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Republic of the Philippines


Department of Information Technology



Cea, Alliah P.
Devilar, Reymelyn
Luciano, John Vincent
Lumba, Marc Joseph
Sapla, Julie Ann V.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

COMSCI 2201 – Systems Analysis and Design

May 2021


This project entitled _Emergency Response: Innovation of Effective and Efficient

emergency response sysytem_ prepared by ______Alliah Cea, Reymelyn Devilar, Marc

Joseph Lumba, John Vincent Luciano, Julie Ann Sapla____ submitted to the



the subject COMSCI 2201 – SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN is hereby accepted.

_____________________________ ________________________________
English Critic Instructor

_____________________________ _______________________________
Date Signed Date Signed



TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………....... i

APPROVAL SHEET …………………………………………………………... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………. iii

Introduction ………………………………………………………………….. 1-2
Objectives of The Study ……………………………………………………... 3
Statement of The Problem ………………………………………………….... 3
Scope and Limitation ………………………………………………………… 4
Importance of the Study ……………………………………………………... 4


Effectiveness ………………………………………………………………… 5-6
Successfully Launched Emergency Response Applications ……………….. 6-8
Phases of Emergency Management…………………………………………. 8-9
Roles in Emergency Response……………………………………………….. 9-10
Ambunce and Healthcare Emergency Personnel…………………………….. 10-11
Existing Systems and Tools …………………………………………………. 11-13
Positive Uses of Emergency Response………………………………………. 13
Planning……………………………………………………………………… 14-15
Analysis……………………………………………………………………… 15
Design……………………………………………………………………… 16-17
Implementation……………………………………………………………… 18
Support and Maintenance------------------------------------------------------------- 18-19
Planning……………………………………………………………………… 20
Analysis……………………………………………………………………… 21
Design……………………………………………………………………… 22-30
REFERENCES………………………………………………………………….. 32-33

iii i


Emergency and life threatening situations can happen anytime. Environmental

emergencies are incidents or events that threaten public safety, health, and welfare and

include hurricanes, floods, wildfires, industrial plant explosions, chemical spills, acts of

terrorism, and others [1]. Emergency response is any systematic response to an

unexpected or dangerous occurrence that helps mitigate the impact of the event on people

and the environment [2].

There are various emergency response system in the world that are of use as of

now and especially in times like this: during the pandemic. One of these is America's

911. Moreover, Philippines also created Patrol 117: a version of 911. It is the national and

official emergency hotline of the country [3].

With the current situation right now due to the pandemic, emergency situations

are higher than the pre-pandemic days. Hospital facilities are used at its maximum level

and people are not aware whether hospitals are willing to admit future patients.

Emergency situations that are of priority before are not fully prioritized since medical

workers focused on coronavirus patients. The public is not also fully informed well

regards with the proper first aid, legal aspects like medical bills and transactions, contact

information of hospitals and emergency facilities.

In the light of these situation comes an innovated emergency response application. It will

provide contact information of hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities. It will track

the location of the patient through GPS and will calculate the distance between the patient

and the hospital. The average time of travel and other nearby facilities are also in the

application. It is important that the time and distance the patient needed in order to be

rescued will be determined and estimated since it will be of help in saving his or her life.

Basic first aid response will also be present in the application. As well as

information about home remedies and medicine that can be bought over the counter. In

terms of these, the nearest drugstores and pharmacy locations are also available since

they are necessary when buying medicinal stuffs. Important information will also be in

the application such as the number of available rooms in a certain facility, estimated

hospital bill and medicals tests needed, and map of the facility to avoid waste of time.

Most people are inside their homes and are relying on WIFI and mobile data.

They are capable of downloading the application. The use of smartphones and new

technology will provide a big role in terms of effective and efficient emergency response.

This study will give a big advantage to the connectivity between the public and

medical world. It will provide the people necessary medical information, and will also

help the medical staffs and workers to be able to respond to emergency situation

effectively and more efficient.


This study primarily focused upon the development of innovative emergency

response application that will benefit both medical sectors and the public.

