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Department of Telecom,
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FILE No.. 3<t-8.;

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Secti9B -A~'-J

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Fil, No.20-82/2lJlJ7-AS_1 L vo--~.j~:-.....
Department ofTcJccommunicaHonS--
(AS-.I Section)

.subject: 14 Applications;. S,,;an Telecom Pvt. Ltd. for gr.ant of VASt in
Andhr}l Pradesh, 'Delhi, (;ujaral, H11ryana, J&K, Karnatal<a, Kerala,
Mahara.shtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, TamiJnadu, Uttar Pradc~h
(East) & LIUar Pr.::JdesJI(West) service areas and 2 applications of Mis.
Cheetah Corporate.~ Sen-ices Pvt. Ltd. for grant of UAS Licences in
Assam & North-East service areas .

.I\n app/ic;.J[illns dalcd 23.01.07 was received from MIs. Swanc.1pitaLl~~.J.,,,,,. __ ~_

'\ ;s/!)./ Lid .. ]''' Flnor. H~,hC'jaPoint-L JLN Milrg. Vilko/lJ Mkl.. Stl/lta C'nu( Easo, jVllil1lb3i~':" 'f:-'-
\ --.?/ <./O()055. t<)r gralll of IJnilierl Access Sl'rvice LicI.:Jll't: fix .I&K service an.',] 111.f."). In
- P
y . q
wnlinualion. the company. vide iell", dared 1.2.07 & :28.2.07 h", finnished .'ome
""", information regarding cqoily stfUelure. cle. (J.4/c). The w,oram. 'n ,h"
~\ " \ "'e'""whiic-. ,ide. leller d'''cd 6.3JI7. i"I,,,n,ed Ihe change of name of the comr
' ), \' fro", 'MI, ..')lVil" C"pil"i P\'1.I.rd:'I~~MI.,. Swon Telecom p'.l. LId.'. (2.Ve).
)/ ~t~.t.t-
. -. Suhsequently, onf~ Mis. Swan l'clcCI)l11 1'''1. Ltd. slIbmincd l:l m\1re
c,"'~> applications li)r gralll of UAS Licences lor Andh •.• Pradesh .• Delhi. Gojaral. 'g .,
0- ';f Haryana, Karnmah. Kerala. Maharashlra, Mumbai. Punjab, Hajasthan. TamilllCidu. 1
. Ullar Prudesh rEast) & Utlar Pradesh (West) service areas {S•.I7/,!.

3. Further, Oll 2,3.07, two Jl)ore applications were filed by Mis. Swan Telecom .is
PVl. Ltd. for Assam & North-East service a~~as (19-20/c).J-lO\Vever,. yi.cI.e-J.e,l.~'f~j~I;.;
.. ',"
daled 6.3.07. the company TeQl)ested for wIthdrawal of these two <lppJ1CCltJiJJlS ror"'~~~':,:,,_~»~1
Ass<lJll & North East service are..1s (22/c).

4. Subsequemly, un 7.3.07. MIs. Cheetah Corpormes Services PVI. Ltd.- a

."isfcr concern of Mis. Sw:m .reJecom Pvt. Ltd .• th Floor. l{aheja Point-I .. JL\i .•.....
M<1rg,Vako/a Mkl., Santa Cruz(Easl), Mumbni-400055, h!:lssubmiut:d applicati{llls
for UAS Licence for Assam & North Easl service lIreas (26-271c).

These applk<:llions are undcr cX<lminH[ion. SUbO'lillcd for kind pCflh;,li

~\tS'r . ''-''.~')', .. ,-; ...

(Madan ChaurasJ..',
. 1 ~:04:-0tIf71~~{r;;-t~

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File No.20-8212007-AS-J

Departmr.nt ofTelI'.cnmmunicatjons
(AS-J Sr.ction)

'14 UASL Applications of MIs. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. (Formeely
MIs S••an Capital Pvt. Ltd.) for grant of UAS Licenc" in Andbra
Pradesh, Gujarnt, Hu.ryaDR,Jammu & Kashmir, Kam8t:1.ka~ Kera'a,
Mab ••• sbtra, Punjab, Rajnsthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradcsb(East),
Uttar Pndesh(West), Delbi and Mumbai service areas." .,.

I. Mis. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. (F.ormerly Mis Swan Capital Pvt. Ltd.) has
applied for grant of Unified Access Services Licence in Jammu & -Kashmir service
area. The APplication of Swan Capital Pvt. Ltd. in original is placed at lIC and
. i numbered from I-I/e to 1.55/C.

2. The company has applied in the prescribed format and has enclosed a
processing fee of Rs.15,OOO/-. The processing fee had been forwarded to Pay &0
Accounts Ofticer, HQ, DOT as per details .vailable at 56/C. Subsequently, on 1
February 20.07 the company has furnished further infonnation regarding compliance
"CsubStantial equity clause. On 2nd M.'ch 2007, tbe company further provided
supplementary information regard~ngliSshare holding pattern etc. which is placed at * .':

6(J-15/C. Again the company submitted a lener dated 6'" March 2007 informing --.!
change of name of the company along with copy of fresh certificate of incorporation
issued bv registrar of companies which is placed al 75.78/C.
3 I The company has also submitted fresh appli"cations for 13 more service areas
on~a Febroarv-:lZ007 and two more service areas on 2"d March 2007. Thus. the total
number of applications for grant ofUAS License sub!J1ittedby the company is 16 i.e.
the company bas applied for 16 Service are.s namely Andhra, Pradesh, Assam,
GujaraL Haryana, Jammu & Kasljrnir, Karnataka, Kerala, Nortb East, Maharashtra,
Punjab. Rajastban, Tamil Nadll, Unar Pradesh(East), Uttar Pradesh(West), Delhi and
Jv!umbai service areas.

