface from their agricultural land. The developm ent of
slowly in the form o f ‘aerial stream lets’ through the circuitous network o f dense m esh o f gullies ranging
leaves, branches and stem s o f trees. Thick leaf litters in depth from a few m etres to 80 m has rendered vast
on the ground surface after decom position provide expanse o f agricultural and forest land into waste
humus content to the soils and also m ake the soils land on the one hand and has deprived m illions of
friable. Thus the ground surface allows maximum people of their livelihood on the other hand. Thus the
infiltration of rainw ater and m inim um surface run increased rate o f soil erosion consequent upon
off. On the other hand, deforestation exposes the deforestation and destruction o f grassland has been
ground surface to falling raindrops with full kinetic responsible for social pollution in addition to land
energy. This results into m aximum erosion of soils degradation. The zig-zag network of deep gullies of
because the infiltration of rainw ater is markedly the riverine tracts of the Yam una, the Cham bal, the
reduced and surface runoff is increased. Thus Betwa rivers etc. (Fatehpur, Etaw a, Agra, Banda,
deforestation causes a chain of effects which Jhansi, Jalaun districts o f U ttar Pradesh and Bhind,
adversely affect the natural environmental condi­ M orena, G w alior, Tikam garh, C hhatarpur districts
tions as given below. of M adhya Pradesh, India) offers easy and safe
A ccelerated rate o f soil erosion through shelter to dacoits and bandits. This has alarmingly
rainsplash, rainw ash and sheetw ash, rill and gully increased the rate of crim es including theft, dacoity
erosion consequent upon deforestation increases and m urder in the said areas and thus has degraded
sedim ent load o f the rivers. Increased suspended and the social atm osphere.
bedloads o f the rivers cause rapid rate o f siltation of D eforestation has also increased the rate o f
alluvial rivers which results in gradual rise o f the river aeolian erosion through deflation and desertification
beds. Thus increased surface run-off and reduced through desert spreads. M any o f the tribal areas of
water accom m odating capacity of the river valleys the forested land of India have lost the forest stands
due to siltation increase the frequency and dimension in their im m ediate surroundings and thus are facing
o f floods o f alluvial rivers as flood waters easily the acute problem o f fuels and fodder. The destruction
overtop the river banks and spread over larger areas. and alteration of habitats due to deforestation causes
ecological im balance in the region concerned.
It is supposed that decrease in vegetation
co v er m ainly forest cover reduces precipitation but
no sig n ifican t studies at global and regional levels CONSERVATION MEASURES
have dem onstrated positive correlation between
d efo restatio n and decrease in the am ount o f average The protection and conservation o f forest
annual precip itatio n . D eforestation also results in resources are not only desirable but are also

necessary for the econom ic developm ent of a nation im portance of the forest resources. M ajority o f the
and maintenance o f environm ental and ecological countries have their national policies on forests and
balance from local through regional to global levels. there are provisions for some legislations against
Forests conservation m easures include (i) protection deforestation but even then forests are b£ing
o f rem aining forest covers, (ii) increase in the forest destroyed at faster rates. This is because o f the fact
cover so as to cover 33 per cent o f the total that the contractors achieve their selfish ends in
geographical area o f a country by forests through connivance with the governm ent officials. ., y .1;
afforestation in the open w asteland and reforestation The National Forest Policy of India has also
o f already deforested areas particularly in those laid down certain basic principles for proper
deforested areas which are not suitable for cultiva­ m anagement and conservation of th e forest re­
tion such as m ountainous and hilly areas. Integrated sources of the country as follow s : ,v
C onservation R esearch (ICR), an ecological group
> classification o f forests according to func­
of U .S.A ., has launched m assive program mes of
forest conservation in collaboration with U NESCO’s tional aspects into protected forests, reserved
‘M an and B iosphere (M AB) Program m e’. The ICR forests, village forests etc. .»
has dem onstrated that the rianforests are more > expansion in the forest cover by planting
valuable if used on a sustainable basis than if they trees in order to am eliorate the physical and
are cut dow n for im m ediate short-term profit of a
climatic conditions for the w elfare o f the
few selected elites and affluent class o f society. The
findings o f IC R h av e show n that about 50 per cent of people,
the w orld ’s tropical and sub-tropical forests have > provision for ensuring progressive increas­
already disappeared because o f unchecked reckless ing supplies o f fodder for anim als and tim ber
felling o f trees. T he m ain goals o f the IC R ’s for agricultural and dom estic uses and
program m e o f fo rest conservation in the developing firewood to local inhabitants nearer to the
countries o f the tropical and substropical areas are forests,
(i) to protect the species diversity that exist in the * • i v

tropical and sub-tropical forests, and (ii) to expand > opposition to reckless extension o f agricul­
the forest land under governm ent protection. tural land at the cost of forest land,
S elective felling instead o f mass felling of > extension of forest area by m assive plan of
trees according to the ju stified dem and may save tree plantation on a large-scale at war footing
unnecessary destruction o f valuable forest re­ so as to bring 33 per cent o f the co u n try ’s
sources. It is very interesting to note that generally geographical area under forests etc.
main cause o f the rapid fate o f destruction o f tropical Though there is strict guideline from the
rainforest is assigned to the increasing dem and of Government of India that forest should not be
tim ber by industrialized countries but according to diverted to non-forestry uses and in case if the
U NESCO ’s report only about fifteen percent of the diversion of forested area to other form s of land uses
felled trees are exported to the developed and is necessary and unavoidable (such as construction
industralized countries. T hough the dem and is more of dams and reservoirs, installation of industrial
for certain species o f trees only but unfortunately plants, construction of houses, roads etc.) it should
hundreds o f species o f trees o f lesser values are be done with the approval and concurrence o f the
destroyed to get access to the desired expensive state governm ent and the loss of forests due to their
trees. In the process the building o f roads and diversion to other form s of land uses should be
clearance o f forests for having spaces for loading suitably com pensated by planting trees in o ther
areas and logging cam ps destroy larger tracts of
proportionate areas but this guideline is seldom
forests without any use.
follow ed either by the governm ent m achinery or
The first and forem ost task to conserve forests private sector. R ecently, the governm ent has banned
is to protect the existing forest from m erciless the cutting of green trees by the public w ithout
reckless cutting o f trees by greedy econom ic man. having prior perm ission o f the governm ent. T his law
This task may be achieved through governm ent does not allow a person even to cut dow n his own
legislation and by arousing public interest in the trees in the prem ises o f his house or in his
agricultural farm without the permission from awakened by far reaching adverse consequences of
appropriate government authority. environmental degradation caused by deforestation
the women of Reni, of Uttarakhand, rose in revolt
It appears that directive principles and laws
against mass felling of trees and reckless deforesta­
alone cannot guarantee safeguard o f forests from
tion. They resisted the cutting of trees and reckless
th e ir destruction but mass public opinion against the
deforestation. W hen the contractors refursed to
adverse effects o f mass felling o f trees is also
necessary to check onslaught o f the forests. R elent­ oblige them and stepped forward to chop down the
less efforts o f Sundarlal Bahuguna, a noted environ­ trees in their forest, they resorted to fast, gherao and
m en talist from the hills o f the Uttarakhand H im alaya even wrapped them selves around the trees (resorted
(India) and his followers culm inating into the to ‘chipko movement’ started by Bhat and Sundarlal
‘chipko movement’ (sticking to the trees while Bahuguna). The wrath and axes of the contractors
contractors try to chop the trees) and the m ovem ent could not deter them from their firm determination
o f dom estic women of Reni, U ttarakhand (India) are because they knew fully the nature and gravity o f the
a few examples o f mass awakening o f public opinion battle they were waging against the powerful
in favour of economic and environm ental signifi­ contractors who had the blessings of big political
bosses and governm ent officials. ‘Hugging the trees
cance of natural forests and their concern against
adverse effects o f their destruction. It may be stated was a symbol o f their ultimate survival. Their
that about 90 percent o f the women in the developing symbolic message to halt deforestation has been
countries depend on land for their survival because carried on foot to the farthest Himalayan peaks and
they grow the crops, gather the fodder, fuel and has spread throughout the range. Padyatras (march
firewood, fetch the water, look after the animals and on foot) have been undertaken by ‘chipko’ activists
perform all other dom estic duties while men mostly over thousands of m iles’.
go to the plains for earning their livelihood. Thus the m ovement against the destruction of
Similarly, the women o f Reni, Uttarakhand (India) natural forests undertaken by the women of Reni of
were completely dependent,upon natural environ­ Uttarakhand Himalayas (India) has awakened the
ment (forests, water, land etc.) and suffered some of general public of India and of the world towards the
the most serious problems of the environmental importance of natural forests for m aintaining the
degradation caused by forest removal on a large- environmental (natural) and ecological balance.
scale. After observing silently the loss o f fertile soils They started plantation o f oak trees in their
due to slow poisoning o f land through soil erosion, deforested land because they knew that oak trees
drying of several springs which supplied drinking would provide the basis for water, fodder and
water, decrease in rainfall, dearth o f firewood and fertilizers and would help in m aintaining the
fodder and destruction o f terraced farms due to environmental balance and ecosystem stability of
increased surface runoff etc. caused by deforestation their hill region. Small ‘M ahila M andals (w om en’s
they (women of Reni) realized the im portance of groups) are now organizing the tree planting in
nature and the extent of link between environmental hundreds of villages and protecting trees on com m u­
degradation caused by deforestation and economic nity lands. They are introducing im proved cooking
poverty. The depletion o f natural resources such as stoves and biogas program m es are being im ple­
loss of firewood and fodder, drying out o f streams m ented for fuel conservation. The m essage of the
and springs, depletion and contamination o f ground movem ent started by the women o f Reni and the
water aquifers has direct bearings on women folk popular ‘chikpko movement’ (initiated by B hat) of
because they have to walk over longer distances to
noted environm entalist Sundarlal Bahuguna and his
gather firewood and fodder, to collect w ater for
followers have reached different parts o f India.
domestic uses etc.
Sim ilar m ovements are being organized by several
All these enabled the women of Reni to groups o f environm entalists o f voluntary organiza­
understand and realise the value of the forests on tions and some forceful and effective environm ental
which they depended. They realised that forests slogans have aw akened the local public such as
protect watersheds, maintain water springs and ‘Save the W estern G hats’, ‘Save the G anga and the
groundwater, regulate water flows, ensure constant Him alayas’ (launched by Sundarlal B ahuguna against
supply for pure water, protect their agricultural land the construction o f Tehri Dam on the upper reaches
and ultim ately maintain ecological balance. Thus o f the G anga at T ehri tow n), ‘Save the N arm ada

watersheds and their ecology* (launched by Baba rich Undergrowth o f other varieties o f plants and thus
Amte) against the im plem entation of Narmada provide habitats for num erous varieties o f anim als
Valley Project and the construction of Sardar and micro-organisms. Thirdly, only those trees
Sarovar (reservoir) and Indira Sarovar in M adhya should be given preference under the schem e o
Pradesh and G ujarat, India. The messages of the afforestation which are suitable for the local
m ovem ent o f the women of Reni have also crossed environmental conditions. For exam ple, planting o f
the Indian border and reached the women folk of 'eucalyptus trees (an exotic species) on large-scale
A frican and Latin American countries who have almost in all parts o f India is not advisable because
m any o f the problem s and hardships as experienced eucalyptus is suitable for certain com binations o f
by the wom en o f Reni. They have also started environmental conditions only such as ‘tarai’ region
m ovem ent against the destruction of forests. For of India. Further more, eucalyptus is not o f much
exam ple, widespread m ovem ent has been started ecological and environmental significance because
against the destruction o f forests through the of less branching, small size of leaves, few er num ber
expansion o f m ining activities, giant muti-purpose of leaves and long roots. Fourthly, forests should not
projects in the rainforests o f the Amazon basin. It is be replaced by com mercially im portant fruit or­
evident that the people them selves may become chards. For example, cultivation o f apples in many
environm ental m ediators, guardians and protectors parts of the Hiamalayas in general and H im achal
o f natural forests if their sentim ents are aroused for Pradesh (India) in particular has done great dam age
the conservation and protection of natural forests. to the original stands of natural forests. A pple
The second im portant m easure of effective cultivation causes deforestation in two ways viz. (i)
conservation o f natural forest is to adapt scientific Apple cultivation requires clearance o f land from
and judicious m ethod o f cutting o f trees by vegetal cover, and (ii) Huge quantity o f wood is
follow ing selective approach. In other words, only required for packing of apples every year. A ccord­
m ature and desired trees should ing to an estimate the clearance of forest for apple
; • y be cut and unwanted
trees o f low econom ic value should be avoided. It cultivation accelerates the rate o f soil erosion by 250
m ay be pointed out that cutting of mature trees is also times of normal rate o f soil erosion. It has been
ecologically desirable because the old saying ‘use estimated that one hectare o f apple farm dam ages 7
them or loose th em ’ holds good because if mature to 10 hectares of forests.
trees are not rem oved they will automatically perish The Integrated Conservation Research, an
and m ay dam age other trees. U.S. ecological research group, has suggested
The third significant m easure of forest con­ elaborate programmes for the betterm ent o f forests.
servation is to cover m ore and m ore wasteland and These programmes include (i) agroforestry, (ii)
already deforested land with forests through vigor­ ethnobotany, and (iii) natural history-oriented tour­
ous planning or afforestation. The afforestation ism.
program m es m ust be based on the principle of
plantation o f m ulti-species o f trees rather than single 20.8 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND EN­
species o f trees because biotic diversity is ecologi­
cally more significant than m ono-culture. Secondly, VIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION
ecologically sound trees should be given more
preference than the com m ercial trees at least in the A gricultural developm ent in term s o f expan­
areas o f fragile environm ent. For exam ple, defor­ sion of agricultural land, increase in agricultural
ested areas o f the H im alayas are being planted with productivity and net agricultural production due to
more pine saplings than oak because of commercial developm ent o f m odern scientific techniques, ad­
purposes. The m ain purpose behind vigorous plant­ vanced technologies, increased production and use
ing of pine trees is to obtain resin but oak is of chem ical fertilizers, expansion in irrig atio n al
environm entally m ore sound than pine because facilities, developm ent o f high-yielding varieties o f
relatively larger leaves of oak trees m ake thick seeds etc. has solved the problem o f grow ing
ground leaf litters which after being decom posed dem and o f food due to everincreasing w orld
enrich the soils by producing humus and more population on the one hand, it has also created or is
organic content. Thus the hum us-rich soils become creating hazardsous environm ental problem s o f
friable and contain more m oisture. Such soils allow serious concern on the other hand. T hough the pace
become the grainaries of the world but this process
of agricultural development t o has also disturbed the ecological balance o f the said
regions because monoculture system has been
we «o - ™ z T S i —
hT gr ^ r r " d u c to agricuLura, responsible for the dispersal o f a large num ber of
Set.topB.em because it would also cause irreparable animal species as well as extinction of many animal
species. Similarly, the conversion o f virgin M editer­
drnage <o human society. Thus the modern eco-
and ‘technological m an’ is at the cross road ranean woodlands into vineyards and horticulture
o f dangers in all directions. If population goes on
farms and pasture has destroyed the natural vegeta­
increasing we have to go for agricultural develop­ tion on a large-scale and has caused loss of soils due
ment so that production is increased to feed the to accelerated rate of erosion. Shifting cultivation in
population though in doing so we would be many tropical and subtropical countries has con­
preparing a time-bomb for our own destruction. sumed millions of square kilom etres of natural
foTest covers. It is evident from table 20.2 that about
The agricultural development degrades the
10,000 km2 area of forested land is deprived of its
environment in a variety of ways e.g. (i) through the
natural forests every year in India because of
application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
practicing of shifting (jhuming) cultivation. C ulti­
and insecticides, (ii) through the increase in irriga-
vation of potatoes on the hillside slopes cleared o f
tional facilities and amount of irrigation, (iii) by
natural dense forest cover in M ehgalaya and Assam
making changes in biological communities etc.
(India) has though increased the production of
The phenomenal increase of population of the potatoes which are widely used in the north-eastern
world mainly of the developing countries causes hill states of India but has also caused accelerated
increase in the demand of food supply which can be rate of soil erosion because potato cultivation offers
met only through (i) increase in the agricultural land least protection to the soils against high intensity
and extensive cultivation, and (ii) increase in the rainfall. Extensive deforestation due to tea planta­
productivity of agricultural land and thus intensive tion, shifting cultivation and other sedentary forms
cultivation. Increase in agricultural land is usually of farming in the north-eastern hill states o f India has
possible by felling the trees and converting the forest damaged the environment to large extent through
land into agricultural land. Conversion of forest land
increased soil erosion,.m odification in w eather and
into agricultural farms on slopy ground causes
climatic conditions and ecological im balance.
accelerated rate of soil erosion. The increased rate of
soil erosion caused by deforestation for increasing Replacement of forest cover by apple cultiva­
agricultural land to increase the food supply in view tion in the hill districts o f Him achal Pradesh and
of increasing population causes chain effects on Uttarakhand, India or say practicing o f m onoculture
environmental conditions in the affected areas as in place of biotic diversity of forest ecosystem tells
well as in the far off regions e.g. deforestation causes the story of adverse im pact on the environm ent o f the
soil erosion which causes loss of fertile top-soils Himalayas. Apple cultivation has enorm ously in­
and thus decreases productivity, soil erosion creased in Himachal Pradesh in the post-independ­
increases sediment load of the rivers which causes ence era at the cost of rich natural vegetation o f the
siltation and rise of the river beds which results in the Himalayas (falling in Him achal Pradesh). It m ay be
reduction of water accommodating capacity of the stated that at present Him achal Pradesh produces
river valleys which thus increases the frequency, about one third of the total apple production o f India.
magnitude and dimension of floods which damage Though the apple cultivation has increased the
agricultural crops in the flood plain areas. economic prosperity of the state to som e extent but
it has swallowed large area o f natural forest covers.
The replacement of forest by fruit orchards
Lured by the econom ic gain of apple cu ltivation the
also degrades the environment of forest biome/
farmers removed the forest at accelerated pace and
ecosystem. Though the conversion of temperate
started apple plantation. A pple cultivation results in
grasslands of the Russian ‘Steppe’, North American
complete removal of all natural vegetations because \
Prairies’, South American ‘Pampas’, South African
no other plant is desirable in apple fields. N orm ally,
Veld’, New Zealandean ‘Downs’ etc. has done
great service to humanity by solving the immediate the apple plants start yielding fruits after 5 to 7 years
problem o f food supply because they have now of their plantation. D uring this period o f grow th of
apple plants the open areas betw een them are

devoted to potato cultivation w hich allows m ore and m atter o f food grains but sim ultaneously agricul­
m ore soils to be eroded because potato plants are tural developm ent has also created a few serious
totally unable to bind the soils and to protect them environm ental problem s which m ust be taken note
from the high intensity rainfall. This results in the o f and rem edial m easures m ust not only be searched
removal o f fertile and valuable top-soil layer out but also m ust be im plem ented before these
through soil erosion caused by rainsplash, surface problems become out o f control. L arge-scale appli­
and rillw ash. Secondly, m onoculture in the form of cation of synthetic chem ical fertilizers no doubt
apple cultivation also causes ecological im balance enriches the soils by providing additional am ount o f
because m ost o f the plants and anim als and m icro­ nutrients which help in quick and m axim um grow th
organism s are destroyed. Thirdly, a lot of wood is o f agricultural plants but these plants cannot m ake
required for the packing o f apples. This aspect use of all o f the chem ical nutrients supplied in the
places further pressure on forests and consequently form o f synthetic chem ical fertilizers by man. Thus
more and m ore trees are cut in order to m anufacture the unused chemicals continue to accum ulate in the
wooden boxes for the packing of apples and their soils. The am ount of unused chem icals in the soils
export. A ccording to an estim ate wood of about 7 to goes on increasing every year. This high concentra­
10 heactares o f forests is required for the packing of tion of chemicals in the soils pollutes them. These
apples o f one hectare o f land. Fourthly, huge amount chemicals are also eluviated (dow nw ard m ovem ent)
of fungicide (chem icals to destroy pests) is used to in the lower horizons o f the soils and are m oved
save the apples from the dangerous disease of scab. further downward with the percolating rain and
This toxic dangerous chem ical finds its way to irrigational water to join the groundw ater. Thus the
surrounding areas and stream s via surface runoff, chemicals not only pollute and degrade the soils
rills and rivulets and thus contam inates the waters of and their different horizons but also contam inate
the hills as w ell as o f the plains. groundwater which is used for irrigational and
C ontinuous intensive cultivation to get in­ domestic drinking purposes. This is called agricul*
creased production of crops from the same farms tural pollution (pollution of land and w ater due to
also result in decrease in the productivity of the soils accumulation of unused chem ical fertilizers applied
because there is critical lim it of every type of soil to the crops for increasing agricultural production).
beyond w hich no increased production can be Increased use of pesticides, insecticides and
sustained inspite of increased use of chemical herbicides to control epidem ic diseases o f crops, to
fertilizers. It may be rem em bered that continuous kill undesirable and harm ful insects and to destroy
cultivation o f cotton in the piedm ont region of the unwanted weeds in the agricultural fields also
A pplachians in the south-eastern U.S.A. since the contaminates the soils, the water and even the fruits
colonization o f the U.S.A. by the British settlers has and grains and thus harms hum an beings because
resulted into m arked decease in the fertility of the these synthetic chem icals reach hum an bodies via
soils because o f increased rate o f soil erosion fruits and grains.
through the ploughed furrow s and the saturation of
Continuous use o f am m onium sulphate as
the soils due to their excessive use. This resulted into
chemical fertilizer to boost the agricultural crops
marked reduction in the quality as well as in the total
production o f cotton due to substantial decrease in results in the increase of the concentration of
the. productivity o f the soils. Evidences of soil sulphate ions because am m onium ions are largely
degradation due to excessive intensive cultivation consumed by the crops but sulphate ions are left
have also been received from Punjab, the agricultur­ unused. The increase in the concentration o f
ally most advanced state of India. sulphate ions in the soils m akes them acidic.
The phenom enal increase in agricultural Sim ilarly, increased use o f potassium nitrate and
production in India since 1960 under the program m e sodium nitrate results in the high concentration o f
of Green Revolution due to application o f advanced potassium and sodium ions respectively. T he n i­
farm techniques, m odern scientific m ethods and trates are partly w ashed out by the surface ru n o ff and
technologies, increased irrigational facilities, in­ are brought to the lakes, ponds and stream s and are
creased use o f new hybrid and high-yielding variety partly m oved dow nw ard w ith percolating w ater.
of seeds and chemical fertilizers and pesticides and Thus groundw ater and surface w ater are
herbicides has no doubt m ade India self-reliant in the heavily contam inated and polluted. The dow nw ard
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h y

454 Increased agricultural production consequent

very slow process. It takes upon increased demand o f food supply due to
movement o f nitrates is a .- Qf
^ Qne or_Ctwo
___ nr #«/n
phenom enal growth in human population dem ands
about one year *° Iaver. Nitrates unconsumed
metres of soils and g ^ to reach the increased facilities for irrigation. Further m ore, the
application o f chem ical fertilizers to increse the
by crops m "groundwater
w a . e - . o rstorage.
a g e . In fac
d e e p e s t aquifer , (j o f t0xic chem icals i agricultural production also requires heavy w atering
.-1 ..cumulation o f toxic chemicals in
of crops several tim es in a single crop season. Thus
t ^ nbut ^ lg)
f X n i ^ v iro n m en l is hidden chemical green revolution in India has resulted into m arked
^ Knrnh which may explod any time and may increase in irrigated lands through pumpsets, tubewells
cause unim aginable damage to man him self who is and canals besides traditional m eans o f irrigation
the creator of such chemical bombs. These would be
like well and tank irrigation. Heavy w atering of
chemical bombs being formed ju st below the surface
aggricultural field m ainly by canal irigation causes
we live on may be neutralized either by reducing the
w aterlogging whch results in salinization wherein
use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, insecti­
salt contents m ove upw ard due to capillary action
cides and herbicides or through heavy watering of
and accum ulate on the top layer o f the ground
the agricultural fields. B u t there is greaer risk of
surface. Thus accum ulation o f excessive salt con­
coming out of these unused toxic chemicals' due to
tents in the soils causes ‘usarisation’ (conversion of
heavy watering of crops because heavy watering
fertile land into w asteland due to accum ulation o f
would reuslt in marked rise in the level of
salt layer on the top layer o f the soil profile) w hich
groundwater table and the toxic chemicals, which
renders the agricultural land w asteland and thus
have moved downward with the percolating water,
would now come upward with rising water table and makes the once fertile soil sterile one. T he process is
thus would damage crops, other plants, m icro­ very much active in the canal irrigated areas o f India.
organisms, animals and man who would use For example, a sizeable area o f good agricultural
contaminated water. The organisms cannot escape land in Rajasthan has been adversely affected by
from using the contaminated groundwaters because salinization due to heavy w atering from Indira
these chemicals would also contaminate surface Canal. Canal w aters also pour dow n huge am ount of
water, soil-moisture and soil-water and even the silt and sands w hich decrease the fertility o f the
fresh waters of the ponds, lakes and the rivers soils.
because toxic chemicals would reach these water It may be sum m arized that agricultural
bodies through surface runoff. production has to be increased inorder to m eet the
Some of the toxic chemicals mainly nitrates increasing demand of food supply due to everincreasing
reach our bodies through vegetables and foodgrains population o f the w orld in general and o f the
wherein chemical reactions may transform nitrates developing countries in particular. In creased ag ri­
into such forms which may cause cancer. It may be cultural production m eans increase in agricu ltu ral
stated that this may be only a possibility because it land at the cost o f destruction o f fo re st and
has not been substantiated as yet by the scientific and consequent soil erosion, substantial in crease in the
medical experts. It is not only desirable but is also productivity o f land through the p ractice o f in ten siv e
necessary to limit the use of chemical fertilizers and cultivation, increased use o f m achines an d m o d em
to increase the application of natural or biofertiiizers scientific techniques, application o f ch em ical ferti­
(prepared from the wastes of animals and herba­ lizers, pesticides, insecticides and h erb icid es, in ­
ceous plants) so that the production level o f crops crease in the frequency and area o f w atering o f
may not only be maintained but may also be raised.
agricultural fields etc. A ll these p rocesses and
a « ricu ita « irn i5°rl.0 f 'chemical fertilizers from the m easures o f increased agricultural d ev elo p m en t
the concentraHo / ° Ugh surfa« runoff increases cause several serious enviornm ental p ro b lem s su ch
C H rl
O _
___1 _
___1 a 1 t 1 O I.

lakes and rivers" T h ^ 16" 18 ^ tHe P° nds’ tanks* as deforestation and related problem o f soil e ro sio n ,
increased sedim ent load o f the rivers, silta tio n o f
causes phenomenal g r o w S T S V f nCh, nUtrientS
process known as ‘L * u- . plants, the river beds and increase in the frequency and
water bodies and rivers w0lS^IC•a^t,0n, *he in,and dim ension o f floods; p ollution o f so ils through
other plants and animals and m'irCaUSeS death of the chem ical fertilizers and pesticides, insecticides
f , _______ ___ _ herbicides; contamination o f groundwater I ?
i n ‘he pollution
rivers and adversely affects the°fjakes, B O ! ?ponds and
^ dS ?nd fat* w aters; salinization o f so ils Hn . ? ^
oxygen demand) o f the waters. --------- (bl°logical w a te r in g f r o m c a n a l ir r ii r a t in i f C t 0 heavy
root-cause o f all these &ppears th a t the
ronmental problems
arising ou t o f agricultural developm ent is the being about 500 m illion). It required 200 years for
increase o f hum an population at alarming rate. So the world population to double its size from about
the foresm ost step to be taken is to stop population 500 million (470 million) in the year 1650 to about
growth because if population continues to grow 1000 million (1091 million) in the year 1850. The
agricultural developm ent has to be maintained. next doubling of the size of the world population wa^
accomplished in still lesser time as the world
20.9 POPULATION GROWTH AND ENVIRON­ population doubled its size from 1000 m illion in
1850 to 2000 million in the year 1930 that is only in
MENTAL DEGRADATION a period of 80 years. Again the size of the world
population was doubled from 2000 million in 1930
To m ost o f the people growth of human to 4000 million in 1975 thus taking only 45 years. It
population at alarm ig rate is the m ost significant is estimated that the world population will require
cause o f the low ering o f environm ental quality and ju st only 36 yeas to double from 4000 million to
ecological balance. In fact, there are conflicting 8000 million (around 2015 A.D.) if the population of
ideas and view s regarding the exact principal cause the world continues to grow by a rate prevalent in
o f environm ental degradation wherein the lowering 1970 (Kamla Gupta, 1983 in L.R. Singh 1983
o f envrionem tnal quality and ecological imbalance and P.R. Ehrlich, et. al. 1970).
have been assigned to overpopulation, or to the
failures o f the social system or to modern technolo­
Table 20.3 : Estim ates of world population
gies. The ‘pro-population school9 is of the opinion
that the grow th o f w orld population at exponential Years World Population Year W orld Populaton
rate is the only reason o f environm ental degradation (in millions) (in m illions)
w hile other reasons are offshoots of the factor of
over-population. F or exam ple, industrial expansion, 1 2 3 4
urban grow th, agricultural developm ent, increase in 8000 B.C. 5 1920 1,811
m eans o f transport and com m unication etc. are the 1930 2,070
14 A.D. 266
results o f population growth because the people
m ust generate better facilities for their existence and 350 254 1940 2,295
better life. T he developm ent o f scientinfic tech­ 600 237 1950 2,513
niques and advanced technologies has to be done in 800 267 1955 2,745
order to save the humanity from hunger and natural
calamity and disaster. Thus it is obvious without doubt 1000 280 1960 3,027
that overpopulation is the root cause of environmental 1200 384 1965 3,344
degradation and ecological imbalance. 1340 378 1970 3,678
E verincreasing population places greater de­ 1500 427 1975 4,033
mands on the finite resources of the earth. The rate
o f -exploitation o f natural resources increases more 1650 470 1980 4,415
rapidly than the rate o f population growth. This has 1750 694 1985 4,830
caused and is causing exhaustion of certain valuable 1800 919 1990 5,275
non-renew able resources. It is desirable to know
som e o f the characteristic features o f world popula­ 1850 1,091 1995 5,733
tion before assessing the im pact of population 1900 1,571 2000 6,199
grow th on the environm ent. Source: (i) 8000 B.C. estimate; (ii) figures for 14 A.D. to
> T he rate o f incrase o f the world population
1340 A,D. are estimates; (iii) figures for 1500 A.D. to
has been so xapid since the prehistoric period to the 1600 A.D. from C. Clark, 1967; (iv) for 1650 to 1900 A.D.
present tim e that the period required for the doubling from the United Nations Department of Economic and
of the size o f the world population has constantly Social Affairs, Population Division, 1953; (v) for 1920
decreased. The estim ated world population doubled from the U.N. Demographic Year Book, 1962; (vi for 1930
on an average after every 1500 years between 8,000 and 1940 from the U.N. Demographic Year Book, 1969,
B.C. (when the population is estim ated to have been and (vii) for 1950 to 2000 A.D. from World Population
around 5 m illion) and 1650 A.D . In fact, the world Trends and Prospects by Country, 1950-2000; Summary
population increased by hundredfold between 8000 Report of the 1978 Assessment (United Nations Publicaton
B.C. and 1650 A.D. (estim ated world population ST/ESA/SER, R/33).
regions o f the w orld has sharpen ed the skew ed
V It is evident from table 20.4 that the average
distribution o f the w orld population (tab le 20.5). It is
annual rate of in c re a se o f the world population was
evident from table 20.5 that u n d erd ev elo p ed and
slow upto 1950 when the world population increased
developing regions o f the w orld accounted fo r about
at the rate o f 0.8 percent per annum . T he _m ost
70 p e rc e n t o f w o rld ’s total population in 1950 w hich
spectacular increase in the ^ ^ rld population oc­
curred during 1955-65 at the rate o f 2.0 percent per increased to 72.9 p er cent in 1975 and was expected
year which resulted in the net increase of population to increase to 79 per cent by 2000 A .D . It m ay be
by 600 million which was equivalent to the total pointed out that the rate o f grow th o f population has
world population upto the year 1700. The estim ated declined sharply in the developed regions o f the
rate of population grow th per annum denotes a w orld (table 20.4) since 1965 w hile it has been very
decreasing tren d betw een 1965-70 (1.9 per high in the developing countries. T he resu lt o f
cent per annum ) to 1995-2000 A.D. (1.6 per cent per uneven distribution o f w orld population is great
annum). pressure o f population on natural resources in few
areas which causes low ering o f environm ental
Table 20.4 : Average annual rate of Increase of popula­ quality and causes ecological im balance. Sim ilarly,
tion (percentages) everincreasing concentration o f population in the
Developing urban centres causes slum s and environm ental
Period W orld Developed
degradation and pollution. Increaseing urbanization
Regions Regions
also results in m arked reduction in arable land and
1990-1950 0.8 0.8 0.9 therefore in food production. Increasin g urbaniza­
1950-1955 1.8 1.3 2.0 tion also results in the siphoning o f reso u rces from
1955-1960 2.0 1.3 2.3 the rual areas to the urban areas w hich causes
econom ic im balance. T his resu ltan t econom ic im ­
1960-1965 2.0 1.2 2.4
balance causes econom ic and social p o llu tio n .
1965-1970 1.9 0.9 2.3
1970-1975 1.8 0.8 2.2 Table 20..5 : Uneven distribution of world population (in
1975-1980 1.8 0.7 2.2
Year W orld D eveloped D ev elo p in g
1980-1985 1.8 0.7 2.2
1985-1990 1.8 0.6 2.1
1950 2,513 832 1,681
1990-1995 1.7 0.6 2.0
1955 2,745 887 1,858
1995-2000 1.6 0.5 1.8
1960 3,027 945 2,082
Developed Regions include North Am erica, Japan
Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Russian Fed­ 1965 3,344 1,003 2,341
eration 1970 3,678 1,050 2,628
Developing Regions include Latin Am erica, China, 1975 4,033 1,093 2,940
East Asia, South Asia, Malanesia, M icronesia and
Polynesia. 1980 4,415 1,131 3,284
S o u rc e :World Population Trends and Prospects by 1985 4,830 1,169 3,661
Country, 1950-2000 : Summary Report of the 1990 5,275 1,206 '4,069
1978 Assessment (United Nations Publicaton
1995 5,733 1,240
ST/ESA/SER, R/33). 4,493
2000 6,199 1,272
> There is marked variation in the spatial 4 ,9 2 6
distribution of population in the world. The concen­
tration o f population in urban centres mainly in 2000% » dS 3nd P ro sPects 1950-
2000. Summary Report of the 1978 Assessment
m etropolises and megalopolises and the developing
R/33)Cd Natl° nS Public*tons, ST/ESA/SER.
T able 20.6 : Projection of world population (in billion) the bare necessity of the people. This results in
Year World World World unbalanced exploitation of natural resources. For
Population at Population at Population at example, poor countries (with large population) of
low fertility medium fertility high fertility the tropical regions are selling out their precious
(one child per (2 children per (3 children per
natural forest resources to developed countries. In
woman)______ woman) woman) the process there is rapid rate o f loss o f tropical
rainforest per year. The econom ic condition of
2050 7.7 9.4 11.2 Brazil forces it to export huge quantity o f wood o f its
2100 5.6 10.4 17.5 rainforest to developed countries and A m azonia is
2150 3.6 10.8 27.0 losing 5 million hectares of its rainforest every year.
2200 — 11.0 The rapid rate of exploitation of natural resources in
most of the developing countries of Latin Am erica,
Source :Population Division of the UN Economic and Africa and South and South-East A sia in order to
Social Affairs Department, 1998. balance their foreign trade has changed large areas
of natural landscape into vast wastelands and thus
Table 2 0 .7 : Regional pattern of future increase in has caused several severe environm ental problems
population from 1995 to 2150 A.D. such as accelerated rate of soil erosion, floods,
droughts, etc.
Region Population in Future
(in billion) •.. # *' *
Africa 0.7 2.8 Industrialization due to advancem ent in sci­
ence and technology started in 1860 in England and
China 1.2 1.6
soon spread over western Europe and North Am erica.
India 0.9 I-7 No doubt, rapid rate of industrial developm ent has
Rest o f A sia 1.3 2.8 given economic prosperity to human society, has
4 *- - #
Latin A m erica and given new dimension to socio-econom ic structure
and has provided material com fort to the people of
Caribbean Region 0.477 0.916
industrially developed countries but it has also
Europe 0.728 0.595 created many-fold environmental problems. In fact,
U.S.A. and C anada 0.297 0.424 the glittering effects of industrialization has so
Source : P rediction by PopuJation D ivision of the UN greatly affected the mind of the general public that
E conom ic and Social A ffairs D epartm ent, 1998. industrialization is now being considered as the
parameter of modernity and as a necessary elem ent
It is evident from the above discussion that the of socio-economic developm ent of a nation.
rapid rate o f concentration of world population,
everincreasing concentration of population in the In the beginning several countries of western
world blindly followed the race of industrialization
urban centres, rapidly increasing gap between the
and did not care for its adverse im pacts on their own
populations o f the developed and developing re­
natural enviornment. Rapid rate of industrialization,
gions of the world, increasing proportion of urban-
thus, resulted into rapid rate of exploitation of
rural population etc. are the basic and root causes of natural resources and increased industrial output.
all sorts of environm ental degradation and ecologi­ Both the com ponents of industrial developm ent e.g.
cal imbalance because increase in population means exploitation of natural resources and industrial
more exploitation o f natural resources which means production have created environm ental degradation
inauguration o f new environm ental problems. It is, and ecological im balance at global, regional and
thus, necessary to control the world population to local levels in a variety o f ways. Exploitation of
improve the environm ental quality. natural resources in order to m eet the industrial
Overpopulation also results in economic demand of raw m aterials has resulted into the
poverty becuase all the resources are utilized to meet following :

>- red u ctio n o f forest cover due to reckless tion o f chem ical fertilizers, pesticides and insecti­
cides (output o f chem ical industries) changes the
fellin g o f trees,
>► excavation o f land for m ining purposes, food chains and food webs and physical and
chem ical properties o f soils. Sim ilarly, the release
> reduction in arable land due to industrial
o f industrial w astes into stagnant waters o f ponds,
expansion, tanks and lakes, and into rivers and seas contam i­
>► low ering o f groundw ater table due to exces- nates w ater and causes several diseases and deaths of
sive w ithdraw al o f groundw ater, aquatic ecosystem s (e.g. w ashing and dum ping of
>► collapsing o f ground surface due to w ith­ tailings or w aste sludges form factories, release and
drawal o f m ineral oil and groundw ater etc. concentration o f specks o f asbestos, release of
D evelopm ent in agricultural sector in order to m ercury in its toxic m ethyl form, leakage o f crude
supply raw m aterials to factories such as sugarcanes oil from oil tankers and resultant oil slicks on sea
(for sugar industry), cotton (for cotton textile water, release o f lead, m ixing o f different quantities
industry) etc. has been responsible for over­ of dissolved inorganic m atter etc. are a few exm aples
utilization o f soils w hich has resulted into soil o f industrial source o f p ollution which degrade the
pollution due to excessive use of chem ical fertilizers natural environm ent).
and pesticides and insecticides. Increasing industrial expansion is responsible
Besides desired production, there are num er­ for the release o f enorm ous quantities o f pollutants
ous undesired outputs from the factories such as (e.g. ions o f chlorine, sulphate, bicarbonate, nitrate,
industrial w astes, polluted water, toxic gases, sodium , m agnesium , phosphate etc.) through sew ­
chemical precipitates, aerosols, ashes and smokes age effuents into the rivers and the lakes and thus for
etc. which pollute air, water, land, soils etc, and thus contam inating the water. “The basins o f rivers
degrade the environm ent. The industrialized coun­ flow ing through thickly populated and industrially
tries have increased the concentration of pollutants developed regions (and there are alm ost all the rivers
emitted from the factories in the air, water and land of the U.S.A., Japan and E uropean countries,
to such 4n extent that they have degraded the including tw o-third o f the rivers in the E uropean part
environm ent to the critical lim it and have brought of the form er USSR) have long lost and w ater-m ain
the human society on the brink of its destruction. systems o f sorts, and at the sam e tim e, have changed
The industrial developm ent, directed to accel­ into sew ers’ (E.K. Fedorov, 1983). The tanneries
erate the pace o f econom ic growth, though may be (151) o f Kanpur city (India) are heavily p olluting the
econom ically significant but the after-effects are Ganga by discharging 5.8 M LD (m illion litres per
certainly socially undesirable. The im m pacts of day) of untreated effluents.
industrialization of the environm ent are not im m edi­ Release o f several gases, sm okes, ashes and
ately noticeable because o f tim e-lag as the effects of other aerosols from the chim neys o f the factories
slow rate o f changes (in some cases changes are adversely affects the environm ent in a num ber of
rapid ones) o f m oderate nature in a few com ponents ways. The burning of hydrocarbon fuels (coal and
o f the environm ent and the cum ulative effects of petroleum ) has increased the concentration o f CO 2
these changes after crossing the sensivity o f the in the atm osphere and thus has changed the natural
environm ent/natural ecosystem become hazarodous gaseous com position o f the atm osphere. The natural
to human society. The adverse effects o f industriali­ gaseous com position o f the atm ospheric C O 2 was
zation may change the overall character o f natural fixed at 0.029 per cent or 290 ppm (part per m illion)
system and the chain effects some times becom e before the start o f Industrial R evolution (1750 A .D.)
suicidal for human society. M ajority o f the im pacts but the atm ospheric level o f the concentration of
o f industrialization are related to pollution and
C 0 2 has inccreased to 368 ppm (0.0368% ) by 2000
environm ental degradation.
A.D. and may further increase to 4 0 5 -460 ppm by
The release o f toxic elem ents into the 2025, 445-640 ppm by 2050 and 5 40-970 ppm by
environm ent/natural ecosystem through the applica­ 2100 A.D. if no sincere effo rts are m ade to stabilize
the C 0 2 em ission at 1990 level..The increase in the natural resources and several types of environmental
concentration o f C 0 2 content of the atmosphere may degradation and pollution in the developed and
change global radiation and heat balance by developing countries. The level of urbanization in
increasing the level of sensible heat in the
the developed countries of the world has already
atmosphere because C 0 2 intensifies the greenhouse
reached its peak. The accumulation of wealth and
effect o f the atm osphere as ^C 0 2 allows more
availability of more economic and job opportunities
absorption o f outgoing longwave terrestrial radia­
in the urban centres have resulted into the concentra­
tion and thus m ore counter-radiation towards the
tion of population in the congested meteropolitan
earth’s surface.
aras and thus the formation and growth of big slum
Release o f chlorofluorocarban in the atmos­ areas. It is evident from table 20.8 that there has been
phere through the operation of spray-can dispensers, rapid rate of urbanization since 1950. The percent­
refrigerators, airconditioners and fire extinguishers age of urban population to total population was 29.0,
is capable o f depletion o f ozone layer. Depletion in 52.5 and 16.7 for the whole world, developed
ozone layer m eans less absorption of ultraviolet regions and developing regions respectively during
solar rays and thus substantial increase in the
1950. The rate of urbanization was so rapid between .
temperature at the earth ’s surface. Thus changes in
1950 and 1980 that within a span of 30 years the
the global radiation and heat balance caused due to
percentage of urban population to total population
increase in the concentration of C 0 2 in the atmos­
increased from 29.0 to 41.3 for the whole world (an
phere and depletion of ozone layer may cause
overall increase of 12.3 percent), from 52.5 to 70.2
changes in w eather and clim atic conditions at global
in the developed regions (an overall increse of 17.7
and regional levels, may cause severe damages to
per cent) and from 16.7 to 30.5 in the developing
plant and anim al lives and thus may cause ecological
countries (an overall increase of 13.8 per cent).
im balance, m ay cause dangerous diseases like skin
cancer etc. It is estimated that the percentage of urban
populatin to total population would be 51.3,78.8 and
R elease o f toxic gases through advertent and
43.5 for the whole world, the developed regions and
inadvertent actions of man causes environmental
the developing regions respectively. According to
hazards which destroy all types of life-forms in the
affected areas. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy (December, the Indian Censue of 1981 the urban population was
3-4, 1984, India) and Chernobyl nuclear disaster 22.45 per cent of the total pupulation of the country.
(Ukraine) (1986) are a few examples of disastrous The density of urban population of India is 3000
effects o f m odern industralization. The leakage of persons per square kilometer whereas the density of
poisonous mic gas (methyl isocynate) from the rural population is only 160 persons per km2. It was
Bhopal based Union Carbide Plant in the first week estimated that the urban population of India would
of December, 1984 killed more than 4000 people be equal to the total population of the U.S.A. by the
(though the official figure is 2500). Acid rains, end of 20th century. Previously towns and cities -
urban smogs, nuclear holocaust, nuclear winter etc. were considered to be the centres of higher standard
are other forms of environmental hazards emanating of life becuase of the better living conditions but
from industrialization. now most of the urban centres of the developed
countries in general and of the developing countries
in particular have become unsuitable for human
beings because of marked lowering of environmen­
Increasing concentration of population in tal quality due to phenomenal increase in the level of
urban centres and origin and expansion of new urban air, water and noise pollution, crowded streets and
centres due to industrial expansion and development roads, slums, increasing trend of murder, theft,
are responsible for rapid rate of exploitation of dacoity and other crimes etc.
• • A .

Table-20:8 : Urban population of the world Kanpur, A llahabad, V aranasi, Patna, K olkata etc.
have heavily polluted the river through the disposal
Area Size of urban population in millions
o f sewage waters into the rivers.
1950 1975 1980 2000
For exam ple, 346 outfalls o f sewage drains of
World 724 1561 1807 3208 C alcutta M etropolitan A rea dum p 52 million gallons
Developed Regions 449 794 834 1092 o f waste w ater per day into Hooghly river from
794 972 2116 dom estic sources and m ore than 100 m illion gallons
Developing Regions 275
per day from industrial sources.
Percentage of Urban Population to Total Population
Urban centres when com bined with industrial
World 29.0 39.3 41.3 51.3
sectors become m ore hazardous from the standpoint
Developed Regions 52.5 67.5 70.2 78.3 o f environm ental degradation and pollution. Huge
Developing Regions 16.7 28.0 30.5 43.5 quantity o f aerosols and gases is emitted from
human ‘volcanoes’ and vehicles which form ‘dust
Source : World Population Trends and Prospects by
dom es’ over the cities. These ‘dust domes’ cause
Country, 1950-2000 : Summary Report of the
‘pollution domes’ over the cities. The urban and
1978 Assessment (United Nations Publication,
industrial growth has resulted into rapid rate of
ST/ESA/SER, R/33).
deterioration o f the quality o f air because o f heavy
pollution o f air through gases and areosols emitted
In fact, increasing urbanization m eans phe­ from the vehicles, factories and household appli­
nomenal increase in the concentration o f human ances. About 60 per cent o f the pollution o f India’s
population in lim ited space which results in the capital city o f Delhi is contributed by vehicles.
increase o f buildings, roads and streets, sew age and There were m ore than one m illion vehicles in 1989.
storm drains, pucca surface area, vehicles (m otor It may be stated that the num ber o f vehicles in the
cars, trucks, buses, m otor cycles, scooters etc.). m etropolitan area of Delhi increases by 95,000 per
number of factories, urban w astes, aerosols, sm okes year. A ccording to estim ate of 1989 one million
and dusts, sew age w aters etc. which cause several vehicles o f Delhi m etropolitan area spew the
environm ental problem s. For exam ple, increasing follow ing pollutant daily (i) 20 tonnes o f carbon
population o f the urban centres uses enormous m onoxide which causes respiratory problem in
am ount o f w ater for various purposes. The used human bodies; (ii) 400 tonnes o f hydrocarbons
w aste water like sew age water, if untreated, pollutes which cause respiratory and heart diseases, hydro­
the stream s and lakes because the urban effluents are carbons reach the upper air over the city and causes
allow ed to be drained into them. The Yam una river pollution dom e; (iii) 6 tonnes o f sulphur dioxide
at Delhi has, in fact, becom e a sewage as 323 m illion which causes sulphuric acid and falls as acid rain;
gallons o f sewage w ater enter the Yam una per day (iv) large quantities o f suspended particulate matter
through 17 open drains, while the capacity o f all (SPM ) including dust, flyash etc,; (v) 600 kilograms
treatm ent plants o f the M unicipal C orporation of o f lead which cause several diseases such as
Delhi (M CD) is only 184 M GD (million gallons per im pairm ent o f the nervous and respiratory system,
day). ‘Before the Yam una enters the capital, 100 m ental retardation etc. A ccording to A shish Kothari,
m illiliters o f its w aters contain more than 7500 an environm entalist, ‘pollution in D elhi has in­
disease causing bacteria but after receiving D elhi’s creased by 75 per cent over the last decade and its
share o f sew age it carries 24 m illion bacteria SPM level o f 300 m icro-gram per cubic m eter o f air
is double the sefety lim it set by W H O .’
according to pollution control expert (N.I.P., Feb.
20, 1989). The tanneries (m ore than 151 in number) The introduction o f C N G -operated vehicles
o f K anpur City (India) are heavily polluting the and m etro-railw ays in D elhi has brought dow n air
G anga by discharging 5.8 M LD (million litres per pollution considerably.
day) o f untreated water. The Ganga has been so K olkata an M um bai m etroplitan areas have
heavily polluted at K anpur because o f urban and also Feached high level o f air pollution. ‘It h as been
industrial effluents that the river water has become found that em issions w eighing 1305 tonnes includ­
unsuitable even for bathing purposes. M any big ing highly injurious elem ents are released into the
cities located at the bank o f the G anga such as atm ospehre o f C .M .D . (C alcutta M etropolitan Dis-
trict) area every year. O ut o f the total quantity of
transport systems.
pollutants, ab o u t 900 tonnes are generated in the
industrial b elt o f C alcu tta and the rest in Howrah Increasing urbanization also m odifies the
industrial belt. A m ong the pollutants, the suspended water budgets of surface water as well as groundwater.
particulates co n stitu te about 43.4 per cent (569 Increasing urbanization increases the frequency and
tonnes), carbon m onoxide 33.4 per cent (450 dimension of floods of nearby stream s because the
tonnes), su lp h ar dioxide 9.1 percent (123 tonnes) convering of ground surface by pucca structure
reduces infiltration of rain water and increases
hydrocarbons 8.7 per cent (102 tonnes) and oxides of
surface run-off. Moreover, the m asonary storm
nitrogen 5.3 p er cen t (70 tonnes). Suspended
drains quickly dispose off surface runoff o f nearby
particulates are the predom inant pollutants in the
streams. Urban centres also modify the local and
area of 140 km 2 o f the m etropolitan area (C.M .D.)
regionl radiation and heat balance through the
where their co n cen tratio n is the highest in the
creation of h eat island and p o llution dom e (see
country. A bout 370 tonnes o f dust are daily
chapter 13, section 13.11).
deposited in the city. It is also indicated that
industries co n trib u te 46.3 per cent (600 tonnes) of Increasing urbanization increases pressure on
emissions fo llo w ed by transportation which ac­ groundwater resources for the supply of waer for
counts fo r 27 .2 p er cent (360 tonnes) of emission, domestic and industrial uses. Excessive withdrawal
thermal p o w er plan ts 14.7 per cent (195 tonnes) and of groundwater rsults in the form ation of large
dom estic em issio n s 11.8 per cent (150 tonnes) (B.B. cavities below he ground surface. The developm ent
Singh in L .R . S in g h et al. 1983). According to the of such cavities causes the collapse o f ground
surface and thus inflicts great dam age to human
Survey R ep o rt o f the N ational Environmental
health and wealth. The example o f Brooklyn (Kings
R esearch In stitu te, N agpur, India, the level of air
County, New York, U.S.A.) is sufficient to dem on­
pollution in D elhi, K olkata, M umbai, Chennai,
strate environmental im pact o f groundw ater w ith­
A hm edaba, C ochin, H ydrabad, Jaipur, Kanpur,
drawal. The pumping of water from beneath the
N agpur etc. has gone up. The industrial cities such as
ground surface of Brooklyn city for urban dw ellers
M um bai and K anpur register higher level of air
at the rate of 75 million gallons per day resulted into
pollution as the air has becom e highly polluted and
the formation of large cavity (5 m iles wide and 35
toxic. T he danger o f acid rains because o f increasing
feet below sea level) beneath the city. The saline
proportion o f oxides of nitrogen and sulphur in the
water leaked into the cavity and the w ells became
air is increasing. It is found that the level of sulphur
contaminated due to saline w ater which forced the
in the air over Indian cities is veiy high. About 1700
city authorities to close down these contam inated
pollutants are m ixed with the air every day over
wells. The cases of land subsidence due to with­
M umbai m eteropolitan area. Out of these 55 per cent
drawal of groundwater have occurred in several
are em itted by the vehicles. The polluted air in
localities and Cities all over the world e.g. Houstan
Mumbai causes chest pains, cough, irritation of
(Taxes, U.S.A. subsidence of land by 0.3m to 1.0 m),
eyes, and respiratory problem s.
Mexico city (subsidence of ground surface from
Industrial tow ns and cities often cause poi­ 4m to 7m between 1891 and 1959), Venice (Italy)
sonous killer urban sm og due to trapping of etc.
pollutants m ainly sm oke and sulphur dioxide spewed
from the chim neys o f the m ills by stagnant air during Besides industrial wastes from industrial
inversion o f tem perature. Such poisonous smogs cities, huge quantity o f urban solid wastes also
occur over only those cities and towns which have creates environm ental problems. It may be pointed
factories and m ills. The exam ples o f poisonous out that greater attention is paid tow ards the
smogs o f D onora, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (October production, storage, accum ulation, transportaton,
26, 1948, 43 per cent o f the population became ill treatm ent and proper disposal of urban w astes in the
while 20 persons died), o f M euse Valley, Belgium developed coutnries but the problem o f urban wastes
(December 1950, 63 deaths) and of London (1952, in the developing countries is difficult one because
4000 deaths) are sufficient enough to dem onstrate (i) no proper attention is paid tow ards the storage,
the killer effects o f urban sm ogs caused by urban and transportation, treatm ent and proper disposal of
industrial pollution.Increasing incidence o f dense solid wastes, (ii) the big cities o f developing
fogs and smogs over the cities causes hurdles in the countries have grown out o f unplanned old cities and
462 ENVIRONMENTAL g e o g r a p h y

tow ns and hence there are no facilities like wide road industrial developm ent through the developm ent of
and streets for the operation o f modern machines to highly advanced and sophisticated and m ost effi­
clear the w astes, (iii) p e o p le do not care to stock the cient m achines, com puters and com plete autom a­
w astes at marked p la c e s etc. The quantity o f urban tion, quick and efficient exploitation o f natural
solid wastes is rapidly increasing with urban resources, developm ent of efficient and quick means
expansion and growth in urban population. A ccord­ of transportation (all belonging to economic spheres);
ing to the report of the National Enviornm ental developm ent of fast moving vehicles like tanks,
Research Institute, Nagpur (India) daily production supersonic war je t planes, ships etc, m anufcturing of
o f urban wastes in M umbay and K olkata is 0.5kg per deadly weapons such as atom and hydrogen bombs,
person whereas it is 0.15 to 0.35 kg per person per nuclear warheads, intercontinental ballistic m is­
day for other Indian cities. Stinking heaps o f garbage siles, chem ical bombs etc. (all related to political
stay for several days as the m unicipal corporations sphere); developm ent of com puter and several types
are not very particular in rem oving these garbages. o f audiovisul aids, aerial photogrpahs and satellite
Besides stinking odour, these garbages o f waste imageries etc (related to academic sphere); develop­
m aterials also contam inate w ater and air o f urban ment of numerous types o f luxury goods such as
areas. U rban centres also cause noise pollution of refrigerators, innum erable cosmetic goods, super­
various magnitudes. sonic jets, airconditioned motor cars etc. (related to
social sphere).
20.12 MODERN PRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY The development of modern technologies has
definitely created m ost of the present-day environ­
Technological developm ent has been a key mental problems. ‘Environm ental crisis is thus the
factor in the developm ent of human society right inevitable result of a counter-ecological pattern of
from stone age to the present century but the earlier productive growth. The environm ental problem s are
technologies were less destructive because the main held to be associated with productive processes
emphasis was to provide m inim um requirem ents for concentrating on synthetic and non-biodegradable
the sustenance of life w hereas the modern technolo­ material (such as the increased use o f plastics and
gies have becom e m ore destructive because these detergents rather than with radical changes in the
are m eant for accelerated rate o f exploitation of overall output o f goods or in m aterial aspects Of
natual rsources and their production into various consum ption’ (C.C. Park, 1980).
forms to raise the m aterial standard of human A few examples may reveal the curse of
beings. In fact, the developm ent of m odern tech­ modern technologis as given below :
nologies based on intensive scientific researches >- Man through advanced scientific techniques
and discoveries is closely associated with the
is capable of modifying the w eather conditions for
philosophy of ‘growth affluence school’ which lays
his benefits. For example, man m odifies w eather by
more emphasis on maximum exploitation of natural
resources, optimum level of production, rapidTate of cloud seeding to stimulate clouds and induce precipi­
economic development and significant rise in the tation through crystalization of supercooled drops
material growth of human society. This ‘growth or through the application of solid carbon dioxide and
affluence school’ of the industrialized western certain compounds o f iodine. ‘A few hundred gram s
world has ben responsible for total revolution in the of solid carbon dioxide or a few gram s o f iodine
scientific researches and the developm ent of sophis­ compound are enogh to crystallize a cubic kilom eter
ticated technologies to augment the production of supercooled cloud of w ater d rops’ (E. Fedorov,)
processes. ► Man is able to prevent hailstorm s. Such
The modern technologies have now entered practices are being carried out in R ussia, B ulgaria,
every aspect of economic, political, academic and Hungary, form er Yugoslavia, Sw itzerland and other
social spheres o f human society such as agricultural East Europian countries.
development through improved methods of culti vtion,
hoeing, sowing, irrigation, harvesting, and the >■ Low supercooled clouds and fogs are dis­
application o f high yielding varieties of seeds, persed to clear the airports in w inters for smooth
chem ical fertilizers and pesticides and insecticides; landing and take off o f air crafts. In all the cases
enormous heat energy em ployed to induce precipita­
extinguishers etc.. release substantial quantity of
tion, to prevent hailstorm s, and to disperse and clear
chlorofluorocarbons and halons into the atmosphere
clouds and fogs is released and it causes additional
which deplete the life saving ozone layer of the
heating of the low er layer o f the atm osphere and thus
stratosphere. Depletion of ozone means disturbance
changes the natural m eteorological processes. in the global radiation and heat balance of the earth
> M odern technologies have enabled the manand to its atmosphere because more and more ultravio­
construct huge dam s and reservoirs for the purpose let solar rays would reach the earth’s surface and
o f irrigation and generation o f hydroelectricity thus the temperature would be increased. Increase in
which is im m ensely required by the industrial sector the earth’s temperature due to depletion o f ozone
to augm ent the production processes and by the would cause adverse effects on human bodies (skin
dom estic sector to increase the com fort o f human cancer) and on plant and animal lives.
beings. Such activities create several enviornmental >• Increased burning of fossil fuels in the
problems o f greater dim ension, (a).Construction of thermal power stations and in the factories to
huge dams and reservoirs upset the equilibrium of generate more and more energy to run the machiens
rocks below the ground surface where the area is releases huge quantity o f carbon dioxide in the
already tectonically w eak and thus is triggered off atmosphere. Thus everincreasing concentration of
massive seism ic events because the load o f water of carbon dioxide in the atmospehre intensifies green­
lakes and reservoirs constructed behind the dams on house effects and thus raises earth’s tem perature and
major rivers increases hydrostatic pressure which disturbs radiation and heat balance.
causes d isturbances in the underlying rocks. The >■ Leakage of toxic gases from chem ical plants
earthquakes o f D enever since 1962 (Denever, not only pollute the air but also causes deaths of
C alorado, U .S.A .), Lake Kariba earthquake (on human beings, plants and animals immediately
Zam bezi riv er in Zam bia, Africa), Koyana earth­ (within minutes) and causes impairment of human
quake o f D ecem ber 11, 1967 (Satara, Maharashtra, bodies for several years even for few generations.
India) etc. are a few exam pels o f man-induced The Bhopal gas tragedy of December 3-4, 1984
earthquakes. There is m uch hue and cry agaisnt the (Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India) is the fittest
construction o f gigantic Tehri Dam on the Ganga example of lethal effects of the failures o f modem
river at Tehri in the Uttarakhand Himalaya (India), technology. The leakage of 30 tonnes o f toxic
(b) Large reservoirs subm erge vast areas o f natural poisonous MIC gas (Methyl Iso-Cyanide) from a
forests and thus degrade the environment in the storage tank of pesticide and insecticide manufcturing
source catchm ent area o f the concerned river. Union Carbide Factory of Bhopal (India) in 1984
>• M odern techniques o f increased agricultural (December 3-4, 1984) is the worst disaster of
production dem and increased application o f chem i­ chemical industry as the fast spreading poisonous
cal fertilizers (to increase the productivity of the gas killed 3598 people (official figure being 2500)
soils) and pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides (to and thousands of animals and innum erable microor­
remove plant diseases and destroy unwanted weeds). ganisms. Nuclear disaster of nuclear plant at
These chem ical elem ents pollute the soils by Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986 is another exam ple o f
changing their physical and chem ical properties on disastrous impact of modern technologies on the
the one hand, and the surface waters o f ponds, lakes very existence o f human society.
and stream s and groundw ater because o f gradual > Numerous toxic industrial wastes also cause
accumulation o f toxic chem ical elem ents on the serious enviornmental problems. About 2000 new
other hand. chemicals are released to the environments each
► The m anufacturing and use o f several luxury year from the industrial establishments. According
items such as refrigerators, airconditioners, spray- to experts some of these toxic chemicals mostly
can dispensers, hair driers and the operation o f fire through food are trasported across the placentas and
In fact, the interaction betw een the envirnm ent
reach the developing foetus of woman and cause
and society depends largely on the social and
abortions and prem ature labour; Hydrogen sulphide
political system s w ithin w hich arise the environ­
and sulphur dioxide gases released from the rayon m ental and ecological problem s. The capitalistic
m anufacturing plants cause severe environm ental and socialistic system 's’ perception and reactions to
pollution as these cause respiratory problem s in the environm ent are quite different. The capitalistic
human bodies and induce acid rains. system o f governm ent o f the w estern world is full of
The adverse effects o f modern technologies contradictions regarding the exploitation of natural
are so immense that it may not be possible to enlist resources, rate o f developm ent, use o f m odern
them individually. The m ost dangerous outcom e of technologies and conservation o f environm ental
the modern technologies is the production of a host resources and m aintenance o f ecological balance.
of toxic chemicals, synthetic m aterials and biologi­ C ontinuous but exceedingly increasing rate of
cally non-degradable m aterials. The problem of rapacious exploitation of natural resources and
disposal of some new products o f m odern technolo­ uncontrolled rapid rate o f developm ents by the
gies such as plastics has becom e headache even for developed western world m onopolistic groups and
the industrially developed and technologically selfish international com panies are responsible for
advanced countries. The m ost dangerous aspect of alarming situation o f grave problems o f enviornmental
modern technologies is the problem o f disposal of degradation, environm ental crises and ecological
nuclear waste m aterials com ing out o f the nulcear im balance not confined to the lim its o f their own
reactor plants. A bove all, the m anufacturing of countries and regions but to whole globe. In fact, the
nuclar bombs is graveyard dug out by man for inherent ideology o f capitalism is to increase
himself. In case of nuclear war the whole o f the globe production with minim um production cost but for
and entire biological commuity including human maximum profit leading to accum ulation and
beings will be destroyed due to nuclear holocaust hoarding of wealth on the one hand, and to shift the
and nuclear w inter within no time. responsibility of environm ental degradation on the
shoulders of developing and underdeveloped coun­
CONCLUSIONS , . tries on the other hand. C onversely, they are raising
the siren of ‘ecological catastrophe ’, ‘society o f zero
It is apparent from the aforesaid discussion grow th’, ‘equilibrium so cie ty ’, etc. so that the
that the processes and causes (as enlisted above) for consumption of natural resources m ay be frozen and
the environmental degradation present a gloomy economic growth may be suspended. In fact, the
picture for future life and all the developmental pessim istic ideology of the western capitalistic
works are anti-nature because these degrade the world is painting a gloom y picture of environm ental
environm ent. It may be born in mind that the pace of degradation and ecological im balance before the
developm ental work has to be maintained if we want developing countries so m uch so to discourage the
to m aintain the present human society but the use of m odern technology and launching o f develop­
developm ent should not be at the cost of the m ental progam m es so that they rem ain their
environm ent becuase it is the natural environment perennial m arkets w here the factory produce from
which ensures our existence. the western world may continue to be dumped.
“There are clearly a num ber of divergent (and On the other hand, the socialistic system of
at tim es conflicting) theories o f what are the basic
governm ent lays m ore em phasis on the social
causal factors underlying the recent envirnomanal
im portance of natural resources and enviornm ental
problem o f pollution and resource depletion. It
seem s fair to conclude that individual aspects of and ecological problem s and on the urgent need to
recent environm ental changes can be associated tackle these problem s. The inherent socialist ideol­
with d ifferent factors. The search for one overriding ogy of public ow nership o f natural resources is
root cause w ould apear to be largely academic explicit expression o f effective hature conservance.
because it seem s clear that each o f the m ajor causes In other words, the deep involvem ent o f society in
could be operating sim ultaneously and that their production and consum ption p rocesses injects a
balance will vary from place to place and through sense of belonging to natural w ealth and therefore
tim e” (C.C. Park, 1980, p /2 8 ). the public becom es conscious about the uses and

misuses o f natural rescours and environmental >• development of pollution free and eco-
problems arising therefrom .
friendly technologies,
To my m ind, as stated earlier, the root cause of > reduction in the exploitation of natural
environemental degradation and ecological imbal­ resources, i.e. rational exploitation,
ance is population growth. Various causes assigned
>■ large-scale efforts to replenish the depleted
to environm ental degradation such as rapid rate of
forests through afforestation and reforesta­
deforestation because of industrial and urban expan­
sion and extension o f agricultural land; agricultural tion schemes,
developm ent and everincreasing use of chemical >• to limit the use of chem ical fertilizers,
fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides to pesticides and insecticides and to increase
increase agricultural producton, industrial develop­ the use of natural fertilizers,
ment; urban expansion; m odern technologies; scien­ >- to treat the degraded land caused by rill and
tific advancem ent; econom ic poverty and lack of gully erosion,
environm ental perception; econom ic affluence and
>- to limit the production of those items, such as
m aterialistic outlook; excessive exploitation of
refrigerators, air conditioners etc. and cos­
natural resources and several types of developmen­
metic goods, which release ozone depleting
tal projects and program m es are, in fact, related to
gases like chlorofluorocarbons, halones etc.,
population grow th in one way or the other. Thus the
utm ost im portant step to be taken to tackle the >■ to limit the use of hydrocarbons to reduce the
problems o f enviornm ental degradation and eco­ release of greenhouse gases like C 0 2,
logical im balance is to check the population growth. > to stop the production o f nuclear w eapons,
The other m easures to tackle the environmental >- to educate the people about the environm ent
problems include the follow ing : and environmental problem s etc.
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21.1 DEFINITIONS OF POLLUTION that future strategies for resource utilization and
comprehensive environmental m anagement pro­
The nature and meaning of environmental grammes may be formulated and implemented.
degradation and difference between environmental Since pollution is viewed from different
degradation and pollution have been discussed at
angles as an environmental problem by the geogra­
length in chapter 20 of this book (see sections 20.1
and 20.2). In order to avoid repetition and to limit the phers in general and environmental geographers and
format of this book these topics, as just referred, are natural scientists in particular; as a social problem
not discussed here. However, it may be restated that by the sociologists; as an economic problem by the
environmental pollution means lowering of environ­ economists; as an ecological problem by the
mental quality at local scale caused exclusively by ecologists etc. and thus it may be defined in a number
human activities whereas environmental degrada­ of ways. It is commonly agreed that pollution is,
tion means lowering of environmental quality at
without doubt, the outcome of urban-industrial and
local, regional and global levels by both natural
processes and human activities. Both, environmen­ technological revolution and rapacious and speedy
tal degradation and pollution, are considered in exploitation of natural resources, increased rate of
terms of man. Since the realization of environmental exchange of matter and energy and ever-increasing
pollution has now become of global concern and industrial wastes, urban effluents and consumer
there is growing awareness about pollution as goods. A few definitions of pollution are given
‘vicious circle’ situation, a comprehensive study of below ;
pollution involving definitions and perception of
pollution, types of pollution, sources of pollution, 1. According to the report of the Restoring
causes and processes of pollution, environmental Quality of our Environment, President’s Science
and ecological effects of pollution, monitoring of Advisory Committee, W ashington, USA, pollution
pollution and pollution abatment programmes is not may be defined as “unfavourable alteration o f our
only desirable for environmental geographers and surroundings wholly or largely as a by-product o f
environmental scientists but is also necessary so m an’s actions through direct o r indirect effects o f
- • • - 'lit
changes in energy patterns, radiation levels, chemi­ 7. Savin** Singh (1991) has defined pollu­
cal and physical constitution and the abundance of tion in a very simple manner. This definition, as
organisms. ” given below, may be applied to all types of pollution
2. According to D.M. Dixon (1972) pollution ranging from physical to economic, political, social
includes “all those activities concious or uncon­ and religious pollution : r
scious o f human beings and their domestic cattle and *Disequilibrium condition from equilibrium
the result thereof which detract in any the condition in any system is called pollution. ’
long-term or short-term, from enjoyment o f his Savindra Singh
environment and his ability to derive fu ll benefit
It is apparent from the above definitions of
pollution that there are three criteria, asmentioned
3. Pollution is viewed as “the release of by N. Lee and C. Wood (1972) for defining pollution
substances and energy as waste products of human viz. (i) the waste materials resulting from human
activities which result in changes, usually harmful activities and disposal of wastes, (ii) damages
within the natural environment caused by disposed wastes whether directly or
Natural Environmental Research indirectly, and (iii) the circumstances where the
Council (NERC) 1976 effect of damage is met by third parties.
4. “Residuals, or wastes, are generated in all
stages o f production and consumption o f goods or 21.2 POLLUTANTS
services. Residuals become pollutants or an envi­
A pollutant is defined as any form of energy,
ronmental problem o f some kind and in some degree
or matter or action that causes disequilibrium state
when they have harmful effects in the atmosphere,
from equilibrium state in any existing natural
the occeans or the terrestrial environment. Harmful
ecosystem. Pollutants are divided on different bases
effects are effects that are harmful to man, or to
into various types as follows :
animals, plants or inanimate objects or conditions
that are important to man. Their importance to man (1) On the basis of source of genesis, pollutants
may be biological, economic, religious, moral, are divided into two main types :
aesthetic or intellectual. ” . (1) natural pollutants, and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (ii) man-made pollutants.
(MIT), 1970. Natural pollutants are manageable because of
5. Pollution is defined as “the presence at the laws of cybernetics or homeostatic mechanism.
large o f substances, or energy patterns which have But unfortunately man is not making any permanent
been involuntarily produced, have outlived their arrangement for pollutants made by h im se lf. i
purpose, have escaped by accident, or have unforseen (2) Pollutants are divided on the basis of
effects, in quantities which harm his (man's) health visibility into the following two types :
or do offend him (i) visible pollutants, and
Lord Kenett (ii) invisible pollutants.
6. R.F. Dasmann (1975) has defined pollu­ Visible pollutants include smoke, gases, dusts
tion as “the accumulation o f substances, or form s o f coming out of ‘human volcanoes’ (chimneys), waste
energy, in the environment in the quantities, or at water or sewage water coming out from factories and
rates o f flow, which exceed the capacity o f ecosys­ urban areas, heaps of garbages, animal and human
tems to either neutralize or desperse them to wastes etc. whereas invisible pollutants include
harmless levels. Pollutants are not necessarily several types of bacteria, toxic chemicals mixed
harmful in themselves. ” with water and soils etc.
ness etc. whereas biological pollutants include
(3) Pollutants may be classified on the basis of
eutrophication, locust swarms etc.
their state as follows :
(5) Pollutants may also be divided on th
(i) solid participate
of areas polluted by specific pollutant and group of
pollutants (aerosols, industrial wastes such
pollutants into 3 types :
as lead, mercury, tailings, asbestos etc.)
(i) air pollutants
(ii) gaseous pollutants
(chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide; sul­ (e.g. particulate matter, gases, smokes, soots etc.)
phur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon mon­ (ii) water pollutants
oxides, methan etc.) '• ’ 1 /t
(e.g. dissolved and suspended solids, differ­
(iii) liquid pollutants ent types of ions, pesticides and insecticides
(oil slicks, dissolved solids, ammonia, urea, residues, toxic metals such as lead, m ercury and
nitrate, chloride, fluoride, carbonates, pesti­ cadmium, radioactive wastes etc.)
cides and insecticidies etc.—all in dissolved i >o
(iii) land pollutants
form, oil and greases etc.)
(e.g. human and animal excreta, garbage,
(4) Pollutants are also divided on the basis of
their nature into the following 3 types : pesticides, insecticides and chem ical fertilizers,
machines and tools, radio active substances etc.
(i) physical pollutants,
The Massachusetts Institute o f Technology
(ii) cultural pollutants, and
(MIT, 1970) has identified more than a m illion kinds
(iii) biological pollutants.
of products produced by man which are both waste
Physical pollutants include all natural as well
and useful products that eventually turn to be w astes
as man-made pollutants in gaseous, solid and liquid
after their uses. M IT has also specified a series o f
state as referred to above. Cultural pollutants
key pollutants which create critical environm ental
include over-population or say explosive popula­
tion, poverty, crime, richness, cultural backward­

