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Online Book Ordering system

Nischal Bhatta
Roll no: 7875/17
T.U. Registration No: 7-2-547-46-2017

A Summer Project Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University

Bachelor of Information Management

Thapathali Marg, Kathmandu

April 2021

I would first like to offer my sincere gratitude to our Supervisor and lecturer Mr.
Dinesh Bajracharya of Institute of Management Studies, Faculty of BIM,
Tribhuvan University. The door of lecturer Mr. Dinesh Bajracharya’s office was
always open whenever I ran into a trouble spot or had a question about my study or
writing. He consistently allowed this project to be my own work, but steered me in
the right direction whenever he thought I needed it.

I also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the Department
of Computer Science and Information Technology, IMS College for providing me
this opportunity to learn and present our studies in the form of this project. And I
feel very glad to present this project on “Online Book Ordering System,” which
helps firstly the organization to evaluate the education qualification on the basis of
the performance given by the examinee and also helps examinee to attend
examination for more desire environment. This system is very interactive, simple
to use and as well as more effectiveness in terms of correctness and time. Despite
of difficulties faced like not everyone having facilities of computer system or

Finally, I must express my profound gratitude to my friends those who directly and
indirectly helped me during the presentation of this project. And also my family
members for their endurance and encouragement which I greatly needed most of
the time

This is to certify that the Summer Project entitled “Online Book Ordering
System” submitted by Nischal Bhatta have been read and recommended by the
supervisor. It is, therefore, forwarded for the External Examination as per the rule
of the University.

Mr. Dinesh Bajracharya
Department of Computer Science
Thapathali Marg, Kathmandu

This is to certify that the summer project entitled “Online Book Ordering
System” is an academic work done by Nischal Bhatta submitted in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in Information
Management at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University under my
guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information presented
by him in the summer project report has not been submitted earlier.

Signature of the Supervisor
Mr. Dinesh Bajracharya
IMS College
Date: April 2021
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... i
CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ................................................................................................................. ii
CERTIFICATE FROM THE SUPERVISOR.............................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER 1:........................................................................................................................................... 1
PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Tools Used ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Problem of the Report: ................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Features of Online Books Ordering System .................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

TASK AND ACTIVITIES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

2.1 Core Concept................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Database Tables .............................................................................................................................. 5
Tables Created: ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 ER Diagram of the System ............................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Other Activities ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Pages Created ................................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion: .......................................................................................................................................... 14

1.1 Introduction

Online Book Ordering System

An Online Book Ordering System made for delivering books instantly on

receiving orders across different delivery zones. This system provides a platform
to different writers and publishers to sell their books directly to the customer and
they are allowed to post their books to be sold. By just registering to the system,
they can use this system to post their books. It is also convenient for customer as
they can simply order a book with a click of a button. It’s a win-win situation for

1.2 Objectives of Project

• To manage & show the information and description of books, payment, bill
• To build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing
the Books, Customer, Stock, Payment
• To tracks all the details about the Payment, Delivery, Bills
• To provide different level of access control to the customer and
administration for maintaining data security
• To provide an online portal for customer who want to access a book store
without visiting the store

1.3 Duration of Project

Start time: December 2019

End time: March 2020

1.4 Tools Used

Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

1. HTML: HTML is used to create and save web document. E.g. Notepad/Notepad++
2. CSS : (Cascading Style Sheets) Create attractive Layout
3. JavaScript: it is a programming language, commonly use with web browsers.

Back end: PHP, MySQL

1. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a technology that allows software developers to
create dynamically generated web pages, in HTML, XML, or other document types, as per
client request. PHP is open source software.
2. MySQL: MySql is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating, and managing
data in databases.


• XAMPP Server
• WAMP Server

1.5 Problem of the Report:

During the development of this application many problems and hindrances were faced. Some of
those problems were expected while some were not expected. Despite encountering with many
problems, they were tackled along the way to complete the project. Some of the problems faced
during preparation of this project are following:

➢ Lack of knowledge of different programming tools.

➢ Limited time duration.
➢ Changing requirements.
➢ Unclear requirements.

1.6 Features of Online Books Ordering System

➢ Strong data and security management

➢ User-friendly system interface
➢ Cart System
➢ Stored in database
➢ User and Admin verification
➢ Admin Panel


2.1 Core Concept

This project is about a online book ordering system. Different writers or publisher can register
for free into the system. Different publishers can provide information about their services and

Ordering books is easy. Customer can choose any of the two options:

1. Customer doesn’t need to login and can simply order books by contacting BookLand
through phone.
2. Customer can login and place order for books. The order is received by the admin and
admin simply contacts respective writer or publisher and send to deliver books.

There is facility of home delivery in both cases.

User can search for the books they want to read.For this a search form has been created at the
navigation bar of the system. After search, a page containing books are displayed if there are
any. Customer can read the books description and place order for it.They can even look for
books through different categories .

2.2 Database Tables

Tables Created:

➢ books (book_isbn, book_title, book_autor, book_image, book_descr,

book_price ,publisherid,categoryid)
➢ customer (id, firstname, lastname, email, password, address, city, zipcode)
➢ cart (id, customerid, date)
➢ cartitems(id, cartid,productid,quantity)
➢ category(categoryid,category_name)
➢ publisher(publisherid, publishername)
➢ expert(name, pass)
➢ manager(name, pass)

2.3 ER Diagram of the System

2.4 Other Activities

Here, I have created two roles for users: admin and customer. Admin has every access in the
Admin of the system has access to add, edit and remove their respective products. Customer
has no access to CRUD operation. They can add food items to their cart and make checkout
phone call to order their food.
To login as an admin, go to url “your_domain/admin”.
To login as a customer, go to url “your_domain/login”

2.5 Pages Created


Home page consists of a navigation bar with logo, search bar, publishers,categories,Books,My
Cart,Sign in and Signup . Below navigation bar, there is a banners with greetings right after the
banner. Finally, there is a footer with short information about Bookland, necessary links and

Books Page

In this page, the list of books are displayed. We can sort these books in ascending or descending
order based on the price, title and author of the books.

Search Page

The above page is where customer can search for the books and the books are
displayed according to the search made.


The above page is the cart page. This page displays all the books that customer has
added to their cart along with the quantity price and total per order. Customer can
save changes ,go to check out or continue shopping for more books.

Sign in

Sign up

Admin Panel


The proposed Online Examination System (OES) can be easily adopted by

universities and institutions in order to make the exam more secure and more
flexible. The system is subdivided into two main subsystems (student and
administrator) that are designed to give the system maximum benefit by
demonstrating carefully each subsystem service. The administrator's functions are
clearly identified to be able to manipulate user's information such as add (register),
delete users and managing the exam materials and content such as add, delete
questions, Thus the proposed system is easy and flexible because for future
maintenance and development because each subsystem can be handled separately
without influence on other system.


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