4. The processing fee for the above 13+2 applications were also sent to PAD vide
! ;
,- !
liners at 79-86/C. Subsequently, on 611J March 2007 the company submitted a request
for withdrawal of twO applications against Assam and North East service areas 87- r)

5 Similar applications for other service areas have been submitted by the
company in the name of MIs. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. vide their application dated
2.2.2007 and 2.3.2007. As mentioned above. the company has withdrawn rwo
applications against Assam and North East service areas. Thus. as on date there are ~
only 14 applications for grant of UASL in Andhra Pr~~~e~h,Gujara•• Haryana, Jammu
& Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Mabarasiilra.-Piinj~b. RajaSthan, Tatiiil Nadu, Unar
Pradesh(East), Unar Pradesh(West), Delhi and Mumbai service areas. ti
h;/ ..,
6. For convenience only applications of Jammu & Kashmir service area and il'
Punjab service area is placed in this file. A preliminary check has been earned out by
Dir(V AS-II)/ ADG(VAS-I) lUld the repon date.d 06.11.07 submined oy them with
reference 10 the above applications for these ::;eryice areas is placed at 116/c of The
check list 1Splaced at 114-115/c.

7. As per the check list, the total Nctwoir\h required is Rs. 1030 CroTes and the ji
paidup equity capital required is Rs.l 0 crores.'/Accordingto the details mentioned in
the application of J&K, the paid up equity of the company is 3.03 crores (SIC), !I ~
however, as per the certificate enclosed at 38/C, the same is RS.3.29 croTes. The . ,
I '
certificate does 001 bear any date. It is further to mention that as per application for ! '
Punjab and other service areas, the paid up equity capital is Rs.ll 0 crores. The
. certificate enclosed with the Punjab appl icitiO"i1 also does' not 'bear' :my date. As
rcgards nerworth of the company is concerned, the same is Rs.30.96 crores as on
23.1.2007 according to the certificate of Chartered Account submittr.d with J&K
I ,
application, however, ihe same is RS.l JOO.28 crores as on 2 ~.~cb ..2007 according i
to certificate attached with applicarion for Punjab service area.--lt is to be mentionedl-~--/ -.;,"j
: /-/. ~
'1/ /

~-~- //

File No.20-8V2007_ S~\

, ,
'hat for calculating the networth of the company, the amount of equity share ca~ital,
'Ion ;"emium. reference share capital and profit & Joss aCCOunt has been taken~l!!
-", '-'';'r.-:):".j that the networth of the company pas inc.reased from Rs.30.96 cron!s to
":C' : (i,) ~." .:'ures (an increase of aboui Rs. 1070 erore.,) within a span of/ess than! one
'" ,,,if C710nths. Since the c~ijjcates enclosed are pholocopies and not certified the by
Cnmpany Secretary. it needs to be decided whether to accept the above infonnation
fc: checking the application for eligibility criteria. i
",,~, ;I In ad9ition to the above, as per the check Jist foHowing discrepancies
c.nserved I
have ,also

AI) the pages of Memorandum & Aniele of Association are not certifidd
I as

!rue copy by the Company Secretary.
The company has not indicated the names of its promoters.
Details of Indirect
Company Foreign Equity have not been submitted

bY! the
The comp.'!ny has
74%. not submitted Certificate that its composite FDI is w hin
The Company has not submitted original Power of Attorney on Stl.m
Paper for signing the applications.
enclosed. However, B- scanned copy has ~een
TIle company has infonned the names of its Directors and mentioned hat
tnev are Indian nationals, however, names of CEO, CTO, CFO and SO
has not been indicated stating tnat they M.e yet to be appointed and
v: whenever they will be appointed they will be Indian nationals. ~.
Copy of original power of attorney has not been enclosed with tne
application of J&K service area .. However, computer scanned cop of
power of attorney is enclosed for Punjab service area and . er
applications. t'
Only the technical plan for GSM network has been submitted along ith
the application. However •. funding arrangement for financing .the proj, cts
has not been mentioned. I
Computer printed copy of form 32 has been submitted on 2nd March lb03
wherein [he copy of the form 32 has not been cenified to be true ~py. ~he
form 32 comains only name of Secretary and not the names of dlrecto'!' or
managing direct on. I
01H l)fthe (oral paid up share capital (Equity sha:-c and Preference shard) of
Rs t 10.00,20,000 of MIs. Swan Telecom Pvt. LId. Mis. Reliance Te/etom
L[d. holds equity share of Rs.lO ..~9..10,000 and Preference shard of
.Rs.99,20.000_ There by total paid up share capital held by MIs. RTI.
Mis - swan. T e.Jecom Pvt. Ltd. is of RS..1I.78.3.0,000 which is rnor~nan
10% of the total paid up share capital of the applicant company.
M/s. RCL already holds CMTS licenses in J 4 service areas, na Iy,
Andhra Pradesh, De/hi, Gujara~ Haryana, J&K, Kamataka, Kala,
Maharashtra Mumabi, Punjab, Rajasthan. Tami/nadu, Uttar Pradesh st)
& Utt;y:J'rade,h (West) service areas. i
M!s. RCDis 100% owned hy MIs. RCL (59/C). I
Mis. RCL already holds aCCess services licences in alllhe above 14
areas where Mis. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. has applied for grant of licemtes.
Theretore. viewing the substantiaJ equity clause, substantial stake of niore
thao 10% of Mis RCL (through MIs. RTL) in Mis. Swan Telecom Pvt
Ltd. violates Clause 8 ofUASL guidelines dated 11.]2.2005_

6 Since 'he 'pp!icOIions are very large in number. a comprehensive evalualion

ha, nOf been done and shall be completed aller taking detailed c1arificati~nsl
compliances! documents from the applications aJongwith the loI. The responset to ":.

lOi wili be f"nher evaluated by Ihe committee. already approved by the Secretary T), I
Doh"" signing !he Liceocc Agreement :
•• ,.


