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If you are an educator or business trainer,

you have probably heard all the talk


2 1 st Century Schools

Social Software and e- Learning

When the buzz dies down and it's time to do
something for your organization, what do
you want from an online learning system?
Easy creation of courses from ex isting resources?
Course content which can be re- used with different learners,
including content from other vendors (Blackboard, WebCT etc.)?
Learner involvement?
Enrollment and learner authentication which is simple yet secure?
Intuitive online learner and teacher management features?
An active support community to help solve problems and
generate new ideas?
Introducing...... Moodle!
Moodle is an alternative to proprietary commercial online learning
solutions, and is distributed free under open source licensing. An
organization has complete access to the source code and can make
changes if needed. Moodle’s modular design makes it easy to create
new courses, adding content that will engage learners.

modular object- oriented

dynamic learning environment

Mood le’s in tu itiv e in terf a ce m a k es it ea sy for in stru ctors to

crea te cou rses. Stu d en ts requ ire on ly ba sic brow ser sk ills to
begin lea rn in g.
Moodle Architecture
Activities are at the heart of a course management
system. Moodle was designed by an educator and
computer scientist, with “social constructionist”
principles in mind. “Constructionism asserts that
Mart in Dougiam as
learning is particularly effective when constructing Creator & Lead Developer

something for others to ex perience. This can be

anything from a spoken sentence or an internet
posting, to more complex artifacts like a painting, a
house or a software package.
The concept of social constructivism ex tends the
above ideas into a social group constructing things
for one another, collaboratively creating a small
culture of shared artifacts with shared meanings.
When one is immersed within a culture like this, one
is learning all the time about how to be a part of that
culture, on many levels.”
Promoting Learner Involvement
“A constructivist perspective views learners as actively
engaged in making meaning, and teaching with that
approach looks for what students can analyze,
investigate, collaborate, share, build and generate
based on what they already know, rather than what
facts, skills, and processes they can parrot. Some of the
tenets of constructivism in pedagogical terms include:”
Students come to class with an established world- view, formed
years of prior ex perience and learning.
Even as it evolves, a student’s world- view filters all ex periences
affects their interpretations of observations.
For students to change their world- view requires work.
Students learn from each other as well as the teacher.
Students learn better by doing.
Allowing and creating opportunities for all to have a voice
Getting Started
Moodle has a “modular” design so adding the Activities
that form a course is a simple process:
1. Course creation privileges are assigned to the
2. Select from one of three course layout; Topic,
or Social format.
3. Click “Turn editing on” within the blank course
4. Create the course!

With ed itin g tu rn ed on , th e cou rse

crea tor ca n n ow Add a ctiv ities from a n
in tu itiv e d rop- d ow n list of m od u le
plu g- in fea tu res.
Course Management Features -
Used to assign online or offline t asks;
learners can submit t asks in any file
format (e.g. MS Office, PDF, image, a/ v
Chat Property screen s gu id e in stru ctor th rou gh
setu p w h en crea tin g a n ew A ssign m en t
Allows real- time synchronous
comm unication by learners.
Choice A ssign m en t a ctiv ity ca n requ ire th e lea rn er to
Inst ruct ors create a question and a u p loa d a com pleted project.
of choices for learners; results are post ed
for learners t o view. Use this m odule t o
do quick surveys on subject matt er.
Allows for one- to- one asynchronous message ex change bet ween
inst ruct or and learner, or learner t o learner.
Course Management Features - Modules
Threaded discussion boards for asynchronous group ex change on
shared subject matt er. Part icipation in forums can be an int egral
part of the learning ex perience, helping st udent s define and evolve
their understanding of subject matt er.

Stu d en ts ca n Ra te a foru m post, ba sed on Sca les set u p by th e cou rse crea tor
Course Management Features - Modules
Create a glossary of term s used in a
course. Has display format opt ions
including ent ry list, encyclopedia, FAQ,
dictionary style and more.
Learners reflect , record and revise
Add descript ions with images in any
area of t he course homepage.
Allows inst ruct or t o create and manage Glossa ry term s a ppea r in h igh ligh t w ith in a ll
a set of linked "Pages". Each page can a ctiv ity resou rces. Mood le in clu d es its ow n site
sea rch en gin e.
end with a question. The st udent
chooses one answer from a set of
answers and eit her goes forward,
backward or st ays in the sam e place in
the lesson.
Course Management Features - Modules
Create all the familiar forms of assessment including true- false, multiple
choice, short answer, matching question, random questions, num erical
questions, embedded answer questions wit h descriptive t ex t and graphics.

