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Financial Aid Cuts Not As Drastic As Anticipated

by Donna Peterson maximum grant $1,750. Students ticipates minimally already/' October." | * The letter writing campaign,
who receive between $1150 and saia Zembower. The financial aid Zembower e n c o u r a g e s said Zembower, could ensure
Financial aid cuts for the the minimum of $200, will feel director estimated that only students to become involved in a that "the financial aid program
1981-82 school year will not affect between a 10 and 40 percent about 10 per cent of Mercyhurst letter writing campaign to con- won't become a scapegoat for
Mercyhurst students as reduction.^ Zem bower stated that students receive NDSL funds.. gressmen, asking them not to budget cuts annually.
drastically as originally thought, any grants "below $300 and $400 Essentially the same formula support thefinancialaid cuts pro-
according to Barry Zembower, are probably in jeopardy." and eligibility schedule used in posed in the Reagan budget. A Rich Lanzillo, the coordinator
director of financial aid. The Guaranteed Student Loan 1980-81 will again be used in form for the letter appears in the of Mercyhurst Student Govern*
In an April 6 update from the Program (GSL) is not expected 1981-82 to determine student recent Financial Aid Newletter. ment's effort to curbfinancialaid
National Association of Student to undergo immediate change. If financial aid awards, stated Zem- If enough letters are written, cuts, also strongly endorses the
Financial Aid Administrators,; a any change is to occur, it will not bower. He also noted'that the said Zembower, ^legislators will letter writing campaign.
lobby group in Washington, Zem- be implemented until October l, work-study allotments will re* realize that a sizeable portion of "Students should take part in the
bower learned the tentative 1982. Zembower encourages main the same next year, based their constituency * depends on matter that concerns them so
status of financial aid programs. students who must borrow money on a similar enrollment status. financial aid programs. Zem- directly," he stated.
Basic Education Opportunity to do so before that date. "I don't think we're in bad bower also said he believes that There will be an organized let-
Grant (BEOG) is not expected to The National Direct Student shape at all, " stated Zembower, as a result, legislators will have ter writing campaign on campus
alter for those students who Loan program will receive some "especially if they don't imple- sympathetic consideration for Thursday, April 9, and Friday,
receive between $1150? and the cuts but "Mercyhurst par- ment Hhe GSL changes until the programs. T April 10. l

a student


At MSG Tuition?Increase'For Next Fall

Copus By Chris Settlemire the increase. However, the costs
of other programs rose and they
Meeting Mercyhurst College students
will be faced with a $370 increase
were also taken into considera-
tion in the decision."

Treasurer Mary Gausman and
in tuition next fall The added ex-
pense was a necessary move ac-
cording to George Kidd Jr., Vice
President of Business Services. ^
Kidd does not see any effect on
the school's enrollment with the
extra expense. "It's going to be
difficult to finance an education,
Vice President Rich Lanzillo Tuition went up $305 last year, but I really don't see any effect on
related a meeting with four other and for the 1981-62 school year the enrollment," Kidd stated.
area colleges concerning their 11 there will be an 11.3 increase or a
prospective membership in the $370 raise in tuition. There will be an added difficul-
coalition of Pennsylvania Univer- There were several reasons for ty in paying for higher education
sity students (COPUS) at the the increase explained Kidd. if President? Ronald Reagan's
April 6 meeting of student "College costs were up," he said. proposal for a cut in federal col-
government.* ?! "The budget was examined and lege funding is passed, explained
"Gannon, Allegheny, Villa cuts were made without damage Kidd. He added that he would not
Maria, and Alliance were the col- to the college's programs." He be surprised if the proposal did
leges in attendance, including added that the raise in tuition was not meet with approval by the
Mercyhurst of course," explain- the only alternative. U House?of Representatives and
ed Lanzillo. "We discussed the Senate. 2
Inflation was another factor in
importance of getting involved in the decision. According to Kidd, "The increase was as low as
COPUS, and the possibility of as the inflation rate soars higher possible, but: necessary so that
organizing a trip to Washington. and higher every year the cost of the college could still deliver the
DC for National Lobbying Day." a college education is going to be same type of quality programs as
He also commented that the at- affected. Because Mercyhurst is it has in the past," Kidd added.
titudes of these schools toward a small private college the in- President William P. Garvey
COPUS seemed positive, and crease - is going to be more commented that the $370 tuition
some representatives of these noticeable than it will be at a increase was not as high as some
schools will probably go to large state school, he explained. members of the board of trustees
Washington, D.C. The new football program was thought was necessary. He add-
It was also reported that on not a big factor in the tuition in- ed that while the increase is a lot
April 9th and 10th financial aid crease said Kidd. "Football is a is still lower than
stations will be set up in different part of the school's overall that of colleges with comparable
areas around the campus. ' -' *•*'}
budget so it did have an effect on enrollment.
Various alternatives in the form The Shape Of Things To Come? Not really. This painted desk is one
of postcards and letters will be of the many art works displ ayed in the Library gallery. photo by Rich
available for students to vent
their feelings about the financial
aid cuts to their congressman. *3j
In other business, the; En-
ding procedure was cleared up
New Majors Studied
"Hopefully," said Gausman, the motion tabled from last week Two new majors, Interior Both majors incorporate a
vironmental Club was recognized Design and Fashion Merchandis- common core of courses and ex-
"This letter writing campaign unanimously by the government. addressing the question, as to ing were recommended to the ceed the fifteen course standard
will show that the average stu- In news - concerning a possible whether to give the environmen- Dean' for approval by the requirement set for majors at
dent on campus is concerned." Environmental • Club trip, the tal department $258.75 for this Academic Policies Committee at Mercyhurst. This curriculum
Lanzillo pointed out that the body was informed that the in- trip was defeated. the April 6 meeting.
Senate had already passed these stitution has offered to contribute A new motion was put on the was devised to meet the ac-
proposed educational budget cuts $260.00 exceeding their proposed Jamie Yule and a Jacqueline creditation standards established
floor stating that MSG would con- Howey, representing the Human by the Foundations For Interior
by an 88-10 vote. "Now it goes to one quarter of the total cost of the tribute to the Environmental
the House of Representatives" he trip lor six or seven students. Ecology department, spoke for Design Education and Research
Club at least $84 and not to exceed the necessity of such programs in (FIDER)*-
said. v £ i. \ Thus, to match the "One $115fortheir trip. This was pass- 4*
Although National Lobbying quarter of the cost" contribution ed unanimously.! • ' the Erie area. According to Yule, • Both majors passed with six
Day is scheduled for April 13th, which / the department had The previous motion was this program would be the only votes in favor, none opposed and
one of its kind in this region if it is two abstentions. 7
the House is going to adiourn ear- prevoiusly asked the government denied due to the fact that .*
ly for Eaaterbreak. "This means to give, MSG would only have to representatives and officers accepted. *; • ±A * t\
that our congressmen might not give $84 if six students attend or feared a precedent would be set
be in Washington, D.C. on thatl $113 if seven people go. allowing departments to make
day," reported Lanzillo. £'*.-'; i This would balance out to a half monetary demands on MSG. Letters Of Intent For
"Therefore, we are/ going to of the total cost being absorbed In the SAC report, Vice Presi-
make sure we would get confirm-
ed appointments with our
by MSG and the administration,
and one half by the students
dent Lanzillo reminded the body
of a lecture committee meeting
Student Government Officers
legislators before we make the
trip," he added. A
V After some confusion regar- Continued on page 6 Pages 4 and 5

