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Using simulation in out-patient queues: a case study

Fenghueih Huarng
National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Mong Hou Lee
National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan

Overwork and overcrowding in consultation time to scheduled time slot

some periods was an impor- Introduction between two patients is from 0.85 to 0.95. Sec-
tant issue for the out-patient As a result of the rapid growth of the econ- ond, it is better for the time point to be in
department of a local hospital omy and the availability of education for all multiples of five minutes. Welch[5] considers
in Chia-Yi in Taiwan. The in Taiwan, the people of Taiwan have started punctuality and consultation time as two
hospital administrators to demand more efficient health care at a main factors affecting the scheduling system
wanted to manage the patient reasonable cost, and with better quality of for an out-patient department. Because many
flow effectively. Describes a service. The new insurance policy for every- patients are unsure about the time of their
study which focused on the one in Taiwan, the evaluation system appointment, they tend to arrive earlier than
utilization of doctors and staff imposed on all hospitals by the Department of they should; hence, their waiting times
in the out-patient depart- Health, and increasing severe competition increase. In addition, because many physi-
ment, the time spent in the within the industry, are some of the issues cians are late, patients’ waiting times
hospital by an out-patient, forcing Taiwan’s hospitals to improve their increase even more. Rising et al.[6] proposed
and the length of the out- quality of service and operational effective- a new scheduling system. First, allocate the
patient queue. Explains how a ness. As hospitals raise their technical qual- consultation time to patients who turn up
computer simulation model ity, patients will lay more emphasis on qual- without an appointment. Then, the remain-
was developed to study how ity assurance. In order to survive, most of ing time slots are scheduled to patients by
changes in the appointment Taiwan’s hospitals are making efforts to appointment so that the out-patients’ waiting
system, staffing policies and improve their service quality to satisfy their time is reduced and the physicians’ over-
service units would affect the patients. running time is reduced too.
observed bottleneck. The
There are many indicators of quality assur- Allessandra et al.[7] study the efficiency of a
results show that the waiting
ance. In the out-patient department, the main family planning clinic and propose several
time was greatly reduced and
indicator of quality assurance for patients is alternatives for improvement to reduce the
the workload of the doctor
“waiting” itself; patients should be attended length of the queues and increase the utiliza-
was also reduced to a reason-
to within an acceptable time. In Taiwan most tion of physicians. Vassilacopoulos[8]
able rate in the overwork and
hospitals do not give their patients timed allocates doctors to several shifts according
overcrowding periods.
appointments, but instead issue a sequencing to the patients’ arrival rate in an accident and
number. Therefore, most patients suffer a emergency department. Babes and Sarma[9]
long wait. study the out-patient queues of Ibn-Rochd
In this case history, the utilization of doc- Health Centre and compare the advantages
tors and staff in the out-patients department, and disadvantages of using queuing models
the time spent in the hospital by the out- and simulation techniques.
patient, and the length of the out-patient For other hospital operation problems,
queue is studied for a small local hospital at see [10-18].
Chia-yi in Taiwan. Using the simulation
technique, some suggestions for improve-
ment are presented to help the hospital The out-patient service
adjust their operations to reduce the waiting before improvements
time and improve quality assurance in the
The various functions of the out-patient
out-patient department.
department of the case hospital include regis-
tration, general practice medicine, a cash
desk (patients are charged on-site for treat-
Literature review
ment), pharmacy (the drugstore is inside in
The waiting problem is listed as one of the the hospital in Taiwan), immunology, and lab.
indicators of quality assurance for the health The manager of the case hospital told us the
care system in several papers[1-3]. Jackson[4] most serious problem in the out-patient
International Journal of proposes two main principles for scheduling department is overcrowding in the dermatol-
Health Care Quality
Assurance patients in out-patient departments. First, the ogy clinic. The patients’ waiting time in der-
9/6 [1996] 21–25 scheduled time slot between two patients matology is so long that the waiting area is
© MCB University Press depends on the average consultation time of not large enough to accommodate the queue.
[ISSN 0952-6862] Staff in dermatology feel tired when they are
each physician. The best ratio of average
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Fenghueih Huarng and under pressure, but in other sections there inter-arrival time was matched against the
Mong Hou Lee are fewer patients and staff are not very busy. exponential distribution. Since the sample size
Using simulation in out- In order to have real data instead of per- was about 200, a Z-test was conducted to check
patient queues: a case study sonal, subjective impressions, the average the difference between two means. The Z value
International Journal of number of patients at each session was col- is 0.696 which is less than Z0.95 (= 1.645), hence,
Health Care Quality lected and categorized according to different the inter-arrival times for Wednesday after-
sessions and different allocations of physi- noon and Saturday afternoon are combined to
9/6 [1996] 21–25
cians and staff. Six models, including differ- be exponentially distributed with 2.28 min-
ent sessions, different numbers of physicians, utes of average inter-arrival time for model
different numbers of cashiers, and the aver- IV. There are another 125 patients who
age number of patients are listed in Table I. registered on each Wednesday and Saturday
Table I shows that dermatology is the bottle- morning for dermatology (the patients
neck, but the average number of patients per registered in advance represent only about
hour in models III, V and VI is smaller (82/8 = 5 per cent for the other programme). The
10.25, 80/8 = 10, and 104/12 = 8.7 respectively). service time is matched against an appropri-
In other words, apart from model IV, there are ate distribution and listed in Table II.
fewer patients in the afternoon. In order to study the out-patient flow for
Because it was difficult to record every model IV, the number of simulations run on
patient’s waiting time at each function (the the SLAM system[19] is 1,000 using the above
waiting time for consulting a physician, the data on arrival and service processes. In
waiting time for paying for treatment, etc.), model IV, there are two physicians – one is
we collected only the service times and responsible for both general medicine and
patients’ inter-arrival times for simulation, general surgery, the other treats the patients
and the waiting time at each function could in dermatology – one nurse responsible for
be estimated from the results of the simula- immunizations, one pharmacist, and four
tion. In this case study, the service time for pathologists responsible for different jobs in
each function was recorded for 30 days during the lab. The results of the simulation are
December 1992 to January 1993. The arrival listed in Table III. To validate the simulation
time of each patient was set to be the end of model, the results shown in Table III are con-
his/her registration time, as it was hard to sistent with the views of managers and staff
verify and collect the exact time of the of the out-patient department, and the aver-
patient’s arrival at the case hospital, and both age number of patients served in simulation,
the registration time and the queue length 333, compares with the actual average num-
are quite short in the case hospital. Hence, in ber of patients, 335; the error rate is 0.6 per
this case study, the registration function is cent.
excluded from the out-patient system. From Table III, it is shown that the queuing
When the data were collected, the mean problem is acceptable, since the time spent in
inter-arrival times on the Wednesday after- the system for those patients in general medi-
noon and on the Saturday afternoon were cine and general surgery is 20.1 minutes (only
suspected to be different. First, each 17.6 per cent of patients had to wait above half