In stru ctors h a v e gra n u la r con trol in

d efin in g cou rse a ssessm en ts, a n d ca n
im port qu iz qu estion s from popu la r
form a ts lik e Bla ck b oa rd , IMS QTI a n d
WebCT. Mood le a lso su pp orts
em bed d in g a u d io in to a qu iz .
Course Management Features - Modules
The prim ary t ool for bringing content
int o a course; may be plain tex t,
uploaded files, links to t he web, Wiki or
Rich Tex t (Moodle has built- in t ex t
editors) or a bibliography type
This module aids an inst ructor in
making online classes m ore effective by
offering a variet y of surveys (COLLES,
ATTLS), including critical incident
An activity for peer assessment of
documents (Word, PP etc.) that students
submit online. Participants can assess
each ot her’s project. Teacher makes Mood le su pports a d d in g m a th expression s to a
Resou rce a ctiv ity , u sin g th e bu ilt- in HTML ed itor
final student assessment , and can
control opening and closing periods.
Learner Management Features
Creating learning content is only part of what a
good course management system (CMS) must do.
The CMS must manage learners in a variety of
ways. Learner management includes:
Access to information about learners in a
Ability to segment participants into groups.
Site, course and user calendar event
And so much more…e.g. applying scales to
different learner activities, managing grades,
tracking user access logs and uploading
external files for use within the course etc.
Learner Management Features – Participants
One click and you can view activity from all
participants enrolled in the course. Learners create a
personal profile that can include a picture, helping
connect students socially in the online learning

Lea rn ers com plete a person a l prof ile

pa ge th a t h elp s bu ild th e on lin e
lea rn in g com m u n ity . A d d in g a
pictu re a n d
d eta ils to th e profile crea tes a socia l
con n ection .
Learner Management Features - Groups
Assigning learners to a group is a common practice
in education and business. Moodle allows the
course instructor to easily create group categories,
and determine how members will interact with each
other and within various activities.

Crea tin g d istin ct grou p n a m es is ea sy . Lea rn ers a n d

tea ch ers a re a ssign ed to a grou p by click in g a sin gle bu tton .
Learner Management Features - Calendar
Keeping a calendar of events is important to both the
learner and course instructor. Events can be created for
different categories, including:

Global events that appear in all courses (system admin).

Course events set by an instructor.
Group events set by instructor relative only to a group.
User events set by learner (e.g. due dates, personal etc.).
Upcoming Events appear on the course homepage, alerting
the learner across all courses they are enrolled in of
different category events. Alerts are color- coded by
Learner Management Features – Admin
The Administration control panel puts all important learner
management functions a single click away. Teachers and
Students can be manually enrolled or removed from a
course. Configuration of course Backup and Restore is
achieved on a single screen.

Restorin g a n existin g cou rse or Up loa d in g a file a rch iv e

from stora ge is a ccom plish ed w ith a sin gle m ou se click .
Mood le m a k es it ea sy to re- u se a n d sh a re cou rses w ith
oth er tea ch ers. Ba ck u p ca n in clu d e or exclu d e stu d en t files
a n d cou rse d a ta .
Learner Management Features - Scales
Instructors may define custom Scales to be used for
grading Forums, Assignments and Journals. Standard
scales include assigning a value from 1- 100% for each
submission (or no grade), and indicating whether the
learner was demonstrating one of three characteristics in
the activity:
Shows mostly CONNECTED knowing.
Shows mostly SEPARATE knowing.
Equally separat e and connected.

Cu stom sca les a llow th e in stru ctor to fin e tu n e

th eir gra d in g for specific con ten t. Ea sily
crea te sev era l ty pes of sca les, a n d con n ect
th em w ith d ifferen t a ctiv ities y ou Add to th e
cou rse.
Learner Management Features - Grades
The Grades feature in Moodle provides a quick view of all
Forum, Assignment, Journal, Quiz, Lesson and Workshop
grades. The grading scale applied to a learner’s
submission is shown, along with a cumulative total, on a
single page.

Gra d es ca n be d ow n loa d ed in Excel or pla in text f or in clu sion in to a n existin g electron ic

gra d ebook
Learner Management Features - Grades
Viewing Assignment and Journal submissions, and adding
Grades and comments, are done from a single page that
displays all enrolled students.

Ma n a gin g stu d en t su b m ission s a re

d on e f rom on e cen tra l screen . Th is cu ts
d ow n on th e tim e it ta k es to a ssess
m a n y stu d en ts w ork .
Learner Management Features - Logs
Monitor when and what course resources the learner has
accessed. Moodle's Logs provide detailed learner activity.

