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Post urges big budget increase IsT, Euribeaii' scientists

< • . .' > .»••
booked for Spac elab flight
From Our Stale Bureau

SACRAMENTO - Legislative Would nearly double salary hikes WASHINGTON (AP) - The
Spacelab's first flight in orbit
Space Shuttle, which is to ferry
the Spacclab into orbit from
Analyst A. Alan Post today reeom- will-carry two scientists, one Cape Canaveral, Fla. ~
mended that the Legislature add would be part of a proposed $1.8 tained in a 1,202-page document, Colleges receiving a 2.2 per cent
$66.8 million to Gov. Brown's pro- million total expenditure. was distributed to legislators today. hike and judges getting nothing. from -America and another from The American scientist will
posed 1977-78 state budget, includ- "However, based on funding re- He will appear before the Senate Europe; the National Aeronautics be selected by NASA,, the other
Finance Committee Thursday to However, the analyst said it "is Space Admnistration said today. -by the European Space Agency,
ing funds to nearly double the state cently provided for similar space at sound public policy to pay state an. 11-nation consortium which is
employe salary increase sought by UCLA, the total equipment cost provide an explanation for his employes in line with prevailing The flight, in 1980. will be a • developing Spacelab.
the governor. should not exceed $1.1 million." •recommendations, which tradition- rates, and because sufficient funds .weeklong test of the big labora- The Spacelab will remain at-
Post said the 1974-75 budget in- Post's general fund spending in- ally carry great weight as the law- arc expected to be available for tory 155 miles above the earth. tached to the Shuttle during the
cluded $354,000 for planning funds, crease recommendations totaled makers put together a compromise this purpose, we suggest that the The two scientists will work dif- mission. On later flights the Shut-
but that "planning for the new $84.8 million, plus $60 million in spending plan for the following fis- budget be increased in order to ferent shifts so that experiments tle will deposit it in space and
building has not started" and the additional expenditures from spe- cal year. close the gap in state salaries en- can continue 24 hours? a .day.
fund; have not been spent yet. cial funds and bond funds, for a -•return up to 30 days later to
Brown had proposed a 5 per tirely as of July 1,1977." Three other Americans will bring it back to earth. As many
He also questioned a $600,000 total of $145 million. He withheld a recommendation
appropriation for science building But he also recommended cent pay increase for most state fly on the mission. They will be ,as four scientists, including all-
employes, with faculty members at about CSUC faculty salaries, how- the two pilots and flight engineer^ foreign teams, will occupy the
equipment at Long Beach State reductions totaling $78,3 million. lab on these later trips.
University, noting that the sum Post's budget analysis, con- the California State University and (Turn to Back Pg., Col. 1) who will man 'the U.S.-nuilt

Costa del Sol

project wins
coast unit OK

Staff Writer
SAN DIEGO - By the slim-
mest of margins, the State Coastal
Zone Commission today granted a
construction permit for the contro-
versial Costa del Sol housing
Assassination committee L.B. shipyard blast
project adjoining Cerritos Channel
in East Long Beach.
With seven votes required for
antagonists9 showdown kills 1, injures 6;
appoval, the commission voted 7-3
in favor of the project — with very
tight restrictions, including the en-
hancement of a wildlife preserve
chairman and staff director of the
House C o m m i t t e e on Assassina-
bodies fly 50 feet
and the extension of Loynes Drive tions headed for a possibly explo- A 64-year-old Long Beach Guy Jr.. employed by the Pacific
into the area. sive showdown in their feud today Naval Shipyard foreman was killed Railroad, also were treated for
Although the commission has as the panel met to adopt rules and and six workmen were injured shock and released at the dispen-
given its approval, a start on the consider b u d g e t and operating Tuesday when a drydock gate ex- sary, officials said.
project — under study since 1973 — procedures. ploded at Pier 1, authorities said. A board of inquiry was ordered
cannot begin immediately. Rep. Henry Gonzalez. D-Tex.. to report on the cause of the acci-
Other city, slate and federal and Richard Sprague, the staff
Frank Russo of 4233 Nelsonbark dent as soon as possible to the
permits must be obtained before chief he tried to fire last week,
Ave., Lakewqod, was pronounced shipyard commander. Capt. E. A.
construction can start on the laced e a c h o t h e r across t h e
dead of multiple head injuries at Miller.
project, w h i c h would divide 39 crowded hearing room but did not
12:13 p.m. at St. Mary Medical Officials said the men were
acres into 210 lots and provide for speak.
