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I. Skeletal System -

Function - Give support and structure to the body

Structure (Major Parts) –

Cranium- Skull
Pelvis- Hip
Femur- Upper leg (longest bone in the body)

Joints –
Pivot--Pronation or rotating (forearm/wrist)
Ball & Socket--Full range of motion (shoulder/hip) You can twist it in circles
Hinge-- Back and forth one way (elbow/knee)
Glide--Slides side to side (wrist/back) slides side to side and turn
Fixed--Bones that don't move (ribs)
Tissues -
Bone- The hard stuff :)
Cartilage- Cushion between bones (ear/nose)
Ligament- Connects bone to bone
Tendon- Connection between bone & muscle

Interactions with other systems – Muscular (moves bones) Circulatory (Makes Red blood
cells) Immune (makes white blood cells)
II. Muscular System -

Function – Move bones & soft tissues

Types –
Voluntary (Skeletal)- can control, move bones
Smooth- Can't control with brain. Does it on it's own
Cardiac- Heart Muscle

Structure (Major Parts) –

Gluteus Maximus- Butt Muscle (biggest)
Very little muscles on hands and feet
Contraction – Muscle Fibers contract by pulling
together. Muscles move bones.

Interactions with other systems –Move bones Makes up heart, Moves food in digestive
system & moved by brain.
III. Respiratory -

Function: Exchanges Gasses

Structure (Major Parts) –

Trachea - Main Tube

Bronchi – Splits in tube from trachea each lung

Broncheoli - Smaller Branches to lung

Alveoli - Tissue, exchanges gasses with blood in lungs

Diaphragm - Muscle that moves lungs to be able to breathe.

Interactions with other systems – Diaphragm is a muscle! Exchanges carbon dioxide &

IV. Circulatory System -

Function – Move oxygen carbon Dioxide & nutrients!

Structure (Major Parts) –

Atrium (R/L) – Receives blood in heart

Ventricles (R/L) - Moves blood from heart to body

Valves - Keeps blood moving in right direction

Aorta - Main artery, moves blood away from heart

Vena Cava – Main vain to heart

Muscle Tissue - Heart is a muscle

Interactions with other systems – Blood is oxygenated with respitory system

Circulatory gives oxygen & nutrients to ALL OTHER SYSTEMS
V. Digestive System -

Function – Breakdown and absorb nutrients in food

Structure (Major Parts) –

Esophagus-- Tube from mouth to stomach
Stomach--storage and digestion
Liver-- Makes enzymes to breakdown fats and oils in food
Gall bladder-- receives the bile, and stores it
Small intestine -- absorb nutrients
Large intestine (colon)-- absorb water

Digestive Troubles? Constipation- Too little water, so the waste has a hard time moving.
Diarrhea- Too much water absorbed by the colon, so it is too gushy

Interactions with other systems – Absorbs nutrients and sends to all other systems
(feeds the body!!)

VI. Integumentary System -

Function – Keep in goo things (water and blood) Keep out bad (parasites and bacteria)

Structure (Major Parts) –

Epidermis – Upper layer of skin

Dermis – Lower layer that houses skin tissues

Hair Follicle - Area where hair starts and moves thru skin layers

Sweat gland – secrets liquid to cool

Oil gland - secrets oil to make skin more waterproof and protected

Interactions with other systems –

*surrounds muscles and bone
* works close to immune system to fight affection when skin is damaged
* Helps clott blood
VII. Nervous System -

Function – Respond to surroundings, controls main functions

Structure (Major Parts) –

Neuron - Nerve cell

Brain - Smart thing that controls

Spinal Cord - Signals from brain to body

Corpus Callosum - Connection that helps left brain talk to right side of brain

Communication – Neurons link end to end to send signals. Some reactions happen before
it gets to brain.

Interactions with other systems – CONTROLS all other systems.

VIII. Endocrine System -

Function – Chemical control of body "hormone"

Structure (Major Parts) –

Hormone - Biological macromolecule, cause body to change

Pituitary gland - Found in brain, controls growth

Thyroid gland –Found in neck, controls metabolism

Adrenal gland – Found above kidneys and controls adrenaline

Pancreas – Makes insulin, lets cells take sugar from blood

Gonads - ovaries/testis that control gender hormones

Communication –Hormones are released into bloodstream the receptors tell you to grow.

Interactions with other systems – Heart is mostly controlled by endocrine system.

Reproductive, Bone growth occurs.
IX. Immune System –

Function: Work to fight off bacteria and viral infection in the body

Structure (Major Parts) –

White blood cells - made in bone marrow and spleen that work to fight!

Antibodies -Flow in the blood. work to find and fight certain types of bacteria

Interaction with other systems – Flow in blood to get all parts of body. Many found in
the skin where most attacks start.

Interesting Tidbits – Can't be sick with the same thing twice!!

X. Excretory System –

Function – Remove cellular waste

Structure (Major Parts) –

Kidney - Filters waste

Ureter - Puts waste from kidneys to bladder

Bladder -storage for waste concentrated in urine.

Interaction with other systems – Filters waste, depends on blood flow.

XI. Reproductive System –

Female -

Function – Produce eggs

Structure –

Ovary – eggs produce

Ovum -Released egg

Follicle –Egg gets prepared to leave

Corpus Luteum - scar tissue on ovary, releases hormones.

Interaction with other systems – Part of endocrine system work with

circulatory to move stuff around

Male -

Function – Produce sperm

Structure –

Testicle – Where meiosis occurs to make sperm

Epididymis -Storage for sperm

Vas deferens - Tube that allows sperm to leave testicle.

Interaction with other systems – Temperature has to be lower or hotter so

muscles can move sperm closer of further from body. AND Release
testosterone as part of Endocrine System.

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