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PSSI chairman Nurdin Halid was elected in 2003. He is known as the controversial chairman
of PSSI. He flees from the guards in prison, has declared the idea of naturalization of foreign
players, increased number of participants in the Indonesian League every year so that neither
Club plays against termination of club budgets and reducing the sanctions, which have
previously been involved in riots large games ban Persebaya play House for two years simply
deny the game as much as 3 times the cage.
The Southeast Sulawesi Governor candidates from Golkar, the Indonesian national team
Nurdin Halid said success at AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 is the work of the Golkar party. This is
contrary to the Charter strictly prohibits politicization which FIFA football. This statement
was condemned by several parties, including the PSSI Secretary and Deputy Chairman of the
House of Representatives Pramono Anung.
In order not to violate the statutes of PSSI, the law in which the previous chairman reads.
³They..., must not have been previously found guilty of a criminal offense...." changed
to "They..., must not found guilty of a criminal offense...". After the prisoner is complete,
re-appointed as Chairman Nurdin PSSI.
Why Nurdin have to fall down from his position:
Y Nurdin ever be convict
Y Nurdin has a record of corruption that is no doubt
Y Nurdin opposed article 33 of the statutes of FIFA, containing prohibitions for
membership in the Organization of football for people that have captured the criminal
Y Nurdin repeatedly warning against the President of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, who ordered
his resignation
Y No details of the financial statements, particularly funds of the project Goal of FIFA
awarded annually
Y The prizes for the winners ISL often are not granted or deferred by the PSSI, the last
example Persibo
Y ÿ years of leadership Nurdin, none of which is carved out by a title by national teams
Y The emergence of fixing in the ISL
Y afia referee rampant in ISL
PSSI chairman Nurdin Halid was elected in 2003. He is known as the controversial chairman of PSSI. He flees
from the guards in prison, has declared the idea of naturalization of foreign players, increased number of
participants in the Indonesian League every year so that neither Club plays against termination of club budgets
and reducing the sanctions, which have previously been involved in riots large games ban Persebaya play House
for two yearsto simply deny the game as much as 3 times the cage.
Nurdin Halid terpilih sebagai Ketua PSSI pada tahun 2003. Ia dikenal sebagai ketua PSSI yang kontroversial.
Dia menjalankan organisasi dari balik terali besi penjara, mengumumkan ide menaturalisasikan pemain asing,
menambah jumlah peserta Liga Indonesia tiap tahun sehingga tidak ada klub yang terdegradasi, menentang
penghentian pengucuran dana APBD untuk klub, dan mengurangi sanksi Persebaya yang sebelumnya terlibat
kerusuhan pertandingan secara besar-besaran dari larangan main di kandang selama dua tahun menjadi hanya
larangan sebanyak 3 kali pertandingan kandang.
The Southeast Sulawesi Governor candidates from Golkar, the Indonesian national team Nurdin Halid said
success at AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 is the work of the Golkar party. This is contrary to the Charter strictly
prohibits politicization which FIFA football. This statement was condemned by several parties, including the
PSSI Secretary and Deputy Chairman of the House of representatives Pramono Anung.
Pada deklarasi calon gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara dari Partai Golkar, Nurdin Halid mengklaim sukses tim
nasional Indonesia pada Piala Suzuki AFF 2010 adalah karya Partai Golkar. Hal ini bertentangan dengan Statuta
FIFA yang melarang keras politisasi sepak bola. Pernyataan tersebut dikecam oleh beberapa pihak, termasuk
Sekretaris PSSI dan Wakil Ketua DPR RI Pramono Anung.
In order not to violate the statutes of PSSI, the law in which the previous chairman reads. ³They..., must not
have been previously found guilty of a criminal offense...." changed to "They... must not found guilty of a
criminal offense...". After the prisoner is complete, re-appointed as chairman Nurdin PSSI
Agar tidak melanggar statuta PSSI, statuta mengenai ketua umum yang sebelumnya berbunyi ³They..., must
not have been previously found guilty of a criminal offense...." diubah menjadi "They... must not found guilty of
a criminal offense...". Setelah masa tahanannya selesai, Nurdin kembali menjabat sebagai ketua PSSI.
Why Nurdin must resign from office:
Y Nurdin an ex-convict
Y Nurdin has a record of corruption that is no doubt
Y Nurdin opposed article 33 of the statutes of FIFA, containing prohibitions for membership in the
Organization of football for people that have captured the criminal
Y Nurdin repeatedly warning against the President of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, who ordered his resignation
Y No details of the financial statements, particularly funds of the project Goal of FIFA awarded annually
Y The prizes for the winners ISL often are not granted or deferred by the PSSI, the last example Persibo
Y ÿ years of leadership Nurdin, none of which is carved out by a title by national teams
Y The emergence of fixing in the ISL
Y afia referee rampant in ISL
Y Nurdin seorang mantan napi
Y Nurdin memiliki rekor korupsi yang tidak diragukan lagi
Y Nurdin berulang kali menentang peringatan Presiden FIFA, Sepp Blatter, yang memerintahkannya
untuk mundur
Y araknya pengaturan skor di ISL
Y afia wasit yang merajarela di ISL
Y Hadiah untuk pemenang ISL sering tidak kunjung diberikan atau ditunda oleh PSSI, contoh terakhir
Y ÿ tahun kepemimpinan Nurdin, tidak ada satu pun gelar yang diukir oleh timnas
Y Nurdin menentang statuta FIFA pasal 33 yang berisi larangan untuk menjadi anggota organisasi sepak
bola bagi orang yang pernah terjerat pidana
Y Tak jelasnya laporan keuangan terutama dana Goal Project dari FIFA yang diberikan setiap tahunnya

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