More specifically, it seeks to find answers to the following questions;

1. How important emergency response applications are;

2. What are the successfully launched emergency response applications

that are still of use up unti now;

3. The preference of the public between smartphone applications or

through phone calls and text in terms of seeking for medical help;

4. Perception of people regards with mobile application and usage of GPS

to determine the location of medical facilities and drugstores;


The following are the objectives of the study;

 To assess the affectivity of emergency response application to efficient

emergency related response;

 To develop an effective and innovative emergency response application

that will be of help to the public and medical sectors;

 To identify the importance of creating a better and systematic emergency

response system for both public and medical sectors;


This study will primarily focus into the development of innovative and effective

emergency response application that will help the public and medical sectors. It will

focus upon gathering of information related to emergency response applications and

assessing ways to innovate then for affectivity and efficiency.


This study aims to develop an effective emergency response application that will

be helpful upon efficient emergency response. Furthermore, this study could be of

importance to the following;

Future Researchers. This study can be a reference data for future related studies.

This will give them the information needed regards with developing applications that will

be of help to the society.

Community. They are the ones who will most likely benefit from the application

and its results. They will be the ones who will use the application: it will make their

medical related problems easier to address. They will be able to connect faster to the

medical professionals in terms of emergency situations.

Medical Professional and Staffs. It will be easier for them to prepare for

emergency situations and effectively save lives. They will be also informed about the

availability in rooms of other medical facilities: they will be able to provide help.




Emergency can happen anytime and an immediate response is important upon

saving the lives of people who are in critical and risky situations. In times like this, an

effective and efficient emergency response is necessary to be able to accommodate higher

rates of medical related health emergencies.

With the growing number of corona virus cases daily and the hospitals reaching

their maximum capacity to accommodate future patients, it is important that the public is

aware of the basic health related emergencies and how to respond to those in a proper

way. In this way, it will help lessen the number of future casualties even in small

accidents since people are now aware of how to respond to those.

The Department of Health listed that 1.8% of the country's population had and

have corona virus. As of May 9, 2021, 1,957, 511 cases were all over the country: both

active and inactive. This situation made medical facilities to reach to the level by which

they can no longer admit patients and turn their attention to other emergency issues such

as accidents and non-corona virus diseases. The reason is that they are fully focused upon

responding to the patients with coronavirus since once undertook, it will eventually lead

to death.

This is the reason why an effective emergency response through the use of

applications on smartphones are important to innovate and developed. We are currently

in the digital era which means most people have a smartphone, gadgets, and access to the

internet. According to statistics, the global rate of smartphone users as of 2010 is 78.1%.

Since people spend their time locked up inside their houses due to the lockdowns and

quarantine, they have more time using their phones and browsing the internet. This

makes them easier to learn the features of the emergency response application and give

them more time to invest upon learning basic life support information and skills with the

help of the application.

Successfully Launched Emergency Response Applications

Another baseline of the research is that various applications provided help in

terms of education, professional career, livelihood, leisure and travel. It is no wonder that

with the capability of modern technology, smartphone applications can also contribute to

emergency response and health related situations. Besides, people have access to the

internet which means a faster and better communication are there. With regards to this,

communication through the help of the internet is necessary in assessing damage and

need, collecting information and supply on other resources, coordinating rescue and relief

activities, accounting for missing people (Yodhami and Hollister, 2010).

Information and communication technology (ICT) has expanded the reach of

disaster sociology and brings new challenges to the empirical study about disasters (Palen

et al., 2007). According to ABI Research (May 2010), over 300,000 mobile apps have

been developed in three years, and the demand for download mobile apps is expected to

peak in 2013. For the past five years since 2021, 1.35 billion of mobile applications have

been developed (Akhim Kumar,Mobile App Growth Statistics in 2021).

This shows that the demand of mobile application reached a greater scale in just a

span of 10 years. This success can also be a ground for the development of emergency

response applications since the public are into technology nowadays. New genres of

websites seemed to be developed for people to search more disaster information such as

some sites providing information on missing persons.

One successful example is the The Google Crisis Response team which uses its

strength to offer tools or content to assess the severity and scope of a disaster. The tools

including Google Person Finder which connects those seeking information about loved

ones, and Google Resource Finder, which helps locate medical facilities and other

emergency services. Google also provide high-resolution satellite imagery to crisis

responders and monetary donations to non-profit organizations that provide relief

services (Sz Jie Sung).

