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Course: ME8594-Dynamics of Machine

Unit: 5th Unit- MECHANISM FOR CONTROL – Session 1

1.1 Governor Application:

Governor helps to maintain the required constant speed of any device with the help of centrifugal force.

In automobiles it controls the speed and keeps the speed within the pre desired speed by operating the
throttle valve.

Its application also involves in speed control of TURBINE shaft in hydroelectric power plants since the
varying water pressure may increase or decrease the speed, the governor operates the water nozzle.

1.2 Governor Function:

The function of a governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine, when there are variations in the

Mean Speed: (Maximum Speed + Minimum Speed)/2

Load: It means the entire collection of forces acting on the object

The governor automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the engine with the varying load
conditions and keeps the mean speed within certain limits.

Pictorial representation of governor function

1.3 Simple drawing of governor

1.4 Video presentation of governor operation
How Centrifugal Governors Work.mp4

University Question: Define sleeve lift. (Nov 2017)

It is the vertical distance which the sleeve travels due to change in equilibrium speed.

(Equilibrium speed: It is the speed at which the governor balls, arms etc., are in complete equilibrium and
the sleeve does not tend to move upwards or downwards.)

1.5 Difference between governor and flywheel:

University Question: Compare flywheel and governor (Apr 2015)

1.6 Video presentation

How Flywheel Works.mp4 What is Flywheel.mp4

1.7 Types / Classification of governor

Broader Classification:

The broad classification of governor can be made depending on their operation.

(a) Centrifugal governors

(b) Inertia governors

University Question: How are centrifugal governors classified? (Nov 2018)

1.8 Centrifugal Governors

Why it is called as centrifugal governor?

Weights, attached to the governor drive shaft, are rotated, and a centrifugal force is created when the
engine drives the shaft. The centrifugal force varies with the speed of the engine.

Centrifugal governor.mp4

Relationship between centrifugal force and controlling force

When the governor running each ball of the governor, it subjected to inward pull. Consider a governor
rotating at steady speed, the inward force acting on the governor rotating ball is known as controlling
force. Controlling force of the governor is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force of the governor Fc= m
ω2 r

Direction of Centrifugal force & Radius of rotation

Course: ME8594-Dynamics of Machine

Unit: 5th Unit- MECHANISM FOR CONTROL – Session 2

2.1 Watt Governor-Pendulum Type

Why it is pendulum type

Watt Governor is a pendulum governor according to their design. It is basically a conical pendulum with
links attached to a sleeve of negligible mass. The arms of the governor may be connected to the spindle in
the following three ways:

1. The pivot P, may be on the spindle axis as shown in Fig. 5.2.1(a).

2. The pivot P, may be offset from the spindle axis and the arms when produced intersect at O, as
shown in Fig. 5.2.1 (b).
3. The pivot P, may be offset, but the arms cross the axis at O, as shown in Fig. 5.2.1 (c).

Fig. 5.2.1. Watt governor


When the load at the engine increases the angular velocity as well as speed of the engine automatically
decreases. At the uniform speed controlling force is equal to the centrifugal force which balances each
other but when centrifugal force on balls decreases, the balls and spindle start to move inward and
downward direction, respectively. These movements are responsible for the mechanism of the throttle
valve and cause it opening widely which increases the fuel supply to maintain the speed.
Watt governor.mp4

2.2 Terminologies and formulae:

m = Mass of the ball in kg,

w = Weight of the ball in newton = m.g ,
T = Tension in the arm in newton,
ω = Angular velocity of the arm and ball about the spindle axis
r = Radius of the path of rotation of the ball i.e. horizontal
from the centre of the ball to the spindle axis in metres,
FC = Centrifugal force acting on the ball in newton = m. ω2.r,
h = Height of the governor in metres.
Formula to find the speed of the Watt governor:

895 895
h= metres (Or) N = rpm
N2 h

Reason for watt governor used at low speed

The height of a governor h, is inversely proportional to N 2.Therefore at high speeds, the value of h is small. At such
speeds, the change in the value of h corresponding to a small change in speed is insufficient to enable a governor of
this type to operate the mechanism to give the necessary change in the fuel supply. This governor may only work
satisfactorily at relatively low speeds i.e. from 60 to 80 r.p.m.

So, We need another type of governor to overcome this problem.