Table 21.1: List of key pollutants specified by the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA, 1970)
1. carbon dioxide 7. chlorinated hydrocarbons
2. particulate matter (especially DDT and polychlorinated
3. sulphur dioxide biphenys-PCB)
4. oxides of nitrogen 8. other hydrocarbons
.5. toxic heavy metals 9. radionuclides
• .• , I,
(lead, mercury, arscenic,
10. heat
cadmium, nickel, manganese, copper, zinc) I
11. nutrients
6. oil

The United States National Academy of

Sciences-National Research Council (USNAS-NRC) pow er plants, sedim ents from land ero sio n and
as identified 8 broad types o f pollutants which enter radioactive substances. T hese p o llu ta n ts are given in
atercourses. These pollutants include heat from table. 21.2
ENVIRONMENTAL p o l l u t io n 469

T a b l e 21.2 i Main types of pollutants which enter the

waste, gaseous exhausts, liquid effluents, pollutants
water courses In the USAmsNag-Mpn
coming out of chimneys of factories located within
1. Domestic sewage and other oxygen demand­ the urban centres etc. Agricultural source of
ing wastes pollution includes the pollutants related to chem ical
2. Infectious agents fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides. Human popu­
3. Plant nutrients lation is the most important source o f pollution
because all forms of anthropogenic pollution are the
4. Organic chemicals which are highly toxic at creation of human activities. On an average the
very low concentrations (such as insecti­ increase in the population of a nation has been
cides, pesticides, detergents, and petro­ positively correlated with pollution. The everincreasing
chemicals) population in the developing countries is posing as
5. Minerals and chemicals (including chemical much problem of pollution as in the developed
residues, salts, acids, silts and sludges) countries through industrial growth and urban
expansion. Poverty and underdevelopment are yet
6. Sediments from land erosion
other sources of pollution.
7. Radioactive substances
8. Heat from power and industrial plants 21.4 TYPES OF POLLUTION

21.3 SOURCES OF POLLUTION The classification of environmental pollution

is a difficult task because the pollutants and the
The pollutants, as described earlier, are media through which the pollutants are transported
produced by both natural and anthropogenic proc­ and diffused (such as air, water and land) are all
esses and therefore the sources of pollution on this interconnected and interrelated and thus all types o f
basis are divided in two categories viz. natural pollution, identified so far, are arbitrary in character.
source of pollution, and (ii) anthropogenic source of Inspite of the drawback of arbitrariness in he
pollution. Natural source of pollution includes typology o f pollutions they are classified in a
pollutants such as volcanic ashes and dusts from number of ways on various grounds as elaborated
volcanic eruptions (volcanic dust layers in the below :
atmosphere reduce air temperature); undesirable 1. On the. basis of nature of pollution
substances brought to the surface because of fracture ( 1) physical pollution
and faults caused by seismic events; flood water in
(i) land pollution,
lowlying area causes diseases etc. Anthropogenic
source of pollution is varied and is the main culprit (ii) water pollution, and
of environmental pollution because the nature takes (iii) air pollution
care of natural pollutants because of inbuilt mecha­ (2) social pollution
nism of absorbing any change brought in the nature
(i) economic pollution,
by natural processes.
Anthropogenic sources of pollution include (i)
industrial source, (ii) urban source, (iii) agricultural (ii) religious pollution
source, (iv) population source etc. Most of the (communal riots and violence)
pollutants come from industrial and urban sectors. (iii) political pollution
The industrial source contributes a host of pollutants (wars)
such as gaseous pollutants (nitrogen oxides, sulphur
(iv) ethnic pollution
dioxide, carbon monoxides, hydrocarbon as meth­
ane and numerous toxic gases), solid pollutants, (ethnic riots)
dissolved and suspended solids, waste water having (v) social pollution
numerous chemical ingredients, heat etc. Urban
(crimes such as robbery, rape, dacoity,
sources of pollution contribute sewage water, solid murders etc.)
470 e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e q g

2. On the basis of medium of pollution pollutioninvolves both surface water and groundwater.
Infact, nonpoint pollution is a slow poisoning of our 4
•' ( 1) land pollution
physical environment mainly surface and subsur- j
(2) water pollution face waters and soils. The polluted water in turn
(3) air pollution adversely affects biological communities in general
and human community in particular and soil
3. On the basis of area and source of pollution
pollution results in phenomenal decrease in fertility
( 1) urban pollution and productivity which causes drastic reduction in
(2) rural pollution agricultural production and hence consequent sub­
(3) industrial pollution stantial shortage of food supply may cause economic
pollution through poverty, starvation and deaths.
(4) agricultural pollution
Besides chemicals, eroded sediments and silts
4. On the basis of location of pollution
brought down by the surface runoff from the land to
( 1) point pollution lakes, reservoirs and rivers are also significant
(2) non-point pollution pollutants and cause nonpoint pollution of lakes and
(i) rural non-point pollution rivers through increased proportion of suspended
solids and sediment loads in the water and conse­
(ii) urban non-point pollution
quent sedimentation and siltation of lakes, reser­
1. Point Pollution voirs and river beds.
The rainwater after having numerous chemi­
Point pollution is always visible and hence cals in dissolved forms (rainwater receives several
can be easily identified. Discharge of effluents from chemicals from the agricultural farms which are
a drain or pipe1into a river channel is termed point- treated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides and
sonrce pollution or simply a point pollution. In fact, insecticides) infiltrates downward and hence these
point pollution means coming out of pollutants from chemicals are also moved downward to pollute
a specific location such as outfall of sewer drains in groundwater.
a river or a creek, outfall of drains of industrial waste
Non-point pollution is further divided into
water, chimneys of factories etc. whereas nonpoint
two types :
pollution means pollution of the area from unspeci­
fied location. Nonpoint pollution includes washing (i) rural or agricultural nonpoint pollution
of fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural land (ii) urban nonpoint pollution
into streams. Thus nonpoint pollution is seldom (i) Rural nonpoint pollution: The major source
visible. For example, chemical fertilizers and of nonpoint pollution in rural areas is agricultural
pesticides and insecticides used in the agricultural activity. Since rural nonpoint pollution is basically
fields are washed out during rains and thus are related to agricultural activities, it is also called as
brought to the streams.
agricultural pollution. Nature and amount of
2. Non-point Pollution
chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides
applied to the farms, types of soils, amount and
Nonpoint pollution mostly occurs from agri­ intensity of annual rainfall, other clim atic condi­
cultural practices. The chemicals used in the form of tions, methods of ploughing and farm management
plant nutrients as fertilizers and in the form of techniques, nature and slope of ground surface,
pesticides and insecticides in the agricultural farms nature of crops etc. are the factors which determine
are brought to the tanks and ponds, lakes and streams the nature and magnitude of nonpoint pollution in
in dissolved and solid forms. The main medium or rural areas.
agent of nonpoint pollution is surface runoff
(ii) Urban nonpoint pollution : Though the
resulting from atmospheric rainfall. The rainwater
transports pollutants in two directions viz. (i) lateral sources of urban nonpoint pollution are varied and
movement of pollutants through surface runoff, and uncertain yet these are divided into 3 categories viz.
(ii) downward movement of pollutants through T T 8 fr° m reside"Hal areas, .he
infiltrating and percolating water. Thus nonpoint
(S u l? PtendS0n ,he densi,y of houses.
( 0 pollutants coming from small-scale industries, and
ENVIRONMENTAL po l l u t io n 471

(iii) pollutants coming from large-scale industries. gases like neon, krypton, helium, hydrogen,
In the regions of extreme cold climate roads arid ozone are also present. Air is very impor a
are covered with ice sheets during winter season and all types of life in the biosphere. Human life is
hence salts are used to melt the ice so that the roads possible without air because man can ive or a
can be kept open and traffic flow and road drainage days without water or for a few weeks wit ou o
can be properly maintained. The process (melting of but cannot survive even for a fe w minutes wi QU
ice) is called de-icing. Thus enormous quantity of air. It constitutes about 80 per cent of the total into e
salts used for melting the road ice is washed out to of all things by a person every day as a person
reach the nearby streams which are thus character­ breathes 22,000 times a day inhaling 35 gallons or lo
ized by higher proportion of salt or say high salinity.
kilograms of air which he obtains from the oxygen
“The total amount of de-icing chemicals used in the
USA is probably close to 2 million tonnes per year rich atmosphere surrounding the earth.
and there is growing concern over possible effects It may be pointed out that air is never pure
on receiving streams.” because some gases such as sulphur dioxide,
Numerous small catchment studies to evalu­ hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide; emissions
ate the impact of nonpoint pollution from agricul­ from volcanoes and swamps, windblown dusts, salt
tural areas in the USA on nutrient loadsings of the spray, pollens from plants etc. are continuously
streams have shown positive relationship between added to the air by the natural processes. Thus the air
land use types and concentration of chemicals in the becomes polluted when its natural composition is
rivers. The findings of the study of NES (National disturbed either by natural or man-made sources or
Eutrophication Survey, USA) regarding the meas­ by both. A few definitions of air pollution are given
urement of relationships between stream nutrient
loadings and watershed land use in 473 small basins below :
to the east of the Mississippi river (selected from (1) H. Perkins (1974) has defined air p o llu ­
different areas having different land uses e.g. forest, tion as "the presence in the outdoor atmosphere o f
mostly forest, mixed, mostly urban, mostly agricul­ one or more contaminants such as dust, fum es, gas,
tural and agriculture) revealed a vast difference in the mist, odour, smoke or vapour in quantities o f
total mean concentration of phosphorous (0.15 mg per characteristics and o f duration such as to be
litre of water in the agriculture-dominated watersheds injurious to human, plant or animal life and to
and 0.04 mg per litre of water in the forest-dominated property or which unreasonably interferes with the
basins) and nitrogen (4.17 mg and 0.85 mg per litre of comfortable enjoyment o f life and property\ ”
water for agriculture-dominated and forest-dominated
(2) Air pollution is defined as lim ited to
basins respectively) which is because of the use of
situation in which the outdoor ambient atmosphere
fertilizers in the agricultural watersheds.
contains materials in concentration, which are
No significant attempts have been made so far harmful to man and his surrounding environment.
to assess the nature and amount of nonpoint
' ' WHO
pollution in India though rapid rate of growth in the
constructions of buildings and roads, phenomenal (3) In a general sense air pollution may be
increase in soil erosion, substantial increase in the use defined as the disequilibrium condition o f the air
of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides and caused due to introduction o f foreign elements fro m
industrial expansion and urban growth have defi­ natural as well as anthropogenic sources to the air
nitely augmented the rate of nonpoint pollution. so that the air becomes injurious to biological
communities in general and human community in
21.5 AIR POLLUTION particular. ; Savindra Singh, 1991
Airpollution is generally accomplished through
1. MEANING AND DEFINITION the pollutants of gases and solid and liquid particles
of both organic and inorganic chemical classifica­
The atmosphere is a gaseous envelope which tion important being carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons,
surrounds the earth from all sides and the air is a nitrogen oxides, sulphur compounds, waste heat,
mechanical mixture of several gases, mainly, water vapour, ammonia, hydrocarbons, methane,
nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.95%), argan (0.93%) peroxyacetylmtrates, methyl bromide, krypton-85,
and carbon dioxide (0.03%). Besides, other trace aerosol etc. It is significant to note that air pollution
dusts, dusts produced due to collision of
through natural sources including volcanic dusts,
windblown dusts, vapour from plant leaves, rotting asteroids, meteors, comets etc. with the
m aterials in the natural environment, pollens from earth; .
plant flowers etc. does not warrant much conce™ (c) from green plants : vapour through
because “such pollutants can be considered to be evapotranspiration, pollen from plant
accommodated within the global ecology ( flowers, carbon dioxide from bacteria;
Hobbs, 1980) because they (natural pollutants) are
distributed all over the globe but-man-made po u (d) from fungi; fungal spores, viruses etc.;
ants are injected and concentrated in certain (e) from land surface; salt spray from seas
localities of their sources mainly in highly industri­ and lakes, dusts and soil particles from
alized and urbanized pockets of the world. In ot er
words, the pollutants coming out of natural sources ground surface.
are generally absorbed by the natural environment (2) anthropogenic pollutants
and no pollutional problem arises but man-made (a) gases from kitchen and domestic heat­
pollutants being concentrated in certain parts of the
ing, industries, incineration of munici­
atmosphere pollute the air.
The nature, dimension and magnitude of air pal and domestic garbages, automobiles,
pollution depend on a variety of factors such as diesel locomotives of railways, aircrafts
residence time of pollutants in the atmosphere etc.; “
(duration of stay of pollutants in the atmosphere), (b) particulate matter from industries, mines,
s o u r c e s of pollutants, nature of pollutants, amount of
pollutants etc. “The residence time of pollutants in and urban centers mostly from automo­
the atmosphere (also) vary considerably, depending biles;
upon the nature of the pollutant itself, upon the way (c) radioactive substances from nuclear plants,
emission has taken place, on meteorological factors
nuclear fuel releases, nuclear tests etc.;
(e.g. amount of moisture content in the air, air
temperature, nature of air circulation, nature of air (d) heat from industries, dom estic kitchens
pressure, cloudiness etc.), and on sink mechanisms and room heating, therm al pow er plants
(absorption of pollutants such as nature of vegeta­ etc.
tion, water bodies etc.)” (H.E. Hobbs, 1980)
Air pollutants are also divided on the basis of
the nature of pollutants into the follow ing two broad
Major sources of air pollution are divided into ( 1) gaseous air pollutants
two broad categories : (a) Carbon dioxide (C 0 2), carbon m onoxide
( 1) natural sources (CO) from com bustion of fossil fuels,
(e.g. volcanic eruptions, deflation of sands transportation sector, industrial proc­
and dusts, forest fires etc.) esses and garbage disposal,
(2) anthropogenic sources , <v v ’ (b) hydrocarbons (carbon and hydrogen con­
(e.g. industries, urban centers, automobiles,
taining com pounds in oxygenated hy ­
aircrafts, agriculture, power plants etc.)
drocarbon) from incom plete com bustion
Like sources of air pollutants and pollution (c) fluorocarbons from aerosol cans, and
a.r pollutants are also divided on the basis of sources refrigeration systems,
into the following two broad categories :
(d) sulphur com pounds such as S 0 2 and
( 1) natural pollutants
SO3, H2S (hydrogen sulphide) and H 2S 0 4
(a) from volcanic eruptions; dusts, ashes, (sulphuric acids) from the b urning o f
smoke, carbon dioxide and other gases;*
sulphur containing fossil fuels,
(b) from extra-terrestrial bodies; cosmic
(e) nitrogen oxides and other nitrogenous (1) on the basis of types of pollutants, and
compounds such as N 02 (nitrogen diox­ (2) on the basis of sources of air pollutants.
ide), N20 (nitrous oxides), NO (nitric (1) On the basis of types of air pollutants, air
oxide) and N 03 (nitrogen trioxide) from pollution is divided into two major types .
high flying aircrafts, combustion of fossil (1) gaseous air pollution, and
fuels and from chemical fertilizers, (ii) particulate air pollution.
(f) aldehydes from thermal decomposition (2) On the basis of sources of air pollutants,
of fats, oils, or glycerol, and air pollution is divided into the following types .
(g) chlorine from bleaching cotton cloths (a) automobiles air pollution,
and flour and many other chemical (b) industrial in pollution,
processes. (c) thermal air pollution,
(2) particulate air pollutants (d) urban air pollution,
(a) aerosols : are those fine particles which (e) rural air pollution, and
are around one micron to 10 microns in (f) nuclear air pollution. ,
size, these are added to the atmosphere The description of air pollution may be
by industries, thermal power generation, approached in a number of ways such as (i) on the
basis of pollutants, (ii) on the basis of sources of
automobiles, space heating, agricultural
pollution etc. Only one approach should be adopted
activities etc., because all the approaches are overlapping. The
(b) smokes, soots and fumes are smaller present author has opted for the topical description
than aerosols in size and are added to the of air pollution based on major pollutants. It may be
atmosphere through the incineration of pointed out that the nature of air pollution is so
municipal and domestic wastes, thermal complicated due to a host of pollutants that it
becomes difficult to isolate the major pollutants.
power plants and almost all types of
manufacturing processes, and Cabon Monoxide and Air Pollution
(d) dusts include those solid particles which
are larger than aerosols in size, these are The major source of the production of carbon
monoxide (CO) is incomplete burning of fossil fuels
added to the air from all types of
like coal and petroleum and wood charcoal. The
combustions and agriculture. automobiles using diesel and petroleum are the
Particulate pollutants are also divided into the major source of carbon monoxide. Besides, carbon
following two types : monoxides are also produced from oil refineries,
metallurgical operations and numerous combustion
(i) visible o|/living particulate matter engines. It is apparent that urban areas and industrial
e.g. bacteria, pollen grains, fungal and other centres are the most significant contributors of
spores, all of which belong to the category of carbon monoxide because they account for the
largest number of automobiles and industries.
natural air pollutants. According to an estimate about 6 billion tones of
(ii) non-living particulate matter carbon monoxide are annually produced and emitted
e.g. all of the pollutants whether gaseous or in the atmosphere at global level. Thus carbon
particulate from anthropogenic sources as monoxide constitutes about 50 per cent of the total
air pollutants. The U.S.A. alone produces about 65
referred to above.
million tons of carbon monoxide per year. Other
significant contributors of carbon monoxide are the
4. TYPES OF AIR POLLUTION countries located in the northern hemisphere such as
Japan. Korea, former USSR (now CIS), U.K.
Air pollution may be divided on two bases as
France, Germany, Canada etc. India has also
follows :

em erged as a m ajor contributor of carbon monoxide (C 0 2) was fixed at 0.028 to 0.029 per cent (280 to
to the atm osphere as Kolkata alone discharges 450 290 p.p.m.) by volume but the atm ospheric C 0 2 has
tones of carbon monoxide daily into the atmosphere. increased from the pre-industrial level to 368 ppm
It may be mentioned that carbon monoxide is not by 2000 A.D., thus registering an overall increase of
toxic to plants but it causes respiratory problem and 31 per cent from the pre-industrial level. It is
suffocation, when inhaled, in the human bodies. believed that the rate o f increase of atmospheric
Inspite of the presence of oxygen in sufficient carbon dioxide through anthropogenic sources will
amount in a room with burning coal carbon be accelerated due to relentless march of developing
monoxide causes suffocation and if the room is countries towards industrial development and ur­
closed, it causes death. banization. Various models have been prepared to
estimate the quantum of increase o f C 0 2 from man-
Carbon Dioxide and Air Pollution
made sources. According to S.H. Schneider (1975) a
Carbon dioxide gas is one of the natural doubling of carbon dioxide (pre-industrial atmos­
gaseous components of the atmosphere and in itself pheric partial pressure o f C 0 2 estim ate as 293 p.p.m)
it is not harmful to human health rather it is a to about 600 p.p.m. may increase atmospheric
resource because plants manufacture their food temperature by 1.5°C to 3.0°C. Hoffman and Wells
through the process of photosynthesis by using (1987) have remarked that the atmospheric content
carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight and it is of carbon dioxide has risen by 25 per cent since
the food manufactured by green plants upon which
industrial revolution and is expected to double (100
depend all organisms including man. The content of
C 02 in the atmosphere is increasing at an alarming per cent rise from the pre-industrial level) by the
rate because of two major factors viz. (i) release of middle of the 21st century.
C 0 2 due to burning of fossil fuels (coal and According to the IPCC report 2001 (Intergov­
petroleum) at everincreasing rate, and (ii) gradual ernmental Panel on Clim ate Change) if no effective
decrease in the consumption of CO2 because of measures are adopted to stabilize the emission of
shrinking forest covers due to rapid rate of
C 0 2 at 1992 level by worldover, its atmospheric
concentration would increase to 405-460 ppm by
It is significant to note that pre-industrial 2050 A.D.; and 540-970 ppm by the end o f 21st
level of atmospheric content of carbon dioxide century.

Table 21.3 : Estimated emissions of major pollutants from fuel sources in India

Estimated Pollutant Emissions (in thousand tonnes)

Fuels Sources Quantity Particulates C 0 2 S02 NO Hydroca- H2S NH3 HCL Total
' con* rbons pol­
per year
(million '
1. Coal 67.6 2160 115 1350 270 1620
2. Fuel (diesel, 5.9 80 90 80 5750
1 35 100 41 110 1 1 1
kerosine) 290
3. Petroleum 1.6 3.2 720 1-6 32 128
(automobiles, 1.6 1.6 1.6 890
en viro n m en tal po llu tio n 475

0.8 0.3 - 0.2 3.6 1.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 7

4. Natural Gas
12.0 1.7 26 13 11 8 60
5. Petroleum
(refinery opera­
100 3140 163 1960 390 2350 120 120 180 8360
6. Firewood
55 720 38 450 90 540 25 25 25 1910
7. Dry cattle dung
8. Vegetable waste 32 960 57 600 120 720 36 36 36 2560
9. Refuse burning 200 1400 1400 1000 1000 1400 - - - 6200

Total 475 8386 2548 5475 1958 6878 260 260 260 26,030
Source : NEERI, Nagpur, 1965-66.

The higher concentration of carbon dioxide in Chlorofluorocarbons and Ozone Depletion

the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect (see
section 13.9 (1), Chapter 13 of this book) of the The chlorofluorocarbons, popularly known as
atmosphere and thus increases the temperature of the CFCs, belonging to the category o f chem icals
earth’s surface because carbon dioxide is more or synthesised by man for use in several kinds of
less transparent to incoming shortwave solar radia­ industries including refrigeration, are relatively
tion and thus allows the solar radiation to pass simple compounds of the elements chlorine, fluorine,
through the atmosphere and reach the earth’s surface and carbon and are initially stable com pounds which
but stops the outgoing longwave terrestrial radiation do not have any toxic effect on life processes in the
from escaping to the space. In other words, biosphere at the ground level. These synthetic
atmospheric carbon dioxide together with other chemicals are widely used as propellants in spray
greenhouse gaSes trap the outgoing heat radiation can dispensers, as fluids in airconditioners and
waves of the earth and thus warms up the air which refrigerators, as blowing agents in /insulation foam s
results in gradual increase in the temperature of the (popularly known as styrofoam )/and as industrial
earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere. solvents. It is estimated that about 25 per cent o f the
total world production of chlorofluorocarbons is
The increasing content of atmospheric carbon used to propel ‘personal care products’ such as
dioxide from anthropogenic sources is expected to deodorants, hair sprays, shaving cream s and num er­
have far reaching effects on global climate through ous other cosmetic products. The m ost im portant of
gradual rise in temperature as given below : the ch lo ro flu o ro carb o n s-h y d ro carb o n s-are the
trichlorofluorom ethane (trade name freon 11) and
► There may be substantial decrease in precipi­
dichlorofluorom ethane (trade nam e freon 12).
tation and soil moisture content in the most
The em issions o f chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
developed agricultural regions of the world.
in aerosol and non-aerosol form s from aerosol spray
> There would be gradual increase in oceanic cans, airconditioners, refrigerators, foam plastics,
salinity which would decrease biological fire extinguishers (halons), cosm etic goods etc. into
productivity of marine ecosystem which the troposhere and their transport to the stratosphere
would change the albedo o f the ocean increase the concentration o f chlorofluorocarbons
surface. because these keep on accum ulating in the strato­
sphere as they do not degrade for a long period o f
*^lere would be melting o f continental and time. The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), after being
mountain glaciers and consequent rise in sea broken down by the ultra-violet solar radiation,
level and resultant flooding of coastal low ­ destroy the strong ozone w hich acts as a protective
lands. cover for all biotic com m unities o f the biosphere
animals, anaerobic situation in wetlands and rice
because ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet solar radia fields and anthropogenic activities, such as burning
tion and this protects the earth from becoming too of biomass and fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and
hot. natural gas). Concentration of methane gas in the
It may be pointed out that the air is being stratosphere increases water vapour there and thus
increasingly polluted due to release of CFCs in the increased water vapour together with other factors
atmosphere. The atmospheric concentration of intensifies greenhouse effect of the atmosphere.,
CFCs is increasing rapidly at the rate of 13 to 28 per which causes rise in the temperature of the earth’s
cent (of freon 11) per annum. Thus the depletion of surface. According to an estim ate about 400 to 765x
ozone (see chapter 13) due to increased concentra­ ] 0 12 grams of methane gas are added to the
tion of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is one of the atmosphere every year.
most dangerous forms of air pollution.
Thus the ozone depletion caused by increased Sulphur Dioxide and Air Pollution
concentration of chlorofluorocarbon would ad­
versely affect the global climate, biotic communities Sulphur dioxide gas ( S 0 2) is produced by
and human beings. It is believed that the depletion of both natural and man-made sources. After carbon
ozone layer would result in 5 to 20 per cent more monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide is the second most
ultra-violet radiation reaching the populated areas of important contributor of air pollutants as it accounts
the world within coming 40 years. The substantial for about 29 per cent of the total weight of all air
increase in the surface temperature of the earth pollutants. It may be pointed out that sulphur is
would cause climatic changes at regional and global essential element for both plants and animals only in
levels. The overall warming of the environment trace amount but when the concentration o f sulphur
would cause melting of continental glaciers and ice increases in the atmosphere, it becomes injurious to
caps such as those of Greenland and Antarctica. This
both plants and animals because increased concen­
would in turn cause rise in sea level and consequent
tration of sulphur increases the acidity of water and
submergence of coastal areas of lowlying countries.
lowers the pH of water significantly. The major
The increased surface temperature and expo­
man-made sources of sulphur dioxide are thermal
sure of human bodies to increased ultra-violet solar
power plants (where huge am ount of coal is burnt to
radiation would cause skin cancer mainly among the
white populations. According to an estimate 12 per generate power), crude oil refineries and automo­
cent decrease in ozone would cause skin cancer to biles which together account for 50 per cent o f total
1,20,000 people per year in the USA alone. S 0 2 pollution from m an-originated sources.
Secondly, increased exposure of human bodies to Sulphur dioxide (S 0 2) through the photo­
ultra-violet solar radiation would decrease immu­ chemical reactions with atmospheric oxygen (0 2)
nity of human body against infectious diseases. and with water film s on suspended particulates
Thirdly, increased ultra-violet radiation and conse­ produces sulphuric acids (H2S 0 4) which is highly
quent increased photochemical processes would corrosive and leading culprit to human health and
cause poisonous smogs. Fourthly, human beings wealth. Sulphuric acids com ing down with rainfall
will face food shortage because of very severe
cause acid rain having very low pH value ranging
adverse effects of increased ultra-violet solar
between 5 and 2.5. Acid rain is very dangerous
radiation on agricultural crops, vegetation commu­
hazard as it causes irreparable dam age to agricul­
nities and fishes in the freshwater and marine aquatic
tural crops, forests, aquatic life and hum an bodies. It
ecosystems. (See chapter 13 for detailed discussion
on effects of ozone depletion). corrodes buildings, pollutes drinking w ater storage
sources, and degrades soil biological processes. The
Methane and Air Pollution sulphur cotnent present in coal and petroleum gets
converted into sulphur dioxide ( S 0 2) on burning.
The major sources of the production of This sulphur dioxide after com bining w ith sm oke
methane (CH4), which belongs to the category of
over urban and industrial areas form s poisonous
greenhouse gases, are biologial processes such as
smog wfcych causes respiratory diseases in hum an
enteric fermentation in cattle, sheep, and other
body and some times causes deaths.
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p o l l u t io n
Oxides of Nitrogen and Air Pollution Particulate Matter and Air Pollution
A few oxides of nitrogen such as nitric oxide The particulate matter includes smoke and
(NO), nitrogen oxide (N20), nitrogen dioxide (N 02) soot, aerosols and dusts and mists. Aerosols are
etc. are important air pollutants. Nitrogen oxides are solid, liquid or solid-liquid particles ranging from
formed through natural processes as well as through 0.005 to 500 p.m in diameter (Ormrod, 1984) but
man-induced processes. The main sources of man- usually aerosols are considered to include the
originated nitrogen oxides are thermal power particles upto one micron in diameter. Particles
stations, factories, automobiles and aircrafts. In being smaller in diameter than aerosols are called
other words, nitrogen oxides are released to the smoke and soot whereas particles larger than
atmosphere through the burning of coal and petro­ aerosols are called dusts when they are solid and
leum. According to an estimate each ton of coal after mists when they are liquid. Several solid particulates
burning produces between 5 to 10 kilograms of are emitted from the industrial, urban and agricul­
nitrogen oxide whereas one ton of diesel and tural sectors, the fallout of which causes various
petroleum consumed by transport vehicles (such as types of health hazards to living beings on this planet
motor cars, trucks and two-wheelers) releases 25 to earth. ' !
30 kilogrms of nitrogen dioxide. High concentration Solid particulates such as dusts are divided
of nitric oxide causes several diseases in human into two categories based on the sources of their
bodies such as gum irtflamation, internal bleeding, production e.g. (i) metallic dust particulates coming
oxygen deficiency, pneumonia, lung cancer etc. out of industrial, mining and metallurgical opera­
Nitrogen oxides released from the exhausts of large tions include dusts particles of aluminium, lead,
fleets of supersonic zet aircrafts (travelling at more copper, iron, zinc etc., and (ii) non-metallic dust
than double the speed of sound and at a height more particulates including particles or dusts of cement,
than 15,000 m, where ozone has its maximum glass, ceramics, asbestos etc. are produced from
concentration) are expected to reduce the concentra­ industrial operations. Lead particles are generally
tion of ozone by 30 per cent. The studies have shown produced from petrol because lead is added to petrol
that even 5 per cent reduction in ozone in the as an antiknock agent. These particulate matters
atmosphere can cause between 20,000 to 60,000 emitted in the air from man-made sources cause
additional cases of skin cancer in the USA alone damages to biological communities in a variety of
(A.N. Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1977). ways (to be discussed in the next subsection on
effects of air pollution) and also cause more changes
Thermal A ir Pollution in weather conditions. Dust particles scatter solar
radiation and thus affect radiation balance.
Heat energy released from industrial proc­
esses, space heating and cooling and power genera­ Domestic Air Pollution
tion stations into the atmosphere is expected to upset
the balance between solar energy input and absorp­ Domestic air pollution includes pollution of
tion of solar energy at the earth’s surface which may air due to pollutants emitted from the houses and
lead to some changes in general atmospheric offices in both rural and urban areas. The major
conditions. According to W.W. Kelogg (1977) total domestic pollutants are smokes from cigarettes, biri,
world energy production through man-made sources cigars and other tabocco smokes, burning of coal,
in 1977 was about 104 GW (G = giga, one giga = 1 firewood, cow-dung cakes, kerosine oil and liqui­
billion, W = watt) where as the absorbed solar fied gases. Thus there are three major sources of
energy at the earth’s surface was about 8 x 107 GW. domestic air pollution e.g. (i) several forms of
According to S.R. Hanna and F.A. Gifford heat tobacoo smokes, (ii) kitchen smokes, and (iii) coal.
emissions from a 4 x 104 MW (M = mega, which The most widespread and serious domestic air
means one million = 1,000,000) nuclear power plant pollutant is kitchen smoke mostly in the rural areas
may cause and accelerate the formation of convec­ and slums of the urban areas in the developing
tive clouds and precipitation therefrom over the countries. Most of the populations of rural India
source region and may introduce slight ground fog burn wood, twigs, leaf litters, cowdung cakes, coal
within 100 km of cooling towers. and kerosine oil in the kitchens to cook food. The

kitchens are generally located in unventilated and climate at local, regional and global levels. A
room s. These devices release enromous volume of few of the climatological effects of air pollution are
soot and smokes which pollute the air in limited area given below :
particularly in and around that village concerned or (i) D epletion of ozone caused by
a particular locality of the city. The ‘chulhas’ chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) em itted from
(ovens) in the rural areas are unscientifically airconditioners, refrigerators, foam plastics, hair
designed and hence most of the smokes spread in the driers, spray can dispensers, fire extinguishers and
kitchen room, nearby rooms and some escape in the many cosmetic goods and nitrogen oxides released
air through thatched roofs. Similarly, a sizeable by large fleets of supersonic jets travelling at more
portion of heat goes out unused. Recently, some fuel than double the speed of sound and at a height more
efficient ‘chulhas’ have been designed. The com­ than 15,000 m may change the radiation balance at
mon pollutant gases emitted from domestic burning global level. A detailed description of effects of
of coal, kerosine oil, firewood, cowdung cakes etc. ozone depletion has already been presented in '
are carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), chapter 13. The overall effect of ozone pollution
sulphur dioxide (SO2) etc. Incomplete combustion (depletion is also a form of pollution) would be
of wood, coal, pady skins etc. releases carbon increase in the ultra-violet solar radiation reaching
monoxide which reaches 50 p.p.m. or even more in the earth’s surface and therefore rise in the air
unventilated kitchen room. Such polluted air causes temperature. Substantial increase in the surface
eye diseases and suffocation. Several cases of deaths temperature of the earth would cause global
are reported from rural India during winter months warming of the environment which would cause
due to suffocation caused by carbon monoxide and climatic changes at regional and global levels.
sulphur dioxide. Increased temperature would cause melting of
About 100 million tonnes of firewood are continental glaciers and ice caps such as those of
annually consumed in India for various purposes Antarctica and Greenland. This would in turn cause
which produce 31,40,000 tonnes of particulate rise in sea level and consequent submergence of
matter, 1,63,000 tonnes of carbon monoxie, 19,60,000 coastal lands of lowlying countries.
tonnes of sulphur dioxide, 3,90,000 tonnes of nitric
oxides, 23,50,000 tonnes of hydrocarbons and total (ii) Increased concentration of carbon dioxide
pollutants emitted from the burning of firewood and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would
amount to 83,60,000 tonnes per annum. The burnig intensify greenhouse effect of the atmosphere and
of 55 million tonnes of cowdung cakes per year in thus the temperature of the earth’s surface would
India releases 7,20,000 tonnes of particulate matter, increase which would cause climatic changes and
38.000 tonnes of carbon monoxide, 4,50,000 tonnes would effect melting of continental glaciers and ice
of sulphur dioxide, 90,000 tonnes of nitric oxides, caps resulting into submergence of low coastal
5.40.000 tonnes of hydrocarbons per year whereas areas. 1
total pollutants from cowdung burning amount to (iii) Smog : Smoky fog over the cities and
19.10.000 tonnes per annum. industrial areas is generally called as smog or urban
smog. Smog is generally formed when fog is mixed
5. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION with smoke. When smog is mixed with air pollutants
such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen
The effects of air pollution on environment (NOx) and ozone (O3), it becomes poisonous and
and human society may be grouped into the
deadly health hazard to human beings. Sulphur
following 3 categories :
dioxide is the main culprit in the formation of smog.
( 1) effects on weather and climate, It readily combines with atmospheric oxygen (Oj)
(2) effects on human health, and and reacts with water films on suspended particulate
(3) effects on biotic community. matter (SPM) to produce sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
This sulphuric acid after combining with smog
(1) Effects on Weather and Climate makes it poisonous. Nitrous oxide (N 20 ) forms
nitric acid (HNO3) which also makes smog poison­
Different types of air pollution caused by ous. Ozone after reacting with hydrocarbon com ­
gaseous and particulate pollutants modify weather pounds forms some toxic com pounds such as
ENVIRONMENTAL po l l u t io n 479

ethylene which is a common pollutant in urban Sulphur dioxide (S 0 2) emitted from man-
smog. It may be pointed out that these air pollutants made sources (combustion of fossil fuels in facto­
(sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone etc.) are ries, automobiles etc.) in larger quantities into the
trapped in a shallow layer over the cities caused by atmosphere combines with water to form sulphate
inversion of temperature (wanner air over cooler and sulphuric acids (H2S 0 4). These acids fall on the
air) and thus are mixed with fog over the cities and earth’s surface with rainfall and thus the fall of
industrial area's. The resultant fog having poisonous highly acidic water from above is called acid rain.
air pollutants is called urban smog and is highly The pH of rainwater in some localities of the USA
undesirable weather phenomenon for society. mainly in West Virginia has gone down to 1.5, pH of
The incidents of deadly urban smogs of rainwater in Europe is as low as 2.4 whereas the
December 1930 in Meuse Valley of Belgium, of normal range of pH of neutral water must be 7.0.
October 26,1948 at Donora in Pennsylvania (USA), The main sources of acid rains are oxides of
and of 1952 in London tell the ordeal of air pollution sulphur and nitrogen which are emitted from
causing poisonous smogs. The poisonous smog of industrial establishments and different types of
December 1930 of Meuse Valley of Belgium was vehicles. These pollutants are spread in the atmos­
caused due to trapping of huge volume of sulphur phere by wind and form acids (sulphuric acids) after
dioxide emitted from coke ovens, steel mills, blast reacting with water in the atmosphere. It may be
furnaces, zinc smelters and sulphuric acid plants pointed out that acid rains are not confined to the
into a stagnant cold air layer, the result of inversion source areas of the emissions of oxides of sulphur
of temperature. This poisonous fog caused respira­ and nitrogen rather they cover much larger areas far
tory trouble in human beings, consequently 600 away from the source of pollutants that cause acid
people fell ill and 63 people died. The five-day rains* because these pollutants being in gaseous
health disaster of Donora, Pennsylvania (USA) was phase are carried away and spread over larger areas
preceded by the formation of thick fog due to strong through winds and clouds. For example, oxides of
inversion of temperature of October 26, 1948. The sulphur and nitrogen spread from several mills in
next day fog thickened and combined with sulphide Germany and U.K. have caused widespread acid
fumes and soot spewed from mills and became a rains in Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden)
poisonous urban smog which claimed 20 human with the result most of the lakes in Scandinavian
lives and 43 per cent of the total population of countries have lost their biological communities and
Donora became ill. A thick polluted fog, urban are now biologically termed as ‘dead lakes’.
smog, was formed in December 1952 over London Acid rains are very often called as ‘lake
which claimed 4000 human lives mostly through killers’ in Anglo-American and west European
respiratory diseases. countries because these rains have been identified as
(iv) main factors of the ‘deaths of lakes’ which mean
Acid ra in s: The fallout of acids with rains
is called acid rain. In other words, ‘rain made destruction and death of all aquatic lives including
artificially acid by pollutants, particularly oxides of plants and animals in lakes, ponds and rivers. Out of
sulphur and nitrogen (natural rainwater is slightly 2.50.000 lakes of the state of Ontario (Canada),
acidic due to the effects of carbon dioxide dissolved 50.000 have been adversely affected by phenomenal
in the water)’ is called acid rain (D.B. Botkin and increase in the acidity of water and significant
E.A. Keller, 1982). Acid rain simply means fall-out lowering of pH due to acid rains. Out of these lakes
of acids caused by sulphur dioxide and nitrogen 140 have been declared as ‘dead lakes’.
oxides with rainfall and thus increase in the amount Acid rains also affect human community
of acidity of rainwater. As pointed out above adversely, though the mode of human diseases and
rainwater is not pure because atmospheric carbon death due to acid rains has not been properly
dioxide is dissolved in the rainwater which thus understood as yet. According to Am erican doctor
becomes moderately acidic, the pH being generally Hamilton about 7,500 to 12,000 persons die o f acidic
5. The water with pH value of 7.0 is called neutral sulphates coming out of the combustion o f fossil
water whereas the pH value below it makes the water fuels all over the globe every year.
acidic and above the neutral point makes the water
alkaline. The water becomes more injurious when The productivity o f soils is also significantly
the pH falls below 4.0. lowered because of acid rains as increased acidity
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a ph y
destroys m ineral elements and other nutrients of the in the amount of ozone in the atm osphere could
soils. Forests of Canada, the USA, Germany and cause between 20,000 and 60,000 additional cases of
m any countries of middle Europe have been largely skin cancer in the United states alone’ (A.N; Strahler
dam aged due to acid rains. Acid rains also damage and A.H. Strahler, 1977).
several monuments and buildings of historical > Sulphur dioxide after combining with water
im portance due to corrosion. A siren of possible films on suspended particulates forms poisonous
damage of world famous marble monument of
fogs known as urban smogs over cities and industrial
Tajmahal at Agra, India, due to emissions of sulphur
dioxide from the oil refinery at Mathura has been areas. Thus sulphur dioxide-originated smogs block
raised time and again. Several valuable sculptures the respiratory systems of human bodies and cause
and antiques of precious marble and other valuable deaths of human beings. The ordeal of disastrous
stones are now being kept in the museums inorder to smogs of Donora (Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1948),
save them from the danger of acid rains in many of Meuse Valley (Belgium, 1930) and London (1952)
the western countries. has already been discussed in the preceding subse^-
As pointed out earlier, acid rain is not a local
tion. '
problem or a problem of a particular country, rather
it is an international problem because air pollutants > S 0 2 (sulphur dioxide) pollution also causes
emitted from a particular country are carried in the diseases of eyes, throat and lungs. SO2 causes
atmosphere by the winds and are spread over other instantaneous irritation of nose and throat when its
countries. Thus the problem of acid rains should be concentration crosses the perm issible lim it o f 10
tackled at international level. The acute problem of ppm in the air for 8 hours of exposure.
acid rains in the states of Quebec and Ontario of
Canada is not only because of industrialization of > S 0 2 pollution also causes acid rains which
these states rather it is more because of industrial pollute the surface and subsurface w ater storage
growth and urban expansion in the Lake Region, source and thus adversely affects the health o f those
Pittsburgh region and New England region of the persons who depend on such polluted water.
USA. :' * i, ii
> Nitric oxide (NO) in high concentration in the
The problem of acid rains in India is no longerair, when inhaled, combines with haem oglobine
alarming atleast at present time as the studies
thousands of times faster than oxygen combines
conducted by BARC (Bhabha Atmoc Research
Centre, India) and WMO (World Meteorological with haemoglobine and thus causes respiratory
Organization) have revealed no significant level of problem, gum inflamation, internal bleeding, oxy­
acidity in the rainwater over most of Indian cities. gen deficiency, pneumonia and lung cancer. It may
be pointed out that no definite results have been
(2) Effects on Human Health
found out in relation to nitric oxides as the causative
► Carbon monoxide is major pollutant for factor of above diseases in human bodies.
human community because it combines with > Numerous suspended particulate matters
haemoglobine molecules of human blood much (SPM) emitted from factories and automobiles
faster than oxygen (about 200 times faster than during the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, petro­
oxygen does) and thus causes suffocation inspite of
leum and natural gas) and from other industrial
e presence of sufficient amount of oxygen in the
air. processes, such as lead, asbestos, zinc, copper,
dusts, etc. cause several deadly diseases in human
(CFcs^ ’! ! i ° r , f r ned“eti)chiorofiuoro,:i,ri>o"s bodies. Lead poisoning and asbestosis are among
the deadly diseases caused by particulate air
of human bodies to more ultra-vio"et!rf e* ?°sure pollution.
‘Studies die effects s o r t „ “J > Sudden leakages of harm ful and poisonous
human health have shown that a 5 ^ cem redoctiol gases from chem ical and gas plants pollute the air to
such an extent that hundreds o f people die within no

time. Besides instantaneous deaths caused-by > .«•.«. Photosynthesis by phytoplanktons in ttic
poisonous gases, there are far reaching conse­ marine ecosystems would be greatly * * * * * * *
quences o f poisonous gases on future generations of *^hythoplanktons would die which in u n
human beings, micro-organisms such as bacteria, adversely affect zooplanktoiis arfd. Qt er in . _
Organisms which feed on phytoplanktons, any o
decomposers and fungi and thus environment is so
fishes would die because of want of their food in the
greatly polluted that the ecological balance and
form of phytoplanktons. Rise in the temperature ot
ecosystem equilibrium is highly disturbed.
the earth’s surface, due to ozone depletion an
T he Bh°pa> Gas Tragedy (Bhopal, India) of increase in greenhouse effects of the atmosphere due
December 1984 is a burning example of one of the to higher concentration of carbon dioxide apd other
deadliest disasters caused by human greenhouse gases would affect the. type,, density and
the maintenance of deadly gases such as MIC gas stability of vegetation which in turn ,woiildaffect
(methyl iso-cynate). The leakage o f MIC gas from animal community and sediment and chemical
the Union Carbide Factory at Bhopal on the wintry element cycles. . ?
night of December 2/3, 1984 caused the'single The pollution caused by high concentration of
biggest air pollution tragedy which, according to sulphur dioxide adversely affects plant community.
official sources, claimed 2500 human lives in the The studies have shown that lichens are more
early hours of. Decem ber 3, 1984, whereas non­ succeptible to sulphur, dioxide and other air pollut­
governmental sources put the figure beyond 5000. ants. A l l lichens die in the zones where the
Methyl isocynate gas is produced at Bhopal based concentration of s u l p h u r dioxide reaches the level of
Union Carbide Factory of the USA to manufacture 170 microgram per cubic metre o f air or more in
pesticides. The produced MIC gas is stored in U.K. The studies have further shown that the
underground containers. The poisonous MIC gas deciduous forests in the state of Tennessee in the
leaked fro'm these containers and the leakage USA and the evergreen forests o f Black Forest in
continued for 40 minutes. The poisonous gas was Germany are being gradually destroyed owing to
quickly spread in nearby densely populated locali­ sulphur dioxide pollution. Conifers like douglas fir
ties o f old Bhopal under the impact of morning and lodgepole pine in the USA are being adversely
breeze. A ccording to the latest report the poisonous affected by sulphur dioxide pollution. In India
gas has claimed 3,410 human lives so far. Besides, mango is being badly affected by sulphur dioxide
hundreds o f thousands of inhabitants were exposed mainly near brick-kilns. Acid.rain caused by sulphur
to poisonous gas and thousands of animals were dioxide is the main culprit o f the destruction o f
killed. The poisonous gas also polluted drinking vegetation community. Increased concentration o f
water, soils, tank and pond water and adversely hydrogen fluoride causes necrosis, and discolouration
affected foetus, newly born babies, pregnant women, of plant leaves.
children, young and old people alike. . ..
' ' ' -. .. .
(3) Effects on Plants ' 6. CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION v
.J %/ f • fc •’ . . ; *‘ 9 • - • fV ]•

The d ep letio n o f ozone caused by It is apparent from the aforesaid discussion

chlorofluorocarbons and nitrogen oxides, if not that air pollution "is the legacy o f econom ic
chepked and corrected, would enormously increase development, industrial growth, and urban expan­
ultraviolet solar radiation reaching the earth’s sion in the modern world. Some sort o f air pollution
surface. The increased ultra-violet solar radiation cannot be avoided if we go for developm ent b ut the
would adversely affect plant and animal communi­ development through industrial expansion can be
ties in a variety o f ways 'Photosynthesis, water use beneficial only when air pollution control m easures
efficiency and yields o f plants would be'substan­ are also adopted. It is also evident that the control
tially reduced. Soil-m oisture would be significantly and abatement o f air pollution in large urban centres
reduced and thus agricultural crops would weather and industrial areas o f the w orld w ould require a
away resulting into marked decrease in food substantial financial investm ent as w ell as changes
production. in the patterns o f living and energy use. ‘It is

Unrealistic to speak of no air pollution whatsoever, it Particulate matter Primary standard-75 microgram
is virtually impossible to eliminate entirely all man . per cubic metre of air on an
m ade emissions of foreign gases and particles into annual geometric mean and
the atmosphere. It is more sensible to aim at the 260 microgram per cubic me-
reduction o f the pollutant emissions to a point so.that l' 'r' ' tre of air as a maximum 24-
serious adverse effects associated with the presence hour concentration. Second­
of pollutants in the air are eliminated. Because of ary standard-60 microgram per
huge expenditure of money that will be required, cubic metre of air on an annual
social and political factors will play a major role in geometric mean.
m eeting this goal’ (B.N. Singh, 1983). The follow­
ing ambient air quality standards should (table 21.4)
Table 21. 5 : Summary of the ‘pollutant standards In­
be taken into account before implementing any
dex’ (PSI)
pollution control measures.
' ■.{ IT: Index A ir quality level Pollutant ievels H ealth Effects
(m g/m 3)
Table 21.4 : Ambient air quality standard
carbom m onoxide
Pollutants Ambient Standards (8-hour
Carbon monoxide Primary standard-10 milli- concentration)

(CO) £rams per cubic metre of air (9 500 Significant harm 57:5 ln< n>%
p.p:m.) on a maximum 8-hour 400 Emergency 46.0 H azardous
concentration, not to be ex­ Very unhealthful
300 W arning 34.0
ceeded more than once a year.
200 Alert 17.0 U nhealthful
-’-1' Secondary standard-40 mili-
> grams per cubic metre of air 100 National A mbient 10.0 M oderate
(35 p.p.m.) as a maximum A ir Q uality Standard
one-hour concentration. .Jt-' ■-A v
Photochemical Primary and secondary stand-
50 50 per cent of 5.0 Good
oxidants ards-160 microgram per cubic
NAAQS •:>i. , < j.ri
metre of air (0.08 p.p.m.) as a
maximum one-hour concen- Source : J. Crossland, 1978 : ‘Reporting Pollution’,
• tration. Environment, Vol. 20, pp. 29-31.
Hydrocarbons Primary and secondary stand­
ards* 160 microgram per cubic Since increasing air pollution in the devel­
metre of air (0.24 p.p.m.) as a oped industrialized countries and also in the
maximum 3 hour concentra­ developing countries is causing besides extensive
tion (6 to 9 A.M.). physical damage to property mainly important
Nitrogen oxides Primary and secondary stand­ buildings of historical importance, thousands of
ards- 100 micrograin per cubic death of human beings every year and millions
metre of air (0.05 p.p.m.) on an suffering from diseases Of various types, air
annual arithmetic mean. pollution has to be controlled at any cost. The air
■Sulphur oxide Primary standard-80 microgram pollution control measures may involve the follow­
per cubic metre of air (0.03 ing steps :
p.p.m.) on an annual arithm e­
► to create awareness among all walks of
tic mean and 365 microgram
people in society and government bodies and
per cubic metre of air (0.14
' p.p.m.) as a maximum 24-hour officials towards the causes and effects of air
concentration. Secondary stand­ pollution.
ard-60 microgram per cubic ► to conduct extensive survey and regular
metre of air {0.02 p.p.m.) on an
. annual arithmetic mean. monitoring of the existing level of air
ENVIRONMEnTAL po llution
pollution and to predict, on the basis of immediate concern of human community is to
reduce the emissions of chlrofluorocarbons, halo­
existing information, the possible level of air
gen, hydrocarbons, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen,
pollution and adverse effects imanating from
carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases and particulate
I . it in near future. ••• r .
matter and smokes.
> to acquaint the general public with the The following instrumental devices may be
adverse effects of air pollution on their health used to check air pollution through gaseous and
and wealth. particulate pollutants :
>- to make efforts tov disperse and dilute the (1) The particulate matter coming out of
pollutants in the tipper air to reduce their ‘human volcanoes’ (chimneys of factories) can be
concentration at ground, level. checked and reduced to a much lower level by the
>• to reduce the total pollution load of the use of following instruments :
atmosphere. < (a) Bag filter : Bag filter is a filtering device
which is used to filter and thus separate particulate
> to eradicate extremely hazardous forms of air matters from the industrial fumes. Several types of
pollution which cause irreparable loss to filters are used. Typical industrial filter.used for
human society. ^ separating particulate matters coming out with
: v
> to make efforts I-V'I'IV
lessV"4 smokes from the chimneys is called bag filter. The
to? search alternative *V'
harmful products such as solar-powered cars fumes having particulate matters coming out of
(as done recently in the U.S.A.). factory chimneys are allowed to pass through the
cylinder wherein gases pass put o f the cylindrical
> to improve the existing devices of air bag whereas particulate m atters-dusts settle down.
pollution control and to make efforts to
(b) Particulate matters of size larger than 50
invent new effective devices to control air micrometre are filtered and separated by cyclone
pollution. separator or cyclone collector and wet scrubbers. The
> to switch over from diesel driven buses and cyclone separators or say collectors have been made
autorikshas to CNG driven vehicles in major on the basic principle of centrifugal action. The
cities as is followed in Delhi. industrial fumes with particulate m atters are al­
lowed to pass through an opening (fig. 2 1 .1) into a
> to start metro-rails in major cities in India and
conical cylinder (a cylinder having conical base, see
other developing countries on the line of bottom portion of figure 21.1) where the fumes are
metro-rails in Kolkata and Delhi. It may be whirled and chim ed at desired speed. This device
mentioned that efforts are made to run metro- thus allows the solid particulate m atters to settle
rails in Mumbai, Channai, Bangalore, Hyderabad down and pass out through narrow outlet fitted at the
etc. in order the reduce the number of fossil bottom of the cylinder (fig. 2 1 .1) arid the gas is
fuels driven automobiles so that gaseous and allowed to escape through an opening fitted at the
top of the cylinder. The wet scrubbers clean the gases
particulate matter air pollution may be
by wetting them with water.
(iii) Particulate matters of sm aller size (sm a
It may be pointed out that comprehensive
than one m icrom eter) are effectively handled by
control measures of air pollution and air quality
electroastatic precipitators (ESP), high energy scrub­
management strategy must be based on holistic
bers and fabric filters. The electrostatic precipitators
perspective of air pollution involving different
have been devised on the basic principle that sm aller
aspects of pollution, its impact on human society and
solid particulate m atters em itted from the factory
overa environment such as time and place of air
po ution, its impacts on human health, natural chim neys have electrical charges on their surfaces.
Based on this characteristic feature of sm aller dust
resources, ecosystem equilibrium, ecological bal­
particles pairs of opositely charged electrodes are
ance, human needs, essential commodities like food,
fitted in a cover and the dust laden factory fum es are
u c u 'a '1!!6’ k 0t^eSI.^°USes’ transPort>dom estic prod- allowed to pass through these high voltage elec­
n a ove all costs of control measures. The
trodes (fig. 21.2) where charged dusts a rt attracted
NO but combustion at 1650°C or more
and are forced to settle down. Ultimately the dust
particles pass out through dust outlet fitted at the produces large quantity o f NO emission.
bottom and are collected there while dust free air : > Combustion m odifications may also be used
passes out through the top outlet or gas exit. Though to reduce the emissions o f carbon monoxide
electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are costly but cost
71H (!' (CO)l*Jj. .4 ' - ' ■• ■' ’•*' ........
should not be considered because human lives are
more important. Several other divices are used to
control particulate and gaseous pollution o f air as
follows :
r W \ m t» m
Dust free
(Tbp Outlet)

Dust Free Gas

High voltage

Cyclonic laden
Rotation factory fumes Dust outlet
(Bottom Outlet)

Collection of Dust

Fig. 21. 2 : Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) to clean in­

Dust Outlet dustrial fumes having solid particulate mat­

> Activated >carbon powder is capable to

absorbing many of the pollutants.
>• The height of chimneys o f the factories
Fig. 21.1: Cyclone Separator or Collector to clean in­
dustrial fumes having gases and solid should be sufficiently raised so that ground
particulate matters. ' ., concentration of toxic pollutants may be
markedly reduced. '
> Sulphur dioxide (SO2) produced through the ► Several mechanical devices should be used to
combustion of fossil fuels can be removed reduce the emission of pollutant gases and
from stock gases by flue gas desulphurization solid and liquid particulate matters from
(FGD) methods. Calcium oxide or lime automobiles particularly motor cars, buses
(CaO) or calcium carbonate (CaC0 3 ) and and trucks and two and three wheelers. The
magnesium oxide (MgO) or magnesium
air pollution caused by vehicles has assumed
i carbonate (MgCO^) may be used to desulphurize
alarming proportion in the m etropolitan
sulphur dioxide. * < :
* • ‘ j *. cities o f our country too, mostly in Delhi,
>■ Combustion modifications may be adopted
Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Kanpur, Hyderabad,
to control the emission of nitrogen oxides.
Nagpur etc. The government o f India is
For example, the combustion o f coal below
seized of the problem and has form ulated Air
55°C temperature produces low quantity of
Prevention Act and Control Bill (1981) to
check air pollution in 'f le big cities of the Water pollution may be defined as 'alteration
country. in physical, chemical and biological characteristics
The Delhi administration has acquired several o f water which may cause harmful effects oh human
exhaust gas anlysers. Two mobile teams equipped and aquatic life. '
with these instruments check vehicles on the roads Report, 1965, Restoring the Quality of our
This team checked 1,40,650 vehicles upto August Environment, President’s Science
1989 and found that 37.9 per cent of these vbhicles
Committee, Washington, USA.
were emitting pollutants beyond the safety limits. t 'J ' ’ •' 4 ,JI T ' • ' ' * ■- • 1* I t

Delhi’s Transport Directorate has made it manda­ ‘Foreign materials either from natural or
tory for commercial vehicles to undergo a pollution other sources are contaminated with w a te r supplies
check. The Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and may be harmful to life, because o f their toxity,
central workshop and all the 33 depots have been reduction o f normal oxygen level o f water, aestheti­
equipped with smoke meters. It is surprising to note cally unsuitable effects and spread o f epidemic
that even Delhi Transport Directorate could not diseases. ’
acquire pollution controlling machinery like elec­ World Health Organization (WHO), 1966
trolytic convertors, which recycle exhaust and make
Water pollution is defined as 'natural or
it less harmful.
* «• induced change in the quality o f water which ‘
renders it unsuitable or dangerous as regards food,
21'.6 WATER POLLUTION human and animal health, industry, agriculture,
fishing or leisure pursuits’. '
1. Meaning and Definition
•’ ' ’ ’ P. Vivier, 1958
W ater is the m ost important element in the The term water pollution ‘refers to deteriora­
biosphere because on one hand it is vital for the tion in chemical, physical and biological properties
maintenance of all forms of life and on the other o f water brought about by human activities and/or
hand it helps in the movement, circulation and by natural (e.g. hydrological) processes which
cycling o f nutrients in the biosphere. It is found in induce decomposed and vegetable materials and
various phases and in various stroages such as (i) in weathering products o f rocks etc. ’
liquid phase (storages such as rivers, lakes, seas and
oceans, soils, living organisms etc.), (ii) in solid C.S. Southwick, 1976, Ecology and the
phase (storages such as glaciers and ice sheets and Quality of Our Environment, New York.
ice caps like ice caps of Arctic region, Greenland and A Comprehensive definition of water pollu­
Antarctica and mountain glaciers e.g. Alpine gla­ tion encompassing all aspects may be suggested as
ciers, Himalayan glaciers etc.). Water is also given below :
essential for power generation, navigation, irriga­
“Water pollutoin refers to deterioration o f
tion of crops, disposal of sewage etc. It may be
physical (such as colour, odour, turbidity, taste,
pointed out that only one per cent of the total amount
of water of the hydrosphere is available to human temperature etc.), chemical (such as acidity, alka­
beings and other biotic communities from various linity, salinity etc.) and biological (presence o f
sources such as groundwater, rivers, lakes, soils, bacteria, coliform MPN, algae etc.), characteristics
atmosphere and biological system but groundwater o f water from various storages (such as river water,
provides the largest amount of water. Increased lake water, pond water, groundwater) through
demand of water consequent upon increasing natural (e.g. fallout o f volcanic dust, landslides near
population and industrial expansion has degraded water bodies, sediments supplied by soil erosion and
the quality o f water considerably. Though water like weathering processes) and anthropogenic (e.g.
other natural, substances has self purifying capacity industrial, urban, agricultural, domestic, radioac­
during recycling processes but when the amount of tive, mining sources etc.)processes to such an extent
the foreign undersirable substances added by the : that it becomes harmful to human beings, plants and
man to the water exceeds the tolerance level and self' animal commi^nities.
purifying capacity of water, it gets polluted. Savindra Singh, 1991
S ources of W ater Pollutants 3. Types of Water Pollutants
f- *- * ■• - • v>.v: •^ S>4\V> .
The substances which degrade the quality, of Water pollutants may be divided into certain
w ater from its equilbrium state are called water categories on different bases such as sources of
pollutants which are generated from two basic pollutants, physical and chemical properties of
so u rces: water, and the nature of degradation.
(1) Natural sources of water pollutants, and (1) On the basis of sources of pollutants
(2) Anthropogenic sources of water pollut- (a) industrial pollutants ’ v.
examples : industrial Waste water, includ-
(1) Natural sources : of water pollutants
‘ : ing several chemical pollut­
include soil erosion, landslides, coastal and cliff
ants such as chlorides, sul­
erosion, volcanic eruption and decay and decompo­
phides, carbonates, ammonical
sition o f plants and animals. Excessive soil erosion
nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, heavy
in the catchm ent area of a particular river increases
metals such as mercury, lead,
the sedim ent load o f the river and thus increases the
zinc, arsenic, 1baron etc,, orr
turbity o f river and lake (when silt-loaded river 1* - ', - i '1 < ' , '■
ganic chemical compounds syn­
em pties into a lake) water. Landslides near lakes
thesized for industrial pur­
pour down enormous quantity of debris into the lake
poses, radioactive wastes etc.
and thus the lake is polluted not only through silting
of its bed but also through increased turbidity. (b) agricultural pollutants
(2) Anthropogenic sources : It may be pointed examples : chemical fertilizers, pesticides,
out that natural water system is capable of taking insecticides and herbicides,
care of natural pollutants and therefore it is the and several other synthetic
anthropogenic sources which are the real sources of chemical compounds, weeds
water pollution. The anthropogenic sources of water and plant remains. ,
pollution include industrial source, urban source, (c) urban pollutants
agricultural source, cultural source (congregation of
examples : various types of ions such as
large number o f people during pilgrimage, relegious
sulphate ion, nitrate ion (rep­
fairs etc., for exam ple, more than 30 million people
from all over India congregate at the confluence of resenting washout of air pol­
the Ganga and the Yamuna at Allahabad every 12 lutants emitted from automo­
years during Kumbha Fair) etc. biles and other forms of com­
Urban source contributes water pollutants bustion of fossil fuels), chlo­
such as sewage, huge quantity of muncipal and rine ion, and sodium ion (com­
domestic garbages, industrial effluents from the ing from deicing salts used to
industrial units located in the urban centres, fallout melt ice spread over roads and
of particulate m atter of automobile exhausts etc. streets in eold countries), cal­
Various types of chemicals used in the cium ions and bicarbonate
chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides etc. ions (from lime and chemical
are the pollutants which are derived from agricul­ fertilizers used in the lawns
tural sources. These chemical substances are brought and gardens within the cities),
to the rivers and lakes through surface runoff caused sulphate, nitrate and potas­
by rainfall and are also moved downward by sium ions, a host of chemical
infiltrating rainwater to reach groundwater. ions contained in urban sew­
Industrial sources pollute streams, rivers, age water, household sewage
lakes and coastal waters through industrial effluents, stored in the septic tanks,
solid and dissolved chemical pollutants and numer­ phosphate and nitrate ions,
ous metals. Besides, fallot of radioactive substances wastes of human and animals
is very dangerous source o f air and water pollution. etc.

(d) natural pollutants slightly increased because of dissolution of atmos­

examples: volcanic dusts, eroded and pheric C 0 2 in rainwater. When rainwater passes
weathered sediments, debris through several pathways such as lateral movement
caused by landslides, decayed as surface runoff and downward movement as
and decomposed organic mat­ groundwater several contaminants mix with the
ter (both plants and animals). water. Further, a host of pollutants are discharged
(2) On the basis of physical and chemical properties from various sources e.g. industrial, urban and
(a) physical pollutants agricultural into different water storages such as
' T, 4 Jfcu; ‘ ■‘ . T i * •J • v
river water, lake water, pond water and groundwater.
examples : colour, - taste, turbidity, All these pollutants pollute the water to various
r;. sedimetns, volcanic dust, oil levels depending upon the nature, and amount of
and greese, dissolved and sus­ pollutants. It is significant to point out that unlike
pended solids, total solids. air, water has dissolving capacity and therefore
(b) chemical pollutants water, while moving through various pathways,
examples : chlorides, sulphides, carbon­ further dissolves several chemical substances and
ates, ammonical nitrogen, ni­ thus is further polluted by numerous organic and
trates, nitrites, pesticides, in­ inorganic matters.
secticides, heribicides, sev­ The water pollution is assessed on the basis of
eral other synthetic chemical certain parameters e.g. (i) physical, (ii) chemical,
and (iii) biological parameters. Physical parameters
(3) On the basis of degradability used to ascertain the quality of water include
(a) biodegradable pollutants temperature, colour, odour, turbidity, conductivity,
(b)non-biodegradable pollutants density, suspended, dissolved and total solids while
chemical parameters include nature and amount of
Those pollutants which are broken down and
soluble salts, hardness of water, acidity and alkalin­
decomposed by biological means such as decomposers/
ity of water, dissolved oxyengen (DO), biological
micro-organisms are called biodegradable or simply
oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand
degradable pollutants. These pollutants are also
(COD), concentration of hydrogen ion (pH), amount
called as organic pollutants. Nondegradable pollut­
of ammonia, nitrate and nitrites, amount o f heavy
ants are those which cannot be degraded by
metals, mecrury, lead, chromium, chlorides, pesti­
biological means. Such pollutants are also called as
cides, insecticides, detergents etc. Biological pa­
inorganic pollutants. Examples of biodegradable or
rameters are bacteria, coliform MPN, algae, viruses
organic pollutants are leaf litters, sewage, garbages,
plants and animals, human and animal excreta etc. etc. Generally, Biological Oxygen Dem and (BOD),
Non-degradable pollutants include all of the chemi­ Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxy­
cal pollutants and toxic solid substances. gen (DO), and pH value are im portant indicators of
water quality.
4. Natur* of Water Pollution
5. Types of Water Pollution
‘The nature and intensity of water pollution is
linked with many factors like waste water disposal Water pollution may be divided on the basis of
and treatment system, hydrological conditions of sources and stroages of w ater into the follow ing 4
diluting bodies and self-purification capacity of the
streams, characteristics of effluents discharging (1) Surface water (river water) pollution,
from an area, socio-economic conditions of the (2) Lake water pollution,
communities generating the wastes and, in cases, (3) Groundwater pollution, and
types of soil and vegetation’ (J. Singh and D.N. (4) Sea water pollution
Sing , 1988). Even rainwater is never pure because
W ater pollution may also be divided on the
when it falls as rainfall, atmospheric carbon dioxide
basis of sources o f water pollution into the follow ing
is mixed with it and thus acidity of rainwater is 4 ty p e s: <
48 8
these pollutants, there are other contaminants which
;>ms(il) Sewage water pollution,!; ■
pollute surface waters whether moving (river) or
; 4 (2) Domestic waste water pollution, stagnant (lakes and ponds and inland seas) such as (i)
(3) lndustrial waste water pollution, and pesticides, which are used to remove unwanted
(4) Solid waste water pollution. ? weeds from crops and to prevent plants diseases; (ii)
toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc,
asbestos etc.’; (iii) radioactive wastes from the
i ’i t i if processing and use of nuclear fuel etc. These
1 Nature of River Water Pbllution pollutants reacting with other chem ical substances
introduce several types o f chemical and physical
Surface water includs river water, lake water
changes in surface waters and thus contaminate and
and pond (tank) water but here only river water
polluted waters adversely affect plants and animals
pollution is being discussed as lake water pollution
will be discussed under a separate heading. Surface including man. For example, combustion of fossil
river water is polluted through the mixing of diferent fuels (coal and petroleum) in the power plants,
q u a n tities of dissolved inorganic m atter in the form factories and automobiles releases sulphur dioxide
o f io n s (positively charged ions= cations, and (S 0 2) which after reacting with water films forms
negatively charged ions=anions). It may be poined sulphuric acids (H2S 0 4). These sulphuric acids
out that tlie major source of surface water is come down on the earth’s surface with precipitation
precipitation which contributes water to surface as acid rains. Acid rains increase the acidity of
storage through rainfall and melt-water. ‘All surface surface water and reduce pH of soil water and also
water and all groundwater, no matter how “pure” it surface waters. : i •
seems to us as a drinking water, contains a variety of US. Department of Health, Education and
ions irt solution......T he ions naturally present in Welfare (HEW) has classified pollutants o f surface
freshwater of the lands are mosly of inorganic class, water pollution into 8 m ajor categories as follows :
meaning that they are all originally derived from
(1) Sewage wastes include numerous chemical
non-living sources. Inorganic sources are (1) the
substances brought down by the sewage drains of
atmosphere, (2) ocean water, and (3) soil, regolith,
urban and industrial areas as referred to above.
and bedrocks. Ions move through rather complex
pathways following the hydroiogic cycle’ (A.N. (2) Infectious agents include germs and vi­
Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1977). ruses which cause several types o f diseases such as
typhoid, dysentry, cholera, malaria, tubercluosis,
2. Pollutants of River Water Pollution jaundice etc. 1 *'• j •
(3) Plant nutrients and disolved substances eg.,
Fresh rainwater, considerd as ‘pure’ water in chemical fertilizers, detergents, animal and human
general public, is . seldom pure as it contains wastes. : “
numerous ions from different sources viz. ions of
sulphate (S b 4“), chlorine (CL-), sodium (Na+), (4) Particulate m atter e.g. soil and mineral
magnesium (Mg++), calcium (Ca++), and potassium particles.
in those areas which are free, from industrial, and (5) Radioactive substances released from nu­
urban influences. These ions reach the atmosphere clear reactors.
to joifi rainwater from land, soil, regolith, bedrock (6) Mineral and chemical substances coming
and ocean water. In addition to the aforesaid ions
from modern industries and m ining operations such
which are added to the rainwater from natural
as salts, acids, oil and greases etc.
sources some new pollutants are also added to the
rainwater when it comes in contact with the land (7) H e a t: in the form o f hot w ater released
surface e.g. fresh input of chlorine ion and sodium from chemical and metal industries, electrical pow er
ion from deicing salts (salts are used to melt ice plants run with atomic energy, coal, petroleum and
mainly from roads in the countries of cold climates); natural1gas.
calcium and biocarbonate ions from the use of lime (8) Organic chemical exotics such as synthetic
and fertilizers; i sulphate, pitrate, potassium and materials like pesticides, insecticides, herbicides;,
magnesium ions from chemical fertilizers. Besides; rodenticides etc.

