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1-Each question has four possible answers. Tick the correct answer.p
1 Newton make use of the ideas of __________ for the Galelio Archimedes Charles Bohr
study of motion of bodies.
2 Newton stated the laws of motion in 1686 1986 1886 1866
3 How many laws of Newton are there? 5 4 3 6
4 First law of motion is also known as the law of Inertia Momentum Newton Motion
5 The __________of a body is a measure of its inertia. Velocity Weight Mass Acceleration
6 Force produces Acceleration Weight Velocity Mass
7 According to 2nd law of motion, acceleration is directly Velocity Weight Force Mass
proportional to the
8 According to 2nd law of motion, acceleration is inversely Mass Weight Velocity Mass
proportional to the
9 According to 2nd law of motion, F = ma mv vt vit
10 If m=1kg, a =1m/s2 , F=1N, then value of constant is 2 1 3 4
11 The unit of force is Newton Pascal Joule ampere
12 1N = 1m/s 2m/s 1kg ms-2 Kgm/s
13 If m= 1.5 kg, F= 6N, then a= 4 ms-2 2 ms-2 3 ms-2 5 ms-2
14 Action and reaction are______ in magnitude Equal, opposite Opposite, equal Equal,equal none
but_______ in direction.
15 Walking on the ground is example of ___ law of motion. 1ST 2nd 3rd None
16 Mass is a _____________ quantity. Scalar Vector Derived Base
17 Mass is measured by voltmeter Spring balance Ordinary Screwgauge
18 The mass of the body is _______ at every place. Same Different 1kg 2kg
19 Weight is a ________ quantity. Vector Scalar Derived Base
20 The direction of the weight is towards the Space Centre of sky Centre ofEarth Oceans
21 Earth _______ everything towards its centre. Pulls Repel Does not repel none
22 W= Vt Mv Mg St
23 The unit of weight in system international is Newton Pascal Joule ampere
24 Weight of a body is measured by Voltmeter Ordinary Spring Screwgauge
balance balance
25 Value of weight is ______ at everywhere. 1kg Same different 2kg
26 The magnitude of tension is equal to the Weight Mass Velocity Mv
27 When two bodies move vertically, then a= m1g/(m1+m2) 2m1m2g/(m1+m2) (m1-m2)g m1m2g/(m1+m2)
28 When two bodies move vertically, then T= 2m1m2g/(m1+m2) (m1-m2)g m1g/(m1+m2) m1m2g/(m1+m2)
29 When one body moves vertically, and other moves (m1-m2)g /(m1+m2) 2m1m2g/(m1+m2) m1g/(m1+m2) m1m2g/(m1+m2)
horizontally, then a=
30 When one body moves vertically, and other moves m1m2g/(m1+m2) m1g/(m1+m2) 2m1m2g/(m1+ (m1-m2)g
horizontally, then a= m2) /(m1+m2)
31 Greater is the mass, the quantity of motion will be Greater Smaller positive negative
32 Greater the velocity, the quantity of motion will be Positive Smaller Greater negative
33 Momentum = P= Mv mg Vt St
34 SI unit of momentum is kg ms-1 (Ns) Pascal Joule ampere
35 Momentum is a quantity Base Scalar Derived Vector
36 If m=0.005kg, v=60 ms-1,then P = 0.3 kg ms-1 0.4 kg ms-1 0.5 kg ms-1 0.6 kg ms-1
37 According to law of conservation of momentum m1u1+m2u2= m1u1(m2u2)= (m1-m2)g m1m2g/(m1+m2)
m1v1+m2v2 m1v1(m2v2) /(m1+m2)
38 The kinetic friction fk = µ n Fk µ s Fn µ k Fn µ r Fm
39 The maximum value of static friction fs(max) = µ s Fn µ k Fn µ n Fk µ r Fm
40 Friction of liquids is_______than that of solids surfaces. Less More Equal Zero

[ Written By ] | [ M.Asim Iqbal Kiani Bsc & MBA ] [KIAS COLLEGE, MIRPUR AJK.]
pp p pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp[1]
41 The type of friction in which surface of a body moves by static friction Rolling friction Sliding friction Kinetic friction
sliding against the surface of another body is called
42 The friction due to wheel and a surface is known as Rolling friction static friction Sliding friction Kinetic friction
43 Rolling friction is far _____than the sliding friction. Less More Equal Zero
44 The rolling friction is about____times smaller than the 1/100 10 100 1000
sliding friction.
45 The acceleration produced in a moving body is always Velocity Force Speed Momentum
in the direction of applied________.
If mass of a body is doubled while keeping the force
46 Doubled One half One fourth Four times
constant, then the acceleration will be___.
The characteristic of a body due to which it tends to
47 retain its state of rest or of motion is known as Inertia Force Weight momentum
The weight of a body of 20kg mass is ______newton
48 2 10 20 200
on Earth.


S.NO Answers S.NO Answers S.NO Answers S.NO Answers

1 A 14 A 27 C 40 A
2 A 15 C 28 A 41 C
3 C 16 A 29 C 42 A
4 A 17 C 30 A 43 A
5 C 18 A 31 A 44 C
6 A 19 A 32 C 45 B
7 C 20 C 33 A 46 B
8 A 21 A 34 A 47 A
9 A 22 C 35 D 48 D
10 B 23 A 36 A 49
11 A 24 C 37 A 50
12 C 25 C 38 C 51
13 A 26 A 39 A 52

Q-2- Write down the short answers of the following questions?

1-p Define first law of motion?

2-p What is the law of inertia?
3-p Define force and what is its unit?
4-p Define 1 newton?
5-p What is second law of motion?
6-p Define third law of motion?
7-p Differentiate between mass and weight?
8-p Write down the acceleration and tension of the bodies attached to the string?
a.p Case I
b.p Case II
9-p Define momentum?
10-p Define law of conservation of momentum?
11-p Define friction and differentiate between static and kinetic and rolling friction?
12-p A lead shot of mass 5g is fired with an air gun. If the velocity is 60m/s, find its momentum?

[ Written By ] | [ M.Asim Iqbal Kiani Bsc & MBA ] [KIAS COLLEGE, MIRPUR AJK.]
pp p pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp[1]

[ Written By ] | [ M.Asim Iqbal Kiani Bsc & MBA ] [KIAS COLLEGE, MIRPUR AJK.]
pp p pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp[1]

[ Written By ] | [ M.Asim Iqbal Kiani Bsc & MBA ] [KIAS COLLEGE, MIRPUR AJK.]
pp p pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp[1]

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