qualities because they insure that

overexpenditures, like those
budgeted foiN yearbook and the
sound system of 1980, do not hop(&>cd "fe "fl***!^^^^^
happen. p\
Claudia Englert - as secretary ufell 5ftm...-M$ 0At Stan*dtoi*tK<-A»k*wrtt^ f*r K«r
also shows the drive necessary to tiff b»|anCtcKed<fro"»tK«boJ|Atfc Offife <W that-
one Wtt
be an officer in student govern- trtAgied to deatfc * ctaW ii rY»*t *f rKe 'cof, ani ffat o*e
ment. She was elected to the post <«>4s ey«cu+«<j t>y fr* brcSi * t umcu for n«f m««Mj t*»e*'
after a resignation of the position
in the fall term and has developed
an excellent record. For exam-
ple, the MSG newsletter is large-
ly a result of her efforts.
The Merciad encourages
students to make an attempt to
elect competent leadership for

Competent I Leadership the 1981-82 year. In order to do

this, it is recommended that
students attend the forums, ask
questions of the candidates, and
Li an effort to get the student The vice president race is a above all exercise theirrightto
•:I;I I thinking seriously about the toss up. Lanzillo has established vote.
upcoming student government an exhaustive precedent of in-
Next Issue: April 24
elections, The Merciad would like tense planning and actual
to share some insights developed physical labor for the chairman
from objectively observing the position of the Student Activities

letters To l%e Mtor

government over the past year.. Committee (chairmanship of
The race for president is an im- SAC is a primary responsibility
portant one, especially this year of the vice president).
where there are two quality can- For this position experience
didates. However, the news staff alone is not enough. ] Candidates
at The Merciad feels that a voting will have to function under the
decision on the position of presi- pressure of organizing quality ac-
d e n t m u s t b e b a s e d o n tivities for an entire year (an ex-
experience, \ g perience in itself). This will take
Financial Director Responds 1, 1981, with students borrowing
prior to that date not affected (in
81-82) by subsequent and ex-
Over the past year, members of a great deal of personal energy, Dear Rebecca, It is important that you pected changes. ; '
the Merciad staff have witnessed commitment and strength. Having been assured by you remember that the source of your Finally, we have received our
the presidential candidate Rich At this time, The Merciad can that a more in depth article will information, that being the federal work-study, SEOG,
Lanzillo working above and offer no dear guidance in choos- follow in the next issue, I will take COPUS Publication, is put NDSL, and institutional alloca-
beyond the call of his position as ing a candidate. Before this deci- only a few paragraphs to dispel a together by student represen- tions for next year and I'm happy
vice president Indeed, if one sion can be made, attendance at few of• the more serious tatives of a school nearly twice as to report that although we, like
were to look through the the candidate open forum is misconceptions conveyed in the expensive as Mercyhurst (the most other institutions, have
newspaper files, one would con- necessary. The paper , urges two page one articles and your University of PA) and with received funding cuts, we have,
sistently read the effort and ac- students to attend the forum on editorial. First, however, lei me students from- family income unlike many other institutions,
complishments Lanzillo has of- April 13 at 4:00 in 214 Zurn. reiterate your editorial en- quite unlike that of most of our received a commitment; of in-
fered ine. Mercyhurst The uncontested g races for couragement that Mercyhurst students. The proposed cute hit stitutional monies which should
Community. ^j ., Treasurer and Secretary can students and their parents write much harder at the higher in- enable us to maintain this year's
The initiative put forward by mean one of two things. Either their legislators and urge for come levels and their cause for level of funding in those areas.
this candidate is commendable apathy has reached an absolute careful and sympathetic review alarm is significant.. The same I look forward to the opportuni-
and at timesiTSurprising.'{ Who peak on campus, or the two can- of the proposed student aid cuts cause fon panic does not appear ty to further discuss the Reagan
would have thought, for example, didates have done such an ex- with a mindful eye on the sen- appropriate here, i I f aid proposals with the Merciad in
of actually having a dance on the cellent job that no one feels the sitive and far-reaching nature of Secondly, and again a serious the near future. It is extremely
floor (not the stage) of the Cam- need to challenge them. such cuts. A suggested format
misrepresentation of fact, is the important that students are kept
pus Center? Based on the observations for the letter appears in the most suggestion of a reduction of the current on such important mat-
His record speaks for itself. made over the past performances recent issue of the Financial Aid maximum Basic Grant from ters and' that appropriate in-
And his leadership skills have of both candidates, The Merciad Newsletter. ^j itiatives such as theletter writing
developed and increased during chooses the latter. <£. $1,750 to $1,260. For the 1981-82
As for the statements predic- academic year, it appears that campaign, be undertaken when
his past year of service. For Mary Gausman as treasurer ting aid cuts precipitating an appropriate, .Jjfo*tfK 5
these reasons, the Merciad has done a superlative job. She enrollment drop here at Mer- again be $1,750. Students who Respectfully, maximum Basic Grant will
strongly suggests students "con- has been consistent and reliable cyhurst from 20 per cent to all but would receive scheduled awards Barry Zemoower
sider supporting Lanzillo in the in the management of student 100 students, I can only question of $1,000 down to $200 will likely Director of Financial Aid
election for President. I ? * funds. Those' are reassuring the sources used.. Given the see reduction of their awards on a
parameters of the proposed cuts sliding scale of from 1040 per
and the make-up of our student cent.
income base, there is absolutely
£; ? Feelings Of
Third, it appears that the
I T A V 1 V J l C l O publication
no indication that we will see an Guaranteed Student Loan Pro-
aid-related attrition of the gram as we now know it will re-
VOL S3 NO. 21 MERCYHURST COLLEGE APRIL 3.1981 magnitude which was indicated. main intact until at least October Dear Editor,
Edi tor-In-Chief. Rebecca L. Martin We would like to express our
News Editor. .Donna Peterson <* thanks to Kathy Lowry for the
time, energy and spirit she
Photo Editor. .Rich Forsgren - devoted to the planning of the
Sports Editor. Michael Fitzgerald CEC Sleeping Bag Weekend. 3
Jamie Borowicz, Christopher McGowan
Andy Findlay, Taye C. Coles and Jack Hour
Mary Cay Marchione, Valerie Meyers *
Anyone interested The weekend was a great suc-
cess, and further weekends are
being anticipated by both the

