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! LCC!&+&)*&7!D4*+!50CC!,$+,&4C)&+'!4D4*+7'!2$0!.'=&2!D4*+!

(&)$*+,*'! L7! 4! 7'4+%4(%! 4,'*$+F! 2$0! ,4+! C40+,=! QX!'$!4CC!%&5&+7&7F!4+%!'=&!1C*+%&%!4''4,<&(!)07'!D0&77!

2$0(7&C5!5$(B4(%!4+%!)4<&!4!-./..!01234!155146@!6$-&! B=*,=!7?04(&!'=&!'4(D&'!*7!*+8!
2$0(! 7J&&%! 47! J4('! $5! '=&! ,=4(D&@! L'! '=&! &+%! $5! 2$0(! LCC!&+&)*&7!=4-&!H$)14'!L%-4+'4D&!4D4*+7'!2$0@!
'=&! 4''4,<! ($CC@! R$0! )07'! )$-&! 4'! C&47'! S! 7?04(&7! 5($)!
2$0(! 7'4('*+D! J$7*'*$+F! 4+%! 2$0! )07'! ,=4(D&! '$! '=&!
+&4(&7'! 0+$,,0J*&%! 7?04(&! 5($)! B=*,=! 2$0! ,4+! 4''4,<!
Movement Combat Modifiers '=&! &+&)2@! H=4(D*+D! J($-$<&7! $JJ$('0+*'2! 4''4,<7@!
L5'&(!4!,=4(D&@!2$0!,4+>'!'4<&!4+2!50('=&(!4,'*$+7!0+C&77! 4,'*$+7F!4+%!,4+!'(*DD&(!7J&,*4C!4,'*$+7!5($)!$JJ$+&+'7@!
Running: You can run as a move action. Add 2 to your movement, but enemies Saving Throws: To make a successful saving throw you have to score 10 or
gain combat advantage against you until next turn. 2$0!7J&+%!4+!4,'*$+!J$*+'@!.!"#$%&$''(!)*$%+!,--%./012! more on a d20 roll (55% chance). Some powers may apply modifiers to saving
! (7,<"%:99!!L!,$+507&%!,(&4'0(&!4,'7!(4+%$)C2@!P$CC!
Jumping: Jumping is a straight Athletics check, with 1 square jumped per 10 34'5%6!05!0+!*.$07%$8!59#5!59%!5#:&%5!';!59%!"9#:&%!<0$$!&%5! M%SY!4+%!,$+70C'!'=&!'41C&!1&C$B@!
rolled. For a 2-square jump, you need a 20 Athletics check. Running for four #.! =,>! ?*5! %.%(0%+! 59#5! 59%! "9#:&0.&! "9#:#"5%:! -#++! Confused: A confused creature acts randomly. Roll 1d20.
squares before the jump will halve the DC. <0$$@A! ABC!DE//!! $.2F/5!
! G"H!! H$+'($CC&%!12!*'7!JC42&(!
Crawling: Crawling is a move action. While crawling, a character moves at half (7"8! 9:! *$)(:'! E5! 2$0! ,4+! ,$0J! %&! D(4,&! 4! =&CJC&77!
its normal speed, and provokes Opportunity Attacks from adjacent enemies.
I"GH!! #4<&7!+$!4,'*$+!
$JJ$+&+'F! 2$0! %$! )4N! B&4J$+! %4)4D&F! TU! B=*C&! *+! GI"BC!! H$+'($CC&%!12!$JJ$+&+'!
,$)14'!7*'04'*$+7UV@! L!,$+507&%!,(&4'0(&!,4+!)4<&!$+C2!147*,!4''4,<7!4+%!
Shift: Is a 1 square move that does not trigger an Opportunity Attack. You can’t
shift into difficult terrain unless you have a power that allows you to do so.
)4+&0-&(7@! E+! $(%&(! '$! 4''&)J'! &*'=&(F! 2$0>(&! D$*+D! '$!
Special Attacks +&&%!7$)&!7$('!$5!J$B&(!$(!,C477!41*C*'2@!
Dazed: All enemies gain Combat Advantage against you. You cannot flank
enemies or help an ally gain flanking. You cannot make Opportunity Attacks or
! use immediate actions.
Bull Rush: To initiate a bull rush, you need to make a Strength Check vs. the
<"##!9:<:,%:'!R$0!%$+>'!'4<&!4+2!4,'*$+7F!10'!2$0!D&'!4! R$0!,4++$'!5C4+<!&+&)*&7!$(!=&CJ!4+!4CC2!D4*+!5C4+<*+D@!
target’s Fortitude Defense. This does not provoke an Opportunity Attack. If you
succeed, you may push the target 1 space. QS!'$!4CC!%&5&+7&!7,$(&7!0+'*C!'=&!7'4('!$5!2$0(!+&N'!'0(+@!! R$0!,4++$'!)4<&!KJJ$('0+*'2!L''4,<7!$(!07&!*))&%*4'&!
Incorporeal: 50% damage reduction except from critical hits. You cannot move
! 4,'*$+7@!
through enemies, walls or blocking terrain (as normal), and difficult terrain
Coup de Grace: Melee attacks automatically hit and do max damage against *$)!'! E'! *7! 4! /'(&+D'=! 4''4,<! -&(707! P&5C&N! '$! D(41! affects you normally. You can still attack.
helpless opponents. Non melee attacks against a helpless opponent gain +4 7$)&$+&@! L,($14'*,7! -7! P&5C&N! $(! L'=C&'*,7! -7! I$('*'0%&!
bonus. You always have Combat Advantage against helpless targets. Making Situation ,4+! 1&! 07&%! '$! &7,4J&@! ! R$0! ,4+! 4''&)J'! 4! D(41! ,=&,<!
Immobilized: An Immobilized creature cannot move on its own but can
otherwise act normally. (It is still subject to effects that push, pull or
the bonus to Non-Melee Attacks +6. B*'=! 4+2'=*+D! '=4'! *7! B*'=*+! $+&! 7*W&! ,4'&D$(2! $5! 2$0@!
Combat Advantage: You get a +2 to hit the target. Flanking a target allows you ,$+%*'*$+UV@!
otherwise transport it). An immobilized creature’s speed is 0. Immobilized