3. Sources of River Pollution as 323 million gallons of sewage enter the Yamuna
per day through 17 open drains, while the capacity of
The m ajor sources of river water pollution are all treatment plants of the M unicipal Corporation of
industries, urban centres, agriculture and other Delhi (MCD) is only 184 MGD (million gajlons per
human activities. Discharges of urban sewage water, day). The toxic effluents discharging into the
industrial effluents carrying industrial waste water, Yamuna carry 125,000 kg of BOD (Biologica.
washing and dumping of industrial solid wastes, Oxygen Demand), 250,000 kg of dissolved solids
non-degradable and long lasting pollutants from and 125,000 kg of suspended solids per day. Before
leather tanneries, sugar factories, beet-sugar refin­ the Yamuna enters the capital, 100 m illilitres o f its
ing, meat-packing, distilleries etc. into nearby rivers water contain more than 7500 disease casum g
pollute tlie water o f streams, rivers and ‘nalas’. ' ' bacteria but after receiviing D elhi’s share of sewage,
? * V • W ! -------- -- • ' , ■ {I'.K
. i ' 0 1 •

carry 24 m i l l i o n bacteria according to pollution

Types and Causes of River Pollution control expert’. The study conducted by D.S.
Bhargava of Roorkee University showed that the
River water is polluted in two ways as follows: quality of water of the Yamuna was inferior
(1) Point pollution, and downstream Delhi, Mathura and Agra where the
(2) Non-point pollution. water quality index (the scale ranging between 100
for the best water and 0 for the worst water) Was
The main sources of point pollution of river
27,14 and 11 respectively (N.I.P., February 19*
waters are industries and urban centres wherein
pollutants are1 discharged into the rivers through 1982).,-. , . ,
urban sewage drains and industrial effluents at (2) The contamination of streams in M e
specific points (outfall points) at the river banks. district of Andhra Pradesh from the effluents o f
Non-point pollution of river Water involves discharge chemical plants presents the haunting spectrum o f
of pollutans mainly from agricultural fields through hazardous polluton caused by human activities. The
surface runoff. Rainfall generates surface runoff Patancheru industrial belt, 30 km away from
which removes chemical substances from the land Hyderabad city, houses 300 industrial units at a
applied to the agricultural fields in the form of place. This is perhaps the biggest concentration of
chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and industries at one place in the country. There are 50
herbicide;? and transports them to nearby rivulets, chemical factories of which 23 are identified as
streams and rivers. Huge amount of sediments dangerous. These industrial units do not have their
caused by accelerated rate of soil erosion effected by own pollution treatment plants, with the result these
human activities (such as deforestation) reaching used to discharge poisonous chemicals and toxic
the rivers is major source of nortpoint pollution of wastes into Chinnavagu, Peddavagu and Nakkavagu
river water because these sediments increase the streams (the first two being the tributaries of the last
sediment load of the rivers and thus increase one) leading to high level pollution of these rivers.
turnbidity of the water. The pollution of these three rivers affecting 14
Increasing urbanization and industrial expan­ villages along 22 km course of these three streams
sion are responsible for the release of enormous became so acute and assumed so alarming propor­
quantities of pollutants of various kinds (as referred tion that it became the head line of several local and
to above) through sewage effluents into the rivers national news papers and magazines-in the m onth of
and lakes and thus contaminating the water beyond September, 1988. The H in d u /a leading national
permissible safety level. The following examples news paper of the country, reported the specter of
dentote the nature of water pollution in India. pollution in Medak district on September, 18, 1988
(1) Most of the Indian rivers receiving urban as givne below :
and industrial3effluents (wherever large cities and "The reporter fo u n d the V agu’s w aters
industrial complexes are located at or near the banks coloured m th chemical wastes and its m argins
of the rivers) are heavily polluted due to point-
distinctively marked by patches o f greasy surfaces.
poll uti on at least at and downstream of the large
cities and industrial centres. For example, the J Z UPHfP a m n g r°y ‘s <,n d ‘‘‘'>peasants), standing
on the two-vent bridge across the stream, closed
Yamuna river at Delhi has, in fact, become a sewage
their nostrils to ward o ff the odious chemical odour

that bleow over the serpentine stream amidst fields mortality has risen to 80,000 to 100,000 per annum.
fro m the nearby chemical fa cto ries”. j , <
Most of the artificially created reservoirs/lakes
behind major dams or big rivers are facing the acute
; The Hindu, September, 18, 1988
,. •» { ' ’y ' ■ «'i •* : • i • problem of siltation and resultant reduction in their
The toxic chemicals and poisonous waste water accommodating capacity.
waters seeped into the subsoils leading to contami­
Washing and dumping of tailings or waste
nation of both surface and subsurface (groundwater) sludges from factories into stagnant water of lakes
water in 14 villages around the congested polluting and tanks pollute them more than they pollute the
industrial belt at Patancheru. The surface and rivers because the river water is mobile while the
groundwates (of dugwells and hand pumps) became lake water, in m ost cases, is stagnant. If the
green due to heavy concentration of chemical concentration of a single matter becomes very high,
pollutants. Several animal deaths were reported in it may become a killing factor and the water so
1988 because they drank water from highy polluted contaminated may turn into ‘killer water’. For
streams as referred to above. Several cases of example, recrease in the concentration of asbestos in
irritation in the eyes, sores and periodic diarrhoea the lake water causes lung cancer in human beings
were reported among rural folk. The residents had to and the killer disease is called ‘asbestosjs’. The
abandon the use of water either from streams or dumping of tailings as waste matter coming out of
wells for their domestic uses. The industrial units the production of iron ore pelletes by the Reserve
were asked to dump their wastes at municipal Mining Company into Silver Bay, Lake Superior
co rporation’s dum ping com postyard at (USA) at the rate of 67,000 tons per day since 1947
Amberpet till the common treatment plant could be caused a serious problem of pollution o f lake water
obtained. which could be realized only in 1968 when floating
asbestos fibres on water surface were considered to
(3) Brief descriptions of seriously polluted
be the main factor of lung cancer among the
rivers of India such as the Ganga river, the Yamuna residents of Duluth, about 50 miles (80 kilometres)
river, the Damodar river, the Subarnarekha river, the away from the source of pollution (dumping site of
Betwa river, the Periyar river, the Noyal river, the tailings by Reserve Mining Company). Conse­
Bhawani river, the Cauvery river, the Goddawari quently, the dumping of tailings was stopped in 1968
river, the Krishna river and the Bhadar river have but soon after production was again started. The
been given in chapter 25 (environmental degrada­ National Water Quality Laboratory in Duluth
tion and pollution in India). (NWQL), a research wing of the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), also confirmed in 1973
LAKE AND SEA WATER POLLUTION the presence of large number of asbestos fibres in
Duluth’s drinking water and correlated these asbes­
Lakes are polluted through natural and tos fibres with lung and stomach cancer.
anthropogenic sources. Siltation of lakes due to Inorganic nutrients from the agricultural
dumping of enormous quantities of sediments fields are also brought to the lakes by surface runoff,
derived through accelerated rate of soil erosion rivulets, streams and rivers. Besides, nitrates,
caused by rapid rate of deforestation in hilly source
phosophates and organic matters are contributed by
areas o f the streams is the major form of anthropo­
sewage treatment plants. Similarly, toxic chemicals
genic source of lake pollution. Numerous lakes in
the KumaUn Region of Uttarakhand (India) have from factories enter the lake water. The abundance
disappeared or are near extinction due to increased of nutrients causes uncontrolled growth of plants
rate of weathering and erosion consequent upon and animals while increased concentration o f toxic
reckless felling of trees. A few names of lakes such chemicals causes deaths of aquatic organisms
as ‘Sukha Tal’ (dry lake), ‘Saria Tal’ (rotten lake) resulting into considerable decrease in lake populations.
etc. denote the level o f pollution o f lakes in Kumaun Acid rains, the outcome of increased emission
Region. T^e discharge of organic waste matter from of sulphur dioxide (SO?) from man-made sources
the hill slopes surrounding the Nainital lake from all (combustion of fossil fuels and automobiles) pollyte
sides and toxic effluents from the urban area has lakes in the nearby regions of such factories. For
polluted the lake water to such an extent that the fish example, the oxides of sulphur and nitrogen spewed
en v ir o n m e n t a l p o l l u t io n
from numerous mills in Germany and U.K. have Endangered Coral Reefs by Marine Pollution <
caused widespread acid rains in Scandinavian
South-East Asia 30%
countries (Norway, Sweden) with the result most of
the lakes in Norway and Sweden have lost their Pacific Ocean 25%
biological communities and are now biologically Indian Ocean -o. 7°
termed as ‘dead lakes.’ Caribbean Sea .: 09%
In fact, acids rains are very often called as West Asia (including Red Sea) 06%
‘lake killers’ in Anglo-American and West European Atlantic Ocean 6%
countries because they have been identified as main
Source : Down to Eart, Jan 15, 1998
factors of ‘death of lakes’ which means destruction
Leakage of immense quantities o f crude oils from oil
and death of all aquatic lives including plants and
tankers and offshore oil wells is a major source o f sea
animals in lakes, ponds and rivers. Out o f 250,000 water pollution. On an average about 284 million
lakes of the state of Ontario (Canada), 50,000 have gallons of mineral oil are leaked every year from the
been adversely affected by phenomenal increase in oil tankers. A few examples of leakages of immense
the acidity of water and significant lowering of pH quantites of crude oil from the oil tankers such as
due to acid rains. Out of these lakes 140 have been leakage of 100,000 metric tons o f oil into sea from
declared as dead lakes. the Torry Canyon disaster off the coast of Cornwall,
England in 1967; spillage of 10,000 metric tons of
SEAWATER POLLUTION oil into the ocean from Santa Barbara accident in
1969; leakage of about 100,000 tons of crude oil
Sea water is polluted mostly near the coast from the wreckage of tanker vessel Urquiola near the
Spanish coast La Coruna on May 12,1976 etc. reveal
through the disposal o f urban and industrial waste
the nature of environmental hazards produced by
matters into the coast water. Concentration of a human activities such as leakage of crude oils form
single matter in the littoral water causes serious oil tankers. Such oil disasters also occur off the
environmental problem. For example, concentration Mombai coast from the offshore oil wells. For
of mercury in the Minamata Bay (Japan) due to example, one such accident took place near Mombai
dumping of mercury-rich sludeges from Minamata High on July 30,1982 when ONGC (Oil and Natural
Gas Commission) suffered a loss o f Rs. 900 million
city into the bay caused severe mercury poisoning.
involving damage of drilling rigs and precious crude
The resultant disease known as M inam ata Disease
oils. A major oil disaster from Mumbai High
claimed several lives in the city o f Japan in early occurred on July 30, 1987 when a big oil tanker of
1950s. Dumping o f industrial wastes, urban efflu­ Union Oil Company leaked 117,000 tonnes of crude
ents and toxic chemicals into the coastal water oil into the sea.
leaves adverse effects on many marine organisms. Leaked crude oil rapidly spreads on water
Many of the corajs are reported to have been killed surface as ‘oil slicks’ and makes the water poisonous,
off the Andman and Nicobar coast (islands in the with the result numerous sea organisms including
Bay of Bengal, India) because o f toxic industrial invaluable fishes die. Thus oil leakage causes
ecological disaster in the coastal ecosystem.
effluents. Fishes are mostly adversely affected due
to sea water pollution.
Source of Marine Pollution
1. Runoff and point discharge 44% Groundwater is polluted through a variety of
sources viz. leaching and downward movement of
2- Air Pollution 33%
pollutants from agricultural field (such as nitrates,
Shippjng 12% phosophorous, potash and several insecticides and
4. Dumping 10% pesticides), from industrial dumping areas, from
urban and rural garbages, from earthen septic tanks
Offshore oil and gas production 01%
aource • n and from polluted ponds and tanks. The mam
*D°wn to Earth, 15 Jan, 1998. controlling factors of groundwater pollution are

lithological characteristics of sub-soils and subsur­ district of Andhra Pradesh (India) is a buring
face m aterials, depth of water table of groundwater, example- of pollution of groundwater by huamn
nature o f aquifer, amount and nature of annual activities. The toxic water discharged from 300
rainfall, general outlook of society, nature and rate industrial units (50 being chemical factories) has
of infiltration of rainwater and stagnant pond and speeped into the subsoils leading to contamination1
tank water and above all the nature and amount of of both surface and sub-surface (groundwater) w ater
pollutants. in 14 villages around Patancheru industrial com­
plex. The groundwater became greenish in colour
The loose and friable sandy soils, high water
and was so polluted that one started vomiting or felt
table and moderate to high annual rainfall accelerate
like vomiting at the time of drinking it.
the rate o f infiltration of rainwater and rapid
downward movement of pollutants with percolating Undergound cavities caused by excessive
water and consequently high rate of pollution of pumping of water from groundwater reserves in the
groundwater is the ultimate result. Generally, cities located near the sea coast result in contamina­
industrial wastes including waste water are dumped, tion of groundwater because of leakage o f saline sea
where streams are not available in the nearby areas, water into the cavities. The example of Brooklyn
into ponds or dug-out tanks. The dissolved chemical (Kings county, New York, USA) city, located at the
polltans are moved downward with percolating sea coast, is sufficient to demonstrate the environ­
water (the process known as leaching) to meet the mental impacts of groundwater Withdrawal on
groundwater resource and thus groundwater is contamination of precious groundwater resource.
polluted which is readily reflected in the polluted The pumping of water from beneath the ground
water of dug-wells. Similarly, pollutants are leached surface in Brooklyn city for urban residents at the
downward from the municipal dump sites of city rate of 75 million gallons per day resulted in the
garbages. Leaching of polluting ions from the formation of big cavity of 5-mile diameter reaching
earthen soak pits and septic tanks and rotten and a depth of 35 feet below sea level benath the city,
damaged underground sewer pipelines downward consequently saline sea water leaked into the cavity
very often pollute groundwater up to a depth of 400 and the wells became polluted due to salty water
m. The pollutants which move downward with which forced the city authorities to close down these
percolating water are called leachates. The leached contaminated wells. 1 .... •' •“ • '»
pollutants are seldom stationary in the groundwater
rather they move in the aquifers with the movement 5. EFFECTS OF WATER POLLUTION • '
of groundwater as guided by groundwater contour. . . j r .J ^ "-- i ‘ ' i' 3'.' »
Several cases of pollution of groundwater Water pollution causes irreparable damage to
mainly the water drawn up by hand pumps and from both plants and animals including man. The most
wells have been reported almost from all countries sufferers are human beings and micro-organisms.
of the World whether developed or developing. Polluted water is the major cause for the spread of
Pollution of well water was reported as back as 1832 epidemics and several dangerous diseases such as
in the USA when 3500 people were killed in New cholera, tuberculosis, jaundice, dysentry, typhoid,
York City because of cholera due to the use of paratyphoid, diarrhoea etc. The use of water
polluted water. The United States of Geological polluted with solid minerals for drinking purpose
Survey found high content of sulphate, chloride and causes fatal diseases. For example, the consumption
nitrate in the water of dug-wells of Crosby town in of water contaminated by fibres of asbestos causes
North Dakota (USA) during 1960s. The contami­ lung cancer and stomach diseases called as asbesto-
nated well water carried more than 4 times the limit sis, water polluted with mercury causes minamata
of dissolved solids recommended by the Public disease etc. Water pollution mainly caused by toxic
Health Service of the USA for drinking water (A.N. chemicals causes deats of aquatic organisms includ­
Strahler and A.H. Strahler, 1977). The wells were ing both plants and animals. The use of polluted
contaminated by sewage wastes. The incident of water of rivers, lakes and ponds and even polluted
pollution of groundwater due to toxic chemicals groundwater for irrigating agricultural fields se­
discharged by Patancheru industrial complex, about
verely damages crops and decreases agricultural
30 kilometres away from Hyderabad city, in Medak
production. Heavily polluted water also pollutes
soils, decrease their fertilty and kills soil micro­ / • causes death of aquatic organisms, " both
organisms such as useful bacteria. The use of water,
J plants, animals and micro-organisms.
polluted by high concentration of sand load, for
>• W ater polluted with higher concentration of
irrigational purposes increases the sand ratio of soils
and thus reduces soil fertility and raises water sulphuric acids, an outcome o f rainwater,
requirement o f the soils. The use of water contami­ causes destruction and deaths of organisms
nated with salts increases alkalinity in the soils. Rise in lakes and ponds as happens in Norway, and
in the concentration of inorganic and organic Sweden of Europe and Ontario o f Canada.
nutrients in lake and river waters causes eutrophication >• Heavy conentration of organic and inorganic
which leads to rapid rate of increase in the nutrients in ponds, Jakes and rivers causes
populations of plants and animals in the aquatic
eutrophication., ■■■v: ; —
ecosystems beyond controllable limit. On the other
► The use of river water with high concentra­
hand, phenomenal increase in the concentration of
tion of sand load for irrigation purposes
toxic chem icals and harmful metals in different
reduces soil fertility and raises waterrequire-
water bodies causes elimination of plants in general
and animals in particular due to their sudden death. ment of soils. s .»<•,!
Contamination o f sea water due to oil slicks >■ Water having higher concentration of salt
resulting from leakage of crude oils from huge oil content increses alkalinity of soils. ;r*
tankers and due to discharge of industrial and urban > Sea water polluted with oil slicks causes
wastes causes ecological disasters in the littoral ecological disasters in the marine littoral
ecosystems because of mass deaths of sea organisms ecosystems because of mass deaths of marine
including fishes.
~ organisms including fishes.
The adverse effects of water pollution may be \ O'.' "-?*i
summarized as follows : 6. CONTROL OF WATER POLLUTION
- *•’ • ' ' ' " “ '• k ‘
> The use of polluted water for drinking
purpose causes epidemics (such as cholera) Control of water pollution requires several
and several dangerous diseases such as remedial measures involving individuals, commu­
nity, governments at national and international
cholera,' tuberculosis, typhoid, jaundice,
- •t --/•
as . follows
C - • 1 :■I • •? •
.. ‘!,w;T> ..,
\ •I
dysentry, paratyphoid, diarrhoea etc.
>- The individuals must be educated enough to
> W ater polluted with high concentration of
understand the nature o f water pollution and
certain trace mierals causes stomach disor­
its adverse effects on human health and
ders and cancer mainly in hill areas (such as
in Uttrakhand), sclerosis (hardening of tis­
sues and arteries o f human bodies) etc. >- There must be mass awareness and correct
perception at community level about various
> W ater contaminated by fibres of asbestos,
aspects of water pollution.
when used by humans, causes asbestosis, a
form of lung cancer whereas water loaded >■ People must restrain themselves from throw­
with the concentration of lead beyond per­ ing human and animal excreta and garbages
missible limit causes lead poisoning. The into any water body.
water polluted with mercury causes minamata > Industrial units and municipal corporations
disease in humans. must arrange for sewage treatment plants and
>- Higher concentration of arsenic matter causes treat polluted water before discharging efflu­
severe skin disease as happens in Kolkata and ents into lakes and rivers. - 4 •
its environs. >■ Government should provide adequate funds
>• Heavy concentration of toxic chemicals in to the municipal corporations for making
water (of rivers, lakes, groundwater etc.) water pollution control more effective.

v Government must bring in force effective 5. The River Boards Act, 1956
laws tor w a t e r pollution control measures. -• 6 . The Merchant (Amendment) Shipping
> The individuals, communities, officials and Act, 1970
the owners of mills must be tried in the courts 7. The water (Prevention and Control of
of law and suitably penalized under strict a.- Pollution) Act, 1974
laws, if they violate the provisions of
8. The W ater (Prevention and Contol of
/ pollution control.
Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
The problem of water pollution has already
assumed alarming proportion in many large cities 9. The Water (Prevention and Control of
and industrial complexes in India such as in Delhi, Pollution) Cess Rules, 1978.
Kanpur, Varanasi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai etc. 10. The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,
Even small towns of India suffer from high level of 1991, puts regulation on various activities,
water pollution mainly surface water pollution including, construciton. This notificaiton
because of open earthen sewer drains, service offers protection to natural buffers, such as
latrines, uncovered earthen septic tanks and soak backwaters, estuaries, corals, mangroves,
pits, improper drainage systems and frequent water beaches and coastal dunes.
logging. Orthodox religious faiths are also adding
fuels to the problem of river water pollution. For The government plans to clean the Gangaand
example, inspite of the provision of electric crema­ the Yamuna under the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) and
torium in several big cities at the bank of the Ganga the Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) would be discussed
(such as at Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi etc.) people in Chapter 25 of this book.
still bum dead human bodies with wood and throw
half burnt wood, ash and human bodies in the Ganga 21.7 LAND/SOILS POLLUTION
in the faith that by doing so the departed sOul would
be seated in the heaven. Here land simply means the surficial parts of
The government of India has already taken lithosphere wherein soil is the most significant
initiative in controlling water pollution by passing aspect of land surface for biological communities.
the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act This is why soils are termed as ‘biological reservoirs’
in 1974. This water pollution prevention and control or ‘biological factory’. Land degradation simply
Act aims at the maintenance of good water quality means loss of utility of land for plants and animals.
for human use. It may be pointed out that govern­ Though some natural factors such as climatic
ment of India was seized of the problem of water changes (e.g. desertification and desert spread,
pollution even in late 19th century as is evident from conversion of warm land into cold land-icecovered
the enactment of the following Acts regarding the surfaces etc.), volcanic eruption and lava flow,
control of water pollution. Important Water Acts are orogenesis etc. cause land degradation but anthropo­
given below while detailed aspects of water Acts in genic factors are mostly responsible for land
India have been given in chapter 26 of this books. degradation and pollution world over. The following
human activities degrade land surfaces :
Central Water Control Acts
► mining activities,
(A) Before Independence
>• massive>deforestation,
1. The North India Canal and Drainage Act,
1873 >■ overgrazing,
2. The Obstruction of Fairways (navigable >• global warming resulting into desert spread,
channel) Act, 1881 >■ major land use changes,
3. The Indian Fisheries Act, 1897 ► heavy canal irrigation,
(B) After Independence
► construction and building activities,
4. The Damodar Valley Corporation (Pre­ ► discharge of sewage or waste w ater from
vention of Pollution of Water) Regulation industrial and urban areas on to the land used
Act, 1948
for agricultural purposes,
e n v ir o n m e n t a l po l l u t io n
> irrigation of agricultural fields with polluted Factors of Soil Pollution
water, ' r ’ - fn
The main factors of soil pollution are acceler­
> soil pollution etc.
ated rate of soil erosion consequent upon major land
In fact, soil pollution is the major form of land use changes (e.g. deforestation); excessive use of
degradation and pollution and hence it requires chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and
detailed discussion. herbicides; polluted waste water from industrial and
Soils are in fact the very heart of the life layer urban areas; a.few micro-organisms; forest fires;
dumping of urban and industrial solid wastes; water
(the biosphere) because these represent a zone
logging and related capillary process; leaching
wherein plant nutrients are produced, held, main­
processes; drought etc.
tained and are made available to plants through their
roots and to the micro-organisms which live in the Sources of Soil Pollution
soils. Soil is also very important environmental
attribute for human society because : The sources or agents of soil pollution may be
divided into the following 5 categories :
>■ It is the basic medium for food and timber
production. > ( 1) physical agents/sources,
> It is very exhaustible natural resource be­ >• (2) biological agents/souses,
cause it cannot be replaced if it is destroyed >■ (3) air-born sources,
or lost through excessive soil erosion caused > (4) biocides and chemical fertilizers, and
by anthropogenic activities and it is the base > (5) urban and industrial sources.
for the evolution and development of human (1) Physical source of soil pollution is relate
civilization. to soil erosion and consequent soil degradation
>■ It provides foundation for buildings and caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. The
roads. !! natural factors of soil erosion include amount and
The formation of soil is a slow process as the intensity of rainfall, temperature and wind; topo­
graphic factors; lithological factors; vegetation and
formation and development of one inch of soil
soil characteristics. These factors are further accel­
requires about one thousand years wheras the erated by human activities such as land use changes
destruciton of soils through erosion and pollution is (e.g. deforestation). In most of the developing
quick process. The quality of soils depends upon the countries of the tropical and subtropical regions
nutrients (both organic and inorganic), humus accelerated rate of soil erosion due to rapid rate of
content, moisture, temperature etc. present in the deforestation and faulty agricultural practices has
soils. Various aspects of soils such as components of degraded the soil on a large-scale because the top
soils, soil texture, soil structure, soil profiles and fertile layer has been washed out. Various aspects of
horizons, and classification of soils have been soil erosion e.g. facets of soil erosion, mechanics
discussed in the 7th chapter of this book. and forms of soil erosion, factors and causes of soil
erosion, regional pattern of soil erosion and conser­
Soil Pollution : Definition vation measures of soil erosion have been discussed
in the 16th chapter of this book.
Decrease in the quality of soils either due to (2) Biological sources or agents of soil po
anthropogenic sources or natural sources or by both tion include those micro-organisms and unwanetd
is called soil pollution or soil degradation. Decrease in platns which degrade the quality and therefore
the quality of soils is caused due to accelerated rate fertility of the soils. The biological agents of soil
of soil erosion, decrease in plant nutrients, decrease pollution are grouped into 4 major categories :
in soil micro-organisms, excess or deficit of >- pathogenic micro-organisms excreted by
moisture content, high fluctuation of temperature, human beings,
lack of humus content and input and concentration >• pathogenic micro-organisms excreted by
of various types of pollutants. domestic animals,

> pathogenic m icro-organism s already present Fallouts.of-.metallic particulate m atter from metal
in the soils, and sm elters into soils damage their physical and
chemical properties. For example, the soils near
> enteric bacteria and protozoa. .. 5 copper smelters are so polluted that ho plant growth
The m icro-organisms enter the soils from becomes possible. The fallouts of mercury released
various sources and degrade them. These m icro­ from industrial processes and combustion of fossil
organisms also enter the food chains and thus affect fuels when mixed in the soils reach the food chain.
human bodies. ;<J v ; Similarly, high concentration of lead pollutes the
(3) Air-born sources of soil pollutants are, soils tp large extent. . - ; i . < - ,
infact, air pollutants which are released into the (4) Chemical fertilizers and biocides hav
atmosphere by ‘human volcanoes’ (chimneys of become essential part of modern mechanized agri­
factories), autom obiles, thermal power plants and culture. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers to
domestic sources. In fact, gaseous and solid particulate boost agicultural production causes alteration in the
pollutants emitted by factory chimneys and other
physical and chemical properties of soils, though
sources are transported to the areas far away from
chemical fertilizers act as inorganic plant nutrients.
the source of the emission of pollutants by prevail­
The most dangerous pollutants are different kinds o f
ing wind. The fallouts of these pollutants are
biocides which destroy micro-organisms including
deposited in the soils which are polluted due to toxic
substances. Sulphur emitted from the factories useful bacteria and thus lower down the quality of
causes acid rains which lower the pH of the soils. soils significantly. In fact, rapid growth o f popula­
Acid rains increase the acidity of the soils. Highly tion and commercialization of agriculture have been
acidic soils are injurious to plant growth. Sulphur responsible for the phenomenal increase in the
dioxide ( S 0 2) emitted from the factories in U.K. and produciton and consumption of chemical fertilizers
Germany has been responsible for widespread acid and biocides. According to an estim ate the world
rains in the Scandinavian countries (Norway, consumption of biocides (pesticides, insecticides,
Sweden, Finnald) wherein substantial decrease in herbicides etc.) has substantially increased from
soil pH and increased soil acidity have largely 25,030 billion tonnes in 1965-66 to 100,000, billion
damaged forest resources. Similarly, the pH of the tonnes during 1980 which shows four fold increase
soils of maritime provinces of Canada (Quebec and within a period of 15 years. Biocides reach the food
Ontario) have been markedly decreased because of chains in toxic forms and ultimately enter the bodies
acid rains caused by sulphur dioxide emitted from of human beings and even animals through food they
the factories of Lake Region, Pittsburgh-Youngstown eat. It may be pointed out that biocides first kill
Industrial Region and New England Region and thus germs and unwanted plants and then degrade the
the forests have suffered great loss. Chlorine and quality of soils and reach the plants through their
nitrogen oxides emitted from the factories combine roots. These toxic elements are ultimately trans^
with the water and pollute the soils by altering the
ferred to human bodies and thus kill people through
chemical composition. Huge quantities of particulate
several fatal diseases. Biocides are, thus, called as
matters emitted from cement factories, lime kilns,
coal mining, loading and unloading of coal, thermal creeping deaths.
power plants etc. reach the soils and thus pollute The use of biocides has also gained momen­
them by altering their chemical and physical tum in India with the Green Revolution since 1960s:
properties. According to an estimate about 100,000 tonnes of
Flakes and chips of mica from the mica mines biocides are used in India annually. According to the
spread over the soils and pollute them. Numerous report of World Health Organization (WHO) about
mica chips may be seen strewn all over the 500,000 persons become the casualties o f biocides
agricultural fields in the vicinity of Kodarina mica in one way or the other every year. The annual
belt of Jharkhand (India). Magnesite dusts, when production of various biocides in India has increased
mixed with soils, cause marked rise in the soil pH from 2,350 tonnes in 1955 to 149,795 tonnes in 1983
(increse in the soil alkalinity which causes salinization thus registering more than 63 times increase in their
and decrease in potash (K), calcium (Ca), magne­ production. The following types o f biocides (pesti­
sium (Mg) and phosphourous to critical lower limit. cides, insecticides, herbicides etc.) are generally
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p o l l u t io n
used to get rid off unwanted plants and to kill - - The analysis of innumerable samples of foo
harmful insects and destroy pests to boost agricul­ grains all over the world has shown that the human i
tural produciton. food is widely contaiminated by the concentration of ;
(j) O rganic p h o so p h a te com p ou n ds e.g. pesticides, insecticides and herbicides and thus^,
lathions. These are used to kill insects by these synthetic chemicals have become a part of
damaging their nerve systems. Frequent use of these human diet all over the world. The main culprits are ’
hem icals results in the accumulation of acetylchorine carbaryl, D.D.T., malathion, parathion, d ield rin / )
• the soils and ultim ately these chemicals are lindane, hepatachlor, aldrine etc. , '■#
transported to plant tissues. The mammals depend­ Improper disposal, of industrial and urban.?
ing on these plants are thus adversely affected. wastes and irrigation of agricultural fields from
(ii) Chlorinated hydrocarbons e.g. D.D.T., polluted urban sewage water near urban and
dieldrin, aldrin etc. These insecticides are generally industrial areas degrade the soil properties by
used to kill insects and m icro-organism s. Chlorin­ changing their physical and chemical properties! 7
ated hydrocarbon com pounds were developed as The toxic chemical substances of industrial efflu-,’>
potent pesticides after W orld W ar II. The two ents and urban sewage enter the soils and pollute
general characteristics of these chemicals made them mostly in the neighbourhood o f cities and
them more popular in the beginning e.g. (i) These mills. The study conducted by V.K. Kumra in and1*
chemicals are toxic to a large number of plants and around Kanpur city reveals the follow ing facts ini
m icro-organism s and insects and their use can (i) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and im -.f
control many pests and plant diseases and can proper disposal of industrial wastes in the city ,
destroy many unwanted plants simultaneously, (ii) boundary has caused rise in the alkalinity o f the
These chemicals stay for relatively longer period in soils; (ii) Contamination of nitrogen varies from 40
the soils and other components o f physical environ­ pounds per acre to 640 pounds per acre; (iii) ^
ment and are not required to be used frequently. Phosphorous concentration in the soil ranges be- "
Besides, they were apparently less toxic to humans. It tween 0.03 to 0.085 per cent; (iv) Soluble salts range
may be pointed out that these two fundamental between 0.03 to 0.27 percent, and (v) Soil pH varies
characteristics of chlorinated hydrocarbon com­ between 7.32 and 10.1. ; -
pounds are also dangerous to natural ecosystems and
Adverse Effects of Soil Pollution
to humans as well.
D.D.T. proved to be boon to human society in Effects of soil pollution on human beings,
the beginning because its use helped in killing a host animals and plants are far reaching. Since pollution :
of disease carrier insects such as mosquitoes and degrades the quality of soils, soil pollution thus- '
millions of people could be saved from typhoid, results in substantial decrease in agricultural pro-
malaria etc. D.D.T. proved successful in eradicating duction. Some forms of soil pollution even render
malaria, incephalitisj dengu fever etc. D.D.T. was the land unusable for crop farm ing. For exam ple,
used world over to kill insects and germs upto 1971 soil erosion through rill and gully erosion converts
without any suspicion but in 1972 its dangerous the land into wasteland. Chem ical pollutants in the
effects on humans and animals were brought to form of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, isecticides
notice in the USA and hence its use was banned by and herbicides after reaching the soils reach the
the US government. It has been found out that human and animal bodies through food chains and
D.DtT. may persist in soils for 20 to 25 years and cause various diseases and several deaths. A ccord­
thus reach the food chains through the plants. ing to an estim ate about 500,000 persons die every
(iii) year in the world because of insecticides and
Arsenic containing pesticides reach the
pesticides. M ost o f the food grains in the USA,
soils and are transported to plants and thus to food
m ainly wheat and corn, have become toxic due to
grams. These chemicals cause gastric and digestive
problem in humans. . .. - these synthetic chem icals. Table 21.6 shows re­
m ains o f D.D.T. in various food item s in various
tn m *’oc*'urn Auoroaccetates are generally used states o f India where chem ical fertilizers a n d ,
th» f j° f ntS an(* accumulate in the soils to reach biocides are profusely used to boost agricultural
the food chains > ; '
'. ’ ■- . v*.*

Table 21.6 : Traces of D.D.T. In different food items in India (mg/kg)

P u n jab Haryana Uttar Pradesh Andhra Pradesh
Food Items
0-1.11 0-1.52 0- 10.0
0 6.0 0 . 6- 1.0 0.41-10
W heat -

0-102 10.0-175.0 0 8.0

Pulsesy *•
Oilseeds 0-1.28
0.19*27.0 0-5.0
0.3-8.0 0.63-6.94 1.25-2.12 0.03-3.39
Ghee 2.57-11.0 2.72-13.0 2.10

Table 21.7 : Presence of D.D.T. in human fats in USA and India _______

Country Year Average daily Consumption Traces o f D.D.T. in the fats

of D.D.T. (in 000 tons) of human bodies (mg/kg)

USA 1951-1970 25 7.0

India 1951-1965 10 27.0
India 1965-1974 10 20.0
India 1975-1978 13 12.0

Control of Soil Pollution ► education to farmers about the proper uses of

fertilizers and biocides.
It is not only desirable but is also necessary to
control soil pollution because the very existence of > proper researches regarding the adverse
human beings and animals depends upon soils. It is effects of soil pollutants mainly toxic chem i­
very necessary not only to maintain but also to cals on various components of natural eco­
enhance the quality o f soils because the supply of systems.
food for billions o f world human population, fodder
for animals and a host o f raw materials come from 21.8 SOLID WASTE POLLUTION
soils. The following steps may be suggested to
control soil pollution. 1. Meaning and Definition
>■ to implement various control measures of
Solid waste substances are those m aterials
soil erosion (see section 16.2 of chapter 16 of which become useless and hence waste after short
this book). period of thier use such as news papers, different
>■ controlled and judicious use of chemical types of cans, bottles, broken glass wares, plastic
fertilizers and pesticides, insecticides and containers, polythene bags, ashes and dom estic
herbicides. garbages. These discarded solid substances after
> development of such pesticides and insecti­ their uses are variously called as refuse, garbage,
cides which do not harm human beings. rubbish, solid waste etc. These solid w astes require
proper and ample space for their dum ping and
> immediate restriction on the use of D.D.T.
disposal. The envrionm ental polution caused by
>- proper disposal of industrial and urban these solid wastes is rapidly increasing in tune with >
wastes. rapid rate of industrial grow th and urbanization. The
> use of urban and industrial effluents for problem o f disposal o f everincreasing quantities of
irrigation purposes after proper treatment. solid substances has become a headache for not only
> proper land use and crop management. industrialized and developed countries but also for
most o f the developing countries. For exam ple, the ,
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p o l l u t io n
city of New York (USA)alone produces 2500 truck
are made again and again. Not only this, used bottles
load o f waste solid substances such as beer and coke
of milk and soft drink are used for refilling till they
Cans, m ilk bottles, other types of bottles, papers
are damaged. Many waste substances are again used
plastic goods, containers, polythene bags, domestic in a number of ways. For example, news papers are
garbages etc. m easuring about 25,000 tons every
sold back by the subscribers to junk collector's;
day. There are numerous graveyards of abandoned
These used news papers are then put to various uses
automobiles in the developed countries.
such as for packing bags, manufacturing of hard
board etc.
2. Sources of Solid Wastes
3. Types of Solid Waste Substances
Sources o f solid waste substances may be
grouped into the following two categories : Solid waste pollutants are divided into several
( 1) Production centers, and types based on their sources as follows :
(2) Consum ption centers. > mining wastes, •. i;
Production centres may be further divided into > agricultural wastes,
small-scale production centres and large-scale or > industrial wastes,
industrial produciton centres. Consumption centres > municipal wastes,
contributing solid waste substances may be further > packing wastes,
divided into individual house, community centres, > human wastes,
markets and m unicipal garbage centres. Alterna­ > animal wastes,
tively, sources o f solid waste substances may be > radioactive and nuclear wastes
grouped into two broad categories as follows : (1) Mining wastes : are produced during
(1) Household/domestic sector, and mining operations wherein huge quantities of wastes
(2) Industrial/com mercial/urban sectors. are dumped on land surface which may be otherwise
useful for other purposes. For example, for the
M ost o f solid waste substances are not
mining of metallic ores, huge quantities of earthen
biodegradable such as plastics and polythenes.
materials, rocks and other wastes are created.
It may be pointed out that there is direct Similarly, for coal mining surficial crustal materials
positive relationship between the amount of solid
are removed to expose coal seams. The removed
wastes produced and the affluence/richness of the
materials are heaped at other places. Thus mountains
econom ically rich and industrially developed west­
of waste mining materials are created which not only
ern countries as their use and throwaway culture has
occupy valuable land surface but also create
been responsible for the acute problem of solid
nuisance, because mine wastes contain, some times,
waste pollution because all of the substances are
toxic chemicals which pollute the nearby environ­
thrown away after use. None of the used items is
ment. Limestone quarrying produces immense
reused or recycled. On the other hand, economically
volume of useless debris.
poor societies o f the developing countries produces
much sm aller quanties of solid waste substances (2) Industrial wastes : include huge amount of
than the econom ically rich societies of the western abandoned items which create several environmen­
developed world because they use these items tal problems. For example, huge quantities of
several tim es but now developing coutnries are also bagasse are produced in sugar mills during the
adopting ‘use and throw away culture’ atleast in proces of sugar production. These bagasses are
urban areas. The plastics and polythenes have heaped in the vicinity of sugar mills. Thus the sugar
become nuisance in most of Indian cities. For mill overburden of bagasses after rotting stinks and
example, packagings are such that they are used spreads unbearable foul smell. Copper smelters and
many times; bottles used for solft drinks and milk are aluminium industry produce dangerous waste sub­
used again and again; broken bottles and cans are stances which are very much injurious to vegetation
remelted and thus new bottles and other glass items and soils. Many more examples may be cited.

(3) Agricultural wastes : include roots which is only one tenth of the garbage produced by
stems of crops, straw, hay, dung, food articles etc. the city of New York. It has been estimated that the
There is almost no problem of agricultural waste annual municipal wastes of Kolkata may rise to
subtances in developing countries becasue these 912,000 tonnes in the immediate future or 7,600
items are used and reused in a number of ways. For tonnes per day. About 70 per cent of the municipal
wastes of Kolkata Metropolitan District is disposed
example, dungs are used for compost and manures,
for domestic fuels etc,; straws are used as animal off by the municipal authorities but the remaining 3(3
per cent creates severe environment problem. Daily
feed; paddy plants after harvesting and separation of
outcome of municipal wastes from Greater Mumbai
grains are either used as fooder or are burnt in the
is about 3,000 tonnes. About 16,000 persons and 270
farms for manures. But the problem of disposal of
carriers are employed to collect the garbages and to
these agricultural wastes has become headache in
dispose them off at suitable dump sites. According
the developed countries. The USA produces about
to the Information, Mumbai Metropolitan Develop­
18 million tons of agricultural wastes ever yeary.
The increasing use of harvestors in India for ‘rabi’ ment Authority (1984) 3 major dump sites viz. (i)
(wheat) and ‘kharif (rice) crops now produces huge municipal depressed land of Deonar, (ii) three
quantities of abandoned plants of wheat and paddy. dumping sites in the suburbs of M alad.Bom by and
Muland, and (iii) Dhanwari Mohan Creek accommo­
(4) Municipal wastes : inlude solid wastes
date 25 per cent, and 50 per cent of municipal
such as papers, plastics, metal cans, glass bottles,
garbage respectively. Delhi and Chennai produce
plastic bottles and cans, aluminimum foils, metal municipal wastes of 2000 tonnes and 1200 tonnes
junks, polythene bags, garbages mostly coming
daily respectively.
from domestic uses etc. It may be further pointed out
that most of these items are reused and recycled in The municipal garbages of Indian cities
poor countries and therefore the problem of solid generally comprise carbon and organic matter,
waste pollution is not so acute at least at present as compostable matter, ash, earth, moisture, stone,
it is in the developed countries. For example, news coal, straw, leaves, vegetables, paper, rags, cans,
papers, after use, are reused in a number of ways but bottles, plastics, polythene bags etc. The municipal
these are thrown out in the developed countries. It waste substances are also classified into (i) non
may be mentioned that one day issue of New York combustible wastes, (ii) highly combustible trash,
Times news paper (for Sunday issue) requires huge (iii) combustible wastes, (iv) animal and vegetable
quantities of news print which come from 75,000 trash etc.
trees. The disposal of waste news papers poses an (5) Packing wastes : include packagings of
acute problem in the developed countries. For different materials such as polythene, plastics, paper
example, municipal wastes in the USA amount to board, paper, jute, flax (gunny bags) etc. These
175 million tonnes per annum wherein daily output packagings are generally used several times in
of municipal wastes is upto the tune of 480,000 different forms in developing countries but these are
tonnes. The city of New York alone produces 2500 immediately discarded after their first use and hence -
truck-loads of municipal wastes daily (like cans, present the problem of their disposal.
bottles, plastics, paper and other garbages coming
out from domestic uses) wich amount to 25,000 (6) Human wastes : include fecal m atter in the
tonnes of waste substances per day. London cities which is disposed off in several disposal
produces about 8000 tonnes of garbage a day (all bodies such as udnerground pits, lakes, tanks, rivers
data upto 1991). and seas. In the rural areas mainly in the developing-1
About 45 Indian cities having the population countries people use open lands as lavatories and thus
of more than 300,000 generate about 50,000 tonnes stools pose a serious environmental problem. These
of municipal wastes per day (1991 data). Four big human excreta are washed by rainwater and are
metropolitan cities viz. Greater Mumbai, KolKata, carried to nearby lakes and streams. Animal wastes
Delhi and Chennai produce huge quantites of such as dungs, their skeletons and waste substances
municipal wastes in Indian context but these are still from slaughter houses pose serious disposal prob­
much smaller than metropolitan cities of the
lems. In India dungs are picked up by farmers and aits
developed countries. Kolkata Metropolitan District
used as manures and cooking fuels. Similarly, bones
(CMD) generates daily garbage of 2500 tonnes
of dead animals are used in fertilizers industry.
ENVIRONMENTAL p o l l u t i o n
4. Management of Solid Wastes
cities. It is thus desired that the frequency of waste
The integrated management plan of solid collection should be increased and properly main­
wastes includs the following steps : tained. The solid wastes should be collected by
municipal personnel at least twice a day from the|i
(1) Collection of solid wastes,
market and business areas mainly from fruit and
(2) Disposal of solid wastes, and vegetable markets and at least once a day from
(3) I n c i n e r a t i o n o f c o m b u s t i b l e w a s te s . residential localities. The same norm should be
The management of solid wastes includes, as applied for the clearance of domestic wastes in the
small towns also.
referred to above, collection of waste substances,
their classification, and their disposal in suitable (2) Disposal: The second step of the manage
dumping sites and incineration of combustible ment of solid waste pollution is the proper and
substances. There are quick and efficient automatic scientific method of disposal of solid wastes.
machines for collection and disposal of solid waste Garbage (including all types of solid wastes)
sbstances in the developed countries but rapidly disposal involes the following three steps :
increasing quantities of solid wastes are dangerous (i) sorting (classification) of waste substances,
signs of environmental problems in near future. The (ii) dumping of non-combustible substances into
dump sites in the western world are generally lakes, suitable dump sites, and
underground pits and sea water. Disposal of solid
(iii) incineration of combustible substances.
wastes from various sources has created ecological
problem in the littoral areas because of deaths of The solid wastes are separated into the
marine organisms including fishes and corals. following categories of waste substances :
There is no proper arrangement for the >■ combustible organic matter,
collection and disposal of domestic wastes and > non-combustible solid wastes,
sewage in the rural areas of India and hence these > highly combustible wastes, e.g. papers, card
substances spread on the ground within the village boards, plastics, rubber items etc.
and outside the village. The collection and disposal > combustible wastes, e.g. wood, scrap, car­
of solid wastes and domestic sewage is yet another toons, floor sweepings etc., and
serious problem in the small towns of the country.
Dumps of domestic garbages remain at their places >- animal and vegetable wastes and reusable
for several days and thus pollute the environment by wastes.
foul smell and releasing harmful gases. (i) Composting : Compostable organic sub­
(1) stances
Collection : of municipal wastes is the first such as vegetables, plant leaves, animal and
step in the management of solid waste pollution. In human wastes etc. (which are biologically degrada­
Indian cities and towns domestic solid waste ble -biodegradable substances) should be composted
substances are generally thrown by the residents in either through open window composting method or
specially enclosed masonry structures on road sides, through mechanical composting method and thus
on the roads, in the corners of the buildings, behind useful manures can be produced.
the boundary walls etc. Even the residents of flats in ‘Composting may solve twin problems of
multi-storeyed buildings throw their domestic wastes India, i.e., proper disposal of solid wastes, and
downward which come as ‘m issile’ on the ground production of organic manure for increasing agricul­
while dusts and ashes spread in the air. These heaps tural output. According to an estimate, a town With
of municipal garbages are further spread by stray one lakh ( 100,000) population may produce 20,000
cattle, pigs, rats, rodents and poor people who tonnes of garbage and 8,000 tonnes of night soils
collect some reusble items such as iron and which can be converted into 18,000 tonnes of
aluminium junks, paper, plastics etc. These heaps of compost (organic manure) per year’ (J. Singh and
solid wastes are then collected by municipal D.N. Singh, 1988).
personnel and are carried by trucks and lorries to (ii) Dumping: N on-com bustible solid wastes
ump sites. The collection and clearance of munici- such as metals are dumped and compacted in
Pa wastes from various collection sites in the cities garbage disposal sites such as landfills, depressed
are seldom performed regularly in most of theIndian ground or even in open wasteland.

(iii) Incineration : Combustible substances ‘sound, the form of energy giving the sensation of
m ay be burnt in specifically designed incinerators hearing, is produced by longitudinal mechanical
such as ‘multiple hearth furnaces’ (MHF) and waves in matter including solid, liquid and gas and
‘fluidized bed furneces’ (FBF). transmitted by oscillation of atoms and molecules of
matter. The intensity of sound waves, measured in
Pyrolysis is another way of treatment of solid
watts per square metre (w/m2), is the flow of energy
wastes wherein wastes are broken down through the
per unit time (second-1) through a unit area to the
process of destructive distillation in an oxygen free
area perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
atmosphere into gases like carbon dioxide (CO2),
waves’ (K.P. Singh and S. Sinha, 1983).
CO (carbon monoxide), H2, C2H2> C2H4, and CH4
and into liquids like tar, light oil, water soluble The speed of sound waves depends upon the
distillate and solid char. Thus burning of solid density and elasticity of the transmitting medium
wastes may solve the problem of their disposal as such as gas (air), liquid and solids. The pressure
well as may yield energy for various uses. waves or sound waves after being generated in the
air at sound source are transmitted through air in all
21.8 NOISE POLLUTION directions in spherical manner. The intensity of
sound waves decreases with increasing distance
1. Meaning and Definition from the source of sound. There are certain
characteristics of sound waves which must be taken
Noise pollution may be defined as the state of into account before studying various aspects of
discomfort and restlessness caused to humans by noise pollution as follows :
unwanted high intensity sound known as noise. The > The intensity of sound waves decreases as the
noise is the main pollutant of noise pollution which
distance increases from the source of sound.
may be both natural and artificial. Natural noise
polluton results from natural sources such as cloud > After being hit by solid objects sound wave is
thunder, high intensity rainfall, hailstorms, water reflected.
falls etc. It may be widespread, sporadic, frequent or > Two sound waves, after being reflected by
rare. solid objects, are scttered or dispersed.
On the other hand, artificial noise pollution is
> Sound waves are also absorbed by perforated
caused by high intensity sound created by human
activities and therefore artificial or simply called as
noise pollution is increasing in both dimension and High pressure sound or high intensity sound
intensity with increasing urbanization and industri­ termed as ‘unwanted sound’ is called noise which
alization. It is apparent that the main source of noise causes discomfort to human beings and interferes
pollution is sound which may be caused naturally or with their efficiency. In oter words, noise is defined
artificially. It may be pointed out that unlike other as unwanted high intensity sound without agreeable
pollutants, sound/noise is not an element, compound musical quality. In fact, noise is that higher level of
or substance and thus it cannot accumulate and harm sound which becomes unpleasant, and causes
future generations. There is no lag-time between its discomfort and fatigue to human bodies by damag­
generation and impact on human beings and of ing hearing ability, brain and balancing mechanism.
course on animals. In other words, noise has It may be pointed out that differentiation between
instantaneous effects on nearby orgaisms. Unlike sound and noise is a subjective matter as the concept
other pollutants, it cannot be carried far away and and perception of sound and noise varies from
spread from its source area. person to person. For example, high intensity disco
and pop music is very much pleasant to those people
2. Sound and Noise who are fond of such music but it is nuisance and
unwanted sound to most of people.
Sound is a special type of pressure wave
Inspite of subjectivity of noise some objective
which is usually transmitted through air (also
through solids and liquids but with very low criteria for the subjective human reactions to noise
intensity) and is received by the receiving mecha­ have been identified such as annoyance, interfer­
nism, the hearing apparatus (ear). In other words, ence with speech, damage to hearing, decrease in
work performance, deficiency etc.

3. Measurement of Noise Level times more than the faintiest sound, the intensity on
V fC t • • .i , . 'm 'Ji. v r i'x ,

decibel scale will be 10 dB; if the sound intensity

The common measurement unit of sound in increses 100 times, it will be 20dB; 1000 times
acoustics, the science of sound, is the decibel (dB) increase = 30 dB, 10,000 times increase = 40 dB,
which is the unit o f the measurement of the intensity 100,0000 times increase = 50 dB, 1000,000 times
of sound. The other unit of the measurement of
increase = 60 dB, 10,000,000 - times increase = 70
sound pressure is weighted sound pressure (SPL) or
dB, 100,000,000timesincrease = 80dB, 1,000,000,000
very commonly known as dB (A) in abbreviated
times increse = 90 dB, 1,000,000,000,000„000
form. The fundamental difference between these
times increase = 150dB, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000
two noise level measurements is that dB is the
measure of sound intensity while dB (A) is the times increase = 200 dB and so on.
measure of sound pressure but dB(A) scale is more Sound Intensity Factor 1 (S1F) measuring 0
commonly used because it is quite easier to construct dB on decibel scale represents the faintiest audible
instruments to measure the pressure of sound wave sound. 10 dB denotes normal breathing and rustling
rather the intensity of sound waves. of leaves; whispering range of sound is denoted by
The decibel (dB) scale begins with 0 which 20 dB; 50-55 decibels may delay or interfere with
represents the faintiest sound being audible to a sleep; 60 dB represents the level o f normal talk; 90-
normal human ear. It is to be remembered that ‘in the 95 dB causes irreversible changes in the nervous
decibel scale each ten fold increase is represented by system of human bodies and 150-160 dB may prove
10 dB ’. For exam ple, 0 is the threshold value for the fatal to several animals. Table 21.8 presents noise
faintiest sound, if the sound intensity increases 10 levels for various sounds.

Table 21. 8 : Noise level

Sound sources and types of sounds Decibels dB) Sound Intensity Factor (SIF)
1. Threshold of hearing (faintiest audible sound) 0 1
2 . Normal breathing and rustling of tree leaves 10 10
3. Sounds o f very quiet place 20 100
4. W hispering e.g. libray 30 1000
5. Sounds o f average living room or quiet office 40 10,000
6. Noise of quiet restaurant and light traffic nosie 50 100,000
7. Noise during normal conversation 60 1,000,000
8. Noise of autom obiles (cars, motor cycles, 70-80 10,000,000- 100,000,000
trucks, house hold machines-mixer, grinder,
food blender etc.)
9. Noise of water falls at base (noisy waterfalls 90 1,000,000,000
such as N iagra falls)
10. Heavy autom obile traffic, jet aircrafts upto 100-110 to
300 m height
11. Jet aircrafts at take of! point 150 1,000,000,000,000,000
12. Rocket engine 180 to 195 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
4. Sources of Noise Pollution fruit markets, (iv) children playing, (vii) election­
eering, (viii) religious propaganda, (ix) cultural
On an average the sources of noise pollution programmes, (x) musical nights, (xi) festivals, (xii)
are divided into the following 3 categories worships (prayers in temples and mosques), non­
( 1) natural sources : stop ricitation of Rama Charita Manas, Geeta,
T. e.g. cloud thunder; high velocity wind Upanishads etc., (xiii) advertisements, (xiv) mourn­
ing at the time of deaths etc. Loudspeakers are the
such as hurricanes, tornado, gales, thun­
most significant noise pollutants as these are used at
derstorms, high intensity rainfall; hail-
large-scale during all types of festivals and religious
storms; waterfalls; surf currents etc. fairs of all communities, national festivals like
(2 ) biological sources : independence day (15th August) and republic day
*» examples : sounds of varying intensities (26th Janururay), electioneering, advertisement,
- of wild and tame animals such as roars of political and religious propaganada, worships, bhajan
lions in zoos, street dogs, jackals in the and kirtan; speeches etc.
neighbourhood of villages and fringes of (3) Industrial source of noise pollution in
urban areas, human sounds such as cludes noise produced from factories and all other
during laughing, crying, shouting, sing- sources of noise pollution in urban areas such as
r iiig, quarreling etc*3 -1 noise created from automobiles, loudspeakers,
defense establishment, markets, religious and cul­
(3) artificial sources : tural gatherings etc. Industrial sources of noise
•w*,1\ . '* ' --
J>: ' '’ 1'
examples : noise created by man through pollution also include noise caused by mining
his activities and recreations such as operations such as operations of bulldozers, trucks,
musical instruments, automobiles, aircrafts and machines, blasting of rocks by dynamites,
(at the time of take off), factories etc. operation of drillers etc.
Soures of noise are also classified on the basis
of areas of origin of sounds and noise into 3 5. Types of Noise Pollution
categories as follows :
Noise pollution may be classified in a number
> rural sources of noise pollution of ways on different criteria as follows :
>- urban sources of noise pollution, and (A) On the basis of areal source
> industial sources of noise pollution. (1) rural noise pollution,
(1) Rural sources generate least noise pollu­ (2) urban noise pollution,
tion because of general absence of ingredients of (3) industrial noise pollution, and
industrial and urban areas. There are certain (4) mining noise pollution.
occasions when the level of pollution becomes (B) On the basis of sources of noise
higher than normal permissible level (25-35 dB) e.g. ( 1) natural noise pollution caused by
during festivals (Holi, Diwali, Moharram etc.), noise created from natural sources as
religious rituals (marriages), mourning, elections, referred to above,
quarrels, fairs, etc. Street dogs are perpetual sources (2) biological noise pollution, and
of high level of noise pollution. Very often barking (3) man-made noise pollution.
dogs disturb the sleep of villagers during night.
(C) On the basis of periodicity
Diesel engines used for pumping sets and flour mills
cause high level noise pollution. ( 1) pollution caused by intermittent or
(2) Urban source of noise polluton includes non-uniform noise,
noise produced from (i) automobiles (motor cylces (2) pollution caused by continuous or
and scooters, tempo, cars, lorries and buses, trucks, uniform noise,
trains) and aircrafts, (ii) rockets, (iii) defense (3) pollution caused by instantaneous or
experiments, rifle shooting, mortar firing, other impulsive noise such as explosions,
firing explosions, (iv) hawkers, (v) vegetable and gun shots, thunder etc.
The noise pollutions caused by intermittent sound created by the object travelling at the speed
and continuous noise are most injurious to human twice to that of sound is termed Mach 2 and so on.
beings becuse they are quite annoying, disturbing
and fatiguing as they cause much discomfort to 6. Noise Pollution in India
human health and mind. These pollutions are
generally caused by the noise created from enter­ Most of the million cities of India are
tainment establishments (cinema halls, dance halls, suffering from noise pollution because of phenomental
etc.), public addresses by politicians, religious growth in automobiles and other noise pollutants
addresses, hospitals, schools, common vegetable- consequent upon unchecked growth of urban popu­
fruit and fish markets, vacuum cleaner, television and lation. Loudspeakers and traffic noise are the
radio sets, sewing machines, stereomusic players, biggest nuisance in Indian cities. Every nook and
grinder, mixer, fans etc. Sonic booms created by corner of a city is echoed by blistering and deafening
supersonic je t aircrafts, high intensity sound waves noise created by overcrowded loudspeakers tuned at
caused by the explosion of high power bombs, full volume during festivals of all communities,
blasting o f rocks by high power dynamites etc. cultural programmes, public addresses, national
create such powerful sound waves that even window festivals, Indian victories in games and sports in
glass panes are rattled. In fact, sonic boom is the international encounters etc. Most of the big cities of
noise which is caused by the objects travelling faster India have high level of noise pollution, generally
the speed of sound and is produced instantaneously. above 70 dB e.g. Delhi (89 dB), Kolkata (87 dB),
Sonic boom is expressed in Mach Unit. For example, Mumbai (85 dB), Chennai (89 dB), Cochin (80 dB),
the sound produced by the objects travelling at the Madurai (75 dB), Nagpur (75 dB), Trivandrum (70
same speed o f sound is termed Mach 1, while the dB) etc.

Table 21.9 : Acceptable noise levels in different areas.

Location Noise levels (dB) Location Noise levels (dB)

Rural areas 25-35 Radio and TV Studios 25-35
Suburban areas 30-40 Music roon 30-35 ' T
Residential (urban) 35-40 Hospitals, class rooms, hotels, 35-40 V ;rjr
•• ' '-.r'-- -/«i
. / conference rooms etc. • ■ if-rH £-.'J
Residential and business 40-45 Court rooms, private offices, 40-45
(urban) libraries *•' .. 1•

City areas 45-55 Large public offices, banks, 50-55

' ;-v ^ • storages, restaurants etc.
Industrial areas 50-60, 'V -

Source : I.S.T. Publicaton UDC 534 : 83 : 7144, March 1969. ■I'

(1) General effects of noise pollution : caus

7. Effects of Noise Pollution
on humans include speech interference, annoyance,
Noise pollution or say exposure of human sleep interference and related after - effects and
beings to noise levels higher than recommended problems. Speech interference is generally caused
level causes a number of adverse effects ranging by community noise. Speech interference simply
from mild annoyance to permanent hearing loss. The means non-audibility of speech to a particular
effects of noise pollution o f humans are generally of person due to loud community noise. In other words,
four types as follows : in loud community noise such as in vegetable-fruit-
fish markets, fairs etc. a person may hear only a few
(1) General effects,
or even none of the speech sounds necessary for
(2) auditory effects, satisfactory intelligibility. Sleep, which is very
(3) psychological effects, and much necessary for the good health of human
(4) physiological effects. beings, is not only disturbed by high noise level but

its duration is also s h o r t e n e d . There is a negative Community noise caused NIHL among 3 per cent of
relationship between noise intensity and sleep the people of these cities.
duration e.g. as the intensity o f noise increses, the According to a survey of students between the
duration of sleep decreases. Frequent high noise age group of 5-10 years in the industrial areas,
disturbs the sleep and awakens the person which railway colonies and in other areas of high noise
causes many socio-economic problems. For exam­ about 60 per cent of the students could not
ple, people living in the villages along the main rail concentrate in their classes because of high level
routes are awakened several times during night due noises produced by loudspeakers and running trains.
to high level noise produced by passing trains and (3) Psychological effect : High level noise
hence produce more children. Sounds of all types causes many behavioural changes among humans as
cause annoyance and irritation in most of the people. well as animals. Unwanted noise very often causes
The annoyance caused by high intensity sound some an n o y an c e, irritation, and fatigue which result into
times causes mental imbalances. low performance, low efficiency and frequent
• T
(2) Auditory effects : include the damages errors. Further, high frequency of high level noise
done to hearing mechanism in humans due to'various and exposure of human being for long period to such
types of noises. Noise pollution causes hearing high level noise may cause tension in muscles,
damages in a number of ways. ‘The problem has nervous irritability and strain and neurotic mental
been thrown with sharp focus by the discovery that disorder. ; ,,
some teen-agers were suffering from permanent (4) Physiological effects : Annoyance, irrita­
hearing loss following long exposures to amplified tion, anxiety, strains and stresses caused by noise
rock music and by public concern about the effects pollution may cause changes in harmone content of
of sonic booms that would be caused by supersonic blood which in turn may introduce changes in human
transports (SST) if they were put into commercial bodies. Noise pollution of various sorts caused by
service’ (P.R. Ehrlich and A.H. Ehrlich, 1970). varying levels of noise may cause high blood
Auditory effects may be divided into two categories
pressure, heart diseases, dialation o f pupils of the
viz. (i) temporary and mild damage to hearing
eyes, tensing o f the voluntary and involuntary
mechanism, and (ii) permanent hearing loss. It has
muscles, diminution o f gastric secretion, neuromus­
been found that even short exposures to high
cular tension, nervousness, stomach and intestinal
intensity noise may damage and rupture the ear drum
diseases such as ulcer etc. Sudden very high level
and may cause temporary deafness. Experiments
noise caused by sonic booms or explosions may lead
have revealed that noise in excess of 90 dB may
to termination of pregnancy in early stages. Many
produce varying degrees of impairment of hearing
cases of congenital defects in newly born babies
depending upon the length of exposure, frequency of
have been reported in the areas which are generally
sound waves susceptibility of the individual against
close to high noise regions.
It has been shown that a person subjected to 7. Control Measures of Noise Pollution
exposure of 2000 cycles frequency of noise levels of
80 dB may lose his hearing ability by 15 dB in ten The problem of noise pollution can be
years. Long and continuous exposure to high approached and tackled in a number o f ways viz. (A)
intensity sound leads to permanent loss of hearing Since there are three components o f noise pollution
rendering a person deaf. An intensive study to e.g. (i) source o f noise, (ii) medium o f noise, and (iii)
measure the Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) objects affected by noise, and hence noise pollution
among the factory workers in the textile, automo­ should be tackled at any o f the three components.
bile, fertilizer and chemical industries in the cities of Since noise pollution involves individual and
Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Cochin and Trivandrum communities, it should also be tackled at individual,
revealed the fact that one out of every four factory community and governmental levels. Further, noise
workers suffered from incurable NIHL and 10 per pollution abatement programmes include two as­
cent o f the people such as traffic constables and pects viz. (i) noise reduction, which may be
pavem ent vendors in three cities suffered from achieved through several techniques, and (ii) noise
NIHL due to their exposure to traffic noise. control.
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p o l l u t io n 507
Noise Reduction : Intensity of noise may be source by providing silencers to the machines, by
reduced by several devices e.g. enclosure of reducing the amplitude of existing forces, by proper
machinery with sound absorbing materials which greasing of vital parts of machines to reduce friction
can reduce the intensity of noise produced from etc. Noise generated by record players and loud­
industrial operations. The following materials are speakers may be effectively reduced by convincing
recommended for effective reduction of noise. the people and by effective prohibitory laws. Noise
pollution may also be reduced by controlling the
transmission paths of sound waves through a variety
Materials - Noise Reduction of measures e.g. (a) by increasing the distance
Cinder block, 10 cm thick 25 dB between the source and receiver of noise, (b) by
Glass, 5/8 cm thick proper layout of buildings, (c) by deflecting the path
50 dB of sound waves etc. The intensity of noise at
Cinder block, 10 cm thick, plastered on 42 dB receiver’s end may be effectively reduced by
one side providing acoustic (sound) absorbing materials in
Cinder block, 10 cm thick, plastered on the community halls, dance halls, cinema halls,
temples, churches, mosques and other buildings
both sides; brick 10 cm thick 45 dB affected by high intensity noise. The effects of noise
Two cinder blocks, 7.5 cm thick 55 dB pollution may also be minimized at the receiver end
separated by equal amount of air, with at individual level by using ear plugs, ear muffs or
plaster on both outside surfaces noise halmets or small booth in the machine room.
Road side plantation has proved to be effective
measure of control of noise pollution as green trees
It may be pointed out that the reduction of reduce the intensity of noise by 10 to 15 dB. Traffic
noise by various techniques involves money and rules particularly about the silencers in the automo­
thus the process is costly and may not be adopted by
biles plying in the cities must be strictly enforced.
factory owners.
Railroads and highways should be routed away from
Thus, the most effective way of controlling the cities via by-passes and the cities should be
noise pollution is to control noise at source points linked to the main roads by link and connecting
and at receiving points. Noise may be controlled at roads.
,v '


The resources in the form of matter and management of resources, both effective resources
energy are of vital significance for the successful and resources out of place (waste materials after use)
survival of all types of life on the planet earth in and remedial measures of environmental pollution
general and for human beings in particular. In fact, and degradation arising out of resource use and
all aspects of human society, such as social, cultural, disposal of waste materials may be made possible.
economic and political, depend on resources. A few aspects of resources are of most
Therefore, meaning, classification, assessment and concern to the present society and for future
evaluation, uses and abuses, conservation and generations as follows :
management of all sorts of resources are very
(1) Majority of the raw m aterials of the
significant aspects of environmental geography. industries mainly metals have formed and accumu­
The very fundamental principle of resources is that lated over long period of time (millions of years)
resources, even renewable, are finite and hence this through exceedingly slow geological processes but
principle should always be kept in mind while they are being consumed at present at an alarming
exploiting and utilizing resources. rate. This may result in low supply of certain key
Environmental resources simply mean natu­ minerals or even in complete depletion. Thus arises
ral resources including both biotic and abiotic the question of adequacy and inadequacy of certain
resources. key minerals which the present society must take
note of.
22.1. IMPORTANCE OF RESOURCES (2) All types of environmental/natural re­
sources are finite and have accumulated over a long
The resources are fundamental base for the period of time. These resources are being used at a
economic growth and development of human very fast rate and there is every likelihood that we
society but their withdrawal from the nature, mode will run out of these resources within a few hundred
of their uses by human being and their disposal have years or even less. These resources are used for the
enormous adverse effect on the environment. It is supply of most of energy in the industrial, transport
thus, imperative to study the linkages between ahd domestic sectors. The combustion of mineral
resource use and the environment so that proper oils, natural gas and coal pollute the atmosphere.
ENVIRONMENTAL r eso u r c e s 509
The very composition of the atmosphere in terms of (5) The introduction of new substances into
natural gaseous composition is altered and modified natural ecosystems creates serious environmental
which consequently affects the atmospheric proc­ problems. It may be mentioned that new substances,
esses. For example, emission of carbon dioxide which were not present previously- in the natural
through ‘human volcanoes’ (chimneys of factories) environment, are continuously being introduced
increases the concentration of C 0 2 in the atmos­ into the air, water and soils;
phere which in turn increases the green house effect Such new substances, the result of modern
of the atmosphere resulting into rise of temperature industries, pollute the air, water and soils sometimes
at the earth s surface and consequent changes in the to such an extent that they become unusable. The
radiation or heat balance of the earth. The use of most dangerous one is radioactive substance spewed
petroleum in the operation of motor cars, trucks, rail into the atmosphere by nuclear explosions. These
engines and air crafts releases nitrogen oxides into dangerous radioactive substances fall on the earth s
the atmosphere which may deplete the ozone which surface under the impact of precipitation and enter
is very vital for all types of life on the earth because the soils and thereafter they are circulated into the
depletion in ozone may allow ultraviolet solar rays plants through root osmosis and are further circu­
to reach the earth’s surface. This may result in the lated into food chains and food webs via different
rise of temperature and thus alteration of terrestrial trophic levels and thus become lethal to all of the
heat balance. The release of sulphur dioxide (S 02) organisms in general and human beings in particu­
into the air by combustion of fossil fuels causes acid lar. Besides, radioactive substances also adversely
. rains. affect the organisms including man and cause
(3) W ithdrawal and use of minerals has deaths, impairment of limbs, several types of
immense impact upon the environment. For exam­ diseases and physiological disorders of severe
ple, extraction of minerals creates pits and scars on magnitude. The catastrophe of nuclear disaster at
the earth’s surface and this leads to destruction of Chernobyl in Ukraine during 1988 is a burning
biotic community. Withdrawal of groundwater example of adverse environmental effects of use of
results in the formation of large cavities beneath the minerals like uranium, thorium etc. through most
earth’s surface which ultimately cause surface advanced and sophisticated technology. The pro­
collapse and subsidence. Certain industrial miner­ duction and rise of several synthetic compounds
als, such as metals, become wastes after their uses. such as insecticides and herbicides are other
The disposal o f such waste materials into water and examples of new substances coming out of industrial
soil pollutes them and in few cases the resultant production, which are used for agricultural
pollution becomes hazardous to human society and purpose but these enter the surface water and
other organisms o f biospheric ecosystem. soils and ultimately affect the food chains and
The second type of industrial resources organisms.
includes fossil fuels such as mineral oil, natural gas (6) Mishandling of resources and negligence
and coal. These resources are also finite and have of the upkeep of the resources also affect the
accumulated over a long period of time. environment adversely. For example, leakage of
(4) Environmental/natural resources belongpetroleum from huge ships and oil tankers into sea
to all biota including both plants and animals water causes oil slicks which rapidly spread over
communities in general and human community in water and become disaster to marine life directly and
particular, so all biota have natural right for rational the human beings depending upon marine resources
use of natural resources for their survival. No one is indirectly. The leakage of 100,000 tons o f crude oil
authorized to misuse environmental/natural re­ from the crashed huge oil tanker near La Coruna off
sources. There should be rational exploitation and the Spainish Coast in 1976, the leakage of immense
optimum utilization of resources so as to maintain quantity of crude oil off the Alaskan coast (1989)
sustainable environment, sustainable development and the leakage of killer gas fron\ the Union Carbide
and sustainable society. Factory at Bhopal (India) in 1984 are a few examples

of many such incidents which tell the impact of J.D. Chapman (1969) has defined three basic
negligence and failure of technology on the environ^ terms which are very often used in Resource Science
ment. The list of adverse effects of exploitation, uses and Resource Management as follows :
and misuses of resources on the environment is very
(1) Resource Base
large one and it is very difficult to accommodate all
of them in the present format of this book. Resource base refers to total stock or the sum
total of all components of environment that would
become resources as such if they could be extracted
The term resource is a dynamic one because from the environment.
its meaning Changes with the advancement of
knowledge, society and technology. Any thing or (2) Resource
substance which is useful to mankind is a resource. Resource means the proportion of resource
In other words, a resource is some thing which is
base that man can make available under given social
used by man to satisfy his needs and aspirations. The
and economic circumstances, within limits set by
concept and meaning of resources changes with
technological advancement.
cultural and technological changes. For example,
now thoughts, ideas, beauty, intelligence etc. have (3) Reserves
also become resources. We are concerned here
with only natural resources or environmental Reserves refer to the proportion of resource
resources. base that is known (with reasonable certainty) to be
According to R.F. Dasmann (1968) in the available under prevailing social, economic and
beginning ‘natural resources were those materials technological conditions.
which were of value to a particular human culture. Ecologically, the resources, say natural or
Today, everything on earth is useful or of value to environmental resources may be defined as
man and consequently a natural resource’. Norton follows :
Ginsburg (1957) has defined natural resources as ‘The environmental or natural resources are
“all the freely given activities plus the additional the sum total and outcome o f the basic ecological
non-material quality of situation or location’. variables such as energy (solar, geotherm al and
According to E.W. Zimmermann the word resource chemical energy), matter (both biotic and abiotic),
does not refer to a thing nor a substance but to a space (in terms o f earth’s surface, both land and
function which a thing or a substance may perform to aquatic space), time (in terms o f ecological changes
an operation in which it may take part. Natural through time), and diversity (o f biotic-biodiversity,
resources in themselves are not resources as they are and abiotic variations in both space and time).
inert unless they are used by human beings. Thus it Savindra Singh-2007
is apparent that resources have functional relation­
ship between man’s abilities to exploit substances 22.3 PERCEPTION OF RESOURCE
and natural environment or natural ecosystem. ‘That AVAILABILITY
is why resources are not fixed but dynamic and
Perception of resource availability largely
derive their meaning and purpose through increas­
determines the nature and amount of exploitation
ing knowledge, expanding technology and social
and utilization of natural resources. Perception of
needs and objectives. Their development depends
the availability of resources has changed through
upon their cultural appraisal which is determined by
various stages of human history and with the
perceptions, attitudes and wants on one hand and
advancement of knowledge about the earth and its
technological innovations, financial and institu­ resources. L. Zobler (1962) has identified three
tional capabilities on the other hand’ (L.R. Singh, et major periods of changing perception of resource
al., 1983). availability since 1850 as given below :
e n v ir o n m e n t a l r e s o u r c e s

(1) 1850-1925 : An era of wasteful use of world-wide use of many precious resources such as
resources because of the general public belief that fossil fuels, industrial metal ores, forest resources
the natural resources were abundant as ‘nature was etc. All these have resulted into shortage of certain
limitless storehouse of raw material resources’. This resources (e.g. fossil fuels, metal ores etc.) and
belief or say perception of resource availability led environmental degradation, and expansion and
to unchecked but wasteful exploitation of natural urban growth leading to ecological imbanace and
resources without having any care for their conser­ ecosystem disequilibrium has necessitated the urnest
vation upto 1900. It was only the first two decades of need of resource conservation and management.
the 20th century that some attention was paid
towards the conservation of natural resources. 22.3 CLASSIFICATION OF RESOURCES
(2) 1925-1950 : A transition period of rapidly 1. Dasmann’s (1976) Classification
increasing demands for raw material resources due
to widespread erosion o f soils by wind and water; Resources are generally divided into two
flood damage; more resource use during second broad categories as follows :
World War; more resource use during post-war (1) natural/environmental resources, and
period to reconstruct the damages done by the war;
rapid increase in the world population; rising per (2) non-utilitarian resources.
capita standard of living; political fragmentation (1) Natural Resources : Natural or environ­
(e.g. division o f Germany into West and East mental resources are those which belong to natural
Germanies, Korea into North and South Koreas environment and include both biotic (such as plants
etc.); emphasis on self sufficiency in raw materials. and animals including m icro-organisms) and abiotic
(3) 1950-1960: A period of relative shortage of (such as land, air, water, soils, m inerals etc.)
resources (because of rapid rate of industrial growth resources. Natural resources are classified into the
and urban expansion and of course due to increasing following 4 categories :
consciousness about the endangering of environ­ (1) inexhaustible natural resources,
ment due to unchecked use of natural resources). (ii) non-renewable natural resources,
(4) Post-1960: T. O ’ Riorden (1971) has added (iii) recyclable natural resources, and
a fourth phase of the perception, utilization and (iv) renewable natural resources.
availability o f natural resources as post-1960 period
R.F. Dasmann (1976)
which is charaterized by growing concern for
environmental crisis and ecological disaster caused (2) Non-Utilitarian Resources : non-utilitarian
by reckless and rapacious exploitation of natural resources are those which do not have practical
resources without caring for ecological balance and values such as natural resources have, rather these
stability of natural ecosystem. Thus growing con­ have social and ethical values e.g. two groups of
cern of environmental collapse and crisis resulted people having different standards of living, have
different perception and outlook towards environ­
into the search for (i) co-operative environmental
ment. For example, a society of people having sound
policies; (ii) regional economic improvement; (iii)
rational resource planning; (iv) increased public economy, better education, and high standard of
living would require better environmental quality in
awareness of environmental and ecological prob­
lems, and (v) the rise and importance of public action terms of fresh air, clean water etc. but sim ultane­
ously would generate more solid waste substances
(voluntary organisations and movement to protect
due to greater use of modem amenities while the
the environment such as chipko movement in India).
other society of people having poor economy, poor
(5) Present Phase : Present phase of the education and low standard of living may not care
perception of resource availability and management for environmental quality because they would be
is characterized by growing concern for resource more interested in filling their bellies. Such re­
inadequacy caused by exponential growth in the sources, thus, include education, recreation, scenic

beauty, ideologies and philosophy, culture etc. R.F. meaning of 4 types o f natural resources as given in
Dasmann (1976, in C.C. Park, 1980) has given the table 22.1

Table 22.1 : Meaning of natural resources according to R.F. Dasmann (1976)

Resource type Characteristics and examples

1. Non-Renewable Resources ‘Are not generated or reformed at rates equivalent to the rate of
which we use them ’. When these resources are gone, there is no
hope of their replacement e.g. wild-life.
2. Recyclable Resources ‘A special type of non-renewable resources-which are not lost or
worn out by the way we use them and can be reprocessed and used
again and again e.g. metals.’
3. Renewable Resources ‘All living things that have the capacity for reproduction and
growth. As long as the rate of use is less than their rate of
regeneration and as long as their environments are kept suitable,
they will go on replacing themselves. However, living comm uni­
ties are not necessarily renewable, if the way in which we use
them is destructive. No living species can survive if we crop it at
a rate more rapid than it can reproduce or if we destroy the habitat
in which it depends*. For example, several animals (like Indian
lions) and birds have now become endangered species and are
facing their extinction because o f destruction o f their habitats
through deforestation and environmental degradation.
4. Inexhaustible Resources ‘Those such as sunlight, which will continue to pour onto the earth
as long as humanity will be around, whether we use it in certain
way or not’. Water, and wind are other examples o f inexhaustible
natural resources.
Source : R.F. Dasmann, 1976 : Environmental Conservation, Wiley, New York, (in C.C. Park, 1980).