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,-r '
;..:~ .,' File No 2o-82/2007-AS-I
''-'' '.l

.~; Reference note on pre-page at 17-19/N

I. 14 UASL application were received from Mis. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd.
(Fonnerly Mis Swan Capital Pvt. Ltd.) for Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu
& Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar
Pradesh(East), Uttar Pllldesh(West), Delhi and .Mumbai service areas. These
applications have been examined as per the check list at 114-115/c. Observations at
p::lIra 5 & Band 2-3/N are relevant & may kindly be seen.

2 As per existing practice for granl of new UAS licences, after preliminary
examinations of applications, as on date of Applications, required clarifications!
co.mpliancesi certificates ~ere obtained from the cornpany before issue afLoI so far.
However, in certain cases the compliances have bet'.n considered at a date before issue
ofLoI. based on clarification sought and for seeking updated information. .

21 However, as per.para 6 on 6-7/N in file No. 20-100/2007- AS-I (Part-C), these

required clarificationS! compliances! cenificatf",s shall now be obtained alongwith
compliance to LOJ conditions which will be further examined. It is proposed that a
clause be put in the draft LOI thai the Government reserves the right 10 cancel /
withdraw LoI(s) or licence agreement(s), if signed, in case it is noticed at a laler date
that the applic:mt company was not eligible as per the criterion for grant of UAS
licence. The applicant company shalt be fully f('-spoflsible for any eventuality arising-
out of non-compliance. at any time. The non.refundahle entry fee if deposited shall b~
forfeited and PBG, FBG may be encashed and forfeited also in such cases. Further, the
company is required to submit a certificale of Company Secretary certifying that the
company agrees that the LOI shall he deemed to be '¥ithdrawn/ Licence agreement (if
signed) shall be deemed to be terntinated without assigning any reason and PBG, FBG
shall be encashed and forfeited forthwith, in case of submission of false certificate or
in the event of the Yiolation of any stipulation orthe 1",01by the company.

3. The service area wise seniority based on the date of application of the company
is indicated in the list at 117/c.

4 The case was sent for further examination of LF and JP Wings. JP Cell at 4/N
has noled Ihal the statement at Sex) and 8(xiv) is not correct. Preference shares are not
counted for calculation of FDI and are treated Ilt debt. Hence equity of MIs. RTL
wt,uld bQ 9.871'1"0 only. The Il.pJjllcatioh ia old, hence we may ask compliance of
amended licence conditions which includes Pres~ 'Note 3 (2007) and equity structure
in tenns Press Note 3(2007). LF may also please ,een. At 4!N, the Dir(LF-lJI) has
noted that •• deficiency have been listed on 3/N. however whether prefe:-ence shares
can be included in the equity holding disqualify a.•• in clause 8(xiv) on 3/N needs to be
examined_ Whelher networth can include such items as listed in the details given by
the company also needs 10 be examined. DDG(LF) has noted that Ihe wailing detailsl
information may be called for. Moreover, as per discussion with DDC.J(AS), the
depanment is in receipt of 8 communication from an advocale of High Court who has
brought out the issue of cross holdings of Tiger Traders Pvt. Ltd., promoters of Swan
Telecom. The relevance of the issues raised need io be examined, if required with
inputs from Department of Company Affairs. This is suggested to avoid awkward
situation., ifany_ from arising in fu!Ure. copy of the communication is placed in file.

r"s_ It is separately menlioned at 59/C that MIs. Reliance Telecom Ltd. (RTL) is
; 100% owned by MIs. Reliance Conununicatinfls Ltd. (RCL). Jt has been broughl to
.:..;"\ the notice of this office that there is cross holding of equity among ..the shareholders of
I Mis. Swan Capital Pvt. Ltd. ( now Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd.) and it has been alleged
~hat the substanlial equity clause may be compromised. The company is to chflrif).'.

6 The above observations may kindly be seen and the matter for issue of LoI(s),
m order of priorily in each service area as inrlicated in the list at ]J 7/c. is to be


~ File No. 26-S212007-AS-j
Notes on pages 2IN to 7/N may kindly be seen.

Applications dated 23.01.2007 for Jammu & Kaslunir SerVice Area and
02.03.2007 for 13 (Thineen) Service Areas of Andhra Prade~ Delhi, Gujaral,
Haryana,J(8ma"tiika:-k-ei1tla, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu,
Unar Pradesh (East) and UUar Pradesh (West) submitted by MIs Swan Telecom
(Formerly Capibl) Pvt. LId. for grant of VAS Licence have been scrutinized as per
the guidelines for the Unified Access SCrvlce l..icence dated 14.12.2005. Remarks of
the LF branch relating to financial conditiong ar.: mentioned below:

I. Paid up equity as on date of app!icatifln os certified by the Company

Secretary (Annexure C, 48/c) is RS.I09.0J crores against the required paid
up equity of RS.103.00 crores for 14 (fourteen) Telecom Service AreaS.
Original certificate of the Company Secretary is attached with the

2. Networth of the company as on 02.03.2007 is RS.llOO.28 crores against

the requirement of Ra.1030.00 crores for 14 (fourteen) Telecom Service
Areas. Original certificate of the chartered Accountant of the
Company is attathed with the application. (49/c). However latest details
of Networth as on 3l.09.2007 of the company and its promoters are

3. Company is 100% Indian. Cenificate given by the Company Secretary is

placed at page 47/c (ArJllexure B ofapplic3tion).