Charging: As a standard action, you can launch yourself forward and make a to have Combat Advantage against a target, as do most physical afflictions creatures give Combat Advantage to attackers.
54*CF! +$'=*+D! =4JJ&+7@! E5! 2$0! 70,,&&%F! 2$0! ,407&! 2$0(!
(surprised, immobilized, prone etc). Being on fire, however, does not grant foes
melee basic attack. Move your speed as part of the charge. At the end of your &:#8#:%%9!L7!/'0++&%F!4+%!)&C&&!4''4,<7!40'$",(*'F!
move, you make a melee basic attack with a +1 bonus to the attack roll. You combat advantage. Running gives '$!
'4(D&'! your1&! :E))$1*C*W&%:!
enemies 5$(! $+&! ($0+%@!
combat advantage. #=&! '4(D&'!
You must Invisible: When invisible you cannot be target by ranged attacks. No one has
,4+! $'=&(!4''4,<7!D&'!Q_!1$+07@!
must move at least 2 square from your starting position, and you must charge to be able to see your enemy to take&7,4J&! =*7! *))$1*C*W&%! ,$+%*'*$+! 07*+D! 4+!
combat advantage. Line of Sight to you. Enemies cannot make Opportunity Attacks against you. You
L,($14'*,7!-7!P&5C&N!$(!L'=C&'*,7!,=&,<!-7!I$('*'0%&!47!4! ! full Concealment against attackers (+5 to all defenses). You have combat
the nearest unoccupied square from which you can attack the enemy. Charging
provokes opportunity attacks. After a charge you can’t take any further actions )$-&! 4,'*$+@!
Concealment: Partial concealment grants R$0!
+2 to)42! )$-&! scores.
all defense '=&! '4(D&'!
Full M! 7?04(&! 12! +;;7!+#+J:9'!.I($)!AZA!6*+*4'0(&7!P0C&78!
Advantage against enemies you attack.
unless you spend an action point. 70,,&&%*+D!$+!4+!4%%*'*$+4C!D(41!,=&,<!*+!'=&!5$CC$B*+D!
concealment gives a +5 to all defense scores while it lasts. Enemies must guess R$0!,4++$'!)$-&!$+!2$0(!$B+9!2$0(!/J&&%!*7!Y@!
which square to attack in the case of full concealment.
($0+%@! Prone: When prone you are at -2 on all attacks. All enemies gain combat
Grapple: You can attempt a grapple check with anything that is within 1 size B(('?0$0C%/!?8!#!&:#?!#55#"7!"!A&,*%*+D!'$!*))$1*C*W&!4! Advantage against you. You move at half speed (see crawling). Standing up is a
category of you. To initiate, you make a Strength Check vs Reflex Defense. This Cover: Normal Cover gives enemies a flat -2 penalty on attack rolls, and can [55&,'7!'=4'!J07=F!J0CCF!$(!$'=&(B*7&!'(4+7J$('!2$0!7'*CC!
move action that provokes Opportunity Attacks.
does not provoke an Opportunity Attack. If you fail, nothing happens. If you prevent adjacent foes from “threatening” (for OA purposes). Total cover gives B$(<!+$()4CC2@!
succeed, you cause your target to be "Immobilized" for one round. You may
enemies a -5 penalty. Your allies don’t provoke cover, but enemies do. There’s Slowed: The movement of a slowed character drops to 2, and this applies to all
move the target 1 square by succeeding on an additional grapple check in the *))$1*C*W&%!'4(D&'!,4+!7'*CC!4''4,<!+$()4CC2F!10'!,4++$'!
also no penalty for making ranged attacks into melee. movement types except for teleportation.
following round. The target can escape his immobilized condition using an
Acrobatics vs Reflex or Athletics vs Fortitude check as a move action. Flanking: To flank an enemy, you and an ally must be adjacent to the enemy Stunned: If you are stunned, you can't take any actions for a round, but you do
and on opposite sides of the enemy's space. Flanking provides combat !"!
not drop your held items.
advantage. !
Push, Pull, & Slide: You can push a target forward, diagonally forward or to the
side. You can pull a target towards you, diagonally towards you, or to the side. Weakened: A Weakened creature’s attacks deal half damage.
You can slide a target in any direction. Full Defense: You don't take any actions, but you get a +2 to all defense scores
until the start of your next turn.

Compiled by Ian Leblanc. Mail comments, corrections or additions to Content property of Wizards of the Coast

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