Center. part of Russo's work crew which
194 single-family residences, with Witnesses said the work crew. was leveling the 100-by-16-foot
streets, green belts, parking areas The chairman was flanked by all assigned to Boat Shop 7. were watertight concrete caisson, used
and utility easements. Kenneth Brooten. a staff lawyer he blown up to 50 feet in the air when to seal off the end of the drydock,
The developer. Richard Roe. named Monday as "acting staff the pressurized gate exploded. where extensive ship repairs are
originally proposed to build 918 director" in place of Sprague. The injured included Walter made. •
houses on 15 acres but the plan was whom he had accused of trying to Kantman, listed in good condition Witnesses said the work crew
rejected five years ago. Since then, undermine the chairman's author- at Long Beach Memorial Hospital, was pumping compressed air into
the project has been modified re- ity. where he was treated for head and the gate, increasing pressure mo-
peatedly, but failed to win approval Nine of the strife-torn commit- arm injuries, and fellow shipyard ments before it exploded. Officials
from the old Coastal Commission, tee's 12 members, who had over- employes Eric Owen, Leo Brown suspect there was a leak in the
and. last month, from the newly r u l e d Gonzalez's order f i r i n g and Kenneth Hawkins, all of whom gate's flotation system.
organized South Coast Regional Sprague. turned up as the meeting were treated f o r shock a n d The Pier 1 drydock was used to'
Commission. proceeded. released from the shipyard dispen- overhaul the Queen Mary and outfit
Several opponents appeared to The gentlemanly atmosphere sary. her as a tourist attraction after she
urge — if not actual rejection — at belied the internal strife that has Richard Bennett and Richard arrived in Long Beach in 1967.
least a delay in issuing the permit. beset the panel but some members FEUDING PAIR AT COMMITTEE MEETING
They argued that an extension of indicated hesitancy about adopting
Chairman Henry Gonzalez left, and Richard Sprague
Loynes Drive would be detrimental
to southeast Long Beach by wprs-
rules presented by Gonzalez with-
out giving them careful study.
-AP WirnhoM Another Sansinena mishap
enine traffic conditions on Pacific Gonzalez repeatedly a s s u r e d future rest? on what we 80 here whether the chairman or the full
Coast Highway.
Arguing against the proposal
them that his proposals "faithfully
track the rules of the House" and
this morning." Gonzalez said.
The committee broke for lunch
committee shouldxhave power to
make decisions including the hiring
brings hends to 2nd diver
were C. T. Weber, of Long Beach said previous proposed rules de- after ploughing through a long and firing of staff members that
Area Concerned Citizens, and Mrs. veloped by the Sprague staff had series of rules with amendments, the Gonzalez-Spraguc confrontation In a second mishap in four suffered the bends and lacerations
Anne Walzer, of the Southeast Area violated certain aspects of House but before getting to the crucial one was expected to hinge. But other days, another salvage diver has Tuesday after his cutting torch
Development and Improvement rules they were supposed to follow. — a rule that would give the chair- committee members declined to been injured while working to cut ignited a pocket of gas in the man-
Plan (SEADIP) study committee. Gonzalez warned that the com- man himself power to "establish discuss the question before it came through the wreckage of the sunken gled hull.
