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Chapter 19 Notes 19.

3 Genetic and Molecular Evidence y y Study of genetics provides evidence for inheritance as well as evolution 2 types of genetic variation  Mutation  Gene duplication-creates families of identical DNA sequences  Pseudogenes are copies that do not function and are able to accumulate mutation genes faster  Recombination of alleles in eukaryotes-crossing over, independent assortment, and fertilization have been the sources of evolution Related species are related molecularly, by amino acid sequences and nucleotide sequences  Globin proteins  Hox genes Diseases and sicknesses are usually a consequence of evolution, some bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics Microsatellites- short, repeated nucleotide sequences; differences in genetic variation/mutations can affect how the bodys affected by certain bacteria

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Origin of Species 19.4 The Process of Speciation y y y Speciation- appearance of a new species; evolution occurs slowly in present-day, but we have observed speciation, is sped up by artificial selection Populations evolve, not individual organisms Speciation occurs in sexually reproducing organisms when two populations become so different, that they can no longer interbreed, when new species out-compete the species they originated from, or when a population is so isolated, it just develops into a new species Isolation can be both physical, and behavioral Prezygotic mechanisms- geographic isolation, mismatched mating behavior, & seasonal isolation Polyploidy-duplication of chromosomes

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19.5 Patterns in Evolution y When a population enters an environment with few competitors, it usually splits into smaller populations that avoid competition

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Adaptive radiation- development of numerous species from a common ancestor in a diverse environment Stasis- occurs when an environment is stable and the species are well adapted Gradualism-a model of evolution in which change takes place at a slow, steady, rate, resulting in a steady increase in biological diversity Punctuated equilibrium- a model of evolution in which speciation occurs in spurts of relatively rapid change followed by long periods of stability

The Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium y y y y y y Scientists are investigation how species change over time Group in a species with new adaptation are the ones who are best at surviving, and go on to make the new species Used bacteria to experiment, which reproduce 15,000 times faster than humans Mutations formed after 1,000s of generations and spread throughout the population Gaps in fossil records could be because of rapid change Earths changes could be rare and rapid rather than gradual

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