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a suur* 96an PERCUBAAN ‘STPM 2009 BIOLOGY (BIOLOGI) PAPER 1 (KERTAS 1) MULTIPLE-CHOICE (ANEKA PILIHAN) ‘One hour and fortytive minutes (Satu jam empat puluh lima minit) PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN BERSAMA SWJIL TINGG! PERSEKOLAHAN MALAYSIA (STPM) 2009 ANJURAN PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN PENGETUA-PENGETUA ‘SEKOLAH MENENGAH MALAYSIA (PKPSM) KEDAH Instructions to candidates: DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. There are tty questions inthis paper. For each question, four svegosted anwers are given, C@hoase ane correct answer and indleale ton the malile-aolee answer sheet provided Read the nsrwctons on te muliplechoice answer sheet very carehuly Answer all questions. Marks will act be deducted for wrong answers. ‘Arahan kepada calon: JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA ANDA DIBENARKAN BERBUAT DEMIKIAN. ‘Alia puluh soalan dalam keras Wi. Bagisetiapsoalan,empat cadangan javapsan cberkan Pa cat jawapan yang Dott da tandakan jawapan iy pada lain jawapan anoke phan yang afzekatan ‘Baca arahan pada helaianjawapan anoka pian tu dengan et slewab semua soalan, Marka tidak akan ctoiak bagi awapan yang salah “This question paner consists of 35 printed pages (Kertas Soaan iter daripada 35 halaman borotak) [Lihat sebelah ‘CONFIDENTIAL* 2 seat 11 Thediagram below shows the stueturc of steroid hormone “This qepidhormone known as Progesterone | ‘Testosterone Cholewert estogen come 2 Whichofthe following satomensis true about tilyceides? A. Tihaslower caloric vale dhan carbohydrate B_tformshydrogenbonds with water molecule, © ismore dene than water, D> Ithasahigherhyarogen o oxygen ato compared to carbohydrates 3. Whichofthe following statement str bout eukaryote and prokaryotes? Prokaryotes Bakaryotes ‘A Chlorplasspresertineynobacteria. Chloroplasts presen in plancelland lgue B Cellvallconsssofcitine Cellwallconsssof clllose © Noplasmids Haveplasmids D_ Proeinissymiesisedby 80ribosomes Protein ssynbesisedby 7Oribosomes 4) Which organelles abundantly found in nerve cells pancreaticelis andcells of the root pex? A. Lysosome Be Minchenion © Golgitody D- Mictofitament sean "The question paper ie CONFIDENTIAL unt the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL! CONFIDENTIAL* 4 son 5 Which stemeathestexplains why enaymesarespeciicin tir action? A’ Enrymes have polypeptide chains B Enzymeshavelagefibroos pon CBee are not changed or eonsuined during reaction, D_Enymeshave specific surface configuration 6 TheLineweaver-Burk plot below shows anenzyme-catalysdreacion, ”~ is Wich fllwingisme for ves ad Sons gi P 7 Calvin Cycle Bundle Sheath cals What doX, ¥and represent? x y Zz AD Malae Phosphoenotpyruvate Carbon dioxide 1B Phospheenalpyrwvate Malte Caron done © Caron donde Malate Phospocnol pyrwvate D_ Phosphoenelpyruvae Pyrite Hexexe phosphate sant CONFIDENTIAL 6 96a § Wichenyme asst ation of carn didn te horas of Comoe A PEP carborylase B Oxaboweiae CRuBPesboryse D Mala. 9 Which othe folowing reactionsin plyolyisis catalyse by hsphofucokinse? A. Fructose L6diphosphstto fructose B Glucose 6.phosphate to facose 6 phosphate © Fructose 6 phosphate ofrctose1,6-diphosphate Freie | phosphasto wots hore 10 Which ofthe following statements arte aboutrespintion? 