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Surahs 01-08
1. Choose any two of the following passages from the Qur’an, and:
(a) briefly describe the main theme(s) in each passage. [4]
(b) briefly explain the importance of the themes in the daily living of Muslims. [4]

(a)_Main Theme:
• The main theme of the passage is Allah in Himself. It is taken from surah Baqarah, a madni surah. It
is also known as the verse of throne (ayat al kursi).
• It begins with the expression of the shahada (declaration of oneness of God) and elaborates that the
God is beyond human comprehension and He is free from all limitations and weaknesses .
• He is unlike other beings because He knows everything and can do everything and enjoys autonomy
in exercising His authority. surah al Anaam says, “ To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens
and the earth…..” [6:101]
• Throne (Kursi) is a symbol of authority which means that He is the King ruling over all that exists. No
one shares His attributes and kingdom. His powers never weaken or waver.

(b) Importance:
• This verse is declared by the Prophet (pbuh) as one of the treasures of Paradise.
• It makes Muslims realize they must emphatically reject any idea or notion that there can be any
partner of God which eliminates the possibility of shirk in practical lives.
• It allows Muslims to understand their Lord by explaining that certain things that affect humans do
not affect Him e.g sleep, slumber, fatigue etc.
• Understanding God’s power gives conviction of heart in worshipping Him alone and Muslims do not
look towards others for the fulfillment of their needs.
• It is recited by Muslims for seeking Allah’s protection in their daily lives against all evils.


(a)Main theme: [2] Marks

• These verses of Surah al Anaam, a makkan surah, discuss the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah
in Himself.
• It gives the message of Tauhid by expressing that God does not have partners and the entire universe
is the creation of His will and design.
• He is free from all physical relations especially wife and children. The Quran says, “He begets not
nor is He begotten.” [Ch112:V3]
• God is beyond human comprehension. Although humans cannot understand Him, He understands
everything in creation.
• God is the most powerful He is the one who has the power to help humans, and He hears and sees
all that they do, therefore they should worship Him and pray to Him to reward their actions.

(b) Importance: [2] Marks

• These teachings emphasise the importance of tawhid for Muslims for their spiritual purification. It
also protects them from shirk in daily living.
• Mankind is asked to worship Him as only He can fulfill their needs, so Muslims should be careful to
pray and fast, etc., to fulfill their obligation to Him.
• When Muslims believe in Allah as Al-Knowing-Well Aware, they refrain from committing sins even
secretly and become fair in dealings with people.
• In a world where there are lots of distractions, this surah reminds Muslims that they should always
remember their Creator as He is the ultimate authority over their affairs .

(a)Main Theme: [2 marks]

• This verse of Surah Fussilat also known as Ha Mim was revealed during the early years in
Makkah. It discusses the theme of Allah in Himself.
• Fussilat means “clearly spelt out message of Quran.” It is directing attention to the concept
of Tawhid (Oneness of God) by saying that God creates and controls everything; in this verse
specifically the sun and the moon.
• celestial bodies and the cycle of nature on earth are the signs of God’s power for mankind
and help them to identify our true Lord and His presence. The Quran says, “Behold! in the
creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of Night and Day – there are
indeed signs for men of wisdom.” (3:190)
• The order of the sun and the moon shows that God alone should be praised and worshipped
and nothing should be associated with Him. It is a negation of paganism; the sun and moon
are not to be worshipped.

(b) Importance [2 marks]

• This passage is important in daily lives of Muslims because it creates a strong link with God
so Muslims do not look up to anything/anyone else, famous people, money, etc., and they
worship only Him.
• It stops them from committing shirk by making them realise that all created things are not
• God's signs invite Muslims to observe their environment and ponder over His signs. It
creates awe and wonder to help get closer to Him.
• Muslims in their daily lives learn from this passage that God administers all affairs. Thus,
they consider themselves humble servants of God and turn to Him for salvation through
prayer, fasting and other acts of worship.

(a) Main theme: [2] marks

• These verses of the surah ash-Shura, a makkan surah, represent the theme of God in Himself.
• These verses confirm God’s power, majesty and His ultimate authority over all that exists in
this Universe.
• His majesty is so much that the heavens tremble and are almost ready to tear out by His
glory. Everything in the Universe acknowledges His power and supremacy by praising Him.
The Quran says, “His are all things in the heavens and on earth.” (2:255)
• It further discusses that angels always glorify God’s attributes of forgiveness and
mercifulness for those who repent and request Him for their forgiveness

(b) Importance [2 marks]

• The importance here is that God tells humankind of His power and control over all things,
so they should remember that they do not have any power in comparison which in turn
protects them from arrogance.
• In their daily lives Muslims need to show humbleness like Angels who despite having
magnificent power to dispose different affairs but they fear God and seek His mercy day
and night.
• Muslims should not be pessimist in difficulties, even when Muslims have committed wrong
actions. They must keep trust in God who would help them in all their problems.
• As God is merciful to humankind, they in turn should be grateful through acts of worship
like prayer,fasting etc and also try to be forgiving of others, even if they have been hurt or

(a) Main Theme : [2] marks

• Surah al Ikhlas was revealed in Makkah when the Quraish asked the Prophet, “Tell us of the
ancestory of your Lord” thereupon this surah was revealed.
• It presents the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah in Himself. It explains the concept of Tauhid
for the purity of faith (ikhlas).
• God is independent of all but all are dependent upon Him and He needs nothing for His
sustenance. “Allah, there is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, the eternal.”(Ch
• He is free from all limitations of time and space. He has no partners or family, does not have
anyone to share His authority nor any children.
• It tells about God’s uniqueness in his personality attributes and actions and sums up the whole
argument by warning against the tendency of comparing Him with anyone or anything. It is one
of the surahs of protection (Quls).

