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HIMNO DE BELICE Pas libre del mar Caribe, nuestro valor lo prometemos a tu libertad!

Ningn tirano aqu se rezaga, los dspotas deben hur de este tranquilo refugio de la democracia. La sangre de nuestros padres, que santifica el suelo, trajo la libertad de la barra de la opresin de la esclavitud, por la fuerza de la verdad y de la gracia de Dios. Ya no seremos labradores de madera CORO Presentes, los hijos del clan Bahiano! Pnganse su armadura, limpien la patria! hagan retroceder a los tiranos, que huyan los dspotas! Pas de los libres junto al mar Caribe! La naturaleza te ha bendecido con la abundancia, sobre montaas y valles donde las praderas ruedan; Nuestros padres, los Bahianos, valientes y atrevidos Rechazaron al invasor, este patrimonio persiste del orgulloso Ro Hondo hasta el viejo Sarstoon, a travs de la isla coralina, sobre la Laguna Azul, Vigila con los ngeles, las estrellas y la luna. Pues la libertad llega el medioda de maana. CORO Presentes, los hijos del clan Bahiano! Pnganse su armadura, limpien la patria! hagan retroceder a los tiranos, que huyan los dspotas! Pas de los libres junto al mar Caribe!


O Land of the Free by the Carib Sea, Our manhood we pledge to thy liberty! No tyrants here linger, despots must flee This tranquil haven of democracy. The blood of our sires, which hallows the sod, Brought freedom from slavery oppression's rod, By the might of truth and the grace of God. No longer shall we be hewers of wood. CORO Arise, ye sons of the Baymen's clan! Put on your armour, clear the land! Drive back the tyrants, let despots flee! Land of the Free by the Carib Sea! Nature has blessed thee with wealth untold, O'er mountains and valleys where prairies roll; Our fathers, the Baymen, valiant and bold Drove back the invader, this heritage hold From proud Rio Hondo to old Sarstoon, Through coral isle, over blue lagoon, Keep watch with the angels, the stars and moon. For freedom comes tomorrow's noon. CORO Arise, ye sons of the Baymen's clan! Put on your armour, clear the land! Drive back the tyrants, let despots flee! Land of the Free by the Carib Sea!

HIMNO DE GUATEMALA Guatemala feliz!... que tus aras no profane jams el verdugo; ni haya esclavos que laman el yugo, ni tiranos que escupan tu faz. Si maana tu suelo sagrado lo amenaza invasin extranjera, libre el viento tu hermosa bandera vencer o a morir llamar. CORO Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera a vencer o a morir llamar; que tu pueblo con nima fiera antes muerto que esclavo ser. De tus viejas y duras cadenas t forjaste con mano iracunda el arado que el suelo fecunda y la espada que salva el honor. Nuestros padres lucharon un da encendidos en patrio ardimiento y lograron sin choque sangriento colocarte en un trono de honor. CORO Y lograron sin choque sangriento colocarte en un trono de honor, que de Patria, en enrgico acento, dieron vida al ideal redentor. Es tu ensea pedazo de cielo en que prende una nube su albura, y ay de aquel que con ciega locura tus colores pretenda manchar! Pues tus hijos valientes y altivos, que veneran la Paz, cual presea, nunca esquivan la ruda pelea si defienden su tierra y su hogar. CORO Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea si defienden su tierra y su hogar, que es tan slo el honor su alma idea y el altar de la Patria su altar... Recostada en el ande soberbio, de dos mares al ruido sonoro, bajo el ala de grana y de oro te adormeces del bello quetzal. Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo, paladin que protege tu suelo; ojal que remonte su vuelo, ms que el cndor y el aguila real! CORO

Guatemala happy! Your interests no never profane the executioner; Laman slaves nor the yoke nor tyrants spitting your face. If tomorrow your sacred soil Threatens foreign invasion, Free your beautiful flag in the wind A win or a draw die. Coro Free your beautiful flag in the wind A win or a draw die; You bore people with fiera Slave will be dead before that. Your old and hard chains You hand forged with angry, Plowing the fertile ground And the sword that saves the honor. Our parents fought one days Power on homeland bloody And achieved without bloody clash Put on a throne of love. Coro And achieved without bloody clash Put on a throne of love, You land in strong accent Gave life to the ideal redeemer. It teaches your piece of heaven In a cloud that turned its sapwood, And woe to those who with blind madness, Intends stain colors! Well your brave sons and arrogant Who worship peace which presea, Never dodge the tough fight If you defend your land and your home. Coro Never dodge the tough fight If they defend their homeland and their homes That is just the idea honor his soul And the altar of his Fatherland Altar ... Lying in the magnificent Ande, Two seas to ruin sound Under the wing of scarlet and gold You numb the beautiful quetzal Indian bird that lives in your shield, Paladin that protects your floor; I wish to lift its flight, more than the condor and the golden eagle! Coro I wish to lift its flight, more than the condor and the golden eagle! And lifted up their wings in the sky, Guatemala, your immortal name!

