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not heaven-sent
By Stefan Andrei Anghel

“It may come as a

surprise that the
W alk into any pharmacy or health
food store and you are sure to
find antioxidant supplements, probably
and damage crucial cellular molecules
including DNA, proteins and fats (Fig-
ure 1). This is where antioxidants come
in a wide selection of brands and sizes. in: they can neutralize ROS. They are
current scientific For a long time, antioxidants have been able to achieve this by interacting with
consensus is viewed as a method to prevent certain ROS and becoming oxidized them-
diseases and possibly even retard aging. selves, generating a harmless oxygen
that there is no Any randomly chosen person on the compound (like O2 or water) in the
health benefit to street would most likely tell you that process. The oxidized antioxidant can
antioxidants are “healthy”, or “good then be recycled (by reduction) or sim-
taking antioxidant for you”, though they would probably ply disposed of(3). Many chemicals can
supplements.” not be able to tell you how. It may come act as antioxidants, but among the ones
as a surprise that the current scientific most widely consumed by humans are
consensus is that there is no health ben- vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) and vitamin
efit to taking antioxidant supplements E (alpha-tocopherol) (4).
(1). Even more unexpected news came However, it is important to under-
this year when an article announced stand that we are not test tubes. While
that antioxidants may actually prevent it is true that ROS will attack DNA and
the health-promoting effects of physi- proteins, living cells are able to “fight
cal exercise (2). If the model proposed back” against all sorts of stress through
by the authors of the study is correct, special “repair and neutralize” tools.
then it may turn out that we have been In the case of ROS, there are multiple
systematically “poisoning” ourselves, protection systems: special enzymes
increasing our disease risk and short- like superoxide dismutase and catalase
ening our lifespan through antioxidant exist for the sole purpose of ROS neu-
supplements. tralization, and a small peptide known
So what exactly are antioxidants? as glutathione can efficiently scavenge
The concept of antioxidants relates to ROS throughout the cell (5). Despite
what are collectively termed reactive the existence of these systems, a para-
oxygen species (ROS). Reactive oxygen digm has been in place for some years
species (or “free radicals” as they are throughout the scientific community
still sometimes called, although incor- that some ROS escape and are able to
rectly from a chemical perspective) cause damage to cells, ultimately being
are a natural by-product of human responsible for various pathologies and
metabolism. Because oxygen abounds possibly the process of aging (5-6).
in each of our cells, it can sometimes Lately, however, evidence has surfaced
pick up electrons from the enzymes that ROS are not simply unfortunate
that are naturally present to break down by-products of our aerobic metabolism.
nutrients from our food, giving rise to ROS are now regarded as important sig-
the various types of ROS. These spe- naling molecules inside the cell, crucial
cies are called “reactive” because of for the communication between differ-
the ease with which they react with ent cell compartments (7-8). Even more
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cal exercise increases insulin sensitivity, el organism Caenorhabditis elegans (a

but one hypothesis (which is tested by worm) concluded that mitohormesis
Ristow et al.) is mitohormesis. Mitohor- may be the underlying mechanism by
mesis postulates that the burst of ROS which caloric restriction extends life-
induced by the increased metabolism time in this organism (10). Extension
during physical exercise (15), alerts of life through caloric restriction is a
the body to make specific proteins phenomenon seen in organisms from
that eventually bring about the final budding yeast to mammals (19-23), so
health effects (what these proteins are if the mitohormesis explanation for
or how they accomplish the task is still calorie restriction is indeed true and
Figure 1. Reactive Oxygen Species pro- not known). What the authors of the universal, it may mean that mitohor-
duced in Mitocondria can act both on
study did was simple: two statistically mesis-inducing drugs could someday
the mitochondria themselves and on other cell
compartments, causing oxidative damage. indistinguishable groups of individuals extend lifespan. Whether mitohorme-
were asked to exert themselves physi- sis turns out to be an accurate model
strangely, studies in model organisms cally; one group received high doses of remains to be seen as more research is
have shown that ROS can be media- antioxidants (vitamins C and E) while carried out on the subject.
tors of some health-promoting effects the other did not. Their findings fit very Studies like Ristow et al. are impor-
(9-10). The most recent of such studies well with the mitohormesis model: the tant because antioxidants are widely
suggests that ROS may be crucial for group that received no antioxidants had consumed as nutritional supplements.
