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Special Report: Relief for People with Migraines and

by Dr. Keith Lynch

Hello, I'm Dr. Keith Lynch. I've been practicing in Charlottesville since 1998 and one
of six Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist Chiropractors in the State of Virginia. We
non-surgically decompress the neural vascular area, the brain stem level, without
any twisting, popping, or cracking. I'm also one of 700 doctors on the 'Treating
Chronic Pain" discussion board. In other words, when you hire me, you hire all of
us. And, what we do is we treat you neurologically and metabolically.

Now, if you're suffering with migraine headaches, you've probably already seen
over a dozen doctors. And, I bet that they possibly ruled out potential stroke, brain
tumors. You've probably had MRI's, cat scans, blood tests. You may be taking
Amitriptyline or Neurolen. You could be taking Imitrex either through pills or
injections. I've got to tell you something about that. These treatments do not treat
headaches. They stop your brain from feeling the symptoms or what's happening in
your body. So, you are watching this video if you or someone you know is suffering
with migraine headaches. And, we are going to go over what makes us different
from the other doctors that you've seen.

When I say we treat patients metabolically and neurologically, I'd like to go over the
metabolic side first. We leave no stone unturned to find out the cause of your
migraine headaches. What does that mean? We're going to run blood tests. We're
going to run a thyroid panel. We're going to run a complete metabolic panel. We'll
check your lipid panels and we're also going to do a CBC with auto differentials. In
other words, we're going to find out what your red blood cells and white blood cells
are doing. Because, when you have a chronic condition like headaches or migraine
headaches, it can be affected or caused by more than one thing. So, we need to
test. We're also going to run sensitivity testing.

Now, sensitivity testing is designed to find out what you may be ingesting, which
may be making your conditions worse. We're going to be testing for sensitivity to
gluten. What's gluten? Gluten is wheat, rye, barley, or oats. We're going to test for
sensitivity to egg, soy, and milk. You need to find out what your sensitivities are and
if you have these. If you have sensitivities and you continue to eat these things,
you're making your condition worse. You're creating inflammation in the brain and in
the cardiovascular system which is going to translate to you as increased and
persistent headaches and migraines. Some of the symptoms of having these
sensitivities are chronic pain or fatigue. Well, if you've been diagnosed with
"Migraine Headaches," or think that you have migraine headaches, you already
have chronic pain and probably fatigue. Frequent indigestion, bloating after eating,
frequent loose bowel movements, diarrhea, or constipation has been common
symptoms. I've seen patients with sores or ulcers in their mouths. The only way to

©2011 Dr. Keith P. Lynch – All Rights Reserved.

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Special Report: Relief for People with Migraines and
by Dr. Keith Lynch

find out if you have these sensitivities is to test for them.

We'll also be checking your adrenal glands. Testing your adrenal glands through an
"Adrenal Stress Index" is a salivary test similar to a DNA test. And, what we're going
to be finding out through that test is whether or not you have increased cortical.
Cortical is tested four (4) different times of the day with this test. It's tested at 8am,
at noon, at 4pm and again at 8pm because we need to find out what your cortical is
doing through the course of the day. If you have blood sugar imbalances, if you
have insomnia, these tests need to be run to find out what's causing your condition.
You can't just take medication to fall asleep at night. You can't just take medication
to make the pain go away and think that you're okay. That's going to cause more
problems down the road.

Now, I'm not telling you to not take your medications. That's practicing medicine
without a license and we don't do that. What I am saying is you need to have these
tests run to find out what's causing your pain. We're going to run immune panels.
Now, these are blood tests to find out which part of your immune system if either is
out of balance. You see, you have two parts to your immune system: TH1 and TH2.
TH1 are your "T cells" or your "killer cells". TH2 are your "B" cells or your
"regulatory cells". You see, your immune system can get ramped up and start
attacking parts of your body. That's called an "Auto-Immune Response." We see it
in “Rheumatoid Arthritis,” we see it in “Hashimotos” with thyroid patients where it's
attacking your body. These are the types of condition we need to identify and
correct. We also check gut and intestinal function. We'll do a test for H-Pylori which
are bacteria which live in the stomach. If you have a problem in your stomach, it
can be affecting other parts of your body. We'll also be checking for intestinal
permeability test. In other words, "Leaky Gut Syndrome."

Now, how can that affect you if you have headaches? Let me explain. Your intestine
is a filter, like a screen. If that intestine gets inflamed, that screen opens up and
allows things to start passing through there. 60% of your body’s immune system is
located in your intestines or in your gut. This can be causing inflammatory
responses throughout the body giving you perception of pain in the brain. Unless
you do these tests, you don't know what's happening in your body.

We'll also be testing for neurotransmitters. Now the neurotransmitters are the
chemical messengers inside your brain telling your body what's happening.
Acetylcholine, serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine are the chemicals inside your
brain and if you have a decrease in some of these neurotransmitters, guess what;
it's going to increase your pain levels. We'll also be checking hormone levels.

Hormone levels. If you hormones are out of balance, if you're a woman and you

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Special Report: Relief for People with Migraines and
by Dr. Keith Lynch

have an estrogen to progesterone ratio that's out of balance, or if you're a male and
you have decreased testosterone or increased estrogen in your body, which yes
does happen as we age, these hormone imbalances cause mood swings, hot
flashes, weight gain, chronic pain, and fatigue. You need to have these tested to
find out if they're contributing to your migraine headaches.