Logs pin - poin t w h ere a stu d en t is w ith in cou rsew ork . Ea sily loca te specif ic
cou rse, stu d en t, d a te a n d m od u le a ctiv ity a ccess.
Learner Management Features - Files
Centrally locate all course resources within the Files
area of Moodle so they are available when creating
new activities.

Files stora ge a rea resem bles

y ou r com pu ter, m a k in g it ea sy
to a d d , m ov e, z ip a n d d elete
resou rces.
Learner Management Features - Help
An extensive Moodle Help file is a button click away.
Courses include a Teacher only forum, where colleagues
can collaborate on tasks and share ideas.

Mood le's bu ilt in Tea ch er Ma n u a l prov id es step- b y - step in stru ction s

on a ll a spects of cou rse a n d lea rn er m a n a gem en t
Learner Experience - Login
Learners find it easy to navigate a Moodle course
homepage in their browser; intuitive
“breadcrumb” links are always present. Login
occurs on a familiar screen. Initial account set up
may be handled by the learner or administrator.

Na v iga tion ba r p rov id es b rea d cru m b

lin k s
from cou rse h om epa ge to a ctiv ities

Mood le's h a s its ow n a u th en tica tion

sy stem , bu t w ill in tegra te w ith a n extern a l
d a ta ba se, POP3 , IMA P, LDA P or NNTP,
a llow in g d om a in w id e login .
Learner Experience – Enrollment Keys
Instructors can require an “enrollment key” to allow
participation in a class. Enrollment keys are
provided to learners separately from the log in
process. Courses requiring an enrollment key are
indicated in “Course categories” description.

Cou rse ca tegory d ispla y s d escription s of ea ch cou rse. Sy m bols on d escrip tion
pa ge in d ica te w h en a cou rse requ ires a n en rollm en t k ey a n d a llow s Gu est en try .
Stu d en ts see a list of cou rses th ey a re en rolled in (My cou rses) on site h om epa ge
a fter login .
Learner Experience – 24 / 7 / 3 6 5 Anywhere!
Learners can login any time, anywhere to interact
with coursework, and can specify the Time Zone and
Language they wish to use. Moodle has interface
support for 34 languages.

Lea rn ers ca n select from 3 4

la n gu a ges a t Login
Learner Experience – E- Mail Notification
When learners “subscribe” to forums they are notified by
e- mail of new postings. Additionally, instructors can set
e- mail notification for private Dialogues.

Rich text e- m a il is sen t to ea ch lea rn er “su bscribed ” to d ifferen t

Foru m s. In stru ctors ca n set p riv a te Dia logu es to e- m a il
n otif ica tion th a t com m en ts h a v e been a d d ed .
Who is Using Moodle?
Over 1150 organizations in 81 countries had registered Moodle
sites by April 2004 (http:/ / sites). This number is
growing by about 10% each month as educators and trainers
learn the value of implementing open source Moodle.
Moodle is an ideal online learning solution for:
K- 12 Schools
Governmental Agencies "My fir s t live cla s s ju s t en d e d a n d it wa s a
t r em e n d o u s s u cces s , b o t h in th e b e h a vio r o f
Businesses t h e p r o gr a m a n d t h e q u a lit y a n d lo n gevit y o f
m y p a r t icip a n t s . Mo o d le h a s b een t er r ific t o
Trade Associations wo r k wit h . So m eh o w it d o es n 't s ee m t o b e a s
t ed io u s t o wo r k wit h a s o t h er co u r s ewa r e
Hospitals p r o gr a m s s u ch a s Bla ckb o a r d a n d Web CT."

Employment Agencies - Pa u la Ed m is t o n , Tr a in er
Who Will Help You Use Moodle?
Hundreds of knowledgeable open- source users have joined with
Moodle developers in a com m unity of learners. Meet a few new
Why Not Try Moodle Right Now?
If your organization is ready or needs to support
an online learning population, here is an
opportunity to take your research to the nex t
level. These Moodle sites are open for you to
explore either as a learner, or teacher with
course creator privileges.
Using Moodle: http:/ / course/ category.php?id= 1
Moodle For Language Teaching: http:/ / course/ category.php?id= 1
What is Open Source Software: http:/ / course/ category.php?id= 2
Teachers Playground Demo: http:/ / course/ category.php?id= 2

Developer Team Support: http:/ /

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