2.3 Porter Governor-Gravity controlled: Dead Weight Type

Why it is Gravity controlled type governor

Porter governor is modification of watt governor and it works on the action of gravity due to the central
load (dead weight) attached to the sleeve as shown in Fig. 5.2.3

Fig. 5.2.3 Porter Governor

Purpose of Dead weight:

The central load (dead weight) moves up and down the central spindle. This additional downward force
increases the speed of revolution required to enable the balls to rise to any predetermined level.

The balls tend to moves up and down on the spindle due to the speed of revolution of the spindle. As load
at the engine decreases speed of the engine as well as spindle also tends to increases. Centrifugal force is
responsible for movement of balls in the upward direction while lower arm pushes the sleeves upward to
move the ball outward. These movements actuate the throttle valve and fuel supply gets decreases
through the mechanism connected to the sleeves.
Porter Governor.mp4

2.4 Present Simple line diagram

m = Mass of each ball in kg,
w = Weight of each ball in newton = m.g,
M = Mass of the central load in kg,
W = Weight of the central load in newton = M.g,
r = Radius of rotation in metres,
h = Height of governor in metres ,
N = Speed of the balls in r.p.m.,
ω = Angular speed of the balls in rad/s =2 π N/60 rad/s,
FC = Centrifugal force acting on the ball in newton = m. ω2.r,
T1= Force in the arm in newton,
T2= Force in the link in newton,
α = Angle of inclination of the arm (or upper link) to the vertical, and
β = Angle of inclination of the link (or lower link) to the vertical.

Formula to find the speed of the Porter governor:

m+ (1 + q ) 895 tan 
N2 = 2  Where q =
m h tan 

1. When the length of arms are equal to the length of links and the points P and D lie on the same
vertical line, then  =  , so, q = 1 .
m + M 895
N2 = 
m h
2. If consider Friction force ‘F’ on sleeve, then
 M .g  F 
m.g +  (1 + q )
 2  895
N =

m.g h
The + sign is used when the sleeve moves upwards or the governor speed increases and negative sign is used
when the sleeve moves downwards or the governor speed decreases.

2.5 Proell Governor- Gravity controlled: Dead Weight Type:

It is another type of governor works on the gravity control. The function of porter and proell governor are
same with little difference in working.

Difference between Porter and Proell Governor:

The Proell governor has the balls fixed at the extension of the links as shown in Fig. 5.2.5 (a).

Purpose of ball fixed in the extended link:

Comparing speed of the Porter governor with proell governor, the equilibrium speed reduces for the given
values of m, M and h. Hence in order to have the same equilibrium speed for the given values of m, M and
h, balls of smaller masses are used in the Proell governor than in the Porter governor. (It can be clarified in
the speed equation of proell governor).

The construction and working of the Proell Governor is nearly similar to the porter governor. Hence,
revolving balls are attached to the extension link situated at lower part and it reduces the change in the
speed responsible for movement of the sleeves. The movements of sleeve and balls operates the throttle
valve and decreases fuel supply to the engine.
Proell Governor.mp4

Fig. 5.2.5 Proell Governor

2.6 Present Simple line diagram

m = Mass of each ball in kg,
w = Weight of each ball in newton = m.g,
M = Mass of the central load in kg,
W = Weight of the central load in newton = M.g,
r = Radius of rotation in metres,
h = Height of governor in metres ,
N = Speed of the balls in r.p.m.,
ω = Angular speed of the balls in rad/s =2 π N/60 rad/s,
FC = Centrifugal force acting on the ball in newton = m. ω2.r,
α = Angle of inclination of the arm (or upper link) to the vertical, and
β = Angle of inclination of the link (or lower link) to the vertical.

Formula to find the speed of the Porter governor:

 M 
 m + (1 + q )
FM 2 895 tan 
N2 =   Where q =
BM  m  h tan 
 


1. FM/BM influences the reduction of ball mass compared to the porter governor

2. When α = β, then q = 1. So

3. If consider Friction force ‘F’ on sleeve, then

  M .g  F  
 m.g +  (1 + q )
FM  2  895
N2 =  
BM  m.g  h
 
 
The + sign is used when the sleeve moves upwards or the governor speed increases and negative sign is used
when the sleeve moves downwards or the governor speed decreases.
Course: ME8594-Dynamics of Machine

Unit: 5th Unit- MECHANISM FOR CONTROL – Session 3

3.1 Spring controlled type Governors:

Hartnell Governor:

Hartnell Governors consists two bell cranks situated the different points of the frame. A frame is attached
to the spindle, each lever carries a ball to the horizontal roller at the end of vertical arm. The helical spring
is provided to maintain the equal level force on the rollers and arrangement of the screw is there to adjust
a force of the spring.