(b) Importance : [2] marks

• This passage is important for Muslims because it protects from different forms of Shirk so that
people do not take other people or created things as their Lord, so they should not replace God
with things like famous people/saints, or place anyone or anything alongside Him.
• This surah is often recited by Muslims in their daily prayers after surah Fatiha.
• The passage is the source of contentment and spiritual strength for Muslims in their daily lives
as Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) told that this sura is equivalent to one third of Quran.
• In daily lives of Muslims this sura helps them to have clarity of faith and allows them to develop
a relationship with God through acts of worship like prayer,fasting etc .

(a)Main theme: [2] Marks

• This early Makkan surah is known as Fatiha because it is the opening chapter of Quran. It discusses
fundamental Quranic theme of God’s relationship with the created world.
• God is the Lord of all that exists, Even the things which humans cannot see.
• Surah includes affirmation of Tawhid in all its various categories: i.e unity of Allah's Lordship, Worship,
Names and Attributes. God is the Most Merciful and he presides over judgment and forgives His
• The straight way “Sirat-ul-Mustaqeem” is the path based on righteousness. Allah leads humans on the
path of his obedience which is given in the Quran and in Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. Quran says, “verily!
Right guidance is the guidance of Allah.”(3:37) If humans follow their own way, they may go astray.

(b)Importance: [2] Marks

• Al-Fatihah is actually a prayer. Through this humans communicate with God and He is replying to each
• The recitation in five daily prayers commence with it. Prophet pbuh said'No prayer is accepted without
Fatiha'. Recitation of Tasmiah brings Allah to mind before every action.
• Muslims use this to ask for guidance (given in the Qur'an and sunna), for mercy and help, even outside
the prayer. Submitting to God brings humbleness into lives.
• The passage reminds Muslims about Judgment on the final day by Allah. This grows awareness for the
preparation of the final day to face Allah. Muslims pray to be guided on the straight path by implementing
the teachings of the Quran and Hadith in their lives.

a)Main Theme : (2 MARKS)

• These verses from Surah al Baqarah, a Madni surah, discuss the theme of God’s relationship with
the created world.
• These are based on the concept of piety which is achieved by the constant remembrance of Allah..
• God is the creator of all mankind and the purpose of creation is obedience to his commands. He not
only has created humans but also made arrangements for their sustenance.
• Allah’s bounties of fertile earth, shade and water from sky are recounted to emphasize that God
alone should be praised and worshipped. Quran says, “praise be to Allah, cherisher and sustainer of
the worlds.”
• It also suggests that mankind should not commit the greatest sin of Shirk i.e associating partners
with Allah.

(b)Importance: (2 MARKS)
• Through these verses humans understand the relationship with God is that of the Lord and the slaves
who should pray to him alone for all their needs.
• The physical life is symbolized by the Earth and spiritual life is symbolized by the sky to emphasize that
both physical and spiritual life depend upon Allah.
• These verses also inculcate a sense of gratitude to God for his countless bounties. Muslims realize that
only He deserves all our praise and worship and we should show gratitude for his favours through
obedience and acts of worship i.e salat, fasting or pilgrimage etc.
• Through this passage Muslims reflect upon the natural world and the benefits it holds for them. They
can also see this from the guidance that came before them from prophets in form of divine books.

(a) Main theme: [2 marks]

• These verses of Surah al Alaq, a makkansurah, present the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah’s
relationship with the created world. This passage was the first revelation to the Holy Prophet
(pbuh). It mentions God power to create and ensure the survival growth of mankind.
• it gives the message to acquire knowledge by reading and writing. Humans and animals have
the same origin “clot of congealed blood” but Allah has blessed humans with a high destiny by
giving them the ability to use the Pen.
• It dignifies God as the greatest teacher who taught all forms of knowledge to the humans and
made them superior to other creatures. Quran says, “ and He taught Adam the names of all
things.” This is even more noticeable and important in the spiritual world.
• Iqra is command to read the signs the Created places in creation to understand His mercy,
Wisdom and power.

(b) Importance: [2 marks]

• These teachings also help Muslims to see God’s power, which is seen in the way He is able to
create humans.After creation, He shows care for his creatures by sending revealed scriptures so
they are not left on their own.
• Knowledge is a link between man and God.pen implies reading, writing, books, study, research
etc. Seeking knowledge is encouraged and so humankind should try their best to learn
throughout their lives, especially religious knowledge so they can get to know their Lord.
• Knowledge of each subject e.g religion, science etc has its own value and acquiring knowledge
is rewarded like performing additional prayers or fasting.
• It also helps Muslims understand how prophethood and Islam started and they should reflect
upon what God has sent down for them to help them live their lives. So they should be grateful
to God and do their best for spreading knowledge and eliminating illiteracy and ignorance.

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