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To those wondering of how to start, this was made to help with installing everyt hing.

This guide was made in a fresh install of UBUNTU. ---------------Joyent/Node #Start off by getting the file from the Github ###GET THE .4 VERSION### # #Go to the directory and run the configuration file. $ cd joyent-node-c95da94/ $ ./configure #If you get this Error: $"/home/ubuntu/Downloads/joyent-node-c95da94/wscript:319: error: Could n ot autodetect OpenSSL support. Make sure OpenSSL development packages are installed. Use configure --without-ssl to disable this message." #It means you want to install the development package, which is libssl-d ev: $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev #Run the configure again, and do make, then make install. $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install # If you get the Error: $ "Cannot create folder '/usr/local/include/node/' (original error: [Err no 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/include/node/')" #Run sudo on the "make install if you did not." ---------------Isaacs/Npm ####YOU MUST HAVE NODE TO INSTALL THIS.#### #Start off by getting the file from the Github # #However, note that github tarballs **do not contain submodules** #Goto the node_modules directory $ cd isaacs-npm-d34e5dc/node_modules #Grab "nopt", "semver", "node-uuid", "abbrev" $ curl>1.tgz&&gzip -d 1. tgz&&cd nopt&&tar -xf ../1.tar --strip 1&& cd ..&&rm 1.tar $ curl>2.tgz&&gzip d 2.tgz&&cd semver&&tar -xf ../2.tar --strip 1&& cd ..&&rm 2.tar $ curl>3.tgz&& gzip -d 3.tgz&&cd node-uuid&&tar -xf ../3.tar --strip 1&& cd ..&&rm 3.tar $ curl>4.tgz&&gzip d 4.tgz&&cd abbrev&&tar -xf ../4.tar --strip 1&& cd ..&&rm 4.tar #Go to the parent or main directory, and run the makefile. $ sudo make install #With or without sudo. #That is it, the file installs itself. ---------------Redis #Start off by getting it off the command line. $ curl>redis.tar.gz $ gtar -xf redis.tar.gz $ cd redis-1.2.6 $ make #And you are done. #Too start the server: $ ./redis-server

---------------MongoDb #Start off by getting the file for YOUR system. # #For example, I am using Ubuntu 32 bit, so I download: Linux 32-bit $ curl > mo ngodb.tgz $ gzip -d mongodb.tgz $ tar -xf mongodb.tar $ mkdir data $ mkdir data/db #And you are done. #In order to start the server: $ ./mongod --dbpath ../data/db #If you get the Error, "Can not run binary" or something along those lin es.You have the wrong files for your computer. ---------------Depends #This is the last in what you need. You can run each command seperatly o r use the bash script in the directory. #To install run this command. $ npm install "insert name of package here" npm install dnode@0.6.10 npm install npm install backbone@0.3.3 npm install underscore@1.1.5 npm install connect@1.4.1 npm install express@2.1.1 npm install jade@0.10.1 npm install cluster@0.6.3 npm install cluster-live@0.0.3 ##NOT SUPPORT FOR .5 NODE### npm install node-gravatar@1.0.0 npm install node-uuid@1.1.0 npm install mongoose@1.3.0 npm install connect-mongodb@0.3.0 npm install bcrypt@0.2.3 npm install redis@0.6.0 npm install connect-redis@1.0.0 npm install keys@0.1.2 ---------------Running AebleSkiver #You are now done. #Open a terminal and start Redis $ cd "too the place where it is downloaded at" $ ./redis-server #Open up a second terminal up and run mongod $ cd "too the place where it is downloaded at" $ ./mongod --dbpath ../data/db #Open up a third terminal up and run app.js $ cd "too the place where sorensen is at" $ node app.js

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