2. O.S. Owen's (1971) Classification (ii) immutable resources

(2) exhaustible resources
O.S. Owen (1971) has classified the resources
into 2 major categories. His classification is based (A) maintainable resources
on quantity, mutability and resusability of re­ (i) renewable resources
(ii) non-renewable resources
(1) inexhaustible resources
(B) non-maintainable resources
(i) misusable resources

Table 22. 2 : Classification of resources according to O.S. Owen (1971)

Resource Type Characteristics and examples
I. Inexhaustible Resources Those resources which would never fall short o f demand at world
scale so long as the present planetary system exists, e.g. sunlight,
water, wind etc.
(A) Immutable Resources Those resources which are most likely not to be adversely
changed by human activities e.g. water resource.
(B) M isusable Resources Little danger o f complete exhaustion but when used improperly
the quality of resources may be impaired and degraded (e.g.

water). Even the desired quality of sunlight for the survival, of

human beings may be degraded by increase in greenhouse effect
and depeletion of ozone layer by human activities (substantial
increase in solar radiation).
U E x h au stib le Resources Those resources which may face complete exhaustion if used at
far greater speed than the rate of their generation such as fossil
fuels (coal, mineral oil, natural gas), mineral ores etc.
(A) M ain tain ab le Resources include those resources the permanency of which depends upon
methods of their utilization by man such as forest resource, w ild­
life, soil fertility etc.
(i) R enew able Resources include living things such as plants and animals and even man and
some non-living things such as soils and their fertility. If properly
used and managed ecological resources continue to reproduce and
thus replenish them but if used improperly they may bp
completely exhausted. For. example, if forests are recklessly
removed without simultaneous reforestation and afforestation
they may be completely exhausted, as has happened in many parts
of the world.
Similarly if no proper crop and soil management is practiced, soil
may lose its fertility and even its productive property.
(ii) Non-renewable Resources include those resources which if gone due to over-exploitation,
may not be replaced again e.g. wildlife.
(B) Non-maintainable Resources include most of the mineral resources whose quantity is fixed and
static. Such resources are also considered as wasting assets. Thesb'
mineral resources cannot be replaced after their destruction oir
consumption. r
(i) Reusable Resources are those minerals whose reuse potential is m uch higher than
consumptive usage e.g. gem minerals-diamond.
(ii) Non-reusable-Resources are those mineral resources whose consum ptive use is of very
high value. Such minerals are lost after use and their reserves are
fixed, so their exhaustion is certain e.g. fossil fuels-coal, m ineral
oil, natural gas.
Source : O.S. Owen, 1971 : Natural Resource Conservation : An Ecological Approach (Macmillan), New York.

Owen’s classification o f resources is based on (4) raw material and energy resources,
quantity, mutability and reusability of resources as (5) agricultural and pastoral resources, and
is evident from table 22.2. Owen has also suggested
(6) mineral and industrial resources.
conservation principles for resources but different
conservation principles and methods are required (1) Biotic and Abiotic Resources
f°r exhaustible and inexhaustible resources. (i) Biotic resources comprise living things
such as plant resources and animal resources.
3- General Classification
Biotic resources are also called as ecological

On an average resources are divided into the resources. Plant or floral resources include forests
°llowing 6 categories : and their products, agricultural crops, animal fodders
etc. Animal or faunal resources com prise wild and
(1) biotic and abiotic resources,
domestic animals, birds and fishes and animal
(2) exhaustible and inexhaustible resources, products. The most significant characteristic re­
(3) potential and developed resources, sources are renewable but the renewability depends

upon ihe species and environmental conditions of (3) Potential and Developed Resources
habitats of these resources. For example, agricul­
Total amount of energy inherent in a particu­
tural crops are annually renewable provided that the
lar resource (e.g. water) is called as potential energy
geographical conditions do not change significantly.
and the resources which are capable of producing
On the other hand, perennial trees,have very low
maximum energy are called as potential resources
renewability because of exceedingly low reproduc­
e.g. water power resources (running water from
tive rate.
rivers, streams, and melting glaciers) and solar
(ii) Abiotic resources include non-living things
power resources. The quantity of potential energy
of the biospheric ecosystem such as land, water, which has been developed by man for his uses is
soils, rocks and minerals. Sunlight, air, water etc. are called as developed energy and the quantity of
renewable and inexhaustible abiotic resources while resource which has been actually harnessed for the
most of the mineral resources are exhaustible and generation of energy (such as hydroelectricity, solar
non-renewable such as coal, mineral oil and natural power) is called developed resource.
gas. Some of the mineral resources are abundantly
found (e.g. iron and bauxite) whereas some are (4) Raw Material and Energy Resources
scarce (e.g. gold, silver, platinum, uranium and
Raw materials are those primary resources
other atomic minerals). Some mineral resources are which are used in the industries for manufacturing of
also renewable such as managanese.
goods. Raw material resources are further divided
(2) Exhaustible and Inexhaustible Resources into two broad categories as follows :
(i) biotic raw materials or ecological raw
(i) All non-living things, such as minerals,
materials, and
which are extracted from the earth are grouped under
the category of exhaustible resources e.g. fossil fuels (ii) abiotic or mineral raw materials.
(coal, mineral oil and natural gas), mineral ores (iron Biotic or ecological raw materials are derived
ore, copper, bauxite, atomic mineral etc.) etc. Both from forests, agriculture, fishing and animals while
metallic ores (e.g. iron, copper, tin, bauxite, lead, mineral raw materials (e.g. fossil fuels, mineral ores,
zinc, gold, silver, antimony, platinum, manganese, atomic minerals, gem minerals etc.) are derived
nickel, cobalt, uranium, titanium, thorium etc.) and from the earth through mining. Energy resources are
non-metallic minerals (such as mica, asbestos, those resources which are used to produce power or
graphites, phosphate, sulphur, gypsum, potash etc.) energy to run machines and automobiles. The
are fixed in quantity and thus over-exploitation of resources which produce heat and power include
these mineral resources leads to their complete fossil fuels (coal, mineral oil and natural gas),
exhaustion. atomic minerals, geothermal energy, tidal energy,
(ii) water energy and solar energy. Energy resources are
Inexhaustible resources are perennially
renewed by reproduction, or by physical, chemical further divided into (i) non-renewable energy
or mechanical processes. Such resources include resources (e.g. coal, mineral oil, natural gas,
solar energy, water, wind, most of wildlife and geothermal energy, and atomic minerals), and (ii)
human beings. A few rare species of animals are not renewable energy resources (direct solar energy,
inexhaustible (such as lions, tigers) because their water power, wind power, biomass energy and tidal
reproduction rate is very slow. It may be mentioned energy).
that in reality even solar energy is also not
(5) Agricultural and Pastoral Resources
inexhaustible because life of the sun is also finite (6
billion years). W ater and w in d ' also become Agricultural resources include both agricul­
exhaustible if they are heavily polluted by human tural lands as well as agricultural products. Agricul­
activities. tural resources are also called as basic resources
e n v ir o n m e n t al r e s o u r c e s 515
, because these resources meet the basic needs of including man) depends upon primary production of

v human beings (food, clothing and shelter) and also plant communities.
' provide fodder and solid food (grains) to the
1. Classification of Ecological Resources
^ domesticated anim als. Besides, agricultural re-
11 sources also provide raw m aterial to agro-based Ecological resources are generally divided
^ industries. Pastoral resources include food items and into the following two categories :
! raw materials for textile, foot wear, leather and food (1) Plant or floral resourcees, and
t processing for various purposes. Food items derived
(2) Animal or faunal resources.
i from pastoral resources include meat (pork, beef,
But more specifically ecological resources, as
mutton, lamb, chicken etc., milk, butter, cheese etc.
per definition of ecological resources given by C.C.
By-product resources are hides, hairs, wool and bones. Park (as referred to above), are divided into two
main types :
(6) Mineral and Industrial Resources
(1) Natural or wildlife ecological resources,
M ineral resources fall in 3 broad categories :
(2) M anaged ecological resources.
(i) m etallic m ineral ores,
(ii) non-m etallic m inerals, and (1) Natural Ecological Resources

(iii) fossil fuel m inerals, Natural ecological resources, also called as

wildlife ecological resources, include plant and
(i) M etallic m ineral ores include iron ore,
animal resources of those natural ecosystem s which
copper, lead, tin, zinc, bauxite “(alum inum ), silver,
have not been affected by human activities such as
gold, nickel etc., (ii) non-m etallic m inerals are mica, solar powered and nature-subsidised ecosystem s of
asbestos, graphite, sulphur, diam ond, phosphate, E.P. Odum (1975, see chapter 5, subsection 5.2 (v).
potash, gypsum etc. and (iii) fossil fuel minerals It may be pointed out that it is difficult to find out
include coal, m ineral oil and natural gas. Industrial pure ecosystem as all the ecosystem s know n on the
resources fall in 4 broad categories viz. (i) mineral planet earth have been approached by man. Even
resources as referred to above, (ii) agricultural Antarctica has become a busy centre of experim ents
resources e.g. ag ricu ltu ral crops and their products, of various sorts by various nations. Thus natural
ecological resources include those plants and
(iii) pastoral reso u rces e.g. anim al products, and (iv)
animals which are cared by nature but now some of
industrial by-products.
the endangered species of plants and anim als are
managed by man in protected areas such as nature
reserves, national parks, sanctuaries etc. V egetation
communities are m ost significant resource base for
‘E cological re so u rce s........ refer to all plant
human society because plants being prim ary produc­
and anim al reso u rces in term s o f individuals,
ers provide food to all faunal com m unities including
species, com m u n ities, habitats and ecosystem s, human beings.
other than m anaged specifically for financial gain
(such as com m ercial forestry operations and agricul­ (2) Managed Ecological Resources
ture in g en e ral)’ (C .C . Park, 1980). Ecological M anaged ecological resources m ean agricul­
resources, in fact, are considered to be the real tural crops, other plants and anim als w hich are
wealth o f n a P rim ary productivity (productiv­
t i o n s ’ .
dom esticated by man. Such resources include plants
ity of au to tro p h ic green plants) determ ines the and animal resources of those ecosystem s which
dim ension o f eco lo gical resources because the represent m an-subsidized solar-pow ered natural
richness o f o th er environm ental resources (prim ary ecosystem s and m anaged by m an-such as com m er­
consum ers herb iv o rou s anim als and secondary cial and social (com m unity) forests and agricultural
consum ers carn iv o rou s and om nivorous anim als crops, m ilch anim als, sheeps and goats, and other

research value ! natural ecosystem s and
anim als which are reared for commercial purposes
mainly in agriculture sector. ecological resources m ay serve as museums
and laboratories o f research o f biological
2. Importance of Ecological Resources com m unities, their functions and problems;
>► natural history interest : natural ecosystem
Ecological resources are very important ele­
may help in tracing the evolutionary history
ments of the natural ecosystems because their
stability and survival largely depend upon ecologi­ o f biological world.
cal resources. Unwise and over-exploitation of >• local value : ecological resources decide the
ecological resources and destruction of natural characteristics o f the place and area con­
habitats lead to environmental degradation and cerned.
pollution and thus natural ecosystems become
disturbed and destabilized. It is, therefore, necessary 22.5 RESOURCE USE AND ENVIRONMENT
to pay more and more attention towards the * *' * ' t '* 1
preservation, conservation and management of The natural environm ent has provided plenty
ecological resources so as to maintain ecological
of abiotic (mineral) and biotic resources to human
balance and ecosystem equilibrium so that the
survival of humanity may be assured. society and different segments o f ‘ society have
evolved and developed through the exploitation and
Recently, more interests have been shown in
utilization of natural resources since m an began
the preservation and management of ecological
resources because of their intrinsic value, aesthetic sedentary life but the developm ent o f scientific
value, social benefits, scientific value, recreational knowledge and advancem ent in technology have led
and educational significance and overall environ­ to accelerated rate o f exploitation and use o f natural
mental value because the stability of natural resources resulting into environm ental degradation
ecosystems depends upon ecological balance. D.R. and ecological imbalance.
Helliwell (1969) has shown that interests in the
The environmental problem s o f various sorts
ecological resources are increasing world over
because of various benefits of ecological balance as emanate at three sources during different stages of
given below : uses of natural resources as follows :
>• direct returns from ecological resources such > at explaitation stage,
as direct material and monetary returns from > at manufacturing and processing stage, and
hunting (now prohibited), shooting (hunting
> at consumption stage.
and shooting of wild animals have now been
banned), fishing and food gathering. The environmental problems arising out of
m an’s interactions with the environm ent (exploita­
>• genetic reserve (preservation of natural
tion and utilization o f natural resources) have been
ecosystems and their ecological resources
help in the breeding of new varieties of crop- discussed in historical perspectives in chapter 3
producing plants, and animals). (section 3.3) and causes o f environm ental degrada­
tion have been described in chapter 20 o f this book.
> ecological balance (maintenance and preser­
This apect is not being discussed in order to avoid
vation of natural species and population of
repetition. However, briefly it may be restated that
plants and animals help in maintaining the
the following human activities while using environ­
richness of biodiversity, widening the food mental (natural) resources lead to environmental
chains and ecological balance and ecosys­ degradation and ecological im balance :
tems stability).
> Land use changes for various purposes
> educational value: direct education of chil­ mainly felling of trees for commercial
dren about natural plants and animals and purposes (deforestation), building and con­
their ecological functions. struction activities such as construction of
ENVIRONMENTAL r e s o u r c e s 517

roads along forested hillslopes cause acceler­ > W ater (surface water— river, pond and tanks,
ated rate o f soil erosion, reduce biological lakes) is being heavily polluted due to outfall
diversity (biodiversity) etc. of sewage drains com ing out o f urban and
> Use o f river w ater by constructing large industrial centers into these w ater bodies.
dams and im pounding o f immense volume of Groundwater is being polluted at alarm ing
water in big reservoirs behind the dams for rate due to downward m ovem ent o f danger­
the generation o f hydroelectricity and for ous chamials o f chem ical fertilizers, biocides
irrigation purpose causes submergence of and insecticides which are heavily used for
extensive natural ecosystem s having large increasing agricultural productivity o f land,
num ber o f plants and animal species and and agricultural production (crop yield).
hence rich biodiversity but this human action Many of the Indian rivers have been so
causes decrease in biodiversity and ecologi­ greatly polluted that their w ater is not only
cal im balance.
unsafe for human use but has also become
>* Extraction o f large quantity o f groundwater unsuitable for animals and irrigation (see
for drinking and irrigation purposes causes chapter 25, Environm ental D egradation and
on one hand, depletion of groundwater Pollution in India).
resource and results in the formation of large
> Urban and industrial wastes, and dom estic
cavities below ground surface and resultant
waste substances create a num ber o f environ­
fissures in the ground surface and collapsing
mental problems.
thereof, on the other hand.
> The extraction and processing o f radioactive
> L arge-scale m ining creates huge amount of
minerals such as uranium, thorium , m onazite
w aste m aterials on the surface of the earth
etc. create environmental hazards if not
w hich create problem s o f various sorts e.g.
properly guarded and protected.
accelerated rate o f soil erosion, silting of
> Many more exam ples may be cited for
riv e r beds and consequent increase in the
rapacious exploitation o f natural resources,
frequency and dim ension o f river floods.
wasteful use of such resources and serious
> M anufacturing and processing of raw materi­ environmental problems emanating therefrom.
als derived from the nature in numerous mills It may be summed up that irrational exploita­
create w aste m aterials which cause environ­ tion and consumption of natural resources have
m ental problem s o f various sorts. For exam­ given birth to a number of serious environm ental
ple, sugar m ills create m ountains o f bagasses problems which have threatened the existence of
and unbearable foul smell o f molasses. even human society. A few of them are listed
> M anufacturing and processing industries below :
using fossil fuels (coal, diesel, natural gas) (1) changes in atm ospheric chem istry, global
em it a num ber o f gases which pollute warming and consequent clim ate changes,
am bient air. The particulate matters coming increase in the incidence o f tropical cy­
out o f chim neys o f m ills not only pollute air clones, mainly in the Caribbean Sea (like
by form ing veils o f dusts and smokes in the Katrina, W ilma etc., 2005), decrease in the
lower atm osphere but also change global strong spells of Indian m onsoon since 1950,
radiation balance. increase in summ er tem peratures in Europe
> Ever-increasing us**- o f fossil fuels in automo­ and USA since 2000 A.D. etc.
biles releases im m ense volume of carbon (2) decrease in biodiversity mainly in tropical
m onoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides rainforests, increase in the incidence o f coral
etc. which not only change atmospheric bleaching and hence phenom enal decrease in
chem istry but also increase greenhouse ef­ biodiversity of coral ecosystem s.
fect and resultant global warming leading to (3) phenomenal increase in air pollution over big
clim ate changes. cities worldover.

(4) increased water pollution mainly of river and (7) decrease in agricultural productivity due to
lake water, loss of biological communities in excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesti­
many rivers which receive polluted urban cides and insecticides.
and industrial sewage water. The main causative factors of aforesaid, and
(5) accelerated rate of soil erosion consequent many more, environmental problems are related to
upon deforestation and resultant silting of irrational use of natural resources and unplanned
river beds and consequent increase in the
and unsustainable development. The proper man­
frequency and dimension of floods of allu­
agement of natural resources requires rational
vial rivers. »
(6) degradation of coastal ecosystems due to exploitation and optimum utilization of natural
reclamation of swamps and marshes, back­ resources keeping the ecological principles, which
waters, destruction of coastal dunes and lead to sustainable environment and ecosystem, and
mangrove forests which are the frontline sustainable society and development, in mind.
natural buffers against storm surgfcs and These aspects would be elaborated in the succeeding
tsunami waves. (23rd) chapter.

• ,t . ■'

Environm ental planning and managemr it is a >■ environment,

comprehensive discipline which c o n sid e r all as­ >- development,
pects of interactive processes between man and
> gaiya hypothesis,
environment (exploitation and utilization of envi­
>■ sustainability,
ronmental/natural resources), environmental prob­
lems arising therefrom , and control and manage­ >- sustainable development,
ment thereof. The physical (natural) environment >• environmentally sensitive development,
has limited assim ilative and carrying capacity
> sustainable environment,
against everincreasing exploitative economic ac­
tivities o f man which exceed the threshold of >• planning, and
homeostatic mechanism o f environmental system > management.
leading to emergence of environmental problems of
various sorts. M a n a g e m e n t is a broad discipline Environment
ecompassing several disciplines involving environ­
mentalists and ecologists, economists, sociologists,
The sum total of physical (both abiotic and
politicians, adm inistrators who view management
biotic components) and social elements of particular
quite differently. It is thus imperative to define
location on the earth’s surface at a specific time span
certain terms before attempting discussion on
various aspects of environmental management as is called environment. The following are basic
components of environment :
follows :

abiotic components

physical components
biotic components


social components polity

Development Gaia Hypothesis

It is difficult to provide an universally Gaia hypothesis, later on developed as Gaia

acceptable definition of development because people theory, postulated by British biologist James Lovelock
ofdifferent disciplines view development differently. in early 1970s, after the name o f G reek goddess,
Development is a goal and process of change aimed at emphasizes the need to strike a balance between
the betterment of life style of human beings. human needs and developm ent on one hand, and the
Development may be defined as a ‘process of maintenance of environm ental quality on the other
change’ in the society in terms of economic growth hand as the hypothesis says that ‘human needs must
and prosperity with anthropocentric view point. The be weighed against m aintaining critical natural
term ‘change’ in the definition of development is used processes’.
in wider sense so as to include positive material,
Originally, Lovestock and his associate Lynn
social and organizational changes leading ultimately
to achieve the ‘goal’ of economic growth, eradication Margulis postulated that ‘life on earth actively keeps
of poverty and inequality both economic and social. the surface conditions always favourable for w hat­
There are two view points regarding developm ent: ever is the contemporary ensem ble organism s’. That
>■ anthropocentric view point, and is ‘life on earth, instead of adapting itself to the given
climatic conditions as earlier believed, actually
> ecocentric view point.
modified the conditions to suit its survival and
Anthropocentric view point of developm ent as further evolution’ (Hindu, July, 2006).
advocated by economists places man in the forefront
while environment occupies back seat, meaning Sustainability
thereby material growth of human society is of
primary consideration. The ecocentric approach to developm ent
Ecocentric view point of developm ent as management em phasizes ecological balance and
advocated by environmentalists and ecologists place human material growth in long term perspective. It
maintenance o f environmental quality and ecologi­ may be rem em bered that neither o f these two viz.
cal balance, and improvem ent of quality of life style ecological system and human institutions are ever­
o f humans and material growth on equal footing. lasting as these have to come to an end, the time of
This view point also emphasizes maintenance of which is not known. In fact, the longevity of human
critical environm ental and ecological processes. It is institutions depends on the stability o f ecological
apparent that ecocentric view point of developm ent system which itself depends on hum an ability and
is based on G aia Hypothesis.
desire to m aintain ecological balance. In the
BNVmONimOTAL PLANNING a n d m a n a g e m b o t • 521

present without com prom ising the ability to m eet

conM pt -
those of future.’
W.P. Cunnigham and M.A. C u" nl^ h*70ii0w-
have defined sustainable developm ent in th
cal resources so .h a t there may be continuous supply ing manner :
of ecological resources for development manage- ‘Sustainable development, then, means progress
ment on one hand, an ecological balance on the other in human well-being that we can extend or prolong
hand. over many generations, rather than ju st a few
To be truly enduring, the benefits o f sustainable
Sustainable Development development must be available to all hum ans and not
just to a priviledged group’.
Sustainable developm ent denotes material The concept of sustainable developm ent
growth o f hum ans and improvem ent in life style with probably came in 1970 but it becam e known to w ider
growing dem ands o f ecological resources and section of society with the publication o f ‘Lim it to
maintenance of environm ental quality and ecologi- Growth’ by the Club of Rome. Soon the concept of
cal balance. &
sustainable development was preferred to ‘Zero
G.H . H arlem (1987) has defined sustainable Growth’ by general public.
developm ent as follow s : Sustainable development concept is used in a
Sustainable developm ent may be defined as variety of sense as follows :
an approach to m eet the needs and aspirations of the

economic growth
(1) Sustainable developm ent to achieve environmental protection
. as a goal health and hapiness

(2) Sustainable developm ent socio-economic growth

as a theory or paradigm to intergrate
environmental m anagem ent

effective sustainable developm ent strategies

(3) Sustainable developm ent good governance

as a practice to strike balance betw een hum an m aterial

growth and quality of life and preserving
environmental quality

Environmentally S en sitive D evelopm ent Sustainable Environment ^

Environmentally sensitive development (ESD) Sustainable environm ent may be defined as

such an environment whose physical and biotic
is defined as rational exploitation and optimum
components remain in healthy condition inspite o f
utilization o f natural/ecological resources in long­
exploitation and utilization of natural/ecological
term perspective so that use of resources may be
resources in long-term perspective. Such sustain­
maintained indefinitely without compromising with able environment, which may assure continuous
ecological stability and social order, so that human yield of natural resources to com ing generations,
well-being is m axim ised and damage to environ- may be maintained only when the human society,
ment is minim ised. more specifically the planners, m anagers, adm inis-

trato rs and politicians follow the rules of ecological e.g. (1) achieving the overall grow th o f the
p rin cip les and G aia hypothesis. so c ie ty , and (2 ) re m o v in g so c io -e c o n o m ic
Planning d is p a ritie s th ro u g h th e e x p lo ita tio n and
utilization o f all types o f resources w hether natural
P la n n in g is c o n sid e re d as a p ro cess
o f d ev elo p m en t having two m ain objectives or human.

achieve overall grow th o f hum an society

Planning —» a process of developm ent —> to

rem ove socio-econom ic disparaities
♦ exploitation of all types of resources
♦ utilization o f resources

Management environm ental m anagem ent needs discrussion on the

“M anagem ent im plies a conscious choice following aspects;
from a variety o f alternative proposals and further > m eaning and concepts,
m ore than such a choice involves purposeful > historical perspective,
com m itm ent to recognized and desired objectives.
> objectives and goals,
W herever possible, m anagem ent im plies to the
deliberate adoption o f a strategy or num ber of > needs and taboos,
strategies designed to m eet realistically short term > approaches and m ethods,
objectives, yet specifically providing sufficient > ecological basis o f resources m an ag em en t
flexibility for the preservation o f longer term
(a) classification and survey o f ecological
o p tio n s”(T.O . R iordan, 1971).
23.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (b) evaluation o f ecological resou rces
(c) conservation and preservation
E nvironm ental m anagem ent is view ed differ­
> environm ental m onitoring,
ently e.g. as a concept o f total picture o f environ­
> environm ental audit,
m ent; as a science o f m anagem ent o f environm ental
(ecological) resources or as a science o f m anagem ent > eco-accountability,
o f natural/environm ental (both abiotic and biotic > eco-regulation, and
resources) resources; as a model o f planning and > environm ental im pact assessm ent.
m anagem ent o f environm ental problem s; as a
methodology involving interlinked processes o f Environmental Managem ent: Meaning and
m anagem ent o f ecological resources and problem s Concepts
arising o u t o f interactions betw een hum an econom ic
As stated earlier planning is a process of
activities and various com ponents o f natural envi­
developm ent having tw o -fo ld goals e.g. (1) achiev­
ronm ental system ; as a process o f striking balance
ing overall grow th o f hum an society, and (2)
betw een reso u rce use and m aintenance o f environ­
rem oving socio-econom ic d isp arities th ro u g h the
m ental quality and ecological balance; as an
exploitation and u tilizatio n o f all types o f resources
approach tow ards achieving the goals o f sustainable
w hether natural or hum an h av in g anthropocentric
d ev elo p m ent, sustainable environm ent and su stain ­
view point.
able so ciety by adopting ecological principles and
by strik in g a b alance betw een anthropocentric and On the oth er h an d , environm ental planning is
eco c e n tric view p o ints o f developm ent. Thus, the process o f eco -d ev elo p m en t w ith ecocentric

view p o in ts h a v in g m ain goal o f overall grow th o f destructive activities of man, conservation, protec­
uman society and m aintenance of environmental tion, regulation and regeneration o f nature.
quality and ecological stability through rational Savindra Singh (1991)........(2)
e x p lo ita tio n and o p tim u m u tiliz a tio n of
natural resources so as to achieve sustainable Environmental m anagem ent, thus, is related
developm ent, sustainable environm ent and sustain­ to the rational adjustm ent o f m an w ith nature
able society. involving judicious exploitation and utilization o f
natural resources without disturbing the ecological
It m ay be m entioned that the use of non­
renew able resources, such as minerals and fossil balance and ecosystem equilibrium . It may be
fuels, cannot be sustainable because once used these pointed out that since the developm ent o f society in
cannot be regenerated and renewed. Thus, sustainability terms of socio-economic fram ew ork has to be
becom es effectiv e only in the cases of renewable maintained and hence it is im perative to utilize
resources i.e. ecological resources but some of natural resources. If the natural resources are
abiotic reso u rces such as w ater, wind etc. are also exploited, some environmental problem s are bound
renew able and hence sustainable. to crop up because no gainful exploitation of natural
resources and hence socio-econom ic developm ent
E nvironm ental management, in fact, is diffi­
cult to d e fin e because even the term environment in of a nation is possible w ithout causing injury
itself is co m p lex as it is understood and interpreted to some of the components of the nature/environ-
d ifferen tly by d ifferen t sections of society; the ment.
o b jectives o f the m anagem ent of environment are ‘Environmental planning and m anagem ent is,
com plex, v aried and even conflicting, and the therefore, compromise between ecosystem and
altern ativ e strateg ies are divergent. ecological balance and human m aterial progress and
“T h e concept o f environm ental management thus environmental m anagem ent m ust take into
is g en erally related w ith the environmental model consideration the ecological principles and socio­
w hich a ssu res th a t food supply will grow with economic needs of the society.’
in creased c ap ital, annual agricultural inputs, and Savindra Singh (1991)........(3)
land d ev elo p m en t; but on the other hand it also
Environmental m anagem ent, thus involves
includes im p o rtan t lim its to all these factors,
socio-economic developm ent o f the society on the
ch allenges to be faced and the policies to overcome
one hand, and maintenance o f environm ental quality
the p ro b le m .” D. M edows (1997)....... (1)
on the other hand. It may be further pointed out that
I f m ay be pointed out that ecological balance the term ‘environmental quality’ is also difficult to
and ecosystem stability are duly maintained by the be defined because it is a subjective term and is
nature its e lf through ‘homeostatic mechanism’ but
interpreted differently by different groups o f people
the em erg en ce o f m odern industrial society has
ranging from ‘zero population grow th’ to simplicity
distu rbed the ecological balance and ecosystem
of life for decent human existence, from the survival
stability through heavy industrialization, techno­
of human species to an environm ent that not only
logical rev olution, faster growth of means of
tran sportation and com m unication, rapacious ex­ sustains life but enriches life, harm onising the work
ploitation o f natural resources, large-scale land use of man and nature for the greater good o f all (M.W.
Mikesell, 1974).
changes, unplanned and unchecked expansion of
urban and industrial com plex etc. In other words Environmental m anagement, therefore, in­
h u m an a c tiv itie s o f m odern econom ic and volves the following aspects :
technological m an ’ have disturbed the harmonious > Protection of environm ent through putting
relationships betw een the environm ent and man.
curb on rapacious exploitation and utiliza­
‘E n v i r o n m e n t a l m a n a g e m e n t is, thus, th e
tion of natural resources and .unscrupulous
im nrove the relationship between man
process to im prove m ^ qua|ity of bolhi the activities of man, control and low ering down
of pollution level, control o f rapid growth of
a" d - 'nnmOTt and hum an society, may be improved,
environm en „ f relationships between man and human population and environmentally harmful
T h is im Pr b e ach iev ed through cheek on technologies.
environm ent may

>• E nhancem ent o f econom ic value of environ­ needs and dem ands on a sustainable basis w ith
m ent and its resources, and m inim al dam age to natu re’.
C.J. B arrow (2 0 0 5 )........(6)
► Preservation o f nature and environm ent for
our future generations. Based on above discussion the author opts to
provide the follow ing com prehensive definition o f
“C onservation of resources and control of
environm ental m anagem ent.
pollution are the essential prerequisites for environ­
m ental planning. C onservation does not mean ‘Environm ental m anagem ent is a goal and
stoppage of developm ent activities; rather it adds process o f ecodevelopm ent having a balance be­
value to the available resources through appropriate tween anthropocentric and ecocentric view points o f
technology and, thus, accelerates growth processes. developm ent leading tow ards sustainable develop­
In fact, conservation and developm ent are the two ment, sustainable environm ent and sustainable
facets of the sam e coin and thus are com plem entary society through rational exploitation and optim al
to each other. No growth in true sense would be utilization o f natural resources in long-term p e r­
attained unless appropriate technology is evolved to spective so that availability and use o f resources may
be m aintained continuously and there is no ecologi­
get m axim um return out of a tiny bit o f resource and
cal imbalance and social disorder, so that hum an
avoid w astage and depletion (of natural resources)
well-being is m axim ised and dam age to environ­
and devise scientific m ethods o f recycling so as to
ment is m inim ised’.
cause least burden over the environm ental system”
(L.R. Singh et al. 1983). Savindra Singh (2 0 07 )............ (7)
It is evident from the aforesaid discussion that “There are healthy sings that decision m akers
environm ental m anagem ent involves two basic responsible for environm ental planning and m an­
aspects : agement are becoming increasingly aw are that the
stability o f the biosphere in general and the survival
> socio-econom ic developm ent of society, and
and stability o f individual ecosystem s in particular,
>■ stability of the biosphere in general and are criteria which need careful consideration when
stability o f individual ecosystem s in particu­ environmental m anagem ent policies and priorities
lar. are being evaluated and im plem ented.” (C.C. Park,
The follow ing definitions widen the horizon 1981).
o f environm ental m a n ag em en t:
Environmental Management: Historical
Thom pson viewed environm ental manage­ Perspective
m ent as ‘the system that anticipitates and avoids or
solves environm ental and resource conservation The environm ental m anagem ent gained cur­
problem s’ rency in the decades 1960s and 1970s when serious
D. Thom pson (2002)....... (4) environmental problem s like ozone depletion, glo­
bal warming, pollution o f various sorts arising out of
The above definition has focussed on future excessive and irrational exploitation o f natural
problem s (anticipatory role of environm ental m an­ resources and increased use o f productive technolo­
agem ent) o f environm ent arising out of resource use gies caught the eyes o f developed nations. C onse­
and solution thereof. quently, efforts were made by governm ent officials
El-K holy views environm ental managem ent and technocrats to control environm ental degrada­
as ‘a process concerned with hum an-environm ent tion and pollution follow ing 'top down approach’ of
interactions, which seek to identify what is environ­ environm ental m anagem ent but the m anagem ent o f
m entally desirable; what are the physical, social, environm ental issues and problem s was sectoral and
econom ic and technological constraints to achieving discrete in character rather than an integrated and
it; and w hat are the m ost feasible options.’ com prehensive approach. In fact, monistic concept
and not the holistic concept, was in the core of
O.A. El-K holy (2001)........(5)
environm ental m anagem ent. In other w ords, indi­
‘E nvironm ental m anagem ent is concerned vidual environm ental problem s and not the total
w ith m eeting and im proving provision for human problem s, at different spatial scales such as at local,

regional and global levels w ere taken care of through mental im pact assessm ent (E IA ) w ere devel­
strict laws, rules and regulations and their forceful oped and w ere m ade m andatory before
im plem entation (e.g. control and m anagem ent of any developm ent p ro ject w as approved and
fisheries, w hildlife, m ining, pollution, agriculture launched.
and soil pollution, deforestation and soil erosion
> Resource m anagem ent: In the d e ca d e s 1970s,
etc.). In the beginning people’s involvem ent and
people em pow erm ent was not given due im portance or say late 1960s, there em erg ed a co n cern
in environm ental m anagem ent. about the fear o f d ep letio n o f n atu ral re ­
Later on environm ental m anagem ent became sources if the irrational and rap acio u s u tiliz a ­
a science based on holistic approach to the solution tion o f natural resources was no t c h ec k e d
of environm ental problem s having ‘bottom-up ap­ properly. C onsequently, a need fo r p ro p e r
proach’ of environm ental m anagem ent having five m anagem ent of natural resources w as e m ­
environm ent-developm ent paradigm s (as suggested phasized and thus it becam e necessary to
by M.E. C olby, 1991, in his research article entitled, properly study and assess various aspects o f
‘environm ental m anagem ent in developm ent : the
natural resources, such as renew ability or
evolution o f p arad ig m s’) as follow s :
non-renew ability and reg en eratio n before
> F rontier econom ics: The paradigm of frontier launching any developm ent plan. T he p u b li­
econom ics w as based on teleological ap­ cation o f ‘Lim its to G ro w th ’ by D .H .
proach tow ards m an-environm ent relation­ M eadows and his associates in the y e ar 1972,
ship and econom ic determ inistic theory. well supported the co n cep t o f reso u rce
Since the natural resources are infinite and m anagem ent in the lig h t o f fin ite n atu re o f
the nature has lim itless sinks to accommo­ resources and very slow g eo lo g ical p ro cesses
date w astes com ing out o f resource use, there o f the form ation o f key m inerals su ch as
is no need o f environm ental management. metals and fossil fuels.
This paradigm lost its relevance after 1960. >• Ecodevelopm ent : T h e concept of
N ow , there is grow ing need for ‘green ‘ecodevelopm ent’ was ev o lv ed in the y ear
economics’. 1981 by R. R idell, w hich app eared in his
publication ‘ecodevelopm ent : econom ics,
>■ Deep ecology : sim ply means maintenance of
ecology, and d ev elo p m en t.’ T his paradigm
ecological stability by conserving ‘deep
laid em phasis on ‘sustainable d ev elo p m en t’,
greens’ (vegetation and wildlife). This para­
sustainable en v iro n m en t’, and ‘su stain ab le
digm is based on ecocentric view point of society’ with the follow ing goals :
developm ent, say sustainable development * to achieve overall grow th o f hum an
and sustainable environm ent. This approach society,
to environm ental m anagem ent pleaded har­ * to rem ove socio-econom ic disparity,
mony and not hostility between man and * to m aintain environm ental quality and
nature. ecological stability, and
> E n v iro n m en tal p rotection : There was mass * to m axim ise econom ic grow th and q u al­
awakening about serious en vironmental prob­ ity o f life style o f society, and m inim ise
lem s such as ozone depletion, environmental dam age to environm ent.
pollution, loss of biodiversity and many
Environmental Management:
m ore after 1960 and hence environment and Objective and Goals
developm ent were taken two sides o f the
same coin and thus environmental protection The ultim ate goals o f environm ental m anage­
was given due attention. A few tools of ment are to achieve ‘sustainable d evelo p m en t’,
environm ental protection such as environ­ sustainable environm ent’, a n d ‘sustainable so ciety ’
m ental im p act statem en t (EIS) and environ­ w ic are ased on the follow ing objectives o f
environm ental m anagem ent.

# to m ake rational exploitation o f natural Environmental Management : Obstacles and

resources in tune w ith ecological principles Taboos
and criteria o f sustainability. Though environm ental m anagem ent is greeted
# to m ake optim al utilization o f natural re­ now with no m ajor hostile objections but there are
sources. - certain hurdles in the im plem entation o f certain
management plans from local to regional and global
• * to restrict and regulate exploitation o f natural
levels. For exam ple, m ajority o f world community
accepts the reality o f global w arm ing and related
# to m axim ise hum an w ell-being and minim ise climate change due to ever-increasing greenhouse
dam age to environm ent. effect caused by em ission o f greenhouse gases
# to im prove hum an adaptability to environ­ mainly carbon dioxide at alarm ing rate but a few
m ental and socio-econom ic challenges. nations (mainly USA and A ustralia) do not accept
the possibility of future clim ate change due to global
# to regenerate the degraded environm ent and
warming and are avoiding to sign Kyoto protocol on
depleted ecological resources. emission of carbon dioxide, though sum m er tem ­
# to cope with changes in public outlook, perature is rising in European countries and in the
fashion and dem and, economic and techno­ USA and hundreds of people are dying from heat
logical situations, scientific and technologi­ strokes since 2001. A few o f such hurdles in the
cal capability, social values and ethics, open implementation of environmental m anagem ent plans
w orld m arket and globalization e tc .. are given below :
# to deal with besides physical data (data >- regulations of WTO, open m arket and glo­
\ regarding physical environment), historical balization and political pressure under the
data (historical perspectives of changes in man- garb of environmental politics from certain
developed nations,
environment relationship), policy formulation,
social data, institutional problems etc. while > poverty, backwardness, debt burden from
attempting environmental management. WB and IMF in the developing countries,
> rapid growth of human population in under­
# to assess im pacts o f developm ent projects on
developed and developing countries,
environm ent.
> rapid rate of industrialization and urbaniza­
# to control environm ental degradation and
tion and consequential rapid increase in the
pollution. demand and consumption of natural re­
# to review and revise exhisting technologies sources,
and strategies o f management. >• rapid changes in social outlook and values,
# to mitigate and reduce impacts of natural spread of western culture of life style-‘use
hazards and disasters. and throw away culture’,
# to formulate laws and to ensure effective >- political com pulsions and bad governance,
implementation of environmental manage- >- limitations in inforcing environmental laws
mental plans. and regulations,
The goals and objectives o f environmental >• social and religious impediments, etc.
m anagem ent are based on the following m o d e l:
Environmental Management : Methods and Ap­
Needs : individuals
aspirations ‘Methodology is like a ‘battle plan’ and
perceptions of < — society techniques the ‘type of weapon used’ (C.J. Barrow,
2005) whereas approaches are paths leading towards
priorities a destination (here a goal or goals o f environmental
inhibitions government management). These days environm ental manage­
ment needs ‘proactive/anticipatory approach’ with
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

predictive tools. Proactive approach to environm en­ differ in different regions and ecosystem s. For
tal m anagem ent is based on the skill of anticipation example, overpopulation and related problem s (e.g.
of environm ental problem s to occur and hence there economic poverty, retarded econom ic grow th, so­
should be proper ways o f predictions of certain cial and educational backw ardness) are the m ain
problems arising out o f uses of natural resources in areas o f concern in the developing countries w hereas
a number o f w ays such as m ining, harnessing of river high level o f pollution and environm ental d eg rad a­
water in big reservoirs behind the dams etc. Besides, tion caused by advanced technologies, increased
there are a few other approaches to environmental
production, m aterialistic outlook and resource d e ­
management based on certain objectives and goals.
pletion are the immediate issues to be tackled in the
At the very outset it may be mentioned that developed industrialized western countries. A few
environmental planning and m anagem ent should
approaches are given below :
include the entire biological w orld because environ­
ment belongs to m an and all living organisms which (1) Approaches based on spatial consideration
except man do not know any artificial boundary
whether regional, national or international. But the The strategies o f environm ental m anagem ent
same strategy and approach for environmental may be formulated on the basis o f spatial considera­
management m ay no t be applicable to all the regions tion i.e. the size o f area selected fo r environm ental
and all o f the eco sy stem s because human interests management.

• lo c a l lev el
Spatial • re g io n a l level

Approach • g lo b a l lev e l

# E n v iro n m e n ta l/n a tu ra l r e s o u rc e s a re f in ite ,

(2) Approaches based on methodological con­ and
# Environment is a natural gift and thus is a
M eth o d o lo g ical consideration includes the public property.
following 3 basic points. Based on above there are tw o approaches o f
# E n v iro n m en t is a closed system, environmental m anagem ent as follow s :

C onservation approach
>• to optimise production, and
>• to minimise damage to environm ent
Ecological p reservation approach
A pproach > to protect endangered species, both plants and anim als
► to stop use of ecologically threatened and endangered species

management plans and how to m ake them effective

(3) T he e n v i r o n m e n t a l m anagem ent may be ap­
in two ways as follows.
proached through strategies o f im plem entation o f

• top down approach or command and control approach

S tra te g ic • bottom-up approach or participatory/voluntary approach
A p p ro a c h

(1) Spatial Approach is a natural gift and thus is a public property to be

shared by all ‘types o f life (plants and anim als) in the
On spatial consideration environm ental m an­ biosphere. Thusr one should consider the w elfare of
agem ent may be approached at three levels viz. all kinds o f living things in the biospheric ecosystem
(ii) at local level, (ii) at regional level, and (iii) at while attem pting for the utilization o f natural
national or international level as regards the spatial resources and environm ental m anagem ent. In other
dim ension, and the m anagem ent strategies may be words, ‘since environm ent belongs to man and all
chalked out on the basis of needs, aspirations, living organism s its planning should involve, entire
perceptions, priorities and inhibitions of the indi­ biological w ord’. Individualistic approach to envi­
viduals, society and the governm ent. For example, ronm ent and its utilization should be discouraged
the problem o f ozone depletion and its probable because this approach does not pay any attention to
consequences have, no doubt, become an environ­ the conservation o f environm ental resources as one
mental issue of global concern but there is difference has a tendency to acquire m ore than o n e ’s normal
in the outlook betw een the western developed world share from the nature. E fforts should be m ade to
and developing w orld regarding the control of ozone create such situation which may m ake individual
depletion. The western developed countries are responsible to a group^com m unity o r society fo r his
giving top priorities to tackle the problem of ozone activities towards the uses and m isuses o f en v iro n ­
depletion caused by the release of chlorofluorocarbons mental resources. ‘The environm ental planning,
and halogen gases because they are going to be therefore, begins from individual or hom e and is best
immediate victim s o f increased ultra-violet solar medium for achieving social ju stice, equitable
radiation and increased incidence of skin cancer distribution o f econom ic w ealth and uniform re ­
whereas the developing countries are reluctant to gional developm ent’ (L.R. Singht, et. al., 1983).
stop the production and consumption of ozone
depleting substances (chlorofluorocarbons-CFCs) 2. Ecological Approach
because they believe that by doing so they will
remain undeveloped and will be deprived of modern As regards m ethodological consideration there
am enities w hich the western developed countries are two approaches to environm ental m anagem ent
are enjoying since long. which are collectively known as ecological approach.
Sim ilarly, global warming and climate change (1) conservation approach, and
have become m ost serious environmental problems (2) preservation approach.
o f the/ 21st century and most of the countries,
(1) C o n serv atio n a p p ro a c h : advocates for
including both developed and developing countries,
adjustment with physico-biotic environm ent in
have agreed to reduce the emission of greenhouse
terms o f technological and behavioural institutional
gases mainly carbon dioxide under Kyoto protocol
adjustments. In other w ords, the environm ental
but a few nations, such as the USA and Australia, are
(natural) resources may be utilized for the socio­
not agreeable to the theory of global warming and
economic developm ent o f human society but sim ul­
consequent clim ate change.
taneously efforts should also be m ade to m aintain
The environm ental managers whether at ecological balance, ecosystem stability and environ­
local, regional, national or international levels, m ental quality as far as possible by adopting suitable
should always keep this fact in mind that the earthly pollution-safe and eco-friendly technologies and by
resources are finite and the environm ental system is m aking the society answ erable to any m aladjust­
a closed system. It is, thus, necessary to keep the m ent in the natural ecosystem . The conservation
whole world in m ind while attem pting environm en­ approach to environm ental m anagem ent is based on
tal planning at any level. Secondly, the environm ent the follow ing two pespectives and goals :

• to restrict and m inim ise adverse effects o f hum an activities during

exploitation and utilization o f natural resources on environm ent
• to optim ise the productivity o f natural environm ental ecosystem s
aesthetic value
recreational value
to ensure the preservation
economic value
of environmental quality
ecological value

to ensure a continuous yield balanced cycle of harvest

of plants, animals by
and materials renewal of resources

is apparent that conservation approach of species of animals is given full protection in

environmental managem ent aims at achieving the specifically demarcated habittats such as (in India)
goals o f sustainable environment, sustainable devel­ •project tiger’, ‘project elephants’, ‘project rhinos
opment and sustainable society. The natural re­ etc.
sources should be used for development purposes in
3. Environmental M anagem ent S y s te m (EMS)
such a way that there is continuous supply of natural
resources and there is no damage to environment. Approach
Thus, recycling and regeneration of renewable There are two types of environmental m an­
natural resources are the fundamental bases of agement system approaches as follows :
conservation approach o f environmental manage­ (1) Command and control approach or top-
ment. In fact, this approach in basically ecocentric
approach based on gaia hypothesis.
down approach
(2) Participatory or hands off voluntary
(2) Preservation approach : to environmental
approach or bottom-up approach.
management advocates non-interference of man
with nature or say with physico-biotic environment (1) Command and control approach of envi­
and com plete adaptation of man to natural environ­ ronmental management is, in fact, government
ment. This preservative approach is, in fact, not controlled approach wherein government m achin­
practicable because non-interference with natural ery works in descending hierarchical orders e.g.
environm ent w ould lead the humanity to complete central governm ent—estate g o v t.—^d istrict
starvation and even extinction. If man has to survive administration— >block officials— »gram panchayat
he must derive som e thing from the nature, and even (in Indian perspective). Such approach is basically
the exploitation o f minimum resources from the anthropocentric approach known as top -d ow n ap ­
natural environm ent to fulfill the basic needs of proach. It is insensitive, technocratic, compartmentalized
human society w ould cause disequilibrium of some and authoritarian, centralized, non-sustainable and
sort in the ecological balance and ecosystem is based on command and coercion i.e. forceful
stability resulting into environmental degradation implementation of development plans not caring for
needs and aspirations of large section of society to be
and pollution. adversely affected such as formulation and im ple­
R ecently, the scope of preservation approach
mentation of large dams projects e.g. Tehri Dam
has been lim ited to the preservation of ecologically
Project, Sardar Sarovar Project. These projects were
significant plants and animals in specially demar­
launched (and now are complete) w ithout the
cated and well protected areas where endangered, involvement of local population.
threatened and potential extinct species (which may
becom e extinct, if not protected) of plants and (2) Participatory approach, is also known as
anim als are protected from the invasion of man and ecocentric and bottom-up approach of environm en­
other anim als. Such habitats or areas are variously tal management. This is a hands-of voluntary and
called such as nature reserve or biosphere reserve, reward-based approach and is ecocentric* decentral­
national parks, bird sanctuaries etc.. Even a single ized, appropriate (because it uses eco-friendly

technology), participatory, and sustainable ap­ stability o f individual ecosystem s in particular

proach. This approach involves com m unity p artici­ should be m aintained.
* t < , *
pation, N G Os, social groups and governm ents. E cological basis o f environm ental m anage­
m ent is, in fact, based on ecocentric approach to the
m anagem ent o f ecological resources, leading to the
Basically, there are two types o f m ethods o f attainm ent o f sustainable environm ent, sustainable
environm ental m anagem ent i.e. holistic m ethod and developm ent and sustainable society through ra­
monistic method. Holistic method involves the tional exploitation and optim al utilization o f natural
solution of all environm ental problem s o f a region, resources, both abiotic (m ainly m inerals and soils)
whereas monistic method seeks solution o f single and biotic (plants and anim als) resources. B oth the
problem at a tim e. System m odelling is generally approaches o f environm ental m anagem ent (w hich
applied to im plem ent a certain developm ent project are ecocentric), conservation and p reserv atio n ap­
for the utilization and conservation of natural proaches (as discussed above), form the core of
resources. ecological basis, o f environm ental m anagem ent:
J.N .R . Jeffers (1973) has form ulated the The follow ing fundam ental ecological issues
follow ing five-stage iterative planning process for
should be considered before attem pting m an ag e­
land use and natural resource m anagement.
m ent of ecological resources.
■ v •' ; v : -i.- r . .

> com ponents and dynam ics (energy flow and

Table 23.1 : Five sta g e iterative planning process based
on system m odelling
circulation o f m atter in the eco sy stem , see
chapters 8 and 9) o f biospheric eco sy stem .
Stage Action
> form, function and stability o f n atu ral eco ­
1. Indentify and agree goals and objectives system (chapter 5),
2. Initiate research leading to proper under­ >• ecological changes through tim e (evolution
standing o f the relevant issues o f plants and anim als in h isto rical p ersp ec­
3. Identify and evaluate alternative strategies tive, chapters 10 and 11) and space (dispersal
for achieveing the objectives and distribution o f p lants and anim als,
4. Select and im plem ent a particular strategy chapters 10 and 11),
5. M onitor the results; possibly m odify the plan > exploitation and u tilizatio n o f ecological
in the light o f changing demands and values resources, and
Source : J.N. R.Jeffers, 1973; System modelling and > im pacts o f hum an activities On natural
analysis in resource management; Journal of environm ent leading to en v ironm ental d eg ­
Environmental Management, Vol. I. radation and pollution (chapters 20 and 21).
The fundam ental ecological p rin cip les gov­
ern various aspects o f natural ecosystem s and
organism s therein such as (i) ev o lu tio n , dispersal
and distribution o f p lan ts and anim als; (ii) extinction
Here environm ental m anagem ent is taken to
o f species; (iii) biological succession; (iv) transfer,
m anage the ecological resources based on ecologi­
circulation and consum ption o f m atter and energy in
cal principles. Any environm ental planning and
the differen t com ponents o f natural eco sy stem s; (iv)
m anagem ent w hether at local, regional, national or
cycling and recy clin g o f organic and inorganic
international level (involving the w hole atm osphere
substances in the natural eco sy stem s through
and the hydrosphere) m ust be based on fundam ental
biogeochem ical cycles; (Vi) stab ility and instability
ecological principles i f we are interested in the
o f ecosystem s; (vii) life cy cles o f o rg an ism s, and
survival o f hum an beings and if we do not w ant to be
(v.iii) in terrelatio n sh ip s am ong o rg an ism s, and
cursed by our future generations and thus the
betw een organism s and p h y sical co m p o n en ts tit the
stab ility o f the biosphere in g en & alan d survival and e n v iro n m e n t..
i .• 1. • . «*» i
environmental planning and management

E cological basis o f environm ental manage- y flow in the ecosystem is un id irec-

► Energ
ment includes the follow ing aspects ; and is governed by the first and second
1. m eaning and classification o f ecological laws o f therm odynam ics.
resources, ► C irculation o f m atter in the natural e c ° s5[s
2. ecological principles w hich govern eco­ tem is cyclic in nature and is go vern e y
logical resources, cyclic pathw ays o f biogeochem ical cy cles.
3. survey o f ecological resources, ► Ecosystem s productivity depends upon av ail-
4. evalu atio n o f ecological resources, ability o f solar energy and the e ffic ie n cy o f
plants to convert solar energy into ch em ical
5. approaches to the m anagem ent o f ecologi­
cal reso u rces, and energy.
6. co n serv atio n and preservation o f ecologi­ >. Ecosystem stability is co n tro lled by the
cal resources. richness o f biological com m unities, both
plants and anim als, w hich (rich n ess) is itself
Ecological Principles governed by biodiversity. T he g reater is the
biodiversity, the greater is the stab ility o f
T he fo llo w in g basic ecological principles
natural ecosystem and vice versa. T h e
must be taken in to consideration before formulating
ecosystem and ecological b alan ce is also
and im p lem en tin g any environm ental m anagem ent
strategy m ain ly reso u rce m a n a g e m e n t: governed by the p rinciple o f ‘hom eostatic
mechanism’ and ‘gaia hypothesis’.
► B io tic and abiotic com ponents of biospheric
► Rational exploitation and optim al u tiliz a tio n
e co sy stem and subsequent sm aller ecosys­
tem s are in terco n n ected and closely interre­ o f natural resources and p ro p o rtio n ate re g e n ­
lated to la rg e -sca le biogeochem ical cycles. eration o f renew able reso u rces m ake the
natural environm ent su stain ab le and m a in ­
>- S u sta in e d life on the earth is a characteristic
tain ecological balance.
fe a tu re s o f b iospheric ecosystem .
>■ N o th in g a ctu ally disappears when we throw Ecological Resources
them aw ay as w astes after use.
► A ll th e sy stem s and environm ental/ecologi­ The m eaning and classificatio n o f e co lo g ica l
resources have been given in the p reced in g (2 2 n d )
cal p ro b lem s are ultim ately interrelated and
chapter. Ecological resources co m p rise all b io tic
so w e sh o u ld not solve environm ental prob­
resources i.e. floral a n d fau n al reso u rces. E co lo g ic a l
lem s one by one (m onistic approach) but resources are generally div id ed in to (1) flo ral
sh o u ld see k so lutions together (holistic ap­ resources (plant resources), and (2) fau n al (an im als)
proach). resources, but m ore specifically th ese are d iv id e d
>■ N atu re has spent m illions o f years to create into (1) natural ecological reso u rces i.e. w ild life
reso u rces and in m aking stable ecosystem (both plants and anim als), and (2) m an ag ed e c o lo g i­
and m a in tain in g ecological balance as geo­ cal resources, such as agricultural cro p s, p la n te d
lo g ical pro cesses, w hich m ake m ineral re­ trees, bushes, and shrubs.
so u rces, op erate very slow ly.
Survey of Ecological Resources
► N atu ral reso u rces o f planet earth are finite
and belong to all biota including man. In fact, The first step in the m an ag em en t o f e c o lo g ic a l
natural reso u rces are public property, and resources o f any country or a reg io n is to m ak e an
h en ce no one, w hether individual or a exhaustive survey o f all o f the ex istin g e co lo g ica l
co m m u n ity or a nation, is authorized to resources including p lan t and anim al sp ecies so th a t
m isu se them . an elaborate inventory o f all the e co lo g ica l re so u rce s
► A ll liv in g organism s and physical environ­ may be prepared. T hus, the m ass d a ta b ase o f
m en t are m utually reactive. ecological resources co llected th ro u g h e x te n siv e

survey by using field survey m ethods as well as (IBP) is based on (a) the spacing o f plants, and (b)
rem ote sensing techniques would help in their their Iifeforms.
classificatio n . It may be pointed out that till now (2) M ethod o f vegetation classification us
there is no com m on and standardized m ethodology by the UNESCO is based on function, structure and
fo r the survey o f ecological resources w hich may be habitat characteristics o f vegetation.
applicable to all countries and regions. Instead, local
In some o f the countries vegetation is
and individual surveys o f ecological resources have
classified on the basis o f nature o f conservation such
been done in various parts of the world based on
as in India vegetations, m ainly forests, are divided
different m ethods and techniques. Thus, the inven­
into reserved forests, protected forests, degraded
tories and data o f ecological resources derived
forests etc.
through local individual m ethodologies are not
com parable. It is, therefore, the first requirem ent for Evaluation of Ecological Resources
the survey and preparation o f inventories o f ecologi­
cal resources for their proper evaluation and Evaluation o f ecological resources is based on
m anagem ent to choose proper technique and method value judgem ent o f habitats as well as species of
o f survey. plants and anim als o f a region having individual or
It may be m entioned that the survey o f com plex habitats. Thus, evaluation o f habitats and
vegetation is to som e extent easier and sim pler but ecological resources largely help in assessing the
the survey o f anim als is difficult because o f their suitability o f an area for different uses and in
mobility. Survey may be based on mapping by form ulating m anagem ent program m es and conser­
rem ote sensing and GIS (geographic inform ation vation strategies. V arious criteria and approaches
system ), by GPS (ground positioning system ), aerial are adopted for the evaluation o f ecological re­
survey, and lim ited field survey. The mass dataset
sources as follows :
derived through appropriate survey m ethods are
classified into different categories following proper > Ranking method : E valuation o f ecological
taxonom ic m ethods. Lastly, a detailed inventory of resources on the basis o f ranking o f eco lo g i­
ecological resources o f a region or a country is cal value of sites on the basis o f degree of
prepared on the basis o f categorization of resources. human interference.
A m ong the standardized m ethodologies of M .E. P ickering, 1977
survey, classification and preparation o f inventories >- Regional evaluation method : Specific re ­
o f ecological resources the follow ing are more
gional evaluation o f ecological resources on
im portant :
the basis o f vegetational criteria (such as
(1) user-oriented classification of woodland spacing o f trees, form , function and struc­
ecosystem by R.G .H. B unce and M.W. Shaw, and ture).
(2) needle sortcard inventory system by W.
R.A. H aw es and R.J. H udson, 1976
A ult-father and E.S. C rozier, for docum enting
► Conservation value method : R anking of
physical inventory o f w ildlife resources and appro­
priate m anagem ent strategies for different areas. ecological resources on the basis o f their
conservation values in p rotected areas.
A nother teething problem o f the survey and
inventory o f ecological resources is the variation o f >■ Economic value method : R anking o f ecologi­
bases for the classification o f ecological resources cal resources on the basis o f th eir econom ic
adopted in various inventory schem es and therefore values as suggested by D.R. H elliw ell (1969)
there is problem o f the com parison o f data o f but F.B. G oldsm ith (1975) co n trad icted this
ecological resources. For exam ple, tw o standardized schem e and m aintained th at ‘it is preferable
schem es o f vegetation classifications by two stand­ to com pare areas in term s o f th eir p la n t and
anim al species richness and d iv ersity , as well
a rd iz e d o rg a n iz a tio n s d iffe r su b sta n tia lly as
f o llo w s : 11 as habitat d iv ersity , so th at they can be
(1) M ethod o f classification o f vegetation ranked in order. It is im practical to place any
ad op ted by International B iological Program m e kind o f m onetary values on eith e r end, or any
en v ir o n m en ta l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t
«,oinP m eth o d : Evalua-
>- N ature c o n s e r v a tio n valu
point, o f the scale as they are affected by so
tion o f eco lo g ical re s o u rc e s o n th e b a sis
many other extrinsic factors’.
‘nature co n serv atio n v alu e o f v a n
> Landscape evaluation m ethod : Evaluation o f
o f h a b ita ts’ ad o p ted by N a tu re C o n s e r
ecological resources together with the evalu­
C ouncil (N C C ) o f U .K . T h e L on d on -b ased
ation o f land use capability and landscape
attractiveness. N CC has presen ted a list o f ra n k e d habitats
J.S. B ibby and D. M ackney, 1969 on the basis o f nature c o n se rv a tio n v a lu e o f

R.S. C rofts and R.V. C ooke, 1974 habitats (table 23.2).

t ' >'

Category I M ost Im portant habitats for W ildlife

Prim ary w oodlands, low land heaths, u n p o llu te d an d u n tre a te d
H igh m ountain tops rivers, lakes, can als, p e rm a n e n t d y k e s,
large m arshes and bogs
Perm anent pastures coastal habitats such as c liffs, d u n e s, s a lt
and m eadow s untreated m arsh etc.
w ith fertilizers or herbicides
Category II M oderately Im portant H abitats for W ildlife
B road-leaved plantations m ature co n ifer p la n atio n s
R ecently planted confier planations copses, co rn er p lan ta tio n etc.
M orrland and rough grazing hedges
Farm ponds gravel pits, clay p its
R oad and railw ay verges, arable land sm all m arshes and b o g s, d is u se d q u a rrie s ,
w ith rich w eed flora neglected o rch ard s
L arge gardens g o lf courses
Category III L ittle Im portant H abitats for W ildlife
C o n ifer plantation d erelict land in to w n s,
w ith no ground cover polluted w ater o f all k in d s
T em porary w ater bodies grass leys
Im proved pastures playing fields
A irports sm all gardens
A llotm ents arable land w ith p o o r w e ed flo ra
H o rticultural crops and com m ercial In d u strial and u rb an la n d
Sourrp • Nature Poncprvanrv P'ouncil. 1977 ; Nfltlirp n on/( A ------ * •

C.C. P ark (1980) has grouped all the available

► approach based on the evaluation o f ecologi­
approaches to eco lo g ical evaluation into the follow -
■flg four categories : cal zones within an area wherein evaluation
is generally based on ecological diversity.
> approach based on the evalu ation o f indi­
► approach based on the evaluation of habitats
vidual sp ecies w herein evaluation is generally
w e r e i n evaluation is based on the ch aracter­
based on the d eg ree o f uniqueness o f species. istics of individual species.

> approach based on the evaluation of habitats (1) Individual Species M ethod : This m eth
and ecological zones w herein evaluation is lays em phasis on calculation o f significance o f a
single species o f plants and anim als w hich needs
based on vegetation and other criteria sim ul­
conservation or preservation (com plete protection)
taneously. in a specific habitat. It m ay be m entioned that
These four approaches to the evaluation o f d ifferent criteria m ay be adopted for evaluation of
ecological resources m ay be sum m arized as conservation significance in different locations
follows : having varying environm ental conditions. A threat
(1) individual species approach, value method has been developed by the Biological
(2) ecological zone approach, Record C enter o f N ature C onservancy Council
(BRCNCC) o f U.K. w herein the rare plant species
(3) habitat approach, and are classified on the basis o f threat to their survival.
(4) com posite approach The elaborate schem e o f calculating ‘threat value’
A few of the m ethods o f the evaluation of for individual species in a single or m ultiple habitats
ecological resources are given below : (sites) has been presented in table 23.3.

