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1 1.

0 Intr oduct ion

My mos t r ecent r ol e is Cust omer Car e S uper vis or i n t he Cust omer Relat ions di vis i on of MT N Niger ia Commu ni cat ions Lt d, a mult inat ional

t el ecommunicat ions company in Afr ica, and als o in t he Mi ddl e East. I a m r es pons ibl e f or l eadi ng, monit or ing, coachi ng and mot i vat i ng a t ea m of 20 t o 40 call centr e r epr es ent at ives t o achi eve t ea m Key P er for ma nce Indicat or s (KP Is ). I n a ddit ion t o t hes e r es pons ibilit ies , I have t o act ivel y part icipat e in any pr oj ect ma nagement opport unit ie s wit h t he depar t ment and was als o as s igned a number of key account s t o ma na ge. I a m expect ed t o plan and or ga nis e t he ma na gement of t hes e key account s wit hi n my t ea m. As t he ma na ger of a t ea m, my challenge was t o pr ovi de eff ect ive l eader s hip t hat will hel p in mot i vat ing t he t ea m member s t o align t heir beha vi our wit h t he companys cor e values. Des pit e t he fact t hat I was not gi ven for mal trai ni ng on ma na gi ng, l eadi ng and mot i vat ing a t ea m, my t ea m per for ma nce was al ways above aver age. I look f or war d t o ha nd li ng mor e challengi ng

ma na gement r ol e t hat is why I a m in IBAM t o purs ue a Mast er in Bus i nes s Admi nistr at ion (MBA) As a r es ult of t he laps es not iced in my s kills of ma nagi ng peopl e and mys elf, I hope t o focus my P ers onal D evel opment Pla n (P DP ) on t he s kill s i dent ifi ed in t his pi ece of wor k, known as t he big 5s . T his piece of wor k will dea l wit h t wo mai n ar eas of, s kills audit t o ident if y t he s kills t o devel op, and a SMART act ion pla n t o help me achi eve per fect ion. H owever, I will als o lever age on S WOT analys is and t he Kol b lear ni ng cycl e in i dent ifyi ng t he big 5s.

2. 0 2. 1

S kills Audit D efi nit ion

2 T he s kills audit is a conveni ent wa y of ident if yi ng t he capabilit i es available t o an indi vi dual for a s pecific tas k... (r di, 2010; p1) Bel ow is t he s kil ls audit t emplat e;



SKILL LEVEL Low High 2 3 4 5


Organisation management


time 1

I find it difficult prioritising and dealing with interruptions, and I scarcely plan my day



and 1

I am good in this to some extent. I always try to find short cuts, but results in complications.

problem solving


For lack of confidence, I find it difficult involving team members.


I am good at delegation based on ability, but cannot maintain the motivation

Motivation Coaching

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

I can motivate members to perform on a task I dont know the specifics of coaching, may be

3 because i cannot set targets Target setting Interpersonal skills 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 I havent done this before and so I am not good at it. I can build relationship very well in the team, I cannot use body language to influence performance Written communications 1 2 3 4 5 I am good at writing letters, emails. I am not too good at memos and reports Oral communications 1 2 3 4 5 I lack confidence to do formal presentations



I can monitor staff, depending on the type of monitoring system in place.

1 Using IT Packages

I can use MS Word, Ms Excel, Internet and Email. I am yet to perfect in MS PowerPoint, drawing Graph and Histogram for trend analysis.

1 Researching Information Project Management 1

I can do a research, but cannot apply research findings to business analysis.

I only know the basic on paper. I cannot coordinate a project

Figur e 1. 2. 2 P er s onal S WOT Anal ys is

SWOT analysis is a key t ool i n strat egic planni ng and ca n als o be applied t o car eer planni ng. SWOT stands f or Str engt hs, Wea knes s es, Opport unit ies and T hr eats.

4 Strengths Team leader experience Professional membership (CIPSM) Task related trainings received Accounting degree qualification Skills already possessed Ability to work under pressure Self confidence Knowledge of IT packages. Interactions with professional organisations Weaknesses Lack of patience Poor time management. Lack of self knowledge Weak job hunting skills

Opportunities Growth in the job market High demand for CIPSM professionals Availability of short courses IMA & ibam materials Internet Group assignments Good lectures Library resources Support from ibam

Threats Time pressure. Competitors with superior experience and better job hunting skills Employers attitude of employing based on experience

Figure 2: SWOT Analysis Framework


Personal Development Plan (PDP)

What am I trying to achieve?

How am I going to achieve this?

Who/Where can I go for help

How will I review my progress

Time Scale

5 Effective Organisatio n and Time management skill Read relevant materials. Lecturer Attend classes and participating actively. Keep record of learning experience Part time jobs Surf the Internet Learn from group work in school Library. Meet with lecture Search engines. Course mates. Application of learning experience. January March 2011. April June 2011. July September 2011

Effective Planning skill

Surf the Internet, Parttime work experience. Group assignments. Actively participate in class discussions. Read relevant materials.

Search engines. Employers of part time labour. Assignment team members. Lecturer. Library Managers of part time staff Library

Meeting arranged with my manager to review my learning application. Application of my learning experience.

At the end of every month starting from January 2011

Target setting skill

Part time jobs experience, Reading relevant books Assignment experience, Surf the internet

At the end of every three weeks

Lecturer Assignment team members Friends Search engines Meeting arranged with lecturer every two weeks.

Effective Coaching skill

Group assignment

Assignment team members

Meeting arranged with my lecturer

At the end of every three months, starting from

Read relevant books. Surf the internet


6 Active participation in class work Search engines. Lecturer every three weeks to review progress Project Managemen t skill Surf the internet, Personal training courses Group work, Assignment team Read relevant materials Active participation in group assignment members Library Lecturer Search engines. Practice Application of learning experience. Meet with lecturer for review Every three month starting from February 2011 January 2011

Kolb Learning Cycle

References 1. Randall S. Hansen Ph.D., and Katharine Hansen, Ph.D.; Using a SWOT Analysis in Your Career Planning: ( 2. Kolb D.A. (1984) 'Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development', New Jersey: Prentice Hall 3. Rdi MBA Lecture Note. (2010) Personal Development Skill

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