The working of Hartnell governor is depends on control of spring force. The spring applies the downward
force while sleeves move upward and downward depending on the speed. Two bell cranks situated at the
frames carries a ball at one end and roller carry it at the other end. As speed of the engine increases ball
moves outward and bell crank lever moves at the pivot lifting sleeves upward against the spring force.
These movements then passed to the throttle valve with the help of mechanism and it results in lowering
fuel supply as well as speed.

1. Suitable for very high speed
2. Pre-compression can be adjusted to achieve desired equilibrium speed.

Hartung Governor:

Construction and working:

This is another type of governor work on the principle of controlled by the movement of spring. In Hartung
type governor bell crank levers are connected with the rotating spring balls. These balls are compressed
against the frame of the governor while rollers are pressed against the sleeves at the horizontal arms.
Wilson- Hartnell Governor:

Construction and working:

The balls are associated with the vertical arm and attached to the spring arranged on either side of the
sleeves. The spring consists two parts which belongs to the each ball. At the horizontal arm roller comes
into contact with sleeves and press it and make the bell-cranks to rotate along the spindle. Speed tends to
improve the ball movement and spring gets exerted at the inward pressing roller against the sleeves due to
centrifugal force. One end of the spring is attached to the spring and other is connected to the lever and it
tends to remain the sleeves down.

Pickering Governor:

Construction and working:

In Pickering Governor there are three springs arranged around the spindle. The arrangement ids angular
and each spring hold similar weight at the centers. The revolving balls act against these flat spring and
weights move outwards. Spring tends to bend as the ball rotate about the axis of the spindle with greater

3.2 Terminologies and formulae:

Hartnell Governor:
Terminologies Formulae
m = Mass of each ball in kg, For the minimum position
M = Mass of sleeve in kg, (r − r1 ) y
r1= Minimum radius of rotation in metres, lift of sleeve @ minimum position h1 =
r2= Maximum radius of rotation in metres,
ω1= Angular speed of the governor at minimum
(r2 − r ) y
radius in rad/s, lift of sleeve @ maximum position h2 =
ω2 = Angular speed of the governor at maximum x
radius in rad/s, Compression of the spring or sleeve lift
h = (r2 − r1 )
S1 = Spring force exerted on the sleeve at ω1 in
newton, x
S2 = Spring force exerted on the sleeve at ω2 in Neglecting the obliquity of the arms
newton, x
FC1 = Centrifugal force at ω1 in newton for minimum position M .g + S1 = 2 FC1 
= m (ω1)2 r1
FC2 = Centrifugal force at ω2 in newton x
for minimum position M .g + S 2 = 2 FC 2 
= m (ω2)2 r2 y
s = Stiffness of the spring or the force required
to compress the spring by one mm, The spring stiffness
x = Length of the vertical or ball arm of the lever 2
S − S1  F − FC1  x 
in metres, s= 2 = 2 C 2  
y = Length of the horizontal or sleeve arm of the h  r2 − r1  y 
lever in metres, and Note:
r = Distance of fulcrum O from the governor axis 1. Unless otherwise stated the obliquity effect of
or the radius of rotation when the governor is arm is neglected
in mid-position, in metres. 2. If friction is considered, the weight of the sleeve
M .g may be replaced by (M .g  F )


Terminologies Formulae
P = Tension in the main spring or ball spring A ,
S = Tension in the auxiliary spring B,
m = Mass of each ball, 2
M = Mass of sleeve, s  y b  F − FC1 
4sb + a    ==  C 2 
sb = Stiffness of each ball spring, 2  x a  r2 − r1 
sa = Stiffness of auxiliary spring,
FC = Centrifugal force of each ball, and
r = Radius of rotation of balls,

Course: ME8594-Dynamics of Machine

Unit: 5th Unit- MECHANISM FOR CONTROL – Session 4

4.1 Problem solving in Gravity controlled governor type

Problem 5.1:
The arms of a Porter governor are each 250 mm long and pivoted on the governor axis. The mass of each
ball is 5 kg and the mass of the central sleeve is 30 kg. The radius of rotation of the balls is 150 mm when
the sleeve begins to rise and reaches a value of 200 mm for maximum speed. Determine the speed range
of the governor. If the friction at the sleeve is equivalent of 20 N of load at the sleeve, determine how the
speed range is modified. (Theory of Machine by Khurmi – Page 662-Eg: 18.3) Apr 2018

