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University of Oklahoma

Grounds of Comparison
Author(s): Claudia Brodsky Lacour
Source: World Literature Today, Vol. 69, No. 2, Comparative Literature: States of the Art
(Spring, 1995), pp. 271-274
Published by: University of Oklahoma
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Accessed: 23/12/2009 01:31

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Literature Today.
Groundsof Comparison

By CLAUDIABRODSKYLACOUR Descartes confrontedwhen he theorizedthe neces-

sity of comparingin the Discoursand Regulaenow
"Ce n'est que par une comparaisonque nous confronts contemporaryliterarytheory that under-
connaissonsprecisementla verite. . . . Toute con- stands the "workof reason"to be, for good or for
naissancequi ne s'obtientpas par rintuition simple ill, inherently comparative:on what basis do we
et pure d'une chose isolee, s'obtient par la compa- makecomparisonsin the humanities?
raison de deux ou plusieurs choses entre elles. Et In order to understandwhy comparativetheory
presquetout le travailde la raisonhumaineconsiste designedto advancetheoreticalcertaintynow raises
sans doute a rendrecette operationpossible"1(It is instead what seem like inevitabledoubts, one must
only by way of comparisonthat we know the truth first examinethe shiftingcourse of the comparative
precisely.. . . All knowledgewhich is not obtained method since Descartes. Inquiryinto the develop-
throughthe simple and pure intuitionof an isolated ment of modern comparativetheoryrevealsa histo-
thing is obtainedby the comparisonof two or more ry of disciplinaryexchanges.The cognitivevalue at-
things among themselves.And almost all the work tributed to comparison in the humanities would
of human reason consists without doubt in making seem to owe most immediatelyto nineteenth-centu-
this operation possible). In the terms of "human ry developmentsin the naturaland social sciences,
reason" first laid down by Descartes, knowledge fields such as ethnography,sociology, psychology,
that is not intuitionaldependsupon acts of compar- lingustics, political economy, evolutionarybiology,
ison. Comparisonoperates whenever "an isolated anatomy, and paleontology, some of which came
thing"is not the object of knowledge,and theoreti- into being with the descriptive,comparativemeth-
cal reflection,ratherthan "pureand simple"appre- ods they employed.In the comparativephilologyof
hension, offers the only approach to knowledge Bopp and Humboldt and, a century later, Propp's
possible. Although its reception by idealist Morphology of the Folktale (1928), the methods of
neo-Cartesianssuch as Malbrancheled to the his- comparativeanalysishoned in empiricalfields were
toricalassociationof Cartesianismwith divine intu- transposedto the realms of grammarand shaped
itionalism,Descartes'smodernizationof philosophi- cultural phenomena, and a nonnatural basis for
cal discourse and scientific procedures centered comparisoncame to the fore. Yet, by the second
upon the notion of a man-made "method,"an or- half of the twentiethcentury,within a generationof
dered, essentially comparativemode. Never fully the Czech and Russian formalists, comparative
defined by Descartes, method nonetheless appears analyses of cultural phenomena turned back into
throughout his theoretical writings as the single naturalist anatomies: the narratologicalproject of
means rigorousenough to investigatethe real, little applyingmethods of structuralphonetic and syntac-
of which- as the famous exercisesin skepticismof tic analysisto the languageof literature - aimed at
the Meditationsdemonstrated - is perceivedby us in establishinga "science"in imitation of taxonomic
intuitableform.2 natural sciences- proved a nightmare of vacuous
The only "thing"we may intuit directly,accord- categorizationfrom which it took neither Barthes
ing to Descartes, is spatial extension; for all other nor Todorov long to awake.If the patternsof natur-
things,including"the thinkingthing"that is the self al morphologywere irrelevantto linguisticmorphol-
and "the infinite substance" that is God, Des- ogy, the scientistic classificationof literaryforms
cartes's theory prescribesthe method of compari- was doublyso, an antiliterary,naturalistmythology.
son.3 If, following Descartes, the fundamentally Universalistscientisticanatomieshad at least the
nonintuitional,made "things"that are literaryand potentialsalutaryeffect (borrowedfrom structuralist
otherculturalformsfirstbecome knownto us not in anthropology)of wideningthe focus of the humani-
themselvesbut by way of comparison,the problem ties beyond predefined canons. Subsequent criti-
cism of scientisticand traditionalhumanistcompar-
Claudia Brodsky Lacour teaches comparativeliteratureand ative projectshas, however,questionedthe value of
theoryat PrincetonUniversity.She is the authorof TheImposi- comparing cultural phenomena in the first place.
tion of Form: Studies in Narrative Representationand Knowledge While taking the need for theoreticalreflectionfor
(1987), a study of Kant's epistemologyand fictionalform; nu- granted, skepticism in the late twentieth century
merous articleson English,German,and French literatureand doubts whether comparisons should or can be
philosophyfromthe eighteenthcenturyto the present;and Lines
of Thought:Discourse,Architectonics,and the Origin of Modern Phi- value-neutral,whethercognitivevalue is not itself a
losophy(forthcoming),a studyof Descartes. myth determinedby an epistemicallydefinedcultur-

