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Grades 3-4


1. ½ + ¾ =

2. 4/5+ 6/7=

3. 9/8+ 8/16=

4. 1/5+ 6/9=

5. 4/6+ 7/8=

1. (2x+3y)+ (7x+4y)
2. (5x2+ 7y) +( 4x+3y)

3. (3x2+ 5y) + ( x+ 7y)

4. ( 4x+ 5y) + ( 10x+8y)

5. ( 11x+4y)+ ( 12x + 4y)


1. 0.943
X 1.678

2. 0.543
X 3.34

3. 0.436
X 55.65

4. 1.453
X 2.44
5. 7.563
X 5.08


1. 938/2

2. 732/4

3. 846/ 6

4. 458/8

5. 355/5


Module 1: Coordinate Functions of the Nervous, Endocrine, and

Reproductive Systems
Major Divisions and Parts of the Nervous System
1. Central Nervous System

The CNS serves as the main processing center for the entire system. It
has two components.
a. Brain- Organizer and distributor of the information for the body.
 Cerebrum- largest part of the brain that controls activity and
 Frontal lobe- speech, activity, and personality.
 Parietal Lobe- temperature, pressure, touch and language
 Temporal Lobe- hearing, smell, language input
 Occipital Lobe- for vision
 Cerebellum- controls posture, balance and coordination.

- Thalamus- center for all sensory impulses except olfactory and
motor areas of the Cortex.
- Hypothalamus-regulates behavior and emotional expression,
body temperature, and metabolic activities. Also controls hormonal
secretions of this gland.
 Brain Stem- connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls
automatic function such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure.
 Gray matter- visual reflexes and sense of hearing.
 White Matter- regulates visceral control.
 Medulla Oblongata- connects the rest of the brain to the spinal

b. Spinal Cord- serves as a channel for signals between the brain

and the rest of the body and controls simple musculoskeletal reflexes
without input from the brain.
2. Peripheral Nervous System
- Connects the central Nervous System to the organs and limbs.
a. Somatic Nervous System- associated with the voluntary control
of the body.

 Spinal nerves- carry motor and sensory signals between the

spinal cord and the body.
 Cranial Nerves- carry information into and out of the brainstem.
b. Autonomic Nervous System- associated with the involuntary
control of the body.
 Sympathetic- activated when the body is in a dynamic role or
 Parasympathetic- maintains body functions and restores the
body to normal or relaxed mode.
The Nerve Cell

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