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Their Eyes Were Watching God

Chapter 2

1. Briefly recount Janie’s the “history” of Janie’s birth.

2. What bothers Janie about the focus of their story? In other words, what do people remember and what
do they forget?

3. What do you make of the extended metaphorical language of the “blossoming pear tree” (10-11)?

Johnny Taylor words used to describe him

in Janie’s eyes/“narrative

in Nanny’s eyes/“narrative

Why the differences? Significance of the differences?

5. Briefly characterize Nanny’s view of the world and where women fit into it, using the strong, vivid
diction of her narrative point of view:

6. What do we come to understand about Nanny’s background that might have formed her point of view?

7. What does she hope for Janie?

8. List four distinct colloquialisms from this chapter.

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