1. Identify the Governor Type : PORTER GOVERNOR (Mostly mentioned in the problem)
2. Data fetching from problem:
Length of the arm and link (pivoted on the governor axis) = 250mm
Mass of the ball m = 5 kg
Mass of the central sleeve (central load) M = 30 kg
Radius of rotation of ball (at minimum speed N1) r1 = 150mm
Radius of rotation of ball (at maximum speed N2) r2 = 200mm
Determine the speed range of governor
a. Without friction
b. With friction of 20 N of load at the sleeve

3. Simple drawing of the governor based on data

4. Identify the formula to solve the problem
(i) Without friction
m+ (1 + q ) 895
N2 = 2 
m h
(ii) With friction

 M .g  F 
m.g +  (1 + q )
 2  895
N =

m.g h
5. Identify the unknown data
m, M and F are known data and q and h are unknown data.

(i) Finding q: Since length of the arm and links are same,
tan 
 =  and q =
tan 
q =1
(ii) Finding h:
h at minimum radius of rotation is
h1 = PB 2 − BG 2 = 250 2 − 150 2 = 200 mm = 0.2m

h at maximum radius of rotation is

h2 = PB 2 − BG 2 = 250 2 − 200 2 = 150 mm = 0.15m

6. Calculation of speed range of governor

(i) Without friction
m+ (1 + q ) 895 5 + 30 (1 + 1) 895
N 12 = 2  = 2  = 31,325
m h1 5 0.2
N 1 = 177 r.p.m

m+ (1 + q ) 895 5 + 30 (1 + 1) 895
N 22 = 2  = 2  = 41,767
m h2 5 0.15
N1 = 204 .4 r.p.m

Speed range of governor N= N2-N1 = 204.4-177 = 27.4 r.p.m

(ii) With friction

 M .g − F   30  .9.81 − 20 
m.g +  (1 + q ) 5  9.81 +  (1 + 1)
 2  895  2  895
N1 =
 =  = 29500
m.g h1 5  9.81 0.2
N1 = 172 r. p.m

 M .g + F   30  .9.81 + 20 
m.g +  (1 + q ) 5  9.81 +  (1 + 1)
 2  895  2  895
N2 =
 =  = 44200
m.g h2 5  9.81 0.15
N 2 = 210 r. p.m
Speed range of governor N= N2-N1 = 210-172 = 38 r.p.m

Problem 5.2:
A Proell governor has equal arms of length 300 mm. The upper and lower ends of the arms are pivoted on
the axis of the governor. The extension arms of the lower links are each 80 mm long and parallel to the axis
when the radii of rotation of the balls are 150 mm and 200 mm. The mass of each ball is 10 kg and the mass
of the central load is 100 kg. Determine the range of speed of the governor.

1. Identify the Governor Type : PROELL GOVERNOR (Mostly mentioned in the problem)
2. Data fetching from problem:

Length of the arms and links (pivoted on governor axis) = 300 mm

Extension arms of the lower links (ball attached) (parallel to axis) =80 mm
Radius of rotation of balls (at minimum speed N1) r1 =150 mm
Radius of rotation of ball (at maximum speed N2) r2 = 200mm
Mass of the ball m = 10 kg
Mass of the central sleeve (central load) M = 100 kg

Determine the speed range of governor

3. Simple drawing of the governor based on data

4. Identify the formula to solve the problem

 M 
 m + (1 + q )
FM 2 895
N =
 
BM  m  h
 
5. Identify known and unknown data
Known data are m,M. Unknown data are FM, BM, q, h

At minimum radius of rotation

Find FM: FM = GD = FD − FG = 300 − 150 = 260 mm = 0.26 m
2 2 2 2

Find BM = BF+FM = 0.080+0.26=0.34m

Find h1=GD=0.26m
At maximum radius of rotation
Find FM: FM = GD = FD − FG = 300 − 200 = 224 mm = 0.224 m
2 2 2 2

Find BM = BF+FM = 0.080+0.224=0.304m

Find h2=GD=0.224m

tan 
Find q: Since all arms and links are equal length  =  and q = =1
tan 

6. Calculation of speed range of governor

 M   100 
 m + (1 + q )  10 + (1 + 1)
FM 2 895 0.26 2 895
N 12 =   =   = 28956
BM  m  h1 0.34  10  0.26
   