4. With reference to para? ,8...3..'of the nme of AS Branch, in case the. LOI is
10 be given without first ascertaining that the application is complete in all
respects and that the applicant meets all the eligibility criteria, it is likely
that there may be some appHcl1nts who are not eligible (')t whose
applications are not complete in all respects also reCeive an LOL Since. as
recorded at 6 IN. the entry fee is non~refundable and the PBG. FBG will
be encashed -if the applicant is found to he ineligible later. it is important 10
apprise the applicani clearly ofsuc.h an eventuality.

To ensure this, the following clauses may he "deled to the LOI:

(At! (~ The. entry fee is non.refundablc. Tn case it is found that the applicant is
nm eligible for the UAS License, the paid entry fee shall be forfeited. In
case the applicant is found to be ineligible on the date of the application~
and subsequently (but before the signing of license) achieves compliance
with ihe LOI/UAS License conditions, the date of priority will be the date
•.m which he become:::: eligible. The applicant must accept this date Ot:"
withdraw his appJicr.:tion. Withdrawnl of application shall result in
forfeiture of the paid entry fee and encashmem and forfeiture of the
submitted PBG and FBG.

(b) The au1honzed signatory, empowered by Power of Attorney from the

company approved by Board Resolution. shall provide a certificate
accepting the condil.lJns mentioned ahove. This. certificalc shall be
coumersigned hy Ihe Company Secretary of the company.

.•. Further, in case the applicant has nOI provided aJJ the documel1ls to prove
compliance with LOfJLicense cnnditions, the applicant should also be
apprised oT all discrepancies! deficiencies in the application. These
di~crcpanciesl deficieides shoulri be communicated as an annex to the
'~ ,,


File No. 20-8212007-AS-1 .
'."m Pre-page

6. However, we would recommend that LOI be granted in the existing legall)' j

vetted format only after all the eligibility conditions are met .and the ;
application is complete in all respects.

SubmiHed please

" ""'---<'~,,\.,


DireCior lLF-lJI)

,4; ~ pJ
t"V-,- "" {,/11, J4- ~7

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- 1llN ,-
."if Jv;
{/ NO.20/B2/2007.AS-1 ,
Department of Telecommunications
t~ (AS Division)

Subject: Application(s) for grant 01 new UAS Iicence(s),-to s~~ T,),.o_ p.,\- ,(,

In response to our letter dated 10,12,2007 (!:i3IC), the

applicant company for new UAS licence(s) has submitted the
requisite clarifications! documentsl information ~ 1:J..6'lc). It is
requested that UASL application(s) alongwith all the clarifications! ~-
documentsl information
examined for grant of Lol(s).
submitted by the company
may kindly be \

(rvladan Chaurasia) • J
1~.12.07 I
A~ .'>-101-
DIRlf-S.11 I

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14 iJ File No.20-8212007-AS-l

File No.20-B2I.007-AS-]
Department of Telecommunications
(AS-I Section)

S!bjecl: 14 Applications of M'S. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. for gr.nt ofUASL
. in Andhra Prade.!ih , Delhi, Gujnrat, Haryana, J&K, Karnataka,
Kerala. Maharasbtra, Mumbai, Pllnjah, Rajasthan, T8miln~du, Uttar
Pradesh (East) & Uttar Pradesh (West) service areas.

Reference notes ~. pre.pages .

.An appliclltion!' dated 23.01.07 was ~ecei"ed from MIs. Swan Capital Pvc
LtG. f,lr ~r3nt of Unified Access Service i~jcencc for J&K service area (lIe).
~uhscq\lcnlly" on l~r February 2007 rh~ cC'mpany has furnj~h(d further
mfonnation regarding compliance of substantial equity clause (571e). On 2nd
March 2007. the company further provided supplementary information regarding
it~ share holding pattern etc. which is placed at 60-75/C. Again the company
suPmitted a lener daled 611t March 2007 informing change of name of the
cdmpany along with copy of fresh certificate of incorporation iSS1!ed by registrar
of;companies which is placed at 75- 78/C.

2.; Subsequently, on 23:07, Mis. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. submitted 13 more
artPlicotions for grant of UAS Licences for Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarnt,
Hhryana, Kamataka, Kernla, Maharashtra. Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan,
T.milnadlt. Uttar Pradesh (East) & Uttar Pradesh (West) service ar"as (5-17/c).
3.: Further, on 2.3.(17. two more applications were filed by Mis. Swan PVI. Lid. for Assam & North-East service areas (l9-20!c). However.
vide- (eHer dated 6.3.07, the company requested for withdrawal of ihese two
applications for Assam & North East service Rreas (87-92/c).
4.' Thus. the total numberof2pplications for granl ofUAS: License submitted
by' the company are ]4 i.e. the company has applied fot J 6 Service areas na.mely
Andhra Pradesh, OuJaral. Hary"na, Jammll & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala,
Mahara~htra. Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil' Ni1lJu. Uttar Pradesh(EflSl), Uttar
Pradesh(Wesl). Delhi and Mumbai service are<15.

5.. A processing fee of RS.I5.000/- for each service areas have also been
futnished by the company an'd the same had heen forwarded to Pay & Account:;
Officer, HQ, DOT on 27.08.2007 .

