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Conversation at Hospital

Actor : Anggi as Nurse

Ariyani as Patient

Ariyani : “Excuse me. Good afternoon. Mr Anggi here?”

Anggi : “Yes, I’m Anggi.”
Ariyani : “I’m nurse in Banana room here. I want to ask all about yourself”
Anggi : “OK, no problem”

Ariyani : “When you was born?”
Anggi : “I was born at april 27th ,1991”
Ariyani : “Where do you live?”
Anggi : “I live at Sesame street 99.”
Ariyani : “Is there any family member or significant other name?”
Anggi : “Yes, my mother is. But she go out for a while.”
Ariyani : “Are you single or will be married?”
Anggi : “I’m single”
Ariyani : “What’s your religion?”
Anggi : “I’m moslem”
Ariyani : “What’s your job?”
Anggi : “I’m an university student”
Ariyani : “Do you have an insurance?”
Anggi : “No I don’t have any insurance”
Ariyani : “Why you’re coming in this hospital? Can you give me the reason?”
Anggi : “The day before I get sick I’m eating at canteen at my campuss and the day
after it I feel pain at my stomach but I let it. Than the day after it I fell that
pain again but this time was very painfully and I can’t hold it on. So I
decide to go to check up at hospital.
Ariyani : “When you felt that?”
Anggi : “After I eat at canteen”
Ariyani : “How’s that happen?sudden or gradual?”
Anggi : “It’s sudden”
Ariyani : “How long that duration?”
Anggi : “It’s about 10 minutes”
Ariyani : “How’s the symptoms?”
Anggi : “It’s like fire burning my stomach. It’s so painfull.”
Ariyani : “What do you think about precipitating factors?”
Anggi : “Maybe because I eat anything which is not good for my health.”

Ariyani : “Do you ever felt sick like this at this time?”
Anggi : “No, I never felt a sick like this.”
Ariyani : “Do you have ever been opname in hospital with other kind of sick?”
Anggi : “Yes I do. Last year I got a typhus.”
Ariyani : “Do you ever been operation?”
Anggi : “No, I never.”

Ariyani : “Do you have any allergies?”
Anggi : “No, I don’t have any allergies.”

Ariyani : “Do you have habits ethanol, smoking, maybe drugs?”
Anggi : “No, I don’t.”
Ariyani : “How long usually you sleep a day?”
Anggi : “It’s about 7 - 8 hours a day.”
Ariyani : “Do you have an exercise?”
Anggi : “No I don’t have.”
Ariyani : “How much you get eat a day?”
Anggi : “3 times a day.”
Ariyani : “Is there your family have a same disease like you?Maybe HT or Diabete?”
Anggi : “Nothing”

Ariyani : “is your home near from a chemical factory?”
Anggi : “No, It’s not.”

(Than the Nurse Check the Anggi’s review of system. After that the nurse calling the
anesthetic room)

Ariyani : “Hello. Good evening”

X : “Good evening. Can I help you?”
Ariyani : “This is from banana room. There is a patient with diagnostic appendicitis
and he must get an operation soon. Can I bring my patient to consult the
anesthetic tomorrow?”

X : “Oh I’m sorry. For tomorrow I’m still busy and many schedule of operation
on that day. How about the day after tomorrow?”
Ariyani : “Owhh it’s OK. Thank you ver much”
X : “You’re welcome”

~To Be Continue~

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