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IBN SINA AND MYSTICISM Remarks and Admonitions: Part Four SHAMS INATI KEGAN PAUL INTERNATIONAL London and New York i Firs published in 1996 by,” ‘Kegan Paul Internat UK: 20. Bor 256, London WCIB SW, Enghini* “Tels (0171) 580'5511. Fax (0171) 436 0899 E-mail: books@hepanpau demo.cou Internet hnp//wwwwdemon.coul/kegapaul/ & ‘USA: $62 West 113th Stet, New York, NY 19025,USA Tel: (212) 666 1000" Fax: (212) 316 34 Distributed by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Southern Cross Trading Extare |” 1 Oldlands Way, Bognor R. ‘West Sussex, POZ2 98A, England ‘Tek: (01243) 779.777, Fax: (61243) 820 250 Columbia Univesity Press 5362 West 113th Street, New York, NY 10025, USA “ek: (212) 661000. Fax: @i2) 316 3100 © Shams Inati 1996 ‘ Phototypeset in Garamond by Intype, Lofidon Printed in Great Britain by T] Press, Padstow, Gornsvall All righ reserved. No part ofthis book may be repimed or reproduced or wilizt in any form or by tay eleconie, mechanical or other means, now known or beresir invented, ling poioepyig aod cing o i any norton onage or retrieval sjstom, without permission in wing from the peblisters, he ISBNO7IO-oX $y British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Tati, Shame. bn Sing and Mysticism: Remarks and ‘Admonitions, Part Four L Tide 7 11s? : ISBN o-7103-0482-K A catalog record for this book is aailable from the Library af Congress Ginnie en ‘To my parents whose wisdom and vision lit my way, whose optimism and loye showed me the positive elements in the worst aspects of life, and whose determination and inner strength helped me move on with steadfastness and self-reliance. To them I owe whatever success have achieved in my life and in my work. Contents Acknowledgments Abbreviations Introduction Analysis of the Text The Nature of Happiness The Stations of the Knowers The Distinguishing Signs of Knowledge REMARKS AND ADMONITIONS: PART FOUR Eighth Class: On Joy and Happiness CHAPTER ONE: Delusion and Admonition Concerning the Inferiority of Sense Pleasures ‘Harrier Two: A Follow-up Concerning the Superiority of the Pleasures of Divine States in Comparison with the Pleasures of Bestia States ‘CHAPTER THREE: Admonition Concerning the Nature of Pleasure and That of Pain ‘CHAPTER FOUR: Delusion and Admonition Concerning Why Certain Good Sensible States Arc Attained Yet Not Found Pleasurable cuaprer Five: Admonition Concerning Why Certain Pleasurable Things Are Attained Yet Disliked ‘cHaprer stx: Admonition Concerning the Obstacles to Pleasure ‘Harter seven: Admonition Concerning the Obstacles to Pain ‘HAPTER EIGHT: Admonition Concerning the Insufficiency of Rational Certirude for Producing Either Desire for Pleasure or Avoidance of Pain and the Need of Experience for Producing Either 9 Co) 70 a 7 72 3 rz

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