Staff Carta Anderson, Maree-Lynn Cicon, Tony
Mangeri, Chris Settlemire, Carlos Pizzi, Myrai
Gross and Bonnie James
Faculty Advisor....Steve Curcio
., '••, , apply staff and students.
good name of Mercyhurst in our
Publisher. .......Brown-Thompson Newspapers
The Merciad welcomes Letterstothe Editor. Policcy for letters follows the same
guidelines as article submissions. Guideline information is available in The Merciad Of-
1981 sition • it community. Please come out and
help i her spread this good
environment. *
fice, located in the basement of Preston Hall. All submissions are due by 4:00 on Mondays.
Merciad Editor Sincerely,
Sue Scarpa to
On behalf of Senior Special
Education Students and friends
should submit their
letter intent Staff
newspaper office
(Box 45) later than Wednesday
Everyone Welcome

by John Chrzanowski
SPORTING by John Chrzanowski

Saturday April 18th is the first

whole kernel corn in a can,
v e l v e e t a c h e e s e or even
small spinners and spoons trolled
about 40ft.behind toe boat Use a
macaroni noodles (cooked). small or large split shot to keep
day of trout season. This day $ If you like to use artificials, them down, as some days the fish It is my observation that great sphere of power and in-
starts off many person's first cast little spoons, spinners or may be down a little deeper. - many of us like to complain about fluence. But, this power is pre-
fishing excursion of the year. flies with, small split shot attach- Fishing in this fashion-is the things. It's a part of human sent onry if it is clear that a ma-
All of the ice is melted, the fish ed. Think tiny and flashy. | ? easiest and fastest way to catch a nature, because we're never hap- jority of students back the
are hungry and lots of people are Bright reds, greens, oranges nice limit of trout. Believe me, py. In fact, complaining is pro- representatives. A 15 percent
shaking off the last vestiges of and white are the best colors for anyone can catch fish quite easily bably good for us, because it can voter turnout does not represent
cabin (dorm) fever. What better flies and streamers. Silver, gold for thefirstmonth of the season if be a release, and it can be a such a backing. ;
way to spend a day, than at a lake and copper are good for spoons you follow these tips. ' means by which problems can be r I am urging every Mercyhurst
only a short distance from the and spinners. Some of the best Next week we will cover known. A problem must be known college student to vote in the up-
campus. ? are Mepps, Roostertail, Panther stream fishing for trout, where to before it can be solved. ' coming MSG elections. If you
Lake Pleasant is only a 15 Martin ana Colarado spinners. ,« go and how to catch them. One area that is always subject need a reason to vote, consider
minute drive from campus or a The best salmon eggs seem to If you have any problem or to complaints is government. No your ballot a license to complain.
good workout even if you would be the red variety and there had would possibly like to go with this level of government is immune. Once you vote, you've had your
like a nice bike hike. * been a dough-Ike paste called author sometime in * the future, National Politics is the topic of say. If you are not happy with
Take Lake Pleasant Road out "Zehes" floating bait that you address your letter to me in care discussion on the same level of in- anything after you vote, you then
about 10 miles and you won't be form into a ball and cover your of the MERCIAD. 5 %* W?] tensity as is local. Even student have a right to register your com-
able to miss it. Located in a hook with. This is excellent for Read your fishing regulations government is subject to plaint. If you don't vote, well, you
sprawling and hilly farmland fishing on the bottom as it floats before you go, or it may cost criticism and complaints. I blew your chance because your
area, Lake Pleasant is one of the and stays clear of»debris and more than you bargained for, in suspect that such a 'process voice wasn't heard.*
very few natural lakes' in this weeds. Ditto with the the way of a fine, I recently found makes the system go. The' college community, in-
area. '• ' |J yj marshmallows. this out to the tune of $10. For not The reason I am discussing cluding administration and facul-
The lake is stocked heavily If you can afford it, rent a boat having my license displayed on complaints and their relation to ty, would have to take notice of a
with rainbow, brook and brown and slowly row around the lake my person. GOOD LUCK AND government is because Mercy- voice that represents 100 percent
trout There is also a large resi- until you find a school of fish. Use GOOD FISHING. m •• hurst Student Government of the student body. It is much
dent population of panfish and elections are coming up. It has easier to ignore 15 or 25, or even
bass. I§ been my past experience that 50 percent of the student body. I
In order to start, one will need a such elections are plagued by ex- suspect that everyone involved
fishing license, rod and reel and tremely low voter turnout. That's would be very happy to see 100
some type of bait or lures to en- a shame, because the elected stu- percent of the Mercyhurst college
tice the fish. One of the easiest dent representatives form a body student body exercise their right
ways to catch the trout is to fish of voices that has a ootentiallv to complain.
anywhere along the shoreline
