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Review: Objective Reason and the Late Lukács

Reviewed Work(s): The Destruction of Reason by Georg Lukács and Peter Palmer
Review by: Franklin Hugh Adler
Source: Contemporary Sociology , Nov., 1982, Vol. 11, No. 6 (Nov., 1982), pp. 634-635
Published by: American Sociological Association

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Objective Reason and the Late Lukacs

The Destruction of Reason, by GEORG LUKACS. Translated by Peter Palmer. London: Merlin
Press, 1980. 865 pp. $32.50 cloth.


Antioch College

According to its jacket, the newly translated portions: Are we dealing, at any given point,
Die Zerstorung der Vernunft is an attempt to with the "real" Lukdcs or with feigned con-
study the philosophic and historical origins of formity?
fascism, using "the investigative tools of his- To answer such a question would require
torical materialism." With the possible excep- nothing less than a lengthy hermeneutic study
tion of Existentialisme ou Marxisme? (written of the "late" Lukdcs, one yet to be written,
in 1948), it is arguably Lukdcs's worst major despite several recent fine interpretations that
work; indeed, the former anticipates The De- understandably focus on the "young" Lukdcs
struction of Reason (written in 1952) in con- (in particular, those by Arato and Breines,
tent, general argument, and tone. Both these Ldwy, and Boella). For present purposes, we
prototypes of Stalinist scholarship, published must simply take Lukdcs at his printed word
during the imposition of Soviet rule over and begin with the epistemological principle
Eastern Europe, betray what George that informs the entire work: the reflection
Lichtheim. once called the sacrifizio dell'intel- theory of knowledge-"true" knowledge is the
letto; they are bitter pills for those who con- reflection of an unfolding objective reality that
tinue to draw inspiration from the vital, non- exists outside, and independent from, human
reductionist, emancipatory Marxism that the consciousness and will. In contrast to the con-
young Lukdcs-and others like Korsch and stitutive theory of consciousness and the cri-
Gramsci-championed during the 1920s. Such tique of a pseudo-scientific "dialectics of na-
Marxism, whose most articulate expression is ture' that Lukdcs advanced in History and
to be found in Lukdcs's History and Class Class Consciousness, here he is in perfect
Consciousness, stressed the world-con- conformity to official standards of Marxist-
stituting power of consciousness, and thus Leninism. Instead of serious elaboration and
its primacy both with reference to the very discussion, short and sterile references to En-
concept of dialectics and to concrete historical gels and Lenin are randomly tossed off by a
action itself. Its point of departure was a cri- philosopher who well knew the theoretical
tique of so-called scientific socialism-the price to be paid: stripping knowledge of any
economism, objectivism, and idolatry of the independence, any internal criteria of truth,
natural sciences that flowed from Engels's and thus obliterating any meaningful distinc-
dialectics of nature. tion between truth and ideology. "What En-
The Destruction of Reason is a retreat from gels said of lawyers is valid in an even acuter
such an "idealist" position, if not a full-scale sense for philosophy: 'The reflecting of eco-
capitulation to the lobotomized Marxism of nomic conditions in legal principles operates
the Third International. Even Lukdcs's recur- without impinging on the awareness of the
rent professions of orthodoxy did not spare agents, and the lawyer imagines that he is
him from harassment and imprisonment- operating with a priori theses, whereas they
Stalinist intellectuals were always suspect to are simply economic reflexes' " (p. 313).
the degree they were intellectuals. Such an There is no "innocent philosophy"; all phi-
observation raises a major dilemma in inter- losophers, despite their intentions and self-
preting and evaluating Lukacs's intellectual understandings, reflect their class positions.
production: On the one hand, he was drawn to Thus, in the 1967 preface to a new edition of
Marxism in search of a clear, ethical and to- History and Class Consciousness, Lukdcs ac-
talizing world view; on the other, he had to counts for his youthful "idealism" as a reflec-
continually accommodate himself to the "cor- tion of the confusions of an intellectual
rect" line, engaging in what he would later call changing from one class to another, from the
"strategic retreats" so that he might wage bourgeoisie to the proletariat. Arriving on the
"guerrilla warfare" against the Stalinist restric- proletarian shore, the complex mediations
tion of culture. Thus, despite Lukdcs's own between inner and outer nature could be over-
quest for theoretical clarity, readers are con- come by "objective truth," now understood as
fronted with a hermeneutic task of major pro- "the correct reflection of objective reality."

