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University of Santo Tomas

Senior High School

Third Quarter, S.Y. 2018 – 2019

Introduction to Probability

Name: ___________________________________________________ Section: _____________________

Sample Space – a collection of all possible events usually denoted by letter “S”.
 Tossing a coin: S = {Head, Tail}
 Rolling a Die: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Sample points – are the elements in the sample space.

 Element of tossing a coin: Head, Tail

Event – is a subset of a sample space.

 Event of getting an even number when you roll a die: E = {2, 4, 6}

I. In the following experiments, give the sample space (Tree Diagram):

A. Three-dish menus selecting from a set of 2 main courses, 3 appetizers and 2 desserts

B. A family has 3 children – using B to stand for boy and G for girl

C. Roll a die and then toss a coin

II. List all the outcomes in each of the following events for the coin-die experiment.
A. The event A in which the coin comes up heads.

B. The event B in which the coin comes up tails and the die, an odd number.


To find the total number of ways that two or more events can occur, multiply the number of ways each
event can happen.

Number of Elements/Ways = E1 x E2 x … x En
III. Read each problem carefully. Show your complete solutions and box your final answers.
A. A student is choosing between HUMSS, ABM, STEM, MAD, HA and PES as his strand of study and intend
to enroll at UST, DLSU or ADMU. How many ways can a strand and school be chosen?

B. How many OOTD can Anna make if she has 4 shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 5 belts and 3 pairs of shoes?

C. You take a multiple-choice test made up of 10 questions. Each question has 4 possible answers. How many
different ways are there to answer the test (assuming you don’t leave a question blank)?

D. A company puts a code on each different product they sell. The code is made up of 2 numbers and 3 letters.
How many different codes are possible if the 3 letters will follow after the 2 numbers?

E. Two-digit numbers can be formed from digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. If repetitions are not allowed,
1) how many two-digit numbers can be formed?

2) how many are divisible by 5?

3) how many are less than 50?

4) how many of these are even?

5) how many of these are odd?

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