with a bobber set-up.
Attach a bobber to your line 6
about four feet above your hook.
Place one small split-shop about
Activities Day 81
10-15 inches above your hook in
order to keep your bait down.
Any kind of live bait can be us-
To Kick Off With Dance
ed such as worms,,grubs, min- By Myra Gross attempted are "longest distance
nows, crickets or salmon eggs. Activities* Day '81, scheduled to throw a grape in your friends
Christopher, maybe they'll give for Tuesday, May 12, will actual- mouth and the most people stack.-,
Sometimes the fish are finicky us the same room in the summer! No Comment Fitz. ly begin Monday, May 10. Tim
and they may be enticed by slow- ed in a pile straight up. " "*'
Guess Who _\g Seltzer, MSG president, explain- The last event scheduled win be
ly reeling in after casting out. No thanks. We practice Bigamy. ed that due to the full schedule on
One does not need to cast out an outdoor movie that night
Good Luck, women's Softball Tuesday, the dance at the Cam- U If the w e a t h e r doesn't
very far, as most of the team for your opening season. C. Deb and Dar, Congrats on pus Center will be held the night
shorelines drops down quite cooperate, plans are being made
quickly,* Another way to fish Is by Hermey! Perfect Timing. The before. to have Activities Day held in the
attaching a small sinker to the To my fellow "CHOW QUEEN", future roomie. "We can start Activities Day a Campus Center. .&
end of your line and tying on two Don't start chowing until I get little later in the day." Seltzer If anyone has any ideas for Ac-
hooks about this and casting out back! Where are we going next Love appears in the time it takes said. He added that MSG is look- 4
tivities 8l, or would like to help in
and letting your bait lay on the week? Have a good weekend - to breathe. I am deep in a ing for a D.J. for the dance. some way, they can contact Tim
bottom. One word of caution on See you Monday. shallow world. As for the activities, Seltzer
hopes to have each department Seltzer at 864-7549. #j |
this method, the bottom is quite Jim K. Being with you is like be- Mike Even is a flousy and Ernie contribute to the festivities.
mucky and weedy in places so
make sure your bait is not hidden ing with an overly affectionate told everyone about it.
puppy. |
Possible activities include a ten-
nis clinic, cookbook and bake
Guest Speakers
on the bottom. ' ~
f* You say you have no way to go
and buy bait somewhere? Open Ernie, The Italian Staliion, How's
Happy Easter to All Egan Hall. sale, a recital by the music
department, clowns provided by
the stud service? Math Insights Carol, Tami, Carol, Debbie, Have Campus Ministries, a dunking
At! Radio Club
your cupboard or run to the cor- by Myra Gross
ner store. Trout are quite Beth, Becca, Michael, Loretto, a very Happy Easter. Va 1. booth, a backgammon tourna- The Radio Club featured two
ravenous at this time of the year Chips. ment, and a performance by the uest speakers at their meeting
and will bite on marshmallows, Whatever happened to the
5 Stitches!! My hickeys were dance department.
never that bad!
• : * : •
"A major portion (of the
f unday night: Denny Alexander
of K104, and Sue Roberts of
old Mary Cay? Sincerely, The festivities) will be in Molly's WEYZ, a g r a d u a t e of
Same Old Fitz. & >• We didn't lose our clothes. Grove," Seltzer said. "We'd also Mercyhurst. '.
like to take up the a whole area Chris Settlemire, president of
For a successful 1981-82 year, Land: I love you, Tommie. around there." 1 the Radio Club, expressed Alex-
vote BRENT SCARPO for MSG Activities Day ander's interest in Mercyhurst*s
Vice-President! I!! jo be $4.00. T-shirts Radio Club. "He really wants to
LJK. I can't wait to spend the ed before and on ^^ help the radio station. He's going
Happy Birthday Tony! Love, penny, T.L.K. "Chris McGowan is taking care to be attending the meetings
Marion Rose. * of getting the t-shirts," said regularly." 2j
Vote Rich Lanzillo for effective Seltzer. "We'd like to get them on Settlemire added that Alex-
Yo, Spank! Get a grip! leadership. President in 1982! the staff and out as soon as possi- ander wanted to get involved in
ble so people can see what they WMCY production this term.
like." When the t-shirts become Adding to Settlemire, Alex-
available for purchasing, they ander said that Mercyhurst had
will be sold at the MSG office, the entered the program at a unique
book s t o r e , and the art time since tne program is in its
department. infant stages. *
Seltzer explained that this v The next Radio Club meeting
year's raffle prizes will consist of will be 8:00 Sunday, April 12, in
a lot of little prizes"
Brown been donated, rather than "fewer that have the Faculty Lounge. All meetings
are open to the public. 4^
The year's final synapse scorcher bears an important bigger prizes." w ..
message for those of you who have enjoyed the mental Seltzer told of activities for
breaking or setting records for
recreations offered in this space. Solve the cryptogram "Student Records" (which is Student Government
and follow the instructions. ^ j, similiar to Guiness Book of World Open Forum
Records). "You might already
"X.A.Y.Z. bcdefb xay Xayiz Ayhdeojkf xay hold one without knowing, like April 2 2
having the most narking tickets, elections
Ykmykdcoaeb ax c n k Zoef. Ca paoe, or having the longest long-
maecdmc Qlf Qyare." distance phone call. ! April 2 3 - 2 4
A couple of possible feats to be


