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Page I of3

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Friday, February 18, 20117:47 AM
To_: ~ucas, Paul
Subject: _RE: ICYMI- ;2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

No. If you have a-ny contacts and want to encourage them to come to work, I'd encourage you to do so

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303

From: Lucas, Paul [mallto: )

Sent: -Friday, February 18, 2011 7:46 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOY
Subject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

Thanks Chris -<lny idea on when the-Senate Dems return?

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mallto:Chris.5chrimpf@wisconsln.goy)

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:03 PM-
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV-
I Subject: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

_"The battle of Mad Town is a seminal showdown over whether govermnent union power can be tamed:
. and overall govermnent reined in. The alternative is higher taxes until the middle class is picked clean
-and theLl.S. economy is no longer competitive. Voters said in November that they want reform, and Mr. -
Walker is trying to deliver. We hope Republicans hold firm, and that the people of Wisconsin
understand that this battle is ultimately about their right to self-government."

Athens in Mad Town

A seminal showdown between public unions and taxpayers.

For Americans who don't think the welfare state riots of France or Greece can happen here, we
recommend a look at the union and Democratic Party spectacle now unfolding in Wisconsin. Over the
past few days, thousands have swarmed the state capital and airwaves to intimidate lawmakers and
_disrupt Governor Scott Walker's plan to levelthe playing field between taxpayers and government
unions. . -

Mr. Walker's very modest proposal would take away the ability of most govermnent employees to
collectively bargain for benefits. They could still bargain for higher wages, but future wage increases
Page 2 of3

would be capped at the federal ConsumerPrice Index, unless otherwise specified by a voter referendum. '
The bill would also require union memberst9 contribute ~..8% of salary toward their pensions and chip
in 12.6% ofthe cost oftheir health insurancepremiums.

If those numbers don't sound outrageous, you probably work in the private economy. The comparable
nationwide employeehealth-care contribution is 20% for private industry, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. The average employee contribution from take-homepay for retirementwas 7.5% in
2009, according to the Employee Benefits ResearchInstitute.

. Mr. Walker says he has no choice but to make these changes because unionsrefuse to negotiate any
.compensation changes, which is similar to the experience Chris' Christiehad upon taking office in New
Jersey. Wisconsinis running a $137 million deficitthis year and anticipates coming up another $3.6
billion shortin the next'two-year budget. GovernorWalker's officeestimates the proposals would save' "
, the state $300 million over the next two years; and the alternativewould' be to lay off5;500 public

" None of this is deterring the crowds in Madison, aka Mad Town, whereprotesters, includingmany from
the 98,000-memberteachers union, have gone Greek. Madison's schooldistrict had to close Thursday
when 40% of its teachers called in sick. So much for the claim that this is "all about the children." By
'.the way, these are some ofthe same teachers who sued the board last August to get
Viagra coverage restored to their health-care plan. .

, ·Theprotests.havean orchestratedquality, and sure enough, the Politico website'reported yesterday that
. the.DemocraticParty's Organizingfor America arm is helping to gillthem up. The outfit is a remnant of '
President Obama's'2008-election,'Campaign, so it's also no surprisethat Mr. Obama said yesterday that
while he knows nothing about the bill, he supportsprotesters occupying the Capitol building.

"These folks, are teachers, and they're firefighters and they're socialworkers and they're police officers, II'
he said,'''and it's importantnot to vilify them." Mr. Obama is right thathe knows nothing about the bill
'~- ,~·~.,jifecause:it'-expl1eitly'exc1\td~s"jJolfce -and·frt'ellghters.'We't!"hlfV.e'ihOugl1@'flI!f-Pr.esideJft1J:lI'd'-ell6ttglftl}'~'''"'-·"=.<-.
think about with his own $1.65 trillion deficitproposal going down with a thud in Congress, but it

appears that the 2012 campaignis alreadyunderway.

The unions and their Democraticfriends have also been rolling out their Hitler, Soviet Union and Hosni
Mubarak analogies. "The story around the world is the rush to democracy," offered Deinocratic State
Bob Jauch. "The story in Wisconsinis
. '
the end of the democratic

. The reality is that the unions are trying to trump the will ~fthevoters as overwhelminglyrenderedin
'. November when they elected Mr. Walker and a new legislature.As with the strikes againstpension or
,labor reforms that routinely shut down Paris or Athens, the goal is to create enough mayhem that
Republicans and voters will give up. ,. ,. ., '

While Republicans now have the votes to pass the bill, on ThursdayBig Labor's Democraticallies
walked out of the state senate to block a vote. Under state rules, 20 members of the 33-membersenate
must'be'present to hold avote on an appropriations bill, leaving the 19 Republicans Me member short..
.By the end ofthe day some Democratswere reported to have fled the state. So who's really trying to
short-circuit democracy?

.' Unions are treating these-reforms as Armageddon because they've ownedthe Wisconsin legislaturefor
years and the changeswould reduce their dominance. Under Governor Walker's proposal, the

Page 3 00 I

governmentalso would no longer collect union dues from paychecks 'and then send that money to the
.unions. Instead, unions would be responsible for their own collection regimes. The bill would also
require unions to be recertified annually by a majority of all members. Imagine that: More accountability
inside unions. . r
The. larger reality is that collective bargaining for government workers is not a God-given or
· constitutional right. It is the result of the.growing union dominance inside the Democratic Party during.
the middle ofthe last century. John Kennedy only granted it to federal workers in 1962 and Jerry Brown
to California workers in 1978. Other states, including Indiana and Missouri;have taken away collective.
· bargaining rights for public employees in recent years, and some 24 states have either limited it or
· banned it outright.

And for good reason. Public unions have'a monopoly position that gives them undue bargaining power.
· Their campaign cash-eollected via mandatory dues-.also helps to elect the politicians who are then
supposed to represent taxpayers in negotiations with those same unions. The unions sit, in effect, on
. both sides of the bargaining table. This is why such famous political friends of the working man as
·Franklin Roosevelt and Fiorello La Guardia opposed collective bargainingfor government workers,
even as they championed private unions.

The battle'of Mad Town is 'a 'seminal'Showdown over.whether government union power can be tamed,
and overall government reined in. The alternative is higher taxes until the middle class is-picked clean
. and the U.S. economy is no longer competitive, Voters said in November that they want reform, and Mr.
Walker is trying to deliver. We hope Republicans.hold firm, and that the people of Wisconsin .
understand that this battle is ultimately about their right to self-government

... - ;'Chris SChrimpf

Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
. .Email:
Page 1 of S:

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Lucas, Paul [• • •

Sent: Friday, February 18, 20117:49 AM'
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: ·RE:·ICYMI·2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

I do not. .Are you confidant the votes will hold in the face of all this organized pressure? When will the people
who voted for change last November stage their own rally?

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:47 AM
To: Lucas, Paul
SUbject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

.No. Ifyou have any contacts and want to encourage them to come to work, I'd encourageyou to do so

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
.Press Office: 608-267-7303

. From: Lucas, Paul [mailto:

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:46 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

Thanks·Chris - any idea on when the Senate-Dems return?

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mallto.Chrls.Schilmptepwisconsln.qov]

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:03 PM
To: Schrimpf; Chris - GOV
Subject: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

This editorial will be in tomorrow's Wall Street Journal:

"The battle of Mad Town is a seminal showdown over whether government union power can be tamed,
and overall government reined in. The alternative is higher taxes until the middle class is picked clean
and the U.S. economy is no longer competitive..Voters said in November thatthey wantrefonn, and Mr.
Walker is trying to deliver. We hope Republicans hold firm, and that the people of Wisconsin
understand that this battle is ultimately about their right to self-government."

AthensIn Mad Town

A seminal showdown between public unions and taxpayers.

Page 2 of3 I

For Aniericans who don't think the welfare state riots of France or Greece can happen here, we i
. recommend a look at the union and DemocraticParty. spectaclenow unfolding in Wisconsin. Overthe
. past few days, thousands have swarmedthe state capital and airwaves to intimidate lawmakers and ~
.disruptGovernor Scott Walker'splan to level the playingfield between taxpayers and government
unions. . I
Mr. Walker's very modest proposal would take away the ability of most government'employees to
collectively bargain for benefits. They could still bargainfor higher wages, but future wage increases
would be. capped at the federal ConsumerPrice Index, unless otherwisespecified by a voter referendum.
Thebill would also require union members to contribute 5.8% of salary toward their pensions and chip
in 12.6% of the cost of their health insurancepremiums. '

If.those.numbers don't sound outrageous.youprobably workin the.private economy. The comparable

. nationwide employee health-care contributionis ZD% for private industry, accordingto the Bureau of
: Labor Statistics. The average employee contributionfrom take-home pay for retirement was 7.5% in
2009, accordingto the Employee Benefits Research Institute.

'. Mr. Walker sayshe'has no choice but to make these changes because unions refuse to negotiateany
compensation changes, which is similarto the experience Chris'Christie had upon taking office in New
Jersey. Wisconsin is running a $137 million deficit this yearand anticipates coming up another $3.6
billion short in the next two-year budget. GovernorWalker's office estimatesthe proposals would save
the state $300 mitliorrover the ncxt'two years.und the alternative would be-to lay off5;500pubJic

.None of this is deterring the crowds in Madison, aka Mad Town; where-protesters, includingmany from
the 98,000-member teachers union, have gone Greek. Madison's school district had to close Thursday
when 40% of its teachers called in sick. So much for the claim that this is "all about the children." By
, the way, these are some ofthe same teachers who suedthe Milwaukee school board last August to get
Viagra coveragerestoredto their health-careplan.

.:;~~:·p~ot:s~~il~~e·~~ ~rc~~~;r~t~~ qU~I~~,~~~~.; en:~h,-t~~p~liti~o~~~~~~~e~~~~ciy~;;~;d~yth~t: v

.the DemocraticParty's Organizingfor America arm is helping to gin them up. The outfit is a remnant of
President Obama's.2008 election campaign, so it's also no surprisethat Mr. Obama said yesterdaythat
while helcnows nothing about the bill, he supportsprotesters occupyingthe Capitol building.

"These folks.areteachers, and they're firefighters and they're social workers and they're police officers,"
he said, "and it's importantnot to vilify them." Mr. Obama is right that he knows nothing aboutthe bill
because it explicitly- excludes police and firefighters. We'd have thought the Presidenthad enoughto
think about with his own $1.65 trillion deficit proposal going down with a thud in Congress, but it
appears that the Z012 campaignis already underway.

The unions and their Democraticfriends have also been rolling out their Hitler, Soviet Union and Hosni
Mubarak analogies. "The story aroundthe world is the rush to democracy," offered Democratic State
Senator Bob Jauch. "The story in Wisconsinis the end ofthe democraticprocess."· .

The reality is that the unions are trying to trump the will of the voters asoverwhelmingly renderedin
November when they elected Mr. Walkerand a new legislature. As with the strikes against pension or
,labor reforms that routinely shut down Paris or Athens, the goal is to create enough mayhemthat·
Republicans and voters will give up.
Page 300

While Republicans now have the votes to pass the bill, on Thursday Big Labor's Democratic allies
walked out of the state senate to block a vote. Under state rules, 20 members of the 33-member senate
must be present to hold a vote on an appropriations bill, leaving the 19 Republicans one member short.
By the end of the day some Democrats were reported to have fled the state. So who's really trying to
short-circuit democracy?
Unions are treating these reforms as Armageddon because they've owned the Wisconsin legislature for .".
years and the changes would reduce their dominance. Under Governor Walker's proposal, the
· government also would no longer collect union dues from paychecks and then send to the
unions. Instead, unions would be responsible for their own collection regimes. The bill would also
require .unions to be recertified annually by a majority of all members. Imagine that: More accountability
inside unions. .

The-larger reality is that collective bargaining for govermnent workers is not a God-given or
constitutional right. It is the result of the growing union dominance inside the Democratic Party during
the middle.of the last century, John Kennedy only granted it to federal workers in 1962 and Jerry Brown
·to California workers in 1978. Other states, including Indiana and Missouri, have taken away" collective
·bargaining rights for public employees in recent years, and some 24 states have either limited it or
banned it outright.' '

And for good reason. Public unions have a monopoly position that gives them undue bargaining power..
Thcir.campaign-cash-e-coliected viamandatorydues-e-also-helps-to elect-thopoliticians who are then ....
supposed to represent taxpayers in negotiations with those same unions. The unions sit, in effect, on
bothsidesof the bargaining table. This is why such famous political friends ofthe working man as
Franklin Roosevelt and Fiorello La Guardia-opposed collectivebargaining forgovernment workers,
even as they championed private unions. . .

• ***
,.•.41:""'''I'he*,attlco:FMa&l'owrris~·sfu''1final''showdown-ovenvheth@;gbverflYftent Uhibnp6wer'C1lIfb'e'tanrect;...,.o~.,,,;",:~,~,,
and overall govermnent reined in. The alternative is higher taxes until the middle class is picked clean
and the U.S. economy is no longer competitive. Voters November that they want reform, and Mr.
Walker is trying to deliver. We hope Republicans hold film, and that the people of Wisconsin .
understand that this battle is ultimately about their right to self-government

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ojthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303.
Email: chris.·

Page 10f4

Schrimpf, chrla- GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Friday, February 18; 2011 7:53 AM
To: ' Lucas, Paul
SUbject:,RE: ICYMI 2, Wall,Street Journal' Editorial;

We remain confident it will pass: I've heard a rumor that some tea party folks are doing a rally on Saturday. We've
gotten over 16,000 emaiis backing us from 'people who are at work. .

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe'Governor ' ,
Press Office: 608-267-7303'

.From: Lucas, Paul [maiito:

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:49 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

I do not. Are you confidantthe votes will hold in the face of all this organized pressure? Whenwill the people
. who voted for change last November stage their own rally? "

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []

• Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:47 AM

To: 'Lucas, Paul
SUbject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial
_. _- 'k .." -. _.. . - .•....
'-~.-'. ~. ~ ...
'--~""'-' ,- - ..
~'. '.

No. If you'have any contacts and want to encourage them to come to work, I'd encourage you to do so

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.

From: Lucas.Paul [mallto:

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011. 7:46 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: RE: ICYMI2: Wall StreetJournal Editorial

Thanks Chris - any idea on when the Senate Dems return?

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mallto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin,gov] ,

Sent: Thursday,February 17, 201,1 7:03 PM .
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV,
Subject: ICYMI 2: Wall StreetJournal Editorial
Page 2 of4

This editorial will be in tomorrow' I? Wall Street Journal:

""The battle ofMad Town is a seminal showdown: over whether govenunent union power can be tamed,
,and overall.government reined in. The alternative ishigher taxes until-the-middle class is picked clean
and the U'.S, economy is no longer competitive. Voters said in November that they want reform, and Mr.
Walker is trying to deliver. We hope Republicans hold firm, and that the people of Wisconsin
understand that this battle is ultimately about their right to self-government"

Athens ill Mad Town

A seminal showdown between public unions and taxpayers.'

For Americans who don't think the welfare state riots of France or Greece can happen here, we
recominend a look at the union and Democratic Party spectacle now unfolding in Wisconsin. Over the
past few days, thousands have swarmed the state capital and airwaves to intimidate lawmakers and
'disrupt Governor. Scott Walker's plan to levelthe playing field between taxpayers and government

Mr. Walker's very modest proposal would take away theability of most governmentemployees to
collectively bargain for benefits..They could still bargain for higher wages, '1Jut.futurewage-increases
would be capped at the federal Consumer Price Index, unless otherwise specified by a voter referendum,"
The bill would also require union, members to contribute 5';8% of salary ,toward their pensions and chip"
in 12.6% ofthe cost of their health insin:ancepreiniunis. ' ,

If those numbers don't sound outrageous, you probably work in the private economy. The comparable
nationwide employee health-care contribution is 20% for private industry, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. The average employee contribution from take-home pay for retirement was 7.5% in
2009, according to the Employee Benefits Research Institute.

Mr. Walker says he choice but to make these changes because unions refuse to negotiate any'
compensation changes, which is similar to the experience Chris Christie had upon taking office in New
Jersey. Wisconsin is running a $137 million deficit this year and anticipates coming up another $3:6
billion short in the next two-year budget. GovernorWalker's office estimates the proposals would save
'the state $300 million over the next two years, and the alternative would be to lay off 5,500 public

, None of this is .deterring the crowds in Madison, aka Mad.Town, where protesters, including many from
the 98,000-member teachers union, have gone Greek Madison's school district had to close Thursday
when 40%,ofits teachers called in sick. So much for the claim that this is "all about the children." By
the way, these are some of the game teachers who suedthe Milwaukee school board last August to get
Viagra coverage restored to their health-care plan.

The protests have, an orchestrated quality, and sure enough, the Politico website reported yesterday that
.thc Democratic Party's Organizing for America arm is helping to gin them up. The outfit is a remnant of
'President Obama's 2008 election campaign, so it's surprise that Mr. Obama said yesterday that
, , while he knows nothing about the bill, he supports protesters occupying the Capitol building.

"These folks are teachers, and they're firefighters and they're social workers and they're police officers,"
he said, "and it's important not to vilify them." Mr. Obama is right that he knows nothing about the bill

Page 3 of4

because it explicitly excludes police and firefighters. We'd have thought the President had enough to
think about with his own $1.65 trillion deficit proposal going down with a thud in Congress, but it
appears that the 2012 campaign is already underway. - f
. The unions. and their Democratic friends have also been rolling out their Hitler, Soviet Union and Hosni
Mubarak analogies. "The story around the world is the rush to democracy," offered Democratic State
Senator Bob Jauch. "The story in Wisconsin is the end of the democratic process."

The reality is that the unions are trying to trump the will ofthe voters as overwhelmingly rendered io
November when they elected Mr. Walker and a new legislature. As with the.strikes·aga:inst pension or
labor reforms that routinely shut down Paris or Athens, the goal is to create enough mayhem that
Republicans and voters will give up.

While Republicans now have the votes to pass the bill, on Thursday Big Labor's Democratic allies
walked out of the state senate to block a vote. Under state rules, 20 members of the 33-member senate
must be present to hold a vote on an appropriations bill, leaving the 19 Republicans one member short.
By the end of the day some Democrats were reported to have fled the state. So who's really trying to
short-circuit democracy?

Unions are treating these reforms as Armageddon because they've ownedthe Wisconsin legislature for
years and the changes would reduce their dominance, Under. Governor- Walker's proposal, the
. government'also would-no 'longer collectunionduesfrom paychecks and then.send that money to the
..unions: Instead, unions would be responsible for their own collection regimes. The billwould also
require unions to be recertified annually by a majority ofall members; imagine that: More accountability
inside unions. .

I The larger reality is that collective bargaining for government workers is not a God-given or
constitutional right. It is theresult of the growing union dominance inside the Democratic Party during
the middle of the last century. .John Kennedy only granted it to federal workers in 1962 and Jerry Brown
" -':','c: ,-to-C-aliforuia'workers'-inJ 998~'Other states; including Indiana 'and Missouri; havctakerraway'cellectivc -
bargaining rights for public employees io recent years, and some 24 states have either limited it or-
banned it outright.

And for good reason. Public unions have a monopoly position that gives them undue bargaining power.
Their via mandatory dues-also helps to elect the politicians who are then
supposed to represent taxpayers in negotiations withthose same unions. The unions sit, in effect, on
. both sides of the bargaining table. This is why such famous political friends of the working man as
Franklin Roosevelt and Fiorello La Guardia opposed collective bargaining for government workers,
even as they championed private unions. .

The battle of Mad Town is a seminal showdown over whether government union power can be tamed,
and overall government reined in. The alternative is higher taxes until the middle class is picked clean
and the U.S. 'economy is no longer competitive. Voters said in November thatthey want reform, and Mr.
Walker is trying to deliver. W" hope Republicans hold fum, and that thepeople of Wisconsin
_understand thatthis battle is ultimately about-their right to self-government
Page 4 of4

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office .6/the Governor.
Press OjJice:608-267-7303
Email: .
Page 1 of4

Schrimpf,.Chris - GOV

From: Lucas, PallI

Sent: . Friday, February 18, 2011 7:56 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbJect: RE: ICYMH2: WallStreeldournal Editorial

At least lnmy opinion, that is good. I have e-rnalled my legislators and am encouraging others here to do the

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.go.v]

Sent: Friday, February 18, 20111:53 AM
To: Lucas,·Paul
Subject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

We remain' confident. it will pass. I've heard a rumor that some tea party folks are doing a rally on Saturday. We've
gollen over 16,000 emails backing us from people who.are at work,

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsingov

From: Lucas, Paul [mallto:

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:49 AM
To: Schrirnpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial
~- - <.-. ..'-'._-~.". -'-".~'. . . . .~_.- '. ".' ~-' ..... "~"' •• ""-""""';":.'

