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Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-JCF Document 148-12 Filed 02/28/17 Page 1 of 4

case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-JCF Document 148-12 Filed 02/28/17 Page 2 of 4

Joy (Lea) Palazzo

Senior Compliance Officer Financial Services and Fair Lending Officer at Capital One

Senior Chief Compliance Officer Financial Services and Fair Lending Officer at Capital One
January2016 - Present ( I :·ear :! months}

Executive Dirccto1· / Assistant General Counsel at J'PMorgan Chase

August2011 - December2015 H years 5 monlhsi
Executive Director/ Assistant General Counsel on Regulatory Strategy Team
➔ •Lead Counsel Nationa l Mortgage Settlement: Served as Chase·s lead implementation counst'I for landmark
$25B settlement between 49 states. federal agencies. and JPl\,1organ Chase and four other mortgal,1e hanking
servicers; manage relationships \.Vith DOJ Monitor of Settlement and Attorncvs General offices who oversaw
compliance to the Agrct>111ent: serve as strategic partner and advisor to senior business executives reszarding
implementation. testing. business initiatives. risk management. and communication strategv wjth re1.;ulators·
partner with Lit igators and outside counsel or emerging issues and cases.
• Lead Counsel RMBS Settlement: Served as Chase·s lead implementation counsel for $ 13B Settlement
between Chase:. DOJ. various federal and state agencies: coordinate legal team efforts on implementation and
de!iverv of $48 of consumer relief directlv to customers.
~ •Lead ~ ounsel Bankruptcy PCN,Settleme:1t: Served as Chase's lead implementation counsel~for $50M
Settlement between Chase and DO.I. delivering over $43M in consumer rel ief; negotiated framework for
oversight with Independent Reviewer.
• Default Servicing Manager: Managed team of 7 lawyers supporting Mortgage Banking Default Servicing
& REO operations for Mortgage Banking and led agile teams of outside counsel and internal staff on various
initiatives including sworn documents. notary, and redaction controls.

Associate at Mor~an, Lewis & Bockius LLP

June 2008 - July 2011 (3 y-:ars 2 months)
• Regulatory Strategy Team - Served major financial institution as key implementation team lead for OCC
Consent Order: managed team of lawyers and paralegals during implementation: dtsigned remediation plans.
• Appellate Associate: Served as briefing associate on malters pending before the Texas Supreme Court and
various Courts of Appeal. New Mi;xico Supreme Court. and United Statl'S Fifth Circuit.
• Litigation Manager: Functioned as in-house counsel for publicly traded textile company and two publicly
traded energy clients that outsourced Liligalion Manager role. Reported to clients. insu1u s and auditors
regarding case 111,magement and trial stn:1legy. annual budget and cost forecasts. risk analysis and claim

Associate at Ga rdere Wynne Sewell LLP

2003 - 2008 ( ~ ! l'<tl'S l

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-JCF Document 148-12 Filed
02/28/17 Page 3 of 4
• Environmental trial team - litigat ing claims filed under CERC
LA Sec. 107 and 113. private and public
nuisance theories. and personal injury allegations in federa
l and state court .
• Texas trial counsel and litigation manager for Fortu ne 500
energy company and its pipel ine/ drilling
subsidiaries. litigating perso nal injury. surface damage. pipeli
ne easement. breach of contra ct. and drilling

Cons tituen t Repr esent ative for Sena tor Don Nickl
es at U.S. Sena te
1997 - 2000 (3 years)

Skil ls & ExpertisL

Litiga tion
Comm ercia l Litiga tion
Lega l Writi ng
Cour ts
Wcst law
Prod uct Liabi lity
Real Estat e Tran sactio ns
Empl oyme nt Law
Medi ation
Merg ers & Acqu isitio ns
Lega l Resea rch
Civil Litiga tion
Bank ruptc y
Corp orate Law
lntell ectua l Prop erty
Real Estat e
Appe als
Trial s

E<lucat" 01
Unive rsity of Tulsa Colle ge of Law
JD, 2000 - 2003
Oral Robe rts Unive rsity
BA, Communications / Political Science, 1994 - 1998
Victo ry Chris tian Schoo l

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-JCF Document 148-12 Filed 02/28/17 Page
4 of 4

Joy (Lea) Palazzo

Senior Compliance Officer Financial Services and Fair Lending Officer at Capital

Contact Joy (Lea) on Linkedln


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