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Boavita September 2020

Antonio Guterres
UN Secretary General
Cordial Greetings
As it is already known to you that technology has advanced a lot and as a
consequence of its development has negative impacts on the environment, that is why
my wish is to write to you so that you know my opinion that I have respect for the
subject and in the same way will give learn ideas that can contribute to mitigating
environmental damage.

Initially I want to tell you that in recent decades some observers have begun to warn
about some destructive and damaging aspects derived from technology, and it is
argued that this is a consequence of the inability of governments and industries to
predict or assess the possible negative effects of technology. accelerated development
of technological products.
Since without looking at the consequences, forests and forests are being cut down in a
massive way and that in the long term can have serious effects on the global climate,
the polluting gases emitted by cars and industries are causing the ozone layer to be
depleted, pesticides that threaten the food chain, the home and indiscriminate fishing,
as well as oil spills in the sea, threaten the survival of endangered animal species, such
as the whale, Mineral residues used by industry are polluting rivers, lakes and seas, as
well as groundwater reserves. The environment has been so damaged by technological
processes that one of the greatest challenges of modern society is finding places to
store the large amount of waste that is produced.

that occur. For all these things that happen around the world, I have the initiative to
write to you so that you support the Green Technology project since it helps a lot to
change a scenario that is expected to be difficult for the natural environment.
That is why I want you to support this technology and order to use it since it produces
positive effects and these technological avenues are of great benefit and easy to use,
such as digital transformation means that people are greatly reducing the use of
paper. Thanks to storage in memory systems and in the Cloud, Mail, notes and
agendas are now archived in the digital world, helping to reduce deforestation,
support the initiative to create electric cars, the creation of smart homes and buildings
and the renewable energy.
Not being more I say goodbye by letting you know my point of view
Thanks for your attention
Ruth Jimena Hernández Niño
Business administration student at UNAD
Referencias bibliográficas

Cordial greeting
I do my second exercise contribution
Modern technology and its implications for me have had a negative impact on our society
as today children, young people and adults let’s be focused on technology teams and we’re
not living our lives as it really is, we no longer prectice indigenous games we want to be on
social media, watching videos, chatting but were not realizing that at the front we have
people we can talk to and do different things and take advantage of theam one way or
another, the day were act Will bo too late to get back the time we lost in the cell.
We are ending the customs that left us so many teachings, we are ending our lives and we
do not realice, technology is causing us lazy people to be slaves to it.
Technological development has led us to isolate ourselves from the wonderfull true world
to be lived and we focus on a shallow world full of illusions and when up it Will be too
Thank you.

Stage 3: What can be done?

Write your advice on how we can contribute to the improvement of current environmental
In order to contribute to improving the current environmental crisis, i believe that initially
governments need to be tougher on the companies that pollute the most as Ecopetrol is,
they must contribute more to mitigate the enviromental damage caused by this company
and which by the way is the third largest in the world.
Must take action with these companies that contribute to changing this problem, they must
take action to make people aware of the effects caused by environmental pollution.
Government needs to implement transformation ideas in communities to créate projects
sustainable development with the care of the environmental, should créate pólicies and
sanctions for people who fail to comply with environmental care standards, since that is the
commitment of all of us, it is necessary to implement more technology in the face of the
creation and use of solar panels because they help save energy, this is necessary in order to
make posistive impacts on the environmenal crisis that we live in the whole world today.
I recommend that all people become aware and do small actions that help a lot with the
environmental crisis we are living in today.
Thank You

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