Table I
The average number of patients in each model
Number of Number of Average number
Model Session Programme physicians cashiers of patients
I Mon. Wed. Sat. GM, GS, 2 2 90
(Morning) Skeletology
II Tues. Thurs. Fri. GM, GS, 2 2 67
III Mon. Tues. Fri. GM, GS, 1 1 82
IV Wed. Sat. GM, GS, 2 2 335
(Afternoon) Dermatology (225 for
V Thurs. GM, GS, 2 1 80
(Afternoon) Skeletology
VI Sun. GM, GS, 1 1 104
Morning: 8.00 a.m.-12 noon; afternoon: 2.00 p.m.-10 p.m.
GM = general medicine; GS = general surgery

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Fenghueih Huarng and Table II
Mong Hou Lee Distributions of service time and their associated parameters
Using simulation in out-
patient queues: a case study Service Sample size Distribution Parameters
International Journal of General medicine 212 Exponential MAR = 0.3597
Health Care Quality General surgery 49 Exponential MAR = 0.3546
Assurance Skeletology 48 Exponential MAR = 0.3571
9/6 [1996] 21–25
Dermatology 129 Exponential MAR = 0.5495
Cash desk 413 Lognormal Mean = 1.10
SD = 1.20
Laboratory 63 Normal Mean = 13.30
SD = 2.80
Pharmacy 501 Exponential MAR = 0.8475
Immunology 294 Exponential MAR = 0.2703
MAR = mean arrival rate (patient served per hour)
SD = standard deviation

an hour). However, the waiting time for those

patients in dermatology is 30.59 minutes, the Suggestions for improvement
time in the system being 37.9 minutes (13.0 There are two main ways to change the queu-
per cent of patients had to wait above 1.5 ing problems. One is to change the arrival
hours). The average consulting time for each process, the other is to change the service
patient in dermatology is quite short (only process[20]. In this study, we propose two
1.82 minutes). Most of the time, patients in alternatives. First, change the arrival
dermatology do not need the services of the process, that is, increase the number of
lab and immunology, and it takes only 1.10 patients who make an appointment. Accord-
minutes and 1.18 minutes for the average ing to Jackson’s[4] suggestion, the ratio of
service time spent at the cash desk and in the consulting time between two consecutive
pharmacy. Hence, most of the time spent in patients to time slot between two consecutive
the system for patients in dermatology is for appointments is set to be 0.95. When all the
patients are scheduled by appointment and
waiting. This is not a good indicator for qual-
all patients are assumed to arrive on time,
ity assurance. Moreover, the utilization rate
patients in general medicine and general
of physicians in dermatology is 0.96 per cent,
surgery are influenced to some extent; time
which is quite high. The maximum busy time
in the system is decreased from 20.1 minutes
could be as long as eight hours. Usually, for an
to 16.61 minutes, and the time in system for
eight-hour period of work, there is at least a patients in dermatology is reduced to only
half-hour break. Hence, the working load is 17.42 minutes, along with a large reduction in
too high for a physician. Currently the wait- the maximum queue (the new queue is 14
ing area available is designed for 20 people, patients). Moreover, the average number of
but the simulation results show that the max- patients served is 242, which is only ten fewer
imum queue is 36, which is much larger than than the original model IV. Although it is
the capacity. Therefore, model IV does need impossible to limit the number of patients
some action to improve the current condi- without appointments and those who do not
tions. arrive in time for their appointments[6], it is

