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Ãat the beginning of this lecture there was a discussion between

doctor Ashraf and the students about the time of dental lab exam
whether it will be at the same week of the theoretical exam or the
following week !unfortunately there has been no agreement
½then the doctor delegate our CR to solve this problem !

Ã{  {{ {
A) the slides for this lectur in the file of "Morphology of premolar"
and we will cover the slides from 11 to 34

B) while u are studying this lecture plz refer to "lower prem olar"
and" upper premolar" videos in dental CD ,actually will be helpful

C) honestly, sometimes I found difficulties about identifying the

structures that the doctor talking about so I added some pictures
from the text book and I hope these pictures beside the videos
 and the handing out make this lecture easy ;p



Mesial aspect (slides # 11 and 12):-

This is the tooth seen from mesial aspects we can see 2 cusps notice
these 2 cusps are unequal size, Bigger cusp is the buccal cusp and
smaller is the lingual but the amount of this difference between these
two cusps isn͛t that big.

The amount of difference between the two cusps in the mandibular first
premolar is huge. Ok?

Mandibular first premolar has 2 cusps ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘

‘  ,here
we have 2 cusps although they are not equal in the size ,but there is
some differences which isn͛t that big between the size of the buccal and
lingual ok?

And this actually by itself is a type trait because in the maxillary 2 nd
premolar , the 2 cusps are of equal in size and prominence, the maxillary
2nd premolar has 2 cusps (bekono nafs el6ool w nafs el7ajem) but the
first premolar (bekoon el buccal akbar $wai ) .so difference between the
size of 2 cusps by itself is a "type trait"

Because it lets u distinguish between the maxillary first premolar from

maxillary 2 nd premolar.

This is a triangular ridge of the buccal cusp, and the triangular ridge of
the lingual cusp, they meet in a straight line we call it mesial edge; we
call it the transverse ridge.

Triangular ridge inclined as 40 degree (this triangular ridge and this one
is inclined at 40 ok)

From the occlusal plane, and they meet at front angel ‘  ‘‘ ‘

Triangular ridges of the buccal and lingual cusp , (actually the doctor said
that the triangular ridges inclined at 40 degree but in the slide u will find
45 ,so take 45 not 40 coz when 2 triangular ridges meet they meet at
front angle which is 90 as he said )

The mesial marginal ridge is prominent (this is the mesial margin ridge ʹ
it is prominent ok?)

And we have groove that runs through this ridge, this groove runs just
lingual to the mid portion. <Go to the middle distance then slightly
lingual and u will see a groove as the doctor said >, this groove does not
run exactly in the mid portion of the marginal ridge but it is slightly

This groove is important and we call it mesial marginal ridge groove and the
presence of this groove is important in distinguishing this tooth. Because
this groove is not present in any other premolars. So if you see any other
premolar, if you see the marginal ridge ʹyou see a groove crossing the
marginal ridge, this is a maxillary first pre molar because this feature is
missing in maxillary 2 nd premolar and also missing in mandibular
premolars. Ok?

The buccal (HOC) is within the cervical third and from thi s buccal max of
contour we see a slight lingually inclination calls a cusp apex.

The lingual outline is convex not a straight line like this one, and

Maximum Convexity or the height of contour is in the middle third. Note

HOCs in the middle third from lingual side, where it was in the cervical
third from buccal side.

The cervical line is convex towards the occlusive part of the tooth.

From the mesial aspect also we see an important feature which is called
the mesial interradiculer groove.

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This proves that canine form after the first premolar ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ 
canine ‘ !"# after the premolar alright?


Because of the bulging of the distoincisal angel of the canine this actually
produces a groove on the root which is located distal to this canine
which is the maxillary first premolar ʹ we call it canine fossa.

This canine fossa is also called mesio intterredicular groove, it starts
from the area of bifurcation of the roofs ‘+ )* ‘$%& ‘ &'(‘And goes
up until reaches the cervical line and also it proceeds along the crown to
reach (ta8reban ) just the area under the contact point .

So this called the meso interedicular groove or canine fossa the

presence of this groove is indicative of this tooth .

‘%* ‘ ‘‘ ‘,!‘

Because this groove isn͛t presence in any other premolar .

If you grab of any premolar ʹ if you see this groove ʹ and particularly
you see that the groove passes also within the crown ʹ this means that is
a maxillary first premolar.