An example of emergency situation by which applications helped people is the

Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Great Eastern Japan Earthquake) last 2021 which later

trigger crisis about nuclear pollution for the fire of reactors, some disaster-informed apps

have moved to the top of the most downloading lists of mobile app and catalyze some

related discussions in Taiwan, such as create mobile alert systems through cloud


During the early post-disaster phases, there are calls to immediately establish

mobile text messaging (SMS) capacity to send out warnings and updates about disaster to

the public (Sponberg, 2010). This proves that sms and calls are also effective just like the

platform of 911 and Patrol 117. However, this features are also can be innovated and will

be available to applications such as contact information of hospitals and medical


In the scientific literature, an everyday accident (as opposed to a disaster) is an

incident that does not disrupt the structure or routines of society or rescue services

(Danielsson, Johansson & Eliasson, 2010), can be managed at a local level, and where the

creation of organizational convergence is low (Quarantelli, 1995, 2006). Everyday

accidents are not particularly complex for the professional rescue services, and there is

often well established routines for handling them (Danielsson, Johansson & Eliasson,

2010; Demarin et al., 2010). According to Quarantelli (1995, 2006), one important

distinction between an everyday accident and a disaster is that a disaster is socially

created. Even though the number of lives lost in a disaster and in a certain type of

everyday „accident‟ may be the same, everyday „accidents‟ are not seen as nearly as

devastating as the disaster, except for the victims and their families. Bull-Kamanga et al.

(2003), highlight that even though, in large cities, probably more than ten people are

killed in traffic accidents every day and far more are injured, these events are not seen as

disastrous due to the fact that they are several single events.

Phases of emergency management

Emergency management is commonly divided into different phases (Chen,

Sharman, Rao & Upadhyaya, 2011). Preparation means getting ready for imaginable

future incidents, developing systems, managing resources, developing scenarios and

plans and engaging in realistic training. Mitigation concerns actions taken to reduce the

chances of an accident occurring (e.g. through risk assessment) or early attempts to make

the consequences of an accident as small as possible. The Response phase covers actions

carried out during the emergency, where joint efforts are made to save lives and minimize

structural damage. Response may in turn be divided into sub- phases. How much time is

needed for each of the phases Detection, Preparation, Response Travel and Clearance

may affect outcomes (Salasznyk & Lee, 2006). Finally, the Recovery phase concerns

activities to restore infrastructure, people and their property to normal. (Borges,

Engelbrecht & Vivacqua, 2011). The present study will concentrate on the preparation

and response phases given the delimitation of the assignment, but aspects of all other

phases will also be touched upon, because they must all be integrated to some extent (van

de Walle & Turoff, 2008). Van de Walle and Turoff emphasize that the preparation and

mitigation phases must involve work to uncover vulnerabilities of an organization, a task

in which the CARER project plays an important role. Even small advances may go a long

way to improve response outcomes. For example, it has been shown that reducing

accident response time by one minute may increase the number of lives saved by six per

cent (White, Thompson, Turner, Dougherty & Schmidt, 2011)

Roles in emergency response

Response systems for both small and large crises are typically divided into first

responders (medical personnel, fire-fighters and police) and different command

structures. A Command Centre often holds the highest authority, making strategic

decisions. Close to the incident site, incident commanders and other experts adapt

response to the situation at hand, handling local resources and constraints, making

decisions, evaluating risks and following up on operation progress (Borges, Engelbrecht

& Vivacqua, 2011).For an incident to become an accident site someone has to perceive

and define the situation as an accident. This someone – the first responder – is often a lay

first responder (Danielsson, Johansson & Eliasson, 2010). The terms “responder” and

“first responder” refer to, in almost all scientific research, personnel in emergency and

rescue organisations, that is, professionals. Thereby, first responders other than rescue

service personnel, such as bystanders or voluntary organisations are excluded, also noted

by Stenberg, Blondin and Andersson Granberg (2010). In this research overview we have

divided the term in two. “Professional first responders” are professionals belonging to a

rescue team, while “lay first responders” do not belong to a professional rescue service.

In addition to these responders, we also add “bystanders”. These persons may be first at

the incident site and thereby become “lay first responders”, but they may also be the third

responder, fourth responder and so on, or just passive observers. The different roles in

emergency response will be explained more thoroughly below.

