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Home Brew Player Werewolf v1.

3 by Rahz
This version of Lycanthropy seeks to make the curse more interesting and require more than a simple third level spell to remove. I
wanted lycanthropy to make sense and be appropriately scary and impactful without destroying the character or taking control
away from the player. I wanted a version of lycanthropy that would be a struggle, but could eventually be controlled and mastered.
Lycanthropy may be called a curse, or thought of as such, but if it is, it’s not like other curses. Those afflicted with lycanthropy
often describe it as feeling like you are sharing a portion of your soul with another entity, an entity which can influence your
thoughts and feelings. Some speculate that it’s some ancient forgotten wolf god that takes up residence within. Others suggest that
it is some form of disease or parasite that has grown resistant to most magical or mundane cures. Whatever the case may be, the
affliction is passed on in one of two ways, either receiving a bite from a lycanthrope in hybrid form, or genetically through the
offspring of afflicted individuals.
Legacies Those who are infected by a bite will experience their first
transformation on the next full moon. How they handle that
If a lycanthrope has children with someone who is not first transformation will determine how well they are able to
afflicted, there is a one in four chance that the offspring will control the affliction at first.
inherit lycanthropy. If both parents are afflicted, it becomes a Those who are bitten will find their condition harder to
three in four chance. It is believed that drinking Moon Tea manage and more often lose control. The horror stories of
before attempting conception can repress the affliction and werewolves usually involve a first generation werewolf rather
increase the odds that the offspring will not inherit it, but this than a Legacy however through dedication, meditation and
theory lacks proper testing and is yet to be proven. Inherited understanding it is possible even for a first generation
lycanthropy emerges around puberty and is usually more lycanthrope to assume a measure of control, though they will
easily mastered as the afflicted individual has had years to never gain the full mastery a Legacy might have.
prepare. Those who have inherited their lycanthropy are
usually referred to as ‘Legacy Werewolves’, or ‘Legacies’. Ferals
Because Legacies have many of the the same stats as the
default werewolf in the Monster Manual, I have not made Whether inherited or infected, there will be a pivotal choice
rules for a PC to be a Legacy as I feel the damage immunities when the first transformation occurs. The first thing any
are too OP for a player character. Legacies in my world exist lycanthrope must do when the transformation begins is to
as NPCs only and can be a good way to provide a mentor for make a choice. Mastery, or submission. The lure of giving in
a player character undergoing the transformation and to the beast, giving in to the power, the confidence and the
attempting to master the affliction. pure animal instinct can be a great temptation for some.
When the transformation process begins, the new
lycanthrope must choose whether to give in to the wolf,
"The thing you’ve got to understand about surrendering themselves to its control or whether they will
lycanthropy is it don’t really care none for your fight to maintain control themselves and work towards
station of birth, wealth or influence. It comes after mastering the beast. Those who choose to give in become
you, deep down in your gut. No matter what
presuppositions you mighta had about what kind
wild, uncontrollable beasts. The wolf takes them completely
of person you are, it’ll make you rethink. It’s easier
and is able to affect them more than it otherwise would.
if you’re born with it because you have years to These are known as Feral Werewolves and use the rules for
prepare, years of knowledge that it’s comin’. Years werewolves in the MM.
of watching parents or siblings goin’ through it. Often Ferals will find others of their kind and form little
Years to work out who you are. But when it comes, communities far from prying eyes where they live in a primal
it’s still a shock. Still a struggle." pack ruled by bestial ways. Often they’ll have an Alpha who
leads them. They’re fearful and resentful of the human world
-Ward Acheron, Legacy Werewolf
they’ve left behind, acting with aggression towards any who
encroach on their territory, surviving day by day and always
waiting eagerly for the next full moon. Sometimes though,
First Generation Ferals will try to maintain their human lives while keeping
their condition a secret.
When bitten by a werewolf or other lycanthrope the victim
must succeed on a DC12 Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the DM rolls 1D6. On a 1-2, the character
contracts lycanthropy. On a 3-6 the character is infected with
Sewer Plague (which can be found on pg 257 of the DMG). A
DC15 Medicine check can determine if a bite has resulted in
the disease or lycanthropy. Anyone who has mastered their
own lycanthropy is also able to smell the infection in a fresh
bite wound.