Also opposed were Ed Lucely. mittee was under time pressure if such other procedures and take up officially. oil tanker Sansinena in Los Angeles
of the California Wildlife Trust, and Harbor. Greenke spent three hours in a
it is to survive with its mission of such actions as may be necessary Gonzalez disappeared at the dockside recompression chamber
Sierra C l u b spokesman Norbert investigating a n e w the assassina- to carry out the rules or to facili- lunch break without talking to re- Officials said Paul Greenke. 55, before being transferred to County-
Doll. tions of President John F. Kennedy tate the effective operations of the porters. Sprague. smiling slightly, of Devine Diving and Salvage Co., USC Medical Center. He was re-
As part of what commission and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther committee." repeatedly said "no comment" as ported in satisfactory condition.
executive director Joseph Bobovitz King Jr. "Much of the committee's It was on this question of he left the room.
described as "very detailed condi- Last Friday, 30-year-old Pat-
tions" for the project, the develop- SS Catalina goes rick J. Joseph contracted the bends
er? will be required to remove oil-
contaminated dirt from the Sims
Pond wildlife preserve, and add
L.A. tidelands fund halt threatened for $70,000 bid after he was brought to the service
too quickly, a company spokesman
about an acre of space to the pond. By JACK 0. BALDWIN agreement among city officials, the meetings in an attempt to hammer The venerable "Great White
Maritime Editor staffs of the State Lands Commis- out some compromise as to how Steamer" SS Catalina was sold at As a result of the mishaps, a
sion and the attorney general's of- port funds paid into the city's auction by federal marshals at salvage company spoksman said,
Assemblyman Vincent .Thomas dockside today for a high bid of
Bandit seared warned that he would act to cancel fice, and port officials on how much
money is involved and who owes
general fund could or should be
spent. Those meetings held Jan. 26 $70,000.
•we've reassessed our safety proce-
dures and from now on we'll use
Los Angeles' tideland trust funds inert gases."
by shop owner's unless city officials quit "stalling" what to whom. and Feb. 7 were closed to the news
The winning bid, one of !3 sub-
and repay between $15 and $35 mil- All parties agree that the sum mitted for the 53-year-old vessel, The Sansinena exploded at its
trick; so's shop lion in illegally spent tideland reve- in dispute is between $15. and $35 The press was not admitted was tendered by Mr. .and Mrs. San Pedro pier last Dec. 17, killing
nues, the Independent, Press-Tele- million and the financial snarl is under an edict by Gregory Taylor, Hymie Singer, of Beverly Hills. seven crewmen and a security
PALMDALE ( A P ) - It gram learned today. going to be difficult to untangle. assistant attorney general, head- Singer said after the auction he had guard, and spilling more than 10,-
Seemed Like Such a Good Idea Thomas claims the city used quartered in Los Angeles. He rea- been "prepared to go as high as 000 gallons of oil into the harbor.
at the Time Department: Irked by what he labeled as tideland funds which could amount soned that since the possibility of $250,000" to buy the ship.
A 19-year-old worker at a "stalling tactics" on the part of top to as much as $39.5 million for pending litigation was being dis-
doughnut shop told sheriff's city hall officials, the dean of the purposes other than "commerce, c u s s e d t h e meetings w e r e Singer didn't reveal the cou-
deputies ho looked over the stale assembly said if the city does
not repay money it was paid by the navigation, and fisheries," as re- considered to be executive sessions
as permitted under the Brown Act.
ple's plans for the future of the
Catalina, other than "the first thing
Assessor Watson
counter early today and saw quired under terms of various will be to go aboard and celebrate
someone standing there wear- harbor department and allegedly
spent on illegal projects, he will tideland trusts granted the city dat- Thomas has objected strongly
our upcoming 40th anniversary on in hospital with
ing a ski mask, a long coat and urge the tidelands trust be revoked ing back to 1911. (Turn to Back Pg., Col. 4) it."
carrying a shotgun.
Deputies said that as a and returned to the state. However, Fred B. Crawford, heart condition
"Then the state can again lease harbor department general man-
diversionary tactic the youth the tidelands back to the harbor ager, says .staff accountants calcu- From Our LA. Bureau
cranked up flames on the stove late the sum owed the department
until they blazed toward the
ceiling, then dashed out the
department," Thomas said.
There appears to be little at only $15.9 million. The situation
leaves Crawford in an awkward .