al context, and, in a late reenactmentand reversalof Goethe'srhetoricof understatementregardinghis

the neoclassical querelledes anciens et des rnodernes, findingonly servedto underscorewhat he perceived
whether the comparativepursuit of knowledge in to be the enormity of its historical significance:
the name of progressdoes not fundamentallydistort "Lange Zeit wollte sich der Unterschied zwischen
the objectswhose effectsit pretendsto explain. Menschen und Tieren nicht finden lassen, endlich
What is suspected in skepticismof all compara- glaubte man den Affen dadurch entschieden von
tive projects, arising precisely with the "postmod- uns zu trennen, weil er seine vier Schneidezahnein
ern" proliferationof differentcultural traditions, is einem empirischwirklichabzusonderndenKnochen
that comparison,understoodas the identificationof trage"7(For a long time the differencebetweenmen
similarityin difference,will effacedifferencein a de- and animalscould not be found, and finallyit was
sire for unity, either self-servinglyor by a weak believedthat the ape could be differentiatedfromus
Hegelianismthat absorbsdifferenceas the necessary in that its incisorswere located in a bone that was
ballast to transcendent thought. The nonnatural really empiricallydistinguishable).By transforming
groundsof comparisonthat are particularto the hu- the appearance of a differentiatingcharacteristic
manities involve a necessarytension between unity into evidence of a single feature, his comparative
and differencethat "neutral"classificationor syn- study, Goethe argues, should eradicateany future
thetic resolution must work to efface. Dialectical "doubts"about the sharedtraits (and, by inference,
and scientistic schemes which employ the concept the common genealogy) of human and animal
of differenceas a means to an end negate the inter- anatomy: "Es wird also wohl kein Zweifel iibrig-
play of opposingpurposeswhich objects in the hu- bleiben, dafi diese Knochenabteilungsich sowohl
manitiesrepresent. bei Menschen als Tieren findet"8(There will thus
The productive tension that characterizesthe no longer remain any doubt that this classification
made "things"of the human sciences was the ex- of bone is to be found in man as well as in animals).
plicit ground comparison in one of the most ex- A discoveryof this nature, Goethe remarks,re-
tensive bodies of early modern writing on "natural quireslittle discursiveintroduction,for it is available
science." Goethe's lifelong compositionof a "com- to anyone who both "looks and compares."9Com-
parative morphology"in the domains of botany, parisonis the indispensablecomplementto empiri-
anatomy, osteology, mineralogy,and geology (Zur cal vision, and if the search for part of a jawbone
Morphologie,1817-24; Zur Naturwissenschaft,1820- strikesus as a less than inspiringcomparativepro-
23), largelywrittenin responseto the new descrip- ject, the stakesinvolvedin it should not. By compar-
tive projects of Cuvier, Buffon, Geoffroy Saint- ingvisiblecharacteristicsand thus seeingwhat could
Hilaire, and Linne, already betrays the equivocal not be perceivedin isolation,Goethe overturnedthe
attractiontowarddifferenceand unity demonstrated anthropocentricview of nature that had precluded
in contemporarycomparativetheory and the ten- the recognitionof continuityby assertingdifference
dencyto exchangenaturalfor culturalbases of com- merelyout of fearof the same.
parisonwhich such equivocationentails. From the Yet Goethe makes the case for the comparative
outset, Goethe declared the centralityof compari- method from the vantagepoint of differenceas well,
son to the study of naturalphenomena. His early writing of distant plant types in his botanicalstud-
"Allgemeine Einleitung in die vergleichende ies: "Die allerentferntestenjedoch haben eine aus-
Anatomie,ausgehendvon der Osteologie"(General gesprochene Verwandtschaft,sie lassen sich ohne
Introductionto ComparativeAnatomy, Based on Zwang untereinandervergleichen"10(The furthest
Osteology;1793) opens with the followingtheoreti- aparthave, nonetheless, a pronouncedrelationship;
cal claim: "Naturgeschichteberuht auf Verglei- they can be compared among each other without
chung. Aufiere Kennzeichen sind bedeutend, aber forcing the comparison).What permits Goethe as
nicht hinreichend,um organischeKorpergehorigzu naturalscientistto compareunlikeno less than like,
sondern und wieder zusammenzustellen"4 "
(Natural finding "pronouncedrelationship[s] if not empiri-
historyrests on comparison.Externalcharacteristics cal missing links, is his dynamic "view"of a "na-
are significant, but not sufficient for the task of ture" directed at once by what he calls "two great
properlyseparatingorganic bodies and joiningthem drivingwheels" ("die Anschauungder zwei grofien
back together again). That comparisoncould indi- TriebraderderNatur"):"polarity"("Polaritat")and
cate the underlying"continuity"5of naturalhistory "intensification"or "rising"("Steigerung"),the for-
which isolated characteristicsbelie was the guiding mer signifyingthe "unendingattractionand repul-
principlebehind Goethe's celebratedidentification sion" ("immerwahrendemAnziehen und Absto-
of the os intermaxillare or "Zwischenknochender fien") or alternatingtendenciestowardidentityand
obern Kinlade" (intermediaryupper-jawbone) in differencethat take place in "matter,"the lattersig-
human anatomy, the "small discovery,"as Goethe nifying the "permanentstrivingtoward greaterin-
calledit, of the missinglink in the naturalhistoryre- tensity" ("immerstrebendemAufsteigen")of "spir-
latingapes to men.6 it."11And what makes these two tendencies truly