Candidates For Student Government Officers. • •

FOR PRESIDENT. . . Lanzillo, Miller on intent as are published here to-

day. I was on campus for a
The natural site was the Campus he really tries to be. scholarship test which I subse-
Center, but few believed this Next year's government must quently won. Starting then and
facility could ever be liberated. not be afraid that an issue is too continuing until the present day,
Again rather than accepting this big for us to take on. Few people the relationship between Mer-
as fact, I worked to nave the would think that the students of cyhurst and myself has been a
Campus Center opened for such little Mercyhurst College could mutually beneficial one. x
activities and I succeeded. \ ever effect the national govern- The faculty I have encountered
There are many other things I ment's proposed cuts in financial have prepared yme .well, well
worked for during last summer, aid, but we are.} Myself the enoughtoenable me to proceed to
such as the beginning of bus trips M.S.G. treasurer, and others the semifinals Z of a national
to other cities for events, a new have pursued this issue with our scholarship; competion.v" I have
lecture series, and the purchase full effort. We are implementing also met. and made many 'good
of a protective covering for the a plan to affect the votes of our and lasting friends.
RICH LANZILLO Campus Center floor, but it would leaders in the House of Represen- Precisely because Mercyhurst
| I, Richard Lanzillo, am ask- require too much space to explain tatives by organizing our campus has been so good for me, I am
ing for your consideration for the all of these in detail. • into a coherent voice in the shape concerned with the path this in-
office of president of the Mer- If elected, this summer I plan of a student letter-writing sitution is taking. These are ex-
cy hurst Student Government. to build theframeworkof the best campaign. citing times at the school on the
During the past year I have serv- student government this college b We are also participating in a hill, and I want to be a part of
ed as vice president of the student has ever seen. I intend to do this national lobby group, and are at- them. The students must have an
government and made a firm first by re-organizing, the tempting to meet with our BRUCE MILLER active voice in the administration
commitment to its improvement representative elections making representative personally. We After a period of intense of this school's future. I can be
add effectiveness. them legitimate, well publicized have also enlisted the other col- thought and consideration, I have that voice. .
After my election last year I well-run occurrence. leges >in this effort a and thus decided to offer myself as can- Also, that voice can be stronger
realized, if I was to be as effec- The next step in rebuilding the become a leader among student didate for President of MSG. I do if each and every Mercyhurst stu-
tive as possible, I would have to student government would be my governments. this with a knowledge of the great dent involves himself in the af-
remain on campus during the commitment to the real issues From my experience in'the responsibilities and duties that fairs of the college. Be part of the
summer. The summer provided the students at Mercy hurst see as vice presidency there are a the office requires. The challenge solution, not pari of the problem.
me with a time to learn and effect important. Or course, this is a number of ideas I will explore for is clear, but I am prepared to ac- Voting in MSG elections is a first
policy being made for the comm- promise any candidate would implementation next year. One of cept it. step towards, beings part of the
ing year. ' R make. But I make this promise these ideas is the development of The position of MSG President solution. '"• v v *
| For instance, last summer the backed up with fact. .*.'; a video tape library of first-run demands a person, with special I am a sophomore political
policy was made that the SAC During this year the women of films and the purchase of a video skills. These prerequisites in- science major with a knowledge
movie series could not be shown Egan brought to me a petition tape player and giant screen T. V. clude intelligence, a verbal abili- of and interest in government. I
in the Zurn Recital Hall because asking for a late night desk atten- to complement the student film ty to converse with others easily, served my high school as student
of abuse to the facility. Rather dant and some sort of lounge. The series, and if desired to be used keen organizational skills, good body president and presently am
than accept this policy as un- effort the residents of Egan Hall by faculty for class purposes. leadership traits, an interest in a representative to MSG. I have
changeable which was the com- put into this petition was highly It would be possible to rotate the job, and boundless energy. I experience in representing
mon reaction on campus, I went commendable and showed their the location of this device to resi- believe that I possess all of the people. £
to the proper people and concern. It was also a very fair dent hall lounges, the back porch previously ^mentioned re- It is with the fullest confidence
negotiated our reinstatement into request, since all they wanted cafe, and other convenient loca- quirements and already apply in the ability uof Mercyhurst
the Recital Hall, where we re- was equal treatment with the tions. Another option I will pur- many of them to my daily students to pick a capable leader
main until this day. The idea I other dorms.- 5v sue will be a commitment to routines. that I, Bruce Miller, ask for your
.wish to. stress is, had (not been From this point I brought the regular office hours on the part of I first came to this campus support in my campaign for MSG
here this summer, and if I did not petition to the Student Govern- all officers making us easily ac- around this time of the year two President. >?f
have the desire to change-this ment and took the issue to the ad- cessible for student concern. years ago. The Merciad t picked Thank you,
policy and the belief I could ministration. In less than three The general thesis I am making up then contained similar letters Bruce Miller
change this policy, we would not days Egan was promised a night is that the Student Government
attendant and the faculty dining
have adequate facility-for our
movie senes. i -3g i room as a temporary lounge until
can be an effective represen-
tative voice of the students. If FOR SECRETARY. Englert
When'I took office last year a permanent lounge could be set elected I intend to see that it is.
up this summer. This and other This year I have incorporated
many people voiced a need for an these factors into my working
alternative to the Student Union occurrences are proof that the Sincerely, f style. I feel accurate minutes and
for dances and similar activities. student leader can be effective if Richard A. Lanzillo organized records are a major
part of the j Secretary's respon-
FOR TREASURER... Gousman sibilities. However, dedication to
students and their awareness of
To the Mercyhurst Student Body: search. -j
In the present status of A few essential elements are M.S.G. as a working force for the
treasurer of the Mercyhurst Stu- needed on campus for the student students is also a very important
dent Government, I have fulfilled and activities for the student, part of the position.
the duties and responsibilities of namely: chairs/tables in the This past year I have tried to
said status as well as represen- union, ash cans, shelves and coat accomplish this through the crea-
tative of the student body, and in- racks (to protect the pool tables), tion of The Leader. This newslet-
tend to continue to do so. storage cans for the carpet, ter is organized and written by
Throughout the past year, I storage space, portable stages, several of the reps and myself.
have maintained proper and open and the list continues. With pro- Besides encouraging involve-
accounting of the expenditures per budgeting and possible ment, it serves as M.S.G.'s main
and revenue of the student cooperative efforts with various tool for keeping students well in-
government. Having dealt with a groups on campus, these essen- formed of any issues concerning
shortfall of $7000, with $5000 in un- CLAUDIA ENGLERT them that are being discussed at
tial elements are in a feasible,
foreseen expenses, I have learn- reachable arena. w Hi, my name is Claudia Englert student government meetings.
ed the necessary means of resolv- .JARY GAUSMAN The entire lot would pay. for and I am running for re-election But the best qualification I can
ing such potentially damaging range goal as well as a by- itself within a couple of years. to the office of Secretary of the offer you is my determination
conditions. Proper budgeting is product of this system would be For .instance, to purchase 100 M e r c y h u r s t ^Student and my willingness that I have to
the key to remaining solvent; I to broaden our representative chairs for the union at $7 a piece Government*: completely fuUfill tins position.
promise my total dedication to would be an initial investment of * My major is Business Ad- My motivation is to be a doer, to
maintaining a budget that re- Currently, a volunteer force $700. However, currently we ministration and I am presently a work for you and with you.
mains solvent. * * has been the source for rolling out spend three * to five hundred junior. As this year's Secretary of In closing, I would like to say
Several fundamental changes the carpet in the Campus Center dollars a year on rental for chairs MSG, I have become familiar that as Secretary of M.S.G., I
ought to be made within the to protect the floor during various and tables for activities, within with the policies, procedures, and would be involved. Working
budget for the coming year. I will activities. This work is difficult, three years the new chairs have practices of Mercyhurst College together with the other officers, I
vie for the implementation of a to say the least. I propose a sti- paid for themselves in savings. and the role of the Secretary in its would again put forth my utmost
fund supply for clubs and groups pend to be incorporated in the This past year's budget was student government. I have found effort to do an excellent job in
who are both recognized and budget for these workers. Their enhanced by thousands of dollars that efficiency, responsibility, ordertomake next year the best I
represented in the student service warrants it. through cooperative efforts with and dedication are important fac- possibly can. Thank you for your
government. * f The Mercyhurst Yearbook is the institution. I will continue to tors that have helped me to be an consideration!
Groups and/or clubs may then funded by the student govern- maintain that cooperation. effective and involved Dart of Sincerely,
draw a portion of this fund supply ment with work being done on a Many things have been ac- M.S.G. Claudia Englert
thus providing incentive for these "Voluntary basis, even the position complished this year with a flexi-
groups to establish themselves of editor receives no reward for ble budget: a new lecture series,
early in the year and also to in- the Job outside of self- bus trips to -nearby cities, a Students Planning To Student Teach During
itiate events, activities, services, satisfaction, I suggest some sort carpet covering for dances and Term Must
and entertainment in various of scholarship to be drawn from other activities. There are many
Necessary Application
forms as alternatives for the the budget for the editor. This things to be done yet. With your Forms From Education Department
'Hurst community. * •, scholarship would produce two
This differs from the present essential things: l) the editor
support, I will continue to explore
with dedication the things that
301M)AsSoon Possible
system which clubs-groups would be made accountable for are vital to us as the student Completed Forms Must Returned Later
secure funds via approaching the his/her responsibilities; and 2) it Than
government with explicit re- will become a more desirable Sincerely, Office (202M)
quests and intentions. A long Job, possibly enhancing the talent Mary Diane Gausman Education Office (301M) Thank