N 1 = 170 r. p.m

 M   100 
 m + (1 + q ) 10 + 2 (1 + 1) 895
FM 2 895 0.224
N 22 =   =   = 32385
BM  m  h2 0.304  10  0.224
   
N 2 = 180 r. p.m

Speed range of governor N= N2-N1 = 180-170 = 10 r.p.m

Problem 5.3:
A Hartnel governor with a central sleeve spring and two right angled bell crank levers rotates between 280
rpm and 320 rpm, for a sleeve lift of 3 cm. The sleeve arms and the ball arms are 10 and 14 cm respectively.
The levers are pivoted at 12 cm from the governor axis and the mass of each ball is 3 kg. The space
restriction imposes the condition that maximum radius of rotation of the fly ball not to exceed 15 cm.
Calculate (i) loads on the spring at the lowest and highest equilibrium speeds and (ii) stiffness of the spring.
(Similar Problem-Theory of Machine by Khurmi – Page 680-Eg:18.13) April 2015

1. Identify the Governor Type: HARTNEL GOVERNOR (Mostly mentioned in the problem)
2. Data fetching from problem:
Minimum speed N1 = 280 r.p.m
Maximum speed N2 = 320 r.p.m
Sleeve lift h = 3 cm = 0.03 m
Sleeve arm length y = 10 cm = 0.1 m
Ball arm length x = 14 cm = 0.14 m
Lever pivot point from axis r = 12 cm = 0.12 m
Mass of the ball m = 3 kg
Maximum radius of rotation r2 = 15 cm = 0.15 m

Calculate (i) Loads on the spring S1 and S2 at lowest and highest equilibrium speed
(ii)Stiffness of the spring s

3. Simple drawing of the governor based on data

4. Identify the formula to solve the problem

To find r1 or r2: use Compression of the spring or sleeve lift h = (r2 − r1 )
To find Spring force:
Neglecting the obliquity of the arms
for minimum position M .g + S1 = 2 FC1 
for minimum position M .g + S 2 = 2 FC 2 
To find spring stiffness:

S − S1  F − FC1  x 
s= 2 = 2 C 2  
h  r2 − r1  y 

5. Identify unknown variables: r1, M, FC1, FC2 , S1, S2

Find r1 :

Find M: Since it is not given in the problem take M=0


6. Calculation of loads on springs and spring stiffness:

At lowest position Spring Force

At higher position Spring Force

Spring Stiffness
Characteristics of Governor:

1. Sensitiveness of Governors
2. Stability of Governors
3. Isochronous Governors
4. Hunting
5. Effort and Power of a Governor

1. Sensitiveness of Governors:
Consider two governors A and B running at the same speed. When this speed increases or
decreases by a certain amount, the lift of the sleeve of governor A is greater than the lift of the
sleeve of governor B. It is then said that the governor A is more sensitive than the governor B.
The sensitiveness is defined as the ratio of the difference between the maximum and
minimum equilibrium speeds to the mean equilibrium speed.

2. Stability of Governors:

A governor is said to be stable when for every speed within the working range there is a
definite configuration.

For a stable governor, if the equilibrium speed increases, the radius of governor balls must also

3. Isochronous Governors:

A governor is said to be isochronous when the equilibrium speed is constant (i.e. range of
speed is zero) for all radii of rotation of the balls within the working range, neglecting friction.
The isochronism is the stage of infinite sensitivity.

Let us consider the case of a Porter governor running at speeds N1 and N2 r.p.m.
For isochronism, range of speed should be zero i.e. N2– N1 = 0 or N1 = N2. Therefore from equations
(i) and (ii), h1 = h2, which is impossible in case of a Porter governor. Hence a Porter governor cannot be

4. Hunting
A governor is said to be hunt if the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and
below the mean speed. This is caused by a too sensitive governor which changes the fuel
supply by a large amount when a small change in the speed of rotation takes place.

5. Effort and Power of a Governor:

The effort of a governor is the mean force exerted at the sleeve for a given percentage
change of speed (or lift of the sleeve).

Where c= percentage of increase in speed

c= (N2-N1)/N1

Note: If F is the frictional force (in newtons) at the sleeve, then

The power of a governor is the work done at the sleeve for a given percentage change of
speed. It is the product of the mean value of the effort and the distance through which the
sleeve moves.

Governor power =

x = Lift of the sleeve



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