6. Vide. Jetter dated 7.12.2007. the company has intimated regarding change
in sharelh)lding pattern ;f t'lie
company (126!<:'i.

7. A~ mention in para 5 of 6/N. vide letter dated 8.] ],2007 (] ]R/c), i.e.
before the recent change in the equity structure of the company. it was brought to
(h~ nOlice of this office that there is cross holding of equity among the
shheholders of M!s. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. and it was alleged th::u the
sn~Sfantial equity clause may be (om promised (l18/c).
8.1 The applications were examined vide notes on I-11IN the sarnc may ~
ki*dlY be perused please. Vide 'A' on lOIN, DDG(LF) desired to know the share
holders Mis Tiger Traders Pvt. Ltd. and its parent company. However, based on
th_ decision io F. No.20-63/2006-AS-[ (1221c) and I'. No.20-100/2007-I\S-1 (Part
'C') (l23!<:) :mcl in view of c\\ange of sharcholdiug of the company 026/c),
the cornpnny, viele our !ener datelf 1O.12..20()7 (I 25ic), was asked to submit
.:!ariiicatlons! infonnation! supporti;Jg docllmcnis. Vide letter dated 13.12.2007
(12~/c), the. company has submitted the n::quisitc clarifications! informati:m..'
~upporting documents.
.. '

,(- ,
File No.20-8212007'AS'l.
'"fin-'": Pf,,__p~
'_0 •
.':). Ora"1l of LoIs and. SigRiRQ )f I jCepce 'B",Bmem shall be considered in.the
.,;,~e; 0:-
priority as per the list at 117fc in each service area after the applicant
,:v:y,pany is found eligible for grant ofUASL as per I~e eligibility condition.

!O. Accordingly, a preliminary check has been carried out by DIR(V I,\S-
II)/ADG(VAS-I) and has enclosed a check list at I29/c. Some of the important
observations have been made as below. . . ,'(
'i-', ~lame & designation of the person who has signed the documents has 'not
'leen mentioned at all places, wherever signe.:.. Certificate of true copy:not
:nenlioned on relevant places.
--'\t ~
"T1le company has intimated that CEOi CFOi CSO/CTO htlVe not been (
FlPPOlmed as yet.
;'lii. r"onn 32 for all Directors has not been submitted.
rhe ~ompany has mentioned that Business Plan was submitted along with
TIle c.ompany ha:: menlioned that document was submit!c(\ along with
appJication(s), however, certified copy nOt enclosed with reply dated
12 1'.2007.
{vi \ Most of the documents have been shown dated 13.12.2007 whereas
forwarding letter is dated 12.12.2007

:)ervice area wise list of pending UASL applications (aJongwith date of

a!..:;.,t;c;:.:'.ion)is placed at 117/c may kindly be perused for existing policy of first-
corn,:~-firsl-serve basis in each service area

12 We may reques.t LF! IP Wings to further examine the case w.r.t. to

eligibility conditions such as Networth, Equity, Substantial Equity and -FD1/
Foreign Collaboration. . ~

iM~dan Chaura.c:;ia)
.. ~--:;: ,'r



f. ", '>'\~f;J;~~/
/ -

~ ..-. I
I , ,
.. ,.

I ', ..••<;


File No. ZO.82i2fl07-AS-I

From pre-page:

In continuation to notes on pre.p.\ges following has been observed:

1. Pain up equity of MIs Swan Telecom P,'t. Ltd, as on dale of application

23.01.2007 and as on 13.12 ..2007 was RS.I09.01 crores agaimt the required
p"i(\ 11P equity of RS.103.00 crores for 14 (Fourteen) Service ,Areas (P-20 of
128/c) .

2. Netwonh afM/s Swan Telecom p"t. L'!d, and its promoters as on' date of
application i.e.23.01.2007 was 1100.28 croro; and as 00 13.12 ..2007 was
RS.II04.318 crores against the required networth of Rs.1 030.00 crores for all \4
.! (Fourteen) Service Areas (P-20 & 21 of 128/c).

3. FDI is 9.90% which within 49% for which no FIPB approval is required.

Furthe-r it is also mentioned that initially equity holding pattern of Mis Swan
Telecom Pvt. Ltd. as on 03.05.2006 was as under:

MiS Powarsrfer Interactive (lndin) Pvl. Ltd.

4999 Shares 49.99% of holding

2. MIs Reliance Energy Management Services Private Ltd.

. 5000 Share 50.00% of holding

Subsequently it was modified on follC'lwing lines:

MIs Tigers Traders Pvt. Ltd. 90.\ 0 % of holding

2 MIs Reliance Telecom Ltd. 9.90% of holding

Now <1.5 per details s.Jbmitted on i2.12.2007 the 9.9% ownership of Mis
Reliance Telecom Ltd. has been transferred 10 Delphi Investmcn; Ltd. Thus the
holding pmtcrn has been modified by replacing Mis Reliance Tekcom Ltd. with
Mis Delphi Investment Ltd. a foreign C1)mp~my.
4. The Share Holding pattern of Tiger Traders Pvt. Ltd. and its parent
companies has not been provi.1ed in response to our notings at 1DIN.

5. Mis Swan ~e1ecom Pvt. Ltd. was not having Telecom Services in its
object clause of the M & A of A when the company submitted its documents
along with application on 23.01.2007 and 02.03.2007. Telecom Services t,avc
hcen inserted in the object clauses by Special Resolution at the Extraordinary
('jcm:ral Meeting held on 07.02.2007_ which has been approved by the ROC
(111 J 5.02.2007.