I do not. .Are you confidant the votes will hold in the face of a'lI this organized pressure? When will tnepeople
who voted for change last November stage their own rally? .

. From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:47 AM
To: Lucas, Paul
Subject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall street Journal Editorial

No. If you have any contacts and want to-enccurage.them to come to work,I'd'encourage-you to do so

Chris Schrimpf
. Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303

From: Lucas, Paul [rnallto:

. Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:40 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject: RE: ICYMI 2: Wall StreetJournal Editorial
Page 2 of4

Thanks Chris - any idea on when the Senate Oems return?

"-rom: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.90v] .

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:03 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV. . ..
SUbject: ICYMI 2: Wall Street Journal Editorial

"This editorial will be in tomorrow's Wall Street Journal:

"The battle of Mad Town is a seminal showdownover whether government Union power can be tamed,
and overall government reined in. The alternative is higher taxes until the middle class is picked clean
and the ncIonger.compctitive. Voters said in.November that they want reform, and Mr.
Walker is trying to deliver. We hope Republicans hold firm, and that the people of Wisconsin. .
understand that this battle is ultimately about their right to self-government."

Athens in Mad Town

A seminal showdown between public unions and taxpayers.:

. . .ForAmericans who don't think the welfare state riots of France or Greece can happen here, we '.
recommend alookat the union and Democratic Party spectaclenow Unfolding in Wisconsin. Overthe
past few days, thousands have 'swarmed the state capital and'airwaves to intimidate lawmakersand
disrupt Governor ScottWalker's plan to level the playing field betweentaxpayers and government
unions. .

. Mr. Walker's Very modest proposal would take away the ability ofmost government employeesto .
collectively bargainfor benefits. They could still bargain for higher wages, but future wage increases'
:i'·':'·-··~;.wourdl)6"Cappe(fai:t1iaederaI'ConsumerPric-elnaex;·iUife'SgOTheiiwiiieSifecnredby'a:voferri.;rererurum:~h.-.~ .•.
The bill would also require union members to contribute5.8% of salarytoward their pensions and chip
in 12.6% of the cost of their health insurancepremiums. .,

Ifthose numbers don't sound outrageous, you probably work in the privateeconomy. The comparable
. riationwide employeehealth-care contribution is 20% for private industry, accordingto the Bureau of
Labor.Statistics. The average employee contributionfrom take-home pay for retirementwas 7.5% in
2009, accordingto the Employee Benefits Research Institute.

Mr. 'Walker says he has no choice but to make these changes becauseunionsrefuse to negotiate any'
compensation changes, which is similar to the experience Chris Christiehad upon taking office in New
Jersey. Wisconsinis running a $1'37 million deficit this year and anticipates coming up another $3.6
billion short in the next two-year budget. GovernorWalker's office estimates the proposals would save
'the state $300 million over the next two years, and the alternative would be to layoff 5,500 public .

None of this is deterring the crowds in Madison, aka Mad Town;where protesters, includingmany from
..' the 98,OOO-member teachersunion, have gone Greek. Madison's schooldistrict had to close Thursday
when 40% ofits teacherscalled in sick. So much for the claim that this is "all about the children." By
the way, these are some.ofthe same teachers who sued the Milwaukee school board last August to get
Viagra coveragerestored to their health-care plan.
Page 3 of4

The protests have an-orchestrated quality, and sure enough, the Politico website reported yesterday that
the Democratic Party's Organizing for America arm is helping to gin them up. The outfit is a remnant of
President Obama's 2008 election campaign, so it's also no surprise that Mr. Obama said yesterday that
while he knows nothing about the bill, he supports protesters occupying the Capitol building.

"These folks are teachers, and they're firefighters and they're social workers and tIi.ey're police officers,"
he-said, "and it's important not to vilify them." Mr. Obama is.right that he knows nothing about the bill. ...
because it explicitly excludes police and firefighters, We'd have thought the President had enough to .
think about with his own ,$1.65 trillion deficit proposal going down with a thud in Congress, but it .
appears that the 2012 campaign is already Underway. .

The unions-and their Democratic friends have also been rolling out their Hitler, Soviet Union and Hosni
.Mubarak analogies.."The story around theworld is the rush to democracy," offered Democratic State'
Senator Bob Jauch. "The story hi Wisconsin is the end of thc'dcmocratic proccss."

The reality is that the unions. are trying to trump the will ofthe voters as overwhelmingly rendered in
.November when they elected Mr. Walker and. a new legislature. As with the strikes against pension or
· labor reforms that routinely shut down Paris or Athens, the goal is to create enough mayhem that
Republicans and voters will give up.

·While Republicans now have the votes to pass the bill, on Thursday Big Labor's Democratic allies
· walked out ofthe'statesenateto'blockavote;' Understate-rules, 20 members of the 33-member senate
must be present to hold a vote on an appropriations bill, leaving the 19 Republicans one member short.
· By the end of the day some Democrats were reported to have fled the state, So who's really trying to
short-circuit democracy?

Unions are treating these reforms as Armageddon because they've owned the Wisconsin legislature for
years and the. changes would reduce their dominance. Under Governor Walker's proposal, the
government also would no longer collect union dues from paychecks and then send that money to' the.:
':",,"". :-umtlw: Insteadrrmions would beresponsiblefor their. own' collection.regimes-Fhe bi!}would also •. .. ,.
require unions to be recertified annually by a majority of all members. Imagine that: More accountability .
inside unions. - '

The larger reality is that collective bargaining for government workers is not a God-given.or
constitutional right. It is the-result of the growing union dominance inside the Democratic Party during
the middle of the last century, Jolm Kennedy only granted it to federal workers in 1962 and Jerry Brown
to Californiaworkers in 1978. Other states, including Indiana and Missouri, have taken away collective
bargaining rights for public employees in recent years, and some 24 states have either limited it or
banned it o u t r i g h t . ' .

And for good reason.' Public unions have a monopoly position that gives them undue bargaining power. .
Their campaign cash-s-collected via mandatory dues-also helps to elect the politicians who are then
supposed-to represent taxpayers in negotiations with those same unions, The unions sit, in effect, on '.
both sides of the bargaining table, This is why such famous political friends of the working man as
Franklin Roosevelt and Fiorello La Guardia opposed collective bargaining for government workers,
even as they championed private unions.

The battle of Mad Town is a seminal showdown over whether government union power can be tamed,
Page 4 of4 I

and overall government reined in. The alternative is higher taxes Until the middle class is 'picked clean
and the U.S. economy is no longer competitive. Voters said in Novemberthat they want reform, and Mr.
'Walkeris trying to deliver. We hope Republicans hold [111)1, and that the people of Wisconsin
. ,
that this battle is ultimatelyabout their rightto..self-government
. f
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
. Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303 .
Page 1 of4

Schrimpf, Chris· GOV

From: iNisPolitics Staff [ l

Sent: Friday. February18,.2011 7:M AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject: (VVisPolitics) FRI AM Update-- 18 Feb. 2011

Visit the online product archive after 10 a.m. to view today's WisPolitics News Summary links: ' ,

.FRI WisPoHtics AM Update

18 February 2011, ' WisPolitics mobile
, .

Exclusively for WisPolitics Subscribers Site headlines

. From .. Press 'releases"
, •• Protesters-occupled theCapitoHodhe third straightnight ~ridthousand~are r oday'scalenda:r
expected again today to voice' their opposlttonto Gov. Scott Walker's budget DC Wrap
repair bill. ' Budget Blog
Quorum Call
The Assembly will be on the floor at 9 a.m.. A spokesman for Assembly Speaker Jeff
Fitzgerald said it's possible the Assembly may take up the bill prior to the Senate.
I Senate Derns, who fled the state yesterday in protest of a floor session to vote on the
bill, are saying they won't return before Saturday. ' .'
, .,
•• This morning in the Capitol there are people scattered on the floor in sleeping
bags. "

The.area outside the Assembly is roped off in anticipation.of the floor session today,
and a heavy law enforcement presence remains: .

, Assembly Democrats are continuing the listening session that's been going almost
,constantly since the Republican-run Joint Finance Committee's public hearing was
suspended at 3 a.m, Wednesday ..

-- Many Wisconsin schools, including many in southern Wisconsin, are closed

again today as protests at the Capitol intensify.
. ..:
Madison schools are closed for the third straight day.

The Department of Administration yesterday said nine arrests were made in the state,
Capitol yesterday. . " ' .,

The agency estimates that about 25,000 protesters converged on the Capitol
yesterday _. the highest total reported yet. DOA said 20,000 were outside. with 5,000
more inside.

_. Senate Oems' decision to flee to Illinois to stall Senate action on Gov. Scott

Walker's controversial budget repair plan brought a spate of national publicity.

Walker appeared on Fox News' "ali the Record with Greta Van Susteren,"

See more:

Most of the 14 Oem senators appeared from an undisclosed location on MSNBC's
"The Ed Show," where Fred Risser and Mark Miller explained the situation. Schultz
broadcast his national radio and TV show live from the Capitol Square and planned to
do it again today.

See more:

State Sen. Jon Erpenbach was on CNN. .


State Sen. Glenn Grothman phoned into the '''Chris Matthews Show"

And Bill O'Reilly on Fox had liberal radio talker Sly Sylvester from Madison. Cllck.ori
"Insurrection in Wisconsin"

-. The national attention has dra';"n supporting words from. Illinois Sen. Dlck.
:Durbin and national AFL·CIO President Richard Trumka.

, Trumka is. due to address. protesters at noon

-. And Wisconsin-Tea· Party activlsts plan a rally of their own Saturday at the
Capitol. .

I Follow the developments

htt~:lIbudget. wispolitics. coml
<;IS they occur in the Budget 13.109:

.......... WW*,*Il*,lt*'fa«j~**'JI'JM'f-k?i*k'lr~.JIjHc~':1<,***,**#k*;jH(,*K'Ii*"Ii~-G--·~~ ~ '~J~ ="~ .... ~~",:,;' . "'~-~.:J~-' .,\-;--~.::",~m~~ 7~--:-~=~~~""'"'$"'-"'--- ...... -.. ...._~.... -«--'~ Luncheons with JFC~~~~h~i;~~~dc-;'ng.P~ul~y~n ; '" '" ..... ,. .,

Mark your calendars for luncheons with Joint Finance Committee co-chairs Rep. Robin
Vos and Sen. Alberta Dar)ing (March 1), and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (Ap'ril18).

More luncheons will be announced soon.

The events are open to the public, and the prlce for lunch is $19. The luncheons start' ,
at 11:45 a.m. and end at 1 p.m.

Call the Madison Club to register at (608) 255-4861.

The sponsors for this year's series are: American Family Insurance, Aurora Health
Care, University Research Park, Wal-Mart, WHO Law, and Xcel Energy. '

See more:
*****************************~************************ .

- Wis. union vote on hold after Democratsleave state, Senate
Page 3 of4

adjourns, governor calls exodus a 'stunt' and expects.holdouts to .' '.

return: 14 Senate Oems disappeared around midday, prior to scheduled
· . budget repair debate. Sen. Erpenbach 'called from undisclosed -~~- ." . -. - ~ _..'
location, "The plan is to tryand slow this down." Sen. Taylor tweet
· said Dems were "doing the people's business." Walker called .
· . disappearance "disrespectful." ",
'. news-lifel?GT1 =43001

- Senate Oems hit the road to delay vote: After Senate Pres. Ellis
failed to raise quorum, 'Majority Leader Fitzgerald invoked. "Call of
the House," sending law enforcementto bring home Senators. Fitzgerald unsure "how
far law enforcement can go in terms of bringing a DemocraticSenator back ... not sure
· if they would be under'arrest or not," said Minority Leader Miller gave no forewarning.
Oem Sen. Erpenbach lists bill objections. . .

- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: GOP won't be 'bullied': Walker on Fox" .

News on Oem exile: "I think it's made the Republicans in the. Assembly
and the Senate stronger. They're not going to be bullied." Teamster's Hoffa called
protests "inspiring." Obama said bill "seems like ... an assault on unions."
. . . . .'

· .- Democrats flee Wisconsin to protest union curbs: Sen.· Erpenbach to

Wispolliics: "We were left with no choice. '" The question is wheri are .
the Republicans going to sit down seriously with the other side on
this issue and try to work something out." Walker: "I am calling on :
Senate Democratsto show up to work today." JFC co-chair Darling:
':It'5 not like we're choosing to do this. We are broke." UCal-Berkley
Prof. Shaiken'comments, .

- Wisconsin.Democrats flee to Clock Tower to block antl-unlon bill ...

o. Holperlrfand niri~ of his Democraticcolleaques arrived at the clock '; "
· Tower about 10:30 a.m. today. They left the hotel by 4 p.m.... fledto
Illinois because Wisconsin state police have no jurisdiction. here;"
Halperin said. Holperin: "bur intent is to simply delay a vote. I
think we've accornpllshed that and we've given the state of Wisconsin a
few additional days." .
'. block-antf-union-bill .

· - Wisconsin senator ln exile calls home amidst Madison protests: .'

Sen. Jauch phoned, "There are helicopters, reporters, and apparently
busloads of protesters to support us. I feel a little bit like O.J. . .
Simpson.... We simply think that if God took seven days to create
.heaven and earth, that maybe we can take a little time as well," will' .
· return when Walker agrees to meet with them.

- [exiled Senate Minority Leader] Miller says Oems wiil talk this'
weekend .., "In Wisconsin we resolve problems through neqotlation." ...
Democrats and public employees are not willing to concede. the loss of
collective bargaining rights the governor included in his budget
repair bill:" . .
Page a of-l

- Union battle echoes beyond Wisconsin:, MTI Pres. Llpp, "We're

fighting for our very existence." Other states are watching
Wisconsin's bid to virtually breaklabor unions as a means of cutting
huge deflclts. Unions in Wisconsin and beyond see this as a Waterloo
, moment. Obama, Walker, AFSCME's Lindall, UW Prof. Dresanq comment.

- [GOP US Rep.] Ryan equates Wisconsin protests to Egypt'; .. "He's

(Gov. Scott Walker) getting riots, it's like Cairo's moved to Madison
these days," Ryan said Thursday on MSNB.C's "Morning Joe." ... "He's
basically saying I want you public workers to pay half of what our
private sector counter parts are, and he's getting riots."
.; [Speaker] Boehner wants OfA out of Wisconsin: statement lashed,
Obama for "unleashing" Organizipg for America in Wisconsin to pressure
Gov. Walker, "instead of providing similar leadership ... has chosen to
attack leaders such as Gov. Walker, who are listening to the people
, and confronting problems that have been neglected for years ... I urge
the president to order the DNC to suspend these tactics." and confusion 9d526c6f-
5765-477f-9508-e28d32be190a.html '


State Government

-- 9 a.m. -- Assembly Session, Assembly Chamber, State Capitol
-.-"'<_" ~,.. 'o.'~' " ...... " . . . . . . . . . " .".. -_:. • ..... "'""'":-;..: ~ ,."-* ~f.':-;,.-" ,...: ~"!'~..-'; ~ - .~~~..~:... <>..;- -. ..., ~ ,<-:,::,:,"::: ... -.. . . . "; r: ,~~.:.~:;~::: :'-'-. ,"'." - . . -.
.~ ~ ~. . ;w .
~~;/~ ~ ~~' .,5'>~:-ij'"' =':' ':':~
-- Senate Session, Senate Chamber, State Capitol (Start time subject to call of the
chair) ,

Business Events

c_ 8:30 a.m. -- Social Media Boot Camp for Nonprofits, Rasmussen College, 904 S.
Taylor St., Green.Bay ,

All rights reserved. Reproduction or retransmissIon of this publication, in whole or in.pert, without
the express pe~l1Jission of WisPo/ is prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction violates
United States copyright law (17 USC 101 et seq}, as does retransmIssIon by facsimile or any other
electronic means, including electronic mail.

Page 10f4

Schrimpf, chrts - GOV

From: Google Alerts [googlealeits-rforeply@google.comj

Sent: 'Friday, February 18; 2011 8:54 AM
To: ,Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject: Google Alert- "scottwalker"

News 22 new results for "scott walker"

Wisconsin State Senator Mark Miller Calls Governor Scott Walker's Budget ...
ABC News (blog) ,
"The workers of Wisconsin have 'always been'willing to work with the governor when weface a
crisis whether it is a national disaster or a flscalcrlsls, They did it the last session, they took
furloughs equivalent to a 3% pay cut, they will do it again ..•
See all stories on this topic)} ,

Politicians; union officials sound off on Gov. Scott Walker's plan

Herald Times Reporter '
.' Scott Walker's proposal to end union bargaining rights for the vast majority of public employees. +
State Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer, I-Manitowoc: "This lsa jobs bill. After this passes - if it does - and
goes into"effect, it will unmistakably turn the ..• '
See all stories on this topic)} ,

. , As public sector unites against Wisconsi~ Governor Scott Walker's union plan ",
Appleton Post Crescent .' .- . .
Scott Walker's forceful approach with public workers unions isn't at all out of line. "It's not like he's

asking people to quit or take their paychecks away," said Ed Sternhagen of Little Chute, a security
guard interviewed Thursday in downtown .•,
See all stories on this topic)} ,

, Madisbn360:· Amid chaos,.keep' Walker's real goal in,focus ',' '';'", ."., ",
Capital Times (blog) " ' .
Scott Walker addresses the media dLiring a press conference at the Capitol building Thursday,
MP KING -State Journal Paul Fanlund is the editorof The Capital Times, the fifth editor in its 94-
year history. A 32-year Madisonian, he was a State Journal ..•
See all stories on this topic)} , ,

Videos: Gov. Walker's press conference.

Green Bay Press G a z e t t e , ,
Scott Walker's full10-minute statement and press conference Thursday in the Capitol as
, protesterscontinued rallying in the Rotunda and Capitol Square. In addition,. watch videos about'
protesters at Bay Port High School and in Madison on Thursday. :.,.'
See all stories on this topic )}

Gov. Scott Walker supporters want worker equality, too

Wausau Daily Herald , '
Scott Walker's proposal to strip collective bargaining rights from most public employees has
. generated .protests and,school walkcuts.across the state.this week. But.supporters of the
governor's proposal say public employees protesting In Madison and ...
See all stories on this topic )}

Wis. Governor to AWOL Senate Democrats: Come Home and Get Back to Work
Fox News
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joins us on the

phone. Good evening, Governor. And Governor, it was expected there would be a vote in the state
senate. And you need.the -- you need one more state senator to show up, ..;
.. ~ See all stories on·this topic)} . . . . .- .. .. .. .....- _ ......

Wisconsin 'Budget Repair Bill Precursor to Future Action In Other ..; .•....
HULlQ··.··· . ..... .' .
The hard line approach taken by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walkerto promote flsca! .
responslbtlity and resolve a massive state bUdget deficit in Wisconsin reflects the ..
consistent and unambiguous message that voters in Wisconsin and across the '!ill!JQ
country .••
See all stories on this topic )}

Racine raIlY·-- Locals say budget measure a threat to democracy.

Journal Times . '. . . . '. ....
People. gather to listen to speakers Thursday aftemoon, February 17, 20.11, during a union
organized rally to-protest against Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill. More than 225 ..
people attend the rally, according to a Racine police officer. ... .
See all stories on this topic)} .

Other UW campuses, besides Madison. want autonomy

Chicago Tribune . . .
ScottWalker at the Capitol Thursday. Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin wants flexibility in the face
of declining state aid. In a memo to Walker's administration, Martin outlines autonomy for the.
Madison campus that would grant the freedom to set ... . . .. '. .
See all stories on this topic)} ..

