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IF I were developing a new religion today, what would it include and why,

The perfect religion, in my mind, would resemble Baha’I in a sense of global unity. The ideal situation of
course is to bring the entire world’s population together as one people under one God. I’m not sure if
that’s something any religion will ever be capable of. A good starting place would be referring to
religious texts as philosophy and nothing more. Too many people have the ‘one and only true word of
God’ syndrome directly associated to and afflicting harm upon their ‘perfect’ religions indirectly every
day. For a global religion to work, we would all have to agree upon one universal supremacy and one
code of conduct. Popular consensus does seem to indicate the need for a God; I see no harm as long as
this ‘God’ is never used as a justification for violence in any way for any reason. I believe, in this century,
people need reasons to end wars and violence. With that being said, religious antiquities will surely have
to be forgotten and completely abandoned. Scripture can never again be used as a device to command
and conquer or inflict harm on a living thing. That’s just common sense, what praiseworthy ‘God’ would
want us to hurt each other or go to war?! In times when religion was created, war, primal desires for
dominance, expansion and survival were key components of life having strong influence over scripture
and what some claim to have been Gods ‘word’. What we need is a common purity, therefore I am
going to call this fantasy of the perfect religion; Purity. I’m aware that there is already a group of people
called purists, fundamentalists are not to be confused with the ‘Purist’ ideology, so in a sense a ‘Purist’
in the context of this paper will describe someone living life in accordance to purest of heart and
intentions, having no influence from historical events, society or culture.[ it’s my fantasy, I can do what I
want ( :

Purity is something common to millions of people, very little people, children actually. There is a time in
most everyone’s life when thoughts, intentions and desires were of purest intention and evil was just
something we heard about lurking in the woods with little red riding hood. Children in general are
lacking something that adolescents and adults soon find and once found things are forever changed. It’s
the surfacing of the most primal of our instincts; desire and fear, in turn giving birth to emotion.
Naturally this is what most scriptures are structured around. The mixing of desire and fear is the
foundation of all human emotion. The desire for sex becomes love when we fear losing the very object
of our desire. Love is essentially nothing more than a primal fear of loss. Really…. think about that for a
minute. Fear of loss fuels our desires for possession. Many religious texts of antiquity frequently display
this desire for possession in many forms, possession of people, land, power, wealth etc….. The desire for
possession in conjunction with love leads to passion, passion, as most already know, can be a very
dangerous thing. Passion or I should say, the Greek word for passion; πάσχω, means; to suffer. I think
Buddhism and other Chinese philosophies were on the right track with their thoughts of detachment, to
a certain degree. However to induce suffering in order to achieve enlightenment seems more like
pursuing a self fulfilling prophesy more than anything else. Detachment from primal urges alone will be
a focus factor of Purity, we may have to expand and try to understand love in order to demonstrate love
effectively and use it as a tool to measure the significance of life and nature and existence.
In order to create the purest of religions deserving of the name Purity, these primal desires that drive us
all must somehow be tamed; we need to revert to childhood mentality in some sense, we need to
rewire our unconscious psyches to accommodate a sense a fulfillment from life experiences alone,
without the need for embellishments. My 1 year old daughter is in her own little heaven every morning
around 9am when she’s laying next to her mother or me watching Sesame Street. Nothing else matters!
The simple, often unnoticed moments invoking happiness and satisfaction deserve much more attention
and praise. A person constantly seeking happiness will never find it, as the person seeking the perfect
mate will never find him/her. Therefore a religion should seek nothing, a religion should fear nothing
nor invoke fear rather concentrate on the miracles all around us every day, appreciate the opportunity
to exist with every waking breathe even if your existence is less than favorable in your mind. Self
indulgent, egotistical and materialistic desires must be tamed since we are still to underdeveloped to
eliminate them. When we indulge ourselves, our egos and aspirations to quench the thirst of our
material wants, happiness may come quickly, but it is just as soon to disappear. When we help others
and see positive effects from our influence on another human beings life, those feelings of happiness
seem to last much longer and have much more significance. Therefore ‘Purists’ will be obligated to help
all those in need. Purism is surely colorblind; racism is nonexistent for its followers

Equality also seems essential for global unity, with all the wealth in this world, it’s absurd and
embarrassing that we let people die of starvation and neglect while fast food conglomerates are
throwing away enough food everyday to feed many small nations, no human being needs a garage full
of $500,000 vehicles, or a billion dollar annual income either. Wealth shall be distributed equally to all
with the exception of violent offenders.

A pure religion has no tolerance for violence in any way, which has introduced me to a somewhat
serious and much anticipated problem; if a religion teaches and advocates non-violence with no
exceptions, how can they be safe from attack, invasion, overthrow, persecution etc…. there needs to be
a calling for self defense as a last resort at least, essentially making this religion very similar to the rest.

As mentioned before, Purity doesn’t recognize ancient religious text of any denomination. Nor are we to
believe that when things go wrong, it’s the devil, we are wicked enough on our own! We can’t blame
our own wicked ways solely upon the desires of an evil ‘under lord’; it’s time to take charge of our own
lives and responsibility for our actions. Praying and repenting your ‘sins’ will not make you a good
person, the desires and depths of your heart will determine who you are ultimately. There will be a
heaven and hell, however it’s in YOUR hands to which afterlife you occupy revealed only by your hearts
desires. In ‘Purism’ [ the religion] , heaven and hell are psychological eternal states of existence in a
world comprised entirely of and in its purest form; energy . The basis and foundation of human
existence is pure energy, electricity and vibrations. It is a common known rule that energy cannot die,
energy is in a constant state of transformation and perpetual motion. Therefore the perpetual state of
our soul’s undying existence in a state of heaven or hell will depend entirely on how we see ourselves.

Ideas for a perfect religion are endless and quite simple to imagine, the implementation of these ideas
are the impossible feat. Trying to ‘create’ a flawless religion is an impossible task especially for a
perfectionist simply because the words religion and perfection will never coexist or describe each other,
just as multiple cultures of people each ‘evolving’ from thousands of years of division, uniqueness,
barriers, and individuality will likely never find a common ground or a common language, wars would
surly erupt for establishment of language dominance alone. There will always be a reason to kill as long
as we continue to be driven by primal instincts. I feel like Joshua [ the machine from the 80s movie
called war games, that eventually malfunctioned when it realized as advanced as it may have been it
couldn’t win a simple game like tic tac toe. The computer, Joshua, realized that the only way to win a
computer simulated ‘game’ like global thermonuclear war or tic tac to is simply not to play. Some games
cannot be won

I may have failed to meet the objectives of this assignment, there is no humanly way possible to
create/implement a perfect religion, religion may just be one of mans greatest faults, I believe man has
failed miserably in attempting to interpret Gods will in every religion I have learned of, a step forward
would be for men to stop assuming they know exactly what God wants and start making efforts to
embrace, recognize and control our conscious immediacies ; making every second of our delicate
existence matter, live in the ‘right now’ with concentrations on ways to maintain the sanctities of and
improve upon our ‘right nows’. In order to have a perfect religion, we would ALL have to completely
abandon what we THINK we know to be the truth and completely ‘rewire’ the very essence of man.

“we are a disappointment of the hopes and expectations of the ages………..Every step forward means an
act of tearing himself loose from that all embracing pristine unconsciousness, which claims the bulk of
man almost entirely.” Carl Jung

Chris s

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