Because this is not existing in maxillary 2nd premolar or any of

mandibular premolars.

Continuing to Slide # 12

The occlusal table is centered over the root trunk, what we mean by
occlusal table ?

It means occulsal surface ,the area enclose between cusps tips of any

The area between cusp tips and the marginal ridges we call it occlusal
table. The occlusal table of this tooth is perpendicular ok!

Is perpendicular to long axis of the tooth ,this is the long axis of the
tooth and( this is the occlusal area) notice that the occlusal area is
centered over the long axis of the tooth ok! Or cantered over the root

We said that root trunk is the area of the root before bifurcation ‘‘- 
‘%‘* ‘)* ‘.%&( this area of the root we call it root trunk ok!

MM and this is (arch trait) because in the mandibuler premolar the

occlusal table is not perpendicular to the root trunk , it tends to be
inclined. ‘/‘01‘ !2* ‘

e e   ec se ‘Ú e c
 ÚÚe  y Ú Ús y Ú e

ccs  Ú e sÚ

Ú  Ú s Úy ce s
Ú sÚ ceÚ 
Ú e Ú
 Ú e 


Ú c

y eceve 2 

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 v 2

Ús  Ú s Ú

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  y sÚ e

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Ú e e

Ú s 
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 Ú s 
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  Ú 2 

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s   y sÚ e 


 e se Ú Ú Ú e e

Ús  Ú s Ú

se s 

 c Ú
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e vse 
 Ú s
e Úe Ú
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Ú  Ú ee s 10% 
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ve 1 

Ú s Ú


  Ú e Ú

Ú s 2 

Ús  y e Ú s
Ús Ú Ú 
esÚ c

Ú s 

Ú e cÚy e
Ú e   y sÚ e

 ese cÚ y e e ve 2 

Ús Ú ey c Úe  Ú e jcÚ

eÚ ee Ú e e Ú   Ú e c  Ú 
 Ú e 


sÚ  secÚ se # 13

 Ú e sÚ  secÚ e 
Ú see Ú e es     es 

Ú see Ú e c e 
ss Ú e see s Ú s 

eÚ ee Ú e Ú

Ús s
s  Ú
es  secÚ eceÚ 

c vÚy
 Ú e cevc  Ú  Ú e c
c vÚy s
Ú  Ú e 

Ú ec
c vÚy  ÚÚ   Ú e  
Ú e Ú s ee
see Ú e c
c vÚy se s  e c es  e
 Ú e c
 jsÚ e

Ú e c
Ú cÚ 
Ú sÚ y s
y c
e Ú
Ú e e eÚ ee Ú


 Ú e 

Ú Ú  e s
c  see c 
 Ú e
s ce   see Ú e Ú

Ú Ú 
 sÚ   c  see  Ú
 Ú e

ccs  s ce y ec se Ú e sÚ     e s 
e Ú 
 Ú e es     e 

ö e

In all teeth :

The mesial marginal ridge is higher than the distal marginal ridge this the
mesial and this is the distal that͛s why if u look to the tooth from d istal
view u will see 5 of occlusal surface

This is general in all teeth except in mandibular first premolar as we will

see( inshalla 8arebn) when we will talk about mandibular first premolar
(ray7een nshoof eno howeh besheth 3an el ka3da) distal will be higher
than the mesial < and also the distal interradicular groove is very
shallow and doesn͛t continue on the crown

Occlusal aspect slide #14

The tooth from occlusal aspect this is how the tooth looks like, it is
hexagonal in shape , and it is type trait because the look or view of the
maxillary second premolar is generally more rounded ,here we see
angels. the buccaly profile is inverted( 7arf v alma8loob) ,we have sharp
mesobuccal and distobuccal angle , but notice that the lingual angels
are very rounded , can u see that !. The mesial and distal outlines are
converted lingually.note that the mesial and distal outlines they are not
parallel they tend to be con verted lingual,this means that the

Lingual cusp is smaller or narrower than the buccual cusp .

The lingual profile is strongly convex n ot like the buccal profile

It is v shaped .

The occlusal table is formed by cusps and marginal ridges , as we said

the area enclose by cusps tips and cusps ridges, and also the marginal
ridges we call occusal table lets now draw the occlusal table .