the proper functioning of the immune higher-levels of ROS-repair enzymes Perhaps surprising for some, a recent
system (11). This finding underscores and higher insulin sensitivity, while the meta-analysis of a large number of an-
the importance of seeking a better group that received the supplements tioxidant studies performed on humans
understanding of antioxidants, con- showed none of these “health-promot- (totaling an incredible 550,000 subjects)
sidering vitamin C is often consumed ing” effects. The antioxidants essentially established that such supplements have
in large quantities as a remedy for the canceled out all the beneficial effects of no health-promoting effects(1). Then
common cold, despite no evidence of exercise. The authors proceeded to put why do people take antioxidants? Such
any efficiency (12). together a model of the process that an analysis is beyond the scope of this
Another study, conducted by Ristow fits their experimental data (Figure 2). article, but the cause is most likely simi-
et al., sought to analyze the effects of As any new (16) scientific paradigm, lar to that for the consumption of other
antioxidants in relation to the health- mitohormesis has the problem of any supplements such as homeopathic
promoting effects of physical exercise. emerging model: it lacks substantial evi- remedies: some questionable science
This study is particularly significant dence, but mostly because little research started the trend, and then companies
because it was carried out in humans, has been done on the subject, not willing to make a profit perpetuated and
rather than in model organisms. It because the research was not fruitful. amplified the legend. The fact that the
is known that However, some scientific giant Linus Pauling recom-
physical exercise “Mitohormesis postulates that supporting evi- mended consumption of vitamin C in
has many posi- the burst of ROS, induced by dence has re- doses two orders of magnitude above
tive effects with cently surfaced. conventional ones (24) probably did
respect to gen-
the increased metabolism A mitohorme- not help the general public focus on
eral health (13) during physical exercise, alerts sis-like process the scientific evidence underlying such
and is especially the body to make specific seems to be the advice. Also, the so-called free radical
efficient at im- proteins that eventually bring cause of isch- theory of aging, which postulates that
proving glucose about the final health effects” emic precondi- accumulation of ROS-induced damage
metabolism and tioning, a reac- brings about aging (5-6) surely con-
fighting and pre- tion that makes tributed to the spread of antioxidant
venting type 2 diabetes( 14). These lat- heart cells more tolerant to ischemia- supplements. Regardless of the reason
ter effects are mediated by an increase reperfusion (a type of damage to the for their popularity, such supplements
in insulin sensitivity: the more sensitive heart caused by irregular blood flow) have become extremely widespread,
one’s body is to insulin, the less of the (17). Shortly before this article went despite the lack of any data supporting
hormone it takes to lower blood sugar to print, Loh et al. (18) provided direct their efficiency.
levels and the less susceptible one is to causal evidence that a transient increase Now, it is becoming apparent that an-
type 2 diabetes. in ROS increases insulin sensitivity in tioxidants might actually be detrimental
It is not well understood how physi- mice. In addition, one study in the mod- to one’s health. It is important to note,
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drugs known to increase oxida- (30). Probably most of those don’t have
tive stress in model organisms, any health effects and only a very small
effectively trying to simulate fraction contain any active ingredients
physical exercise. These stud- in sufficient quantities to show any
ies would need to be designed improvement. But some, as appears
to induce short bursts of ROS to be the case with antioxidant supple-
and not a constant increase, and ments, might have adverse effects that
to the best of my knowledge are so complex that they are hard to
such a design has never been identify in safety trials. Therefore, next
employed. Extreme care is nec- time you are in a pharmacy or health
essary though: tampering with food store reaching for a supplement,
cellular signaling molecules is a it might be a good idea to ask yourself
very tricky business, and such “What scientific evidence shows this
Figure 2. The model of Ristow et al. that explains approaches might turn out to will actually help me?”
the effects observed effects (higher levels of
ROS clearance enzymes and higher insulin sensitivity).
be counterproductive, similar to
In the model the authors also extrapolate that exercise- antioxidant supplements. Also,
induced mitohormesis lowers general disease risk, an as some ROS-inducing drugs like
—S. Andrei Anghel ‘12 is a Molecular and
of yet untested hypothesis. According to this same model, Cell Biology concentrator in Quincy House
antioxidants block the pathway at the very beginning, paraquat are toxic to humans
precluding the necessary burst of ROS. (27) while others, like the an- References
timalarial-drug artemisin (28) 1. R. M. Howes, Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences 1067, 22 (2006).
however, that these studies were con- clearly are not. Extensive research in 2. M. Ristow et al., Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences 106, 8665 (May 26, 2009, 2009).
ducted using antioxidant supplements, model organisms is therefore needed 3. H. Sies, Exp Physiol 82, 291 (March 1, 1997, 1997).
not antioxidant-rich foods like fruits before human trials of such drugs 4. G. P. a. McGregor, H. K. b. Biesalski, Current Opinion
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and vegetables. A high intake of such are deployed, but the mitohormesis 697 (2006).
