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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Today the term has four meanings MLJR 1. Scientific discipline 2.

Special business organized cryptographic 3. Managerial functions 4. Specific Management of philosophy MLJR the field of science organization that studies all aspects of employment in the organization. This scientific discipline is not developed in isolation, but changes in the industrial and economic development. MLJR is a newer title of the discipline, which is heavily influenced by American literature, 80 had been accepted at the beginning of the twentieth century.The earlier name was a personal Management. Occurrence of PM is related to beginning of the twentieth century and the First World War. First, it was a profession, which is why many renowned universities in the United States organized training courses for people employed the personal affairs management. Crucial influence on the development of the profession had the industrial revolution, which led to the development of technology, opening of large factory. The development of the discipline is an important influence was the school of scientific management, industrial psychology, behavioral science. MLJR as a scientific discipline has several important character. 1. proprakti nost 2. multidisciplinarity 3. absence of a single conceptual framework MLJR function makes a range of activities and tasks 1. Planning supply and search for resources ljudkism 2. job analysis 3 employment through the recruitment, selection and sociology 4. motivation, health MLJR is defined as a system that covers all management decisions, strategies and policies and activities that directly affect employees in the organization, njihovo behavior, performance, attitudes, motivation Model MLJR a conceptual framework in which the organization performs functions and includes MLJR 1. goals 2. factors 3. activities Objectives - are included in the objectives that are to be achieved, as in every post place, and the entire organization. The main objectives to be achieved on workplace relations is on individual performance or results of employees, desirable level of productivity. At the organizational level goals are primarily linked to

increase in average productivity, improved quality of working conditions in organization. Factors - MLJR characterized in the context. authority. formed under the influence of certain factors, contained in internal and external environment. Karakteristu no internal environment depends on the characteristics of the organization, employees and the tasks performed in the environment sector * organizaciji.Karakteristi an formed under the influence of state regulation, legislation. Activities: include 1. Planning and employment achieved through several activities a) planning of supply and demand b) job analysis c) the recruitment of potential candidates d) selection of candidates e) socialization nevozaposlenih 2. Rewarding employees Should provide the motivation to behave and work in a way that achieve organizational goals 3. Protection of employees Means providing the necessary level of quality early Places As far as small enterprises, there is no need to do business in this area distinguished as a separate organizational entity. It is enough that these jobs grouped in one workplace that is under the direct authority of the top line management. - Asking the right people in the right jobs, help with orientation of new employees, staff training. With increasing number of employees, increases in the volume of jobs and these jobs allocated within the sector, service. Any organization that has more than 150 employees establish a separate organizational sectors in which these tasks. Jobs MLJJR are grouped into 4 functional areas 1. Employment of 2. Training and staff development 3. Salaries of employees 4. Employee relations We distinguish three basic types of jobs in the sector of human resources: Expert in MLJR done in the workplace contributor for candidate interviews, analyst earnings, analyst jobs Manager MLJR has three important roles in the orientation 1. Line function 2. Advisory

3. Coordinative Executive Director MLJR Its task is to establish a link between the coordinating strategy and strategy MLJR organized MLJR as a scientific discipline is an area of research and knowledge development aimed at understanding, predicting, directing the development of human behavior in the organization. Its aim is to create laws and making initial assumptions, principles, models and procedures for successful management and development of human resources in the body. MLJR as management. function for successful management. become crucial following capabilities: 1. select, train and train employees 2. to shape and lead meetings of groups of species 3. to manage all types of conflicts 4. to influence and negotiate on an equal basis MLJR as a commercial cryptographic It is the overall mission for activities related to unite people, their selection. MLJR as a specific management philosophy Focused on some elements of organizational performance in which people have a central place 3. CONTENT MLJR Human resources are the total knowledge of skills and creative opportunities available to It is an organization overall intellectual psychic energy, which the organization can engage in achieving the goals and business development. MLJR-makes a number of mutual activities. and objectives of management and organization aimed at ensuring an adequate number and structure of employees, knowledge, skills, and motivizacija behaviors necessary for the realization of actual development and strategic objectives Organization Objectives MLJR MLJR is focused on the successful achievement of goals, but the organization has a specific goals 1. Business and economic objective Economic objective is to ensure maximum return on investment