Teachers are unfair target

Hudson Star Observer
Governor Scott Walker's budgetTep<lirbill is a mean spirited and political attackon Wisconsin's
public schools, its educators, and middle class families. Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill
is a mean spirited and political attack on .•. . . , .
I See all stories on this topic )}

l.:e~ters: Action~ b,x V\lal~er ate an attac~ on ~o.cietx

Appieton posf"Cresce-nt·· . ' . ' . -'.. ;.. , ." ..-. -"".'" - . ..
~ .' .
Scott Walker has declared war on unions; common sense and common decency. It's the power
play of all power plays -'-- destroy the schools and undermine our security system and the whole
structure. of a democratic society. Can we not sit down and-look at ..,
See all stories on this topic')} .

Susan Kennedy: Walker's actions show lack of judgment ' .
Dear Editor: Scott Walker has have lost my vote after one month in office. His behavior over the
past month has slammed home to me that he is far, far from center. Walker is a born-again
Christian, which by.definition is when one' experiences a... .
See all stories on this topic )}

Recentsightings: TAA organizes march to the Capitol . .• ...'

. University ofWisconsin-Madison·. .
Scott Walker's proposed bUdget repair bill. The TM called for'hQlding classes off
'campus or rescheduling them. In a statement, Provost Paul Deluca said, "We value University of. .
.public debate and participation in the poilticarprocess,' but asked facutty and ·st;3.ff ...Wiseon"n-
See all stories on this topic)} . MMJ§Qn.

. .

Brett W. Condon: Walker is turning independents into enemies .
Scott Walker's budget repair bill, except in my soul, We didn't get to where we are in this state
Page 3 of4 .

and country because we pay working class families too much or afford them too many workplace
protections; let's be real. Yet, every working class Joe over ...
See all stories on this topic ,}

. MSNBc.'s Ed Schultz pumps up the protesters - and himself - with a live ....
Isthmus Daily Page
On Thursday·night, MSNBC's Ed Schultz filmed The Ed Show live from the Capitol's anti-Scott
Walker demonstration, convinced he'd found ground zero of a new American revolution. In his
booming voice, the cable host lionized the demonstratorsfor ...
See all stories on this topic» .

Madison Demonstrators Occupy State Capitol for Third Night.

The UpTake . .
Hundreds of demonstrators - mostly young and enthusiastic University of Wisconsin college
students -., occupied the State Capitol in Madison for a third straight night last night, to oppose
upstart Republican Governor Scott Walker's effort to euthanize .... . ., .
. See all stories on this topic ';)

Reaction mixed to closed schools

Sauk Pr"irie Eagle
Scott Walker's state budget bill in Madison and it appears some schools will be closed today. In
Beaver Dam Thursday, there were 130 total absences out of 308 teachers and 200 support staff
members. About half of the total absences were for those who .... . .
See all stories on this topic»

Captiol Chaos'Hitler'TweeIAmong Social Media Debate,

Today's TMJ4 . ' .
By.Jay Sorgi MILWAUKEE - Many people on both sides of the debate over Governor Scott
. Walker's budget bill are uslnq-social media to get their message out, and one of the state senators
made a very controversial posting. A tea party activist' posted an...· .

See ail stories on this·toRic)}·.

Obama Enters Wisconsin Fray, Backs Unions

Newser . .
.'- .' -"c' .:" SG'01fWalker's, "'assauft"onuiircins:::':anCl lfiat's n'cinill~tJb;:jma'sfi8rttfCai d'petatl6il:trfg'anizfng'for '", ,'. ,-,,,k:·', "'~'PO< •

America, has teamed up with union organizers to help build the thousands-strong protest in
Madison and assemble demonstrations at other state ....
See ail stories on this topic)} .

Madison, WI! Buffalo, NY (WBEN!AP) -- Protesters clogged the hallways of the ...
WBEN 930 .
The nation's most aggressive anti-union proposal has been speeding through the Legislature since
Republican Governor' Scott Walker introduced it a week ago. While the showdown continues
halfway across the nation; union leaders here say Walker's .., .. .
See ail stories on this topic» .

LETTER: Wind energy needs further study in Wisconsin

Richmond-News . . .' . .
Scott Walker. I'm proud to say that I voted for him. Finaily, someone stood up to acommiltee .
where the majority of the members hold financial interest in wind energy and would profit greatly
from it. In my opinion, those on thecommiltee Who were ...
'See all stories on this topic )}

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Schrimpf, Chris· GOV

From: Evenson, Tom - GOV

. Sent: Friday, February 18,2011 9:44 AM
To: . GOV DL Ail Staff
SUbject: Morning-News Update 02.18.11

Office of Governor Scott Walker - Morning News Update for February 18, 2011

• The Nation's eyes are on Wisconsin as Governor Walker stands firm, Demsflee, and students protest.
• Teachers holding "sick outs" across the state. MPS closed. 22 other districts closed or delayed,
• Watch the Governor's Fox &'ldew this morniM. . '. '. . ".
• Governor Walker - Headline on Drudge Report

Governor Walker - Television Clips for Friday, February 18, 2011

· AthensinMadTown
Editorial> Wall Street Journal . ." .: '.
· Mr. Walker's very modest proposal would take away the ability of most government employees to collectively
bargain for benefits, They could still-bargain for-higher wages, but-future wage-increaseswould be capped at the
federalConsumerPrice Index, unless otherwise specified by a.voter referendum, The bill would also require union
.members to contribute 5.8% of salary toward their pensions and chip-in 12.q% ofthe cost of their health insurance

.Gov. Walker's Pretext

I Editorial- The New Y01'k Times .
in, a year-when governors across the country are competing to show who's toughest, no'matter what the
consequences;·Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin stands out as the first to bring.his State Capitol to a halt.

. Dembcrats Missing, Wisconsin VOte onciiis'ts'be)ayed

New Y01'k Times .
·The fury. among thousands of workers, students and 'union supporters rose to a boil on Thursday, as state
lawmakers on landmark legislation that would slash collective bargaining rights for public
workers; Protesters blocked a door to the Senate chambers, They sat down, body against body, filling a corridor.
They.chanted "Freedom, democracy, unions!" in the stately gallery as.the senators convened.

Wisconsin State Senator Mark Miller Calls Governor Scott Walker's Budget Tactics 'Insulting,'
Asks for 'Respect' .
That was the message the Wisconsin State Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller wanted to send to Gov. Scott
Walker after Miller and 13 fellow Democratic senators fled the state in order to avoid a budget vote that would
take away state employee's bargaining rights and increase health care costs and contributions to pensions.
Page2of4 I

Public Worker Protests Spread From Wisconsin to ,Ohio (Update~)
Bloomberg ,
Feb. '18 (Bloomberg) -- In'what union leaders say is becoming anational fight, protests against legislation to
restrict public employees' collective-bargaining rights spread from Wisconsin to Ohio. '

Obaina joins Wisconsin's budget battle, opposing Republican anti-union bilI

Washington Post " ,
President Obama thrust himself and his political operation this.week into Wisconsin's broiling budget battle,
'mobilizing oppositionThursday to a Republican billthat would curb public-worker benefits while planning
similar action in other state capitals.

Fleeing Wis. legislators nearly upstage Rockford event

Chicago Tribune '
For a brief time Thursday, a Rockford hotel and water park took on a circus-like atmosphere as a band of runaway
Wisconsin legislators milled about the lobby and parking lot, a news chopper hovered overhead and-a TVreporter
chased after,a leprechaun. ' '

, ,Milwaukee
The Dems' tantrum
Editorial- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ,
Democrats in the state Senate threw a temper tantrum Thursday - essentially they took their ball and went home.

Illinois can't fetch Dems, lawyers say

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
'IheWisconsin legislators on the lam cannot be touched byout-of-state police, according to veteran Wisconsin
lawyers. ' " ' , ,

H~dreds stage union-rights rally at uWM campus

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel '
Several hundred students and others showed up at a noontime rally Thursday on the University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee campus to protest cuts in union bargaining rights contsined in Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill.

,Faith leaders voice support for unions

'.~ .- Mfl;1ia,ukee JQurraL$ept!neL '",;;;,- _ '~,;", ' '~",.c;,.. , ' .. ,. - "'.' .--,.--' -;",., .', ""-,' ",.. , " " ,., ~ ,-- ',- :' c;,' _,,' .. 7'~ ;"..
When MilwaukeeArchbishop 'Jerome Listecki lent liiliVoiCe tothls.week's Ieglslative debate over collective
bargaining by public employees, he Was drawing on more than 100 years of Catholic social teaching, which has
endorsed the role oflabor unions in creating a just economy arid society.

-Mtlwaukee Public-Schools closed for Friday due to high number of absentee calls from teachers
ios» - Milwaukee' ' , ,
.Thestate's largest school district has joined those that have canceled classes due to teacher shortages caused by
union protests litthe state Capitol.

Governor Scott Walker not backing down
Wisconsin Reporter
, With more than a hundred union supporters protesting just outside his office, Gov. Scott Walker on
.Thursday announced he would not budge on eliminating most collective bargaining rights from public employees.

Protesters come from near and far for 'civics lesson in the flesh'
Wisconsin State Journal ' " . .
Ryan McGranahan and Tom Steger left their southwest Wisconsin homes early Thursday bound for the massive
protest in Madison against Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to limit collective bargaining;

. Senators' run to Illinois gets cheers from supporters, a blast from Walker
The Capitol Times ,
The gambit by 14 Democratic state senators to leave the state Thursday instead of being outvoted on a hugely
controversial budget bill has drawn national attention, cheers from supporters and a tongue-lashing from

Page 30£4 I
Republican Gov. Scott Walker.

Thursday's Senate walkout wasn't the first at the state Capitol

Wisconsin State Journal. . .
Thursday was not the first time Wisconsin lawmakers have walked off the job to avoid a painful vote. But it was
one of the most dramatic. '. . "
.Walker proposal could result in $7,~ million cut in federal aid to Madison Metro Transit .
Wisconsin State Journal . .
Gov. Scott Walker's collectivebargaining proposal couldfofce the city of Madison to restructure Metro Transit or'
lose $7.1million in federal transit aid, about a sixth of the utility's $424 million budget for 2011,officialssaid.

Green :Bay/Appleton

As public ~ector unites against Wisconsin Goyernor Scott Walker's union plan, private sector split
in Fox Valley ' . '
For some private sector workers, Gov. Scott Walker's forceful approach with public workers unions isn't at all out

.Seliate Democrats wrong to le;lVe state

Editorial ~ Appleton Post-Crescent
Today, we criticize the 14 Senate Democrats for using the wrong means to a worthy end.

Wisconsin,Democrats make a run for the border to protest Gov. Scott Walker budget bill
Green Bay Press-Gazette .
. State Democrats' could'not stand'byandwatchthe Senate take up a bill aimed at stripping collectivebargaining
rights from public employees, Assistant Senate Minority Leader Dave Hansen of Green' Bay said Thursday"
evening. .' .

Bill halted by Democrat retreat

Oshkosh Northwestern

Faced with a-near-certain Republican victory that would end a half-century of collective bargaining for public
'workers, WisconsinDemocrats retaliated with the' only weapon they had left: They fled..

,Lq CrossejEa,u Clai~!_. ~--7'~" •• ' ••, - • --'," -,- - ' - _ ....... _, .-

Senate stalemate: Democrats flee state to stall labor bill; Republicans plan to return today
La crosse Tribune . '. . .. . .
. Sen. Kathleen.Vinehout said she 'and other Senate Democrats left the state Thursday in a last-ditch effort to derail,
.Gov. ScottWalker's·controversial budget repair bill Speaking from an "undisclosed location," Vinehout said; "This
was the only choice we had to slow things down." . . . . . . .

Protests spread to camptlsdM-Lfacultrto proceed with union vote

La Crosse Tribune
UW-La Cross.eemployees said today they are willing to sacrifice to help balance'the state budget but don't want to
lose their rights to.negotiate as a group. "We don't want to take an unfair'share of the bread;" said Susan , ....
Crutchfield, chairwoman of the English department. "Butwe won't take the crumbs from a table where we weren't
even given a. seat. II

County reacts to'move against state workers

La Crosse Tribune
Two top La Crosse County officials had' harsh words Thursday on the governor's bid to all but end collective
bargaining for state workers.

County workers rally against Walker plan

Chippewa Herald. . .
Between 100 to 200 people, many of them Chippewa Countyemployees, turned out for a rally Thursday afternoon
against Gov. Scott Walker's state budget repair plan.

Protestors flood Capitol again. Democratic senators flee state'


Hudson Star-Observer
Wisconsin senators might not be able to vote today after all on Gov. Scott Walker's budget measure which limits
public union bargaining powers. . ... . ". . ...
Lassa: 'We want to slow down' policy changes
Stevens Poitn Journal
State Sen. Ju1ie Lassa, who along Wiill herfellow Democrats was not in attendance at the start of Thursday's
. Senate session for Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, said she believes she is standing for the interests of
workers in Wisconsin.

LocalDems say they'll support recall for lawmakers voting.yes on budget bill
Wausau Daily Herald
Marathon County-Democrats will support recall of any local state.lawmaker who votes for Gov. Scott Wallter's
controversial budgetbill, according to a releasefrom JeffJohnson, the organization'schairman.

Stevens Point students, teachers protest Gov•.Walker's budgetbill

Stevens Point Journal
..As many as 100 to 150 students protested Gov. Scott Walker's .budget bill in front of Stevens Point Area Senior
High this morning chanting these phrases in unison and holding signs supporting their teachers and workers'

Reaction to budget bill 'unique in Wisconsin history' .

Stevens Point Journal .
. Gov.Scott Walker's proposal to strip public employees of their collectivebargaining rights, and the social and ..
political unrest it has created; is like nothing longtime University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point political science
professor Ed Miller has ever seen.

.As UWSP students march, faculty and staff members weigh options for response
Btevens Point Journal . .' .'
: ··.Stu:dents at the University ofWisconsin~Stevens Point joined peers from UW institutions across the state in
I protest Thursday, forgoing class and marching around the city to voice their opposition to Gov. Scott Walker's
budget repair bill. .
"" -'--- - ...~ .-' •••••• _ ........ c ",- . . . ~.,.,. ~ ••• """':.-.t::. ..- "": .;... '- ....-- "~y~<:=.",,,~~>lf., :-~~"""":';"",,""_~ ........-...y,'",o,,-:>," -':-"" , •••• --Iii" ..':' = . ;__.",' .. ""~:~-""-' '"":" , ....
. EdU:Cli.tors~lieakoui:agahisi:Walker'sbudgetbill .' .. ' .:. <"~.,'. ""'," ..' :0,.,:" "c'"o,,~,
Marshfield Neuss-Herold "
.Some Marshfield-area educators and students are rallying against Gov. Scott Walker's bill that would in.part strip
most public workers of almost all of their collectivebargaining rights. .

President Barack Obamasides with Wisconsin protesters

Marshfield Neius-Heralii
President Barack Obama has weighed in on the side of Wisconsin public employees, as angry protesters in
Madison continued to vent over Gov. Scott Walker's plan to radically restrict collectivebargaining rights.

Bill stalls as workers rally
Superior Telegram . ' . , . . ",' .
Senators in hiding and statewide protests capped a day of unrest caused by Gov.Walker's proposed budget repair,
bill, which would end collectivebargaining rights for most public employees.
Page 10f2

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GbV

Sent: Friday, February 18,201112:33 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject:· Mllwaukee JournalSentinel: the. Oems' -tantrum

The Dems' tantrum

.In a snit, Senate Democrats run and hide - making a mockery of
the democratic process.
Feb. 17,20111(234) Comments

Democrats in the state Senate threw a temper tantrum Thursday - essentially they took their ball and
went home.

Actually, they didn't go home. They apparently went to Illinois, just out ofreach of their obligations.

By boycotting an expected vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, they were able to prevent
action on the measure. Twenty senators are required for a quorum; the Republicans have only.19.

The Walker plan is deeply divisive. We're not supportive ofsome aspects of the bill, either, including
those that will make it nearly impossible for unions to negotiate. And we think.that police and firefighter
unions should not be excluded as they are now. But public worker benefits need to be reined in, and
Walker target.them. .. _ . . . ~.. . -r,»,

.State Sen. Lena Taylor CD-MilwaUkee), apparently with plenty oftime on her hands Thursday afternoon,
. posted on her Facebookpage, "brb," slang for "be right back." Too bad she and her colleagues weren't

One leading Democrat- Obama washis name, as we recall- put it well after winning the White House
in 200l\: "Elections have consequences," he told Republicans at the time. Indeed they do: The
Democrats' childish prank mocks the deinocratic process.. .

Meanwhile, some Wisconsin teachers decided to make a mockery oftheir own profession by penalizing
their students after an irresponsible call to action by Mary Bell, the chief ofthe state teachers union,

"On Thursday and Friday, we are asking Wisconsinites to come to Madison," Bell, president of the .
Wisconsin. Education Association Council, said Wednesday. She then claimed disingenuously that she .
. wasn't telling the union's 98,000 teachers to walk off their jobs.

Unfortunately, that's what many of them did. There were no Classes in Madison schools. Port
Washington High School had to close. The same was true at other schools around the state. Do these
teachers care more about their jobs than their kids? We wonder. .

Both Senate Democrats and teachers should get over their snits and get back to work.
Page 2 of2 I

Chris Schrimpf
,-' office oj the'Governor.
Press Office: 608-267-7303'

" >. :.":" •..• - <: • "."0 _. ;_. ~ -<' __ , ..• ,

Page 10f2

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Schrimpf. Chris - GOV

Sent: Friday. February 18. 201112:33 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. The Oems' -tantrurn

The Dems' tantrum,

In a snit, Senate Democrats run and hide - making a mockery of
the democratic process.
Feb. 17,20111(234) Comments

Democrats in the state Senate threw a temper tantrum Thursday - essentially they took their ball and
went home. . .

Actually, they .didn't.go.home. They apparently went to.Illinois.just.out of.reach.of their obligations.

By boycotting an expected vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, they were able to prevent
action on the measure. Twenty senators .are.required for a quorum; the Republicans have only 19.

. The Walker plan is deeply divisive. We're not supportive of some aspects of the bill, either, including
those that will makeit nearly impossible for unions to negotiate. And we think that police and firefighter
unions should not be.excluded as they are now. But public worker benefits need' to be reined in, and
W~lker is.right to.targetthem, .._~.' . -. ._. ~ ~._,-
£, • • . _ •• ._. • __ ~ '~-~
.. -- • •". - •.' '.- , ... .. :. - •••••• ;-~'--' .

State Sen. Lena.Taylor (D-Milwaukee), apparently with plenty oftime on her hands Thursday afternoon,
posted on her Facebook page, "brb,"slang for "be right back." Too bad she and her colleagues weren't.

One leading Democrat - Obama was his name, as we recall - put it well after winning the White House
in 2008: "Elections. have consequences," he told Republicans at the time. Indeed they do. The
Democrats' childish prank mocks the democratic process.

Meanwhile, some.Wisconsin teachers decided to make a mockery of their own profession by penalizing
.their students after an.irresponsib1e call to action by Mary Bell, the.chief ofthe state teachers union,

'. "On Thursdayand Friday, we are asking Wisconsinites to come to Madison," Bell, president of the
Wisconsin Education Association Council, said Wednesday. She then ciaimed disingenuously that she
wasn't telling the union's 98,000 teachers to walk off their jobs. .

Unfortunately, that's what many of them did. There were no classes in Madison schools: Port
.Washington High School had to close. The same was true at other schools around the state. Do these
teachers care more about their jobs than their kids? We wonder.

Both Senate Democrats and teachers should get over their snits and get back to work
Page 2 of2

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office 0/ the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303

I '"." .

•• > ,- •••••• ". V...-_ .

Page 1 orz i

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 12:48 PM
Cc: Evenson, ·T"m··GOV;, Werwie,ClJllen J···GOV
Subject: Sugge.sted Tweet
.. '
MJS onwhat they call the "Oem's Tantrum"

The Dems' tantrum

In a.snit, Senate Democrats run and hide - making a mockery of
the democratic, process.
Feb: 17; 20111(234) Comments

Democrats in.the state Senate threw a temper tantrum Thursday - essentially they took their ball and
went home. . .

Actually, they didn't go home. They apparently went to Illinois.just out ofreach of their obligations.