Subm itted please.



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•• "

. ,.t f

J l
Reference notes al pre. pages.
An applieatio
daled 2).01.07 was received from Mis. Swan Capilal
pvt. Ltd .• an Indian company; for grant ofllnifled AcCess Service Licence for
J&K service area (I/c). Sub!rquenlly, on I" February 2007 the cnmpany
furn"h furlhcr infonnatiO" regarding coll\pliance of suhslanlial cquily e
daus ed (S7/c). On 2"' March 2007. tbe company further prnvid ,!
e inf<>lmation reg"ding ils ,hRle holding pattern ele. 'vhich is
pla,;c<1 a' (,0.75Ie. 1
Ag"n the comp,ny suhn'iued • letter dated 6'" MRleh
20tP re~arding change Df nf the o.omp""y from MI, Swan Capil. pvt
\.I" I" MI, Swan rdccrlln Pvo Ltd aloog with copy of fresh ccrliflcate of
H'Ll'n,o",ti"O ,,,,,cd hv registrar of c",np.nics which is placed at 7 S.nic.
2. s"hseQuenlly. 0" 2J.07. Mis. sw.n T<lceom pv\. LIl\. ,,,hlnitt 13
",orc application' for grant of L1I\S Licen'.;es for ",ndhra Pra,lo<h.
bai Ddhi.
Gujar . l1a ya ,. Karoa"ka, Kerala, Maharashlra, Mum . vice
Rajastb r o
al , Tamiln , Ullar Pradesh (1'.0>1)& Uttar Pradesh (west) scr
;:l.TeaS (5- \ lIe).
:t. Vidc letter dated 7.12.2007, Ihe company has intim'ted regarding
change in sharcholdiog pa'tern of'he company (126/c).
4. The applicatioos were examined vide noles on 1-8/N. Ihe same may
kindly be perused please. Vide' A' on 71N. OOG(LF) desired ID knoW the
share holders Mis. Tiger Trader, pv\. \..I'\' and its palenl companY. However.
based on .the dedsion io F.No.2G-6312006-AS.1 (122ic) and f.No.20.
100120 .I\S.1 (Pan 'C') (123lc) aod in view of change of ,h"eholding.o lc
Ihe company
07 (12 ), tho company. vide our letter dated \0.12.2007 (12S ). ';~
was asked to suhm 61C c1",'ilicatiOnsiinfonllaliOniSUpporting eci Vide
dOClI\\,cnts. ,
letter daled 13.\2.2007 (128ic', the company has s"h"nll ,be
c1l\riflca\ ionsfinf onnatlllnlsllpportl\lg documents. >1
5. -" c\leck lis< as per the preliminary check isal \ 29/c and t.F .'1pnsWings > 1
were requested ID further ,,",ninc the case W.r.\. 10 eligihility cnndiuo such "
e n
as Ne.tworlh. EQuilY, S ,hstaoli,1 Equi'y and FDlIFor ig Collaboration. elc.
(, \1' "ell has indicatel! on ;'1/1" thai "fDI is 9.90% ,,'/Iich i.' Ic.'S ,,,,,n
49% and nlin".,,1 ,mdc •. "H,,,mmie """'e", "such the c:o,,,pany" compliaot

10 FO\ requirelTlent.
7. TIle matter h" heen examu,ed in de'~Y LF hr"nchon ,'.5IN. q.
lOiN, 13.151N
The Finaoe& IR/N.branch ha> observed on \8/N'. Ihal "MI" Sw Telecom
p",- Ud. has indicated e ,ho' 9/).10 % ,,(lhe paid up eq"i'J' eavilal of 109.01
ero was owned by MI,I Tiger' Traders P,'I, Ltd. oad 9 9/)% of ,he paid "I'
res capitol was held by Mis Reliaace Telecom Ltd. Tlicr< ,,'ere 99.10
Lakhs prefereae shores of joee ,'ol"e Re. Ii. each owned by Mis Reliance
Tele.comItUd was... also ohserved hy linance branch thai "TI>< ne,,,,ortl, of MIs
Swan Teleealll pvt. Ltd. ",ill, equit}' sl,a" capitol of (Ils ..! 109.01 Cra,"s.
p,-erereaee share COl'iwl a.f(Rs.! .991 erores, sho,'e pc"",i"fO (on preference
<I,Of"'; of Rs. 99;.00rr erores and" prof!r ofRs. 3 ..l e"ores v is ;"dica"d a.'
n•. l1n4.31R era .'." (Jlher obs"paliOOS also may kindl he ,een at 1RIN.
However. rrna hranch has nol expresseci an,i deci,lc" tl'" ,he
cOlnp,ny me<" the eligihili'y criterioo for paid "1' cQ"ily cap'''l. ncc oet"nr,h
"",1 ,,,hs,,ntial e~uilv as on dOle of applicalion. I\s 'he meol lina braoch (Ll')
w", ceQue,ted '0 ,X'"nn," ;11,0\ ascerlOio Ihe f" ch
of eligihihlY
cnoelilie,ns vidc pa" 8 of t" 'N. ,t,e ,hove oh«rv" io" 0"
I'n"nc" hran "",,1,1
he cnnslrued ,Lac ,he cn"'p'O) meelS the e!igihi\it" criterion as o",hing
otherwise has been nbserve,\. fi"ance hranch may coor,on rlc"c.
7. \ The ser"iCe areawise priorilY lis' of Ihe ,prlic'tio'" Incntiooe,1 aho
for ,ss"e of LOt' a,,'\ gr.nt of U/IS licences is oS p." 1'" "laced '" 1 \ 7/e.

