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1 Explain the main systems under the

control of the master gyro
Gyro compass has become one indispensable instrument in almost all merchant
ships or naval vessels for its ability to detect the direction of true north and not the
magnetic north. It is comprised of the following units:

 ·   Master Compass: Discovers and maintains the true north reading with the help of

 Systems under the Control of Master Gyro:

·   Repeater Compasses: Receive and indicate the true direction transmitted
electrically from the Master Compass.
·   Course Recorder: Makes a continuous record of the maneuvering on a moving strip
of paper.
·   Control Panel: Governs the electrical operation of the system and ascertains the
running condition by means of a suitable meter.·  Voltage Regulator: Maintains
constant supply of the ship to the master gyro.
·   Alarm Unit: Indicates failure of the ship’s supply.
·   Amplifier Panel: Controls the follow-up system.
·   Motor Generator: Converts the ship’s DC supply to AC and energizes the Compass

 Gyro compasses are linked to the repeater compasses via one transmission system.
The fast-spinning rotor attached weighs from 1.25 pounds to 55 pounds. It is driven
thousands of revolutions per minute by another electric motor. However, the most
essential part in a Gyro compass system is the spinning wheel, which is known as the

Working: External magnetic fields which deflect normal compasses cannot affect Gyro
compasses. When a ship alters its course the independently driven framework called
‘Phantom’ moves with it, but the rotor system continues to point northward. This lack of
alignment enables it to send signal to the driving motor, which moves the phantom step
in with the rotor system again in a path where the phantom may have crossed only a
fraction of a degree or several degrees of the compass circle. As soon as they are
aligned, electrical impulses are sent by the phantom to the repeater compasses for
each degree it traverses.
The Gyroscope in the Gyrocompass is mounted in such a way so that it can move freely
about three mutually perpendicular axes and is controlled as to enable its axis of spin
settled parallel with the true meridian, influenced by the Earth’s rotation and gravity.

The Gyro compass system applications are based upon two fundamental
characteristics, which are:

·   Gyroscopic Inertia: The tendency of any revolving body to uphold its plane of


·   Precession: A property that causes the gyroscope to move, when a couple is

applied. But instead of moving in the direction of the couple, it moves at right angles to
the axis of the applied couple and also the spinning wheel.

These two properties and the utilization of the Earth’s two natural forces, rotation and
gravity, enacts the Gyrocompass seek true north. Once settled on the true meridian the
rotor indefinitely will remain there as long as the electrical supply of the ship remains
constant and unaltered and unaffected by external

13.2 Explain the main types of gyro

compass in use at sea
Different types of Gyro compass in use at sea:

1.  Tokyo Keiki-This series is a compact version of the ES Series, and is chiefly used in
small vessels. Thanks to TOKYO KEIKI's state-of-the-art technology, gyrocompass
instrumentation for heading reference is now available at reasonable cost to operators
of small commercial vessels and fishing boats. The advantages of gyroscope
technology offered by the specially designed GM-20/21 eliminates the inconveniences
associated with conventional magnetic compasses.
Compact Design The GM-20/21 measures only 228 x 321 x 377mm, so it can be easily
installed on fishing boats and other small commercial vessels.

 Low Power Consumption Power consumption is only 50 VA (for master

 Ease of Operation
 Direct Reading and Synchro Output Direct reading simplifies use considerably,
and synchro output offers means for low-cost autopilot steering.
 Three Repeater Compass Circuits
 Automatic Preset Startup
 A 24-hour timer permits automatic startup.

 2. Scan 2000 gyro Compass- Based upon the latest technology, Scan2000 reveals
itself as a "High Tech" gyrocompass without fluid and maintenance services. Meeting all
demands from all types of vessels with speed up to 90 knots and HSC codes.

1. Sperry Marine Gyro Compass- The NAVIGAT X MK 1 Gyro Compass system has a
control and display unit installed in the front access cover. When required, the control
and display unit can be removed from the access cover and installed at a location
remote from the gyrocompass for quick and easy access.

 Gyro Compass Features:

 Automatic static north speed error correction - no extra unit required

  High speed transmission and follow-up system 100° / sec
 Highly accurate digital heading data transmission by shaft encoder
 Twin rotors (19,000 rev / min) and liquid damping system eliminate latitude error
  A ±180° electronic alignment error correction in setup program (mechanical
correction is not necessary)
 MTBF of 40,000 hours & Maintenance intervals of 18 months
 Insensitive to horizontal acceleration
 Will drive a maximum of 12 analogue repeaters
 Two independent 6 steps/degree heading outputs (0.5 A)

4. Raytheon Anschutz Gyro Compass-Raytheon Anschütz is the market leader for

sophisticated gyro compass technology with more than 100 years of experience. The
Standard 22 combines proven technology and long maintenance intervals with
advanced features. Its accuracy, reliability, and cost effectiveness over lifetime make
the Standard 22 the most popular gyro compass in the market – sold for more
than18,000 times. TheStandard 22 gyro compass is type approved in accordance with
IMO standards.
The Standard 22 gyro compass was designed as a modular system to meet customer
requirements. The system consists of up to three gyro compasses and can include an
operator unit and a distribution unit.