dynamicin a Goethean(ratherthan Hegelian)sense knowledgeof naturepossiblebecauseit was notnat-

is that they themselves can be exchanged:just as ural. We now speak of Cartesiancoordinates,and
matterand spirit can never "exist and be effective" polynomialequationswritten in ordershigher than
("existiertund wirksamsein") without each other, three, because for spatial extensions, the basic unit
so mattertoo, accordingto Goethe, increasesin in- of the physical world, and even for the numbers
tensity and spirit engages in separationsand join- which identify and distinguish them by length,
ings.12 Descartessubstitutedletters- purelydifferential,ar-
Always "mobile," Goethe's nature is, however, tificialthings.18
not an aimless,Lucretiandance of forms.13The pur- These "veryconcise signs" ("des signes tres con-
posivenessof the apparentlyanti-Cartesianconjunc- cis"), Descartesobserved,can be made as one likes
tion of matter and spirit14he describes is perhaps ("queTon peut forgercomme on voudra").19 Things
best exempified in his recorded search for the made for the purpose of their comparison, they
"Urpflanze,"the description of which memorably allow the intellect to act in the mannerof Goethe's
caused Schillerto commentthat Goethe sought not nature, to draw from otherwise disconnected ele-
a plant "butan idea."15Goethe's comparativetheory ments "a kind of continuousmovementof thought"
of naturalphenomemadid indeed allow for a theory ("une sorte de mouvementcontinu de la pensee").20
of identity in a realm of ideas: in experience all Continuityof thought replacesthe doubtfulpercep-
things appear either "similar"or "dissimilar"("als tion of things with links of similarityand relation-
ahnlich,ja sogar als vollig unahnlich"),but "in the ships of difference, creating out of the empirical
idea," Goethe writes, they are "the same" ("in der world for which signs substitute a kind of natural
Idee gleich").16Whetheror not Schiller's"idea"re- historyof thinking.
sembled Goethe's (let alone his notion of a proto- Descartes'smethod for achievingknowledgepro-
typicalplant), one of Goethe's groundsof compari- vides the mind with the means of makingcompar-
son seems to be a vision of things in which isons, and those means, the groundsof comparison,
temporary differences between appearances are are neither inherent in nor external to the things
erased and the drives of matter and spirit are sus- compared.If one comparesthese two differentcom-
pended. parativetheories and procedures- Descartes'ssub-
Yet Goethe the writerof naturalscience was also stitutionof freelychosen signs for simple extensions
Goethe the writer,and it should be evidentthat the in space, and Goethe's detailedinvestigationof the
naturewhose thingsGoethe comparesis less materi- characteristicsof empirical objects- their grounds
alist, or idealist,than it is literaryin conception.17
As and methods of comparisonprove to be equallyun-
a makerof fictions, Goethe alreadyknew no other questionable, due to the very fact that, in both
method than comparison. If his comparativeap- cases, they are not givenbut made.
proach to nature was based upon the notion of an Just as their theories of comparisonmake these
ever-intensifyingpolarity of forces, and his under- sciences appearnot so very naturalafterall, human
standingof the materializationsof those forces im- sciences suffer from a misplaced naturalismwhen
plied an "idea"of materialform, the model for that they judge the value of comparison in positive
approachwas a medium that comes into existence terms, forgetting that what they are comparingis
with comparison.Fictions, and other artifacts,are formed of the activityof comparisonto begin with.
forms whose "things"- words, or any other signs- But it may be characteristicof the activityof com-
are, by nature,comparative.The differencesamong parisonthat, in comparingthings with other things
these thingsyield "pronouncedrelationship[s]," and they are not, it also lends itself to exchangingfact
what unites them also separates.In fiction no things for fiction, fiction for fact. This would explain not
exist in isolation, and there are no "intuitions"of only the disciplinaryexchangesthat markthe histo-
isolated things; all things are part of an artificial ry of comparativetheory,but also the way in which
continuity, and one makes the knowledge one de- the human sciences can prove oddly skeptical of
rivesfrom them. Yet that knowledge,for being arti- comparison.Such skepticismmay be an enlighten-
ficial and comparative,allows of less doubt than ing form of self-criticism,or it may be an inevitable
"natural"perceptions- if one conceivesof naturein fiction, partof the verypracticeof comparisonitself.
a purelyempirical,non-Goethean,and noncompar- PrincetonUniversity
No one approachedthe knowledge of nature in 1Rene Descartes,
Regulaead directionem ingenii,Rule XIV, in
less purely empiricalterms than Descartes. In the his CEuvres philosophiques,3 vols., ed. FerdinandAlquie, Paris,
course of doubting natural perceptions, Descartes Gamier, 1963, vol. 1, p. 168. All translationsaremy own.
2As defined by Descartes,even intuitionsare not immediate
developed a theory of comparison.But in order to
effect comparisons, Descartes had to develop a cognitionsbut, rather,representations:"Par intuitionj'entends,
non point le temoinageinstabledes sens . . . , maisune represen-
medium in which the method of comparisoncould tation qui est le fait de l'intelligencepure et attentive, . . .
take place, a medium, that is, which would make representationinaccessibleau doute" (By intuitionI understand