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Given these epistemological premises, The the proletariat, and was founding its 'ethic' on
Destruction of Reason possesses a logic that these instincts" (p. 346). That Nietzsche's
is clear and unassailable. Reason equals the writings might have represented a crisis in
forward march of the proletariat and so- Enlightenment thought, the end of Christian
cialism. "Hence-and whether or not an in- ethics, or an attempt to treat existence in an
dividual wants it or is even aware of it-every age when fixed universals had collapsed under
stand for or against reason is inseparably the feet of modem man is academic mystifica-
linked to his opinion of socialism" (p. 753). tion or worse. Sympathetic interpretations,
Reason, after the October Revolution, culmi- like that of Kaufmann, are designed "to suit
nates in Soviet reason. Antireason or "ir- the purposes of American imperialism," the
rationalism" equals all attempts to occlude new Cold War bearer of antireason.
objective truth, understood as the forward Lukdcs's argument unfolds with transparent
march of the proletariat and socialism; it sub- clarity; armed with class analysis he has cut
sumes a smorgasbord of disparate through all the mystification of modem philo-
philosophies whose only common element is sophic and social thought-no need for
the intrinsic opposition to objective truth so nuance, no hesitation before seeming
understood: idealism, romanticism, paradoxes, for "objectively speaking" nothing
phenomenology, existentialism, vitalism, is accidental. The same knowing "ce n'est pas
racialism and interpretive sociology. Antirea- par hazard" that incessantly repeats itself in
son, in the age of imperialism and in the wake Existentialisme ou Marxisme? reappears in
of the October Revolution, culminates in fas- The Destruction of Reason: "It is no accident
cism. that ..." and occasionally, for greater em-
The Destruction of Reason is thus a study in phasis, "It is certainly no accident that....
the linear degeneration of bourgeois thought, Yes, Lukdcs's study of modem bourgeois
thought that reflects the declining and ulti- thought has attained full clarity, but at the
mately counterrevolutionary ontological status expense of reason. It is a hopelessly reduc-
of a class that must necessarily make a last- tionist understanding of modem philosophy
ditch and thoroughly irrational attempt (fas- and a patently inadequate interpretation of
cism) to defend itself against socialism. As an history, especially the history of fascism. If
ascendent and revolutionary class, the there were an ontological pattern to bourgeois
bourgeoisie and its philosophers represented development, and its reflected thought, which
reason, but after 1789-and especially after necessarily tended toward fascism, why is it
1848 and 1871-they represent antireason. that fascism was an exceptional outcome that
Within this logic, Luka'cs argues, one can occurred in precisely those nations that had
situate philosophers and philosophies by ex- experienced incomplete bourgeois develop-
amining their "subterranean class basis." Let ment? The Destruction of Reason is little
us cite, for example, his treatment of more than an exercise in a dogmatism that
Nietzsche. Lukdcs poses what would other- embraces not only Stalinism but also the vir-
wise be a most paradoxical question: "How tues of Stalinist "science" (in passing Lukdcs
can we maintain of Nietzsche that his whole defends Lysenko' s utterly scatterbrained
life's work was a continuous polemic against though ideologically "correct" theory of ge-
Marxism and socialism, when it is perfectly netics against "reactionary bourgeois science
clear that he never read a single line of Marx and philosophy"). It is significant that later, in
and Engels? We believe that the claim is Kadar's liberalized Hungary, Lukdcs's crit-
still feasible, for the reason that every icism of Stalin was, on the whole, muted and
philosophy's content and method are deter- limited. Never did he conduct a study on
mined by the class struggles of its age" (p. Stalinism similar to his study on fascism,
313). Hence, what Nietzsche was really about, though in keeping with his epistemology it,
despite his own subjective awareness, was too, must have had an "objective basis," that
"idealizing those egoistic tendencies in the is, the Soviet mystification, the "cult of per-
declining bourgeoisie that were burgeoning in sonality," must have "necessarily" reflected
his own lifetime and became truly, universally an objective and perverse reality. Here we
prevalent in the imperialist period. That is to confront again the sacrifizio deli'intelletto.
say, it was the egoism of a class which, having Lukdcs could not remain true to his own
been condemned by history to its doom, was method, as misconceived as it might have
mobilizing all mankind's barbaric instincts in been.
its desperate struggles with its grave-diggers,

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