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Barua, Kian Troy Prefinal Exam

Case Analysis

Case No. 1: Patient

Hospitals throughout the country are held in high esteem within their communities for public service
they earn public's trust by providing safe, excellent quality patient care. Health facilities also have an
obligation to share the responsibility for the quality of the nursing program by providing practice sites
and nursing role models.

In this case, the nurses or the hospital is violating several ethical principles. Beneficence, the duty to do
good, to care for patients without bias Hospital t not fair in treating people and there is no justice in
receiving money from an illegal doing.

When pandering a service one establishment should be fair and give justice to any one either he/she is
poor or rich. There should be an equality in treating patients to have a good service to anyone fairness it
a key ethical goal of priority setting when heath care resources are scarce.

Patient prioritization refers to the process of ranking referrals in a attain order based on various criteria
with the aim of improving fairness and equity in the delivery of care However, there are conflicting
evidence regarding their effect on wait times since the aim is for patients with the greatest needs to be
treated first patients wait times should be determined objectively based on explicit and equitable

Decisions about right and wrong permeate everyday life. Ethics should concern all levels of life acting
properly as individuals, creating responsible organizations and governments, and making our society
more ethical. It recognizes that decisions about "right and wrong can be difficult and may be related to
individual context. I first provide a summary of the major sources for ethical thinking, and then presents
a framework for decision making.

Case No. 2: Pornography

The influences of a person's character may reflect to what the person is doing and what the person is
saying and how a person is thinking. From humble beginning in 1960's to the present day, the internet
consolidate itself as a potent platform and an integral part of the modern society. By increasing access
to information and communication technologies, the internet has become universal source of
information for millions of people in their homes, at work, at school or universities, creating the world
without borders.

Watching pornographic materials may have psychological effects ab it may develop an addiction to sex
especially if this is done regularly the virtue ethics aims to develop the good character of a person such
as to be ethical thinker and a wiser choice -maker.
A study conducted in Denmark shows that people consider hardcore pornography a positive influence
in their lives. They credit it with improving their sex lives, their sexual knowledge their attitudes toward
the opposite gender and even their overall quality of life. Those who use. it most those who pleasure
themselves the most, and those who consider their source material the most realistic perceived the
greatest positive effects. - Pornography changes the habits of the mind, the inner private self. It is use
easily to become habitual, which in turn leads to desensitization, boredom, distorted views of reality,
and an objectification of women. There are also numerous clinical consequences to pornography use,
including increased risk of for significant physical and mental health problems and a greater likelihood of
committing a sex-based crime.

Pornography passes health issues, psychological problems, physical, mental, and emotional problems as
well. There is not much good that can come out of pornography. Most importantly pom depicts the
image of women Porn has always had a negative effect on society and the bigger it gets the worse the
impact will get. It will do nothing but continue to ruin lives ruin relationships, increase divorce and more.

Case No. 3: Arts and Offense

Morality and art are connected usually in art that provokes and disturbs such art stirs up the artists or
viewer's personal beliefs, values, and morals due to what is depicted.

In a situation where an image of someone who is the object of religious devotion is placed ride by side
with a phallic image is an ethical issue because in this situation, the moral conflict arises where we can
argue that this is just an art which everyone is entitled to create on the other hand it may also be
perceived as a deliberate insult to the religion catholic thus it is an unethical thing to do. There is
nothing wrong expressing ourselves specially in the form of an artwork, even our constitution does not
condemn self-expression. These artworks only become wrong especially in the eyes of religious people
because it depicted an image of Jesus being associated to obscenity. Considering that most Filipinos are
Catholics, consisting of 86% of the population, the artist would have become sensitive to what others
may feel towards his work if not the artworks should not be made open for public viewing and if still not
possible, there should have been a restriction or orientation for the audience before entering the
exhibit. However, any artwork can be interpreting and is perceived of different individuals in unique
way. If we will take religiously, then it will be wrong, but if we will view it as a mere art, and just a result
of the playful mind of the artist, then it is never wrong.

It would be easy to judge whether an action is good or bad. If the action done is against their belief, then
it is considered evil. However, for people of different religions, they may make no reaction towards the
art, or the reaction would just be neutral. And for Atheists, Satanists or those people who condemn
idolatry, they may find the arts good and appealing.

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