First Transformation

his first transformation will assume a First Generation werewolf since I have no plans to let players be a Legacy
werewolf. I am handling the first transformation as a one on one session with the infected player because it will be a
skill challenge wrapped up in some lore and RP and will probably take a while to get through, however you could
strip it down to the basics if you want. I’d highly recommend finding a way to have a mentor accompany the player,
or at least instruct them beforehand of what will occur. Legacies are great for this as they’ve been through it and
mastered it and it also doesn’t matter if they get bit.
Mastering lycanthropy is a process and with more control come more pros and less cons. Depending on the style
of game you’re running and how quickly you want your player to have access to some of the higher end features you can tweak how
long the process of mastering it will take.
Under the first full moon after becoming infected, the character will experience a thrill of emotion, a rush of eagerness, fear,
anger, exhilaration, rage and power. The beast within is stirring and will soon emerge. First though, it wants to weaken the resolve
of the character, it will be a battle for dominance and there can only be one Alpha. Early in the night the process will begin and the
character must choose to submit or fight. If they submit all this is for naught because that’s what the MM werewolf is for. If
however they wish to fight, read on.
Lycanthropy affects the Mind, Body and Soul and will try to dominate each of these domains. There will be three saving throws
in each for a total of nine. If the initial bite was treated with a poultice of Wolfsbane within 24 hours, the character can add +1 to
all their saving throws as the treatment helps repress the wolfs influence to a small degree.
Mind The beast within promises the freedom born of physical
prowess. The character might experience fancies of
Each attack against the mind requires a Wisdom saving running through the woods, leaping and climbing with
throw. If a character drinks Moon Tea (a concoction brewed ease. As with all the attacks, the beast will personalise
from exact amounts of Wolfsbane, Belladonna and this, perhaps emphasising speed for a slow character or
Shimerleaf) they may choose one of their three Mind Saves the enhanced hearing and smell for a curious character.
to reroll and choose the higher of the two results. The
decision to reroll must be made after the roll and before the Soul
next one. Knowledge of Moon Tea will usually be imparted by
a mentor who will be able to instruct in it’s preparation or the Each attack against the soul requires a Charisma saving
information could be discovered as a result of research or a throw. If the character has the support of close friends and/or
Medicine check. family and has not been rejected or kept their condition a
secret, they may choose one of their three Soul Saves to
The beast within preys on fear, recalling memories of the reroll and choose the higher of the two results. The decision
character when they have been afraid and promising the to reroll must be made after the roll and before the next one.
comfort and security that can be offered by the wolf.
The beast within glories in vengeance, bringing to mind The beast within preys upon the rejection of society, the
those who have wronged the character . stigma against werewolves. It will try to convince the
character that they are alone now and that only the wolf is
The beast within promises power and those who lust for there for them.
power will feel the influence, fear and respect that the The beast will prey upon anxiety and worry for the future.
wolf demands. It will appeal to the side of a character that wants to run
and hide in the woods where politics and wars don’t
Body matter.
Each attack against the body requires a Constitution saving The beast will seed the idea that the character will be
throw. If the character has fasted for a day before the rejected by the gods. It may question their reliability if they
transformation they can divert the focus of the wolf to the are willing to let the character become infected. It will
baser instinct to feed allowing them to choose one of their insist that only the wolf is worthy of worship, only the wolf
three Body Saves to reroll and choose the higher of the two can save them.
results. The decision to reroll must be made after the roll and
before the next one.
The beast within promises strength, rippling muscles and "I’m still not happy this has happened to me. It’s
raw might. Characters who have been bested or something to reflect on. It’s strange, weird. I don’t
overwhelmed by a superior foe might have flashbacks of really like having the feeling of something being in
there talking to me. I’m feeling caged in my own
those times. heart right now. But, I’m still me and I didn’t lose
The beast within promises life, an escape from death. If a myself to it. I’ve got to be happy about that!"
character has ever been reduced to zero hit points or died -Du Drawp, after her first transformation
they may relive that moment, knowing that the wolf could
be there next time to stop it.