5. D. C. Wallace, Annual Review of Genetics 39, 359
foods has actually been associated with hypothesis might ultimately provide a (2005).
a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes (25), pharmaceutical strategy for harness- 6. D. Harman, Annals of the New York Academy of Sci-
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the presence of “the group that received no health benefits 8. D. P. Jones, Chemico-Biological Interactions 163,
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9. J. P. McClung et al., Proceedings of the National
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tive molecules. thought to take
One final pre- higher insulin sensitivity” away from such
10. T. J. Schulz et al., Cell Metabolism 6, 280 (2007).
11. E. Owusu-Ansah, U. Banerjee, Nature 461, 537
caution must be studies relates to 12. R. M. Douglas, H. Hemilä, PLoS Med 2, e168
noted: some antioxidants also have nutritional supplements in general. (2005).
13. D. E. R. Warburton, C. W. Nicol, S. S. D. Bredin,
confirmed and perfectly legitimate roles Currently antioxidant supplements can CMAJ 174, 801 (March 14, 2006, 2006).
14. D. E. James, E. W. Kraegen, D. J. Chisholm, J Appl
in humans. Vitamin C, for example, is be sold with virtually no restrictions in Physiol 56, 1217 (May 1, 1984, 1984).
a vital coenzyme in the synthesis of a most countries, even considering the 15. S. K. Powers, M. J. Jackson, Physiol. Rev. 88, 1243
(October 1, 2008, 2008).
form of collagen, a protein contained consensus in the scientific community 16. P. C. Tapia, Medical Hypotheses 66, 832 (2006).
17. D. R. Schwartz, M. N. Sack, Current Opinion in
in human skin (26). Not consuming that they don’t actually do anything(1). Pharmacology 8, 160 (2008).
adequate quantities of vitamin C will After all, homeopathic remedies are 18. K. Loh et al., Cell Metabolism 10, 260 (2009).
19. K.-J. Min, R. Yamamoto, S. Buch, M. Pankratz, M.
lead to the disease known as scurvy. still around and quite popular in some Tatar, Aging Cell 7, 199 (2008).
20. M. R. Klass, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
If the mitohormesis hypothesis is communities, despite the fact that 6, 413 (1977).
anywhere near accurate, then it may be there is nothing in them but water 21. S. N. Austad, Experimental Gerontology 24, 83
that for some compounds like vitamin (29). However, studies such as the one 22. S.-J. Lin, P.-A. Defossez, L. Guarente, Science 289,
2126 (September 22, 2000, 2000).
C the golden rule will turn out to be performed by Ristow et al. show that 23. E. J. Masoro, Mechanisms of Ageing and Develop-
what can be described as the Goldilocks some supplements might actually have ment 126, 913 (2005).
24. L. Pauling, How to live longer and feel better. (Or-
rule: “Not too little, not too much, just deleterious effects on one’s health, egon State University Press, 2006), pp. 338.
25. M. Hamer, Y. Chida, Journal of Hypertension 25,
right.” although not immediately observable. 2361 (2007).
So what is the next step? There are Just think about how many supple- 26. H. Padh, Biochemistry and Cell Biology 68, 1166
numerous ways of testing the mitohor- ments out there say “extract of […]” on 27. J. S. Bus, J. E. Gibson, Environmental Health Per-
spectives 55, 37 (1984).
mesis hypothesis. An interesting study the packaging (in the United States, for 28. Y. Dong, J. L. Vennerstrom, Expert Opinion on
which might reveal key pieces of the example, anything that contains an herb Therapeutic Patents 11, 1753 (2001).
29. L. R. Milgrom, Homeopathy 96, 209 (2007).
puzzle would be to test the effects of can be sold as a nutritional supplement) 30. U. S. F. a. D. Administration, Ed. (1994).

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