By boycotting an expected vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, they were able to prevent
,..... " ..action onthe ll1e~§~::rwt?ntys~~ator~.~r~ requ.ifedfor.a9-uol1.Jp.!;th~Republi9aIlsJ:tl].ye.oplYJ.9., .,. ",'

The Walker plan is deeply divisive. We're not supportive of some aspects of the bill, either, including
those that will make it nearly impossible for unions to negotiate. And we think that police and firefighter .
unions should not be excluded as they are now. But public worker benefits need to be-reined in, and
Walker is right to target them.

State Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee), apparently with plenty. of time on her hands Thursday afternoon,
posted on her Facebook page, "brb," slang for "be right back." Too bad she and her colleagues weren't.

Oneleading-Democrat- Obama was his name, as we recall- put it wellafter winning the White House
in 2008:' "Elections have consequences," he told Republicans at the time. Indeed they do. The
Democrats' childish prank mocks the democratic process.

Meanwhile, some Wisconsin teachers decided to make a mockery. oftheir own profession by penalizing
their students after an irresponsible call to action by Mary Bell, the chief of the state teachers union..

"On Thursday-and Friday, we are asking Wisconsinites to come to Madison," Bell;president of the
.. Wisconsin Education Association Council, said Wednesday. She then claimed disingenuously that she
wasn't telling the union's 98,000 teachers to walk off their jobs. .

. that's what many of them did. There were no classes .iriMadison schools. Port
Page z of Z

Washington High close. The same was true at other schools around the state. Do these
teachers care more about their jobs than their kids? We wonder.

Both Senate Democrats and teachers should get over their snits and get back to work
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303

.•rz-: •
Page 1 of2

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011.12:51 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV
Cc: ·Evenson,·:foff1···GOV;·Werwie;·Culien
. .. J ··GOV
Subject: Re: Suggested Tweet


From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Friday, February 18, 201112:47 PM
To: Scott, Kevin - DOA
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
SUbject: Suggested Tweet

MJS on what they call the "Dam's Tantrum" http:·!Iwww.;sonline.comtnewstopiniontn6434554:html

The Dems' tantrum

In a snit, Senate Democrats run and hide - making a mockery of
I the democratic process. .
Feb. 17,20111(234) Comments

Democrats in the state Senate threw a temper tantrum Thursday - essentially they took their ball and
went home,

Actually, they didn't go home. They apparently went to Illinois, just out of reach of their obligations.

By boycotting an expected vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, they were able to prevent
action on the measure, Twenty senators are required for aquorum; the Republicans have only 19.

.The Walker plan is deeply divisive. We're not supportive of some aspects of the bill, either, including
those that will make. it nearly impossible for unions to negotiate. And we think that police and firefighter
unions should not be excluded as they are now, But public worker benefits need to be reined in, and
Walker is right to target them.

State Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee), apparently with plenty of time. on her hands Thursday afternoon,
posted on her Facebook page, "brb," slang for "be right back." Too had she and her colleagues weren't:

One leading Democrat - Obama was his name, as we recall - putit well after winning the White House
. in 2008: "Elections have consequences," he told Republicans at the time. Indeed they do. The
Democrats' childish prank mocks the democratic process.

Meanwhile, some Wisconsin teachers decided to make a mockery oftheir own profession by penalizing
their students after an irresponsible call to action by Mary Bell, the chief of the state teachers union.

"On Thursday and Friday, we are asking Wisconsinites to cometo.Madison," Bell, president of the
Wisconsin Education Association Council; said Wednesday. She then claimed disingenuously that she
wasn't telling the union's 98,000 teachers to walk off their jobs.

Unfortunately, that's what many of them did. There were no classes in Madison schools. Port
Washington High School had to close. The same was true at other schools around the state. Do these
teachers care more about their jobs than their kids?' We wonder. I

..Both Senate Democrats and teachers should get over their snits and get back to work

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.ffov

.. ' . -" ~

", ,.
Page 1 of4 I

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Google Alerts [] f

Sent: Friday, February 18, 20111:08 PM
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject:·Google Alert - "scett walker"

News· 26 new results for "scott walker"

Andrew Breitbart. Herman Cain Rallying to Support Scott Walker

Slate Magazine ( b l o g ) ' .
Scott Walker's' "budget repair" bill,'countering the days of union protests, featuring conservative
stars Andrew.Breltbart, Jim "Gateway Pundit" Hoft, and Herman Cain. (Cain, npwa presidential
candidate, hired former state Amencaris.for Prosperity '" . .
See all stories.on this topic}) .

Unions under fire amid budget shortfalls

Scott Walker's proposal to limit collective bargaining and require higher benefit contributions. By
Tami Luhby, senior writerFebruary 18, 2011: 12:59 PM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney)-- Lots of
state officials are pressing public employees to shoulder more of ... .
See ail stories on·this·topic }) . .

Md. Gov. O'Malley takes aim at Florida Gov. Scott

Washington Post . . .
"Three newly elected Republican governors -- Florida's Rick Scott, Wisconsin's Scott Walker and
Ohio's John Kasich -- have rejected federal money for high-speed rail, citing concern that their

I state's taxpayers might be saddled with cost overruns" and ••.

y<>- '.'
See all stories on this topic})

'Refused' (VIDEO)
TPMDC. ._.... .

WiSe Dem~{:Jnions 'Willing To Coma To The Table' -- But Walker

. Scott Walker's budget and its anti-public union proposals, said on MSNBC Friday

.'; -.

that public employees are willing to make sacrifices -c- but that Walker isn't willing to
negotiate with them. Lassa was recently an unsuccessful Democratic nominee for
the ...
See ail stories on this topic })

Wis. assembly speaker plans vote on union bill
.Scott Walker, a fellow Republlcan, to send two state troopers to the home of Mark Miiler, the top
state Senate Democrat, and other holdouts. He said he believes the troopers were en route. 1)

Eliminate collective bargaining rights for most public .•• .
See all stories on this topic >}

Guest list: George Soros visits CNN's 'Fareed Zakaria GPS';·

Wisconsin-G6v... . : :
Orlando'Sentinel (blog) :
Photo credit: Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images The Wisconsin budget batlieViill b e ' :',
discussed bythat state's governor, Republican Scott Walker, on "Fox News Sunday" .
this weekend, The program airs at 9 am Sunday on WOFL-ChanneI35.... Orlando' Sentinel
See ail stories on this topic }) lIl!9.9l
Page 2 of4 I

" The Caucus: VIDEO: Republicans Accuse Liberals of Hateful Rhetoric in

New York limes (blog) " "
Ameng the signs that the video highlights are ones comparing Scott Walker, the state's
"Republican governor, to Adolf Hitler and Hosni Mubarak, the recently deposed Egyptian president.
"Scott Walker = Adoif Hitler. Don't let history repeat itseif! •., " " "
See al! stories on tHis topic "" "

Walker supporters to hold rally Saturday in Madison

(WEAU) - A ral!y in support of Governor Scott Walker and his plan to virtually do away with
col!ective barganing for state union jobs. The rally is set for Saturday from Ncon-apm in Madison at
the Capitol. WeI! known conservative Andrew Breitbart will ...
See all stories on this topic»

Stimulus turns two: What's changed? :"
ScottWalker's bill to end collective bargaining" rights for many state workers pack
the rotunda ai the state Capito! in Madison, Wisc. on THursday. By Tom Curry
National affairs writer With the stirnulus celebrating its second birthday, ...
See all stories on this topic })

Workers will protest Saturday at Interstate 94 in Hudson

Pioneer Press ,
Scott Walker's'bill to-chanqs their benefits and union powers. The protest is scheduled (or 10 am
, to sundown 'on the Carrnichael Road bridge over Interstate 94. "We calling on all friends and family
and other supporters to come on out," said Kim Dupre, ".
See all stories on this topic })

LETTER: Teachers need to guit their complaining

• Wausau Daily Herald

Scott Walker. The teachers should pay 50 percent of their insurance an retirement. As a taxpayer
" " I can't afford the school taxes anymore. I also agree that good teachers paid more and
wfi should get rid of the bag ol)es. ,'" ,
See all stories on this topic })

Jim Fleischmann: Walker's goal is to destroy unions, state government
Dear Editor: Scott W:alker's proposal to disband the state unions,.taking away the power for
collective bargaining, sets new lows for our state's leaders. Tiie move would set a terrible
precedent for the leaders of both government and private sectors; ..•
See all stories on this topic })

RNC chair Reince Priebus: The national GOP is "all in" for Walker
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog) ,
, "Scott Walk,er in the stand-off over the Wisconsin budget. Appearing onWTMJ radio with Charlie
Sykes, Prlebus said absentee Democratic state senators' and protesting state employees look
"ridiculous" to the rest of the country. ... "
See all stories on this topic )}

, , Quote roundup: Wisconsin union workers respond to protests, budget bill

Yahoo! News"
Scott \/Valker has proposed sweeping bUdget reform, inclUding removing collective bargaining
rights for public sector unions and increasing public sector contributions to both health care and
pensions. He hasalso included provisions allowing for the '" .
'See all stories on this topic}) ,
Page 3 of4

Capitol Square, surrounding streets shut down again for protests

Scott Walker's budget plan has forced law enforcement officers toshut'down streets on the . "
Square and downtown again. Police spokesman Joel DeSpain said barricades were set up at
various intersections as of 11:30 am for several protest marches starting ...
See all stories on this topic ;) .

MPS teachers arrive at the Capitol'

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (biog)
By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel Madison - Vowing to turn back Govemor Scott Walker's
budget repair bill, hundreds of teachers from the Milwaukee Public Schools arrived Friday to
participate in union demonstrations at the Stale Capitol. ...
See ·all stories on this topic })

Walker launches media blitz

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)
Scott Walker has a major protest on his hands, and one,way he is trying to get his message out is
talking and meeting With ttie media. In addition to his interview this morning on Fox and Friends,
Walker spoke to WTMJ-AM (Radio 620), a Chippewa Falls ...
See all stories on this topic»

. Clarus Poll: 64% of Voters Oppose Government Employee Unions

PR Newswire (press release) . .
Sc·ott Walker against public employee unions, a nationwide Clarus Poll finds that a substantial
majority ofAmericans.believe gOl/emment employeas.shoukt notbe able to belong to labor unions.
In the Clarus Poll, sixty-four percent of voters polled said ...
.See all stories on this topic}) ,

MMAC urges members to' support Walker

Milwaukee Business 'Journal ,
Scott Walker's budget-repair bill. The MMAC said the bill "contains. historic reforrns in public
I employee compensation and bargaining systems" that will save the state "hundreds of millions of
dollars" in the current budget cycle ending June 30 and the ...
. See all stories on this topic}) .
~.,...;, .. ~". ,._~ '"A_'_'~ :<'._ ~~, ". ~.~_( ;_~_ .~. . ~ .... ","A'~; ':"t.::!:?;,:.'( "'7"~ .....~.:.~.",. .~'. ;:"",-,,:>' . ='-r~~,,:_-::. "':- ."'?>:"'" .....:_'._~-v""._'': -.~.;.",
r ': I p •• ,,1...,... ...-;.,"'" -
<.•• '-~ • :;;'~:--."';;:j<-'
Chippewa Falls School Board formally opposes governor's plan·
Chippewa Herald. .: .: .
scott Walker's budget repair bill. The statement by allseven board members, but Board Member
'Jerry Smith did not attend Thursday's emergency meeting. The statement also addresses the
matter of hundreds of students leaving school Thursday in opposition ...
See ail stories on this topic })

Wisconsin budget battle: Protesters rally against anti~union bill

Washington P o s t · , .
An estimated 25000 protesters pack the Capitol building in Madison to protest Republican Gov.
Scott Walker's legislation to cut public-worker benefits and eliminate most collective-bargaining'
~~ . " ' .
See ail stories on this topic )}

Green Bay Packers in solidarity with Wisconsin AFL-CIO

Tucson Citizen
18, 201'1, under Blog For Arizona "America's team," the World Champion Green Bay Packers,
, support Wisconsin's AFL-CIO in its'fight against Tea-Publican tyrant governor Scott Walker's plan
to gut union bargaining rights. Present,' former Packers say they ...
See all stories on this topic'})

Green Bay teachers protest 300 also absent today

Page 4 of4

Green Bay Press Gazette

Scott Walker's budget repair bill, which would eliminate collective bargaining for most public
-'-employees': Among the Green Bay schools where demonstrations occurred: East High School,
Franklin Middle schoct and Danz and Suilivan elementary schools ..., f
See all stories on this topic» . . .

Where is the Budget Crisis?

The Business Insider
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker alleges that dismantling publlc sector collective bargaining
rights is made necessary by a $3.6 billion deficit in the next budget, and a $137 million shortfall this
year. Setting aside the.fact that the.ability to ....
See all stories on this topic)} . .

"Master And Servant;': A Playlist For The Protesters in Wisconsin

Huffington Post (biog)
And to Governor Scott Walker who apparently thinks he's master to these servants, I send you a
song made famous by a far more creative guy named Scott Walker -- aiong with his non-siblings
in tile Walker Brothers - "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore."
See all stories on this topic }}

Kimberly. Freedom schools closed over state budget dispute

Herald Times Reporter .
Scott Walker's budget repair bill. "We had 106 out of 184 teaching staff call in," said Lois Cuff, .
administrator for the Freedom Area School District Meanwhile, Kimberly had 184 of 500 staff
members call in sick by 8:30pm Thursday ....
See all stories on this topic }}

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Page 1 of 16

Schrimpf, Chris· GOV

From: ',WisPplitics Staff r• • • • •

Sent: Friday, February 18, 20115:15 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbJect: (WisPcilitics) REPORT --18 February 2011 ,

BREAKING NEWS: The Assembly quicklY engrossed the budget repair bill on a voice vote
shortly after Republicans took the floor, prompting some Dem lawmakers to rush the floor and '
demand to be heard, Follow developments in the BudgetBlog: hltp:llbudgetwispolitics.coml '

, " WisPolitlcsREPORT
18 February 2011 . '. ~

Exclusively for WisPolilics Gold and Platinum Subscribers •

Click this link to access the mobile version of the REPORT:

http://wispolitics.comIINOEX PDA.IML?Articie=227418: '


YOiJ can't defend democracy when you're hiding inanothe( state.' . " " , ' , '
- Gov.Bcott Walker on 'Seneie Deme, proclaiminghe's confident he and Republicans are on the
rig/lttrack. ,', ',' '.,.
I , thls'isn!(anyl/:Jing that we dolightly at aiL This isn't' apr~i:lk.'this isn'ta JOKe. Thi~ is Democrats ,
standinqtoqether saying slow down.' ", ", . ,
" ~-"~~e-n":'J(JtrF?f1Jl1h15atl'f;f:r:;wavntikee~-(JntherD'i1m, fJiJ;e7?1:(OJ·f/'[esflitEGS-enaUrllote:'See 1ncire"ttr---': ~ '.-
the Budget Blog:

That's not democracy. That's not what this chamber is about.

- Senate MajorityLeader ScottFitzgere,!d, Fhfuneau. ' , ' " ..

, Some What I've heard coming out ofwr~consln, wheretheo\/re justmakin9 it harder forpubiic
employees, to collectively bargain generally, seems like more tifanass;:lul(onunicjns. " ",'"
" ,- President Barack Obama during an intervieW with MilVI(auke~ TY st;3ti9n. thi$l/I(e,ek."Some,
, liberals,
. " .
Obaina for not getting.
, " ' "', ' ,

There are helicopters, reporters, and apparently bus loads ofprotesfers to support us: I feel a,
.Iittle bit like O.J. Simpson. , " ,
-' Sen. Bob Jauch, O-Poplar, phoninghome from the toed. Jauch ~afd the 14 Dem senators
would return from their "historical"jaunt when Walker agreedto meet with them, adding: '~We
simply think that if God took seven days to create heaven and earth, that maybe we can take a
little time as well."
.. ' . .' . . .;.. . : "

, .' 'They can't do those things unless they show up for work. The peopleQTthis state pay us to'
show up for our jobs. ' , ,'" " ' , ,',. ,,", " ' ,
- Walker, sayinghe'd be willing to talk to Oeins, but only if they came back to work.
Page 2 ofl6

.,_ This i~t~E:l_harde:3t vote I'vehad to takEl,?ncjl'IJ:1 afraid the nextquclget is 90[89 tobe even
harder. .
" Sen Luther Olsen, R-Ripon, on the Joint Finance Committee's patty-line approval ortne
budget repair bill. ' ,

This is not about protecting our pay and our benefits. It is about protecting our right to
collectively bargain.
- WEAC President Mary Bell calling on Wisconsinites to "come to Madison" in suppottof ,
teachers, and public employees. Many schools were forced to close on Thursday and Friday
because of teacher absences. ' .

· What the kids are learning today is what you have to doin America to stand up, so we don't
have dictators like they have in Egypt. ' . .
- John Matthews of Madison Teachers Inc. on Wednesday, the first of three days Madison'
schools closed due to teacher absences. Hear the interview with WTMJ-AM '
http.l/ 039.httDI

, If changes ar~ proposed that establish UW-Madison as a separate, self-contained institution

· with its own governance board separate from the Board of Regents, we would return to a two-:
tiered system the state abandoned 40 years ago for good reasons. '
~ UWSyst~m:P,resident.Kevin Reil/yand Regents Chuck Pruitt and Mike Spector-in aletter
asking Walker not to,split the flagship Madison campus off from the rest of the UW System. See
the letter: ht(o:I/wispolitics. coml1 006/11 0216 UW Walker Letter.pdf -

The iJne-size-fits-all does not work, will not work.

· - UW-Madison Chancellor Biddy Mattin saying. that while all UW schools' needflexibility; stie
I wants to see UW-Madison become enewpublic authority in order to better absorb a state
budgeth~ .
1~~~ld~~;~ih~W6~d d~~~st~ti~g. 0 .'- '"_:"k' '--,'-->,'-' ~··--~'t.·\··· ~,,, ':" . . ~~~,,,, 0

- MPSBoard President Michael Bonds on fotthcoming cuts to public education in Walker's two-
year budget plan. .

" 'We knew thiswas.going to be a lotof work, corning from zero and not ha~i~g a voter base.
. - Milwaukee philanthropist Chris Abele after edging out former Dem state Serio Jim Sullivan in
the Milwaukee County executive primary Tuesday. '

It's going to be a lot about people being able to deliver on what you talk about.
-Stf!.te Rep. Jeff Stone, R~Greendale,Seemore in the WisPolitics Election Blog:

We're going to show that you can face your challenqes by working with your employees,
working with your workers cooperatively in order to find solution to the challenge that we See as
the opposite to the Walker way, which is waging war on employees.
~ State Rep. Joe Parisi, D-Madison, on his win in the primary to replace Kathleen Falk as Dane
, , County executive. . . ' , ,
My sense of this is that the reason that I pulled through is because people are concerned about-
their econornlc conditions. They're looklnqfor someone that has some experience with a budqet
and who want accountability in government.
Page 3 of16 I

. - Dane Co. Supervisor Eileen Bruskewiti, who'll face Parisi in the general election.

I want to talk about some of the problems facing the judiciary, the role that I can play and other
members.of the.court can play in:addressing those issues. I know that my opponent isgeing to '
make me the issue. I think that (the primary) vote suggests that will be an ill-advised strategy..
- Supreme Court Justice David Prosser on hls.ptimery victory.

People are fed up with negative, nasty politicking in judicial races and they're fed up with
outside special interests telling us how to elect our judges:
- Assistant AG JoAnne Kloppenburg, who'll face Prosser on April 5.