I'm going to address this section a little, since this Turning
is one of the more arbitrary notions. In my game After all the saving throws, the actual transformation occurs.
this will be heavily narrated and RP'd as a chance The first transformation will result in the base stats
for the character to dwell on what kind of person regardless of the progress made on the chart. The
they are and whether the feral wolfish instincts of advancements made there are learned as part of the first
lycanthropy find good purchase. It's mostly just for transformation and will take effect on any future
fluff and lore and because my characters like to
explore who they are, what their morals and values
transformations. A baseline werewolf has the following traits.
are and what they hold dear. The idea is that in my
The werewolf takes stat scores from the character. Their
world lycanthropy is more than just a curse of the highest stat number becomes the werewolves Strength score.
body, it also affects the mind and soul and will have For example if the character has a Wisdom of 20, the
an influence over each. The three saving throws in werewolf will have a strength of 20. The second highest score
each could represent any aspect of the mind, body becomes Constitution and the third highest becomes
and soul but I chose to have them represent Fear, Dexterity. These stats will always scale with the character. At
Vengeance and Lust for power for the mind. For baseline the Werewolves Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma
the body, Strength, Life and Freedom and for the scores are 7
soul Friends, Future and Faith. My character will Hybrid Form: The werewolf transforms into its hybrid
experience thrills of emotion and desire, flashbacks form. It’s total and current hit points are the same as the
and fear, wondrous daydreams and promises. It all character has. Aside from that the werewolf uses a separate
represents the lycanthropy trying to establish character sheet. No proficiencies or abilities are carried
control, trying to get the character to see it as across. Hybrid form has a speed of 30 ft and AC10+Dex+Con.
being better and more desirable than their
humanoid form. Lycanthropy can probably most
The Werewolf cannot speak in hybrid form.
closely be compared to a symbiote of some kind. It
The Beast Within: If the character drops to zero hit
exists alongside the character but will try to use points, the character transforms into hybrid form even if the
the relationship to serve its own desires. If this number of transformations per long rest has already been
doesn’t fit with your style of game or you wish to reached. This transformation is immediate regardless of how
trim it down you can make it even more arbitrary, long transforming usually takes as the wolf has more control
have the three saving throws be made as the than ever. Upon transforming the werewolf gains 6d8
character fights for control of their mind, then temporary hit points. On each turn after transforming the
three more as their muscles clench and their body werewolf must either attack or be attacked to maintain the
is targeted, then a final three as something twists transformation. At the beginning of each turn the werewolf
deep within their soul, vying for control. The idea must succeed a DC15 Wisdom save or use all of its
behind having nine saves total is that there's a movement and action to attack whatever creature caused the
much better chance of a favorable outcome. Three character to drop to zero hit points. If the creature is dead or
total saves has too much potential for three terrible cannot be reached or pursued (eg. flying or teleported away)
rolls, where as nine averages out the odds more. the werewolf will target the next closest creature instead. If
that creature is a friend or ally, the werewolf gets advantage
on the saving throw. After one minute or if the werewolf fails
to attack or be attacked it reverts to it’s true form at zero hit
Saving Throws points and begins making death saves if necessary.
The base DC is 12, however beating the DC by 5, 10 or 15 or Uncontrollable Transition: The werewolf transforms into
by rolling a natural 20 a greater success will be had. Use the hybrid form at the full moon only and cannot transform at
following table and keep a running tally of the score will. They remain in hybrid form until dawn. While
throughout. Note that it is possible for the score to drop into transformed, they find it hard to differentiate friend from foe.
the negatives at this stage. On each turn after transforming the werewolf must succeed
on a DC15 Wisdom saving throw or use all of its movement
1-11 -1 and action to attack the nearest creature.
Shapechanger (Prolonged Transformation):
12-16 +1 Transforming into hybrid form takes 10 minutes and is very
17-21 +2 noisy. Any equipment being worn or carried is not
22-26 +3
transformed and will be torn or dropped as appropriate. If the
werewolf drops to zero hitpoints it reverts to its true form.