4 Qiielbsis causes 6Cscose tobe broken up into tw03C pyruvate compound I Krcbecyceandelecwon transport sytem occu inthe celeron! BE. The Krebscycleinvohvesdecaboxyltion and dchydeogenaion uci Giycolyis, subse Aevel phosphorylation occas twice A toaly B Uandittenly 2 [land V only D En Manatv } oan "This question paper ie CONFIDENTIAL unt the examination is over ‘CONFIDENTIAL: ‘CONFIDENTIAL 8 sour 11. The raphtelow shows the oxyzen dissociation curve of umn haemoglobin under diferent arial pressures of carbon diode, ° © = Pe mee doen ‘Amange the above oxygendssoiation cure based onthe ascending onder f past presse ofcarbon dioxide A PIQIR B P3RIQ © Q>PIR D R>O3P 12. Whyishaemoglbinan ficient transporter of oxygen? A» Icanbind withoxygeast very lo partial pressures of oxygen 1B solvesintbe plasm © Roomtns nck: B -Iteonaiashacm prosthetic group that as frum atom atits core 13 Thefolkowing ble shows the phases ofeardiaecycle, Whiho he following correctly matches each hse of cardiac cycle anditseven?” Phase Ea P Diastole Anand vente ra. 1) Blood lows into the right and left ati 1} Veaticles conte 4) Systole IV) Altioventicular valves clos and seiluna valves open. 1 0 m v Alp 4 e 4 Bog P 4 P ee p 4 4 D>»? 4 4 P ‘CONFIDENTIAL 10 114 Which ofthe folowing statements te not true about Caspaian Strip? 1 ooversthe whole enddermis cel” TL tcoasistsofsuberin, which simpemeabe to water, LI isathickening stp ofendosenns cell TV Tenses that water roses the root through the apoplast pathway only, and only Mand V only MandV only Tand1V only some 1S _ Which fctors affect the opening and closing of tomata? Concentration oxygen CChangesin the potassium ion concentration the guard cell ‘Changesin the starch mat quam (Greadianeythns. Jandttonly 1, Iland1V only J. and only EM, Dland iv pob> geen 16 Whichhormone tiggersclosing ofthe stomata when scl waterisinsuffiint to keep up with Abscisic aco. ‘Aniiueichormens ‘cn Gibbet wos 17 Water ditusesint th eytoplasmf oa cll and moves from ytoplasm to cytoplasn through thepleradsmata scaled spoplstpathway smplastpatiay vactola pathy calle pathy oer oan "This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL unt the examinaton i over. ‘CONFIDENTAL* A CONFIDENTIAL 2 soa 18 Whichhypodesiscftanslocatonin phloem assumes ha energy required for tanslocatonis cine fom a poeatal ference across sew pac? [ t 19 The diagram below shows changesin osmotic concentration inthe Loop of Henle escent ‘Which ofthe following causes lowering of te asm concentration inthe ascending limb? ‘The dacendinglimbispemeabeto dissolve sates» “The ascending limb permeahle toes. The ascending limbs permeable to water. Na and Cr ions moe oat the ascending limb by active anspor. vase 20 Which ofthe folowing statements sboutthe exces amino aid in mama's petein mtabotsn ‘Deamination occurs and amin acids excreted ania nin. Deaminaion occur and amino groups exretd es ue, [Bxeredasalbuminin wine Produces ahr amino aid noeded though rnsainaton Land ttonly and only andIV only land 1V only caee aak- an “This quoston paper is CONFIDENTIAL Unt the examination Is over CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 16 23. Thediagram below shows the lie excl of Dropteri 4 sgt sai Le pe Ae x p @ R A Ganetplyte Meiosis Sporophyte B_ Ganeopiytc Sporophyte Meleis © Sporophyte Ganetopite Meiosis De Sporophyte Meiosis Ganerptiy 24 Intbelifecycle ot Mucor sp. meiosis occurs daring the Developmentof aoepheres Formation of mal sn female gmt ‘The formation of sporangia Developmentofthezygote chee 25. Whichof the fallowingsthe cell mediate espnsennmanity? ‘A Tympboeyte hole