Table 23.3 : Method of calculation of threat value for individual plant sp e c ie s

Step : 1 D erive values for each of the following characteristics o f the study species :
(a) The rate o f decline of that species over a decade o f observation :
0 : decline less than 33%
1 : decline between 33 and 66%
2 : decline over 66%
(b) The num ber of localities of the species known to the B iological R ecord C entre (BRC) :
0 : over 16 sites
1 : 10-15 sites
2 : 6 - 9 sites
3 : 3 - 5 sites
4 : 1 - 2 sites
(c) A subjective assessment of the attractiveness o f the species (a m easure o f the likelihood o f
it being picked):
0 : not attractive
1 : moderately attractive
2 : highly attractive
(d) The ‘Conservation Index’ for the species-an arbitrary figure related to the % o f the localities
of that species which are in nature reserves :
0 : over 66% in nature reserves
1 : 33 - 66%
2 : less than 33%
3 : less than 33% and these sites are subject to exceptional
(e) The remoteness (relative ease with which the species could be reached by the p u b lic ):
0 : not easily reached
1 : m oderately easily reached
2 : easily reached
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

(f) A c c e ssib ility (ease b f access once the site has been reach ed ) *.
Scoring as done in step e , (
Step 2 : C a lc u la te th e th re a t n u m b er (TN) for the species from the given fo rm u la viz. . . >

threat num ber (TN) = (a+b+c+d+e+f)

. ______ T he m axim um ‘T hreat N um ber’ possible is 15, and the observed range is 2-13._______
Source : F.H. Perring and L. Farrell, 1977 : British Red Data Books, 1. Vascular Plants (Society for the P rom otion of
Nature Conservation, London) (in C.C. Park, 1980).

On the basis o f th reat value num ber (15) the information*. The schem e o f evaluation o f e c o lo g i­
concerned p la n t species m ay be divided into 3 broad cal resources o f C.R. Tubbs and J.W . B lackw ood
threat categories : involves the follow ing steps :
(i) 0 '^ m inim um threatened species* and > sub-division o f an area (a region) u nder study
hence needs no im m ediate protec- into first order ecological zone, w hich is
named as Primary E cological Z one (P E Z ),
(ii) 6-10 m oderately threatened species, needs > derive ecological evaluation value for each
con servation in nature reserves.
primary ecological zone based on general
(iii) 11* 15 h igh ly threatened species* needs land use and ecological d iv ersity o f the
preservation in well protected ar­
eas. concerned habitat, and
> prepare a final relative ecological ev alu atio n
(2) Ecological Zone M ethod : This method
involves the e v alu a tio n o f different ecological zones map (REEM). The ecological ev alu atio n m ap
on the basis o f eco lo g ical diversity. This method is should also contain the follow ing :
based on the c o n n o tatio n that the ecological zone (i) definition of boundaries o f each REEM ,
with large b io d iv ersity needs no im m ediate conser­ (ii) relative value o f each zone,
vation b ut the eco lo g ical zone with poor ecological
(iii) written statem ents about the c h a ra c ­
diversity needs h igh level o f conservation and
teristics o f each zone, and
(i v) desirable conservation practice, meaning
C .R. T ubbs and J.W . B lackw ood (1971) have
m aintained th a t ‘the conservationist m ust devise a thereby w hat type o f co n serv atio n
means o f ev alu atin g the relative floristic and method should be adopted.
faunistic values o f land, and o f presenting this means Table 23.4 presents a sum m ary o f the
in a form w hich is easily interpretable by planners, ecological zone method of C .R.Tubbs and B lackw ood
and at the sam e tim e is easily com parable with other for the evaluation of ecological resources.

Table 23.4 : E co lo g ical zone method of ecological evaluation by C. R. Tubbs and J. W. Blackwood
STEP 1 • Sub-divide Ihe study area in primary ecological zones (PEZ)
Z O N E 11 : unknown ifairototiAn
vegetation /'inr'IiiHinrv
(including nnn _ w oodland)
ZO N E 2 : plantation woodland
ZO N E 3 : agricultural land

STEP 2 Evaluate the ecological value of each zone, using three main concepts :
(a) unknown or semi-natural habitats have lim ited distribution in low land B ritain and
are subjcct to pressure from reclamation and developm ent (and thus thcv have
co n serv atio n value). y ,,a v t
(b) areas o f plantation woodland often form valuable w ildlife reservoirs (thus thcv too
have a relatively high conservation value). y
(c) ecological interest in agricultural land will vary inversely w ith the intensity of
agricultural land.
T h u s the e c o lo g ic a l e v a lu a tio n fo r th e th re e z o n e s a re :

E co lo gica l E valuation
ZONE 1 : Category I or II (the final decision rests on subjective estim ate o f rarity o f
habitat type and presence o f features o f outstanding scientific im portance)
ZONE 2 : Category II or III (based on subjective estim ation o f the value o f the habitat
as a wildlife reservoir)
ZONE 3 : Relative value is a function of habitat diversity :
(a) This is related to the presence of definable features :
(1) permanent grassland
(2) hedgerows and hedgerow tim ber
(3) boundary banks, roadside cuttings and banks, verges
(4) park timbers and orchards (other than those in com m ercial
(5) ponds, ditches, streams, and other w ater courses
(6) fragments of other -unsown vegetation (including w oodland)
smaller than 0.5 km2
(b) Score for the presence of each group o f features :
0 = none/virtually none in the zone
1 = present (but not a conspicuous feature)
2 = numerous (conspicous feature)
3 = abundant
(c) Evaluation of the value for the zone (based on sum o f scores for
individual features present in the z o n e ):
Total score Category
15-18 II
11-14 III
6-10 IV
0-5 V
Source :C.R. Tubbs and J.W. Blackwood, 1971 : Ecological evaluation of land for planning purposes, Ecological
Conservation, Vol 3. pp. 169-72. (in C.C. Park, 1980).

(3) scarcity and number of species present, and vegeta­

Conservation Course Method : F.B. Gold­
smith presented a scheme of conservation course tion structure by using grid square method. The
method of determ ining ecological value in 1975 on assessm ent is ultim ately used to produce a num erical
the basis of objective assessment of habitat area, index of ecological value as given in table 23.5.

Table 23.5 : Goldsmith's grid square method of determinng ecological value,

STEP Divide the whole study area into ‘distinct land system ’ :
System 1 : unenclosed upland (mostly m orrland over 300 m)
system 2 : enclosed cultivated land (m ostly perm anent pasture)
System 3 : enclosed flat land (mostly arable land in valley bottom s)
ENVIRONMENTAL plan ning and m anagem ent 537
Record the distribution of habitats within each land system .
(a) arable and ley
(b) parment pasture
(c) rough grazing
(d) woodland
. ' ■ t < . * ■■ 1

(i) deciduous and mixed

(ii) coniferous , . ,
(iii) scrub , .i . . j
(iv) orchard
(e) hedges and hedgerows
(f) streams etc.
Determine the following parameters for each habitat (on the basis of individual km
grid squares) :
(i) Extent (E) : for habitats a to b (as referred to above) in hectare (ha), for linear
features (as hedges and streams) is length in km/km2
Rarity (R) ; R —]()0% area per land system
(iii) Plant specics richness (S) : the number of species of flowering plants recorded in sample plots
(20 m x 20 m grids) in each habitat type in each land system
(iv) Animal species richness (V) : this correlates with vegetation stratification, thus V = the number
of vertical layers in the vegetation (grassland V = 1, well developed
woodland V = 4, maximum strata or layers in the forests are 4)
Determine the Index of Ecological Value (IEV) for each grid square, based on the
following formula.

(E x R x S x V)

(Index o f Ecological Value is the sum of the product o f aforesaid lour indices)
STEP 5 : Standardize the IEV values to'a range of 1-20, then plot the standardized values
in map form, on the grid square basis.
Source : F.B. G oldsm ith, 1975 : The evaluation of ecological resources in the countrvciri,. --------- -----------------
Biological Conservation, Vol. 8, pp. 89-96., in C.C. Park, 1980. onservation purposes.

Some more methods and techniques of the

Even one method of ecological evaluation may not
evaluation of ecological resources have been devel­
be applicable to a large country such as the USA,
oped based on regional studies. For examples, (i)
Russia, China etc. Little attem pt has been m ade to
‘Indicator S pecies’ W oodland Evaluation Scheme
develop methodologies to evaluate ecological re­
of G.F. Peterken et al. (1974); (ii) Ecological
sources in India. All of the aforesaid m odels are
Evaluaiton Schem e o f G.D. Watts et al. ( 1975); (iii)
W eighted V alue Approach of F.R. Gehlbach (1975) based on British experiences and they cannot be
applied in Indian case.
etc. All these m ethods of ecological evaluation
differ significantly from each other because they are
based on different criteria. It may be pointed out that Preservation and Conservation of Ecological
common standardized method of the evaluation of ■
ecological resources applicable to all of the ecosys-
Generally, people use the terms preservation
tems w orld over may not be possible because there
and conservation as synonyms but both the term s
are wide range of variations in the natural habitats
differ significantly in their m eaning and application.
and environm ental conditions throughout the world.
In ecological context preservation m eans upkeep o f

rare and endangered species of plants and animals in F.H., Perring and L. Farrell (1977) have
specially protected areas so that their populations enlisted 321 species of flowering plants as being rare
may increase to optimum level. No use of such (161 species), vulnerable (95 species), endangered
resources is permitted. On the other hand, conserva­ (46 species) and extinct (19 species). IUCNNR
tion is a process which aims at proper use, (International Union for the Conservation o f Nature
preservation and management of natural resources and Natural Resources) has constituted a ‘Threat­
in such a way that they are always available in ened Plants Committee* to devise ways and means
desired quantity and quality for judicious use by for the protection and conservation o f 2000 species
humans as well as the ecological balance and of flowering plants which are now threatened
environmental quantity is maintained leading to­ species.
wards the attainment of sustainable environment, The conservation and preservation of ecologi­
sustainable developm ent and sustainable society. cal resources may include the following m easures :
Thus, conservation is defined as follows :
>■ provision for nature (biosphere) reserves,
Conservation is “the establishment and obser­
>- establishment of national parks and sanctuar­
vation of economically, socially and politically
acceptable norms, standards, patterns or models of ies,
behaviour in the use o f natural resources by a given > establishment o f protected areas for endan­
society”. ,R. Beazley, 1967 gered species such as Project Tiger, Project
In fact, conservation is applied ecology Rhino, Project Elephants etc. schemes in
wherein basic ecological principles are applied in India.
the gainful utilization and conservation of natural
>- formulation, enactm
and forcefully ex-
resources in general and ecological resources in : ' i 1 . , . 1* 1 ! -

ecution of environmental and w ildlife acts

According to E.P. Odum (1971) a conserva­
tionist has the following two aims before him : ► habitat improvement program m es,
► to ensure the preservation of a quality ► effective means of census operation to have
environment that has aesthetic, recreational, regular measurement o f population size of
and economic value, and endangered species,
> to ensure a continuous yield of useful plants, >• provision for large-scale drive for treatm ent
animals and materials by establishing a of animals during epidem ics,
balanced cycle of harvest and renewal of > establishment of research and monitoring
resources. centers to study the biological behaviour of
The need for conservation arises from the fact wild animals by using electronic devices,
that urbanization, industrial expansion, large-scale >- provision for elem entary environm ental edu­
land use changes mainly due to expansion in cation to general public about the environ­
agricultural areas at the cost of forest areas,
mental values of ecological resources, etc.
environmental degradation and pollution arising out
of rapid rate of rapacious exploitation of natural The conservation of ecological resources may
resources and modern production processes and be approached in the follow ing 3 ways :
advanced technologies have threatened the stability (1) through species preservation/species ap­
and even survival of natural ecosystems and proach,
existence of several plant and animal species.
(2) through assem blage protection (all species of
The ecologically significant plant and animal
a region), and
species meant for preservation and conservation are
divided into the following 3 categories : (3) through habitat protection and preservation.
(1) endangered species, (1) Species P reservation: Species preservation
(2) threatened species, and involves identification, dem arcation and enlisting of
individual endangered species o f plants and ani­
(3) extinct species. mals, and reservation o f a particular habitat for full
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

The ‘biosphere reserve’ w ill be d iscu ssed m

protection o f endangered and rare single species
from outside invasion either from anim als or from the succeeding (24th) ch ap ter o f this book en titled
man. Such protected natural habitats are also called •biodiversity, biosphere reserv e and w ild life m a n ­
as ‘nature reserve’. It is a m atter o f satisfaction that agem ent’.
many co untries are now seized o f the problem o f the Though ‘environm ental im pact assessm ent’ is
preservation and protection of rare and endangered an integral part o f environm ental m a n ag e m e n t b u t it
species and have established nature reserves for the is being discussed here in sep arate sectio n .
purpose. F o r ex am p le, gray seals are protected in the
sanctuary o f F ran ce Islands o ff the coast o f 23.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT
N orthum berland, U .K .; W ood B uffalo National
Park (C anada) p reserv es N orth A m erican bison in Meaning and Concept
the northern A lb e rta and N orth-W est T erritories o f
Canada; frig ate b ird s are protected in sm all islands At the very outset it is d esirab le to d e fin e 3
in Sabah, M alay sia; Javan rhinos are preserved in basic term s used in the scien ce o f e n v iro n m e n ta l
Udjung K u lo n -P an ailan (w estern Java); G ir lions im pact assessm ent, nam ely en v iro n m en tal im p act
are p ro tected in G ir fo rests o f G ujarat in India etc. statem ent, environm ental im p act and en v iro n m en tal
(2) Assem blage Protection : A ssem blage pro­ im pact assessm ent.
tection in v o lv e s p ro tectio n and preservation o f Environmental im p a c t: T h e p ro b a b le effects
several sp e c ie s o f p lan ts or anim als together in the o f human activities reg ard in g the u se o f e n v iro n ­
same h a b ita t h av in g u niform environm ental condi­ m ental/natural resources on n atural e n v iro n m e n t is
tions. T he e n v iro n m e n ta l conditions and habitat called environm ental im pact.
c h aracteristics are such that large num bers of Environmental statem ents : G e n era l s ta te ­
anim als m a in ly m ig rato ry birds are attracted from m ents on the likely im pacts o f h u m an a c tiv itie s,
many p a rts o f th e w orld. M any countries have mainly econom ic, during the la u n ch in g o f d e v e lo p ­
established su ch san c tu a rie s fo r providing unpol­ m ent projects, exploitation and p ro c e ssin g o f n a tu ra l
luted fresh e n v iro n m e n ta l conditions to the anim als. resources on natural e n v iro n m en t are c alled e n v i­
For e x am p le, th e w ildfow l refuges o f the USA ronm ental im pact statem ents (E IS ).
provide sh e lte rs and ideal places for nesting for
E n v iro n m en tal im p a c t a ss e ss m e n t
many sp ec ie s o f d u c k s, g eese and w aders; D elhi zoo
(E IA ): The assessm ent and e v alu a tio n o f e n v iro n ­
and B h a ra tp u r b ird san ctu ary (India) provide ideal
mental effects o f hum an activ ities o f e n v iro n m e n ta l
habitats fo r m ig ra to ry birds w here m axim um cover
effects o f hum an activ ities d u rin g e x p lo ita tio n and
and food su p p ly a re a ssu re d fo r the m igratory birds
processing o f natural reso u rces are c a lle d e n v iro n ­
which co m e fro m re m o te areas o f the world such as
m ental im pact assessm ent. In fact, e n v iro n m e n ta l
from S ib e ria a n d the b ird s are com pletely protected
im pact assessm ent in clu d es b o th lik e ly a d v erse
from h u n tin g o r fro m any hum an actions; high
im pacts o f hum an activ ities d u rin g th e e x e c u tio n and
m ountain re s e rv e s in th e U SA p ro tect several alpine
progress o f developm ent p ro je c ts, su ch as h a rn e s s ­
plant sp ecies and so on. ing o f river w ater fo r irrig atio n and g e n e ra tio n o f
(3) H a b ita t P rotection : H abitat protection hydel pow er, ex p lo ratio n , and d rillin g fo r fo ssil fu e l,
m eans re se rv a tio n o f larg e areas having diverse establishm ent o f in d u stries o f v ario u s so rts, la n d u se
ecological re so u rc e s fo r the purpose o f overall changes etc., and after th e c o m p letio n o f p ro je c t an d
protection o f n a tu ra l e co sy stem s and ecological its operation on n atural e n v iro n m e n t. E n v iro n m e n ­
resources th e re in . S uch ‘n ature re serv e s’ are called tal im pact assessm ent also in clu d es e n v iro n m e n ta l
as national p a rk s. S uch national parks are fully im pact statem ents.
protected fro m o u tsid e en cro ach m en t er by Thus E nvironm ental Im p act A sse ssm e n t (E IA )
anim als o r m an to serv e as ‘m useum o f nature . and E n v ironm ental Im p act S ta te m e n t (E IS ) ‘re fe r to
A lm ost ev e ry c o u n try has developed national parks. the studies pnd statem e n t w h ich firstly a tte m p t to
The c o n c e p t o f ‘biosphere reserve’ w as m u tated in produce estim ates o f fu tu re e n v iro n m e n ta l c h a n g e s
1968 u n d e r th e M an and B iosphere program m e attributable to a p ro p o sed a c tio n , an d sec o n d ly
(M A B) o f th e U N E S C O (o f U N O ) for full protecU on attem p t to suggest th e lik ely im p a c t o f th e se c h a n g e s
o f abiotic an d b io tic c o m p o n en ts o f a large hab.tat. (en v iro n m en tal ch an g es to be b ro u g h t in by h u m a n
actions) on m an’s future w ell-being’ (K.J. Gregory 2. D escribe the project, including purposes and
and D.E. W alling, 1981). Thus environm ental needs.
im pact assessm ent is a method of evaluating 3. Describe the effects o f the project.
environm ental consequences i.e. environm ental
4. Describe the im pacts, both sort-term and
changes which are likely to be caused by the
proposed human activities related to land use long-term .
changes; construction of dam s, reservoirs, roads, 5. Suggest and com pare alternatives (projects).
rails, bridges etc.; industrial location; urban expan­ 6. Provide a projection o f the future o f the site
sion etc. and the possible adverse effects o f these
with and w ithout the project.
environmental changes (environm ental degradation
and pollution resulting into ecological imbalance 7. Suggest m itigating (rem edial m easures) ac­
and ecosystem disequilibrium ). tivities.
The Council on Environm ental Q uality (CEQ )
Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment o f the United States revised the m ajor com ponents o f
environmental im pact assessm ent and statem ent in
The genesis o f the concept and methods of
environm ental im pact assessm ent has its root in the 1979 as given below :
enactm ent of N ational Environm ental Policy Act
Revised Steps (1979):
(NEPA) in the year 1969 with the following major
aims and objectives in the USA : 1. A statem ent o f purpose and need for the
> to declare a national policy to encourage project.
productive and enjoyable harmony between 2. A rigorous com parison o f the reaso n ab le
i and environm ent. alternatives.
> to prom ote efforts to prevent or eliminate 3. A succinct description o f the env iro n m en t
dam age to the environm ent and the biosphere of the area to be affected by the proposed project.
and stim ulate the health and welfare of
4. A discussion o f the environm ental co n se­
quences of the proposed p roject and its alternatives.
> to increase understanding of ecological This discussion m ust include d irect and in d irect
system and nature resources im portant to the effects; energy requirem ents and conservation p o ­
nation. tential; resource requirem ents; im pacts on urban
> to establish a C ouncil on Environm ental quality and cultural or historical resources; possible
Q uality (CEQ ). conflicts with state or local land use plan policies
The legislation o f NEPA m ade it obligatory to and controls; and m itigation (rem edial) m easures.
all o f the Federal A gencies (U SA ) to produce M itigations include the actions to reduce adverse
environm ental im pact assessm ent for all future environm ental im pacts o f im plem ented projects
m ajor actions for the approval o f their developm ent such as repair and restoration o f the en v iro n m en t,
projects. No approval would be given to any reduction or elim ination o f im pacts and co m p en sa­
proposed developm ent planning and projects w ith­ tion to affected parties.
out the environm ental im pact assessm ents and 5. A list o f the nam es and q u alificatio n s o f the
statem ents. The NEPA envisages to ‘identify and persons prim arily responsible for the p rep aratio n o f
develop m ethods and procedures which will ensure environm ental im pact statem ent and a list o f
agencies to w hich the statem en t w as sent.
that presently unqualified environm ental am enities
and values are given appropriate considerations’. 6. An index.
T he fundam ental steps of environm ental im pact
Composite Steps
assessm ent o f NEPA (USA) are given below :

Major Steps (1969) The procedures o f E n v iro n m en tal Im pact

A ssessm ent (E IA ) and E n v iro n m en tal Im p act S tate­
1. D escribe the present environm ent (the base­ m ent (EIS) w ere w idely ad o p ted by F ed eral A gen­
line conditions). cies in the U .S.A . The U n ited S tates C o u n cil on

Environmental Control (CEC) received statements Leopold Matrix (1971)

on about 7000 actions (projects) by 1975 for
Luna Leopold a n d associates presented a
consideration and approval. Now most of the
American states and cities and several countries like method for environmental irir^pact assessm ent in the
Germany, France, Denmark, Eire etc. have adopted year 1971 which is popularly known as Leopold
the EIA and EIS procedures as formulated by the US Matrix.
Council on Environm ental Control. Several coun­ The following procedures have been sug­
tries including India have now developed their own gested by Luna Leopold and his associates for
methods of EIS and EIA and now it has been made environmental impact assessm en t:
mandatory to prefix EIS and EIA with all the Table 23.6 : Procedures for environmental impact a s ­
proposed projects for approval by the respective sessm ent
1. Statement of Objectives : definition o f the
Environm ental impact assessment and state­ objectives sought by the proposed develop­
ment, thus, includes the following considerations
ment (plan),
>■ presentation o f the existing environmental 2. Technical possibilities o f achieving the
conditions in term s of physical, biological, objectives,
social and econom ic conditions of the site of
3. Proposed actions and alternatives (plans) :
the proposed project or plan before the
for achieving the stated objectives,
im plem entation of proposed plan.
4. Reprot on the character o f the environm ent
>■ statem ents on the possible expected effects
before action begins,
of proposed project, if implemented, on the
existing environm ental conditions. 5. Principle of alternative engineering propos­
>• statem ents about those unavoidable adverse als submitted as reports; with analysis o f
effects w hich may come after the implemen­ monetary costs and benefits o f each engi­
tation o f the project. neering alternative,
>- presentation o f viable alternative projects to 6. Proposed plan (engineering report) and the
the proposed projects. report on the present environm ent are consid­
► statem ents on the relationship between local ered; this allows evaluation o f the likely
short-term uses o f the environment and the environmental impact o f the proposal. Im ­
m aintenance o f long-term productivity and pacts are evaluated for each m ajor alternative
stability o f the environment. plan. Attention centres on
► evaluation of cost of the project and its (a) magnitude of the im pact (scale), and
probable benefits to the society. (b) importance of the im pact (significance)
► statem ents on suitable remedial measures of 7. Assessment of environm ental im pacts of
adverse effects arising out of the project after each alternative plan of action, and
its im plem entation. 8. Environmental Im pact Statem ent is pro­
.. v ■j Ii • ■ • ■- , • ,

A few alternative methodologies and proce­ duced; this summ arizes the whole analysis,
dures for form ulating environmental impact assess­ and lists final recom m endations and the
ment and statem ent have been devised by individu­
relative m erits of each o f the main alterna­
als and scientific research organizations such as
‘Principles and Procedures of Environmental Im­
pact Assessm ent’ by SCOPE (Scientific Committee Source : L.B. Leopold et al 1971 : A Procedure for
on Problem of Environm ent) in 1975; Procedures Evaluating Environmental Impact, United States
for ‘Environm ental Im pact A ssessm ent’ and Geological Survey, Circular 645'.
Leopold M atrix for Environmental Impact Assess­ Leopold et al. (1971) have also presented a
ment’ by Luna Leopold and others, 1971 and many matrix for the assessm ent o f environm ental impacts
more. of proposed plan. This matrix, also known as

Leopold M atrix, involves 100 project actions along vertical axis o f the m atrix. The follow ing are the
the horizontal axis and 88 environm ental character­ variables of project actions and the environm ental
istics and conditions, which are liable to be affected conditions to be affected by the project actions (table
by p roject actions listed in the horizontal axis, in the 2 3 .7 ):

Table 23.7 : Leopold matrix having environmental characteristics likely to be affected by project actions (part A)
and project actions and their impacts (part B).

P art A : Environm ental ‘characteristics’ and Part B : Project actions (these variables are arranged hori-
‘conditions’ likely to be affected by zontally in the m atrix)
i project actions (these variables are
arranged vertically in the matrix)
(A) Physical and chemical characteristics (A) Modification of Regime
E arth (a) Exotic flora or fauna introduction
(a) M ineral resources (b) Biological controls
(b) C onstruction m aterials (c) M odification o f habitats
(c) Soils (d) Alteration o f ground cover
(d) Lanform (e) Alteration o f groundw ater hydrology
(e) Force fields and background radiation (0 Alteration o f drainage
( 0 Unique physical features (g) River control and flow m odification
W ater (h) Canalization
(a) Surface (i) Irrigation
(b) O cean 0) W eather modification
(c) U nderground (k) Burning
(d) Q uality (1) Surface or paving
(e) Tem perature (m) Noise and vibration
(f) Recharge
(g) Snow, ice and perm afrost
(3) Atmosphere (B) Land Transformation and Construction
(a) Quality (gases, particulates) (a) Urbanization
(b) Clim ate (micro, m acro) (b) Industrial sites and buildings
(c) Tem perature (c) Airports
Processes (d) Highways and bridges
(a) Floods (e) Roads and trails
(b) Erosion (0 Railroads
(c) D epostion (sedim entation, precipitation) (g) Cables and lifts
(d) Solution (h) Transm ission lines, pipe lines and corridors
(e) Sorption (ion exchange, com plexing) (i) Barriers including fencing
( 0 C om paction and settling 0) Channel dredging and straightening
(g) Stability (slides, slum ps) (k) Channel revetm ents
(h) Stress-strain (earthquake) (1) Canals
(i) A ir m ovem ents (m) Dams and im poundm ents
environm ental pl a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

(B) Biological Condition (n) Piers, seawalls, m arinas and sea term inals
(1) Flora (o) Offshore structures
(a) Trees
(P) Recreational structures
(b) Shrubs
(q) Blasting and drilling
(c) Grass (r) Cut and fill
(d) Crops (s) Tunnels and underground structures
(e) M icroflora (C) Resource Extraction ,j
(f) Aquatic plants (a) Blasting and drilling
(g) Endangered species (b) Surface excavation
(h) Barriers Subsurface excavation
(i) Corridors , (d) Well drilling and fluid removal
(2) Fauna (e) Dredging
(a) Birds Clear cutting and other lum bering
(b) Land anim als including reptiles (g) Commercial fishing and hunting
(c) Fish and shellfish
(d) B enthic organism s
(f) M icrofauna (d) Processing
(g) Endangered species (a) Fanning
(h) B arriers (b) Ranching and grazing
(i) C orridors (c) Feed lots
’(d) Dairying
(C) Cultural Factors (e) Energy generation
(1) Land use (f) Mineral processing
(a) W ilderness and open spaces (g) Metallurgical industry
(b) W etlands (h) Chemical industry
(c) Forestry (i) Textile industry
(d) G razing 0) Automobile and aircraft
(e) A griculture (k) Oil refining
(f) R esidential (1) Food
(g) C om m ercial (m) Lumbering
(h) Industrial (n) Pulp and paper
(i) M ining and quarrying (o) Product storage
(E) Land Alteration
(2) Recreation
(a) H unting (a) Erosion control and terracing
(b) Fishing (b) Mine sealing and waste control
(c) Boating (c) Strip mining, rechabilitation
(d) Landscaping
(d) Swim m ig
(e) Cam ping and hyking (e) Harbour dredging
(f) M arshfill and drainage
(f) Picknicking
(g) Resorts
(F) Resource Renewal
(3) Aesthetic an d Hum an In terest
(a) Reforestation
(a) Scenic view s and vistas

(b) W ilderness qualities (b) Wildlife stocking and management

(c) Open space qualities (c) Groundwater recharge
(d) Landscape design (d) Fertilization application
(e) Unique physical features (e) Waste recycling
(0 Parks and reserves (G) Changes in Traffic
(g) Manuments (a) Railways
(h) Rare and unique species or ecosystems (b) Automobiles
(i) Historical or archaeological sites and (c) Trucking
(j) Presence of misfits (d) Shipping
(4) Cultural Status (e) Aircraft
(a) Cultural patterns (life style) (g) Pleasure boating
(b) Health and safety (h) Trails
(c) Employment (i) Cables and lifts
(d) Population density 0) Communication
(k) Pipe line
(5) Man-made Facilities and (H) Wastei Emplacement Treatment
(a) Structures (a) Ocean dumping
(b) Transportation network (b) Landfill
(c) Utility networks (c) Emplacement of tailings, spoil and overburden
(d) Waste disposal (d) Underground storage
(e) Barriers (e) Junk disposal
(0 Corridors (f) Oil well flooding
(6 ) Ecological Relationships (g) Deep well emplacement
(a) Salinization of water resources (h) Cooling water discharge
(b) Eutrophication (i) Municipal waste discharge including spray
(c) Disease-insect vectors irrigation
(d) Food chains (j) Liquid effluent discharge
(e) Salinization of surficial material (k) Stabilization and oxidation ponds
(f) Brush encroachment (1) Septic tanks
(g) Others (m) Stack and exhaust emission
(n) Spent lubricants
(I) Chemical Treatment
(a) Fertilization
(b) Chemical deicing of highways etc.
(c) Chemical stabilization of soils
(d) Weed control
(e) Insect control (pesticides)
(J ) Accidents
(a) Explosions
(b) Spills and leaks
(c) Operational failures
Others Others
Source: L.B. Leopold, etal., 1971 : A Procedure for Evaluating Environmental Impact, United States Geological Survey.
Circular 645.
e n v ir o n m en ta l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t 545
Illustration of Leopold Matrix
concerned area, which may be affected by the
proposed actions for phosphate m ining. The p ro ­
It may be m entioned that it is not absolutely
necessary to include all o f the variables as m en­ posed actions have been shown along the horizontal
tioned in table 23.7 for the preparation o f environ­ axis (fig. 23.1). Each square (box) o f the m atrix (fig.
mental im pact statem ents (EIS) and assessment 23.1) has two equal halves divided by a diagonal.
(EIA) while preparying a specific developm ent The upper half of each box denotes relative
project action plan. Only those variables are magnitude of likely impacts having a m agnitude
included w hich are relevant to a specific project and scale from 1 to 10 points. The low er h a lf denotes
the environm ental conditions o f the concerned area. relative importance of the im pact o f each p roject
Fig. 23.1 illustrates the application o f reduced data action having a 10-point scale running from 1 to 10.
matrix for a proposed phosphate m ining as illus­ The magnitude and importance scores of each box
trated by L eopold et. al in 1971. Vertical axis are computed and totalled and a final picture is
represents the variables o f environm ent of the

Project Actions
Scale = 1 to 10
PART B (Table-23.7)

«/> c/i
so OJQ
'u #o c
X) 3c/>
Scale = 1 to 10 T3
o £ o
PART A (Table-23.7) c/i *
GO <u CL gp I
* E C s<D •£ £
Environmental characteristics jC VI

and conditions § l 3 e a
e o.
X CQ C/3 H W c/5
Water quality
Atmospheric quality
y X XX
A4.b. Erosion % A X
A.4.C. Deposition Sedimentation /2
/2 2/
/ 2 X
B.l.b. Shrubs
B. I.e. Grasses
B.2.f. Aquatic Plants
C.2.c. Fish
C.2.e. Camping and hiking
C.3.a. Scenic views and vistas X A y* X X X
C.3.b. Wilderness qualities •AAy y X X X X
C.4.h. Rare and unique species y y XXX
C.4.b. Health and safety
Fig. 23.1: T h e r e d u c e d d a ta matrixfor a phosphate mining Environmental Impact Statement-after L B . Leopold, etal. 1971.
li may be pointed out that separate m atrices plans have now been o m itte d in th is e d itio n of
arc prepared for each alternative proposals or plans. 'E n v iro n m en tal G e o g ra p h y ' as th e se h av e now
The final Environm ental Im pact Statem ent (E IS) becom e o u td ated . T h e latest d e v e lo p m e n t p ro ject
includes four inform ation and reports as follow s : aim ing at the im p ro v em en t in In d ia ’s sea n av ig atio n
and trade has been lau n ch ed u n d e r the g a rb o f the
► a justification of the proposal, •Sethusam udram S h ip C an al P ro je c t.’ It is, thus,
► description o f environm ental characteristics d esirab le to d iscu ss th is p ro je c t to e v a lu a te the
and conditions to be affcctcd, positive and n e g ativ e sid es o f th is p ro je c t as p arts o f
► detailed description o f the proposed projects E nvironm ental Im p act A sse ssm e n t (E IA ).

or actions, and
► com pleted environm ental im pact statem ent
(EIS) The idea o f shipping canal across the ‘Thonithurai
A latest exam ple of the Sethusam udram Ship p en in su la’ in the sea w aters b e tw ee n In d ia an d Sri
C anal Project (SSC P) is given in the next section of Lanka was conceived by A .D . T a y lo r o f B ritish
this chapter to illustrate the ground reality o f EIS and N avy in the y ear 1860 b u t it co u ld n o t m a te ria liz e .
EIA as regards the im plem entation o f a proposed The p roject renam ed as ‘th e S e th u sam u d ram S hip
project. Canal P ro ject’ (S SC P) w as a p p ro v ed in S e p te m b e r
2004 by the G ovt o f India and w as lau n ch ed in Ju ly
Evaluation of Leopold Matrix
2006 inspite o f s tiff re sista n c e from e c o lo g ists, lo cal
The procedure o f Environm ental Im pact fisherm en, p o litician s, aca d e m ician s, n o n -g o v e rn ­
A ssessm ent o f Leopold et al. suffers from the m ent voluntary o rg an izatio n s (N G O s) e tc. on
following shortcom ings : several counts. T he p rim ary goal o f the p ro je c t is to
make the sea w aters o f th e G u lf o f M an n ar, the Palk
► It requires a trem endous volum e o f paper
Bay and the Palk Strait b etw een In d ia and Sri L anka
work by requiring detailed reports which navigable through a sea canal (fig . 2 3.2 ).
obscure the ccntral and im portant issues.
► Insertion of num erous inform ation and re­ Salient Features of the Project
ports m akes the schem e confusing and it
The main goal o f the p ro ject is Co c o n n e c t the
becom es difficult for the concerned authori­ G ulf o f M annar to the Bay o f B engal th ro u g h P alk
ties to pick up im portant but m ost relevant strait, the A d am 's B ridge and the P a lk -B a y by
inform ation. dredging a ship channel in the shallow p art o f the sea
► It has bias tow ards physical-biological envi­ so that the channel or canal becom es n av ig ab le and
ronm ent. facilitates the passage of c o n tain er sh ip s, th u s sav in g
much time and fuel as these sh ip s have n o t to
The significance of environm ental im pact
undertake longer route by going aro u n d Sri L anka.
assessm ent o f any proposed project or action may be
The proposed shipping canal w ill start from T uticorin
realized through the analysis o f case histories o f a harbour and enter the Bay o f B engal v ia th e G u lf of
few projects. In the 1991 edition o f this book, when
M annar, the Palk Bay and the P alk stra it (fig . 23.2).
it was published for the first tim e, 4 developm ent
projects nam ely, ( I ) A swan Dam on N ile river, (2) The N ational E n v iro n m en tal E ngineering
R esearch In stitu te (N E E R I) w as e n tru sted to (1) find
Trans-A laskan Pipe-line, (3) Sardar Sarovar Project
out techno-econom ic fe a sib ility o f th e S S C P , and (2)
(India), and (4) Tehri High Dam (India) were
to prepare E n v iro n m en tal Im p act A sse ssm e n t (EIA)
discussed. By now, these projects are com plete
report having en v iro n m en tal im p a c t statem ents
(Indian exam ples). T he Tehri Dam Project has now
(E IS) about SSC P. N E E R I su b m itted its re p o rt in
becom e operational. The Sardar Sarovar Project
2004 and the sam e w as a p p ro v ed by th e G ovt, of
w ould becom e operational soon but m any ecological
India in 2004. T he executing body to e x ecu te the
and socio-econom ic (rehabilitation o f outstees, for
p ro ject is S eth u sam u d ram C o rp o ra tio n L im ited
exam ple) issues and problem s have not yet been
(SC L ) w hile the nodal agency is T u tico rin P o rt T rust
properly addressed to and solved. T hese project
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

,Y ^vv*W \>W W W W W X W X W W W W \W W X X W W W W \W W \W W W W W W W V 'W W W W W W W W W W W W W W V |

Bay o f Bengal
xwwwwwwwwwwwww\wwwwwwwwwwwxwwwwwwwwwwwwwww\>x^>!> ^ w v
..A X \X XX X X XW X XX X \X X X XX X X X\XX \X X \X \X X \\X X X X\\\\X \X X \\\X X X \X X XX X \\W \X \\\\XX W X \W \\X X\X\\\SW X X V
|W W N W W X W \\\W W W W W X \W W X W \\W N W W W W W X X W W W W W W W X SW \W W SV **** -
lW W W W W W W W W W V W XW W SW W W W W W W W W SW W W W W W W W V SW W W W W * W a l l / I f U
.\X W X X W \X \W W \W W W \X W \W X X W X X W \W X W X \SX \W \X \W W W X X X X W \X X X \X W X \X ' r ANNV
.\W \W W \X X W X W W X \W W W W X X W \\\\X X \\X \\X X W X \X \W X \\X W W \X \X \X X \X W \X '« ^X X X X W X \W W '
W W W X X W W W X \W W W X W W X W W W W W W W W X W X \X W W W X W W W W W X \\W \'* k»X \X X \W V
W X \\\X X \\X \W \\\X W \\X X X \X X X X X X X \\\X \X \X X \X X X X W X \X W X \X X X X W \\W X \W \X X \W \V W *W X X X V '
»*»*>»»»»»«.»»»» v»% *vvw w v\W W W W W W W W W V
.WXXWXXX f |^ T 1 ^ T A xW W W W W W VW W VSW W W W W ]
.xxxxw xxx J l 1^1 XJ ■ 1 A AXWWXXXXXXXXXWXXWXWWW;
............................................... ........................................... .................... ................»W \\\X \X X \X W X X X X W X W W \\'
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.xw xxxxxxxxxxxw xxxxxxxxxxxxxxw xxxxw xw w xxxw xxxxxxxw xw xxxxxw v"
w xw xx w xxw xxxxxxxxw xxxxw xxxxxxw w xxw w w w w w r r •____• XWXXXXXXXWXXXXXXXWXXXXXXXXXNXX'
w xw w w xxxw xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw xxxxw w xxxxxxxxxw x V a I S'a I
\\\A\\\mW'W W
,>W 'SVN
’'''W SNV'S
"w x w w w
Ramanathapuram 1 .N W V IIN N W ^ M ^ W W V W ^ V W
V \V \\\X S \\\\N N V N V \W N > ^ VSNXNXVVSVS’V

\\\\\\\\\\\s s \\\\\v H ic tr ir t ..................................................... r i ■ i > « k s v s v \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ s v m w 'j''> '‘w w v

.xw xxw vxxxxxxxxxxv U l a l l I L t sXWW XWW XXXXXWW WXV »
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw xxvS Juytiut kxXXXXXXXXXVXVXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
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w w w w v x x x xxxxxw xxxxxxxx xw w xxxlw x w xxw w x v n o r k \\\\\\\\S \W N \N V .'> '‘W ' ' N' N'' ' ' N' ' ' ' W
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/ww»"* W NNVtjlvl wwrnw
Kw w w nv C D

f W * "N "^ W

w xxxxvsw w xxxxxxxX ' A \v \\\\v f m y i/ a .xxxxxxxv

i- » | /• j' \ £ ■JK W W W W I i A I l t V A XXXXXXXV
k xxw xxw xxw xA v (j t u l j o j M a n n a r /m m N X N N N X W \S W \N W
\\V S V \>
U \ x^ xxxxxxxxx \ x w w x v x w v \. xx v \ \ w sn x v x x x v x n \ v >
WWW' v \\\W 'f« \\\\\\N S N V \\S V .\N N S N V W W N '^ W '> '> 'w
A \V \\\\\« \N \\\\N \'> \\\\N S \W N S N W V \W '> W ^ V
w xxw J V xxxxxxxx& xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxn xxxxx xxsw w xvv '
WWW' A U ^ m e r t^ o n s ^ e r e ib y ® W X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
W \\\\\\\N \N \\\\\V .\\\\\N S \N \\N N \S N N N V V W V ^ N W
Y W W W W W W V W W W W W N W W 'X W W N '.V .N N N N V
Indian Ocean Y \\\W \\S \\V \V \\\\\\N \\W \S V \\N S V » W \\S \N \W

Bay o f Bengal

Tamil Nadu route

Rameswaram Y f Sethusamudram
Island^ ) ) / f . A slip canal .
Dhanushkodi %
Arabian Sea Gulf o f SRI
Mannar LANKA



Fig. 23.2 : Alignment of Sethusamudram Ship Canal. Source :Frontline, 2005

The total length of the shipping canal would >- In A dam ’s Bridge area having bedrocks of
be 152km of which only 74 km would be dredged sandstones, dredging w ould be done for a
shipping channel in the Adam s Bridge Area (6 km distance of only 6 km, and hence there would
long and 300 m wide) and the Palk Bay and the Palk be no loss o f flora and fauna in this area.
Strait (68 km) and the depth of dredged canal would ► Since the canal alignm ent w ould be 6 km
be 12m to enable m other ships or container ships away from Van Tivu Island w hich is in the
with draught of 10.7m to pass through 152km long Tuticorin harbour area, and 20 km away from
shipping canal. This means there would be no Shingles Island in the R am eshw aram area,
dredging in the G ulf of M annar for a distance of 78 and hence there would be no adverse im pact
km. The estimated cost of the project, which is on coastal m arine organism s of these two
designed to be complete by the end of 2008, if started
islands which are am ong 21 national m arine
in 2005 (but the dredging operation started in July
2006, and hence the project may not be completed parks.
before 2009-10 A.D.), is Rs 2000 crores which may ► The construction o f shore facilities, such as
rise to Rs. 3000 crores. service, jettis, buoy yard, adm inistrative
It may be mentioned that the Adam’s Bridge is buildings, slipw ays etc. in the A dam ’s
composed of sandstone reef and hence if the Bridge area may cause som e environm ental
basement of sandstones is encountered during
problems but w ould greatly benefit trading
dredging operation, the blasting of rocks would be
required. According to ecologists powerful blasting community,
of bedrock would generate shockwaves which >• The marine environm ent m ainly coral reefs
would drive away fish communities due to sound would not be adversely affected by the plying
effects. of ships at the annual rate o f 2000 ships.
Benefits of the Projects ► There would be increase in the export of
marine resources from the coastal districts of
The governm ent officials, TEERI report, Tamil Nadu.
Tuticorin Fort Trust, and the nodal agencies have
presented a long list of benefits which may accrue ► Thermal pow er plants w ould receive coal
when the SSCP is completed and becomes opera­ with ease.
tional as follows : >■ The project would boost in d u strial develop­
>• The ships moving from the harbours of east ment in the southern d istricts o f T am il N adu.
coast of India to its west coast and from west ► The national defence and security system s
coast to east coast have to make a round of Sri would be strengthened.
Lanka but after the completion of SSCP and ► Creation o f additional fishing lands would
opening of shipping channel the mother and benefit fisherm en com m unity o f the region.
container ships would navigate through the
G ulf o f M annar, the Palk Bay and the Palk Existing Environmental and Ecoloqical Condi-
Strait and thus there would be saving o f a
distance o f 400 nautrical miles, time saving
The environm ental and eco lo gical set up of
o f 36 hours if navigation speed of ships is
the G ulf o f M annar and the P alk B ay, forming
m aintained at 12 knots per hour, and a saving
im portant closed m arine ecosystem s are character­
o f Rs. 107 crores on fuel every year.
ized by the follow ing sig n ifican t featu res :
> There would be no dredging in the G ulf of
► The iparine ecosystem s o f the G u lf of
M annar and hence there would be no adverse
M annar and the Palk Bay co v erin g an area of
effects on the environm ent and m arine
10,500 km 2 are ch aracterized by large bio­
ecosystem and its biological com m unity in
lo g ic a l c o m m u n itie s h a v in g several
this area.
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t 549

► A ccording to N E E R I’s environm ental im­ ► The fish com m unity is com prised o f 600
pact assessm ent (EIA ) and statem ents report varieties o f fishes o f w hich 200 varieties are
the aforesaid m arine ecosystem s are biologi­ com m ercially very im portant.
cally very rich and are rated one o f the most >- Since the G u lf o f M m anar and the P alk Bay
productive m arine ecosystem s o f the world. are closed m arine ecosystem s, they are very
sensitive and are quite d ifferent from open
> There is no continuous navigable route for
sea ecosystem s.
m other ships in India’s territorial seaw ater
around its peninsula which may directly Oppositions to the SSCP
X - .- ' . * • • ••
connect the ports on the eastern (Kolkata,
Paradeep, V isakhapatnum and Chennai) and The ecologists, academ icians, politicians,
w estern coasts (K andla, M umbai, M armagao, non-govt, voluntary orgaizations (N G O s) and local
fisherm en com m unities raised strong voices o f
M angalore, C ochine) o f India. Presently, the
protests including petition in the co u rt o f laws
m other/container ships have to navigate against the execution o f the Sethusam udram Ship
around Sri L anka to connect east and west Canal Project on several grounds as given below . It
coasts. T his longer sea route takes an may be m entioned that the operation (dredging) o f
additional tim e o f 36 hours and additional the project was form ally inaugurated by the Prim e
d istance o f 4 00 km. M inister o f India in the first week o f July 2006.
► T here is a shallow reef ridge com posed of The environm entalists and ecologists have
sandstones, know n as A dam ’s Bridge, hav­ objected the project on the follow ing grounds :
ing a depth o f 1.5 to 3.0 m eters from sea level • There would be catastrophic effects on
betw een Pam ban island near Rameshwaram fisheries, and the large fishing com m unities
and T alaim an ar in M annar district of Sri of the east coasts o f Tam il N adu w ould be
L anka. A ccording to N E E R I’s report, if the adversely affected and they w ould lose their
bedrock o f sandstones is encountered during livelihood.
dredging operation, blasting o f bedrocks • The dredged canal w ould disturb th e existing
w ould be req uired. T his blasting operation sea dynam ics and will generate pow erful
m ay d istu rb biological com m unities. currents betw een the Palk Bay and the G u lf o f
► T here are 3,268 species o f flora and fauna in M annar. The therm al condition o f sea w ater
the G u lf o f M annar o f w hich 377 species are in M andapam region will be disturbed and
rare and endem ic to this m arine ecosystem . consequently undersea m arine forests w ill be
■► The rich corals o f the region provide ideal destroyed.
base for biological diversity in this m arine • The G ulf o f M annar and the Palk Bay are
ecosystem . separate closed m arine ecosystem s with their
>■ The G u lf o f M annar is a M arine Biosphere different ecological characteristics and sea
Reserve and its 21 islands have been declared dynam ics. The construction o f ship canal w ill
as m arine national parks. am algam ate both the ecosystem s w hich may
► The sea grass m eadow s and sea weeds dam age m arine life. The ship traffic may
ecosystem s form ideal m arine ecosystem s destroy m arine ecosystem . It may be m en­
which provide rich feeding places for fish tioned that hetherto these tw o m arine eco sy s­
com m unities, m ainly those varieties which tems are like lagoons due ^o shallow depth of
are com m ercially very im portant. w ater housing rich biological com m unities.
The region is endow ed w ith 127 fish landing • The m arine ecosystem s o f coastal shallow
stations o f w hich 87 are located betw een w ater provide livelihood to lakhs o f fish er­
Point G alim ore and Pam ban in the Palk Bay men o f 140 coastal villages o f R am nathpuram
and 40 in the G u lf o f M annar. and T uticorin districts.

• Since coral reefs are seat of biological • Periodical dredging o f the canal is necessary
diversity and provide ideal habitats to many to enable free plying o f m other and container
species of sea plants and .an im als, but if ships. This w ould not be cost-effective, and
corals are destroyed hundreds of species of periodical generation o f sands and silts
m arine anim als will be killed due to starva­ would not allow the m arine organism s to
tion. This will upset the m arine food chains adjust w ith the disturbed m arine environ­
and food webs. ment.
• M arine sanctuaries, which are hetherto well • Fisherm en o f D hanushkodi are frightened of
protected, will be lost for ever. their displacem ent as they m ay be evacuated
• The sea grass m eadows and weeds form rich to other places. So they fear that they would
m arine ecosystem s which support dugongs, be deprived o f their livelihood as they totally
which is an endangered species. Sea grasses depend on fishing.
and sea weeds also act as natural protective The governm ent officials m aintain th at all the
walls against m arine erosion. The dredging of issues raised by ecologists have been properly
ship canal w ould dam age the marine ecosys­ addressed and taken care of. The N EE R I E nviron­
tem. The dugongs would becom e extinct and m ental Im pact A ssessm ent has already suggested
m arine erosion w ould be accelerated. suitable places for the dum ping o f dredged m ateri­
• The basic characteristics o f the G ulf of als. The governm ent has taken due care o f ecological
M annar B iosphere R eserve and 21 islands problems and interests o f local popu latio n and has
designated as ‘m arine national parks’ will be assured that ecological issues, m arin e biological
lost for ever. wealth, environm ental quality and the w elfare of
• The N E E R I has already cautioned in its EIA fisherm en com m unities o f the p ro ject area w ould be
report that if hard bedrocks o f A dam ’s Bridge m aintained at all costs.
are encountered during dredging operation, The fact is that the p ro ject has been launched.
blasting o f rocks w ould be required. Ecolo­ Let us hope for its com pletion in tim e. W hen the
gists say that if pow erful blastings are shipping cannal becom es o p eratio n al in fu tu re, only
effected, the resu ltan t shock w aves would then the environm ental and so cio -eco n o m ic p ro b ­
d riv e aw ay lems, if any, w ould surface.
and kill fish com m unities (due to sound
• The N E E R I’s EIA report does not throw light DATION AND POLLUTION AND MAJOR
on detailed aspects o f dam age/destruction to ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES
ecological set-up o f the G u lf o f M annar
B iosphere R eserve. C auses and p ro cesses o f en v iro n m en tal deg­
• N o m ajor studies o f adverse effects on flora radation and p o llu tio n and th eir rem ed ial m easures
and fauna have been carried out in long-term have already been d iscu ssed in d etail in the
p receding ch ap ters viz. m an -in d u ced soil erosion
p erspective.
and sed im en tatio n (ch ap ter 16); environm ental
• E x cav atio n /d red g in g o f canal w ould g en er­
d eg rad atio n (c h a p ter 20); n atural h azard s and
ate 62 m illion tonnes o f silts and sands, the
d isaste r m an ag em en t (ch ap ter 17); terre stria l haz­
d u m p in g o f w hich w ould d istu rb the sed i­
ards and d isaste r (ch ap ter 18); atm o sp h eric hazards
m e n t b u d g et o f the region. and d is a s te rs (c h a p ter 19), and en v iro n m en ta l
• T h e fish e rm e n alleg ed th at th e ir access to the p o llu tio n (ch ap ter 2 1 ). T h u s in o rd er to avoid
se a w o u ld be re g u la ted and restricted due to rep etitio n the d iscu ssio n on the co n tro l o f environ-
fre q u e n t p ly in g o f ships. . m ental d eg ra d atio n and p o llu tio n , ahd hazards and
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

(1) P ro d u ctiv ity o f T e r r e str ia l Communities

disasters is not reproduced here again. Only a few
(PT) : involves the study o f p rim ary productivity
major environmental program m es o f global im por­
through autotrophic green plants, secon a ry p ro uc
tance are being m entioned here. tivity through herbivorous and c arn iv o ro u s c o n su m ­
It has been em phasized throughout this book ers dependent upon prim ary p ro d u cer g reen p ants
that increasing im pacts o f human activities on and decomposition o f organic m atter by decom posers.
natural environm ent have caused environm ental (2) Production Processes (PP) : in v o lv es
degradation and pollution at local, regional and trapping and utilization o f solar energy fo r p h o to ­
global levels. Thus the low ering of environm ental synthesis by plants, transpiration by p lan ts and
quality has aroused international aw areness about nitrogen cycle.
man-environment interactions and environm ental (3) Conservation of T errestrial Com m unities
crisis of global concern. C onsequently, a num ber of (CT) : involves the study to p ro v id e scien tific
progammes and projects have been form ulated by conservation o f natural habitats and sp ecies.
international organizations to tackle the environ­ (4) Productivity of F reshw ater Com m unities
mental problem s caused by m an him self and also by (P F ): involves the study o f prim ary and secondary
natural processes. The follow ing are the im portant productivity by aquatic organism s in th e rivers,
international organizations, porgram m es and projects lakes and ponds.
which aim at the study o f m an-environm ent interac­ (5) Productivity of M arine C om m unities
(PM) : involves 'th e study o f p ro d u c tiv ity o f
tions, the environm ental problem s com ing therefrom
marine organism s in the inshore w aters and the
and possible solutions thereof.
estuaries and the conservation o f m arin e eco sy stem s
1. International Biological Programmes (IBP) and habitats.
(6) Human A daptability (H A ): study o f hum an
The IB P is an international program m e of ecology and adaptation o f hum an b eings to d ifferen t
research concerned prim arily w ith the ‘biological environm ental conditions.
basis of productivity and hum an welfare’. The (7)Use and M anagement of Biological Reseources
programme w as in itiated by the International (UM) : involves the m an ag em en t o f e co lo g ical
Council o f S cien tific U nions (IC SU ) in 1964 but resources including both, p lan ts and an im als.
now the IB P w orks in collaboration with m any.other
international o rg an izatio n s and program m es such as 2. Special Committee for International Biologi­
cal Programme (SCIBP)
(i) U nited N ations E ducational, Scientific and
Cultural O rg anisztion (U N E SC O ); (ii) the W orld SCIBP looks after the activ itie s o f In te rn a ­
Health O rg anization (W H O ); (iii) the W orld M ete­ tional B iological P rogram m e (IB P ) and it is an IC SU
orological O rganization (W M O ), (iv) the Food and organization w ith its h ead q u arters at L ondon.
Agricultural O rg an izatio n (FA O ); (v) International
3. Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB)
Unions o f B iological S ciences (IU B S); (vi) Interna­
tional U nions o f B io ch em istry (IU B ); (vii) Interna­
T heM A B is an in tern atio n al in te rd isc ip lin a ry
tional U nions o f P h y sio lo g ical Sciences (IUPS); research program m e w hich w as in itiated by the
(viii) International G eographical U nions (IGU ); (ix) U N ESCO in 1970 to study ex clu siv ely the th em e o f
Scientific C om m ittee on O ceanic R esearch (SCOR); m anagem ent problem s arisin g out o f in te ra ctio n s
(x) International U nions for the C onservation o f betw een hum an activ ities and the natural e n v iro n ­
Nature and N atural R esources (IU C N ); (xi) Interna­ m ent. In fact, this p rogram m e en v isag es an e c o lo g i­
tional Union o f N u tritio n al Sciences (IU N S); (xii) cal approach to the study o f in te rre la tio n sh ip s
Internationa! U nions of.A nthropological and E thno­ betw een m an and natural en v iro n m en t. T h e m ain
logical Sciences (IU A E S ) etc. T he IB P has the objective o f M AB is to dev ise w ays and m ean s for
following seven sections for the study o f various rational and ju d icio u s use and c o n se rv a tio n o f
aspects o f biological basis o f productivity and ecological resources o f the b io sp h ere; to im p ro v e
human w elfare : the global relatio n sh ip b etw een m an and natural

environm ent; to predict the future effects of present- Project 12 : ‘interactions between environmental
day human activities on the environment and to transform ations, and genetic and
m anage ecological resources on scientific bases. dem ographic changes’.
T he MAB adopts two-fold scientific approach to Project 13 : ‘perceptionofenvironmentalquality’.
study (i) the ecosystems and comparison o f natural, Project 14 : ‘research on environm ental pollu­
man-managed and urban ecosystems, and (ii) the tion and its effects on biosphere’.
impact of human activities of natural environment
and in turn the impact o f environment on man. The 4. International Hydrological Decade (IHD)
following are the scientific projects of MAB in
collaboration with different relevant intergovern­ 1965-1974
mental organizations and non-government organi­
zations (N G O s): 5. International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
Project 1 : ‘Ecological effects of different IHP is an UNESCO sponsored project to
land use and management prac­ study the impact of human activities on hydrological
tices of temperate and M editerra­ and ecological processes. The International A sso­
nean forest landscapes.’ ciation of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and other
Project 2 : ‘ecological effects of increasing Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) also help
human activities on tropical and in the International Hydrological Programm e.
subtropical forest ecosystem s’.
6. Integrated Project on Arid Lands (IPAL)
Project 3 : ‘im pact o f human activities and
land use on grazing land : savanna IPAL was launched by the U N ESCO in 1976
grassland (from temperate to arid under MAB with financial assistance from the
areas)’. United Nations Environm ent Program m e (UNEP).
Project 4 : ‘im pact o f human activities on the The project aims to provide the scientific basis for
dynam ics of arid and semi-arid the rehabilitation and rational developm ent of arid
zones ecosystems, with particular and semi-arid zone ecosystem s, through integrated
reference to effects of irrigation’. programme of research, training and dem onstration.
Project 5 : ‘ecological effects of human ac­
7. Scientific Committee on Problems of Envi­
tivities on the value and resources ronment (SCOPE)
o f lakes, marshes, rivers, estuaries
and coastal zones’. It was created by the International Council of
Project 6 : ‘im pact o f human activities on Scientific Unions (ICSU) in 1969. Its objectives are
mountain ecosystem s’. to coordinate the relevant activities o f the constitu­
ent organizations of the ICSU and ‘advancing
Project 7 : ‘ecology and rational use of island
knowledge of the influence o f human activities upon
ecosystem ’.
the environm ent and the effects o f the resulting
Project 8 A : ‘co-ordinated worldwide network change o f human health and w elfare, w ith particular
o f protected areas’. attention to those influences w hich are global and
Project 8 B : ‘ conservation o f animals and common to several nations’.
plants, including micro-organisms’.
8. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Project 9 : ‘ecological assessment o f pest man­
agem ent and fertilizer use on ter­ This programme of the UNO is specifically
restrial and aquatic ecosystem s’. meant for implementing the recom m endations of the
Project 10 : ‘effects o f man and his environ­ conferences, seminars and sym posia on environment
m ent on m ajor engineering w orks’. organized by the UNO from tim e to time. Initially, it
was created to im plem ent the recom m endations of the
P roject 11 : ‘ecological aspects o f energy utili­ Stockholm Conference on Hum an Environment in
zation in urban and industrial 1972 and o f the United N ations Conference on
system s’. Desertification held in N arobi in 1977.
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t
(b) to foster science and technology aim ed at
9. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
(SCOR) closing critical gaps in the know ledge to reduce
natural disasters;
This com m ittee emphasises research on oce­ (c) to dissem inate existing and new inform a­
anic pollution and aspects of river inputs to ocean tion related to assessm ent, p red ictio n , prevention
system (RIOS).
and m itigation o f natural d isasters, and
10. International Center for Integrated Mountain (d) to develop m easures for the assessm en t,
Development (ICIMOD) prediction, prevention and m itigation o f natural
disasters through various m odalities and d e m o n stra ­
ICIM OD was created in 1981 under MAB
tion projects.
programme w ith the following 6 goals :
There are many m ore orgnisations, p ro ­
(a) State-of-the art survey reports and work­ grammes and projects w hich are actively engaged in
shops. the study o f m an-environm ent relationships, the
(b) Initiation o f ICIM OD professional coop­ effects em anating from such interactions and their
eration and inform ation exchange on an interna­ possible rem edial m easures at international levels. It
tional basis. is a healthy sign that international cooperation is
(c) D evelopm ent of m ulti-disciplinary team available for the m itigation o f severe environm ental
approach to integrated m ountain development, problems affecting the m ankind at global level such
as depletion o f ozone layer and in creasin g green­
(d) E stablishm ent of an ICIMOD scientific
house effect. For exam ple, M ontreal P rotocol to
publication series.
reduce the production and consum ption o f C FC s
(e) Establishm ent o f communication pro­ (chlorofluorocarbons), international co n feren ce on
gramme using news letters, audio-visual materials, ozone depletion organized by U .K . and U nited
and new m edia connections, and Nations Environm ent Program m e (U N E P) in v o lv ­
(f) Form ulation o f longer-term organization ing 150 countries and a num ber o f leading interna­
and staffing requirem ents. tional scientists and industrialists on M arch 5 to 7,
The following were the thrust areas of research 1989 at London, and the conference on ozone
of Phase I o f ICIM OD to be completed by 1985 : destruction in June 1990 at L ondon are sufficient
(a) W atershed resource management, enough to dem onstrate active international c oopera­
tion in the study and m itigation o f environm ental
(b) O ff-farm em ploym ent generation,
problems. The first earth sum m it (R io C onference)
(c) Rural energy planning, and held in 1991, the second E arth S um m it in 1996, the
(d) E ngineering in fragile mountain environ­ Kyoto Protocol (1997), the W orld Sum m it on
m ents. Sustainable D evelopm ent (know n as P lus Ten
Summit) or Third W orld Sum m it (Johannesberg,
11. Scientific Committee on Water Research
2002) etc. and Intergovernm ental Panel on C lim ate
Change (IPCC), the U N O -sponsored program m e to
m onitor clim ate change etc. are recent program m es
12. International Decade for Natural Disaster
to tackle m an-induced environm ental problem s.
Reduction (IDNDR, 1991-2000 A.D.)

IDNDR was an United Nations Sponsored 23.6 WORLD SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE

‘programme for reducing loss of life, property DEVELOPMENT (PLUS TEN SUMMIT)
damage, and social and econom ic disruption caused
by natural disasters through concerted international
The word ‘sustainable* is prefixed to m any
activities’. The follow ing were the m ajor goals of aspects o f nature and society e.g. ‘sustainable
IDNDR : nature’, ‘sustainable en vironm ent’, ‘sustainable
(a) to im prove the capacity o f each country
resources’, ‘sustainableuse’, ‘su stain ab leeco n o m y ’,
against natural disasters by the establishm ent of ^sustainable developm ent’, ‘sustainable society’ etc.
early warning system s; The word ‘sustainable’ is generally used to indicate

all those activities which can continue for longer 4. ensure that uses o f renew able resources are
period o f tim e but no long-term guarantee of sustainable,
sustainability may be ensured ‘because many factors 5. m inim ise the depletion o f non-renew able
rem ain unknown or unpredictable (Caring for the
Earth). According to W CED (W orld Commission on
Environm ent and Developm ent) sustainable devel­ 6. m aintian earth’s carrying capacity,
opment has been defined as ‘developm ent that meets .7. change personal attitude and practices to­
the needs of the present w ithout com prom ising the wards resources and environm ent,
ability of future generations to m eet their own needs’
while according to ICUN, UNEP and W W F ‘sus­ 8. self care for the environm ent,
tainable developm ent means im proving the quality 9. link developm ent with conservation, and
of human life while living within the carrying 10. create global alliances.
capacity o f supporting ecosystem s’. The terms
It may be m entioned that ‘an environmentally
‘sustainable grow th’ and ‘sustainable use’ are
sustainable global economy’ becam e the central goal
m isleading because no physical thing can grow
of the U.N. C onference on Environm ent and
indefinitely and sustainable use may be applicable in
Development (UNCED) popularly know n as First
the case o f renew able resources only. The use of, for
Earth Summit or Rio Summit held in Rio de Janeiro •
exam ple, m ineral resources can never be sustain­
in 1992. The broad goals o f the F irst E arth Sum m it
able. Sustainable developm ent, thus, can be defined
contained in A genda 21 aim ed at achieving ‘sustain­
as ‘an overall socio-econom ic growth o f the society
able developm ent.’ C onsequently, ‘U nited N ations
through rational exploitation and optimum utiliza­
Commission on Sustainable D evelopm ent’ (CSD )
tion o f resources by adopting ecofriendly technolo­
was set up to ‘review national im plem entation of
gies, environm ental education and knowledge,
Agenda 21 and to provide high-level coordination
better organization leading to sustainable economy
among various U.N. environm ent and developm ent
and m aintenance o f environm ental quality and
program m es’ (State of the W orld, 1997).
ecological balance so that continuous yield of
resources is ensured to the present and future In order to focus the central them e o f the first
g en eratio n s’ (S avindra Singh, 2003). Thus, the two earth summ its (1992 and 1997) the World
ultim ate goal o f sustainable developm ent should be Summit on Sustainable Development also know n as
two fold i.e. (1) to provide a strategy for such a Plus Ten Summit or Third E a rth Sum m it was held
developm ent that can really im prove the quality of from A ugust 26 to Septem ber 4, 2002 in Johannes­
hum an life, and (2) to provide a strategy that ensures burg, the capital o f the U nion o f South A frica. The
conservation o f the ‘vitality and diversity of the summit was represented by about 9000 participants
earth ’. S ustainable developm ent m ust be both from different countries. A bout 225 hours w ere
‘p eo p le-centered’ (anthropocentric) and ‘nature/ spent in discussing and preparing strategies for
environm ent cen tered ’ (ecocentric) as the develop­ different issues but nothing substantial could be
m ent is a com prom ise betw een human m aterial achieved in the im plem entation o f various agree­
progress and m aintenance o f environm ental qual­ ments w hich w ere agreed upon during the. first earth
ity ’. Thus, conservation (o f environm ental quality sum m it held in 1992. The m ain goal o f this sum m it
and ecological resources) and developm ent (of was to strike an agreem ent on 150 clauses o f the Plan
society) should be taken as integral com ponents of of Im plementation related to im prove the h ealth of
one process. the earth and its inhabitants.
t If the developm ent becom es sustainable, the It m ay be m entioned that the responsibility of
society also becom es sustainable. The C aring for the the world com m unity fo r caring and protecting the
E arth (1991) has set out the follow ing principles earth and. its vitality w as determ ined through
(g u id elines) for sustainable society : A genda 21 in the 1992 Rio Sum m it. As per
1. co ex isten ce and harm onious com m unity life agreem ent the developed countries w ere desired to
by resp ectin g each other, spend 680 billion A m erican d o llars on various
2. im p ro v em en t o f quality o f hum an life, environm ental program m es and each developed
3. c o n serv atio n o f (i) life supporting system s, country was to co ntribute 0.7 p er cen t o f its gross
national pro d u ct (G N P) in the form o f Official
and (ii) b iodiversity,
e n v ir o n m e n t a l p l a n n in g a n d m a n a g e m e n t

countries would be paid the share o f profit coming

Developm ent Assistance (ODA) to the developing out o f the use Of their gene property o f biodiversity
countries but nothing substantial could be achieved.
o f plants and animals.
The shpre has declined to only 0.29 per cent of GNP.
The expenditure on the summit came to about Rs. 4. Water and Sanitation
275 crores (2750 million rupees) but no concrete
result could be achieved. The only success of the Inspite of stiff opposition by U nited States,
summit was that the agreements signed in Rio Japan, Australia and New Zealand it was agreed to
(1992), Montrey and Doha (2001) could not be reduce the number o f people deprived o f safe
opened up again for rediscussion. It may be drinking water by 50 per cent by 2015 A.D. but no
concluded that if we could not march ahead, at least target could be decided for improvem ent in sanita­
we could not retreat. The following issues were tion.
discussed and some ambiguous agreements— disa­
greements were arrived a t : 5. Fisheries

1. Poverty Eradication It is necessary to maintain a required stock o f

1 -Vi** ... y •- ’. .
marine fishes in order to maintain marine ecological
It was decided by the governments before the balance. The present rate (Upto 2002) o f catch of
Johannesburg Summ it that the number of poor marine fishes is so alarming that these may face
people having daily income of one dollar would be extinction in near future. It was agreed to com pen­
reduced to half by 2015. It was agreed that a World sate the loss of the stock o f marine fishes upto 2015
Solidarity Fund (W SF) would be set up for the A.D.
eradication o f poverty but no guidelines could be
prepared for contributions to this fund and its 6. Renewable/Non-Conventional Energy
management and operation. Contribution was made
voluntary and the m atter related to the formulation It was proposed to increase the share o f non-
of modalities o f the operation of this fund was left to con ventional energy by 15 per cent upto 2010 in the
the General Assem bly of the UNO. overall consumption o f total energy but no agree­
ment could be reached because no target could be
2. Trade fixed under the pressure o f the United States and oil
producing countries. It was only agreed that the
It may be m entioned that the subsidy, which is production and consumption o f non-conventional
responsible for imbalancing the world trade, is a energy should be increased.
barrier in the sustainable development. The devel­
oping countries expected that the developed coun­ 7. Good Governance
tries would agree to withdraw subsidies, which are
responsible for imbalancing trade, in phases, to It may be mentioned that the sustainable
provide better m arket facilities for poor countries, development requires sufficient capital and ad­
and to stop giving heavy subsidies on agriculture vanced technologies, which are lacking in the
(amounting to one billion US dollars per day) in their developing countries. On one side the developing
own countries but nothing could happen. European countries were crying for good global governance,
Union (mainly France) and United States strongly on the other side the developed countries were
opposed and rejected the proposals of developing pleading for good national governance. No agree­
countries to reduce subsidies on agriculture in their ment could be reached on transfer of technologies.
own countries to open their markets for the products
of developing countries. 8. Sustainable Production and Consumption

3. Biodiversity The developing countries, mainly India,

raised the issue that over-production and over
It was commonly agreed to reduce substan­ consumption were not sustainable. If the present
tially the number of rare and threatened species of level (2002) of consumption in the United States was
plants and animals facing extinction by 2010 A.D. It carried to other countries, many more earths like the
was also agreed in principle that the developing present one would be required to meet the demand of

necessary resources. The developing countries to 2017. The im plem entation cycles have the •
pleaded for changes in the lifestyle in the developed following specific objectives :
countries but they did not agree. It was only agreed 1. to review earlier pledges and com m itm ents
that a 10-year plan should be prepared to make the made in different sum m its ;
production and consumption sustainable.
2. to make further policy suggestions fo r future
Monitoring of WSSD summits ;
3. the first year o f each cycle w ould be devoted
The Commission on Sustainable Develop­ for Review Session- w hile the second year
ment (CSD) is the apex intergovernmental body of would be o f Policy Session ;
the UN for sustainable development. The 11th
4. each cycle will have specific issues e.g. the
Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-
first cycle will focus attention on w ater,
11) met in its UN headquarters in the United States
sanitation, and hum an settlem ents ; and
of America from April 28 to May 9, 2003 to review
and m onitor the progress o f actions taken since 5. some o f the ‘crosscutting issues like poverty
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) eradication, changing unsustainable patterns
held in Johannesburg in September, 2002 and also to o f consumption and production, protecting
review the progress o f pledges made in earlier two and managing the natural resources base o f
summits (Rio Summit in 1992 and Kyoto Summit in economic developm ent and m eans o f im ple­
1997). The C SD -11 prepared the scheme o f Imple­ mentation (Down to Earth, June 1 5 ,2 0 0 3 , p.
mentation Cycles com prising two-yearly action- 16) will also be review ed and m onitored
oriented sessions o f total 7 cycles starting from 2004 throughout seven-cycle period.