The doctor pointed at( tip of buccal cusp and, the mesial ridge, the
margins ridge , casting of the lingual cusp, the distal marginal ridge and
the ridge of the buccal cusp),so this area is called the occlusal table.

The occlusal table is formed by cusps and marginal ridges .the apex of
the lingual cusps is mesial to the midline notice that the tip of the lingual
cusp it isn͛t exactly in the center of the grind tips because slightly
mesially( ma betkoon belwasat tamamn)

Slide # 15

The triangular ridges, the buccal and lingual triangles ridges or the
triangles ridges of the buccal and lingual cusp are making straight

Ridges , this is called the transverse ridge .

This transverse ridge is separated by a groove running across the

transverse ridge is called the center groove , the center groove starts
from apex here called mesial pit and goes this way (don͛t know which
way ) then ends at the distal edge.

From mesial pit we have 2 groove s at the each margin of marginal ridge
, for example :the groove goes mesialy and buccally called the
mesiobuccally margin ridge groove ,another disto buccal , and also the
disto lingual , so according to the ridge where t he groove goes we call
this grooved(mnsame el grooves 7asab eletajeh yalle btmtad feh ) .
Accordingly all these are developmental groove not sublimental groove
‘ ok !

Mmm the mesial also we have what we called fossa. Between the
mesial marginal ridge and the transverse ridge we have depression ,this
‘ is called the mesio triangular fossa and the distal triangular fossa

At the top of this fossa we have the tip , the mesial tip and the distal tip .

Mesial marginal ridge is shorter that the distal marginal ridge and it is
interrupted by the marginal ridge groove as we discussed.


slide #16

 Ú s Ú

Ú Ú s Ú

Ú Ú s s
e see Ú e Ú

 e see Ú

e s Ú e Ú  Ú e

Ú e  e see 2 

Ús    see

Ú yes Ú ee s 


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ve 2 

Ú c  s  e   e Úe ÚeÚ 
 Ú s Ú

Ú eee
‘ Ú Ú Ú ee s 10%

   e c
ss secÚ

 Ú e  sysÚe es
sÚ y


 vey s  Ú  Ú s vey 



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 Ú e 

 e cc  

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Ú c   

 {    se #17

  2 e   y sec
  s s  Ú
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  Ú Ú eeces eÚ s see Ú ese eeces Ú Ú

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ÃÚ e Ú

 Ú e eÚ s   y sec
 15  Ú Ú
 Ú e
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  Ú Ú s s Úy s e Ú s s

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cs   Ú e sÚ
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Ú ey e 
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 Ú e c

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Ú se Ú Ú e 

 Ú e
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 see y ec se
 Ú s Ú

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   cs s s  Ú
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‘ e

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 Ú e
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 Ú e

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  Ú ese 
e c
veÚe  y 

‘ es  secÚ se # 18

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 Ú e Ú

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 Ú e 

Ú s
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 Ú e es  secÚ
 Ú e   y
sÚ e

c vÚy  Ú e c

 Ú e es  s ce  e see

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 see 2 

Ús  Ú s Ú

 Ú s Ú e eceÚ e
 see 2 

Ús  Ú s Ú

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 10 %

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 Ú e   y sec

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 Ú e sÚ  secÚ 
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Ú see Ú e es 



es     e s secc 

 Ú e   y sÚ e

 Ú e   y sec

!e see
e se 


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   cc  Ú Ú e   

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Ú Ú 

 s  s

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Ú e 
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 ve s  e Ú ey ve s

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  s e 

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 es   sÚ 
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  Ú e   y
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      es e Ú 

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s seeÚ  

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  Ú s s 
 Ú e ÚeeÚ Ú Ú e
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à ee Ú e 

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 2 & 

‘ Î !‘ se # 20
 e  s c  s e Ú c
ss secÚ

sÚ  e   e Ú Ú e 

 ÚÚe Ú Ú Ú ee

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 e e  
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Exceptions! Actually 90 single canal of one tooth .these are the
differences that we call a "type trait" between maxillary first
premolar and second premolar.

Ãdoctor didn͛t mention anything about the slide 21


‘ à 

{  Ã
Now we come to mandibular first premolar ,from the buccal aspect, the
mandibular first premolar has long pointed buccal cusp in the occlusal
profile ok ! Can u see very pointed ,it looks like a canine m$ heek ?