infidel BAgghtnaon of cells occurs € _Pathogenaredestroyed by the action of cytotoxic effector el 1D _mmunoelobutin are prodiced. ‘CONFIDENTIAL 18 26 ‘Thetable below shows some plant hormones nd thee functions. | Hormone Functions w T —Promaas olga some ose plans [by Abssicoaa | TT ones at peng ene T_Promotcs abscission of fuitsand eave (| Gibran “TV Promotes sem ckongaton “© [ Cykinin —“|-V “Promotes cell division ao delays eat sencsoeace ‘Which of the following i the corect matt? 27 The statements below refer othe mechanism of hormone action ekded ‘The ormone binds with aspeifie eceptoron the cell membrane, ‘Thehoemone crosses thecell membrane, ‘Thehormone-eceplr complex binds with aG protein. Adenyl eyelasehyolyses ATP ‘Acivason of specific genes inthe DNA. Which ofthe statements describe the action of adenine? cane sean Manav Litaadty TU and1V [i Mand V “This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL unti the examination i over CONFIDENTIAL ‘CONFIDENTIAL 2 an 28 Thotablcbelow shows thee types of germ layers and the ses or organs which are formed from t. Which ofthe following combination are comet” Taxes ‘Organs or Systems Tatodann GJ_ [7] Stetea sce Grelatoy reproduce aa Meson (b), AT Laing of digestive tac iver and paces Endod (| fT Epidemis nervous tem A. (xb, (ext B Gxt), xt ,(ex) € @a,cox0, ext) D> Gaxtb. ox, com 29 Which ofthe followings income pied? Oxytocin—stmultes ayumi coneton of tems during labour, Proactin— simulates lactation, ‘Oestrogen ~inhibits ters contraction: Progesterone promutes development of mammary lands during pregnancy, cae 30 ‘The growth of a organ that is non proportional to that ofthe whole bry iscalled A. sometic growth 1B alometic rows © Sosematentgrth D> imied grows oar "This question oaner is CONFIDENTIA! snk tha evaminatinn e mine ‘CONFIDENTIAL 2 31. The graph below shows experimental data gathered from abean pant Which of the following scomectforcuves x,y and? Abate ONE ela grow ats 32, Acrosshetweena purebred black at and a pare breed white cat gives ist black, white and grey cats with aio: 1:2 respectively inthe Fl generation, the alles Involvedinthetrats are probably A bemazygous Blake © codominant Dink! ‘CONFIDENTIAL “This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL uni th CONFIDENTIAL” ey san 33 Thefollowing family tee shows the inertanceof blond disease mo me ceeded wood Ly temas © Homer Bi sie vtn see @ Forse wh deowe ‘Whatise genetic basis the blood disease? Aasosceal doin Sevtiked dominant ‘Autosomal recessive Sevclinked recessive oe 34 Thediagram above shows homologous chromosome pi What type of chromesome rutaton has occured? woe Deleon “Trantestion. Insertion Inversion woes 35 Alinkage group iscomposcdo genes which affethe same characteristic ‘avintbe samenueleus, segregate atmitsis are siuated on same chromosome, come CONFIDENTIAL” 2% oan 36 ey ‘Which ofthe following changes to asegment oa gene containing ATTCCG triplet code Jmasthemost serious effect onaningiviual? acteco TACAG ATTACCG, ‘Ar niGraces eae Ina popalation hatin Hard. Weinberg equi, 16% of the indvduals show the recessive trait’ What isthe frequency ofthe dominan all inthe population? woe 5 Which ofthe following conditions mast be met for population tobe in Hardy-Weinberg nln? 1 Population ios re. 1 Migration only occur at the beginning of the bron season, AIL Natura selesion does not acu ? IV Mutations occuratconstant aes Wand VL and and it TM and TV Which ofthe following statements