Ambulance and healthcare emergency personnel

In Sweden, the county council governs the medical rescue organization (at

incident sites most often ambulance personnel) (Berlin & Carlström, 2011). Everyday

incidents are a large part of the workday for ambulance and healthcare personnel. Their

mission at the incident site basically consists of medical treatment and transportation to

the hospital (Berlin& Carlström, 2011). Another task the ambulance personnel face at the

incident site is to establish local healthcare management, which in the case of a large-

scale incident or several incidents at the same time communicates with and updates

regional healthcare management to confirm that they are in fact dealing with a major

incident (Rüter, Nilsson & Vikström, 2006).

Auxiliary staff are required to oversee the operation of all sanitary facilities, as

well as to supervise food hygiene, vermin control, disinfection, and volunteers, as well as

to provide health education. Since they would be doing the majority of the field work, the

auxiliaries should have undergone formal education or training in the major aspects of

environmental health. In emergencies, environmental health interventions should be

carried out by a number of individuals in an emergency. These individuals could include

primary health-care employees, social service workers, teachers, and other development

workers, in addition to skilled environmental health personnel. They may be the only

people who can meet the immediate needs for water, shelter, and sanitation, especially in

remote areas.

Existing systems and tools

Dorasamy and Murali (2011) give numerous examples of recent information

systems projects related to crisis response, such as Turoff‟s DERMIS, The American

NIMS, Google’s Person Finder Tool, and a number of other systems primarily aimed at

disaster scenarios. Although these systems tend to deal with the distributed collaboration

of both private organizations and governmental agencies, focusing on factors like early

warning, risk areas, locating of victims and so on, they could likely provide inspiration

for everyday ER systems as well. Dorasamy and Murali specifically discuss Knowledge

Management Systems (KMS), stating that KMS is still a quite novel concept within

emergency management. KMSs should allow people to create, capture, codify, store,

share and apply knowledge. This may involve document management, semantic

networks, databases, decision support systems, expert systems and simulation tools. In

particular, these researchers argue that knowledge management could help to maximize

lessons learned from past emergency events, by for example utilizing Wiki technology.

In the US, FEMA has launched a web-service called Collaboration, where

agencies can share lessons learned from emergencies by interacting in a virtual world

(Kapucu, Tolga& Demiroz, 2010). Another large-scale project mentioned by these

researchers is NEMN,developed in the private sector. This system is compatible with

NIMS and aims to support collaboration, communication and training for distributed

stake-holders during an emergency.

Camarero and Iglesias (2009) describe the creation of an online tool to make

information about disasters available to the public. Web 2.0 technologies make it possible

for both ER actors and private citizens to contribute to shared information, communicate

and organize socially online. Examples are given of successful past examples. One is the

“San Diego Wildfires” project which made it possible to follow active fires on a map.

Camarero and Iglesias‟ project also incorporates mapping, allowing for social

participation and interactive management of disasters.

Comfort et al. (2004) present a system prototype which is more directly suited for

everyday emergency response. Participatory design is utilized, involving response

commanders to specify required functions. This Interactive, Intelligent, Spatial

Information System (IISIS) provides real-time communication between teams and

agencies. Users have ready access to databases, enabling them to update information

about emergency situations. The system also incorporates a Geographic Information

System (GIS) for mapping events and response, and computer-supported probabilistic

risk assessment based on information about populations, infrastructure and specific

community vulnerabilities. GIS support is similarly mentioned by Kapucu, Tolga and

Demiroz (2010) as a very valuable tool for enhancing situation awareness among

decision makers. Further decision support is provided through calculations of time, cost

and consequences of different response strategies. These calculations are based on

priorities and risks specified by commanders.

Positive uses of emergency response

According to Sidney Shek (2010), the scope for the advancement of location-

based services is nearly infinite, and it has the potential to impact every aspect of human

life. The ability to filter large quantities of content available on the Internet and offer to

the user only information in which she might be interested is an obvious advantage

provided by location-based services. A simple search for a pharmacy, for example, would

not return all registered pharmacies for the consumer to sift through until she found the

one nearest to her place. Only pharmacies in the user's immediate area will receive

information from the location-based service.