How to distinguish this tooth from the canine ? We have 2

Cusps from the lingual side, but a canine has only 1

‘ Cusp but here we have 2

The mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge which is also
‘ similar to the canine.

The cusp tip is little mesial to the tooth midline ,if u make a midline from
‘ the tooth ,the cusp will be slightly mesially to this midline .

HOCs are at the same level and they are located just occlusal to the half
way of the crown (da2mn ya jama3a 8a3edeh the HOCs) of the
‘ mandiblular teeth are higher than the HOCs for the maxillary teeth.

Always the mandibular teeth (el size taba3ha) straight and the HOCs are
nearer to the cusps and incisal edges, this is true for canine and
‘ premolars but not accurate about the molars alright!

The mesial % distal profiles are marked converging can u see ! The tooth
is wide ok ! so these 2 sides converge gingivally or cirvically.

‘ The cervical line is flat mesiodistally compared to that of canine .

Buccal ridge and depression are also evident ,the buccal ridges , and 2
depressions .the root is conical with pointed apex.

cc  P a g e
Ãlingual aspect Ã

From the lingual aspect ,this tooth looks different doesn͛t look

‘ Like the premolar by the way! see the amount of differences

Between the buccal cusp % lingual cusp (fe far8 kbeer bel 7ajem
‘ benathom) that͛s why many students think that: this tooth

Is a canine! Actually it isn͛t! it is a mandibular first premolar . The doctor

pointed at the lingual cusp and said: This isn͛t a cingulum this is a cusp
‘ (keef mnmayeez?)


‘   '

but this small cusp (pointed to the cusp )occupies 2/3 of the crown so
‘ this isn͛t a cingulum this is a cusp !

the buccal profile % the occlusal surface is visible why? because the
lingual cusp is very small so we can see all the teeth occlusal surfaces
‘ and buccal profile.

The occlusal surface and the buccal triangular ridge and the marginal
ridges they all tilt (not sure) lingually and cervic ally .(ya3nee , the crown
of this tooth is tilted lingually that͛s why if u look to the tooth lingually u
‘ can see all the features are tilted cervically and lingually ok!

The buccal triangular ridge crosses the mid portion of the occlusal
surface (because we have 2 cusps of unequal size ,the triangular ridge of
the buccal cusps is much much longer than the triangular ridge of the
‘ lingual cusp ,that͛s why it is crosses the midline of the tooth ok !

Lingual cusp is minor elevation in height and pointed cone in shape ,it
may be centric or eccentric (sho ya3nee eccentric?)ya3nee may be it is
centered exactly ,for sometimes the tip of this cusp may be centric
‘ (ya3nee ray7a la jeha mn eljehat )ok!
c   P a g e
Root is narrower from lingual aspect and has a blunt apex ,(always root
lingually narrower than buccaly).

Ãmesial aspect Ãslide #24

This is the tooth from mesial aspect ,again many students

Think that this is a canine why? They think that the cusp is

‘ A cingulaum (the doctor repeat what he said in

Differentiating between cengulum and cusp)so this is a tooth with 2

‘ cusps one is huge and the other is small .

The occlusal plane tilted lingually ,it seems that the crown is tilted
lingually that͛s why the long axis of the crown (goes in this way and the
long axis of the tooth on this way pointed to the picture) so the long axis
of the root and the long axis of the crown aren͛t in a straight line they
make an angle ,this is very important in cavity preparation (lazem el
cavity tkoon 3ala el long axis of the crown ya3n ee bdak t3mal cavity
‘ lazem tkoon mayleh m3 mayalan el crown )


 "    "        "    "

‘ cavity‘ !2‘342*‘356‘ !2 ‘7‘89'* ‘‘:

‘/‘34‘!* ‘‘%* ‘ "0‘>) ‘=‘342* ‘‘ !:5 ‘‘!*;( ‘ !<‘

‘ ?'@‘ !*;‘ !!"‘ &&5*

‘ :D

All the time we have to go to the long axis of the crown NOT to the long
‘ axis of the root (offfffff kteer 3adha !)