Another gyro, a magnetic compass, a satellite compass, and/or an external rate-of-turn

gyro can be integrated as additional sensors. A wide range of accessories is available.

Anschütz gyro compasses are known for their superior accuracy and reliability even
under harshest environmental conditions. With the Standard 22, operational safety was
dramatically increased due to a patented data transmission technology that completely
replaces the use of slip rings. Today its robust design makes Standard 22 the first
choice for safety-sensitive vessels such as offshore / platform supply vessels or cruise

  Cost-efficient replacement of old gyro compasses

 Cost reduction: Existing repeaters, autopilots and other heading receivers
(periphery) can remain on board
 Reduced installation efforts: Use of existing cabling and minimum installation
 Perfect solution for service organizations – virtually all available compasses on
the market can be retrofitted with only three different converters

13.3 Enumerate the necessary maintenance

tasks of the gyro-compass based on the
manufacturer’s manual
Technical Maintenance

Technical maintenance includes:

 on-line maintenance that is performed at each switch on and switch off of the
 gyrocompass;
 periodic maintenance that is performed annually if the gyrocompass is
 installed on a sailing ship as well as after the repair or long storage period ofthe

Technical maintenance of the gyrocompass and trouble shooting on board the ship are performed
by the specialist who is responsible for its serviceability. Repair of the gyrocompass and post-
repair test are made by the authorized personnel of service centers.
The result of the periodic maintenance shall be written down into the record book.

Procedure of checks
 It is allowed to make gyrocompass external appearance inspection with gyrocompass
running. Gyrocompass units are checked for cleanliness, security of attachment,
condition of cables and reliability of their connection.
 Insulation resistance check is made in accordance with described in this Manual.

Preparation for use

Before switching on the gyrocompass the following operations shall be done:

Operator console:

 set SPEED switch to “0” position

 set LATITUDE switch to “0” position
 set the dimmer in medium position

Electronic Unit

 open the cover and set “NORMAL” selector to “TEST” position

Main Unit

   set the dimmer into medium position


 set the dimmer into medium position

Course Recorder

 all preparatory works are done in accordance with the Instructions Manual for

Course Recorder

  all preparatory works are done in accordance with the Instructions Manual for the course

1.    Repair of units is performed after investigation of the cause and compilation of list of

2.    List of Defects is the main document and authority for replacement of assemblies and units.

3.    Before disassembly thorough visual inspection of units is made to check for dents, cracks,
chips, and deformations. Initial cleaning of surface is made.

4.    During disassembly all small parts shall be placed and store in special separation boxes.
Screws, bolts, and nuts shall be handled with care to prevent their damage.

5.    When unsoldering is made all wires shall be marked with identification sleeves or in some
other manner.

6.    After disassembly all parts shall be cleaned of dust and waste products. Good attaching parts
and holes in parts and assemblies shall be washed in acetone, gasoline or any other solvent.

7.    When reassemble is made, bolts, screws, nuts (without springs washers) are locked with a
prime in accordance with the following procedure:

 attaching parts are degreased with gasoline and then air dried for 20-30 minutes.
 2/3 of screw thread is primed, then it is screwed in and tightened.
 prime is dried during 2-5 hours at temperature 18-35°.

Failure and Trouble-Shooting

s Built-in test facilities are provided for gyrocompass check and rapid fault diagnosis.
Malfunction warning circuit generates acoustic signal and red indicator of FAILURE light on the
front panel of the Operator Console. In case of failure following must be done:

 switch off the gyrocompass;

 check the voltage in the ship’s mains;
 check the setting of SPEED and Latitude switches on the Operator Console
 not earlier than 2 minutes after this, switch on the gyrocompass and set the correspondent
hemisphere with button NORTH or SOUTH.

If FAILURE indicator is still lit, it is necessary to apply to the service center or to the
manufacturer. Malfunction warning circuit generates the failure signal also in case of log failure
(if the gyrocompass is operating with the log and SPEED switch is set to LOG) and in case of
lack of speed and latitude data from GPS-receiver (if the gyrocompass is operating with GPS and
SPEED switch is set to GPS).

In case of servo system failure in the Electronic Unit one or both ASB PCBs red indicator of
failure is lit and in approximately 8 seconds the gyrocompass is switched off. Please notice that
in case of the servo system failure the signal is generated only 2 minutes after the gyrocompass is
switched on.
 Recommended Reading Materials :
Activity 13 Self assessment questions

1. What are the main system under the control of the Master Gyro?
2. What are the main types of gyro compass in use at Sea?
3. What are the necessary maintenance tasks of the gyro compass based on the
manufacturer’s manual?

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