str forthe lacoperon? Ikisarepresible operon, Lacioseisthe product, “The operons ‘switched on when repressors presen Icontolsacaabolicpahiay poee sant “This question paperis CONFIDENTIAL uni the examination is ove. ‘CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL” Ey 40 The ciagram below represents part of DNA which controls the synthesis Prgalactosidase. “Thetabe shows the pats of DNA and he uncon. Pas Feta, [Ca nding se Torrepresvor poten [CP (oy codes synthesis of repressor pot | Ye | ining si for BNA polymers ‘Which ofthe following combinations iscoret? az]? [oo @ | o fo ela @ |, oe [© iL Plasmids Aand Bhavethe gene resistance to wtbotic X and Y respectively. What ‘would be the processes involveto generate plasmid C? A> Digestion wth erton enzyme andligaion B_Dizestion with restriction enzyme and PCR © PCRandligaion D__PCRanitransformaton ‘CONFIDENTIAL* 0 an 42 Whichofibe following are characteristics of cloning veins? ‘They are able to accept foreign DNA. ‘They can epicatefelyintheichost cells ‘They harm therbostelisx ‘They are able to express the cloned genes. and Mandiv LM and LM and tv goe> geet 43. Whichofthe following stuementisae truco an antisiialchsifcaion sytem? ‘Thesystemisbasedon phylogenetic relationship I. Thesystemean beused o constret dichotomous keys ‘Organisms ae placed into group for specific purposes. (Organisms are paced into groups acorn other different characteristics which are abivaniy chosen, 28 Toaly Tand only 1 MandV only tandTV only dome 44 Thefollowing dichotomous key is prepare for ivetypes of animal 1 Animals with ack bore gotonumber? Anima without bck BON. sO mabe 3 2. Bldy with dy scales, P ody without sales. Q 3. A puirofantenae. goto number "Two ps of antenna nen R 4. ‘Three pairs of mouth pat. - s A pli Of ja nnnrnn T Whats the animal P,Q,R,S and'T? P Q R s T ‘A Smke Frog Cockroach Pawn Cemipede B Frog Snake Cockroach Centipede Prawn © Smke Frog Centipede Prawn Cockroach D> Smke Frog Prawn Cockroach Centipede eat “This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination i over. CONFIDENTIAL’ CONFIDENTIAL Ea sean 445. Thetablebelow shows four phylasndtheirexamples Phytum Bxample 1 Ring (@) Helianthus 1. Bryophysa_ (©) Dryopteris ML Filcinpyts (©) Marchant IV Angiospermophyta (@) Mucor ‘Which othe following is cometiy matched?” 1 w m wv x @ © @ B © © @ ® c @ ® o © B © © © o 1 Destroys the minty inviduas from bothendsof the phenotypic distiution range {1e_ Destroys the maori individual fon the mile ofthe phenotypic dsuibuton range. Incresesthevaristion nthe population, : Mm A lealy B andlfonly € Mandittonly DL MandIt 487 Whichis mt associated with speciation? A sain 1B Inbreding © Genaicdit 1D Aiapive raion 48 Whichofihe ollowingisnot tru ofan ccosystm? A. Phytoplankton ar prodcers [JF Thelasteonsumer obtains he highestener © Beosystem isanopen system withinputand ouput enersies: D__ Hetrtropis incale herbivores camiveres, omnivores, decermposers and detiivrss sear CONFIDENTIAL 4 oon 49 Whichof te following ar correct bout the temic? ‘The trophic evel of an organism nits community “The functions of an ganism inthe form of energy flow and nazent cele. “The method of how an organism makes we fils envionment inorder olives A groupof plants and anima iving nara in anervironment “Anecolgical unitbilt from he elatonshpsamong te organisms in the community athe ‘eatonships between the organisms andthe environment

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