27+ +4 Exhausting Ordeal: After reverting back to humanoid
Nat 20 +5 form, the lycanthrope suffers two points of exhaustion
Attack: The werewolf makes one attack, either with its bite
By the end the character should have an overall score or its claws
between -5 and 45 but will likely average somewhere Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +Strength to hit, reach 5 ft.,
between 5-20 depending on level, class and modifiers. At this one target. Hit: (1d8 + Strength) piercing damage. If the
point, if the score is less than 1, it becomes 1. This is the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC10 Constitution
number of Mastery Points that will be applied to the Mastery saving throw or have the chance of becoming infected with
Progress chart to determine how much of a grasp the lycanthropy
character has on the affliction. Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +Strength to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: (2d4 +Strength) slashing damage.

s the character becomes more capable and confident in their new form and gains a greater understanding of the
affliction, they can begin to master it. Aside from those gained during the first transformation, Mastery Points can be
gained by meditation, study and practice. The character gains 1 Mastery Point for every 8 hours spent studying the
condition, meditating on the influence of the wolf or spending time in wolf or hybrid form. All mastery points gained
whilst under the instruction of a mentor or under the influence of the full moon are doubled. As they gain more
points, more features and traits will be unlocked as show in the table below.
Baseline: Starting point for those who choose to control
their lycanthropy. You cannot go below this score. At this
Mastery Table point a new lycanthrop needs to manage their condition to
Points Features ensure they don’t put others at risk. Measures might
include locking themselves up at the full moon, or regularly
1 [Baseline] drinking Moon Tea.
2 ─ Keen Hearing and Smell: The werewolf has advantage on
3 ─
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell
while in hybrid form.
4 ─ Meditative Transition: The werewolf can transform into
5 Keen Hearing and Smell hybrid form at will once per long rest and can revert to
their normal form at will. During the full moon they must
6 ─ make a DC12 Wisdom saving throw or be forcibly
7 ─ transformed. When transformed due to a failed save they
8 ─
find it hard to differentiate friend from foe. On each turn
after transforming the werewolf must succeed on a DC12
9 ─ Wisdom saving throw or use all of its movement and action
10 Meditative Transition to attack the nearest creature. (This replaces
Uncontrollable Transition)
11 Shapechanger (Practiced Transformation) Shapechanger (Practiced Transformation): Transforming
12 It Speaks into hybrid form takes 1 minute and is mildly noisy. Any
13 The Beast Within, [Milestone 1]
equipment being worn or carried is absorbed into the new
form. If the werewolf drops to zero hitpoints it reverts to its
14 Taxing Ordeal true form. (This replaces Shapechanger: Prolonged
15 Multiattack Transformation)
It Speaks: The werewolf gains the ability to speak in hybrid
16 Reflexive Survival form. It knows all the languages the character does.
17 Wolf Form The Beast Within: If the character drops to zero hit points,
18 Running Wild
an immediate transformation will occur even if the number
of transformations per long rest has already been reached.
19 Diminished Influence, [Milestone 2] Upon transforming the werewolf gains 8d8 temporary hit
20 Presence of Mind points. On each turn after transforming the werewolf must
either attack or be attacked to maintain the transformation.
21 Skinchanger After one minute or if the werewolf fails to attack or be
22 Effortless Transition, Shapechanger attacked it reverts to it’s true form at zero hit points and
23 Envenomed Bite
begins making death saves if necessary. (This replaces the
previous Beast Within)
24 Multiattack Milestone 1: This milestone is recognised by mentors and
25 Climb Legacies as the new lycanthrope managing a degree of
control. Their condition still needs to be managed, but they
26 Alpha are less likely to hurt innocents by accident.
27 Strange Familiarity Taxing Ordeal: After reverting back to humanoid form, the
28 Resilient
lycanthrope suffers one point of exhaustion (This replaces
Exhausting Ordeal)
29 One Self Multiattack: The werewolf can make two claw attacks
30 Master of Forms Reflexive Survival: While in hybrid form, the werewolf
inherits the saving throw proficiencies of the character,
using the characters proficiency bonus. The AC of the
werewolf also becomes 12+Dexterity+Constitution
Wolf Form: The werewolf can transform into a wolf with the
stats of a wolf. This transformation always takes the same
amount of time as hybrid form based on Mastery. It counts
towards the number of transformations per long rest.
