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A. Infectious Diseases and Disorders > Bacterial > Viral > Fungal > Parasitic Definition of Terms : 1. Antigen - an agent capable of producing an antibody - term today as immunogen
2. Antibody immunoglobin which reacts with a certain antigen that induce

synthesis 3. Immunoglubulin (GAMED) A.) Ig G - principal Ig in human serum, it pass across the placental barrier - provides immunity in infants before birth B.) Ig A found in exocrine secretions such as milk, respiratory and intestinal mucin, saliva and tears - also found in colostrum C.) Ig M - formed in almost every response during the early period of Reaction D.) Ig E - attaches to mast cells in the respiratory and GIT - plays a major role in allergic reactions - react against parasitic infection E.) Ig D - present on the B Lymphocytes - acts as antigen receptor 4. Anti serum serum containing antibodies given to provide immunity against a specific disease 5. Anti Toxin antibody that neutralizes bacterial toxin 6. Endemic a disease occurs at a constant rat affecting about the same # of people over a given time ( ex. dengue, malria) 7. Epidemic a definite increase over its expected endemic patterns

- disease attacks many people in a given community simultaneously. 8. Sporadic occasionally irregular appearance of cases in a population over a given period of time. - occurs singly and widely scattered 9. Pandemic extensively epidemic occurring over a large area crossing geographical boundaries. (ex. SARS) 10. Exanthem eruptions on the skin ( ex. measles, chickenpox, anthrax) 11. Enanthem eruptions are on the mucous membranes (ex. measles) 12. Toxin poisonous substance 13. Toxoid modified toxin capable of stimulating the production of antibody 14. Vaccine suspension of attenuated microorganisms given to build up active immunity against infections diseases. 15. Endotoxin - toxin is released when the organism has disintegrated - usually gram (-) bacteria 16. Exotoxin - soluble toxin is secreted by organism with no destruction\ - usually gram (+) microorganism 17. Quarantine - limitation of the freedom of materials of man and animals exposed to communicable diseases. 18. Isolation separating infectious patients from other individuals 19. Infection implantation and successful reproduction of an infectious agent of a living host 20. Contamination the mere presence of an infectious material 21. Symbiosis benefits only human but there is no harm to the organism 22. Mutualism benefits both human an organism 23. Commensalisms benefits only the organism and no harm to the organism 24. Exogenous Infection causative agent reach the body from the outside 25. Parasitism benefits the organism and harms the human 26. Opportunism when benign organism become pathogenic (ex. candida albicans) 27. Pathogenicity relationship that benefits the organism but harms the human 28. Virulence disease producing potential of the microorganism 29. Saphrocytes free living organism that grow on dead or decaying organic material on the environment 30. Endogenous infection causative agent is normally present within the body 31. Communicable diseases disease capable of being transmitted from one person to another. 32. Localized infection remains confined to a particular area 33. Generalized infection / systemic infection spread over the body thru the

blood or lymphatic system 34. Mixed infection 2 or more organism causes the diseases 35. Subclinical infection infection that do not cause detectable manifestations 36. Bacteremia presence of bacteria in the blood but it does not multiply 37. Septicemia bacteria multiplies causing infection 38. Immunity result of antibody antigen reaction or the resistance that a person has against a disease CHAIN OF INFECTION : 1. Etiologic Agent 2. Reservoir 3. Portal of Exit 4. Mode of Transmission ( direct, indirect, airborne) 5. Portal of Exit 6. Susceptible Host STAGES OF ON INFECTION PROCESS : 1. Incubation Period - time between the entry of microorganism and the onset of the symptoms - phase during which the pathogen begins active - replication without producing recognizable symptoms on the host - duration can be influenced by factors such as : a. general health of host b. portal of entry c. infectious dose of the pathogen 2. Prodromal Period - time between the onset of non specific symptoms and when the specific symptoms of infection appear - most infectious stage - NSS : fever , malaise, fatigue

3. Illness Stage / Period - time when specific symptoms develop and become evident - period which the host experiences maximum impact of the infectious process 4. Convalescence Period - the decline ; time from when specific symptoms start to abate until the return to a normal state of health 5. Resolution total elimination of the pathogen from the body without residual S/S of the disease HOW TO BREAK THE CHAIN OF INFECTION : 1. Medical asepsis (principles) 2. Surgical asepsis (principles) INFECTION CONTROL METHOD: 1. Standard 2. Transmission Based a. airborne b. droplet spray c. contact IMMUNIZATIONS SCHEDULE : ( next page) STEPS IN CALCULATION OF IMMUNIZATION: 1. determine eligible population : a. 3% - infants b. 3.5 pregnant women 2. determine the # of doses in a year for complete coverage 3. determine wastage allowance multiplied by total doses 4. determine # of ampules / year 5. determine # of ampules / month C/I OF IMMUNIZATIONS : a. Altered immunity such as pts. having aids or leukemia b. Severe febrile illness c. Except TT, immunization is C/I for pregnant women d. Adverse reaction to previous immunization

General Nsg Diagnosis : 1. Body image disturbance R/T altered body appearance 2. Diarrhea R/t increase peristalsis and gastrointestinal flora 3. Fatigue R/T increase metabolic rate and decreased O2 carrying capacity of blood 4. Fluid Volume deficit R/T diaphoresis, fever and diarrhea 5. Hyperthermia R/T pyrogenic activity 6. Knowledge deficit R/t misinformation about transmission 7. altered Nutrition (CBR) r/t decreased intake and increase metabolic needs 8. Pain R/T inflammatory response 9. Disturbance in self-esteem R/t contagious nature of illness 10. Impaired skin integrity R/T disease process 11. Social isolation R/t imposed isolation precautions 12. Altered peripheral tissue perfusion R/t interrupted skin integrity

WASTAGE ALLLOWANCE 2.5 20 vials ID 2 DPT 1 2 3 OPV 1 2 3 AMV TT 1 2 3 4 5 Hep B 1 2 3 School entrance 1 month 2 months 3 months 1 month 2 months 31/2 months 9 months Anytime during pregnancy A month after TT1 6 months after TT2 1 yr after TT3 1 yr after TT4 1 months 2 months 3 months 0.5 ml IM 1.67 20 vials 0.1 ml 0.5 ml 2 gtts 0.5 ml IM Oral SQ 1.33 20 vials 1.67 20 vials 1.67 20 / 35 2 10 vials


WHEN Newborn

AMOUNT 0.05 ml


0.5 ml


1.2 20 vials

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE NURSING I. ERUPTIVE FEVERS characterized by skin rashes and eruption A. MEASLES (Rubeola) Agent : RNA Paramyxovirus IP: 10-20 days POC: mainly during prodromal stage MOT: direct contact / droplet infection POE: upper respiratory passages Pathophysiology: Agent-> portal of entry-> agent multiples-> mild viremia-> prodromal manifestations Nsg. Assesssment: A. Prodromal Stage - fever, malaise, coryza, cough - Kopliks spots on buccal mucosa (fade in 18 hours) characteristic pathognomonic sign of measles; whitish pinpoint dots w/ reddish areola in the inner cheeks - Rash: maculae to, fade with pressure, begins on hairline & face & spreads downwards; leaves a dirty desquamation - General s/sx: photophobia, lymphadenopathy, abn visual tolerance to light - Complications: pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, furunculosis, keratoconjunctivitis, myocarditis

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