--A collection of insider.opinion c -
(February 12-18)


Dave Prosser: The conservative justice says he was a little apprehensive. heading into: the
primary.wlth heavilyDem.Dane and Milwaukee counties both featuring contested pritnarles-for
county exec. Turns.outhe.had.nothlnq to worry.about.Prosser cruises to a first-place, finish
with 55 percent of the vote, 30 points better than second place finisher JoAnne Kloppenburg.
Considering the strong' performance, insiders now wonder how hard liberals will go after him.
The left believes Prosser has his.vulnerabilities, and.insiders on both sides say liberals' best bet
will be to tear the incumbent down rather than trading shots with him over judicial philosophies.
Somesay.Kloppenburq couldqive.Prosser arun with her.credentials as an assistant AG. Still, ., ..
I .: oonservativesare.already showing signs they're going to target her as-anti-business and antl-.
. . property rights over various cases she's taken up during her time at DOJ. At this point, most
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. Jeff stone:>lnsiders say the GOP state rep is by no means a lock to win the Milwaukee County
exec's race just because he came in first in a five-way primary, But his 43 percent total exceeds
expectations. and shows he's in good shape, say insiders who debate how well wealthy
philanthropist Chris Abele, now formally endorsed by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, will be . "

<able to coalesce the' Oem vote by April: Former Oem state-sen. Jim Sullivan fell just short of '.
Abele. even-thouqh he didn't spend anywherenearwhat the philanthropist poured into the race,
and.some say that means trouble for Abele. Critics question whether a rich person who makes
. so much money he doesn't pay taxes can connect With the.grassroets;:ButothersarggeAbeJe
will do his due diligence between now and the primary and has the money to cultivate the
.correct image, Meanwhile, insiders debate how the ongoing protests in the Capitol will play in .'
this race and others around the state this spring. One Republican notes the dirty little secret of
Milwaukee' County politics is conservatives have done just fine in April elections, even if they
get Wiped out every November. Turnout is lower, and Scott Walker's wins show there's a path to
victory. Still, this week's events may jazz up the Oem union base that might be looking for an
. ··o.utlet to showits displeasure with Walker and. Republicans in general. . .
',.' '; .....
JOlf Parisi: The Dell) state lawmaker and former county clerk finishes first in a crowded primary
for Dane County exec with 26 percent of the vote. While his number isn't that noteworthy,
. insiders argue the ,shoWing by conservative Dane County' Supv. Eileen Bruskewitz. is, In a six-
way primary' featuring four Oems and one fringe candidate, she pulls in just 22 percent -- not

exactly a number that's going to strike any fear in Parisi, insiders say. Add in the number of
public employeesin Dane County whoare sUcfde(lJy feeling_under attack, andexperts wonder .
. how Bruskewitz can grow her numbers to make up for the' Oems who will file in behind Parisi. In
. addition, there's a contested Madison mayoral contest that should drive up turnout in the heavily
Oem city, giving the Oem candidate an even bigger advantage.

Brad Courtney: The loyal' Scott Walker supporter is in line to re-take his old job as chair of the
state GOP. Courtney had the bad timing to take over the party in September'2006, right as .
· '. Republicans were about to- experience their first tidal wave. Courtney, who was' elected to fill out
· . the term of Rick Graber,.dldn't seek a full term in 2007. Some Republicans say Courtney didn't
. seem to particularly enjoy the job the first time around, and fundraisillg was not his strong point.
. But Courtney is strong with the party's grass,roots and tight with the guv. Former 1st Vice Chair
Bill Johnson is expected. to .become Courtney's finance director and is expected by some to.
carry the.load on that front. Add in Wisconsin's growing national' profile in GOP circles; and
raising money shouldn't be a problem, say his fans. They say Courtney can use his talents to
continue strengthening the party's grassroots network.


Untons: State unions prove they can still turn out a pretty good protest. Tens 'of thousands jam
the-Capitol and surrounding streets over the course of the week, occupying the Capitol and
. putting :on.avery'louGh--butJatgely:.peaceful·-- series of protests-In opposition to Walker.and , ..
Republicans. Observers note the union-supporting protests dwarf the Tea Party rallies of the
previous-election.oyele.and get attention' from national media. During the first few days, 'even
Republicans credited tbe union employees for being..respectful and polite despite their anger
and passion. Some take offense to the protests at the homes of lawmakers and the guv,
.. believing. that goes-too far, however. The situation became more tense late in the week as rnore .
" . people jammed the Capitol and created gridlock. Nine people were arrested Thursday, the first .
:,. arrests of the week.and Republicans complain that union employees tried drowning out the
-'~ -".~.bri~.~~p1;!.~!Jo-?-t-p~iod..bY.:G,h.anJing!Jy,e,(speaker~< Ull~9.'1i,z,ecLt!1;;"we9t,f!:g!1:;c9mpr~mjs.e. " ',.' '
" ., to-aetlvlstn Within days, calling for teachers to leave the classroom, come to Madison, and stop , .
-a bill that's only a week old today. That resulted in many school closings, which irritated many
, parents who had to scurry for child care, and opened the door for conservatives to slam them
: for walking out.ontheir students. Still, insiders say the entire.exercise could be good for unions ,
. : down the. road if they.can survive and keep. members enqaqed, During one late-night pep rally,
" ., state Sen; BobJauch declares this is the "rebirth of the Progressive movement." But insiders
say it could get·worse before it gets better, expecting "right to work" legislation affecting 'private-.
sector unions to follow: While unions still playa significant role in Wisconsin elections, their .
, numbers havebeen dwindling for years. It all comes on the h~els,ofbigb".profi'e,.concessions.
Onions have madetoemployers like Harley-Davidson, Kohler and Mercury Marine, showing the
unions-no longer have the same power. And public employee unions could see' their political
power diminish in years to.come thanks to some of the provisions Walker has proposed. While"
, many assume national union and liberal money will fill the gap for the nexlelections,the current
biIJ -- and GOP measures to come -- will likely slowly weaken the unions in the long run, some

.., Scott Walker: Insiders on both sides give the guv this: He said he would be bold, and he's
living up to that-promise. It's also made him a hero with the national conservative set, The ,~
'question for some, though, is whether he's taken too much ofa political risk too early in his term
with his plan to strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from public employees at the state
· and local level. This week's massive protests already have Oems openly talking up a recall after
Page 5 of16

his first year is done. Fans say this is Walker's "PATCO moment," a reference to Ronald
Reagan's showdown with air traffic controllers, adding it boosts his national profile as one of the
natlon's.rnostaqqresslve, conservative governors. But national attention also puts a target on
•him and,Wisconsin,. likely bringing in millions of liberal money. into the state in advance of .-
.President Obama' Also, even some frlendlies worry Walker's "running ahead of .
his blockers" and could be going too far"too:fast, before building necessary public support But
look what happened to Scott McCallum when he tried to rein in local spending, add Republicans
promoting the-quicker-the-better approach. Insiders say anytime the focus on the legislation
.: has been about. public employee pay, pensions and health care; Walker wins-the battle for ..
public opinion in a landslide. But when the debate focuses on collective bargaining rights, things
get a bit dicey for him. Some wonder ifthis will be for Republicans what health care and,
'. stimulus votes were for House Dems: If nothing else, say election-watchers, it guarantees some .
· .. difficult re-elections fOLGOP·lawmakers·with a heavy union or public employee' presence in
theirdistrict·-- ala Randy Hopper of Fond du Lac -- and fires up theleftwith recall threats. Some'
suggest Walker could have smothered the early opposition by meeting with union heads first
and then .introducing his bill once they refused to compromise. But Walker says there was no .
reason to meet with the unions because there was compromise about with the state
.. as broke as it is..Besides, Walker's proposal -- as radical as unions say it is -- falls short of what
he wanted to do originally. Sen. Mike Ellis says Walker originally approached GOP leaders with
a proposalto.elimlnate public employee unions altogether but was told that would never fly in
· . the Senate: The Senate Dems'decision to flee the state throws awild card into the mix with·'
some arguing:iHlelped fan the.flames and. others arguing it actually-took the heatoff Walker .' .
'. and. the details of his proposal. But insiders say more heat will beohthe way if predictions of
big Walker cuts to school and municipal aid come true Tuesday.
.' ..
Senate Oems: They fail to show Thursday when it comes time for Senate debate on the Walker
..' repair bill,.providing added drama to Capitol proceedings and denying the gull' a quick victory.
I • Their flight to Illinois gets them plenty of media attention to their slow-down-the-bill approach... '
". Butlnsiderswondet.about the lonq-term consequences if the gambit goes too far. Some
N' ~ ~~ ..Q1:n,a!y;E'J;$.!$ a9<linst P'e!ns.nelCil,l:eQr that.say":~Jt's. ,1.0 a.IT,l, D.Q),(ouJ~no..J« wheJe-~ ..,,~~~," .._".,
.. your-state 'senator is?" But Dems like being on the side of the worker-and against a newquv ' .
· they paint as a right-winger in a hurry to.take away rights. As of Friday, theywerestill
· boycotting, and some-wondered ifthe tacticswould boomerang back. against them. Senate
· :.-Minority Leader:Scott:.Fitzgerald takes a series of shots. at Oems for their behavior, foretelling·
difficult relations between the two sides in the coming months.
.. :." ': ."

· . Pedro Colon: Followinq his appointment to.a Milwaukee Co; court seat by former Oem Gov:
Jim Doyle, the former Oem lawmaker locked up a series of high-profile endorsements --
including some conservatfvejurists. But heonly narrowly wins theprimary with just 36 percent··
ofthe vote; leaving him much work to do against Glendale Municipal. Judge Christopher. .
· Lipscomb. Colon has been around for a while and has plenty of connections around the county
· so some believe he has the tools he needs to regroup. But others say Lipscomb will be no
pushover with a brother who serves on the .Milwaukee County-Board and political connections.
of his own. .


•. . Dave Cieslewicz: Mayor Dave is no dead.manwalklnq, lnslderssay, But it is never a good' .

thing for a two-term incumbent to finish second in a primary race to an old opponent. Some
insiders marvel atthenine lives of former Madison Mayor Paul Soglin and the way he was able
to cobble together enough support to edge Cieslewicz ever so slightly, exceeding expectations.
Page 6 of 16

Cieslewicz has failed to "own" the job even after eight years in office; some argue, and his high-
profile battle overissues like the red.E!velopmel]t of the Edgewater Hotel have created his share
of enemies. Still, with the protests that flooded the Capitol, some say the race could take any
'. number ofturns as public employees look to channel their anqerinto the April election, Soglin,
.some speculate; benefited' from the protests that hearken back to 80glin's Vietnam-era entry
into politics. Cieslewicz countered with a post-primary call for an emergency council vote to
· extend key union agreements to the end of next year. A council vote ensures thatmernoers of
the city's labor unions can continue to receive current pension and health benefits -- no-matter
what happens with Walker's budget repair bill.

· UW System: The gUll's budget may begin theunravelilig of the UW System, a prospect that is
alarminqSystem leaders. UW-MadisolJ Chancellor Biddy Martin has been lobbying Walker for
'. months '-- even before the election -- to give her campus fleXibility through a new public
authority. And signs indicated that Walker may grant her wish. Martin's: stance is at odds with ".
UWSystem leaders, who sent Walker a letter, asking him to keep the flagship campus under '
their purview. There's also tension created bY the fear ofbig tuition increases that could result
from Walker's budget plan, with GOP Assembly Education Chair Steve Nass sounding off.
against tuition spikes. Nass is on record proposing a cap of 4 percent on tuition and fees, and
his spokesman says if spinning off UWcMadison from the system includes the ability to raise
,. tultlon-throuqh the roof, Nass will oppose it. Martindbwnplays the tuition angle, saying
efficiencies and increased financial aid can keep tuition affordable: .


·The state Senate ground to a halt for a second straight day as Dems continued to boycott the
I Capitol, prompting Assembly Republicans to pus!") ahead with a vote in their chamber.

~-_.•"",:Il;te¥~y~~?v,OtesJb~pqss,.Gp,\{,",v.valk.E?Gs.cpnt!;p,~J:§iaLbUl;!g,ej;,~p9iJ,p..iII.,~.f9rmallY . ~~'~"'"~"";""_'
.,. '. announced just.a week ago. And they lialiethe riecessaryquorum if Derris' decided to wall< out.'·· ,,
But Democrats have been in caucus since a morning fight, hearing from the Legislative Fiscal
. Bureau, mulling amendments, and,in the view of Republicans, delaying ..

Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca; D-Kenosha, and A~sembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R"
Horiconhada brief meeting in the speaker's office before going to caucus. It appeared not to
go wel/,with Barca eXiting the office saying, "You're not going to trample on our l;l1inority rights."

Fitzgerald replied, "You're notgoingto caucus for1S hours~" .

"SenateMajority Leader Scott Suder announced the chamber would meet at 5 p.m., but Dems .'
said they would not be ready. . .... . .

Meanwhile, the other actors in this extraordinary Capitol drama played their roles.

;- Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald brought in his members, but the 14 Senate Dems
. remained missing. The Senate was only able to give Walker an extension on delivery of his
budget -- from.Tuesday until March 1. .

-- Walker started off the day on the national news, with CBS, and continued a round of media
Page 7 of16

-. Thousands of union supporters and opponents converged on the Capitol Square for the fifth
straighf day. Some observers thought it was the biggest day yet. Ralliers heard from AFL.CIO '
head Rich Trumka and Jesse Jackson and saw Russ Feinqcld.leadinqflrefiqhters, Both sides
also bracedfor.a big Saturday, when the-Tea Party scheduled for noon.

-- And Wisconsin State Employee Unions chief Marty Beil said unions were willing to meet
Walker halfway.

"We are prepared to implement the financial concessions proposed to bring our state budget
into balance, because for us, public service is not about money," Beil said. "We'll meet the
, governor halfway. We will not be denledourriqht to collectively bargain."

-- And national reporting.placed Wisconsin as ground zero 'in the debateover workers' rights.'

Follow the developments as they happen in the Budget Blog:


'." "."' ." .. .: , ....
,'Gov. Scott Walker is getting more time to deliver his budget. Butobservers say they believe big
changes are already in place.
. .. ' ~

The Legislature moved today,to extend the deadline by one week for Walker to deliver his
2011-13 budget, given that his budget repair.bill was still tied up. The guv,who called a 5 p.rn.
I "news conference today. hasn't said why he needed the.delay..But.observerssay it's 'likely that
, ,,' he needs the savings his budget repair bill would deliverto make.the two-year budget work. "
. ' " .
I .... <~•• .. "',"'-~..,-",..,"'= ..,..........,.... . . ',"'.•...• ~--.,"
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Still, insiders say there are signs of what may be coming in the-document.

-r- Education groups have been warning this week that the guv will cut education aid by $900
million for the biennium and ratchet down the per pupil spending limit by $500 per kid.• ,

The $300 million Walker expects to save through the austerity measures he's proposed of state
:workers-for; the biennium and a $900 million cut to school aids would take. care,of one-third of ,
what his administration says isa $3.6 billion budget deficit.
... '

Some have also suggested big changes could be on tap for the Department of Public
Instruction. Republicans have long viewed the agency as an arm of the WEACbecause the
candidate with the union's backing often wins the office.

-- The guv's budget repair bill creates the opportunity forhis administration to drastically
overhaul the medical assistance program. prompting fears by some' Oems that he'll seek to gut
the programs. . , .

"But a source thatfolJows the MA program argued it's unlikely the guvwiII seek to eliminate the, ,', . " '
state's safety net. That's because anyone losing MA coverage would still have to be treated by
hospitals but without any payment for that care. Instead, those with health insurance would end
up picking up the tab through higher rates.
Page 8 of16

Instead, the source believed the administration will instead look for ways for those on MA
programs to.pick up a bigger share oftheir coverage costs and to review eligibility to make sure
"'only those eligible for the programs are' accepted and that those who remain on them are still '
eligible. Some Republicans have grumbled that Gov. 'Jim Doyle's.adminlstratlon relaxed,
, eligibility tests so much that it allowed people into the program who weren't eligible.

The source also pointed out a significant chunk of the Medicaid shortfall includes new GPR
requested by the Department of Health Services. Sorne savings could be found in paring back
that additional money. . '

- Walker has made Clear that part of the reason he's proposed such dramatic changes for state
. and local public.employees is to give governments the flexibility they need to deal with coming
cuts in state aid. ' ,

'.' Some have taken that as a sure sign that shared revenue will be pared back. Some budget
• watchers say the real hit would likely be in the.second year of the biennium because local
governments are already counting on money from the first year of the biennium for their

" UW~Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin's public support for splitting off the System's flagship'
campus into anew.public;authority .is a.sign to some that it's done deal the change will be in the.
budqet bill despite objections from System officials.
" .. ,

. There's talk Walker.may try something similar-with UW-Platteville with one GOP sou rce
suggesting he may spin it off into an independent campus and tie the move for the engineering-
focused creation. ' . '
I .-.There also remains the question for some on how truly big the budget deficit is.
• L ..... _.". ..... ~r~_·.• "<:P_","'."" "~""'" -¢'.c ::-.--",-".• ; __~¥, ==..r.flt.·~...,,--.q.'_~~"""~_7"',...... ,,~~~...~.::~<..,._""-t>:a......"'='""""_"': .. ""-,=--....,...... _.~~«-<"'-..=, _¢._~".~,.:;;~,~~ .,..,~.. =__ ."",_
.' Rep. Mark Paean; a former co-chair of the JFC, testified before the committee this week that '.
" the figure, is. based on millions and millions in new agency Teq uests -- amounting to about a 6.2
percent increase over the current spending level. He said agencies are never funded ·at the full
level they request.

PiUS,' he said, the state' is expected to see an increase.ofS'l.f billion in revenues in the coming
'biennium.' ' . '

"The $3.6 billion is not real," he said. "The not as it's been.described."


Some Republicans have batted around.Tim Sullivan's name as Ron

Johnson.. .... : ' .'

, . .Andthe Bucyrus International Inc. CEO says he isn't closing the door to any options once' he ",'
, leaves his post later this year. . " ,.

Caterpillar has purchased the South Milwaukee manufacturer of heavy mining equipment, and
Page 9 of16

Sullivan said today his services will no longer be needed once the sale is closed, standard
practice in an acquisition such as this. He expects to leave the company in the next several
months. ' . . .: . "."

"Now that it'sknownthat I'm not going to be.continuing 00 here after closing, I've got no
shortage of suggestions about what I should be doing," Sullivan said. "Certainly, politics has
been one of those s.uggestions. I've got a lot of people calling me and asking if Iwould be
willing to get engaged and involved."

'Along with his departure.will come a hefty payout, and one thing some Republicans would love.·
in a candidate against Oem U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl next year is someone. who could self-finance.
Johnson proved last.year how formidable a wealthy candidate could be as' he took out Dem: :
Sen. Russ Feingold. .

Still, Oems have.arqued-that.ltwould be difficult for any self-financed candidate to get an upper
edge on Kohl considering- the personal wealth of the Milwaukee Bucks owner and the penchant
he has shown in past elections to spend lt freely. He recently put$1 million into his campaign' .
fund, a sign to many that he's ready to run again.

Sullivan 'said Kohl declaring his re-election bid would playa role in any decision he makes.

He also said he's not a member of either party.

Accordlnq-tothe.wlsconsin Democracy Campaign database, Sullivan gave $1,000 each to

Scott Walker and Tom Barrett in last year's guv's race. Sullivan also pointed out he has worked·
with both men as well as formerDem Gov. Jim Doyle.

I '" "l view myselfas more independent than anything else right now," Sullivan said: ..
... ". .-'
; ."


As thousands of :teachers descended on Madison this week; primary voters split on a handful of
. school referendums-- with a much larger slate of spending measures due in April's spring
general election."
", ." . ,-' .'

... On Tuesday, voters in three districts rejected $11.5 million in additional school spending,
including the largest referendum on the spring primary ballot, a $9.4 million measure in

A $.1.2 million referendum in Independence was also rejected, while voter? in the Princeton
School District split on their two referendums. A $900,000 measure failed, while a $150,000
measure was approved.

Votersalso backed referendums in Onalaska ($4.2 million), Bruce (two measures totaling $1.75
million), Melrose-Mindoro ($1.28 million) and Stockbridge ($600,000). Just shy of $8 million in
. addition school spending was approved. . "...

In April,voters in 19 districts will consider more than $238 million in additional school spending.
Page 10 of 16

More than half of that total will be on the ballot in Racine, where three referendums totaling'
$127.5 million will go before voters.
.' ,
Other large spending measures in the spring election willtakeplace in River.Falls ($38.9
million), Medford ($10.6 million) and New Glarus ($10.1 million in two referendums)...

See more oli this week's results and upcoming referendums:

http://www2.dpLstate.wLus/sfsref/ref Home.aspx .


,., ..

While Gov.Bcott Walker's budget repair bill has causedafireetorm, Senate Minority Leader'
.Mark Miller and Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca say they're more concerned about
what's coming after.' . .

· "Mostpebple recognize that public employees are just the beginning," said Miller, of Monona, at ...
'aWisPolitics luncheon .onTuesday, "This is an assault on workers throughout the state."