R. M ahc<.dy men",,,,ed in para 5 nf \ 41N "",1 tIl< ",,,,,ks nf OO(;(.'\S'I

,," t "N. the "biec' cl,,,se of M&.AI\ of the c"n'p'oy .w" ameoded 10
,j-~-, ;.~. : 't.

" II i.l: 11 r

J ..
R.eference notes at pre-pages.

An application dated 23.0! .07 WRS received from MIs. Swan Capital
PVI. Ltd. for grant of Unified Acce."S Service Licence for J&K service area
(lIe). Subsequently, on pi FebruClry 2007 the company furnished further
informcllion regarding compliance or SUb$lantial equity clause (57/c). 2nd On
March 2007, the company further provided supplementary information
regarding its sblfte holding pattern elc, which is placed at 60~ 75/c. Again the
company submitted a letter dated 61h March 2007 regarding change of name
of the company along with copy of fresh certificate of incorporalion issued
by r.egistrar of companies which IS placed al 75.78/c_

2. SUbsequently, on 23.C)7. Ml.'-. Sw:m Telecom Pv!. LId. ,ubmitlcd 13

more .:mpliea!ions ior grant of UAS licences for Andhra f'rIIdesh, Delhi.
Gujl1filL Haryana, Karnataka. .Kcrala, MaharashtrCl, MUl1lhai. Punjab.
Rajasthan. ramilnadu. Uttar PrIHi('~11 (F-a~r,: & UUar Pradesh (',Vest) service
area~ (S-17/e).

A. processing fee of RS.1.5.00{)!. receIved in respect of each service

'!rea~ Wert forwarded to P;'.y & Acc:ounts Officer, HQ. DOT on OL02.07
(56!;::) & 0503 07 (96-103/c\

-l Vide kiter daled 7.12.2007. the company has inlimmed regarding

change III sharcholding pattern of 1he eDlllpany (126/c).

S_ The applic31ions wer~ examined vide notes on j -BIN, the same may
kindly be perused please. Vide'A' on 7/N, DDG(LF) desired to know the
share holders MIs. Tiger Traders Pvt. Ltd. and its parent cOmpiln}. HO\l{ever.
based on [he decision in F.No.20-63/2006-AS.j ((22/c) and F.No.20.
1OO/2007-AS-J (Pan 'C') (l23/e) ana in view of change of share-holding of
The company (J26/c), the company. vide our leiter dated 10.12.2007 02S/~).
was asked to submit cJanficationslinf()rmation/supporting documents. Vide
leiter dated 13.12.2007 (128/c). the cornpnny submitted the requisite
dari ficatiOllsli nformationfsupporti ng docllmems,

r-, -\ccordingly. a preliminary check was carried out b.v DIR(VAS-

rJ)/ADGrV,,).S_J1£Inc has enclosed a Cill'ck iisr31 129/c. Aceorrlingly, LF/JP
Wings wer€: requeslerl vide Our notes on 13/N to funher examine the case
'••..r.t. [0 eligibility conditions such (IS J\lC{WOl1h. Equity. SUbsl::.ntj,ll EquilY
and FOl/Foreign Collaboration, etc.

The maller 11M.been examrned in de/ail by LF branch OJ' 4.S/N. 9.

t O(N. 13-' SIN. As per notes on 15 ..'1\1. rhe cpmpany was f1Sked vid~ our letler
riMed 04. () 1.08 for certain clanfieBlion I,y 07.01.08 (J3I Ie). It wns desired. aI
16/N. fhal rhe file wiH be resubmitted lO U: cell wirh reply of the 3pplicam
':-OlTlrtln:--' rarer

Po nle company. "ide rt~ietIer daTed il4.01.OS (132/c). has submitted the
requisite ctarification. We may forward the file 10 LF branch to examine and
ascerlsm thl:' fultll1ment of eligibility condilions such as Nelw()fth, Equity.
Subsrantlal EquiTY and FD1fForcign CrdlClhoration. etc, in ,•..jew of lheir nores
::ISmentioned in pam 7 ahove lakmg inro consIderation the reply of the
CnrnpClny placed m j'32/c please' Q
.20"'-08=1 m""j.'" ii?
(Madan Chaurasia
S.O (AS.I)

_/ - •..•.•..
/' ,r

- ..


;y File No. ~O_82/2007-i\S,1

The case was earlier examined by us on 14fN to 15fN. AS branch has

asked for clarifications vide l3l/e and there reply dated 04.01.2008 on 132/C our

observations are as follows:

Regarding the ownership of Mis Tiger Trustees Pvt. Ltd. it has been
mtimated that the said company is owned by Mis Dynamix Halwas Infrastructure
Pvt. Ltd. Mis Sidharth Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Shyam Malpani
jointly with Sidharth Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. with share holding of
99.80%.0.19998% and 0.00002% respectively. ",IN"'-\r'="- .-"''''' &.clcu,LD <>\
:\~ ~o
l' "I~"
.>_< ._l"'o'Jo'.ct.s.,J, "",,,~ d "" 'I ap}6C~"";".""'~
original application t-1ls Swan Telecom Pvt. Lid. had indicated
that 90.10% of the paid up equity capita! of 109.01 CTOres 'vos owncd by Mis
Tiger Tradcrs Pvt. Ltd. and 9.90% ,,'-,he paid up equity capilal was held by Mis
Reliance Telecom Ltd. There were 99.20 lakhs preference shares of face value
Re.1! _ each owned by Mis Reliance Telecom Ltd.
In their clarification datcd 13.12.2007 it was indicated that 90. I 0% of paid
equity capital of the company was owned by Mis Tiger Tm"ees PVI. Ltd and ...
9.90% of the paid up equity capital was owned by MIs Delphi Investments Pvt.
Ltd. Thus 9.90% of the .equity share capital of Mis Reliance Telecom Ltd was
transferred to Mis Delphi investment Pvt. Ltd. Here it ~ be observed that there
is change in holding pattern as intimated by the company~ts clArification