The biosphere, term ed as biological factory of 24.1 BIODIVERSITY

living organism s, is characterized by different life
forms o f living organism s including both plants and The com prehensive study o f biodiversity is
animals com m unities o f varying ecosystems. The very important for the conservation and increase o f
natural ecosystem s having alm ost sim ilar biotic and biodiversity o f a nation because the status o f
abiotic conditions are called biom es wherein we study biodiversity determines the health and w ealth o f the
different aspects o f biological com m unities together nations. The study of biodiversity includes the
with physical conditions o f the habitats. Since the following aspects :
natural ecosystem s vary horizontally i.e. from equator
towards the poles and vertically i.e. from sea level > meaning and concepts o f biodiversity,
upward and from sea level dow nw ard and hence > types of biodiversity,
different biom es have developed having distinct > benefits of biodiversity,
physical and biological characteristics. Thus the >- causes o f the loss of biodiversity, and
num ber o f varieties o f species o f plants and animals is >- conservation of biodiversity.
very sig n ificant ind icato r o f the health and wealth of
a nation. T his biological variety form s the basis of Biodiversity : Meaning and Definitions
biological div ersity o r sim ply biodiversity. The study
of biodiversity includes the consideration of meaning Biodiversity simply means variety o f living
and concepts, types, benefits, causes o f loss and species of organisms of both plant and animal
conservation o f biodiversity. The biosphere reserves communities in an ecosystem having certain specific
represent w ell protected wild areas m eant for the environmental conditions and larger spatial scale, such
conservation o f w ild life com prised o f plants and as tropical rainforest ecosystem, savanna ecosystem,
anim al com m unities together with physical habitats.
temperate grassland ecosystem etc. Here, ecosystem is
In fact, b iosphere reserves and w ildlife conservation
taken at biome level. The term biodiversity was first
are effective m eans o f not only conserving but also
coined and used by W alter G. Rosen in the year 1986.
increasing bio d iv ersity in protected areas.
In fact, the term biodiversity is the contraction of the tween the populationsxof species o f a region,
term biological diversity which was used by Thomas E. say ecosystem determ ines the nature and
Lovejoy of the USA (a biologist) in the year 1980. The process o f reproduction o f species, produc­
concept was popularized worldover by E.O. Wilson. It tivity, adaptability to certain or com plex
may be mentioned that biodiversity has been variously environmental conditions and changes therein,
viewed and defined in many ways but the elements of
viability, m utualism etc.
variety of genes, species and ecosystems (physical
environmental conditions) have been at the core of > Species variation, means variety o f species of
biological communities comprising species of
almost all of the definitions of biodiversity as
plants, animals and micro-organisms o f a given
mendoned below :
ecosystem. Species variety and variation determine
‘Biodiversity is the diversity of different the richness or poorness o f biodiversity and
species together with genetic variation within each ecosystem stability and ecological balance.
species in a given area (ecosystem )’. The greater the variety and number o f species,
C.J. Barrow (2005)....... (1) the larger and more complex is the food chains
‘Biodiversity is the totality of genes, species, and hence richer is the biodiversity and more
and ecosystems in. a region’. stability of ecosystem, and vice versa.
United Nations Environment >- Ecosystem variation, is characterized by different
types of ecosystems having certain suites of
■',< Programme (U N EP).......(2)
physical environmental conditions together
‘Biodiversity is the ensemble and interaction with biological communities. In fact, ecosystem
of genes, species, and ecological diversity of a given diversity refers to habitat diversity and different
place and time’. de Castri (1996)....... (3) ecological processes operating therein.
Biodiversity can be difined as ‘the diversity of >• Temporal variation, refers to different time
life, which includes the full range of variety and spans in terms of successional developm ent of
variability within and among living organisms and biotic communities. The biodiversity of a
the ecological com plexes in which they occur and region is always considered in terms o f timal
encompasses ecosystem or community diversity, factor i.e. the status o f biological communities
species diversity and genetic diversity.’ in the past, at the present time, and in future.
Y. Anjaneyulu (2004)....... (4) Here we also study the processes of evolution
It is apparent from the aforesaid definitions of and extinction of species and their future status.
biodi versi ty that there are four elemen ts of biodi versity Based on the elem ents o f biodiversity it is
namely, genes, species, ecosystem (area) and time. basically divided into the follow ing 3 types :
Thus, biodiversity is viewed in terms of variety and 1. genetic diversity,
variability of living organisms with reference to
2. species diversity, and
genetic, species, ecosystem and temporal variations
Thus, biodiversity may be finally defined as follows : 3. ecosystem or habitat diversity^
‘Biodiversity refers to the variety and vari­ (1) Genetic Biodiversity : G enetic diversity is *
ability of living organisms of a given area or a region considered as variations and differences at the levels
or an ecosystem in terms of diversity of genes, o f genes in the species o f plants and anim als. In fact,
species and ecosystem s, at a given time span, gene diversity determ ines differences in species and
and is characterised by spatial and temporal changes’. the degree of species differences determ ines the
Savindra Singh (2007)....... (5) levels o f biodiversity i.e. richness or poorness.
M ore genetic diversity w ithin a species meaiis
Elements and Types of Biodiversity greater variability and adaptability o f individuals (of
a species) to environm ental conditions. Lesser
B ased on above discussion the following genetic diversity on the other hand, leads to
elements of biodiversity are identified : uniform ity (of species) and thus greater suscep tib il­
ity to environm ental changes’ (D.R. B atish, 2006).
> Genetic variation, which determ ines richness
(2) Species Biodiversity : Species biodiversity
o f biological variety of a given ecosystem
simply means variety and variability o f species of
because genetic variation within and be­
biological communities (plants, animals and microbes)
of a given ecosystem. It may be mentioned that species characterized by high level o f biological diversity and
diversity is generally taken as the synonym of large percentage of endemic species such as Amazonia,
biodiversity because species diversity refers to the M alaysian peninsula, New Zeland, M adagascar,
v ariety and number of different types of individual South Africa, N orth-eastern A ustralia, Borneo, west
populations of living organisms in an ecosystem. For Afirca, W estern Ghats of India, Philippines, tropical
example, number of species o f plants and animals Andes including Venezuela, Colum bia, Ecuador,
including micro-organisms, variety and number of Peru, and Bolivia, eastern Indonesia (W allacea),
individual populations of organisms of each species in Antilles, Cerrado of Brazil, south-w estern A ustralia,
equatorial rainforest ecosystem , monsoon deciduous eastern Himalayas, Tasmania, eastern M editerranean
fo re st ecosystem, savanna ecosystem etc. It may be region, Polynesia and M icronesian islands, Hawaii
mentioned that it is the size o f species diversity that etc. In all, about 34 hot-spots o f rich biodiversity have
makes the food chains longer or shorter which in turn been identified in the world of which 3 hot-spots are
determine the degree of biodiversity. The greater found in India e.g. (1) W estern Ghats, (2) N orth-
species diversity m akes longer food chains which in Eastern India, and (3) Himalayas.
turn make rich biodiversity as is the case of the (1) Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot Region
equatorial rainforest w hich has become ‘biodiversity comprises rich biological communities o f Uttarakhand,
hotspot’ (richest biodiversity in the world). Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and sub-H im alayan West
(3) Ecosystem Biodiversity : Since ecosystemBengal
s of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Yunnan province
determine the variety o f habitats and niches for in S.W. China. The region is characterized by more
biological com m unities, biological processes oper­ than 10,000 plant species. About 32 per cent of the
ating in each natural ecosystem , all of which in turn total plant species are endemic. In Sikkim alone
determine the variety and num ber of species in (geographical area = 7298 km2) there are m ore than
different ecosystem s, and hence' biodiversity is also 4200 plant species o f which about 60 per cent are
considered at eco sy stem level e.g. equatorial rain­ endemic. Indian regions of the H im alayan ecosystem
forests, coral reefs, e stu aries, grasslands etc. In fact, are endowed with more than 5800 species o f plants
the physical env iro n m en tal conditions (land and out of which about 36 percent are endem ic species.
soil, air-w eather and clim ate, w ater etc.) determ ine Nepal is characterized by more than 7000 floristic
the nature and v ariatio n o f hubitats for different species of which 8 per cent are endem ic while Bhutan
has about 5000 plant species which are comprised of
biological com m unities.
about 15 percent endemic species. It may be
mentioned that a sizeable percentage of species is
Biodiversity Hotspots
commonly found in many H im alayan countries
The term ‘biodiversity hotspots’ was first coined because these are overlapping in India, Nepal and
and used by N orm an M yers, a British ecologist, in the Bhutan. This is why average number of plant species
of this hotspot region is about 10,000 species.
year 1998. He defined biodiversity hotspots as those
areas which have rich biological communities including (2) Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot Region
plants, animals and m icroorganism s wherein endemic comprises rich biological com m unities of North-
species predominate. H e identified 10 such very rich Eastern states of India and adjoining M yanm ar
biodiversity areas i.e. biodiversity hotspots in the (Burma). Indian region includes the states of
tropical rainforest biom es. Now, 34 biodiveristy Nagaland, M eghalaya, M anipur, A ssam and Tripura.
hotspot areas have been identified in the world. It may Besides rich floristic species the region . is also
be mentioned that endem ic species are those species of characterized by numerous species of freshw ater
plants and anim als including micro-organisms which anim als, birds, and other endemic animal species.
are found in a specific area only and are not found in . (3) Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot Region is
other areas. Only those rich biodiversity areas are characterized by very large number of endemic plant
disignated biodiversity hotspots which have atleast species i.e. about 52 per cent of total plant species of
1,500 species of endem ic vascular plants and have lost this region are endemic to this region. The Western
70 percent of their original habitats. Ghats ecosystem is spread over the western margins of
The regions or areas/localities having richest the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
biodiversity are called ‘biodiversity hotspots’ or Kerala. The Agasthymalai Hills and the Silent Valley
(New Annambalam Reserve Basin) are very important
niegadiversity regions or localities’. The hot-spots o
rich biodiversity areas within this area. The region is
biodiversity are, in fact, such areas which are

characterized by several endemic species of plants of • Ecological services (benefits) or ecosystem

evergreen and deciduous forests but the region is under services
trem endous threats of rapid rate of loss of biodiversity Exam ples :
and habitats due to deforestation and execution of
(1) conservation and protection of water,
m any development projects. Consequently, several
rare species of plants and animals (such as Asian (2) purification o f air,
elephants) are now endangered species. (3) creation, protection and conservation of
Value and Importance of Biodiversity (4) m oderation and regulation o f weather
and clim ate,
The value and im portance of biodiversity are (5) regulation and function o f hydrological
viewed in term s o f benefits we get directly or cycle,
indirectly from biological com m unities comprising
(6) function and regulation o f bigeochem ical
plants, anim als and m icro-organism s. The newly
em erged discipline of ‘ecological economics’ deals
(7) m aintenance o f ecosystem stability,
with econom ical, ecological, environm ental, and
social (hum an) services (benefits) of ecological (8) absorption o f carbon dioxide emitted
resources. B esides, ecological resources, and there­ from anthropogenic sources,
fore, biodiversity, are also im portant politically and (9) aesthetic value,
religiously. The following approaches are in prac­ (10) ethical value, natural wild areas as ‘nature
tice to assign value o f biodiversity on two bases : museum’ for future generation, etc.

econom ic value basis
• Economic Services (Benefits)
•v ,
The economic benefits from rich biodiversity
value ecological value basis
are in the forms of consum ptive use o f products and
Or productive use as follows :

direct value or direct use value >- source of food,
indirect value or non-use value > clothing,
Direct use value : refers to the assignm ent of >- shelter (for aborigins),
value to those ecological products which are directly > vitamins,
harvested from plants and anim als (biological
> drugs and m edicines,
com m unities) such as food, seeds, tim ber, skins, furs
> fuel wood and comm ercial timber,
etc. Such benefits accruing directly from biological
com m unities are also called as tangible benefits >- sports goods,
which are in fact econom ic benefits. > tourism,
Indirect use value : is assigned to those >- industrial raw m aterials,
ecological resources which are intangible and are not > genetic storehouse etc.
directly exploited and consum ed, such as sight B esides, biodiversity has also p o litical
seeing, bird w atching, animal w atching etc. These and religious significance as political stability/instabil­
are collectively called as eco-tourism wherein we ity, diplomatic relations, religious faith etc. are closely
include the places o f prestine (original) environm ent related with biological resources and biodiversity.
i.e. places having undisturbed wild areas, known as There have been several cases o f infringement of
‘natural bioparadise’. The other item s of indirect use property rights and patent rights between agencies of
o f biodiversity include ecosystem /ecological serv­ developed nations and developing nations having rich
ices such as purification o f air and water, m odera­ biodiversity. The advancement in biotechnology has
tion o f w eather and clim ate, absorption o f em ission made biodiversity more relevant and important.
o f carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources,
The im portance o f biodiversity and its conser­
re g u la tio n o f hydrological cycles, functioning o f
vation was given m ore im portance during the first
b io g eo cn em ical cycles, creation and m aintenance o f
Earth Sum m it (Rio C onference) held in the year
so ils and en rich m en t o f soil fertility etc.
1 9 9 2 in Rio de Janeiro. This aspect w ill be d is c u s s e d
On an average, the benefits of biodiversity in the last topic o f this section.
m ay be g ro u p e d in the follow ing categories :
Biodiversity Loss extinction was two to three species per decade
between 1600 and 1850 but thereafter the rate
Extinction of species is a process of loss of increased to 1,000 species per decade. As per estim ate
biodiversity. Species extinction (of plants, animals of Paul Ehrlich, one t h ir d to tw o-thirds o f all species
a n d microbes) is defined as complete elimination of a currently existing on1this planet earth may become
specific species of biological community from' extinct by 2050 A.D. According to other estim ate by
natural habitats as w ell as from cultivation or the scientists the known species o f the earth are
captivity as ‘zoos’ and protected areas. Before the 40,000,000 out of which 10,000 species are becom ing
appearance o f ‘econom ic m an’ on this planet earth extinct every year due to human economic activities
species extinction was caused only by natural such as extension in agricultural land, increase in
processes but now anthropogenic processes of agricultural productivity, construction o f dams and
species extinction has outplayed natural process. For reservoirs, deforestation and accelerated.soil erosion,
example, the rate of extinction of species has industrial development, urbanization, environm ental
increased phenom enally after 1850 due to increased pollution etc. Table 24.1 denotes extinction of species
human econom ic activities, the average rate of by natural processes in historical(geological) periods.

Table 24'.T : Mass: extinctlorr of 'bio logical communities.

Historic Tim e Extinction

Period (before
Ordovician 444 m illion 25 percent of all families exticnt
Devonian 370 m illion 19 percent of all families extinct
Permian 250 m illion 54 percent of families, 90 percent of species extinct
Triassic 21 © m illion 23 percent of families, 1/2 species extinct
Cretaceous 65 m illion 17 percent of families, 50 percent species extinct (including dinosaurs but not
m ammals)
Quaternary P resent 1/3 to 2/3 of all species extinct if present trends continue ?

Source : William Cunnigham and Mary Ann Cunnigham, Principles of Environmental Science, 2003.

Recent Trends of Biodiversity Loss marine species population in South A tlantic,

Southern Ocean, South pacific and Indian
> w orld biodiversity loss by 27 percent between Ocean declined by 50 percent betw een 1995-
1970-2005. 2005 due to overfising, invasive species,
population o f terrestrial species declined by pollution and green house gas em ission.
27 percent betw een 1970-2005.
Causes of Biodiversity. Loss
> population o f m arine species declined by 28
percent betw een 1970-2005. As stated above, extinction o f species and
> population.of freshw ater species declined by emergence of new species is a natural process of
2 9 percen t betw een 1970-2005 caused by the evolution. The extinction caused by nature is
follow ing factors consequent upon industry balanced by the evolution o f new species but
pow ered econom ic growth : anthropogenically caused species extinction leads to
• habitat loss mass destruction o f biodiversity because natural
• over exploitation of species process of extinction o f species and loss of
m pollution biodiversity is exceedingly a slow process wherein
spread o f invasive species there is enough time for the evolution o f new species
m clim ate change due to global warming. but the anthropogenic process o f species extinction
and biodiversity loss is a very rapid one taking very
> terrestrial and freshw ater species suffered
little time span. The causes o f biodiversity loss are
m ost iir tropical regions due to habitat loss as
grouped* in two m ajor categories as follows :
they declied by 40 percent.

1 ■Natural Causes flow during fissure eruption o f volcanoes covers larger

areas and the existing species o f plants and anim als are
(1) clim a tic changes
buried under thick covers o f hot lava and thus become
(2) v o lcan ic eruption. extinct. Such situation occurred during Cretaceous
(3) c o llis io n 'o f the earth w ith celestial bodies period when there was w idespread volcanic activity
(m eteors) world over.
(4) continental drift and fragm entation : . . .i , ■*' ■>
(5) drought and fam ine • 2. Anthropogenic Causes of Biodiversity Loss
2. Anthropogenic Causes
A num ber o f a n th ro p o g en ic facto rs o f
(1) h abitat loss b io d iv ersity loss have been listed above. H ab itat
(2) fragm entation loss due to variety o f facto rs, o v ere x p lo ita tio n o f
(3) over exploitation biotic resources for d ifferen t purposes, in troduction
(4) intensive agriculture o f exotic species, diseases, and en v iro n m en tal
(5) introduction o f exotic species pollution are m ore im p o rtan t facto rs o f b io d iv ersity
(6) diseases loss.
(7) environm ental pollution ( l ) Habitat Destruction : The fragm entation of
(8) genetic transform ation habitats o f species o f plants, anim als and m icrobes
(9) tourism industry due to deforestation, construction o f roads and
railway tracks across natural ecosystem s having rich
1. Natural Causes of Biodiversity Loss biodiversity, m ining activities, location o f indus­
As stated above biodiversity loss is a natural tries, construction o f dam s and reserv o irs across
process of evolution o f biological communities. With m ajor rivers passing through hilly and densely
time some species become extinct and some new forested terrain etc. is the m ajor cause o f habitat
species are evolved. Am ong the natural factors of destruction and loss w hich leads to larg e scale loss of
biodiversity loss im portant causes are climatic changes biodiversity. D eforestation at ev erin creasin g rate in ,
at global level, prolonged drought and famine conditions, many parts o f the w orld has d estroyed original
collision of the earth with celestial bodies such as places o f endem ic species. L arg e-scale deforesta­
asteroids and m etoroids, volcanic eruption mainly tion in the H im alayan ecosystem s, W estern and
fissure lava flow, continental drift and fragmentation Eastern G hats o f India has resulted in w idespread
etc. Onset of ice age and continental glaciation results loss o f habitats o f several species. L arge areas of
in covering of ground surface with thick ice sheets, forest covers, w oodlands and grasslands have been
which results in mass extinction o f species of converted into agricultural farm s, com m ercial for­
biological communities. Two great ice ages, such as ests and grazing pastures; throughout the world.
Carboniferous and Pleistocene ice ages, have been M ost o f the tem perate grasslands (e.g. Steppes of
responsible for loss o f several species of plants and Russia, Prairies o f U SA and Canada, Pam pas of
animals. The collision of the celestial bodies with the A rgentina, V eld o f South A frica, D ow ns o f New
earth results in the generation of immense volume of Zealand) have been now converted into croplands.
dusts which form thick veils in the lower atmosphere. Tropical rainforests, having richest biodiversity in
These dust veils obstruct the solar radiation waves in the w orld, are being destroyed in m any countries.
reaching the earth’s surface and hence temperature is W etlands have been reclaim ed for various purposes
rem arkably reduced to very low amount of insolation such as fo r urban settlem ents, cropland etc. The
reaching the earth. Such situation causes cold climate m angroves provide suitable habitats fo r a num ber of
and thus the organisms of warm climates cannot adapt species o f land and m arine organism s but now larger
to sudden change in climatic conditions and hence die. chunks o f m angroves have been destroyed under
Such situation happened during Cretaceous period coastal region developm ent program m es, shrim p
when a giant m eteorite collided with the earth and the farm ing and pisciculture.
resultant dusts caused mass extinction of dinosaurs. It may be m entioned that fragmentation of
B esides, 50 percent o f other species also disappeared. habitats i.e. segm entation o f habitats o f large areal
The Permo-Carboniferous glaciation of the Gondwanaland extent into sm aller patches o f habitats, reduces
about 250 m illion years ago resulted in the loss o f 54 biodiversity as it separates populations o f species
p ercen t o f fam ilies, and 90 percent of species became into d ifferen t isolated groups, reduces large habitats
ex tin ct due to extrem e cold condition. The rapid lava into sm all habitats, etc. Such situation impedes
b io d iv e r s it y , b i o s p h e r e r e s e r v e a n d w i l d l i f e c o n s e r v a t i o n

reproduction and speciation with the result isolated purpose of form ing hedges but now it has becom e a
species becom e m ore vulnerable to diseases and m enace to native plants m ainly in the forests.
extreme events such as volcanic eruption, prolonged The inadvertent introduction o f C o n g ress grass
droughts, atm ospehric storm s, tsunam is etc. and are (Parthenium hysterophorus), p o p u larly know n as
j ultimately lost. ‘gazar g rass’ (carrot grass) has resu lted in the
I (2) Overexploitation : The harvesting o f wild elim ination o f other native plants. In fact, it has now
I animals and plants beyond a critical sustainable becom e a teething problem because it not only
| limit may be term ed as overexploitation. H ere, the spreads at fast rate and covers croplands but also
scope o f overharvesting has been lim ited to the causes many diseases.
species o f land and animal species . The overexploitation Some of the exotic plants brought to new
of species includes both legal and illegal actions. habitats grow and spread very fast because o f rapid
Illegal hunting by poachers for such items of animals rate of colonization, quick adaptation to new environment,
which have very high price in the w orld m arket has efficient utilization o f soil m oisture and soil nutrients,
been responsible for eith er extinction or reduction in weak resistance o f native species etc. N orth A m erica
the num ber of rare species o f anim als in many parts alone accounts for more than 4,500 exotic species of
of the world. For exam ple, illegal hunting o f rhinos plants and animals. In the beginning E uropean rabbits
(for their horns and hides), tigers (for their skins), were brought to A ustralia to graze the w idespread
elephants (for their tusks) has resulted in rem arkable native grasses and to control their covers but the
reduction in their num bers in India and these animals population o f rabbits soon m ultiplied to such an
extent that native grasses becam e endangered. In
have been declared endangered species and are now
order to control rabbit population, European foxes
protected in segregated areas. R apacious hunting of
were introduced in A ustralia w hich created another
great w hales has m ade them rare species. The
ecological problem. The deliberate transport of birds,
American p assen g er pigeons, once having a popula­
rabbits and deers from Europe to N ew Z ealand and the
tion of 3 to 5 billio n s, have now been completely
transport of several birds from E urope to N orth
eliminated due to uncontrolled overhunting and loss
America caused significant biodiversity loss. Accidental
of natural h abitats. Sim ilarly, A m erican bisons, (unintentional) transport o f anim als involves the
whose p o pulation w as about 60 m illion in 1850 but carriage o f animals attached with hum an bodies, his
dropped to only 400 by 1890, have now become luggages, means o f transport, com m ercial goods etc.
almost extinct. T he advancem ent in fishing tech­ For example, brown rats are now w idely distributed
niques (fuel pro p elled ships and large traw lers) has throughout -the world because o f their undesired
caused o v erex p lo itatio n o f fishes ot m arine ecosys­ transport to various parts o f the w orld through ships.
tems. This has re su lted into either exhaustion or The deliberate transport o f anim als by m an from their
remarkable decline in fish harvest. Illegal hunting of native places to other different destinations has in
animals for com m ercial products such as fur, hides, some cases changed the natural distributional pattern
tusks, horns etc. has also led to overexploitation of o f concerned animals.
animals species resu ltin g into enorm ous biodiversity The favourable en v ironm ental conditions o f
loss. Sm uggling business has been responsible for the regions w here anim als are transported by man
large-scale illegal hunting o f anim als. w hether by deliberate action or by accident, incourage
(3) rapid
Introduction of Exotic Species : Intentional growth ot populations o f the transported
or unintentional introduction o f exotic species o f animals and thus the spreading o f concerned anim als
\ plants and anim als in entirely different ecosystem s is accelerated. For exam ple, one pair o f European
1having d issim ilar habitats is a potent factor o f rabbits transported to A ustralia is capable o f p ro d u c­
biodiversity loss. T he alien plants brought to ing 90,00,000 offsprings w ithin a period o f only
different habitats have done great dam age to native three years. European starling was b rought to N orth
plants beyond su stain ab le lim it w ith the result many A m erica in 1989 and since then starlings have
species o f plant com m unities either have becom e spread over larger area o f the U .S.A . and C anada.
extinct or have been suppressed. Islands or isolated (4) Environmental Pollution: Pollution o f land
ecosystems are m ore vulnerable to exotic species. and soils, air and w ater causes im m ense loss to
Santana com m ara w as brought to India for the biodiversity ot various natural ecosystem s. A cceler­

ated rate o f soil erosion consequent upon deforesta­ biodiversity. M any m ore exam ples may be cited to
tion and faulty cultivation practices degrades the dem onstrate direct adverse im pacts o f pollution on
q u ality o f land in term s of its productivity which in biodiversity, i.e. the greater the pollution level, the
turn results in short supply o f food for grazing higher the biodiversity loss and vice versa.
anim als and thus som e of the anim als either die of (5) Global warming and consequent climate
starvaton or m igrate to other places. Increasing change are the recent potent factors o f depletion of
urbanization and industrialization, m echanization biodiversity in different biom es. The impacts, of
of agriculture, rapid rate of human population rising tem perature on vegetation com m unities mainly
growth, ‘use and throw away cu ltu re’ of the western forests are now perceptible in taiga forests which
industrialized w orld etc. have caused heavy pollu­ have shown shrinking in their areas whereas
tion of w ater (including both freshw ater and increased rainfall due to tem perature rise in the
seaw ater) and air. The high level of w ater and air tropical regions has positive im pact on forest
pollution h as resulted in phenom enal decrease o f growth. The rise in sea level due to m elting of ice
sheets consequent upon global w arm ing may effect
num ber o f those species which are unable to tolerate
subm ergence o f sm all islands with the result the
pollution level and cannot adapt to the polluted
biological com m unities o f such isolated island
environm ent. N ot only the num ber o f species of
ecosystem would be lost forever. R ise in sea
plants and anim als has decreased due to heavy load
tem perature causes coral bleaching w hich Results
o f pollution but the variety of biodiversity has also
not only in tire loss o f corals but num erous other
decreased significantly. Some o f the rivers have species o f marine organism s w hich are provided
been so greatly polluted that they have lost their suitable habitats in coral reefs. The coral bleaching
biological treasure. F or exam ple, the D am odar river during 1997-98, due to rise in average sea tem pera­
has now becom e ‘biological desert’ because o f almost ture by 2°C, has been recorded as the most
total loss o f riverine organism s due to heavy catastrophic event as it accounted for large-scale
pollution by industrial w astes o f num erous indus­ death o f corals in the tropical oceans o f 60 countries
tries, and slurry o f coal w asheries located along the and island nations where it accounted for 70 percent
banks o f the river. Several' such exam ples may be death of corals o ff the coasts o f K enya, M aldives,
given to dem onstrate the adverse impacts of Andamans and Lakshw adw eep islands in the Indian
pollution on biodiversity loss. Ocean and 75 percent coral death in the Seychelles
High doses o f chem ical fertilizers, herbicides, M arine Park System and the M afia M arine Park off
pesticides and insecticides to boost agricultural Tanzania.
production and horticulture have so greatly polluted O ther causes o f biodiversity loss are diseases,
the soils that these toxic chem icals have reached the genetic assim ilation o f certain organism s, trade in
food chains and thus have caused mass deaths o f wild species for pets (such as birds, cats, dogs,
several species o f birds and anim als. For exam ple, fishes for aquarium ), overharvesting o f certain
vultures in India have becom e endangered species. It species etc.
may be m entioned that the toxic chem icals have
entered the bodies of grazing anim als and the Conservation of Biodiversity
vultures feeding on the dead bodies o f such anim als
are chem ically poisoned and die, lead and mercury The destruction o f natural habitats of wildlife
poisoning o f anim als causes their mass deaths. The and biodiversity loss have assum ed alarm ing pro­
air polluted by sulphur dioxide em i'ted from mills portion. The protection o f natural habitats and
results in acid rains which in turn causes great w ildlife has now draw n the attention o f world
dam age to vegetation and anim al com m unities. com m unities so that there may be proper conserva-
W idespread acid rains in Scandinavian countries tion o f biodiversity. Though sporadic attem pts were
(N orm ay, Sw eden) have so heavily polluted the made since 1950 for the conservation and preserva­
lakes that m ost o f the lakes have lost their biological tion o f biodiversity at local to regional (n a tio n a l)
co m m unities and are now biologically term ed as levels but the first serious attem pt to protect wildlifo
‘dead lakes’. A cid rains are very often called ‘lake and biodiversity at international level was made in
killers’ in A nglo-A m erican and European countries. the year 1992 at first Earth Sum m it, known as Ri°
F o rests o f C anada, USA, G erm any and many Sum m it, held at Rio de Janerio city o f Brazil fr°n)
co u n tries o f m iddle Europe have been largely D ecem ber 3 to 14, 1992 under the aegies o f United
dam ag ed d u e to acid rains resulting into great loss o f N ations for the protection: o f the earth arid >ts
b io d iv e r s it y , b io s p h e r e r e s e r v e a n d w il d l if e c o n s e r v a t io n

environment, maintenance of ecological balancc Before attem pting ways o f biodiversity con­
and to enrich biodiversity. The conference was servation (in situ and ex-suit conservation) in spe­
attended by the representatives of 178 countries. cially protected areas such as nature reserve or
Natural forests maintain rich biodiversity. Consid­ biosphere reserve, national parks, san ctu aties etc. it
ering this fact the Rio Summit discussed the issue of is necessary to discuss the categories of species
forest conservation and resolved to protect natural inorder of their status o f survival or their risk factoi
and pristine forest but no tangible agreement could for survival. A com prehensive list of d ifferen t
be arrived at due to strong protests from a few categories o f species facing risks o f their survival
developed countries led by the USA. was prepared by the International Union for
The participants expressed grave concern at Conservation of Nature and N atural R esources
the Summit on fast rate of biodiversity loss. (IUCN), which is now known as the W orld
According to scientists the known species of the Conservation Union (W CU), in the year 1988. The
planet earth arc 40,000,000 out of which 10,000 list containing species o f plants and anim als which
species arc becoming extinct every year due to arc threatened for their survival and are facing
human economic activities (as elaborated earlier).
extinction is revised from time to tim e by the IUCN
Similarly, species of marine organisms are being
destroyed due to pollution of seaw ater and coast so as to update the list. Such lists are called Red Data
development program m es. Thus, in order to check Books or Red Data Lists. The 2004 edition o f Red
the loss of biodiversity a proposal for bioconservation List of Threatened species released by the IUCN
was presented at the Rio Sum m it wherein it was includes the following categories :
provided that if the developed countries use the > Extinct species (EX), are those species o f
biological wealth o f the developing countries then plants and anim als w hich have been com ­
they would have to transfer their biotechnologies pletely elim inated from both in natural wild
free of cost to the concerned developing countries
areas and managed areas such as crop
and they should also share the profit from biological
cultivation or hatcheries.
resources with the concerned country.
>- Extinct in Wild (EW), are those species which
The U.S.A. refused to sign the proposed
agreement on biodiversity on the pertext that the have been elim inated and thus have becom e
transfer o f biotechnology com es under intellectual extinct in natural conditions in w ild areas
property and patent law and thus the proposal for the (natural areas) but some individuals o f the
enrichment o f biodiversity rem ained only a paper species still survive in m anaged (by man)
work. areas i.e. in cultivation or captivity.
Only 150 countries out o f 17 8 ,participating > Critically Endangered (CR) specics are those
countries could sign the agreem ent to enrich the species which have lost th eir 80 percent
biodiversity. The agreem ent o f biodiversity in­ population over the last 10 years lim e or 3
cluded the follow ing 3 program m es. generations, w hichever is longer.
>■ to ensure conservation o f biodiversity, >■ Endangered (EN) species are those species
which have lost their 70 percent o f population
>- sustainable use o f biodiversity, and
within the last 10 years or 3 generations o f that
>- rational and equitable share of profit to acrue
species have undergone 70 percent reduction
from the use o f genetic resources.
in their population, w hichever is longer.
A ccording to this agreem ent the country > Vulnerable (VU) species : A species becom es
should have com plete control over its biotic vulnerable to extinction w hen there has been
resources and full right over the profit accrueing a loss of 50 percent o f its population over a
from them. If the biotic resources o f a country are period of last 10 years or fo r 3 generations
com m ercially used by another country, the country w hichever is longer.
possessing the biotic resource can sign an agreem ent
>- Near Threatened (NT) species, a species is
with the user country for sharing the profit occurring
term ed as near threatened w hich is above the
therefrom. This agreem ent was im plem ented in
stage o f the categories o f critically endan­
1993 but no perceptible positive result o f the desired
gered and vulnerable species but the loss of
2 oal could be achieved.
its population is high.
> Least Concern (LC), a species is put under the 2, Japanese Method : involves culturing cora
. category of ‘least concern’ when.its populations by developing corals from coral eggs to juvenile
are abundant in wild areas. corals colories. This m ethod is known as sexual
Basically, there are two ways (methods) of propagation. This spawning method was successfully
conservation of biodiversity as follows : practiced in 2006 in one of the degraded coral reefs
(1) In-situ conservation , and o f Japan. By the year 2008 the transplantation
resulted in the developm ent o f new coral colories.
(2) Ex-situ conservation.
(1) In-Situ Conservation : The conservation of (2) Ex-Situ Conservation : The m ethod o f ex
species of plants and animals in their natural habitats situ conservation of biodiversity sim ply means
i.e’ wild areas is called ‘in-situ’ or ‘on-site conserva­ protection and conservation o f plants and animals
tion’. In this method of conservation of biodiversity outside their natural native places. Such conserva­
species of plants and animals are protected in tion is called ‘off-site conservation’. In tact, plants
specially demarcated natural habitats such as ‘nature and animals, which face im m ediate extinction, are
reserve’ or ‘biosphere reserve’, national parks, removed from their natural habitats and are brought
sanctuaries etc. Species of plants and animals up and maintained in other suitable areas managed
together with all the components of their habitats are by man. Such areas include botanical gardens, zoos,
well protected and exploitations of biological resources arboreta, genetic resource centers, culture collec­
as well as abiotic resources are strictly prohibited. tions, hatcheries etc. In order to restore genetic
Different aspects of biosphere reserves will be
diversity of plants and anim als the seeds and
discussed atlength in the succeeding section 24.2 of
germplasms of rare and endangered species are
this chapter. It may be mentioned that India has 608
protected areas, 95 national parks, 500 wildlife stored in ‘seed banks’ or ‘germplasm banks’ to
sanctuaries, and 13 biosphere reserves of which 4 conserve genes of such species. Such storage centers
have been included in the International Network of are also called as ‘gene banks’.
Biosphere Reserves e.g. (1) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
(recognized in 2000), (2) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere 24.2 BIOSPHERE RESERVE
Reserve (in 2001), (3) Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
(in 2001), and (4) Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (in The biosphere reserve program m e is an
2004) have been recognized by Man and Biosphere effective method of the conservation o f abiotic
Programme (MAB). (land and water) and biodiversity o f natural
habitats. In fact biosphere reserves include the
Coral Gardening areas of terrestrial and coastal ecosystem s wherein
abiotic and biological resources (plants and animals)
Coral gardening is a latest method to regenerate
are managed and conserved in sustainable manner.
degraded coral, ecosystem. There are 2 methods of
cultivating corals in the laboratories and transplanting In fact, biosphere reserves represent ‘living
them in the degraded reefs to rejuvenate marine laboratories’ for the integrated m anagem ent of
coral ecosystem. land, water, plants, anim als, and microbes therein.
The programme of biospehre reserve is within the
1. Israeli Methds : minute coral fragments are
ambit of Man and B iosphere Programme (MAB) of
cultured and generated in situ nursery. When these
the UNESCO. The concept of ‘biosphere reserve
cultured coral colonies become adults, they are
transplanted on degraded reefs. These transplanted refers to the protection and conservation of natural
colonies are able to adjust to new environmental habitats, and plant and animal species therein with
conditions. It enables the generation of thousands of the following 3 goals :
new coral colories and thus allows restoration of > Conservation Role, conservation of biologi­
large degraded zone in short period of time. cal diversity (say biodiversity),
Site example: this method has been successfully > Logistic Role, setting up a well defined and
practiced in Eilat coral reefs of Israel which is world's identified international network of areas for field
northernmost coral reef and richest in biodiversity. research and monitoring programmes and activities
Transplantation was carried out in 2007. including training and information exchange in

identified by MAB continued to increase and by the

accordance with MAB programme at international
end o f 1986 about 261 ‘biosphere reserves’ were
level, and
identified in 70 countries. Presently, (2005 A .p ,)
> Development Role, to associate concretely
there are 499 biosphere reserves in 110 countries.
environmental protection and land resources with
Though there are 13 biosphere reserves in India but
development (human & economic development) in a
only 4 o f them have been internationally recognized
sustainable manner (fig. 24.1)
by MAB, namely (1) Niligiri biosphere reserve (in
2000), (2) Gulf o f Mannar marine biosphere reserve
(in 2001), (3) Sundarban biosphere reserve (in
2001), and (4) Nanda Devi biosphere reserve (in

A W W N W 'C SX W W W W l
<^wn\\sw\nww\\\nv4 w\\\s\\\wmv^Nwv
^w w w w w s w w w w w w w s y

/vsw sw sw m vw v
A \> \\\\\\\\w v
A nwwwnwwv
j.\\\V N N V \S \N \V V
wW W
Vwvw w
' \N\W N\N\VS
Fig. 24.1 : Major roles and goals o f ‘Biosphere Reserves'
(after Michel Batisse, 1986-Nature and Re­
Transition area
sources, Vol, 22, No. 3, 1986).
r t-rr Buffer zone (strictly delineated)
Core area (strictly protected)
Evolution of the Concept Human settlements
R Research station or experiment
The concept o f ‘biosphere reserve’ has its root Education and training
in the conference on ‘the Rational Use and
Tourism and recreation
Conservation o f the Resources o f the Biosphere’ M Monitoring *
organized by MAB in 1968 wherein one o f the
recommendations was related to the ‘utilization and 24.2 . Schematic zonation o f a biosphere reserve
preservation of genetic resources’. The recommenda­ after Machel Batisse, 1986, (Nature and Re­
tions o f the said conference proposed ‘to make sources, Vol 22, No. 2, 1986).
specific efforts to preserve representative samples
o f significant ecosystem , original habitats of domes­ The MAB defined ‘biosphere reserves’ as
ticated plants and animals, and remnant populations basic logistic resources for research where experi­
o f rare and endangered species, and for the ‘preserva­ ments can be repeated in the same places over
tion o f natural areas and endangered species’. periods o f time, as areas o f education and training,
and as essential components for the study o f many
In 1969 it was decided to have a ‘co-ordinated
projects under the programme’. It is apparent that
world-wide network o f national parks, biological
the MAB in 1971 emphasized only two roles o f the
reserves and other protected areas under Man and
biosphere reserves* viz. conservation and logistic
Biosphere Programme (M A B )’. Such areas were
roles whereas developm ent role was neighter de­
occasionally referred to as ‘biosphere reserve’ but the
fined nor highlighted., Fig. 24.1 represents three
real concept o f ‘biosphere reserve* was born in 1971
basic roles (logisatic role, conservation role and
and first ‘biosphere reserve’ was identified in 1976.
development role) o f ‘biosphere reserves* as re­
Since then the number o f ‘biosphere reserve’
ferred to above.
A special ‘task force’ convened jointly by the > strictly protected ‘core area*,
UNESCO and UNEP (United Nations Environmen­ > strictly dilineated buffer zone, and
tal Programme) in 1974 prepared for the first time > undelineated outer buffer zone or transi­
the objectives and a set of characteristics for tion area (fig. 24.2).
'biosphere reserves’. The major roles and objectives
The core area represents national park which
may be grouped in three categories as referred to in
is strictly protected and no one is allowed except the
the beginning (1. conservation role, 2. logistic role,
officials in this area. The buffer zone is strictly
and 3. development role).
demarcated but can be used for regulated non­
The following statements o f the UNESCO in destructive activities on sustainable basis whereas
its 1981 publication clearly reveal the goals and the transition area is not delineated and is used for
objectives of 'biosphere reserve’. experimental research, traditional use, rehabilita­
‘Biosphere reserves form an international tion and other functions o f the biosphere reserves.
network of protected areas in which an integrated
A concept o f ‘cluster biosphere reserve’ was
concept o f conservation is being developed, com­
developed in 1977 during a joint U SA -U SSR
bining the preservation o f ecological and genetic
symposium on Biosphere Reserve. ‘This idea aims
diversity with research, environmental monitoring,
education and training. Biosphere reserves are at accommodating the many situations where all the
selected as representative examples o f the world’s functions o f biosphere reserves cannot be performed
ecosystems’. in contiguous areas where a regrouping and co­
UNESCO. I9SI : MAB Information System : Biosphere
ordination of activities between several discrete
Reserves Compilation No. 2,3I3p. areas is required. This is often the case when
conservation in core areas has to be associated with
Zoning of Biosphere Reserve integrated research and manipulative experimenta­
tion in other areas’ (fig. 24.3) (M ichel Batisse,
The ‘task force’ proposed a simple zoning 1986). Figure 24.3 represents an example o f cluster
pattern for ‘biosphere reserve’ in 1976 which biosphere reserve having two separate reserves but
comprised 3 zones as follows : close to each other.

Transition area
Buffer zone
Core areas
Experimental research areas
Research or training facilities
Human settlements

Fig. 24.3 : An example o f cluster biosphere reserve with multiplefunctions as shown infig. 24.2 (after Michel Batisse, 1986:
Nature and Resources, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1986).

M ichel Batisse (1986) has argued that a ‘A biosphere reserve that does not have a
biosphere reserve must have the combined presence protected core is not a true biosphere reserve. A
o f its three major roles viz. conservation role, national park that has no concern for the sustainable
logistic role, and development role. He has for­ development o f the surrounding areas is not a .true
warded the follow ing yardstick for a real biosphere biosphere reserve either. An area that combines
reserve : conservation with research and education for eco­

system development can only become a proper > ‘Core areas m a y correspond to strict *natmc
biosphere reserve if it -joins the international reserve’ or ‘wild a r e a s ’ , or national park, or to other
network o f research, monitoring and information types o f strictly protected a r e a s . .Strict protection o f
exchange’. core areas does not necessarily mean non-interven­
M ichel Batisse, 1986 : Nature and tion' : they can be submitted to different types of
Resources, Vol 22, No. 2 1986 protective management, depending on their sp ecific
conservation objectives and on the character and
Functional Pattern of Biosphere Reserve history o f landscape. Core areas naturally exclu de
the presence o f significant ihuman settlements*.
Michel Batisse (1986) has summarized the
functional pattern o f the biosphere reserves as Besides non-destructive research, the other sig n ifi­
prepared by the Action Plan and the Scientific Panel cant function o f the core area is the environmental
of the MAB as given below : observation and monitoring.
> The core areas o f the.hiosphere reserves are
(1) Core Area
generally surrounded by a delineated buffer zone
► ‘Each biosphere reserve includes one (fig
or 24.2). The core area and the ibuffer zone
several core areas that are strictly protected accord­ correspond to a single and autonomous administra­
ing to well-defined conservation objective and tive unit.
consists of typical samples of natural or minimally
disturbed ecosystem s’. Normally, core areas o f a (2) Buffer Zone
biosphere reserve ‘should be representative of the
surrounding ecosystem s where sustainable develop­ ‘The buffer zone must have a clearly estab­
ment is to be promoted’. lished legal or administrative status even when
several administrative authorities are involved in its
>■ ‘The size and the shape of the core areas
depend on the type o f landscape in which they are management. Only activities compatible with the
located and on the conservation objectives they are protection of the core areas make take -place. This
intended to m eet’. Core areas may be much larger in includes in particular research (R), environmental
sparsely populated (human population) areas and education and training (E), as well as tourism and
relatively small in densely inhabited areas. recreation (T) or other uses carried out in accordance

Human settlements
Buffer zone (research-education-tourism)
Conservation and monitoring zone (core)
Co operation (transition area)
Experimental research
Traditional use
Facilities for rescarch-R, education-E,
tourism-T, monitoring-M

Fig. 24.4 Schematic presentation of thefunctions of cluster biosphere reserve' (after Michel Batisse. 1986: Nature m i
Resources, Vol. 22. No. 2)
w ith the m anagem ent requirements and regulations. the management of wild animals depends upon the
B esides its other functions, the buffer zone environmental conditions of the natural habitats/
ecosystems; the interests ofthe government, educationists,
may well serve to protect areas of land that could be
conservationists, planners and general public in the
used to meet future needs for experimental research’. management programmes; proper understanding of
and adherence to ecological principles; enactment of
(3) Transition Area legislations by the government; forceful and effective
implementation o f laws and regulations regarding the
The transition area surrounding the buffer zone wildlife.
plays mainly development role such as cooperative
Most o f the Indian wild anim als have now
activities between researchers, managers and local
become endangered species because o f rapid de­
populations so as to ensure appropriate physical
crease in their populations. The destruction o f natural
planning and sustainable resource development. Thus
habitats and important wild anim als began during
the transition zone works for the association of
British rule when widespread hunting by British
environment and development. This zone is biogeographic
in character rather than administrative unit, so it officials and Indian rulers resulted in large-stale
covers larger and open areas. Since this zone is killing of important animals. The unscrupulous and
managed by different authorities and hence proper reckless hunting of game animals for recreation,
cooperation and coordination are required for the food, hide, tusk, musk, horn, fur, wool etc. and rapid
management and development programmes. rate of deforestation due to agricultural expansion
and industrial and urban growth have caused
(4) Clustered Biosphere Reserve irreparable loss and damage to w ildlife in India.
Before attempting the w ildlife m anagem ent pro­
‘Partly within the buffer zone or entirely gramme in India it is desirable to present a brief
outside, a biosphere reserve may include any one or account of evaluation of wildlife status of the country.
more combinations of the following types of associated • »
areas, used to develop knowledge and skills for Wildlife Status in India,
ecosystem use and management; (a) Areas suitable for Table 24.2 represents the status o f species of
experimental manipulation to develop, assess and plants and animals of different categories in India.
demonstrate methods for sustainable development The species categories include higher plants, mam­
(experimental research areas ER); (b) Examples of mals, breeding animals, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
harmonious landscape resulting from traditional patterns
of land use (traditional use areas) (TU); and (c)
Examples of modified or degraded ecosystems that are Table 24.2 : Status of wildlife species in India (1992-
suitable for restoration to more natural conditions 2002)
(rehabilitation areas) (RA)’. Fig 24.4 represents the Wildlife Total known N um ber of threatened
different functions of ‘clustered biosphere reserve’.
species species
24.3 BIODIVERSITY (WILDLIFE) CONSERVA­ Higher plants 18,664 244
TION IN INDIA Mammals 390 i 88
Management of wildlife is the branch of Breeding birds 458 72
conservation which involves the protection, increase Reptiles 521 25
and maintenance of maximum number of wild/game Amphibians 231 03
animals in accordance with the supporting capacity of
a particular natural habitat and the efforts to increase Fish 5,749 09
the productivity of the natural habitats. The success of Source : World Resource Institute.
Table 24.3 : Rare and threatened species of vertebrates in India

Category Approximate Number

M ammals , Aves. Reptiles Am phibians Total
R are 02 02
V ulnerable 28 22 04 54
Endangered 29 21 16 01 67
Critical 03 08 — 11
Extinct 01 02 — 03
Insufficiently known 16 — — 16
Total 77 55 20 01 153
Source : The Red Data Book of Indian Animals (1994), Zoological Survey of India.

The follow ing are the critical species Jerson’s coursers, forested spotted ow let (all are
of anim als : B row -altered deer,, yak, hispid hare aves).
(all are m am m als); Christm as island frigate bird,
Extinct species include ‘cheetah’ (mammals),
Mrs. H um e’s bartailed pheasant, Burmese peafowl,
black necked crane, hooded crane, masked, finfoot, pinkheaded duck and m ountain quail (birds).

Table 24.4 : Endem ic and threatened species in India.

Fauna! G roups Total No. Endemic Species Threatened

number percentage l num
•' ber > '
M amm als 372 38 10.21 .77
Birds 1,228 69 5.61 55
R eptiles 446 214 47.98 22
A m phibians 204 110 53.92 01
Insects 53,430 16,214 30,34
M oluscs
Land 1,511 878 58.01 k
Freshw ater 212 89 41.98 —
Source : Zoological Survey of India. ENVIS News Letter, 4 (182), 1997

Threatened number of species of mammals, birds Management of Wildlife

and reptiles is from Red Data Book, ZSI, 1994.
Unique animals o f India include pigmy hog, Several m easures have been adopted by the''
Union and State G overnm ents for the conservation
black buck, lion-tailed m acaque, N iligri tahr, golden
and preservation of w ildlife in the country. These
langurs etc.
include enactm ent o f law s, protection of endangered
Typical animals o f India are elephants, rhinocerous,
species and establishm ent of biosphere reserves,
deers (e.g. m usk deer, barking deer, swamp deer-Bara
sanctuaries and national parks.
singha, dancing deer-sam bhar, Thamin and Kashmir
stag), antelopes (such as black buck, four-horned Several laws pertaining to the protection and
antelope-chausingha, Indian gazelle, chinkara, blue conservation of w ildlife have been formulated from
bull-nilgai), bison, wild buffalo, Himalayan ibex or time to time. The Wild Birds and Animal Protection Act
wild goat, wild boar, wild ass, Nilgiri tahr, carnivourous was passed in the year 1887 but unfortunatejy it was
animals (e.g. lion, tiger, leopard, stripped hyaena, repealed in 1912. Forest Act passed in the year 1927
wolf, black H im alayan bear, sloth bear), monkeys and aimed at the protection of game animals. The Indian
apes (e.g. Nilgiri langur, lion-tailed monkeys, rhesus Board of Wildlife was established in 1952 for the
monkey, H anuman m onkey), Indian giant squirrels,
purpose o f protection of wild animals. In subsequent
porcupine, pangolin, birds (like peafowl, jungle fowl,
year separate Wildlife Boards were established at state
partridge, quail, great Indian bustard, duck, pigeon,
sandgrouse, storks, pelican, eagle, crane, owl, hornbill level. The new W ildlife Act provides more effective
etc.), reptiles (crocodiles, alegators, lizards and m easures for wildlife management. The W ildlife Act
several varieties o f snakes) etc. has the following provisions :

'► control and supervision o f possession, trap­ ► emphasis on participation of decentralized

ping, shooting, hunting, chopping of wild state level planning sectors, interdisciplinary
anim als w hether alive or dead, the transport working groups, non-governm ent organiza­
and export of wild anim als and their products tions interested in theconservation ofbiodiversity.
by the special forest staff (e.g. chief w ildlife ► identification o f the basic goals and thrust
w ardens and other authorized officials), areas and to prepare action plans for m anage­
► protection to endangered and threatened m ent and co n serv atio n o f biodiversity.
animal species, ► to prepare detailed m icro-level action plans
► graded protection to other wild anim als at different levels under the fram ew ork of
according to the size of their population etc. CBD and NBSAP.
The establishm ent of W ildlife Institute at (2) Biodiversity (Biological Diversity) A c t: The
Dehradun (U .P.) has been a success in the wildlife Biodiversity Bill was passed in the year 2002 by the
m anagem ent. Lok Sobha. The Act envisages follow ing goals :
Efforts are being made to protect the following >■ to protect and conserve rich biodiversity o f
animals which have been enlisted as endangered and the country,
threatened species-black buck (Indian antelope), >- to protect the know ledge o f biological
four-horned antelope (chausingha), white eyed buck, com m unities having high m edicinal value
swamp deer, elephant, Indian gazelle (chinkara), from their use by foreign individuals and
musk deer, bharal, snow leopard, Great Indian organizations w ithout seeking perm ission
Bustard, peafowl, serow, tahr, golden cat, pink from India and w ithout sharing the profits
headed duck, m onitor lizard, water lizard, marsh arising out o f such use o f biological treasure,
crocodile, monal pheasant, chir pheasant, koklas ► to check and control biopiracy,
pheasant, horned pheasant, python, lions, tigers etc. >- setting up N ational B iodiversity A uthority
It may be m entioned that India is a mega (NBA), State B iodiversity B oards (SBB),^
biodiversity country having rich biological commu­ and Biodiversity M anagem ent Com m ittees
nities o f plants and anim als. There are 12 mega (BMC), and
biodiversity countries in the world including India. >- to promote conservation, sustainable use and
A bout 46,000 plant .and 81,000 animal species have docum entation o f biodiversity.
been id entified and described. India joined Conven­ The B iodiversity Act has also m ade the
tion on Biological Diversity (CBD) in the year 1994, following provisions for the use o f Indian biodiver­
w hich has 3 m ajor objectives as follows : sity :
•’ ' * .•• • ' ■- v;
> conservation o f biological diversity, • Prior perm ission for the use of Indian
>■ su stainable use o f com ponents of biologi­ biological resources by foreign individuals
cal diversity, and and organizations from N ational Biodiversity
► fare and equitable sharing of benefits Authority (NBA) is m andatory.
arisin g out o f utilization of genetic re­ • T he in d ig en o u s k n o w led g e o f In d ia ’s
sources. biodiversity cannot be used by foreign
T he follow ing m easures have been taken individuals and organizations w ithout formal
u n d er the im plem entation of biodiversity conserva­ perm ission from NBA.
tion m easures for the fram ew ork o f CBD through • It is m andatory for any Indian individuals or
n atio n al strateg ies, legislations and adm inistrative entities to obtain form al perm ission from
in stru m e n ts : NBA for transferring findings of research
(1) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action related to Indian biological resources to any
foreign individuals or organizations for
Plan (NBSAP) P roject: U nder this schem e a National
com m ercial use o f such know ledge/findings.
P o licy and A ction Strategy on B iological D iversity
(N P A S B D ) has been form ulated with the follow ing • It is m andatory for Indian industry to give
a c tiv itie s : prior intim ation to the concerned SBB about
► a s s e s s m e n t and stocktaking o f biodiversity obtaining any biological resource for com ­
re la te d info rm atio n at state level including m ercial use. The SBB m ay deny the perm is­
d istrib u tio n o f endem ic and endangered sion if the norms o f conservation, sustainable
sp e c ie s and threats to specific habitats. use and benefit sharing are violated.
• C itizens (individuals), entities, local people, > B iodiversity conservation,
‘vaidyas’ and ‘hakims’ (practicing in Ayurveda) > Biosafety Protocol to check biopiracy,
are exem pted from permission; from N B A l or > Genetic Engineering A pproval Com m ittee
the use o f biological resources within the (GEAC),
country for m edicinal purposes, etc.
All India C oordinated Project on Taxonomy
(3) Biosafety. P ro to c o l: India has signed: the (AICPT),
B iosafety Protocol known as C artegena Protocol on
Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas (MPCAs)
Biosafety. This is the international regulatory
and N etw orks (M PCN),
fram ew ork for safe transfer, handling and use of
L iving M odified O rganism s (LM O s). The protocol > Forest Policy and Forest C onservation,
provides a num ber o f tools and: devices for > Integrated' Forest Protection Schem e,
prom oting biosafety as given below : > Joint Forest M anagem ent,
> use of ‘Precautionary P rinciples’, > W ildlife conservation, anim al w elfare etc.
>- application o f A dvanced Inform ed A gree­
m ent, Biosphere Reserves
> Procedure fo r im port o f LM O s, > -r
India has also made biosphere reserves of
>■ R isk A ssessm ent and Risk M anagement
terrestrial and coastal ecosystem s w ithin the framer
Fram ew ork,
work of UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere (MAB)
> C apacity B uilding;
programme with the goals o f ( ! ) conservation o f
>► B iosafety C learing H ouse M echanism ’ etc. biodi versity, (2) prom oting research and1training, and
The biosafety protocol was ratified by Indian (3) monitoring and providing mojdels.for sustainable
G ovt, on S eptem ber 5, 2002. development. It is apparent that the biosphere
T he G ovt, o f India has m ade the following reserves have to play 3 roles, namely (1) conservation
m easures for the conservation and m anagem ent of role, (2) logistic role, and (3) developm ent role.
natural resources including forestry and wildlife In all 13 biosphere reserves have been
(biodiversity), and sustainable uses o f ecological identified and notified (table 24.5) by the M inistry
resources : of Environm ent and F orests (M E F )o fG o v t, of India,
> C onservation and m anagem ent of biosphere of which 4 have been recognized; a n d ap p ro v ed by-
reserves, w etlands, m angroves and coral the International C oordinating C ouncil (ICC) of
reefs, MAB Program m e o f the U N ESC O , such as (1)
>■ P rovisions fo r the establishm ent and m ainte­ Nilgiri (2000), (2) G u lf o f M annar (2001), (3)
nance o f national parks and sanctuaries, Sundarbans (2001), and (4) N anda Devi (2004).

Table 24.5 : Biosphere- reserves- in India;

SL. No. N am e o f the site G eographical Date of L ocation

area (km 2) notification,
1. 5,520 01.08.1986 Part o f W ynad, Nagarhole, Bandipur
andlMadumalai, Nilampur, Silent ValL
ley and Siruvani Hills- (Tamil Nadu,
KenalaiandKamatak)— W esternGhats
2. N anda Devi 5,860 18.01.1988 Part o f C ham oli, Pithoragarh and
A lm o ra districts o f U ttarakhand-
W est H im alayas .
3. N okrek 820 01.09.1988 Part o f G aro Hills. (M eghalaya)—
E ast H im alayas
4. M anas 2,387 14.03.1989 P arto f Kokrajhar, Bonaigaon, Barpeta,
N albari, K am rup and D arang dis­
tricts (A ssam )— East H im alayas
5. Sunderbans 9,360 29.03.1989 Partof delta of G a n g a a n d Bf ahmaputra
river».(West Bengal)*—Gangetic Delta;
6. 10,500 18.02.1989 Indian p art o f G u lf o f M an n ar b e­
G ulf o f M annar
tw een India and Sri L anka (Tam il
N adu)-coasts, m arine eco sy stem
885 06.01. 1989 Southern m ost islands o f A ndam an
7. G reat Nicobar
and N icobar (A and N islan d s)-islan d
Simlipal 4,374 21.06.1994 Part o f M ayurbharj d istrict (O rissa)-
8. -t! D eccan P eninsula
D ibru-Saikhow a 765 28.07.1997 Part o f D ibrugarh and T in su k ia dis­
tricts (A ssam )-E ast H im alayas

10. D ehang Debang 5,112 02.09.1998 Part o f Siang and D ebang V alley in
A runachal P aradesh-E ast H im alayas
11. Pachm arhi 4,926 03.03.1999 Part o f B etul, H o san g ab ad and
Chindwara districts o f M adhya Pradesh-
S em i-A rid-G ujarat R ajputana
12. K anchanjunga 2,619 07.02.2000 Parts of Kanchanjunga Hills in Sikkim-
E ast H im alayas
13. A gasthyam alai 1,701 12.11.2001 N eyyar, Peppara and S henduruny
W ildlife Sanctuaries and th eir ad ­
jo in in g areas in K erala

Wetlands, Mangroves and Corals

The Ram sar Convention has defined ‘wetlands’ >- w ildlife conservation, su stain ab le fish eries
as given below : developm ent,
‘W etlands as areas o f m arsh fen, peatland or >• environmental education and ecodevelopm ent
w ater, w hether artificial or natural, perm anent or activities through p e o p les’ p articip atio n , etc.
tem porary, w ith the w ater static or flowing, brackish
o r salt, including m arine areas, depth of which does National Parks
not exceed 6 m eters such as m angroves, corals,
estuaries, creeks, bays, sea grasses and lakes e tc.’ Any natural ecosystem o f rich biodiversity
The w etlands, m anagroves, and corals are of and alm ost pristine habitats, m ay be declared
great ecological and econom ic significance but these national parks, provided that such natural area is of
are under severe threats of destruction and disappearance ecological, faunal, floral, geo m o rp h o lo g ical, and
due to increasing human activities. Thus, the hydrological im portance and needs p ro tectio n and
governm ent launched a schem e o f conservation and conservation. The follow ing activ ities are strictly
m anagem ent o f these fragile ecosystem s in the year prohibited :
1987. In all 24 w etlands, 33 m angroves, and 4 coral > hunting, killing or capturing o f anim als,
ecosystem s have been identified for their conservation > deprivation o f any w ild anim al o f its habitat,
and m anagem ent. The action plan for the conservation
> destruction and collection o f plants,
and m anagem ent o f w etlands, m angroves and corals
in clu d e the follow ing activities and objectives : > use o f w eapons,
> survey and dem arcation o f fragile areas, > grazing by any life stock other than wild
>■ p rotection o f these ecosystem s from hum an anim als o f the co n cern ed natinoal p ark s,
d estru ctiv e activities, > alteration o f boundaries o f National Parks,
>■ reg en eratio n o f disturbed areas,
> affo restatio n , regeneration, and restoration At present there are 94 national parks
o f d eg rad ed ecosystem s, o f which States and U nionT erritories account
>• catchm ent area treatment, for 85 and 9 national parks resp ectiv ely (table
24 .6 ).
> p o llu tio n control, w eed control,
b io d iv e r s ity ,b io s p h e re r e s e r v e a n d w ild lif e c o n s e r v a tio n 575
Table 24.6 : National Parks in India

SI. No. Name Area Date of District State

i - J
(km2) establishm ent
1 Kasu B rahm ananda 1.42 1994 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
2 M ahaveer Harina 14.59 1994 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
V anasthali
3 M rugavani 3.60 1994 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
4 Sri V enkatesw ara 353.62 1989 Chittor & Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh
5 M ouling 483.00 1986 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh
6 N aldapha 1,985.23 1983 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh
7 D ibru-Saikhow a 340.00 1999 Tinsukia & Dibrugarh Assam
8 K aziranga 471.71 1974 Golaghat & Nagaon Assam
9 M anas 500.00 1990 Barpeta & Bongaigaon Assam
10 N am eri 200.00 1998 Sonitpur Assam
11 O rang 78.80 1999 Darrang & Sonitpur Assam
12 V alm iki 335.65 1989 Pashchim Champaran Bihar
13 Indravati 1,258.37 1981 Dantewada C hhattishgarh
14 K angerghati 200.00 1982 Kanker Chhattishgarh
15 Sanjay 1,471.13 1981 Surguja, Koria Chhattishgarh
16 M ollem 107.00 . 1978 North Goa Goa
17 B ansda 23.99 1979 Valsad Gujarat
18 G ir 258.71V '
1975 Junagadh G ujarat
19 M arine (G u lf of
K achchh) 162.89 1980 . Jamnagar Gujarat
20 B lackbuck 34.08 1976 Bhavnagar Gujarat
21 K alesar 46.82 2003 Yamuna Nagar H aryana
22 Sultanpur 1.43 1989 Gurgaon H aryana
23 G reat H im alayan 754.40 1984 Kullu Him achal Pradesh
24 Pin V alley 675.00 1987 Lahul & Spiti H im achal Pradesh
25 C ity F orest (Salim
A li) 9.07 1992 Srinagar Jam m u & K ashm ir
26 D achigam 141.00 1981 Srinagar Jam m u & K ashm ir
27 H em is 4,100.00 1981 Ladakh Jam m u & K ashm ir
28 K istw ar 400.00 1981 Doda Jammu & K ashm ir
29 B etla 231.67 1986 Palamau Jharkhand
30 Anshi 250.00 1987 U ttar Kannada K arnataka
31 B andipur 874.20 1974 C ham arajanagar Karnataka
32 B annerghatta 104.27 1974 B angalore K arnataka
33 K udrem ukh 600.32 1987 C hikm agalur &
D akshin K annada K arnataka
34 N agarahole (Rajiv 643.39 1983 M ysore & Kodagu K arnataka
G andhi)
35 A nam udi 7.5 2003 i K erala
36 97.00 1978 Idukki K erala
E ravikulam
37 12.82 2003 Idukki K erala
M athikettan Shola
38 Pam badum Shola 1.318 2003 — K erala
39 350.00 1982 Idukki K erala
40 8 9 .5 2 ' 1984 Palakhad K erala
Silent Valley
Bandhavgarh 448.85 1982 U m aria & Jabalpur M adhya Pradesh
0.27 1983 Mandla. M adhya Pradesh
42 Fossil
940.00 1955 M andla & B alaghat M adhya Pradesh
43 Kanha 1■ /
44 M adhav 375.22 1959 Shivpuri M adhya Pradesh
45 Parma 542.67 1973 Panna & C hhatarpur M adhya P radesh
46 Pench (Priyadarshini) 292.85 1975 Seoni & C hhindw ara M ad h y a P radesh
47 Sanjay , , 466.88 1981 Sidhi M adhya P radesh
48- Satpura 585.17 198*1 H oshangabad M ad h y a P rad esh
49 Van’V ihar 4 .45 1979 Bhopal M ad h y a P radesh
50 G ugam al 361.28 1987 Am ravati M ah arash tra
51 N aw egaon 133.88 1975 B handara & G ondia M ah a ra sh tra
52 Peneh 257.26 1975 N agpur M ah arash tra
53 Sanjay G andhi
(BoriviMii) 86.96 1983 Thane & M um bai- M ah a ra sh tra
54 T adoba 116.55 1955 C handrapur M a h a ra sh tra
55 K eibul-L am jao 40.00 1977 B ishnupur M an ip u r
56 B alphakram 220.00 1986 South G aro H ills M eg h a la y a
57 N okrek 47.48 1986 East, W est & South
* G aro H ills M eg h a la y a
58 M urlen 200.00 1991 C ham phai M izo ram
59 P haw ngpui B lue 50.00 199T C hhim tuipui (E) M izo ram
M ountain
60 Intanki 202.02 1993 D im apur N ag alan d
61 B h itark an ik a 145.00 1988 K endrapara O rissa
62 Sim lipal' 845.70 1986 M ayurbhanj O rissa
63 D arrah 265.8 2003 K ota R ajasth an
64 D esert 3,162.00 1980 B arm er & Jaisa lm e r R ajasth an
65 K eoladeo G hana 28.73 1981 B h aratp u r R ajasth a n
66 R antham bore 392.00 1980 Saw ai M a d h o p u r R ajasth a n
67 Sari ska 273.80 1992 A lw ar R ajasth a n
68 K hangchendzonga 1,784.00 1977
>• j •»- N orth & W est S ik k im S ik k im
69 G uindy 2.82 1976 C h en n ai: T am il N ad u
70 G u lf o f M an nar 6.23 1980 R am an ath p u ram & T am il N adu
M arine
T u tieo rin
71 In d ira G andhi 1 1 7 .10 1989 C o im b a to r T a m il N ad u
(A n n am alai)
72 M u d u m alai 103.24 1990 N ilg iris T a m il N adu
73 M u k u rth i 78.46 1990 N ilg iris T a m il N ad u
BIODIVERSITY, b i o s p h e r e r e s e r v e a n d w i l d l i f e c o n s e r v a t i o n

C orbett 520.82 1936 Nainital & G arhw al U ttarakhand

74 .
Uttarkashi U ttarakhand
75 Gangotri 1,552.00 1989
U ttarkashi U ttarakhand
76 G ovind 472.08 19.90, ‘
N anda Devi 630,00 1982 Chamoli U ttarakhand
78 Rajaji 820.00 1983 Dehradun, G arhw al & U ttarakhand
79 Vaalley. of Flow ers 87.50 1982 Chamoli U ttarakhand
80' Dudhwa. 490;00 1977 Lakhim pur Kheri U ttar Pradesh
81 Buxa 117.10 1992 Jalpaiguri W est Bengal
82 G brum ara 79.45 1994 Jalpaiguri W est B engal
83 Neora. V alley 88.00 1986 D arjeeling W est B engal
84 Singhalila 78.60 1986 D arjeeling W est B engal
85 Sunderbans 1,330.10 1984 North & South 24- W est B engal
Union Territories
86 C am pbell Bay 429.00 1992 Andaman A ndm an &
N icobar Islands
87 G alathea 110;00 1992 Andman A ndam an &
N icobar Islands
88 M ahatam a. G andhi 281.50 1983 Andman A ndm an &
M arine N icobar Islands
89 M iddle B utton Island 0.64 1979 Andaman A ndam an &
N icobar Islands
90 M ount H arriett 46.62 1979 Andaman A ndam an &
N icobar Islands
91 N orth B utton Island 0.44 1979 Andaman A ndam an &
N icobar Islands
92 Rani Jhansi M arine { 256.14 1996 Andaman A ndm an &
N icobar Islands
93 Saddle Peak 32.54 1979 Andaman A ndam an &
N icobar Islands
94 South B utton Islands 0.03 1977 Andaman A ndam an &
/ N icobar Islands
Source : Websits, file ://A AUntitled Document, htm

Wildlife Sanctuaries. Dandeli W ild Life Sanctuary (D harw ar, K arnataka),

Gandhi Sagar W ild Life Sanctuary (M andsaur,
There are 500 w ildlife sanctuaries in the M .P.), W arm W ater W ild Life Sanctuary (A ssam ),
country where anim als and habitats are protected Gautam Budha W ild LifeSancutary (Gaya, Jharkhand),
and d irect hum an use o f any kind is strictly H azaribagh W ild Life Sanctuary (H azaribagh,
prohibited. The im portant W ild Life Sanctuaries are Jharkhand), W ild Life Sanctuary (Kohima, Nagaland),
Bandipur Sanctuary (K arnataka),B hadra Sanctuary Jaldapara, W ild Life Sanctuary (Jalpaiguri, W est
(C hikm anglbr, K arnataka), B him abandh Sanctuary Btengal), W ild Life Sanctuary (A dilabad, A ndhra
(M onger, B ihar), Bori Sanctuary (H osangabad, Ptadesh), Kinnarsani W ild Life Santuary (Kham m an,
M .P.), C handra Prabha Sanctuary. (V aranasi, U.P. A ndhra Pradesh), Mva nas Wild: Life Sanctuary
for Indian Lions), DachigamiSanctuariy (Jammu and (B arpeta, A ssam ), Mfcdumalai W ild Life Sanctuary
Kashmir), D alm a W ild Sanctuary. (Singhbhum , (N ilgiri, Tam il N adu), Som eshw ar W ild Life Sanc­
Jharkhand), JDampWildSanctuary (Aizwal, Mizoram), tuary (South K anara, K arnataka), Panchm arhi W ild

L ife S anctuary (H osangabad, M .P.), Pakhal W ild K arnataka), Shikari Devi W ild L ife S antuary (M andi,
L ife Sanctuary (W arangal, A ndhra Pradesh), Palam au H im achal P radesh), Sim lipal W ild L ife Sanctuary
W ild L ite Sancutary (Daltonganj, Jharkhand), Periyar (M ayarbhanj, O rissa), Sonai R o o p a W ild Life
W ild L ife (game) Sanctuary (Kerala), Ranatham bhaur Sanctuary (T ejpur, A ssam ), T an sa W ild L ife S anc­
W ild L ife Sanctuary (Saw ai M adhopur, R ajasthan), tuary (Thane, M ah arash tra), T u n g b h ad ra W ild Life
S h arav athi V alley W ild Life Sanctuary (Shim oga, Sanctuary (B ellary, K arnataka) etc.
.| ,; ^ 2
Tab le 24.7 : Spatial distribution of N ational Parks and W ildlife S anctuaries (area in km )

N ational Parks W ildlife S anctuaries T otal A rea

S.No. State N um ber A rea N um ber A rea

1 A ndhra Pradesh 4 3314.50 21 12530.09 15844.59

2 A runachal Pradesh 2 2468.23 10 7114.45 9582.68
3 Assam 3 1173.71 13 939.88 2113.59
4 B ihar 2 567.32 21 3890.25 44 57.57
5 Delhi 0 0.00 1 27.60 2 7 .6 0
6 Goa 1 107.00 6 647.96 754.96
7 G ujarat 4 479.67 21 16422.71 16902.38 . :
8 H aryana 1 .. . 1.43 9 278.32 27 9 .7 5
9 H im achal Pradesh 2 1429.40 32 5736.85 71 66.25
10 Jam m u & K ashm ir 4 4650.07 16 10172.15 14822.22
11 K arnataka 5 2472.18 20 3930.61 6 4 0 2 .7 9
12 K erala 3 536.52 12 2143.36 “ 26 79.88
13 M adhya Pradesh 11 6474.69 35 10704.05 17178.74
14 M aharashtra 5 955.93 33 14387.78 15343.71
15 M a n i p u r , 2 81.80 1 184.85 266.65 r
16 M eghalaya 2 267.48 3 34.20 301.68
17 M izoram 2 250.00 4 634.00 884.00'
18 N agaland 1 202.02 3 24.41 226.43
19 O rissa 2 990.00 18 6971.15 796 i. 85'
20 Punjab 0 0 11 317.79 317.79
21 Rajasthan 4 3856.53 24 5712.83 95 69.36
22 Sikkim 1 1784.00 5 265.10 2049; 10
23 Tamil Nadu 5 307.85 20 2602.07 2909.92
24 Tripura 0 0 4 j 603.62 603.62
25 U ttar Pradesh 7 5410.82 29 7594.54 13005.36
26 W est Bengal 5 1692.65 16 1 103.48 2796.13 • .sV1'.
21 Andaman & N icobar 9 1157.14 94 372.13 1529.27
Islands ~ ‘' *• 4 113: ..<i i
28 C handigarh 0 • 0 2 26.01 26.01
29 D adra & N agar Havel i 0 0 0 0 0.00
30 - Daman & Diu 0 0 1 2.18 >’ 2.18 i
31 !’L akshadw eep 0 , , o
0 O’ - 0 .0 0 '
32" Pondicherry
t i0. 0 0 ' m 0 , /.
Total 87 40631.64 485 115374.42 156006.06
Source : State of Forest Report, 1999

10. Andhra Pradesh 192 95

Among bird sanctuaries important are
Ghana Bird Sanctuary (Bharatpur, Rajasthan), 11. M izoram 28 ,, 06
Ranganthittoo Bird Sanctuary (Karnataka), Vedanthangal 12. Goa, Dam, Diu 05 0
Bird Sanctuary (Chingjeput, Tamil Nadu), Malapatti 45
13. Orissa 173
Bird Sanctuary (Nellore, Andhra Pradesh) etc.
14. Kerala 71. 46
Tiger Reserves and Project Tiger 15. Chandigarh 227 26 .
16. Jharkhand 34 NA
A national scheme known as ‘Project Tiger’
has been launched in the country since 1073 by the 17. Uttarakhand 251 178
Govt, of India with the following objectives : 18. M eghalaya 47 0
>■ to ensure viable population of tiger in India 19. Nagaland 23 0
through proper protection and management 14
20. A runachal Pradesh 61 •
of tiger population,
> to ensure complete protection to tiger species Total 3,642 1410*
in a few specially selected tiger reserves for
scientific, ecological, economic, aesthetic, Source : w w w T iger C ensus, 2008
cultural and biological values and importance,
NA = not assessed; *all in Protected areas
> to preserve the habitats and tigers therein as
natural heritage for education and sight Reasons for decline of tiger population
seeing, etc.
• habitat degradation
Tiger Census Method • poaching
• reduced prey base
There are 2 tiger census methods :
• confinem ent o f tigers in pro tected areas
1. Pug Mark Method (unscientific)
2. Camera Trap Method (scientific) Suggestion for Tiger Conservation in Tiger
The Pug M ark M ethod was applied to record
the tiger census in 2001-2002 which yielded total
• provision of connectivity am ong individual
number of tigers in India as 3642 of which 1500
tiger reserve,
tigers were in protected areas and 2142 tigers in
outside protected areas. According to 2008 Tiger • wildlife corridors for providing connectivity
Census R eport (on the basis of Canera Trap Method) to tiger habitat,
total num ber of tigers was 1410, all in protected area. • creation of invoilate areas,
• creation o f buffer zone surrounding tiger
Number of Tigers in India reserve,
•involvem ent of local com m unities in tiger
conservation, etc.
States 2001-2002 2008
Initially there w ere 9 tiger reserves under the
census census Porject tiger in the year 1973. T he tiger reserve areas
1. Tamil Nadu 60 76 covered the geographical area o f 16, 339 km 2 w ith
total population o f 268 tigers therein. A t present
2. M aharashtra 238 103 there are 27 tiger reserves in India. A nnam alais and
3. W est Bengal NA NA M udum ali sanctuaries have been converted into
4. Karnataka tiger reserves (in 2006)
401 290
5. Bihar The basic p rin cip le o f P ro ject T ig er is to
76 10 protect tigers in T ig er R eserves on the basis o f
6. Assam 354 70 core-buffer strategy’ w herein the core area is kept
7. Rajasthan 58 32 free from hum an and biotic d istu rb an ces, forestry
8. M.P. 710 operations, co llectio n o f fo rest produce o f any
kind, grazing, but the buffer zone b ecom es m ultiple
9. U.P. 284 109 use area i.e. buffer zone is m anaged to provide (1)

h a b ita ts to such anim als which are not allow ed in nine dem arcated tiger reserv es) in the y ear 1:973
th e co re areas or such wild anim als which becom e when the schem e o f P roject T ig er w as launched. The
su rp lu s from core area, and (2) ecodevelopm ent total tiger population has subsequently in creased to
in p u ts to surrounding villages, grazing, collection
about 4000 (including 1498 tigers in 27 tiger
o f firew ood in regulated m anner etc.
reserves ) by 2000 A .D. T able 24.7 d isp lay s the list
It may be m entioned that initially total tiger
population was about 2000 (including 268 tigers in o f tiger reserves ini India.