The. next stepbeyohd austerity measures for public employee unions could be making
Wisconsin a right-to-wQrk.state --sornethingGOPlawrnakers actively talked about in .
December. . . . .

· ."They control the majority, they.control the governorship,.. some would argue that they control'
the Supreme Court," Miller acknowledged.. ' "

I : , .Of more lrnmedlateconcern, however, is next week's two-year state budget plan. Miller's
· «Assembly. counterpart, Minority Leader Peter Barca of Kenosha, told the luncheon that .
~'-' -c._. JlJI;l.J>day~udge.lacidte:;>$JrQm.Walkerwould. contain 'l[;le_de.ep.est.c~jp;.p.ublic06dUcation.this,.~.,.,~., .<
. '. state' has ever seen." .... . .~ .. ,.', .. ,.<" ....... : ~ • . • . ;<'.: :.: ..... ,~ .. <: '.' C··i, ,0 .... .' .: .

· "I know some ofthe key Republican leaders have warned their superintendents. They've told us' expect," Barca said. "For those of you that believe that education is a cornerstone of the
growth of our state and makes a difference, I'd be terrified if I were you.'"

·Miller said that local municipalities would likely share the same'fate through shared revenue
cuts in the: budget, and both lawmakers said those provisions would disproporfionatelyaffect
rural communities. .

. "They'll (end) up having to cutback on the fundamental services to their communities," Miller

· And both leaders said that kind of pain isn't even necessary'. Not only has the state not reached
the fiscal threshold to trigger a budget repair bill, but they. argued that next fiscal year's budget
deficit isn't nearly as bad as Republicans have made it out to be. .

"We faced- twice as bigofa deficit, and this. isn't whatwechose to do," Barca said'. "It's a matter .,: ..' , :.
otprlorities, it's a matter of what do you value:"

Barca said the Walker administration's projection of a $3.6 billion shortfall in the next biennium

Page 11 of 16 I

is made up partly of $1.6 billion in increased agency requests. In 'addition to not granting "hardly ,
any of that," Barca said he'd continue with cuts to most areas of state government and
furloughs of state employees.

,,"I think that's a preferable measure to what the governor~s proposing, and what the governor's
, proposing, again, is remaking 50 years of labor history,',' Barca said. '

Both leaders also cautioned Republicans as they move forward following the budget repair bill.
Miller remarked that feelings of having government intrude on individual rights sparked the Tea
Party movement in the last cycle. .
. . . .
"There!s'no government larger than that government that takes away rights of people," Barca
added. "I think that this is a powder keg for the Republican Party."

" Listen to the luncheon.. .' Barca Miller.mp3

-Upcoming Luncheons

, Two more monthly luncheons have been scheduled: March 1 Vos and
Darling and April 18 with Conq. Paul Ryan. ,
Call the Madison Club to register at (608)255-4861.

:ThesponsorsJor-this year's series are: American Family Insurance, Aurora Health.Care,

University Research Park, Wal-Mart, WHO Law; and Xcel Energy,

I . ','

lNhenBen Brancel was DATCP to-pius years ago, former Gov. Tommy Thompson kept him
, busy with new initiatives. ' ,,

Thi~ time '~round, Brancel, 60, has a new boss in Gov. Scott Walker. Burdened with a multi-
: 'billion~dollar state budget deficit, the former Assembly speaker says 'he'll be trimming rather '
than starting a n e w . ' '

,'The' b.udget challenges will cause take a deeper structure of the agency,'!'he
: , recentlytold WisBusiness:cbm."How many people do we have working in given areas? Is there'
a need for re-energizing in some areas, move people from one focus to another?"

Brancel said he doesn't plan to abandon any programs but promised to scrutinize DATCP
operations closely.

~'I'm'going to become more aggressive in that regard this time around," he said. "The deputy I
, had in the past was more exter.nally focused. So with the support of Deputy Jeff Lyon, we will
, have a chance to evaluate energy and effort in different areas of the agency."

'Asked to compare his two bosses, Brancel said Thompson "had a heart-felt feel for people of
different backgrounds and what the agency could initiate that would be of benefit to them."
Page 12 of 16

Walker, however, is "very focused on structurally correcting budgets and making sure that we
serve-the-public for the purpose we were created, that we align our fees to our responsibilities
and ·that we make. sure that what we are' engaged in provides the ser.vices that are most '.
necessary;" .

Brancel, a fifth-generation farmer, said that while much has changed in the past 10 years, he
can hit the ground running because he's familiar with DATCP's basic responsibilities and the
structure of the agency.
. "Coming in thesecond time helps you in that you understand whaHhe agency is all about," he
'sald. Those core duties include food safety, environmental stewardship, animal health'
oversight and consumer protection, he noted.

.. "Consumer protection is not a sidelight," he said. If consumers believe they have been wronged
by a business, he said his agency wil! continue to conduct "honest, open and aggressive
'evaluations of the circumstances. We take that as a serious responsibility."

See more next week at

. ....


.. Monday: Milwaukee.Mayor Tom.Barrett deJi\lers~bis annual state..ofiheCity.address,

-- 8 a.m.: Milwaukee Job Corps Center, 6665 N. 60th St., Milwaukee
I . '. .' Tuesday: Gov. Scott Walker delivers his 2011-2013 state budget address to a joint Convention
. of the Legislature outside the Capitol. .
__ ~""_."', -1':3.Qcp.m,:,Wa"Plus,~Madis.on.PjstI:ibutiot:LC.~ter"
3.o.j,!1P.rogres.sJ~oad;.MadisolJ_.",..... ~ .,.
. . -
<' _ " =<! .•• _
:. . .

Wednesday: The Assembly Committee on Rural Economic Development and Rural Affairs will
· vote on a proposal to authorize new enterprise zones in rural areas.
-- 9 a.m.: 225 Northwest, State Capitol . .

.. Wednesday: The Natural Resources Board will meet via teleconference; in part to approve a
.Stewardship grant to Friends of the Fox. .,
-- 10 a.m.: GEF 2, Room G09, 101 S: Webster St., Madison

· W~dne5day:The state Assembly has scheduled a floor session: '

--11 a.m.: Assembly Chamber.Btate Capitol

** Audio

- Sen ..Scott Fitzgerald interview r-

· - Gov. Scott Walker press conference

- Protesters chanting outside Gov. Scott Walker's press conference
- O&A with Gov. Scott Walker .
Page 13 of 16

Rep. Robin Vos on budget repair bill
Rep. Robin Vos Q&A part 1
Rep. Robin Vos Q&A part 2
Gov. Scott Walker press conference on budget repair bill
Union leaders press conference on Gov. Scott Walker's·budget repair bill,
.Listen to these and other audio clips at the WlsPolitics Audio Archive:

(Check local listinqs for times in your area)

. ~'UpFront with Mike Gousha" is a statewide commercial TV news magazine show airing
.Sundays around the state. This week's show features interviews with·/awmakers on both sides
ofthe aisle about the controversial budget repair bill and the protests it's·spawned, as well as
ABC News Political Director AMY WALKER on the national appeal of the rallies.
*Seeviewing times in state markets here:*Also view the show
online each Monday at .

··Wisconsin.RublicJVs "Here.and.Now" airsat1 p.m, Fridays. Guests include WEAC President

MARY BELL on the impact of the budget repair bill on Wisconsin's teachers, and Administration
Secretary MIKE HUEBSCH on the forecast for the upcoming state budget,

"Sunday Insight With Charlie Sykes" airs at 10 a.m. Sunday on WTMJ-4 in Milwaukee.

I "For the Record" airs Sunday at 10 a.m. on WISC-TV in Madison: .•......

;,' _.< . ,~"', ,~, -.., ..,. , ,.~ ,." -!' .-~ ~


Send items to

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has reinstated the law license of CHARLES GLYNN, who made
.. headlines in 1989 and 1990 for his role in a Wisconsin statehouse lobbying scandal: He was
accused of taking money from a lobbyist for personal use while serving as a legislative aide to
. then-Milwauke.e Democratic Sen. BARBARA ULlCJ-INY. Glynn losthis law license in 1999 after
...the Court found he bilked thousands of dollars out of three clients whose.estates he oversaw. In
its reinstatement decision, the Court noted he has remained sober-for 10 years after seeking
help for alcoholism and pointed to his positive work since his suspension with the Milwaukee
Child Welfare Bureau, St. Charles Youth and Family Services; the Wisconsin Athletic Club and
in establishing the Focus Program in Dane County for youthful offenders. Read the decision:

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation has hired KJ.\REN GEFVERT as director of
. governmentrelations. Gefvert most recently worked in the quality assurance
Daybreak Foods Inc. of Lake Mills. Read the announcement: . .

Dr. ANTHONY M. SCIASCI was elected president ofthe Wisconsin Dental Association
Page 14 of16

Foundation at the group's 53rd annual meeting. See details: http://wispolitics.comlindex.iml?


.. UW~Steven's Point is. honoring former Defense Secretary and Wisconsin U:S. Rep. MELVIN
· ..LAIRD with an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. See.detalls.. .

ANDREW KEOGH, retired campus executive officer and dean for'UW-MarshfieldlWood County,
has been named interim campus executive officer and dean at the UW-FoxValley. He replaces
JAMES PERRY, who retired last week.

Sen. JON ERPENBACH,D-Middleton, conservative blogger and journalist DAVID BLil.SKA, .

. UWcMadison political science professor DAVID CANON,UW-Madison history professor JOHN
SHARPLESS,Wisconsin State Journal editorial page editor SCOTT MILFRED and Common
· Cause. in Wisconsin executive director JAY HECK ate slated to discuss-election reform at 6:30
· p.m. Monday at theUW-Memorial Union inMadison.UW-Madison political science professor
Barry Burdenwill moderate. See details:

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce hosts its annual Business Day in Madison Wednesday.
•FOX News' STUARTVARNEY will deliver the keynote address. Members will hear from U.S.
Rep. PAUL'Gov.SCO:rr-WALKER. See details; http;lIwww.,wmc,Qrg/display.cfm?
10=1027 "
, . , :"

MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER and tED NORDHAUS of the Breaktnronqh.lnsntute are

presenting a free public lecture on "post-partisan power," a plan that calls for $25 billion in
'. federal funding to boost energy advance while calling on the Left to stop pushing for carbon
I .caps and the Rightto'support federal investment. The event is scheduled for 7 p.rn, Thursday at.
theFlunoCenter, 601 UniversityAve., Madison. .See details:
........."p';:.352,1 '"~''' -..," -..- ,""c' , ~-:':.:. c ": ,.<.: ".,c', '"',•..., ..••,.:...;" _ . ":""~'''' •.~ '~""'''''~ ~" ••.•~~, ~ • ~_"..rss " _ 4 .

Scheduled presenters at the AAAC quarterly legislative breakfast include Sen. LENA TAYLOR,
Milwaukee County supv. JOHNNY THOMAS and Milwaukee Ald. ASHANTI HAMILTON. See
: details: .

'.' F.ormore Names in the News, see subscriber products from earlier in the week plus the
· WisPolitics~com press release page:

For upcoming events, see the "WeekAhead" lnthis productand..lnvour.e-mall Monday

'. morning. Click here for tile online calendar:

If you have a contribution, e-mail

(from the state GcivernmentAccountability Board)

Authorization tolobby
Organization employing lobbyist Lobbyist nanie Granted '. Withdrawn
Columbia-St. Marys Inc Hoven, Timothy 1/19/2011 2/11/2011

Page 15 ofl6 I

~:~~=;::~~~:;M'U ~~~~yRrunio¥'G~:::
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Engel, Andrew 2/17/2011
Osborne,Patrick 2/17/2011
. I,
Wisconsin Society of Radiologic , ' Blumenfeld, 2/17/2011 "
Technologists Michael
Wisconsin State Council ofCarpenters Reihl, Mark 2/17/2011 '
American Federation for Children Fonfara, Thomas 2/1612011
American Federation for Children Seitz, Robert 2/16/2011
Boldt Construction Stenger, Scott 2/16/2011
CenturyLink (formerly CenturyTel Service Boyer, Amy 2/16/2011
CenturyLink (formerly CenturyTel Service Engel, Andrew, 2/16/2011
GroupLLC) (formerly CenturyTel Service, .Fassbender, 2/16/2011
(JroupLLC) RobertI
Americash Loans of WI, LLC Partenfelder- 2/15/2011
Moede, Peggy
. Miron Construction Greer, Jim 2/15/2011 .
Miron Construction Morby, Joshua ·.2115/201 i
, Time Warner Cable Flynn, Celeste . 2/15/2011
Wisconsin Bio Industry Alliance Morby, Joshua. 2/15/2011
Wisconsin Bio Industry Alliance Welch, Robert 2/15/2011
.Wisconsin Community-Papers .Kilgore, Kathleen2/15/2011
Wisconsin Community Papers . Swandby, JanetR2!15/2011
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association Inc Schmidt,Ruth 2/15/2011
ARAMARK Correctional Services, LLC Holman, Mark. 2/14/2011
Community Health.PartnershipInc Blumenfeld, ,2/14/2011
I Michael
Southeast Dental Associates Schreiber,Martin 2114/2011 ,-; .'.' '"
.. ' Spaulding CliclcitlRescarch.Ll.C . Julius, Buddy . 2/14/2011
American Resort Development Association Carey, Ray 2111/2011
American Resort Development Association Childress, Jason 2/11/2011
American Resort Development Association Walby, Kathleen 2/11/201i
Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Kussow, Michelle2l11/2011
Energy, Inc, . .
.Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Scholz, Brandon 2/11/2011
Energy, Inc. .
. Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers ' Hubbard, Gregory2/11/2011
Association Inc .
Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers Tyre, Scott . . 2/11/2011
Association Inc ,
'. Wisconsin Automobile & TruckDealers Wilson, AJ. 2/11/2011
Association Inc
Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers Zelenkova, Ramie2/11/2011
Association Inc
Wisconsin Library Association Strand,Lisa' 2/11/2011
Wisconsin Public Health Association Hoven, Timothy 2/11/2011
Wisconsin Public Health Association Natzke, Ryan 2/1112011
Wisconsin Public Health Association . Welsh, Michael 2/1112011
Connections Academy Inc Fonfara, Thomas 2/10/2911
. Page 16 of16

General Motors LLC (formerly General Fonfara, Thomas 2/10/2011

Motors Company)
General Motors LLC (formerly General Seitz, Robert' 2/10/2011
Motors Company)'
. , Adoption Resources of Wisconsin , Blumenfeld, ' 2/9/2011
American Traffic Solutions Foti, Steven . 2/9/2011
American Traffic Solutions Tyre, Scott . 2/9/2011
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) . Langenohl, Tony 2/9/2011
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHlP) McCoshen, 2/912011
AT&T Wisconsin Disch, Kent ,.2/9/2011
ATC Management Inc. 'Langenohl" Tony 2/9/2011
ATC Management Inc. McCoshen, 2/912011
William J ,
Children's Hospital. & Health System Graul, Mark' 2/9/2011
Children's Hospital & Health System Ruesch, Kristin 2/9/2011
General Motors LLC (formerly General O'Connell, Brian 2/9/2011 .
Motors Company)
WEA Insurance Corporation Rogowski, .2/9/2011
Wisconsin Health Fr.eedom Coalition Essie, Patrick 2/9/2011 .

©2011' " , . . .' ',. . '.'

All rights reserved. Reproduction or i'eiransmissi~nof this pUblication, in whoie or in
peri; without the express permission of is prohibited. Unauthorized
. reproduction violates United States COPYright law (17 USC 101 et seq.), as does,
I retransmission by facsimile or any other electronic means, including electronic mail.

t l3lASTnewstetters

, .' .

. , .
Page 1 of3.

Schrimpf, chrls - GOV

From: Google Alerts [google,!]

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 7:24 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
SUbject: GoogleAlert- "scott walker"

. News 20 new results for "scott walker"

Gov.-electScott Walker renews calls for union concessions

Oshkosh Northwestern. .
elect Sc;ottWalker:is renewing 'hls call for state unions to pay more for their health care and
pensions,saying itwould help the state deal with a budget shortfall. Walker said Tuesday that
approving the union contracts before he takes office would •..
See all stories on this topic )}

Christie supports Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's 'strong action' to

. balance budget
The Star-Ledqer _.

Scott Walker holds a press conference as thousands rally inside and outside of the
. state capitol in Madison, Wis.,.on Wednesday. TRENTON.- Gov. Chris Christie,
.who gained national attention for feuding with the teacher's union last year, •.•
The Star-Ledger-

See all stories on this topic )}

Pennsylvania labor leaders worry Wisconsin's tactics could spread

Patrtot-News ,
Scott Walker. has led to all of the above. Ap·Photo/Andy ManisProtestorsto
. Wisconsin Gov.:ScottWalker's bill to eliminate collective bargaining rights for many
state workers pack the rotunda at the State Capitol in Madison, Wis....
See all stories on this topic )}

Taking it to the streets


Green Bay Press Gazette

Scott Walker's budget repair bill. But classes continued more or less as normal, drawing praise
from administrators. Massive demonstrations at the state Capitol started growing Tuesday as the
Legislature began to work on the bill. .•.
See all stories on this topic )}

Tea Party activists explore recalling senators

WQOW·TV News 18
Scott Walker's budget bill are exploring the possibility of recalling at-least 2 of the absent
.Iawmakers. Northwoods Patriots leader Kim Simac, of Eagle River, says the Tea Party group will
meet Sunday to discuss recalling Sen. ... ..
See all stories on this topic )}

Local protestors agree to disagree

La Crosse Tribune
Scott Walker's bill to end collective bargaining for most public employees make their way through
downtown La Crosse Friday evening. (Rory O'Driscoli/La Crosse Tribune) More than 100 people
came out Friday to Cameron Park to protest Gov. :..
See all stories on this topic )}

Disturbing Left-Wing Rhetoric on Display at Wisconsin Union Protests

Fox News
Page 20f3

Protests are growing after Governor Scott Walker stepped up and made-a very clear to unions
, that they've had eaten their last free lunch in his state, Now the controversy began when Governor
Walker unveiled his budget which would eliminate cqllective •..
See all stories on this tODic »

Letters: Don't overlook BadgerCare changes in Walker's' bill'

Appleton Post Crescent
Scott Walker proposes in his bill to give one agency the power to control BadgerCare, including
the right to cut eligibility, increase premiums and cut back on benefits. This could potentialiy be
devastating for BadgerCare, including the family.... '
, See all stories on this tORic » ,

, The Ghost of FOR Is Smiling on Wisconsin's Governor

RealClearPolitics '
Except thatScott Walker -- Republican cheapskate, his visage Hitlerizetl on signs waved by beet-
faced union crowds besieging the Capitol -- is kind of a liberal squish compared to FOR. He's OK
with some collective bargaining....
See all stories on this tOtJic »

Sheboygan native handling media crush

Sheboygan Press', " , " ,
Scott Walker's press secretary, Still, even as thousands of Wisconsin residents have gathered at
'the'doorsteps to his office at the' state Capitol voicing their displeasure over Walker's budget repair
, ,bill, Werwie, a Sheboygan native, is exactiy where ...
See all stories on this topic»

.Robert Israel: Vita Plus should not be hosting Walker's budget address Tuesday , ' '
Scott Walker's budqetaddress next Tuesday. This runs counter to the spirit, if not the letter, of our
state constitution and 'will embroil the company in a divisive and contentious situation not of its own,
making, and in such-a way -thatwill'sully its... '
See all stories on'tDis tORic »
UVY-Madison Split C,"'"" '~c':" •
. .:'~ ;"~'~' .. ,
MADISON - Governor Scott Walker's two-year budget proposal has not even come out yet, but
some are already voicing concerns about a plan concerning the state's universities: Specifically,
one that could spin off the University of Wisconsin-Madison, ... '
See all stories on this topic»

UWMC students organize rally, seek balance

Wausau Daily Herald ' , , . ,', , ' , ,' ' :, .
Scott Walker's budget repair bill. Organizers are cailing the eventa "Rally in support of
Education," and they intend to present both sides' of Walker's proposal ina way that's respectful to
allpoints of view. "We saw the protests that were being ... '"
See, all stories on this topic» ," "

Marianne 'Kalashian: Walker making difficult but necessary choices,

Dear Editor: I have been follOWing Scott Walker;s career since he became Milwaukee County
executive. I have seen no evidence of decisions made for political gain. On the contrary, he has
made difficult but necessary choices for the county, ...
"See all stories on this t o p i c } ) ' ' ,
'. ,

Timothy O'Grady: Walker unequipped to be governor of any state

Madlson.corn ,
Scott Walker bought his current position with bluff and some vague words about running the state
Page 3 of3

'''like a business," There was a huge financial investment in his campaign, which, if it was indeed
made in the service of "business," was also expected to '"
See all stories on this topic»

Our View: In s.tatewide labor protests, a civics less'on

Wausau Daily Heraid
ScottWalker;s budget-repair proposals, it has been impressive this week to see the massive
number of. people who cared enough to get involved in the system, Protest certainiy is not the oniy
way to participate in democracy, butltls a powerful and an ..:
See all stories on this topic»

Assembly GOP rushes vote. then rescinds it: Mason 'outraged'

RacinePost .
Soott Walker's:"budget repair" bill. Democrats weren't even present when' action began; but when
they arrived they loudly objected, That's not why Fitzgerald adjourned the session within 30
minutes, Rather, he told WisPolitics, he sent everyone home ...
See all stories on this topic» .