We will be using the method of The Five Phases of System Development Life

Cycle (SDLC) by the development team of Emergency Response: Innovation of Effective

and Efficient Emergency Response System to establish the following: Planning, Analysis,

Design, Implementation, and Maintenance




Figure 1. Software Development Cycle

A. Planning

The team prioritizes the planning phase, which entails constructing the overall

system's structure; as a result, it will have guidelines and instructions for the system's

design and implementation. To avoid disagreements and time waste, the team agreed

to divide the days depending on the priority of each plan to be created, with the

difficult task taking longer and the easy task giving way to the difficult one. The team

moves on to the execution phase, which is the section where the team thinks about

after planning because this is where the creation (code), implementation, and testing

will take place.

B. Analysis


 The system will required the user to Log-in using name, address, medical info

and cellphone number.


 The apps/website will show nearby hospital list to choose where you want to

be admitted.

 In the nearby hospital list, it will be shows the available rooms, beds, doctors,

and hospital emergency number.


 It is an emergency response application/website that will help everyone when

incidents happened.

 It provides information’s on the availability of the nearby hospital


 Users can easily access it when you have a internet connection in your area.


 The application gave access to everyone to help them without bias, even you

are rich and poor.

 The apps can able to trace you through GPS, also the primary information

helps on what action what you need as soon as possible.

C. Design

Logical Design

1. Use Case Diagram

The researchers used the free application to create the use case

diagram, which allows them to complete the diagram quickly. The

researcher draws a graphic to show how the planned project will work.

2. Context Diagram

Context Diagram was created using the same applications. The

researchers prepared this graphic to describe the general entities required

to use the proposed project. The context diagram is used to define and

clarify the software system's boundaries. It locates information flows

between the system and external entities.

3. Data Flow Diagram

The researchers used the same application to generate a data flow

diagram to improve the context diagram even further. The purpose of

the data flow diagram is the same as the purpose of the context diagram:

to clearly explain the boundaries of data flow to the organizations that

will use the proposed project.

Data Model


In creating the entity-relationship diagram the researchers identifies the entity

named as the student, person seeking for medical attention (person who has

diabetes, high blood, heart problem, etc.), senior citizen, person with disability,

doctors, Second, identify relationships between entities. Lastly, the researchers

add attributes entities under the entity student, person seeking for medical

attention, PWD, senior citizen their attributes contains primary information just

like name, age, contact number, scene location. Under the doctors its entity

includes information of the hospital, emergency number, and available bed in


Relational Data Model

In this diagram the researchers defined the purpose of the databases which has a

relationship or similarity on the ER diagram. Gathering data, organizing in tables

and specifying the primary keys. Then create relationships among tables and last

is refine & normalize the design.


Dialog tree

Dialog tree was also created at, the researcher creates a dialog tree to

easily understand the flow of the said application.

User Interface of the proposed project

The User Interface was created in Photoshop to produce a better picture of then


D. Implementation

Home page

The first step is the user must type on their web

browser. By doing this they will be directed to the login page.

User Fill-up

The user must input the name, address, age, medical condition, and number of patient.

User is required to put input at the text box. If not, they can’t click the submit button.

If they Click submit without filling up the whole form, “Please fill out this field” will

appear to the screen. By clicking the Clear values, all the text you input at the field

will be erased. When the user successfully submit the form, the user will be redirected


Main page

The user will see the patient information and maps via Google Maps. The page will

show the nearest hospital available, Hospital information and directions. If the user

clicks the hospital, it will show the available rooms, available beds, available doctors,

hospital number. You will also the reviews in the hospital by other users. When the

user click directions, the user will see the direction and estimated time to go there.

E. Support and Maintenance

To support the project, make sure that there is enough budget to fund and maintain

this project. There should be also a rating or feedbacks and suggestion by user so that

the researchers will be able to make the website better. For maintenance, there should

be regular checking for bugs and issues of projects and an IT expert is available to

debug as soon as possible. There should be no security breach because there is a data

privacy act. Security is a must and the server should be secured so hackers can’t

destroy the system easily.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

Planning Days

Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Formulation of Problem

Deciding for whom the problem is

Formulation of Questionnaire

Platform to distribute Questionnaire

Distributing Questionnaire

Collecting Data

Gathering Result


Figure .1 Data Analysis

The emergency response app main goal is to provide immediate assistance to the

people who are seeking for medical attention in rush times or in emergency situation. It is

an app that allows a person to log in with their name, address of the scene, cell phone

number. The location of the scene can help the person to locate nearby hospitals around

their area and then allow the hospital to tract them and rescue them as soon as possible. In

locating a nearby hospitals they are able to look for the empty beds on that hospitals, or

available beds that can help them to manage every situation correctly. The emergency

response application is maintained by the log in doctors or hospitals information

technology professionals in updating and maintaining the databases on the system


Provide figures and explanations for the following:

