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Living the Lectionary 4th Sunday After Pentecost

Season: Pentecost Week of July 10th Growing In the Kingdom: The Sower
About the Season: The season of Pentecost is a season of being given the gifts of God for the purpose of living out His mission on earth as His Body. Its color, green, implies the growth of the Church both personally and as a Body through the work of the Holy Spirit. About this Sunday: This is the first of 3 Sundays focusing on Jesus agriculture parables. He uses common agricultural images to explain the dizzying depth of the kingdom of heaven. Today, we listen

to Him explain the process by which people come to faith through the sowing of seeds.

Reflecting on the Readings: Isaiah 55:10-13 My Word Shall Not Return Empty God promises that when we spread His Word, it does not fail and return empty. Are you afraid of failing in spreading His Word? Psalm 65 Gods Design for Growth We can see examples of Gods design for growth throughout nature. Compare your growth to something in nature, are you growing like an ox? A tree? A mushroom? Romans 8:1-11 Growing in the Spirit Paul shows us that our power for growing is found in the Spirit of Life who gives us our growth, and not in our flesh. How are you growing in your contact with the Spirit of Life? Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 A Sower and His Seed Jesus explains how the Kingdom of Heaven works here on earth, through those who root deeply in Him and produce astronomical results. Are you bearing fruit and yielding? Law and Gospel: Law: This sinful world is a difficult place to live in. Gods Word can be refused in such a variety of ways, and only a few of His seeds grow into maturity. Moreover, when you are one of His mature seeds, youre expected to produce against the natural order of how this sinful world operates. Gospel: Even though this sinful world is a difficult place to spread the Gospel in, You have received the blessing of Jesus own

sowing of good seed in your life and you are assured that you will be with Him for eternity. Living the Lectionary Ideas: Learn: The word Election in theology refers to the people who are preserved for salvation. The elect are the people who are Gods favored people. Learn more about this theological concept. Do: Plant a seed and watch it grow. Let its growth be a constant reminder to you to plant the seed of the Good News of Jesus in the lives of others. Live: Live this week thinking about the growth that you will incur as a human being this year in the following areas of your life: spirituality, health, emotions, and relationships.

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