Wisconsin Rapids-area schools stay open amid protests

Wisconsin Rapids Tribune . '
scott Walker that will, among other things, limit bargaining rights for unions that represent public
.employees, Public safety workers are exempt from the recent proposal. So while public school
districts in Madison, Merrill and elsewhere Were closed ...
See all stories on this topic»

Coming Sunday
Green Bay Press G a z e t t e . . ' .
Scott Walker's budget repair bill has more than 20 parts to if, but a significant portion of it changes
collective bargaining laws in Wisconsin, Under the bill' circulating Madison.. the majority' of these
powers would be removed for aimost all of the ... '
See all stories on this topic»

I Tea Party Bus Headed for Madison Saturday Morning

WHBL Sheboygan' . , "
" The Sheboyqan Liberty Coalition organized a support tally for Governor Scott Walker's repair bill.'
The bus left the Park and Ride this morning, swings through Fond Du Lac to pick up more
supporters, and then it's off to Madison, ...
See all stories on this topic»

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Schrimpf,Chris • GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Saturd~, Februa[l' 19, 201112:03 PM, ' ,
To: 4J!I~R2
Ryan M- GOV
.... Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray,
' ,
, Subject: Revised statement

Revised draft statement. Edited to 'keep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs.

Senator Erpenbach and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobso
These are many of the same Senators who t two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar
tax hike in 24 hours with no pUblic, input. The quickest way to resolve the current
. situation is for the Democratic Senators.tq stop shirking their responsibilities and
debate the bill in Madison. We continue to calIon them to come .and do their jobs.

.> :

. Schrimpf, Chris· GOV
From: .. Schutt, Eric - GOV. . - __ .'.
Sent: Saturday, February 19, ;, PM
To: . Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; .. , Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV;
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
SUbject: Re: Revised statement

I would add to "return to Madi~on in last sentence. Also, add Senator Miller's name in
there somewhere

Original Message
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent~ry 19, 2011 12:02 PM
To: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gilkes,. Keith - GOVi Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOVi
Murray, Ryan'M - GOV
.Subj ect: Revised statement

Revised draft statement. Edited to ~eep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs.

Senator Erpenbach and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobs.
The$e are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar
tax hike in 24 hours with no public input. The quickest way to resolve the current
situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and
debate the bill in Madison. We continue to call on them to come and do their jobs.

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV i
From: . Schrimpf, Chris..- GOV ...
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 201112:06 PM
Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J " GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Re: Revised statement '. .

Keith and e~ic will sBnd as soon as you guys approve. Quote can be from cullen or me

Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Saturday, February 19, ·2011 12:02 PM
Murray, Ryan
J- ~
Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric ~ GOV;

SUbject:.Revi~ed statement

Revised draft. statement. Edited to keep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs.

Senator Erpenbach and .his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobs ..
These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar
tax hike in 24 hours with no public input. The quickest way to resolve the.current .
situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and·
debate the bill in Madison. We:continue to calIon them to come and do their jobs.

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV·

From: .Schrirnpf, Chris.e GOV ....

Sent: Saturday, February 19,·201112:09 PM
To:... Schutt, Eric - GOV; ,.Gilkes, Keith.- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Murray,
Ryan M-GOV
Subject: Re: Revised statement

Keith are you good? We'll put senator erpenbach, senator miller and their fellow
democrats ... And add madison to the end·

----- Original Message -----

From: Schutt, Eric -. GOV
Sent: Sa~urday, F;bruary 1 9 , ~
To: Schr~mpf,. Chr t s -". GOV; ~ Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie,· Cullen J -
GOV; Murray,· Ryan M - GOV
Subject: Re: Revised statement

I would add to return to Madison in last sentence. Also, add Senator Millerls name in
there somewhere

Original Message
From: Schrimpf,· Chris - GOV
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:02 PM
To: , . • ; Gilkes, Keith·~ GOVi Werwie, Cullen J - GOVi Schut~, Eric - GOVi
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Subject: Revised statement

Revised draft sta~ement.Edited to keep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs.

Senator "Erpenbach" and his fellow Democrats should come back-to Wisconsin to ~o their jobs.
These are many of the same S~nators who, two years ago, rammed thro~gh a billion dollar
tax hike in 24 hours with no·public input. The quickest way to re~olve the current
I situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and
debate the bill in Madison. We continue to calIon them to come and do their jobs.

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
From: Gilkes, Keith - GOV' ..
Sent: Saturday, February 19,.201112:10 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WelWie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
.Subject: Re: Revised statement . .

Good with Eric's edits. Hav.e .. it come from Cullen.

----- Original Message -----

From: Scprimpf, Chris - GOV
To: Gilkes, KeLt.h - GOV; 'Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV;Murray, Ry"n M - GOV
Sent: Sat Feb 19 12:06:13 2011
Subject: Re: Revised statement

Keith and "eric will. send a'S" 'So'on' as' you guys approve. Quote can be from cullen or me

Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:02 PM
To: ~~. .~~ . 'Gilkes, Keith ~ GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - ~~V; Sch~tt, Eric - GOV;
Murray, Ryan M - Go.V
Subject: Revised'statement

J;{evised draft statement. Edited to keep the focus on the Senate Demsleaving their jobs.

Senator Erpenbach and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobs.
These are many. of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar
tax hike in 24 'hours with no public input. The quickest way to resolve the current
situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and
debate the bill .in Madison. We continue on them to come and ·do their jobs.

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV·
From: Werwie,. Cullen J - GOY-.
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011·12:14PM
. To: Schrimpf, chna- GOV·
Subject: .final statement ill send out with you OK

-Senator ~rpenb.ach" .senanor Miller:, and his ..fellow,Democrats ..should come back to Wisconsin
to do their jobs. These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a
billion dollar tax hike in 24 hours with no.public input. The quickest way to resolve the
current situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities
and debate the bill in Madison: We continue to calion them to come to Madison and do
their jobs.

-----Ortgina1 Message-----
From: Gilkes,-<Keith·- GOV
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:10 PM.
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen·J - GOV;. Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M -
Subj e"ct:" Re: Revised
Good with Eric's edits. Have it come from Cullen.

----- Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
To: Gilkes, Keith·- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Sat Feb 19 1"2: 06 :"13·2011
. Subject: Re: Revised statement

"Keith and eric will send as .soon as you guys approve. Quote can. be frqm cullen or me

Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
I Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:02 PM
To:. 77111 Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV;
Murray, Ryaii""'rn - ~ .
SUbject: Revised statement

Revised draft 'statement. Edited to keep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs.
Senator Erpenbach and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobs.
These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dolla~
tax hike in 24 hours with no pUblic input. The quickest way tb resolve the current
situation is for the Democratic Senators to 'stop shirking their responsibilities and
deba~e the bill in Madison.· We continue to call,on them to come and do their jobs.

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
_From: , ,.Schrimpf, Chris ",GOV_ " " _ ' - < _ _" _

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 201112:15 PM

To: WelWie, Cullen J GOV '

Bubject; Re: final statement ill send out with you OK


Original Message -----

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:13 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: final' statement ill send out with you OK

Senator Erperrbach, ·.g-enator MilleT,' and his fellow ··Democrats should come back to Wisconsin.
to do their jobs. "These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a
billion dollar tax hike in 24 hours with' no public input. The quickest way to resolve the
current situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities
and debate the bill in Madison. We continue to calIon them to come to Madison and do
their jobs.

-----Original Message--~-­
From: Gilkes, Keith - GOV
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:10 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Er,ic - GOV; Murray, Ryan M -
Subject: Re: Revised statement

Good with Eric's edits. Have it come from Cullen.

----- Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
To: Gilkes, Keith ~ GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric -, GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
I Sent: Sat Feb 19 12': 06: 13 2011
-Subj ect: Re: Revised statement __._,_ .-_ ••. .'_'_'" __ • -.0 .... • _ ~ _

Keith and eric will send as soon as you guys approve. Quote can be from cullen or me

GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV;

Revised draft statement. Edited to keep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs.

Senator Erpenbach and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobs.
These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar
tax hike in 24 hours with no public input. The quickest way to resolve the current
situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and
debate the bill in Madison. We continue to call on them 'to come and do their jobs.

Page 1 of1 .

.. -
Chris - _.GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Saturday, February 19,201112:18 PM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Senate-Qems should come-to-Madison

February 19, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact; Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Madison-Today Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following statement:

Senator Erpenbach, Senator Miller, and hisfellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to da their
jobs. These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar tax
hike in 24 hours with no public input. The qulckest way to resolve .the current situation is for the
Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and debate the bill in Madison. We continue
to call on them to come to Madison and do their jobs.

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Saturday,·February 19, 20111:13 PM
To; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: .Re: final statement iii send out with you OK

Shoot we had bis isntead of their

Original Message -----

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Sent: Saturday" February 19, 2011 12:13 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: final statement ill send out with you OK

Senator Erperrbach,' -Senator '-MilJ:er, "and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wiscopsin'
to do ,their jobs. These are many of the same Senators who, two years .ago, rammed through a
billion dollar tax hike in 24 hours with no public input. The quickest way to resolve the
current· situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities
and debate the bill in Madison. We continue to calIon them to Madison and do .
their jobs.

-----Original Message---~­
From: Gilkes, Keith -·GOV
Sent:. Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:10 PM
To: Schrimpf,Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray,· Ryan M -
SUbject: Re: Revised statement

Good with E~ic's edits. Have "it come from Cullen.

----- Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
To:· Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Sat Feb 19 12:06:13 2011
Subject: Re: Revised statement

Keith and eric will send as soon as you guys approve. Quote can 'b~ fro~ cullen or me

Original Message -----

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Saturday! Febr1,lary 19, 2011 12: 02 PM
To: 2.. I Gilkes, Keit.h - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV;
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Subject: Revised statement

Revised draft statement. Edited to keep the focus on the Senate Dems leaving their jobs ..

Senator Erpenbach and his fellow Democrats should come back to Wisconsin to do their jobs.
These are many of the same Senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar'
·tax hike in 24 hours with no public input. The quickest way to "resolve the current
situation is for the Democratic Senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and
debate the bill in Madison. We continue to call on them to come and do their jobs.

Page 1 00

Schrimpf, Chrle - GOV

From: Chris Schrimpf

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 20112:20 PM"
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject:· New YorkTunes Profile

For Wisconsin Governor, Battle Over State Finances Was Long in the Making

MADISON, Wis. - Just last fall, people here were waving campaign signs. But the blocks around the
State Capitol-have-been filled forthepastweekwith'protestersbrandishing signs with a different
message - demanding a recall of Gov. Scott Walker, calling him a bully and likening him to Scrooge,
. Hosni Mubaralc, even Hitler.

Seemingly overnight, Mr. Walker, a Republican, has become a national figure, the man who set off a.
storm ofprotest, now spreading to other states, with his blunt, unvarnished call for shrinking collective
bargaining rights and benefits for public workers to help the state repair its budget.

Wisconsin may seem to the rest ofthe country like,an unlikely catalyst,. but to people whohave watched
the governor's political rise through the years, the events of the week fee1like a Scott Walker rerun,
though on a much larger screen and with a much' bigger audience. .

Critics and supporters alike say Mr. Walker has never strayed from his approach to his political career:
always pressing for austerity, and never blinking or.apologizing for his lightning-rod proposals.

He regularly .clashed with the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors over the past decade when he
"' _" ''s.elected executive. He pushed to privatize cleaning and food service workers and
soughtchanges to pension and health contributions and workers' hours. At one point, he proposed that
the county government might want to consider, in essence, abolishing itself. It was redundant, he

"All I can think is; here we go again," said Scott Larson, one of 14 Democratic state senators who fled
Wisconsin-last week to block a vote on Mr. Walker's call to cut benefits. Mr. Larson knows the
governor well, having served on Milwankee County's board when Mr. Walker was the executive. He
says that Mr. Walker is,a nice guy on a personal level, "a good listener," but tbathis politics are another

"Unions havealways been his pinata, over and over," Mr. Larson said. "And this time I think he's trying
to out-right-wing the right wing on his way to the next lily pad."

Mr. Walker's supporters cheer the governor for what they see as delivering on the campaign pledge 'of
frugality that got him elected in November and forced-a-surprising makeover, at all levels..of government
in the state, from Democrats to Republicans. .

."This doesn't faze me one bit," Mr. Walker said Friday as thousands of protesters from around the
country marched and screamed and filled every unguarded cranny ofthe Capitol, just as they had all
Page z of S

He said he had seen plenty oflabor protesters before. Crowds them in green T-shirts once even
showed UQ WEen. he p~esent~.c1.l! .Mihv.~t1!k~e. County !?udg~t proposal ~ 9.~e. ofnine jJrojJQ~als in. a r9V{,.. ',._
he boasts now,
. that includedno tax increase over . the rate the board had settled on the year before.

"I'm not going to. be intimidated," Mi. Walker said, "particularly by peoplefrom other places."

Mi. Walker, 43, is the son of a Baptistpreacher and a former Eagle Scout. He opposes abortion. He rides
a motorcycle. For years, he has carried the same bagged lunch to work (two ham and cheese sandwiches'
on wheat)- a fact he has been fond of mentioning on campaigntrails. His politicalheroes: Tommy
Thompson,this state's former governor, and Ronald Reagan.

"He didn't flincb.t'Mr. Walker said of Reagan. "Obviously, I take a lot of inspiration from that."

Mi. Walker once lost a bid for class president at MarquetteUniversity (whichhe attended but did not
receive a degree from), but won a seat in the State Assembly several years later.

By 2002, when a pension scandal engulfed the Milwaukee County govermnent, the county executive
, stepped down and Mr. Walker ran on a reform platform to replace him. He was never an obvious fit for
a county that leansDemocratic and that, in the view of Mi. Walker, was "addicted to other people's
money." ,

Mr. Walker describes himself as a fiscal conservative with a populist approach. It is a label that many in
the enormous and angry crowds here would question, but it has won Mi. Walker backing in recent years
., from Tea Party supporters, who planned counterprotests this weekend in Mi. Walker's defense.

Barack Obama won Wisconsinin 2008, but last November, Republicans swept into power in the state,
I shocking many who pointed to its long tradition of union power. .

Republicans took control of the State Assembly, the State Senate and a United States Senate seat held by
a longtime incuritbent;"Russ Feingold;inaddition·to the governor's office.Former Gov. James E. Doyle,
a Democrat, did not seek re-election, and Mi. Walker- who promisedto bring 250,000 newjobs to
Wisconsin in his first four-yearterm - defeatedTom Barrett,the mayor of Milwaukee and a Democrat,
52 percent to 46 percent.

,"This'is the one part of the equation people are missing right now," said Scott Fitzgerald, who became
the Republican majority leader in the State Senate after the election and whose brother became the
speaker ofthe Assembly. "Scott Walker and I and my brother Jeffwent into this sessionwith the
understandingthat we had to deliver on campaignpromises;that people wantedthe Republicans to
make change, that the more.feathers you ruffle,this time, the better you'll be." -

Within days 'of'becoming governor, Mr. Walker- who hung a sign on. the doorkllob of his office that
reads "Wisconsin is openfor business"- began stirring things up, and drawingheadlines.

He rejected $81 O.million in federal money that the state was getting to build a train line between
Madison and Milwaukee, saying the project would ultimatelycost the state too much to operate.He
. decided to turn the state's Department of Commerce into a "public-private hybrid," in whichhundreds
of workers would need to reapply for theirjobs, '

He and state lawmakerspassed $117 million in tax breaks for businessesand others, a move that many
of his.critics point to now as a sign that Mi. Walker made the state's budget gap worse, then claimed an
Page 3 on

emergency that requires sacrifices from unions. Technically, the tax cuts do not go into effect inthis,
year's budget (whichMr. Walker says includesa $137 million shortfall), but ill the comingtwo-year
budget, during which the gap is estimated at $3.6 billion.

, Democrats here say Mr. Walker's style has led toa sea changein Wlsconsin's political tradition.

"Every other Republicangovernor has had moderates in their caucus and histories of workingwith
Democrats," said GraemeZielinski, a spokesmanfor the state's Democratic Party. "But he is a hard-
right partisan who does not negotiate, does not compromise. He is totally modeled.after a slash-and-:
bum, scorched-earth approach that has never existed here before."

, The protests last week have put people in surprisingcircumstances, Mr. Fitzgerald and-other legislators
have neededpolice escortsto leave their offices. Protestershave swarmed to Mr. Walker's home,
apparently to the deep dismay of his wife, Tonette,

But Mr. Walker was already preparing the groundfor his showdownlast fall. While still waiting to, take
office, he urged lawmakers, many of whom he already kriewfrom his years in the Assembly, not to
approve new contractsfor state workers during their lame-ducksession. Once he came into office,he
would need "maximumflexibility," he said at the time, to handle the state's coming budget. '

IIi. the end, after emotionalfights in both legislativechambers (one lawmaker was deposed by his
, colleagues fronrhis leadership role), Mr. Walker got his wish, And thatgave him his chance to push his
own plan, Last. week;-he announced, that he wanted to require stl;\te workers to pay more for pensions and,
'health care; to remove most collective bargainingrights, aside from wages, from discussion; and to
require unions to holdannnal-membershipvotes.

I ,As the battle here'grew into a standoff, with the protesters' numbers swelling every day and the
legislation tied up and waiting to be voted on, Mr. Walker said he was feeling perfectly fme.

,"c.>,~. ,"T6 the7iinlier of lll13Ctitics,'wliiY'iraYhe tlfrlVes'onp!i1JliCiry; l1&hi\sbeenontemV'I~idh. -illId'raQio'call:m'~:'-~· ',':-"


shows and has,taken phone calls of support from some of his Republican friends. He said he was
, speaking with Gov. ChrisChristie of New Jersey on Thursdaynight while exchanginge-mailmessages
with Gov. Mitch Daniels ofIndiana, whom he describes as a "great inspiration and mentor," and Jeb
Bush, the former governor of Florida.

"Months from now, when this is enacted and people realize it's not the end of the world," Mr. Walker
said, "not all, but I think the vast majority, includingthe vast majority of the public employees,will
" realize this was not nearly as bad as they thought it was going to be. And we'll get back to work in the
Capitol." ,
Page 1 of3

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 20112:21 PM
To: '. 7 Gilkes, Keith- GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV; Werwle,
Cullen J:"'(lQv; Matejov, Scott - GOV , ' , ,
SUbject: Fw: New York Times Profile

From: Chris Schrimpf [maHto: ]

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 02:19 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: New York Times Profile

For Wisconsin Governor; Battle Over State Finances WasLong in the Making

MADISON, Wis. - Just last fall, people here were waving campaign signs. But the blocks around the
, State Capitol have been filled for the past week with protesters brandishing signs with a different
message -'demanding a recall of Gov. SCottWalker, calling him a bully and likening him to Scrooge,
Hosni Mubarak, even Hitler. ' ,

Seemingly-overnight, Mr. Walker, a Republican, has become a national figure, the man who set off a
storm of protest, now spreading to other states, with his blunt, unvarnished call for shrinking collective
bargaining rights and benefits for public workersto help the state repair its budget

Wisconsin may seem to the rest of the country like an unlikely catalyst, but to people who have watched
" c',·· the-govefnor's political dsethi:oughthe years,iheevents'of the week.feellike a ScottWalkerrerun, ", ,:".;,
though on a much larger screen and with a much bigger audience.