not the unstable testimony of the senses . . . , but a representa- 12Ibid.

13On the
tion which is the creation of a pure and attentive intelligence, . . . changing polarity of appearances, Goethe writes in
which is inaccessible to doubt). Regulae, Rule III, vol. 1, p. 87. Zur Morphologie,p. 57: "Darin besteht eigentlich das bewegliche
3 Leben der Natur" (Therein actually lies the mobile life of na-
Descartes, Meditations, in his CEuvresphilosophiquessvol. 2,
pp. 445, 449-50. Cf. also part 1, chapter 4, "The Things a ture).
14Cf. Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker,
Thinking Thing Thinks," in my Lines of Thought:Discourse,Ar- "Einige Begriffe aus
chitectonics,and the Originof ModernPhilosophy,forthcoming from Goethes Naturwissenschaft," Werke,vol. 13, p. 550.
Duke University Press and L'Harmattan in Paris. Ibid., p. 544. Cf. my "Freedom in Kant and Schiller," in
4 Friedrichvon Schiller and the Drama of Human Existence:Selected
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Werke:HamburgerAusgabe, 14
vols., Munich, DTV, 1982, vol. 13, p. 170. Papersfrom the Friedrichvon SchillerConference,"Contributions to
5 the Study of World Literature," no. 25, ed. Alexej Ugrinsky,
Ibid., vol. 13, pp. 546-47, 553, 560.
6 New York, Greenwood, 1988, p. 132.
Goethe, "Dem Menschen wie den Tieren ist ein Zwischen-
knochen der obern Kinnlade zuzuschreiben" [An Intermediary Goethe, Zur Morphologie,p. 57.
17Of note in this
Upper-Jaw Bone Is to Be Ascribed to Men as Well as to Ani- regard is the presence of Kant and Schiller
mals], Werke,vol. 13, p. 184. and the telling absence of Goethe in a recent volume of essays by
7 humanists tracing the intellectual evolution of the separation of
Goethe, Zur Morphologie(1817), Werke,vol. 13, p. 62.
8 the natural and human sciences: Die Trennung von Natur und
Goethe, "Dem Menschen wie den Tieren...," p. 194.
Ibid., p. 185: "Ich will mich so kurz als moglich fassen, weil Geist, eds. Rudiger Bubner, Burkhard Gladigow, and Walter
durch blofies Anschauen und Vergleichen mehrerer Schadel eine Haug, Munich, Fink, 1990. See especially Hans Robert Jauss's
ohnedies sehr einfache Behauptung geschwinde beurteilet wer- reprinted contribution, "Kunst als Anti-Natur: Zur asthetischen
den kann" (I will be brief in my remarks, because a claim that is Wende nach 1789," pp. 209-43.
in any case very simple can be quickly judged by the mere look- 18See the discussion of Cartesian mathematics, in
ing at and comparing of several skulls). Descartes's introduction of notational signs into geometry, in
10 Lines of Thought, part 2, chapter 5, "Letters and Lines: Algebra
Goethe, "Geschichte meiner botanischen Studien," Werke,
vol. 13, p. 163. and Geometry in Descartes' Geometry."
11 19
Goethe, "Erlauterung zu dem aphoristischen Aufsatz 'Die Descartes, Regulae, Rule XVI, vol. 1, p. 186.
Natur'," Werke,vol. 13, p. 48. Descartes, Regulae, Rule VII, vol. 1, p. 109.

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