Logical Design

a. Use Case Diagram

Figure 2. Use Case Diagram

This diagram shows how the applications Emergency Response works. User

should login according to the form, after that, it will locate nearby hospital base on your

addressed that you input. When the apps already locate a hospital, it will show the

availability based on your medical concern and then it also shows the availability of

rooms, bed and doctors. Based on the hospital found, the user will confirm if he will be


b. Context Diagram

Figure 3. The Context Diagram

The process that the Emergency Response application can create is

illustrated in our context diagram. It usually begins with the user logging into the

system, after which the system accesses the data. After the user's information is

complete, it will locate a nearby hospital and notify the user of the availability of

rooms, beds, and doctors. The user's confirmation will be forwarded to the

hospital's IT professional, who will be in charge of collecting the records.

c. Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram portrays the flow of information across the entire process.

First, the user will log in to the application and then it will locate the nearby hospital

according to your place. The system will send a notification of the availability after that,

the user will confirm if he/she will be admitted to that hospital. Lastly, it will relay to the

hospital IT professional to be in charge.

Data Model


Figure 5: ER-Diagram

The entity - relationship diagram shows the relationship of the entities on our

application system as stated previously senior citizen, students, person with disabilities,

or person seeking for medical attention may use the application before accessing the main

interface they have to log in into the application including their addresses or location for

locating a nearby hospitals where they can have a check-up or they can be admitted

because of some health complications. During this pandemic this pandemic it can help a

lot of people in making a quick locating of nearby hospitals without going out or when

you are having an emergency health issues that need immediate response. The location

attribute when you log in can be used to provide you a list of nearby hospitals and in that

you can also check if there are available or vacant beds. Easy access to hospitals is the

main offer of the application.

a. Relational Data Model

Figure 6: Relational Data Model

In the relational data model was the same as the entity-relationship

diagram but it is in the form of tables of the entities and under that their attributes

were identified. The emergency response has 4 entities that can log in into the

application the students, PWD, senior citizen, and person seeking for immediate

health response. And the most important attribute in the log in phase is entering

the address or location of the accidents because through that this app can lead you

to the nearest hospital on your location.

b. User Interface

Login Interface

Figure 7: Login Interface

The figure shows the login Interface. Users like Patients or concerned citizen can

input the name of patient, age, address, medical information and cell phone number. By

clicking the submit button, they will access the main website.

Emergency Response Main Page

Figure 8. Main page

Figure 8 shows the main page of emergency response. The patient, family or

concerned citizen will see the map via google maps. The google maps shows the nearest

hospital available.

Figure 9. Example hospital

The figure shows Talavera General Hospital. It shows the Address, time open,,

and telephone number of the hospital. You can also know how to get there when you

click the directions.

Figure 10. Example hospital

Figure 10 shows the available rooms, beds, doctors in the hospital. You can also

click admit if you want to be admitted. But check-up is a must to confirm your admission

so you need to go to the hospital or call for an ambulance.




We recommended using mobile and online technologies to add another alternative

and medium for emergency response in this research. For speedy and efficient

dispatching of emergency units, the proposed system made use of current trends in

mobile and web technologies.

Our goal is not to develop a new emergency response system; rather, we want to

maximize the use of smart phones as a medium for people to save their lives in the event

of a crisis. The location of the user will be easily detected and plotted on a map, which

will aid command centres.

Our system's goal is to reduce the time it takes to respond to emergency

situations. It also provides trustworthy information that could aid in the detection of



The researchers highly recommended that you have a good internet connection to

achieve the full potential help of the emergency application. Also you can call and email

us if you are encountering bugs/problems or having concerns and questions, so that we

can fix and answer it . Since the apps/website is just new, help us to promote it to your

friends so that when unexpected incidents happened, we are able to help them



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