Transverse ridge existed between two triangular ridges of two cusps but
notice that the triangular ridges of buccal cusp is much longer than that
of lingual cusp and that͛s why if u draw a line through a center of the
‘ root ,this line will not pass through these 2 cusps

cΠ P a g e
If u draw a line in the middle root it will not pass through 2 cusps it will
pass through the tip of buccal cusps ok! Because the tilty of the crown
and because the differences in size between 2 cusps .

Ãmesial aspect Ãslide #25

Hala2 masially I can see some features which we call the

‘ mesiolingual groove ,notice that because of the lingual tilty of the crown

and the marginal ridge is also tilty and the marginal ridge meets with the
mesial cusp at a groove called MLg

(bekawen) MLG ,this isn͛t marginal ridge groove because this groove
doesn͛t cross the marginal ridge instead cross the end (nehayet )el
‘ marginal ridge from the lingual side.

MLG is specific for this tooth ok ! MLG again it isn͛t a groove that cross
the marginal ridge that͛s why it doesn͛t call the marginal ridge groove
instead it is a groove between the end o f marginal ridge and mesial
lingual cusp so it is called mesiolingually groove and this is specific for
the mandibular first premolar ok! so the MLG between the marginal
ridge and mesio lingual cusp ridge ok! This is a type trait because for the

mandibular second premolar doesn t exist . this is very important in

differentiating between mandibular second and mandibular first
‘ premolars.

Because of this groove and the tilty of the marginal ridge the distal
marginal ridge is higher than the mesial marginal ridge ,we previously
said that all the time the mesial marginal ridge is higher than the distal
‘ marginal ridge with one exception ,the mandibular first premolar ok !

Lingual profile is straight as u see and then convex up to the cusp tip .the
buccual convexity is between the cervical third and the middle third of
the crown .the tip of the lingual cusp is in line with the outline of the
root .ya3nee if u want to draw the outline of the root btkamlo m3 el
outline why ? Because the cusp is very small,but the tilt of buccal cusp is
in lined with the long axis of the tooth. .the lingual HOCs is within

c£  P a g e
occlusal 1/3 ,the buccal HOCs between the cervical third and middle
‘ third .theses mesial contact area is in lined with the apex of buccal cusp.

¥nder the cusp mesial area it is an area (mesial contact area) with this
‘ tooth comes in contact with which one ?(meen bekoon 8ablo )?

Canine yat8a6a3 with this tooth in the contact area ,this contact area
‘ aren͛t between cusps just below the buccal cusp ok !

But in posterior teeth we said that the contact area will be between two
‘ cusps (buccal ,lingual fbetkon bel wasa6 ) alright !

Root is broad bucolingually but narrow mesiodistally here is a broad

buccolingually .

‘ Ãdistal aspectÃ

The DMR is more prominent and not tilted lingually , more horizontally.
NO distal lingual groove like the mesiolingual groove that seen mesially
‘ .the contact area is more extensive .

Why the contact area is more extensive ?this distal surface is in contact
‘ with the second premolar (the second premolar wider than canine )

(tooth bdo y3mal elte8a2 m3 el second pr emolar distally ,mesially bdo

y3mal elte8a2 m3 canine ) according to the size of the tooth (btkoon
masa7et el) contact area!

  slide # 26

Ãocclusal aspect Ã

From occlusal aspect we can see a very very small lingual cusp

‘ It Is diamond in shape.

Inverted v shaped buccal profile ,mesial and distal profile they converge
‘ lingually that͛s why lingually is convex but buccaly is less convex.

Distal profile is more convex , can u see? than the mesial profile ,lingual
profile is half of length of buccal profile ya3nee lingual profile is very
‘ small just 1/2 the distance of buccal profile .
cö  P a g e
2/3 of buccal surface can be visible because the crown of this teeth is
tilted lingually ,when u look at this teeth u will see 5 surfaces that͛s why
‘ almost 1/2(yalle mnshofo 3ebara 3an)buccal surface.

The occlusal table is triangular ok ! the tip of buccal cusp is in the midline
of the crown (beno9 el crown ).mesiolingual cusp ridge with marginal
ridge is straight ok ! it is interrupted by the mesial (mesolingual groove
‘ yalle 7akena 3ano )ok !we don͛t have a groove in the distal aspect .

The mesial marginal ridge is shorter and less prominent than the distal
marginal ridge and also we have this mesolingual groove that marks the
mesial area of the groove.