We'll also be testing for inflammation. Inflammation through the body is expressed
through something called "CRP" or "See Reactive Protein." Also, it is expressed
through "Homosistine." "Homosistine" can build up in the body, creating the walls of
your artery to actually swell or inflame. Did you know that in your brain, you do not
have any nerve fibers? You've got neurons so there should not be any sensation of
pain in the brain. As a matter of fact, when they do brain surgery, they'll use a local
anesthetic to take off the skull cap. Then, they can go right in there and touch the
brain. How can that be if you have a pounding searing headache? Let me tell you
how. Because you've got blood vessels going up through the neck into the brain
and they're densely innovated with nerve fibers. If you have inflammation there,
that's where you're going to be feeling that pain from. That's what's causing it.
We're going to be testing for that so that we know exactly what's happening, how
much is there, so that we can treat it appropriately.

In our office, we recommend "Glutathione." "Glutathione" and "Superoxide

Dismutase" or "S.O.D." is anti-oxidants. These are the things that protect linings in
your body. What linings am I referring to? In the brain, it's the "Blood Brain Barrier".
This is what's keeping things which shouldn't go up in the brain, out. And, this is
what keeps you healthy. We also have barriers in your intestines, as well as in your
lungs. All of these areas need to be supported to decrease inflammation, correct
your condition, and decrease pain.

In our office, we also do brain based therapies. In other words, we'll be doing
several neurological tests to find out if there is a decreased frequency of firing of
the brain. You can have a decreased frequency of firing or an increased frequency
of firing and that will cause a problem with the feedback lube in the brain. What's a
feedback lube? Information or sensation comes up the posture portion of your
spinal cord, into the brain, goes up through to the frontal cortex, back into the brain
stem, through the cerebral, and back out through the body. If you have a problem in
this feedback lube where there is a decreased frequency of firing at any of those
areas, guess what's going to happen? You body is not going to work right. You're
going to have increased pain levels and they'll be persistent. Until you have these
tests run and identified, you can't treat it.

In our office, we identify the areas and we treat them. How do we do brain based
therapy treatments? We may use vibrational stimulation. We could use auditory

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Special Report: Relief for People with Migraines and
by Dr. Keith Lynch


Olfactory, or caloric stimulation, increases the frequency of firing in the brain. That's
what's going to make it work right again. When the brain works right, the rest of the
body starts working right.

In our office, we also use "Cold Laser." Now, we use the Erchonia Cold Laser. This
is the same laser systems used by professional athletes like Lance Armstrong, The
NY Jets, The Kansas City Chiefs, and even the US Army. Why do they use it? It
decreases inflammation, decreases pain and it speeds tissue healing. And, if you've
got chronic headaches or migraine headaches, you need these treatments to get

In our office, we also use "Detoxification Therapy." You may have heard about this
before. In our office, we use the "EB Pro." We use a water bath with this. You put
your feet into that water bath and that connects you to an ionic field. What that field
does is increases "ATP" or the chemical energy that runs your body. When we do
that, it allows your body to have more energy so that it can get rid of toxins, and get
rid of inflammation because those are things that cause pain to persist. So, by
treating those, we can quickly help decrease your pain levels. I know personally
because I do it.

You've got to ask yourself the following questions. What have your headaches cost
you in your relationship, your family, your sleep? Most of the time headaches come
on slow, they start sporadically and then they start to blend together and then I
have patients come and say, "I've got constant headaches. I wake up in the
morning, I've got a headache. I wake up at 3 in the morning to use the restroom,
I've got a headache. I go all through the day with a headache. The only thing that
helps my headaches is when I take these expensive "Amitriptyline" pills or I take
"Imitrex." I got to tell you, that doesn't treat your condition. It's only turning off parts
of the brain and making them work less so that your body isn't experiencing what's
actually happening in it. You need to find the cause of your pain. And, I've got to tell
you that most of these tests aren't covered by your insurance company. They can
be expensive.

Your responsibility is your own health. It's not your insurance companies, it's not
your doctor's….it’s yours. You need to know whether or not it's important to you to
take care of this condition, to actually find the cause of it because once we've run
the necessary tests to find out what's causing the problem, it's like putting a puzzle
down and looking to see what the priority is.

If you've got sensitivity and that's causing inflammation in the brain, you need to

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Special Report: Relief for People with Migraines and
by Dr. Keith Lynch

stop eating what's causing that inflammation. This is your responsibility. You're
going to have to make changes if I'm going to accept you as a patient here. If I tell
you can't be eating wheat or gluten, you can't do that. It's going to make your
condition worse and I've got to tell you, when I'm treating you, your health and my
reputation start walking around together. I will not treat you if you will not follow the
recommendations based on these tests because you won't get well and I won't be
part of that.

What is it worth to you if we can improve your condition? When I'm offering and
what I'm recommending you do is to call our office. Schedule an appointment with
me. I'm offering you two free visits to find out number one, if you're a candidate for
this type of care and number two, what it's going to actually take to get it corrected.
Call 434-245-8456. Tell them that you're looking to get these two free visits and that
you've watched this video. This is what we'll do. Bring in all your diagnostic tests. If
you've had MRI's, get the copies, bring them in. If you've had CT scans, CAT scans,
if you've gotten blood tests, anything you've had done will be helpful for me in
helping determine what's actually causing this and what test we'll need to run to
know exactly how to treat your condition. On your second visit, we'll sit down
together and we'll talk about exactly what needs to be run, what it's going to cost,
and how long it's going to take to treat your condition.

If you're serious about ending your headaches, you need to run these tests. You
need to have this treatment done. We're doing this. If you want to see the results
that we're getting, go to and you'll see all the other doctors
that I work with that are also doing this exact same treating and testing and you'll
see the results that we're getting with migraine headaches. And, they're fantastic.
So, give us a call, come on in, let's get together and let's take care of this.

My name's Dr. Keith Lynch, I look forward to helping you.


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