In the recent clarification dated 04.01.2008 ir is stated that the 99.20 Lakh
Preference Shares of Mis Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. with face "alue ofRe.l/- each
have been transferred to Mis Dynamix Balwas Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. These
preference shares hav~ premium of Rs.9991- per preference share and were
esrlier held by Reliance Telecom Ltd. This contributes substantially to the

Nctworth of the company.

The Networth of Mis Swan Telecom PVI. Ltd. with equity share capital of
109.01 crores. preference ,hare. capital of 0.992 crores. share premium (on
preference shares) of Rs.991.008 crores and a pro"t of Rs.3.308 CTOres is
indicated as Rs.II04.318 crores.

Submitted ple~e. ~.~
A.O. (Lf-II)


Adv. (F) ""- --r I>N--


" I 1

include Iclf:com activily <I." Pflrf of object cI~u!>c on 07-02-2007 qnly. Hence
tilt.: nrr11crl'ion dlllcd 2J-I-2007 for J&K .'\ervicc arc(] docs nof have Iclecl)nl
;'Clivil}'/husltlcss in the object clause as on date (If applicfltion. Horvever olher
T:i applications submitred' on 02-03.2il07 CIS in p<lfa 2 :tbovc are cUlllplianf tn
'lbjccl c1<lu~ein MAA a:<:.()n dale of applicMjol1.

9 The following is also submitted for considerati(ln please. !

(i).In file NO.20-1 OO/2007-AS_T (PaTl-C). il has been dbcided by "

Hon'hle MOC&IT on 2.11.2007 that LOis may be issued to the ~pplicanls

(applications) received uplo 25.09..~a07. Subsequently on 4:,12.2007.
Hon'ble MOC&JT desired that this decision should be implemented. It was
also decided that "for tile purpose of LOI proforma ns issued in the pas!
may bl": used ror LOJ~ in lhc~c cases also."

iii) As per para 8 above, one application for J&K serviFC area i~
not c0111pham in respect of object clause. however. I:' applications which
were reccivccl 0n 02.03-2007 i.e. hefore 25.09.2P07 ,p'e in order' and may
he considered for grant or LOis for UASL rClr Andhra Pradesh, Delhi.
GUPlrJt. Ht1ryana, Kamataka. Kerala. Mah(]ra~hlra, Mumbai,: !,unjah.
Rajasthan. TamihlCldu. UU<lr Pradesh (East) & Ultnr rrfidesh (West) service
areas. Accorclingly, draft LOis for the above saill service areas .has been
DHemp,ed and placed at DFAtJ,:;!C tol49c for perusal. It is to me/ltion Ihal
the case file for policy regarding gram of 1...01 in the presenl Cases has
already heen submitrerl for decision in a scpar,lte me Nn.20-I00!2007.AS_1
(!'llrt-C). LOis IllflY he issued pllrSll<lnl to aprropri<lte decision in this

::iii). I\s per the ohservaliom made in p.,ra 7 ;lbove and ion [BIN,
fin(lnce branc.h is also to ensme lnt'll the t'lbove rroro.''ill ;Of grant or LOIs in
1.1 ."crvtce areas is' in (lfdcr w.r.l. eligibility criferion for paid ur equity
\:i1pilal, nctworth ano substnntial equity heforc :lprf(lVtl! of diaft LOis

. (iv) Shri R.K.Gupta, ADG(J,S~I) may he authorized to] si n and

,"sue LOis for & on behalfofPresidenl ofJndia. ~)hv-- f '_
Submillcd please ~~

~_ DireCtor(AS_I) ~)
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II " Ii III I1 [


-2IiN- .:1
y/ File No. 20_8212007-As-1

~ .~..,,/? """ 6',"0 \ 1" «\ PrS ~o...-cJ.-- ~ /

The case was earlier examined by us on 181N.Based on the available records it is
ohserved !h.t MIs Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. have equity share capilal ofRs.109.01
crores arid Networth of Rs.1100.28 crores as on date of ap'p!ication lISeen
certified by
tbeir Company Secretary. This }!!oujd be sufficient forq (Thirl ) Service
Areas. The~' have furnished lhe detailS of their promoters i.e. Mis Tiger Trustees
p,,\. Ltd. (Formerly Tiger ;:raders Pvt. Lt,',.) 11was observed thaI the details of
Mis Tiger Traders Pvt. Ltd one of ,he prom,,!ers of Mis Swan Tdecom p,1. Ltd
a~ on date of applicalioh is not submitter\.
It may be mentioned that Ihere we,e allegation of nou compliance of
substantial equity clause. We have nome.ns to verify that. ipS d.----> &""'-
C"r'" "':> ,/J.'<:-<"'.:> ~o-\~
Submitted please..
=<2P"-"- oJ '4
,.'\. ~~\~
AD. (LF-'I)
/, ..
Direcf(LF-III) fl 1
D~F) ql l,1

Advisor (F) <r>-..-f""'-J'

/ I>t.
•.•..l'..:..;.d( <-",,)1 (""", -: f

"f-<.c~ L

r16 C_ j d /


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