Table 24.7 : Tiger Reserves (under the scheme of Project Tiger) fn India

SI No. Name of Tiger Reserves Year of A rea State

creation (km 2)
1. Bandipur 1973-74 866 K arnataka
1. Nagarhole (extension) 1999-2000 643 K arnataka
2. Corbett 1973-74 1,316 U ttar Pradesh
3. Kanha 1973-74 1,945 M adhya Pradesh
4. M anas' 1973-74 2,840 Assam
5. Melghat 1973-74 1,677 M aharashtra
6. Palamau 1973-74 1,026 Jharkhand
7. Ranthambhore 1973-74 1,334 R ajasthan
8. Similipal 1973-74 2,750 O rissa
9. Sunderbans 1973-74 2,585 W est B engal
10. Periyar 1978-79' 111 ' Kerala:
11,,,. , Sari ska ; 1978-79 866 R ajasthan . j.
12. Buxa 1982-83 759 W est B engal
13. Indravati 1982-83 2,799 M adhya Pradesh
14. N agarjunsagar 1982-83 3;568 A ndhra Pradesh
15. i Namdapha 1982-83 1,985 A runchal P radesh
16. Dudhwa 1987-88 811 U ttar Pradesh
Katerniaghat (extension) 1999-2000 511 U ttar Pradesh
17. Kalkad-Mundanthurai 1998-89 800 Tam il N adu
18. Valmiki 1989-90 840 B ihar
19. Pench
AA 1992-93 758 M adhya Pradesh
20. Tadoba-Andheri 1993-94 620 M aharashtra
21. Bandhavgarh 1993-94 1,162 M adhya Pradesh
22. Panna 1994-95 542
23. • M adhya Pradesh
Dampha 1994^95 500 M izoram .
24. Bhadra 1998-99 492
25. Karnataka)
Pench 1998-99 257 M aharashtra
26; Pakhuri-Nameri 1999-2000 1,206
27. A runchal. P radesh and Assam
Bori, Satpura, Piichmarhi 1999-2000 1,486 M adhya Pradesh
28;. Annam alais 2005-2006 95-8 K erala-K arnataka
29. M udum alai 2005-2006 321 K erala-K arnataka
-Project .Elephant Under the scheme of Project Elephant regular
elephant census is carried out to monitor the
The Govt, of India launched a scheme to elephant population. Besides, refresher courses for
protect the wild elephant population known as elephant veterinarians are also arranged so that the
‘Project E lephant’ on the line of ‘Project T iger’ in health conditons of elephants are taken care of..
the year 1992. The scheme has been implemented in
12 states of The.Project Elephant aims Project Snow Leopard in India
at the following :
>• to a ssistth e states having substantial number Recently India has launched, the scheme of
of w ild.elephants in protecting them. ‘roject snow leopard’ in the tune of Project Tiger,
>► to ensure .viable populations of elephants in Project Elephant, Project Rhino etc. The following
their natural.habitats. are the salient features :
> to strengthen effective measures of protec­ • total number of snow leopard in India = 750
tion of wild elephants from poachers. *• aims —» to save and conserve high altitude
> to develop scientific and planned m anage­ population of leopard and their habitats
m ent program m es for the conservation of through participatory policies and actions
natural habitats of elephants. i.e. participation of local people.
> > to restore and strengthen m igratory routes of ,r • covers the areas of Himalayan altitudes
wild anim als. covering the following :
> to prom ote m easures o f m itigation of man- >■ Jammu and Kashmir
elephant conflicts in the peripheral areas of > Himachal Pradesh
natural habitats of elephants.
> Uttarakhand
> to prom ote researches on different aspects of
> Arunchal Pradesh
conservation of elephants and their habitats,
> Sikkim
> to prom ote environm ental education and
• Approach of conservation adapted:
public aw arness about wildlife importance
and conservation. :> landscape level approach to wildlife
> to educate and train field staff, mahouts and>
veterinarians. >- by developing scientific fram ew ork for
comprehensive surveys,
The Project Elephant has been effectively
implemented in 12 states, namely Arunachal Pradesh, > by rationalizing the existing protected
Assam, Meghalaya, N a g a la n d , W est Bengal, Jharkhand, area network,
Orissa, A ndhra Pradesh, K arnataka, Tamil Nadu, > by improving protected area manage*
Kerala, and U ttarakhand. By the year 2002, 14 ment, etc.
‘elephant reserves’ were set up as follows : • methods of conservation
1. Singhbhum (Jharkhand) > promoting a know ledge based adaptive
2. G aro H ills (M eghalaya> conservation framework,
>■ involving the local communities, who
3. M ayurbhanj (O rissa)
share the snow leopard range, in conser­
4. M ahanadai (O rissa)
vation effort.
5. Sam balpur (Orissa)
• Need of this project
6. Eastern D oars (W est Bengal)
> because of very low population ot snow
7. M ayurjham a (W est Bengal) leopard in India.
8. W ayand (K erala) > man-animal conflict.
9. N ilam bur (K erala) > hostile landscape of their areas and hence
10. Anam udy (K erala) harsh environmental conditions.'
11. Periyar (Kerala) • snow leopards have been included in the
12. K um eng (A runachal Pradesh) category of Recovery Programme.
13. M ysore (K arnataka) ‘In te g ra te d D ev elo p m en t o f W ildlife
14. Shiw alik (U ttarakhand) H abitats’

Rapid rate o f industrialization, urbanization, development, increase in m eans o f transport and

agricultural development and above all population communication etc. are the outcom e o f population
growth have put great pressure on the use of land, growth because the people must generate better
water and vegetation resulting into degradation of facilities for their existence and better life. The
lands as wastelands through rapacious exploitation development o f scientific techniques and advanced
o f forest resources and consequent accelerated rate technologies has to be made in order to save the
o f soil erosion, degradation o f surface water, both humanity from hunger and natural calamity and
rivers and lakes, because of discharge o f immense disaster. Consequently, the rate o f exploitation of
volume of untreated polluted sewage and effluents natural resources increases more rapidly than the
coming out o f industrial installations and urban rate of population growth which causes depletion
centres into our rivers, acute air pollution in the and exhaustion o f certain valuable non-renewable
urban agglomerations since 1950. resources. The world scenario o f population growth
and environmental degradation has been discussed
25.1 POPULATION GROWTH AND ENVIRON­ in chapter 20 of this book. This section deals with the
MENT scenario o f population growth in Indian context.
As already stated, unproportional growth (in
Rapid rate o f increase in population has been relation to natural resources) in human population
held responsible as one o f the most significant puts additional pressure on natural resources to
factors o f environm ental degradation because sustain population which causes environmental
everincreasing population puts greater demands on degradation. Total population multiplied by more
the use o f limited resources o f a country. In fact, than 3.5 times within last one hundred years i.e.
industrial expansion, urban growth, agricultural 1901-1991, 4 times from 1911 to 2001 and 5 times
e n v ir o n m e n t a l d e g r a d a t io n AND POLLUTION IN INDIA ^

fro m 1901 to 2011 A D . (table 25.1) which simply has increased about five fold. Consequently, net
means that the pressure on India's natural resources area sown had to be ..

Table ?5.1. Growth of population In India

Census Year Total population Rural population Urban population

Totai Percentage Total Percentage
(millions) (millions)
1901 238.39 212.54 r ,8 9 .1 6 25.85 'W> , 10.84
. . . » *3 I
1911 252.09 226.15 89.79 28.08 10.21
,1921 251.32 223.23 88.82 28.06 11.18
1931 278.97 245.52 88.00 33.45 12.00
1941 318.66 274.50 86.14 44.15 13.86
1951 361.08 298.64 82.70 62.44 17.30
1961 439.23 360.29 82.03 78.93 i 17.97
1971 548.15 439.04 80.10 109.11 19.90
1981 683.23 523.86 76.66 159.46 23.34
1991 S46.30 628.69 74.29 217.61 25.71
2001 1027.00 739.40 72.00 287.60 28.00
2011 1210.19 833.09 68.84 377.09 31.16

increased from 118.75 million hectares in 1950-51 limit etc. It is evident from table 25.1 that urban
to 142.81 million hectares in 1994-95 (table 25.8) population increased from 25.85 million (10.84 per
but decreased to 141.89 million hectares in 2005-06. cent of the total population) in 1901 to 287.6 million
It may be m entioned that this increase in net sown (28 percent of total population) in 2001, and 377
area consequent upon increased demand of food and million in 2011. This has resulted in severe air
other items due to phenomenal increase in popula­ pollution in big cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai,
tion resulted in decrease in forest cover, substantial Kolkata, Kanpur, Pune etc. The Yamuna river has
increase in irrigationa! facilities and irrigated areas become a seweir in Delhi due to discharge of
(gross irrigated area increased from 22.5 million enormous pollution load in the river (see section
hectares in 1950-51 to 71.56 million hectares in 25.6). It is also evident from table 25.1 that rural
1995-96 (table 25.7), increased use of agrochemicals population decreased by about 17 per cent while
(nitrogen, phosphate and potash), increased use of urban population incresed by 17 percent from 1901
pesticides in order to control crop diseases but to to 2001. It is estimated that by the year 2016 about 34
pollute soils, w ater and food chain, increase in the per cent of the total country’s population will be
use of fungicides, herbicides etc. housed in urban areas as the total urban population is
It is pertinent to mention that the flight of expected to rise from 254.2 million in 1996 to 425.6
million against total India’s population of 1,263.54
population from rural areas to urban areas results in
million in 2016 A.D. If pollution control measures are
concentration o f huge population in limited space
not adopted and population growth is not chccked the
forming big cities, metropolis and megalopolis only
urban environment of the country will be polluted
to stress the urban environment, by increasing
beyond imagination in the 21st century. Almost all of
num ber o f squatter settlements and slum dwellers,
the million cities of India arc heavily polluted.
causing air and water pollution beyond permissible
e n v iro n m e n ta l g e o g ra p h y
population 'in I n d i a increased fro m 0.306 million in
Increase in population results in correspond-
1950-51 to 34.2*11) million in 1995-96 (table 25.2).
ing increase in means of transportation in rural areas
The number o f autom obiles i n the .metropolitan
in general and in urban areas in particular. Increase
cities inorder to cater the dncreased d em an d of
in the number of automobiles consequent upon
transport c o n se q u e n t upon rapid rate o f grow th of
phenomenal increase in urban population increases
their urban population registered phenom enal in­
pollution load (air pollution, water pollution, solid
crease from 1982 to 1996 (table 2 5 3 )
waste pollution etc.) in urban areas. Vehicle

Table 25.2 : Growth of vehicle population In lndia, (millions)

buses goods others Total all

Year Two-wheeler Car, Jeep, and .
vehicles vehicles
taxi etc

0.034 0.082 0.004 0.306

1951 0.027 0.159

0.576 0:682 0.094 . 0.343 0.170 1.865

1991 14.200 2.954 0.331 1.356 2.533 21.374

2001 38.556 7.058 0.634 2.948 5.795 54.991

2006 64.743 11.526 0.992 4.436 7 .921 89.618

The total number o f vehicles increased about air pollution. The m etropolitan cities a re the w orst
7 fold from 1980-81 to 1995-96 (table 25.2), two sufferers of air pollution caused by phenom enal
wheeler vehicles increased by more than 10 times increase in vehicle population during 1982-1996
while car, jeep and taxi increased by about 4 times (table 25.3). Delhi is the w orst sufferer from this
from 1980-81 to 1995-96. It may be menntioned that stand point as the vehicle popu lation increased from
most of the two and four wheelers except buses and 0.593 million in 1982 to 2.63 m illion in 1996 which
trucks are used in the urban centres to cause serious is more than four fold increase.

Table 25.3 : Vehicle population in major metropolitan cities (millions)

Year Bangalore Kolkata Chennai Delhi H yderabad M um bai

1982 0.191 NA 0.141 0.593 0.110 0.339
1985 0.278 0.311 0.166 0.841 0.172 0.441
1988 0.411 0.397 0.420 1.284 0.442 0.557
1991 0.577 0.475 0.544 1.813 0.443 0.628
1994 0.716 0.545 0;689 2.239 0.543 0.608
1995 0.798 0.561 0.768 2 .432 0:557 0 .667
1996 0.900 NA 0/8-12 2.630 NA 0.724
2.88 1.05 3.242 6.000 2.326 1.938

,It is the quality and not the quantity o f Table .255 : Fertility rate In India (percentage) : Aver-
population 'which matters m ore in the national age national fertility rate=2.72<children per
development and education is one o f the important woman.
indicators of population quality. It may be men­
Women with no education 5.1
tioned that ‘In dia’s literacy rate is growing and the
Women with primary education 4.5
gender gap is closing (table 25.4). Educated women
have less fertility rate than illiterate women and Women with upper primary education 4 .0
hence contribute in restricting the population growth Women with secondary education 3.1
and indirectly help in m inim izing environmental
Women with higher education 2.1
degradation (table 25.5). According to 1991 census
S ou rce : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, 1999, CSE, New Delhi,
it has become obvious that fertility rate of women
decreases with increasing level o f women education VoLI, p. 268.
as the rate dropped from 5.1 for the women having
no education to 2.1 for the women having higher
education (table 25.5).
Table 25/4 :"Growth Ofliteracy rate tn India, 1931-12011 Agricultural development in terms o f expan­
sion of agricultural land through major land use
Year Total literacy M ale literacy Female
changes, increase in agricultural productivity and
rate (per rate (per­ literacy rate net agricultural production through the application
centage of centage of (percentage o f modem scientific techniques and advanced
total popul­ m ale popul­ of female technologies, increased production and use of
agrochemicals (chemical fertilizers and pesticides),
ation) ation) population)
expansion in irrigational facilities and irrigated
1931 9 16 2 areas, development of high-yielding varieties of
1951 18 27 5 seeds in order to meet the food requirement o f ever
1961 28 40 5 increasing population o f the country has no doubt
solved the food problem of India but has also created
1971 35 46 22
and is creating hazardous environmental problems
1981 44 57 30 o f serious concern. Though the pace of agricultural
1991 52 64 39 development has to be maintained if we do not want
to let the teeming millions die of hunger but
2001 65 75 53
environmental degradation should not be allowed
2011 74 82 65 to continue due to agricultural development because
Source: The Citizen’s Fifth Report, 1999, CSE, New Delhi, it would also cause irreparable loss to human
Vol. I, p. 269. society.

Table 25.6 : Land use in India, 1950-51 to 1994-95 (million hectares)

Geographical area 328.73

1950-51 1970-71 1990-91 2005-06

A. Reporting area for 284.32 303.76 304.86 305.27

land utilization (1 to 5)
1. Forests 40.48 63.91 67.80 69.79
2. Not available for cultivation /
(i) area under non-agricultural 9.36 16.48 21.09 25.03

(ii) barren and unculturable land 38.16 28,16 19.39 17.47

3. O ther uncultivated land

’' *. I -'.‘V■
excluding fallow land
(i) permanent pastures and other 6.68 13.26 , 11.40 10.41

grazing lands ... . ' • ‘ ’i

i! i > « - • • ,- j >. '*■ ‘ . V ’
(ii) land under miscellaneous tree
crops and groves not included " 19.83 4.30 3.82 ' ' ‘ 3.38 ; •)
in net area sown
(iii) culturable waste 1 22.94 17.50 15.00 13.12
■ •( 1 1 ,• • . I.1\ •'
4. Fallow lands
(i) fallow land other than current , 17.44 8.76 9.66 10.57
fallows ■ "' 1-
(ii) current fallows 10.68 11.12 13.70, ,j 13.67
5. Net area sown ’v 118.75 140.27 143.00 141.89

There has been substantial increase in agricul­

1970-71 31.10 38.19
tural land since 1950 in order to increase agricultural
production. It may be mentioned that the land area 1980-81 38.72 49.73
under forests as shown in table 25.6 does not depict
1990-91 46.70 61.85
clear picture because it also includes areas under
plantation. The net area sown continuously in­ 1994-95 52.99 70.63
creased from 118.75 million hectares in 1950-51 to 1995-96 53.51 71.51
142.81 million hectares in 1994-95 but slightly
decreased to 142.21 million hectares in 1995-96 and 2005-06 60.19
141.89 million hactares in 2005-06.
Expansion in agricultural land necessitated Due to a host o f causal factors mainly
increase in irrigational facilities and irrigated land deforestation, accelerated soil erosion and excessive
and use of agrochemicals (chemical fertilizers and
irrigation, natural hazards like floods, land is
pesticides) to increase agricultural production.
degraded and wasteland is increasing. By the end of
Consequently, net irrigated area increased from
20th century the country had 129.57 million hectares
20.85 million hectares in 1950-51 to 52.99 million
hectares in 1994-95, 53.51 million hectarea in 1995- of wasteland o f which 35.85 million hectares were
96 and 60.19 million hactares in 2005-06, while degraded forest area and 93.66 million hectares of
gross irrigated area increased from 22.56 million degraded non-forest area including saline/alkaline
hectares in 1950-51 to 70.63 million hectares in area, wind and w ater eroded areas. The land has been
1994-95 and 71.51 million hectares in 1995-96 rendered w asteland due to a host o f anthropogenic
(table 25.7). and natural factors, viz. wind and w ater erosion
Table 25.7 : Net and gross irrigated area, 1950-51 to (desertification due to deforestation and excessive
1995-96 (million hectares) grazing in the dry land area, accelerated soil erosion
consequent upon deforestation and overgrazing),
Y ear Net irrigated gross irrigated v.
water logging (due to canal irrigation), ravine and
area area
gully erosion (due to deforestation and overgrazing
1950-51 20.85 22.56 and faulty cultivation o f gullied and already
1960-61 24.66 27.98 ravinated land), shifting cultivation, riparian ero­
e n v ir o n m e n t a l d e g r a d a t io n AND POLLUTION IN INDIA 587

sion by rivers, flooding o f agricultural and non- from the heavily fertilized agricultural fields of
agricultural land due to increase in the frequency and Haryana finally reaches Delhi to pollute the Yamuna.
dimension o f floods caused by anthropogenic The soil salinity has reached a new high in Haryana.
activities (mainly deforestation and related acceler­ The increasing dem and o f ag roch em icals has also
ated soil erosion and siltation o f river valleys) etc. put enorm ous pressure on hom e production o f these
The adverse effects o f major land use changes like chemicals which have increased m any fold from
shifting cultivation and replacement o f forest cover 1951 to 1997 (table 25.8). The hom e production of
by fruit orchards will be discussed in the section nitrogeri and phosphate fertilizers tog ether has
‘deforestation and environmental degradation’. increased from 0.04 million tonnes in 1951-52 to
increased use o f agrochemicals (chemical 11.31 million tonnes in 1996-97. The deficit o f
fertilizers) and pesticides to boost agricultural required chemical fertilizer is m et with import. The
productivity and production has immense adverse combined import o f nitrogen, phosphate and potash
effects on land and water resources o f the country. fertilizers increased from 0.057 million tonnes in
Agricultural land has been extensively polluted 1951-52 to 2.05 million tonnes in 1996-97 while the
through non-point pollution o f agrochemicals. For consumption o f these fertilizers increased from 0.08
exam ple, H aryana state is the worst sufferer. million tonnes in 1951-52 to 14.31 million tonnes in
A gricultural ru n o ff containing chemicals residue 1996-97 (table 25.8).

Table 25.8 : Production, import and consumption of chemical fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphate and potash) in
India, 1951-52 to 1996-97 (million tonnes)

Y ear Production Import , C onsum ption

1951-52 0.04 0.057 0.08
1960-61 0.26 0.41 0.29
1970-71 10.06 0.623 4.38
1980-81 3.06 2.75 5.52
' I * 1
1990-91 9.13 2.76 12.55
1994-95 10.60 2.13 13.56
1995-96 11.48 4.11 13.88
1996-97 11.31 2.05 14.31
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol II, 1999, CSE, New Delhi, based on Anon 1997. N o te : No home production o f potash.

Green revolution necessitated greater use of unchecked use o f chemical fertilizers and pesticides
pesticides (including insecticide, fungicide, weedicide, has degraded our soils, agricultural runoff has
rodenticide, fum igant, plant grow th regulator) to polluted surface water (tanks, ponds, lakes and rivers)
control plant diseases to ensure good harvest of and groundwater, the chemicals have reached food
foodgrains, fruits, vegetables etc. C onsequently, the chains and have adversely affected human health
production o f pesticides increased from 2,836 and wealth.
tonnes per annum in 1955-56 to 1,02,240 tonnes in
1997-98 while the hom e consum p tion o f pesticides 20.3 DEFORESTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL
far exceeded the hom e prod uctio n (and hence DEGRADATION IN INDIA
necessitated im port to m eet the deficit) as their
consum ption increased from 2.3:5 million tonnes in Forests are invaluable property o f a nation
because they provide raw materials to modern
1955-56 to 52 million tonnes in 1997-98. The
major forest data m onitoring agencies are Food and
industries, timber f o r b u i l d i n g purposes; habitatsfor
Agricultural-Organization (FAO ) o f the LI.N.O.,and
num erous types o f animals and micro-organisms;
good friable and nutrient-rich soils having high the Ministry o f E nv iron m en t and F o rest (M EF) of
content o f organic matter; offer,protection to soils by the Govt, o f India .through its tw o-yearly report
binding the soils through the network o f their roots named the State o f Forest R eport (since 1987)
and by protecting the soils from direct impact of published by the Dehra D unerbased Forest Survey of
falling raindrops; they encourage and increase India (FSI). It is also to note that areas under natural
inflitration of rainwater and thus allow maximum forests and plantations are very often am algam ated
recharge of groundwater resources; minimize sur­ but these should be separated to understand clear
face runoff and hence reduce the frequency, picture of natural dense forest cover which consists
intensity and dimension of floods; they help in of undisturbed, pristine forest c ov er having im­
increasing precipitation; they are natural ‘sink’ of mense biodiversity and frontier forests.
carbon.dioxide because they use carbon dioxide to Natural forests o f India are classified under 3
prepare their food during the process o f photosyn­ categories viz. dense forests (which have tree crown
thesis; they provide firewood to millions of people density o f 40 per cent or more), open forests (also
all over the world, and food and shelter to classed as degraded.forests, have tree crow n/density
innumerable humans and animals, In fact, forestsare between 10-40 per cent) .and scrub forests (which
‘life line’ o f a nation because prosperity and welfare have tree crown density o f less than .10 per cent,
of the society directly depends on sound and healthy these are not included in the total f o r e s t cov er data).
forest cover of the nation concerned. Forests are Environmentalists and f o r e s t m an agers n eed actual
main component o f the biotic components of the ground data of a natural forests fo r their better
natural environmental system,and the stability of the conservation and m anagem en t w hile industries
environment and ecosystem/ecological balance largely requiring wood for the m anufacturing o f different
depends on the status o f th e forests of the region goods ranging from p lyw ood and rayon to pulp and
concerned. paper, need the data o f the extent o f plantations. One
The aforesaid mentioned positive sides of should be, therefore, cautious a b ou t the break up of
forest covers have been ignored and the forests have area under forest cover. G enerally, forest area data
been shabbily treated not only in India but the world include area covered with trees (dense and open
over. It may be mentioned tthat forest monitoring forests), scrubs, n o n -fo rest land, plantations etc.,
data in the country are not re liableas these vary due whereas forest cover includes area covered with
to different reporting sources and agencies. The trees only.

Table 25.9 : Forest cover (km2)

2005 2007 C hange

1. Very dense forest 83,472" 83.510 +38
i 2. M oderately dense forest 319,948 319 ,0 12 -936
3. Open forest 286,751 288,377
. ' >* i. +1626
Total 690,171
' i 690,899 . +728
4. Scrub forest 41,286 41,525 +239
Source : India State of the Forest Report, 2009. r

T he perusal o f Cable 25 9 denotes that very 2005 to 2007 w hile m oderately d ense forest (tree
d en se forest cover (tre e e ro w n dens.ty o f more than crown den sity from 4 0 to 7 0 p ereent) decreased by
7 0 p ercen t o f the area) increased by 3Skm! from 936 km’ from,2005 to 2007. Open forest (tree crown

density 10 to 40 percent) increased by 1626'km? Forest: L o s t d u e tto Ffluifc QncJiards

from 2005 to 2007-.
Replacement, of forest cover by food crops
Forestcover and tree cover in India (2009) are
and fruit orchards also degrades the forest environ­
22.26 and 2.99 percent of geographical area
ment. Replacement of forest cover by. appJecultiva-
respectively. Thus, forest cover +- tree cover
tion in thehiMdistricts of Himachal Pradesh, India or
combined together represent 25^25' percent of say practicing of monoculture in place, o f biotic,
geographical area o f India. diversity o f forest ecosystem tells the story of
adverse impact on the environment of the Himala­
Rate of Deforestation
yas. Apple cultivation has enormously increased in
i Himachal Pradesh in the post-independence era at
It is interesting to note that while plantions are
the cost of rich natural vegetation o f the Himalayas
increasing and are added to the forest area (govern­
(falling in Himachal Pradesh). It may be stated that
ment owned land area, kept for forestry purposes),
at present Himachal Pradesh produces about one
the forest cover (natural forest area) is contracting in
third of the total apple production o f India. Though
size. The area covered with trees (very dense forests the apple cultivation has increased the economic
+ moderately dense forests + open forests + prosperity of the state to some extent but it has
degraded forests + mangroves) declined by 0.55 swallowed large area of natural forest covers. Lured
million hectares from 1995 (63.89 million hectares) by the economic gain o f apple cultivation the
to 1997 (63.34' million hectares), thus registering farmers removed the forest at accelerated pace and
annual loss of 0.2T million hectares of forest cover. started apple plantation: Apple cultivation results in
The situation improved from the year 2005 to 2007 complete removal of all natural vegetations because
(table 25.9) when total forest cover (dense forests + no other plant is desirable in apple fields. Normally,
open forests) registered an increase of 728 km2area. the apple plants start yielding fruits after 5 to 7 years
The combined total o f dense forests, open forests of their plantation. During this period of growth of
and scrub forests registered an increase of 967 km2 apple plants the open areas between them are
area, from 2005 (731, 457 km2) to 2007 (732, 424 devoted to potato cultivation which allows more and
km2) more, soils to be eroded. because potato plants are
totally unable to bind the soils and to protect them
Pristine^ Forest Cover from the high intensity rainfall. This results in the
removal of fertile and valuable top-soil layer
Pristine forest cover refers to such natural through soil erosion caused by rainsplash, surface
dense forest cover which is undisturbed and and rillwash. Secondly, monoculture in the form of
unlogged and has immense biodiversity. As per apple cultivation also causes ecological imbalance
FAO report pristine natural dense forest cover was because most of the plants and animals and micro­
14.96 million hectares in 1980. This pristine forest organisms are destroyed. Thirdly, a lot of wood is
cover, thus, accounted for only 25 per cent of the required for the packing o f apples. This aspect
total natural forest cover and only 4.6 per cent of the places further pressure on forest and consequently
geographical area (328.73 million hectares) of India. more and more trees are cut in order to manufacture
The break up of pristine dense forest area in 1980 wooden boxes for the packing of apples and their
was as follows— (i) undisturbed forests, 5.991 mha, export. According to an estimate wood of about 7 to
(ii) unlogged forest because of inaccessibility, 2.19 10 hectares of forests is required for the packing of
mha, and (iii) protected area, 6.779 mha. There is apples o f one hectare of land. Fourthly, huge amount
gradual loss even of dense natural forest in tiger of fungicide (chemicals to destroy pests) is used to
reserves as this area declined from 1.11 mha in 1983 save the apples from. the. dangerous disease of scab.
to 1.09 mha in 1989. Thus, not more than 11.66 mha This toxic dangerous chemical finds its way to
of forests, or about 3.5 per cent of country’s land surrounding areas and! streams via surface runoff,
area (328.73 mha), were in a n undisturbed pristine rills and rivulets and thus contaminates the waters of
state by 1995 (Anil Agrawal, et. al, 1999). the hills as well as of the plains.

It may be m entioned that m axim um am ount o f Nadu due to toxic effluents discharged from 800 odd
p o llu ta n ts c o m e s from sugar, chem ical and p harm a­ dyeing: and. bleaching units lo c ated in Tirruppur is
c eu tical industries. D yeing and printing industries another sad story o f industrial pollution. See
also p o llu te surface and groundw ater whereas sections 25.6 and 25.7 for im pact o f industrialization
therm al pow er plants pollute air. on water and air pollution in India.
tn du strial growth has m ade many o f the
Indian cities and towns as centres o f health hazard * %. '1* - W •'
due to pollution of groundw ater, garbage hazard, W ater pollution implies pollution, o f surface
river w ater pollution and air pollution. Ludhiana w a ter including river water, lake water, tank and
(Punjab), Jetpur (Gujarat), T iruppur (Tamil Nadu)
pond water, groundw ater and sea w ater through
etc. are a few exam ples o f industrial’towns which tell urbanization* industrialization* w ater withdrawal,
the sad tale o f severe environmental pollution due to agricultural runoff and religious and social func­
industrialization and consequent urban growth. tions. Here greater em phasis is given to the
Ludhiana contributes about 50' p e r cent pollution pollution o f river w ater in India. T he following
load o f the Sutlej: river. terms should be understood before discussing
J e t p u r (Gujarat) is a n o th er victim o f severe various aspects o f w ater pollution.
pollution hazard caused by industrial; development.
The 1200 odd. sari dyeing, a n d printing factories (A) Classification ofw aterquality,
located at; le tp u r on. the Bhadar river in Rajkot
district o f Gujarat and 500 a llie d industrial units Class A suitable fo r d rin king purpose for
continued to spill chemicals and dyes into the human being without,conventional
Bhadar till 1998 and the resultant w ater pollution so w ater treatm en t but after disinfec­
ts . -I' V • ,
adversely affected (ground w ater became red) tion.
80,000 people mostly farmers and mill workers in Class B suitable fo r o u td o o r bathing for
Dhoraji region, dbw nstream of Jfetpur, that the human being:
judicial court had to order to install:treatment.plants Class C drinking w a ter source but after
by Septem ber 1998 and to pay a fine of Rs. 1.25 conventional treatm ent and disin­
crore. T h e 9 0 km long stretch o f the Bhadar river was fection.
so greatly polluted (1.998) that it became unuseful
Class D suitable for w ildlife and fisheries,
even for irrigation.
Class E suitable fo r irrigation and indus­
The pollution of the Noyyal. river in Tamil
trial cooling.

(H) Criteria! for- determining water class

Criterion Glass Class Class Class Class

A. B. C D E
1. DO (mg/1) minimum 6 5 4 4 ---
2. BOD (mg/1) maximum 2 3 3 ____ ___.
3. Total coliform count 50 500 5000 __ __
(MPN/100 ml)maximum
4. pH 6 5 -8 .5 6.5-8.5 6.9 6.5-8>5 6.5-8.5
u u ; : dissolved oxygen, BOD : biochem ical oxygen d em and and pH . m easure o a n tpr
acidity o f water-pH 7, neutral, less than pH7, acidic water, pH more than , a
M P M : most probable number.
S o u r c e : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol: II; 1999, CSE, New Delhi,
5 93
Grossly Polluted Rivers of India 9. Kshipra (i) in the city limits of Ujjain,
existing class E against desired
Grossly polluted rivers are those in which
class B.
there is vast variation in the required cla ss and
(ii) downstream of Ujjain, ex­
existing class o f river water.
isting class E against desired
class b .
1. Sabarm ati: (i) between Ahmedabad city 10 Khan : (i) in the city limits of Indore,
and Sabarmati Ashram, exist­
existing class E against desired
ing class E against desired class B.
class B.
(ii) downstream of Indore, ex­
(ii) segment between Sabarmati isting class E against desired
Ashram and Vautha, existing class D.
class E against desired class D.
11. Hindon : segment between Saharanpur
2. Yamuna : (i) segment between Delhi and and its confluence with the
its confluence with Chambal, Yamuna, existing class E against
existing class partly D/E against desired class D.
desired class C.
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol. 1,1999, CSE, New
(ii) in the city limits of Delhi, Delhi.
Mathura and Agra, existing
class partly D/E against de­ 1. Yamuna River Pollution
sired class B.
The sacred Yamuna after taking its source
3. Subafnarekha segment between Hathidam and
from the Yamunotri in the Himalayas and covering
Bahragara, existing class partly
a distance of 1376 km conflues with the Ganga at
D/E against desired class C.
Allahabad to form the most sacred Prayag Sangam.
4. Godavari : (i) segment between Nasik and Who knew that once the sister of Yamraj, the God of
Nanded, existing class partly Death (Yama) as described in the epics would be
D/E against desired class C. made a man-killer by man himself in Kaliyuga. The
(ii) city limits of Nasik and Yamuna today is no longer the sacred Kalindi of
Nanded, existing class partly ‘Dwapar Yuga’ but has now become a mere polluted
D/E against desired class B. sewage carrier. From the stand point of pollution level
5. Krishna : segment between Karad and the entire course of the Yamuna from its source to its
Sangli, existing class partly confluence with the Ganga is divided into 5 segments.
D/E against desired class C. 1. The Himalayan segment includes the 172 km
6. Damodar : segment between Dhanbad and long course of the river from its source to Tajewala
Haldia, existing class partly barrage and is pollution free.
D/E against desired class C. 2. The upper segment includes 224 km long
7. G om ti: segment between Lucknow and stretch of the river between Tajewala and Wazirabad.
its confluence with Ganga, This segment receives enormous pollution load of
existing class partly D/E against agrochemicals (chemical fertilizers and pesticides)
desired class C. brought in by the surface runoff from the agricultural
fields of Haryana state.
8. K a li: segment between Modinagar
3. Delhi segment includes 22 km long stretch of
and its confluence with the
the river between Wazirabad barrage and Okhla
Ganga, existing class partly D/
barrage. This segment is overloaded with enormous
E against desired class C.
amount of pollutants discharged from numerous

sewage drains of the city and hence the river has been Upper segment between Tajewala and Wazirabad
polluted to such extent (pprtly D/E class) that it has covers a distance o f 224 km and has become the
become unusable even for human bath and animals. victim o f rich agriculture o f H aryana State. The
farmers apply heavy doses o f chemical fertilizers
4. Eutrophicated segment includes 490 km
and pesticides to increase production. These
long stretch between Okhla barrage and its conflu­
agrochemicals are w ashed out by the runoff and are
ence with the Chambal. The load of micro-pollutants
discharged into the Yamuna. Besides, wastes from
has become so high that BOD has become maximum.
Yamunanagar, Panipat, Sonepat, Karnal and other
The residents of the cities of Agra and Mathura
towns of Haryana are discharged into the river and
located in this segment have to pay the penalty of
using highly polluted poisonous water, not created by these increase the pollution load with the result
them but the sin committed by Dehlites. physico-chemical properties o f the river water are
changed to larger extent which adversely affect
5. Diluted segment includes lower course of
aquatic life. It may be mentioned that the intensity o f
the river measuring 468 km between its confluence
pollution of the river is further increased due to
with the Chambal and Allahabad. The quality of
withdrawal of water through two big canals (west
water improves in this segment and becomes usable
and east Yamuna canals) resulting into substantial
due to additional water discharged by the Chambal,
decrease in the volume o f water except during a brief
the Betwa and the Ken rivers.
period of July-September.-

Table 25.13 : Load of micro-pollutants in the Yamuna before it reaches Delhi (1995)

M icro-pollutants July M arch

(pesticides) (in nanogram
per litre of water)
T-BHC • 218.83 11.11
Aldrin not traceable not traceable
T.-Endosulphan • 51.30 90.23
Dieldrin 30.44 20.42
T-DDT 203.44 7.55
Heavy metals
(milligram per litre)
Cadmium 0.01 0.01
Chromium 0.01 not traceable
Copper not traceable 0.01
Ir6n 8.20 7.10
Nickel 1 • '■ ■
0.02 0.05
Lead not traceable not traceable
Zinc 0.60
V a h H /tn • D _ T I 7 _.____ 1 • - & a «. •

to Earth, February 28, 1997.

Table 25. 14 : Pollution load entering the upper segment of the Yamuna, 1996

Pollu tio n L oad

Town Wastes Suspended Chemical Biochemical oxygen C adm ium
(MLD) solids oxygen demand (BOD, kg/day) (kg/day)
(kg/day) demand load
(COD, kg/day)
KarnaJ 36.67 6,634 5,548 2,843 <0.04
Panipat 21.63 10,970 10,784 3,493 0.10
0 .3 0
1 ,7 4 6
Sonepat 21. iv 0.40
22,828 8,082
86.00 26,816
Pollution Load
Lead Zinc
Chromium Copper Iron Nickel
(kg/day) (kg/day)
(kg/day) (kg/day) (kg/day) (kg/day)
10.0 <0.04 13.0
Karnal <0.04 2.6 180
5.2 <0.02 8.2
Panipat <0.02 2.7 141
15.0 3.30 16.0
Sonepat 11.00 4.0 168
30.0, 3.36 37.2
Total 11.06 9.3 489
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol I, 1999, CSE, New Delhi

It may be mentioned that the volum e o f w ater in the

Delhi segment: Delhi metropolitan area is the
biggest polluter of the Yamuna. The 22 km long Yamuna becomes so low during w in ter and sum m er
segment between Wazirabad barrage and Okhla months because of closing o f discharge from
barrage is the most polluted segment of the Yamuna Wazirabad barrage that the flow o f w ater becom es
as 1,900 million litre of sewage from Delhi is almost stagnant but the discharge o f sew age into the
discharged into the Yamuna per day whereas the river continues unabated resulting into phenom enal
total treatment capacity of treatment plants at Delhi increase in pollution load o f the river. Pollutant
is only 1,270 million litres per day. Thus, 630 MLD dilution requirem entof the Y am un a is 75 p er cent i.e.
(million litre per day) sewage enters the Yamuna 75 litres of fresh water are required to absorb 100
without treatment. Not only this, treatment plants litres of waste water but there is no supply of this
release partly treated waste water into the Yamuna. additional fresh water. T he w aste o f D elhi reaches

Table 25.15 : Major sewage drains and pollutants reaching Yamuna at Delhi.

Drain Biological Oxygen Suspended solids D ischarge (m illion litre

Demand (BOD) (tonnes/day) per day, M L D )
1. Najafgarh 81.36 7.64 1667.84
2. Civil Mill 14.55 12.43 81.12
3. Power house 9.69 11.83 63.73
4. Sen Nursing Home 14.31 14.29 . 70.04
5. Bararriullah 9.37 4.88 157.52 ~
6. Shahadra 49.09 10.69 574.34

the river through 19 major drains out o f which 11

sewage into the Y am una (table 25.14). ‘B efore the
drains contribute, 2,800 MLD waste water which
Yamuna enters the capital, 100 milliliters o f its
brings 200 tonnes of BOD and 160 tonnes of
water contain 7,500 disease causing bacteria but
suspended solids per day in the river. Shahadra and
after receiving D elh i’s share o f sew age, carry 24
Najafgarh drains discharge largest volume of
million bacteria according to pollution control

Polluted Rivers

Arabian Of
Sea Bengal

Indian Ocean

Fig. 25.1: Heavily polluted rivers o f India.

Eutrophi^ated segment is spread between

Delhi becom es m ore polluted because more waste
Okhla barrage and the confluence o f the Chambal
w ater enters the riv e r from Delhi, Agra and Mathura
with the Yamuna. The segm ent dow n stream o f
cities. The B H C load in the Y am una in Delhi is

218 83 nanogram per litre w hereas it increases to 2. Ganga River Pollution

1 733 23 nanogram per litre o f w ater at Agra.
Similarly, the D D T load o f 203 m illigram per litre o f The Ganga river, the most scared river of the
water at Delhi increases to 1,802.58 m illigram per Hindu community and known for its self-purifica­
litre at Agra. The eutrophicated segm en t betw een tion capacity since time immemorial, has now
Delhi and Agra becom es so h eavily p ollu ted through become tired due to relentlessly carrying everincreasing
chemical pollutants that the water turns green, say unwanted load of industrial and urban wastes
becom es green soup, due to phenom enal grow th o f contributed mostly by those people who consider
algae and phytoplanktons (eutrophicaton ) in the their mother Ganga as door for-heaven. Out o f its
river water. This is w hy this segm en t is ca lled total stretch o f 2555 km from Gangotri to Gangasagar
eutrophicated segm ent. T he river w ater im p roves its (Bay o f Bengal) 600 km-long course of the river has
quality downstream o f Agra. T he quality o f water been badly polluted.
further im proves dow nstream o f the Y am una- Major pollutants of Ganga pollution include
Chambal confluence. enormous quantities o f sediments derived through
Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) : Yamuna Action accelerated rate of soil erosion in the source
Plan (YAP) was launched in 1993 to study and catchment areas o f the Ganga due to deforestation
control pollution in the Yamuna river. It may be and through rill and gully erosion in the reverine
noted that YAP is a part of ambitious Ganga Action zones of the Ganga and its tributaries; sewer drains
Plan (GAP) Phase II which includes cleaning from urban areas located on the river banks;
programme of three polluted tributaries of the Ganga industrial effluents carrying waste waters, sus­
viz. Yamuna, Gomti and Damodar. Initially, the pended and dissolved materials, toxic chemicals and
YAP included pollution treatment programmes in 15 metals etc. from various industries; garbages from
towns of Haryana (6), Uttar Pradesh (8) and Delhi cities; human and animal excreta from urban and
but later on 6 more towns were added to the rural settlements located along the river banks;
programme. The major programmes o f the YAP are burning of human dead bodies; corpses and dead
interception and diversion of waste water entering animals; chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecti­
the river, installation of sewage treatment plants to cides and herbicides (belonging to the category of
clean the waste water entering the river through synthetic chemicals) from agricultural fields; flow ­
urban outfalls, setting up electric crematoria to burn ers, earthen lamp pots, earthen milk pots with
human dead bodies, development of river banks and diluted milk etc. by the people taken as offers during
provision for low-cost sanitation schemes. There are their worships; solid wastes mainly non-degradeable
total 127 schemes for the implementation of the substances etc.
above programmes of which shares of Uttar Pradesh, According to an estim ate about 19,65,900
Haryana and Delhi are 48, 76 and 3 respectively. It kilograms o f polluted matters are discharged into the
may be mentioned that the YAP includes control of Ganga every year. O ut o f these pollutants the state of
pollution only from urban and industrial sources and Uttar Pradesh contributes 10,90,000 kilograms
not from agricultural sources. It is significant to note while 3,70,000 kilograms o f waste matters are
that the cleaning programme o f the Yamuna cannot contributed by the state o f W est Bengal (M. Lakshmi
be a success unless the withdrawal of substantial and P.O. Srivastava, Vijyan, January-M arch, 1986).
volume of water for irrigation purpose through The study undertaken by the Central Board for
major canals from the river by Haryana and Uttar Preservation and Control of W ater Pollution has
Pradesh is minimised and sufficient fresh water is revealed the fact that long stretches o f the Ganga
allowed in the river to maintain sufficient volume of have become unsuitable for any beneficial human
water i.e. the states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh use near the cities of Kanpur and Varanasi; the water
ensure release of atleast 10 cumec (cubic metre per quality of the G anga is on an average ‘B ’ type (good
second) of fresh water into the river so that the
water) upto Bithoor except near Kannauj where
quality of degraded river is improved.
highly polluted sew er w ater from the city and

and Kannauj city but in fact the story o f the Ganga

polluted water brought down by the Kali river have
pollution begins from Rishikesh, an important
d egraded the river water beyond permissible limit;
religious town upstream from H aridw ar, where
the quality of water further deteriorates to the
industrial wastes from ‘B harat H eavy Electricals
category o f ‘D ’ and ‘E ’ because of heavy influx of
Lim ited’ (BHEL) have polluted the water. Besides,
urban and industrial effluents into the Ganga; it
the oily liquids and toxic chem icals and other
becomes ‘B ’ grade during November-March and ‘C ’
industrial, wastes have increased the am ount of
grade during April-October at Allahabad; between
carbon, sulphur and acids in the w ater to such an
Allahabad and the outskirts of Varanasi city the
Ganga recovers its deficiency in terms of quality of extent that the water is not only unsuitable for
its water but it becomes again highly polluted river drinking and bathing purposes but it has also become
at, Varanasi because of enormous volume of urban unsuitable for irrigational purposes. T h e disposal of
effluents discharged into river water and thus water industrial wastes from the factory o f Indian Drug
quality deteriorates to ‘D ’ and ‘E ’ grade. Production Ltd. (IDPL) into river w ater also pollutes
the Ganga. About 15 large and small sew age darins
discharge urban wastes into the river at Haridwar.
Table 25.16 :' Status of Ganga River Pollution (2005)
Community bathing, almost daily, discharges milk
Locations MPN (Coliform) BOD DO pots, bunches of flowers and leaves etc. into the
bacteria PL=3g/l PL=5g/l river. Besides, 12-yearly K um bha F air (M ela) and 6-
yearly Aradha K um bha M ela attract large c on greg a­
PL=500/ 100ml
tion o f men and women from all over the country
Rishikesh about 500 3.0 9.0 who come over here to take holy dip in the sacred
Haridwar 3.5 7.0 mother Ganga. In the process, eno rm ou s quantities
Kannauj 10,000,000 7-8 - ■ of pollutants are thrown by the pilgrim s into the river
during their worships.
(2) At K anpur : T he story o f the Ganga
Allahabad >10,000 - -
becomes pathetic at K anpur as en o rm o u s volume of
Varanasi - 15-25 3.0 urban sewage water, solid w astes and industrial
Patna . , .2,500 . - - toxic wastes are discharged into the river. It may be
Kolkata 10,000 - - stated that about 200 m illion litres o f waste water are
discharged daily through sew ers only (through 13
Source : Report o f Japanese Scientist (2005), BOD= biologi­
major ‘nalas’) into the G ang a at K anpur. Besides,
cal oxygen demand, DO= dissolved oxygen. PL =
permissible limit. huge quantities o f toxic effluents from numerous
industrial units and therm al p o w e r plants are
It may be pointed out that the point pollution discharged daily into the river. T he tanneries, large
is responsible for most of the pollution of the Ganga and small units nu m bering 151, o f K anpur city are
because many sewage drains from riverine cities and heavily polluting the G an ga by discharging 5.8
industries drain into the river at specific points and MLD (million liters per day) o f untreated effluents.
thus pollute the water beyond permissible limit. Besides tanneries, industrial w astes from cotton and
Such point pollution is done by many big cities and woollen textile mills, ju te mills, synthetic rubber
industrial towns located on either bank of the river mills, paper and pulp mills, distilleries, sugar mills
such as Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanansi, Patna, and factories m anufacturing synthetic chemicals
Barauni, Mokama. Kolkata (on Bhagirathi-Hoogli) like D.D.T., pesticides etc. are discharged into the
etc. It is, therefore, desirable to discuss the pollution Ganga.
o f the Ganga at specific locations. (3) At Allahabad : A llahabad represents the
, (I) At Haridwar : Generally, the Ganga is sacred confluence o f the G anga, the Yamuna and
considered to be least pblluted between its source mythical Saraswati rivers. T he m ajor ‘nalas’ and
drains discharge 78,000 litres o f urban waste per
woods, unburnt portions o f dead bodies (weighing
minute or 112 million litres per day into the Ganga
about 150 tonnes of flesh o f partially burnt human
and the Yamuna and carry 32,164 kilograms of
dead bodies) and unburnt or partially burnt skeletons
pollution load. Out of this pollution load 23,700
are thrown into the rivers which heavily pollute the
kilograms (about 70 percent of the total pollution
water near several ‘G h ats’. The study further reveals
load) are contributed by only four major ‘nalas’
that out of total dead bodies burnt at tw o G hats about
47 p e rc en t are brought from out side V aranasi in the
Besides urban effluents from Allahabad city,
belief that if burnt at Varanasi the d eparted soul
industrial wastes from Naini Industrial Complex are
would go directly to the heaven. The wood required
also discharged into the Yamuna river. The chemical
to burn dead bodies at Varanasi alone results in the
fertilizer plant at Phulpur (about 40 km away from
deforestation of 15 to 115 hectares o f forests each
Allahabad) maintained by IFFCO releases about
year. Besides, about 7000 dead animals are also
55,000 cubic metres of polluted industrial wastes
thrown into the Ganga near V aranasi every year.
which are discharged into the Ganga through a nala
The burning of dead bodies at M anikarnika and
per day. These toxic chemical pollutants pollute the
Harishchandra Ghats raises the w ater tem perature
Ganga upto a stretch of 16 kilometres.
between 30 to 50°C which reduces the dissolved
‘Teerthraj Prayag’ (Allahabad) attracts larg­
oxygen by 30 to 50 per cent. This causes deaths of
est human congregation in the world during 12-
about 134 children every year.
yearly Kumbha M ela (one of the most scared
religious fairs of the Hindu community) at its (5) Bihar : About 250,000 gallons o f sew age
confluence site. More than 30 million people water are discharged into the G anga from Patna city
converge at the sandy confluence of the Ganga and each day. The toxic effluents o f Bata factory and
the Yamuna in a limited space and thus form the McDowel Distellery at M o k am a discharge 250,000
largest temporary megalopolis of the world. The litres of toxic waste w ater into the G ang a every day.
peak population of around 30 millinon stays for 2 to According to a study the fish c an no t survive for more
3 days but a minimum population of 5 million than 48 hours in the w ater at the site o f outfall of the
humans live in the temporary Kumbha Nagar (city) drains of Bata factory into the G anga w hereas fishes
for about a month. die within 5 hours at the site o f outfall o f drains of
Immense quantities of human excreta, waste McDowel factory. The chem ical w astes com ing out
water and sullage coming out of human population of oil refineries at Barauni are discharged into the
of Kumbha Nagar are also discharged into the Ganga Ganga. There was fierce fire in the G anga w ater upto
and thus water is so highly contaminated that it a stretch o f 2 kilometres at the outfall o f industrial
carries germs of cholera, typhoid, dysentry, diarrohea, effluents in the Ganga. The fire continued for 16
jaundice and other diseases. hours and killed all o f the aquatic organism s.

(4) At V a r a n a si : The Ganga water is heavily (6) At Kolkata : A bout 350 outfalls o f urban
polluted at Varanasi through sewage waste water, and industrial effluents within a streth of 100
burning o f dead human bodies, worship offerings, kilometres between Kalyani and B irlapur discharge
community bathing and throwing o f garbages etc. enormous quantities o f pollutants into Bhagirathi-
About 71 large and small sewer drains discharge Hoogli river. A bout 52 million gallons o f waste
about 15 MGD (million gallons per day) o f effluents water from dom estic sources and more than 100
from the city into the Ganga. According to the million gallons from industrial sources are dis­
survey conducted by B.D. Tripathi (B.H.U., Varanasi) charged daily from C alcutta M etropolitan District
about 23,000 to 32,000 dead bodies are burnt every into the Hoogli river. A 5-km stretch o f the Hoogli
year at different ‘ghats’ mainly Manikarnika and between Bicholi G hat and Garden Reach has become
Harishchandra Ghats. About 11,000 to 15,000 the worst polluted section. About 1500 human
tonnes of wood are burnt to burn these dead human deaths were reported in Kolkata because o f drinking
bodies. Thus ashes o f burnt woods, partially burnt o f polluted water o f the Hoogli during sum m er
season. About 80 per cent o f the inhabitants of

K olkata always complain stomach trouble. People tively less polluted because o f com paratively large
suffer from damage of kidney,, skin diseases, polio, volume of water whereas the pollution is not
typhoid, jaundice etc. due to drinking of polluted water. effectively diluted upstream o f Allahabad (mean
annual flow of 1,700 m 3/s and downstream of
Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Farrakka (1,300 m3/s) because o f less volume of
The Ganga Action Plan Phase I was started in
In order to clean the G anga and to keep the
the year 1985 and Phase II was initiated in 1995. Out
pollution to permissible level G anga Action Plan
of its total stretch of 2,555 km from Gangotri to
Phase I in 1985 with main task o f interception, and
Gangasagar 600 km long course has been badly
treatment o f 873 million litres o f waste water per day
polluted. In all, 27 class I, and 73 class II and III
from 25 cities and diversion o f treated water with the
towns, located on the banks of the Ganga, derive
approved cost of Rs. 462.04 crore within a specified
their water requirement from it. Thus, about one
period of 6 years, was started but later on the target
third of the urban population of India lives in the
was extended upto March, 1997 for its completion.
reparian tracts of the Ganga. The stretch between
Table 25.17 depicts targetted treatment plan o f the
Allahabad and Farrakka having fairly larger mean
Ganga Action Phase I.
annual flow of 7,626 m3/s (s = second) is compara­

Table 25.17 : Target for interception and treatment of waste water (million litres per day)

State/City Total waste water Quantity to be intercepted Quantity to be treated

from class I towns (1985 basis) (revised in 1995)
(1985 basis)
Haridwar-Rishikesh 33.3 33.30 24.33
Uttar Pradesh
Farrukhabad-Fatehgarh 9.3 2.70 3.96
Kanpur 360.0 160.00 175.50
Allahabad 110.0 90.00 60.00
Mirzapur 20.0 20.00 14.00
Varranasi 147.0 125.00 101.80
Total 679.6 431.00 379.59
Chapra 8.0 6.50 2.00
Patna 100.0 87.00 109.00
Munger 16.0 13.50 13.50
BhagaJpur 8.7 8.00 11.00
Total 132.7 115.00 135.50
West Bengal
Beharampore 4.0 4.00 4.00
Nabadwip 4.0 4.00 4.00
North Howrah and Bally 12.0 12.00 30.00
C handannagar 11.0 11.00 22.70
Serampore 20.0 20.00
Rest of East Bank 146.5
2 3.00
(a) Titagarh 24.00
3 3.00
(b) Bhatpara 29.00
(c) Panihati 7.00
4 0 .0 0
(d) Baranagar and 7,00 19.00
(e) Kalyani 17.00 17.00
Howrah 75.00 75.00 45.00
Calcutta Metropolitan 255.00 105.00 122.00
Total 527.5 327.0
Ground Total_______________ 1339.8_____________________ 873.00 886.69

Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol. I, 1999, CSE, New Delhi, based on Anon, 1997.
Table 25.18 : Summer average value of water quality of the Ganga under GAP

Station Distance in kilometre Dissolved oxygen dem and (m g/1)

from Rishikesh (acceptable limit 5 mg/1 or more for class B water)
1986 1990 1994 1995 1996

Rishikesh 0 8.1 8.1 9.6 9.0 8.9

Haridw ar d/s 30 8.1 6.9 8.8 8.4 8.4
Kannauj u/s 430 7.2 7.1 8.8 8.0 8.0
Kannauj d/s 433 NA 6.1 7.2 7.8 7.9
K anpur u/s 530 7.2 7.9 7.0 8.0 7.8
Kanpur d/s 548 6.7 4.4 4.6 6.8 6.4
Allahabad u/s 733 6.4 8.0 8.2 8.2 8.9
Allahabad d/s 743 6.6 6.9 7.4 8.2 8.5
Varanasi u/s 908 5.6 7.8 7.2 8.5 o

Varanasi d/s 916 5.9 7.2 6.8 8.0 7.7

Patna p/s 1,188 8.4 7.7 7.0 6.8 7.3
Patna d/s 1,198 8.1 7.5 7.2 6.9 7.0
Ulberia 2,500 NA 6.4 6.8 6.6 5.5
N ote : Sum m er average value for the months of March to June when tem peratures are high and flow is low.
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report Vol. I, 1999, CSE, New Delhi, based on Anon, 1997.

Table 25.19 : Summer average value for water quality of the Ganga under Ganga Action Plan

Station Distance in kilometer . Biochemical oxygen dem and (B O D ) (m g /l),

from Rishikesh acceptable limit less than 3 m g /l required for class B whater
1986 1990 1994 1995 1996

Rishikesh 0 1.7 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.0

Haridwar d/s 30 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.7 1.1
Kannauj u/s 430 5.5 2.6 2.7 2.4 2.9
3.0 3.2 3.2
Kannauj d/s 433 NA 3.0
5.0 2.0 2.8
Kanpur u/s 530 7.2 2.7
8.5 5.5 4.1
Kanpur d/s 548 8.6 3.5
2.3 4.5 2.5
Allahabad u/s 733 11.4 2.6
3.6 3.2 3.3
Allahabad d/s 743 15.5 2.2
1.8 2.6 2.2
Varanasi u/s 908 10.1 2.1
2.9 1.4 2.3
Varanasi d/s 916 10.6 5.9
1.6 1.5 2.0
Patna u/s 1,188 2.0 0.3
1.6 1.4 1.6
Patna d/s 1,198 2.2 0.3
3.2 2.8 2.0
Ulberia 2,500 NA 1.0
Note : Mean value for the months of March to June when temperatures are high and flows are low.
u/s = upstream, mg/l= milligram per litre,
d/s = downstream
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol. 1999, CSE, New Delhi, based on Anon 1997.
Table 25.20 : Progress of Ganga Action Plan (Phase I) upto January 1997

State Number of sanctioned Number of completed Number o f ongoing scheme

scheme scheme
1. Uttar Pradesh 106 104 2
2. Bihar 45 41 4
3. West Bengal 110 103 7
Total 261 248 13
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol. I, 1999, CSE, Delhi, based on Anon 1997.

Ganga Action Plan Phase I I (GAP Phase II) : water of the Ganga during annual bathing festival on
Ganga Action Plan Phase I could not be as much Mauni Amavasya’ (during the month of January) at
successful as desired. Thus, GAP Phase II was Allahabad but no concrete actions are taken to atleast
launched in July, 1995 with the target of completing relese additional water into the Ganga to dilute the
the incomplete schemes of GAP I and including polluted water.
additional towns forcleaning the polluted water. GAP
II includes 29 towns of Uttar Pradesh (10), Bihar (11) 3. Damodar River Pollution
-and West Bengal (8) with a sanctioned cost of Rs.
Damodar, once considered as Sarrow of
416.33 crore. Besides, GAP II also includes the
Bengal for its notorious character and severe floods,
projects of cleaning of 3 additional tributaries of the
has now become sorrow o f both Bengal and
-Qanga viz. the Yamuna, the Gomti and the Damodar.
Jharkhand due to its polluted water beyond imagina­
The projects included under GAP II were expected to
tion. The river takes its source over Khamar Pat in
be completed by March, 1999 but the targets could not
Palamau district and runs for a stretch of 563
be achieved. Inspite of huge expenditure of billions of
kilometers upto its confluence with the Hoogly
rupees on Ganga Action Plans for cleaning the river,
river. As regards its notorious character in terms of
the Ganga stands more polluted at Kanpur, Allahabad
frequent floods, the D am odar and its two major
and Varanasi mainly during lean flow period. Every
tributaries (Barakar and Konar) have been tamed
year the saints protest agaisnt the highly polluted
through a series o f dams and reservoirs under

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) but the dis­ solids (TSS) count at m ost places along the upper
charge of ehormous quantity of pollutants coming and middle stretches o f the river is 40-50 times
out of the mines, industries and agricultural runoff higher than perm issible lim it’ (Anil Agrawal, et. al,
has polluted and degraded the Damodar to such an 1999). Pollutants com prising m ine rejects mainly
extent that it has now become biological desert from coal mining and coal w asheries, minerals, toxic
between Girdih and D urgapur having a stretch of effluents, chemicals, oil and grease are discharged
300 km, as no biological propagation is possible in untreated from about 50 large-scale and 100 medium
the river. ‘Today, many stretches o f the Damodar and small scale industries located in the vicinity of
and its tributaries resemble large drains carrying the Damodar into the river. The pollution load from
black, highly turbid water. The total suspended the industries com prises huge quantity o f flyash,

M adhya P radesh

' —i r
0 80 160 240 r 320 400 km r ~ J
U » .i.....liiiiiim iiiim iiin iA iiim iiiilin iT T T T T T J r - Bay o f Bengal

Fig. 25.2 : Location of point pollution of the Ganga River, Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Part I, CSE, New Delhi,
page 93.

coal dust and waste over-burden materials, chromates, 4. Subarnarekha River Pollution
cynides, am m onia; phenols, alkali, tar and tar
The Subarnarekha with a total stretch o f 450
products, oil and grease. Average discharge of waste
effluents from industrial units exceeds 50,000 km long course drains over an area o f 1.9 million
million kilolitres per day (kl/d, table 25.27) resulting hectares o f the states o f Jharkhand, W est Bengal and
into, at a minimum estimate, 60 tonnes of BOD load, Orissa. The river flows through mineral rich
2 tonnes non-metallic toxins and 1.2 tonnes of toxic industrial belt o f these states giving propsperity to
metallic substances per day. Fifteen coal washeries the nation but has been heavily polluted due to
in the region account for most of total suspended accelerated soil erosion consequent upon rapid rate
solids, oil and grease through direct slurry. The level of deforestation, mineral extraction, industrial de­
of oil and grease is more than 2 mg/l which is 200 velopment and urbanization. Rapid rate of industri­
times higher than permissible level for human use. alization has resulted into the em ergence of four big
The water of the Damodar is so heavily pollutted that industrial belts viz. Ranchi-Hatia area, Muri area,
it is not suitable even for agricultural purposes and Adityapur-Tatanagar area and Jadugoda-G hatsila
cannot be treated through conventional treatment area which contribute maximum pollution load o f
devices. ‘Experts feel the only way to save the
the Subarnarekha. The daily organic pollution load
Damodar valley from these highly polluting indus­
from the rural and urban areas amounts to 264 tonnes
tries (table 25.21) is to make massive investments in
in the basin. The rural and urban areas discharge
clean-up technologies or to switch over to a new
biological oxygen demand (BOD) o f 61 tonnes and
generation of cleaner technologies. Industries ex­
56 tonnes per day respectively. Recently, mining of
ploiting the area’s resources are, however, not
willing to do so ’ (Anil Agrawal, et. al, 1999). radioactive materials and their processing have been
responsible for radioactive contam ination o f the
D amodar Action Plan (DAP) with total cost
river between Judugoda (where uranium is mined)
outlay of Rs. 24.54 crore was launched in 1996
and Baharagora. In fact, ‘unplanned and unregulated
and was expected to be completed by 2001 A.D.
Under the action plan treatment plants would be mining alongwith mineral processing industry, has
installed to treat domestic and urban sewage of 12 caused serious environmental degradation in differ­
towns (8 in Jharkhand and 4 in West Bengal). The ent parts of the river basin’ (Anil Agrawal, et al,
sullage discharged from the industries and coal 1999). The cleaning programme of the Subhamarekha
washeries would have to be treated by the has been included in the National River Conserva­
concerned owners. tion Plan (NRCP). Domestic effluents discharged
Table 25.21 : Effluent discharge by some major indus­ from Jamshedpur, Ranchi and Ghatsila urban
tries into Damodar river centres will be treated before these are allowed to
enter the river.
Unit Quantity in million
kilolitres per day 5. Betwa River Pollution
1. ISSCO cold rolling mill and coke 29,523
The Betwa river has been included in the
oven plant National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) for the
2. Durgapur Project Ltd. 14,000 treatment of its polluted water in Mandideep,
3. Hindustan Steel 4,730 Bhopal and Vidisha where the river has been heavily
4. Phillip Carbon Black 1,600 polluted. The Betwa, after covering a distance o f 573
5. Carrew and Co. 150 km and having a catchment area o f 4.9 million
6. Jam adaba Washery 18 hectares of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
7. Chandrapura Thermal Plant 11 enters the Yamuna river at Ghatampur near Hamirpur.
4 The river is polluted in its upper reaches mainly from
8. Indian Explosive Ltd.
industrial and urban sources o f Mandideep, Bhopal
Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol. /, 1999, CSE, New
and Vidisha. The effluents from automobile work-
Delhi, b a s e d on Arun Jhingran, 1990.
6 05
Indian rivers, but it has all the ingredients of a
Shops, electroplating units, distilleries, edible oil
rivetting contest between use and abuse, between
plants, fertilizer factories, ferrous and non-ferrous
desperate and sustainable development. The issues
i n du st r ie s and hospitals, households etc. unload
pollution load of various sorts into the Bctwa via that confront the river basin are limited water
drains, lakes and tributary streams. The industrial availability, multiple users, severe industrial pollu­
and urban sources contribute BOD load of 37,000 kg tion, confrontation and legal action’ (Anil Agarawal,
and 220 kg daily respectively. et. al, 1999). The water of the Noyyal has been so
heavily chemically polluted downstream of Tirruppur,
6. Periyar River Pollution which houses 800 odd dyeing and bleaching units
that the water is not usable even for agricultural
The Periyar river, once known for its medici­ purposes. This led to legal battle between the
nal miracle mainly for curing skin diseases but now farmers and owners of textile processing industry
tired up due to carrying enormous pollution load, and the judiciary came to the rescue of the river and
emerges from the height of 2,400 m in the Western the farmers by passing an historic judgm ent in
Ghats and drains over an area of 5,28,000 hectares relation to a public interest petition against indus­
housing 5 million people of Kerala. The river is one trial pollution filed in 1996 wherein the court
of the most dammed rivers of the world as it has been directed the owners of the industry to pay for the
regulated at 12 sites by constructing dams and complete cleaning of the river including dam, its
reservoirs but the river has now been extremely reservoir, the bed of the river and to set up common
degraded and polluted due to indiscriminate human effluent treatment plant by Nov. 1998. It may be
activities. An estimated 67,400 litres of waste water pointed out that the effluents carrying chemical
reach the river daily. The effluents discharged into pollutants coming out o f the dyeing and bleaching
the river contain highly toxic rare-earth chloride, industrial units of Tirruppur have not only polluted
rare-earth oxide, formic acid, copper sulphate, the river water but have also heavily polluted
aluminium ingots, ammonium sulphate and sulphu­ groundwater as these units use and discharge 90
ric acid coming from 50 large and medium million litres of water daily.
industries, and 2,500 small-scale industries on the
banks of the river (Anil Agrawal, et,. al. 1999).
8. Bhawani River Pollution
Unregulated sand mining, at the rate of 43,700
tonnes a day, is a major factor in degrading the
The Bhawani river, one of the most polluted
Periyar. Pesticides from the agricultural runoff are
rivers, having a perennial flow regim e and a stretch
another source of river water pollution of the Periyar
of 217 km and draining over Coim batore and Erode
(annual use of pesticides and herbicides amounts to
districts of Tamil Nadu is the tributary of the
150 tonnes). Though the river has not been included
Cauvery river. The water of the river is used for
in the National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) but
agriculture (90 per cent o f river water), industry (5
Periyar Action Plan with a cost outlay of Rs. 213
per cent) and for domestic use (5 per cent) but
crore has been prepared (1997) to clean the river.
discharge of effluents from the industry, using only
7. NOYYAL RIVER POLLUTION 5 per cent of the total river water, has polluted 95 per
cent of the river water. The pulp unit of South India
A 173 km long seasonal river Noyyal has now Viscose (SIV) is the largest polluter of the river as it
been termed as a dead river because of heavy withdraws 50 million litres of water from the Bhawani
chemical pollution from 800 odd dyeing and daily, thus, claiming 56 per cent of the total withdrawal
bleaching units of Tirruppur industrial area located of water from the river by all the industrial sectors
along the lower reaches of the river in Tamil Nadu. combined, and releases 41 million litres as effluents
The river emerges from the Western Ghats in Kerala into the river daily. The Bhawani River Protection Joint
and drains into the Cauvery in Tamil Nadu. “The Council, an NGO, is monitoring the pollution and
river may be minute in size as compared to other control mechanism in the Bhawani basin.