T7O County Assessor Philip Watson
has. been admitted to St. Francis
back and called authorities. position. On one hand, as overseer/' Hospital, Lynwpod, with a heart
• But. by the time deputies of harbor department funds, he has condition and is expected to be
arrived, the fire had burned
more than a hole in Foster's
Weather a loyalty to protect port revenues.
But on the other hand he has been Press-Telegram 435-1161
away from work for two months, it
was learned today.
Donuts shop. TOMGHT AMD THURSDAY under pressure from Mayor Tom Classified 432-5959 Los Angeles Superior Court
The shop was gutted by the L.B. AREA — Morning. fog. Bradley's office to allocate 5 per • STATUE OF Liberty taken "hos- • FINDING ENOUGH water for Judge Nancy Watson told newsmen
flames and an adjacent liquor Mostly fair. Low 55. High 83. cent of the previous year's revenue tage" by Iranian students protest- essentials of life forces Albion resi- her husband complained of chest
s t o r e had extensive smoke MOUNTAINS - Fair. Low 35. for payment to the city's general ing alleged torture of political dis- dents into "ridiculously primitive" pains at noon Tuesday — about the
damage, firemen said. High 72. fund. senters in their country. Page A-2 life styles. Page A-17. same time he was being summoned
Investigators were unsure DESERTS - Fair. Low 38. City, state, and port leaders • LEGISLATION to give unions before the Board of Supervisors to
if any money was missing. High 92. have held two recent closed-door right to picket all gates at construc- explain his stand on freezing resi-
tion sites back before Congress. • POLICE investigating a residen-' dential assessments.
Page A-6. tial burglary found a cache of A spokesman for Watson's of-
Calif, slashes farm water by 60% • ENERGY SAVING bulb for light
fixtures may be named "Killer
weapons and explosives in a New-
port Beach dentist's home. Page B-
fice told the board the assessor was
"not available," but no explanation
By SUSAN SWARD pected to be left without water by The municipal users affected was given.
Watt." Page A-7.
SACRAMENTO (AP) - the state move, but some agricul- by the cut include the massive Mrs. Watson said her husband
Drought-stricken California has tural land w i l l have to go un- • Metropolitan Water District, which • P R E S I D E N T Carter has se- Action Line A-3 was admitted to .the hospital after
slashed its State'Water Project planted. serves Los Angeles and much of lected two blacks and two women Classified C-10,19 showing positive reaction on a
How. cutting back agriculture by 60 "For cities and industries who the surrounding Southern Califor- for important adminstration posts. Comics C-7 ; treadmill test: She said Dr. AJ At-
per cent and cities and industry by have contracts with us. this will nia area. Page A-9. Crossword C-7 tyah told Watson he would be in the
10 per cent. mean at least substantial voluntary State experts say, however, Editorial B-2 hospital for two weeks and would
Farmers wno use water from conservation at the minimum. But that the project, which provides • BROWN REPLACES strongest Financial C-8,9 require another six weeks' recuper-
the project were told Tuesday their there'll be more than enough water about five per cent of all water critics on Highway Commission. Life/Style A-11,13 ation.
cutback would be 10 per cent to protect permanent crops like or- used in California, only supplies Page A-14. Obituaries C-10 A hospital spokesman refused
higher than originally announced chards," James added. about one-quarter of that big dis- Police Beat B-5 to give out any information, and
because of the worsening drought State water agency contracts trict's imported water needs. • NO GROWTH state policy and Shipping B-8 Attyah's office said he was unavail-
— the state's worst since 1924. require t h a t agricultural water For other big users, like the vacillation of the State Energy Sports C-1,6 able for comment.
Boh James, the Department of users be cut back 50 per cent be- Kern County Water District in the Commission attacked by Bob Television C-20 Watson, 52, suffered a heart
Water Resources' deputy director, fore city or industry water can be Moretti, leader of the panel. Page Theaters B-fi,7 attack during his tax initiative
said no towns or industries are ex- reduced. (Turn to Back Pg., Col. 4) A-16. Weather B-8 campaign in 1968.

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