.. .Elections Held April 23 and 24

FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. . . Baldauf, Dow, Scarpa, Schmidt
President of Student Government I plan to bring in acts which of MSG Vice President.
is the chairman of the Student Ac- here at Mercyhusrt have done , I feel that my qualifications
tivities Committee. Since my in- well before, and acts which have and my sincerity form an
volvement I have worked very done well at other colleges. unbeatable team that will enable
closely with this organization. I will try and get office space me to work effectively for you.
I have and will continue to be for SAC. This will give the com- Previously I have chaired and
quite active with the creating, mittee a place for their officers to worked on a number of organiza-
supporting, designing, and get together and hold meetings, tional committees dealing with
organizing events and activities and for the students to find us. I various activities of my '.high
for the students of Mercyhurst. I feel that sometimes the students school student government.
feel with my position as Vice- are not satisfied with what we are These positions have given me
President, I can improve and trying to do. I believe this will the experience and the skills that
satisfy the needs and wants of the eliminate the problem, -o are needed to efficiently carry
students. For the students who cannot out the duties of the Vice Presi-
I believe I am the only can- make regular SAC meetings they dent position. ^ •
didate running wfth the ex- will still be able to express their I am genuinely concerned for
perience and motivation to make ideas, and those who are the interests of the Mercyhurst
SAC a really great organization. disgruntled may inform us of students. Making your views
Along with being chairman of what might be a problem with the known will always be foremost in
SAC, I will generally assist- the activities. We need to be my priorities. 5'
President with the executive accessible. I $ . MARY BALDAUF It is with such ideas in mind
duties of the body to my fullest I don't feel that because you I would like to take this oppor- that I ask for your vote on April 23
extent. * i don't make all the meetings you tunity to introduce myself to the and 24. Please let your voice be
What future plans and hopes don't belong to SAC, as long as Mercyhurst community. My heard. It can make a difference.
you are contributing ideas,: may i
that I have for the upcoming year name is Mary Baldauf and I am Thank you. ' '-• ?
include a program involving the they be all the time or just once in currently a freshman Accounting Sincerely,
DAMIEN SCHMIDT football team. I will hope to a great while, on an activity you major. I am running for the office Mary Baldauf *
Hello, I am Damien Schmidt I establish rallys, dances, busses are interested in. That's fine.
am a Junior Police Science Major to the games. , | Next year we will be highly I, Brent Scarpo, am running
I am running for the office of Better coordinate the program visible. We will be available for for the Student Government Of-
Vice-President of Student of Freshmen orientation and student input, because that is fice of Vice-President. I am
Government. sleeping bag weekend with plann- what makes the student Ac- presently a freshman at Mer-
For the past year my involve- ed events ahead of time. -^> tivities Committee. I will also try cyhurst College. |
ment in the Mercyhurst Com- These events and activities will and strengthen the working rela- I feel that I qualify for this of-
munity has been quite involved. be designed for all to enjoy not tionship between the Mercyhurst fice because 11 am very en-
Recently I hold the Public Rela- just the prospective i freshmen Administration and SAC. thusiastic about our Student
tions •'officer position of the and freshmen. I certainly believe that I do Government Program. I greatly
students Activities Committee, Another area would be of stu- have the qualifications of being enjoy working with people and I
and am serving a one-year term dent activities. We would have Vice-President of Student am very interested in the sugges-
in the college senate, along with more Polish Falcon, Belle Valley Government. Being an officer of tions that-the students of Mer-
being the Police Science alter- activities. More picnics at Pres- the committee certainly has cyhurst ha vie to offer. I feel that
nate in Student Government. que Isle. Planned bus trips to dif- helped, along with working very they would better the student life
I am also co-chairperson of the ferent areas of interest, par- closely with the chairman. Also for they are the suggestions that
Criminal Justice Club and chair- ticularly in the area of football being closely involved with the students "themselves want
man of the campus life commit- games and cultural events. government itself. j fulfilled. J^ i i A
tee. As you can see my involve- The Back Porch Cafe has I have the knowledge; ex- Being a Communications ma-
ment with Mercyhurst has been always been an area of question. perience, and know-how of per- jor and a Business minor, these
quite in depth. I plan on changing this, this is an forming the duties of Vice Presi- fields would tie in with the Vice- f

With being an officer of SAC, I area that is viable for the college. dent. So please vote for me. Presidency because this par-
feel this brings an extra I plan on changing the at- Thank you. * ticular office deals with relating
qualification for running for of- mosphere of it, giving it a more Sincerely, : and communicating with other BRENT SCARPO
fice of Vice-President. The Vice rustic, comfortable setting. Damien Schmidt people, specifically students of For example, one idea that I
the "Hurst". I have had ex- have to better communications
My name is Beth Dow, and I'm that appeal to everyone. All perience in such offices, in high between students and govern-
running for the position of Vice- students should have and deserve school I was treasurer in various ment is to have a student
President of our student govern- a voice in what activities and pro- clubs. I was also Vice-President representative for each floor of
ment here at Mercyhurst. I'm a jects SAC sponsors, and if we can for an organization where my each dorm. Once a month the
freshman working for my degree help it, their ideas and opinions main duties were planning of representative would go door to
in social work and I'm currently will be heard as well as being activities.. door asking for ideas or sugges-
living at 312 Baldwin Hall. reflected in the activities that are If elected to the office of Vice- tions that they might have. This
Student Government has been planned for the year to come. President, I would be able to do a would be kind of a personal touch
an active part of my first year The students here at Mer- lot for the students of Mer- showing that the Student Govern-
h e r e at M e r c y h u r s t . In cyhurst have a tot to offer both cyhurst I am genuinely concern- ment does care. I
November I was elected as one of Student Government and S.A.C. ed with the college student I feel h, After seeking out the students
the Freshman Representatives: and I feel that they should be that the Mercyhurst student has a suggestions, I would act upon
a role and responsibilty which I given that opportunity. lot to say, but is not being heard. them. I would pass them through
have taken very seriously, and I One promise I will -make As Vice-President, I would be the various' channels of the
have been involved in the because I know I can keep it is ears for those unheard students. I government and do my best in
organization and planning for this: if elected I will do my very would seek and find out what making the suggestions and ideas
The Leader (the MSG newslet- best to fulfill all of my respon- those unheard students had to a reality. ? \ ^3j
ter) and Activities Day. sibilities and to take on the say. f Brent W. Scarpo
Another area of my interests challenge of this office. I intend to IHtHIHIHIttl*****
and activity has been the student make the student voice heard and * * * * * * *

Activities Committee or S.A.C. I to make that voice count.

have taken an active role in
organizing and participating in
many S.A.C. sponsored ac-
tivities. Presently, I'm the fund-
for student Government and
S.A.C. during the upcoming year
and years to come. I'd like to see
In the year to come this school
will probably go?through
changes, and we, the students of
Mercyhurst should play a role in
raising chairman for the Social
Work Club and I have planned
and involved myself with many of
their projects, k
more integration of activities
here on campus.
At times it seems like the ac-
tivities are geared for the majori-
these changes. This is our school
and we should work to make sure
that it's everything that we want
and more.
Promises are something I can t ty but not the minority. Seeing as
we all pay the student activities
Thank you for taking the time
to read this. Please remember
E. 38th and Pine Ave.
make in my campaign for fear of me when you vote.
not being able to carry through on fee at the beginning of the year,
them. But. I do have many hopes there should be student activities Beth Dow
Catch Spring Fever At
Please return the completed form indicating l On ;
"The Junction
your major and mentor IMMEDIATELY to 107
Main. It Is necessary to do this prior to fall Activities' Day!
pre-registration! 4 Something's
Extra Forms Are Available! Happening...