HIMNOS DE HONDURAS Coro: Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo Por un bloque de nieve cruzado; Y se ven en su fondo sagrado Cinco estrellas de plido azul; En tu emblema, que un mar rumoroso Con sus ondas bravas escuda, De un volcn tras la cima desnuda Hay un astro de ntida luz. Estrofa I India virgen y hermosa dormas De tus mares al canto sonoro, Cuando echada en tus cuencas de oro El audaz navegante te hall; Y al mirar tu belleza extasiado Al influjo ideal de tu encanto, La orla azul de tu esplndido manto Con un beso de amor consagr. estrofa II De un pas donde el sol se levanta, Mas all del Atlante azulado, Aquel hombre te haba soado Y en tu busca a la mar se lanz. Cuando erguiste la plida frente, En la viva ansiedad de tu anhelo, Bajo el dombo gentil de tu cielo Ya flotaba un extrao pendn. Estrofa III Era inutil que el indio tu amado Se aprestara a la lucha con ira, Porque envuelto en su sangre Lempira, En la noche profunda se hundi; Y de la pica hazaa, en memoria, La leyenda tan slo ha guardado De un sepulcro el lugar ignorado Y el severo perfil de un pen.

Estrofa IV Por tres siglos tus hijos oyeron El mandato imperioso del amo; Por tres siglos tu intil reclamo En la atmosfera azul se perdi; Pero un da gloria tu odo Percibi, poderoso y distante, Que all lejos, por sobre el Atlante, Indignado ruga un Len. Estrofa V Era Francia, la libre, la heroica, Que en su sueo de siglos dormida Despertaba iracunda a la vida Al reclamo viril de Dantn: Era Francia, que enviaba a la muerte La cabeza del Rey consagrado, Y que alzaba soberbia a su lado, El altar de la diosa razn. Estrofa VI T tambin, oh mi patria!, te alzaste De tu sueo servil y profundo; T tambin enseaste al mundo Destrozando el infame eslabn. Y en tu suelo bendito, tras la alta Cabellera del monte salvaje, Como un ave de negro plumaje, La colonia fugaz se perdi Estrofa VII Por guardar ese emblema divino, Marcharemos Oh! Patria a la muerte, Generosa ser nuestra suerte, Si morimos pensando en tu amor. Defendiendo tu santa bandera Y en sus pliegues gloriosos cubiertos, Sern muchos, Honduras tus muertos, Pero todos caern con honor.

HIMNO DE HONDURAS EN INGLS Chorus Your flag is a splendor of sky Crossed with a band of snow; And there can be seen, in its sacred depths, Five pale blue stars. In your emblem, which a rough sea With its wild waves shields, Behind the bare summit of a volcano, There is a star of clean light. Verse I Indian maiden, virgin and beautiful you slept, Of your seas to the resonant song, When lying in your valleys of gold, The bold navigator found you; And on seeing your enrapturing beauty, To the inflowing ideal of your enchantment, The blue hem of your splendid mantle With a kiss of love blessed. Verse II From a country where the sun rises, Beyond the blue Atlantic, That man who had dreamt you In search of you he launched to sea. When you raised your pale forehead, In the lively anxiousness of your hope, Under the gentle dome of your sky Already floated a strange banner. Verse III It was useless that your beloved Indian Rushed into the fight with ire, Because, covered with his blood, Lempira, In the deep night he sank; And of the heroic deed, in memory, The legend alone has kept A sepulcher in a forgotten place, And the severe profile of a mountain peak.

Verse IV For three centuries your children heard The imperious mandate of the master; For three centuries your useless complaint In the blue atmosphere was lost But one glorious day your ear Perceived, powerful and distant, That there, far away, over the Atlantic, Indignantly, a lion roared Verse V It was France, the free, the heroic, Which in its dreams of centuries slept, Awoke irate to life At the virile protest of Danton: It was France, who sent to the death The head of the consecrated King, And which built up proudly at its side, The altar of the goddess of Reason. Verse VI You also, oh my country!, arose From your servile deep sleep; You also showed the world Destroying the infamous shackle. And in your blessed soil, behind the tall Hair of the wild jungle, Like a bird of black feathers, The fleeting colony was lost. Verse VII To guard this divine emblem We shall march, oh fatherland, to the death; Our luck will be generous If we die thinking of your love. Defending your holy flag, And shrouded in its glorious folds, There will be many, Honduras, your dead, But all shall fall with honor.