, Critics and supporters alike say Mr. Walker has never strayed from his approach to his political career:
always pressing for.austerity, and never blinking or apologizing for his lightoing-rod proposals.

, He regularly clashed with the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors over the past decade when he
. was that county's elected executive. He pushed to privatize cleaning and food service workers and
sought changes to pension and health contributions and workers' hours. At one point, he proposed that
.the 'county government might consider, in essence, abolishing itself. It was redundant, he

"All I can think is, here we go again," said Scott Larson, one of 14 Democratic state senators who fled
'Wisconsin last week to block it vote on Mr. Walker's call tocut benefits, Mr. Larson knows the
governor well, having served on Milwaukee County's board when Mr, Walker was the executive. He
says thatMr, Walker is a nice guy on a personal level, "a good listener," but that his politics are another

"Unions,have always been his pinata, over and over," 'Mr. Larson said. "And this time I think he's trying
to' out-right-wing the right wing on his way to the next lily pad."
Page 2 of3

Mr. Walker's supporters cheer the governor for what they see as delivering on the campaign pledge of
frugality that got him elected in November and forced a surprising makeover, at all levels of government
in the state, from Democrats to Republicans. . ' .

"This.doesn't faze me one bit," Mr. Walker said Friday as thousands of protesters from around the
.country marched and screamed and filled every unguarded cranny of the Capitol, just as they had all

He said he had seen plenty of labor protesters before. Crowds of them in green T-shirts once even
showed up when he presented a Milwaukee County budget proposal- one of nine proposals in a row,
he boasts now, that included no tax increase over the rate the board had settled on the year before.

"I'm not going to be intimidated," Mr. Walker said, "particularly by people from other places."

Mr. Walker, 43, is the son of a Baptist preacher and a former Eagle Scout. He opposes abortion. He rides
a motorcycle. For years, he has carried the same bagged lunch to work (two ham and cheese sandwiches
on wheat) - a fact he has been fond of mentioning on campaign trails. His political heroes: Tommy
Thompson, this state's former governor, and Ronald Reagan.

"He didn't flinch," Mr. Walker said of Reagan. "Obviously, I take a lot of inspiration from that."

.Mr. Walker once lost a'bidfor class president atMarquette University (which he attended but did not
receive a degree from), but won a seat in JPe StateAssembly several years later.

, By 2002, when a pension scandal engulfed the Milwaukee County government, the county executive
stepped down and Mr. Walker ran on a reform platform to replace him. He was never an obvious fit for
a county that leans Democratic and that, in the view of Mr. Walker, was "addicted to other people's
money." . .·
·>'C-"·~"':Mr.-W1ilki£desCfi1Jes liiinselfiiii"ii'nscaf couSerViitlve it laber tlia(irlaiiY'in.-~ ~_.­
the enormous and angry crowds here would question, but it has won Mr. Walker backing in recent years
from Tea Party supporters, who planned counterprotests this.weekend hi Mr. Walker's defense.

Barack Obama won Wisconsin in 2008, but last November, Republicans swept into power in the state,
shocking many Who pointed to its long tradition of union power.

Republicans took c~ntrol of the Stat~ Assembly, the State Senate and a United States Senate seat held by .
a longtime incumbent, Russ Feingold, in addition to the governor's office. Former Gov. Jarries E. Doyle,
a Democrat, did not seek re-election, and Mr. Walker c-who promised to bring 250,000 new jobs to .
. Wisconsin in his first four-year term - defeated Tom.Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee and a Democrat,
52 percent to 46 percent. . . .

"This is the one part of the equation people are missing right now," said Scott Fitzgerald, who became
the Republican majority leader in the' State Senate after the election and whose brother became the .... ~.

speaker of the Assembly. "Scott Walker and I and my brother Jeffwent into this session with the
understanding that we had to deliver on campaign promises, that people wanted the Republicans to
make change, that the more feathers you ruffle this time, the better you'll be." .

Within days of becoming governor, Mr. Walker -'who hung sign on the doorknob of his office that
reads "Wisconsin is open for business" - began stirring things up, and drawing headlines.
Page 3 of3

He rejected $810 million in federal money that the state was getting to build a train line between
Madison and Milwaukee, saying the project would ultimately cost the state too much to operate. He
decided to tum the state's Department of Commerce into a "public-private hybrid," in which hundreds.
ofworkers would need to reapply for their jobs. .

He and state lawmakers passed $117 million in tax breaks for businesses and others, a move that many
of his critics point to now as a sign that Mr. Walker made the state's budget gap worse, then claimed an
emergency that requires sacrifices from unions. Technically, the tax cuts do not go into effect in this
year's budget (which Mr..Walker says includes a $137 million shortfall), but in the coming two-year
budget, during which the gap is estimated at $3.6 billion.

Democrats here say Mr. Walker's style has led to a sea change in Wisconsin's political tradition.

"Every other Republican governor has had moderates in their' caucus and histories ofworking with .
Democrats," said Graeme Zielinski, a spokesman for the state's Democratic Party. "But he is a hard-"
right partisan who does not negotiate, does not compromise. He is totally modeled after a slash-and-
bum, scorched-earth approach that has never existed here before,"

The protests last week have put people in surprising circumstances. Mr. Fitzgerald and other legislators
have needed police escorts to leave their offices. Protesters have swarmed to Mr. Walker's home, .
apparently to the deep dismay of his wife, Tonette.
. But Mr. Walker was already preparing the ground for his showdown last fall. While still waiting to take
office, he urged lawmakers, many of whom he already knew from his years in the Assembly, not to
approve new contracts for state workers during their lame-duck session, Once he came into office, he
would need "maximum flexibility," he said at the time, to handle the state's coming budget.
I In the end, after emotional fights in both legislative chambers (one lawmaker was deposed by his
colleagues from his leadership role), Mr. Walker got his wish. And that gave him his chance to push his .
.;O,S ... own'plan.: Lastweekrhe-announced that'hevvanted-to'·requli,estate'WorketSitYpaYino-re foi-pensicns'and':".:-.'"

. health care; to remove most collective bargaining rights, aside from wages, from discussion; and to
require unions to hold annual membership votes;

As. the battle here grew into a standoff, with the protesters' numbers swelling every day and the
.legislation tied up and waiting to be voted on, Mr. Walker said he was feeling perfectly fine .

.To the anger of his critics, who say he tbrives on publicity, he has peen on television and radio call-in .
shows andhas taken phone calls of support from some of his Republican friends. He said he was
.speaking with Gov. Chris.Christie ofNew Jersey on Thursdaynight.while exchanging e-mail messages
with Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, whom he describes as a "great inspiration and mentor," and Jeb
Bush, the former governor of Florida. .

"Months from now, when this is enacted and people realize it's not the end of the world," Mr. Walker
said, "not all, but I think the vast majority, including the vast majority Of the public employees, will
realize this was not nearly as bad as they thought it was going to be. And we'll get back to work in the
Capitol." . .
Page 1 of4 i

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

From:. WelWie, Cullen J - GOV

. Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 10:25 Aryl
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Gilkes, Keith· GOV; Schutt, Eric ~ GOV; MurraY,Ryan M - GOV; ~ .

Subject: International AP wire story

Below is the AP story that went up on the international wire this AM .

. 8agef22!Article 2011-02-20-Wisconsin%

. . .

Wisconsin governor seizes chance to take on

SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press @!

MADISON, Wis. (AP)- It took ScottWalkeronly a few weeks to push'the Capitol Into political chaos.

Th'e newly elected Republican governorof Wisconsin has set his sights on forcing publicworkers to pay morefor benefits as
he looks to balanceIhe state's budget- savings he needs to help coverthe cost of tax cuts he demanded the day he took
I office.

• ~~~,-JJ'WJP<:rat~.who.aceJ1o.Jonger
. .
in power, .ha1l.ejiken<j.d
_ _ -..,-' ""',;'
. . ~'.'
tc.a dictator, anddefnQnstrat9fS
..• " - . , . . '.,
'_",. ';y.~'._->F:.

Walker-backed labor bltlhave waived signs comparing him to ousted Egyptian ieaderHosniMubarak. Even President Sarack
Obama has weighed in, calling the bIll "an assaulton unions."

Just seven' weeks into histerm, the 43-year-old son of a preacher has shown no sign of compromising. He has a GOPmajority
in both houses of Ihe Legislature that has alreadyhelpedhim make good on campaign promises.

Walker insists that.hispushto force concessions from publlcemployees by doubling their health insurance contributions and
requiring them-to pay half their pension costs is all about balancing the budgetand not busting unions. Butthe bIll alsowould
strip them of most collective bargaining rights.

"I got elected to get Wisconsin working.again andto improve theeconomy," Walker said in an interviewwith The Associated
Press. "At the samelime it meantfixing our budgetcrisis."

Wisconsin faces a $137 millionbudget shortfall by July.The concessions Walker seeksfromthe state workers would save $3.0
rniltion over four months. He would balancethe budgetthis year mainlythrough refinancing debt.
Page 20f4

The increased pension and heaith benefit costs would save Wisconsin $300 million over the next two years, which wouid help

buy down a projected $3.6 billion shortfall.

Michael Grebe, a Milwaukee

. business leader who has been a close Walker adviser and friend for the past 20 years,
. said. the
governor's proposal was consistent with his political philosophy and budgets he put forward as Milwaukee County executive'

that also targeted unions for concessions.

"If people are at all surprised by this then they haven't been paying attention," Grebe said. "He really does believe in skinny

budgets and protecting the taxpayers. What he's doing now Is completely consistent with that,"

As county executive for eight years before elected governor, Walker never proposed a higher property, tax levy than what was

: approved. To pay for that, he repeatedly sought to impose wage and benefit concessions on county workers, but was blocked

by the-unions and Democratic-controlled county board.

Now he has a Republican-controlled Legislature backing him allthe way.

'''I've always bee~ bold," Walker said. "I've been bold at the county, which is why there's aiways been a lot ~f passion there for
folks who supported me and those who opposed me, and I'm bold here, too. But you gotta be. We have no choice. Again,

we're broke. We don't have anymore options;"

, As proof that unions knew they would be targeted, Walker points to a flier ~irculated' during last fall's campaign by union AFT-
I Wiscon~in that warned that Walker wanted to curb the unions' power to negotiate.

Anyone who didn't see it coming must have been in a coma, walker said.

Union leaders insist they were blindsided .

.•.. :'

"There wasn't any belief he was going to go for the nuclear option," said Gary Steffen, president of the Wisconsin Science

Professionals, the union that represents state scientists, including crime lab analysts, biologists, chemists and for~ste·r~. ;We
. expected concessions, but we just didn't think there was a mandate for this. We didn'tsee him getting rid of collective'

barg aining. II

Union anger over the proposal set off a massive protest not seen in Madison since the Vietnam War era. Walker unveiled the

, bill on a Friday and four days later more than 10,000 people came to the Capitol in protest. By the end of the Week, the ranks

had grown to nearly 70,000, as schools ciosed around the state because teachers called in sick to join efforts to defeat the bill.

Assembly Minority Leader Rep. Peter Barca said Walker's goal was to "ram it throuqhIn less than ~ week to avoid scrutiny

and discussion."
Page 3 of4

Walker has been in hyper-drive, calling the Legislature Into special session the day he took the oath of office and asking them

, to pass tax cuts for businesses, make sweeping lawsuit reform and other changes. He got everything of consequence that he


The business-tax cuts he.pushed through added abou"t"$117 million to the projected two-year deficit, f,m'ning anger among' '

Democrats and unions that Walker argues he has to target public employees to balance the budqet when he's found money

for the tax breaks.

In 'an effort to slow down .the union bill, Democratlc senators skipped town on Thursday, delaying action in the state Senate

indefinitely by leaving It one vote short ofa quorum. The Assembly. adjourne,d on Friday and didn't plan to take up the bill until

at least Tuesday..

Labor leaders believe public anger. at the bill will grow the longer their standoff goes and force concessions from Walker and

Republican legislators. But Walker and Republican leaders in the Legislature say they have the votes they need to pass the

bill with everything they want in it.

Ifanything, they ,s"'Y, theprotests are"'$ays,he's

getting 1,000 a-mails an hour, nearly

all of which express support.

"There's a qulet majority out there who want us to do the right thing," Walker said. "This is bold politically, which is why there is

I . all this attention, but it is still modest in terms of what we're asking in terms of our government employees."

The concessions amount to an 8 percent pay cut for the average worker. .
~"-Z"'.~:' -_~~: ~.O- .".~._-""..,~o<>..._"<-".~ .:r_,,"~'1'-<'-~ 7...;'<...·_-..'· •...,,~;,,~ ....~ - <, _, ....'".:..;.. .: .•• ~,..~.:; ...~J"",.<,,: .... ~:~·.""".,..,·~·t:-::.· ~""'¥,:'7· .... .:..--.~"" ..q ...:'''''''''_ .. ..;~_"'\4 ...._~....~~~.... _...-'~

Unions still could' represent workers, but they could not force employees to pay dues and would have to hold annual votes to

stay organized. Only wages below the Consumer Price Index would be subject to' collective bargaining, anything higher would

have to be approved by referendum.

In exchange
, for bearing more costs and losing bargaining leverage, public employees were promised no more of the layoffs or.
furloughs they've had to deal with for more than two years. The next forced unpaid day off was scheduled for Monday,

Presidents Day, and state workers were sure to be out in force protesting at the Capitol.

Grebe, Waiker's longtime friend, said he has been in regular contact with the.governor since the protests started arid he

believes the activity is only reinforcing his belief the bili ,isthe right way to go.

"I don't think it has affected his resolve at all," Grebe said. "He Is committed to this."

Cullen Werwie .
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Page 4 of4 .

Press Office: (608) 267-7303

Emai/:·Cul/en. Werwie@WI.Gov

Page 1 of4

Schrimpf, Chris· GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Sunday, February 20, 201110:29 AM
To: .~n J- GOV; Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV;~

SUbJect: Re: International AP wire story


From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent: Sunday, February 20, 201110:24 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV;
Subject: International AP wire story

Below is the AP story that went up on the international wire this AM.!txdam/S4828aSe8d9d48b7ba8b94ba3 8agef22!Article 2011-02-20-Wisconsin%


Wisconsin governor seizes chance to take on

SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press e
MADISON, Wis. (AP) -It took Scott Walker only a few weeks to push the Capitol into political chaos.
- .. ........

The newly elected Republican governor of Wisconsin has set his sights on forcing public workers to pay more for benefits as

he looks to balance the state's budget - savings he needs to help cover the cost of tax cuts he demanded the day he took


Democrats, who are no longer in power, have likened Walker to a dictator, and demonstrators protesting a contentious'

Walker-backed labor bill have waived signs comparing him to ousfed Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. Even President Barack

Obama has weighed in, calling the bill "an assault on unions."

Just seven weeks Into his term, the 43-year-old son of a preacher has shown no sign of compromising. He has a GOP majority

in. both houses of the Legislature that has alreai:ly helped him make good on campaign promises.

Walker insists that his push to force concessions from public employees by doubling their health insurance contributions and

requiring them to pay halftheir pension costs is all about balancing the budqet and not busting unions. But the bill also would

strip them of most collective bargaining rights.

"I got elected to get Wisconsin working again and to improve the economy," Waiker said in an interview with The Associated
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Press."At thesame time it meant fixing our budgetcrisis."

Wisconsinfaces a $137 miliion budget shortfail. by JUly. The concessions Waiker

. . seeks from the state workerswould save $30
million over four months. He would balancethe budget this year mainlythrough refinancing debt

The increased·pe~siGn·,md··heallh·benefil.c<lstswould·save Wisconsin $300 million over the next twoyears, whichwould help
buy down a projected $3.6 billion shortfall.

Michael Grebe, a Milwaukee business leader who has been a close Walker adviser and friend for the past ~O years, said the
governor's proposalwas consistentwith his political. philosophy and budgetshe put forward as Milwaukee County executive
that also targeted unions for concessions.

"If people are .atail surprised by this then they haven't been payingattention," Grebe said. "He reaily does believeIn skinny
budgets and protecting the taxpayers. What he's dolnqnow
. is completely consistent
with that."

'As county.executlve for eightyears before elected governor;Walker never proposeda higher propertytax levy than what was
approved.To pay for that; he repeatedly soughtto imposewage and benefltconcesslons on countyworkers, but was blocked
by the unions and Democratic-contrqiled county board.

'Now he has a Republican-controiled Legislature backing him ail the way-',

I ·"I've always been bold,"Walker said. "I've been bold at the county, which is why there's always been a lot of passion there for
. folks who supported me and those who opposedme, ~nd I'm bold here, too. But yOU gottabe, We haveno choice. Again,
.we're broke:We don't hav-e"any inote·options." , .•..-- --" ' ·c..·.'.' ~'? .. ¥ ",-' " [ '~'-' " '~ ..' .. 4· ..

As proof that unionsknewthey would be targeted, Walker pointsto a flier circulated during last fail's campaign by union AFT-
Wisconsinthat warnedthat Walker wanted to curb the unions'power to 'negotiate.

In December, weeks after the election, he even suggested the posstbillty of abolishing unions altqgether.

Anyonewho didn't see-It coming must have been in a coma, Walkersaid.

Union leaders insist theywere blindsided.

"Therewasn't any beliefhe was going to go for the'nuclearoption," said Gary Steffen, president of the Wi.sconsin Science
.. Professionals, the union that represents state scientists, including crime lab analysts, biologists, chemists and foresters: "We
expected concessions, but we just didn't think there was a mandate for this. We didn't see him getting rid of coilective
. bargaining."

Union anger over the proposal set off a massive protestnot seen in Madison since the Vietnam War era. Walkerunveiledthe

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bill on a Friday and four days later more than 10,000 people came to the Capitol in protest. By the end ofthe week, the ranks

........... had·grown·to· nearly 70,OOO,-asschools closed around the state because teachers called in sick to join efforts to defeat the bill.

Assembly Minority Leader Rep. Peter Barca said Walker's goal was to "ram it through in less than a week to avoid scrutiny

and discussion."

Walker has been In.hyper-drive, calling the Legislature into special session the day he took the oath of office and asking them

to pass tax cuts for businesses, make sweeping lawsuit reform and other changes. He got everything of consequence that he


The business tax cuts he pushed through added- about $117-million to the projected two-year deficit, fanning anger·among'

Democrats and unions that Walker argues he has to target public employees to balance the budget when he's found money

for the tax breaks.

In an effort to slow down the union bill, Democratic senators skipped

. town on Thursday, delaying
action In the state Senate

indefinitely. by leaving It one vote short of a quorum. The Assembly adjourned on Friday and didn'tplan to take up the bill until

. at least Tuesday.

Labor leaders believe public anger at the bill will grow the longer their standoff goes and force concessions from Walker and

Republican legi~lators. But Walker and Republican leaders in the Legislature say they have the votes they need to passthe

bill with everything they want In it.

If anything;they say,theprotests'are only hardening support. Walker's offloe- says he's g"ttlng 1,000 e-mails an hour, neariy
.all ofwhicn express support.' .. . .. . . .... . ..~.." . ." . ,

"There's a quiet majority out there who want us to do the right thing," Walker said. "This is bold politically, which is why there is

all this attention, but it is still modest in terms of what we're asking in terms of our government employees."

The concessions amount to an 8·percent pay cut for the average worker.

Unions.still could represent workers, but they could not force employees to pay dues and wouid have to hold annuai votes to

stay organized. Only wages below the Consumer Price Index subject to colleclive bargaining, anything higher would

have to be approved by referendum.

'In exchange for bearing more costs and losing bargaining leverage, public employees were promised no more of the layoffs or

furlouqhs they've had todeal with for 11)0re than two years. The next forced unpaid day offwas scheduled for Monday,

Presidents Day, and state workers were sure to be out in force protesting at the Capltol,

Grebe, Walker's longtime friend, said he has been In regular contact with the governor since the protests started and he

believes the activity is only reinforcing his belief the bill is the right way to go.
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"I don't think it has affected his resolve at ail," Grebe said. "He is committed to this."

Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary'
Officeof Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: '(608) 267:7303
Email: CuI/en. Werwie@WI.Gov


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