Five Hurst Faculty

To Receive Research Grants
I By Carla Anderson and Catholic religion have come
Five Mercyhurst faculty a long way." O'Brien added that
members have recently received at wis time he is reading
grants from the Faculty material and taking notes on the
Research Fund at the college. subjects*' He wants to "rework
The grants aref awarded for the paper, and make it something
research which seeks to clarify important*' I £.
how improvements are brought Director of the Faculty
about in the practices of elemen- Research Program is Dr.
tary and secondary schools. Michael Erisman, associate pro-
fessor of Political'Science. He
Dr. Frank Hag an, criminal will prepare and present a paper
justice department professor, entitled, "Colssus Challenged:
will complete the preparation of a US Caribbean Policy in the
book in Criminal Justice 1980V. Erisman's paper will be
Research Methods. "I'm very ex- presented at the International
cited about the book," said Conference of the Caribbean
Hagan. "It has taken me almost Studies Association.
two and a half years to write." Daniel. Burke from the Art
He explained that the book will Department will present a one-
be published by Macmillan and man art show. "Lately, things
Company and is expected to be have been a little hectic," said
completed in January 1982. "I
am also starting a new book on Burke. "I will be exhibiting fif-
the college level." ? *3 teen acrylic paintings on April
Robert O'Brien, a Theology 25." >q
Department professor, jhas Burke will exhibit his paintings
received a grant to prepare and at the Williams College Museum
present! a paper entitled "A *j of Art in Williamstown,
Perspective on Lutheran-
Catholic Dissent and Dialogue."
Massachusetts. f Sf
Joseph Chiarelli >from the
Movie Review
O'Brien's paper will be presented music department also received
at the National Conference of the
College Theology Society. T
He explained that "the rela-
a grant to participate in the
American semi-finals of the
Pavarotti/Philadelphia Opera
Tess—A Tragedy Of Injustice
tionship between the Lutheran Company Voice Competition, v, necessity to kill Alek. In fact, it is
Naturalism vs. corrupted Angel (Peter Firth),.is Tess'
? MSG from page 1 Mary Gausman. * ^ society and the powers of fate are husband whom she first met almost comic when she escapes
Finally the idea of placing pic-
the ultimate conflict and theme in while working at a dairy farm. from Alek's prison, runs to her
Thursday, April 23, at 4:00 in the nic tables around campus wasRoman Polanski's film, Tess. He is a parson's son, and his rela- half-crazed husband who is now
Back Porch Cafe. There will also brought up be Political Science
Derived from Thomas Hardy's tionship with Tess is the ultimate starving for the love of his
be a dance in the Campus Center Rep Lisa Huffman. The idea was
novel Tes0 of D'urbervilles, expression of hypocrisy. Angel guiltless bride, clasps herself to
April 10 from 9-1 featuring the tabled until further information
Polanski takes the liberty of finds himself unable to forgive his breast and matter-of-factly
band, Magpie. U could be gathered on the subject Tess for her previous affair with confesses, "I've killed him." ^
A special MSG meeting for the reinterpretating some of Hardy's
ideas while adhering too faithful- Alek, even though he also knew Unforgettable scenes such as in
candidate Forum was scheduled an older woman before he and the garden where Alek feeds Tess
for Tuesday, April 21, at 4:00 ly to others. |
But perhaps the greatest in- Tess were married. In his refusal the strawberry, Tess running
because the previously scheduled to consolidate their vows on the around a chicken coop not realiz-
date of April 13 is National Lob- justice done to the film is com-
paring it to its parent source and wedding bed, Angel explains to ing she is just as penned up and
bying Day, and a few of the can- Tess that in his eyes the susceptible to preyi as the
didates might possibly be in rival literature, thus denying
both the qualities of cinema as an decadence of a great family por- chickens and shots of the
Washington. . trays the weak will of the lineage. beautiful, fertile green bills and
Candidates for Government of- art form and the director's at-
tempt to prove a truth in the end. "I thought you were a child of plains all add to the concepts of
fices are as follows: President nature," he snaps, "not a foreshadowing, allusion and fate
Rich Lanzillo, Bruce Miller; Vice Nastassia Kinski plays the degenerate aristocrat." In the
sumptuously innocent Tess in the film.
President, Mary Baldauf, Beth last shot of their parting, Angel is With few flaws, Polanski has
Ann Dow, Brent Scarpo, and Da- D 'urberfield who is found to be a
descendant of the great and an- seen talking to Tess on a dirt road ultimately made his point - that
mien Schmidt. | before he sends her away from perhaps goodness and virtue are
j Two incumbents are un- cient family, the D'urbervilles.
New to the cinema, Kinski lacks him, and behind them on a fence not measured by act, but judged
contested for the secretarial and is written in bright orange paint, on motive and whether or not one
treasurer's post respectively. that certain manipulative expres-
sionism found in the pouts and de- "Blessed are the merciful. . has the opportunity to choose.
They are Claudia Englert and Tess, however, is indeed that Tess still holds her purity with a
fiant twists of the head of her murder, a child, and a rape under
more experienced predecessors. child of nature Angel (whose
her belt because she has been vic-
TOWNHOUSE APPLICATIONS But what she adds is a breath of
eternal innocence and a noble,
name is also hypocri tic of his own
nature) attempts to deny. Not on- timized; and we, the viewers,
ly is she naturally born to a noble should take a lesson from that.
Taken by Phyllis Aiello, enduring attitude toward the
evils on Earth - two qualities line, but she exhibits the virtue of Whether or not Polanski stated
himself as poignantly or as elo-
Director of Housing which made her a help more than that nobility in both word and
deed. She bears a child by Alek quently as Hardy is not an issue
a hindrance to Polanski. ' when considering thefilmalone,
April 21 and 22 Set in Victorian England and
filmed in the breathtakingly
and it dies; yet in her naive,
sincere sorrow she christens it but his tragedy made my heart
I | in Old Main 214 herself before God and claims it cry lamentations of injustice, and
beautiful landscapes of France, the same as if a Parson had that is, I think, what he wanted
Point system! will be used: Next year's nature becomes the pro- christened the child. -J% me to feel.
tagonistic, yet tragic element in
seniors - 4, juniors - 3, and sophomores - 2. the film. Most manifest in the Tess also desires nothing more
All members must be listed. character of Tess, as she is the
natural, Mueblooded £ D'urber-
Groups that are accepted will be notified April 24. Deposits ville, this conflict of nature vs.
than to earn her own keep, and is
badgered by the impossibility
fate lends for her to control her
corrupted society is set up as
are due April 28. If all deposits are not in, townhouse will Tess meets Aleksander Stoke
own destiny. Time after time,
she is forced to give in to Alek to
Old Stuffed
be awarded to the next group. I?:. (Leigh Lewis), a D'urberville on- save her family, and as her list of ( i n g o o d c o n d . ) •'•

ly by the fact that bis family

bought the title.
sins compile, s Tess' = dress pro-
gresses from white to pink to
Animals, '
Applications are now being Alek evokes ambivalent feel- scarlet red. v Games & Toys
This inability to direct her own
accepted for the following positions ings, however, as he is
stereotypic • black-moustached
not the
future, however, preserves Tess* For C.E.C.'s
at campus radio station WMCY: villian. Although dressed in both innocence:, and insures her
tragedy. Regardless of her dress
Carnival at the
black and white, the viewer • is
General Manager never quite sure whether to or how society would judge Tess'
deeds, Polanski still attempts to
Sarah Reed
•it ram Director
loathe his presumptuousness or
be grateful for his aid. confirm her innocence at the end. Children's
For 1981-82 academic year!
Although he steals Tess'
virginity and is the inciting ac-
Earlier associating her with
birds as a sign of nature, and Home. If you
tion for all her moves down later showing her lying in what at have any, please
interested persons should the :• ladder of virtue, he at first looks like a pool of blood, but
is really the red velvet gown spill- call Ton! Kalisak
submit a resume and cover letter to least takes her family's poverty
as one of his burdens (even ing around her. Polanski at-
in the Ed.
Steve Curcio, 224 Preston. though he helps them to capture tempts to prove her incapacities
Tess) and he is the strong, virile toward the powers of fate.
One flaw, however in Polan- Office.
Deadline Friday, May 1,1981 male Image she needs in times of ski's depiction of Tess' slavery is Thank You!
despair. 'V 1 that he didn't fully prove her