Business - provide the right number of workers, right quality, right time and right place and use their resources to achieve organizational goals, competition Social goals 1. Meeting the needs, expectations, and internal work. 2. improving socio-economic status of employees 3. use and development. Individual capabilities 4. obeze enje. permanent employment 5. raising the quality of work * The goals of flexibility One of the key assumptions, development and survival of the organization is constantly and rapidly adapt to change and the environment. Source of adaptability and flexibility. organization. People. 4. ELEMENTS MLJR We distinguish between external and internal elements. From external elements are particularly important 1. economically. system. 2. ins. Conditions 3. Culture Society 4. technology and others. from the internal al. 1. Management 2. body size. 3. Business strat.izacije 4. types of activities 5. ilvot. cycle of the organization 6. organizational culture and others. The labor market as an important external element. is an important element of what is happening in the field MLJR, the organization related to recruitment and provision of quality people, their selection and education. Tz i te modern world. characterized by heightened competition in two main areas 1. competition for consumers 2. competition for talents and professionals Increasing competition in the market to important changes in practice MLJR 1. particular emphasis on high quality able to motivate people 2. development in the organization of the internal labor market 3. Employment characterized in attracting and retaining quality people and experts and talents. An important factor is the supply of labor TR snow Dru .tva-culture influence the management of relevant kluture. best demonstrated * that says that if you

menadz. in the world is the same but the way they do it may be important different. The term culture refers to a common characteristic. values by which razlikuju lanovi one group of people than others to the general pattern of behavior associated with the values and beliefs that develop over time, which zajedni ke lanovima company or an organization Management as an internal elem. relating to the management of relevant certificates. about people, human nature and behavior of people their opinions, prejudices can act double: 1. determine the manner and style menadz. and all of his funk. 2. influences the behavior of employees TQM is a philosophy of loyalty and devotion of the whole organism. constant improvement in all areas. The goal is to satisfy customers, reduce costs and how best use the search capability of all zaposlenih.TQM change ways of thinking managers and employees, is based on teamwork, max. development, participation of all employees. The bodies of the cult. - Filoz operationalized. mend . and turns it into a specific value and individual behavior - Is the most effective instr. implementation strategy - Allows the vision of the body. become transparent and shared svim l. authority. 5. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT First zan enje be associated with change in content and practice MLJR that all employees hold a significant source of organizational effectiveness and develops the same procedures in their recruitment, selection, training, development, planning The second meaning refers to the management of relevant. in which the entries relevant decisions Razlijujemo 3 menadz. Level: 1. strategist level - aimed at setting long-term business goals, strategy formation 2. menadz. level - focused on the processes by which organizations provide resources 3. operational level - focuses on current activities and daily management of relevant. Organization A third meaning - relates to highlight important connections between the two-way MLJR and enterprise business strategy Business enterprises have two kinds of strategies that need to be closely linked and mutually competitive

- External strategy is selected events - Internal page. refers to how to develop, streamline internal motivation Resources The concept of start. MLJR puts meaning and management of relevant issues. and development ljudksih resources in the context of the start. menadz. on one side and the other returns the strategic the whole concept of long-neglected dimension ljudksu 6. SIGNIFICANCE START. Menadz. HUMAN RESOURCES Start menadz. ljudksih resources means the systematic and deliberate development human resources, aimed at achieving and developing organizational skills with the aim of achieving pp. business objectives. An important relationship is ambiguous general pp. menadz. ljudksih resources Vertical and Horizontal Reasons pp. menadz. human. Resources 1. increasing turbulence ineizvesnosti business environment 2. the necessity of constant change and rapid response 3. orientation to the constant improvement and innovation 4. customer orientation 5. strengthening of competitive capabilities and advantages 6. economic superiority of the Japanese practice MLJR Necessary changes in MLJR a) to adopt a business orijntaciju not me uljudksu b) short-term focus on current problems and their solution replacement long-term orientation and assessment of needs of business in the future c) to adopt an external rather than internal orientation d) to develop a complete, flexible and inativan system of human resources f) support from top management of relevant obezbeidti. organiz.

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