‘ This is the features sometimes distinguish mesial from distal groove

   "      " "      

        "  (

(slide # 28)

we see here in the mesial plate at the distal joint by the

central groove and regarding to pulp system of this

‘ tooth it is mesiolingual sectioning it is similar to

canine ok ! buccolingually section is slightly broad but we see very huge

‘ pulp point and very small pulp point.

In cross section it is ovoid ,the possibility of having 2 canals in this tooth

is also 30 similar to the possibility of lower incisor and lower canine .


  (slide #29)

Ãbuccal aspect Ã%Ãlingual aspectÃ

‘ From the buccal aspect it is very similar to The mandibular first premolar

c]  P a g e
But from the lingual aspect the cusp of the lingual side are bigger than

the cusp of lingual side of mandibular first premolar ,so mesiodistally

diameter from the lingual aspect is much much greater than t he lingual
‘ mesiodistal dimension of the lingual part of mandibular first premolar .

Ða3nee this tooth lingually wider than mesiodistally in mandibular first

premolar ok !

‘ Also :

Occlusal surface cannot be seen .2 lingual cusps are more prominent ok

because they are prominent the lingual or the crown isn͛t very much
‘ tilted lingually

The occlusal plane is perpendicular to the tooth axis (occlusal plane ma

bkoon mbayen mtel ma a5adna bel mandibular first molar bekoon
‘ perpendicular on the axis of the tooth).

Often we see 2 cusps ,we see mesiolingual and distolingual cusps .can u
see one cusp ?yes ,what is the percentage of seeing 2 cusps for this

‘ tooth?60 ,what is the possibility of seeing 1 lingual cusp ? 40
€         )
      "  " 


B¥T HOW ;)

By looking at the two lingual cusps ,the bigger is the one located at the
mesial side and the smaller on at the distal side so as simple as that ½

Ãmesial, distal ,occlusal aspects à (slide # 30 ,31 ,32 )

This is actually the tooth seeing from the side of mesial aspect ,

Here we see 2 cusps ,these are high m$ heek !

cV  P a g e

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 sÚ e
ec se
 Ú e
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 cc  % es
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 7 Ú $

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 e css 
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Ú css 

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e cs cc y
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s  e 
e es     
es e   e
 ess Ú  

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 cc  se see 
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s ce s ess c
 e Ú
Ú e    sÚ e

c‘  e

The buccal ridge is less prominent ok !the buccal ridge is less prominent
than the buccal ridges of the mandibular first premolar and this is a

" type trait" .

Mesial and distal marginal ridges are equal in length not like the case in
mandibular first premolar they weren͛t equal in length and also not
equal in prominent and heights!

The root pattern is y shape ,we have central pit ,mesial pit and distal pit

The mesial separate buccal and mesiolingual triangular ridges ,this is

here the buccal triangular ridge , and also we have mesolingual
triangular ridge ,these are seperated by central groove alright .

Mesial and distal triangular fosses are also visible ,each contain the pits
and we have the marginal ridge groove .

Remember when we have 2 cusps for this groove , 40 of the cases , in
this case we will not able to see the y shape profile ,very similar to any
premolar (ma ra7 ykoon $akloo mtel y )because it doesn͛t have 2 cusps
lingually just straight groove (laken bs ykoon 2 cusps bekoon fe groove
benathom !)

Ã(y) shape profile is seen when we have 3 cusps <2 lingually %1


(slide # 33).

Pulp system of the tooth

Because actually we have 3 cusps we have 3 pulp horns ,the

Biggest or the highest pulp horn is the buccal pulp horn followed by the
mesiolingual followed by the distolingual because the level of
prominence of pulp horns follows the prominence of cusp ok !

Often we can see 2 canals in this tooth and the percentage is 30 , and
these are the differences "type trait" between the mandibular first and
mandibular second premolar .

c  P a g e
Slide # 34

these are different measurements u don͛t have to remember !!!!!

finally ,we have to discuss what we call the curve of occlusion

hala2 we have something called curve of spee ,curve of Wilson ,sphere

of monsoon ,I will leave these( w mna5dhom m3 el molars la 7ata
testaw3ebohom)!w la hoon bekoon el emte7an. el curvs of occlusion m$
da5leen ,break 5 minutes ba3deen mn$ofkoom bel oral physiology !!!

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