Table III
The results of simulation for model IV
Departmental performance GM and GS Dermatology Cash desk Laboratory Pharmacy Immunology
Average waiting time (minutes) 2.42 30.59 0.24 0.0 2.58 2.57
Average queue (number of parients) 0.42 13.91 0.14 0.0 2.02 0.33
Max. queue (number of parients) 6 36 5 0.0 12 5
Average utilization 0.47 0.96 0.76 0.30 0.75 0.48
Average No. of patients served 81 252 338 11 369 60
Max. idle time (minutes) 66.94 28.61 – – 15.81 113.11
Max. busy time (minutes) 198.45 480.0 – – 353.16 211.04
Average time in system for patients in GM and GS 20.1 minutes
Average time in system for patients in dermatology 37.9 minutes

[ 23 ]
Fenghueih Huarng and almost certain that the overall waiting time is dermatology to one afternoon of model III.
Mong Hou Lee reduced when the ratio of appointment to Therefore, there are 255 × 2 = 510 patients in
Using simulation in out- non-appointment patients is large. The imple- every week; after the increase of 20 per cent,
patient queues: a case study mentation of the appointment system the average number of patients in dermatol-
International Journal of requires the agreement of staff in the depart- ogy per week becomes 612. It is assumed that
Health Care Quality ment of medical records. Unfortunately, the the 612 is divided into three afternoons. There
9/6 [1996] 21–25
staff in this department are not willing to are 204 patients in each afternoon in derma-
make more effort to implement the appoint- tology. Also, it is assumed that there are
ment system. 125/255 = 49 per cent of patients who register
The second approach is to change the ser- in the same morning to be first in the queue
vice process. There are two options to making to see a doctor. Then the average inter-arrival
this change. One is to bring in one new physi- time becomes 2.61 minutes. The simulation
cian with specialty in dermatology on results are shown in Table IV.
Wednesday afternoons or Saturday after- From Table IV, the average time in the sys-
noons. The other is to find another session to tem for patients in dermatology is reduced
have the current physician practising in from 37.9 minutes to 19.9 minutes (only 3 per
dermatology. The first option is not appropri- cent of patients whose time in system is
ate because of the following two reasons. greater than 1.5 hours, 17.6 per cent of
First, recruiting could be a big problem; sec- patients whose time in the system is above
ond, there would be more patients on the half an hour). The improvement in waiting
Wednesday afternoon or Saturday afternoon time is evident. The maximum queue length
to increase the workload of the pharmacy is reduced from 36 to 13 (the average queue
whose current utilization rate is already 76 length is reduced from 13.91 to 3.78) such that
per cent. Incidentally, the high workload of waiting space is not a problem any more. The
the physician in dermatology implies that the utilization rate of physicians in dermatology
physician is popular with the patients and is reduced to 78 per cent such that the physi-
therefore they would prefer to be referred to cian is at less risk of making erroneous diag-
this same physician. Therefore, the second noses due to fatigue and is able to concentrate
option is better. There are only two consult- on providing quality consultation time to
ing rooms available. It is better not to add a each patient in turn. The satisfaction of
physician into a session which currently has physicians in dermatology could be higher
two physicians, and Sunday is not a normal with his/her workload reduced to a reason-
working day for the physician. Hence, the able rate. Since the decrease of the number of
best option is to extend the current physician patients in dermatology will not increase the
in dermatology to one afternoon of model III. workload of the other services in the out-
According to Worthington’s[21] empirical patient department, the case hospital added
study, it is shown that, as the supply an extra session for dermatology patients on
increases, the demand increases. This is Monday afternoons at the end of 1993. The
called “feedback”. In other words, as supply total number of patients in dermatology
increases, the demand does not increase until every month from March 1994 to May 1994
the queuing reaches the level before the (the average number of patients per week is
increase of supply. However, in this study, we shown in parentheses) is listed in Table V.
think the above feedback could be reached From Table V, it is shown that patients gradu-
only if the supply is highly insufficient. It is ally shift to the new section (Monday after-
assumed that the patients in dermatology noon). The managers and staff of the out-
will increase about 20 per cent if the case patient department of the case hospital have
hospital extends the current physician in all shown their satisfaction with the changes.

Table IV
The results of simulation for model IV (assume 20 per cent of increase)
Departmental performance GM and GS Dermatology Cash desk Laboratory Pharmacy Immunology
Average waiting time (minutes) 2.29 8.4 0.15 0.0 1.96 2.94
Average queue (number of patients) 0.54 3.78 0.09 0.0 1.29 0.6
Max. queue (number of patients) 6 13 4 0.0 10 5
Average utilization 0.48 0.78 0.66 0.30 0.67 0.48
Average no. of patients served 83 206 296 11 334 65
Max. idle time (minutes) 58.22 50.04 – – 28.0 106.80
Max. busy time (minutes) 243.78 455.62 – – 300.16 247.45
Average time in system for patients in GM and GS 19.3 minutes
Average time in system for patients in dermatology 19.9 minutes

[ 24 ]
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