Running Wild: In hybrid form, Speed increased to 40 ft Envenomed Bite: The saving throw on the bite attack
Diminished Influence: The moon has less power over the becomes a DC12
werewolf and no longer forces a transformation. Edit Multiattack: The werewolf can make three claw attacks
Meditative Transformation to reflect this change. (This replaces the previous Multiattack)
Milestone 2: When a lycanthrope can resist the call of the Climb: In hybrid form, the werewolf can climb any surface
moon they are considered to have mastered the condition that gives purchase to claws. It has a climb speed equal to
enough to be safe to themselves and others. This will often its movement speed.
be the point in lycanthropic communities when they able to Alpha: Wolf form now has the stats of a Dire Wolf, edit Wolf
take on a disciple themselves, having enough of an Form accordingly. The character can now also transform
understanding of the affliction to guide other new into a wolf once per long rest and into hybrid form once per
lycanthropes through the process. long rest. Edit Meditative Transition to reflect this change
Presence of Mind: Pick one ability score from the character Strange Familiarity: In hybrid form, the werewolf inherits all
(either Intelligence or Wisdom). This score will be retained the proficiencies of the character, using the characters
when transforming into Wolf or Hybrid form. proficiency bonus.
Skinchanger: The lycanthrope no longer suffers exhaustion Resilient: Resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing
after a transformation, remove Taxing Ordeal. damage from non-magical non-silvered attacks while in
Effortless Transition: The werewolf can transform into hybrid form
hybrid form at will once per long rest and can revert to One Self: Hybrid form now retains the ability scores of the
their normal form at will. (This replaces Meditative character for Charisma, Wisdom and Intelligence when
Transition) transforming.
Shapechanger: Transforming into wolf or hybrid form takes Master of Forms: The lycanthrope can transform into wolf
1 action and is silent. Any equipment being worn or carried or hybrid form at will twice per long rest.
is absorbed into the new form. If the werewolf drops to
zero hitpoints it reverts to its true form. (This replaces
Shapechanger (Practiced Transformation))

Remove Curse

f a remove curse spell is attempted early on, describe the spell as sinking into the character, seeking out a curse. The spell settles
around something, not quite a curse perhaps, but something wrong. It can be sensed as a mass buried within the essence
of the character with long bramble-like tendrils twisting out, around and through the soul. Attempting to remove the curse
like this would result in severe damage. As the Mastery progresses, the curse becomes more ordered, more in line with
the soul. It's supposed to be difficult to remove, especially early on when it's more like a parasite than a symbiote, but as
always, feel free to tweak this for your players. I would allow a remove curse spell to remove it early, but I would make
clear that it will deal irrevocable damage to the character, then I would roll a d6 to pick a random ability score and deduct
two from it as the curse tears at the mind, body and soul as it is ripped free. A remove curse spell cast at 30 Mastery Points might
show the curse as a clean round mass nestled within the soul. My ruling is that when a lycanthrope has 30 Mastery points, a
remove curse spell cast at 5th level can remove lycanthropy with no damage to the character, or at 20 Mastery Points it can be
done with a 7th level spell.

Moon Tea

any lycanthropes have discovered the
benefits of Moon Tea in repressing the
influence of the wolf and allowing "The wolf is everything vengeful and proud. It is
greater control. Moon Tea is brewed driven by lust and by instinct. It's influence must
with very precise amounts of always be examined and analysed and often
Wolfsbane, Belladonna and overruled. Master the wolf, and it's power will be
Shimmerleaf (I made that last one up). yours. Take the shortcut to power and the wolf will
Whenever a lycanthrope has to make a saving throw relating master you."
to maintaining control (either due to The Beast Within or -Melody Burns, First Generation Werewolf
Uncontrollable Transition) they gain advantage if they have
ingested Moon Tea within the past 8 hours. Moon tea is
slightly toxic however and if it ingested more than once every
12 hours the character will become poisoned for 1d4 hours.

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