9. Cauvery River Pollution average annual rate o f application o f chemical

fertilizers in the basin catchment is 49.34 kilograms
Having a 1770 km long course the Cauvery per hectare and substantial amount o f pesticides
river emerges from the Western Ghats in Karnataka (21,586 tonnes per year) the major portion of which
and after draining through the states of Tamil Nadu is washed out and reaches the river and its tributaries
and Kerala involving total catchment area of 8.8 through agricultural runoff. Total BOD load of the
million hectares of these three states and housing 28 river is 998 tonnes o f which about 18 per cent is
million people (1981 census) ultimately drains into contributed by the industries. BOD concentration in
the Bay of Bengal. The Cauvery is one of the most the river water is more than 3 grams per litre of
disputed (dispute of sharing of water in Karnataka water.
and Tamil Nadu states) and one of the most regulated
rivers of the country as it has been be beaded by three 11. Krishna River Pollution
major dams and reservoirs, a large number of
barrages and weirs and anicuts and thus about 95 per The Krishna river, after rising on the flanks of
cent of its water resource is exploited for agricul­ the Mahabaleshwar plateau in Maharashtra, and
tural, domestic and industrial purposes. The main taking a journey of 1337 km through the states of
polluters are agricultural, industrial and urban Maharashtra Karnataka and A ndhra Pradesh and
sectors. A large amount of agrochemical (chemical drainng an area of 26 million hectares, debouches in
fertilizers and pesticides) reach the river as agricul­ the Bay of Bengal. Total annual use o f pesticides for
tural runoff. Coffee plantations in the districts of crop protection amounts to 7,941 tonnes which
Coorg, Hassan and Chickmagalur contriute large are washed out by surface ru n off and resultant
amounts of organic pollutants and these raise the agricultural runoff raises the concentration of
BOD level of the river by contributing 4,730 tonnes of chemical pollutants in the river (120 mg/1 of
BOD load each year. The BOD level of the Cauvery nitroegen, 26 mg/1 o f phosphorous and 31 mg/1 of
water ranges between 2400 and 4000 mg/1 (Anil potassium). The domestic sector contributes pollu­
Agrawal, et. al, 1999). The heavy pollution load of the tion load of 1.4 million kg per day o f which rural and
Cauvery, besides agriculture including coffee planta­ urban sectors share almost identical amount. The
tion, is contributed by the effluents discharged from pollution load from industrial source comes frOm
61 industries in Karnataka and 1139 units in Tamil Pimpri, Chinchwada New Corporation (Pune,
Nadu. The major polluting industries are paper and Maharashtra), Harihar Polyfibres Limited in Dharwar
pulp, chemical, engineering, and tanneries. The total district (Karnataka), Mysore Paper Mills, Vishweswarya
waste water discharged into the Cauvery amounts to Iron and Steel Lim ited (Karnataka), industrial
87,000 cubic metres daily which has raised the level Complex at Rangareddy and distilleries in Vijayawada
of total dissolved solids (TDS) to 1450 mg/1 which is (Andhra Pradesh).
much higher than the permissible level of 500 mg/1
(Anil Agrawal, et. al, 1999). 12. Bhadar River Pollution

10. Godavari River Pollution The B hadar river in R ajkot district o f Gujarat
has become the victim o f chem ical pollutants
After taking its source in Nasik of Maharashtra, discharged from the 1200 odd sari dyeing and
the sacred Godavari river with a strech of 1465 km printing units located at Jetpur, a small industrial
drains a catchment area o f 31 million hectares falling town with a population o f 1,25,000 (1997) and 500
in M aharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra allied industrial units. T hese industrial units
Pradesh and ultimately drains into the Bay of continued to spill chem icals and dyes directly into
Bengal. The major sources o f pollution load of the the Bhadar till 1998 and the w ater quality went
G odavari are agricultural runoff, sewage from urban down substantially. The level o f suspended solids
centres and efluents from industrial centres. The touched the figure o f 500 mg/1 against the
e n v ir o n m e n t a l d e g r a d a t io n a n d p o l l u t i o n IN INDIA 607

ble limit o f 100 m g / l . T he co ncentratio n o f 25.7 AIR POLLUTION IN INDIA

so d iu m reached 30 m g /l against the safe lim it o f
0 ">mg/l and sulphate crossed the p e rm issb le limit T he air in the urb an a nd in d u s tria l locations
o f 2 nlg/l by registering the co n cen tratio n o f 43 is bein g stead ily p o llu te d and the a ir pollution
n W l. The 90 km long stretch o f the B h a d a r river load is in c re asin g w ith in c re a s e in th e n u m b e r of
has been so greatly polluted that it has becom e industrial units (tab les 2 5 .1 7 , 2 5 .1 8 a n d 25 .1 9)
unuseful even for irrigating crops. T h e g ro u n d w a te r and vehicles in the urban c e n tre s (ta b le 25.3 and
became red. The resultant w ater pollu tio n so 2 5.4). T he p h e n o m en a l in c re a s e in the n u m b e r o f
adversely affected 80,000 peo ple m ostly farm ers v eh icles in the c o u n try is the m o st s ig n ific a n t
and mill workers in D horaji region d o w n stre am o f p o llu tin g fa c to r o f urban air. T h e m a jo r air
Jetpur that the judicial co u rt has to o rd e r the mill p o llu ta n ts are s u lp h u r d io x id e ( S 0 2), nitrogen
owners to install treatm ent plants im m ediately oxides (N O x), su spend ed p a rtic u la te m atter (SPM ),
(Sept. 8. 1998) and to pay a fine o f Rs. 1.25 carbon m o n o x id e (C O ), b e n ze n e , lead, h y d ro c a r­
crore. bons etc.

Table 25.22 : National ambient air quality standard (annual average)

Pollutants Indian air quality standard W H O recom m endations

Sensitive Residential rural Industrial
areas and other areas areas
Sulphur dioxide (pg/cum) 15 60 80 4 0-60
Nitrogen oxide (pg/cum ) 15 60 80 150 (24 hours average)
Ozone (pg/cum)
(8 hours average) - - - 100-200
Suspended Particulate
matter (pg/cum ) 70 140 360 60-90.
Lead (pg/cum) 0.50 60 120 -

Carbon monoxide (pg/cum ) 1.0 2.0 5.0 10

Note : ng = microgram, cum = cubic metre

Source : The Citizen’s Fifth Report, Vol I, 1999, CSE, New Delhi.

Sulphur Dioxide (S 0 2) Baroda (V adodra) and Surat record ed higher level o f

S 0 2 than the national standard fo r residential areas
Emission o f sulphur dioxide ( S 0 2) is closely (60 pg/cum ). In m ost parR o f the country annual
related to industrialization and phenom enal growth average o f S 0 2 concentration rem ained well below
in urban automobiles as S 0 2 is em itted mainly from national standards for S 0 2.
the combustion o f sulphur-rich fossil fuels e.g. coal
and mineral oil. It is significant to note that S 0 2 was Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
found to be significant air pollutant upto 1980 but
thereafter concentration o f S 0 2 slightly declined T he five-y ear data (1990-95) o f mean annual
due to switch over from firew ood, c o a ta n d kerosene level o f nitrogen oxides indicate sharp rise but the
as cooking fuel to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). level rem ained well within national standards for
The eastern and western industrial belts recorded N O x (60 p g/cum , mean annual) except in G ajroula
relatively higher level of S 0 2 between 1990-95. (W estern U ttar Pradesh), Pondicherry, Howrah,
G ajroula (in W estern U.P.), Howrah, Ankleshwar, Jabalpur, A lw ar (R ajasthan) and Kota which re­
Kolkata and H owrah have re a ch e d critical SPM
corded N O x above national standards. Howrah
level as it consistently rem ained a bove 1000 ng/cum
recorded highest mean annual concentration of
between 1987-95. M ost o f the cities in the western
204.35 ng/cum in 1995 whereas maximum annual
region including A hm edabad, B aroda, Surat and
concentration remained above 200 jxg/cum since
Rajkot in Gujarat, Bhopal, Indore in M adhya
1990. Though mean annual concentration of NOx in
Pradesh, Mumbai and N agpur in M aharashtra,
the industrial belt of the western region of the
Alwar and Jaipur in R ajasthan recorded SPM
country registered increase but remained below
concentration above national standard level between
national standards e.g. industrial towns of Surat,
Vapi, Rajkot, and Ankleshwar but Ahmedabad 1990-95.
accounted for very high level of maximum annual Air Pollution in Metropolitan Cities
value of 490 ng/cum in 1991. Similarly, the mean
Metropolitan cities are heavily polluted but
annual concentration o f NOx in Delhi though
Chennai has com paratively clean er air than other
steadily increased but remained below national
standards but the sudden spurt in the maximum metropolitan cities. A ccording to W H O s report
levels from 47 ng/cum in 1991 to 324 |ig/cum in Delhi ranked 4th most polluted city in the world in
1995 is, in fact, a matter of serious concern. The 1980-84 while Kolkata, Delhi and M um bai ranked
introduction of CNG-operated buses and three 5th, 7th and 15th among the most polluted cities in
wheelers and metro-rails in Delhi has now brought the world in 1990. D e lh i’s air is polluted through
down the level of air pollution by almost all of the four sources viz. automobiles, thermal p o w e r plants,
ingredients. industries and households which contribute 64,17,12
and 7 per cent of air pollution. The n um ber o f
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) automobiles in Delhi registered rapid increase
between 1982 (0.593 million) and 1996 (2.63
The national standard for SPM concentration million). It was estimated that the share o f air
is 140 pg/cum in the residential area. It is a matter of pollution through automobiles w ould increase to 72
concern that SPM has emerged as one of the most per cent beyond 2000 A.D. but the introduction of
dangerous air pollutants and its concentration has metro-rails in Delhi has reduced air pollution.
substantially increased since 1990. The concentra­ Similarly, the introduction o f C N G -operated buses
tion of SPM has registered constant increase
and autorikshas has also contained air pollution in
between 1990-95 when the SPM level was recorded
the capital city. Automobiles contribute 52 p e rc e n t
2 to 3 times higher than the national standard in the
of total air pollution load in M um bai, industries and
northern, western, eastern and southern regions but
thermal power plants contribute 48 and 33 per cent
comparatively southern region remained less pol­
of emissions of sulphur dioxide, and fumes com ing
luted. Most of the SPM recording stations in the
out of huge dumps o f garbage are also increasing and
northern region recorded more than 300 ng/cum of
these are aggravating air pollution problem in
SPM during 1990-95. Delhi recorded maximum
Mumbai. Automobiles account for 30 p e rc e n t o f air
concentration of above 1000 jig/cum in 1987
pollution load in Kolkata Metropolitan District. The
whereas mean annual level remained well above 400
major pollutants o f K olkata’s air are suspended
Mg/cum during 1990-95. In the southern region,
particulate matter (SPM) and carbon monoxide
Hyderabad and Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh),
(CO). The concentration o f SPM in K olkata’s air
Kottayam, Ernakulam and Thiruwanthpuram (Kerala),
increased from 237 pg/cum in 1990 to 354 pg/cum in
Mysore (Karnataka) and Pondicherry recorded
1995, which far exceeded the national standards.
higher level of SPM concentration than national
The concentration of CO exceeded 10 times the
standard between 1990-95. In the eastern region
permissible level o f 2 pg/cum in 1996.

Table 25.23 :Estimated vehicular emission of pollutants in metropolitan cities of India, 1994

City Vehicular emissions (tonnes per day)

PM S02 NOx HC CO Total

Delhi 10.30 8.96 126.46 249.57 651.01 1046.30

Mumbai 5,59 4.03 70.82 108.21 469.92 659.57
Bangalore 2.62 1.76 26.22 78.51 195.36 304.47
Kolkata 3.25 3.65 54.69 43.88 188.24 293.71
Chennai 2.34 2.02 28.21 50.46 143.22 226.25
Source : Central Pollution Control Board (1995), PM = particulate matter, S 0 2 = sulphur dioxide, NOx = nitrogen oxides,
HC = hydrocarbons, CO = carbon monoxide.

Monitoring of Air Pollution in India (24 hourly) and long-term (yearly) periods.
The concerned units and authorities have to
The monitoring of ambient airquality in India
follow the norms o f air quality standards
was started by National Environmental Engineering
Research Institute (NEERI) in 1978 but this >- Norms have been fixed for the emission of
programme was discontinued in 1989. This practice maximum possible limits for various pollutants
was started by the Central Pollution Control Board emitted from different categories of industries.
(CPCB) in 1985 as National Ambient Air Quality > Under the provision of ‘environment audit’
Monitoring (NAAQM) programme. The number of every polluting industrial unit has to submit
monitoring stations increased to 84 stations in 1987 ‘environment statement’ to the concerned
and 290 (covering 92 cities and towns in 28 states) in State Pollution Control Board (SPCB). This
1995. The level (load) of concentration of S 0 2, NOx, is mandatory for polluting industries.
SPM, RPM (P M I0), NH3, CO is regularly measured > It is mandatory for the industries to use
on daily basis in major cities. pollution control technologies.
> Stringent emission norms have been fixed
Urban Air Pollution Management
(1991, 1996 and 2000) for automobiles, such
The Govt, of India has taken a number of measurs as Euro I (Bharat I), Euro II (Bharat II).
to mitigate the everincreasing problem of air pollution in > Provision for cleaner fuel quality for the
India. Some of such mesures are given below : automobiles.
>• A few legislative measures have been adopted >• Identification of pollution problem areas and
to protect the quality o f environment includ­ implementation o f action plans for the
ing air quality such as (1) Air (prevention and mitigation of air pollution problems under
control of pollution) Act 1981, (2) Environ­ the supervision of Ministry of Forest and
ment (Protection) Act, 1986, (3) adoption of Environment (MEF).
Male Declaration on Control and Prevention >■ Monitoring of implementation of action
of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary plans by the Environment Polluton (Preven­
Effects for South Asia (1998) etc. tion and Control) Authority for the National
> The Government has laid down ambient air Capital Region (NCR)
quality standards for different categories of It may be concluded that inspite ot several
areas such as industrial, residential/rural/ measures adopted for the control of air pollution
other, and sensitive areas for the concentra­ mainly in urban areas, the serious problem of air
tion of certain air pollutants such as S 0 2, NOx, pollution could not be mitigated upto satisfactory
SPM, RPM (PM 10), NH3 etc. for short-term level. It is also true that certain measures such as

introd u citon o f C N G-operated autom obiles mainly buses and autorikshas, and m etro-railw ays in Delhi has
certainly contained air pollution.
Table 25.24 : Level of noise pollution in big cities of India (dB unit)

Industrial area C om m ercial area Residential area Q uiet area

day night d a y _______ night day n ight day night

78 77 82 75 79 65 79 65
76 65 75 66 70 62 66 52
71 66 78 71 66 48 63 49
78 53 76 57 67 50 67 -
Acceptable level 75 70 65 55 55 45 50 40
(according to Central
Pollution Control
Source : Down to Earth, August, 15, 1998.

25.8 : NOISE POLLUTION IN INDIA automobiles, busy m arket, loudspeakers, traffic etc.
Every nook and c o rn e r o f a city is echoed by
Noise pollution (see, chapter 21 o f this book)
blistering and deafen in g noise created by over­
level in India is rising with industrial growth and
crowded loudspeakers turned at full volum e during
urban expansion. Noise level in the commercial
festivals of all com m unities, cultural programmes,
areas of almost all of the major Indian cities has far
public addresses, national festivals, Indian victories
exceeded acceptable level o f 65 dB during day time
in games and sports in international encounters etc.
and 55 dB in the night. Noise level has become very
Most o f big cities o f India have high level o f noise
high even in the quiet areas o f the cities. Noise levels
pollution generally above 7 0 dB e.g. Delhi (89 dB),
in different localities o f Lucknow city are above 80
Kolkata (87 dB), M um bai (85 dB ), Chennai (89 dB),
dB and have reached 100 dB in certain localities.
Cochi (80 dB), M adurai (75 dB ), N a g p u r (75 dB),
Major sources of noise pollution in Indian cities are
Thiruw anthapuram (70 dB ) etc.

Different aspects of disaster reduction and ► About 55 per cent o f total geographical area
management, namely meaning and classification of o f the country falls in seismic zones III-V and
natural hazards and disaster, difference between is vulnerable to earthquake disaster.
hazards and disasters, strategies of disaster manage­
>- Sub-Himalayan region and W estern Ghats
ment etc. have already been discussed in chapter 17
o f this book. In this chapter attempts have been made are vulnerable to landslide disaster.
to discuss different aspects o f disaster management ► Coastal states (both eastern and western) are
in India and important legislations regarding various vulnerable to tsunami disaster.
aspects o f environm ent. This chapter includes the ► 199 districts o f the country are vulnerable to
consideration o f the follow ing : multi-natural hazards.
► major natural hazards and disasters in India, ► Out o f 199 districts, 125 in 12 states of the
>• strategies o f disaster reduction and m anage­ country are m ost vulnerable to multiple
ment, natural hazards.
► institutional and policy fram ew ork o f disas­
Occurences of Natural Disasters in India
ter m anagement,
(number of incidents)
► m anagem ent o f major disasters, and 1990-98
1970-79 1980-89
► major environm ental laws. 58
Floods 40 50
India's Vulnerability to Natural Disasters Earthquakes 04 11 03
► Coastal states, particularly east coast and Cyclones 19 21 17
Gujarat are most vulnerable to cyclone High W inds 09 19 09
>■ A bout 40 million hectare land mass is 26.1 HIGH RISK MULTI-HAZARD ZONES
vulnerable to flood disaster.
► A bout 68 per cent of net sown area is The major natural hazards and disasters which
vulnerable to drought disaster. very often strike India include the following :
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g e o g r a p h v
Affairs (M H A ) and U n ited N a tio n s D e v e lo p m e n t
Program m e (U N D P ) h a v e p r e p a r e d a lis t o f 125
>• cyclonic storms,
districts in the c o u n try as the ‘most hazard-prone
► tidal surges, areas’ o f India w hich also in c lu d e the fo u r m ajor
►floods, metropolitan cities o f D e lh i, M u m b a i, K o l k a ta and
>• droughts, Chennai and capital cities o f 8 s tates (fig. 2 6 .1 ).
►landslides, and
►tsunami (but it is very infrequent event).
The Govt, of India compiled a national India is a d v erse ly a ffe c te d by m o d e ra te to
vulnerability atlas in the year 1997 depicting hazards severe earthquakes in d iffe re n t p a rts o f th e c o u n try
and disasters-prone areas. The Ministry of Home mainly the H im a la y an re g io n s, n o rth B ih a r, N .E.


In Extreme Danger
1. Delhi
2. Dehradun
3. Patna
4. Guwahati
5. Meerut
Jammu and
6. Srinagar
Areas prone to wind destruction, 7. Jammu
cyclones, floods and earthquakes 8. Amritsar
timachal 9. Jalandhar
10. Jamnagar
rttaranchal In High Danger
1. Mumbai
2. Kolkata
r 3 Chennai
4. Ahmedabad
5. Lucknow
6. Bhubaneshwar
7. Rajkot
jMadhy^ 8. Bhavnagar
Pradesh 9. Surat
i'Chhattisgarh"' 10. Bhiwandi
11. Nashik
Maharashtra ! C Orissa 12. Pune
13. Cuttack
14. Asansol
15. Vadodara
16. Coimbatore
17. Agra
18. Varanasi
Arabian 19. Bareilly
Sea 20. Kanpur
arnatakj 21. Indore
22. Jabalpur
23. Vijayawada
24. Dhanbad
25. Mangalore
26. Kochi
27. Kozhikode
28. Trivandrum
over 5 Lakh nnn**!***6—
...S r,cr risK seismic zone,

Fig. 26.1. High nsk multi-hazards zones o f India, source : Rajesh Ramchandran, Outlook, 2005.

India G ujarat, M ah arash tra etc. A fter shock-

On the basis o f m agnitude o f damage risk
ing earthquake o f Koyna in 1967 in M aharashtra,
India has been divided into the following 5 damage
ia has been severely rocked in A ugust, 1988 risk zones (fig. 26.2) :
Darbhanga quake, 6.7), O ctober, 1991 (U tarkashi,
Uttarakhand, 6.6), September, 1993 (Latur, Maharashtra, (1) Zone I of least damage risk includes th
May 1967 (Jabalpur, M .P. 6.0), M arch, 1999 places o f some parts o f Punjab and Haryana, plain
(Chamoli *U ttarakhand, 6.8), Jan uary , 2001 (Bhuj, areas o f Uttar Pradesh, portions o f plains o f north
Gujarat) ’ O ctober, 2005 (Jam m u and Kashmir, Bihar and W est Bengal, delta areas o f the Godavari,
coastal plain areas of Maharashtra and Kerala, desert
epicenter being in M uzafferabad in Pok) etc. (see
areas of Rajasthan and most areas of Gujarat except
table 18.7 in chapter 18 o f this book).
Kutch region.




Very High Risk Zone-V

High Damage Risk Zone-IV
Moderate Damage Risk Zone-Ill
Low Damage Risk Zone-IV

Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Fig. 26. 2 : Earthquake damage risk zones of India. Source : UNDP Website.

(2) Zone II of low damage risk includes Himachal Pradesh, U ttarakh and , e x tre m e north
southern Punjab and Haryana, southern parts of Bihar, entire north-eastern In dia and K utch region of
plains o f Uttar Pradesh, eastern Rajasthan, coastal Gujarat.
districts o f Orissa and Tamil Nadu etc. Though the plains o f W est B engal comes
(3) Zone III of moderate damage risk represents under the zone o f least d a m ag e risk but the
the areas of southern and south-eastern Rajasthan, devastating severe earth q u ak e o f K olkata o f : :
most of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka,
October, 1737 killing 30 0,0 00 p eo p le pu t a question
southern Bihar, Northern and north-western Orissa etc.
mark against this concept. T he zone o f very high
(4) Zone IV of high damage risk covers Jammu
damage risk o f Kutch region o f G u jarat registered
and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, northern Punjab
most devastating killer earth q u ak e on January 26,
and Haryana, Delhi, western Uttar Pradesh, ‘tarai’
and ‘B habar’ ragions and Himalayan regions of 2001 (8.1 on R ichter scale) in its seism ic history o f
Uttarakhand, and Bihar and Sikkim areas. past 182 years killing 50 ,0 00 to 100,000 people. The
(5) Zone V of very high damage risk includes towns of Bhuj, A njar and B hach au w ere flattened
parts of Jammu and Kashmir, some parts o f and razed to the ground.

Table 26.1 : Damage due to natural disasters in India

Year People affected Houses and buildings, partially A m ou nt o f pro perty

(in lakh) or totally, damaged (Number) dam ag e/lo ss (Rs. C rores)
1985 595.6 2,449,878 4 0 .0 6
1986 550.0 2,049,277 30.74
1987 483.4 2,919,380 20.57
1988 101.5 242,533 40.63
1989 30.1 782,340 20.41
1990 31.7 1,019,930 10.71
1991 342.7 1,190,109 10.90
1992 190.9 570,969 20.05
1993 262.4 1,529,916 50.80
1994 235.3 1,051,223 10.80
1995 543.5 2,088,355 40.73
1996 549.9 2,376,693 50.43
1997 . 443.8 1,103,549 NA
1998 521.7 1,563,405 0.73
1999 501.7 3,104,054 1020.97
2000 594.34 2,736,355 800.00
2001 786.19 846,876 120.00
2006* 27.92 253,377 11,594.91
(only tsunami)

Source: Annual Report, Natural Disaster Management Dimion (NDMD; Ministry o f Agriculture)
Ministry o f Information and Broadcasting, Govt, of India, 2005.
d isa ster m a n a g e m e n t a n d E N V IR ON M ENTA L L AWS IN INDIA

Types (categories) Associated wind speed

Cyclone-Prone Areas
of tropical Disturbances in circulation
The cyclonic storms originating in the Bay of 1. Low pressure area < 31 kmph
Bengal and the Arabian Sea frequently strike the 31-49 kmph
2. Depression
coastal districts (both eastern and western coasts) of 50-61 kmph
India almost each year and cause huge damage to 3. Deep depression
men and materials (table 26.2). The tropical 4. Cyclonic storm 62-88 kmph
cyclonic storms do the damage through very high 5. Severe cyclonic storm 89-118 kmph
velocity wind, incessant and high intensity rainfall 6. Very severe cyclonic storm 119-221 kmph
and several meters high tidal surges. The quantum of
7. Super cyclonic storm >120 kmph
damage by the cyclones is maximum in the coastal
areas and gradually deceases in land due to kmph = kilometer per hour
dissipation of strorm energy. The following criteria Since tropical cyclonic storms originate and
for the classification of tropical cyclones (low develop in certain favourable atmospheric and
pressure systems) as developed by the World oceanic conditions and hence there are temporal, say
Meteorological Organization (WMO) have been seasonal variations in their behaviours in terms of
adopted by the Meteorological Department of India their places of origin, tracks of their movement and
(IMD) : attainment of their various stages of development

Table 26.2 : Damage due to cyclonic disaster in Orissa in October, 1999

Date of Total No Districts Villages Population Crop area Houses Human Cattle
occurrence of districts affected affected affected affected damaged life loss loss
(No.) (No,) (lakh) (lakh ha) (No.) (No.) (NO.)
Oct. 17-18 30 4 5,181 37.47 1.58 331,580 199 10,578
Oct. 29-30 30 12 14,643 129.22 18.43 1,828,532 9,887 44,531
NO = number, ha = hectare
Source : Annual Report, Natural D isaster M anagem ent Division, M inistry o f A griculture, G ovt, o f India.

and intensities. All these behavioural characteristics north and north-east direction. The period of June to
of tropical cyclones originating in the Bay of Bengal September is a breeding period as most of the
and the Arabian Sea make their prediction and cyclones originate during this period in the central
warning easier.
and northern Bay of Bengal and move west-north
The eastern coastal states of West Bengal, westwards and affect the coastal districts of Andhra
Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are affected Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. The cyclones
by the cyclones originating in the Bay of Bengal during post-monsoon period (October-December)
during different seasons of the year. The period from originate in the central and southern Bay of Bengal,
January to March is a lean period from the standpoint
move west and north-westward and mostly affect the
of origin and movement of cyclones because
coastal districts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
cyclogenesis in the Bay of Bengal during this period
The 1737 cyclone of West Bengal, November
is a rare phenomenon. A few isolated cyclones
originate in the southern Bay of Bengal and affect 1977 and May 1990 cyclones of Andhra coast
Tamil Nadu coast. The coasts of Andhra Pradesh, and October 1999 cyclone of Orissa coast have
Orissa and West Bengal are very often affected in been the most disastrous cyclones in the history
of cyclones affeptyug eastern coasts of India (table
May by the cyclones which originate in the southern
and central Bay of Bengal and move in north-we&t,
disastrous cyclones have already been given in the
T h e origin and developm ent o f cyclones in the
A ra b ia n Sea during the period from January to 19th chapter o f this book.
M a rc h is o f rare occurrence. Generally, they develop
Tidal Surge-prone Areas
d u rin g the months o f M ay, October, N ovem ber and
D e c e m b e r in particular and during south-w est The tidal surge o r storm surge refers to
m on so on period in general. They mostly affect the unusual rise in sea level cau se d by very low
coasts o f M aharashtra and G ujarat. The cyclone o f atm ospheric pressure system and the stress o f strong
J u n e 9, 1998 was the most disastrous storm which gusty wind associated w ith tropical cy clo n es on the
adversely affected G ujarat. The details o f cyclones sea surface. Tidal or storm surges, w hen coincide
o f India arid B angladesh and case histories of a few

Fig. 26.3 : Wind and cyclone damage risk zones o f India. Source: UNDP Website.

with high tide, are further intensified and after West Bengal are most vulnerable to severe floods.
intruding into the coastal lands cause widespread The flood plains of the Brahmaputra in Assam
inundation of coastal areas and inflict great damage are chronic flood-prone areas. Besides, many
to human lives and property. It may be mentioned parts of Haryana and Punjab are also flooded
that there are no clearly demarcated areas which are
(fig. 26.4) in the event of heavy rains for longer
frequently affected by storm surges because these
are always associated with very strong cyclonic duration.
storms whose tracks are always changing. This is the The delta regions of the Mahanadi and the
reason that there is no uniform pattern of storm Brahmini in Orissa, the Godavari and the Krishna in
surge-vulnerable (prone) areas. Inspite of this, the Andhra Pradesh, and the Cauvery in Tamil Nadu are
eastern coasts are more vulnerable to storm surges
also very vulnerable to recurrent floods. Though the
than the western coasts. Indian Meteorological
Department (IMD) has identified the following lower reaches of the Tapi, the Narmada and the
storm surge-prone (vulnerable) areas : Sabarmati are flood-prone areas but these are not
affected by frequent floods. It may be mentioned
(A) Along the east coasts
that these are dammed rivers i.e. a series of dams and
(1) Coasts of north Orissa, and West Bengal
reservoirs have been constructed on these rivers. In
(2) Coasts of Andhra Pradesh between Ongole the event of long duration heavy rainfall the
and Machilipatnam reservoirs are filled to capacity very soon and hence
(3) Coasts of Tamil Nadu south of huge volume of water is released from these dams
Nagapattinam which accentuate the volume of water in already
(B) Along the west coasts swollen rivers and ultimatelly devastating floods are
(1) coasts of Maharashtra north of Harnai caused. Such situation developed in Gujarat and
(2) south Gujarat coast western Madhya Pradesh in the month of August,
2006 when the catchment areas of the Tapi, the
(3) costs around Gulf of Bombay
Narmada, the Mahi, and the Sabarmati received
(4) coasts around Gulf of Kutch
heavy rainfall and there was sudden release of huge
Flood-Prone Areas volume of water from Ukai and Girma dams (Tapi
basin), Kadma and Panam re serv o irs and
Flood hazards and disasters in India are Mahi Barrage (Mahi basin), Tawa dam, Sardar
associated with the following 3 types of floods : Sarovar Project areas (Narmada basin), Dharohi
>- river floods caused by heavy rainfall in the dam (Sabarmati basin) etc. All these contributed to
catchment areas, unprecedented floods in Gujarat. The cities of Surat
and Baroda reeled under flood water for several days
> storm surge floods caused by inundation of due to mismanagement of dams. Similar situation
coastal areas due to high storm (tidal) surges was created in the month of August, 2006 in
caused by strong cyclones, and
Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh due to sudden
> artificial floods or anthropogenic floods release of huge volume of water from the dams in the
caused by natural factors such as heavy Godavari and the Krishna basins, such floods are
rainfall plus human activities such as con­ called man-induced or anthropogenic! floods.
struction of dams across the rivers and
Himanshu Thakkar of South Asia Network on
reservoirs behind the dams, and their mis­
Dams, Rivers and People, commented on these
floods of 2006 as follows :
Most of the alluvial rivers of the country, “T h e big d a m s that w ere e x p e c te d to reg u late w a ter flows
namely the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Ram Ganga, the w ere actu ally re s p o n sib le fo r the floods in th ese states th at also
h app en to h av e larg est numbeS- o f b ig re s e rv o ir s .............the natoin
Gomti, the Gandak, the Kosi etc. are characterized has paid h u ge c o sts in c re a tin g th ese re s e rv o ir cap acities, and
by frequent floods almost every year. Thus the n eg lig enc e In the d am o p e ra tio n s is lea d in g to disastrous
plains and riverine zones in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and co n se q u e n c e s w hich are e ntirely a v o id ab le ."
(The Hindu, Aug. 18, 2006)

Table 26.3 : Annual damage due to heavy rains, landslides and floods

Year Districts Villages Pop. Crop Area Houses Cattle EVLH Human E V L PP
affected affected affected affected damaged loss (Rs. crores) life loss (Rs. crores)
(NO.) (NO.) (lakh) (lakh ha) (NO.) (NO.)

1999 202 33,158 328.12 8.45 894,823 3,861 0.72 12,375 —

2000 200 29,964 416.24 34.79 2,736.365 102,121 631.25 3,048 389.72

2001 122 32,363 210.71 18.72 346,878 21,269 195.57 834 676.05

NO. = number, ha = hectare, EVLH « estimated value o f loss to houses, EVLPP = estimated value o f loss o f public property.
Source : Annual Report, Natural D isaster M anagem ent Division, M inistry o f A griculture, G ovt, o f India.

Jammu & Flood-Prone Areas
v / \ »

Himachal Pradesh

Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh

lAssam/ Nagaland
Jharkhand Tripura
Madhya / \ Mizoram


Andhra Flood-prone areas



Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Fig. 26.4: Flood-prone areas of India. Source: UNDP Website.


Floods in India have been discussed in detail to Julhundur (to form north-eastern and northern
in the 19th chapter of this book. The country suffers boundary) and form Jullundhar to Rann of Kutch
heavy loss of men and material each year due to along the western international border. The region is
flood hazards (table 26.3). characterized by low rainfall ranging between 350
mm and 750 mm per annum but the extreme western
Drought-Prone Areas desert areas receive even less than 350 mm annual
rainfall. This zone includes whole o f Rajasthan and
Since monsoon climate and associated rain­ Gujarat, western and south-western parts o f Punjab,
fall is very much deceptive, irregular, and hence most of Haryana, south-western part of Uttar Pradesh
nearly major parts of India are affected by droughts and narrow strip along the western and north­
and floods in one way or the other. For example,
western border o f M adhya Pradesh. There is little
Rajasthan is a chronic drought-prone area but heavy
impact o f droughts in Punjab and Haryuana
rainfall during the first two weeks of July 199G, and
because sufficient irrigational facilities are avail­
in August 2006 caused severe floods in many able but the areas having no irrigational facilities
parts of Rajasthan. Chronic drought-prone areas of are the worst drought-affected and famine areas of include 67 districts where drought
the country.
affects 25 percent of the total cropland and 12
percent people. The worst affected drought-prone Zone 2
zone includes the parts of the states of Rajasthan, The second chronic drought-prone zone forms
Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra a rectangular tract which spreads over the rain
Pradesh and southern Uttar Pradesh. Severe drought- shadow areas of the Western Ghats. In fact, this zone
prone areas are divided into the following 3 zones : is situated to the east o f the Western Ghats and
extends in a width of 300 km. It includes south­
Zone 1 western Andhra Pradesh, eastern Karnataka (east of
Western Ghats) and south-western M aharasthra
Desert and sem i-arid regions spread over an (east of Western Ghats). This region covers 370,000
area of about 600,000 km2 and form a rectangular km2 of area and is characterized by highly erratic
tract which stretches from Ahmedabad to Kanpur (to mean annual rainfall of less than 750 mm.
form eastern and southeastern border), from Kanpur

Table 26.4 : Losses due to drought damage in India

Year Districts Villages Population Damage to EVDC Cattle pop.

affected affected affected crop areas (Rs. crores) affected
(No) (No) (Lakh) (Lakh ha) (Lakh)
1999 125 — 369.88 134.22 6.44 345.60
2000 110 54,853 378.14 367.00 371.87 541.67
2001 103 22,255 86.19 67.44 NA 34.28
No. - number, ha = hectare, EVDC = estimated value of loss of damaged crops, pop.= population.
Source : Annual Reports, Natural Disaster M anagem ent Division, M inistry o f Agriculture, Govt, o f India.

Zone 3
scattered pockets o f drought-prone areas cover
about 100,000 km 2 o f area.
Besides the aforesaid two broad zones of
severe droughts, there are some scattered pockets of The Ministry o f Agriculture has identified
droughts in the country such as Tirunelveli district drought affected areas in the country on the basis of
located to the south of Vagai river, Coimbatore area, rainfall distribution, frequency of occurrence of
Palamau area of Jharkhand, Purulia district of West drought and percentage of irrigation. On the other
Bengal, Kalahandi region of Orissa etc. The hand, the Irrigation Commission has demarcated

rought-prone areas on the basis of rainfall and 26.2 : INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION AND
•rngation in the region concerned. Thus according to POLICY FRAMEWORK OF DISASTER
the Irrigation Commission those areas are drought
affected areas which have less than 1000 mm of
mean annual rainfall, 20 percent or more of the years
Basically, the responsibility for disaster re­
do not receive even 75 per cent of this annual amount
duction and management rests with the concerned
of rainfall and where irrigated areas are less than 20
state governments (where a particular disaster
per cent of the cropped areas.
strikes) and the central governm ent’s responsibility
Landslide-Prone Areas lies in two aspects i.e. (1) to provide financial and
logistic support to the disaster-affected state/states,
Landslides are mainly associated with hillslopes and (2) to coordinate various aspects of disaster
and thus there are two major areas which are management at ministerial, organizational, state
vulnerable to landslides as follows : governments, and departmental levels.
>■ Himalayan region, and There has been major paradigm shift in
> Western Ghats region disaster management in India after the killer tsunami
waves caused devastation on the eastern coasts of
The most vulnerable areas to landslides in the
Himalayan region are in the states of Jammu and Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, western coasts of
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Kerala, and Andman and Nicobar Islands on
West Bengal, and Assam. The Garhwal and Kumaun December 26, 2004. Previously, the institutional
Himalayas in Uttarakhand and Darzeeling Himalaya organization and policy framework of disaster
in West Bengal are most vulnerable to recurrent management was oriented towards post-disaster
landslides because of construction of numerous management i.e. more attention was paid towards
roads along the spurs of hillslopes in order to the execution of rescue operation, relief work,
connect places of religious faith and tourist destina­ rehabilitation, and recovery aspects but the new
tions. Besides, large-scale deforestation has also framework pays more attention on pre-disaster
been responsible for frequent landslides in the aspects of disaster management i.e. (1) prepared­
Himalayan regions of India, and Western Ghats ness, prediction and warning, (2) disaster mitiga­
region. tion, and (3) disaster prevention. It is, thus,
imperative to discuss both scenarios of disaster
Tsunami-Prone Areas management: (1) existing scenario, and (2) planned
Since tsunamis are sea phenomena (waves) as
these are caused by undersea earthquakes exceeding (1) Existing Scenario
7.0 magnitude on Richter scale, and hence immedi­
ate lowland coastal areas and shallow seas are most In fact, before the enactment o f National
vulnerable to tsunamis. Before the incidence of Disaster Management Authority in 2005, there was
December 26, 2004 tsunami tragedy, Indian coasts no permanent establishment for disaster m anage­
were considered free from this disaster. The ment, rather there was adhoc arrangem ent for rescue
operation, relief work, rehabilitation and recon­
occurrence of Sumatra tsunami on December 26,
struction whenever a disaster occurred. The follow­
2004 has shattered this myth. Since the subduction
ing are the institutional m echanisms for disaster
zone along the convergence zone of Indian and
m a n ag e m e n t:
Burmese plates is very active, there is every
likelihood for the occurrence of undersea seismic (1) Cabinet C om m ttee on Natural C alam i­
events and resultant tsunami waves. Thus, the ties (CCNC)
eastern coasts are most vulnerable to tsunami waves, > ( 2 ) National Crisis M anagem ent Committee
w henever these are generated. The seismic events (NCMC)
along Gujarat coasts and adjoining coastal areas of (3) Crisis M anagem ent G roup (CMG)
Pakistan may generate powerful tsunami waves
The central governm ent is the appex body of
w hich may affect the western coast of India.
disaster m anagem ent as it provides financial and
d isa st e r m a n a g e m e n t a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l LAWS IN INDIA

logistic assistance to the concerned states and Union are the institutional and organizational structures
territories where a major disaster occurs, coordi­ under Disaster M anagem ent A c t :
nates the works undertaken by different ministries,
► National Disaster Management Authority
departments, organizations including NGOs and
(NDMA) under the chairmanship of Prime
plays a supervisory role. The pre-existing Cabinet
Committee on Drought M anagem ent (CCDM) has Minister.
been reconstituted as C abinet Committee on Natural ► State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA)
Calamities (CCNC) which is headed by the Prime headed by the chief minister of the concerned
Minister. Previously, the scope of CCNC was state.
limited to post-disaster measures (rescue, relief ► District Disaster Management Authority
work, reconstruction, rehabilitation etc.) but now its
(DDMA) under the chairmanship of district
scope has been extended to include pre-disaster
magistrate/collector of the district.
measures, such as disaster preparedness, disaster
mitigation and disaster prevention. ► National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).

There is a High Level Committee of Ministers >■ Natinoal Institute o f Disaster Management
(HLCM) headed by the m inister of agriculture. This (NIDM).
committee deals with the financial support to be >- National Fund for Disaster Response (NFDR).
given to the concerned state governments. There is ► National Fund for Disaster Mitigation (NFDM).
also a National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF) It may be mentioned that the Disaster
under HLCM.
Management Act has now institutionalized disaster
The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) management and coordination of pre and post-
looks after the nuclear, biological and chemical disaster management measures of disaster prepared­
disasters and emergencies. ness, disaster mitigation, disaster prevention, rescue
The National Crisis M anagem ent Committee operation, relief work, rehabilitation, reconstruction
(NCMC) consisting of secretaries of various minis­ and recovery at the national, state and district levels
tries, departments and organizations as its members (and also at Block and Taluka level). The total
is headed by the cabinet secretary. The NCMC number of membership of NDMA cannot exceed 10
issues directions and instructions to the Crisis members.
Management Group (CMG) as and when required in
National Policy on Disaster Management
connection with the management of disasters. The
Central Relief Commissioner in the Ministry of
The following are the salient features of
Home Affairs becomes the chairman of CMG, which
National Policy on Disaster Management as released
consists of senior officers from various ministries.
by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Govt, of India (A
The members of CMG are called ‘nodal officers’.
Status Report on Disaster Management in India,
The main functions of CMG are to review the plans
August, 2 0 0 4 ):
and projects framed by various ministries in relation
to disaster management, to coordinate different It may be mentined that the following features
activities (related to disaster management) under­ of National Policy on Disaster Management as
taken by various central ministries and state released by the Ministry of Home Affairs were
governments, and to obtain information related to drafted for the Disaster Management Bill, 2005 :
steps taken for disaster management from the nodal > Adoption of a holistic and pro-active ap­
officers. proach towards prevention, mitigation and
(2) Present Scenario
> Incorporation of mitigation measures in the
The Disaster Management Bill was passed by on-going schemes/programmes.
the Parliament in 2005 so as to constitute National > Each Ministry/ Department of the Central/
Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and State
State Government will set apart an appropri­
Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) and vari­
ate quantum of funds under the Plan for
ous committees, funds, and forces. The following

specific schemes/projects addressing vulner­ buildings, communication network, major

ability reduction and preparedness. administrative buildings.
► W here there is a shelf of projects, projects ► Conversion of relief codes into disaster
addressing mitigation will be given priority. management codes for institutionalizing
>• Each project in a hazard-prone area to have the planning processes.
mitigation as an essential term of reference ► Promotion o f international cooperation in
and to include a statement indicating as to how the area of disaster response, preparedness
the project addresses vulnerability reduction. and mitigation in tune with national
> Community involvement and awareness gen­ strategic goals and objectives.
eration, particularly that of the vulnerable Reproduced from Disaster Management in
segments of population and women has been India-A Status Report, Govt., of India,
emphasized as necessary for sustainable Ministry of Home Affairs.
disaster risk reduction. This is a critical
component of the policy since communities Responsibilities of NDMA
are the first responders to disasters and
therefore, unless they are empowered and The following will be the responsibilities of
made capable of managing disasters, any the National Disaster Management Authority :
amount o f central support cannot lead to > Providing necessary support and assistance
optimal results. to State Governments by way of resource
> Interaction with the corporate sector, non­ data, macro-management of emergency re­
governmental organizations and the media in sponse, specialized emergency response teams,
sharing of disaster related data base etc.
the national efforts for disaster prevention/
vulnerability reduction. >• Coordinating/mandating Government’s policies
for disaster reduction/mitigation.
► Building up institutional structures/appro­
priate chain o f command and imparting > Ensuring adequate preparedness at all levels
appropriate training to disaster managers at in order to meet disasters.
various levels to ensure coordinated and >- Coordinating response to a disaster when it
quick response and development of inter­ strikes.
s tate arrangements for sharing of resources > Assisting the State Governments in coordi­
during emergencies. nation of post-disaster relief.
> Inculcating a culture o f planning and prepar­ > Coordinating resources o f all Central G ov­
edness at all levels for capacity building ernment Departments/agencies involved.
measures. >■ Monitor and introduce a culture of building
► Formulation o f Standard Operating Proce­ requisite features of disaster mitigation in all
dures (SOPs) and disaster management development plans and programmes.
plans at state and district levels as well as >• Any other items of work may be entrusted to
by relevant central government depart­ it by the Government.
ments. Source: National D isaster M anagem ent Division, M inistry
> C om pliance with construction designs laid o f Hom e Affair, Govt, o f India.
dow n in relevant Indian Standards. The National D isaster M anagem ent Act,
2005 has also enabled the State G overnm ents to
► Evaluation and, where necessary, retrofit­
enact State D isaster M anagem ent Acts (SDMA).
ting of'\lifeline buildings in seismic zones
The state governm ents are also desired to convert
11^, IV & V-hospitals, railway stations, the existing relief codes into D isaster M a n a g e m e n t
airports/airport control towers, fire station Codes.
d isa st e r m a n a g e m e n t a n d e n v ir o n m e n t a l , l a w s IN IN DIA 623
26.3 : DISASTER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES earthquake risk - " - map has tee^prepa; ed_(flg
26.2) for mitigation purpose. The government of
India has taken the following measures for earth­
As slated earlier, after December, 26, tsunami
quake risk mitigation.
tragedy there has been major shift in the disaster
management strategies in India. Previously, more (1) C onstitution o f N ational C ore Group
attention was paid towards post-disaster stage of (N C G ) : The government has constituted a National
disaster management which included rescue opera­ core Group for the mitigation o f earthquake risks.
tion, relief work, rehabilitation, reconstruction and This core group consists of persons having expertise
recovery processes but now disaster preparedness, in earthquake engineering, and administrators at
disaster mitigation and disaster prevention, have various levels. The NCG has been assigned the
more focussed attention. In fact, mitigation and following responsibilities for the prevention and
prevention of disasters have been now taken as mitigation of earthquake risks and damages :
essential components of development strategies of > to prepare strategies and action plans to
the Govt, of India. Thus, the disaster management in
reduce the adverse impacts o f seismic events.
India includes the following strategies :
>• to issue necessary advices and appropriate
1. Pre-disaster stage guidelines to state governments related to
different aspects of earthquake risk mitigation.
>• disaster preparedness
>• to develop •appropriate building plans and
> disaster mitigation designs for earthquake-resistant construc­
>■ disaster prevention tion and to issue construction manuals in the
form of booklets, magazines, pamphlates etc.
2. Post-disaster stage
>- to develop such systems which may enable
>■ rescue operation the states of earthquake-vulnerable areas to
> relief work adopt BIS c o d es in th e ir b u ild in g
> rehabilitation byelaws.
> reconstruction and recovery > to evolve suitable systems to test the know l­
The principles and steps of aforesaid strate­ edge of architects and engineers and to
gies of disaster management have been discussed at enable them to learn BIS codes and updated
length in the 17th chapter of this book, and hence byelaws.
these are not elaborated here, but the pre-disaster
>■ to evolve mechanism for proper training of
strategies being pursued in the cases of individual
disasters in India are being discussed below : engineers of municipal corporations of earth­
quake-vulnerable cities.
1. Earthquake Risk Mitigation >- to arrange training for professional engineers
and architects of private sectors so as to
It may be mentioned that here the term
enable them to learn BIS codes and updated
mitigation’ is used in wider sense so as to also
include disaster preparedness and disaster preven­ byelaws.
tion in its ambit. It is also important to note that it is > to evolve suitable systems to test the knowl­
not the earthquake that kills people, rather it is the edge of architects and engineers and to issue
uildings that kill people, and hence main focus of them certificates to this effect.
earthquake risk mitigation is towards building
> to evolve system for the training of masons
construction standards as per Bureau of Indian
tandard (BIS) codes. of the existing buildings for acquainting them with the use of appro­
in t e earthquake-risk zones are non-engineered priate building designs and materials.
construction. The earthquake-prone areas have been (2) Review of building byelaws and their
ivided into 5 earthquake risk zones (already ad op tion : As stated earlier that it is the buildings that
iscussed in this chapter) and a comprehensive kill people as the structural failure causes mass
collapse of buildings killing hundreds to thousands > Inclusion o f earthquake engineering in the
o f people. Thus, structural mitigation is very undergraduate engineering and architecture
important aspect of earthquake-risk mitigation curricula in consultation with all India
programmes. The state governments are desired to Council o f Technical Education (AICTE)
review their existing building bye-laws and wher­ and Council o f A rchitecture (COA).
ever and whenever necessary they should amend
them so as to protect the buildings from structural > Retrofitting o f all existing lifeline buildings
failure (collapse) when an earthquake disaster such as hospitals, schools and colleges,
occurs. If needed, appropriate amendments in the government offices, cinem a halls, multi-
existing Town and Country Planning Acts, Land Use storied apartments and malls.
Zoning Regulations, Development Control Regula­
>- Provision for national earthquake risk miti­
tions and Building Byelaws would be made as and
gation project with the consultation of
when advised by the NCG for earthquake
Planning Commission for detailed evalua­
risk mitigation so that updated BIS codes may
be adopted by the state governments and local tion and retrofitting o f lifeline buildings in
bodies. The Model Building Byelaws (MBB) ensure the multi-hazard zones, such as governm ent
technical implementation o f safety aspects of administrative buildings, buildings o f rail­
buildings. ways, airways (air ports), telecom m unica­
(3) An Appex C om m ittee has been constituted tions buildings, bus stations etc. in earth­
to review and update Bureau of Indian Standards quake risk zones IV and V.
(BIS) Codes which are appropriate for multi-hazard > Implementation o f ‘accelerated urban earth­
resistant design and construction. The committee quake vulnerability reduction p ro g ra m m e ’ in
comprises representatives from the Ministries of 38 cities in seismic zones III, IV and V with
Consumer Affairs, Home Affairs and BIS.
a population o f 500,000 and above. These
(4) Constitution o f Hazards Safety Cells (H S C ):
cities include D eharadun, Delhi, Srinagar,
Provisions have been made to establish HSC in
Jammu, A m ritsar, Jalu n d h ar, Jam nagar,
different states. The chief engineer o f the State PWD
becomes the chairman o f the cell. The prime Ahmedabad, Rojkot, Bhavnagar, Surat, Mumbai,
responsibility of the H SC is to develop systems and Bhiwandi, Nasik, Agra, V aranasi, Lucknow,
mechanisms for the implementation of building Bareily, M eerut Kanpur, Patna, Asansol,
codes in the construction o f government buildings to Kolkata, G uw ah ati, C u tta ck , D han b ad ,
ensure safety o f buildings from different hazards. Bhubanehwar, Jabalpur, Indore, Vadodara,
Besides, the HSC would also be responsible for the
Pune, V ija y a w a d a , M a n g a lo re , K ochi,
review of designs of all government buildings, for
Kozhikod, C oim batore, T rivandrum , and
acting as an advisory cell to the state government in
relation to safety o f all government buildings. Chennai.

Besides the aforesaid major earthquake disas­ > Financial assistance is provided from N a­
ter mitigation measures, the following are other tional Calamity C ontingency Fund (NCCF)
important measures in this regard : and Calamity R elief Fund (CRF).
> National programme for capacity building of
2. Cyclone Disaster Management
engineers and architects in earthquake risk
mitigation. The pre-disaster stage o f the m anagem ent of
> Training programmes o f rural masons so that cyclone disaster in India includes strategies for
they may be trained in multi-hazard resistant preparedness and mitigation p rogram m es. The
construction o f buildings. Such training cyclone prediction and forew arning are very im por­
tant aspects o f cyclone disaster m anagem ent pro­
program m es are run in collaboration with
Housing and Urban Development C orpora­
tion (H U D C O ). The Indian M eteorological D epartm ent (IMD)
with its headquarters at Delhi handles and coordi­
nates all aspects of cyclone forecasting and cyclone (1 ) First stage o f C yclon e A le r t : warning of
warning and thus the IMD has well developed the m ovem ent o f cy clo n es is issued 48
‘cyclone warning system ’ and ‘cyclone w arning d is­ hours in advance o f the expected arrival
semination system ’ which include the following steps : of cyclones and associated bad weather
> Tracking of cyclones through cyclone sur­ conditions in the coastal areas.
veillance radars located at Kolkata, Paradeep, (2) Second stage o f C yclone W arning :
Visakhapatnam, Machilipatnam, Chennai and cyclone w arning is issued 24 hours in
Karaikal on the east coast and at Cochin, advance o f the expected attack o f the
Goa, Mumbai, and Bhuj on the west coast, storms at particular location (s) o f
> Satellite images receiving equipments have coastal area.
been installed at Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, ► Cyclone warnings and messages are issued to
Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata, Chennai, the chief secretaries, relief commissioners
Mumbai, and Guwahati. and district magistrates/collectors of con­
>• The satellite pictures and information so cerned states. The offices o f these authorities
received are collected at Meteorological transmit cyclone warnings and messages
through electronic and print media to general
Data Utilization C enter (M DUC) at New
Delhi and are further disseminated to all
> Storm surges inform ation/advisories are is­
other forecasting offices through Radio
sued to the A C W C and C W C by the Northern
Hemispheric Analysis C enter (NHAC) at
> Area Cyclone W arning Centres (ACWCs)
New Delhi.
have been located at Kolkata, Chennai and
Mumbai. A National Core G roup on C yclone M itiga­
tion (NCGCM) has been constituted for cyclone
> Cyclone W arning Centers (CWC) have been
monitoring and mitigation. This group comprises
established at Bhubaneshwar, Visakhapatnam
the experts from IMD, National C enter for Medium
and Ahmedabad.
Range W eather Forecasting, Central W ater C om ­
>► The forecasting o f cyclones originating in the mission, National Rem ote Sensing Agency etc.
Bay o f Bengal is handled by the ACWC at Besides, a National C yclone M itigation Project
K olkata, and C h e n n a i, and CWC at (NCMP) has been prepared with the following
Bhubaneshwar and Visakhapatnam, while objectives :
the ACWC at Chennai and Mumbai and > construction o f cyclone shelters,
CWC at Ahmedabad are responsible for the ► coastal belt plantation in storm surge-prone
forecasting o f cyclones o f the Arabian Sea. areas,
The National Forecast C enter at Pune coordi­ >- strengthening o f cyclone warning system,
nates the forecasting programmes o f cy­ training and education etc.
clones o f both the Bay o f Bengal and the
3. Landslide Disaster Mitigation
Arabian Sea.
>• Computarised Operational Advisory Fore­ The pre-landslides hazard management in­
casts (COAF) o f the movement o f cyclones cludes the strategies o f preparedness, mitigation and
originating in the Bay o f Bengal and the prevention. There are two major institutional meas­
ures for landslide hazards mitigation as follows :
Arabian Sea are issued by the Numerical
(1) Nodal Agency : The Geological Survey o
Weather Prediction (NW P) Division o f the
India (GSI) has been designated nodal agency by the
IMD, located at New Delhi.
Govt, of India with the following responsibilities :
> There are two stages o f issuing of warnings >■ to undertake and coordinate geological stud­
o f cyclones as follows : ies in the landslide-prone areas.
> Installation o f tsunami m eters, tracking o f
^ to demarcate landslide zonation and to
prepare landslide risk zones maps. undersea earthquakes and resultant tsunami
> to monitor the occurrences of landslides and waves.
avalanches. > Provisions for early tsunami w arning system
> to find out factors and causes of th e (TW S) and preparedness for timely evacua­
o c c u rre n c e s of landslides and suggest pre
tion o f people living in danger coasal zone to
cautionary and preventive measures of oc­
currences of landslides of different types. safer places.
(2) National Core Group : A National Core Post-tsunami disaster m angem ent includes
Group for landslide mitigation has been constituted the following m easures :
u n d e r the chairmanship of the Secretary, Border > Rescue and evacuation o f stranded alive
M a n a g e m e n t. This core group consists of the
Secretary, Department o f Science and Technology,
Govt, of India, Secretary, Road Transport and >- Immediate relief work,
Highways, and the heads of GSI and National > Reconstruction and recovery, and
Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) with the following
objectives : >■ Rehabilitation.
> to prepare strategies and plans of actions for The government has initiated the steps for the
mitigating the impacts o f landslides. installation o f Indian Ocean Tsunam i W arning
> to advise and guide the State Governments System and M itigation (IO T W S) in association with
relating to various aspects of landslide Australia, Indonesia, Iran, M alaysia, Pakistan and
reduction and mitigation. Thailand. U nder IOTW S U S-m ade D A R T (Deep
> to monitor the activities related to landslide Ocean Assessment and R eporting o f Tsunam i)
mitigation. would be installed. India is p lanning to create
Tsunami and Storm Surge W arning Systems (TSSWS)
>■ to evolve early landslide warning systems.
at an estimated cost o f Rs. 125 crores which would
> to evolve protocols for landslide risk reduc­ be operational by 2007. This system requires placing
tion. of 20-25 automated sea level gauges along the east
and west coasts. Besides, 10-12 D A R T type deep sea
4. Tsunami Disaster Management
pressure sensors and sea level buoys w ould be
deployed to track tsunami and storm /tidal surge
All aspects o f tsunami management i.e. pre
waves on east and west coasts.
and post-tsunami management in India have been
discussed in much detail in the 18th chapter of this
5. Flood and Drought Disaster Management
book. These aspects are not discussed here in order
to avoid repetetion but the summary is presented
Different aspects o f flood and drought m an­
agement in India have been discussed in the 19th
Pre-tsunami disaster management includes chapter o f this book and hence these are not
preparedness, mitigation and prevention programmes reproduced here in order to avoid repetetion.
as follows :
> Identification and mapping o f the areas o f 26.4 : ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS
tsunamigenic undersea earthquakes.
> Demarcation of coastal regulation zone The laws regarding environm ental protection
(CRZ) and to mkae it free from human in India include acts, rules and notifications. All
aspects o f environm ental laws in India are now
settlements and dense structures except a few
included under the Environm ental Protection Act
important installations such as military bases.
(EPA) which was enacted in 1986 after the Bhopal
> Protection and conservation of natural lines Gas Tragedy. The EPA is con sid ered an ‘umbrella
o f protection from tsunami waves such as legislation ’ because it not only c o v ers all the pre­
coastal dunes, beaches, mangroves, corals existing and new laws but it also filled many gaps
etc. and lem oved lacunae in the existing e n v i r o n m e n t a l

laws. T hree m a j o r p o lic ie s are th e b a sic stru c tu re fo r 54- Regulation of mines and mineral develop­
e n v i r o n m e n t a l p ro te c tio n as fo llo w s : ment.
► The National Forest Policy, 1988, 56- Regulation and development o f Inter-State
>. Policy sta te m e n t fo r a b a te m e n t o f p o llu tio n , rivers and river valleys.
1992,and 57- Fishing and fisheries beyond territorial wa­
► N a tio n al c o n s e rv a tio n s tra te g y a n d p o lic y
sta te m en t 011 environment and develop­
State List-II
ment, 1992.
It may be mentioned that there is constitu­ Entries
tional provision for the protection of environment 6 - P u b lic h e a lth a n d s a n ita tio n
wherein the responsibility of the State towards 14- Agriculture, protection against pest and
e n v i r o n m e n t a l protection has been clearly laid down prevention of plant diseases.
as follows : 18- Land, consolidation etc.
'The Stale shall endeavour to protect and 21- Fisheries
23- Regulation of mines and mineral develop­
improve the environment and to safeguard the
ment subject to the provision o f Lsit 1
forests and wildlife o f the country. ’
24- Industries subject to the provision of List I
Similarly, the responsibility and duty of the Common/Current List
citizens of India have also been laid down in the
constitution as'given below :
17 A- Forests
'It shall be the duty o f every citizen o f India to 17 B- Protection of wild animals and birds
protect and improve the natural environment in-
20- Economic and social planning
cludingforests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have
compassion fo r living creatures. ’ 20 A- Population control and family planning

The state governments have also been held ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT (EPA), 1986
responsible for the protection of environment and
wildlife under 42nd amendment of the Constitution Definitions under Section 2 of EPA
of India. The Article 48-A, under Directive Princi­
ples of State Policy, has made it the responsibility (a) ‘Environm ent’ includes water, air and land
and duty of the state government to ‘protect and and the interrelationships which exist among
improve the environment, and to safeguard the and between water, air and land, and human
forests and wildlife of the country’, while Article 51 - beings, other living creatures, plants, micro­
A (g), under Fundamental Duties, has made it the organisms and property.
fundamental duty of every citizen of India to ‘protect (b) ‘Environm ental P ollu tant’ means any solid,
and improve the natural environment including liquid or gaseous substance present in such
forests, lakes, rivers, and wilfelife and to have concentration as may be, or tend to be,
compassion for living creatures.’ injurious to environm ent.’
The Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of (c) ‘Environm ental P ollution’ means the pres­
India includes the following subjects which are ence in the environment of any environmen­
related to environm ent: tal pollutant.
Union List-1
(d) ‘H azardous Substance’ means any substance
Entries or preparation which, by reason of its
52- Industries chemical or physical-chemical properties or
53- Regulation and development of oil fields and handling, is liable to cause harm to human
mineral oil resources. beings, other living creatures, plants, micro­
organisms, property or the environment.

purpose o f securing the effective implemen­

General Powers of Central Govt. Under EPA, 1986
tation of the provisions of the Act (EPA,
(1) Co-ordination of actions by the State Govt, 1986).
officers and other authorities,
(2) Planning and execution of a nation-wide General Environmental Laws
programme for prevention, control and abate­
1986: The Environment Protection Act (EPA, 1986)
ment of environmental pollution,
as elaborated above.
(3) Laying down standards for the quality of
environment in its various aspects, 1986 : The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986,
(4) Laying down standards for emission or lay down procedures for setting standards of
discharge of environmental pollutants from emission of discharge of environmental pollut­
various sources whatsoever, ants.
(5) Restriction of areas in which any industries, 1989 : The Hazardous waste (Management) Rules,
operations or processes or class of industries, 1989, are meant to control the generation,
shall not be carried out subject to certain collection, treatment, import, storage and han­
safeguards, dling of hazardous waste.
(6) Laying down procedures and safeguards for 1989 : The Manufacture, Storage and Import of
the prevention of accidents which may cause Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989, relate to
environmental pollution and remedial meas­ define terms and setup an authority to inspect,
ures for such accidents, once a year, the industrial activity related with
(7) Laying down procedures and safeguards for hazardous chemicals and isolated storage facili­
the handling of hazardous substances, ties.
(8) Examination of such manufacturing proc­
1989 : The Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and
esses, materials and substances as are likely
Storage of Hazardous Micro-organisms/Geneti-
to cause environmental pollution,
cally Engineered Organisms or Cells Rules,
(9) Carrying out and sponsoring investigation
1989, to protect the environment, nature and
and research relating to problems of environ­
health, in connection with the application of
mental pollution,
gene technology and micro-organisms,
(10) Inspection of any premises, equipment,
machinery, manufacturing or other proc­ 1992 : The Public Liability Insurance Act and Rules
esses, materials or substances and giving, by Amendment, 1992, to provide for public liabil­
order, of such directions to such authorities, ity insurance for the purpose of providing
officers or persons as it may consider immediate relief to the persons affected by
necessary to take steps for the prevention, accident while handling any hazardous sub­
control and abatement of environmental stances.
pollution, 1995 : The National Environmental Tribunal Act.
(11) Extablishment or recognition o f environ­ 1995, to award compensation for damages to
mental laboratories and institutes to carry out persons, property, and the environment arising
the functions entrusted to such environmen­ from any activity involving hazardous sub­
tal laboratories and industries under this Act, stances,
( 12) Collection and dissemination of information 1997 : The National Appellate Authority Act, 1997,
in respect of matters relating to environmen­ to hear appeals with respect to restrictions of
tal pollution, areas where industries are set up or prescribed
(13) Preparation of manuals, codes or guides subject to certain safeguards under the EPA,
relating to the prevention, control and abate­ 1986.
ment o f environmental pollution, and 1998 : The Biomedical Waste (Management and
(14) Such other m atters as the Central G overn­ Handling) Rules, 1998, are legally binding on
m ent deem s necessary or expedient for the the health care institutions to streamline the
d isa st e r m a n a g e m e n t a n d E N V IR O N M E N T A L LAW S IN INDIA

process of proper handling of hospital waste 1978 : The Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act 1974, as amended in 1978
such as segregation, disposal, collection, and
and 1988
The Water (Prevention and Control of
1999 : The Environment (Siting for Industrial
Pollution) Cess Rules, 1978
Projects) Rules, 1999, lay down detailed provi­
sions related to areas to be avoided for siting of 1991 : Notifications on Central W ater Laboratory,
1988, 1991. The Water (Prevention and
industries, precautionary measures to be taken
Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977, as
for the selection of sites.
amended in 1991
2000 : The Municipal Solid Waste (Management
1991 : The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,
and Handling) Rules, 2000, which make every
municipal authority responsiblie for proper 1991
collection, separation, storage, transportation,
processing, treatment and disposal of solid AIR POLLUTION LAWS
2000: The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation
and Control) Rules, 2000, for the regulation of The Indian Boilers Act, 1923
production and consumption of ozone depleting The Factories Act, 1948
substances (such as CFCs).
The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act,
2002: The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) 1951
(Amendment) Rules, 2002, to formulate terms
The Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Develop­
and conditions which are necessary to reduce
ment Act, 1947
noise pollution, to lay down rules to permit use
of loudspeakers or public address systems The Air (Prevention and Control o f Pollution) Act,
during night hours or during any cultural or 1981
religious festivals. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules,
2002 : The Biological Diversity Act, 2002, to 1982.
provide provisions for the conversation of The Air (Prevention and Control o f Pollution)
biological diversity, sustainable use of its (Union Territories) Rules, 1983.
components, and fair and equitable sharing of The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
the benefits arising out of the use of biological 1981, as amended in 1987
resources and knowledge associated with
Notifications on the date from which the Act came
biodiversity. into force, 1981, ! 988
WATER POLLUTION LAWS Notifications on Declaration of Air Pollution Con­
trol Areas, 1 9 8 1 ,1 9 8 7 ,1 9 8 8 ,1 9 8 8 ,1 9 8 8 , 1989
(Central Laws)
Notification on Emission Standards of Pollutants
from Various Industries, 1986
1956 : The River Boards Act, 1956
1970 : The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, Radiation Laws
1974: The Water (Prevention and Control of The Atomic Energy Act, 1962
Pollution) Act, 1974 Radiation Protection Rules, 1971
1975 : The Water (Prevention and Control of Pesticides Laws
Pollution) Rules, 1975
The Poison Act, 1919
1975 : The Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) (Procedure for Transaction of The Factories Act, 1948
Business) Rules, 1975 The Insecticides Act, 1968
1977 : The Water (Prevention and Control of Notification on Environmental Laboratories and
Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 Analysis, 1987
e n v ir o n m e n t a l g eo g r a ph y
E n v iro n m e n ta lIm pact A ssessm ent Notification,
1994, as further am ended in 1994
T h e Indian fisheries Act, 1987
The Indian Forest Act, 1927 STATE LAWS
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
The Ancient Monuments and Archeological Sites
Water Pollution
and Remains Act,. 1958 Orissa River Pollution (Prevention) Act, 1953
T he Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 M aharashtra Prevention o f W ater Pollution Act,
The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976
The Forest Conservation Act, 1980
Smoke C ontrol
The Environment Protection Act, 1986 1 C S 1
The Bengal Smoke N uisance Act, 1905
Notification on the Environment (‘P rotection) Rules,
1986 The Gujarat Smoke N uisance Act, 1963

Notifications of Authorised Officers/Agencies to The Bombay Smoke N uisance Act, 1912

enter the Premises for Inspection, 1987
Pest control
Notifications on constitution of Appellate Authori­
ties under the Act, 1988, 1992 The Andhra P rad esh A gricultural Pest and Disease
Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Act, 1919
Rules, 1989 The Assam Agricultural Pests and D isease Act, 1954
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous The UP Agricultural D isease and Pests Act, 1954
Chemical Rules, 1989 The M y s o re Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1917
Notification on Micro-organisms Genetically Engi­ The Kerala Agricultural Pests and D isease Act, 1958
neered Organisms or Cells, 1989 (Notified
under EPA, *1986) Wildlife Act, 2006
Resolution on Scheme on Labelling of Environment
The Wildlife (P rotection) A m endm ent Act
Friendly Products (ECOMARK), 1991
became effective in 2006. T his A ct provides
Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, as amended in provision for the creation o f T ig e r Conservation
1992 Authority and the T ig er and O th e r Endangered
Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991 Species Crime Control B ureau (W ildlife Control
Notifications on Delegation of Powers as State Bureau) with the follow ing objectives and d u tie s:
Board by the Central Board to Various Union >■ to collate intelligence relating to wildlife
Territory Administrations 1988, 1991, 1992, crime, . • -i ; „ <......................... •
► to ensure cooperation with the States through
Notifications on Officers/Agencies Authorised to its set-up,
take Samples, 1988, 1988, 1988, 1988, 1989,
1991 >■ to develop infrastructure,

Notifications on Constitution of Appellate Author­ ► to develop capacity building for scientific

ity, 1989 and professional investigation into wildlife
Notifications on Guidelines for Location of Indus­ crime, and
tries, Mining Operations, etc. for Various Areas ► to assist the States in the successful prosecu­
1989, 1989, 1990, 1990, 1991, 1991, 1991 tion o f such crim es.
Notification on Officers Authorised for taking The offenders shall be punished with impris­
Cognisance o f Offences, 1991 onment for not less than 3 years but itiay extend upto
Notification on Restricting Certain Activities in 7 years, and also with fine not less than Rs. 50,000
specified area o f Aravalli Range, 1992 but may extend upto Rs. 2 00,000.

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