CORO: Saludemos la patria orgullosos De hijos suyos podernos llamar; Y juremos la vida animosa, Sin descanso a su bien consagrar. PRIMERA ESTROFA De la paz en la dicha suprema, Siempre noble so El Salvador; Fue obtenerla su eterno problema, Conservarla es su gloria mayor. Y con fe inquebrantable el camino Del progreso se afana en seguir Por llenar su grandioso destino, Conquistarse un feliz porvenir. Le protege una frrea barrera Contra el choque de ruin deslealtad, Desde el da que en su alta bandera Con su sangre escribi: LIBERTAD! CORO SEGUNDA ESTROFA Libertad es su dogma, es su gua Que mil veces logr defender; Y otras tantas, de audaz tirana Rechazar el odioso poder. Dolorosa y sangrienta es su historia, Pero excelsa y brillante a la vez; Manantial de legtima gloria, Gran leccin de espartana altivez. No desmaya en su innata bravura, En cada hombre hay un hroe inmortal Que sabr mantenerse a la altura De su antiguo valor proverbial. CORO TERCERA ESTROFA Todos son abnegados, y fieles Al prestigio del blico ardor Con que siempre segaron laureles De la patria salvando el honor. Respetar los derechos extraos Y apoyarse en la recta razn Es para ella, sin torpes amaos Su invariable, ms firme ambicin. Y en seguir esta lnea se aferra Dedicando su esfuerzo tenaz, En hacer cruda guerra a la guerra: Su ventura se encuentra en la paz.


CHORUS Salute the Motherland, proud to be called Its children And let us swear our lives spiritedly Without rest to its good consecrate FIRST VERSE Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness El Salvador always nobly dreamed. To achieve this has been Her eternal proposition, To keep it, Her greatest glory. With inviolable faith, the path of progress She strives to follow To fulfil Her great destiny And conquer a happy future. A stern barrier protects Her Against the clash of vile disloyalty, Ever since the day when Her soaring Flag, Wrote Freedom with Its blood. CHORUS SECOND VERSE Freedom is Her dogma and Her guide; A thousand times She has defended it, And as many times has She repelled The hateful power of atrocious tyranny. Her history has been bloody and sad, Yet at the same time sublime and brilliant, A source of legitimate glory And a great lesson in Spartan pride. Her innate bravery shall not waver: In every man there is an immortal hero Who knows how to maintain the level Of the proverbial valour of old. CHORUS THIRD VERSE All are self-denying and faithful To the tradition of warlike ardour With which they have always reaped fame By saving the Motherland's honour. To respect the rights of others And base Her actions on right and justice Is for Her, without infamous intrigue, The constant and most firm ambition. And in following this line She persists, Dedicating her tenacious efforts In giving hard battle for battle; Her happiness is found in peace. CHORUS

Salve a ti, Nicaragua! En tu suelo, Ya no ruge la voz del can Ni se tie con sangre de hermanos Tu glorioso pendn bicolor, Ni se tie con sangre de hermanos Tu glorioso pendn bicolor. Brille hermosa la paz en tu cielo, Nada empae tu gloria inmortal Que el trabajo es tu digno laurel Y el honor es tu ensea triunfal, es tu ensea triunfal.

Hail to you, Nicaragua. The cannon's voice no longer roars, Nor does the blood of our brothers Stain your glorious bicoloured flag. Nor does the blood of our brothers Stain your glorious bicoloured flag. Peace shines in beauty in your skies, Nothing dims your immortal glory, For work is what earns your laurels And honour is your triumphal ensign


Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera expresin de tu vida nos da; bajo el lmpido azul de tu cielo blanca y pura descansa la paz. En la lucha tenaz, de fecunda labor que enrojece del hombre la faz, conquistaron tus hijos labriegos sencillos eterno prestigio, estima y honor. Salve, oh tierra gentil! Salve, oh madre de amor! Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar, vers a tu pueblo valiente y viril, la tosca herramienta en arma trocar. Salve oh Patria t prdigo suelo, dulce abrigo y sustento nos da; bajo el lmpido azul de tu cielo vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz! Noble homeland, your beautiful flag expression of your life it gives us under clear blue skies pure white, Peace. In the tenacious battle of fruitful work that man's face reddened, Though your children simple farm eternal renown, esteem and honor. Hail, gentle country! Hail, loving mother! If anyone should attempt besmirch your glory, see your people, valiant and virile the crude tools for weapons trocar. Salve oh Patria you prodigal soil Sweet gives us food and shelter;

under clear blue skies ever live work and peace!

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