Cordes Named Baseball Coaeh

Mercyhurst College Athletic the last two years, Garry has
Director, Or. Michael J. Cusack, shown both the knowledge of the
has named Garry Cordes the new game and the rapport with the
head coach of the Laker baseball players to be an excellent
team." J J | coach." f \
^ The appointment of Cordes Cordes, was a former standout
came after Cusack himself relin- at Long Island University, and
quished his duties as the head played for the Pittsburgh Pirate
mentor. "The athletic program organization for three years.
(at Mercyhurst) is growing so "The: position will be a
quickly that it is becoming in- challenge," explained Cordes,
creasingly difficult to perform "But it is one I'm looking forward
the job I want to do in baseball," to." The new coach further com-
remarked Cusack. • mented, "With a veteran team,
U Cusack compiled a 70-49 record and the fact that I have worked
in his 3% year coaching reign. In- with them for two years, I think
cluded in that period was the the transition will be relatively
Lakers' first trip to the NAIA easy.", I
District 18 finals only to be stop- Along with being a standout In
ped by Point Park. Just this past baseball, Cordes holds both
fail, the Cusack-lead Lakers Bachelor's and a Master's
boasted a 14-2 record and cap- degree from the John Jay College The Men's Varsity Crew Team preparing for their Spring
tured the Seneca College (Toron- of Criminal Justice in New York Season on Presque Isle Bay.'
to) Tournament. City. Cordes is' currently an
\% Concerning Cordes, Cusack Associate Professor of Criminal
remarked. "As mv assistant for Justice here at Mercyhurst. Crew Gets Warning At Practice;*
Hurst Whips Bloomsburg In Men's Tennis Holds Regatta At Findley Lake
Mercyhurst Crew teams don't win keep a person up to 195
"We played like we really The 'Hurst won the match with Laker number one Ravinder always have dull, rigorous prac- pounds afloat." '
wanted to win,'' remarked Coach three impressive doubles vic- Sabherwal topped Marty Coyne tice sessions. Case in point is an Furthermore, Belovarac com-
Dennis Ranalli following the tories. After the singles round the in two tie breakers. The Laker incident ] that happened to the mented that it is almost impossi-
men's tennis team's 6-3 victory score was tied at 3-3. So it all junior consistently drilled men's team last week. ble to row effectively with
over Bloomsburg on Sunday. depended on the success of at backhands past the Bloomsburg During a regular practice run preservers on and there is no
"I was really proud of the way least two Mercyhurst tandems. Husky to win 7-6,7-6. h at the Erie Bay, the rowers met where to store them in the boat if
the team performed," continued With identical scores of 6-3,6-4, "Not everyone can win all the up with a Coast Guard boat The not worn.
the fourth-year coach, "The Ravinder Sabherwal--Andy time and a team is about people boat, which was on an instruction Belovarac added that the
match was extremely important Findlay and Tom Chybrzynski helping each other out, and that's run with - two i Coast Guard launch follows the racing boat in
for us because the winner has an Steve Sipes disposed of their op- what we did today," said Ranalli. rookies, pulled alongside the case someone does fall out of the
excellent chance of being ponents to seal' the \ home The winners advanced to 6-3 on crew launch and requested the boat 7~
selected to represent the region triumph. the season and the losers dropped occupants to board the Guard's After the discussion the Coast
at the NCAA (Div.II) nationals in Wayne Ashmeade and Gary to 3-5. The Lakers next perform boat. Guard gave the members a warn-
May" Dagan garnered a third doubles at home this Friday (2:00 pm) The crew launch, which is used ing and would not permit the
victory with a 2-6,6-4,6-3 score. versus Dennison Univ. (Ohio). On for coaching, contained crew team to board the launch
In singles play, at one stage, Sunday they travel to the Univ. of crewsmen coach Al Belovarac and return to the water without
Funk-Big Band-Rock-Country the Lakers were down 3-1; Wayne Rochester. I 3 m and five other members of the life preservers. At that Belovarac
Ethnic-Contemporary-Wedding Ashmeade had won comfortably crew team. After boarding the went to Erie Marina and purchase
at numberfiveand Chybrzysnki, Guard boat the crew members, ed seven preservers at ten dollars
OLDIES Findlay, and Spies had fallen to along with the launch in tow, a piece. 'Thank goodness the
their Bloomsburg opponents. * were towed back to the marina. school has good credit at Erie
At number six, Gary Dagan, After returning to the marina, Marina," chuckled Belovarac.
who can drive a forehand through the Coast Guard explained their The Mercyhurst Crew teams
456-6942 Mobite Disc Jockey 454-1287 a car-wash without getting the actions. According to marine law open their spring racing season
Music For Weddings, Re-Unions, ball wet, rallied gallantly from "any member aboard a motor this Saturday against Canisius
Parties Taverns, Dances the baseline to defeat Dave boat, sailboat or other water and the West Side Rowing Club at
Williams 6-4,6-4. HE W vessel, should wear a life Findley Lake. * J fj
r. TOM SISCO preserver". None of the. 'These Buffalo teams are
Music Advisor 868-4990 members aboard the launch were traditionally strong, in the spr-
BERNIE BAUER MERCYHURST COLLEGE SPRING '81 GOLF SCHEDULE wearing them at the time and the ing," commented Belovarac.
Technical Advisor 454-7526 Thursday, April 16 * at Malone College Invitational result of such a violation is as "We blew them off the water in
high as $500 fine or one year in the fall but we're expecting some
Canton, Ohio jail for each occupant of the boat. good races on Saturday." f
Friday, April 17& At Allegheny Invita tiona 1
Saturday, April 18 \ Belovarac was also asked why The races include a men's var-
Meadville, Pa. none of the oarsmen in the racing sity and novice eight race, as well
Monday, April 20 At California State Invitational boat wore preservers. "The oars as a four race. The women will
California, Pa. are certified by the Coast Guard compete in an novice eight race
Tuesday, April 21 At Lakeshore Country Club as person floatation devices," along with a varsity four race as
vs. Gannon & Grove City Belovarac explained, "The oars well. The races start at 1:00.l
Thursday, April 23 At Slippery Rock Invitational
Slippery Rock, Pa. ^
Tuesday, April 28 At Laxeview Country Club
vs. Gannon
Annual Findley Lake
Friday, May 8
Monday, May 11&
vs Westminster
At Oakmont Country Club
| Regatta
Tuesday, May 12 NAIA Dist 18 Playoffs

Erie's Biggest
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Rainbow Gardens WaMameer Park
i* I N STOCK 8 0 , 0 0 0
Directions: Tako 1-90 East to Exit 9
CWotlotavlllo). Tako ftt 430,12 miles • a i t to
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